




Ⅰ. 选择最佳答案(15)

26. He often asks his parents ___ some money and buys his favourite


A. for

B. to C of D. about

27. -How does your sister learn English? -She learns it by ___.

A. hearing the radio

B. listens to radio

C. listening to the radio

D. listen to the radio

28. --How much did you ___ for this pen? --20 yuan.

A. pay

B. buy

C. take

D. spend

29.Did Mary enjoy ___ at the party?

A. herself

B. himself

C. her

D. oneself

30. Y ou are too fat! Y ou should eat ___ food and take ___ exercise.

A. less; more

B. more; less

C. fewer, less

D. less, fewer

31. —Oh! I ____ the book for a long time.Where ___ it?

— In my room.

A. didn’t see; is

B. haven’t seen; is

C. didn’t see; will be

D. haven’t seen; will be 32. — What do you think of this bike?

—Oh, it’s too old for a boy to ride. Please give me _____ one.

A. another

B. other

C. others

D. the other

33. Because of clean air , this city is .

A. a good place which to be lived in

B. a good place to live

C. a good place to live in

D. a good place to live for

34. The old man lives ___, but he never feels ___.

A. alone, lonely

B. lonely, alone

C. alone alone

D. lonely lonely

35. He has taught here ___.

A. since two years

B. for two years

C. two years ago

D. two years later

36. My mother asks me to make my room __ every day.

A. clean

B. cleaning


D. to clean

37. When Miss Green began to the story,

the children stopped and became quiet.

A. speak; telling

B. say; speaking

C. tell; to talk

D. tell; talking

38. Anna _____ in bed and_____ at eight o’clock yesterday evening.

A. was lying, to read

B. lay, to read

C. lay, reading

D. was lying, reading

39. Rubbish(垃圾)___terrible in summer. Don’t throw it about.

A. smells

B. tastes

C. feels

D. looks

40.Y esterday his parents found it was hard ____ (v.接受) his new idea.

A. accept

B.to accept

C. accepted

D. accepting

Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)


China is a country with a rich culture in calligraphy (书法). Computers are everywhere in our life, 41 Chinese people should not 42 the skill of writing with hands.

Now the computer can help people to write. People are 43 computers more often than before. So many people are forgetting how to 44 Chinese characters (汉字). People often make a lot of mistakes in handwriting.

Today, China is trying to help students and teachers to 45 their handwriting. We 46 that teachers can write well 47

the blackboard and students can write well in their exercise books, too. Teachers should make their teaching plans and students should 48 their homework by writing with their 49 . We are sure our handwriting can become 50 and better in this way.

( )41. A. Though B. If C. And D. But

( )42. A. remember B. forget C. use D. practice

( )43. A. making B. holding C. buying D. using

( )44. A. find B. read C. write D. use

( )45. A. show B. take C. improve D. worry

( )46. A. call B. hope C. dislike D. hate

( )47. A. in B. with C. over D. on

( )48. A. leave B. do C. get D. make

( )49. A. eyes B. ears C. legs D. hands

( ) 50. A. better B. worse C. faster D. easier

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(20分)



Music is very important to German people. One out of every four Germans plays an instrument or sings in a group. Many famous classical musicians are from Germany, like Bach,Beethoven and Schumann. Their music is still played across the world. Many German

kids have music lessons at school. They have lessons twice a week, for two to four hours each time. Piano lessons can be even longer! Students can walk around and try any instrument. Sometimes teachers ask them to listen to music and then act it out. Music is everywhere in Germany. Y ou can enjoy light music in a restaurant. Y ou can listen to people playing religious music ,like gospel(福音音乐)in a church. Also you can listen other music on a square any time. There are more than 100 music festivals in Germany each year.

51. Which musician isn’t from Germany?

A. Johann Sebastian Bach.

B. Ludwig van Beethoven.

C. Robert Schumann.

D. W olfgang Amadeus Mozart.

52. What kind of music is Bach good at?

A. Light music.

B. Classical music.

C. Rock music.

D. Jazz music.

53. How long does a piano lesson last in Germany?

A. Two or four hours.

B. Two to four hours.

C. More than four hours.

D. More than two hours.

54. If you want to listen to gospel, you can go to _____.

A. a restaurant

B. a park

C. a church

D. a square 55. Which is the best title(题目) of the passage?

A. Music in Germany

B. Famous musicians

C. Music festivals in Germany

D. All kinds of music


You must know the song Happy Birthday. But do you know who wrote this song and for whom the writer wrote it?

About one hundred years ago, there was a girl in the U.S. She loved children very much and wrote many songs for children. One of them was the song Good Morning To You. The song was very popular with children at that time, but not all grown-ups (成年人) knew it.

The girl was very poor. Once her friends invited her to a little boy’s birthday party. She felt happy but sad because she had no money to buy something for him. So she decided to sing the song Happy Birthday in the melody (曲调) of Good Morning To You for the little boy.

When her friends heard the song at the party, they were very happy. And they all learned to sing it. Later, the song became very popular around the world.

56. When did the song Happy Birthday become popular?

A. About one thousand years ago.

B. Hundreds of years ago.

C. About one hundred years ago.

D. About ten years ago.

57. At first, the song Happy Birthday was for a(n) .

A. old lady

B. little boy

C. little girl

D. old man

58. When her friends invited her to a party, the girl was .

A. happy and excited

B. angry and stressed out

C. excited but angry

D. happy but sad

59. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The girl didn’t love children at all.

B. The girl was very rich.

C. The girl didn’t go to the party.

D. The girl decided to sing a song at the party.

60. Which is the best title for the passage?

A. The story of Happy Birthday

B. A clever poor girl

C. Let’s sing Happy Birthday

D. A story of a poor girl


一.任务型阅读(20) 根据短文内容,完成任务(每小题2分)


On October 24, 2007, China launched its first moon lunar probe ( 探测器) . At 6: 05 pm, the Chang’e I Satellite flew to the moon in the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre of Sichuan Province.

The flight of Chang’e I Satellite has important missions(任务), such as taking pictures of the moon, looking for useful materials on the moon and making maps of where the materials are; exploring the space weather between the Earth and the moon.

Chang’e I is now circling around the moon. It has already sent some useful pictures and information to Earth. With the help of the information, China plans to launch a few space probes to the moon by 2012 and then send a manned spaceship by 2020.

Chang’e I only weighs about 2.35 tons(吨). But Chinese scientists spent over 45 months and1.4 billion RMB on it. The rocket, Long March 3-A which sent Chang’e I into space, is about 100 times (倍)the weight(重量)of the Chang’e I Satellite. It is 52 metres high, as high as a building with 17 floors.

61. Chinese scientists and workers spent _____ making “Chang’e I”.

62. When did China send the Chang’e I Satellite ? _____.

63. With the help of Chang’e I, China will send manned spaceship

by ___.

64. Chang’e I cost about _____ RMB.

65. Long March 3-A weighs about ______ tons.


American band “The Backstreet Boys” have travelled all over the world but often they don’t see much of the countries they visit. There are five members in the band: Nick, Howie, Brian, AJ and Kevin.

Life on travelling is very busy with little time for seeing a new country. Howie explains, “W e try to go sightseeing when visiting a country for the first time, but often we only get to see our hotel and the place where we’re performing.”

One of the good things about going on travelling is to meet fans from around the world. When they arrive in a country, there are often many cheering fans at the airport. This makes “The Backstreet Boys” feel happy. (A) In Spain, one girl came up to Kevin and grabbed(粗鲁地夺去)his necklace. (B)His brother gave it to him for a present and he was sad to lose it. Once some Canadian fans ran after AJ and hurt his foot while running away.

66. 选择能填入文中(A)处的最佳选项。

A. So they perform very well.

B. And the fans are very happy to see them.

C. But sometimes the fans can become overexcited(过分兴奋).

D. Then they can have a great meeting.

67. 文中(B)处的画线句子有一处错误,请找出并将其改正。

68. 将下列句子改成反意疑问句。

But often they don’t see much of the countries they visit, ?

69. 补全句子。

It’s one good thing about going on travelling to . 70. 回答问题。

Why couldn’t“The Backstreet Boys”go sightseeing when they’re visiting a country?

. 二.综合填空(10分)


Justin Bieber, born on March 14, 1994, is a Canadian pop singer. He (71)himself how to play the piano, the drums, the guitar and

the trumpet. When he was 12, Justin Bieber entered a singing

(72)in his hometown of Stratford, Canada, and (73) second place. Then someone uploaded his videos (上传他的录像) online and more than 55 million people enjoyed (74)songs. In 2009 and 2010, Justin got many different (75). He was very (76) and he became the winner of 2011 Kids’ Choice Awards. There are many interesting things going on

(77)Justin’s life these days. He had new songs for (78). He had his 17th birthday celebration.(79)he had a new haircut. Justin sold some of his hair online. One of his fans bought it for $40,000! Justin will (80)the money to protect (保护) animals. 三.情景对话(5分)


A: Would you like to help me prepare (准备) for the picnic?

B: Sure. (81) ______ A: Yes. It’ll be sunny most of the day. (82) ____ But it doesn’t matter. B: Excellent. I’ve put some sandwiches, salad and toast in the basket. A: Good. Please help me make the pork. I forgot to do it last night. B: It doesn’t matter. (83) ______

A: Thank you. I also need some cloth.

B: I also prepared. Well, do we need to take sunglasses? (84) ______ A: No, there are many trees at the picnic area in the park.

B: I see. (85) ______ A: OK. Let’s go!


假设你是张小明,你的父母想了解你们学校的志愿者活动(volunteer activities)情况。请根据下列提示给他们写封邮件。60词左右。邮件的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

提示:1. 时间:上周末2. 具体内容:学校组织学生去公园进行大扫除3. 效果:劳动了一下午,公园干净了

Dear Mum and Dad,

I’m happy to tell you something about our volunteer activities.

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Y ours,


2011-2012学年第一学期月考试题 初二年级英语试题答案卷 第二卷 非选择题(50分)



61. 62 . 63. 64. 65. B

66 67. 68. 68. 70. 二.综合填空 (10分)

用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空。 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78 79 80

三.情景对话 (5分)


81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 四.书面表达(15分) Dear Mum and Dad,

I’m happy to tell you something about our volunteer activities. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Yours, Xiaoming

学校 班级 姓名 考号

密 封 线


初二年级上册英语月考试卷及答案 【篇一】 二.单项选择(本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选岀可以填入空白处的选项。 ()21. Daniel is my friend. 1 Iike to Share my With him When 1 am happy. A.joy B. happy C. Sad D. SeCretS ()22? The Changjiang RiVer is _________ in the world. A. a IOngeSt river B. the IOngeSt river C. One Ofthe IOngeSt river D. One Ofthe IOngeSt rivers ()23.-…WhafS the Weather Iike today? ■??? Ifs______ Wann _________ y esterday ? A. so; that B. as; as C. not; Until D. too; to ()24.1 don5t Iike milk , but my mother makes me ___________ it ? A. to drink B. drinks C. drink D. drinking ()25. They had a WOnderfUl time _________________ . A. Chat On Ihe Intemet B. Chatting On Ihe Intemet C. Chat in the Intemet D. Chatting in the Intemet ()26? We ShOUld have _____ fast food, _________ :fresh vegetables and take enough exercise. A. fewer, fewer B. less, more C. fewer, more D. less, IeSS ()27. ?…Γve had enough bread. WOUld you Iike __________ ? ?…No, thanks. A. a few more B. OIIe more C. another more D? SOme more ()28. He always IOOkS ? NoW he's IOOking at his new drawing. A. happy; happily B. happy; happy C. happily; happily D. happily; happy ()29. -—Who did 让better, Bill Or Henry? -…I Ihink Bill did just Henry.


濮阳经济开发区2019-2020学年上学期第二次月考八年级 英语 注意事项: 1.本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分。考试时间100分钟,满分120分。 2.考生应首先阅读答题卡上的文字信息,然后在答题卡上作答,在试题卷上作答无效,交卷时只交答题卡。 第一部分:听力(20分) I.听对话,选择与其内容相符的图片。对话读一遍。(5分) Ⅱ.听句子,选择正确的应答语。句子读一遍。(5分) ( )6.A.She used to go traveling. B.She was traveling. C.She went traveling. ( )7.A. At the Music Hall. B.At half past seven. C.A beautiful song. ( )8.A. You're welcome. B.I don't know. C.I think it's too noisy. ( )9.A. Go ahead, please. B.Hold the line, please. C.He's coming now. ( ) 10. A.I don't like blue whales. B.I like pandas best. C.I prefer pandas. Ⅲ.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读一遍。(5分) ( ) 11.Jane often____on weekends. A. plays with her classmates

B.watches soccer games C.plays soccer games ( ) 12. What's the matter with Bruce? A. He has a headache. B.He hates drinking. C.He has a bad cough. ( ) 13. Lucy____last night. A. went to the movie B.was practicing English C.was doing exercise ( ) 14. How was the earthquake in Yunnan last Sunday? A. Hundreds of people died. B. Hundreds of people were missing. C. The earthquake killed more than one hundred people. ( ) 15. John____on the Internet. A. enjoys listening to music https://www.360docs.net/doc/3d3863463.html,ed to study English C.often studies English Ⅳ.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍。(5分) 听第一段对话,回答第16 .17小题。 ( ) 16. Bill plays computer games on the Internet___. A. sometimes B.two hours a day C. twice a dav ( ) 17. How long does Joy work on the Internet every day? A. Five hours. B.Two hours. C.Three hours. 听第二段对话,回答第18 \19\20小题。 ( ) 18. What will Betty and John do this evening? A.Go to a concert. B.Sing at the concert. C.Write music together. ( ) 19. John is fond of— music now. A.pop B.folk C.rock ( ) 20.Betty feels_to listen to her favorite music. A. interested B.surprised C.excited 第二部分:笔试(100分) V.单项选择。(15分) ( ) 21.—It's important to protect the —Yes. They are the lungs of the eatth. ' A.medicine B.forests C.wood D.grounds ( ) 22.—George plays the guitar very well. Who taught him? —He taught A. herself B. myself C.itself D. himself ( ) 23.—How do you like folk music? A. It's great. I love it.


2018--2019年度第一学期第一次月考测试题 八年级英语 (时间:90分钟满分:100分) 一`听力部分(20分) I、听对话,根据对话内容选出正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) 听第一段对话,回答1-2小题。 ( )1. Where did Jane go on vacation? A. Sydney. B. Tokyo. C. New York City. ( )2. How were the people there? A. They were hard-working. B. They were busy. C. They were friendly. 听第二段对话,回答3-4小题。 ( )3. When did Bob go to the Summer Palace? A. Last weekend. B. Last month. C. Last year. ( )4. Who did Bob go with? A. His family. B. His classmates. C. His friends. 听第三段对话,回答5-6小题。 ( )5. How was Sarah’s vacation? A. It was tiring. B. It was terrible. C. It was pretty good. ( )6. What did Sarah do during her vacation? A. She had seafood in a restaurant. B. She went to the beach. C. She visited many museums. 听第四段对话,回答7-8小题。 ( )7. What’s Alice’s favorite sport? A. Football. B. Swimming. C. Basketball. ( )8. How many hours does Mike spend watching TV every day? A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Four hours. 听第五段对话,回答9-10小题。 ( )9. How often does Gina eat junk food? A. Once a week. B. Once a month. C. Once a year. ( )10. Does Gina like milk? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. II、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) A:听第一篇短文,回答11-15小题。 ( )11. Mrs. Green is _____. A. a doctor B. a teacher C. Bill’s s ister ( )12. Mrs. Green does n’t like _____. A. milk B. vegetables C. junk food ( )13. Mrs. Green _____ once a week. A. drinks coffee B. drinks milk C. eats junk food ( )14. On weekends _____ often plays baseball with Mrs. Green.


八年级上学期英语第一次月考 一、单项选择。(15分) 1.I didn't go to the beach vacation.I stayed home, A.for;in B.on;at C.on;in D.in;at 2.-Could you give me money? -Sorry I don't have with me. A.some;any B.little;some B.C,any;some D.little;any 3.I’ll buy for myself,but for my son. A.nothing;nothing B.anything;nothing C.something;nothing D.something;something 5.They usually go shopping . A.one a week B.once a week C.one the week D.once week 6. hours do you exercise every day? A.How long B.How much C.How many D.How often 7.—How juice would you like?-One kilo. A.many B.much C.heavy D.often 8.—John ,is Helen your twin brother? Oh yes.He is twenty minutes than me. A.heavier B.bigger C.taller D.older 9.Mr.Brown is good children.They all love him. A.at B with C.for D in 10.Li Fang's backpack is heavier than A.I B.mine C.me D.my 11.My father went to work without breakfast this morning. A.has B.had C.to have D.having 12.In our class,Jason is the .He always makes us laugh.


精心整理 初二上册英语月考试卷带答案 I.听句子,选择与所听内容意思最接近的一项。句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) B.I’mgoingtoBeijingnextMonday. C.I’mcomingbackfromBeijingnextMonday. ()5.A.Tomforgottocallmewhenhegothome.

B.Remembertocallmewhenyougethome,Tom. C.RemembertocallTomwhenyougethome. II.听句子,根据所听内容选择答案。对话读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) B.Helpinghermomcleanthehouse. C.Helpinghermomwashtheclothes. ()9.Whatdoesthedoctortelltheboytodo? A.Shetellshimtodrinkmorewater.

B.Shetellshimtotakethemedicineonceaday. C.Shetellshimtohaveagoodsleep. ()10.HowlongdidLindastayinBeijing? A.Forfivedays. III.1分,共5 B.Heneedstomakehimselfwarm. C.Heneedstohaveagoodsleep. ()13.Howoftenshouldthemantakethemedicine? A.Onceaday.

B.Twiceaday. C.Threetimesaday. ()14.Whenshouldthemancomeagain? A.Tomorrow. IV.分,共5 B.Shefeelstiredandstressedout. C.Shefeelsrelaxedandexcited. ()17.WhendoesMaryhaveamathtest? A.NextMonday.


2019—2019学年第二学期第一次月考 初二英语试题2019.03 (时间:80分钟满分:100分) 一、单项选择(共15小题,计分15分) ( )1. It’s a good idea ______ English films. A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watching ( )2. He has to make lots of money ____ he can buy his family a big house. A.so that B.such that C.that D.in order ( )3. My father gives me _____ on my study. A. a advice B. an advice C. two advices D. a piece of advice ( )4. We can learn nothing ___ hard work. A.by B.at C.without D.through ( )5. You shouldn’t make mistakes. A.in same way B.at same way C.in the same way D.at the same way ( ) 6. Bill ___money after three months. A run out B. run out of C was run D. ran out of ( )7. The cat is .You should take it to an animal hospital. A. dead B.death C.dying D.died ( )8.—Did you pass the exam(考试) yesterday? —I hope so, but ___________. A. I’m not sure about that. B. don’t be silly. C. never mind D. that’s too bad, ( )9. Her mother was out. She stayed at home ___, but she didn’t feel ___. A.alone, loneyly B.lonely, alone C.alone, alone D.loney, lonely ( )10. —How does Jack usually go to work? —He ___ drive a car, but now he ___ there to lose weight. A. used to, is used to walk B. was used to, is used to walking C. was used to, is used to walk D. used to, is used to walking ( ) 11. I’m ____ to hear the ____ news . A. excited, excited B. exciting, exciting C. excited, exciting D. exciting, excited ( )12. The ______ he is, the _______he feels. A. busy; happy B. busier; happier C. busiest; happiest D. busier; happy ( )13. It’s difficult to learn English well, but you can’t ___. A.put it up B.take it up C.look it up D.give it up ( )14. I think _____ the old is necessary. We’re all going to be old one day. A.caring for B.careing for C.care for D.to caring for ( )15. I never go to school late, . A.so does Tom B.so Tom does C.neither Tom does D.neither does Tom 二、阅读理解(共15 小题,计分30分) A 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,判断短文后所给句子的正误,在正确的题前括号里填写T,在错误的题前括号里填写F。 Two friends were walking through the desert. They had an argument, the first friend slapped (一记耳光) the other in the face. The other friend was hurt, but only wrote in the sand: “Today my best friend slapped me in the face.” They kept walking, until found a lake. They decided to cool off and swim. The other friend started going down in the lake, but his friend saved him. After he came back to life, he wrote on a stone: “Today my best friend saved me.” The friend, who slapped and saved his friend, asked him: “After I hurt you, you wrote in the sand, and now, you wrote on the stone. Why?” The other


初二年级第一学期英语月考试卷 (牛津7B unit6- 8A unit1) 班级:姓名:学号:得分:I.单项选择(15%) ( )1. Her friend is _________ honest boy. A. a B. the C. an D. / ( )2. I can play _______him in the park. A. to B. and C. with D. for ( )3. Don’t read ______ the sun. A. in B. on C. under D. below ( )4. Kate often helps us English. A. to learning B. learn C. learning D. learned ( )5. Is Tom’s watch cheaper than ? A. you B. your C. your’s D. yours ( )6. Max is as _________ as Daniel is. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest ( )7. Of all the subjects, I like English ________. A. well B. good C. better D. best ( )8. Betty can make me ________ when I am unhappy. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughing D. laughed ( )9. You should _______ sorry to her. You made her cry. A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk ( )10. _______ pull my cat’s tail. She’ll be angry. A. You don’t B. Don’t C. Can’t D. You should ( )11. Who is , Lily, Kate or Jack? A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest ( )12 Miss Smith is such a kind girl that all of us like to _____ her . A. make friend with B. make friends of C. make friends D. make friends with


第一次月考测试题 八年级英语 (时间:90分钟满分:100分) 一`听力部分(20分) I、听对话,根据对话内容选出正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) 听第一段对话,回答1-2小题。 ( )1. Where did Jane go on vacation? A. Sydney. B. Tokyo. C. New York City. ( )2. How were the people there? A. They were hard-working. B. They were busy. C. They were friendly. 听第二段对话,回答3-4小题。 ( )3. When did Bob go to the Summer Palace? A. Last weekend. B. Last month. C. Last year. ( )4. Who did Bob go with? A. His family. B. His classmates. C. His friends. 听第三段对话,回答5-6小题。 ( )5. How was Sarah’s vacation? A. It was tiring. B. It was terrible. C. It was pretty good. ( )6. What did Sarah do during her vacation? A. She had seafood in a restaurant. B. She went to the beach. C. She visited many museums. 听第四段对话,回答7-8小题。 ( )7. What’s Alice’s favorite sport? A. Football. B. Swimming. C. Basketball. ( )8. How many hours does Mike spend watching TV every day? A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Four hours. 听第五段对话,回答9-10小题。 ( )9. How often does Gina eat junk food? A. Once a week. B. Once a month. C. Once a year. ( )10. Does Gina like milk? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. II、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) A:听第一篇短文,回答11-15小题。 ( )11. Mrs. Green is _____. A. a doctor B. a teacher C. Bill’s sister ( )12. Mrs. Green does n’t like _____. A. milk B. vegetables C. junk food ( )13. Mrs. Green _____ once a week. A. drinks coffee B. drinks milk C. eats junk food


第1页 共7页 2017--2018学年度第一学期第二次月考检测 八年级英语学科试题 (满分:120分 时间: 60分钟 ) 一、单项选择(每小题2分,共20分) 1.— Excuse me, when are we going to have a picnic? — I’m not sure, Ask Tom, please. He ______ know. A. need B. can C. may D. shall 2. Father often tells me ______ too much time on computer games. A. don’t spend B. not spend C. not to spend D. not spending 3. — Why are you so excited? — Peter invited me ______ on a trip to Yunlong Mountain. A. to go B. go C. going D. went 4. The old man is planning _______ trees by the river. A. plant B. to plant C. plants D. planting 5. -- Don’t cross the road when the traffic lights are red. -- . A .No, I will. B .Yes, I do. C .OK, I won’t. D .No, I don’t. 6. We can protect wild animals in ___________. A. zoos B. nature reserves C. homes D. cities 7. ----- How long does it take your father __________ to work every day? ----- About half an hour. A. drives B. driving C. to drive D. drove 8. ----Mrs Green, I hurt my leg. I have to stay in hospital for a week. ----______________. _______年级 ______班 姓名 ___________________考 ………………………………密……………………………………… 封………………………………线…………………………


西科一中2007----2008学年第一学期第一次月考 八年级英语试题 出题人:王媛 审题人:雷骊 Listening Test Part (20) I. 听句子,选出与所听句子的意思相符的图片。(有两项多余) 5 A B C D E F 1._________ 2._________ 3 . __________ 4._________ 5. __________ G II. 听句子,判断下列句子的意思是(Y )否(N )与所听句子的意思相一致。 5 ( ) 6. How ’s it going? ( ) 7. To keep in good health, you should eat a lot of vegetables. ( ) 8. My lifestyle is different from yours. ( ) 9. You should do something for him. ( ) 10. Lucy has to look for her grandmother. III .听对话及问题,选择正确答案。5 11. A. Studying for a test. B. Going camping. C. Visiting his pen pal. 12. A. Three times a week. B. Never. C. Three times a day 13. A. Drink some water B. Rest for a moment. C. Eat some food 14. A. Two weeks. B. Three weeks. C. Four weeks. 15. A. Twelve. B. Twenty. C. Fifteen. IV . 听短文,根据短文内容为下列各题选择正确答案。 16. Jim takes a vacation _______ a year. A. once B. twice C. three times 17. Jim likes going to ________ on vacation. A. America B. Australia C. Europe 18. Jim doesn ’t go this winter because he has a _______. A. sore back B. stomachache C. toothache 19. Jim ________ junk food. A. often has B. never has C. sometimes eats 20. Jim goes to bed ________. A. too early B. at ten C. too late Written Test Part (80) V .单项选择.15 21. ---_______ do you go to the art club? ---Twice a month.


初二英语上学期第一次月考试卷 初二英语第一次月考即将来临,请相信付出终有回报,信心绝对重要。以下是为你整理的初二英语上学期第一次月考试卷,希望对大家有帮助! 初二英语上学期第一次月考试一、单项选择(20小题,每小题2分,共40分) ( )1. Children, don t speak so . Your grandma is sleeping now. A. quietly B. easily C. loudly ( )2. Where do we go on vacation this summer, Mary? I have no idea. Let s get some about traveling on the Internet. A. information B. dream C. language ( )3. woman is your mother? The one with long hair. A. What B. How C.Which ( )4. Linda is really . She gets up early to read English every day. Yes, she also works hard at school. A. friendly B. hard-working C. outgoing

( )5.She has to take care of her younger brother, she is only ten. A. though B. if C. because ( )6. Why does Bob always practice playing the violin? Because he wants to the music competition next week. A. break B. keep C. win ( )7. How can I learn English well, Wendy? You should talking with your friends and classmates in English. A. practice B. to practice C. practicing ( )8. I don t what other people say and I just want to be myself. A. decide B. find C. care ( )9. Amy, look at the sign ! It says No touching! A. B. C. ( )10. How can I make more friends, Mr. Smith? Be friendly and truly others. A. care about B. bring out C. feel like ( )11. I am fifteen now and I am as as my father. A. older B. old C.tall ( )12. Pan Changjiang is than Zhao Benshan, but they are both .


C. make frie nds D. make frie nds with 初二年级第一学期英语月考试卷 (牛津 7B unit6- 8A unitl ) I ?单项选择(15%) ( )1. Her frie nd is ________ hon est boy. A. a B. the C. an D. / ( )2. I can play ______ him in the park. A. to B. and C. with D. for ( )3. Don 'read ______ the sun. A. in B. on C. un der D. below ( )4. Kate often helps us ________ English. A. to lear ning B. learn C. learni ng D. learned ( )5. Is Tom'swatch cheaper than _______ ? A. you B. your C. your ' D. yours ( )6. Max is as ________ as Daniel is. A. tall B. taller C. tallest ( )7. Of all the subjects, I like En glish _______ . A. well B. good C. better D. best ( )8. Betty can make me ________ whe n I am un happy. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughi ng D. laughed ( )9. You should _______ sorry to her. You made her cry. A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk ( )10. _______ pull my cat's tail. She'llbe angry. A. You don't B. Don ' C. Can't D. You should ( )11. Who is _______ , Lily, Kate or Jack? A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest ( )12 Miss Smith is such a kind girl that all of us like to _____ her . A. make frie nd with B. make frie nds of 班级: 姓名: 学号: 得分: D. the tallest


八年级第二次月考英语试卷 (考试时间:120分钟满分:120分) 第I卷选择题(共三部分满分90分) 第一部分听力理解(共四节,满分30分) 第一节听音辨图(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) ( )1. A. B. C. ( ) 2. A. B. C. ( ) 3. A. B. C. ( ) 4. A. B. C. ( ) 5. A. B. C. 第二节情景反应(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 请听下面五个句子,每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的答语。每个句子仅读一遍。 ( ) 6. A. Three bananas. B. Two apples. C. One spoon. ( ) 7. A. One cup. B. Three. C. Four. ( ) 8. A. OK B. I don’t know. C. No, I don’t. ( ) 9. A. A little. B. Five. C. Much ( ) 10. A. No, I can. B. Yes, I can’t. C. Yes, I can.

请听第一组对话,回答第11小题。 ( ) 11. How many strawberries do they need? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. 请听第二组对话,回答第12小题。 ( ) 12. What will Bob put in the salad? A. Yogurt B. Honey. C. Butter. 请听第三组对话,回答第13小题。 ( ) 13. How many pears do they need? A. One. B. Two. C. Four. 请听第四组对话,回答第14~15小题。 ( ) 14. What did the girl do last night? A. She ate delicious food in Xi’an. B. She watched TV. C. She watched a movie. ( ) 15. What time was A Bite of China? A. At 9:00 pm. B. At 7:30 pm. C. At 8:30 pm. 请听第五组对话,回答第16~17小题。 ( ) 16.What’s the boy’s favorite drink? A. Yogurt. B. Apple milk shakes. C. Orange juice. ( ) 17.Where are the boy and the girl probably going? A. To the supermarket. B. To the clothes store. C. To the bank. 请听第六组对话,回答第18~20小题。 ( ) 18. How did Mike go to his grandparents’ house? A. By bus. B. By car. C. By bike. ( ) 19. Who cooked the turkey? A. Mike’s mother. B. Mike’s father. C. Mike’s grandma. ( ) 20. What did Milk help do? A. He helped peel some bananas B. He helped cut up carrots. C. He helped put the cake in the oven.


八年级英语月考试卷 一根据句意,找出与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。(5分) ( )1.The boy was able to read before he was seven. A. could B. must C. should D. would ( 2.She is going to fly to Australia. A.go…by water B.go…by train C.go…by ship D.go…by air ( )3.I can not find my pen anywhere. A. everywhere B. anything C. nowhere D. everything ( )4. Over 1,000 people lost their lives. A. More than B. Much than C. Much more D. More and more ( )5.The girl often takes care for his grandfather. A. looks after B. look after C. looks for D. look at 二根据句意,用when或while填空。(5分) 6._______ they were talking in the classroom, the teacher came in. 7._______ they got to the zoo, it was raining. 8._______ she was watching TV, the phone rang. 9._______ I saw the boy, he was swimming. 10._______ he was reading, she fell asleep. 三选择填空(20分) ()11. Kids won’t go to school. They will study _____ home ______computers. A. in, in B. at, on C. at , by D. at; from ()12 --Will there be fewer trees? --_______________. A. Yes, there will. B. Yes, they will. C. No, there aren’t. D. No, they won’t. ()13.The head of the movie companies predicted that no one would want to see actors ____________. A. to talk B. talked C. talks D. talk ()14. Some scientists think that it may take ____________ years to make robots look like people, and do the same things as us. A. hundreds of B. two hundreds of C. two hundreds D. two hundred of ()15. ____ he ____ his homework when you visited him last night? A. Is, doing B. Was, doing C. Does, do D. Did, do ()16. He doesn’t have any money, ____________. A. too B. also C. either D. neither ()17. I think you should _______ some money _______ your friends. A. borrow; for B. borrow; from C. lend; from D. borrow; to ()18. What will the weather_______the day after tomorrow? A. be B. like C. be like D . like ()19 She _____her homework at home .She didn’t know _____to do. A.forgot , how B . left , what C.forgot ,what D. left ,how ()20.They ______start to play football ______seven o’clock this morning. A. didn’t,until B. didn’t,in C. / ,at D. don’t , till ()21. The scientist believes there will be ____cars and ____ dirty air. A .less, fewer B. fewer, less C. few, fewer D. less, less ()22.My parents ______about 1000yuan for this TV. A. spent B.take C. cost D. paid ()23.______an English party in our school this evening . A. There will be B There is going to have C There will have D There is going have ()24 . All my classmates went to the park ____me because I was ill. A. besides B. except C .beside D. but ()25. I _____ my breakfast when the telephone rang. A. had B was having C were having D have had ()26. He found it difficult _____ others with English A help B helping C helped D to help ()27. She is very kind and helpful. She always _____ her friends. A gets on well with B getting well with C getting on well with D gets well with ()28 .He was sleeping late _____ someone knocked on the door. A. when B. while C. as D. as soon as ()29.I am _________ at the __________ news. A.surprised...surprised B.surprising...surprising C.surprised...surprising D.surprising...surprised ()30 . Your friend is _____ than you, so you should be as ____ as him. A. popular, friendlier B. more popular, friendly C. more popular, friendlier D. popular, friendly
