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plaintiff 原告 defendant 被告
counsel 辩护律师
jury 陪审团
judgment 判决书
law n. 法律
lawyer 律师
1.be associated with= Be connected with= Be related to
We might say that justice has been done when a man's innocence or guilt has been proved beyond doubt.
blacken v. 使变黑 en作为形容词的后缀表示“使”: wide—— widen 使变宽 sharp—— sharpen 使变锋利 bright—— brighten 使明亮 large----enlarge 扩大
emerge v.从某处出现 emerge from This ball emerged from the
it serves him right 他罪有应得=
He deserve it 区别:
accord n/vi一致 in accord with 和…一致 out of accord with 和…不一致 of one’s own accord 自然而然地,主动地
chip v.砍,削,凿 chip a hole 凿了一个洞 chop v./n.砍 chopsticks 筷子 chip n.切屑,碎片,薄片,芯片 potato chips 薯片 fish and chips 炸鱼和炸薯条 chip factory 芯片厂
The sorry-looking, blackened figure that emerged, at once admitted that he had tried to break into the shop during the night but had got stuck in the chimney.
undertake to do sth.开始做
He undertook to inform everyone concerned.
We undertake an investigation. start to do sth./ set out to do sth./ set about doing/ -I set out to prepare for my TOFLE
Lesson 35 justice was done
justice n. 正义,公正;司法 -Justice is done. 正义得到伸张。 do oneself justice 公正对待自己 do justice to sb 公正对待某人 give oneself up to justice 自首
must have done -(Lesson32)From a heavy gun that
was raised, the captain realized that the ship must have been a cruiser.
premises n. 房屋 【辨】
residence 住处,居住地(非常正式的用 词)
After chipping through a wall which was eighteen inches thick, they found that a man had been trapped in the chimney.
trap: (n.) 陷阱 (v.) be caught
be trapped in 被困于
fireplace n.壁炉 heating 暖气 heating device 取暖器 air-conditioner 空调 muffle v.捂住,压抑 muffler 围巾 muffle up in 穿着,裹着 -He muffled up in old coat.
They located the right chimney by tapping at the walls and listening for the man's cries.
Reward or punishment are meted out quite independent of human interference.
mete out 给予,处置(=deal with)
mete out reward 进行奖励 进行惩罚 mete out punishment -Justice was meted out to them. -他们得到了公正的处理。
曾有一段时间…… There was a time when…
abstract adj.抽象的 an abstract concept 抽象的概念 反义词:
concrete 具体的 n.摘要,提要 v.提取 make an abstract of 做...的摘要 -He abstracted the main points from
interference n.干涉 interference in sth. 干涉某事
She never allows her personal feelings
to interfere with her work.
inter 1)表示between“之间的”: international 国际的 inter-city 城市间的 inter-racial 种族间的 2)表示“相互”: interchange 互换 interact 相互作用 interrelate 相互联系
beyond 超出某种范围,限度,主要跟名 词搭配
beyond doubt 毋庸置疑 beyond belief 难以相信
beyond words/description 难以形容/ 描述 beyond hope 没有希望
beyond comparison 无与伦比 beyond understanding 难以理解 -It is beyond my understanding = It is beyond me.
disused adj.不再用的,废弃的 disused house 废弃的房子 unused 没用过的
used 用过了的(=second-hand 二手的) a disused station 废弃的车站
-disuse (n.)
The factory fell into disuse twenty years ago.
The hotel is going to be converted into a nursing home.
He converted from Christianity to Islam
-conversion (n.) -convenient:使用的,便利的 -convention:习俗,常规 -converse:相反的 the converse effect
convert v.转变,改变 convert ...to/into 把...转化为 我要把自己变成一个擅长英语的人。
I will convert myself into a person who is good at English.
同;transform 转变 transformer 变压器;变形金刚
it impossible to resist the temptation to say“it serves him right”.
must用法 可用于推测,可能性很大“一定是”,只
用于肯定句。 1)对现在推测:must do -He must be over fifty.
2) 对过去推测:
arduous adj.艰苦的,艰难的 学英语是一件辛苦的事吗? Is studying English an arduous job?
(L7)There are rare instances when justice almost ceases to be an abstract conception.
There are rare ins停tan止ces when+从句
-There are rare instances when women are not equal to men.
-There are rare instances when we can see the rainbow in Huangshi.
innocence n.无辜 反义词: guilt 罪行 in innocence 无辜地,清白地 innocent adj.无辜的
Those who seek it, undertake an arduous journey and can never be sure that they will find it.
-Justice is done of its own accord. according to 依据,根据
When a thief was caught on the premises of a large jewellery store one morning,
the shop assistants must have found
the ministry of justice
Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏
The Supreme Court
judge 法官
court n. 法院
球场 a tennis court /squash court /badminton court
water. The swimmer emerged from the
emergency 紧急事件
满脸沮丧的 类: ugly-looking /pretty –looking/ good-looking sad-looking/ cheerful-looking
the lecture. -他把演讲的主要论点做了摘要。
concept n.概念 新概念英语 New Concept English(NCE) 基本概念 basic concepts conception n. 易混(-ception) reception 接待 exception 例外 deception 欺骗
locate 找到,确定位置
They are still trying to locate the source of the sound.
We cannot locate your application form at the moment.
listen for: 等着听
We are listening for the clock to announce the New Year
When we use a phrase like ‘it serves him right’, we are, in part, admitting that a certain set of circumstances has enabled justice to act of its own accord.
house 住房 housing 房(总称) the housing problem 住房问题
The shop was an old converted house with many large, disused fireplaces and tall, narrow chimneys.