











话/标题 topic/ title 介绍 introduction 原因 cause /reason 目的 purpose 方法 way/method 观点 idea/ thought /opinion

优劣 (dis)advantage 建议 advice/suggestion 影响/结果 influence/result



Nowadays in school life,a lot of students develop a fear of tests. It’s not because tests are something to be afraid of. Most students are afraid of tests mainly because they don’t have enough self-confidence and they don’t always think they are well prepared.

If you follow the tips below, it’s not difficult to overcome(克服)your fear of tests.

People who know that they are not well-prepared are usually those who fear test most. However, most students don’t know when they are truly prepared for a test. As long as

(只要) you know that you have studied well and long enough, you have reason to believe that you are well-prepared.

Be confident about yourself. Confidence before a test can bring about two things: either you fail the test and feel as if your confidence was unfounded(毫无根据)or you could actually

do well in the test because of your confidence. Some students find that they experience

the first result. However, this is only because those students might not have followed the first tip mentioned above. As long as you have studied well, you will be more confident

of your chance to succeed in a test. If you feel as if you have not studied hard enough,

then you will not be as confident as you should be.

Ask your teacher in advance(提前)about the material that is going to be covered in the test. In this way, you will know what you should prepare for and you can get confidence in the test. But you have to be brave enough to ask. Most students do not ask unless their teacher gives the information first, so make sure that you ask.

You should know that tests are only telling if you have got the knowledge, not how good or bad your IQ is. So, even if you do badly in one test, you should know that there are other tests to come. As long as you think that there is another tomorrow, you can overcome your fear of a test. However, make sure that you are going to prepare well for the other tests.

Fear can be a problem in the process of achieving success. However, with the right attitude(态度) and preparations, you can overcome your fear of tests by using these tips.

Title: 1 to overcome your fear of tests

2 Prepare well

You should make good preparations

If you have studied well and long enough, you would

be 3 that you are well-prepared.

Be 4

Confidence before a test can have two 5

●You could fail the test and feel as if your confidence

was unfounded.

●Your confidence could lead to your 6 in the


Confidence comes from 7 hard enough.

Ask your teacher

You can ask your teacher what material the test w ill

8 .

Hold a positive


Keep in mind that tests just 9 your knowledge and

don’t lose heart because of one test failure.


Right attitude and 10 are the key factors(因素)

in overcoming your fear of tests.


Step 1 Pre-task

Check pre-learning achievements

Step 2 While-task

Task 1信息查找 locating

1.World has become too crowded, and we’re using up our natural resources too quickly ,and at the same time environment around us is becoming worse and worse.


Before leaving

Wear comfortable shoes, a hat and sunglasses.

Take some necessary medicine with you. They can be used when you get sick or have other problems.

Do some exercise for weeks or months before you leave if you plan to do lots of walking or climbing during your trip

Prepare proper food. Before you prepare the food, the first thing you need to think about is how long you will travel with the food. If you take a long trip, you should bring food such as bread, biscuits and some fruit. They don’t go bad quickly. The nearer people can bring meat, fish, eggs, milk and even salads and vegetables.

Task 2信息概括 concluding

1.Lead in

2.Group work


Bitterness can not only lead to serious health problems such as heart disease, but also hurt our relationships with friends and family members.No one enjoys being around an angry person for very long.

If you see bitterness in your life, here are some ways to deal with it.

Accept it

Instead of trying to deny your anger, make it clear to yourself and accept it.See your anger for what it is and quickly deal with it.

Stop making excuses for it

You may feel you have a right to be angry.You may think you’re right and the other person is wrong.You may even secretly enjoy making the other person look bad.But in the end, bitterness hurts you much more than the other person.The bitterness will hold you back, and the other person will go on with his or her life.

Forgive and forget it

You probably can’t completely put the anger out of your mind.But you can decide to forgive the other person.Forget it and move on.You’ll enjoy better health and peace of mind.

of bitterness ● Bitterness can harm our health and relationships with our friends and family members.

●Nobody likes having an angry person around him or her for long.

to solve bitte rness ● Accept the bitterness instead of refusing it.

● Never make excuses for it.

●Forgive them but not to hate them.

Task 3信息转换 transforming

1.What do we often transform ?


1)You may not feel well if a family member is sick, if your…

You may not feel well with the of a family member, problems at school or …

2)①If your robot stops working, remember to check its battery.

Don’t________ to check its battery if it doesn’t work.

②But in the future, it should be able to walk on two legs and be wise as a real man.

Walk on two legs and be much _____ than now.

3)The psychologists were surprised to find that rap and heavy metal fans were also shier

and quieter than many other music lovers.

Findings It’s that rap and heavy metal fans are

shier and quieter than many other music lovers.

4)You may already know that hurricanes(飓风) are storms that can cause horrorful waves , wind, and rain. They happen during “Hurricane Season,” which is from June 1st until November 30th in the Atlantic Ocean .

There is no way to stop a hurricane or make it change direction.


Characteristics Hurricane Season usually 1______ about 6 months in the Atlantic Ocean.

It’s 2__________ to stop a hurricane or change its direction.


完成信息转换 (在文中圈出信息点)

1.Family is important to this person.

Family is of to this person

2.A person with a deep life line is competitive and full of energy.

A person with a deep life line is competitive and .

3.Many people made their living by the art of paper-cutting.

Many people on the art of paper-cutting because….

4.When cameras are not welcome in some public places, don't turn yours on.

Don't use your cameras when they are________.

5. He worked so hard that he succeeded in the development of hybrid rice.

It was____________________of him to succeed in the development of new rice.

6. The people of Yangzhou were used to cutting colorful paper or silks to celebrate festivals.

It was a practice to cut colorful paper or silks to celebrate festivals

Step 3. Post-task

1. Complete a task-based reading exercise.

(1. Finish it in eight minutes 2. Underline or circle the clues )

Pay attention to:

1. where did you get it?

2. which skill did you use?( locating, concluding, transforming)

It's important to develop the healthy habits in your daily life. The following will help you become healthier and keep perfect shape.

Eat properly. A healthy diet is very important for everybody. Breakfast is the most important meal in a day. Doctors suggest that studen ts’ breakfast should include fruit, eggs, milk, rice or noodles, because these can offer them necessary energy, help them listen carefully in class and keep them healthy. Eat enough for lunch and little for supper. But remember that too much sugar is bad for your teeth and blood. You shouldn't have too many sweet snacks and desserts in your diet, even though such food tastes delicious.

Keep off germs(病菌). Daily tooth cleaning reduces the amount of germs which will spread diseases. Germs in the mouth arc likely to enter the blood and cause illness, even heart disease. Even if you’ re not sick, always remember to cough or into your arms instead of your hands because hands can spread germs to others when you touch something else. Besides, washing hands is necessary after going to the toilet or before having a meal. And you'd better rub both hands while washing them.

Exercise regularly.Regular exercise can improve your moods and balance. Wha’s more, it’s good for bones. There are many forms of exercise: walkin g or running for about 30 minutes a day playing ball games twice or three times a week, swimming or dancing often. You can choose your favorite to practise regularly. You will not only feel energetic but also think better after doing exercise.

Stay connected.Having regular communication with friends is the key to reducing stress. And sharing happiness and sadness, exchanging information with others can also help improve memory. Having a friend or a circle of friends can help you feel good.

The 1________ to keep fit

Eating properly You should have proper breakfast because it can 2________ you with necessary energy.

You should have enough for lunch and little for 3________.

Sweet snacks and desserts arc tasty, 4________ you shouldn't

eat too much.

Keeping off germs It's necessary for you to5________ your teeth every day, cough or sneeze into

your arms’ and wash your hands often to stop germs from 6________.

7________ regularly You will feel 8________ and think better after doing exercise, so you can choose your favourite sports to do.

Staying connected It can help you feel 9________ stressed when you communicate with your friends and it is also useful in 10________ memory.

2. Ss discuss their answers and skills.

Step4 Summary

Step5 Homework



Mayme Clayton collected books, magazines and letters

written by African Americans. Her son, Avery Clayt on,

thought her collection was important. Unlike most books,

these were rare and hard to find. They were written

by writers who helped shape African American culture.

One book in the collection was written by Phillis Wheatley. Wheatley was a slave who wrote poetry. She was the first African American to publish (出版) a book. Wheatley herself signed (签名) the book in the Claytons’ collection. No one else owns a copy signed by Phillis Wheatley.

By the time she passed aw ay at age 83, Mrs. Clayton had more than 30,000 books by or about black people. Her collection also includes papers about slaves, photographs, movies, sheet music, and personal letters by black leaders and artists. It is one of the biggest

personal collections of African American history and culture in the United States.

Avery Clayton’s dream was to create a museum for his mother’s treasures. Scholars say that Mrs. Clayton’s collection is very important. Without her work, part of African American heritage (遗产) would have been lost. “We didn’t know these things existed ,” says Sara Hadron of California’s Huntington Library.

The collections new home is likely to be in Culver City, California. Part of Avery Clayton’s dream is to share the cultural riches his mother collected with others. He especially wants kids to have a chance to see the c ollection. “ At present African -American culture is being explained by pop culture,” he says, “ It’s important to offer a more complete picture.”


One of the most famous child stars in the history of films in the Mayme Clayton and Her Collection Personal information ● She liked _1 books, magazines and letters written by African Americans.

●She 2_ when she was 83years old.

Her collect ion ● Compared with other books, the books she collected couldn’t

be found 3_ .

● The only copy written and 4 by Phillis Wheatley was in her


● She had a large collection , 5 books, paper, photographs

and other things by black leaders and artists.

● Her collections is of great 6 to African American history

and culture.

Her 7 dream ● A 8 for the treasure would be created.

● He hopes to 9 the culture riches collected by his mother with

more people, especially 10 .

United States was the great Shirley Temple. Born on April 23, 1928 in Santa Monica, California, Temple was encouraged by her mother to develop her interest in singing, acting, and dancing.

She enrolled young Shirley into a dance school at the age of 3.

Her first acting experience came while she was still in the dancing school at a very young age. She appeared in a series of short films where child actors were used to play adults. Temple gained valuable acting experience. A Fox Film songwriter’s attention was very attracted by the young star, and he introduced her to studio executives. She was signed to do her first film in 1933 at the age of 5. The film Stand Up and Cheer was a big su ccess, and Temple’s career began.

Her career is one of the most remarkable in Hollywood history. She played lots of successful roles as a child actress. She was very mature (成熟的), and talented for someone so young, but by 1942, h er films began to flop. Her career was seemingly over by her teen years, and she announced her retirement(退休) in 1950. This did not stop Temple though, as she began a second career as a public servant. In 1967, she was noticed by U.S. Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, he offered her a diplomatic (外交的) position, and she accepted. On February 10, 2014, Shirley Temple passed away at home.

Shirley Temple—From Child Star to Diplomat

Time Events

In 1928 Shirley Temple was 56 in California.

In 57

Temple’s mother enrolled her into a dance school to make her 58 in

singing, acting, and dancing.

At a very young age Shirley Temple appeared in a series of short films and gained v aluable acting 59 .

In 1933 ?Shirley Temple 60 a songwriter’s attention.

?Shirley Temple played the role in the film Stand Up and Cheer_______and her acting career began.

Shirley Temple was so matu re and talented that she 62 many roles Before 1942

successfully in lots of films.

In 1950 Shirley Temple announced that her acting career was 63 .

In 1967 Henry Kissinger noticed Temple and 64 her with a diplomatic position.

Shirley Temple 65 at home.

In 2014


南京市 2017 年初中毕业生学业考试
注意事项: 1. 本试卷共 8 页。全卷满分 90 分。考试时间为 90 分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考
生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。 2. 请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合. 再
将自己的姓名、考试证号用 0. 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。 3. 答选择题必须用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净
后,再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用 0. 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位 置,在其他位置答题一律无效。
选择题 (共 40 分)
一、单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分. 满分 15 分) 请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项. 并在
1. Here is Nancy’s plan for one week during her summer holiday.
What kind of plan is this?
A. A party plan.
B. A trip plan.
C. An exercise plan
D. An eating plan
2. Look! There ________ a photo of our English teacher in today’s newspaper!
A. is
B. are
C. have
D. has
3. Over 10, 000 runners joined a half and a mini marathons in Xianlin, Nanjing ________ May 7,
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. by
4. —I go swimming every day.
—Wow! That’s a good ________. It keeps you healthy.
A. march
B. task
C. habit
D. dream
5. —Excuse me, but can you tell me where the nearest bank is?
—Just ________ going for two more blocks and you’ll see it.
A. keep
B. to keep
C. keeping
D. keeps
6. —Did Alice tell you ________ to get to the station?
—Yes, she said we would meet there at ten.
A. how
B. what
C. when
D. where
7. —Who threw the empty bottles on the floor?
—I don’t know. They’re not ________. Ask Max, please.
A. I
B. me
C. my
D. mine
8. Linda and Kitty will go to Greenery Theme Park by ________ next Sunday.
A. they
B. them
C. their
D. themselves
9. —Millie, ________ do you take the course in DIY?
—Every Saturday afternoon.
A. how long
B. how far
C. how much
D. how often
10. —Would you like some green tea?


英语试卷 第1页(共22页) 英语试卷 第2页(共22页) 绝密★启用前 江苏省苏州市2017年英语中考试卷 英 语 (试卷满分100分,考试时间100分钟) 第一部分 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 ( )1. Nora opened the box. To her surprise, ________ it was a gold watch. A. outside B. inside C. beside D. behind ( )2. You are speaking too fast. Can you speak a little ________? A. more slowly B. most slowly C. more loudly D. most loudly ( )3. Dad doesn’t always come to you. You have to fight and save ________! A. yourself B. himself C. myself D. herself ( )4. — Jack, why have you decided ________ Chinese folk music as a course? — To learn more about Chinese culture. A. take B. taken C. taking D. to take ( )5. Mom, have you seen my toy hear? I don’t know ________ I h ave left it. A. why B. when C. how D. where ( )6. — Sorry, I’ve forgotten your name. Can you ________ me? — I’m Daniel. A. remind B. receive C. respect D. remember ( )7. — I’m afraid I can’t come to your wedding , Julia. — ________! But why? A. How happy B. How lucky C. What a pity D. What a nice news ( )8. You will never achieve success ________ you devote yourself to your work. A. after B. if C. because D. unless ( )9. — Shall we go on Friday or Saturday? — Either day is OK. It makes no ________ to me. A. choice B. change C. difference D. decision ( )10. — Excuse me, what time does Flight BA 2793 leave? — Just a minute. I ________ it for you. A. check B. checked C. will check D. have checked ( )11. Dogs ________ run through soccer games at the park. It’s dangerous! A. should B. shouldn’t C. need D. needn’t ( )12. Millie, now go to have a nice bath and an early night ,so that you will be ________ for the journey tomorrow. A. safe B. patient C. fresh D. natural ( )13. — Why hasn’t Tony come? — The invitation letter ________ to Toby by accident. A. was emailed B. has emailed C. is emailed D. emailed ( )14. As soon as she ________ at home, Sally knew she had bought the wrong dress. A. handed it in B. tried it on C. cut it out D. made it up ( )15. —He’s too short to be a successful basketball player. —________. Every dog has its day. A. I think so B. It’s hard to say C. That’s right D. You’d better not 第二部分 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Humans are mammals (哺乳动物). Most mammals are born able to do many things. Some can walk within a few minutes of being born. They have to be able to run away if 16 is near. But human babies are born 17 . They need the care of adults to live. In the first month of life, babies cannot smile or sit up.They cannot even hold up their own heads 18 some help from grown-ups. In the next few months, babies grow a lot. They learn toroll over, support their heads, and 19 sit up while beingheld. Babies also have to learn use their 20 . It takes months for them to learn to reach for objects. At around six months old many babies can 21 an object from one hand to another. Babbling is 22 a human baby learns to speak. Babies all seem to make similar sounds by babbling. They try to imitat (模仿) the sounds they hear from adults. It will take about nine months 23 a baby can say real words. Somewhere around a baby’s first birthday he or she may stand or walk with help. Soon the baby will 24 around on his or her own! The first year of a baby’s life is a time of growing and 25 . Growing sure takes a lot of work! ( )16. A. food B. danger C. waste D. peace ( )17. A. careless B. harmless C. hopeless D. helpless ( )18. A. of B. for C. without D. by ( )19. A. even B. never C. ever D. still ( )20. A. legs B. heads C. eyes D. hands ( )21. A. keep B. move C. hold D. make ------------- 在 --------------------此 -------------------- 卷--------------------上 -------------------- 答-------------------- 题--------------------无 -------------------- 效---------------- 毕业学校_____________ 姓名________________ 考生号________________ ________________ ___________


注意事项: 1. 本试卷共 8 页。全卷满分 90 分。考试时间为 90 分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在
答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。 2. 请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合. 再将自己的姓名、
考试证号用 0. 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。 3. 答选择题必须用 2B 铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改 动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他
答案。答非选择题必须用 0. 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。
选择题 (共 40 分)
一、单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分. 满分 15 分) 请认真阅读下列各题,从题中所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项. 并在答题卡上将该项
1. Here is Nancy’s plan for one week during her summer holiday.
What kind of plan is this?
A. A party plan.
B. A trip plan.
C. An exercise plan
D. An eating plan
2. Look! There ________ a photo of our English teacher in today’s newspaper!
A. is
B. are
C. have
D. has
3. Over 10, 000 runners joined a half and a mini marathons in Xianlin, Nanjing ________ May 7, 2017.
A. in
B. on
C. at
D. by
4. —I go swimming every day.
—Wow! That’s a good ________. It keeps you healthy.
A. march
B. task
C. habit
D. dream
5. —Excuse me, but c an you tell me where the nearest bank is?
—Just ________ going for two more blocks and you’ll see it.
A. keep
B. to keep
C. keeping
D. keeps
6. —Did Alice tell you ________ to get to the station?
—Yes, she said we would meet there at ten.
A. how
B. what
C. when
D. where
7. —Who threw the empty bottles on the floor?
—I don’t know. They’re not ________. Ask Max, please.
A. I
B. me
C. my
D. mine
8. Linda and Kitty will go to Greenery Theme Park by ________ next Sunday.
A. they
B. them
C. their
D. themselves
9. —Millie, ________ do you take the course in DIY?
—Every Saturday afternoon.
A. how long
B. how far
C. how much
D. how often
10. —Would you like some green tea?
—No, thanks. I ________ drink green tea. It hurts my stomach.
A. almost
B. seldom
C. only
D. still


(2010江苏省无锡市) In the early 1990s, the word “Internet”was strange to most people. But today, Internet has become a useful tool for people all over the world. Maybe Internet has been the greatest invention in the field of communication in the history of mankind(人类) Communicating with others on the Internet is much faster. We can chat with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. We can e-mail our friends and they can read the e-mails within a minute. Giving all kinds of information is probably the biggest advantage of the Internet. We can use search engines to find the information we need. Just type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give us a list of suitable websites to look at. We can enjoy a lot on the Internet by downloading games, visiting chat rooms or surfing (浏览)websites. There are some games for free. We can meet new and interesting people in the chat now. We can also listen to music and see films. Now, there is a lot of service on the Internet such as online banking, job finding and ticket buying. We can also do shopping and find nearly all kinds of goods. Sometimes we can find something that is quite good but very cheap. 26. How many main advantages of the Internet are talked about in the passage? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 27. What fact doesn’t the passage provide? A. We can find almost anything we want to know on the Internet. B. Some games on the Internet are free. C. We can buy most things we need on the Internet. D. Goods on the Internet are more expensive than those in real shops. 28. Which title best gives the main idea of the passage? A. Online Shopping B. Exchanging Information on the Internet C. The Advantages of the Internet D. Surfing the Websites on the Internet (2010江苏省南京市) People often say that the Englishman’s home is his castle. They mean that the home is very important and personal to him. Most people in Britain live in houses rather than flats, and many people own their homes. This means that they can make them individual(个体的);they can paint them, and change them in any way they like. Most house have a garden, even if it is a very small one, and the garden is usually loved. The house and the garden are the private(私人的)space of the individual. People usually like to mark their space. Are you sitting now in your home or on a train? have you marked the space around yourself as your? If you are on the train you may put your coat or small bag on the seat beside you. If you share a flat you may have one corner or chair which is your own. Once I was travelling on a train to London. I was in a section for four people and there was a table between us .The man on the space on my side of the table at all. I was angry. Maybe he thought that he owned the whole table. I had read a book about non-verbal communication, so I took various papers out of my bag and put them on his briefcase! When I did this he stiffened and his eyes nearly popped(瞪出)out of his head. I had invaded(侵犯)his space! A few minutes later I took


2019年江苏省13市中考英语试题(含答案)6套 目录: 1.徐州市2019年初中学业水平考试 2.镇江市2019年初中毕业升学考试英语试卷 3.2019年江苏省盐城市中考英语试卷 4.2019年无锡市初中学业水平测试 5.扬州市2019年初中毕业、升学统一考试英语试题 6.江苏省宿迁市2019年初中学业水平考试 徐州市2019年初中学业水平考试 英语试题 注意事项: 1. 本试卷共8页, 满分, 10分, 考试时间100分钟。 2. 答题前, 请将姓名、文化考试证号用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔填写在本卷和答题卡的指定位置。 3. 答案全部涂、写在答题卡上, 写在本卷上无效。考试结束后, 将本卷和答题卡一并交回。

一、选择填空(共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) https://www.360docs.net/doc/c69171996.html,lie has some now friends. She likes to play with _________ after school. A. me B. us C. you D. them ( ) 2. I’ll be at home __________ Sunday morning. You can phone me then. A. on B. in C. at D. to ( ) 3. Which do you like __________, juice or Cola? A. well B. better C. best D. the hest ( ) 4. It's important for us ___________ good manners. A. having B. have C. to have D. had ( ) 5. -___________ can you write in English? - About forty words per minute. A. How far B. How often C. How fast D. How long ( ) 6. China's high-speed railways _____ from 9,000 to 29,000 kilometres in the past few years. A. are growing B. were growing C. will grow D. have grown ( ) 7. The path was covered with snow, so we walked very _______. We were afraid of falling. A. quickly B. carefully C. excitedly D. hurriedly ( ) 8. - I didn't see you at Jim's party last week. - I had to work that evening, so I _________ go. A. needn't B. mustn't C. couldn't D. shouldn't ( ) 9. The ____________that there is life on other planets has always encouraged scientists to explore the outer space. A. invitation B. possibility C. order D. advice ( ) 10. Every time Tom is late, he'll ___________ an excuse. So I wonder what his excuse is this time. A. set up B. put up C. take up D. make up ( ) 11. Helen was very rude to me. I refuse to speak to her again __________ she says


2011年江苏省无锡市.中考英语阅读理解练习题及答案 2011年中考真题专项训练(2010.三、阅读理解A,每小题2分) In the early 1990s,the word‖ Internet‖ was strange to most people. But today, Internet has become a useful tool for people all over the world. Maybe Internet has been the greatest invention in the field of communication in the history of mankind(人类). Communicating with others on the Internet is much faster. We can chat with a person who is sitting in the other part of the world. We can e-mail our friends and they can read the e-mails within a minute. Giving all kinds of information is probably the biggest advantage of the Internet. We can use search engines to find the information we need. Just type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give us a list of suitable websites to look at. We can enjoy a lot on the Internet by downloading games, visiting chat rooms or surfing (浏览)websites. There are some games for free. We can meet new and interesting people in the chat now. We can also listen to music and see films. Now ,there is a lot of service on the Internet such as online banking ,job finding and ticket buying. We can also do shopping and find nearly all kinds of goods. Sometimes we can find something that is quite good but very cheap. 26.How many main advantages of the Internet are talked about in the passage? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 27.What fact doesn‘t the passage provide? A. We can find almost anything we want to know on the Internet. B. Some games on the Internet are free. C. We can buy most things we need on the Internet. D. Goods on the Internet are more expensive than those in real shops. 28.Which title best gives the main idea of the passage? A. Online Shopping B. Exchanging Information on the Internet C. The Advantages of the Internet D. Surfing the Websites on the Internet 答案: BDC (2010.四川省自贡市第三部分阅读理解B 满分10分) You want to know about my staying in America, right? Well, to tell you the truth, it is really an eye-opening experience study here. In China, I had English classes five times a week since fift h grade. However, I didn‘t know how different textbook English could be from everyday English until I came to Hotchkiss School, Conmecticut. When I first studied English, I was told to say, ―I am fine.‖ when people say ―How are you ?‖But in the US,I found that people say, ―I am good.‖ or ―I am tired.‖ One day ,someone greeted me with ―What‘s up ?‖It ,made me confused. I thought for a moment and then smiled because I didn‘t know what to say. Since then, I have discovered more and more differences between Chinese and US cultures. To my surprise, US girls spend a lot of time in the burning sun to get a tan. However ,in China ,girls try every possible way to get their skin paler, or ―whiter.‖ I also surprised by how hard-working .US students are .In China, schoolwork is almost everything ,so we study hard and that‘ it. But here,a ―good‖ student gets good grades, does a lot for the public and plays sports or music. The kids here are so talented ,I am starting to be sorry that I gave up playing the piano at an early age and that I have never thought about sports. 61.According to the writer, textbook English is _________everyday English. A. quite different from B. the same as C. more difficult than 62.What does the word ―tan ‖in the sixth paragraph mean in Chinese? A晒黑B晒白 C 能量 63.A good US student spends his/her time ________. A. only in doing homework B. only on sports or music C. on studies ,sports or music and public work 64.Which of the following is NOT true? A. The writer is now in US. B. American girls love to have white skin. https://www.360docs.net/doc/c69171996.html, students are talented and hard-working. 65.Which is the best title for the passage? A. My Own Travel in the US B. My Studying in the US C. My Opinion about the US 答案:AACBB (2010江苏省南京市三、阅读理解D,10分) People often say that the Englishman‘s home is his castle. They mean that the home is very important and personal to him. Most people in Britain live in houses rather than flats, and many people own their homes. This means that they can make them individual(个体的);they can paint them, and change them in any way they like. Most house have a garden, even if it is a very small one, and the garden is usually loved. The house and the garden are the private(私人的)space of the individual. People usually like to mark their space. Are you sitting now in your home or on a train?have you marked the space around yourself as your? If you are on the train you may put your coat or small bag on the seat beside you. If you share a flat you may have one corner or chair which is your own. Once I was travelling on a train to London. I was in a section for four people and there was a table between us. The man on the space on my side of the table at all. I was angry. Maybe he thought that he owned the whole table.


阅读填空 2019 六、阅读填空先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容,在文章后表格的空格内填入一个最恰当的单词。所填单词必须写在答题卡对应题号的横线上。每个空格只能填一个单词。(本大题共5 小题,每小题1 分,共5 分) Britons are well known for drinking tea. The average (典型的) person in the UK drinks around 1.9 kg of tea every year. That’s around 876 cups of tea. Tea is drunk by all levels of society. But tea does not grow in Britain. Most tea grows in India and China. So, how did it become an important part of British culture? Tea arrived in London in the 1600s. At this time, British ships were exploring the world and came across the drink in China. It was not long before green tea could be bought from the market. However, it was only for the rich people. At the beginning of the 1700s, the amount(数量)of tea arriving in Britain increased rapidly . Black tea arrived at this time. At first this tea served exactly as it was in China. They soon discovered that it mixed really well with a little milk and sugar, giving the drink a special British colour. In the 1800s, tea was still a product enjoyed only by people with money. At this time they began to have “afternoon tea”. They drank tea with a snack around 4 pm to avoid feeling hungry between lunch and dinner. It is a still going today but has become less popular in recent times. Title: 52 and Britain-a short history Important facts Drinking tea is an important part of British culture. The average British drinks about 1.9 kg of tea every year. Tea is not _____53____ in the UK, but mostly in India and China. Big events British ships discovered tea in China while exploring the world and it arrived in London in the 1600s. Black tea arrived at the beginning of the 1970s and Britons first drank it exactly the same way as the 54 did. A little milk and sugar were found to be a perfect 55 for black tea and a special British drink was born.
