





( ) I A It's a good idea. B. No, I don’t C. I dont think so

( ) 2. A. It is difficult B Sure. Try to use them as much as possible

C I can't speak English well

( ) 3. A. It is famous for the lakes B. It is over 5 million

C. It is bigger than Dalian

( ) 4. A. Sorry, I dont know B. Yes. I do C. Yes. it is in the west of China

( ) 5. A. I like football B. Because it is easy for me C. Tomorrow morning. (二)录音中有三个句子,每个句子对应一幅图片,每个句子听两遍,然后选择与句子内容相对应的图片。(3分)






( ) 9. What does Tina want to improve?

A. Speaking B Listening C. Writing

( ) 10. How often does the woman swim?

A. Every day

B. Three times a week

C. Once a week

( ) 11. What is more famous in the boy’s home town?

A. The old bridge.

B. The big park

C. The tall building

( ) 12. Where is Tengchong?

A In the northwest of Yunnan

B In the southeast of Yunnan

C In the southwest of Yunnan

( ) 13. When will the boy probably take part in the football match?

A In August B. In September C. In October


( ) 14. What did Peter do at the stadium?

A Took some photos B. Cheered the players C Passed water to the players. ( ) 15. Who did Peter go there with?

A. His father B His friend C. His brother

( ) 16. How did Peter feel about the match?

A Boring B. Exciting. C. Relaxing

()17. When will Peter go to watch a football match again?

A. Next Friday B Next Saturday C. Next Sunday


18. Allan A getting hurt when playing baseball

19. Alice B. winning a basketball game

20. Sam C practising volleyball after school




FUN English Tour Date:9/22~9/23


Day 1

9: 00 Meet at the Beijing West Train Station

9:30 Arrive at Peking University(北京大学)

* Listen to a speech about English writing given by Mr Brain.

12: 00 Lunch (The famous Beijing duck)

14:00 Tsinghua University

* Enjoy the famous English play Hamlet

18:00 Dinner (Beijing noodles)

*English festival


Day 2

9: 00 Breakfast

*The Great Wall

12: 30 Lunch

*National Stadium/ History Museum

17: 00 Beijing West Train Station

__________________________________________________________________ Cost: 450 yuan each student

* If you book this English Tour before September15, you can get a 20% off.

*If you book in pairs, you two only need to pay 750 yuan.


()26. If students join in the Fun English Tour, how will they get to Beijing?

A By plane B. By train C. By boat D. By car

( ) 27. When will students leam about English writing?

A. On September 15

B. On September 20

C. On September 22

D. On September 23

( ) 28. Lin Tao booked the tour on September 5. He should pay_____ yuan





( ) 29. In which part of the newspaper can we find the reading?

A. Travell

B. Health

C. sports

D. History

( ) 30Which of the following is TRUE?

A. Students will spend two days and two nights in Beijing

B. Students will visit Peking University in the afternoon

C. Students will listen to a speech about English reading

D. Students will enjoy some famous Beijing food.


New York is a very large city with eight million people. How do so many people move on their way to work or school? In New York you can travel by subway, bus, taxi and private car.

The subway runs on the railroad lines under the city. Travelling by subway is the fastest way to get around the city. The second way to travel around the city is by public bus. It is a slower way to travel. This is because the traffic is very heavy.

You can also travel around the city by taxi. This is very expensive, but the taxi will take you to the very place you want to. If the traffic is heavy, the taxi will be slow, too.

During the mornings and afternoons, there is the “rush hour”. This is the time when the traffic is very heavy with people going to and from work. The last way to get around New York is to use your own private car. It is inconvenient(不方便的) because you will perhaps be driving during the “rush hour”. The best time to travel around the city is from 9 am to 4 pm, because it isn't the “rush hour”.

( )31.How many ways of travelling around the city are mentioned (提到) in the passage?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.

( )32.The fastest way to travel in New York is ________.

A.by public bus B.by subway

C.by taxi D.by private car

( )33.How about travelling by taxi?

A.It's cheap, and the taxi will take people to the very place they want to.

B.It's expensive and slow.

C.It's expensive, but the taxi will take people to the very place they want to.

D. It's cheap and fast.

( )34.From the passage we know that in New York ________.A.there is no “rush hour” from 9 am to 4 pm

B.the traffic is heavy at noon

C.most people have lunch at home

D.people go to work or school at 9 am

( )35. Why is it inconvenient to use private cars?

A.Many people can't buy private cars.

B.We will perhaps be driving during the “rush hour”.

C.Most people aren't at school or at work.

D.The traffic is very heavy.


The Spiffiest Giant in Town《城里最漂亮的巨人》is a great picture book. It tells a story of a kind giant named George. George always wears the same pair of shoes and the same old coat. One day, he sees a new shop. It's full of beautiful clothes. So he buys some new clothes and a pair of new shoes.

On his way home, he meets some animals who need help:a giraffe with a cold neck(脖子), a family of mice without a house, a sheep who needs a sai1 (帆)for its boat, etc. George helps them with his new clothes. His T-shirt warms the giraffes neck. His shirt becomes a sail, and one of his new shoes becomes a small house. After that, George gives away all his new clothes and has no new clothes to wear.

He goes back to the shop to buy more clothes, but the shop is closed. George finds his old clothes outside the shop and happily puts them back on. When he gets home, all the animals that he helped are waiting outside with a gold paper crown(王冠)and a card.It says he is "the kindest giant in town”.

()36.What does the underlined word“kind”mean in Chinese?


( ) 37. According to the text, the giraffe needs_____

A. a pair of gloves B a pair of shoes C a scarf D. a hat

( ) 38. What does George do when he meets these animals?

A. He takes them home

B. He says hello to them.

C. He shows them the way

D. He gives them his clothes and shoes ( ) 39. What does George find when he returns to the clothes shop?

A. His old clothes

B. Some new clothes

C. Some animals D A crown and a card

( ) 40. Which of the following is TRUE?

A George has many old coats B. George likes to help others

C. George gives his shirt to the family of mice

D. George feels sad when he has no new clothes


When I first went to my university at the age of 18, many of my classmates didn’t know my home town Zhangjiakou. But 15 years have passed, and now it's famous all over the world because it will host the 2022 Winter Olympics with Beijing.

Zhangjiakou was called Beijing’s Northern Door in the 1960s. There’s an old saying: Whoever took up Zhangjiakou was in a good place to attack(进攻)Beijing during the war time(战争时期).It connects Inner Mongolia(内蒙古)and Beijing,and it is a must for travel between Hebei province and Inner Mongolia.

It has a population of nearly 5 million and covers an area of about 37,000 km.

It has long cold winters, and hot rainy summers. In spring and autumn it's usually sunny.

My home town is also famous for ski resorts(滑雪度假区)in Chongli.It is a good place for snow sports as its snow storage time(存雪时间)goes on as long as 150 days, from November to late March. Before 2022. five more modern ski resorts will be built for snow sports lovers. So why not come to my home town and have a fantastic time in the snow? Welcome!

( ) 41. We can learn the writer is_____ years old.

A. 18




( ) 42. What can we learn about Zhangjiakou from the second paragraph?

A. The famous places B The important location

C The good weather. D. The difficult war time

( ) 43. What's the weather like in Zhangjiakou in summer?

A. Windy. B Cool C. Rainy D Warm

( ) 44 Chongli is a good place for snow sports because_____

A. it has the biggest ski resort

B. it is the coldest place

C. it has many modern ski resorts

D. it has a long snow storage time

()45. What's the writer's purpose(目的)in writing the passage?

A. To tell people the Winter Olympics in 2022.

B. To tell people a good place to do snow sport .

C. To ask more people to visit her home town .

D To give people advice on how to vislt her home town .


Cai Jingshu, 14, loves English. ____46_______and often tries to talk with people from other countries. “_____47_______" said the girl. However, for Cais aunt, 45-year-old Lin Changzheng, studying English was a different story.

When she studied English in 1977, she and her classmates(同学)spent nearly half a year learning the 26 letters and the phonetic symbols(音标). ___48__________Then they studied sentences like"This is a pen.” and " That is desk.” "It was really hard for us to learn English words. ______49_______"said Lin.

______50_______ Cai Jingshu often watches English programmes on TV to improve her English. Sometimes she reads some English news online



In China, most of students in cities usually ride bikes _51____ take buses to school every day. But in the countryside, things are ____52____ . Most students there can only walk to school. Their home is always ___53___ the school. In some places, students __54___ go to school by boat. There is lots of water around them.

In North America, most schools have their _55____ buses for the students. These __56_____start on time every morning ___57___ Monday to Friday to fetch the students and take them ____58____ in the afternoon.

Things are different in __59____ parts of the world. For example, most students go to school by train in Japan. They think it is the ___60_____ and safest traffic. In America and Britain, the yellow buses are for school boys and girls.


Do you enjoy___61___ TV shows? I think it is interesting ___62______some talent shows, such as The Voice of China(中国好声音) and The Super Star Is Me(我是大明星). In China, most people _63_____to watch the New Year’s eve Gala(春晚) in 2014,the singer Wang Zhengliang____64_____a song called Where Has the Time Gone(时间都去哪了). This song made people ___65____ a lot .President Xi Jinping once __66____ that it was a meaningful question and it’s necessary for most of us to think about it. As teenagers, we should __67____ a good plan and decide how __68____our time in a meaningful way. We shouldn’t spend much time ____69____ the Internet. _70____ a good kid and help our parents.



Jackie Robinson is a hero (英雄)to me . He was a great basketball player. Jackie Robinson was born in Georgia in 1919. His family didn't have much money. He had four brothers and sisters. (72) His father left the family when he was just a baby. Then his family moved to Califomia .His mother worked as a maid (女仆).

Jackie Robinson was good at sports. He did well in playing football, baseball and basketball in high school. He was also a very fast runner. At first, Jackie played for a team with only black players . After the boss (老板) of the Brooklyn Dodgers watched Jackie play baseball, he asked Jackie to join his team. At that time, some of the players would not talk to him because he was black. But Jackie didn't give up. He just worked harder to play better and better

71. Where was Jackie born?


72. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese


73.List (列举)the sports that Jackie was good at when he was in high school (at least two)


74. Why wouldn't some players talk to Jackie?


75. Give a proper title(题目) to the passage.



随着阳光体育运动在全国的开展,“每天锻炼一小时,健康工作50年,幸福生活一辈子”的理念深入人心,校园里出现了可喜的变化:运动时间延长了,运动项目增加了,学生体质增强了,校园生活丰富了。请以“Sports in Our School”



提示:1.time for sports

2.kinds of sports

3.change of students’ health and study

4.change of school life



Sports in Our School

Sports in our school have changed a lot. ________________________________


________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________


初二年级上册英语月考试卷及答案 【篇一】 二.单项选择(本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选岀可以填入空白处的选项。 ()21. Daniel is my friend. 1 Iike to Share my With him When 1 am happy. A.joy B. happy C. Sad D. SeCretS ()22? The Changjiang RiVer is _________ in the world. A. a IOngeSt river B. the IOngeSt river C. One Ofthe IOngeSt river D. One Ofthe IOngeSt rivers ()23.-…WhafS the Weather Iike today? ■??? Ifs______ Wann _________ y esterday ? A. so; that B. as; as C. not; Until D. too; to ()24.1 don5t Iike milk , but my mother makes me ___________ it ? A. to drink B. drinks C. drink D. drinking ()25. They had a WOnderfUl time _________________ . A. Chat On Ihe Intemet B. Chatting On Ihe Intemet C. Chat in the Intemet D. Chatting in the Intemet ()26? We ShOUld have _____ fast food, _________ :fresh vegetables and take enough exercise. A. fewer, fewer B. less, more C. fewer, more D. less, IeSS ()27. ?…Γve had enough bread. WOUld you Iike __________ ? ?…No, thanks. A. a few more B. OIIe more C. another more D? SOme more ()28. He always IOOkS ? NoW he's IOOking at his new drawing. A. happy; happily B. happy; happy C. happily; happily D. happily; happy ()29. -—Who did 让better, Bill Or Henry? -…I Ihink Bill did just Henry.


濮阳经济开发区2019-2020学年上学期第二次月考八年级 英语 注意事项: 1.本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分。考试时间100分钟,满分120分。 2.考生应首先阅读答题卡上的文字信息,然后在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上作答无效,交卷时只交答题卡。 第一部分:听力(20分) I.听对话,选择与其内容相符的图片。对话读一遍。(5分) Ⅱ.听句子,选择正确的应答语。句子读一遍。(5分) ( )6.A.She used to go traveling. B.She was traveling. C.She went traveling. ( )7.A. At the Music Hall. B.At half past seven. C.A beautiful song. ( )8.A. You're welcome. B.I don't know. C.I think it's too noisy. ( )9.A. Go ahead, please. B.Hold the line, please. C.He's coming now. ( ) 10. A.I don't like blue whales. B.I like pandas best. C.I prefer pandas. Ⅲ.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读一遍。(5分) ( ) 11.Jane often____on weekends. A. plays with her classmates

B.watches soccer games C.plays soccer games ( ) 12. What's the matter with Bruce? A. He has a headache. B.He hates drinking. C.He has a bad cough. ( ) 13. Lucy____last night. A. went to the movie B.was practicing English C.was doing exercise ( ) 14. How was the earthquake in Yunnan last Sunday? A. Hundreds of people died. B. Hundreds of people were missing. C. The earthquake killed more than one hundred people. ( ) 15. John____on the Internet. A. enjoys listening to music https://www.360docs.net/doc/e315992731.html,ed to study English C.often studies English Ⅳ.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答第16 .17小题。 ( ) 16. Bill plays computer games on the Internet___. A. sometimes B.two hours a day C. twice a dav ( ) 17. How long does Joy work on the Internet every day? A. Five hours. B.Two hours. C.Three hours. 听第二段对话,回答第18 \19\20小题。 ( ) 18. What will Betty and John do this evening? A.Go to a concert. B.Sing at the concert. C.Write music together. ( ) 19. John is fond of— music now. A.pop B.folk C.rock ( ) 20.Betty feels_to listen to her favorite music. A. interested B.surprised C.excited 第二部分:笔试(100分) V.单项选择。(15分) ( ) 21.—It's important to protect the —Yes. They are the lungs of the eatth. ' A.medicine B.forests C.wood D.grounds ( ) 22.—George plays the guitar very well. Who taught him? —He taught A. herself B. myself C.itself D. himself ( ) 23.—How do you like folk music? A. It's great. I love it.


电力安全生产月试题 第一部分 1. 《中华人民共和国安全生产法》规定,生产经营单位的( A )对本单位的安全生产工作全面负责。 A. 主要负责人 B. 主管安全生产的领导 C. 财务主管 D. 安全总监 2. 2018 年 3 月13 日,第十三届全国人民代表大会第一次会议审议国务院机构改革方案。组建( C ),不再保留国家安全生产监督管理总局。 A. 应急指挥中心 B. 应急处置中心 C. 应急管理部 D. 应急指挥部 3. 2018 年安全生产月主题是( A ) A. 生命至上、安全发展 B. 全面落实企业安全生产主体责任 C. 强化安全发展观念,提升全民安全素质 D. 强化红线意识,促进安全发展 4. 根据国家规定,凡在坠落高度离基准面( A )以上有可能坠落的高处进行的作业,均称为高处作业。 A. 2m B. 3m C. 4m D. 5m

5. 重大事故,是指造成( B )人以上30 人以下死亡,或者50 人以上100 人以下重伤,或者5000 万元以上一亿元以下直接经济损失的事故。

属于( A )。 7. 预警信息是指可能发生,可能造成严重社会危害的信息。按照突发事件 程度,可能造成的危害程度分为一级、 二级、三级和四级,分别用( C ) 标示。一级 为最高级别。 橙色、红色、黄色和蓝色 B .黄色、橙 8. 国家发改委于 2014 年 10 月核准了中国华能集团投资的河北省石家庄热 电厂(2X 660MW )项目,根据《国家能源局关于加强电力工程质量监督工作的通 知》 (国能安全 [2014]206 号文)的规定,建设单位应向 提出质量监督注册申请。 ( A ) A. 质监总站 B. 华北中心站 C. 河北中心站 D. 华能中心站 9. 由独立的或者通过单一输电线路与外省连接的省级电网供电的省级人民 政府 所 在地城市,以及由单一输电线路或者单一变电站供电的其他设区的市、县 级市, 6. 在事故原因归属中, 没有或不认真实施事故防范措施以及对事故隐患整改 不力 A. 事故的间接原因 B. 事故的主观原因 B. 事故的客观原因 D. 事故的直接原因 的紧急 A. 色、红色和蓝色 C 红色、橙色、黄色和蓝 D. 红色、黄色、橙色和蓝色


安全月活动总结-2018年安全生产月 推荐阅读:通过开展安全生产月活动,进一步增强了全体职工对安全生产工作重要性的认识,提高了安全意识和安全素质,强化了责任感、责任心、责任制、责任人的四种责任意识,促进了本项目安全形势的稳定,为本项目施工生产创造了一个安全、健康、稳定的环境…… 根据文件精神,我项目部积极开展了安全生产月活动。紧紧围绕科学发展、安全发展的主题,精心组织、全面部署、认真落实、注重实效,传达国家有关安全生产法律法规、安全生产知识、公司安全生产管理制度,增强干部职工的安全意识和防范事故的能力。各班组积极开展形式多样、内容丰富的安全活动,加大隐患排查治理力度,进一步强化了职工对安全工作重要性的认识,完善了安全管理机制,提高了安全生产的质量水平和防范事故的能力,有效的控制了各类事故的发生,取得了显着成效,保证了安全生产。现将2018年安全生产月活动总结如下: 一、统一思想,提高认识。 为进一步加强我项目部安全生产工作,落实各级安全生产责任,我项目部调整了安全生产组织,建立健全安全生产责任制,坚持在抓好职工培训、安全管理的同时,重视抓好安全防范工作,形成了一级抓一级的安全生产责任制。逐级签订安全保卫责任书,并进行考核兑现奖惩,做到层层抓落实,人人讲安全,保安全。对项目的重点部位开展

经常性的安全检查和自查,做到查制度落实、措施的得力、排查隐患,确保重点部位的安全。通过安全生产月活动,大力宣传安全生产方针政策、法律法规和加强安全生产的重大举措,推进安全文化建设,强化全面安全意识,引导全社会重视人的生命价值,营造科学发展、安全发展的氛围。 二、制订方案,周密安排。 今年的安全生产月公司领导高度重视,召开全体干部职工会,传达贯彻通知精神,结合本项目具体情况提出要求,制定了安全生产月活动方案,组织职工学习《安全生产法》,并进行了认真答题考试,通过学习真正起到了使全体职工掌握安全知识,增强了全体干部职工的安全意识和自我防范能力。 三、加大投入,确保安全。 安全活动月期间,项目部制作横幅2个、标识报牌50个,购买警戒带100卷,锥筒50个,全部用于安全生产,加大了安全生产管理力度。通过各种形式宣传,激发职工自觉参与安全活动月的激情,使安全生产真正进入每个职工心中。 四、隐患整改,注重效果。 在安全生产月期间,项目部领导小组对本项目范围内的重点及要害部位进行了防火、防盗、防爆炸、防破坏、防自然灾害事故等检查,共检查出安全隐患15处全部整改落实,并通过复查验收,整改合格率达到100%,有力的保证了施工生产的安全及稳定。 五、应急演练,持续改进。


精心整理 初二上册英语月考试卷带答案 I.听句子,选择与所听内容意思最接近的一项。句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) B.I’mgoingtoBeijingnextMonday. C.I’mcomingbackfromBeijingnextMonday. ()5.A.Tomforgottocallmewhenhegothome.

B.Remembertocallmewhenyougethome,Tom. C.RemembertocallTomwhenyougethome. II.听句子,根据所听内容选择答案。对话读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) B.Helpinghermomcleanthehouse. C.Helpinghermomwashtheclothes. ()9.Whatdoesthedoctortelltheboytodo? A.Shetellshimtodrinkmorewater.

B.Shetellshimtotakethemedicineonceaday. C.Shetellshimtohaveagoodsleep. ()10.HowlongdidLindastayinBeijing? A.Forfivedays. III.1分,共5 B.Heneedstomakehimselfwarm. C.Heneedstohaveagoodsleep. ()13.Howoftenshouldthemantakethemedicine? A.Onceaday.

B.Twiceaday. C.Threetimesaday. ()14.Whenshouldthemancomeagain? A.Tomorrow. IV.分,共5 B.Shefeelstiredandstressedout. C.Shefeelsrelaxedandexcited. ()17.WhendoesMaryhaveamathtest? A.NextMonday.


2018年安全生产月知识竞赛题库 1、2018年“安全生产月”活动主题 答:生命至上,安全发展 2、内蒙古自治区房屋建筑工程施工现场安全技术资料管理规程,是么时候开始实施。 答:2013年7月1日起实施 3、《安全技术资料管理规程》中各检查、验收表格中凡涉及项目负责人、总监理工程师签字的,均需加盖什么印章。 答:执业资格印章 4、根据《生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》规定,较大事故伤亡人数是多少。 答:死亡3人以上、10人以下;重伤10人以上50人以下 5、施工现场明火作业时必须开具什么证,办理什么手续 答:动火证;动火审批手续 6、根据《安全色》规定,安全色分为红、黄、蓝、绿四种颜色,分别表示? 答:禁止、警告、指令和提示 7、夜间施工,所指的时间段为? 答:22时至次日6时 8、处理事故的四不放过原则? 答:事故原因没有查清不放过事故责任者没有严肃处理不放过 广大职工没有受到教育不放过防范措施没有落实不放过 9、建筑业的五类常发事故是? 答:高处坠落物体打击触电机械伤害坍塌 10、从事电焊、气焊的作业人员,必须穿什么防护用品? 答:戴焊接专用手套,穿绝缘鞋,戴防护镜或面罩 11、绿色施工中“四节一环保”指的是什么。 答:节能、节水、节地、节材、环境保护 12、患有什么疾病的人不得从事高处作业? 答:凡患有高血压,心脏病,贫血病,癫痫病以及其他不适于高处作业的人,不得从事高处作业 13、事故隐患泛指生产系统中导致事故发生的三种原因是? 答:人的不安全行为、物的不安全状态、管理上的缺陷 14、施工现场专用变压器的供电的TN-S接零保护系统中,保护零线的引出位置为 答:(1)由工作接地线引出 (2)配电室或总配电箱电源侧零线或总漏电保护器电源侧零线引出。 15、蒙西事业是什么? 答:灿烂人生的舞台回报股东的载体 奉献社会的原田造福人类的天地 16、蒙西核心价值观是什么? 答:以人为本诚信共赢践行责任追求卓越 17、蒙西的经营之道是什么? 答:品牌先行的竞争观精益求精的产品观 客户至上的服务观和谐稳健的发展观 18、蒙西的管控理念是什么


第一次月考测试题 八年级英语 (时间:90分钟满分:100分) 一`听力部分(20分) I、听对话,根据对话内容选出正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) 听第一段对话,回答1-2小题。 ( )1. Where did Jane go on vacation? A. Sydney. B. Tokyo. C. New York City. ( )2. How were the people there? A. They were hard-working. B. They were busy. C. They were friendly. 听第二段对话,回答3-4小题。 ( )3. When did Bob go to the Summer Palace? A. Last weekend. B. Last month. C. Last year. ( )4. Who did Bob go with? A. His family. B. His classmates. C. His friends. 听第三段对话,回答5-6小题。 ( )5. How was Sarah’s vacation? A. It was tiring. B. It was terrible. C. It was pretty good. ( )6. What did Sarah do during her vacation? A. She had seafood in a restaurant. B. She went to the beach. C. She visited many museums. 听第四段对话,回答7-8小题。 ( )7. What’s Alice’s favorite sport? A. Football. B. Swimming. C. Basketball. ( )8. How many hours does Mike spend watching TV every day? A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Four hours. 听第五段对话,回答9-10小题。 ( )9. How often does Gina eat junk food? A. Once a week. B. Once a month. C. Once a year. ( )10. Does Gina like milk? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. II、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) A:听第一篇短文,回答11-15小题。 ( )11. Mrs. Green is _____. A. a doctor B. a teacher C. Bill’s sister ( )12. Mrs. Green does n’t like _____. A. milk B. vegetables C. junk food ( )13. Mrs. Green _____ once a week. A. drinks coffee B. drinks milk C. eats junk food


第1页 共7页 2017--2018学年度第一学期第二次月考检测 八年级英语学科试题 (满分:120分 时间: 60分钟 ) 一、单项选择(每小题2分,共20分) 1.— Excuse me, when are we going to have a picnic? — I’m not sure, Ask Tom, please. He ______ know. A. need B. can C. may D. shall 2. Father often tells me ______ too much time on computer games. A. don’t spend B. not spend C. not to spend D. not spending 3. — Why are you so excited? — Peter invited me ______ on a trip to Yunlong Mountain. A. to go B. go C. going D. went 4. The old man is planning _______ trees by the river. A. plant B. to plant C. plants D. planting 5. -- Don’t cross the road when the traffic lights are red. -- . A .No, I will. B .Yes, I do. C .OK, I won’t. D .No, I don’t. 6. We can protect wild animals in ___________. A. zoos B. nature reserves C. homes D. cities 7. ----- How long does it take your father __________ to work every day? ----- About half an hour. A. drives B. driving C. to drive D. drove 8. ----Mrs Green, I hurt my leg. I have to stay in hospital for a week. ----______________. _______年级 ______班 姓名 ___________________考 ………………………………密……………………………………… 封………………………………线…………………………


安全生产月活动竞赛题及答案 一、是非题抢答题,回答正确还是错误,错请说明原因 1.安全生产管理,坚持“安全第一、预防为主、综合治理”的方针。 答案:√ 2.生产经营单位的主要负责人对本单位的安全生产工作负领导责任。 答案:×全面负责 3.危险物品的生产、经营、储存单位应当设置安全生产管理机构或者配备兼职安全生产管理人员。 答案:×专职 4.特种作业人员经过培训,如考核不合格,可在两个月内进行补考,补考仍不及格,可在一个月内再进行补考。 答案:×应重新进行培训,培训后重新考核 5.生产经营单位应当在有较大危险因素的生产经营场所和有关设施、设备上,设置明显的安全警示标志。 答案:√ 6.生产、经营、储存、使用危险物品的车间、仓库不得与员工宿舍在同一座建筑物内,并应当与员工宿舍保持安全距离。 答案:√ 7.发生危险化学品事故,有关地方公安消防部门应当做好指挥、领导工作。

答案:×人民政府 8.特大安全事故发生后,对调查组提出的调查报告,省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当自调查之日起30日内,对有关责任人员作出处理决定。 答案:√ 9.生产经营单位可以以货币形式或其他物品代替应提供的劳动防护用品。 答案:×不允许 10.从业人员发现直接危及人身安全的紧急情况时,可以边作业边报告本单位负责人。 答案:×有权停止作业或者在采取可能的应急措施后撤离作业场所 11.生产经营单位不得以任何形式与从业人员订立协议,免除或者减轻其对从业人员因生产安全事故伤亡依法应承担的责任。 答案:√ 12.因生产安全事故受到损害的从业人员,向本单位提出赔偿要求,可以在依法享有工伤社会保险或者依照有关民事法律获得赔偿两者之间任选一种。 答案:×工伤社会保险和民事赔偿不能相互取代,从业人员可以享受双重的保障


2018年以来安全生产工作总结 今年以来,公司认真贯彻落实上级关于安全生产工作安排部署,深入持续开展安全生产的各项活动,结壮推进安全生产“专项行动”和安全生产活动月活动,未发生一起安全事故,现将公司安全生产整体工作总结如下: 一、明确落实安全管理责任 公司严格按照“党政同责、一岗双责、齐抓共管、失职追责”和“三个必须”的要求,全面落实监管责任,层层签订安全生产书730余份,明确目标,实行严格的全员安全生产责任制。 二、结壮开展安全生产xx培训 摒弃以往的“纸上谈兵”,采取理论与实践相结合的方式,运用现场操作解说事后理论考试的形式开展安全生产教育工作,合格后方可上岗作业,相继组织人员开展森林防火、消防、营林生产等各类安全教育培训活动6次,累计培训400余人次。公司围绕“安全生产月”、“安全生产大检查行动”开展全覆盖宣传活动,共悬挂安全生产条幅115幅,安全彩旗630面,发放安全生产挂图196幅,宣传单3000余份,展出了安全生产相关知识宣传板报30副。 三、围绕重点加强安全管理 1、多措并举保障木材生产圆满完成。公司安全管理部门在上段指挥部指派专人轮流驻守,针对木材生产作业工序进行全面监管。在运材道路(如弯道、陡坡、桥涵等)设立醒目的警示标志128处,实行运材道路、车辆限时限行管理,保障车辆运行安全,加强作业暂设点 第1页共3页 防火、防烟安全检查,狠抓安全生产措施的落实,确保生产一线安全管理工作通顺,切实履行好安全生产监管责任。 2、加强特种作业安全管理工作。严格按照相有关规定、操作规程对驾驶员及作业人员进行安全教育,指派专人负责监管,发现故障及时修理排除,始终保持设备处于优良运行状态。


C. make frie nds D. make frie nds with 初二年级第一学期英语月考试卷 (牛津 7B unit6- 8A unitl ) I ?单项选择(15%) ( )1. Her frie nd is ________ hon est boy. A. a B. the C. an D. / ( )2. I can play ______ him in the park. A. to B. and C. with D. for ( )3. Don 'read ______ the sun. A. in B. on C. un der D. below ( )4. Kate often helps us ________ English. A. to lear ning B. learn C. learni ng D. learned ( )5. Is Tom'swatch cheaper than _______ ? A. you B. your C. your ' D. yours ( )6. Max is as ________ as Daniel is. A. tall B. taller C. tallest ( )7. Of all the subjects, I like En glish _______ . A. well B. good C. better D. best ( )8. Betty can make me ________ whe n I am un happy. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughi ng D. laughed ( )9. You should _______ sorry to her. You made her cry. A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk ( )10. _______ pull my cat's tail. She'llbe angry. A. You don't B. Don ' C. Can't D. You should ( )11. Who is _______ , Lily, Kate or Jack? A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest ( )12 Miss Smith is such a kind girl that all of us like to _____ her . A. make frie nd with B. make frie nds of 班级: 姓名: 学号: 得分: D. the tallest


八年级第二次月考英语试卷 (考试时间:120分钟满分:120分) 第I卷选择题(共三部分满分90分) 第一部分听力理解(共四节,满分30分) 第一节听音辨图(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) ( )1. A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. ( ) 5. A. B. C. 第二节情景反应(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 请听下面五个句子,每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答语。每个句子仅读一遍。 ( ) 6. A. Three bananas. B. Two apples. C. One spoon. ( ) 7. A. One cup. B. Three. C. Four. ( ) 8. A. OK B. I don’t know. C. No, I don’t. ( ) 9. A. A little. B. Five. C. Much ( ) 10. A. No, I can. B. Yes, I can’t. C. Yes, I can.

请听第一组对话,回答第11小题。 ( ) 11. How many strawberries do they need? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. 请听第二组对话,回答第12小题。 ( ) 12. What will Bob put in the salad? A. Yogurt B. Honey. C. Butter. 请听第三组对话,回答第13小题。 ( ) 13. How many pears do they need? A. One. B. Two. C. Four. 请听第四组对话,回答第14~15小题。 ( ) 14. What did the girl do last night? A. She ate delicious food in Xi’an. B. She watched TV. C. She watched a movie. ( ) 15. What time was A Bite of China? A. At 9:00 pm. B. At 7:30 pm. C. At 8:30 pm. 请听第五组对话,回答第16~17小题。 ( ) 16.What’s the boy’s favorite drink? A. Yogurt. B. Apple milk shakes. C. Orange juice. ( ) 17.Where are the boy and the girl probably going? A. To the supermarket. B. To the clothes store. C. To the bank. 请听第六组对话,回答第18~20小题。 ( ) 18. How did Mike go to his grandparents’ house? A. By bus. B. By car. C. By bike. ( ) 19. Who cooked the turkey? A. Mike’s mother. B. Mike’s father. C. Mike’s grandma. ( ) 20. What did Milk help do? A. He helped peel some bananas B. He helped cut up carrots. C. He helped put the cake in the oven.


附件 2018年安全生产月知识竞赛试题 不定项选择题100题(每题有1个或多个正确答案,每题1分)。 1、《安全生产法》中“安全生产监督管理”的“监督”是广义的监督,其所谓的广义安全生产监督体制内( C)。 A、县级以上地方各级人民政府加强领导 B、政府有关部门的依法监督 C、基层群众性自治组织的监督 D、新闻媒体的监督 2、为了加强( A ) ,防止和减少生产安全事故,保障人民群众生命和财产安全,促进经济社会持续健康发展,制定《安全生产法》。 A、安全生产工作 B、安全管理 C、日常安全管理 D、安全监督 3、《职业病危害项目申报办法》2012年3月6日由国家安全生产监督管理总局局长办公会议审议通过,现予公布自( A ) 起施行。 A、2012年6月1日 B、2012年9月1日 C、2012年12月1日 D、2012年8月31日 4、从业人员应当接受安全生产教育和培训,掌握本职工作所需的安全生产知识,提高安全生产技能,增强事故预防和应急处理能力。( A) A、正确 B、错误 5、公共娱乐场所安全出口的疏散门应(C )。 A、由开启 B、向内开启 C、向外开启 D、不开启 6、《生产经营单位安全培训规定》是为了加强和规范( C ) 安全培训工作,提高从业人员安全素质,防范伤亡事故,减轻职业危害。是根据安全 - 1 -

生产法和有关法律、行政法规制定的。 A、从业人员 B、相关单位 C、生产经营单位 D、有关部门 7、土壤污染进入人体的主要途径是( A ) A、食用受污染的农产品 B、脚部与土壤的接触 C、从耳朵进入 D、呼吸系统进入 8、生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》适用于( C ) 的报告和调查处理。 A、环境污染事故 B、核设施事故 C、生产经营活动中的生产安全事故 D、国防科研生产事故 9、在雷雨天不要走近高压电杆、铁塔、避雷针、远离至少( C )米以外。 A、10米 B、15米 C、20米 10、升降人员或升降人员和物料用的钢丝绳断丝数达到10%必须更换。( B) A、正确 B、错误 11、( A )可通过皮肤损害人体健康。 A、汞 B、尘土 C、碳 12、煤矿企业及其人员因煤矿安全监察机构违法给予行政处罚受到损害的,有权依法提出赔偿要求。( A) A、正确 B、错误 13、工会依法组织职工参加本单位安全生产工作的( B D ),维护职工在安全生产方面的合法权益。 A、监督 B、民主监督 C、管理 D、民主管理 14、企业生产经营规模较小的,可以不建立应急救援组织,但应当指定- 2 -


2015-2016学年第二学期八年级英语第一次月考试卷 (时间:120 满分:120 命题人:xxx) 亲爱的同学们,让我们认真答卷,测测你这个月的收获吧! 一.单项选择。(每小题2分,共30分) ( )1. ---___________________? ---He’s a headache. A. What’s the matter B. What’s the wrong C. What’s trouble D. What’s the matter with he ( )2. Jack used to _______up early, but now he is used to _______up late. A. get, get B. get, getting C. getting, get D. getting, getting ( )3. He stopped when he saw an old man ________on the side of the road. A. lie B. lying C. lied D. to lie ( )4. ________the doctor, the boy was saved. A. Thanks B. Thanks to C. Thank for D. Because ( )5. I think you _________to go to the hospital. A. should B. could C. need D. must ( )6. ---Should we go to the doctor? ---No, you _________. A. shouldn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. couldn’t ( )7.--Could you please sweep the floor? -- _____.I have to do my homework. A. Yes, sure. B. Why not? C. Sorry, I can’t. D. Sorry, you can’t. ( )8. Nancy, thanks for _______care of my dogs. A. take B. takes C. taking D. took ( )9. Mr. Smith didn’t have money, but he had good friends. . A. much much B. much many C. many many D. many much ( )10. Could I _______ ten yuan from you? A.borrow B.give C.send D.help ( )11. His foot was hurt and he had to give up _______soccer. A. play B. to play C. playing D. played ( )12. David, many thanks for helping me ________when I was in trouble. A .on B .off. C. out D. in. ( )13. Jack agreed ________to Wuhan with us. A. go B. going C. to go D. went ( )14. He finds a part-time job, He helps ________publicity materials.(宣传品) A.hang out B. stay up. C. fix up. D. hand out. ( )15. Some people plan to ______ a volunteer group to help the disabled children. A. put up B. think up C. set up D. cheer up 二.完型填空:(每小题1分,共10分) Dear Aunt Chen, My cousin is 36 age as me. She’s really nice, and we get on 37 , but she always 38 my things. Last week, she 39 my math book from me and didn’t 40 it. So I 41 do my homework. I don’t want 42 my cousin, 43 she’s my best friend. I don’t know 44 . Could you please give me some 45 ? ( ) 1 A. same B. as C. the same D. so ( ) 2 A. well B. good C. better D. best ( ) 3. A. borrowed B. lends C. borrowing D. borrows ( ) 4. A. borrowed B. lends C. borrowing D. borrows ( ) 5. A. gave B. gives C. return D. returns ( ) 6. A. can’t B. couldn’t C. didn’t D. don’t ( ) 7. A. to have a fight with B. have a fight with C. to have a fight D. have a fight ( ) 8. A. so B. though C. because D. but ( ) 9. A. how to do B. what to do C. where to do D. what do ( ) 10. A. advices B. advice C. an advice D. many advices 三.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分) A “Do you know the story about Vince? It was a true story. Vince was an English boy and he was eight years old. He didn't like soap or water. Three or four times a day his mother said to him, “Vince, your hands are very dirty again.” Go and wash them. ” But Vince never washed them well. He only put his hands in the water for a few seconds and then took them out again. Vince’s uncle and aunt lived in another city. One day they ca me to stay with Vince’s parents, and they brought their small son, Toby, with them. Toby was seven years old and he didn’t like soap or water, either. The boys sat with their parents for a few minutes and then they went outside. When they were playing, Vince looked at Toby's hands and then went back to Toby’s parents and said proudly (骄傲地),“Toby’s hands are dirtier than mine, ”“Of course they are,”Toby said angrily. “You are one year older than I am! ” ( )1. Vince’s mother asked him to ______ three or four times a day. A. wash his hands B. do his homework C. clean his bedroom D. wash his teeth ( )2.When Vince saw Toby’s hands, he felt ________.
