

工程硕士研究生英语考试试题(11/5/2008) Name: Class:

I. Choose the correct word to fill into each sentence, using the proper form.

1.A(n) buyer purchases fruit and vegetables in season.

2.Poor health and lack of money may both be to educational progress.

3.The house you as welcoming when you go in.

4.The film is now in the of moving the main equipment to a new place.

5.Why don’t you do something in your spare time?

6.John is ill and has been in our team by Tom.

7.by a desire to tend his invalid mother, he studied medicine.

8.We red balls for blue, to see if the baby would notice.

9.Next day was to be the great mass-meeting to the Russian revolution.

10.His of these important issues was highly praised.

II. Vocabulary & Structure

Directions:There are forty incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A.B.C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd14661712.html,nding on the moon was one of the most ______ scientific adventures of this century.

A. literal

B. dramatic

C. flexible

D. constructive

2. The teacher______ his lesson about France with photographs of the people who live there.

A. illustrated

B. indicated

C. instructed

D. protected

3. _____ John I began to learn to trust my feelings.

A. Depending to

B. Obliged to

C. Thanks to

D. Thanks for

4. Once we receive your order, we will _____ goods to your door in twenty-four


A. distribute

B. transfer

C. deliver

D. convey

5. Packing all the goods will take _____ days.

A. another ten

B. other ten

C. the ten more

D. the other ten

6. The fall in the number of deaths from heart disease is generally _____ improvements in diet.

A. accustomed to

B. adjusted to

C. adapted to

D. attributed to

7. Each boy and each girl _____ ordered to leave the classroom.

A. has

B. have

C. was

D. were

8. That strange animal belongs to a _____ that I haven’t seen before.

A. group

B. species

C. variety

D. category

9. I wished to meet you, to _____ for my rudeness on last Saturday.

A. issue

B. apologize

C. claim

D. fulfill

10. She decided to _____ in the history course at the local evening school.

A. enter

B. enroll

C. attend

D. register

11. He was ______ of stealing and sent to prison for the third time.

A. convicted

B. accused

C. charged

D. sentenced

12. An enquiring mind can catch _____ to a new idea quickly.

A. on

B. up

C. at

D. out

13. Many of the form associates ______ him when it became known how he had abused his position of trust.

A. turned against

B. held up

C. convinced of

D. went on

14. If you cannot attend the meeting, please find someone to ____ for you.

A. replace

B. substitute

C. displace

D. misplace

15. Dr. Johnson was granted an honored title in _____ of his valuable work for the college.

A. advancement

B. acquisition

C. announcement

D. acknowledgement

16. The city government promises to ____ the problem of unemployment in real earnest.

A. postpone

B. tackle

C. compose

D. anticipate

17. Lying in hospital, the patient _____ the outside world by watching news programs on TV

every night.

A. kept in touch with

B. faced up to

C. turned the clock back

D. slowed down

18. The rainstorm has damaged the crops. The loss has not yet been ______ accurately, but it is

believed to be well beyond a million dollars.

A. considered

B. assessed

C. explored

D. calculated

19. The director seems to have _____ new ideas. His recent productions are nothing but copies of

his old films.

A. fallen short of

B. lost touch with

C. come up with

D. run out of

20. Jack was so _____ the computer game that he didn’t notice my arrival.

A. Absorbed in

B. grateful to

C. thoughtful of

D. associated with

21. It takes courage for one _____ the huge task, to say nothing of fulfilling it in such a short


A. to face up to

B. facing up to

C. faces up to

D. to be faced up to

22. Because of rising cost, we spent ______ money on the project as had been planned.

A. twice much

B. twice as much

C. twice

D. twice as more

23. Tom woke up late and left home without breakfast, _____ another long and boring day at


A. having anticipated

B. anticipated

C. being anticipated

D. anticipating

24. _____ a solution to the problem of water shortage, we have to put all our efforts together.

A. To work out

B. Working out

C. Work out

D. Being worked out

25. ―The Internet will ensure that the children of the future are not going to know _____

nationalism is,‖ an expert at MIT declared.

A. how

B. that

C. what

D. as

26. The kids lay face down on the beach, their backs _____ to the sun.

A. exposing

B. exposed

C. having exposed

D. were exposing

27. Why not _____ to Professor Smith for advice? He is an expert in this field.

A. go

B. your going

C. to go D you go

28. I like climbing mountains ______ my wife prefers water sports.

A. as

B. when

C. for

D. while

29. Read the book carefully _____ you’ll find lots of information related to our research.

A. if

B. or

C. so

D. and

30. _____ the ground covered with ice, the road has become very slippery.

A. With

B. On

C. Along

D. At

31. If we had had adequate time to prepare, the results _____ much better.

A. Would be

B. were

C. had been

D. would have been

32. _____ adequate pr eparation, you don’t have much chance of success.

A. After

B. Without

C. With

D. Before

33. Mrs. Newman hurried home after work, only _____ both her kids gone for the movie.

A. finding

B. found

C. to find

D. having found

34. _____ in the traffic accident that she had to be sent to the hospital at once.

A. So seriously Ross was injured

B. So seriously injured was Rosa’

C. So injured seriously was Rosa

D. So seriously injured Rosa was

35. There is _____ traffic on the streets after the rush hour.

A. none

B. fewer

C. less

D. few

36. Many a man and a woman _____ himself or herself faced with a marriage crisis.

A. find

B. have found

C. finds

D. is finding

37. Either your teacher or you _____ mistaken.

A. are

B. is

C. has

D. be

38. _____, we decided to disturb him.

A. Tired although he was

B. Tired as he was

C. Tired though was he

D. As tired he was

39. This kind of mowing machine differs from the other _____ it is more powerful.

A. in that

B. now that

C. so that

D. on condition that

40. If only I _____ not so nervous at the important interview.

A. was

B. has been

C. be

D. were

III. Reading Comprehension

Directions:There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A.

B. C. and D, you should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

The key to gardening with kids, says Patti Kraemer-Doell, an expert at the New York Botanical Gardens, is ―letting them experience it themselves. We have tried to guide them, but not tell them to put the sunflowers here and the tomatoes there. The emphasis is on developing their imagination and their appreciation for being out in the garden.‖

Kids get advice about how many seeds or seedlings to put in each square and how deep to plant them. Volunteers show kids pictures of how the full-grown plants will look, so they can understand how much room each plant needs.

Theme gardens have been a big hit in the program, and are easy to do in a home garden. For example, let kids grow a salsa garden, with all sorts of tomatoes, hot peppers, onions, and cilantro.

A pizza garden can have basil, oregano, and tomatoes. In a Persian carpet garden, kids can focus on colored flowers.

Kraemer-Doell also suggests trying a sunflower house. Let kids plant sunflower seeds in a square, leaving space for a door in front. As the sunflowers grow, put a hay fence around them for protection and stake if necessary. Plant morning glories or sweet peas around the base of each sunflower, and they will grow up the stems, eventually forming a roof over the top. By summer's end, kids will have a sunflower house to play in.

Some kids might just want to play in the garden, says Kraemer-Doell. At the family garden, there's a special place set aside just for digging and looking at insects and worms. It's a very popular spot.

1. The author’s purpose in writing this article is ______.

A. to tell how to develop children’s imagination

B. to teach children how to plant seeds

C. to give advice to parents on how to garden with kids

D. to explain how to build a sunflower house for children

2. What does the word ―hit‖ (Line 1, Para. 3) mean?

A. success

B. problem

C. beat

D. failure

3. The emphasis of the program is on ______.

A. building theme gardens

B. giving kids advice on how many seeds to put in each square

C. enabling kids to experience and love nature through gardening

D. telling kids how to build a sunflower house to play in

4. Which of the following is true?

A. Some kids like to play with insects and worms and dig holes.

B. Every sunflower needs a hay fence around it for protection.

C. Kids may understand what to do without the help of volunteers.

D. In a pizza garden, kids may plant tomatoes, onions and basil.

5. According to the passage, the way to deal with the kids wanting to play in the garden is ______.

A. to keep them from distracting

B. to put a hay fence around them

C. to ask them to focus on colored flowers

D. to set aside a special place for them to play in

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

If you want to stay young, sit down and have a good think. This is the research finding of a team of Japanese doctors, who say that most of our brains are not getting enough exercise and as a result, we are ageing unnecessarily soon.

Professor Taiju Matsuzawa wanted to find out why otherwise healthy farmers in northern Japan appeared to be losing their ability to think and reason at a relatively early age, and how the process of ageing could be slowed down.

With a team of colleagues at Gokyo National University, he set about measuring brain volumes of a thousand people of different ages and varying occupations.

Computer technology enabled the researchers to obtain precise measurements of the volume of the front and side sections of the brain, which relate to intellect and emotion, and determine the human character. (The rear section of the brain, which controls functions like eating and breathing, does not contract with age, and one can continue living without intellectual or emotional faculties.)

Contraction of front and side parts –as cells die off- was observed in some subjects in their thirties, but it was still not evident in some sixty and seventy-year-olds.

Matsuzawa concluded from his tests that there is a simple remedy to the contraction normally associated with age- using the head.

The findings show in general terms that contraction of the brain begins sooner in people in the country than in the towns. Those least at risk, says Matsuzawa, are lawyers, followed by university professors and doctors. White collar workers doing routine work in government offices are, however, as likely to have shrinking brains as the farm worker, bus driver and shop assistant.

Matsuzawa’s findings show that thinking can prevent the brain from shrinking. Blood must circulate properly in the hea d to supply the fresh oxygen the brain cells need. ―The best way to maintain good blood circulation is through using the brain.‖ He says, ―think hard and engage in conversation. Don’t rely on pocket calculators.‖

6. The team of doctors wanted to find out ________.

A.why certain people age sooner than others

B.how to make people age sooner than others

C.the size of certain people’s brain

D.which people are most intelligent

7. On what are their research findings based?

A. A survey of farmers in northern Japan.

B.Tests performed on a thousand old people.

C.The study of brain volumes of different people.

D.The latest development of computer technology.

8. The doctor’s tests show that ________.

A.our brains shrink as we grow older

B.the front section of the brain does not shrink

C.sixty-year-olds have better brains than thirty-year-olds.

D.Some people’s brain have contracted more than other people’s

9. The word ―subjects‖ in paragraph 5 means ________.

A.something to be considered

B.branches of knowledge studied

C.persons chosen to be studied in an experiment

D.any member of a state except the supreme ruler

10. According to the passage, which people seem to age slower than others?

A. Lawyers.

B. Farmers.

C. Clerks.

D. Shop assistants.

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:

In what now seems like the prehistoric times of computer history, the early post-war era, there was a quite widespread concern that computers would take over the world from man one day. Already today, less than forty years later, as computers are relieving us of more and more of the routine tasks in business and in our personal lives, we are faced with a less dramatic but also less foreseen problem. People tend to be over-trusting of computers and are reluctant to challenge their authority. Indeed they behave as if they were hardly aware that wrong buttons may be pushed, or that a computer may simply malfunction.

Obviously, there would be no point in investing in a computer if you had to check all its answers, but people should also rely on their own internal computers and check the machine when they have the feeling that something has gone wrong. Questioning and routine double checks must continue to be as much a part of good business as they were in pre-computer days. Maybe each computer should come with the following warning: for all the help this computer may provide, it should not be seen as a substitute for fundamental thinking and reasoning skills.

11. What is the main purpose of this passage?

A.To look back to the early days of computers.

B.To explain what technical problems may occur with computers.

C.To discourage unnecessary investment in computers.

D.To warn against the blindness to the probable shortcomings of computers.

12. The passage recommends those dealing with computers to ________.

A.be reasonably doubtful about them

B.check all their answers

C.substitute them for basic thinking

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd14661712.html,e them for business purpose only

13. An ―internal computer‖ (Para.2) is ________.

A. a computer used exclusively by one company for its own problems

B. a pers on’s store of knowledge and the ability to process it

C.the most up-to-date in-home computer a company can buy

D. a computer from the post-war era which is very reliable

14. The passage believes that the present-day problem with regard to computers is _______.

A. challenging

B. psychological

C. dramatic

D. over-trusting

15. It can be inferred from the passage that the author would disapprove of _______.

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd14661712.html,puter-science courses in high school.

B.Businessmen and women who use pocket calculators

C.Maintenance checks on computers

https://www.360docs.net/doc/bd14661712.html,panies which depend entirely on computers for decision-making

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage:

Let’s face it, most of us want to look — and stay looking — as young as we can. But short of surgery, what can you do to avoid the wrinkles and sags? Here are several tips to help keep you looking your best:

Reduce Your Sun Exposure. The next time you feel like lying in the sun in a bathing suit, know this: About 90 percent of premature skin aging is caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. You’d better avoid sunlight between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when UV levels are high, and that you dress yourself in protective clothing to avoid the sun that can lead to crow's feet.

Eat Right. Wrinkle-free skin can be just a grocery store away. A recent study reveals that tucking away certain types of foods may reduce wrinkles. Make sure your next grocery list includes eggs, yogurt, legumes, vegetables (especially green leafy veggies, spinach, eggplant, asparagus, celery, onions or leeks), garlic, nuts, olives, cherries, melon, dried fruits/prunes, apples, pears, multigrain bread and jam. And nix (拒绝) the full-fat milk, red meat, potatoes, soft drinks, cakes and pastries, as the study found that these foods do not promote young-looking skin.

Relax Your Facial Muscles. Research has shown that overanimated facial expressions can lead to premature wrinkling. By constantly creasing (弄皱) your skin in the same way, small lines can form where the muscles contract. So relax your facial muscles. Similarly, try to avoid rubbing your eyes again and again or often resting your chin in your hand.

Get Lots of Sleep.Take the expression ―Get your beauty sleep‖ to heart—catching plenty of z’s is important to promoting young, health y-looking skin. Staying up too late is a culprit (罪犯) in premature wrinkles. So is sleeping on your stomach or your side. Sleeping on your stomach can form wrinkles and lines into your forehead and cheeks, so train yourself to sleep on your back. ―That could be a very valuable lifestyle change to decrease wrinkle development,‖ says Glaser.

―Remember, adopting healthy lifestyle changes can make a difference even if you already have signs of aging,‖ says Glaser. ―It’s never too late to start!‖

16. What is the major cause of premature skin aging?

A. Exposure to UV radiation.

B. Food with too much fat.

C. Overanimated facial expressions.

D. Improper sleeping postures

17. What should not be included in your grocery list, according to the passage?

A. Spinach.

B. Legumes.

C. Garlic.

D. Red meat.

18. Which of the following is Not one of the factors that lead to premature wrinkling?

A. Constantly creasing your skin.

B. Repeatedly rubbing your eyes.

C. Frequently relaxing your facial muscles.

D. Often resting your chin in your hand.

19. To avoid wrinkles, you must ______.

A. sleep on your back

B. sleep on your stomach

C. sleep on your side

D. stay up late

20. According to the passage, the statement ―Get your beauty sleep‖ (Line 1, Para. 5) probably

means ______.

A. keep a beautiful pose while sleeping

B. get enough sleep to keep your beauty

C. sleeping can make your life beautiful

D. have beautiful dreams in your sleep

IV. Translation:

Section A: Translate the following sentences into Chinese on the Answer Sheet.

1.Instead of depending on largely ineffectively laws against illegal hunting, it gives local

people a good economic reason to preserve plants and animals.

2.Eventually, you may reach the point where you can afford to spend the rest of your life at

the side of a swimming pool with a drink in your hand, but you probably won’t.

3.Countries can still build on the strengths that fueled the ―Asian tiger‖ economies in the first

place, including a strong savings rate and a well-educated and motivated workforce.

4.This reality check will help us prepare ourselves to say good bye to written language and to

welcome back its replacement: our old friend, spoken language.

5.The ad pointed out that, yes, it is the insurance companies that pay for stolen goods, but

who is going to pay for what the new atmosphere of distrust and fear is doing to our way of life?

Section B:Translate the following sentences into English on the Answer Sheet.






Answer Sheet

Name: Class:

I. Fill in the blanks (10%)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. V ocabulary & structure (20%)

1.A B C D 6.A B C D 11.A B C D 16.A B C D 21.A B C D 26.A B C D 31.A B C D 36.A B C D

2.A B C D

7.A B C D

12.A B C D

17.A B C D

22.A B C D

27.A B C D

3.A B C D

8.A B C D

13.A B C D

18.A B C D

23.A B C D

28.A B C D

33.A B C D

38.A B C D

4.A B C D

9.A B C D

14.A B C D

19.A B C D

24.A B C D

29.A B C D

34.A B C D

39.A B C D

5.A B C D

10.A B C D

15.A B C D

20.A B C D

25.A B C D

30.A B C D

35.A B C D

40.A B C D 32.A B C D

37.A B C D

III. Reading comprehension (40%)

1. A B C D 5. A B C D 9. A B C D 13. A B C D 17. A B C D

2. A B C D

6. A B C D

10. A B C D

14. A B C D

18. A B C D

3. A B C D

7. A B C D

11. A B C D

15. A B C D

19. A B C D

4. A B C D

8. A B C D

12. A B C D

16. A B C D

20. A B C D

IV. Translation (30%)Section A:








_______________________________________________________ .



Section B:

⒈________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________.

⒉________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________.

⒊________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________.

⒋________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________.

⒌________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________.


练习题 1) It is said that a new robot ____by him in a few days. A) designed B) has been designed C) will be designed D) will have been designed 2)We are late. I expect the film ____by the time we get to the cinema. A) will already have started B) would already have started C) shall have already started D) has already been started 3) She will stop showing off if no notice____ of her. A) is taken B) takes C) will be taken D) has taken 4) Diamond ____in Brazil in 1971. A) is found B) has been found

C) was found D) had been found 5)“Have you moved into the new flat?” Not yet. The room____.” A) has been painted B) is painted C) paints D) is being painted 6) My pictures ____until next Friday. A) won't develop B) aren't developed C) don't develop D) won' t be developed 7) Tim ____since he lost his job three weeks ago. A) had been unemployed B) was unemployed C) has been unemployed D) has unemployed 8) A great number of colleges and universities ____since 1949. A) has been establish B) have been established C) have established D) had been established


2017年12月大学英语四级考试真题及答案(第一套)Part I Writing (25 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short easy on how to best handle the relationship between doctors and patients. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1. A) Her friend Erika. C) Her grandfather. B) Her little brother. D) Her grandmother. 2. A) By taking pictures for passers-by. C) By selling lemonade and pictures. B) By working part time at a hospital. D) By asking for help on social media. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3. A) Finding cheaper ways of highway construction. B) Generating electric power for passing vehicles. C) Providing clean energy to five million people. D) Testing the efficiency of the new solar panel. 4. A) They can stand the wear and tear of natural elements. B) They can be laid right on top of existing highways. C) They are only about half an inch thick. D) They are made from cheap materials. Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard. 5. A) Endless fighting in the region. C) Inadequate funding for research. B) The hazards from the desert. D) The lack of clues about the species. 6. A) To observe the wildlife in the two national parks. B) To identify the reasons for the lions’ disappearance. C) To study the habitat of lions in Sudan and Ethiopia.


**** 大学课程考核试卷 xxxx---xxxx学年第一学期xxxx级xxxx专业(类) 考核科目大学英语三课程类别必修课考核方式闭卷卷别 B (注:考生务必将答案写在答题纸上,写在本试卷上的无效) I. Listening Comprehension (30 marks) Part 1: Short dialogues (10 marks, 1 mark each) Directions: Listen to the short dialogs and then choose the correct answers to the questions. 1. A. She did not take the shopping list along with her. B. She did not write a shipping list. C. She does not want to shop in a crowded supermarket. D. She wants to finish shopping quickly. 2. A. Write a statement for the woman. B. Revise what the woman will write. C. Fill in forms for the woman. D. Apply to an American university for admission. 3. A. Contemporary women no longer want to obey their husbands. B. Modern girls no longer love their husbands. C. At the marriage ceremony the bride should promise to obey her husband. D. At the marriage ceremony the bride should show loyalty to her husband. 4. A. She is weak in doing projects. B. She is weak in studies. C. She tends to work whole-heartedly. D. She is not willing to start a project. 5. A. The football match should be called off. B. The meeting should not include new items. C. The meeting should have another two items. D. The football should be included in the agenda. 6. A. It is important to offer an online friend a drink. B. It is delightful to get a drink from an online friend. C. Ensure that nobody puts anything harmful into your drink.



大学英语四级考试模拟试卷及参考答案(第 一套) Part II Reading Comprehension (35 minute s) Directions: There are 4 reading passa ges in this part. Each passage is followe d by some questions or unfinished stateme nts. For each of them there are four choi ces marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the co rresponding letter on the Answer Sheet wi th a single line through the center. Pass age One Questions 21 to 25 are based on the follo wing passage. There is a difference between science and technology. Science is a method of a nswering theoretical questions; technolog y is a method of solving practical proble ms. Science has to do with discovering th e facts and relationships between observa ble phenomena in nature and with establis


大学英语语法专项练习题 一、时态 1. By the end of April Peter here for three months. A. will have stayed B. will stay C. stays D. has stayed 2. I'm awfully sorry, but I had no alternative. I simply _____ what I did. A. ought to have done B. have to do C. had to do D. must do 3. We ________our breakfast when an old man came to the door. A. just have had B. have just had C. just had D. had just had 4. Ever since the family moved to the suburbs last year, they________ better health. A. could have enjoyed B. had enjoyed C. have been enjoying D. are enjoying 5. I bought a new house last year, but I ______my old house yet, so at the moment I have two houses. A. did not sell B. have not sold C. had not sold D. do not sell 6. I decided to go to the library as soon as I ________. A. finish what I did B. finished what I did C. would finish what I was doing D. finished what I was doing 7. He _________when the bus came to a sudden stop. A. was almost hurt B. was hurt himself C. was to hurt himself D. was hurting himself 8. I suppose that when I come back in ten years' time all those old houses _______down. A. will have been pulled B. will have pulled C. will be pulling D. will be pulled 9. Bob's leg got hurt ________the Purple Mountains. A. while he is climbing up B. while we were climbing up C. while we climbed up D. while he climbed up 10. Pick me up at 8 o'clock. I _______ my bath by then. A. may have B. will be having C. can have had D. will have had 11. If you smoke in a non-smoking section people________. A. will object B. objected C. must object D. have objected 12. By the end of this month, we surely _______ a satisfactory solution to the problem A. have found B. will be finding C. are finding D. will have found 13. We __________to start our own business, but we never had enough money. A. have hope B. hope C. had hoped D. should hope 14. The gray building is where the workers live, and the white one is where the spare parts______ A. are producing B. are produced C. produced D. being produced 15. While people may refer to television for up-to-the-minute news, it is unlikely that television __________the newspaper completely. A. will replace B. have replaced C. replace D. replaced 16. It's reported that by the end of this month the output of cement in the factory ________by about 10%. A. will have risen B. has risen C. will be rising D. has been rising 17. Until then, his family___________ from him for six months. A. didn't hear B. hasn’t been hearing C. hasn't heard D. hadn't heard


大学英语期末考试(A) 第一部分:单选题 1. The starting current of an a.c. motor is_____ the rated current. A. the same as B. much larger than C. less than D. equals 2. With a_____ load the voltage and current are in phase. A. pure resistance B. capacitive C. inductive D. None of the above 3. The emergency generator or emergency battery is connected to_____ on most large ships. A. distribution boards B. section boards C. emergency switch boards D. main switch boards 4. Switchboards may be of the dead-front type in which all live parts are installed behind_____ and only the operation handles and instruments are on the front. A. the capstan B. the collector C. the panels D. the surface 5. Remote control means that_____. A. the system is manned manually B. the system is situated remotely from the operator C. the system is controlled automatically D. all the above 6. The difference between measured and desired values is called_____. A. make-up B. desired value C. deviation D. set value 7. Prior to any overhaul work on electric equipment, it is important to ensure the circuits are_____. A. live B. dead C. excited D. on line 8. Before starting an engine by air ,the engine must _________ A. be turned by a turning gear for at least one minute B. be turned by a turning gear for at least two minutes C. be turned at least one complete turn D. be turned at least two complete turns 9. Shore power must be_____ during dock repair. A. disconnected B. switched off C. cut off D. connected 10. The switchboards for a.c. systems differ from the d.c. switch gear in that the open type panels are generally_____ and the dead-front switch gear is the common rule. A. permissibly B. permissible C. no permissible D. not permissible 11. Current changing in direction and rising and falling in value is_____.


2014年6月大学英语四级考试真题及答案(完整版) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: You should write atleast 120 words but no more than 180 words. Supposea foreign friend of yours is coming to visit your hometown, what is the mostinteresting place you would like to take him/her to see and why? Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A Questions 36 to 45 are based onthe following passage. Global warming is a trend towardwarmer conditions around the world. Part of the warming is natural; we haveexperienced a 20,000 -year -long warming as the last ice age ended and the ice 36 away.However, we have already reached temperatures that are in 37 withother minimum-ice periods, so continued warming is likely not natural. We are 38 toa predicted worldwide increase in temperatures 39 between 1℃and 6℃over the next 100 years. The warming will be more 40 in some areas, less in others, and some placesmay even cool


大学英语语法试题及答案(2) 第 2 单元题目: 1.More people visit the Air and Space Museum honoring men and women who have pioneered flight and the exploration of space than _____ any other monument or museum in the entire country. A) visit B) to visit C) visited D) visiting 题目: 2.I work in a little room off the main entrance _____ museum, checking coats and other articles which people do not want to carry around as they tour the building. A) to B) of C) at D) for 题目: 3.What apparently had happened, three years ago, was that Kate _____ to a different building. A) went B) has gone C) had gone D) would go 题目: 4.She had waited at another museum for days and had spent all her money _____ to find Sidney. A) tried B) trying C) to try D) try 题目: 5.Without facts we cannot form a worthwhile opinion for we need to have factual knowledge _____ our thinking. A) which to be based B) which to base upon C) upon which to base D) to which to be based 题目: 6.Helen believes if a man robs her of five dollars it is the same as if he _____ a hundred. A) takes B) will take C) took D) has taken 题目: 7.He had a cottage which consists _____ three rooms, a bathroom and kitchen. A) of B) with C) in D) by 题目: 8.Behind him Paul could hear the angry man _____ to break the door open. A) trying B) to try C) tried D) try 题目: 9.Some companies have introduced flexible working time with less emphasis on pressure _____. A) than more on efficiency B) and more efficiency C) and more on efficiency D) than efficiency 题目: 10.The gardener is taking care of the place, no one _____ there at present. A) living B) lives C) lived D) to live 题目: 11.The City Bank will pa fifty pounds to _____ who helps the police to catch the man. A) someone B) nobody C) anyone D) somebody 题目: 12.When Paul Carson saw the big red American car coming towards him, he stopped his won car at the side, _____ room for it to pass. A) to make B) made C) making D) make 题目: 13.What bothers me is _____ I paid for all this stuff that we don't want anymore. A) what B) that C) which D) who 题目: 14.A hinge joint is _____ permits forward and backward movement of a door. A) the B) whose C) what D) those 题目:15.Garage sales in the United States serve many purposes _____ cleaning out unwanted items and making money. A) besides B) except for C) except D) apart from 题目: 16.This is _____ the most difficult job I have ever tackled. A) by rights B) by itself C) by oneself D) by far


大学英语四级考试真题 第三套 Document serial number【UU89WT-UU98YT-UU8CB-UUUT-UUT108】

2018年6月四级考试真题(第三套) PartⅠ Writing (30 minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the importance of speaking ability and how to develop it. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension 说明:2018年6月四级真题全国共考了两套听力。本套的听力内容与第二套的完全一样,只是选项的顺序不一样而已,故在本套中不再重复给出。 Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. An office tower on Miller Street in Manchester is completely covered in solar panels. They are used to create some of the energy used by the insurance company inside. When the tower was first 26 in 1962, it was covered with thin square stones. These small square stones became a problem


Is It Better to Buy or Rent? The price of housing has kept increasing in recent years, which causes a big headache for people living in cities. A lot of people cannot afford to own a real estate property, so they choose to rent instead of buying an apartment. This group of people does not want to bear burden of mortgage so that they opt for a practical solution. Renting an apartment makes them have a place to stay and thus they can focus on work as well as personal life. Some other people, however, believe that an apartment owned by themselves makes them feel safe and relieved, so they are willing to sacrifice some other aspects of life to borrow money from the bank to buy an apartment. As far as I am concerned, to buy or to rent is all about it will be better to rent first and wait for the good timing when the price is going down to buy. Topic 2: On Job Hopping It seems that nowadays, very few young people are willing to stay in a job position for long, let alone for the whole life. They change jobs constantly. This results from several factors. Firstly, young people like fresh things, and it is easy for them to be fed up with old routine work. So when they stay in a position for a while,the excitement will fade out. They are quite realistic and not willing to waste time in a job they are not interested in. Thirdly, some young people are not satisfied with current salary, believing they deserve better pay. In my opinion, constant job hopping will not benefit young people in their career development. Every job has its own merits and young people can certainly learn something from it as long as they are patient and wise enough. Every job experience is valuable down the career path and young people shall be able to make the most of it. Topic 3: Online Social Network Modern people will be no stranger to online social network. Facebook, Renren and Kaixin001 are probably the most populous networks among Chinese netizen. In these networks, people interact with each other, be it a stranger or a friend, and have a lot of fun in the virtual world. This phenomenon could be a result of the fast development of the Internet and people's great interest of the virtual world. I think it is a very good new platform for people to keep in touch. But it should not be overused. Firstly, some people are addicted to it, which makes them want to get online 24 hours a day. When people spend too much time on one thing,they will naturally have not enough time for study and for work. Secondly, online social network change people's behavior of interacting with others. In virtual world, you just click the mouse and type in words instead of having a face-to-face talk. This will not benefit people's long term friendship, and even harm their interpersonal relationships in real world.


2016年6月年大学英语四级考试真题试卷(第3套) Part I Writing Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty .You should write at least 120words but no more than 180words. Part ⅡListening Comprehension (与2016年6月大学英语四级真题第2套听力相同) Part III Reading Comprehension Section A Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Physical activity does the body good,and there’s growing evidence that it helps the brain too.Researchers in the Netherlands report that children who get more exercise,whether at school or on their own,26to have higher GPAs and better scores on standardized tests.In a 27of 14studies that looked at physical activity and academic 28,investigators found that the more children moved,the better their grades were in school,29in the basic subjects of math,English and reading. The data will certainly fuel the ongoing debate over whether physical education classes should be cut as schools struggle to 30on smaller budgets.The arguments against physical education have included concerns that gym time may be taking away from study time.With standardized test scores in the U.S.31in recent years,some administrators believe students need to spend more time in the classroom instead of on the playground.But as these findings show,exercise and academics may not be 32exclusive.Physical activity can improve blood 33to the brain,fueling memory,attention and creativity,which are 34to learning.And exercise releases hormones that can improve 35and relieve stress,which can also help learning.So while it may seem as if kids are just exercising their bodies when they’re running around,they may actually be exercising their brains as well.标准时间 30minutes 自测用时minutes 标准时间 25minutes 自测用时minutes 标准时间 40minutes 自测用时minutes
