


Part A


1. 写出你所知道的五种颜色:___________, ___________, ___________, __________, __________.

2. 写出你所知道的五种职业:___________, ___________, ___________, __________, __________.

3. 写出你所知道的五种交通工具:___________, ___________, ___________, __________, __________.

4. 写出你所知道的五种文具:___________, ___________, ___________, __________, __________. 二.选出不同类的单词,把序号填入题前括号内:(10分)

( ) 1. A. plane B. boat C. train D. desk

( ) 2. A. door B. wall C. woman D. window

( ) 3. A. TV B. thirteen C. fourteen D. fifteen

( ) 4. A. bed B. table C. bus D. lamp

( ) 5. A. T-shirt B. pants C. shorts D. boy

( ) 6. A. rice B. noodles C. tofu D. train

( ) 7. A. eight B. in C. with D. under

( ) 8. A. worker B. job C. lawyer D. farmer

( ) 9. A. black B. brown C. orange D. apple

( ) 10. A guitar B. flute C. ham D. violin


1. What do you want to _____________ (买) ?

2. What ___________ (颜色) is Lily’s new sweater?

3. He often goes to the ___________ (公园) with his parents on Sunday.

4. How many _______________ (苹果树) are there in the field?

5. There are some ___________ (绵羊) on my uncle’s farm.

6. Peter had a bad ___________ (头疼) last night.

7. Would you like some more _____________ (饺子) ?

8. How much do you ______________ (知道,了解) about England?

9. Let’s ____________ (乘坐) a train! It’s faster than the bus.

10. I’m going to the ____________ (图书馆) to borrow some English novels.


( ) 1. What do you think of it? A. Turn right.

( ) 2. What’s your e-mail address? B. It’s across from the zoo.

( ) 3. Where is the hospital? C. I’m going to the cinema.

( ) 4. How can I get there? D. No, I don’t.

( ) 5. What are you going to do? E. I think it’s fun.

( ) 6. Where do you come from? F. It’s famous for flowers.

( ) 7. Where do you live? G. I come from Japan.

( ) 8. What’s your phone number? H. I live in Tokyo.

( ) 9. What is his city famous for? I . My phone number is 85663217. ( ) 10. Do you like the city? J. It’s May @ https://www.360docs.net/doc/c6769954.html,


1. must, you, your, after, look, watch


2. playroom, what, you ,the, can, in, see


3. tree, how, the, birds, there, many, in, are


4. can, your, please, tell, you, number, me, telephone


5. great, in, you, new, your, look, T-shirt



1. Wang Hai usually has the lunch at 12 o’clock. __________________________________

2. Tom can say a little Chinese now. __________________________________

3. Peter, let the students to come in, please. __________________________________

4. Excuse me. How many are the potatoes? __________________________________

5. Sorry, Lily. I don’t have some apples here. ___________________________________ 七.单项选择:(10分)

( ) 1. Whose school bag is heavier, ____________?

A. she or you

B. hers or yours

C. her or you

D. his or her

( ) 2. Lee is ____________ his father.

A. as taller as

B. taller

C. as strong as

D. strong

( ) 3. Candy _________ for a walk ________ Monday morning.

A. take; on

B. went; in

C. took; in

D. went; on

( ) 4. Su Yang _________ down in front of the door and _______ a chat.

A. sat; had

B. sits; have

C. sat; having

D. sit; has

( ) 5. ____________ Jim and David jump higher _________ Mike and Lin Tao?

A. Does; as

B. Do; as

C. Do; than

D. Does; than

( ) 6. Which season do you like ________, winter or summer?

A. better

B. best

C. well

D. the best

( ) 7. A: I want _________ a letter to my friend Mike.

B: ___________ some writing paper for you.

A. write; Here are

B. writing; Here are

C. to write; Here are

D. to write; Where are

( ) 8. To get the airport ________, you can take a taxi.

A. late

B. later

C. early

D. earlier

( ) 9. I am ________ the Guangzhou Road. My friend is ________ the hotel. I am going to find him.

A. at; on

B. on; at

C. of; at

D. in; of

( ) 10. I ___________ New York and work there ________ three years.

A. am going; in

B. want to; for

C. going to; in

D. am going to; for


A crow is sitting __1__ a big tree. She has a big piece of __2__ in her mouth. “My babies will have a nice breakfast,” she thinks.

An old __3__ is looking for his breakfast. He sees the __4__ and the meat. “How can I get that piece of meat?” he thinks。

“ __5__, Mrs Crow,” says the fox sweetly. “How are you?”

But the crow doesn’t say a word.

“You have very nice __6__, Mrs Crow,” says the fox very sweetly. “How are they? May I see them?”

Still, the crow doesn’t say a word.

“You’re very beautiful, Mrs Crow. And you have a beautiful voice, too,” says the fox very, very __7__. “Will you please sing a song for me?”

Mrs Crow thinks, “How nice Mr Fox is! I must __8__ him a song.” So she __9__ her mouth, “Caw! Caw!” Down drops the meat into the __10__ mouth.

( ) 1. A. in B. on C. near D. beside

( ) 2. A. bread B. meat C. leaf D. stone

( ) 3. A. tiger B. bear C. man D. fox

( ) 4. A. tree B. crow C. babies D. leaf

( ) 5. A. Good afternoon B. Good evening C. Good morning D. Good night

( ) 6. A. parents B. clothes C. feather D.babies’

( ) 7. A. sweetly B. angrily C. sadly D. happily

( ) 8. A. give B. sing C. make D. hear

( ) 9. A. closes B. sees C. feels D. opens

( ) 10. A. crow’s B. babies C. fox’s D. tiger’s


A woman was at the cinema, and she was enjoying the film very much, but there was a man in the next seat, and he began looking at the floor under her. The woman was angry and asked, “What are you doing there? What are you looking for?”“A piece of chocolate.”The man said to her, “I dropped it on the floor.”“A piece of chocolate?” the woman said angrily. “It is dirty now. Take this and be quiet, please. I am listening to the film.” She gave the man a big piece of chocolate. But the man said, “ One of my teeth is in the chocolate!”

( ) 1. –Where were the man and the woman? -- They were ______________.

A. in a school

B. at the station

C. at a shop

D. at the cinema

( ) 2. The man sat __________ the woman.

A. next to

B. in front of

C. behind

D. on the left of

( ) 3. The word “dirty” means _________.

A. not big

B. not light

C. not clean

D. not heavy

( ) 4. The man wanted to find the piece of chocolate because _________.

A. one of his teeth wan in the chocolate

B. the piece of chocolate was very expensive

C. he liked chocolate very much

D. he wanted to keep the cinema clean

( ) 5. The woman gave the man a piece of chocolate because ___________.

A. she was friendly to him

B. she wanted to enjoy the film better

C. the piece of chocolate was the man’s

D. she likes the man


请同学们以“Chinese Spring Festival”为题写一篇不少于80词的小短文。


___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Part B


1. them (主格) ____________

2. different (反义词) ____________

3. much (同义词) ____________

4. leaf (复数) ___________

5. snow (形容词) ____________

6. make (现在分词) ___________

7. Canadian (复数) _____________ 8. put (过去式) ____________

9. do (第三人称单数) ____________ 10. nine (序数词) ____________


从下面词中做选择:weekend as soon as invited has bought lighter

1. Don’t worry. I’ll call you _______ I get the news.

2. Last Sunday I _______some friends to my home for dinner.

3. My uncle _______a house with a beautiful garden in front of it.

4. Everything is _______on the moon than on the earth.

5. --- What are you going to do this _______?

--- I am going to visit my grandparents.


1. We often buy books in the ____________.

2. Can I have the stamp on the ____________? Yes, here you are.

3. It’s a ___________ day. Let’s go to the _________ to pick apples.

4. I usually go ____________ in the park on Sundays.

5. Jerry is a good student. He does ____________ in Chinese.

6. I’m going to take part in the ______________ tomorrow.

7. You can take bus No.21 and ____________ at the second stop.

8. Do more _______________. And you’ll get stronger.

四.从B栏中选出A 栏的正确应答,并将序号填入提前括号内:(10分)

( ) 1. How many days are there in a week? A. It’s too cold.

( ) 2. Which season do you like best? B. I’m going to give a concert.

( ) 3. What’s the weather like in winter? C. Yes, it does.

( ) 4. Hello. Is that Tom? D. There are seven.

( ) 5. What are they going to do? E. Yes, I’d love to.

( ) 6. Does it often rain in Yangzhou in spring? F. Peter.

( ) 7. Would you like to join us? G. They are going to see a Beijing opera. ( ) 8. Who do you want to write to? H. Yes, speaking.

( ) 9. What are you going to do? I. I saw a Beijing opera.

( ) 10. What else did you do on Monday? J. I like spring best.


( ) 1. Have you got ________ to say about Jack?

A. anything else

B. else anything

C. anything other

D. other anything

( ) 2. When we realize yesterday is gone forever, we find we are growing up ________.

A. little by little

B. step by step

C. one by one

D. side by side

( ) 3. Please pass ________. I want to have a drink.

A. the cup for me

B. the cup to me

C. me for the cup

D. me to the cup

( ) 4. Bill ________ a cold for several days. ________ is why he can’t come to the party.

A. caught; This

B. got; It

C. has had; That

D. has caught; There

( ) 5. The hall of the factory was ________ people yesterday.

A. filled of

B. fulled of

C. full with

D. filled with

( ) 6. --Oh, I have ________ the maths examination again.

-- ________. I’ll work hard to pass it next time.

A. failed in; So I have

B. passed; So do I

C. failed in; So have I

D. passed; So I do ( ) 7. --Our country ________ a lot so far.

--Yes, I hope it will be even ———

A. has changed; well

B. changed; good

C. changed; better

D. has changed; better ( )8.-- ________?

--Only £ 5. It is very cheap.

A. What time is it

B. How many do you want

C. How much is it

D. What’s wrong ( ) 9. It is ________ to work with a ________ person like her.

A. pleasing; pleasing

B. pleased; pleasant

C. pleasant; pleased

D. a pleasure; pleasant ( ) 10. Excuse me. Would you please tell me ________ buy a digital camera?

A. what to

B. where to

C. what I can

D. where can I


( ) That’s because I don’t have enough money.

( ) You’re welcome.

( ) Excuse me. I want to go to Nanjing Train Station. Would you please tell me the way?

( ) Well, you can take the subway. It’s faster than the bus and cheaper than the taxi.

( ) Oh, it’s not near here. You may take bus No.1 and get off at the last stop.

( ) I think so. To get there earlier, why don’t you take a taxi?

( ) Will it take a long time? I’m in a hurry.

( ) Oh, that’s a good idea. Thanks a lot.


1. Who is __________(tall), you or your good friend?

2. He _________(live) in China every summer, but last year he __________ __________ (not, spend) his summer holiday here.

3. Go along the street and then turn left at the ___________ (five) crossing.

4. Whose dog __________ (run) faster, __________(you) or __________ (I) ?

5. At Spring Festival, people can _________ (visit) their relatives and friends.

6. Winter __________ (come) after autumn.

7. Your dad _________(need) warm clothes, because it’s _________ (cold) there than in Nanjing.

8. Jane’s brother __________(like) __________(play) football.

9. Would you please speak _________(loud) ? We are all ___________(listen)carefully to you.

10. –Where _________(do) you __________(go) last night? --I went to the theatre.

11. Look, the students ________ __________ (read) English in the classroom.


1. ---你们教室里有电视机吗?--- 没有,有一台电脑。

--- ________ __________ a TV _________ your classroom?

--- No, there isn’t. __________ _______ a computer in it.

2. ---你能唱歌吗?-- 不,我能跳舞。

-- Can you _________ a __________? --No, _______ _________. I can __________.

3. ---你正在做什么?--- 我正在看奥运会。

-- What _________ you _________? -- I ________ __________ Olympic games.

4. –你怎么了?-- 我感冒了,

-- What’s _________ _________ you? -- I have a ___________.



Bob is an old man. He has three new cars. He has no wife, but he has two sons and two daughters. One son is an English boy. His name is Bill. The other son is American. His name is Mike. One of his new daughter is Chinese. Her name is Lanlan. The other is Japanese. Her name is Mikou. Bob has many toys for the children. The boys play with toy cars. The girls play with dolls. Bob is the children’s “father”. And he is their good friend, too.

( ) 1. Bob has six children.

( ) 2. Bob is a rich old man.

( ) 3. Bill is American.

( ) 4. Mike is English.

( ) 5. Mikou and Lanlan play with toy cars.

( ) 6. The children play with the same toys.

( ) 7. Bob is the children’s real father.

( ) 8. Bob and his children are good friends.

( ) 9. Bob’s children are all American.

( ) 10. The children like Bob very much.

(B) 阅读下列对话,并选择最佳答案:

Tom and Charlie are talking about the year 2010.

“What’s our world going to be like in the year 2010? ” asks Tom.

“Well, no one knows, but it’s interesting to guess.”

“In the year 2010, everyone is going to carry a pocket computer. The computers will help people solve all kinds of problems. We are going to have very small telephones in our pockets, too. Then people are going to talk to their friends all over the world. Perhaps we are going to live and work under the sea. People might build towns, factories and farms under the sea, too.”

“Machines are going to do most of the work, and so people are going to have more holidays. They are going to fly to the moon by spaceship and have their holidays there.”

( ) 1. __________ are talking about their lives in the future.

A. Kelly and Tom

B. Some girls

C. Two boys

D. We don’t know

( ) 2. _________ may do most of the work instead of people.

A. Telephones

B. Robots

C. Machines

D. Pockets

( ) 3. In the future, the people are going to build towns, factories and farms _________.

A. in the sky.

B. under the sea.

C. on the moon.

D. on the mountains.

( ) 4. Charlie thinks people will have more _________ in the future.

A. telephones

B. money C, children D. holidays

( ) 5. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

A.Everyonehas a pocket computer.

B.People are going to fly to the moon in 2020.

C.Perhaps people are going to talk to their friends all over the world.

D.People are going to have their holidays on the moon.

十.作文:(10 分)

看图,请你根据图意,以In the Park为题,写一篇单词在80个左右的小短文。

_____________ ___________ _____________ ___________ __________ ____________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________

Part A (答案)


1. green, red, white, black, blue

2. teacher, driver, farmer, cleaner, writer

3. car, bus , taxi, train, plane

4. pen, ruler, pencil, eraser, sharpener




1. buy

2. colour

3. park 4 apple trees 5 sheep 6. headache 7. dumplings 8. know 9. take 10. library


1. E

2. J

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. G

7. H

8. I

9. F 10. D


1. You must look after your watch.

2. What can you see in the playroom?

3. How many birds are there in the tree?

4. Can you tell me your phone numbers please?

5. You look great in your new T-shirt.


1. the → /

2. say → speak

3. to → /

4. many → much

5. some → any 七.单项选择:(10分)







Part B: (答案)


1 they 2. same 3. many 4. leaves 5. snowy 6. making 7. Canadians 8 put 9. does 10. ninth


1. as soon as

2. invited

3. has bought

4. lighter

5. weekend


1. bookshop 2 envelope 3. sunny, countryside 4. fishing and rowing 5 well

6. singing contest

7. get off

8. exercise

四.从B栏中选出A 栏的正确应答,并将序号填入提前括号内:(10分)

1 D

2 J

3 A

4 H

5 G

6 C

7 E

8 F

9 B 10 I







5 8 1

6 2 4 3 7



2. lives, didn’t spend

3. fifth

4. runs, yours, mine

5. visit

6. comes

7. needs, colder 8. likes, playing 9. loudly, listening 10. did, go 11 are, reading


1. Is there in, There is

2. sing, song, I can’t, dance

3. are doing, am watching

4 wrong with, cold


(A) F T F F F F F T F T (B) C C B D A

十.作文:(10 分)


六年级上册英语综合测试题 卷面书写(5分) 请同学们在答题时认真书写,做到规范、端正、美观,让你的试卷拥有一张清秀、漂亮的面孔! 听力部分(50分) 一、听单词,选出所听单词,并将答案代号写在题前括号内,每个单词读两遍(14 分) ( ) 1. A. then B. them C. these D. those ( ) 2. A.beautiful B. difficult C. believe D. careful ( ) 3. A. rice B. race C. nice D. cross ( ) 4. A . miss B. meat C. map D. meal ( ) 5. A. letter B. late C. age D. flag ( ) 6. A. doll B. dollar C. cent D. sound ( ) 7. A . class B. address C. grass D. miss 二、听句子,根据所听内容,给下列图片排序,并将序号写在图片下面的括号内, 每个句子读两遍(6分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听句子,判断下列图片与所听内容是(T)否(F)一致,一致的在图片下面的括 号内写T,不一致的写F。每个句子读两遍(12分) 1. 2. 3. ( ) . ( ) ( ) 4. 5. 6. ( ) ( )( ) 四、听对话,根据所听内容,选择正确答案,并将答案代号写在题前括号内,每 个对话读两遍(8分) ( ) 1. A. B. ( ) 2. A. B. ( ) 3. A B. ( ) 4. A B. 1 / 4


2019-2020学年度第二学期M1-M3综合测试 小学三年级英语试题 听力部分班级:________ 姓名:________ 一、听音,将所听单词的序号填入括号里,听两遍。 ( )1. A.these B.those C.this ( )2. A.shy B.cry C.climb ( )3. A.his B.him C.her ( )4. A.house B.mouth C.horse ( )5. A.will B.won’t C.want 二、听音,把ABCDE按你听到的顺序分别写到6至10小题的横线上,听两遍。 A. B. C. D. E. 6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________ 三、听音,选出符合句子的图片,听两遍。 ( )11. A. B. ( )12. A. B. ( )13. A. B. ( )14. A. B. ( )15. A. B. 四、听音,判断所听内容与下列句子是(T)否(F)相符,听两遍。

( )16.What’s ten plus eleven? ( )17.This little boy can’t do his English. ( )18.This house is big and old. ( )19.We’ll go to the zoo this weekend. ( )20.Will Daming go, too? 21.Mark 22.Jack 23.Lucy 24.Mary 25.Linda ( )26. A.I’m going to help her. B.She’s going to help me. ( )27. A.We’ll have lunch at 7. B.Yes, we will. ( )28. A.Yes, he will. B. Yes, she will. ( )29. A.No, we won’t. B.No, you won’t. ( )30. A.It’s 12. B.It’s 24. 七、听短文,把句子补充完整,每个横线上只写一个单词,听两遍。 Amy is a good girl. She’s very 31.________.She’s from London.You’ll see Big Ben in London. It’s a very old 32.________. You can go on the London Eye. It’s like a big, 33.________ eye. Amy and Sam will have 34.________________ at 7 this morning. T hey’ll go to the zoo today. They35.________ see pigs there. But they’ll see lots of lions, tigers and pandas. 笔试部分 八、请选出下列不同类的单词。 ( )36. A.tea B.wide C.old ( )37. A.river B.bridge C.farmer ( )38. A.help B.helps C.make ( )39. A.park B.party C.countrside ( )40. A.her B.he C.him


小学英语四年级上册综合测试卷 Writing Part 笔试部分 一、圈出不同类的一项,把序号填在括号里。10分 ()1.A. phone B. desk C. chair D.bed ()2.A. room B. kitchen C. bedroom D.bathroom ()3.A. key B. he C. she D.they ()4.A. in B. on C.under D.no ()5.A. fridge B. table C. sofa D.shelf 二、看图,读句子,写单词。10分

三、填空。16分 1.Where are the keys? _____ A. They are in the door. B. It's in the door. C. We are in the living room. 2.Is Chen Jie in the bedroom? _______ A. Yes, it isn't. B. No, he's in the kitchen C. Yes, she is. 3.The lamp is _____ the desk. A. on B. in C. under 4.Are they in the door? _________ A. No, they aren't. B. No, it isn't. C. Yes, it is. 5.How many English books do you have? _____________ A. I have 9. B. I can see 10 . C. Yes, I do. 6.The dog is _____ the chair,


周末重难点小升初测试试题 一、根据读音规则,判断下列各组单词中,哪一个单词划线部分的读音与其它三个划线部分的读音不同,请选出。 ()1. A. hand B. gave C. MapD. plan ()2. A. went B. bed C. me D. get ()3. A. heavy B. sleep C. weekend D. meet ()4. A. car B. FatherC. Warm D. hard ()5. A. start B. car C. father D. swam 二、翻译下列短语: 1.全世界_________ _________ the world 2.制定计划__________ a ___________ 3.去游泳_________ ___________ 4.长城the __________ _________ 5.起床_________ _________ 三、单项选择: ( ) 1. Your pen is newer than _____________. A. mine B. me C. her ( ) 2. Zhuhai is ________ than Guangzhou, I think. A. most beautiful B. beautiful C. more beautiful ( ) 3. I learned __________ pictures on the computer. A. to draw B. draw C. drew ( ) 4.How _______ she go to school in the morning ? A. is B. does C. do ( ) 5.That is _______ American national flag. There ______ fifty stars on it. A. a , is B. an , are C. an , is ( ) 6. What film are you going to ________ ? A. see B. watch C. look ( ) 7. Rome _____ ______ than Paris. A. are warmer B. is warmer C. is warmmer ( ) 8. My grandfather usually ________ the flowers in the morning. A. watering B. is watering C. waters ( ) 9. Listen! Xiaoling ________ in her classroom. A. sings B. singing C. is singing ( ) 10. Yesterday my parents and I ________ our house. A. are cleaning B. cleaned C. are going to clean 四、按要求改写下列句子: 1. It's nine thirty in the morning. (对划线部分提问) ___________________________________________________? 2.The Olympic Center is in the north of Beijing. (对划线部分提问) ____________________________________________________? 3. I am a Chinese girl.(用she改写) ___________________________________________ 4.What are you going to be when you grow up? (自由回答) ________________________________________ 5. yesterday, where, they, did, go.(连词成句) ______________________________________________ 五、补全对话 A: Hello, Bill. What are those in the box? B: 1 ________ post cards of Beijing.


新路径英语综合测试题(三) 班级:______ 姓名:_____ 考号:_____ 成绩:______ (总分:100分时间:60分钟) 一、看图片,写单词。(每词1分,共10分) 1. __________ 2._________ 3. __________ 4.__________ 5. __________ 6._________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.___________ 10. ___________ 二、写出下列单词的反义词。(每词1分,共10分) 1. cry _______ 2. this _____ 3. hot ______ 4. go _____ 5. fat _______ 6. short______ 7. beautiful ________ 8. here ________ 9.black _____ 10. fast ______ 三、将下列单词归类,并写出一个同类的单词。(每空1分,共20分) act, juice, bread, eleven, cook, tea, chicken, climb, coffee, shout, hamburger, twelve, milk, fifteen, eighteen, meat 1、动词类:_______ ________ ________ ________ __________ 2、食物类:_______ ________ ________ ________ __________ 3、数字类:_______ _______ ________ ________ __________ 4、饮料类:_______ ________ ________ _________ ___________ 四、单项选择。(每题1分,共20分。) ( ) 1.---Can you jump like a rabbit? --- ____________ A. Yes, I can’t. B. No, I can’t. C. Yes, it can. ( ) 2. A man can ______, _________ he is a cooker. A. cooks, and. B. cook, because. C. cook, but ( ) 3. This is my mum ____ dad . A. but B. and C. or


三年级英语上册综合测试试题 一、根据所给出的单词,给下面的图片涂上相应的颜色。 green white brown pink blue orange black purple yellow red 二、请把下列的图片和相应的句子连起来。 紫色的蓝色的绿色的 Show me your red crayon. Show me your blue crayon. Show me your yellow crayon.

Show me your green crayon. Show me your purple crayon. 黄色的红色的 三、选句填空,把正确的句子的编号写在圆圈里。 (1) A.Good morning, Sarah. How are you? B.Fine, thank you. (2) A. Let’s paint! B. Hi, Mike! C. Bye! D. Great! E. Fine, thanks. How are you? F. Hi, Sarah! How are you? G. Bye, Mom! H. I’m fine. Tha nk you. 四、先写出下列单词的中文意思,再选出不同类的单词。( )1. A. pencil-case B. school C. pencil ( )2. A.head B. nose C. ruler ( )3.A.bag B. book C. ear ( )4.A.eye B. eraser C. mouth ( )5.A.leg B. crayon C. pen

( )6.A.blue B. green C. pencil ( )7.A.sharpener B. yellow C. red ( )8.A.hand B. white C. black ( )9.A.blue B. pink C. pencil ( )10.A.mouth B.yellow C. purple 五、判断下列图片是否与给出的单词一致,一致的打“√”,不一致的打“×”。 1. 2. 3 4. ear finger leg head ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5. 6. 7. 8. hand nose eye face ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 9. 10. 11. 12. ruler sharpener pencil-case book ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 六、看一看,连一连,把单词与相应的身体部位连起来。 armhead earleg footnose facemouth bodyeye


牛津小学英语6B综合测试 一英汉互译10 1 世界杯2come true 3 summer holiday 4从那时起 5 find out 6 儿童节 7 at a time 8 吵醒,叫醒 9 take care of 10 环游世界 二从下列单词中找出不同类的一项10 ()1 A reach B sleepy C sharp ()2 A sound B stay C strong ()3 A visit B doctor C cook ()4 A loudly B happily C good ()5 A US B Taipei C Sydney 三单项选择20 ()1 Music makes people ________. A happy B sad C happily ()2 If you don’t know, you can go and ____ the teacher. A ask B answer C asks ()3 My football is _______. I can play it ______. A good, good B good, well C well, well ()4 The children are watching an __ film. A excited B exciting C excitedly ( )5 we ___ some animal books next Sunday. A bought B buy C are going to buy ()7 She ___ likes the animals here. A too B also C to ()8 The mouse’s teeth are too_____ and it can bite a hole in the bag. A hard B soft C sharp ()9 A: Here are some toys for you. B: _____. A Thank you. B ok. C Good idea. ()10 You can find Niagara Falls in ____. A Canada B the US C UK 四按要求写单词10 1 bring(过去式) 2 potato(复数) 3 different (反义词) 4 quickly(形容词) 5 bite(过去式) 6 should not(缩略式)


小升初英语模拟测试题(十) I.选择填空(Vocabulary and structure)(共20小题,计20分) A)选出下列各题的最佳答案。(答案涂在答题纸上) 31.国际奥委会的官方语言为_________和_________。 A.英语;法语 B.德语;英语 C.德语;法语 D.英语;汉语 32.下列四组词中,_________均是双音节词。 A.student;beautiful B.thing;bedroom C.people;thirty D.answer;family 33.在英语中,一般疑问句多用_________来读,特殊疑问句多用_________来读。 A.升调;升调 B.降调;降调 C.降调;升调 D.升调;降调 34.缩略词"CBA"和"FIFA"分别与下面哪两项运动有关联?_________ A.volleyball;basketball B.basketball;football C.baseball;tennis D.football;tabletennis 35.下列各句标点及书写均正确的是_________。 A.Brucesays:"we're going to the hospital to see my grandfather." B."Harrypotter"is very popular among children. C.I go swimming with uncle George on Sunday. D.They are Tom Hanks,the actor;Mariah Carey,the singer. 36.There's_________English boy playing_________chess under the tree._________boy lives near here. A.an;/;The B.an;the;The C.a;/;A D.a;a;A 37.Please give_________some water._________are thirsty. A.Tom and I;We B.me and Tom;They C.Tom and me;We D.I and Tom;They 38._________come from_________.They speak_________.Their capital city is London. A.English man;England;English B.English man;English;England C.English men;England;English D.English men;English;England 39.The word "Morocco" has one "r"_________two "c"s,_________it doesn't have a "k"_________an "a". A.or;but;and B.or;and;and; C.and;and;or D.and;but;or 40.Ms John son wants us _________Exercise1, but you let us_________Exercise 4. A.to do;to do B.to do;do C.do;do D.do;to do 41.Jerry swims very_________.He's a member of the_________club. A.fine;swims B.good;swimmer C.well;swimming D.nice;swim 42.-Can I borrow some books about the Internet? -Certainly,but please give_________soon. A.back me B.them back C.me back D.back them 43.There are forty students in our class.Twenty-five are girl sand_________are boys. A.other B.others C.the other D.the others 44.Jim and I go to school_________eight thirty_________every Saturday morning. A.at;on B.in;in C.at;/ D.on;in 45.Where would you see this notice-EVERYTHING HALF-PRICE? A.In a bank. B.At home. C.In a classroom. D.In a shop. B)情景对话。(答案涂在答题纸上) 46.A.I'm glad you like them.


小学六年级英语小升初综合测试题(1) 姓名班级分数 一、听音, 选出与录音相符合的,将其字母编号填在括号里。(10分) ( ) 1. A. when B.went C. want ( ) 2. A. short B.shirt C. sore ( ) 3. A. parents B. presents C. pair ( ) 4. A. light B.night C. right ( ) 5. A. she B.see C. sea ( ) 6. A. match B. watch C. catch ( ) 7. A. have a cold B. have a sore throat C. have a sore nose ( ) 8. A. take a trip B. go by train C. play a game ( ) 9. A. watched TV B. washed the clothes C. went shopping ( ) 10. A. How did you feel? B. What did you feel? C. What did you do? 二、听录音, 判断句子或图片是否与录音内容相符。(10分) 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. ()() ( ) 6.We are Chinese. ( ) 7.Amy is sad. ( ) 8. Jack is thinner than John. ( ) 9.Tomorrow is April 3rd . ( ) 10.Tom’s father works in the post office.


三年级英语第一单元测试卷 姓名:__________ 分数:___________ 一、请将正确的图与英文单词用线连起来。(10分) crayon pen pencil ruler eraser 二、根据单词选择正确的汉语意思。(10分) ( ) 1. Hi A. 你好 B. 再见 C. 永远 ( ) 2. bag A. 书 B. 书包 C. 男孩 ( ) 3. Goodbye A. 尺子 B. 再见 C. 名字 ( ) 4. Name A. 再见 B. 名字 C. 你的 ( ) 5. Me too! A. 我是! B. 我有一个! C. 我也是! 三、单项选择,把正确答案的序号填在括号内。(10分) ( )1.----Hello! ----___. A. Hello! B. Hi! C. Ha! ( )2.----Goodbye, Miss White! ----___. A. Bye, Mr Black! B. OK! C. Hello! ( )3.----What’s your name? ----___. A. My name is Sarah. B. Goodbye, Sarah! C.This is Sarah. ( )4. I have a book. -----___! A. Hello! B. Me too! C. ( )5.----Let’s play! ---- ____! A. Bye B. Goodbye C. OK ( )6. Nice to meet you! -----__________! A. Nice to meet you! B. Nice to meet you,too! C. Hello! ( )7. ----Happy Teachers’ Day! ----___. A. Me too ! B. Thank you ! C. Welcome ! ( )8.Show me your__(卷笔刀). A. sharpen B. shpen C. sharpener ( )9.----Bye, Sarah. ----__. A. See you! B. I’m Sarah. C. Hello! ( )10.---- ___? ----I’m Bai Ling. A. OK B. What’s your name C. Good morning 四、用线把下列英语短语对应的中文意思连起来。(10分)


2020最新小升初英语测试题 2020最新小升初英语测试题 一.按字母表中的顺序写出24个小写字母. a___________________________________z 二.按顺序写出所缺的大小写字母。 f____ h o____ q k____ M V____ X 三.判断下列单词划线部分的发音是否相同,相同的用“√”,不同的用“×”,表示在括号内。 ()1. bike mine ()2. nose long ()3. much museum ()4. left desk ()5. hand make 四.下面每组单词中划线字母的读音有一个与其他二个不同,请将这单词的标号填入题前括号内。 ()1. A. dayB. badC. have ()2. A. fishB. findC. give ()3. A. meB. seeC. red ()4. A. glueB. runC. us ()5. A. phoneB. plantC. four 五.用直线连接下列英文单词和对应的中文意思。library电影院watch TV牙疼

station图书馆wait for头疼cinema博物馆play chess看电视museum公园headache等候 park车站toothache下棋 六.将下列划横线的部分译成英文或中文。 1. The girl is my sister.中文:__________ 2. Don’t smoke. 中文:____________ 3. Here is the money.中文:_________ 4. I学习English in a school.英文:________ 5. My bag is黑色的。英文:_______ 七.选择单词或词组(每个只能用一次),将其标号填在横线上。under white play cards in bed speak to 1. The book is _______ the bed. 2. Could I _______ Mike,please? 3. Don’t read _______ . It’s bad for your eyes. 4. It is a _______ pencil. 5. I will ______ with Mike this week

PEP版小学英语六年级下册Unit 1 综合测试题

小升初综合训练(一) 一、英汉互译(20%) 1.邮局_____post office 2 参加,参与___take part in ______ 3 球类游戏_____ball games 4 一所小学__a primary school_______________ 5 传真机fax machine 6 Bank of China 中国银行 7 a bottle of glue 一瓶浆糊、胶水8 ask for a penfriend 询问一个笔友 9 with best wishes 带上最好的祝福10 go on an outing 外出旅行 11 前天the day before yesterday 12 她的地址her address 13 thirtieth(基数词) thirty 14 good(反义词) bad 15 son(对应词) daughter 16 same (反义词) different 17 that(复数) those 18 plus (反义词)minus 19 France(形容词)French 20 right (反义词)left \ wrong leave ---left ABC agriculture bank of China ICBC industrial and commercial bank of China Glue pen- pal go on a picnic 后天the day after tomorrow China ------Chinese Canada=----Canadian America----American KFC Kentucky fried chicken We are in the same class. This ----these One plus one is\equals two Two minus one is one Two multiplies two Two divided one 小升初综合训练家庭作业(一) 二、选择填空(每小题1分, 共10分)


小学英语书写全综合测试题(总分100分)学校:班级:学号:名字:得分: 一、我能正确的基础书写。(60分) ( 一)请写出下列字母或字母组合的小写形式。(10分) D F L KG BUT G K DAY WHO ON ( 二)请写出下列字母或字母组合的大写形式。(10分) j x am prc ufo q u nba pe diy (三)请根据字母顺序表,写出以下字母后紧跟的下一个字母,例:b c d ; l m n .(10分) q r , jk , no , bc , xy c d , f g , i j , l m , o p (四)请在四线三格中,抄写以下的单词和句子。(30分) . February restaurant That’s OK. vegetable interesting Saturday I’m going to take pictures. Let’s go to the park .Great!

Christmas is my favourite festival. . It will be cloudy in Beijing tomorrow. Have you got any stamps from China? Thanksgiving is very important in America. 二、我能连贯抄写。(40分) Alice is tidying her bedroom. She often tidies her bedroom. She tidies it every day. She loves to live in a tidy room. She says she can’t play in a messy room. But she doesn’t often tidy her bookshelf. It’s very messy. She can’t find her books. She loves reading. Mary often tidies her room and bookshelf. She will help Alice tidy her bookshelf. Then they can choose some books and read them together.


小学六年级英语综合测试题一根据汉语写单词(13’) 1. 问_______________ 2 (have,has的过去式)____________ 3. 以前___________________ 4. 高的_________________ 5. 街,街道__________________ 6. 号码__________________ 13.我们的(东西)_________________ 二英汉互译(21’) 1.发出(喧闹)声音_______________ 2. 赛跑________________ 3. 装扮________________ 4. 圣诞节__________ 5.和……一样 ____________ 6. 抵达_______________ 7. 参加,参与_______________ 8. 运动会_______________ 9. 独生子女___________ 10. 乘5路公交车____________ 11. 写信________________

三选择(22’) ( ) 1.Can I go in? __________ A Yes, I can. B No, you can’t. C Yes, I am. D No, I’m not. ( ) 2. The sign on the wall _______ “ No smoking”. A say B says C tell D tells ( ) 3. It’s time _______ some cake. A to B for C in D with ( ) 4. The running race is_________. The students are very_______ . A exciting; excited B excited; exciting C excited; excited D exciting; exciting ( ) 5. The man ________ first,and then he sits down. A looks after B looks at C looks for D looks around ( ) 6. Did you have a good time last weekend? ____________ A Yes, they did. B Yes, we did C No, we don’t D No, I don’t. ( ) 7. What do people usually do _______ Mid—Autumn Festival? A at B on C in D with ( ) 8. Who is it from? It’s ________ my mother . A for B from C with D to ( ) 9. On Sunday morning, Su Hai went ______ a walk in the park. A for B from C with D to ( ) 10. I’m good ________ English and I do well ________ PE, too.


小学三年级英语上册期末测试卷 时间:40分钟满分:100 姓名:得分: 一、从所给单词中选择恰当的单词完成下题,使其按照从大到小的顺序排列。(2′×7) two six three ten four nine eight one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 二、连线题。(2′×14) 1.ruler 耳朵 2. rabbit 汉堡pencil—case 蓝色hamburger 蛋糕 eye 尺子pig 咖啡 ear 粉红色dog 熊猫 nose 眼睛coffee 兔子 blue 铅笔盒cake 猪 pink 鼻子panda 狗 三、选择最佳的答案,将其字母代号填入题前括号内。(3′×7)( A ) 1. Bailing: Hello! Lily:

A. Hello! B. Byebye. C. Great! ( C ) 2. John: Good morning! Tom: A. Good afternoon. B. Good! C. Good morning! ( B ) 3. Tom: What’s your name? Lily: A. Nice to meet you! B. My name is Lily. C. This is Lily. ( C ) 4. Sarah: Nice to meet you! Kate: A. How are you? B. What’s your name? C. Nice to meet you,too! ( C ) 5. Jim: How are you? Kate: A. Great! B. Hello! C. Fine, thank you. ( B ) 6. Sarah: Can I have some juice? Julia: A. Thanks. B. Sure, here you are. C. Guess! ( B ) 7. Ivy: How many balloons?


小升初英语测试题 满分:100分时间:40分钟 题号一二三四五六七八总分 得分 一、默写字母从E-I及五个元音字母,用大小写两种形式书写,格式正确。(10分) 二、写出数字1-10的英文单词,书写规范。(10分) 三、按照要求写出下列各词:(16分) 1.box (复数)_________ 2.eye(同音词) _________ 3.busy(反义词) _________ 4.swim(现在分词) _________ 5.take(现在分词) _________ 6.sheep(复数) _________ 7.are(过去式) _________ 8.heavy(反义词) _________ 9.begin(过去式) _________ 10.have(第三人称单数) _________ 11.read(过去式) _________ 12.library(复数) _________ 13.first(基数词) _________ 14.big(比较级) _________ 15.good(最高级) _________ 16.buy(过去式) 四、英汉互译。(16分) 1.在春天_________ 2.在十一月_________ 3.乘飞机_________ 4.去购物__________ 5.听音乐__________ 6. 上学__________ 7.半小时_________8. 向左转__________ 9.cross the road_________10.in the north of Beijing__________ 11. Children’s Day _________ 12.the history of China_______ 13.learn from each other__________ 14.at the traffic lights________ 15.eat healthy food_______ 16.talk in English_________ 四、用括号内所给词的正确形式填空,使句子完整。(12分) 1.I don’t want _______(a/ an) eraser . I want _______(a/ an) pen. 2.There are some ____________ (tomato) in the refrigerator . 3.This is not ___________ (I)backpack . (I)_________is blue. 4.His father likes _____________(collect) stamps. 5.We (have) an English party last week. 6.December is the ____________(twelve) month of the year. 7.He ______________(clean) the window now . 8.Linda often____________(play) computer games on Sundays . 9.I want ______________(buy ) a present for his mother . 10.They (visit) Shanghai next week. 五、单项选择。(10分) ( )1. There ______two restaurants in front of my school. A. am B. is C.are D.be ( )2. -______are these trousers ? -150 yuan. A. How long . B. How many. C.How much D.How often ( )3. - you buy any books ? -Yes, I bought two books . A. Do B. Does C. Doing D. Did ( )4. - are we going to visit the Great Wall? -Tomorrow morning. A. What B. When C. Where D. Who ( )5. We will stay there a few days. A. for B. on C. in D. at ( )6. Children’s Day is in . A. March B. May C. June D. July ( )7. - , can you tell me the way to the City Zoo? A. I’m sorry . B. Thank you . C. Excuse me. D. You’re welcome. ( )8.My birthday is_______ October 21st. A. on B. in C. at D. for 学校班级姓名考号
