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在如今这个智能手机系统群雄纷争的时候,2008年Google推出了一款名为Android 的开源智能手机操作系统,它采用Linux内核,开放手机联盟(OHA)成员可以任意使用和修改SDK包,系统的开源性使其具有良好的拓展性。这款软件包括了操作系统、用户界面和应用程序,即智能手机工作所需要的全部软件。Android的最大特点是其开放性体系架构,不仅具有非常好的开发、调试环境,而且还支持各种可扩展的用户体验,包括丰富的图形组件、多媒体支持功能以及强大的浏览器。因此,对于软件从业人员来说,Android平台具有无限的吸引力。
关键词Java; Android; 记账;智能手机平台
Based on the android personal account the design and
With the rapid proliferation of smartphones, smart phone operating system market, wind and water. In order for smartphone users to check the Internet anytime, anywhere services provided anefficient way to expand the function of the system will be applied to themobile phone terminal, the mobile phone to Internet access via mobile networks,and variety of Web sites and process business. Therefore, the smart phone applicationsand the need for the service will have broad prospects for development.
In today's smart phone system whendisputes warlords, 2008, Google introduced a smart phone called the Androidopen source operating system, which uses Linux kernel, Open Handset Alliance(OHA) members can be free to use and modify the SDK package, the system It hasa good open-source nature of the expansion of. The software includes theoperating system, user interface and applications that need to work smartphones all the software. Android's biggest feature is its open architecture,not only has a very good development and debugging environment, but alsosupports a variety of scalable user experience, including rich graphicalcomponents, multimedia support, and powerful browser. Therefore, for softwareprofessionals is, Android platform has unlimited appeal.
In this paper, the analysis anddiscussion Android mobile phone software development technology on the basis ofthe principle, developed to provide users with better platform to the personalcharge basedon Android meteorological software.
Key words Java; Android; charge; smartphoneplatform
摘要 (i)
Abstract (ii)
1 绪论 (1)
1.1 选题背景 (1)
1.2 选题目的与意义 (1)
1.3 课题研究内容 (2)
2 相关开发工具简介 (3)
2.1 Android及SDK介绍 (3)
2.2 Eclipse简介 (3)
2.3 SQLite简介 (4)
2.3.1 SQLite的特性 (4)
2.3.2 用JAVA连接SQLite (5)
3 需求分析与可行性分析 (7)
3.1 可行性分析 (7)
3.1.1 技术可行性分析 (7)
3.1.2 经济可行性分析 (7)
3.1.3 法律可行性分析 (7)
3.1.4 开发人员与进程可行性分析 (8)
3.1.5 结论意见 (8)
3.2 需求分析 (8)
3.2.1 特性需求分析 (8)
3.2.2 功能需求分析 (8)
4 总体设计 (9)
4.1 系统设计 (9)
4.1.1 系统设计目标 (9)
4.1.2 系统主控流程图 (9)
4.1.3 E-R图 (10)
4.1.4 系统功能结构图 (11)
4.2 界面设计 (12)
4.2.1 欢迎界面设计 (12)
4.2.2 增加账单界面设计 (12)
4.2.3 查询账单界面设计 (12)
4.2.4 删除账单界面设计 (13)
5 详细设计与实现 (14)
5.1 系统流程分析 (14)
5.1.1 系统部署图 (14)
5.2 用户基本功能 (14)
5.2.1 增加账单模块 (15)
5.2.2 查询账单模块 (23)