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sparse hair
thick hair
sparse hair
Lenin(列宁) thick hair
Stalin(斯大林) sparse hair
Khrushchev (赫鲁晓夫)
thick hair
Brezhnev (勃列日涅夫)
Gorbachev (戈尔巴乔夫)
Now, he is no longer young. But he never stop trying to make Russia better and better. Let's give him our best wishes.I hope he can achieve his goal. Come on, man!
Give me 20 years, I'll give you a magic Russia!
In the 2012 general election, he cried.
• 2000-2008 President • 2008-2012 Prime Minister • 2012-now President
Judo (柔道)
• Good Judoka (柔道运动员) • Law major in Leningrad State University
• Good at skiing • Kazakhstan (哈萨克斯坦) • In 2002
He can be a strong soider.
Do what a man should do: Protect his country.
thick hair
• Putin • (普京)
• Medvedev • (梅德韦杰夫)
Putin——The president of Russia
• Born in 1952 • 61-year-old
• As president: • 2000-2008 & 2012-now • 10 years
He can be a spy or a pilot.
He can be the Person of the Year of TIME.
He gets on well with leaders from other country.
He can be kind.
But he is still the president...
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