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The High-Accuracy Map of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau


The project, Theoretical Innovations on Qinghai-Tibetan Geology and Major Prospecting Breakthrough, completed by Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources, recently won the Grand/ Top Prize of National Science and Technology Advance Award. The project was the result of hard work of several thousand geologists for the past 12 years. It not only fills the blanks/gap of the research on the geology of Qinghai Tibetan Plateau, but also has fundamentally changed the Western-dominated type of research in this area.

discourse(一般指责政府) and power change the situation where western theory dominated the study in this field.


Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau is in the southwest of China, with a land mass of 24 million square kilometers inside China. But due to environmental factors there such as geographical location and climate, the plateau is characterized by the high altitude, lack of oxygen deficiency and least developed transportation/ poor transportation, which had long frustrated the geographical survey of that area. In the past, we did not have a single high-accuracy digital map for a comprehensive recoding /full records of that area. However, its special formation age and geographical location have always made it of high importance to uncover the truths surrounding “the roof of the world”. 【同期】国务院参事国土资源部原总工程师青藏高原项目的学术带头人张洪涛

Zhang Hongtao, counselor of the State Council, former Chief Engineer of Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources, and team leader of Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Project 世界公认,青藏高原正好是欧亚板块和印度板块碰撞以后隆起,碰撞之前实际上是个海,那拱起来之后,从海变成高山,这高山八千八百多米,它怎么起来的,搞不清楚,所以公认,解决全球地球演化的金钥匙在青藏高原。

It has been acknowledged/agreed universally worldwide that Qinghai-Tibetan plateau was just formed by the collision between/ a result of land rise when the Eurasian Plate collided with the Indian Plate. Before the collision, this area actually had been a sea, and after that it was turned into a mountain. But how could that happen for a mountain that was as high as more than 8, 000 meters? All this happened?( But how did there rise a mountain that was as high as more than 8, 000 meters? 哪种翻译好?)People did not know, therefore they believed that

Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau was key to uncovering the truths concerning the evolution of the earth. The key to the geological evolution of the earth


But ironically enough, the key had long been seized by foreign counties. In order to fill in the gaps left in the past/ blanks of the past research, the urgent task that we had to do was to make a high-accuracy geologic map of our own on that area. However, faced with severe natural challenges posed by the plateau, they could not fulfill the mission/ the use of three old tools, namely hammer, compass and magnifying glass, obviously could not meet the demand of current research.


星空地一体化,什么叫做星空地呢?就是卫星,我们首先用高精度的卫星的数据编成了野外的地形图,还有一个航空,用飞行飞,这样在飞机飞到,我们用不同的波长,用磁场,用重力进行填图。把这两项一填以后,我们再人工再补点。Zhang Hongtao, Counselor of State Council and former Chief Engineer of Chinese Ministry of Land and Resources


Instead, we employed the integrated system of / The combined use of satellite, aerocraft and ground survey. What is it exactly? First it refers to the use of satellite, which means we made a field topographic map based on the high-accuracy data collected by satellite. Second it is about the use of areocraft, that is to say, by means of areocraft, we had different types of information on wavelength, magnetic field and gravity of various grounds where there had been an aerocraft flying above them. Then we added all these different types of information to the map. When these two steps were completed, we came to manual work of locating every spot on the map.


We had advanced scientific and technological means at that time, but if we wanted to make a complete digitalized map of the geology of the extensive Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, all the geologists in the team would still need to go to every corner of the plateau by themselves.


Zhai Gangyi, Deputy Director, Department of Geological Investigation of China Geological Survey


Across the plateau we designed our ground-prospecting routes at intervals of 4 kilometers. The purpose of this was to cover the whole plateau by walking. Our way to do geological mapping was to focus on every section one after one, divided according to the international longitude and latitude. The length of these routes, if
