



1 I am looking forward __________ you as we have much to discuss.

(A) to see (B) to seeing (C) and see (D) and seeing

2 They are nice boys and I’m sure you’ll get on ______ them very wel l.

(A) by (B) with (C) towards (D) besides

3 Why are you always so jealous ________ other people?

(A) about (B) on (C) to (D) of

4 The monitor said to Tom that two other students were on duty ____ him.

(A) besides (B) without (C) except (D) but

5 He gave up his job _______ for his family and himself.

(A) both (B) all (C) much (D) little

6 Because the first pair of shoes did not fit Lisa properly, the shop assistant showed her _________.

(A) another pair (B) the other ones (C) others shoes (D) another shoes

7 She hardly ever eats ________ potatoes.

(A) nor bread or (B) bread or (C) neither bread or (D) neither bread nor

8 Mary is used to wearing her hair long. The longer it is, _____________.

(A) she like it better (B) the more she likes

(C) the better she likes it (D) she likes it more

9 The symbols of mathematics __________we are familiar are the signs of addition , subtractions , multiplication and equality.

(A) to which (B) which (C) with which (D) in which

10 He had no sooner finished his speech ________ he withdrew.

(A) then (B) than (C) as (D)when

11 I telephoned the station to make ____________of the time of the train.

(A) true (B) right (C) real (D) sure

12 It must have been _________ who gave the signal.

(A) them (B) they (C) theirs (D)these

13 It looked __________ the horse really could think and count.

(A) just as (B) as if (C) like (D) as

14 The students are ____________ the mid-term test which will soon be held.

(A) preparing (B) preparing on (C) preparing for (D) preparing in

15 She is on a diet in order to lose __________.

(A) meat (B) fat (C) weight (D)body

16 Everyone else was killed in the accident, I was the only one to ______________.

(A) relieve (B) alive (C) release (D) survive

17 His theory is not very difficult, but ________people understand it.

(A) a few (B) few (C) a little (D) little

18 We shall have an opportunity to exchange ________tomorrow.

(A) sights (B) views (C) meanings (D) minds

19 Every means _______but without much result.

(A) have been tried (B) has been tried (C) have tried (D) has tried

20 _________the plan carefully, he rejected it .

(A) To have considered (B) To consider (C) Having considered (D) Considering



21 In my spare time, I used to (A) enjoy playing (B) the piano or go out (C) for a walk alone (D).

22 They’ve never been to (A) London, but (B) that’s the city I’d (C) most like to visit it (D).

23 The Eskimos have to (A) live in cold and darkness most of the year, which (B) causes them develop (C) a lively sense (D) of humor and a friendly attitude.

24 He was such (A) tired of (B) hearing them arguing about (C) the silly subject so he left (D) the room.

25 What (A) should we do about (B) the larger forces (C) what (D) are affecting our culture?

26 The exhausting (A) mountain climbers found themselves (B) too weak to return (C) to the nearest (D) camp.

27 Be cause (A) Walter Reed’s efforts and those (B) of the people who worked with him, human beings no longer (C) fear the disease (D) of Yellow Fever.

28 She had so much (A) difficulty adapt to (B) any kind of situations (C) that she had not known


29 So surely (A) was his behavior towards (B) the old man that (C)everybody demanded an apology (D).

30 When Tom’s pen ran (A)out of ink, I lent (B) him mines (C), so he could finish writing (D) his homework..


请选择文章后所给问题的正确答案,并将答题卡上相应的字母涂黑,做在本试题册上无效。Passage 1

My formula for staying young is simple: concentrate on the part of you that’s young and growing-your brain. Keep your mind awake and you’ll stay young all over. These are exciting times. Take an interest in the world around you, and make a point of learning at least one new thing every day.

Regardless of your age, it’s not too late to make your life more interesting. I know a housewife with no previous knowledge who made herself into an outstanding industrial designer; I know a retired electrical engineer who has become a highly paid ceramic artist.

Get over the motion that you are too old to go to back to school. I know a man who entered medical college at 70. He got his degree with honors and became an eminent physician. Another man went to law school at 71 and is now an active lawyer.

In spite of years, staying young is easy for those who live in the future. You can do it if you care enough to try. Keep your mind awake and active; that’s the only youth elixir guaranteed to work .

31. The statement that our brain remains young and growing regardless of age is _______

A. an impossibility

B. a scientific fact

C a supposition

D a ridiculous conclusion

32. It is wrong to _______

A think oneself too old to go back to school

B keep one’s mind awake

C try to stay young D. get one’s degree with honors

33. The passage states that a man who entered college at 70 became_______

A. an active lawyer

B. an electric engineer

C. a distinguished doctor

D. a highly paid ceramic artist

34. The only youth elixir is to ______

A go back to school

B forget one’s own age

C keep in touch with young people D. keep one’s mind awake and active

35. All of the following statements are true EXCEPT that _____

A. human brain never gets old with age

B. every person should take up a new occupation when he becomes old

C. staying young is not difficult if one is willing to try

D. there is always something to learn if you have an interest in what’s going on aroun d you Passage2

If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year ago. We should probably have to say that we could not remember. But if we had kept a book and had written in it an account of what we did each day. We should be able to give an answer to the question.

It is the same in history. Many things have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them. Sometimes men did keep a record of the most important happenings in their country, but often it was destroyed by fire or in a war. Sometimes there was never any written record at all because the people of that time and place did not know how to write. For example, we know a good deal about the people who lived in China 4,000years ago, because they could write and leave written records for those who lived after them. But we know almost nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in central Africa, because they had not learned to write.

Sometimes , of course, even if the people cannot write, they may know something of the past. They have heard about it from older people, and often songs and dances and stories have been made about the most important happenings, and these have been sung and acted and told for many generations. For most people are proud to tell what their fathers did in the past. This we may call “remembered history.” Some of it has now been written down. It is not so exact or so valuable to us as written history is. Because words are much more easily changed when used again and again in speech than when copied in writing. But where there are no written records, such spoken stories are often very helpful.

36. Which of the following ideas is not conveyed in the passage?

A. “Remembered story”, compared with written history, is less reliable.

B. Written records of the past plays a most important role in our learning of the human history.

C. A written account of our daily activities helps us to answer some questions

D. Where there are no written records, there is no history.

37. We know very little about the central Africa 200 years ago because _______

A. there wad nothing worth being written down at that time.

B. the people there ignored the importance of keeping a record.

C. the written records were perhaps destroyed by a fire

D. the people there had not known how to write

38. “remembered history” refers to ______

A. history based on a person’s imagination

B. stories of important happenings passed down from mouth to mouth

C songs and dances about the most important events.

D. both B and C

39. “remembered history” is regarded as valuable only when ______

A. it is written down

B. no written account is available

C. it proves to be true.

D. people are interested in it

40. It can be inferred from the passage that we could have learned much more about our past than we do now if our ancestors had ____

A. kept a written record of every past event

B. not burnt their written records in wars

C. told exact stories of the most important happenings

D. made more songs and dances


For years, international swimming has been controlled by a small number of powerful nations. The U.S, Russia, Germany and Australia have produced some of the sport’s finest players and have won most of the top competitions and medals. But the results of this month’s world championships, which are being held in the Australian city of Perth, will not be so easy to predict. Since the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, many new names and nationalities have emerged to take on the world leaders.

The 1996 Olympics should have been an opportunity for the U.S to display its great swimming power, but instead it faced some embarrassing defeats. The surprises started on the first day of the competitions, when Fred of Belgium set a world record in the competition for 100-metres breast-stroke(蛙泳). Never before had Belgium produced an Olympic champion swimmer. Two other countries also won swimming gold medals for the first time on the opening day. Ireland’s Michelle Smith delighted her country with the first of her three gold medals. New Zealand also c elebrated with Danyon Loader’s gold in the men’s 200-metres free style. Loader went on to win the 400 meters later in the competition.

But late on the second day, the U.S team’s officials and coaches were starting to be surprised. Penny Heyns of Sout h Africa had broken the women’s 100-metre breast-stroke record in the morning competitions before claiming gold in the final.

41. It is hard to predict the results of this month’s championships because ________

A. players from different countries have emerged as new champions

B. many names of the players haven’t been heard

C. a few countries have won international swimming competitions

D. the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta was a success

42.What the U.S had to face at the 1996 Olympics was ______

A. new swimming power

B. a big success

C. several unpleasant failures

D. a great deal of embarrassment

43. The player of Belgium broke a world record in 100-metre breast-stroke which ______

A. it had won before

B. it had not gained before

C. it had won many times

D. the U.S. had never won before

44. How many medals have the other countries won on the opening day?

A. Three

B. Four

C. Five

D. Six

45. It can be inferred from the passage that ______

A. the U.S. is still the only powerful country in swimming

B. the U.S. has been a great swimming power

C. Ireland once controlled international swimming.

D. Belgium had won several world swimming championships


When the steam engine was invented in the eighteenth century, it began one of the greatest revolutions that have ever happened in our world. The invention of the petrol engine at the end of the nineteenth century led to another enormous change in our lives. And the computer is almost certainly going to be an invention no less important than these engines were.

Just as there was a Stone Age. An Iron Age and so on, we have been living for centuries in a Paper Age, during which almost all information was kept and sent on paper, and so much of it is wasted after it has been used once that enormous numbers of trees have to be cut down every year to provide us with this paper. But now, with the computer, enormous amounts of information can be stored and sent without any paper at all, using small discs or the Internet.

Computers have made it possible to do very difficult calculations very much faster than any earlier machine could. Computers also allow one to send information to others anywhere in the world, via the telephone line, and to receive information from them. One can send a very long mess age more quickly from England to Australia, for example, than from one’s house to someone in the garden. Computers are not only used for writing; they can produce diagrams and pictures, and they can be used for playing games. One now sees them at airports and railway stations, in hotels and restaurants, in fact, almost everywhere where people gather.

46. The author seems to say that the invention of the computer is ___

A. not so important as that of the steam and petrol engines

B. at least as important as that of the steam and petrol engines

C. less important than that of the steam and petrol engines

D. far more important than that of the steam and petrol engines

47. According to the author the disadvantage of using paper to keep and send information is tha_______

A. it is hard to get enough paper

B. it wastes our time

C. it damages the environment

D. there is too much paper around

48. We may infer that the fastest way for computer to send messages is by using _____

A. paper

B. discs

C. the telephone line

D. air mail

49. Which of the following functions of the computer is not mentioned in the passage?

A. Handling information

B. Doing office and business work

C. Offering entertainment

D. Making phone calls

50. The title that best express the main idea of the passage is _____

A. Computer Age

B. Paper Age and Computer Age

C. Computer and Our Past

D. Computer and Our Future



We arrived in Spain (51) the first time a few weeks ago, and I decided to buy a car because we had sold (52) we had in England before leaving. Yesterday the sales office rang us (53) the car was ready. I had tried out a model (54) it before but as I was not yet used (55) in this city, my wife did not want me to collect it on my own, (56) we went together to fetch it. We (57) and signed the papers. They told us that there was enough petrol to take us to a garage, (58) we could fill up. The nearest garage to the office was (59) and we got there safely. But when I (60) into the main road I suddenly saw a lot of cars racing (61) me. I got out of their way (62) as I could by backing into the garage once more, and the man behind me (63) at me. “It’s so much a problem to remember to drive on the right, isn’t it?” my wife said. “Yes, if only I (64) a few lessons for (65).” I replied. “You (66) carefully on the way home “my wife said “You’d be sorry if you had an accident (67) the first day, (68).” While we were talking, the man behind got out of his car and said in good English, “Would you (69) me when you are t hinking of leaving? Or are you going to sit in you car (70) day?”

51 A) for B) on C) at D) to

52 A) that B) which C) the one D) the other

53 A) for saying B) say C) and saying D) and said

54 A) as B) the same that C) like D) such as

55 A) for driving B) to driving C) in driving D) to drive

56 A) such B) as C) so D) so as

57 A) paid the car for B) paid the car C) paid to the car D) paid for the car

58 A) where B) there C) which D) at that

59 A) at 100 yards away B) about 100 yards away

C) at 100 yards far D) about 100 yards far

60 A) turned B) circled C) altered D) involved

61 A) for B) on C) over D) towards

62 A) so fast B) such fast C) as fast D) fast

63 A) annoyed B) astonished C) shouted D) responded

64 A) would have B) had had C) should have D) have had

65 A) practice B) trial C) exercise D) experiment

66 A) would better to go B) would better go

C) had better to go D) had better go

67 A) in B) at C) on D) by

68 A) won’t you B) wouldn’t you C) hadn’t you D) shouldn’t you

69 A) mind to tell B) mind as to tell C) mind telling D) mind that tell

70 A) each B) every C) all the D) all



71. (see)__________ the film twice, I didn’t want to go to the movies.

72. We (go) _______ out if the weather hadn’t been so bad.

73. If(ask) ______ what is the most valuable, he would say experience.

74. A snake in the grass is (particular) ________ dangerous because it is difficult to discover.

75. In the eyes of the English people, the color white (stand)________ for purity.

76. Your watch is out of o rder, but I don’t think it is worth(repair) _______.

77. It’s necessary for me to suggest that she (not do) _______ such a thing.

78. Officials should remain aware that China’s (agriculture) ______ efficiency remains low.

79. If there were no gravity, there(be) _______ no air around the earth.

80. I felt rather (excite) _______ at being the object of such attention.



81 Please let us know if you fail to receive the goods within 5 days.

82 A job interview helps you decide if the job meets your career needs and interests.

83 Television satellites enable people to see programs live from thousands of miles away.

84 To lead healthy lives, we must seek balance with nature, with society and within ourselves.

85 If you would like to me , I can be available for an interview at any time convenient to you.


86 他花了好几个星期的时间才适应了大学生活。(adapt to)

87 护士们通常毕生致力于照顾病人。(devote……to )

88 我们很快就彼此了解,成了朋友.。(give it to know)

89 现在人们越来越多地依靠计算机来解决各种各样的问题。(depend on)

90 对于英语学习者来说,练习听力和口语是很必要的。(it is necessary)


河南省 2016 年普通高等学校 专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试 公共英语 Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 x 40 ) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.- 1. Jane hadn't been to London before. ______ had her husband. A. Neither B. Either C. So D. Or 2. No sooner had he arrived in Rome ______ he heard of the good news. A. when B. than C. then D. until 3. I’m for the suggestion that a special board_____to examine the problem. A. be set up B. will be set up C.must be set up D.has to be set up 4. The disabled children need many things, but____ , they need love. A. first of all B.not at all C.after all D. All in all 5. The coal industry in the north of China is now barely half its ____size. A. Formal B.former https://www.360docs.net/doc/d39676795.html,tter D. later 6. The football player is hoping to____ to another team soon. A. Transfer B.transport C.transplant D. transact 7. ____the garden, the old man went to have a rest. A. Having been watered B. Watering C. Having watered D. Being watered 8. Her_____to the job left her with very little free time. A. devotion B.faith C.trust D.interest 9. The children have been ____since their father left. A.out of style B.under control C.out of control D.in style 10. It is reported _____ great changes have been made with the application of the new policy. A.which B. that C. while D.what 11. The manager promised to keep me _____ of how the project was going on. A. be informed B. Informed C. inform https://www.360docs.net/doc/d39676795.html,rming


2013年黑龙江省专升本英语考试题 考试日期:3月17号 考试时间:09:00 -11:00

2013年黑龙江省专升本考试(绝密启用前) 请将考试答案填入对应题目后面的括号里面。 一、Choose the best answer to complete each of the following statements. 1.A ________ is helpful in looking for a job, but it doesn't mean a job.() A. certificate B. grade C. record D. debt 2.They teach you the ______ you need to become a successful journalist. () A.conversation B. skills C. detail D. headline 3.I don't have the time and ______ to disagree with her, as I have a lot of work to do. () A. responsibility B. decision C. account D. energy 4.The ______ of this country comes from its oil. () A.wealth B. view C. sympathy D. tale 5.We were all _____ to hear the news that Tom, the silly boy, had won an award. () A. fluent B. rude C. amazed D. successful 6.Tony often ______ with his wife about money. () A. argues B. talks C. Embarrasses D. Improves 7.I've learned from my uncle that dogs _______ people by their smell. () A. improve B. recognize C. expect D. teach 8.We have been asked to ______ the news to all our friends. () A.say B. make C. spread D. Give 9.The boy said he was quite _______ that he had made a careless mistake. () A.known B. aware C. knowing D. understanding 10.She doesn't have the ______ to move that table alone() A. schedule B. attitude C. teammate D. strength 11.In some Western countries, a ______ belief is that black cats will bring misfortune to people() A.superstar B. superpower C. superstitious. D. Superstition. 12.The sudden lightning (闪电) ______ me so much that I dropped the cup. () A.stopped B. Pushed C. scared D. Made


山东省 2019 年普通高等教育专升本统一考试英语试题 本试卷分为策I 卷和策II 卷两部分,共12 页。满分100 分。考试用时120 分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必用毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、考生号、座号填写到试卷规 定的位置上,并将姓名、考生号、座号填(涂)在答题卡规定的位置。 2.第Ⅰ卷每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号,答在本试卷上无效。 3.第Ⅱ卷答题必须用毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域内相应的位置;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案;不能使用涂改液、胶带纸、修正带。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 第Ⅰ卷 PartⅠ Listening Comprehension.(1 point each,20 points) Section A Directions: In will section, you will hear 8 short conversations. 41 the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be read only once. After each question there will be a pause, During the peruse, you must read the four suggested answers marked A) B) C) and D), and decide which is the best answer Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet . Short Conversations 1. A. His car was hit by anothercar. B.H e was hurt while involved insports. C.He fell down somestairs, D.While crossing a street he was hit by acar.


2019年安徽省普通高校专升本招生考试试题 英语 注意事项: 1.试卷共8页,请用黑色签字笔答题,答案写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效。 2.答题前请将答题纸上密封线内的项目填写完整。 PartI Vocabulary and Structure(1point each;30point in all) Directions:There are30incomplete sentences.You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and then write the write the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet. 1.—Hello,____Kate? —Yes,speaking. A.is this B.is that C.are you D.is it 2.By the time I got home,my mother____to bed. A.went B.was getting C.had gone D.has gone 3____everything____,it was not a bad holiday. A.brining--into effects B.learning--by heart C.petting--into practice D.taking--into account 4.When waiting at a bus stop for a long time,most people often look____and asleep. A.bored B.surprised C.excited D.amused 5.____the effective method,I answered all the questions correctly. A.Thanks to B.In case of C.As well as D.Apart from 6.If you are like most people,your intelligence____from season to season. A.turns B.change C.varies D.ranges 7.No cream hot me,thanks.I am____a diet. A.in B.on C.from D.off 8.____really worries George is that his parents expect too much of him. A.What B.This C.Whichever D.It 9.Mary loves Jazz,and she has played____for years. A.piano B.a piano C.one piano D.the piano 10.Ted made up has mind soon and accepted the invitation____. A.without hesitation B.without doubt C.without understanding D.without exception 11.It is good manners____help to others when they are in need. A.to obtain B.obtaining C.to offer D.offering 12.____you've grown your favorite flowers,the following job is to take care.


论情感教学在中学英语教学中的应用 摘要】中学阶段是青少年情感认知成长和成熟的关键时期,而情感是影响中学 英语教学质量的一个重要因素,教师的教学情感和学生的学习兴趣对教学这一过 程的效果有很大的影响。 【关键词】情感教学;中学;英语 【中图分类号】G728.8 【文章标识码】A 【文章编号】1326- 3587(2014)03-0045-01 目前学生情感态度的培养渗透到学科教育和教学之中。基础教育阶段的英语 课程不仅要发展学生的语言知识和语言技能,而且有责任和义务培养学生积极向 上的情感态度。与其他学科领域相比,语言与情感态度的关系更为密切。情感态 度在很大程度上需要通过语言来表达和传递。沟通情感、解决情感问题也需要使 用语言。恰当、合理地使用语言,有助于沟通情感、增进友谊和相互尊重、改善 人际关系。当前,越来越多的学者和教师开始关注和探讨教学中的情感缺失问题,重视和加强情感教学是素质教育赋予教师的新的使命。 一、中学英语教学中引入情感教学的必要性 人作为一个有机体,感性与理性发展应该是协调的,如若片面的追求理性而 忽视感性,必然会导致学生人格发展的障碍。追求理性思考的深刻,而忽视感性 思考的力量,不仅不能促进学生理性思维力的发展,反而有阻碍其发展的结果。 有的英语教师总是按自己事先准备好的教学内容、教学步骤对学生进行灌输,往 往把自己的理解强加给学生,用自己的感悟去覆盖学生的感悟,要求学生从一定 的角度去理解以求达到同一认识层次。而实际上学生对英语知识的品味是丰富多 彩的,这样“整齐划一”的“目中无人”教学,不能不说是英语教学的悲剧。 教学中重视非智力因素有利于教学的成功,我们要发挥情感态度与价值观的 作用来促进学生的学习,情感态度与价值观可以优化教学,促进认知教育的发展。中学英语教育过程扭曲了学习品质的培养,忽略了个性的培养,机械化了高级社 会情感(价值观)的培养,大多数英语教师把对词汇和语法的理解和运用作为知识 和能力目标。新课程实施后,教师通过培训,能够接受新课程的理念,但接受仅 仅是一种认同,还没有能够成为教师的一种素质,在教学中对学生情感态度与价 值观的培养缺乏一定的理论支持和实践。 二、教师的教学情感对学生学习兴趣与教学效果的影响 夸美纽斯也说过:“兴趣是创造一个欢乐和光明的教学环境的主要途径之一”。 在英语课的教学与训练中,教师的情感对学生具有直接的感染作用,在学生面前 始终表现出情绪乐观,态度和蔼、表情亲切、举止潇洒、仪表端庄、言谈高雅、 朝气蓬勃,用情感去感染学生,也是一种无形的教育力量,并潜移默化地在学生 身上发挥巨大的作用,它对学生的学习兴趣影响极为深远。 “振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师。建设一支具有良好政治业务素质、结构合理、相对稳定的中学英语教师队伍,是教育改革和发展的根本大计。教师队伍素质水平的高低,直接影响教学与训练中的学生学习兴趣和教学效果。英语教师要有“干一行,爱一行”的专业思想。热爱本职工作,有强烈的事业 心和责任感,有坚定的志向和毅力,有深厚的感情,把自己毕生的精力奉献给教 育事业,这是产生情感的内部动力,产生坚持而可靠的工作动机。在中学英语课 的教学中教师不但要保持积极,肯定的情感来激发学生的学习兴趣,而且具备高 尚的思想品德是根本,全面的业务能力是前提,只有具备了这些条件,方能使学


第一章英语 英语整体上看试卷一共分为六道大题,一是单项选择题共计20道20分;二是完型填空10道10分;三是阅读,分三个篇章,每个篇章5道选择,各2分,总计30分;四是用词的适当形式填空,10道10分;五是翻译(汉译英),5道20分;六是写作10分;总计100分。 试题分析 一单项选择:20’ 1.A A is helpful in looking for a job,but it doesn’t mean a job. A.certificate B.grade C.record D.debt 2.This book gives all kinds of useful C on how to repair bikes. A.sense B.saving C.imformation https://www.360docs.net/doc/d39676795.html,fort 3.I loved you the A I saw you . A.moment B.point C.heart D.face 4.My father B me by saying that I could win in the speech contest ,so I took part in it. A.discouraged B.encouraged C.courage D.asked 5.His new book A to the top as the bestseller. A.rocketed B.raised C.stayed D.reached 6.The president was invited to address the audience at the opening A Of the Olympic Games. A.ceremony B.speech C.meeting D.celebration


2009年陕西省高校在校生专升本英语考试试题 注意事项: 1.本卷满分为150分。考试时间为150分钟。 2.本卷分试卷I和试卷II,均用钢笔或圆珠笔答卷。第I卷为客观题,考生必须把答案用大写字母写在答题纸上;第II卷为主观题,考生直接把答案写在试卷上。 3.答卷前将密封线内的项目填写清楚。 试卷I I. V ocabulary and structure (40%) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then write your answer on the Answer Sheet. 1. _________a solution to the problem of water shortage, we have to put all our efforts together. A. To work out B. Working out C. Work out D. Being worked out 2. Smith regretted _________ to the meeting yesterday. A. not going B. Working out C. not to going D. not to be going 3. A professor, along with some students, _________ now working in the new laboratory. A. is B. were C. are D. was 4. Just as I was leaving the house, it occurred ________me that I had forgotten my keys. A. on B. in C. at D. to 5. Do you have any idea why he _________? A. is looked sad B. is looking sad C. looks sadly D. looks sad 6. My children are looking forward to ________a trip to Beijing next month. A. make B. making C. be making D. have made 7. Numerous studied have shown that ________the teacher’s expectation, the greater the achievement of the student. A. the higher B. the highest C. as high D. the high 8. We had a party last month, and it was a lot of fun, so let’s have _______one this month. A. other B. more C. the other D. another 9. Why not _______to professor Smith for advice? He is an expert in this field. A. go B. your going C. to go D. you go 10. Only after the students have mastered the rules of pronunciation________. A. can they memorize words more easily B. when can they memorize words more easily C. then they can memorize words more easily D when they can memorize words more easily 11._______formal occasions, you should tale about some world issues or social problems, not


初中英语教学论文:中学英语情感教学的原则及策略 传统的教学理论比较注重认知方面的研究,片面地理解获取知识的手段是灌输系统化,没有将知识的获取放在学习者身上,忽视了学习者心理发展的整体作用,夸大了认知的单一作用,从本质上否定了学习者心理发展的整体性。 目前正在进行的基础教育课程改革的一个重要方面是关注学生情感态度的发展,把学生情感态度的培养渗透到学科教育和教学之中。基础教育阶段的英语课程不仅要发展学生的语言知识和语言技能,而且有责任和义务培养学生积极向上的情感态度。与其他学科领域相比,语言与情感态度的关系更为密切。情感态度在很大程度上需要通过语言来表达和传递。沟通情感、解决情感问题也需要使用语言。恰当、合理地使用语言,有助于沟通情感、增进友谊和相互尊重、改善人际关系。当前,越来越多的学者和教师开始关注和探讨教学中的情感缺失问题,重视和加强情感教学是素质教育赋予教师的新的使命。 所谓英语情感教学就是教师在教学中“以人为本”,运用心理学的理论和方法,有意识地激发和调动学生有利于英语学习的积极情感因素,培养学习兴趣,增强学习动机、自信心、主动性和目的性,提高英语教学效果,从而实现教学中的师生共同参与并和谐发展,促进学生整体素质的提高和个性的发展的方法。 教学是教师的教和学生的学的统一,是师生之间相互交流,相互沟通,相互启发的过程。在这个过程中,师生分享着彼此的思考,经验和知识,交流着彼此的情感和体验,以求得共同发展。在英语教学中运用情感因素是指教师把对学生的情感转化为满足学生对学习合理需要的行为。具体地说,实施英语情感教学主要应遵循如下四条原则: 一、寓教于乐原则 这是情感教学原则体系中的一条核心原则。这条原则的基本涵义是教师要在教学中操纵各种教学变量,使学生怀着快乐——兴趣的情绪进行学习。也就是说,使教学在学生乐于接受、乐于学习的状态中进行。这条原则与“乐学”的基本精神是相应的。情感心理学实验证实,当一个人处在快乐兴趣情绪状态中时,最能发挥其智能操作水平,因而快乐——兴趣是个体进行智能活动的最佳情绪背景(孟昭兰)。教师在贯彻寓教于乐原则时,虽然操作点在于引发学生的快乐和兴趣情绪,但其目标并不停留在低层次的情绪调节上,而只是以情绪调节为切入口,藉以引导学生由低层次的“外在乐”向高层次的“内在乐”方向转化。这种转化的实质是变“乐中学”为“学中乐”,达到治学的最高境界。 二、以情施教原则 顾名思义,这是情感教学原则体系中很有代表性的一条原则。既然是“情感教学”,当然要“以情施教”。这条原则的基本涵义是教师在教学中应自觉地在传授知识、技能,传播思想、观点的同时,伴以积极的情感,达到以情促知,情知交融的教学效果。老师在贯彻这一条原则时要善于控制自己的情绪,使之处于快乐、饱满、振奋的良好主导情绪状态;应以自己的高尚情操积极地影响学生,以陶冶学生的相应情感;教师还要善于情感性地处理教学内容,使之知情并茂,以情促知。 三、情感交融原则 教学活动是师生之间的一种特殊的交往活动,围绕着认知信息传递师生间会出现种种情感交流现象,同时也实际存在着人际情感交流现象。教师应重视师生人际交往中的情感因素,努力以自己对学生的良好情感去引发学生的积极情感反应,创设师生情感交融的氛围,以发展和谐的师生关系,优化教学效果。奥地利著名教育家布贝尔(M?Buber)在《品格教育》中指出:“具有教育效果的不是教育的意图,而是师生间的相互接触。”赞可天在《和教师的谈话》中也明确地说:“就教育工作的效果来说,重要一点是要看师生之间的关系如何。”师生间的情感会通过对其交往活动和关系的直接作用而最终影响教学和教育的效果。

河南专升本公共英语真题 翻译极具参考价值

2001 61. In addition, 75% of the world’s mail is written in English; 60% of the world’s radio stations now broadcast in English. 而且,世界邮件的75%是用英语写的,世界广播电台的60%用英语播音。 62. A supermarket is different from other types of stores in several ways. 超市在许多方面不同于其它类型的商店。 63. A product that is placed at eye level on a shelf sells much better that one which is placed on a lower or higher shelf. 放在与人眼同等高度货架上的商品比放在低于或高于人眼货架上商品畅销。 64. How men first learned to invent words is unknown, in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. 人们最初如何发明了词语还不为人知,也就是说,语言的起源还是个迷。 65. We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar. 因此,我们应该学着斟酌字词,精确用词,否则这些词汇会使我们的语言显得愚蠢粗俗。 66. 学好一门外语是非常重要的。 It’s very important to learn a foreign language well. acquire 67.他用了大约半年的时间才完成这篇论文。 He spent about/approximately half a year to complete the paper. 68. 你让我做的事情我都已经做完了。 I have finished what you made me do./ those things that you made me do. 69. 一旦他适应了新环境,他就会取得更大的进步。 Once he adapted to the new environment, he'll make greater progress. 70. 无论贫富,人人都有教育的权利。


2014年黑龙江专升本公共英语 一.单选20 1.A good ___is the first step to a good job. A education B unit C text D subject 2.If you thing getting a good certificate means getting a job, you are ___yourself. A keeping B having C cheating D doing 3.All the student in Mrs. Black’s class are working very hard in order to___ themselves in English. A expect B compare C improve D clean 4.The teacher____ Tom’s homework with Mike’s and found little difference. A compared B experienced C account D enjoy 5.Please tell me the ___idea of your paper. A main B big C high D good 6.The Chinese government has set up Dragon Boat Festival as a(n)___holiday. A big B spring C official D universal 7.Do you know why she looks so ___?She got high marks in the final examinations. A cheerful B sad C angry D confused 8.The whole composition is good ____some careless mistakes. A except for B except that C except D except from 9.New medicines are ____remarkable result in the treatment of cancer. A finding B requiring C solving D producing 10.The speaker____ for a moment ,and then began to answer the question. A shook B paused C pressed D tripped 11.She is so strange, she always tries to ____talking to me. A prefer B protect C avoid D assure 12.It is unnecessary for those who study hard to consider the ____of failing the exam. A danger B warning C surprise D possibility


阅读(一) During the rest of sleep, the fatigue (疲劳) of the body disappears and recuperation (复原) begins. The tired mind gathers new energy; The memory improves; and annoyance and problems are seen correctly. Some adults require little sleep , others need eight to ten hours in every twenty-for. Infants sleep sixteen to eighteen hours daily, the amount gradually decreasing as they grow older. Young students may need twelve hours; university students may need ten. A worker with a physically demanding job may also need ten , whereas an executive working under great pressure may manage on six to eight. Many famous people are well known to have required little sleep . Napoleon Bonaparte, Thomas Edison , and Charles Darwin apparently averaged only four to six hours a night. Whatever your individual need , you can be sure that by the age of thirty you will have slept for a total of more than twelve years. By that age you will also have developed a sleep routine : a favorite hour, a favorite bed .a favorite posture (姿势),and a formula you need to follow in order to rest comfortably. Investigators have tried to find out how long a person can go without sleep. Several people have reached more than 115 hours-nearly days. Whatever the limit, it is absolute Animals kept awake for from five to eight days have died of exhaustion. The limit for human beings is probably about a week. 1.It is implied in the passage that__. A. a light sleep is as refreshing as a deep one B. sleep is important for good mental and physical health C. memory is greatly improved during sleep D. famous people need less sleep that ordinary people 2.It can be concluded from the passage that the amount of sleep required___, A. depends on the bed one sleeps in B. varies greatly from one individual to another C. can be predicted from the type of job one has D. is closely related to the amount of pressure one suffers 3.The word ―formula‖ (line 3, paragraph 3) most probably means___ A. a prescription B. a mathematical rule C. a fixed method or approach D. an expression of the elements of a compound 4.A person should __ in order to sleep well. A. follow his sleep routine B. go to bed early C. sleep as much as he can D. do a physically demanding job 5.The longest time a human being can survive without sleep is probably. A. five days B. seven days C. ten days D. twelve days 阅读(二) As prices and building costs keep rising , the “do-it-yourself ”(DIY) trend (趋势) in the U.S


浅谈中学英语情感教学的重要性 发表时间:2015-08-26T14:50:18.780Z 来源:《素质教育》2015年9月总第185期供稿作者:袁志强 [导读] 四川省南充市小佛初级中学寓教于乐原则是情感教学的一条核心原则,这条原则的基本涵义是教师要在教学中操纵各种教学变量。袁志强四川省南充市小佛初级中学637100 学生认知方面的研究,传统的教学比较注重,但片面地理解获取知识灌输系统化的手段,没有将知识获取的重点放在学生身上,从而忽视了学生心理发展的重要性。 寓教于乐原则是情感教学的一条核心原则,这条原则的基本涵义是教师要在教学中操纵各种教学变量,使学生始终怀着饱满的情趣在快乐中学习,在乐于学习和乐于接受中就符合乐学原则的基本精神。情感心理学实践证实,当一个人处在快乐兴趣情绪状态中时,最能发挥其智能操作水平,因而快乐——兴趣是个体进行智能活动的最佳情绪背景(孟昭兰)。教师在贯彻寓教于乐原则时,虽然操作点在于引发学生的快乐和兴趣情绪,但其目标并不停留在低层次的情绪调节上,而只是以情绪调节为切入口,籍以引导学生由低层次的“外在乐”向高层次的“内在乐”方向转化。这种转化的实质是变“乐中学”为“学中乐”,达到治学的最高境界。 首先是以情施教原则。顾名思义,这是情感教学原则体系中很有代表性的一条原则。既然是“情感教学”,当然要“以情施教”。这条原则的基本涵义是教师在教学中应自觉地在传授知识、技能,传播思想、观点的同时,伴以积极的情感,达到以情促知、情知交融的教学效果。老师在贯彻这一条原则时要善于控制自己的情绪,使之处于快乐、饱满、振奋的良好的主导情绪状态;教师应以自己的高尚情操积极地影响学生,以陶冶学生的相应情感;教师还要善于情感性地处理教学内容,使之知情并茂,以情促知。 其次是情感交融原则。教学活动是师生之间一种特殊的交往活动,围绕着认知信息传递师生间会出现种种情感交流现象,同时也实际存在着人际情感交流现象。教师应重视师生人际交往中的情感因素,努力以自己对学生的良好情感去引发学生的积极情感反应,创设师生情感交融的氛围,以发展和谐的师生关系,优化教学效果。师生间的情感会通过对其交往活动和关系的直接作用而最终影响教学和教育的效果。 最后是移情原则。移情原则即让学生在学习过程中获得情感陶冶。心理学原则中的情感迁移功能表明:一个人对其他人或物的情感可移情到与之相关的对象身上。教学中的移情,一种情况是教师个体情感对学生的情感施加影响。教师的政治道德素质、文化理论水平、教学水平、精神状态、人格魅力、审美能力及教师的形体语言和口头语的表现对学生起着很大的感染作用。另一种情况是学生被作者和文章中人物的情感所感染。教师要引导学生认真体会文章原作者写作时的情感,注意情感的迁移,寓思想教育、情感教育、美育于外语教学中,让学生在学习语言的同时受到精神的感染和情感的陶冶。 实施情感教学的教学策略主要有: 一、情感性处理教学内容 教师要从情感角度上着眼对教学内容进行加工、组织,使教学内容在向学生呈现的过程中能充分发挥其在情感方面的积极作用。教师应巧妙地组织教学内容来调节学生的学习心向,可采用心理匹配策略和超出预期策略,使教学内容成为满足学生需要、激发其内在动机的诱因。中学英语教材中的许多语言材料反映了人类社会实践活动中的各种喜怒哀乐的情感体验,同时也蕴含着作者的好恶情感和意图。教师应充分挖掘并利用教材中积极健康的思想情感因素,有目的、有意识地与英语教学结合起来,把教材中传递出的情感和学生激活的情感整合起来,让学生在学习和掌握英语的同时受到思想感情的熏陶。如The Statue of Liberty,通过介绍自由女神塑像,表达了世界人民的传统友谊和对和平的向往之情,通过学习,使学生进一步增强爱祖国、爱世界、爱和平的意识,引发学生情感上的共鸣。 二、情感性处理教学组织 教师要从情感角度上着眼对教学组织形式进行优化处理,使教学组织形式在为教学活动服务的过程中能充分发挥其在情感方面的积极作用。可通过灵活分组、角色转换等策略对人员组织进行情感处理。如充分利用教室空间,采取不同于常规的座位编排方式,使小组成员之间的交流充分开展,将分组作为课堂引发积极情绪情感的手段。英语教材中有许多饱含情感色彩的喜剧和对话材料,学生在组内绘声绘色的角色表演,既有助于他们更好地获取文中人物的角色情感体验,加深对课文中角色的理解,又利于营造轻松愉快的课堂环境,激发学生学习的积极性和创新意识,达到增强学习效果、提高语言运用能力的目的。教学组织的情感性处理还包括心理组织的情感性处理,教师可采用表情控制及张弛调节策略,创造和谐的课堂心理氛围,优化学生参与课堂教学的心向,达到激励学生积极参与教学活动。促进学生知情并进的效果。 三、情感性处理教学评价 教师应从情感角度着眼对教学评价进行优化处理,使教学评价在对学生教学中的反应作出认知反馈的同时,还给予情感上的影响,以充分发挥教学评价在情感方面的积极作用。前苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基说过:“让每个学生在学校里都能抬起头来走路。”课堂上教师给予学生积极性评价是激发学生情感的最好激励词。如“good”、“perfect”、“fantastic”等,甚至可以对平时较差的学生说:“You’ve done a good job.”这种鼓励的话语,加之教师温和的眼神,会在学生的心里涌起一股暖流。有时要考虑到学生个体的差异,请不同层次的学生回答相应难度的问题,尽量给予具体、有针对性的特色性的评价,使学生了解区别于别人的特点和优点,产生一种真正被老师重视的情感体验,从而提高其自尊心和自信水平。 素质教育是全面发展教育与个性发展教育和谐统一的现代教育。作为外语教师,我们应更新教育观念,充分认识情感因素对学生学习和健康成长的巨大作用,注重情感教学,以情优教,帮助学生形成健康的心理、稳定的情绪和良好的道德情操,形成健全的人格。
