


外文标题:The Challenge of Motive in the Criminal Law

外文作者:Elaine M. Chiut

文献出处:《Buffalo Criminal Law Review》 , 2015 , 8 (2) :653-729(如觉得年份太老,可改为近2年,毕竟很多毕业生都这样做)


The Challenge of Motive in the Criminal Law

Elaine M. Chiut

Part I of the article joins the evolving discussion of motive in the criminal law generally. To support the overall conclusion that motive should figure more prominently in the criminal law, part I proposes several novel ideas. First, although some other scholars are fixated with whether motive should be limited to determinations of either liability or punishment, this article proposes that decision makers should be free to consider motive when determining both. Second, part I explains that not all motives are the same. Indeed, motives such as selfdefense, insanity, and heat of passion clearly differ in terms of their provability and moral potency. While some may be more easily proven, others possess greater moral potency. Because of these critical differences, part I of this article proposes that motives which are easily proven and possess high moral potency be part of liability determinations while motives that present proof problems or low moral potency be restricted to sentencing. Third, part I ends with a sweeping recommendation to reform the overall attitude about motive in the criminal law. Far from being irrelevant to the criminal law and unworkable, motive should be thought of as essential. The criminal law should not limit itself to consideration of a few select motives; instead, it should welcome the challenge of incorporating defendants,various motives. With the freedom of multiple forums and the guidelines of provability and moral potency, an effective criminal law built around motive can be successfully developed.

Part II then turns to the simple street sale and New York’s agency defense and the intriguing lesson they offer for considerations of motive in the criminal law. Part II begins by analyzing the challenge of defining the offenses and punishments for various participants in the simple street sale and how the agency defense was designed to address this challenge. It continues with the history of how federal courts led state courts in the adoption of the judicially created agency defense and how Congress then eliminated it by statute in adopting the distribution approach to the war on drugs. In conclusion, part II describes instances of legal inconsistency produced by the agency defense in New York.

As a contrast to the fiction of the agency defense, part III turns to the reality of the street drug trade. The article finally concludes in part III by taking two positions. First, the agency defense is nothing more than a poorly disguised ruse to suspend criminal liability for drug addicts who may steer and help other drug addicts in completing drug transactions on the streets. It should be abandoned in New York State. Second, a more honest and effective criminal law would allow for flexible and explicit consideration of more motives including drug addiction. Because drug addiction may feature problems of provability and low moral potency, it is best to replace the agency defense with mandatory consideration of addiction at sentencing for now. If Americans ever achieve moral consensus on the problem of crime motivated by drug addiction, then perhaps at that future point elimination or mitigation of criminal liability may be possible.

The narcotic buy and bust operation has long been a central weapon in the arsenal of law enforcement agencies fighting the war on drugs. Despite its longstanding history, jurisdictions have yet to adopt satisfactory approaches to the conundrum of how to penalize each participant in the simple street sale. Efforts such as the agency defense in New York State have largely failed because of the great tension within the criminal law of how to accommodate the motives of those defendants with whom we empathize. This tension is certainly not unique to narcotics sales prosecutions, but the story of the simple street sale provides a valuable glimpse at how the criminal law needs to go further in addressing the current constraints on motive. Only by significantly shifting attitudes towards motive can we hope to build a more meaningful and effective criminal law.


A.The Irrelevance Maxim

As Jerome Hall so pithily stated in 1960,a[h]ardly any part of penal law is more definitely settled than that motive is i r r e l e v a n t.,,1Many scholars are quick to clarify that this terse maxim refers to the irrelevance of motive for determinations of liability while leaving intact its pertinence for determinations of punishment.2Earnest defenders of the maxim further qualify the pithy p hrase: “The orthodox doctrine holds that motive is irrelevant to criminal liability unless it is specifically made relevant as part of the definition of a crime ... or unless there is an established criminal defense that requires the establishment of a motive (e.g., d u r e s s).,,3Although stated for the purpose of defending the irrelevance maxim, such qualifications are basically a concession that specific intent crimes, inchoate crimes, and the defenses of provocation, insanity, necessity, and self-defense have long regarded the motives of a defendant in determining criminal liability. So, while it may make a well-settled and pithy statement, the declaration that motive is irrelevant is not even descriptively true. Both defenders and critics of the maxim largely agree on this point; however, they loudly disagree as to whether motive should or should not be even more relevant to the criminal law than it currently is.

B.What Is Motive?

In order to understand their normative disagreements better, let’s elaborate on exactly what motive is. Motive is a concept that at first seems to lend itself easily to definition. It is most simply the reason a defendant does what he does. Upon deeper reflection though, the task of defining motive quickly becomes more complicated, especially when juxtaposed against the concept of intent or mens rea. This is an interesting juxtaposition because while both motive and intent refer to mental states, one has been deemed irrelevant to criminal liability while the other is central to it.4

In this debate on motive numerous efforts have been made to define it. These efforts divide into three

groups. Some have defined motive as completely different from intent while others have argued that motive is a particular type or sub-category of intent. Still others, like Douglas Husak, have offered more functional definitions. The first group regards intentions as “cognitive states of mind, like expectations or perceptions of risk” while describing motives as “desiderative states,,,meaning “desires, purposes or ends/524 In other words, “motives explain why a person acted,while intentions describe what action was p e r f o r m e d.,,5 While appealingly simple, this definition renders the maxim of irrelevance untrue.6It is untrue that the criminal law never considers why a person acts in determining liability.7

The second group of efforts is inapposite. Motive is not a different mental state from intent; rather, it is a sub-type of intent. Motive is defined as the “ulterior” intention or “the intention with which an intentional act is d o n e,8 Although at first this definition rings true, this definition ultimately offers a meaningless distinction between motive and intent. Because people act in a “chain of intention,,, every intent is a motive for a prior or earlier intent.8For example, a defendant pulls the trigger of a gun in order to make the bullet enter a victim’s body in order to kill the victim in order to steal his possessions, etc.9As a result, the only distinction between motive and intent are insignificant moments of time where “[a]n intention ceases to remain a motive only when it becomes i m m e d i a t e.,,10If there is such spare distinction between motive and intent, then normatively the statement that the criminal law should be engaged only with the most immediate of intents is weak. Critics have harshly ridiculed this second definition of motive. They contend that because motive and intent are essentially the same, the statement that motive is irrelevant to the criminal law can only be true as a tautology where motive is defined as all those intentions that have been deemed, for one reason or another, irrelevant.11In contrast, all those that have been deemed relevant are designated as intent or mens rea.12 Finally, the third group of efforts rejects the approach of juxtaposing motive against intent or mens rea. Instead, these definitions of motive focus on the mental function that motive represents. According to Douglas Husak, motives may ^be understood as a ‘polymorphous collection of action initiators.”,13These motives may be further intentions, reasons, or other undefined mental states; their categorization is not important.14 Hyman Gross offers that “a motive …is a reason for doing the kind of purposeful act that calls for an explanation and that is done by the actor for the sake of something e l s e.,,15Having a motive for an action is simply believing that “some end will be furthered by performing it, an d ? ? ? [wanting] or [desiring] …to further that end.”16

This article adopts this third functional definition of motive because it strives to define motive independent of intent and mens rea. Freed from any need to compare to intent or mens rea, the functional approach comes closer to defining motive as it is understood by laypeople.17This connection to lay usage of the term motive is valuable because it supports one key argument for enhancing the role of motive in criminal law. That argument is the importance of aligning legal norms to social norms in designing effective criminal

laws.18Furthermore, a functional definition allows for easy comprehension.

C.Motive Is Already Relevant

Understanding motive as the “action initiator” behind a defendant’s acts, it is clear that motive already influences determinations of liability. First,on a very basic level, the presence or absence of a motive may be helpful in determining whether a defendant acted intentionally or unintentionally.19This is because not every act of a defendant is accompanied by a cognizable “action i n i t i a t o r.,,20Indeed, arguably only intentional acts are done with a motive in mind. Acts for which a defendant may have no motive may be those unintentional acts committed recklessly or negligently.21Thus, motive is already of tremendous significance in determining a defendant’s mens rea and therefore his cri minal liability.

In addition to this basic consideration of motive, traditional criminal law also focuses on motive in special limited circumstances. For example, common law has long provided that a defendant may assault another person if the defendant was doing so in order to defend himself from “the use or imminent use of unlawful physical force by such other p e r s o n.,,22Although jurisdictions may vary with respect to the fine details of this right to self-defense,they all share the need to analyze the rea son or “action- initiator” behind the defendant’s acts. Only if the reason fits within a narrowly defined category is the defendant then absolved of his otherwise criminal assault. This traditional right to self-defense clearly determines liability based on motive.

Another longstanding defense that operates in a similar fashion is necessity. Necessity requires that a defendant commit a crime because of a need to avoid an even greater harm. Still a third common law defense that considers motive is mistake of fact where a defendant lacks an illicit motive because he acted under mistaken factual belief. All three of these defenses conclude that it is unjust and perhaps ineffective to inflict punishment on defendants who act without an evil motive and instead act because of fear or a belief that their acts are privileged.23

Beyond these defenses, the common law also uses motive as an offense element of specific intent crimes. The classic example of a specific intent crime is burglary where a defendant’s purpose in breaking and entering a premises must be to commit a further crime once inside. Once again, unless the defendant’s reason or “action-initiator” fits within this narrowly defined category, that defendant will not be guilty of the crime of burglary. Modem examples of where motive is an offense element are stalking and hate crimes. The presence or absence of a particular motive is a determinative factor.

What is interesting about these traditional defenses and offenses is that in order to steer clear of the irrelevance maxim, motive is not identified as such. The term motive is not used and sometimes it is even replaced by another term or phrase such as specific intent? Specific intent could easily be defined as those motives that are relevant for the criminal law, notwithstanding the otherwise accurate and pithy statement of motive’s irrelevance. Some scholars have criticized this refusal to acknowledge the language and substance of motive in the criminal law. Because of their critical analyses, there are more open discussions of how motive already influences the criminal law, albeit only under special limited circumstances. With the modem examples of stalking and hate crimes, much of the controversy has surrounded the flagrant use of motive in these criminal statutes.

D.Some Say Motive Should Not Be Relevant

Although it is not as starkly irrelevant as the original pithy maxim would lead scholars to believe, overall current criminal laws invoke the motives of defendants fairly infrequently. Defenders of the irrelevance maxim have provided several reasons for why motive should continue to play only a limited, as opposed to central, role in the criminal law. This article discusses two of these reasons. The first is that the criminal law must only take into account a small number of motives because of the need for effective social control. In addition to expressing the moral judgment of a community, the criminal law is also a utilitarian tool for regulating the future behavior of members of that community. If the criminal law were to accommodate every sympathetic motive, then many more defendants would either escape criminal liability or receive much-reduced sentences. Social control would be crippled. Thus, while not wholly consistent,the necessary compromise is to allow for the consideration of motive but only in those exceptionally sympathetic circumstances.24 The second reason not to expand the role of motive is the need to preserve the institutional and historical prerogative of legislatures in controlling the influence that motive should have in the criminal law. This argument rests on the belief that legislatures, as opposed to judges or juries or other law enforcement agents, are best suited to determine which motives should be singled out for particular inculpatory or exculpatory treatment in the criminal law. Because of the context of individual cases, courts are vulnerable to being preoccupied by the “poignancy”25of actual defendants ani ignoring the “policy implications of an extension of the law.”26In addition, it is more democratic for an elected body of representatives to handle collectively broad questions of moral condemnation rather than individual jurists who may be appointed as well as elected to their positions. Finally, use of the proscriptive legislative process advances the principle of legality.27For all these reasons, the conclusion is “that the legislative process, with its capacity for thorough consideration and debate of policy complexities, is the proper forum to shape all doctrinal aspects of the criminal l a w.,’28Thus, legislatures should be free to determine “what kinds of motives should make what kind of difference to criminal l i a b i l i t y,,,29while courts should attend only to the issue of whether the defendant’s actions matched the law’s defini tion of a crime. They will thus often have to attend to questions about what motivated the defendant. Because such motivational questions will often be relevant to her liability: but they must not attend to motivational factors that are not declared relevant by the law.30

E.Why They're Wrong: Motive Must Be Relevant

Because the criminal law professes to be the means through which a community expresses its moral condemnation,31it should consider motive. Motive is essential because the reason why a defendant acts is important in assessing the moral culpability of his acts. Indeed, motive is at the core of our moral intuitions.32 Hyman Gross has put forth four dimensions of moral culpability in his theory on criminal conduct: (1) intentionality, or more specificall y, the extent of a defendant’s intent with respect to the harm; (2) the nature or gravity of the harm; (3) the dangerousness of defendant’s acts,or in other words, the reasonable expectation of harm; and (4) the legitimacy of the defendant’s act under part icular circumstances.33In this theory, the

fourth dimension is the defendant’s motive. According to Gross, an act must be culpable in all four dimensions in order for that act to be morally culpable at all.34If what a defendant did, on balance, was the right or legitimate thing to do, then the act is not morally culpable.35

To demonstrate the validity of Gross’s theory,consider the pairing of two appellate opinions on willful, premeditated, and deliberate murder by Professor Joshua Dressier in his casebook.36The first case describes the death of Ronnie Midgett, Jr., an eight-year-old boy, from a beating by his intoxicated father.37This boy had been brutally beaten over a substantial period of time and was very poorly nourished and underdeveloped.38The Supreme Court of Arkansas upheld the conviction for intentional murder based on the father’s intent to cause serious physical injury to his son.39A factual inverse, the second case deals with a defendant who shoots and kills his terminally ill elderly father, Clyde Forrest, during a visit to see him at the hospital.40In his statements to the police the defendant said the following: “I killed my daddy.” “He won’t have to suffer anymore.” “I promised my dad I wouldn’t let him suffer.”41

The point of these first year law students is not lost. If the criminal law is to reflect the moral judgment of a community, and if members of this community strongly consider a defendant’s motive in assessing morality, then shouldn’t the criminal law do so as well? Douglas Husak poi nts to other important micro-communities in our everyday lives that include motive in their deliberations. “Nothing written by moral philosophers supports the unimportance of motive. It is doubtful that this feature of criminal theory is reproduced in other institutions in which rules are enforced, judgments rendered, and sanctions imposed. Schools, places of employment,and families all regard motive as crucial. Why should the criminal law do otherwise?”42


Elaine M. Chiut











在这次动机辩论中,已经付出了很多努力来定义它。这些努力分为三组。有些人将动机定义为与意图完全不同,而其他人则认为动机是特定类型意图的子类别。还有一些人,如Douglas Husak,提供了更多的功能性定义。第一组将意图视为“认知心理状态,如期望或风险认知”,同时将动机描述为“欲望状态”,意思是“欲望,目的“换句话说,”动机解释了为什么一个人行事,而意图描述了被执行的行为。尽管看似简单,但这一定义使得不相关的断言变得不真实。不真实就是刑法永远不会考虑一个人为何有如此行为。


意图才不能成为动机。” 如果在动机和意图之间存在这种多余的区分,那么从规范的角度来看,刑法应该只与最直接的意图相关,这一论述是多么微不足道。反对者粗暴地嘲笑了动机的第二个定义。他们认为,因为动机和意图本质上是相同的,所以动机与刑法无关的陈述只能作为一种无谓的重复,将动机定义为由于某种原因被视为不相关的所有意图。相比之下,所有被视为相关的都被指定为意图或犯罪意图.

最后,第三组就是要努力拒绝将动机与意图或意愿相提并论。相反,这些动机的定义关注的是动机所代表的心理功能。根据道格拉斯胡萨克的观点,动机可能被理解为一个“多样化的动作发起者集合”。这些动机可能是其他意图、理由或其他未定义的心理状态; 他们的分类并不重要。海曼格罗斯提出:“动机......是做这种有目的的行为的理由,这种行为需要解释,这是行为者为了别的目的而完成的。”一个动作的动机就是简单地相信“通过执行它将进一步促进某个目标,并且...... [希望]或[渴望] ...达成目的。”













因为刑法自称是团体表达道义谴责的手段,它应该考虑动机。动机是必不可少的,因为被告行为产生的原因在评估他的行为的道德罪责时很重要。事实上,动机是我们道德直觉的核心。海曼格罗斯在他的犯罪行为理论中提出了道德罪责的四个维度:(1)意向性,或者更具体地说,被告关于伤害的意图程度; (2)伤害的性质或严重性; (3)被告的行为的危险性,或者换句话说,合理的危害预期; (4)被告在特定情况下行为的合法性。在这个理论中,第四个维度是被告的动机。根据格罗斯的观点,一项行为在所有四个方面都满足,那他必须是有罪的,因为至少这种行为在道德上应该是有罪的。如果被告做了正确或合法的事情以去赎罪,那么他在行为上不是道德上有罪。

为了证明格罗斯理论的有效性,可以考虑Joshua Dressier教授在其案例手册中关于故意、有预谋和蓄意谋杀的两个上诉意见的配对。第一个案例描述了Ronnie Midgett,Jr的死亡,他是一个八岁的男孩,这个男孩被他喝醉了的父亲殴打。这个男孩在相当长的一段时间内遭到了残忍的殴打,并且营养不良和发育不良。阿肯色州最高法院坚持认定基于父亲的故意,造成了对他的儿子严重的身体伤害。一个事实上相反的是,第二宗案件涉及一名被告在医院探访期间射杀他最终患病的年长的父亲克莱德福雷斯特。被告向警方发表了以下声明:“我杀了我的爸爸。”“他不会再忍受痛苦了。”“我答应我父亲我不会让他受苦。”



企业创新战略外文翻译文献(文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译) 翻译之一: Choosing an innovation strategy: theory and practice Author:Joseph T. Gilbert Nationality:America Derivation:Business Horizons, Nov-Dec, 1994 Innovations come as both inventions and adoptions. They come in many types and vary greatly in complexity and scope. Companies attempting to

make a profit cannot continue for long periods without innovating. If they try, their customers will leave them for firms with more up-to-date products or services. It is an observed fact that different companies take different approaches to the use of innovation in attempting to improve their performance. Both academic and practitioner publications in recent years have contained a great deal of writing about innovation, the subjects of which have ranged from comparisons of national patterns of innovation to studies of individual innovations. However, little has been published regarding one issue of both theoretical and practical importance: the innovation policy or strategy of individual firms. Business strategy as a field of study is concerned with how a company competes in its chosen business. It deals with the analysis of a firm's strengths and weaknesses and the opportunities and threats presented by the firm's environment. Strategy looks toward consistent execution of broad plans to achieve certain levels of performance. Innovation strategy determines to what degree and in what way a firm attempts to use innovation to execute its business strategy and improve its performance. To choose an innovation strategy, managers might logically start by thinking about various kinds of innovations and their requirements. We shall discuss three major features of innovation, and analyze each in terms of distinct opposites, even though innovations found in the real world more often appear at various points between these opposites. Innovation is sometimes used in a limited sense to refer only to inventions (products, services, or administrative procedures that no other firm has introduced). More often, however, it applies in a more general sense that includes both invention as described above and imitation (adoption by a firm of a product, service, or administrative procedure that is not an invention but is new to that firm). We use the term in this second sense. Innovations can be characterized in a variety of ways. In the following


毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译 文献、资料中文题目:企业品牌战略研究 文献、资料英文题目:Brand Strategy Research 文献、资料来源: 文献、资料发表(出版)日期: 院(部): 专业: 班级: 姓名: 学号: 指导教师: 翻译日期: 2017.02.14

Brand Strategy Research Kapferer,J.H Available online 11 June 2010 Economic globalization,how to adapt to international trends,establish,a s trong brand and enhance our competitiveness,have become pressing issues facing enterprises.Based on the analysis of the development of corporate marketing brand strategy in enterprise marketing role.Enterise needs to sue a variety of means of competition to increase brand awarenss, improve brand positioning, an create a good brand image. First, Japanese brands across the board defeat. November 22,2006 morning, NEC announced that it would withdraw from 2G and 2.5mobile phone market ,which means that, following Sharp, Panasonic, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, Sanyo, a Japanese mobile phone manufacturers later withdraw from the Chinese market, Japanese mobile phone has almost all except Kyocera 2G mobile phone market in China out of contention. If we sum up the Chinese household appliance market, today any different from ten years ago,I think the biggest difference is that Japanese c ompanies in China, Japanese home appliance market downturn, the following main reasons: First, rigid enterprise system, decision-making difficult, the reaction was slow, incompatible with the reality of the Chinese market ,it is difficult to adapt to the rapidly changing Chinese market;2 is weak in marketing ,product planning capacity is not strong ,it is difficult to judge according to their marker lacunch to meet consumer demand and forecast products, follow the trend has been in a passive situation, can not satisfy market demand; Third, failure to grasp the industry best time to transition is the Japanese home appliance companies lose an important reason for market dominance. Japanese companies come to the edge in the Chinese market is causing companies tothink deeply about our nation ? To make the internanational route and whether the enterprise of“Japanese Company”to the lessons learned behind?Second, the brand strategy implementation in China the Current Situation Many old famous“flash in the pen” Chinese and foreign enterprises in the Chinese market the brand war;just grow up to be a great impact on national brands. The last century, a little-know 80’s brand ,not being registered by trademark, is to be acquired, squeeze, even if the residue is hard going down really developed very limited.Here atypical case, the last


英文原文出自《Advanced Technology Libraries》2008年第5期 Robot Robot is a type of mechantronics equipment which synthesizes the last research achievement of engine and precision engine, micro-electronics and computer, automation control and drive, sensor and message dispose and artificial intelligence and so on. With the development of economic and the demand for automation control, robot technology is developed quickly and all types of the robots products are come into being. The practicality use of robot products not only solves the problems which are difficult to operate for human being, but also advances the industrial automation program. At present, the research and development of robot involves several kinds of technology and the robot system configuration is so complex that the cost at large is high which to a certain extent limit the robot abroad use. To development economic practicality and high reliability robot system will be value to robot social application and economy development. With the rapid progress with the control economy and expanding of the modern cities, the let of sewage is increasing quickly: With the development of modern technology and the enhancement of consciousness about environment reserve, more and more people realized the importance and urgent of sewage disposal. Active bacteria method is an effective technique for sewage disposal,The lacunaris plastic is an effective basement for active bacteria adhesion for sewage disposal. The abundance requirement for lacunaris plastic makes it is a consequent for the plastic producing with automation and high productivity. Therefore, it is very necessary to design a manipulator that can automatically fulfill the plastic holding. With the analysis of the problems in the design of the plastic holding manipulator and synthesizing the robot research and development condition in recent years, a economic scheme is concluded on the basis of the analysis of mechanical configuration, transform system, drive device and control system and guided by the idea of the characteristic and complex of mechanical configuration,


重庆大学网络教育学院 学生毕业设计(论文)开题报告 一、课题的目的及意义(含国内外的研究状况分析): 近年来,随着国民经济的发展,市场竞争日益加大,再加上中国加入世贸组织,国 门逐渐打开,越来越多的国外企业在中国的市场上发展壮大,抢夺市场占有份额,对国内企业 造成了很大的冲击,特别是中小企业更难立足和发展,因此提高我们企业的竞争力迫在眉睫。 我们都是知道人才对于企业的生存和发展都有着重要的意义,并起着越来越重要的作用, 尤其对于我国的中小企业而言,由于其财力、物力有限,不可能与大企业比资金、比实力,因 而人才,尤其是优秀的人才对我国的中小企业的生存与发展就有着决定性的作用。但是,由于 社会、历史和自身等诸多因素的影响,人才在我国的中小企业中往往难以发挥自己的才能,人 才流失现象相当严重,往往自己培养的核心员工成为别人的得意助手,给企业带来了不可估量 的损失。中小企业如果想要获得长足发展必须在人才方面下功夫,应该将人才战略作为整个 企业发展战略的核心,但是中小企业在人才引进、聘用、培育、留守方面存在着种种的不利和 弊端,这些直接导致了企业请进了人才而又留不住人才的尴尬局面的出现。因此如何留住人才, 如何解决人才流失这一问题就显得尤为必要。 二、课题任务、重点研究内容、实现途径、条件: 本文主要利用文献研究方法,通过多种途径收集有关中小企业人才流失现状及对策的文献 资料。主要包括相关著作、期刊杂志以及相关网站查找资料,收集数据等多个关于人才流失的 的相关著作及论文,收集我国关于中小企业相关的文献资料及法律法规等。通过搜集和整理大 量的与中小企业人才流失相关的资料,在指导老师的指导和帮助下,分析中小企业在人力资源 管理中的人才流失问题,找出原因,并结合自己所学的知识、收集的资料并整理消化写成论文。 通过新颖的论点和想法来提出自己论文的创新点,并运用所学习的知识来补充和加工。本文 先阐述课题背景和目的,从而引出人才流失的研究现状,结合现状并运用课题的研究方法来分



DESIGNING PRICING STRATEGIES All for-profit organizations and many nonprofit organizations set prices on their goods or services. Whether the price is called rent (for an apartment), tuition (for education), fare (for travel), or interest (for borrowed money), the concept is the same. Throughout most of history, prices were set by negotiation between buyers and sellers. Setting one price for all buyers arose with the development of large-scale retailing at the en d of the nineteenth century, when Woolworth’s and other stores followed a “strictly one-price policy” because they carried so many items and had so many employees. Now, 100 years later, technology is taking us back to an era of negotiated pricing. The Internet, corporate networks, and wireless setups are linking people, machines, and companies around the globe, connecting sellers and buyers as never before. Web sites like https://www.360docs.net/doc/d17289000.html, and https://www.360docs.net/doc/d17289000.html, allow buyers to compare products and prices quickly and easily. On-line auction sites like https://www.360docs.net/doc/d17289000.html, and https://www.360docs.net/doc/d17289000.html, make it easy for buyers and sellers to negotiate prices on thousands of items. At the same time, new tech- nologies are allowing sellers to collect detailed data about customers’ buying habits, preferences—even spending limits—so they can tailor their products and prices. 1 In the entire marketing mix, price is the one element that produces revenue; the others produce costs. Price is also one of the most ?exible elements: It can be changed quickly, unlike product features and channel commitments. Although price competi- tion is a major problem facing companies, many do not handle pricing well. The most common mistakes are these: Pricing is too cost-oriented; price is not revised often


营销策略外文翻译文献 (文档含中英文对照即英文原文和中文翻译)

译文: 营销策略 内容提要:为了组织的销售能是成功的,它需要根据一个营销策略计划来帮助保证其努力的目标和宗旨与市场的需要想吻合。营销策略审查市场以确定潜在顾客的需要,竞争者的战略和市场地位,并且尝试制定出一套能使组织在市场上获取或维护竞争优势的相关战略。有一些因素会对营销策略计划的发展造成冲击性的影响,它包括内部因素例如组织的财产、技能和组织文化,外在因素例如各种各样的市场驱动者、市场或产业运作方式、战略窗口和竞争的本质。一个优选的营销策略计划也需具备一套意外情况防备策略以应对市场治理及组织生产能力的不确定性。 关键词:竞争优势竞争策略市场地位市场份额营销销售计划组织文化营销策略 营销策略简述 无论组织的产品或服务多么好,除非它们的价值能被传达给潜在的顾客,否则组织依然无法实现它的使命。这种传达和交流是组织内市场营销功能的职责。根据美国市场协会,营销是“一个组织效能和一套创造过程、交流和传达产品价值给顾客、处理与顾客关系的有益于组织和它的利益共享者的方式”。营销作用包括相辅相成的两方面。营销策略在市场上审查市场来确定潜在顾客和竞争者本质的需要,并且试图开发

出在市场上将使组织获取或维护竞争优势的战略。操作的营销被建立在营销策略作用和贯彻各种各样的计划和策略(包括适当的混合营销的发展)吸引顾客和促进顾客忠实的基础之上的。 产品和服务营销的方法 有很多的方式能用来销售你的产品或服务包括做广告,直接响应、推销活动和宣传。然而,除非你能了解顾客、市场和产业的需要并且竞争的优势和劣势,否则这些方法是不太可能成功的。营销策略帮助一个组织尖化它的焦点和在市场顺利地竞争。营销策略与二个组分有关:目标市场和用最佳的方式传达你的产品价值或服务到那个市场。一个可实行的销售方针的发展取决于几个关键维度。首先,与组织之内的所有全球性战略一样,一个成功的销售方针需要由在组织之内的最高管理层签名。销售方针本质上也具有政治性的色彩:在组织之内的强有力的单位在最佳的销售方针也许不同意,并且协议也许需要谈判达成。销售方针也许受组织文化的也影响,并且那得假定这发生。例如,如果组织总是销售它的装饰物给商业主管,它也许就看不到组织之内的低层人员甚至是成人或少年的个人消费潜力。 实施战略销售计划发展的因素 存在一些能冲击战略销售计划发展的因素,这些因素首先包括组织已经拥有或它可能欣然获取的财产和技能。例如,如果组织拥有一个重大编程的部门,就为它能做和销售应用软件提供了可行性的条件。然而,如果这些人员已经在其他工作介入并且不能自由研究一个新的软件项目,并且组织没能力聘用另外的程序员,起始一条新的软件线是不妥当


外文文献翻译原文及译文 (节选重点翻译) 人力资源战略与变革外文文献翻译中英文 文献出处:Handbook of Human Resources Management, 2015, pp 1-18 译文字数:5800多字

英文 Human Resources Strategy and Change: Competence Development in a Changed Environment Michiel Berg Abstract Building competence in a changing environment is a journey. It is a journey where it is essential to have communicated and envisaged a picture of the destination. The details of this envisaged picture will look different probably upon "arrival" at the end of the journey. However, communicating the destination is essential. It helps employees to understand what the direction is. It helps employees and managers to use existing competencies along the way. Moving ahead very often demonstrates unexpected strengths in colleagues one has not been aware of. Moving ahead with a plan can also show the team their current level of competence and the desired state of competence. Explaining and talking about these differences may often prove not to be that easy and clear for many involved. A changing environment shows also weaknesses of current practices, processes, and services. It requires strong managerial skills to keep discussions having a focus on the future and preventing these discussions to turn into complaint sessions of past events. Human Resources practices and processes are executed in a triangle of employees, managers, and


中英文资料对照外文翻译 FEM Optimization for Robot Structure Abstract In optimal design for robot structures, design models need to he modified and computed repeatedly. Because modifying usually can not automatically be run, it consumes a lot of time. This paper gives a method that uses APDL language of ANSYS 5.5 software to generate an optimal control program, which mike optimal procedure run automatically and optimal efficiency be improved. 1)Introduction Industrial robot is a kind of machine, which is controlled by computers. Because efficiency and maneuverability are higher than traditional machines, industrial robot is used extensively in industry. For the sake of efficiency and maneuverability, reducing mass and increasing stiffness is more important than traditional machines, in structure design of industrial robot. A lot of methods are used in optimization design of structure. Finite element method is a much effective method. In general, modeling and modifying are manual, which is feasible when model is simple. When model is complicated, optimization time is longer. In the longer optimization time, calculation time is usually very little, a majority of time is used for modeling and modifying. It is key of improving efficiency of structure optimization how to reduce modeling and modifying time. APDL language is an interactive development tool, which is based on ANSYS and is offered to program users. APDL language has typical function of some large computer languages. For example, parameter definition similar to constant and variable definition, branch and loop control, and macro call similar to function and subroutine call, etc. Besides these, it possesses powerful capability of mathematical calculation. The capability of mathematical calculation includes arithmetic calculation, comparison, rounding, and trigonometric function, exponential function and hyperbola function of standard FORTRAN language, etc. By means of APDL language, the data can be read and then calculated, which is in database of ANSYS program, and running process of ANSYS program can be controlled.

文献翻译 (2)

对行销售人员激励机制分析 1激励机制的描述 1.1激励理论主要是研究激发人们行为动机的各种因素。由于人类行为 的原动力是需要,因此这种理论实际上就是围绕着人们的各种需要来进行研究。主要包括马斯洛的赫茨伯格的双因素理论、奥尔德弗的“ERG”理论、需要层次理论和麦克利兰的成就需要激励理论。 1.2 过程型激励理论重点研究人从动机产生到采取行动的心理过程。 包括亚当斯的公平理论、佛隆的期望理论和斯金纳的强化理论。 二对行销售人员激励机制分析 美国心理学家佛隆在1964年首先提出期望理论,人之所以能够完成某项工作并达成组织目标,因为这些组织目标和工作会帮助他们达成自己的目标。根据期望理论,某一活动对某人的激发力量取决于他所能得到的结果的全部预期价值乘以他认为达成该结果的期望概率。这就要求要处理好三个方面的关系:绩效与奖励的关系、努力与绩效的关系、奖励与个人需要的关系,任何一个环节都不能出现问题,否则都会导致无效激励。 从以期望理论为代表的过程型激励理论与内容型激励理论的观点来看,激励过程的科学性和合理性、激励手段对销售人员个性化需求的满足程度构成了激励的两要素。由此看出,销售人员的激励机制确实有改进的必要。 三销售人员激励体制中不足原因 3.1激励方式单一,过分依靠货币等物质激励手段而忽视精神激励的重要作用,销售人员没有归属感,缺少团队凝聚力。即使在物质激励方面,也是“佣金制”和“提成制”的天下,收入的多少完全依据销售额或利润额的多少,无视死去差异和个人实际努力程度,激励不公现象十分普遍。 3.2晋升制度僵硬,论资排辈,讲资历而忽视能力,讲关系而忽视业务水平,人浮于事,优秀人才流失严重,已不再适应市场竞争的需要。 3.3多数企业没有完整的培训激励机制,企业只注重“挖人”而非培养,因而满足不了销售人员自我发展的需要。



译文: 零售企业的营销策略 Philip Kotlor 今天的零售商为了招徕和挽留顾客,急欲寻找新的营销策略。过去,他们挽留顾客的方法是销售特别的或独特的花色品种,提供比竞争对手更多更好的服务提供商店信用卡是顾客能赊购商品。可是,现在这一切都已变得面目全非了。现在,诸如卡尔文·克连,依佐和李维等全国性品牌,不仅在大多数百货公司及其专营店可以看到,并且也可以在大型综合商场和折扣商店可以买到。全国性品牌的生产商为全力扩大销售量,它们将贴有品牌的商品到处销售。结果是零售商店的面貌越来越相似。 在服务项目上的分工差异在逐渐缩小。许多百货公司削减了服务项目,而许多折扣商店却增加了服务项目。顾客变成了精明的采购员,对价格更加敏感。他们看不出有什么道理要为相同的品牌付出更多的钱,特别是当服务的差别不大或微不足道时。由于银行信用卡越来越被所有的商家接受,他们觉得不必从每个商店赊购商品。 百货商店面对着日益增加的价格的折扣店和专业商店的竞争,准备东山再起。历史上居于市中心的许多商店在郊区购物中心开设分店,那里有宽敞的停车场,购买者来自人口增长较快并且有较高收入的地区。其他一些则对其商店形式进行改变,有些则试用邮购盒电话订货的方法。超级市场面对的是超级商店的竞争,它们开始扩大店面,经营大量的品种繁多的商品和提高设备等级,超级市场还增加了它们的促销预算,大量转向私人品牌,从而增加盈利。 现在,我们讨论零售商在目标市场、产品品种和采办、服务以及商店气氛、定价、促销和销售地点等方面的营销策略。 一、目标市场 零售商最重要的决策时确定目标市场。当确定目标市场并且勾勒出轮廓时,零售商才能对产品分配、商店装饰、广告词和广告媒体、价格水平等作出一致的决定。如沃尔玛的目标市场相当明确:


战略管理研究参考文献 (总目录) 项保华2003-5-31 重要说明:本目录经过多届博士生的共同努力,于2003年5月整理完成,主要提供本人指导的战略管理研究方向的博士生学习参考之用。可以认为,只要通读了本目录的大部分文献,必将能够对战略管理领域的当前及经典理论、方法有比较系统的把握。若能在此基础上潜心感悟,加强与同行的交流探索,定可具备解决具体战略理论与实践问题的创新思路与实用技能,从而顺利完成博士学位论文的选题与撰写。作为战略管理研究方向博士生培养的业务目标定位为,通过对战略理论与实践的系统学习,达到胜任国内重点高等院校战略领域的教学、研究、咨询工作之要求。所以,对于硕士生以及非战略管理研究方向的博士生而言,不作全面通读本目录文献之要求,各位可以根据自己的兴趣,从本目录中选取部分文献阅读,以作为参与战略课程学习之补充。 学习建议:以具体老师为师的范围终有限,而以文献为师则可延请古今中外名家赐教,广泛借鉴吸收多方面的见解。多读、多思、多写,书山无路勤为径,以学为乐恒则成!谨以此与各位共勉! 1、中文部分 为人经世 ?孔子, 论语(网上下载) ?老子, 道德经(网上下载) ?孙子, 孙子兵法(网上下载) ?马基雅维里(1469-1527), 君主论, 中国社会出版社, 1999 ?葛拉西安(1601-1658), 智慧书——永恒的处世经典(网上下载) ?何兆武, 西方哲学精神, 清华大学出版社, 2002 ?墨顿·亨特, 心理学的故事, 海南人民出版社, 1999 ?维克托·E.弗兰克尔, 人生的真谛, 中国对外翻译出版公司, 1994

? E. 迈尔, 生物学思想发展的历史, 四川教育人民出版社, 1990(网上下载) ?威尔逊, 新的综合:社会生物学(李昆峰编译), 四川人民出版社, 1985(网上下载) 战略总论 ?项保华, 战略管理——艺术与实务(第3版), 华夏出版社, 2003 ?明茨伯格等, 战略历程:纵览战略管理学派, 机械工业出版社, 2002 ?拜瑞·J·内勒巴夫;亚当·M·布兰登勃格, 合作竞争(Co-Opetition), 安徽人民出版社, 2000 ?迈克尔·波特, 竞争战略(原著1980年出版), 华夏出版社, 2003 ?迈克尔·波特, 竞争优势(原著1985年出版), 华夏出版社, 2003 ?迈克尔·波特, 国家竞争优势(原著1990年出版), 华夏出版社, 2002 ?迈克尔·波特等, 未来的战略, 四川人民出版社, 2000 ?格里·约翰逊;凯万·斯科尔斯, 公司战略教程, 华夏出版社, 1998 ?小乔治·斯托尔克等, 企业成长战略, 中国人民大学出版社、哈佛商学院出版社, 1999 专题探讨 ?保罗·索尔曼、托马斯·弗利德曼, 企业竞争战略, 中国友谊出版公司, 1985 ?罗伯特·艾克斯罗德, 对策中的制胜之道:合作的进化, 上海人民出版社, 1996 ?约瑟夫·巴达拉克, 界定时刻——两难境地的选择, 经济日报出版社、哈佛商学院出版社, 1998 ?芝加哥大学商学院、欧洲管理学院、密歇根大学商学院、牛津大学赛德商学院, 把握战略:MBA战略精要, 北京大学出版社, 2003 ?哈默尔、普拉哈拉德, 竞争大未来, 昆仑出版社, 1998 ?尼尔·瑞克曼, 合作竞争大未来, 经济管理出版社, 1998 ?卡尔·W.斯特恩、小乔治·斯托克, 公司战略透视, 上海远东出版社, 1999 ?乔尔·布利克、戴维·厄恩斯特, 协作型竞争, 中国大百科全书出版社, 1998


外文译文二: 企业品牌战略研究 Kapferer,J.H Strategic Brand Mnanagement [J]. Kogan Page,London [J]. Marketing Science,2010(2):52-61. 在经济全球化的今天,如何适应国际化潮流,建立强势品牌,提高竞争能力,已经成为国内企业面临的迫切问题。本文在分析我国企业营销品牌战略发展状况的基础上,从品牌战略的内涵与其功能意义入手,探讨了品牌战略在企业营销中的作用。企业需要综合运用多种竞争手段提高品意,搞好品牌定位,塑造良好品牌形象。 一、日系品牌全线崩溃 2006年11月22日上午,NEC宣布将推出2G及2.5G手机市场,这意味着继夏普、松下、东芝、三菱、三洋之后又一家日本手机厂商退出中国市场,日系手机除京瓷外几乎全部退出中国2G手机市场的争夺。 如果我们总结今天的中国家电市场与十年前有什么不同的话,我想,最大的不同就是,日系企业在中国的繁荣已经渐行渐远。 对于日系手机败退,乃至日系家电走到中国市场的低谷,主要原因有以下几点:一是企业制度呆板,决策困难,反应速度慢,与另市场现实格格不入,难以适应快速变化的中国市场;二是市场营销能力弱,产品规划能力不强,很难根椐自己对市场的判断与预测推出迎合消费需求的产品,一直处于跟风的被动局面,无法满足中国市场的需要;三是未能把握住产业转型最佳时机,是日系家电企业失去市场主导地位的重要原因。 日系企业在中国市场上走到边缘是否引起我们民族企业的深思?欲走国际化路线的企业又 是否从“日系企业”的背后吸取教训? 二、我国企业实施品牌战略的现状分析处 1、众多昔日名牌“昙花一现” 中外企业在市场上的品牌大战,使刚刚成长起来的民族品牌受到极大的冲击。上世纪80年代稍有知名度的品牌,不是被抢注商标,就是被收购、挤垮,即使残留下来的也是惨淡经营,真正发展起来的极为有限。这里典型的案例,上世纪80年代至90年代初期,曾在空调界创下奇迹的华宝空调,在1998年被科龙收购,其后的品牌形象就一再下滑。
