
1. abandon oneself to do something :放纵干某事
indulge (oneself) in :沉迷于... = be addicted in
with abandon : 放纵地
2. be absorbed in = concentrate/focus one's attention on : 全神贯注于
3. accommodate sb with something : 向某人提供某物
4. accompany sb at/on the + music instrument : 给某人伴奏
5. in accord with : 与....一致 ,用于阐述观点,表示与什么一致
in chorus : 一齐,一致
be consistent with = consist with : 与...一致
of one's own accord :出于自愿
6. take account of : 考虑到,可以用于列举原因
on no account : 绝不, 用于倒装句
accountable to sb : 向某人负责
7. acknowledge/reckon ... as ...: 认为...是...
8. make acquaintance of sb : 与某人结识 : 可以用于朋友交往等方面
9. advisable : 明智的
10. have/show an effection for sb 喜欢某人
set one's affections on sb :钟爱某人
1. in the aggregate : 总共
on aggregate : 总体上
2. alternate in doing sth : 轮流做某事
3. applaud sb : 为某人喝彩
4. approve of : 赞成 , 用于表达观点时
1. assert oneself : 坚持自己的权利(意见), 也可以用于表达观点的文章中
2. asset ,merit,virtue,advantage : 都表示 优点,长处 ,
shortcoming,defect, weakness,disadvantage,drawback : 缺点
3. on the assumption that : 在假定什么的前提下,也可以用于作文中观点的论证中
4. avail of sth = take advantage of sth : 利用什么
5. go bankrupt of/in 完全丧失 , go bankrupt : 破产
6. under the banner of :在什么的旗帜下,以什么的名义,也可用于某些正义性的论述中
7. on the basis of : 在什么的基础之上,用于论证
8. a battery of : 一连串,一系列
9. have a bearing/influence/impact/impress/affection/effection on :对什么有影响
10. be bound up in :热衷于,献身于 = devote/dedicate oneself to
be bound up with :与什么有密切关系
11. at full blast : 全力地
12. a blaze of publicity :声名显赫
13. be blessed with : 被施与....
eg: She is blessed with immense talent : 她天资聪颖

be endowed with :有...的特质,被赋予...
eg: She's endowed with intelligence as well as beauty .

14. be blunt with sb : 对某人直言不讳,用于友谊方面
15. bounce back : 卷土重来,从挫折中快速的恢复
16. brand sth on one's mind : 将某事铭记于心
17. take/accept a bribe : 接收贿赂,用于评价性文章
18. on the brink of :处于...边缘
eg: There are many species on the brink of extinction: 许多物种濒临灭绝
19. bump against/into = drive/run/knock : 撞上
20. bust up 关系破裂
1. campaign for/against : 支

2. cast around for : 到处寻找
3. cater for/to 满足需要
4. caution sb against/(not to do) sth : 警告某人别做某事
take caution against :提防
5. strike/touch a chord : 引起共鸣
eg: Those beautiful songs will continue to touch a deep chord in my heart
6. lay claim to 声称对...有权利
7. clamp down/on 对...严厉打击
8. ★: clarity of vision : 远见卓识
1. at the climax of :处于...的顶峰
come to the climax :达到高潮
2. have sb/sth in the clutches of :将某人或某物牢牢掌控
3. coincide with : 与...一致
4. be in collaboration with : 与...合作
5. commit to : 致力于
6. grassroots community : 基层社区
7. be compatible with = get along with sb harmoniously : 与某人和谐相处
8. harmoney brings wealth : 和气生财
9. compensate for :弥补
eg: Nothing can compensate for the loss of time : 光阴一去不复返
10. complain of doing sth : 抱怨做某事
11. compliment sb on sth = give/present a compliment to sb : 赞扬某人
compliment sb with sth :赠送某人某物以表祝贺
12. compose oneself to do sth :静下心来做某事
13. compromise with sb on sth :在某事上向某人妥协
14. hide/conceal sth from sb :对某人隐瞒某事
1. man can conquer nature : 人定胜天
2. be considerate/thoughtful of : 为...着想
3. conspicuous = apparent = obvious = distinct = evident : 明显的
4. show contempt for 藐视,hold ... in contempt 对...轻视
1. cordial :诚恳的,亲切的
2. by courtesy of :蒙什么的好意
eg: This program comes by courtesy of a local company : 本节目惠承一家当地公司赞助。
3. crane one's neck to see sth :伸长脖子看某事物,表人的好奇心
eg : Somebody is curious about strange thing and will try his/her utmost to crane his neck to see it .
4. be critical of : 对什么吹毛求疵
1. deem highly of = think highly of :高度评价
2. deposit sth with sb :将某物寄存在某处
1. Absence diminishes little passion and increases great ones,
just as the wind blows out a candle and fans a fire .
2. to one's dismay/disappointment : 令某人失望
be dismay/disappointed at : 对...失望
3. at one's disposal : 任...处理
4. distinctive :有特色的 
5. in distress : 处在危难中
6. To err is human ; to forgive , divine . 孰能无过?心存宽恕就是圣洁
7. Friendships multiply joys and divide griefs。友谊倍增欢乐,分担悲愁。
1. be economical of/with 节约...
2. exquisite ,elegantly / gracefully beautiful :优美的
3. th

row/cast light on sth 是...更清楚明白
shed meaningful light on sth : 阐明...
1. entrust sb with sth : 把...委托给某人
2. envisage/image doing sth : 设想做某事
3. take exception to 因为...而生气
4. exert all one's strength :尽某人全力
exert pressure on sb : 给某人施加压力
1. extravagant :奢侈的
2. fabulous :绝佳的
3. flatter sb on/about sth : 奉承某人的某方面
4. first and foremost :首要的是,首先
5. forge ahead :稳步前进
6. frown at/on 对...皱眉,对...不赞成
7. make a fuss of/over : 娇养某人,过分关心某人
1. a galaxy of :一群(杰出的人,例如:scientist , film stars , famous people)
2. gear ... to the international conventions :把...与国际接轨
3. gorge (oneself) on :贪婪地吃
4. take ... for granted:认为什么理所当然
5. grope one's way :摸索着走
seek/grope for/after : 探索
6. hamper sb from (doing) sth : 妨碍某人做某事
7. in haste :急忙地,草率地。可用于修饰做决定
8. have a hatred for sb :怨恨某人
9. hesitate about/over (doing) : 在...方面踌躇,犹豫
hesitate to do sth :不愿意做某事
10. hinge on/upon = hang / depend on/upon :依...而定
eg: Our success brings/hangs/depends on your decision : 我们的成功取决于你的决定。
11. take hint :会意
★ When you hoist the sails to cross the sea , you will ride the wind and cleave the waves !
1. broaden one's horizon : 开阔眼界
2. hound sb out of job :强迫他人离开
★ If one idles away his time , youth will fade away and life will run out on him .
3. impose sth on/upon sb : 把...强加于某人
4. do sth on impulse :一时冲动 , 形容某人做事草率
5. be indignant at/about/over sth :因某事而愤怒
with sb : 对某人愤慨
1. intial payment : 首付款
2. do sth on one's intiative :主动做某事
take the intiative in 带头做...
3. be instrumental in doing sth :有助于...做..
4. be intent on/upon :专注于...
5. by intuition : 凭直觉
1. irrespective of == regardless of == in spite of == despite of 无论
2. jog one's memory :唤起某人的记忆
3. be knitted together by common interests :因共同利益而结合在一起
★Modesty helps one to go forward , whereas conceit makes one lag behind :
4. launch out :着手做
5. lease /rent sth from sb : 从...租得
1. by a narrow margin :勉强地
2. under a/the mask of : 戴着...的面具
3. at the mercy of :任由.

4. make merit with sb : 理应受到某人的感激
5. on a ... mission : 负有...使命
1. of necessity :无法避免地,
2. negotiate on/about/over :就..商定协议
★No matter how bad things are , we should always nourish a hope in our mind :
3. at one's option :随意
4. overflow with :充满...,洋溢...
eg: Her heart overflowed with gratitude . 她心中充满了感激
1. overwhelming :势不可挡的,压倒性的,尤其是用在阐述观点时
2. make a parade of :炫耀
3. be partial to :对什么有偏心
4. pave/smooth the way for : 为...铺平道路
5. peg away at :坚持不懈地做
6. perpetual = permanent :永久的
7. make a plea for : 请求...,
on the plea of :以...为借口
1. make a pledge to do sth :发誓要干某事
2. ponder (up) on/over :深思,考虑
3. postpone /put off doing sth :推迟做某事
4. take precaution against :预防
5. preach at / to sb :对某人谆谆教导
6. preclude/restrain sb from doing sth:阻止某人做...
7. be pregnant with : 充满...
8. be based on the premise that :以..为前提
9. be prevail among : 在...中流行
10. be proficiency in :精通...
★ Reading makes a full man , meditation a profound man , discourse a clear man .
1. prominent = out-standing :杰出的
2. quench one's thirst/hatred :解渴/消除仇恨
3. make a raid on/upon : 对...进行袭击
1. on the bound :在沮丧时
2. economic recession: 经济衰退
3. with reference to :关于...,就...什么而论。做状语
4. give free rein to :对..充分的自由,对..不加约束
5. rejoice at/over sth :为..高兴
6. place /put reliance on/upon :信任
7. be representative /characteristic / typical of ....的典型
1. the better part :大部分
2. resolve to do / on doing sth : 决心做某事
1. be saturated with :充满
2. give scope to/for sth : 给充分发挥...的天地/机会
eg:We must give scope to these ideas and actions, to this dynamic role.
3. heap/pour scorn on : 嘲笑
4. shrug off :对...满不在乎
1. Never slack off in your position and fulfill your responsibility loyally .
2. spoil :溺爱
3. on the spur of the moment :一时冲动之下
1. on standby :
2. steer clear of :绕开,避开
3. stir up :惹起麻烦
4. sto

op to doing sth : 堕落到...的地步
5. straightforword : 正直的
6. stretch one's mind 绞尽脑汁
7. stumble across/on/upon :偶然碰到
stumble about : 蹒跚而行
8. be subordinate to :比...要次
9. summon up :鼓起勇气,奋起
10. accuse sb of sth = charge sb with sth = sue sb for sth :控告某人某事
1. in full swing :正在全力进行中
2. be sympathetic with sb / to sth ,对某人/某事同情
3. tangle with sb over sth :就某事与某人争吵
4. lose one's temper : 发脾气
5. tempt sb to do sth :引诱某人做某事
6. fall into / give way to /yield to temptation :受诱惑
7. resist the temptation:抵制诱惑
8. have a tendency to do sth :喜欢做...
9. on the threshold of : 即将开始 = on the corner of
10. be timid of :害怕
11. by the same token 由于同样的原因
12. tone down : 使缓和...
1. be on trial :在试验中
by trial and error :反复试验,不断摸索
2. pay tribute to : 向...表示敬意
3. triumph over: 战胜
4. be unanimous in :在...方面意见完全一致
5. do/try one's utmost :尽最大努力
6. draw a veil over:避而不谈
7. by virtue of 借助,由于
8. volunteer sth for sth:自愿给予帮助等
