



Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力)

1.Listening comprehension (听力理解)(共30分)

A.Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分)

B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分)

7.A )A sportsman.B )A student.C )A teacher.D )A doctor

8.A )History.B )Physics.C )Maths.D )Chemistry

9.A )Ten years agoB )Ten months ago.

C )Two years ago.

D )Two months ago

10.A )To give some lectures.B )To meet new friends.

C )To complete his work.

D )To improve his memory.

11.A )By getting books.B )By moving the shelf.

C )By picking flowers.

D )By watching the door.

12.A )At the restaurant.B )In the kitchen.

C )At the supermarket.

D )In the garden.

13.A )The Internet.B )The subjects.

C )The price.

D )The levels.

14.A )He's afraid his son will fall asleep in writing lessons.

B )He thinks the programmes will take too much time.

C )He's glad that reading before sleep is his son's habit.

D )He believes after-school lessons are necessary to attend.

C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分)

15.There was a fence between Charlie's garden and the neighbour's()

16.The football hit the cat heavily and it made a loud sound.()

17.The whole flower pot was broken into pieces by the football.()

18.Charlie climbed over the wall to the neighbour's garden to get his football.()

19.Charlie put the broken pieces into his pocket before he left the garden.()

20.From the story,we know that Charlie finally chose to be honest.()

D.Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences(听对话,用听到的单词完成下列内容。每空格限填一词)(10分)

21.Bob thinks that dropping a little piece of plastic is not a .

22.Rubbish will hurt the environment andfrom the park's natural beauty.

23.Bob has seen lots of litter in some of the neighbourhoods .

24.The public place wouldif everyone dropped rubbish there.

25.On Bob and Jessie's way home,they'll walk past a rubbish bin near the.

Part 2 Phonetics,Grammar and Vocabulary


Ⅱ.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20分)

26.Which of the following words is pronounced /pri'vent/?


27.Emma,an actress,has become a superstar because ofhard work and talent.


28.We communicateeach other in many ways,such as by e-mail or by phone.


29.I couldn't get muchof the exhibition of clean-energy products from the website.


30.beautifully little Simon dances in front of the camera!

A)WhatB)What aC)HowD)How a

31.David's responses werethan anyone else's and he won the competition.

A)quickB)quickerC)quickestD)the quickest

32.Look!Theyabout the solution to the network problems again.

A)argueB)are arguingC)arguedD)were arguing

33.The host told a joke at the party and made the guestsa lot.

A)laughB)laughingC)to laughD)laughed

34.Would you mindcare of my pet fish while I'm away on holiday?

A)takeB)takenC)to takeD)taking

35.By the end of last month,Janeenough money for the poor sick boy.

A)raisedB)would raiseC)had raisedD)has raised

36.Frank held his breaththe water to search for his ring in the swimming pool.


37.Worries in lifeif you speak out to your close friend.

A)will reduceB)were reducing

C)will be reducedD)were reduced

38.According to the rule,used batteriesbe dropped in the red bin for harmful wastes.


39.Benjamin has learned that it is not polite to makefun of others.


40.The New Year Concert was so amazing thatleft in the middle of it.n


41.There was something wrong with my car,I went to work by underground.


42.the journey was tiring,Jeff thought it was worth both the time and the money.


43.The climbers made a fire during the night in order to bein the mountain.


44.-There is an oil painting show of the city development.Shall we go for it tomorrow?

A)It doesn't matter.B)Great idea.C)Not at all.D)My


-Come on!Just give it a try.

A)I'm afraid I can't ride the bike.B)I'm sorry for breaking the window.

C)I'm glad to win first place.D)I'm sure it's bad for your eyes.

Ⅲ.Complete the following passage with the words in the box.Each can be used only once(将下列单词填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共8分)

Technology plays an important part in our daily life now.Yet not many of us will realizehow much we rely on it until we46our lives to those in the past.There was no47technology at that time,yet the items that people had were quite enough for them tolive their lives.

Without necessary cooking tools,the people could still48to make their food asnice as our food today.Animal parts were thrown away if they were not49Others werecooked over the fire.However,everything they used was taken from the forests around them.

Without the television set,the radio and more importantly,the computer,we will 50 have any fun in our homes today.However,the people in the past had their own clever51of enjoying themselves.For example,they made music without the use of computersbut with tools made from wood and animal skin.

Travel was simple at that time.Most of the people were excellent boat makers and theycould make boats in a variety of shapes and sizes for travelling along the rivers and in the

52.With increased skills and experience,the people learnt how to make theboatsstronger against rains and storms.

Some things are basic for us53,but the people in the past could live the lives to

the full even withoutthem.We should not look down on the wisdom of people long ago.


浦东新区2019年期末初三教学质量检测 英语试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续 编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试 卷不得分。 Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力) I. Listening Comprehension(听力理解):(共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分) 1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4._______ 5._______ 6._______ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选 出最恰当的答案):(共8分) 7.A)A doctor B)A shop assistant C)A teacher C)Twice a week C)On foot D)A secretary D)Once a year D)By underground D)Brown 8.A)Twice a month B)Once a month 9.A)By taxi 10.A)Black 11.A) At 9:00 B)By bus B)White C)Red B)At 9:20 B)Four C)At 10:00 D)At 10:20 D)Six 12.A)Three C)Five 13.A)In a cafe B)In a supermarket D)In a toy shop C)In a department

上海市中考英语首字母填空练习 附详解

上海市中考英语首字母填空练习 首字母填空类短文题是近几年各省、市中考题经常采用的题型之一,这种题难度相对较大,考生失分现象很严重。 主观型首字母填空也称为限制型完形填空。它的特点是将一篇文章中若干个词“掏空”,留下该词的首字母,它既作为提示又作为限制,让我们根据短文的意思把单词拼写完整,使文章连贯。学生们在通读全文、掌握大意的前提下,采用先易后难,再逐项填空的应试策略。做题时要通过字里行间来捕捉信息,既要理清逻辑,又要综合考虑,最后通过复读全文来消除疏漏。给首字母填空类短文的阅读题属于能力测试的范畴,它考查的范围极广,可以是英语知识的方方面面,还可能涉及其它学科。它要求考生在充分理解短文的基础上将单词拼写出来,并且单词形式合理,符合语法规范,符合短文需要。下面就讲一讲做这类题的方法与技巧: 1. 通读短文知大意,看整体全面了解 与阅读理解题和其它类型的完形填空一样,首先要通读短文,了解文章的大意。每篇短文段落之间必然承上启下、前呼后应。因此通读全文时要一气呵成,只要能了解短文的大意即可,细节不理解可以跳过。因此,在解题之前通读一遍短文,目的是对文章有个全面的了解,弄清其中心思想和大意。 2. 复读短文抓信息,前后照应巧猜词 在了解文章大意的前提之下再次通读短文,目的是对短文有更进一步的了解。在阅读时要特别注意一篇文章的开头(一般不设空)和结尾,它们能提供主要的信息,帮助了解全文所描述的事件或文章的中心思想。在阅读过程中,要注意上、下文的关系,这对于把握文章的整体意义大有用处。另外,要学会跳读,即对不理解的地方采用暂时回避的方式,待真正理解全文之后再找解决的方法。有些短文填空题,有时出现约3%~5% 的生词是很正常的,这就要求学生根据构词知识或上、下文的意思加以猜测,来确定它的词义。 3. 反复推敲多分析,慎重答题讲技巧 再次通读短文,对留空的句子进行全面的分析,看它在全文中所处的位置、作用和意义。这一遍阅读要求是精心阅读,要留心找出关键词、短语或句子,还要结合所给首字母的提示,进行填写,并注意单词的正确形式。 4. 认真复查全文,把握整体和词形 做完以后,再认真读一遍,检查所填写的单词是否与文章要求相符,文章是否通顺,前后是否呼应,有无句型结构及语法错误。从实际中看,很多学生能够充分利用词首字母和短文内容填写单词,但是,问题往往出现在单词的形式变化上。比如填q ,要求填写quickly ,而多数考生只知道填写quick ,忽略了词性问题。因此,深思熟虑很重要。 通过以上对首字母填空类型题的讲解,同学们一定对这类题型有了更多的了解,掌握了此类题的考点和做题的技巧后,给同学们准备了以下的练习题,请同学们及时巩固学习内容。


2019年中考英语专题练习试卷 (名师精选全国真题+答案,值得下载练习) 一、阅读理解。 A (2019中考教育类选练) A jaywalker is a person who usually walks across the road without paying attention to the traffic. “I don’t like to be a taxi driver,not only because of its hard work,but also for the reason of too many jaywalkers on the road,and that may cause dangerous accidents.”Drivers always compla (抱怨)like that.These day,a new way is used to solve the problem in Shijiazhuang,and the jaywalkers are now facing another danger of having their pictures shown on screen. A new system(系统)using two cameras and a 30 cm-by -20 cm screen is put next to some crossings in the city.People who cross the road on a red light will be caught by the camera,and their pictures will be shown on the screen.At the same time,the system will make a warning sound for people not to continue. A primary school students was caught by the camera.He stopped back onto the pavement(人 行道)after hearing the sound.”I was in a rush to get to school and saw myself smiling shyly on the screen,”he said. The system has been in use for about two weeks.Many people think it’s a good way to stop jaywalking.But there are also different voices.Some think that walkers are now given less time than drivers to cross the road,and time should be adjusted(调整). Anyway,it is a good way to solve the problem on the road.And maybe it will spread to more cities soon. ( )1.Jaywalkers often______. A.drive a car carefully B.solve the traffic problems C.follow the traffic rules D.run the red light


浙江省舟山市中考英语试题 一、听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分,第二、三节每小题2分,共计25分)第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。 1.What animal are the speakers talking about? A. A dog B. A cat C. A rabbit 2. What is the man's advice? A. To see a doctor B. To drink tea with honey. C. To lie down and rest. 3. What's the weather like now? A. Sunny. B. Rainy C. Snowy 4. How does Mike prefer to go to the museum? A. By bus B. By bike C. On foot. 5. What are the speakers probably going to do? A. To make some cake B. To meet friends C. To eat some food 第二节:听长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确的选项,回答问题。 听下面一段较长对话,回答第6、7两个问题。 6. Where are Susan and Eric? A. In the yard B. In the park. C. In the school 7. What kind of tree are they planting? A. A pear tree. B. An orange tree. C. An apple tree. 听下面一段较长对话,回答第8~10三个问题。 8. Whom is the man choosing gifts for? A. His wife B. His mother C. His daughter 9. Which scarf does the man want to buy? A. The red one B. The blue one C. The grey one. 10. How much will the man pay? A. 25 dollars B. 45 dollars C. 65 dollars 第三节:听下面一段独白,从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,回答问题。 11. Wh at’s the speaker’s best day of the week at school? A. Wednesday B. Thursday C. Friday


2019年上海市初中毕业学业考试 英语试卷 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) 1.Listening comprehension (听力理解)(共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分) 7.A )A sportsman.B )A student.C )A teacher.D )A doctor 8.A )History.B )Physics.C )Maths.D )Chemistry 9.A )Ten years agoB )Ten months ago. C )Two years ago. D )Two months ago 10.A )To give some lectures.B )To meet new friends. C )To complete his work. D )To improve his memory. 11.A )By getting books.B )By moving the shelf. C )By picking flowers. D )By watching the door. 12.A )At the restaurant.B )In the kitchen. C )At the supermarket. D )In the garden. 13.A )The Internet.B )The subjects. C )The price. D )The levels. 14.A )He's afraid his son will fall asleep in writing lessons. B )He thinks the programmes will take too much time. C )He's glad that reading before sleep is his son's habit. D )He believes after-school lessons are necessary to attend. C.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T ”表示,不符合的用“F ”表示)(6分) A B C D E F G H


2012年宝山(嘉定)区初三英语第二学期学习能力诊断试卷 Sleep is not the same every night. We experience some deep sleep and some active sleep(积极 睡眠), which is when dreams happen. You might think sleepwalking(梦游) would happen in active sleep, but a person isn't physically active d 86 active sleep. Sleepwalking usually happens in the first few hours of sleep in the stage called slow-wave(慢波)or deep sleep. Not all sleepwalkers a 87 walk. Some simply sit up or stand in bed or act like they're awake when, in fact, they're asleep! Most, however, do get up and move around for a few seconds or for as long as half an hour. Sleepwalkers' e 88 are open, but they don't see the same way they do when they're awake and often think they're in different rooms of the house or different places altogether. Sleepwalkers tend(往往会) to go back to bed on their own and they won't r 89 it in the morning. Doctors say sleepwalking sometimes occurs when a person is sick, has a fever, is not getting e 90 sleep, or is stressed. If sleepwalking occurs frequently, every night or so, it's a good idea for your mom or dad to take you to see your doctor. But occasional(偶然的) sleepwalking generally isn't something to worry about, a 91 " it may look funny or even scary (惊恐的) for the people who see a sleepwalker in action. It's important, of course, that the person is kept safe. Precautions(预防措施) should be t 92 so the person is less likely to fall down, run into something, or walk out the front door while sleepwalking. 长宁区初三英语第二学期学习能力诊断试卷 Everyone needs sleep. In fact, all living things need sleep. Having a sound and good rest m_____86_____ us healthy. It is believed that our brain develops best during sleep. It helps all our systems work well w_____87_____ we are awake. Sleep allows our brain to reorganize all events during the day and will improve our memory development. For a student, eight to ten hours of sleep is required to give him or her e_____88_____ for the following day. A good sleep allows them to grow physically and mentally (心理上). With e_____89_____ sleep at night, students would be able to wake up early and be ready for school activities. They will be able to listen carefully in class and would have the ability to memorize the things that they learn and r_____90_____ them in the future. Eight hours of sleep makes students active t_____91_____ the whole day at school. They would be able to perform well in class, take down notes and finish their homework. When they have slept well, they can e_____92_____ understand their lessons. Good sleep prepares them well for the challenges (挑战) at school, from paperwork to sports. They will be ready to solve difficult tasks that require mental ability and skills.


2019年中考英语模拟试题及答案 一、选择填空。(共15小题,计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. —Have you seen wolf warriors II (《战狼II》)? —Yes. This is _______ educational film and it has become one of _______ most popular films in the world. A. a; / B. a; the C. an; the D. /; the 2. —Hi, Cathy! I saw Miss Zhang in the meeting room just now. ―No, it ______ be her. She went to Nanjing two days ago. A. must B. may C. can’t D. needn’t 3. —Did you watch 2018 CCTV Spring Festival Evening Gala in Taian? —Certainly. That night the sky over Taian was as _______ as that in the day with th e light. A. bright B. brightly C. brighter D. more brightly 4. —What about going to the cinema on foot with me, Wei Ming? —I prefer _______ a bike to _______ there. A. ride; walk B. riding; walk C. ride; walking D. riding; walking 5. China’s first home-built aircraft carrier(航空母舰) hit the water in Dalian _______ the morning of April 26, 2017. A. in B. on C. at D. to 6. When we see any waste lying on the ground, we should _______. A. pick it out B. point at it C. pick it up D. kick it out said that the TV program Readers was quite popular. 7. —It’s —Yes. _______ my parents _______ my little sister likes watching it very much. A. Neither; nor B. Both; and C. Either; or D. Not only; but also 8. —Do you know China’s famous scientist Pan Jianwei? —You mean “the father of quantum”( 量子之父)? Yes, he is the _______ of our coun try. A. pride B. prize C. proud D. heart 9. —We’ll study in different schools next term. I hope you’ll enjoy your time in the new school! —_______ . B. The same to you. A. I’ll take your advice C. Congratulations! D. Me, too.


绍兴市2017年中考英语试题及答案 试卷Ⅰ(选择题共70分) (一)听力部分(共25分) 一、听力(本题有15小题,第一节每小题1分;第二、三节每小题2分,共计25分)第一节:听小对话,回答问题。 1. What would Susan like to drink? A. Tea. B. Cold water. C. Coffee. 2. Who is sleeping at home? A. Tom’s brother. B. Tom’s father. C. Tom’s mother. 3. What does the woman mean? A. She’ll eat out with the man. B. She’ll play tennis with the man. C. She’ll go swimming with the man. 4. How is the weather tomorrow? A. Cloudy. B. Rainy. C. Sunny. 5. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a bookstore. B. In a post office. C. In a restaurant. 第二节:听较长对话,回答问题。 第下面一段对话,回答第6—7小题。 6. Why does Lucy look unhappy? A. Because her cat is sick. B. Because her cat is old. C. Because her cat is lost. 7. Where are Lucy and Alex probably going? A. To the hospital. B. To the zoo. C. To the school. 听下面一段对话,回答第8—10小题。 8. How did Matt and Nancy go to New York for a holiday? A. By cay. B. By plane. C. By ship. 9. Where did Matt and Nancy stay while travelling in New York? A. In a hotel. B. At their friend’s house. C. In a university. 10. What did Matt and Nancy do every day in Central Park? A. They took a walk. B. They rode a bike. C. They watched birds. 第三节:听独白,回答问题。 11. Which class does Tara like best? A. Art history. B. Business English. C. Computer science. 12. What does Tara first do after breakfast? A. Meet her friends. B. Review her lessons. C. Check her e-mail. 13. Where does Alice come from? A. Sydney. B. Moscow. C. Toronto. 14. When does Tara get home from work every day? A. At 4:30 p.m. B. At 11:00 p.m. C. At 11:30 p.m. 15. How is Tara’s life? A. Easy. B. Busy. C. Dull. (二)笔试部分(共45分) 二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)


上海市2019年中考英语模拟试题(一) 笔试部分(共95分) Ⅱ. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分) ( )21. — ______ are you going to Guangzhou? —I’m taking the plane. A. What B. Why C. When D. How ( )22. — Mary, is that umbrella ______? — No. It belongs to Jane. A. your B. yours C. her D. she ( )23. — Can I help you, boy? — Yes. There is ______ wrong with my bike. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing ( )24. —Why are you so happy, Henry? — My old friend David is coming to visit me. We haven’t seen each other ______ five years. A. since B. after C. for D. in ( )25. —What are you going to do this weekend? — I’m not sure ______. Maybe I am going swimming. A. also B. too C. ever D. yet ( )26. —May I ______ the book from you? — Sorry. I have promised to ______ it to Tom. A. borrow; lend B. keep; lend C. lend; borrow D. keep; borrow ( )27. — ______ you visit Beijing during your holiday? — No. I ______ to Hong Kong. A. Will; go B. Will; went C. Did; went D. Did; go ( )28. Turn the computer off, Peter! You ______ play games so late any more. A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. have to D. might ( )29. It began to rain ______ I was walking in the park. A. until B. because C. while D. although ( )30. — What’s wrong with you, sir? — My flight ______ ten minutes ago. What should I do? A. took up B. took off C. got on D. got off ( )31. — What nice coffee! — But I think it will taste ______ with sugar. A. well B. bad C. worse D. better ( )32. Teachers will hardly use chalk in the future, ______? A. will he B. won’t he C. will they D. won’t they ( )33. — Everyone should help save the planet. — Yeah. I’ve stopped ______ plastic bags when shopping. A. to use B. using C. use D. used


-1- My husband and I are very lucky. We have close friends in this city, and they are all interesting people. Our first friend Greta is an a____1____. We see her when she isn’t making a movie in Hollywood. When we meet her, she always tells us about her l____2____ in Hollywood as a movie star. Greta is our very close friend. We like her very much. Our second friend Dan is a scientist. We see him when he isn’t busy in his lab. When we get together with hi, he always tells us about his new e____3____. Bob and Carol are also our friends. They are famous newspaper r____4____. Bob is 46 years old and Carol is 50 years old. We see them when they aren’t travelling around the world. However, we don't see Greta, Dan, Bob, and Carol very often. In f____5____, we seldom see them b____6____ they’re usually so busy. But we think about them a____7____ the time. 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ -2- My favorite shop is c____1____ “Model World”. It is located on the second f____2____ of Happy Plaza. It is open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day. “Model World”s____3____ all kinds of models. It has model soldiers, cars, boats, planes, space rockets and even dinosaurs. It has models for people of all age. The shop assistants at “Model World”are very nice. They are quite interested in making models t____4____. They will give you useful a____5____ and they are pleased to answer all of your questions. The prices there are neither very cheap nor e____6____. My best buy was a model of a helicopter. It cost me $240, but it had over 400 pieces. It was really f____7____ to make models. If you are interested in models, you should visit this shop. 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ -3- People began making clocks over 500 years ago. The first clocks had o____1____ one hand — the hour hand. The minute hand appeared at a later time. The first clocks were big and heavy. Some rich people had servants to c____2____ their clocks. Time p____3____ and clocks became smaller. Clockmakers were able to make smaller parts for clocks and the sizes were reduced. Bells became a p____4____ of some large clocks in cities and towns. They were for people unable to s____5____ the clock. Some clocks were put in large towers. Many of these clocks s____6____ exist today in Europe. Some of them are 400 to 500 years old. Big Ben in London is a very famous tower clock. The first alarm clocks were used by monks(僧人) to w____7____ them for prayers(祈祷). Today many clocks even alarm clocks are electric. 1. ____________ 2. ____________ 3. ____________ 4. ____________ 5. ____________ 6. ____________ 7. ____________ -4- Early men did not have clocks. They told time by the sun and the shadows of trees. Then, they placed sticks in the ground instead of t_____1_____. They made marks on the ground, and the s_____2_____ from the sticks told the time of day. Later, men began to use sundials(日晷). But sundials


2016安徽中考英语试卷 第二部分英语知识运用(共两大题,满分45分) VI. 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 31. —Nice to meet you, Mr Green. I’m Sandy and this is Brad, Ken and Emily. —. A. See you later B. You’re welcome C. Pleased to meet you all D. You have a point there 32. Cathy has such a good that she won many prizes in singing competitions last year. A. sleep B. idea C. voice D. time 33. Helen has got two brothers. of them likes chocolate, but she loves it. A. Neither B. None C. Each D. Any 34. When the baby dog , it was very hungry. So we gave it some food. A. is found B. was found C. has been found D. will be found 35. Mr. Black’s memory is getting . As a result, he often leaves his keys at home. A. older B. poorer C. greater D. better 36. Many wild animals are , and it’s time for us to do whatever we can to protect them. A. on duty B. on show C. in order D. in danger 37. Please don’t make so much noise. I hear the speaker very well. A. needn’t B. mustn’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t 38. —Look at the stone bridge! Do you know it was built?


2019年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试 英语试卷 (试卷满分150分,考试时间100分钟) Part 1 Listening(第一部分听力) I.Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分). 7.A.A sportsman.B.A student.C.A teacher.D.A doctor 8.A.History.B.Physics.C.Maths.D.Chemistry 9.A.Ten years ago B.Ten months ago.C.Two years ago.D.Two months ago 10.A.To give some lectures.B.To meet new friends. C.To complete his work.D.To improve his memory. 11.A.By getting books.B.By moving the shelf. C.By picking flowers.D.By watching the door. 12.A.At the restaurant.B.In the kitchen.C.At the supermarket.D.In the garden.13.A.The Internet.B.The subjects.C.The price.D.The levels.14.A.He's afraid his son will fall asleep in writing lessons. B.He thinks the programmes will take too much time.
