

五年级下册Unit2单元检测题Class_________ Grade________ Name________ Mark_______


air /e?/ _______ ________ ear/e?/ _________ _________

sp /sp/_______ _______ sk/sk/ _________ _________

gl /gl/________ _________


在春天____________ 在夏天____________ 在冬天____________ 哪个季节____________ 玩…____________ 放风筝____________ 堆雪人____________ 种树____________ 太冷了____________ 最喜爱的季节____________


cool (反义词) ____________hot (反义词) ____________ sun(形容词) ____________ snow(形容词) ____________ too(同音词) ____________ won’t(全写) ____________

I (宾格) ____________ have(动词第三人称单数形式) ____________ say (动词第三人称单数形式) ____________dish(名词复数) ___________


( ) 1. Summer is hot and the days are _______.

A. short B .long C. big ( ) 2. When it’s fall in China, it’s ________ in Australia.

A. fall

B. spring

C. winter

( ) 3. _______ your favourite season?

A. What

B. What’s

C. Why

( ) 4.Winter is ______cold _______ me.

A. to…for

B. too…for



( ) 5. I like to _______ in the sea.

A. swims

B. swim

C. swimming

( ) 6. ________ season do you like best?

A. Which

B. What

C. When

( ) 7.______ do you like spring?

A. Why

B. What

C.When ( ) 8.Do you like summer?

Yes, _______.

A. I do B . I am C.

I don’t

( ) 9. My favourite ________ is football.

A. sport

B. season

C. food

( ) 10. In China, winter is from ______ to________.

A. March / April

B. May/July

C. December/February the next year


第一人陈_____ _______

非第三人称单数第二人称_____ +动词原形




第三人称单数_____ + ______________________



1. Zip usually __________ (watch) TV and ________ (go) shopping.

2. He often __________ (play) football.

3.Mike ________ (search) for his bag.

4. Mike __________ (hurry) to school.

5. I usually _______ ( do) homework on the weekend. My father usually _________ (do) housework.

6. We _______ (eat) breakfast at 6:oo.


1. good, but, is, summer, favourite, fall, is, season, my (,.)


2. you, which, like, do, best, season (?)


3.up, we, go, north (.)


4.can, I, sleep, time, because, long, a (.)


5. teeth before your go bed to brush you



Mike: I like fall best.

Amy: What about you, Zhang Peng?

Zhang: : ________. We go up north. We play in the snow. Amy: Winter is beautiful, but ________. I like summer best.


Mike: Summer is good, but ________.

Zhang: Why?

Mike: Because I can eat many fresh fruits.


1. Zoom and Zip swims in the lake. ( ) 改为( )

2. It’s always sun and cool. ( ) 改为( )

3. Winter is to cold for me. ( ) 改为( )

4. She can makes a snowman. ( ) 改为( )

5. He do morning exercises every day. ( ) 改为( )


1. I like summer best. (把主语改为She)

She_______ summer ________.

2. My favourite season is winter. (就划线部分提问)

________ is ________ favourite season?

3. I like summer best. (同义句转换)

My __________ ______ is summer.

4. Do you get up early every day? (作出肯定回答)

Yes, _______ ________.

5. I am sending Grandma an e-card. (把主语改为He)

_______ ________sending Grandma an e-card.


(六)A: Hi ,Nancy . B: Hi, Yang Ling.

A: Glad 1 see you. B: Glad to see you, 2 .

A: What’s that 3 the chair.

B: Oh, it’s 4 family photo(全家福).

A: Can 5 have a look. B: Sure.

A: 6 he your brother David?B: No, 7 Mike.

A: Oh , I see. He is Helen's 8 .

B: Yes.he is. It's time 9 go home.

A: OK. Let's go 10 home.

( ) 1、A. too B. to C. two ( ) 2、A. two B. to C. too ( ) 3、A. on B. to C. in ( ) 4、A. I B. he’s C. my ( ) 5、A. she B. I C. He's ( ) 6、A.Is B. Are C. Am

( ) 7、A. I’m B. you’re C. he ( ) 8、A. brother B. sister C. grandpa

( ) 9、A. two B. to C. too

( ) 10、A. to B. / C. too


Zoom and Zip are good friends. They are planning a trip(旅游). Zip is going to sunny Australia(澳大利亚)! It’s so warm there. He can swim all day. He has a new bathing suit(游泳衣) and sunglasses(太阳镜). But Zoom doesn’t like swimming. He likes skating. So he is going to Canada, It’s winter there now. He can skate all day. He has winter coats(冬衣) and some new ice skates(滑冰鞋).

( )1.The season in Australia and Canada is the same. ( )2.Zoom and Zip are going to Canada.

( )3. Zoom likes swimming.

( )4.Zip has a new bathing suit and sunglasses.

( )5.Zoom can swim all day in Canada.


Unit 2 单元过关检测 (满分:100分;时间:60分钟) Ⅰ.词汇。(10分) (A)用所给单词的适当形式填空:(5分) 1. Lily brushes her (tooth)after getting up every morning. 2. That’s a (fun)time for breakfast. 3. My father often does some (exercise). 4. Tom sometimes (eat)some meat and vegetables. 5. We must have fruit and vegetables (keep)healthy. (B)根据句意和首字母提示写单词。(5分) 6. Mary likes eating ice-cream. It t good. 7. In the evening, Tony e watches TV or plays games. 8. Eating q isn’t a go od habit for us. 9. I think playing basketball is a h sport for students. 10. He s goes to school at 7:30, but he is never late. Ⅱ. 选择填空。(10分) () 11. ---What’s the time? ---It’s _______ three-thirty. A. of B. around C. at ()12. I usually go to bed _______ ten o’clock. A. in B. at C. on () 13. Please write and tell me _______ your school lady. A. about B. for C. with () 14. We often do _______ homework at home. A. we B. us C. our () 15. _______ interesting movie it is! A. What B. How C. What an () 16. Please come _______ here. Don’t go _______ now. A. to; home B. /; to home C. /; home () 17. I usually watch TV _______ Saturday evenings. A. on B. in C. at ()18. Sorry, I can’t go with you. I have _______ homework to do. A. little B. many C. lots of () 19. ---____ do you eat breakfast? ---At seven-thirty. A. What B. What time C. Where ()20. ---Do you know ________? ---Sorry, I don’t know. A. what is his name B. what his name is C. what name is his Ⅲ. 完形填空。(10分) My dear friends, let me tell you something about my daily timetable(时间表). I ___ (21)at 7:00 and I go to ____ (22)at 8:00.I have science at ____ (23)and then I have math at 10:00. ____(24)is my favorite subject. I like math because it’s ___ (25). Mr. Dai is our math _____ (26). I like him very much. I eat ____(27)at 12:00 and then I have music at 1:00.I have history at 2:00. I _____( 28)like history because it is boring. But I____ (29)like art and I want to be an ____ (30). I have art on Wednesday at 2:00. ()21. A. work B. get up C. study D. go to bed ()22. A. home B. movie C. school D. work


人教部编版二年级语文下册第五单元检测卷 一、用“√”给加点字选择正确的读音。 街坊.(fang fáng)困难.(nán nàn)难为.情(wéi wèi) 磨坊.(fāng fáng)因为.(wéi wèi)羊圈.(quān juàn)二、读句子,根据拼音写词语。 1.他很后悔,yīnɡ ɡāi()早点接受街坊的quàn ɡào()。2.看着这幅tú huà(),同学们都qiǎnɡ zhe()发言。 3.小马yuàn yì()帮助妈妈把mài zi()送到磨坊去。 三、选择正确的词语序号填空。 ①街坊②磨坊 1.那个人后悔没听()的劝告。 2.小马要把半口袋麦子驮到()去。 ①倒下②倒是 3.这样看,杨桃()像个五角星。 4.伐木工伐了半天,那棵大树终于()了。 四、“笑”字大联欢。(根据意思连词语) (1)眉头舒展,眼含笑意 A.哈哈大笑 (2)开怀大笑 B.眉开眼笑 (3)用手捂着肚子大笑。 C.破涕为笑 (4)一下子停止了哭泣,露出笑容。 D.捧腹大笑 五、我会按要求写句子。 1.一天早上,他去放羊,发现羊少了一只。原来 ..羊圈破了个窟窿,夜里狼从窟窿钻进去,把羊叼走了。(用加点的词写句子) ___________________________________________________ 2.照样子,把句子写具体。 例:小马(难为情地)说:“一条河挡住了我的去路,我……我过不去。” 同桌(_____)地说:“这次运动会,我们班得了第一名!” 3.原来河水既不 ..像松鼠说的那样深。(用加点的关联词语..像老牛说的那样浅,也不 写句子)

______________________________________________ 六、与“揠苗助长”这个故事类似的事例是() A.我妹妹刚上幼儿园,妈妈就给她报了英语辅导班。 B.妈妈说,小学生学习重要,但是快乐更重要。她从来不管我的学习,只要我快乐就好。 C.爸爸说我的个子太矮了,让我天天打篮球,多喝牛奶。 七、根据课文内容填空 1.《揠苗助长》告诉我们的道理是_______;《亡羊补牢》告诉我们的道理是 __________。 2.《画杨桃》中,老师告诉大家:_____,杨桃的样子也就不一样。当我们看见别人把杨桃画成五角星的时候,不要忙着发笑,要看看人家是从什么角度看的。 3.《小马过河》中,妈妈告诉小马的有哲理的话:孩子,光听别人说,自己 _______,________,是不行的。河水是深是浅,___________就知道了。 八、我会记《弟子规》。 冠必(),纽必(),袜与履,俱紧切。 置冠服,有()(),勿乱顿,致污秽。 唯德(),唯()艺,()()(),当自砺。 若衣服,若饮食,不()(),勿生戚。 九、课内阅读。 揠苗助长 古时候有个人,他巴望自己田里的禾苗长得快些,天天到田边去看。可是,一天,两天,三天,禾苗好像一点儿也没有长高。他在田边焦急地转来转去, 自言自语地说:“我得想个办法帮它们长。” 一天,他终于想出了办法,就急忙跑到田里,把禾苗一棵一棵往高里拔。从中午一直忙到太阳落山,弄得筋疲力尽。 他回到家里,一边喘气一边说:“今天可把我累坏了!力气总算没白费,禾苗都长高了一大截。 他的儿子不明白是怎么回事,第二天跑到田里一看,禾苗都枯死了。 1.从文中找出下列词语的近义词。


2020 人教版四年级数学下册第五单元测试题及答案 [ 时限:60 分钟满分:100 分] 班级姓名学号成绩 温馨提示:小朋友,经过本单元的学习,你一定积累了很多知识,现在请认真、 仔细地完成这张试卷吧。加油! 题号一二三四五总分得分 一、填空。(17 分) 1、三角形有()条边,()个角,()个顶点。 2、三角形具有()性;三角形的内角和是()。 3、等边三角形的每一个内角是()度。 4、一个等腰三角形的顶角是700,它的一个底角是()。 5、长方形和正方形的内角和是()度。 6、按照三角形中角的不同可以把三角形分为()角形,() 三角形和()三角形。 7、一个三角形中至少有()个锐角。 8、等腰三角形的一个底角是400,它的顶角是()度。 9、一个直角与一个锐角的和一定是一个()角。 10、在一个三角形的三个角中,一个是50 度,一个是80 度,这个三角形既 是()三角形,又是()三角形。 11、用长分别是 5 厘米、7 厘米和()厘米的三根小棒一定能摆出一 个三角形。 二、判断题。(正确的画“√”,错误的画“×”)(8 分) 1、等边三角形也叫正三角形。() 2、等腰三角形可以是直角三角形。() 3、所有的等边三角形都是等腰三角形。() 4、一个顶角是80 度的等腰三角形,一定是一个钝角三角形。()

5、三角形任意任意两边的和大于第三边。() 6、任何两个相同的三角形都能拼成一个四边形。() 7、锐角三角形都有三条高。() 8、一个三角形可能有两个钝角。() 三、计算。(44 分) 1、口算。(12 分) 0.46 -0.06= 3.7 +4.3= 1 +0.55= 4.6 -1.8= 0.65 +0.32= 10 -9.9= 4+0.92= 4.1 -1.1= 0.05 +0.5= 7.2 +1.8= 1.7 +0.37= 6.6 -6= 2、用竖式计算。(18 分) 26.7 -17.5= 61.6 +31.9= 30 -1.65= 24.08 +4.33= 67.08 -7.58= 验算验算 32.5 +17.45= 45.8 -22.27= 验算验算 3、用简便方法计算。(8 分) 27.2 -4.42 -2.58 38.3 +45.5 -8.3


最新人教版八年级英语第二单元测试题 I.根据句意及其首字母提示补全单词.(10分) 1.He never goes to a d for teeth cleaning. 2.Don’t eat too much j food ,it’s bad for your health. 3.—What’s your favorite p? —Animal World. 4.He watches TV t a week,on Saturday and Sunday. 5.After the accident,she could h________speak. 6.We should sleep at l eight hours. 7.My grandfather e every day to keep healthy. 8. Don’t give up,a some of the questions are not easy to answer. 9.We think the best way to relax is t exercise. 10.She n goes to learn swing dance because he dislikes it. II.用所给单词的适当形式填空.(10分) 1. Mike goes to see his grandparents _________(one) a week. 2. He spends more than an hour __________(exercise) every day. 3. He didn’t go to school. He could ________(hard) read or write. 4. It’s a good habit to brush your (tooth) every day. 5.To keep healthy,I decide _______ (exercise) half an hour every day. 6.Look! Your pet dog is (die). 7.Exercise is (health) for the mind and the body. 8. Your sweater is beautiful. I want _________(buy) one,too. 9. How about (go) shopping on Sundays? 10. He usually study English by (read) it in the morning. 11.We do morning _____(exercise)every day. 12.He plays soccer at_____(little)three times a week. III.根据汉语提示,完成句子.(10分) 1.They always go to bed early,they never (熬夜). 2.I go shopping (一周三次). 3.Vegetables are (对……有好处)our health. 4.Most students use internet (为了好玩)and not for homework. 5.He plays soccer (至少) four time a month. 6.We found only (百分之十五) of the students exercise ever y day. 7. --_________ _______(多久一次)does your brother exercise? --Every day. 8.She is (一个五岁的) girl. 9.Her parents are not very because she (几乎从不)helps with housework. 10.We think (放松的最好办法)is through exercise. IV.句型转换(10分) 1..I always eat junk food,(改为否定句) I __________ eat junk food. 2.I seldom(几乎不)eat junk food.(改为同义句) I______ _________ eat iunk food. 3.Mary is 16 years old.(改为同义句) Mary is girl. 4. We all went to see the movie. us went to see the movie. 5. I sl eep nine hours every night. (对画线部分提问) ________ _______ do you sleep? (同义句) you 7.She usually watches TV for over two hours a day.(同义句)

Unit2 单元检测

Unit2 单元检测 一.补全单词并翻译。 1. h __ __ se ( ) 2. sh__ __p ( ) 3. f __ __ m ( ) 4. __ mbr__m ( ) 5. b__dr__ __m ( ) 6. m __ n __ ( ) 二.短语翻译。 1.在农场_____________ 2. 一个小型农场____________ 3. 许多动物___________ 4. 在他的箱子下面__________ 5 .在我的卧室______________ 6. 一把雨伞___________ 三.选择正确答语。 ()1. What are your parents? A. He is my brother. ( ) 2. Who is that man? B. No, he’s my friend. ( ) 3. What does she have on the farm? C. They have bears and ducks. ( ) 4. What do they have in the box? D. They are workers. ( ) 5. Is he your brother? E. She has cows and hens. 四.单选 ( ) 1.They have_____ animals in the zoo. A. many B. any C. much ( ) 2. They ____ have any horses. A. don’t B. doesn’t C. are ( ) 3. There _____ a pen and two books on the desk. A. have B. is C. are ( ) 4. They have ducks, hens and _____on their farm. A. desks B. horse C. horses ( ) 5. She _____ a little dog. A. have B. has C. is ( ) 6. She _____ have any coats. A. don’t B. doesn’t C. isn’t ( ) 7. They have eggs, juice, cakes._____ they don’t have any bread. A. And B. For C. But ( ) 8. Does your father have a farm? A. No, he isn’t. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he doesn’t. ( ) 9.My grandpa ____ cows, ducks many animals ____ his farm. A. have, on B. has, in C. has, on ( ) 10. What ____ Jane have in the bag? A. does B. do C. is 五.改错(划出错误的词并在横线上写出正确答案) 1.What is your grandpa and grandma ? _____________ 2.What does he has in his bedroom? _____________ 3. They has a cow on the farm. _____________ 4. There have a pen and two books on the desk. __________ 5. She doesn’t have some pencils. __________ 六.补全对话A:Tom, what are you father and mother ? B:_______________________.


统编版四年级语文下册第五单元检测卷 时间: 90 分钟 满分: 100 分 题号 一 二 三 四 总分 得分 一、基础知识大观园。( 43 分) 1. 看拼音写词语,注意把字写工整。( 8 分) 2. 4 分) 3. 用“ √”选出括号里使用正确的词语。( 2 分) ( 1)离开喧闹的城市,来到这(清净 寂静)的山谷,他才感觉到自己终 身享受到的一份彻底的(清净 寂静)。 (2) 她知道自己错了, 不再与妈妈 (分辨 分辩),而是低下头来细细地 (分 辨 分辩 )自己作业中的错误之处。 4. 补充本单元的四字词语,再选择填空。( 8 分) ( )壁断崖 盘( )而上 神清( )爽 五( )缤纷 变化多( ) 金( )辉煌 我们沿着山路( )。路途中,不仅看到了( )的野花,害 看到了从( )上倾泻下来的瀑布。来到山顶,一座( )的宫殿 立在我们眼前。眺望远方,顿时让人感觉到( )。 5. 选择题。( 4 分) ( 1)下列加点字的读音完全正确的一项是( )。 A. 荷.花( h é) 负荷.(h è) 石钟乳.(r ǔ) B. 镶.边( xi āng ) 一刹.那( sh à) 窄.小( zh ǎi ) C. 蜿蜒.(y án ) 漆.黑( x ī) 系.绳子( j ì) q ì sh ì ch à n à t ún b ù é ji ǎo sh í s ǔn 移( ) 侈( ) 紫( ) 紧( ) 怒 ( ) 瑞( )

D. 葱郁.( y ǜ) 一簇.(c ú) 2)下列词语搭配有误的一项是( A. 伟大的奇观 灿烂的亮光 B. C.冲破云霞 增长生机 D. 3)关于写游记,下列说法不恰当的一项是( ) 4)下列说法不正确的一项是( ) A.《颐和园》是按照游览的顺序来写的。 B. 《记金华的双龙洞》重点写了外洞和内洞之间的空隙 C. 《七月的天山》按照时间顺序,描写了天山的美景 6. 给句子排排序,把序号填在括号里。( 5 分) ( )只见洞窟连绵十几公里,远远望去像神话中的迷宫。 ( )汽车在戈壁滩一路颠簸。 ( )一进窟内,我就被一幅幅精美的壁画和一排排栩栩如生的雕塑震撼 了。 ( )登上塔楼的顶层,雄伟壮观的景象让人赞叹。 ( )走出洞窟,我们来到莫高窟的主体建筑,也是莫高窟的标志性建筑 主体塔 7. 句子游乐场。( 6 分) ( 1)这不是很伟大的奇观吗?(改为陈述句) 2)山上开满了映山红,无.论.花朵还是叶子,都.比盆栽的杜鹃显得有精神。 用 加点词语造句) (3)怎样小的小船呢?两个人并排仰卧,刚合适,再没法容第三个人,是 这样小的小船。(仿写句子) 怎样广阔的大海呢? _________________________________ ,_ 是这样广阔的大海。 8. 课文对对碰。( 6 分) ( 1)《海上日出》按照 ___________ 的顺序,写出了日出时太阳 ___________ ________ 、亮光的变化。 走了一转.(zhu àn ) )。 漆黑的內洞 葱郁的树丛 欢快地跳跃 慢慢地滑过 A. 要把吸引你的景物作为重点来写 B. 可以按照变化的顺序来写 C. 不需要顺序,想写什么就写什么 D. 可以按照游览的顺序来写


五年级语文下册第五单元测试卷 一、看拼音,写字词。 zhào bì nuò qiè ()国和氏()允()胆() dù jì cáo màn yán ()()操()子迟() 二、组词。 1、一字多组词。 焦()()() 修()()() 疲()()() 牢()()() 2、形近字组词。 枯()故()破()爱() 姑()咕()被()受() 3、多音字组词。 quān () zhuàn () shǔ() 圈转数 juàn () zhuǎn () shù() 三、为加点的字选择合适的解释,将序号填在括号里。 失:①丢②没有掌握住③错误;疏忽④改变常态 1、他失.足掉到了河里。() 2、人们见了他都大惊失.色。()

3、要是再不下去,你可要坐失.良机了。() 4、你不能把别人的功劳当过失.。() 四、下面各组中只有一组全是表示动作的词,在它后面的括号里打“√”。 1、屏障衰弱利益陶醉() 2、握手抵御挪动挖掘() 3、搂住胆怯劫难舞蹈() 4、诧异侥幸憧憬瞻仰() 五、将下面排列错误的句子整理成一段通顺的话。 ①我庆幸,我第一次见到的竟是这样一位大作家。 ②下午,我来到东四北大街叶老先生的家。 ③我走进院子,看见一墙绿色的爬山虎。 ④叶老先生问我各科学习成绩,还叫我背背中国历史朝代。 ⑤叶老先生请我到他家做客,这使我感到意外。 ⑥来到客厅,叶老先生正在门口等着我。 ⑦我们谈得很融洽,以至忘掉了时间,直至黄昏时分才结束谈话。 六、阅读短文,回答问题。 动物的“慈母”心 你看见过母鸡育雏的情景吗?母鸡咯咯地招呼孩子啄食,它自己啄食又吐出,顾不得自己吃。等小鸡玩累了,就让它们一个个紧贴在自己温暖的胸腹下休息。 下雨了,它展开翅膀,犹如撑开的大伞,为小鸡挡风遮雨。 熊猫对子女的抚抱、依偎等动作好像人类一样。当小熊猫降生世间,熊猫妈妈便用嘴把它叼起来,抱在怀里,不时地亲吻,舔干孩子湿漉漉的皮肤。当孩子


Unit 2 What time do you go to school? Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )16. I want to have ______ dinner with my friends, and I also want to have ______ great dinner. A. the; a B. the; 不填 C. 不填; a D. 不填; 不填( )17. Don’t go to bed so late. It’s not good ______ you. A. from B. for C. to D. at ( )18. These apples ______ good. I want to buy some for my sister. A. sound B. sounds C. taste D. tastes ( )19. It’s a difficult ______ for Helen because she has much ______ from Monday to Friday. A. job; job B. job; work C. work; job D. work; work ( )20. Either Anna or her brothers ______ shoes for their mom. A. brush B. brushes C. watch D. watches ( )21. Mike doesn’t like eggs, so he ______ eats food with eggs. A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. never ( )22. This story is ______, so the students like it very much. A. funny B. short C. long D. boring ( )23. —______ does John usually ______ on Friday evening? —He usually plays games with his friends. A. What; does B. How; do C. What; do D. How; does ( )24. Mr. Green always eats well and ______, so he is very healthy. A. comes B. exercises C. draws D. writes ( )25. —______ do you have the music lesson? —At 4:00 in the afternoon. A. What B. How C. How much D. What time Ⅴ. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)


Unit 2 单元测试题 Ⅳ.单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 16. Paul usually has breakfast ______ seven o’clock. A. in B. at C. on D. for ( ) 17. Alan always gets up late and then goes to school, so he ______ eats breakfast. A. always B. usually C. never D. sometimes ( ) 18. Miss Brown plays volleyball ______ runs before breakfast. A. or B. but C. so D. then ( ) 19. What ______ your father usually do after work? A. is B. do C. does D. am ( ) 20. —______ do you go to school every day? —I go to school at half past seven. A. Where B. Who C. What D. When ( ) 21. I like the beef soup because it ______ nice. A. tastes B. sounds C. looks D. gets ( ) 22. We need to ______ after eating to have good teeth. A. get up B. brush our teeth C. get dressed D. do our homework ( ) 23. Sam has a relaxing ______. He only works on weekends.

Unit2 单元练习题

Unit2 单元练习题 一、英汉互译。 1. these toy animals 2. make a fruit salad 3.有一个香蕉- 4.给你 5.这些猴子 6.Do you like apples? 7.有一个菠萝8. like bananas 9.喜欢猫10.一些葡萄 二、按要求写单词。 1.Let’s(完全形式) 2.lovely(近义词) 3.Thank you.(同义词) 4.mango(复数) 5.do not(缩略形式) 三、从下列4个选项中,选择一个不同于其它3项的。 ( )1. A. banana. B. parrot C. orange D. pear ( ) 2.A.pencil B. ruler C. bed D. rubber ( ) 3. A. cat B. pen C. ruler D. rubber ( ) 4.A.great B.nice C. cute D. have ( ) 5.A.mango B. father C. sister D. brother 四、选择正确的答案,把序号写在提前括号里。 ( ) 1.Do you have ______oranges?. A. some B. any C. many ( )2. Look at these toy animals, ______ A. boy and girls B. boys and girls C. boys and girl ( )3. Have a hot cake ______ mangoes. A. have B. in C. with ( )4.——Do you like elephants?——______ A. Yes, I don’t B. Yes, I do C. No, I do ( ) 5. ——Would you like a pie? ——______ A. Yes, please. B. No, please. C. Yes,a pie ( ) 6.________eggs do you have?I have four .. A.How many B. How much C. How ( ) 7. Would you like ______ egg? A. a B. \ C. an ( ) 8. ——Look at my T-shirt. ——______ A. Yes, it is. B. They are nice C. It’s cute ( )9. ——Let’s ______a fruit salad. —— Great. A.make B. cake C. mike ( ) 10.—— Do you have a banana?——______ A. Yes, I do B .Yes, I don’t. C. I like bananas. 五、选择正确的答句。


单元综合检测 (考试时间:100分钟,满分:120分) 第一部分第二部分第三部分总分题号 ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤⅠⅡⅢⅣⅠⅡⅢ 得分 第一部分听力(25分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. Ⅱ.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( ) OK. B.I think so. C.I’ m sorry to hear that. ( ), I will. B.I don’t think so. C.No, thank you all the same. ( ) better get up early. B.You’d better not work late into night. C.You should drink some tea. ( ) good. B.It’s bad. C.Good idea. ( ) day. B.In the morning. C.Two weeks. Ⅲ.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。(5分)( ) bus. B.By bike. C.On foot. ( ) he had a cold. B.Because he had the flu. C.Because he went to bed late. ( ) on the computer for too long. B.Watch TV for long. C.Read books in the sun.

( ) does the housework. B.She does her homework. C.She watches soccer games. ( )15.A.A worker. B.A doctor. C.A teacher. Ⅳ.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5分) ( )16.Why does Sandy drink milk often? A.Because her mother asks her to. B.Because she wants to. C.Because drinking milk is good for her health. ( )17.How often does Sandy drink milk? A.Every day. B.Sometimes. C.Never. ( )18.What’s Sandy’s favorite food? A.Meat. B.Dumplings. C.Bread. ( )19.When does Sandy eat oranges? A.After breakfast. B.After lunch. C.After supper. ( )20.Who thinks junk food (垃圾食品) is unhealthy? A.Sandy. B.Peter. C.Mary. Ⅴ.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分) ( )21.What was the girl wearing? A.She was wearing black clothes. B.She was wearing a pair of sunglasses. C.She was wearing a beautiful skirt. ( )22.When did the girl become blind? A.She became blind when she was five. B.As soon as she was born. C.After she began to go to school. ( )23.Why did the girl become blind? A.Because something was wrong with her eyes when she was born. B.She had an accident. C.Because she took some wrong medicine. ( )24.What did the girl listen to? A.She listened to the pop music. B.She listened to the stories. C.She listened to the radio and television. ( )25.What’s the girl? A.She’s a unive rsity student. B.She’s a writer. C.She’s a teacher of the blind children. 第二部分基础知识运用(65分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(15分) ( )1.—I have a toothache. —You should _______. A.drink lots of water B.take a rest C.see a dentist D.have a good sleep ( )2.In summer, there is _______ rain in my hometown. A.many B.lot of C.plenty of D.a few ( )3.It’s hot here. Why not _______ your coat? A.put on B.to take off C.to put on D.take off


人教版五年级数学下册第五单元测试题及答案 [时限:90分钟满分:100分] 班级姓名学号成绩 温馨提示:小朋友,经过本单元的学习,你一定积累了很多知识,现在请认真、仔细地完成这张试卷吧。加油! 一、填空。(每空1分,共20分) 1.物体的旋转有( )、( )和( )三个要素。 2.平移和旋转都不改变物体的( )和( )。 3.看图填空。 (1)指针从“12”绕点A顺时针旋转60°到( )。 (2)指针从“12”绕点A顺时针旋转( )到“3”。 (3)指针从“1”绕点A顺时针旋转( )到“6”。 (4)指针从“3”绕点A顺时针旋转30°到( )。 (5)指针从“5”绕点A顺时针旋转60°到( )。 (6)指针从“7”绕点A顺时针旋转( )到“12”。 4.分针从7: 20到7:55旋转了( )。 5.如图:等边三角形ABC绕点C顺时针旋转120° 后得到三角形A′B′C,那么点A的对应点是( ),线段AB的对应线段是( )∠B的对应角是( ),∠BCB′是( )°。 6.这些现象哪些是“平移”,哪些是“旋转”? (1)在开车时,方向盘的运动是( )现象。 (2)滑轮的升降运动是( )现象。

(3)我们乘坐的电梯的运动是( )现象。 (4)自行车的车轮转了一圈又一圈是( )现象。 二、选一选。(每题3分,共9分) 1.下列说法错误的是( )。 A.图形1绕点O顺时针旋转270°到图形4 B.图形1绕点O逆时针旋转90°到图形4 C.图形3绕点O顺时针旋转90°到图形2 2.旋转、平移、轴对称这三种图形变换方法的共同点是( )。A.都是沿一定的方向移动了一定的距离 B.都不改变图形的形状和大小 C.对应线段互相平行3.下面三幅图中,以点A为旋转中心的图形是( )。 三、先观察下图,再填空。(每题2分,共12分) 1.图4绕点O逆时针方向旋转90°到达图( )的位置。2.图1绕点O逆时针方向旋转90°到达图( )的位置。3.图1绕点O顺时针方向旋转( )°到达图4的位置。 4.图2绕点O逆时针方向旋转( )°到达图4的位置。 5.图2绕点O顺时针方向旋转90°到达图( )的位置。


三年级数学下册第五单元测试题 一、我会填: 1、边长是4分米的正方形,周长是(),面积是()。 2、用两个边长是8厘米的正方形,拼成一个长方形,这个长方形的周长是(),面积是()。 3、用一根长20米的铁丝围成一个最大的正方形,这个正方形的面积是() 4、500厘米=()分米=()米 3平方分米=()平方厘米 2600平方分米=()平方米 85平方米=()平方分米 5、面积为4平方厘米的正方形,它的边长是()。 6、周长是4厘米的正方形,它的边长是()。 二、我会判: 1、面积是1平方厘米的图形一定是正方形。( ) 2、一个长方形,长5分米,宽4分米,它的面积是20分米。() 3、一个正方形,它的边长增加2厘米,面积增加4平方厘米。() 4、面积相等的两个长方形,它们的周长不一定相等。( ) 5、边长是1厘米的正方形,面积是4平方厘米。( ) 6、一个正方形的边长扩大2倍,那么面积也扩大2倍。( ) 7、小明的房间面积是15米。( ) 8、一个正方形的边长是3分米,它的面积是12平方分米。() 9、同一根铁丝围成一个长方形和正方形,它们的周长相等。() 10、两个图形的周长相等,它们的面积也一定相等。( ) 三、解决实际问题:(每小题6分,共36分) 1、有一间会堂,长28米,比宽多3米,这个会堂的面积是多少平方米? 2、有一个正方形苗圃,一面靠墙,其他三面围竹篱笆。竹篱笆长63米,苗圃的面积是多少平方米? 3、有一个正方形的鱼池,小红沿边一共走了360米,鱼池的面积是多少平方米? 4、有一块长方形的菜地,长30米,宽15米,这块菜地的面积是多少平方米?如果每平方米菜地可以收萝卜6千克,这块菜地共可以收萝卜多少千克? 5、一张长方形纸,长16分米,宽9分米,剪下一个最大的正方形后,剩下纸片的面积是多少平方分米? 6、一块长方形的西红柿菜园,长是32米,宽是24米,如果每2平方米收获1千克西红柿,一共可以收获多少千克西红柿? 7、长方形菜地的周长是64米,宽是12米,长是多少米?面积是多少? 8、正方形相片的周长是48厘米,那它的面积是多少平方厘米? 9、一张长是21厘米,宽是11厘米的长方形画纸,四周留出1厘米的空白,中间的作画部分面积是多少平方厘米?


听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分) ( ) a month.B.In the afternoon. C.For two hours. ( ) don't like doing that. B.I run every day. C.I usually exercise. ( ),please. B.No,I didn't. C.I never drink juice. ( )B.Swing dance.C.It's easy. ( ) the evening. B.It's interesting. C.About one hour. 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分) ( ) many times does Jack go to the club in a week? A.Once. B.Twice. C.Three times. ( ) does Mike often do on Saturdays? A.He reads books. B.He exercises. C.He watches TV. ( ) day is it today? A.Monday. B.Tuesday. C.Sunday. ( ) much money does the woman have? A.$17. B.$19. C.$20. ( ) does Lily have to do this afternoon? A.Go to the movies. B.Clean her room. C.See the doctor. 三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分) 听下面一段对话,回答第11~12小题。 ( ) does Jim usually do on Saturday? A.He usually goes to the library. B.He usually goes to the museum. C.He usually goes to the beach. ( ) often does Jim watch TV? A.Sometimes. B.Never. C.Hardly ever. 听下面一段对话,回答第13~15小题。 ( ) are they doing now? A.Making a call. B.Doing housework. C.Playing chess. ( ) often does Jack help his father wash the car? A.Twice a month. B.Once a week. C.Once a day. ( ) day is it today? A.Friday. B.Saturday. C.Sunday. 四、听短文,完成表格。(每空一词)(每小题1分,共计5分) Use of the Internet Students There are 16 students in the class.
