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Tourism Product
Product is anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. It includes physical objects, services, persons, places, organizations and ideas.
Packaging & Programming
• Packaging The combination of related and
complementary travel and hospitality services into a single-price offering.
• Programming The development of special activities,
1、进行产品的宣传 2、制定一个合理的价格
Байду номын сангаас
产品日趋成熟,且基本上被市 成长期 场所接受;生产成本和销售费
产品广为消费者接受;需求量 趋于饱和,销售增长趋缓 成熟期
1、根据产品反馈信息,进一步完善和改进产 品 2、加强产品促销
1、寻求消费者新的旅游需求,增设尽可能多 的服务项目 2、寻找新的市场机会 3、对原有产品进行重组
• Perishability and fluctuating demand Services are highly perishable, and they
cannot be stored. The market for services fluctuates considerably by season, by day of the week and by hour of the day.
services--to taste, feel ,see, hear or smell them--before they buy.
• Inseperability Some services must be created and
dispensed simutaneously.
Characteristics of Tourism Product
1、立刻放弃连变动成本都无法补偿的产品 2、对疲软产品进行处理 3、对于滞销产品,分析其滞销原因,使其销 售量回升
How to develop new product ?
假设A家具公司的生产项目是沙发,其竞争对手是B 、C两个家具公司。通过市场调研和分析,得出三个 公司占据的市场位置如下:
• Variability It's impossible for a service industry, or
even an individual seller of services, to standardise output--each unit of service is somewhat different from the other units.
市场营销组合是指企业的综合营销方案,即:企业对自己可控 制的各种营销因素(产品质量、包装、价格、服务、广告、渠道 和企业形象等)的优化组合和综合运用,使之协调配合,扬长避 短,发挥优势,以便更好地实现营销目标。
Product: Learning Outcomes
After this session, you should be able to: 1.Explain the meaning of "product"; 2.Describe the Product Lifecycle; 3.Explain the characteristics of services.
events, or programs to increase customer spending or give added appeal to a package or other hospitality or travel service.
How to Conduct Packaging ?
Tourism Product Life Cycle
Introduction Growth Maturity Decline
0 Loss
Profit Life of Product
➢ 旅游产品生命周期各阶段的营销策略
生命周 期阶段
投入期 的投资额大,销售额低,利润 小;市场竞争者少
There are many types of package service in travel and hospitality industry, and they can be divided according to :
• content of the package service • target market • time, period or season • destinations and way of traveling
---- Kotler
A product is the set of tangible and intangible attributes that might satisfy wants.
Characteristics of Tourism Product
• Intangibility It's impossible for customers to sample
Develop And Manage Marketing Strategies
Delivered By: Amy Li
Marketing Mix
A combination of product, pricing structure, distribution system, and promotional activities which constitute the core of an organization's marketing system. ----the ‘4Ps’