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ships Electric cars
Nidaros Cathedral in Trondheim
Outdoor activities
Birthplace of skiing
• Lakes, deep fjords and the long coast line offer a unique variety of fishing areas.
15 trees
The roof of the pavilion rises and falls dramatically giving associations to the ocean, the coast and mountains, depending on the eyes and imagination of the spectator.
Polar lights
In the Norway’s Hammerfest – the northern most city of the world, the sun remains hidden for 1,500 hours.
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During the polar nights, the landscape is covered by snow, beautifully reflecting the light of the stars above which is enough to read by.
• 385,252 kilometers • most sparsely populated in Europe:4.8 million
The country shares a border to the east with Sweden; its northernmost region is bordered by Finland to the south and Denmark lies south of its southern tip across the Skagerrak Strait.
Norwegian pavilion’s show of Norway Powered by Nature addresses the EXPO theme “better city, better life”.
Thank you
There is something about The Kingdom of Norway
• • • • • • • • Local area Location Symbol of Norway Sightseeing Outdoor activities Polar lights Delicious snack Norwegian pavilion
Norwegian pavilion
Norway Powered by Nature
In Norway the cities are few and small but every Norwegian city has one quality in common because all the cities exist in a close relationship with nature.
• National flag • Governed by Denmark
• National emblem • A golden lion with an axe • Symbol of power
Cultural, scientific, economic and governmental centre One of the most expensive cities in the world