



lithography 平版印刷术photogravure 凹版印刷照相凹版flexography 柔性版印刷silk screen 丝网印刷letterpress 凸版印刷hue 色调色相halftone 中间色半色调screen clash 网屏套叠amplitude modulated (AM)screening 调幅加网frequency modulated (FM)screening 调频加网raster image processor(RIP)光栅图像处理器computer to plate (CTP)计算机直接制版unitized load 组合式货物集装式货物vertical shock 纵向冲击Man-made materials人造材料container 集装箱sweep 扫频drop test 跌落试验sales package 销售包装shock pope 震动波普distribution environmental 流通环境vibration conductivity振动传导性regression analysis 回归分析法field feedback 市场反馈sampling process取样过程blister packaging泡罩包装heat insulating package隔热包装Total Quality Control全面质量控制vacuum smelting真空冶炼coating 镀膜formed-filled-sealed 成型装填密封secondary colour 二次色leakage test 泄露实验vacuum metalization techniques 真空镀膜技术Lesson11In the future, new digital printing process will be developed aimed specifically at short production runs, enabling marketers to test new product launches without incurring high origination costs, wh ile at the same time producing a quality with the possibility of introducing variable information for certain markets.在未来,新的数字印刷过程将被开发专门针对在短时间内的生产运行,使营销人员能够检测新产品的推出,而不会产生高的原始成本,而在同一时间的生产与引入某些市场的变量信息的可能性的质量。



编号中文名称英文名称所属国家所属地区1 顺化Hue 越南亚洲:越南2 瓦斯科Huasco 中南美美洲:智利3 赫延格尔Hoyanger 西北欧欧洲:挪威4 黄埔Huangpu 中国中国5 豪斯Howth 西北欧欧洲:爱尔兰6 休斯敦Houston 美国东岸美洲:美国7 细岛Hososhima 日本亚洲:日本8 霍尔滕Horten 西北欧欧洲:瑞典9 澳尔塔Horta 西非非洲:亚速尔群岛(葡属)10 霍尔森斯Horsens 西北欧欧洲:丹麦11 赫尔纳福尔斯Hornefors 西北欧欧洲:瑞典12 霍普韦尔Hopewell 美国东岸美洲:美国13 霍帕Hopa 地中海北岸亚洲:土尔其14 荷兰角Hook of Holland 西北欧欧洲:荷兰15檀香山(火奴鲁鲁)Honalulu/Honolulu美国西岸美国16 霍尼亚拉Honiara 澳新线所罗门群岛17 香港Hong Kong 亚洲中国18 鸿基Hongay 东南亚亚洲:越南19 翁夫勒尔Honfleur 西北欧欧洲:法国20 霍纳瓦Honavar 波斯湾亚洲:印度21 候默Homer 美国西岸美洲:美国22 霍利黑德Holyhead 西北欧欧洲:英国23 霍尔梅斯兰Holmestrand 西北欧欧洲:挪威24 霍尔贝克Holback 西北欧欧洲:丹麦25 赫加纳斯Hoganas 西北欧欧洲:瑞典26 荷台达Hodeidah 红海亚洲:也门27 胡志明市Ho Chi Ming City 东南亚亚洲:越南28 霍布罗Hobro 西北欧欧洲:丹麦29 霍巴特Hobatr 澳新大洋洲:澳大利亚30 日立Hitachi 日本亚洲:日本31 希次哈尔斯Hirtshals 西北欧欧洲:丹麦32 广岛Hiroshima 日本亚洲:日本33 广田Hirohate 日本亚洲:日本34 日明Hiagari 日本亚洲:日本35 赫尔辛基Helsinki 西北欧欧洲:芬兰36 赫尔辛格Helsingo 西北欧丹麦37 赫尔辛堡Helsinborg 西北欧欧洲:瑞典38 海勒武特斯莱斯Hellevoetsluis 西北欧欧洲:荷兰39 海利根哈芬Heiligenhafen 西北欧欧洲:德国40 哈茨康滕特Heart's Content 加拿大东岸美洲:加拿大41 海尔Hayle 西北欧欧洲:英国42 海达尔帕夏Haydarpasa 地中海北岸亚洲:土尔其43哈弗圣皮埃尔Havre St.Pierre 加拿大东岸美洲:加拿大44 哈瓦那Havana 中南美美洲:古巴45 豪格松Haugesund 西北欧欧洲:挪威46 河内Hanoi 东南亚亚洲:越南47 哈斯勒Hasle 西北欧欧洲:丹麦48 哈里季Harwich 西北欧欧洲:英国49 哈尔斯塔Harstad 西北欧欧洲:挪威50 哈特普尔Hartlepool 西北欧欧洲:英国51 赫纳散德Harnosand 西北欧欧洲:瑞典52 哈尔林根Harlingen 西北欧欧洲:荷兰53哈里斯哈门Hargshamn 西北欧欧洲:瑞典54 格雷斯港Harbour Grace 加拿大东岸美洲:加拿大55 哈帕兰达Haparanda 西北欧欧洲:瑞典56 汉茨波特Hantsport 加拿大东岸美洲:加拿大57汉斯书尔特Hansweert 西北欧欧洲:芬兰58 汉科Hango 西北欧欧洲:芬兰59汗普顿罗兹Hampton Roads 美国西岸美洲:美国60哈默菲斯特Hammerfest西北欧欧洲:挪威61哈米纳Hamina西北欧欧洲:芬兰62哈密尔顿Hamilton中南美美洲:百慕大群岛63哈密尔顿Hamilton加拿大东岸美洲:加拿大64Hamburg西北欧欧洲:德国65滨松Hamamatsu日本亚洲:日本66哈尔姆斯塔德Halmstad西北欧欧洲:瑞典67哈立法克斯Halifax加拿大东岸美洲:加拿大68哈立法克斯Halifax北美美洲:美国69哈伦Halden欧洲:挪威70涵馆Hakodate日本亚洲:日本71博多Hadata日本亚洲:日本72海防Haiphong东南亚亚洲:越南73海纳Haina中南美美洲:多米尼加74海法Haifa地中海南岸亚洲:巴勒斯坦75海口Hai Kou亚洲中国76哈夫纳菲耶杜尔Hafnarf Jordur西北欧欧洲:冰岛77哈宋Hadsund西北欧欧洲:丹麦78哈德斯累夫Haderslev西北欧欧洲:丹麦79八户Hachinohe日本亚洲:日本80瓜达尔Gwadur南亚亚洲:巴基斯坦81库腊索Guracao中南美美洲:荷属安的烈斯群岛82风内斯Gunness西北欧欧洲:英国83加尔夫波特Gulfport美国东岸美洲:美国84吉尔夫哈文Gulthavn西北欧欧洲:丹麦85吉马腊斯Guimaras Island菲律宾亚洲:菲律宾86瓜伊马斯Guaymas北美美洲:墨西哥87瓜亚基尔Guayaquil中南美欧洲:厄瓜多尔88瓜亚尼拉Guayanilla中南美美洲:波多黎各89广州Guangzhou亚洲中国90瓜达拉哈拉Guadalajara中南美美洲:墨西哥91Guanica中南美美洲:波多黎各92关岛Guma太平洋亚洲:美属密克罗尼西亚群岛93格罗宁根Groningen西北欧欧洲:荷兰94格里姆斯塔Grimstad西北欧欧洲:挪威95格里姆斯比Grimsby西北欧欧洲:英国96格雷默斯Greymouth大洋洲:新西兰97格雷诺港Grenaa西北欧欧洲:丹麦98格林希毖Greenhithe西北欧欧洲:英国99格林贝Green Bay美国东岸美洲:美国100大雅茅斯Great Yarmouth西北欧欧洲:英国101格雷兹毖腊克Grays Thurrock西北欧欧洲:英国102格雷斯港Gray's Harbour 美国西岸美洲:美国103格腊夫立纳Gravelines西北欧欧洲:法国104格朗维尔Granville西北欧欧洲:法国105格兰德黑文Grand Haven美国东岸美洲:美国106格兰德班克Grand Bank加拿大东岸美洲:加拿大107克勒克西北欧欧洲:英国108哥德堡Gothenburg 西北欧欧洲:瑞典109格雷莱Gorele地中海北岸亚洲:土耳其110古斯贝Goose Bay 加拿大东岸美洲:加拿大111古耳Goole西北欧欧洲:英国112戈纳伊夫Gonaives中南美113戈尔菲托Golfito中南美美洲:哥斯达黎加114戈德里奇Goderich加拿大东岸美洲:加拿大115格吕克施塔特Gluckstadt西北欧欧洲:德国116格洛斯特Gloucester西北欧欧洲:英国117格洛斯特Gloucester美国东岸美洲:美国118Glenarm西北欧欧洲:英国119焦亚陶罗Gioia Tauro地中海欧洲:意大利120格拉斯哥Glasgow西北欧欧洲:英国121格拉德斯通Gladstone澳新大洋洲:澳大利亚122吉佐Gizo澳新大洋洲:所罗门群岛123吉斯博恩Gisborne大洋洲:新西兰124格尔文Girvan西北欧欧洲:英国125古勒松Giresun地中海北岸亚洲:土耳其126吉林厄姆Gillbingham西北欧欧洲:英国127吉林马努Gilimanuk印度尼西亚亚洲:印度尼西亚128希洪Gijon西北欧欧洲:西班牙直布罗陀Gibraltar西北欧欧洲:直布罗陀130根特Ghent西北欧欧洲:比利时131杰腊耳顿Geraldton澳新大洋洲:澳大利亚132乔治敦Georgetown加拿大东岸美洲:加拿大133乔治敦Georgetown中南美美洲:圣文森特和格林纳丁斯134乔治敦Georgetown北美美洲:美国135乔治敦Georgetown东南亚亚洲:马来西亚136乔治敦Georgetown中南美美洲:圭亚那137热那亚Genoa(Genova) 地中海北岸欧洲:意大利138盖姆利克Gemlik地中海北岸亚洲:土耳其139杰拉Gela地中海北岸欧洲:意大利140吉朗Geelong澳新大洋洲:澳大利亚141耶夫勒Gefle西北欧欧洲:瑞典142格丁尼亚Gdynia西北欧欧洲:波兰143格但斯克Gdansk西北欧欧洲:波兰144加斯佩Gaspe加拿大东岸美洲:加拿大145Garston Docks西北欧欧洲:英国146加鲁查Garrucha地中海北岸欧洲:西班牙147加利斯顿Garlieston西北欧欧洲:英国148冈迪亚Gandia地中海北岸欧洲:西班牙149戈尔韦Galway西北欧欧洲:爱尔兰150加尔沃斯顿Galveston美洲:美国151加利波利Gallipoli地中海北岸亚洲:土耳其152加利波利Gallipoli地中海北岸欧洲:意大利153加勒Galle斯里兰卡亚洲:斯里兰卡154加拉茨Galati地中海北岸欧洲:罗马尼亚155盖恩斯巴勒Gainsborough西北欧欧洲:英国156加埃塔Gaeta地中海北岸欧洲:意大利157加贝斯Gabes地中海南岸非洲:突尼斯158福州Fuzhou中国亚洲:中国159伏木Fushiki日本亚洲:日本160农沙尔Funchal西非非洲:马德拉群岛161富纳富提Funafuti澳新大洋洲:埃利斯群岛162福山Fukuyama日本日本163福冈Fukuoka日本日本164弗罗比歇Frobisher Bay加拿大东岸美洲:加拿大165弗里曼特尔Fremantle澳新大洋洲:澳大利亚166弗里敦Freetown西非非洲:塞拉利昂167弗里波特Freeport美国东岸美洲:美国168弗里波特Freeport中南美美洲:巴哈马169腓特烈斯塔Fredrikstad西北欧欧洲:挪威170腓德烈克斯瓦厄克Frederiksvaerk西北欧欧洲:丹麦171弗雷德里克斯泰德Frederiksted中南美美洲:维尔京群岛172腓德烈克松Frederikssund西北欧欧洲:丹麦173腓德烈港Frederikshavn西北欧欧洲:丹麦174腓特烈西亚Fredericia西北欧欧洲:丹麦175弗赖本托斯Fray Bentos中南美欧洲:乌拉圭176弗雷塞堡Fraserburgh西北欧欧洲:英国177法兰克福Frankfurt欧洲:德国178福伊内斯Foynes西北欧欧洲:爱尔兰179福韦Fowey西北欧欧洲:英国180福斯湾Fos Basin西北欧欧洲:法国181自由港Fort Liberte中南美美洲:海地182多凡堡Fort Dauphin东非非洲:马达加斯加福塔雷札Fortaleza中南美美洲:巴西184福雷斯特维尔Forestville 加拿大东岸美洲:加拿大185农博尼Fomboni东非非洲:科摩罗国186福洛尼卡Follonica 地中海北岸欧洲:意大利187福克斯通Folkestone西北欧欧洲:英国188弗仑斯堡Flensburg西北欧欧洲:德国189弗累克菲尤尔Flekkefjord 西北欧欧洲:挪威190弗利特伍德Fleetwood西北欧欧洲:英国191菲乌米奇诺Fiumicino 地中海北岸欧洲:意大利192菲什加德Fishguard西北欧欧洲:英国193芬纳特Finnart西北欧欧洲:英国194福斯Fos西北欧欧洲:法国195菲尼克Finike地中海北岸亚洲:土耳其196菲苛腊达福什Figueira Do Faz西北欧欧洲:葡萄牙197费提耶Fethiye地中海北岸亚洲:土耳其198弗尔南迪纳Fernandina美国东岸美洲:美国199弗尼诗Fenit西北欧欧洲:爱尔兰200费力克斯托Felixstowe 西北欧欧洲:英国。


符号:黑色 底色:上白下红
符号:黑色或白色 底色:蓝色
Handle with care
禁用手钩 :
Use no hooks
此端向上 : 表明运输包装件的正确位置是竖直向上 This end up
To be protected from heat To be protected from cold Not to be laid flat Not to be stowed below another cargo 切勿受热 切勿受冻 切勿平放 切勿重叠
No dumping No dropping No turning over 切勿投掷 切勿摔扔 切勿翻转
Explosive 符号:黑色 底色:橙红色
Inflammable 符号:黑色或白色 底色:正红色
符号:黑色 底色:白色
Perishable 符号:上黑下白 底色:上白下黑
Oxidizer 符号:黑色; 底色:柠檬黄色
Radial 符号:黑色; 底色:上黄下白,附二条红竖线
Temperature extremes
NO.1 外贸包装英语大全 NO.2 包装标志 图片百科
/a2_54_87_0130000011030912 1920870271518_jpg.html
No hooks
Keep on deck Keep flat/ stow level Keep in dry place Keep in cool place

21 CFR 801 翻译稿中英文对照

21 CFR 801 翻译稿中英文对照

801.1Medical devices;name and place of business of manufacturer,packer or distributor.医疗器械,制造商、包装商或分销商的经营名称和地址(a)The label of a device in package form shall specify conspicuously the name and placeof business of the manufacturer,packer,or distributor.器械包装的标标识上应醒目地标明制造商、包装商或分销商的经营名称和地址。

(b)(b)The requirement for declaration of the name of the manufacturer,packer,ordistributor shall be deemed to be satisfied,in the case of a corporation,only by theactual corporate name which may be preceded or followed by the name of theparticular division of the corporation.Abbreviations for"Company,""Incorporated,"etc.,may be used and"The"may be omitted.In the case of an individual,partnership,or association,the name under which the business is conducted shall be used.对于制造商、包装商或分销商的名称,要提供公司的真实名称,在公司名称的前后可列出该公司特定部门的名称。



包装中英文对照名称第一篇:包装中英文对照名称产品中英文对照名称抗静电袋: ESD bagPE(防静电)袋: PE(anti-static)PE bag PE(防静电)气泡袋/膜: PE(anti-static)bubble bag /(wrap / film)PE 导电袋 : PE conductive bag PE 导电网格袋 : PE conductive grid bag 防静电屏蔽袋子:(anti-static)shielding bag(防静电)防潮袋/铝箔袋:(anti-static)Moisture Barrier Bag / Aluminum Bag 尼龙(真空)袋子: NY(vacuum bag)屏蔽膜复合气泡袋/ 膜 : shielding bubble bag / film导电膜复合气泡袋/ 膜: conductive film sticked(conglutinated)with bubble bag / film网格膜复合气泡袋/ 膜: conductive grid film sticked(conglutinated)with bubble bag / film牛皮纸复合气泡袋: bubble cushioned(lined)craft / kraft paper mailer , craft / kraft bubble mailer(mailing bag , envelope)镀铝膜复合气泡袋: bubble cushioned(lined)aluminized(metallized)foil / film mailer , aluminized(metallized)foil / film bubble mailer(mailing bag , envelope)镀铝膜快递袋: aluminized(metallized)foil / film mailer , aluminized(metallized)foil / film mailer(mailing bag , envelope , bag)共挤膜复合气泡袋: poly bubble mailer , poly bubble envelope , poly bubble express bag共挤膜快递袋: poly mailer, poly envelope , poly express bag 牛皮纸复合珍珠棉袋: EPE foam lined(cushioned)kraft paper bag /envelope 邮递袋/快递袋 : mailer , mailing bag , express bag , envelope 气泡衬里邮/快递袋: bubble lined / cushioned express evelope / mailer / mailing bagEnvelope / mailer / mailing bag with bubble lining(cushioning)隔热材/隔热保温材料:(thermal, heat)insulation material 铝箔气泡隔热材: bubble foil(thermal , heat)insulation material第二篇:职务名称中英文对照职务名称中英文对照首席技术执行官CTO/VP Engineering技术总监/经理Technical Director/Manager信息技术经理IT Manager信息技术主管IT Supervisor信息技术专员IT Specialist项目经理/主管Project Manager/Supervisor项目执行/协调人员Project Specialist / Coordinator系统分析员System Analyst高级软件工程师Senior Software Engineer软件工程师Software Engineer系统工程师System Engineer高级硬件工程师Senior Hardware Engineer硬件工程师Hardware Engineer通信技术工程师Communications EngineerERP技术/应用顾问ERP Technical/Application Consultant数据库工程师Database Engineer技术支持经理Technical Support Manager技术支持工程师T echnical Support Engineer品质经理QA Manager信息安全工程师Information Security Engineer软件测试工程师Software QA Engineer硬件测试工程师Hardware QA Engineer测试员T est Engineer网站营运经理/主管Web Operations Manager/Supervisor网络工程师Network Engineer系统管理员/网管System Manager/Webmaster网页设计/制作Web Designer/Production技术文员/助理Technical Clerk/Assistant职务名称中英对照(2)那么多职务你搞不清它们的英文名字?别着急,这就给你来一个办公室职务名称大搜罗,保证你下次再看到英文的时候不会弄错哦。

Unit 4 Translation of packing marks and terms 包装用语翻译

Unit 4 Translation of packing marks and terms 包装用语翻译
怕辐射 此处不能卡夹 易碎品 禁用手钩
重心 由此夹起 禁用叉车
堆码重量极限 由此吊起 向上
怕晒 温度极限 怕雨
Part II 包装用语案例分析
怕辐射 此处不能卡夹 易碎品 禁用手钩
1. 包装材料 2. 包装方法 3. 运输标记/唛头 4. 包装指示 5. 装箱单 6. 运输包装 7. 销售包装 8. 耐用包装 9. 经济型包装
packing materials packing method
shipping marks
packing instruction packing list
Warning! Only to be used in water in which the child is within its depth
and under supervision. 4.玩具风筝 警告!不要在高空电源线附近或雷暴天气下使用。
Toy kites Warning! Do not use near overhead power lines or during thunderstorms.
集装箱 牛皮纸 蜡纸 拉链带 泡沫塑料 胶带
2. waterproof paper 4. stuffing material 6. polythene bag 8. packet 10.canvas 12.jute bag
塑料袋 小包 帆布 麻袋
Part III 单项训练与综合训练
Part III 单项训练与综合训练



Warning Statement警告Important Notice : Breast Milk is best for Babies. Before you decide to use this product, consult your doctor or Health worker for Advice.重要提示:母乳是婴儿最好的食品。


Warning : Following instructions exactly. Prepare Bottles, teats and water as directed. Do not change prposortions of powder except on medical advice. Incorrect preparation can make your baby very ill. Infant over 67 months should be offered solid food in addition to this product.警告:严格遵照指导。





(应配合添加辅助食品)Manufacture生产商Manufactured by Blend and Pack 6-7 Colrado Crt Hallam, Australia, Reg Est 7278Trade Description产品说明Is the product a Infant Formula, Toddler Formula, or Grow up Formula.本产品为婴幼儿配方奶粉。

Preparation Guide冲调及使用说明As per Current按照当前的就可以Feeding Table喂哺表As per Current按照当前的表就可以Storage Statement贮藏说明Product is to be stored in a cool,dry environment. Use contents within 4 weeks of opening.产品应贮藏在阴凉、干燥处。



Bag 袋;包 Bale Case 包;布包 箱 木箱
Box Crate Cask
盒;箱 板条箱 木桶
Bundle 捆
Wooden case Can/tin Barrel
Polybag 塑料袋
Sack /Gunny bag 麻袋 听,罐头 琵琶桶
Warning marks(警示标志)
Perishable Fragile Explosive 易腐品 易碎品 易爆品
Inflammable 易燃 Oxidizer Radial Dangerous Poisonous 氧化品 放射品 危险品 有毒
Our Raincoats are now packed each in a polythene bag and then in a cardboard box, 10 dozen to a carton ,with a gross weight around 30 kilograms. Each carton is lined with a polythene sheet and secured by overall strapping, thus preventing the contents from dampness and possible damage through rough handing. We are of opinion that since a polythene bag is used for each Raincoat it is all ready for window display and looks attractive ,which will certainly help the sale. Besides, the improved packing is light in weight and therefore easy to handle.





健康⼜美味,包装英语跟我学! 国外⾷品的包装上,都有⾮常完整的“营养明细”nutrition facts,现在,国内许多产品的包装上也开始印上英⽂了。


我们在商店买到的饼⼲包装上,有完整的“产品成份”ingredients标⽰,但在国外许多⾷品的包装上,还可以看到以下的内容: Nutrition Facts 营养明细 Serving Size 5 pieces (55 g) 每份五⽚(55克) Servings Per Container About 5 每包约5份 Amount Per Serving 每份含量 Calories 150 Fat Cal.50 % 热量 150卡 50卡来⾃脂肪 Percent Daily Values (DV) 每⽇所需标准百分⽐ Total Fat 8g 10% 脂肪总量 8克 10% Sat. Fat 5g 17% 饱和脂肪 5克 17% Cholesterol 0mg 0% 胆固醇 0毫克 0% Sodium 155mg 6% 钠 155毫克 6% Total Carb. 20g 6% 碳⽔化合物总量 20克 6% Fiber 0g 0% 纤维质 0克 0% Sugars 10g 糖 10克 Protein 5g 蛋⽩质 5克 Vitamin A 0% Vitamin C 0% 维化命A 0% 维他命C 0% Calcium 3% Iron 5% 钙 3% 铁5% Percent Daily Values (DV)are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. 每⽇所需标准百分⽐,是以热量2000卡之膳⾷为计算标准。

以下是⾷品包装营养明细表上常会出现的字,赶快认识,谨记⼼上吧! dietary fiber 膳⾷纤维 protein蛋⽩质 calcium 钙 iron铁 riboflavin核黄素 niacin尼克酸 folic acid 叶酸 phosphorus磷 no preservatives⽆防腐剂 这些英⽂说明你都了解了吗?下次买东西的时候可要看清楚再买,健康饮⾷才有健康⾝体嘛!。



外贸常用包装中英文对照纸箱Carton 瓦椤纸箱 Corrugated Carton 旧瓦椤纸箱 Old Corrugated Carton (O.C.C.)木箱 Wooden Case 板条箱 Crate 木条箱 Wooden Crate 竹条箱Bamboo Crate胶合板箱 Plywood Case 三层夹板箱 3--Ply Plywood Case镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case 盒Box 木盒Wooden Box 铁盒Iron Box塑料透明盒 Plastic Transparency Box 苯乙烯盒 Styrol Box 袋Bag(Sack) 布袋 Cloth Bag草袋 Straw Bag 麻袋 Gunny Bag/Jute Bag 旧麻袋 Used Gunny Bag /Old Gunny Bag新麻袋 New Gunny Bag 尼龙袋 Nylon Bag 聚丙烯袋 Polypropylene Bag聚乙烯袋 Polythene Bag 塑料袋 Poly Bag 塑料编织袋 Polywoven Bag 纤维袋 Fibre Bag玻璃纤维袋 Glass Fibre Bag 玻璃纸袋 Callophane Bag防潮纸袋 Moisture Proof Pager Bag 乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag锡箔袋 Fresco Bag 特大袋 Jumbo Bag 单层完整袋子Single Sound Bag 桶 Drum木桶 Wooden Cask 大木桶 Hogshead 小木桶 Keg 粗腰桶(琵琶桶) Barrel胶木桶 Bakelite Drum 塑料桶 Plastic Drum 铁桶 Iron Drum 镀锌铁桶 Galvanized Iron Drum镀锌闭口钢桶 Galvanized Mouth Closed Steel Drum镀锌开口钢桶 Galvanized Mouth Opened Steel Drum铝桶 Aluminum Drum 麻布包 Gunny Bale (Hessian Cloth Bag) 蒲包Mat Bale 草包 Straw Bale紧压包 Press Packed Bale 铝箔包 Aluminium Foil Package 铁机包Hard-pressed Bale木机包Half-pressed Bale 覃(缸)Jar 陶缸 Earthen Jar 瓷缸Porcelain Jar壶 Pot 铅壶 Lead Pot 铜壶Copper Pot 施 Bottle 铝瓶 Aluminum Bottle 陶瓶 Earthen Bottle瓷瓶 Porcelain bottle 罐 Can 听 Tin 绕线筒 Bobbin 笼(篓、篮、筐)Basket竹笼(篓、篮、筐)Bamboo Basket 柳条筐(笼、篮、筐)Wicker Basket 集装箱 Container集装包/集装袋 Flexible Container 托盘 Pallet 件(支、把、个)Piece 架(台、套)Set(Kit)安瓿 Amp(o)ule(药针支) 双 Pair 打 Dozen 令 Ream 匹 Bolt(Piece)码Yard卷(Roll(reel) 块Block 捆 Bundle 瓣 Braid 度 Degree 辆Unit(Cart)套(罩) Casing 包装形状 Shapes of Packing 圆形 Round 方形Square三角形 Triangular(Delta Type) 长方形(矩形) Rectangular菱形(斜方形) Rhombus(Diamond) 椭圆形 Oval 圆锥形 Conical 圆柱形 Cylindrical蛋形 Egg-Shaped 葫芦形 Pear-Shaped 五边形 Pentagon 六边形Hexagon七边形 Heptagon 八边形 Octagon 长 Long 宽 Wide 高 High 深 Deep 厚 Thick 长度 Length宽度 Width 高度 Height 深度 Depth 厚度 Thickness 包装外表标志Marks On Packing下端,底部 Bottom 顶部(上部) Top(Upper) 小心 Care 勿掷 Don’t Cast易碎 Fragile 小心轻放,小心装运 Handle With Care 起吊点(此处起吊) Heave Here易燃物,避火 Inflammable 保持干燥,防泾 Keep Dry 防潮 keep Away from Moisture储存阴冷处 Keep in a Cool Place 储存干燥处 Keep in a Dry Place 请勿倒置 Keep Upright 请勿倾倒 Not to Be Tipped 避冷 To be Protected from Cold避热 To be Protected from Heat 在滚子上移动 Use Rollers 此方向上 This Side Up由此开启 Open from This Side 爆炸品Explosive 易燃品Inflammable遇水燃烧品 Dangerous When Wet 有毒品 Poison 无毒品 No Poison不可触摩 Hand off 适合海运包装 Seaworthy Packing 毛重 Gross Weight (Gr.Wt.)净重 Net Weight (Nt.Wt) 皮重 Tare Weight 包装唛头 Packing Mark 包装容积 Packing Capacity 包袋件数 Packing Number 小心玻璃Glass 易碎物品 Fragile易腐货物 Perishable 液体货物 Liquid 切勿受潮 Keep Dry/Caution Against Wet怕冷 To Be Protected from Cold 怕热 To Be Protected from Heat 怕火 Inflammable上部,向上 Top 此端向上 This Side Up 勿用手钩 Use No Hooks 切勿投掷 No Dumping切勿倒置 Keep Upright 切勿倾倒 No Turning Over 切勿坠落Do Not Drop/No Dropping切勿平放 Not to Be Laid Flat 切勿压挤 Do Not Crush 勿放顶上 Do Not Stake on Top放于凉处Keep Cool/Stow Cool 干处保管Keep in Dry Place勿放湿处 Do Not Stow in Damp Place 甲板装运 Keep on Deck装于舱内 Keep in Hold 勿近锅炉 Stow Away from Boiler必须平放 Keep Flat/Stow Level 怕光 Keep in Dark Place怕压 Not to Be Stow Below Other Cargo 由此吊起 Lift Here挂绳位置 Sling Here 重心 Centre of Balance 着力点Point of Strength 用滚子搬运 Use Rollers此处打开 Opon Here 暗室开启 Open in Dark Room先开顶部 Romove Top First 怕火,易燃物 Inflammable氧化物 Oxidizing Material 腐蚀品 Corrosive压缩气体Compressed Gas 易燃压缩气体Inflammable Compressed Gas 毒品 Poison 爆炸物 Explosive危险品 Hazardous Article 放射性物质Material Radioactive立菱形 Upright Diamond 菱形 Diamond Phombus双菱形 Double Diamond 内十字菱形 Gross in Diamond四等分菱形 Divided Diamond 突角菱形Diamond with Projecting Ends斜井形 Projecting Diamond 内直线菱形 Line in Diamond内三线突角菱形 Three Line in Projecting Diamond 三菱形 Three Diamond附耳菱形 Diamond with Looped Ends 正方形 Square Box包 装 英 文 全 集防水布,粗帆布 canvas cloth,canvas sheet,tarpaulin (货物/行李)一件case(-s),package 包装件packing case 物件号码number of a packing 物件顺序号码ordinal number of a package 件数number of cases 物件总数total number of cases 细绳cord 包装用的细绳packing cord 粗麻布cloth,canvas包装用的粗麻布packing cloth,packing canvas重心centre of gravity 用垂直红线标明重心mark the centre of gravity with a red vertical line 绳子,绳索cord 箱子case,box 用过的箱子second-hand case包装箱packing case 箱子的数量number of cases,number of boxes箱子的大小size of a case 箱子的一面side of a case 薄膜,胶片film箱子的正面face plane side of a case 信封,信套envelope防水信封waterproof envelope聚乙烯薄膜polyethylene film工程项目的识别标志indentification mark of object 商标,牌子,牌号,标志mark,sign,brand 识别标志distinction mark 热带货物标志tropical loadline (产品)出厂牌子,出厂商标trade-mark,trademark 涂刷标志mark 刷红色垂直线作标志mark with a red vertical line 运输标志,涂刷运输标志marking 附加标志additional marking 专用(警告)标志,特殊标志special marking清晰的标志(唛头)clear marking 发货人标志consignor`s marking 收货人标志consignee`s marking 刷唛规定instructions concerning marking 涂刷相应的标志with appropriate marking 涂刷唛头mark,grade 在货运单上指出标志specify marking in a waybill 在说明书上指出标志point out marking in a specification 运输标志marking (此端)向上up 毛重,总重gross weight 净重,实重net weight 分数fraction 分数形式in the form of a fraction 分母denominator 分子numerator 保持干燥,切勿受潮keep dry 请勿倒置do not turn over请勿翻转do not turn over 此断底部bottom 小心轻放handle with care 玻璃glass 编号,号码numeration 买方编号numeration of the buyer,numeration of the purchaser 卖方编号numberation of the seller 纸paper 包装纸packing paper 颜料,油漆,涂料paint 防水油漆water-repellent paint 不褪色的涂料,耐洗涂料indelible paint 图案板patter,template,templet,stencil 按图安板by pattern,by stencil 包装,包装材料packing,package 防水包装(材料)water proof packing 硬纸盒包装card board package海运包装seaworthy packing 合适的包装suitable packing 未损坏的包装sound packing,undamaged packing 普通包装customary packing 破损的包装damaged packing 适应热带气候的包装tropical packing 散装without packing,unpacked 包装重量,皮重tare 包装种类kind of packing 纸包装paper packing 外部包装packing exterior 内部包装packing interior 塑料包装plastic packing 包装损坏damage to packing 有关包装的规定instructions concerning packing 包装费用packing charges 包装性能properties of packing 内在包装性能latent properties of packing 遵守包装要求observance of instructions concerning packing 包装情况condition of packing 包装有缺陷defective condition of packing包装费cost of packing 出口商品(货物)的包装packing for export goods 包装性质nature of packing 不含包装费的价格packing not included 包括包装费的价格packing inclusive 附加包装费extra packing 保障商品包装provide the packing of goods 装运有包装的(散货)货物ship goods in packing (without packing)装箱单,打包单,包装单packing list,packing sheet,packing note,packing ship 袋sack 已磨损的口袋worn-out sack 明细单specification(-s) 扎捆明细单bale specifications 装箱明细单case specifications 标签,标牌tag(US),label,tally 纸标签paper tag 金属标牌metal tag 特殊标签,专用标签special tag 标签上的运输标志marking on a tag 往行李上贴标签put labels on one`s luggage 包装材料,包皮tare 多次使用的包皮reusable tare 皮重tare 实际皮重actual tare 预计皮重estimated tare,computered tare平均皮重average tare 发货单皮重invoice tare 海关规定皮重customs tare 法定皮重legal tare 确定皮重tare 包皮缺陷defects in tare 皮重总量tare 规定皮重量customary tare 包皮价值,外包装费cost of tare不能继续使用的包皮throwaway tare 绳子,绳索.twine,string,pack thread 包装用的绳子,运单packing string 运单waybill 货运单cargo waybill 货运单号码number of a cargo waybill。



小娜 11:56:29小娜 12:01:31印刷基础术语英语翻译gloss art paper铜板纸(加入,确认过林经理)stock paper卡纸(加入,确认过林经理)包衬 cylinder-packing 印刷机压印体上或印版下的包覆物。

包装印刷 packageprinting 以各种包装材料为主要产品的印刷。

报价单,价目单 price list报纸印刷 newspaperprinting 以报纸等信息媒介为产品的印刷。

背面粘脏 set-off 印在承印物上的印刷油墨,粘在另一印张的背面,造成蹭脏。

承印物 printing stock 能接受油墨或吸附色料并呈现图文的各种物质。

打样 proofing 从拼组的图文信息复制出校样。

单色印刷 single-colorprinting 一个印刷过程中,只在承印物上印刷一种墨色。

单张印刷 sheet-fedprinting 以单张纸或其他单张材料为承印物进行印刷。

多色印刷 multi-colorprinting 一个印刷过程中,在承印物上印刷两种及两种以上的墨色。

复制版 duplicate plate 按照原有印版复制成的第二块或若干块同样印版。

间接印刷 indirectprinting 印版上图文部分的油墨经中间载体的传递转移到承印物表面的印刷方式。

卷筒印刷 web-fedprinting 以卷筒纸或其他卷筒材料为承印物行进印刷。

连续给纸装置 stream feeder拼版 make-up 将文字,图表等依照设计要求拼组成版。

书刊印刷 bookandperiodicalprinting 以书籍、期刊等为主要产品的印刷。

套印不准 out of register 在套色印刷过程中,印迹重叠的误差。

透印 print through 印在纸张上的图文由背面可见。

无压印刷 non-impactprinting 不借助压力施印和各种印刷方式。

橡皮布滚筒 blanket cylinder 间接印刷中将印版图文的油墨转称到印物上的转印滚筒,其表面包裹橡皮布。



常用包装名称中英互译:包装词汇)(包装包装材料packingpackage 装箱单打包单包装单packing防水包装材料water proof packing listpacking sheetpacking 硬纸盒包装card board package notepacking ship海运包装seaworthy packing 袋sack合适的包装suitable packing 已磨损的口袋worn-out sack未损坏的包装sound 明细单specification-spackingundamaged packing 扎捆明细单bale specifications普通包装customary packing 装箱明细单case specifications破损的包装damaged packing 标签标牌tagUSlabeltally适应热带气候的包装tropical 纸标签paper tagpacking 金属标牌metal tag散装without packingunpacked 特殊标签专用标签special tag包装重量皮重tare 标签上的运输标志marking on a tag包装种类kind of packing 往行李上贴标签put labels on ones纸包装paper packing luggage外部包装packing exterior 包装材料包皮tare内部包装packing interior 多次使用的包皮reusable tare塑料包装plastic packing 皮重tare包装损坏damage to packing 实际皮重actual tare有关包装的规定instructions 预计皮重estimated tarecomputeredconcerning packing tare包装费用packing charges 平均皮重average tare包装性能properties of packing 发货单皮重invoice tare内包装性能latent properties of 海关规定皮重customs tarepacking 法定皮重legal tare遵守包装要求observance of 确定皮重tareinstructions concerning packing 包皮缺陷defects in tare包装情况condition of packing 皮重总量tare包装有缺陷defective condition of 规定皮重量customary tarepacking 包皮价值外包装费cost of tare包装费cost of packing 不能继续使用的包皮throwaway tare出口商品货物的包装packing for 绳子绳索.twinestringpackexport goods thread包装性质nature of packing 包装用的绳子运单packing string不含包装费的价格packing not运单waybillincluded 货运单cargo waybill包括包装费的价格packing inclusive 货运单号码number of a cargo附加包装费extra packing waybill保障商品包装provide the packing of 防水布粗帆布canvas clothcanvasgoods sheettarpaulin装运有包装的散货货物ship goods 货物/行李一件case-spackagein packing without packing 包装件packing case物件号码number of a packing 刷唛规定instructions concerning 物件顺序号码ordinal number of a markingpackage 涂刷相应的标志with appropriate件数number of cases marking物件总数total number of cases 涂刷唛头markgrade细绳cord 在货运单上指出标志specify marking包装用的细绳packing cord in a waybill粗麻布clothcanvas 在说明书上指出标志point out包装用的粗麻布packing marking in a specificationclothpacking canvas重心centre of gravity 运输标志marking用垂直红线标明重心mark the centre 此端向上upof gravity with a red vertical line 毛重总重gross weight绳子绳索cord 净重实重net weight箱子casebox 分数fraction用过的箱子second-hand case 分数形式in the form of a fraction包装箱packing case 分母denominator箱子的数量number of casesnumber 分子numeratorof boxes 保持干燥切勿受潮keep dry箱子的大小size of a case 请勿倒置do not turn over箱子的一面side of a case 请勿翻转do not turn over箱子的正面face plane side of a case 此断底部bottom信封信套envelope 小心轻放handle with care防水信封waterproof envelope 玻璃glass薄膜胶片film聚乙烯薄膜polyethylene film 编号号码numeration工程项目的识别标志买方编号numeration of theindentification mark of object buyernumeration of the purchaser商标牌子牌号标志卖方编号numberation of the sellermarksignbrand 纸paper识别标志distinction mark 包装纸packing paper热带货物标志tropical loadline 颜料油漆涂料paint 产品出厂牌子出厂商标防水油漆water-repellent painttrade-marktrademark 不褪色的涂料耐洗涂料indelible涂刷标志mark paint刷红色垂直线作标志mark with a red 图案板vertical line pattertemplatetempletstencil运输标志涂刷运输标志marking 按图安板by patternby stencil附加标志additional marking 保持干燥,防潮Keep Dry专用警告标志特殊标志special 防潮keep Away from Moisturemarking 储存阴冷处Keep in a Cool Place清晰的标志唛头clear marking 储存干燥处Keep in a Dry Place发货人标志consignors marking 请勿倒置Keep Upright收货人标志consignees marking 请勿倾倒Not to Be Tipped避冷To be Protected from Cold 怕光Keep in Dark Place避热To be Protected from Heat 怕压Not to Be Stow Below Other在滚子上移动Use Rollers Cargo此方向上This Side Up 由此吊起Lift Here由此开启Open from This Side 挂绳位置Sling Here爆炸品Explosive 重心Centre of Balance易燃品Inflammable 着力点Point of Strength遇水燃烧品Dangerous When Wet 用滚子搬运Use Rollers有毒品Poison 此处打开Opon Here无毒品No Poison 暗室开启Open in Dark Room不可触摩Hand off 先开顶部Romove Top First适合海运包装Seaworthy Packing 怕火,易燃物Inflammable毛重Gross Weight Gr.Wt. 氧化物Oxidizing Material净重Net Weight Nt.Wt 腐蚀品Corrosive皮重Tare Weight 压缩气体Compressed Gas包装唛头Packing Mark 易燃压缩气体Inflammable包装容积Packing Capacity Compressed Gas包袋件数Packing Number 毒品Poison小心玻璃Glass 爆炸物Explosive易碎物品Fragile 危险品Hazardous Article易腐货物Perishable 放射性物质Material Radioactive液体货物Liquid 立菱形Upright Diamond切勿受潮Keep Dry /Caution 菱形Diamond PhombusAgainst Wet双菱形Double Diamond怕冷To Be Protected from Cold 内十字菱形Gross in Diamond怕热To Be Protected from Heat 怕四等分菱形Divided Diamond火Inflammable 突角菱形Diamond with Projecting上部,向上Top Ends此端向上This Side Up 斜井形Projecting Diamond勿用手钩Use No Hooks 内直线菱形Line in Diamond切勿投掷No Dumping 内三线突角菱形Three Line in切勿倒置Keep Upright Projecting Diamond切勿倾倒No Turning Over 三菱形Three Diamond 切勿坠落Do Not Drop/No Dropping 附耳菱形Diamond with Looped Ends切勿平放Not to Be Laid Flat 正方形Square Box切勿压挤Do Not Crush 长方形Rectangle勿放顶上Do Not Stake on Top 梯形Echelon Formation放于凉处Keep Cool/Stow Cool 平行四边形Parallelogram干处保管Keep in Dry Place 井筒形Intersecting Parallels勿放湿处Do Not Stow in Damp Place 五边形Pentagon甲板装运Keep on Deck 六边形Hexagon装于舱内Keep in Hold 长六边形Long Hexagon 勿近锅炉Stow Away from Boiler 圆形Circle/Round必须平放Keep Flat/Stow Level 二等分圆Bisected Circle双环形Crossed Circle 蒲、苇Bulrush mat双圆形Double Circle 防水纸Water Proof Paper双带圆形Zoned Circle 保丽龙(泡沫塑料)Poly FoamSnowBox长圆形Long Circle 竹条Bamboo Batten椭圆形Oval 竹篾BambooSkin双缺圆形Double Indented Circle 狭木条Batten圆内三角形Triangle in Circle 铜丝Brass Wire三角形Triangle 铁丝Iron Wire六角星形Hexangular Star 铁条Iron Rod二重三角形Double Triangle 扣箍Buckle对顶三角形Hourgrass Touching 外捆麻绳Bound with Rope ExternallyTriangle 块装外加塑料袋Block Covered with内外三角形Three Triangle Poly Bag十字形Cross 每件外套一塑料袋Each Piece圆内十字形Cross in Circle Wrapped in a Poly Bag山角形Angle 机器榨包不带包皮Press Packed Bale义架形Crotch without Wrapper直线Line 机器榨包以铁皮捆扎Press Packed月牙形Crescent in Iron Hooped Bale心形Heart 用牢固的纸箱装运Packed in Strong星形Star Carton包装情况Packing Condition 适合于长途海洋运输Suitable for散装In Bulk Long Distance Ocean Transportation块装In Block 适合出口海运包装Packed in条装In Spear Seaworthy Carton for Export片装In Slice 全幅卷筒Full with Rolled on Tube捆扎装In Bundle 每卷用素包聚乙烯袋装Each Roll in裸装In Nude Plain Poly Bag裸散装Bare in Loose 混色混码With Assorted Colours木托架立装Straightly Stand on SizesWooden Shelf 每隔-- 码烫有边印With Selvedge传统包装Traditional Packing Stamped Internally at Every--Yards中性包装Neutral Packing 用…隔开Portioned with水密Water Tight 纸屑Paper Scrap气密Air Tight 纸条Paper Slip不透水包Water Proof Packing 纸带Paper Tape不透气包Air Proof Packing 纸层Paper Wool薄膜Film Membrane 泡沫塑料Foamed Plastics透明纸Transparent Paper 泡沫橡胶Foamed Rubber牛皮纸Kraft Paper 帆布袋内充水Canvas Bag Filled地沥青牛皮纸Bituminous Kraft with WaterPaper 包内衬薄纸Lined with Thin Paper腊纸Waxpaper 内衬锡箔袋Lined with Frescobag厚板纸Cardboard Paper 内置充气氧塑料袋Inner Poly BagFilled with Oxygen 旧瓦椤纸箱Old Corrugated Carton内衬牛皮纸Lined with Kraft Paper O.C.C.内衬防潮纸、牛皮纸Lined with 木箱Wooden CaseMoist Proof Paper ampKraft Paper 板条箱Crate铝箔包装In Aluminium Foil Packing 木条箱Wooden Crate木箱内衬铝箔纸Lined with 竹条箱Bamboo CrateAluminium Foil in the Wooden Case 胶合板箱Plywood Case双层布袋外层上浆Double Cloth Bag 三层夹板箱3--Ply Plywood Casewith Outer Bag Starched 镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden外置木箱Covered with Wooded Case Case外绕铁皮Bound with Iron Bands 盒BoxExternally 木盒Wooden Box胶木盖Bakelite Cover 铁盒Iron Box外绕铁丝二道Bound with Two Bands 塑料透明盒Plastic Transparency0f Metal Wires Outside Box标签上标有:Labels Were Marked with 苯乙烯盒Styrol Box纸箱上标有Cartons Were Marked with 袋BagSack包装合格Proper Packing 布袋Cloth Bag包装完整Packing Intact 草袋Straw Bag包装完好Packing Sound 麻袋Gunny Bag/Jute Bag正规出口包装Regular Packing for 旧麻袋Used Gunny Bag/Old GunnyExport Bag表面状况良好Apparently in Good 新麻袋New Gunny BagOrderamp Condition 尼龙袋Nylon Bag包装不妥Improper Packing 聚丙烯袋Polypropylene Bag包装不固Insufficiently Packed 聚乙烯袋Polythene Bag包装不良Negligent Packing 塑料袋Poly Bag包装残旧玷污Packing Stained ampOld 塑料编织袋Polywoven Bag箱遭水渍Cartons Wet ampStained 纤维袋Fibre Bag外包装受水湿With Outer Packing 玻璃纤维袋Glass Fibre BagWet玻璃纸袋Callophane Bag包装形状改变Shape of Packing 防潮纸袋Moisture Proof Pager BagDistorted 乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag散包Bales Off 锡箔袋Fresco Bag 铁皮失落Iron Straps Off 特大袋Jumbo Bag钉上Nailed on 单层完整袋子Single Sound Bag尺寸不符Off Size 桶Drum袋子撕破Bags Torn 木桶Wooden Cask箱板破Case Plank Broken 大木桶Hogshead 小木桶Keg包装类型:粗腰桶琵琶桶Barrel 胶木桶Bakelite Drum纸箱Carton 塑料桶Plastic Drum瓦椤纸箱Corrugated Carton 铁桶Iron Drum镀锌铁桶Galvanized Iron Drum 捆Bundle镀锌闭口钢桶Galvanized Mouth 瓣BraidClosed Steel Drum 度Degree镀锌开口钢桶Galvanized Mouth 辆UnitCartOpened Steel Drum 套(罩)Casing铝桶Aluminum Drum麻布包Gunny Bale Hessian Cloth 包装形状Shapes of PackingBag 圆形Round蒲包Mat Bale 方形Square草包Straw Bale 三角形TriangularDelta Type紧压包Press Packed Bale 长方形矩形Rectangular铝箔包Aluminium Foil Package 菱形斜方形RhombusDiamond铁机包Hard-pressed Bale 椭圆形Oval木机包Half-pressed Bale圆锥形Conical覃(缸)Jar 圆柱形Cylindrical陶缸Earthen Jar 蛋形Egg-Shaped瓷缸Porcelain Jar 葫芦形Pear-Shaped壶Pot 五边形Pentagon铅壶Lead Pot 六边形Hexagon铜壶Copper Pot 七边形Heptagon瓶Bottle 八边形Octagon铝瓶Aluminum Bottle 长Long陶瓶Earthen Bottle 宽Wide瓷瓶Porcelain bottle 高High罐Can 深Deep听Tin 厚Thick绕线筒Bobbin 长度Length笼(篓、篮、筐)Basket 宽度Width竹笼(篓、篮、筐)Bamboo Basket 高度Height柳条筐(笼、篮、筐)Wicker Basket 深度Depth集装箱Container 厚度Thickness集装包/集装袋Flexible Container托盘Pallet 包装外表标志Marks On Packing 下端,底部Bottom 件支、把、个Piece 顶部上部TopUpper架台、套SetKit 小心Care安瓿Ampoule药针支勿掷Don’t Cast双Pair 易碎Fragile打Dozen 小心轻放小心装运Handle With Care令Ream 起吊点此处起吊Heave Here匹BoltPiece 易燃物,避火Inflammable码Yard 保持干燥,防泾Keep Dry卷(Rollreel 防潮keep Away from Moisture块Block 储存阴冷处Keep in a Cool Place储存干燥处Keep in a Dry Place 装于舱内Keep in Hold请勿倒置Keep Upright 勿近锅炉Stow Away from Boiler请勿倾倒Not to Be Tipped 必须平放Keep Flat/Stow Level避冷To be Protected from Cold 怕光Keep in Dark Place避热To be Protected from Heat 怕压Not to Be Stow Below Other在滚子上移动Use Rollers Cargo此方向上This Side Up 由此吊起Lift Here由此开启Open from This Side 挂绳位置Sling Here爆炸品Explosive 重心Centre of Balance易燃品Inflammable 着力点Point of Strength遇水燃烧品Dangerous When Wet 用滚子搬运Use Rollers有毒品Poison 此处打开Opon Here无毒品No Poison 暗室开启Open in Dark Room不可触摩Hand off 先开.。



外贸常用包装术语--中英文对照常用包装术语托盘纸箱装,箱内衬一层塑料薄膜,包装完好Packed in Cartons on Pallet and Lined with Single Polymembrane Inside.Packing Sound.双层纸箱装,外扎四道塑料腰带,内裹牛皮纸,包装完好Packed imply Cartons,Lined with Kraft Paper and Bound with Four Plastic Belts Externally.Packing Sound.纸箱Carton瓦椤纸箱Corrugated Carton旧瓦椤纸箱Old Corrugated Carton (O.C.C.)木箱Wooden Case板条箱Crate木条箱Wooden Crate竹条箱Bamboo Crate胶合板箱Plywood Case三层夹板箱3--Ply Plywood Case镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case盒Box木盒Wooden Box铁盒Iron Box塑料透明盒Plastic Transparency Box苯乙烯盒Styrol Box袋Bag(Sack)布袋Cloth Bag草袋Straw Bag麻袋Gunny Bag/Jute Bag旧麻袋Used Gunny Bag/Old Gunny Bag新麻袋New Gunny Bag尼龙袋Nylon Bag 聚丙烯袋Polypropylene Bag聚乙烯袋Polythene Bag塑料袋Poly Bag塑料编织袋Polywoven Bag纤维袋Fibre Bag玻璃纤维袋Glass Fibre Bag玻璃纸袋Callophane Bag防潮纸袋Moisture Proof Pager Bag 乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag三层牛皮纸袋3Ply Kraft Paper Bag 锡箔袋Fresco Bag特大袋Jumbo Bag单层完整袋子Single Sound Bag桶Drum木桶Wooden Cask大木桶Hogshead小木桶Keg粗腰桶(琵琶桶) Barrel胶木桶Bakelite Drum塑料桶Plastic Drum铁桶Iron Drum镀锌铁桶Galvanized Iron Drum镀锌闭口钢桶Galvanized Mouth Closed Steel Drum镀锌开口钢桶Galvanized Mouth绕线筒Bobbin笼(篓、篮、筐)Basket竹笼(篓、篮、筐)Bamboo Basket柳条筐(笼、篮、筐)Wicker Basket集装箱Container集装包/集装袋Flexible Container托盘Pallet件(支、把、个) Piece架(台、套) Set(Kit)安瓿Amp(o)ule(药针支)双Pair打Dozen令Ream 匹Bolt(Piece)码Yard卷(Roll(reel)块Block捆Bundle瓣Braid度Degree辆Unit(Cart)套(罩)Casing包装形状Shapes of Packing圆形Round方形Square三角形Triangular(Delta Type)长方形(矩形) Rectangular菱形(斜方形) Rhombus(Diamond)椭圆形Oval圆锥形Conical圆柱形Cylindrical蛋形Egg-Shaped葫芦形Pear-Shaped五边形Pentagon六边形Hexagon七边形Heptagon八边形Octagon长Long宽Wide高High深Deep厚Thick长度Length宽度Width高度Height深度Depth厚度Thickness包装外表标志Marks On PackingOpened Steel Drum铝桶Aluminum Drum麻布包Gunny Bale (Hessian Cloth Bag)蒲包Mat Bale草包Straw Bale紧压包Press Packed Bale铝箔包Aluminium Foil Package铁机包Hard-pressed Bale木机包Half-pressed Bale覃(缸)Jar陶缸Earthen Jar瓷缸Porcelain Jar壶Pot铅壶Lead Pot铜壶Copper Pot施Bottle铝瓶Aluminum Bottle陶瓶Earthen Bottle瓷瓶Porcelain bottle易碎物品 Fragile 易腐货物 Perishable 液体货物 Liquid切勿受潮 Keep Dry /Caution Against Wet怕冷 To Be Protected from Cold 怕热 To Be Protected from Heat 怕火 Inflammable 上部,向上 Top 此端向上 This Side Up 勿用手钩 Use No Hooks 切勿投掷 No Dumping 切勿倒置 Keep Upright 切勿倾倒 No Turning Over切勿坠落 Do Not Drop /No Dropping 切勿平放 Not to Be Laid Flat 切勿压挤 Do Not Crush 勿放顶上 Do Not Stake on Top 放于凉处 Keep Cool /Stow Cool 干处保管 Keep in Dry Place勿放湿处 Do Not Stow in Damp Place 甲板装运 Keep on Deck 装于舱内 Keep in Hold勿近锅炉 Stow Away from Boiler 必须平放 Keep Flat/Stow Level 怕光 Keep in Dark Place怕 压 Not to Be Stow Below Other Cargo由此吊起 Lift Here 挂绳位置 Sling Here 重 心 Centre of Balance 着力点 Point of Strength 用滚子搬运 Use Rollers此处打开 Opon Here 暗室开启 Open in Dark Room下端,底部 Bottom 顶部(上部) Top(Upper) 小心 Care 勿掷 Don ’t Cast 易碎 Fragile小心轻放,小心装运 Handle With Care 起吊点(此处起吊) Heave Here 易燃物,避火 Inflammable 保持干燥,防泾 Keep Dry 防 潮 keep Away from Moisture 储存阴冷处 Keep in a Cool Place 储存干燥处 Keep in a Dry Place 请勿倒置 Keep Upright 请勿倾倒 Not to Be Tipped 避冷 To be Protected from Cold 避热 To be Protected from Heat 在滚子上移动 Use Rollers 此方向上 This Side Up 由此开启 Open from This Side 爆炸品 Explosive 易燃品 Inflammable遇水燃烧品 Dangerous When Wet 有毒品 Poison 无毒品 No Poison 不可触摩 Hand off适合海运包装 Seaworthy Packing 毛重 Gross Weight (Gr.Wt.)净重 Net Weight (Nt.Wt)皮重 Tare Weight 包装唛头 Packing Mark 包装容积 Packing Capacity 包袋件数 Packing Number 小心玻璃 Glass二等分圆 Bisected Circle 双 环 形 Crossed Circle 双圆形 Double Circle 双带圆形 Zoned Circle 长圆形 Long Circle 椭圆形 Oval双缺圆形 Double Indented Circle 圆内三角形 Triangle in Circle 三角形 Triangle六角星形 Hexangular Star 二重三角形 Double Triangle 对 顶 三 角 形 Hourgrass Touching Triangle内外三角形 Three Triangle 十字形 Cross圆内十字形 Cross in Circle 三角形 Angle 义架形 Crotch 直线 Line 月牙形 Crescent 心形 Heart 星形 Star包装情况 Packing Condition 散 装 In Bulk 块装 In Block 条装 In Spear 片装 In Slice 捆(扎)装 In Bundle 裸装 In Nude 裸散装 Bare in Loose木 托 架 立 装 Straightly Stand onWooden Shelf传统包装 Traditional Packing 中性包装 Neutral Packing 水密 Water Tight先开顶部 Romove Top First 怕火,易燃物 Inflammable 氧化物 Oxidizing Material 腐蚀品 Corrosive压缩气体 Compressed Gas 易 燃 压 缩 气 体InflammableCompressed Gas毒品 Poison 爆炸物 Explosive 危险品 Hazardous Article 放射性物质 Material Radioactive 立菱形 Upright Diamond 菱形 Diamond Phombus 双菱形 Double Diamond 内十字菱形 Gross in Diamond 四等分菱形 Divided Diamond 突角菱形 Diamond with Projecting Ends斜井形 Projecting Diamond 内直线菱形 Line in Diamond 内 三 线 突 角 菱 形 Three Line in Projecting Diamond三菱形 Three Diamond附耳菱形 Diamond with Looped Ends 正方形 Square Box 长方形 Rectangle 梯形 Echelon Formation 平行四边形 Parallelogram 井筒形 Intersecting Parallels 五边形 Pentagon六边形 Hexagon 长六边形 Long Hexagon 圆形 Circle/Round纸带Paper Tape纸层Paper Wool泡沫塑料Foamed Plastics泡沫橡胶Foamed Rubber帆布袋内充水Canvas Bag Filled with Water包内衬薄纸Lined with Thin Paper内衬锡箔袋Lined with Frescobag内置充气氧塑料袋Inner Poly Bag Filled with Oxygen内衬牛皮纸Lined with Kraft Paper内衬防潮纸、牛皮纸Lined with Moist Proof Paper &Kraft Paper铝箔包装In Aluminium Foil Packing木箱内衬铝箔纸Lined with Aluminium Foil in the Wooden Case双层布袋外层上浆Double Cloth Bag with Outer Bag Starched外置木箱Covered with Wooded Case外绕铁皮Bound with Iron Bands Externally胶木盖Bakelite Cover外绕铁丝二道Bound with Two Bands 0f Metal Wires Outside标签上标有Labels Were Marked with纸箱上标有Cartons Were Marked with包装合格Proper Packing包装完整Packing Intact包装完好Packing Sound正规出口包装Regular Packing for Export表面状况良好Apparently in Good Order& Condition包装不妥Improper Packing包装不固Insufficiently Packed包装不良Negligent Packing包装残旧玷污Packing Stained &Old箱遭水渍Cartons Wet &Stained外包装受水湿With Outer Packing Wet包装形状改变Shape of Packing Distorted散包Bales Off铁皮失落Iron Straps Off钉上Nailed on尺寸不符Off Size袋子撕破Bags Torn箱板破Case Plank Broken单层牛皮纸袋内衬塑编布包装,25 公斤/包Packed in Single Kraft Paper Bag Laminated with PE Wovenbag 25Kgs Net Eash三层牛皮纸袋内加一层塑料袋装,25公斤/包Packed in 3-ply Kraft Paper Bags with PE Liner,25Kgs/bag牛皮纸袋内压聚乙烯膜包装,25 公斤/包Packed in Kraft Paper Iaminated with Polyethylene Film of 25Kgs Net Eachwith Six Reels.The inner Reels were Wrapped with a Poly-mumbrane and Each Reel was wrapped with a Poly-membrane Again.双层纸箱装,外扎四道塑料腰带,内裹牛皮纸,包装完好Packed in 2 Ply Cartons,Lined with Kraft Paper and Bound with Four Plastic Belts Externally Packing Sound.麻袋装,包装完好Packed in Gunny Bales Packing Sound.集装箱装运,箱号***,集装箱外观完整,箱号清晰,封识完好。



外贸常用包装中英文对照纸箱Carton 瓦椤纸箱 Corrugated Carton 旧瓦椤纸箱 Old Corrugated Carton O.C.C.木箱 Wooden Case 板条箱 Crate 木条箱 Wooden Crate 竹条箱 Bamboo Crate胶合板箱 Plywood Case 三层夹板箱 3--Ply Plywood Case镀锡铁皮胎木箱Tin Lined Wooden Case 盒Box 木盒Wooden Box 铁盒Iron Box塑料透明盒 Plastic Transparency Box 苯乙烯盒 Styrol Box 袋BagSack 布袋 Cloth Bag草袋 Straw Bag 麻袋 Gunny Bag/Jute Bag 旧麻袋 Used Gunny Bag/Old Gunny Bag新麻袋 New Gunny Bag 尼龙袋 Nylon Bag 聚丙烯袋 Polypropylene Bag聚乙烯袋 Polythene Bag 塑料袋 Poly Bag 塑料编织袋 Polywoven Bag 纤维袋 Fibre Bag玻璃纤维袋 Glass Fibre Bag 玻璃纸袋 Callophane Bag防潮纸袋 Moisture Proof Pager Bag 乳胶袋子Emulsion Bag锡箔袋 Fresco Bag 特大袋 Jumbo Bag 单层完整袋子Single Sound Bag 桶 Drum木桶 Wooden Cask 大木桶 Hogshead 小木桶 Keg 粗腰桶琵琶桶 Barrel胶木桶 Bakelite Drum 塑料桶 Plastic Drum 铁桶 Iron Drum 镀锌铁桶 Galvanized Iron Drum 镀锌闭口钢桶 Galvanized Mouth Closed Steel Drum镀锌开口钢桶 Galvanized Mouth Opened Steel Drum铝桶 Aluminum Drum 麻布包 Gunny Bale Hessian Cloth Bag 蒲包 Mat Bale 草包 Straw Bale紧压包 Press Packed Bale 铝箔包 Aluminium Foil Package 铁机包 Hard-pressed Bale木机包Half-pressed Bale 覃缸Jar 陶缸 Earthen Jar 瓷缸 Porcelain Jar壶 Pot 铅壶 Lead Pot 铜壶Copper Pot 施 Bottle 铝瓶 Aluminum Bottle 陶瓶 Earthen Bottle瓷瓶 Porcelain bottle 罐 Can 听 Tin 绕线筒 Bobbin 笼篓、篮、筐Basket竹笼篓、篮、筐Bamboo Basket 柳条筐笼、篮、筐Wicker Basket 集装箱 Container集装包/集装袋 Flexible Container 托盘 Pallet 件支、把、个Piece 架台、套SetKit安瓿 Ampoule药针支双 Pair 打 Dozen 令 Ream 匹 BoltPiece码Yard卷Rollreel 块Block 捆 Bundle 瓣 Braid 度 Degree 辆 UnitCart套罩 Casing 包装形状 Shapes of Packing 圆形 Round 方形Square三角形 TriangularDelta Type 长方形矩形 Rectangular菱形斜方形 RhombusDiamond 椭圆形 Oval 圆锥形 Conical 圆柱形 Cylindrical蛋形 Egg-Shaped 葫芦形 Pear-Shaped 五边形 Pentagon 六边形 Hexagon七边形 Heptagon 八边形 Octagon 长 Long 宽 Wide 高 High 深 Deep 厚 Thick 长度 Length 宽度 Width 高度 Height 深度 Depth 厚度 Thickness 包装外表标志 Marks On Packing下端,底部 Bottom 顶部上部 TopUpper 小心 Care 勿掷Don’t Cast易碎 Fragile 小心轻放,小心装运 Handle With Care 起吊点此处起吊 Heave Here易燃物,避火 Inflammable 保持干燥,防泾 Keep Dry 防潮 keep Away from Moisture储存阴冷处 Keep in a Cool Place 储存干燥处 Keep in a Dry Place请勿倒置 Keep Upright 请勿倾倒 Not to Be Tipped 避冷 To be Protected from Cold避热 To be Protected from Heat 在滚子上移动 Use Rollers 此方向上 This Side Up由此开启 Open from This Side 爆炸品Explosive 易燃品 Inflammable遇水燃烧品 Dangerous When Wet 有毒品 Poison 无毒品 No Poison不可触摩 Hand off 适合海运包装 Seaworthy Packing 毛重 Gross Weight Gr.Wt.净重 Net Weight Nt.Wt 皮重 Tare Weight 包装唛头 Packing Mark包装容积 Packing Capacity 包袋件数 Packing Number 小心玻璃 Glass 易碎物品 Fragile 易腐货物 Perishable 液体货物 Liquid 切勿受潮 Keep Dry/Caution Against Wet怕冷 To Be Protected from Cold 怕热 To Be Protected from Heat 怕火 Inflammable上部,向上 Top 此端向上 This Side Up 勿用手钩 Use No Hooks 切勿投掷 No Dumping切勿倒置 Keep Upright 切勿倾倒 No Turning Over 切勿坠落Do Not Drop/No Dropping 切勿平放 Not to Be Laid Flat 切勿压挤 Do Not Crush 勿放顶上 Do Not Stake on Top 放于凉处Keep Cool/Stow Cool 干处保管Keep in Dry Place勿放湿处 Do Not Stow in Damp Place 甲板装运 Keep on Deck装于舱内 Keep in Hold 勿近锅炉 Stow Away from Boiler必须平放 Keep Flat/Stow Level 怕光 Keep in Dark Place怕压 Not to Be Stow Below Other Cargo 由此吊起 Lift Here挂绳位置 Sling Here 重心 Centre of Balance 着力点Point of Strength 用滚子搬运 Use Rollers此处打开 Opon Here 暗室开启 Open in Dark Room先开顶部 Romove Top First 怕火,易燃物 Inflammable氧化物 Oxidizing Material 腐蚀品 Corrosive压缩气体Compressed Gas 易燃压缩气体Inflammable Compressed Gas毒品 Poison 爆炸物 Explosive危险品 Hazardous Article 放射性物质Material Radioactive立菱形 Upright Diamond 菱形 Diamond Phombus双菱形 Double Diamond 内十字菱形 Gross in Diamond四等分菱形 Divided Diamond 突角菱形Diamond with Projecting Ends斜井形 Projecting Diamond 内直线菱形 Line in Diamond内三线突角菱形 Three Line in Projecting Diamond 三菱形 Three Diamond附耳菱形 Diamond with Looped Ends 正方形 Square Box长方形 Rectangle 梯形 Echelon Formation平行四边形 Parallelogram 井筒形 Intersecting Parallels五边形 Pentagon 六边形 Hexagon 长六边形 Long Hexagon 圆形 Circle/Round二等分圆 Bisected Circle 双环形 Crossed Circle双圆形 Double Circle 双带圆形 Zoned Circle 长圆形 Long Circle 椭圆形 Oval双缺圆形 Double Indented Circle 圆内三角形 Triangle in Circle三角形 Triangle 六角星形 Hexangular Star二重三角形 Double Triangle 对顶三角形 Hourgrass Touching Triangle内外三角形 Three Triangle 十字形 Cross 圆内十字形 Cross in Circle山角形 Angle 义架形 Crotch 直线 Line 月牙形 Crescent 心形 Heart 星形 Star包装情况 Packing Condition 散装 In Bulk 块装 In Block 条装 In Spear 片装 In Slice 捆扎装 In Bundle 裸装 In Nude 裸散装 Bare in Loose木托架立装 Straightly Stand on Wooden Shelf传统包装 Traditional Packing 中性包装 Neutral Packing 水密Water Tight 气密 Air Tight 不透水包 Water Proof Packing 不透气包 Air Proof Packing薄膜 Film Membrane 透明纸 Transparent Paper 牛皮纸 Kraft Paper地沥青牛皮纸 Bituminous Kraft Paper腊纸 Waxpaper 厚板纸 Cardboard Paper 蒲、苇 Bulrush mat 防水纸 Water Proof Paper保丽龙泡沫塑料Poly FoamSnowBox 竹条Bamboo Batten竹篾 Bamboo Skin 狭木条Batten 铜丝 Brass Wire 铁丝 Iron Wire铁条 Iron Rod 扣箍 Buckle 外捆麻绳Bound with Rope Externally块装外加塑料袋Block Covered with Poly Bag每件外套一塑料袋 Each Piece Wrapped in a Poly Bag机器榨包不带包皮Press Packed Bale without Wrapper机器榨包以铁皮捆扎 Press Packed in Iron Hooped Bale用牢固的纸箱装运 Packed in Strong Carton适合于长途海洋运输 Suitable for Long Distance Ocean Transportation适合出口海运包装 Packed in Seaworthy Carton for Export全幅卷筒 Full with Rolled on Tube每卷用素包聚乙烯袋装 Each Roll in Plain Poly Bag混色混码 With Assorted Colours Sizes每隔--码烫有边印With Selvedge Stamped Internally at Every--Yards用…隔开 Portioned with 纸屑 Paper Scrap 纸条 Paper Slip 纸带 Paper Tape纸层 Paper Wool 泡沫塑料 Foamed Plastics 泡沫橡胶Foamed Rubber帆布袋内充水 Canvas Bag Filled with Water 包内衬薄纸 Lined with Thin Paper内衬锡箔袋 Lined with Frescobag 内置充气氧塑料袋 Inner Poly Bag Filled with Oxygen 内衬牛皮纸 Lined with Kraft Paper内衬防潮纸、牛皮纸 Lined with Moist Proof Paper &Kraft Paper铝箔包装 In Aluminium Foil Packing木箱内衬铝箔纸Lined with Aluminium Foil in the Wooden Case双层布袋外层上浆 Double Cloth Bag with Outer Bag Starched外置木箱 Covered with Wooded Case外绕铁皮 Bound with Iron Bands Externally胶木盖Bakelite Cover 外绕铁丝二道 Bound with Two Bands 0f Metal Wires Outside 标签上标有:Labels Were Marked with 纸箱上标有Cartons Were Marked with包装合格 Proper Packing 包装完整 Packing Intact 包装完好 Packing Sound正规出口包装 Regular Packing for Export表面状况良好 Apparently in Good Order& Condition包装不妥 Improper Packing 包装不固 Insufficiently Packed包装不良 Negligent Packing 包装残旧玷污 Packing Stained &Old箱遭水渍 Cartons Wet &Stained 外包装受水湿 With Outer Packing Wet包装形状改变 Shape of Packing Distorted 散包 Bales Off铁皮失落 Iron Straps Off 钉上 Nailed on 尺寸不符 Off Size袋子撕破 Bags Torn 箱板破 Case Plank Broken单层牛皮纸袋内衬塑编布包装,25公斤/包 Packed in Single Kraft Paper Bag Laminated with PE Wovenbag 25Kgs Net Eash三层牛皮纸袋内加一层塑料袋装,25公斤/包 Packed in 3-ply Kraft Paper Bags with PE Liner,25Kgs/bag牛皮纸袋内压聚乙烯膜包装,25公斤/包 Packed in Kraft Paper Iaminated with Polyethylene Film of 25Kgs Net Each两端加纸条 With a Paper Band at Both Ends木箱装,以螺栓固定于箱底,箱装完整 Packed in Woodencase,thewaswereMounted with Bolts on the Bottom of the Case.Packing Intact.木箱装,箱装箱装运,箱装完好Packed in Woodencases with Container Shipment.Packing Sound.塑料编织集装袋装,内衬塑料薄膜袋,集装箱装运,每箱20袋 Packed in Plastic Woven Flexible Container,Lined with Plastic Film Bags,Shipped in Container,20Bags for Each.铁桶装,每桶净重190公斤;Packed in Iron Drums and Each Drum Net 190kgs木箱包装,内装2卷;每卷用塑料薄膜牛皮纸包裹,箱外铁带捆扎; Packed in Wooden Case with 2 Reels Inside and Each Reel Was Wrapped with Poly-Membrane and Kraf Paper.It was Bound with Iron Belts Externally.木箱包装,内装5卷,每卷用塑料薄膜及中性纸包裹,箱外铁带捆扎;Packed in Wooden Case with 5 Reels Inside and Every Reel was Wrapped with Poly-Membrane and Neutral Paper.The Cases were Bound with Ironbelts Externally.筒装,纸箱装,箱外三道纺织袋捆扎,包装完好.Rolled on Tube and Packed with Carton.Boundedwith Three Woven Belts Extermally.Packing Sound.木托架包装,用纤维板、塑料薄膜及瓦愣纸皮包裹,外用铁带捆扎,再用铁带固定于集装箱内Straightly Stand on Wooden Pallet and Wrapped with Fibre Borad,Plastic Membrane &Kraft PaperBoard Bound with iron Belts Externally and Then Mounted in the Container with Iron Belt. 布包包装,包装完好Packed in Gunny Bales.Packing Sound木箱装,箱装完整 Packed in Wooden Case.Packing Intact纸箱装,箱装完好 Packed in Cartons Packing Sound托盘纸箱装,箱内衬一层塑料薄膜,包装完好 Packed in Cartons on Pallet and Lined with Single Polymembrane Inside.Packing Sound.双层纸箱装,外扎四道塑料腰带,内裹牛皮纸,包装完好;Packed imply Cartons,Lined with Kraft Paper and Bound with Four Plastic Belts Externally.Packing Sound.原产加厚聚乙烯袋装,每袋净重25公斤,集装箱运 2Skgs Net Originally Manufactured Heavy Duty Polyethylene Bag.Shipped in Container.托盘装,包装良好;Packed on Pallets,Packing Sound.卷筒装,包装良好;Rolled on Tubes;Packing Sound.编织包包装,包装完好. Packed in wovenbales.Packing Sound.木箱包装,6.0mm×430mm规格中,除1箱装3卷外,其余为8卷装,695mm×300mm规格为6卷装,箱内用塑料薄膜包裹,每卷再用塑料薄膜包裹Packed in Wooden Case,for Specification 6.0mm×430mm,except One Case Packed with Three Reels.All were Packed with Eight Reels Respectively;for Specification 6.5mm×300mm, Every Case was Packed with Six Reels.The inner Reels were Wrapped with a Poly-mumbrane and Each Reel was wrapped with a Poly-membrane Again.双层纸箱装,外扎四道塑料腰带,内裹牛皮纸,包装完好;Packed in 2 Ply Cartons,Lined with Kraft Paper and Bound with Four Plastic Belts Externally Packing Sound.麻袋装,包装完好;Packed in Gunny Bales Packing Sound.集装箱装运,箱号,集装箱外观完整,箱号清晰,封识完好;货物纸箱包装,包装完好;Shipped with Container No. with Intact Appearance,Clear Number And Sound Sealing.The Goods Were Packed in Cartons and Packing Sound.。



常见信用证条款英汉对照翻译Business Documents国际商务单证EDI (Electronic Date Interchange)电子数据交换2000 INCOTERMS2000年国际贸易术语解释通则UCP500Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit, ICC Publication No.500 跟单信用证统一惯例CISGUnited Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods联合国国际货物销售合同公约Inquiry询价Offer发盘Counter Offer 还价Acceptance接受S/C Sales Confirmation 销售确认书(即合同)Physical Delivery实际交货Symbolic Delivery象征性交货FOBFree on Board装运港船上交货CFRCost and Freight成本加运费CIFCost Insurance and Freight成本加保险费和运费FCAFree Carrier货交承运人CPTCarriage Paid to运费付至CIPCarriage and Insurance Paid to 运费、保险费付至EXW工厂交货FAS装运港船边交货DAF边境交货DES目的港船上交货DEQ目的港码头交货DDU未完税交货DDP完税后交货Commission佣金Discount折扣Remittance汇付Remitter汇款人Payee收款人M/T Mail Transfer 信汇T/T Telegraphic Transfer电汇D/D Demand Draft票汇Payment in Advance预付货款Cash with Order随订单付款Collection 跟单托收Principal 委托人Drawee 付款人D/P Documents against Payment 付款交单D/A Documents against Acceptance承兑交单D/P at sight 即期付款交单D/P after sight远期付款交单T/R Trust Receipt信托收据L/C Letter of Credit 信用证Applicant 开证申请人Issuing Bank 开证行Advising Bank通知行Beneficiary受益人Negotiating Bank 议付行Paying Bank 付款行Documentary Credit跟单信用证Clean Credit光票信用证Irrevocable Letter of Credit不可撤销信用证Confirmed Letter of Credit 保兑信用证Sight Credit 即期信用证Usance Letter of Credit远期信用证Usance Credit Payable at Sight假远期信用证Stand-by L/C备用信用证L/G Banker’s Letter of Guarantee 银行保函Factoring国际保理O/A 挂帐,赊销(Open account)COD 货到付款(Cash on delivery)Payment by Installment分期付款Deferred Payment延期付款Sales by Quality凭现货销售Sales by Sample凭样品销售Seller’s Sample 卖方样品Buyer’s Sample 买方样品Counter Sample 对等样品Quality to be Considered as being to the Sample 品质与样品大致相同Specification 规格Grade 等级Standard 标准FAQFair Average Quality 良好平均品质,大路货Trade Mark 商标Brand Name品牌Name of Origin产地名称M/T Metric ton 公吨L/T Long ton 长吨S/T Short ton 短吨G.W.Gross Weight 毛重N.W. Net Weight 净重Gross for Net 以毛作净Tare Weight皮重More or Less Clause 溢短装条款Neutral Packing 中性包装Shipping Mark 运输标志,唛头Indicative Mark 指示性标志Warning Mark 警告性标志Product Code 条形码标志Commercial Invoice 商业发票,发票Customs Invoice海关发票Consular Invoice领事发票Manufacture’s Invoice 厂商发票Combined Invoice 联合发票Proforma Invoice 形式发票Packing list装箱单Weight List/Memo重量单Packing Specification包装说明Detailed Pack list详细包装单Specification List规格单Size/Color Assortment List尺码/颜色搭配单Measurement List尺码单Beneficiary’s Declaration/Certificate/Statement受益人证明Liner Transport 班轮运输Charter Transport 租船运输FCL 整箱货(Full Container Load)LCL 拼箱货(Less than Container Load)CY 集装箱堆场(Container Yard)CFS集装箱货运站(Container freight station)D/R 场站收据(Dock Receipt)CLP 集装箱装箱单(Container Load Plan)Booking Note一般货物海运出口托运单Container Booking Note集装箱货物托运单S/O Shipping Order 装货单,关单M/RMate’s Receipt 收货单,大副收据B/L Ocean Bill of Lading 海运提单On Board B/L 已装船提单Received for Shipment B/L备运提单Clean B/L清洁提单Straight B/L 记名提单Open B/L不记名提单一、跟单信用证常用条款及短语(1)special additional risk 特别附加险(2)failure to delivery 交货不到险(3)import duty 进口关税险(4)on deck 仓面险(5)rejection 拒收险(6)aflatoxin 黄曲霉素险(7)fire risk extension clause-for storage of cargo at destination Hongkong, including Kowloon, or Macao 出口货物到香港(包括九龙在内)或澳门存仓火险责任扩展条款(8)survey in customs risk 海关检验险(9)survey at jetty risk 码头检验险(10)institute war risk 学会战争险(11)overland transportation risks 陆运险(12)overland transportation all risks 陆运综合险(13)air transportation risk 航空运输险(14)air transportation all risk 航空运输综合险(15)air transportation war risk 航空运输战争险(16)parcel post risk 邮包险(17)parcel post all risk 邮包综合险(18)parcel post war risk 邮包战争险(19)investment insurance(political risks) 投资保险(政治风险)(20)property insurance 财产保险(21)erection all risks 安装工程一切险(22)contractors all risks 建筑工程一切二.the stipulations for insurance 保险条款(1)marine insurance policy 海运保险单(2)specific policy 单独保险单(3)voyage policy 航程保险单(4)time policy 期限保险单(5)floating policy (or open policy) 流动保险单(6)ocean marine cargo clauses 海洋运输货物保险条款(7)ocean marine insurance clauses (frozen products) 海洋运输冷藏货物保险条款(8)ocean marine cargo war clauses 海洋运输货物战争险条款(9)ocean marine insurance clauses (woodoil in bulk) 海洋运输散装桐油保险条款(10)overland transportation insurance clauses (train, trucks) 陆上运输货物保险条款(火车、汽车)(11)overland transportation insurance clauses (frozen products) 陆上运输冷藏货物保险条款(12)air transportation cargo insurance clauses 航空运输货物保险条款(13)air transportation cargo war risk clauses 航空运输货物战争险条款(14)parcel post insurance clauses 邮包保险条款(15)parcel post war risk insurance clauses 邮包战争保险条款(16)livestock & poultry insurance clauses (by sea, land or air)活牲畜、家禽的海上、陆上、航空保险条款(17)…risks clauses of the P.I.C.C. subject to C.I.C.根据中国人民保险公司的保险条款投保……险(18)marine insurance policies or certificates in negotiable form, for 110% full CIF invoice covering the risks of War & W.A. as per the People''s Insurance Co. of China dated 1/1/1976. with extended cover up to Kuala Lumpur with claims payable in (at) Kuala Lumpur in the currency of draft (irrespective of percentage) 作为可议付格式的海运保险单或凭证按照到岸价的发票金额110%投保中国人民保险公司1976年1月1日的战争险和基本险,负责到吉隆坡为止。



小包装吸塑包装 skin packing1. packaging 包装方法2. blister packing 起泡包装3. neutral packing 中性包装4. skin packing 吸塑包装5. hanging packing 挂式包装6. catch sb ' s eye 引某人注目7. mark 唛头8. unlabelled packing 无牌的包装9. in bulk 散装10. in loose packing 散装11 nude packing 裸装12. bulk pack 整批包装13. consumer pack 零售包装14. large packing 大包装15. inner packing, external packing, end packing16. shrunk packaging, 压缩包装17. foam-spary packaging 喷泡沫包装18. gift-wrap 礼品包装19. bag, sack 袋20. jute bag 麻袋21. polythelene bag, plastic bag 塑料袋22. polythelene net 尼龙绳网袋23. zippered bag 拉链袋24. case, chest 箱25. box 盒26. wooden case 木箱27. carton 纸箱28. container 集装箱29. rate 板条箱30. fibre board case 纤维板箱第七期:Packing(二)包装1. packet 小包2. bale 包3. bundle 捆4. tin , can 罐头5. basket 篮,篓,筐6. bamboo basket 竹篓7. bottle 瓶8. wooden keg 小木桶9. hogshead 大桶10. iron drum 铁桶11 cylinder 铁桶12. barrel 琵琶桶13. drum 圆桶14. waterproof paper 防水纸15. cellophone 玻璃纸16. kraftpaper 牛皮纸17. canvas 帆布18. fibreboard 纤维板19. nylon strap 尼龙腰子20. plastic strap 塑料腰子21. adhesive tape 胶带22. stuffing material 填料23. nylon plastic 尼龙丝24. fermented plastic 泡沫塑料25. paper scrap 纸屑26. saw dust 木屑27. tar paper 沥青纸28. wax paper 蜡纸29. slushing compound 润滑油30. tarpaulin 油布、防水帆布。





















14.请勿堆积 Not to be stowed under other cargo
15.易燃物 Inflammable
16.禁止潮湿 Guard against damp
17.易碎 Fragile
18.玻璃器皿 Glassware
19.远离锅炉 Keep away from boiler
20.陶瓷,瓷器 Porcelain , China
包装上常见的警示标志1.Care Mark/Caution Mark
2.小心搬运 Handle with car
3.此面朝上 This side up
4.请勿抛掷 Don't throw down
5.易腐物品 Perishable goods
6.请勿平放 No 包装上常见的警示标志1.care mark/caution mark 2.小心搬运 handle with car 3.此面朝上 this side up 4.请勿抛掷 don't throw down 5.易腐物品 perishable goods 6.请勿平放 not to be laid flat 7.请勿用钩 no hooks 8.保持冷藏 keep cool, keep in cool place 9.避免日光直射 keep out of the direct son 10.有毒物品 poison 11.危险 dangerous 12.危险品 dangerous goods 13.保持干燥 keep dry 14.请勿堆积 not to be stowed under other cargo 15.易燃物 inflammable 16.禁止潮湿 guard against damp 17.易碎 fragile 18.玻璃器皿 glassware 19.远离锅炉 keep away from boiler 20.陶瓷,瓷器 porcelain , china 21.置于甲板 on deck 22.填充物 padding, pad 23.此物易碎,请务必装入足够的填充物. as this article is fragile, be sure to put enough padding.
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Warning Statement警告
Important Notice : Breast Milk is best for Babies. Before you decide to use this product, consult your doctor or Health worker for Advice.


Warning : Following instructions exactly. Prepare Bottles, teats and water as directed. Do not change prposortions of powder except on medical advice. Incorrect preparation can make your baby very ill. Infant over 67 months should be offered solid food in addition to this product.





Manufactured by Blend and Pack 6-7 Colrado Crt Hallam, Australia, Reg Est 7278
Trade Description产品说明
Is the product a Infant Formula, Toddler Formula, or Grow up Formula.

Preparation Guide冲调及使用说明
As per Current按照当前的就可以
Feeding Table喂哺表
As per Current按照当前的表就可以
Storage Statement贮藏说明
Product is to be stored in a cool,dry environment. Use contents within 4 weeks of opening.


Ingredient Declaration配料
Need to determine what Product Candori will be using. Own to respond 待确定配料成分。

Need to determine what Product Candori will be using. Own to respond 待确定。

Allergen Statement
Need to determine what Product Candori will be using. Own to respond 待确定。

Weight Statement净含量
Stage specific
Name, address, email / phone number
Name, address, email / phone number
Customer Contact Line客户咨询热线
Phone number for consumers to call.
Origin Statement原产地声明
Made and Packed in Australia from local and imported ingredients. 在澳大利亚当地生产包装
Dairy Source乳制品来源
Product is Whey Dominent。
