






I. Grammar and Vocabulary (30%)

Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentences.


Later that night, when the storm

had finally ended, WALL·E rolled outside

and turned over his collection box to

clean ___1___ out. He pressed the

Play button on his chest and listened

to the song again. ___2___ the little robot wasn’t programmed to understand romance, it was romance that pulsed through his circuits. It was the same strange impulse that made WALL·E___3___ up at the few stars visible through the polluted haze and wish ___4___ someone to share his world.

1.A. him B. that C. it D. them

2.A. Although B. Because C. Since

D. As

3.A. to gaze B. gazing C. gaze

D. gazed

4.A. at B. with C. by D. for


The death of King Abdullah of

Saudi Arabia on Thursday, at about

age 90, leaves British Queen

Elizabeth II as ___5___ living

reigning monarch in the world. The

queen is 88, and ___6___ 89 on

April 21, although her birthday is

typically celebrated in June when the weather is better. The queen and her husband, Prince Philip, ___7___ is 93, have cut back on their long-range overseas travels in recent years, but not entirely.

5. A. older B. the older C. oldest

D. the oldest

6. A. will turn B. have turned C. turned D. has turned

7. A. he B. who C. whom D. that


I've been in love with books for as

long as I can remember. When I was a

child, I ___8___ read in all sorts of

places -in a tree in the backyard,

up on the roof, on a dock in the lake,

and even while I was swimming (holding the book up in the air!). I always read in the car, ___9___ short the trip. Waiting in a doctor's office wasn't so tedious for me -it was just another opportunity ___10___. I loved libraries and bookstores, anywhere that I could find books.

8. A. used B. used to C. was used to

D. got used to

9. A. no matter why B. no matter when C. no matter how D. no matter what

10. A. to read B. to be read C. reading D. to reading


One day a countryman ___11___ to

the nest of his Goose found there an

egg all yellow and glittering. When he

took it up it was as heavy as lead and

he was going to throw it away

because he thought a trick ___12___

upon him. ___13___ he took it home

on second thoughts, and soon found to his delight that it was an egg of pure gold. Every morning the same thing occurred, and he soon became rich by selling his eggs. As he grew rich he grew greedy; and ___14___ to get at once all the gold the Goose could give, he killed it and opened it only to find nothing.

11. A. went B. goes C. going

D. gone

12. A. played B. had been played C. was playing D. had played

13. A. But B. So C. Therefore

D. Thus

14. A. thought B. to think C. think

D. thinking


Now you must know that a

Town Mouse once upon a time

went on a visit to his cousin in

the country. He was rough and

ready, this cousin, but he loved

his town friend and made him

heartily welcome. Beans and

bacon, cheese and bread, were ___15___ he had to offer, but he offered them freely. The Town Mouse rather turned up his long nose at this country fare, and said, “I cannot understand, Cousin, how you can put up with ___16___ poor food as this, but of course you cannot expect anything better in the country; come you with me and I will show you how to live. When you have been in town a week you will wonder ___17___ you could ever have stood a country life.”No sooner said ___18___ done: the two mice set off for the town and arrived at the Town Mouse’s residence late at night. “You’ll want some refreshment ___19___ our long journey,” said the polite Town Mouse, and took his friend into the grand dining-room. There they found the remains of a fine feast, and soon the two mice were eating up cakes and all that was nice. Suddenly, they heard growling and barking. “___20___ is that?”said the Country Mouse. “It is only the dogs of the house,”answered the other. “Only!”said the Country Mouse. “I do not like that music at my dinner.” Just at that moment the door flew open, in came two huge dogs, and two mice had to run off. “Good-bye, Cousin,”said the Country Mouse, “What! Going so soon?” said the other. “Yes,”he replied; “Better beans and bacon in peace than cakes in fear.”

15. A. something B. nothing C. none

D. all

16. A. such B. so C. such a D. so a

17. A. which B. how C. what

D. where

18. A. when B. while C. than

D. as

19. A. before B. after C. during

D. on

20. A. What B. How C. When

D. Where


It is the first day of the summer. George and his friend Carlos are planning on going on a camping trip. It is going to be the best camping trip, which will last three days. While Carlos makes ___21___ for their friends, George is going to make a list of activities to do while they are there. Last year, their camping trip was not entirely a success. They got a ___22___ tire on the way to their campsite. They also had a bear take some of their food. They don't want to ___23___ that again.

This year, they plan to go prepared. George is going to take a ___24___ tire and gas, just in case they ___25___. Carlos is going to try and find a better method of ___26___ food without attracting animals to their campsite. They don't want anything to ___27___ this year's trip. On this trip, George and Carlos have invited ten of their friends. Everyone is excited.

They plan to go mountain climbing, hiking, kayaking, fishing, and to play a few games of flag football. For night activities, they plan to tell stories, sing songs ___28___ George's guitar, and play some board games. Carlos and his friends have pitched in some money for food. With the list Carlos made, they are going to have food, vegetables, chicken, and fruit juice.

The day of the camping trip is getting near. George and Carlos cannot wait. When the day comes, George and Carlos double ___29___ to see if they have their things ready. At the last minute, George suddenly remembers that it is important to bring matches, lanterns, and flashlights. Carlos also ___30___ that they take binoculars for sightseeing. They are ready to go. It is going to be the best trip they have ever made.

21. A. explanations B. excuses C. reservations D. invitations

22. A. flat B. faint C. plain

D. wounded


2015年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试英语试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) 1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________ 6. __________ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分) 7. A) A dog. B) A cat. C) A rabbit. D) A bird. 8. A) In France. B) In Britain. C) In Italy. D) In Germany. 9. A) At 6:30. B) At 7:00. C) At 7:30. D) At 8:00. 10. A) Sam. B) Judy. C) Kitty. D) Eddie. 11. A) Spring. B) Summer. C) Autumn. D) Winter. 12. A) Because a huge dog ran after her. B) Because she had a terrible dream. C) Because her dad woke her up. D) Because the street was too dark. 13. A) Walking to his office. B) Looking for a flat. C) Taking some pictures. D) Decorating his bedroom. 14. A) How to make movies. B) How to read novels. C) How to learn English. D) How to talk with foreigners. C. Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分) 15. The boy went to a store to choose a mobile phone for his mum. 16. With the help of the shop assistant, the boy knew how the phone worked. 17. The price of the white phone was too high for the boy. 18. The white phone couldn’t be used to send emails or play games. 19. At last, the boy bought a phone of the same model as the shop assistant’s.


全国中学生初三年级英语竞赛试题 一、听力测试(共30小题,计25分) (A)听对话,回答问题。本题共有五个小题,在每个小题内你将听到一个小对活,然后你会听到一个问题,我们把对话和问题都念两遍。请你从试卷上的A、B、C、D四个选项中,找出能回答这个问题的答案,并在答题卷上写上该答案的序号。(每小题1分) 1. A. Math. B. English. C. History. D. Physics. 2. A. Mary. B. Jane. C. Alice. D. Jenny. 3. A. A conductor. B. A teacher. C. A student. D. A farmer. 4. A. Friday. B. Thursday. C. Wednesday. D. Tuesday. 5. A. Close the window. B. Have more clothes on. C. Play outside. D. Move to another town. (B)单句理解。本题共有十个小题,在每个小题内你将听到一个句子,我们把句子念两遍。请你从试卷上A、B、C、D四个选项中找出一个句子,它与你所听到的那个句子意思最为接近,并在答题卷上写上该答案的序号。(每小题1分) 6. A. Please go on with it . B. Hold it in your hand . C. Don’t hang up the telephone. D. Please put up your hands. 7. A. We have a new co mputer and it’s in my room . B. We have a new computer but it’s not in my room . C. We want to put our new computer in my room . D. We must have a new computer in my room . 8. A. The exhibition started last Tuesday . B. The exhibition will end next Tuesday.


一般现在时专题讲解 1.概念:一般现在时表示经常的、习惯性的动作或存在的状态一般现在时表示现在经常反复发生的动作、存在的状态或习惯性的动作的时态。可概括为 ①经常性或习惯性动作; ②长期存在的特征或状态; ③普遍真理、客观事实等。 2.构成:一般现在时的构成主要有两种形式,一般现在时用行为动词的原形,但第三人称单数作主语时,动词的词尾要加-S。: (1)be型:句子的谓语动词只有be(am,is或are): a.肯定句中,只出现be,如:I am a student.我是一名学生。 b.否定句中,要在be后面加not,如:She isn't a teacher.她不是教师。 c.一般疑问句,要将be放在句子开头(注意句首字母大写),句尾用问号,答语用Yes,主语+be.或No,主语+be+not.如:—Are you ready?—你准备好了吗?—Yes,I am.—是的,我准备好了。(—No,I'm not.—不,我没准备好。) (2)实义动词型:句中的谓语动词为实义动词(也叫行为动词): a.肯定句中,只出现实义动词,如:I get up in the morning.我早晨起床。 b.否定句中,要在实义动词前面加do(does)+not,do(does)作助动词,本身无意义,常与not缩写成don't(doesn't),如:I don't like vegetables.我不喜欢蔬菜。 c.一般疑问句,要在句子开头加助动词Do(does),句尾用问号,简略答语用Yes,主语+do (does).或No,主语+do(does)+not.如:—Do you like oranges?—你喜欢桔子吗?—Yes,I do.—是的,我喜欢。(—No,I don't.—不,我不喜欢。) 3,一般现在时的用法 1)经常性或习惯性的动作,常与表示频率的时间状语连用。时间状 语:every…,sometimes,often, usually, always, at…,on Sunday I leave home for school at7every morning. 2)客观真理,客观存在,科学事 实。The earth moves around the sun.Shanghai lies in the east of China. 3)表示格言或警句中。Pride goes before a fall.骄者必败。 注意:此用法如果出现在宾语从句中,即使主句是过去时,从句谓语也要用一般现在时。例:Columbus proved that the earth is round..


2015年上半年中小学教师资格考试英语学科知识与教学能力试 题及答案解析(初级中学) 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题。每小题2分,共60分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案,请用28铅笔把答题卡上 对应题目的答 案字母按要求涂黑。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1. The phrase "in bed" is pronounced as __________ in real speech. 2. There are two syllables in the word "photo"./?u/occurs in both syllables, but the first one is__________the second because it is stressed. A. longer than B. shorter than C. as long as D. as short as 3. Jimmy asked Mary to lend him some money, which she agreed to, _________ that he paid her back the following month. A. on occasion B. in case C. under circumstances D. on condition 4. Zhang Jun's teacher suggests that he take a (n) _________ language course to improve his English. A. intermediate B. middle C. medium D. average


笔试部分(共七大题,计120分) I. 选择填空(Vocabulary and structure) (共20小题,计20分) 从A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. —Jane, what are you doing _________ your computer? —I'm looking for information _________ airlines? A. about; for B. on; with C. in; with D. with; about 2. There are _________ carrots in the fridge. You don't have to buy any. A. few B. a few C. any D. little 3. —Who is Tina? —The girl who is wearing a _________ dress? A. beautiful red B. red and pretty C. red nice D. red but long 4. He _________ up very late in the morning, but now he _________ up very early. A. used to get; is used to get B. used to getting; is used to get C. is used to getting; used to get D. used to get; is used to getting 5. _________, he had studied art in Paris. A. When a boy B. As boy C. As a boy D. As he is a boy 6. —I hate space adventures. —_________. A. Nor do I B. Me neither C. Neither do I D. So do I 7. —Are you going to buy that car?


初中英语单词记忆方法 初中英语单词记忆方法 1、语音记忆法 熟悉辅音字母、元音字母以及字母组合的发音,并根据这些规则去记忆单词。如元音字母e在重读闭音节中发短元音/e/根据/bed/ 这个音可以推测出来bed这个单词 2、构词法 (1)同根词法:如学过use后,延伸出useful—useless— user等 (2)前缀法:如 前缀re.可构成retell—repeat—rewrite—recover等 (3)后缀法:如后缀ese可构成Chinese、Japanese等 3、分式记忆法(不规则动词) ①AAA式:如put—put—put、set—set—set ②ABB式:如buy—bought—bought、bring—brought—brought ③ABC式:如do—did—done、draw—drew—drawn 4、分类记忆法 比如将单词按照学习用品、身体部位、颜色、动物、人物、职业、食品、衣服 交通工具、杂物、地点、气象、景物、植物、星期、月份、季节、方位、患病 数词、形容词、介词、代词、动词、疑问词等进行分类记忆。 5、对比记忆法

把意义相反的单词归纳在一起记忆。如:come-goyes-noright-lefthere-there、free-busy、forget-remember等 6、区别记忆法 将同义词或近义词、同音词或形似词归纳起来记忆。如learn的同义词study,haveon的'近义词wear、dress、puton等。同音词 或近音词write-right、meat-meet、rise-rice、food-foot等 7、分解记忆法 这种方法比较适合复合词的记忆。如classroom-----classroom、playground----playground等 8、联系记忆法 运用丰富的联想来帮助记忆单词。如由school可联想到teacher、student、class、desk、classroom、headmaster、 college等。 9、根义记忆法 10、“不等式”感觉记忆法 对表示频率及时光、岁月的词用“不等式”找感觉法来帮助记忆。如,always>often>usually>sometimes>onceinawhile>never >: year>season>month>week>day>hour>minute>second 11、反复记忆法 即通过不断重复来增强记忆的方法。这是最重要的学习方法。有专家统计,对一个成年人而言,一个单词要在不同的场合见到16— 25次才能形成永久的记忆。复习的间隔不断延长,记忆就会越来越牢。


初中英语单词记忆法词汇表 目录 初中英语单词记忆法词汇表 1 一、分类记忆法 1 二、构词记忆法 6 三、同义近义词记忆法 14 四、反义词记忆法 15 五、形近词记忆法 15 六、联想记忆法 17 附录:一、不规则形容词副词比较级与最高级 18 二、不规则名词复数形式 19 三、不规则动词表 20 一、分类记忆法 名词 (1)星期(week) Monday(星期一)、Tuesday(星期二)、Wednesday(星期三)、Thursday (星期四)、Friday(星期五)、Saturday(星期六)、Sunday(星期天)

(2)月份(month) January(一月)、February(二月)、March(三月)、April(四月)、May(五月)、June(六月)、July(七月)、August(八月)、September(九月)、October(十月)、November(十一月)、December(十二月) (3)季节(season) spring(春天)、summer(夏天)、autumn(秋天)、winter(冬天) (4)时间(time) second(秒)、minute(分)、hour(小时)、day(天)、night(夜)、week(星期)、month(月份)、year(年)、century(世纪) (5)国家(country) China(中国)、Japan(日本)、England(英国)、India(印度)、Canada (加拿大)、America / the United States(美国)、Australia(澳大利亚)、Germany(德国)、Russia(俄罗斯)、France(法国) (6)大洲(continent) Asia(亚洲)、Africa(非洲)、America(美洲)、Europe(欧洲)、Oceania(大洋洲) (7)方位(direction) east(东)、south(南)、west(西)、north(北)、left(左)、right (右)


初中英语语法分类讲解--- 名词 专有:(指人名、地名、江河湖海名称、书名等...)book/Beijing/CCTV... 名词的分类: 普通:(指一类人、事物、物质、或抽象名词等...)host/book/kid... 复合:是有两个或两个以上构成的相对稳定的词。outcome/rainfall... 名词功能:作主语、表语、宾语、定语、状语等... 名词的数:可数和不可数名词变复数(详见语法书) 名词的格:(详见语法书) 名词化:形容词、基数词、序数词等...(详见语法书) 注:名词练习题见附件 一、冠词冠词分:不定冠词(a/an)和定冠词(the) 不定:表泛指某人或某事、表类别、表同类中的某一个、每一等... 定:表特指人或物、上文提到过的人或事物、某类的全体等... 零冠词:物质抽象专有名词前、月份星期季节名词前、学科语言名词前、泛指人类等... 冠词的位置:名词或名词短语前、so...that/ too...to等... 以上内容详见语法书 注:冠词练习题见附件 三:数词基数:构成123456789等... 写法和读法语法用法等... 序数词:构成first second third等... 写法和读法语法用法等数词的应用:年月日、时间编号、加减乘除的读法、分数表达法、百分数等...

以上内容详见语法书注:数词练习题见附件 四:代词 人称:表我、我们、你、你们、他、她等的词。(人称、有数和格变化)作主语、宾语、表语。 物主:表所有关系的代词。(形容词性和名词性) 反身:表我自己、你自己、他她自己等的词。(宾语、表语、同位语不能做主语) 指示:指代或标记人或事物的代词。(主语、定语、表语、宾语)不定:指代某个人或事物的代词。(主语、宾语、表语) 相互:主要有each other/one another等 疑问:用来进行提问的代词。有who/whom/whose/which/what等it的用法:作代词、作形式主语、形式宾语、强调句等 以上内容详见语法书 注:数词练习题见附件 五:形容词 分类:简单(kind/green/)和合成(a five year old boy等) 功能:作定语、表语、补足语和状语等 位置:置于名词前、多个形容词修饰同一个名词时的排列顺序。 比较级:原级、比较级、最高级 与介词搭配:(about/at/for/from/in/0f/to/with)等 常用句型:It is +adj+of+不定式表某人做某事怎么样 形容词+ing和ed等


英语单词记忆法大全 目录 单词记忆法大全 (1) 词根词缀法 (1) 构词法 (2) 派生法 (2) 联想法 (3) 归纳法 (4) 形象法 (5) 辨析法 (6) 难点突破法 (7) 读音法 (8) 英汉双解法 (9) 重复法 (10) 有的放矢法 (10) 搭配法 (10) 谚语法 (11) 词根词缀法效果指数:★★★★★运用指数(使用范围):★★★★ 多数英语单词由“词干(词根或单词)+词缀(包括前缀和后缀)构成。如:前缀+单词(aboard=a- + board); 单词+后缀(acceptable = accept + -able);前缀+词根+后缀(abbreviation = ab- + -brev- (=brief) + iation)。掌握这些词根词缀,对理解词义、迅速扩大词汇量的作用非常大,是英语学习者必备的学习技巧之一。词根词缀学习甚至是英美人士拓展单词的利器,他们也非常重视词根词缀的学习。注意: 1. 在有一定的词汇基础上,再通过学词根词缀来快速扩大词汇量,效果最好。小学高 年级以上学生即可注重此种记忆方法的学习和训练,初、高中生更应主动有意识地运用这种方法。 2. 词根词缀要注意实用性:重点学习大纲词表要求的词根词缀,逐个突破;要用大量 例词来巩固词根词缀的含义,这些例词也应该是大纲要求学的。如,前缀ab-和词根-rupt-需要重点掌握,下面的例词全部是《新课标》里要求高中阶段需要掌握的单词(因表格右边的配图无法正确显示,请下载本博文的配图版):

构词法效果指数:★★★★★运用指数:★★★★ 把单词进行庖丁解牛式分解。一方面,了解它们的构成部件,如词根词缀,使单词学习变得轻松;另一方面,了解它们的词源,单词含义一目了然。如: 例词构词 abbreviation abrupt abortion alone Antarctic 注意: 1. 构词法是建立在词根词缀上的,所以首先要掌握一定的词根词缀知识,构词法才能 发挥最佳效果,构词法是词根词缀的具体运用,两者相辅相成,密不可分的。 2. 碰到较长的新词时,要尝试用构词法来分析和记忆。 3. 在阅读英文文章时,要善于运用构词法来分析、猜测词义,以提高对文章的理解。派生法效果指数:★★★★★运用指数:★★★★


初中英语语法专题(状语从句)讲解 状语从句在复合句中作状语,修饰动词、形容词或副词等。状语从句可以表示时间、条件、原因、地点、目的、结果、让步、方式、比较等意义。 知识梳理:提纲挈领,抓住重点和难点! 各类状语从句连接词(短语)一览表: 时间 when, while, as, as soon as, since, until, after, before 条件 If, unless 原因 As, because, since 地点 Where 目的 So that, in order that 结果So that, so…that, such…that 让步 though, although, even if, however 方式 As 比较 t han, (not)as…as, 时间状语从句: Whenever he comes, he brings a friend. 他每次来都带个朋友。 条件状语从句: As long as I am alive, I will go on studying. 只要我活着,我就要学习。 原因状语从句: Since we live near the sea, we enjoy nice weather.由于我们住在海边,能享受到好的天气。 地点状语从句: Put it where we can all see it.把它放在我们都能看到的位置。 目的状语从句:

Finish this so that you can start another.把这个做完,你可以开始另一个。 结果状语从句: He was so angry that he couldn't say a word. 他气得说不出话了。 让步状语从句: Though he is in poor health, he works hard.虽然他身体不好,但是他工作很努力。 方式状语从句: Students do as the teachers say.学生们按照老师说的去做。 比较状语从句: The work isn't as easy as I thought.这项工作比我想象得难。 例题解析:举一反三,学的更轻松! 1. 易混引导词while, when, as的区别: when既可以指"时间点",与瞬间动词连用,也可以指"时间段",与延续性动词连用 (=while)。如: When he came in, his mother was cooking. When (While) we were at school, we went to the library every day. While表示时间段,因此,while 从句的谓语动词要用延续性动词。如: Please don't talk so loud while others are working. As与when用法相似,但着重强调主句动作与从句动作同时发生,有"随着……"或"一边……一边……"之意。如: As you get older, you get more knowledge.随着年龄的增长,你获得的知识就越多。 2.Because,as,since 的区别: Because用于表示直接原因,回答why提出的问题,语气最强;As用于说明原因, 着重点在主句,常译成"由于";since表示显然的或已知的理由或事实,常译成"既然"。如: Water is very important because we can't live without it. He didn't come yesterday as his mother was ill. I'll do it for you since you are busy.


2015年苏州市初中毕业暨升学考试试卷 英语 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Some small shops in Britain usually close for hour at lunchtime. A. an; the B. a; 不填 C. a; the D. an; 不填 2. In cold winter, the temperature in Harbin often remains zero all day. A. above B. below C. over D. under 3. None of them talked. They finished their meal in . A. silence B. order C. place D. public 4. —Where is Joan? —She a novel in her study. A. has read B. reads C. will read D. is reading 5. —You park here! Look at the sign, it says “No parking”. —Sorry, I didn’t notice that sign just now. A. won’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. co uldn’t 6. Mrs. Smith often goes to visit those AIDS patients in hospitals to cheer up. A. her B. them C. him D. us 7. I was tired out, so I stopped the car a short rest. A. have B. having C. to have D. had 8. Tony’s mum looks young and beautiful. It’s hard to imagine she is already in her . A. fifties B. fifty C. fiftieths D. fiftieth 9. —Has Jane done the washing yet? —You cannot her to do such a thing. A. want B. hope C. expect D. wish 10. Guan Dong saved an old lady out of the Yangtze River. great courage he showed! A. What a B. What C. How a D. How 11. —Do you know our new manager? —Yes. He to be a friend of my brother. A. turns up B. turns on C. turns out D. turns off 12. —Excuse me, could you tell me ? —In five minutes. A. how soon will the film begin B. how soon the film will begin C. how long the film has been on D. how long has the film been on 13. In North America, meat eaters are bears and mountain lions. They eat smaller animals such as rabbits and mice. A. smallest B. the smallest C. largest D. the largest 14. He hasn’t got any hobbies —you call watching TV a hobby. A. while B. unless C. as D. if 15. —We can invite Nick and Nora to Shanghai Disneyland with us. —? I’ll give them a call right now.


一、选择填空 1. This story-book is ______. I wrote ______ name on its cover______. A. my; my; myself B. mine; my; myself C. myself; mine; my D. mine; myself; my 2. Peter decided to go _____ the lesson once more before class. A.out B.on C.over D.down 3. I really like Maria. She's _________ a sweet girl _________ is always polite to everyone. A. so; that B. quite; which C. such; who D. very; whose 4. I won't leave unless you _________ me everything. I have to know! A. don't leave B. won't teach C. would find D. tell 5. — Do you know the famous musical Cats is going to be performed in Beijing on 5th December? — Yes. But we've not got the tickets. — _________. A. We haven’t too B. So do we C. So have we D. Neither have we 6. _________ she was washing her face, the water stopped _________. A. As; running B. As soon as; to flow C. After; to go D. Since; raining 7. — Have you ever _________ a lot of money? — No, I haven't, but once I _________ £10 in a lottery. A. won; won B. seen; have stolen C. made; will get D. received; paid 8. — _________ you change a pound, please? — I _________ have some. Let me see. A. Should; might B. Can; must C. Could; may D. Will; would 9. Help yourself to some fish. The fish _________ in this restaurant are _________ locally. A. cooking; living B. served; caught C. sold; finding D. made; seen 10. — Do you like cooking? — Yes, but the one job I hate in the kitchen is _________. A. getting up B. putting up C. hanging up D. washing up 11.—Where have you been all the time?—I came back at noon and I ____ in this room since. A. have been B. was C. had been D. have gone 12.. --- Can he lend me some money?-- I regret to tell you he is ______ you. A. not rich as B. no more rich than C. no richer than D. not richer as 13.. --- If he _____, he _____ that food.--- Luckily he was sent to the hospital at once. A. was warned, would not take B. had been warned, would not have taken C. would be warned, had not taken D. would have been warned, had not taken 14. I don’t like _____ of the two pens. Please show me ______. A. both, one B. all, the other C. neither, the others D. either, another 15. He was afraid ______ the yard because he was afraid ______ by the big dog _____ at the gates.


轻松记忆初中英语单词的四种方法 众所周知,单词的掌握是学好英语的基础,但对于今天的中学生来说,单词的记忆是一大难点。以下就是我对初中英语单词记忆方法的一点浅薄见解。 一、拼读记忆法: 读准单词的发音是记住单词的前提,拼读记忆首先要把单词读准确,充分认识单词的读音与拼写的关系,并要善于总结字母、字母组合在单词中的发音规律以及在其他特定情境中的发音,这就很容易记住单词。如:学习book 、look 、cook 、good 等词时,如果记住发音规律,即“oo”字母组合在字母k的前面发短音/ u /,其它情况一般发长音∕u:∕,那么很快就可以记住他们读音和拼写了,因此掌握了单词的发音和拼写之间的关系,对于符合发音规律的词,不用借助音标就可以达到见形就读,听音能写的程度,从而大副度地提高了记忆英语单词的效果。再者,如果遇到较长的单词,在反复多读几遍就熟悉了读音,可根据读音分音节来记忆单词。如:“pronunciation”可分成这样的音节形式帮助记忆pro/nun/ci/a/tion,这样记忆就会有效的多。关键是掌握一些基本的读音知识,才能更好的运用拼读来记忆单词。 二、构词记忆法: 构词法是组成单词的一种方法,利用构词法记忆单词可以省时、省力。常见的构词法有很多,这里仅举两个例子:1、派生。有的单词加上前缀或后缀会变成一个新单词,只要记住词根,再准确记住要加前、后缀的意思,一个或几个单词就记住了。如:形容词加后缀“ly”就变成相应的副词,careful(仔细的、小心的)加后缀ly就变成了副词carefully(仔细地、小心地)。如果知道在形容词前加un或dis表示否定意思,就可以很容易的记住unhappy、unfriendly、dislike、dishonest。2、合成。两个或两个以上的词合在一起,结果产生了一个新的合成词,这个合成词的意思可根据合成它的几个词的意思推断出来。如:play(玩)和ground(场地)合成playground(操场);black(黑色的)和board(板)合成blackboard(黑板)。 三、联想记忆法: 在记忆单词的过程中,把表面上无联系的或联系不大的词进行整理、归纳,根据自己的喜好把他们编成容易记得住的口决或小故事。例如:以o结尾变复数加es的单词记忆口决,Negro、hero、tomato、potato这四个词我们可以按照其意编排成口决:黑人英雄爱吃西红柿味的土豆。再如:感官动词的记忆口决:一感、二听、三让、四看。一感即feel,二听即hear、listen to,三让即let、make、have,四看即watch、see、notice、look at。另外,我们还要培养学生学习一个单词,就可以想到一连串相关单词的能力。可以是同义词、反义词、形似词等,放在一块记。例如:在学到ball这一单词时,老师就应该让学生联想关于球类的单词:football、volleyball、basketball等,这样效果会更好。 四、重复记忆法: 它是指对所识记的单词重复记忆的方法,根据遗忘规律,人的遗忘从识记后便开始,先快后慢。因此,复习的时间间隔就应是先短后长。例如:今天学的单词,在当天背熟之后,第二天、第四天、第七天、第十二天都应复习一次,这样才能形成长时间的记忆。只要坚持不懈,效果一定是很明显的。 总之,英语单词的记忆方法是多种多样的,只有采用科学的、行之有效的记忆方法,认真地、及时地、周期性地复习,就能大大提高英语单词的记忆效果。


名词 一导入:有一天,一只老钟对一只小钟说:“你一年里要摆525600下啦。” 小钟吓坏了,说“哇,这么多,这怎么可能?!我怎么能完成那么多下呢!” 这时候,另一只老钟笑着说:“不用怕,你只需一秒钟摆一下,每一秒坚持下来就可以了。” 小钟高兴了,想着:一秒钟摆一下好像并不难啊,试试 看吧。果然,很轻松地就摆了一下。不知不觉一年过去了,小钟已经摆了525600下! 很简单的故事,却寓意着深刻的道理,当我们面对大困难的时候,往往望而怯步,孰不知只要根据实 际,分期制定小目标,一一完成就行了。 二专题讲解: 掌握要点: 名词的分类(专有名词和普通名词) 名词的数1)区分可数名词和不可数名词,区分方法 2)可数名词的复数变化,分为规则变化及不规则变化 名词所有格含义、构成两种形式:’s所有格及of所有格 知识点: 一、名词的分类 1.专有名词:名字(人名、地名、书名、机构名)、与国家有关的(国家、国民、语言)、日期(节日、星期、月份) 例句:My name is Lucy. I am a Chinese. I will go to the Great Wall on Monday. 2.普通名词: 包括可数名词和不可数名词 个体名词表示个体的人或事物例: sister、table、bike、window 可数名词 集体名词表示一群人或一些事物例: family、police、class、group 物质名词表示构成物体的物质或材料例: water、air、wood 不可数名词 抽象名词表示状态、品质、行为、感情等例: danger、interest 区分方法:将物体分成两半,如果每半不能叫原名,则为可数名词,如果还可叫原名,则为不可数名 词。 注:有些单词意义发生变化,单复数也发生变化,例:glass作玻璃杯时可数,作玻璃时不可数。 身兼二职的名词对照表 glass fish chicken time 可数玻璃杯鱼类小鸡次、倍不可数玻璃鱼肉鸡肉时间 orange light paper hair 可数橘子电灯报纸/试卷(几根)头发不可数橘汁光纸头发 exercise idea life work _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ No Cross, No crown 不经历风雨,怎么见彩虹.


2015年最新的初中英语作文范文4篇 2015年最新的初中英语作文范文一:地震Earthquake May 12th, 2008. That’s the most mournful day for our Chinese that will never be forgotten, because a horrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan, which caused tens of thousands of children’s death. 2008年5月12日。那是我们中国人最悲痛的一天,它将永远不会被我们忘记,因为汶川发生了可怕的地震,导致成千上万儿童死的亡。 On hearing the news, I felt so sorrowful. “Why was the god so cruel to them?”I asked. They were still at the entrance of the life. They seemed like little eagles that were willing to open their wings and hover in the sky. Maybe they would have their brilliant future. What a great loss to our nation! I had my deepest sympathy on the people in the disastrous area. So I donated some money and clothes to them. And I also prayed for the dead people sincerely. I eagerly hope that there would be no earthquakes in the future, so that we could live a more peaceful life. 听到这个消息,我感到感到非常悲伤。“为什么上帝对他们如此
