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100毫升容量瓶 2只;移液管 1毫升4支,5毫升2支;721型分光光度计。
(1) Fo1in-酚试剂甲:将lg碳酸钠溶于50ml 0.lmol/L氢氧化钠溶液中,再把0.5g硫酸铜(CuSO4·5H2O)溶于100m1 1%酒石酸钾(或酒石酸钠)溶液,然后将前者50ml与后者lml 混合。
(2)Folin-酚试剂乙:在1.5L容积的磨口回流瓶中加入100g钨酸钠(Na2WO4·2H2O)、25g 钼酸钠(Na2MoO4·2H2O)、700ml蒸馏水、50ml 85%磷酸及100ml浓盐酸,充分混匀后回流10h。
1. 绘制标准曲线
2. 测定未知样品:取2支试管,分别准确吸取1毫升样品溶液,各加5毫升Fo1in-酚试剂甲,摇匀,室温放置10分钟后,再各加1毫升Fo1in-酚试剂乙,立即摇匀,放置30分钟,在500nm处测定光密度值。
1. 学习紫外吸收法测定蛋白质含量的原理。
2. 掌握紫外分光光度计的操作方法。
大多数蛋白质分子结构中含有芳香族氨基酸(酪氨酸和色氨酸)残基,使蛋白质在280nm 的紫外光区产生最大吸收,并且这一波长范围内的吸收值与蛋白质浓度的成正比,利用这一特性可定量测定蛋白质的含量。
1. 绘制标准曲线
试剂加完后摇匀,在紫外分光光度计上,于280n m处以0号管为对照,分别测定各管溶液的光密度值。
2. 测定未知样品
(2) 粉末硫酸钾—硫酸铜混合物:K2SO4与CuSO4·5H2O以3:1配比研磨混合。
(3)混合指示剂(田氏指示剂):由50ml 0.1%甲烯蓝乙醇溶液与200ml 0.1%甲基红乙醇溶液混合配成,贮于棕色瓶中备用。
(4) 样品溶液:配制3mg/ml的牛血清白蛋白溶液作为样品。
2.消化:取4个50ml凯氏烧瓶并标号,各加1颗玻璃珠,在1号及2号瓶中各加样品1ml,催化剂(K2SO4- CuSO4·5H2O)200 mg,浓硫酸5 ml。
在3号及4号瓶中各加1 ml蒸馏水和与1、2号瓶相同量的催化剂和浓硫酸,作为对照。
4.滴定:用0.01mol /L 的标准盐酸溶液滴定各锥形瓶中收集的氨量,硼酸指示剂溶液由绿色变淡紫色为滴定终点。
样品中氮的含量(g%) =
01.0)(⨯⨯⨯⨯-C B A
样品中蛋白质的含量 (g%) =
1401.0)(⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯-C B A
A 为滴定样品用去的盐酸溶液平均ml 数;
B 为滴定对照液用去的盐酸溶液平均ml 数;
C 为所取样品溶液的ml 数。
四、二喹啉甲酸法(BCA 法)
掌握用BCA 方法测定蛋白质含量的原理和操作方法
BCA 检测法是Lowry 测定法的一种改进方法。
与Lowry 方法相比,BCA 法的操作更简单,试剂更加稳定,几乎没有干扰物质的影响,灵敏度更高(微量检测可达到0.5μg/ml ),应用更加灵活。
蛋白质分子中的肽键在碱性条件下能与Cu 2+络合生成络合物,同时将Cu 2+还原成Cu +。
二喹啉甲酸及其钠盐是一种溶于水的化合物,在碱性条件下,可以和Cu +结合生成深紫色的化合物,这种稳定的化合物在562nm 处具有强吸收值,并且化合物颜色的深浅与蛋白质的浓度成正比。
【实验材料】 1.实验器材
(1) BCA 试剂的配制
① 试剂A ,1L :分别称取10g BCA (1%),20g Na 2CO 3∙H 2O (2%),1.6g Na 2C 4H 4O 6∙2H 2O (0.16%),4g NaOH (0.4%) ,9.5g NaHCO 3 (0.95) ,加水至1L ,用NaOH 或固体NaHCO 3调节pH 值至11.25。
② 试剂B ,50ml :取2g CuSO 4∙5H 2O (4%),加蒸馏水至50ml 。
③ BCA 试剂:取50份试剂A 与1份试剂B 混合均匀。
(2)标准蛋白质溶液:称取40mg 牛血清白蛋白,溶于蒸馏水中并定容至100ml ,制成400μg/ml 的溶液。
(3)样品溶液:配制约50μg/ml 的牛血清白蛋白溶液作为样品。
上述试剂加完后,混匀,于37℃保温30min,冷却至室温后,以第1管为对照,在562nm 处比色,读取各管吸光值,以牛血清白蛋白含量为横坐标,以吸光值为纵坐标,绘制标准曲线。
(2)考马斯亮蓝G-250试剂:称取100mg考马斯亮蓝G-250,溶于50ml 95%乙醇中,加入85% (m/v)的磷酸100ml,最后用蒸馏水定容到1000ml。
1. 绘制标准曲线
2. 样品测定
Experiment 2. Quantitation of Protein
I. Folin - phenol Reagent Method (Lowry Method)
1.Study the principle and method of Lowry method to quantitate protein.
2.Master the operational method of Lowry method to quantitate protein
The principle of Lowry method is that there are tyrosine and tryptophan residues in the protein and those two amino acid residues can react with Folin-phenol reagent. The reaction process can be divided into two steps. The first step is that the peptide bonds of protein can bind with Cu2+ to form protein- Cu2+ compound in the basic solution. While the second step is that the Tyr or the Trp residue in the protein- Cu2+ compound can deoxidize the phosphotungstic acid and phosphomolydic acid of the alkali phenol reagent, and then form blue product. This reaction reaches its high point after 30 minutes. In a definite range, the relationship between absorbance and protein concentration is a straight line. So we can determine protein concentration by spectroscopic method. When we use spectroscopic method, we choose different wavelength depending on different protein concentration. If the protein concentration is high (25-100ug), we need to detect under the wavelength 500nm, but if the protein concentration is low (5-25ug), we choose the wavelength
755nm.Then calculate the protein concentration of unknown sample from the calibration curve.
Folin-phonel method is easy to perform and has high sensitivity when the protein in the sample weighs up more than 5ug. It is one of the most widely used methods in the quantitation of protein.
Test tubes and test tube shelf, 100ml flasks, Pipets, 721 type spectroscope
1.Folin- phenol reagent A: Dissolve 1g Na2CO3 into 50ml of 0.lmol/L NaOH, and then dissolve 0.5g of CuSO4·5H2O into 100ml of 1% sodium potassium tartrate, mix 50ml of the former and 1ml of the latter. The mixer is useful in one day.
2.Folin- phenol reagent B: Add l00g of Na2WO4• 2H2O, 25g of Na2MoO4• 2H2O, 700ml of distilled water, 50ml of 85% H3PO4 and 100ml of thick HC1 into a 1.5L round- bottom stoppered flask, mix well and reflux l0h. After reflux, add 150g of Li2SO4, 50ml of distilled water, several drops liquid Br2, boil 15min without cap to get rid of excessive Br2. After cooling, dilute to a constant volume of 1000ml by volumetric flask, filtrate; add several drops of bromic water to be oxidated to pale yellow while the filtrate is green. Keep the filtrate in brown flask in darkroom. Titrate with calibration NaOH before using to ascertain the acidity of the reagent, the indicator is phenolphthalein. The acidity of the reagent is about 2mol/L commonly (because the filtrate is pale yellow, dilute 100 times before titrating in order not to affect observing end - point). Dilute properly (about one time) before using to give 1 mol/L acid.
3. Standard protein solution: Accurately weigh bovine (or human) serum albumin 100mg with analytical balance, dissolved in minimum volume of distilled water, transfer to a 100 ml flask, accurately dilute to 100ml, which makes the concentration of protein 1mg/ml.
4. Sample solution: Make 0.5mg/ml casein solution as unknown solution.
III. Micro-Kjeldahl Method
Study the principle and the operational techniques of micro-Kjeldahl method. 【Principle】
The Kjeldahl method measures the nitrogen content of a compound and may be used to determine the protein content of a sample provided that the proportion of nitrogen in the protein is known.
When nitrogenous protein is heated with concentrated sulphuric acid, C、H two elements are oxidized to CO2 and H2O, while nitrogen is oxidized to ammonia which can change into
(NH4)2SO4 with sulphuric acid. This process is called digest. Because this digest stage is slow, Potassium or sodium sulphate is usually included to increase the boiling point of the mixture, CuSO4 is included as catalyst to accelerate the digest reaction.
After digest, concentrated alkali which is added in Kjelgahl apparatus can decompose
(NH4)2SO4 in digest solution to ammonia. Ammonia is distilled by steam distillation and absorbed with boric acid of definite quantity and concentration. Ammonia combine with H+ in boric acid and depresses the concentration of H+ , which causes the color change of indicator. It is titrated with standard hydrochloric acid until it recovers initial concentration of H+ . According to the quantity of standard hydrochloric we can determine the content of nitrogen in the compound.
The nitrogen content of protein is usually accepted as 16% of the total weight, namely, 1g nitrogen of protein is equal to 6.25g protein. The quantity of protein of sample is calculated by 6.25 multiply the content of nitrogen determined by Kjeldahl method.
1. Apparatus
A suit of Kjeldahl apparatus, Four Kjeldahl flask of 50ml, Pipet, Conical, Test tubes, Several small beadings
2. Reagents
(1) Concentrated sulphuric acid, 30% NaOH solution, 2% boric acid, standard hydrochloric acid (0.01mol/L),
(2) K2SO4-CuSO4 mixed powder: Mix K2S04 and CuSO4·5H2O with ratio 3:1 and skive
(3) Mixed indicator: Mix 50ml 0.1% alcohol solution of methyl-olefin blueness and 200ml 0.1% methyl red, which is stored in brown flasks.
(4) Sample solution: confect albumin of moggy blood serum of 3mg/ml as sample.
【Procedures 】
1. Setting up the Kjeldahl apparatus: the method of setting up is showed as below fig.
2. Digest: Take four 50ml Kjeldahl flasks and number them, then, add a beading in each of them. Add 1ml of sample solution and 200mg of catalyst (K 2SO 4-C U SO 4·5H2O) and 5ml of concentrated sulphuric acid in No.1 and No.2 Kjeldahl flasks. Pay attention to add sample to the bottom of flasks and not to adhere it to flask wall and flask neck. Add 1ml of distilled water and as commensurate catalyst and concentrated sulphuric acid as No.1 flask to No.3 and No.4 Kjedahl flasks which is as blank contrasts. Digest in vent hood .
At the beginning of digest we should control the firepower to prevent the digest solution from rushing to the flask neck. After releasing white smoke of SO 2 decomposed by H 2SO 4, enhance the firepower properply and continue to digest until digest solution is clear pale cyan . Cut off fire and place Kjeldahl flasks in vent hood to cool it to room temperature.
3. Distillation
(1) Washing-up the distillatory: Clean the Kjedahl apparatus with water. Add distilled water which is acidificated by several drops of sulphuric acid and methyl red indicator in the steam generator, clean the Kjeldahl apparastus by this vapour. After about 15 minutes, place aslant
conical flask containing boracic acid and indicator under condenser and continue washing-up for 2 minutes. Observe the color change of the solution in the conical flask, if the color doesn ’t change, it proves that the distillatory is clean. Move the conical flask and stop heating, then loosen the clincher.
(2) Distillation: Take off clubbed glass stopple, imbibe digest solution by pipet and transfer it carefully to the bottom of small glass cup. Stuff up the glass stopple and immerge the bottom of condenser into liquid. Pour 10ml NaOH of 30% into a small glass cup, lift up the clubbed glass stopple and basic solution will flow slowly into the reaction chamber. (In case that sample will be absorbed conversely, liquid must flow slowly into the reaction chamber.) Stuff up the glass stopple softly before basic solution complete flowing, add 5ml distilled water into small glass cup. lift up glass stopple softly to make half of water flow into the reaction chamber, the other half is still in the small glass cup as waterseal to avoid leak. Heat the steam generator and clamp the clincher after boiling to begin distillation. Ammonia enters into the conical flask, then the acerb solution turns to green from purple and continue to distill for 5 minutes. move conical flask to make liquid level of boracic acid leave the bottom of condenser about 1cm, then wash up the outside of condenser with water. Distill continues for one minute. Move conical flask and cover the conical flask with watch glass. After distilling, clean the reaction chamber. Distill the other samples as the former operation. Titrate them after samples and blank contrasts are finished distillation.
4. Titration: Titrate the distilled ammonia with 0.01 mol/L standard hydrochloric acid solution until the color of boric indicator solution changes from green to pale purple.
【Results 】
Nitrogen content of sample (g%) =
01.0)(⨯⨯⨯⨯-C B A
Protein content of sample (g%) =1001000
6.251401.0)(⨯⨯⨯⨯⨯-C B A
I n this equation:
A is the average volume (ml) of hydrochloric acid which is dispended in titrating samples;
B is the average volume (ml) of hydrochloric acid which is dispended in titrating blank contrasts;
C is the volume (ml) of sample.
IV. Bicinchoninic Acid (BCA) Method
【Purpose 】
Master the BCA method and procedure to quantitate protein concentration 【Principle 】
BCA method is a modification of Lowry method. The BCA technique offers manipulative simplifications, more tolerance toward interfering substances, greater working reagent stability, increased sensitivity (the minimum detection can be 0.5μg/ml), and greater protocol flexibility when compared to the standard Lowry assay.
The peptide bond of amino acids can bind with Cu 2+ to form a complex in the basic solution and then the Cu 2+ is deoxidized to Cu +. Bicinchoninic acid and its sodium salt are water-soluble. In the alkaline environment, it can bind with Cu 2+ to form a dark purple compound, which has strong absorbance maximum at 562nm wavelength. Because the brightness is coordinated with the concentration of protein, we can use matching method to determine protein concentration.
【Materials 】
721-spectrophotometer, Constant temperature water bath tank, Pipettes, Test tubes and test tube shelf
(1) BCA reagent:
① Reagent A, 1L:Weigh 10g BCA (1%), 20g Na 2CO 3•H 2O (2%),1.6g Na 2C 4H 4O 6•2H 2O (0.16%),4g NaOH (0.4%) ,9.5g NaHCO 3 (0.95) respectively. Add water to 1L, and then adjust the pH to 11.25 by NaOH or solid NaHCO 3.
② Reagent B, 50ml: Take 2g CuSO 4∙5H 2O (4%), add distilled water to 50ml.
③ BCA Reagent: Take 50 allots Reagent A and 1 allots Reagent B, mix up. This reagent can be stable for a week.
(2) Standard protein solution: Weigh 40mg bovine serum albumin, dissolved in distilled water to 1000ml, so the concentration of standard protein solution is 400μg/ml.
(3)Sample solution:Make about 50μg/ml bovine serum albumin solution.
【Procedures 】
1. Draw calibration curve
Number six clear test tubes, and add reagents as the following table.
V. Coomassie Bright Blue Dye - binding Method
(Bradford Method)
Master the principle and method of coomassie bright blue dye - binding method to quantitate protein.
Coomassie brilliant blue G - 250, for short CBG is a red dye in acidic solution and its absorbance wavelength is 465nm. When combined with protein it shows a shift in its absorption maximum from 465nm to 595nm. The absorption at 595nm is directly proportional to protein concentration in a definite range of 1 to 1000μg. So we can determine protein concentration by color matching method.
Because protein-dye has high absorbance value, the sensitivity of protein quantitation could be highly improved to 1μg protein. The dye can bind with protein immediately, about 2 minutes, and this complex can be stable within 1 hour. So this method is easy to perform, quick, highly sensitive and stable. It is a widely used method in protein quantitation.
1. Apparatus
721spectrophotometer, Test tube, Pipet, Flask
2. Reagents
(1) Standard protein solution: Weigh 10mg bovine serum albumin, dissolved in distilled water then dilute to 100ml to get the 100μg/ml solution.
(2) Coomassie bright blue G-250 solution: Weigh 100mg coomassie bright blue G-250, dissolve in 50ml 95% ethanol, then add 85%(m/v) phosphate solution 100ml, finally dilute to 1000ml. This solution can be preserved for 1 month at room temperature.
(3) Sample solution: Make 50μg/ml bovine serum albumin solution as sample solution. 【Procedures】
1. Try to compare the advantages and disadvantages of Folin - phenol Reagent Method with Coomassie bright blue Dye - binding method.
2. Try to compare the advantages and disadvantages of Bicinchoninic Acid Method with Folin - phenol Reagent Method.
3. What is the function of adding sulphuric acid and K2SO4-C U SO4mixed powder while digesting sample in the micro-Kjeldahl method.
4. What is the principle of ultraviolet absorption method to quantitate protein.。