


句型变化很简单,/ 先把句中动词看:/ be may must will can,/ 否定句not加后边。/ 一般问句也不难,/ 助情动词放句前;/ 两种回答yes no,/ 句首动词人后面。/ 没有现成怎么办?/ do does did 来相伴,/ 三单式过去要还原。/ 特殊问句更简单,/ 疑问词后跟一般。/ 事物职业等what,/ who人where问地点,/ whose谁的所有权。/ 数量how many复后边,/ how much不可数和价钱。/ why问原因慢慢谈,/ what time when时间,/ how old岁数多少年?/ how be人身永康健!


上述口诀表明:句型变化的关键是识别和取决于句中的动词。如果句中有现成的be ,have,used,may ,must ,will ,can等助动词或情态动词,则在其后直接加上not即构成否定句;将其提于句首则成为一般疑问句,在简略回答中,除there be句型外,在yes或no后边一般要使用“人称代词主格+助动词或情态动词成分”,其中的助动词或情态动词应该与问句保持一致。例如,(1) Tha t’s her grandfather over there(改为否定句和一般疑问句并回答)。根据口诀,我们发现句中有现成的be动词is ,不需要其他的助动词来协助,故本句的否定句为:That’s not her grandfather over there;一般疑问句及回答为:Is that her grandfather over there?Yes,he is;/ No,he isn’t. (2) Tom used to read Chinese histories.(改为否定句和一般疑问句并回答),句中的used是一个突破口,故否定句为Tom used not to read Chinese histories;一般问句和回答为Used Tom to read Chinese histories ?Yes,he used;/ No,he usedn’t. 但根据传统习惯,本句也可以将used 视为行为动词use的过去式,故其否定句和一般疑问句及回答分别是Tom didn’t use to read Chinese histories和Did Tom use to read Chinese histories ?Yes,he did;No,he didn’t .

“没有现成怎么办”指的是句中没有be ,have,used,may ,must ,will ,can 等助动词或情态动词的情况。如果没有,则要根据动词的时态和形式借用相应的助动词do(帮助行为动词原形),does(帮助行为动词的第三人称单数形式)或did(帮助行为动词的过去时形式)来协助构成否定句或问句;“三单式过去要还原” 指的是在用does或did协助构成否定句或问句后,原句中的动词第三人称单数形式或过去式必须改为动词原形,否则就犯了重复的错误,这也是许多学生惯犯的一种错误,令老师头疼。例(3) Li Ping goes shopping with her mother on

Sundays(改为否定句和一般疑问句并回答)。句中有三单式goes , 立刻就联想到does的助动词功能,故本题的答案分别为Li Ping doesn’t go shopping with her mother on Sundays和Does Li Ping go shopping with her mother on Sundays?Yes,she does;/ No,she doesn’t. 但要注意,do和have还有行为动词的功能,这是学生在做句型转换练习时遇到的又一难题,误将句中的do或have视为助动词而导致错误的结果。如(4) My brother does his homework in the evening(改为否定句和一般疑问句),能够想到正确答案My brother doesn’t do his homework in the evening和Does your brother do his homework in the evening?的同学为数不多。(5) Jim’s parents have lunch in the factory(改为否定句和一般疑问句并回答),许多学生就错解为Jim’s parents haven’t lunch in the factory和Have Jim’s parents lunch in the factory? Yes , they have ; / No , they haven’t . 而本句中的have是行为动词“吃” 的意思,正确做法应该为Jim’s parents don’t have l unch in the factory和Do Jim’s parents have lunch in the factory? Yes , they do ;/ No, they don’t .

“疑问词后跟一般”意思是特殊疑问句由“疑问代词或疑问副词+一般疑问句”构成,只要学生掌握了一般疑问句的转换要点和各类疑问代词或疑问副词的意义和功能,特殊疑问句以及其他的句型变化就会迎刃而解。例如,口诀中的“事物职业等what”,其意义功能指的是what用来对事物、职业、姓名、颜色等提问,如(6) My e-mail address is cindyj@https://www.360docs.net/doc/e616525555.html,(对画线部分提问)为What is your e-mail address? “who人where问地点”是指who用于对人物、身份、关系等句子成分提问而where用于对地点状语提问,例(7) Kate’s shoes are under the bed(对画线部分提问)为Where are Kate’s shoes? 而表面看起来很相似的另一个句子The shoes under the bed are Kate’s(对画线部分提问),学生做起来就又感到纳闷了,是用where还是which提问呢?其纳闷的根本原因是没有弄懂画线部分under the bed在本句中是后置定语,故本题的正确解答应为Which shoes are Kate’s? “数量how many复后边”即对数量提问用how many,后面接复数形式,例如(8) There are fifty-two students in Tom’s class(对画线部分提问)为How many students are there in Tom’s class?How many后边接的是复数形式students和are . how much 用于对不可数名词或价钱提问,如(9) The black pants are $75(对画线部分提问)为How much (money) are the black pants? 当然,本句也可以表示为What’s the price of the black pants? “how be人身永康健”即How be sb.? 一般用于询问某人的身体健康状况,如(10) ——How are you?——I’m well, thank you .


英语句型转换常规基本句式的转换方法、 技巧点拨 “句型转换”有两种形式,一是按要求转换句型(如:要求将陈述句转换为否定句或一般疑问句;改为祈使句或感叹句;对划线部分提问等);二是“同义句转换”。本题型在中考中重要是测试我们运用英语“句型”的能力。“四位一体”的“句型转换”专项训练,就是为了发展我们这方面的能力。第一类题型的转换,重点是基本句型的运用,一般都有规律可循。除了熟记基本句式的结构外,还要注意some, any; already, yet 等词在转换时的变化。第二类句型转换(同义句转换)应该作为我们复习训练的重点。用不同的句式表达相同的意思,它标志着一个人的外语能力水平。提高此项能力的关键是熟悉句型结构,自如运用。通过“专项训练”,积累一定数量的相关句式,达到脱口而出,信手拈来,出神入化。 基本句式的转换主要是指“肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句、特殊疑问句、反意

疑问句和选择疑问句、祈使句、感叹句”的相互转换。句式的转换一般都有一定的规律可循,我们就是要掌握它们的变化规律,能够举一反三,见此知彼。 (一)肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句的相互转换 这三种句型的转换有共同的规律可循,有几个要点必须牢记。我们可以把各种句式归为两大类:1、含有的be动词、助动词和情态动词的句子;2、只有行为动词的句子。 第1类的句子,肯定句改为否定句时,一律在be动词、助动词和情态动词后加“not”,改为一般疑问句时,一律将be 动词、助动词和情态动前移到句首(首字母大写)。肯定回答用“Yes”;否定回答用“No”。“Yes”或“No”后面的主语必须用代词,“No”后面必须用否定缩略式。如: 将下列句子改为否定句、一般疑问句,并做肯定、否定回答: 1. There are some computers in this school.


2013年上海市初三英语一模句型转换汇总 1.一般疑问句 奉贤67. Tom knows something about the players of our school football team. (改为一般疑问句) ____________ Tom____________anything about the players of your school football team? Does, know 嘉定67. The government tried to find some ways to solve the pollution problem. (改为一般疑问句) ________ the government ________ to find some ways to solve the pollution problem? Did, try 静安(青浦)67. Susan played the violin in front of her schoolmates a week ago. (改为一般疑问句) _______ Susan ________ the violin in front of her schoolmates a week ago? Did, play 浦东67. He put many flowers on the table . (改为一般疑问句) _________he _________ many flowers on the table ? did, put 松江68. More and more animals will die if we don’t improve our environment. (改为一般疑问句) _______ more and more animals _______ if we don’t improve our environment? Will, die 杨浦67. Use of computers spread rapidly during that period. (改为一般疑问句) ________ use of computers ________ rapidly during that period? Did, spread 长宁67. My son used to do some reading before going to bed. (改为一般疑问句) ________ your son ________ to do some reading before going to bed? Did, use 闵行67. Jonny read a lot of reviews on poems written by Shakespeare when he was in Britain. (改为一般疑问句) Did, read _________ Jonny _______ a lot of reviews on poems written by Shakespeare when he was in Britain? 2.否定句 宝山67.Tom goes to school on foot every morning. (改为否定句) Tom ________ ________ to school on foot every morning. Doesn't go 崇明67. Peter went on a three-day study trip to Nanjing last month.(改为否定句)


人教部编版小学1到6年级英语句型转换大汇总 一、肯定句改否定句的方法 1、在be动词后加not。如:is not ,are not ,am not 2、在can,should,will等后加not。 如:can not,should not,will not; 3、上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式don’t/doesn’t/didn’t。 4、some 改成any。 如:I am a girl. →I am not a girl. You are a student. →You are not a student. →You aren’t a student. This is Tom’s bag, →This is not Tom’s bag.→This isn’t Tom’s bag. 二、肯定句改一般疑问句的方法 1、把be动词放在句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,I改成you,my改成your)句点改成问号。 2、把can,shall,will等放到句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,I改成you,my改成your)句点改成问号。 3、上述都没有的,在句首请助动词Do/Does/Did帮忙,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,I改成you,my改成your)

句点改成问号。 注意:句首的第一个字母要大写,句尾标点应为“?”。 如: I am in Class 6. →Are you in Class 6? You are from America. →Are you from America? It is an orange. →Is it an orange? 4、就一般疑问句回答 一般疑问句有两种回答,即:肯定回答和否定回答。其 中,肯定回答用yes,否定回答用no。语句顺序为:Yes + 主语+ am /is/ are/was/were.|can.|do/does/did|; No + 主语+ am not/ isn’t/ aren’t 如: —Are you an English teacher?→Yes, I am. /No, I am not. —Is that a bird? →Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. 三、对划线部分提问 “就划线部分提问”是小学阶段英语学习的难点,但是一 旦掌握了规律,就变得容易多了。小学英语对划线部分提问 之答题口诀: 一代:用正确的疑问词代替划线部分 二移:把疑问词移至句首


英语句型转换方法-小学英语句型转 换题 小学五年级英语_句型转换试题 英语5A句型转换练习 一般疑问句 一、把be动词和情态动词(can, may, must...)放到句首,其它照写。遇I/we—you, my—your. some—any. 句号变成问号 例如:陈述句: They are in the park.He can play the guitar.. 一般疑问句: Are they in the park? Can he play the guitar? 把下列句子变成一般疑问句 1. I am listening to music. __________________________________ _____ 2. Mike is a student. __________________________________ _____ 3. Sarah can clean the

classroom. __________________________________ ______ 4. They are in the zoo. __________________________________ ______ 5. There are some flowers in the vase. is my sister. __________________________________ _______ are sweeping the floor. __________________________________ ________ 二、借助助动词do/does,第三人称单数用does,其余人称用do,放到句首,其他照写。特别记住:前面用does,后面的动词一定还原成原形。遇I/we—you, my—your, some—any. 句号变成问号例如:陈述句: I like the ducks. He likes the dogs. 一般疑问句:Do you like the ducks? Does he like the dogs?


1、在be动词后加not。如:is not ,are not ,am not 2、在can,should,will等后加not。 如:cannot,should not,will not; 3、上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式don’t/doesn’t/didn’t。 4、some 改成any。 如:I am a girl. →I am not a girl. You are a student. →You are not a student. →You aren’t a student. This is Tom’s bag, →This is not Tom’s bag. →This isn’t Tom’s bag. 1、把be动词放在句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,I改成you,my改成 your,)句点改成问号。 2、把can,shall, will等放到句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,I改成 you,my改成your,)句点改成问号。 3、上述都没有的,在句首请助动词Do/Does/Did帮忙,剩下的照抄,(some 改 成any,I改成you,my改成your,)句点改成问号。 注意:句首的第一个字母要大写,句尾标点应为“?”。 如: I am in Class 6. →Are you in Class 6 You are from America. →Are you from America It is an orange. →Is it an orange 4、就一般疑问句回答 一般疑问句有两种回答,即:肯定回答和否定回答。其中,肯定回答用yes,否定回答用no。语句顺序为:Yes + 主语 + am /is/ are/was/were.|can.|do/does/did|; No + 主语+ am not/ isn’t/ aren’t 如:—Are you an English teacher→Yes, I am. /No, I am not. —Is that a bird →Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. “就划线部分提问”是小学阶段英语学习的难点,但是一旦掌握了规律,就变得容易多了。小学英语对划线部分提问之答题口诀: 一代:用正确的疑问词代替划线部分。 二移:把疑问词移至句首 三倒:颠倒主谓语,但对主语或其定语提问时除外(some 改成any,I改成you,my改成your), 四抄:照抄句子剩余部分。 ★特殊疑问词的确定要根据划线内容而定,在小学阶段常出现的有以下几种: 1.划线部分是“事或物”,特殊疑问词用what 如: This is a book.---What is this I often play football on Saturdays .---What do you often do on Saturdays 2.划线部分是“人”,特殊疑问词用who 如:He is my brother. ---Who is he 3、划线部分是“地点”,特殊疑问词用where 如:The box is on the desk.---Where is the box 4、划线部分是“时间”,特殊疑问词用what time或when 如:It's seven twenty . ---What time is it

六年级英语句型转换 汇总

小学六年级英语句型转换汇总 1、This is my English book.(变成复数) 2、My father is an engineer. (对画线部分提问) 3、His football is on the bed. (对画线部分提问) 4、I do my homework on Sunday (改成否定句) 5、She is play basketball on the playground.(改为一般疑问句并做否定回答) 6、He can keep the book as long as you need. (对画线部分提问) 7、Which is the way to the office building?(写出同义句) 8、How old are you?(根据实际回答问题) 9、I ever saw a traveller.(改为一般疑问句) 10、He came here by plane.(对划线部分提问) 11、She is from France(对划线部分提问) 12、Tt is my first time to Xi’an. (改成否定句) 13、The weather was OK. (改为一般疑问句) 14、My trip to Xi’an was great. (对画线部分提问) 15、We can see beautiful flowers in the park. (改为一般疑问句并做肯定回答) 16、I can see green trees in the picture. (对划线部分提问) 17、Was the weather bad?(做出否定回答) 18、I have some beautiful photos of the city. (改为一般疑问句)


英语句型转换方法大全 一、肯定句改否定句的方法: 1、在be动词后加not。 如:is not,are not,am not 在can,should,will等后加not。 如:can not,should not,will not; 3、上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式don’t/doesn’t/didn’t。 4、some改成any。 如:I am a girl.→I am not a girl. You are a student.→You are not a student.→You aren’t a student. This is Tom’s bag,→This is not Tom’s bag.→This isn’t Tom’s bag. 二、肯定句改一般疑问句的方法 1、把be动词(am,is,are)放在句首,第一个字母大写,剩下的照抄,句末用问号。(some改成any,I改成you,my改成your,)句点改成问号。 2、把can,shall,will等放到句首,第一个字母大写,剩下的照抄,句末用问号。(some改成any,I改成you,my改成your,)句点改成问号。 3、上述都没有的,在句首请助动词Do/Does/Did帮忙,剩下的照抄。

(some改成any,I改成you,my改成your,)句点改成问号。 注意:句首的第一个字母要大写,句尾标点应为“?”。 如:I am in Class 6.→Are you in Class 6? You are from America.→Are you from America? It is an orange.→Is it an orange? 4、就一般疑问句回答 一般疑问句有两种回答,即:肯定回答和否定回答。其中,肯定回答用yes,否定回答用no。 语句顺序为:Yes+主语+am /is/ are/ was/ were.|can.|do/does/did|;No+主语+am not/ isn’ t/aren’t如: —Are you an English teacher? →Yes,I am./ No, I am not. —Is that a bird ? →Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. 三、对划线部分提问 “就划线部分提问”是小学阶段英语学习的难点,但是一旦掌握了规律,就变得容易多了。小学英语对划线部分提问之答题口诀: 一代:用正确的疑问词代替划线部分。 二移:把疑问词移至句首 三倒:颠倒主谓语,但对主语或其定语提问时除外(some改成any,I改成you,my改成your),


小学英语句型转换方法+口诀大全 1、肯定句改否定句的方法: 1.在be动词后加not 如:is not, are not,am not 2.在can,should,will等后加not 如:cannot, should not,will not; 3.上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式don't/doesn't/didn't 4、some 改成any 如:I am a girl. →I am not a girl. You are a student. →You are not a student. →You aren’t a student. This is Tom’s bag, →This is not Tom’s bag.→This isn’t Tom’s bag. 2、肯定句改一般疑问句的方法 1.把be动词放在句首,剩下的照抄 (some 改成any,I改成you,my改成your)句点改成问号。 2.把can,shall,will等放到句首,剩下的照抄

(some 改成any,I改成you,my改成your)句点改成问号。 3.上述都没有的,在句首请助动词Do/Does/Did帮忙,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,I改成you,my改成your,)句点改成问号 注意:句首的第一个字母要大写,句尾标点应为“?” 如:I am in Class 6. →Are you in Class 6? You are from America. →Are you from America? It is an orange. →Is it an orange? 4、就一般疑问句回答 一般疑问句有两种回答,即:肯定回答和否定回答。其中,肯定回答用yes,否定回答用no。 语句顺序为: Yes + 主语+ am /is/ are/was/were.|can.|do/does/did|; No + 主语+ am not/ isn’t/ aren’t 如: —Are you an English teacher? →Yes, I am. /No, I am not. —Is that a bird?


小学英语句型转换方法归纳 句型转换方法归纳改为一般疑问句 1 、先找 be 动词am, is, are, was, were 或情态动词 can, may ,must, would , should ,could . 如果有这些词,直接把这些词放在句子最前面, some 改成 any ,句号改成问号!其余照抄;(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 2 、如果句子中没有 be 动词或者是情态动词,要在句子最前面加助动词 do 、 does 或者是 did 。首先判断句子时态,如果句子是过去式 改为一般疑问句 1、先找be动词 am, is, are, was, were或情态动词can, may ,must, would,should ,could .如果有这些词,直接把这些词放在句子最前面, some 改成any,句号改成问号!其余照抄;(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 2、如果句子中没有be动词或者是情态动词,要在句子最前面加助动词 do 、does或者是did。 首先判断句子时态,如果句子是过去式,则要在句最前面加Did,后面动词用原型,some改成any,句号改成问号,其余照抄;(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 如果句子不是过去式,则判断是否为第三人称单数,如果第三人称单数,要在句子最前面前加助动词Does,后面动词用

原型,some 改成any,句号改成问号,其余部分照抄。(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 其他情况均要在句子最前面加助动词do,some改成any,句号改成问号,其它部分照抄.(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 改为否定句 1、先找be动词 am, is, are, was, were或情态动词can, may ,must, would,should ,could .如果有这些词,直接在这些词的后面加not, some 改成any,其余照抄; 2、如果句子中没有be动词或者是情态动词,要在动词前面加don’t 、doesn’t或者是didn’t。 首先判断句子时态,如果句子是过去式,则要在动词前面加didn’t,后面动词用原型,some改成any,其余照抄; 如果句子不是过去式,则判断是否为第三人称单数,如果第三人称单数,要在动词前面前加doesn’t,后面动词用原型,some 改成any,其余部分照抄。 其他情况均要在句子动词前面加don’t,some改成any,其它部分照抄. 对划线部分提问 第一步:先把句子改成一般问句 第二步:把提问部分省略,在句子最前面加疑问词。(如果提问部分是动词词组,要把它改成do;如果提问部分


英语句型转换方法归纳 第一节改为一般疑问句 1、先找be动词am, is, are, was, were或情态动词can, may ,must, would,should ,could .如果有这些词,直接把这些词放在句子最前面,some 改成any,句号改成问号!其余照抄;(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 2、如果句子中没有be动词或者是情态动词,要在句子最前面加助动词do 、does或者是did。 首先判断句子时态,如果句子是过去式,则要在句最前面加Did,后面动词用原型,some 改成any,句号改成问号,其余照抄;(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称)如果句子不是过去式,则判断是否为第三人称单数,如果第三人称单数,要在句子最前面前加助动词Does,后面动词用原型,some 改成any,句号改成问号,其余部分照抄。(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 其他情况均要在句子最前面加助动词do,some改成any,句号改成问号,其它部分照抄. (如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 第二节改为否定句 1、先找be动词am, is, are, was, were或情态动词can, may ,must, would,should ,could .如果有这些词,直接在这些词的后面加not,some 改成any,其余照抄; 2、如果句子中没有be动词或者是情态动词,要在动词前面加don’t 、doesn’t或者是didn’t。 首先判断句子时态,如果句子是过去式,则要在动词前面加didn’t,后面动词用原型,some改成any,其余照抄; 如果句子不是过去式,则判断是否为第三人称单数,如果第三人称单数,要在动词前面前加doesn’t,后面动词用原型,some 改成any,其余部分照抄。 其他情况均要在句子动词前面加don’t,some改成any,其它部分照抄. 第三节对划线部分提问 第一步:先把句子改成一般问句 第二步:把提问部分省略,在句子最前面加疑问词。(如果提问部分是动词词组,要把它改成do;如果提问部分是动名词词组,要把它改成doing) (注:如划线部分为主语,则用who代替,其余照抄;如划线部分为动词或动词短语,则用do代替,句前加what,再改为一般疑问句。 第四节肯定句、否定句、一般疑问句与特殊疑问句 1、肯定句:是指用肯定的语气来陈述的句子,如: I’m a stu dent. She is a doctor. He works in a hospital. There are four fans in our classroom.. 2、否定句:含有否定词或表示否定意义词的句子,如:


五年级英语句型转换知识点整理 肯定句改否定句 1、在be动词后加not。如:is not , are not , am not 2、在can,will等后加not。如:can not,will not; 3、上述都没有的,在动词前加助动词否定形式don’t/doesn’t。 注意:否定句中some变成any,含有would like的句子some不变a ny。 如: I am a girl. → I am not a girl. You are a student. →You are not a student. →You aren’t a student. This is Tom’s bag.→ This is not Tom’s bag. → This isn’t Tom’s bag. 肯定句改一般疑问句 1、把be动词放在句首,剩下的照抄,(some 改成any,I,we改成you,my,our改成your)句号改成问号。 2、把can,will等放到句首,剩下的照抄,some 改成any,I,we改成y ou,my,our改成your)句号改成问号。 3、上述都没有的,在句首借助动词Do/Does帮忙,剩下的照抄,some 改成any,I,we改成you,my,our改成your)句号改成问号。注意:句首的第一个字母要大写,句尾标点应为“?”。 注意:一般疑问句中some变成any,含有would like的句子some不变any。 如: I am in Class 6. →Are you in Class 6? You are from America. →Are you from America? It is an orange. →Is it an orange? 4、一般疑问句回答 一般疑问句有两种回答,即:肯定回答和否定回答。其中,肯定回答用yes,否定回答用no。 语句顺序为: Yes, + 主语 + am /is/ are/can/do/does/. No, + 主语+ am not/ isn’t/aren’t/ can’t/don’t/doesn’t. 如: —Are you an English teacher?→Yes, I am. /No, I am not. —Is that a bird? →Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t. 对划线部分提问 “就划线部分提问”是小学阶段英语学习的难点,但是一旦掌握了规律,就变得容易多了。小学英语对划线部分提问之答题口诀: 一代:用正确的疑问词代替划线部分。


句型转换方法归纳 改为一般疑问句 1、先找be动词 am, is, are, was, were或情态动词can, may ,must, would,should ,could .如果有这些词,直 接把这些词放在句子最前面, some 改成any,句号改成问号!其余照抄;(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称)2、如果句子中没有be动词或者是情态动词,要在句子最前面加助动词 do 、does或者是did。 首先判断句子时态,如果句子是过去式,则要在句最前面加Did,后面动词用原型,some改成any,句号改成问号,其余照抄;(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 如果句子不是过去式,则判断是否为第三人称单数,如果第三人称单数,要在句子最前面前加助动词Does,后面动词用原型,some 改成any,句号改成问号,其余部分照抄。(如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 其他情况均要在句子最前面加助动词do,some改成any,句号改成问号,其它部分照抄. (如果主语是第一人称则变成第二人称) 改为否定句 1、先找be动词 am, is, are, was, were或情态动词can, may ,must, would,should ,could .如果有这些词,直 接在这些词的后面加not, some 改成any,其余照抄; 2、如果句子中没有be动词或者是情态动词,要在动词前面加don’t 、doesn’t或者是didn’t。 首先判断句子时态,如果句子是过去式,则要在动词前面加didn’t,后面动词用原型,some改成any,其余照抄; 如果句子不是过去式,则判断是否为第三人称单数,如果第三人称单数,要在动词前面前加doesn’t,后面动词用原型,some 改成any,其余部分照抄。 其他情况均要在句子动词前面加don’t,some改成any,其它部分照抄. 对划线部分提问 第一步:先把句子改成一般问句 第二步:把提问部分省略,在句子最前面加疑问词。(如果提问部分是动词词组,要把它改成do;如果提问部分是动名词词组,要把它改成doing) (注:如划线部分为主语,则用who代替,其余照抄;如划线部分为动词或动词短语,则用do代替,句前加 (注:我I 、我们we 是第一人称;你you,你们you是第二人称;剩下的全部是第三人称) 单词意思用法when 什么时间问时间who 谁问人whose 谁的问主人where 在哪里问地点which 哪一个问选择why 为什么问原因what 什么问东西what time 什么时间问时间what colour 什么颜色问颜色what about …怎么样问意见what day 星期几问星期what date 什么日期问具体日期what for 为何目的问目的how …怎么样问情况how old 多大问年龄how many 多少问数量how much 多少问价钱how about …怎么样问意见how far 多远问路程 情态动词练习 1. You _____ all those clothes. We have a washing machine to do that sort of thing. A. needn’t have washed B. shouldn’t have washed C. must not have washed D. can not have washed


句型转换 1.My mother is watching TV now. (用sometimes改写) My mother sometimes __________ ________ at home. 2.Tom often plays football on Sundays. (划线提问) ___________ _________ Tom often _________ on Sundays. 3.He sleeps nine hours every night.(划线提问) _________ __________ ________ he sleep every night? 4.He didn’t go to school yesterday. I think. (合并为一句) I _________ ________ he ________ _________ school yesterday. 5.It’s important that we s hould eat a balanced diet. (同意句) It’s important _________ _________ _________ __________ a balanced diet. 6.What’s the trouble with Tony? (同意句) ________ ________ ________ with Tony? 7.The boy has to play the piano every day.(大凡疑问句) ________ the boy _______ ________ play the piano every day? 8.We hope that we can visit this place again.(同意句) We hope ________ ________ this place again. 9.He decided to buy a new house.(同意句) He decided ________ __________ a new house. 10.The Smiths are going to New York on May 10th.(划线提问) _________ __________ ___________ ___________ the Smiths going?


句型转换专项 一般疑问句如何将陈述句变为一般疑问句?可以根据句中谓语动词的不同 1、含be 动词或情态动词的句子 秘诀:一调二改三问号 一调:即把句中的be 或情态动词调到主语前; 二改:改换主语称谓,即将句中的主语I\my \mines\we\our\ours 等第一人称分别改为相应的第二人称 you\your\ yours 等; 三问号:句末的句号改为问号。 四回答:肯答:Yes, 主格人称代词be/can/could 否答:No, 主格人称代词be/can/could not(aren 't/isn ' t/can 't/couldn 't) am a stuent. ? ? Are you a student? can speak En glish.? ? ? Can you speak En glish? 特别注意下面的回答: Is this/that your book? Yes, ____ _____ ./No, ___ _____ . Are these/those new cars? Yes, __________ ./No, _________ . Could you help me? 肯答:__________ ./ __________ . 否答: ________ Would you like something to drink? 肯答:_______________ .否答: _______________________ . Would you like to drink something? 肯答:_______________ /____________ / __________________ . 否答:_______________ . 2、含行为动词(或称为实义动词)的句子秘诀:一加二改三问号 一加:即在句首加助动词Do或Does; 二改:1、把谓语动词改为原形;2、改换主语称谓(同第一家族)三问号:句末的句号改为问号。 四回答:肯答:Yes, 主格人称代词do/does. 否答:No, 主格人称代词don't/doesn 't. 否定句 1. 含be 动词或情态动词的句子,直接在 2、含行为动词(或称为实义动词)的句子形式为动词原形。 3、加强记忆口诀:be 动词或情态动词后加not ,在行为动词前加上don' t(非三单)/doesn ' t (三单,还三单


句型转换 1. My mother is watching TV now. (用sometimes改写) My mother sometimes __________ ________ at home. 2. Tom often plays football on Sundays. (划线提问) ___________ _________ Tom often _________ on Sundays. 3. He sleeps nine hours every night.(划线提问) _________ __________ ________ he sleep every night? 4. He didn’t go to school yesterday. I think. (合并为一句) I _________ ________ he ________ _________ school yesterday. 5. It’s important that we should eat a balanced diet. (同意句) It’s important _________ _________ _________ __________ a balanced diet. 6. What’s the trouble with Tony? (同意句) ________ ________ ________ with Tony? 7. The boy has to play the piano every day.(一般疑问句) ________ the boy _______ ________ play the piano every day? 8. We hope that we can visit this place again.(同意句) We hope ________ ________ this place again. 9. He decided to buy a new house.(同意句) He decided ________ __________ a new house. 10. The Smiths are going to New York on May 10th.(划线提问) _________ __________ ___________ ___________ the Smiths going? 11. The early bus takes him to school.(同意句) He __________ __________ __________ _________ to school. 12. It took him about an hour to do his homework every day.(同意句) He _________ about an hour _________ __________ his homework every day. 13. Lily lives about 10 kilometers from the airport.(划线提问) _________ _________ _________ Lily __________ from the airport. 14. It was Friday, the 12th yesterday. (划线提问) _________ __________ yesterday? 15. Why don’t you come and play soccer with us?(同意句) _______ __________ come and play soccer with us? 16. They are busy studying for the test.(划线提问) _________ __________ they busy __________ ? 17. I’m 13. he is 15.(合并句一句) I’m ________ _________ ________ _________ him. 18. Both of us are good at schoolwork.(同意句) _______ are ________ good at schoolwork. 19. I have two apples,he has two apples ,too.(合并为一句) I have _______ ________ ________ ________ he. 20. I think English is more difficult than the other subjects.(同意句) I don’t think the other subjects are ______ __________ ________ English. 21. We need to have much water.(线提问) _________ ___________ you ________ __________ ________ ? 22. My mother put in two teaspoons of butter.(划线提问) _________ __________ butter _________ your mother _______ in? 23. There were some sharks .(一般疑问句并做否定回答) _______ ________ ________ sharks? No, there _________> 24. My sister stayed there for two years.(划线提问) _________ _________ ___________ your sister _________ there? 25. He began to learn the accordion when he was five years old.(同意句) ________ _______ ________ _______ _______ , he began to learn the accordion. 26. She wants to be a computer programmer .(同意句) She ______ __________ ________ _________ a computer programmer. 27. The student have a school trip in spring.(用next week 代替spring) The students ________ ________ ________ _________ a school trip next week. 28. He is going to be an engineer when he grows up.(划线提问) _________ is he going to ________ when he grows up? 29. I have to stay at home because of the cold weather.(同意句) I have to stay at home _________ ________ _________. 30. You took care of my dog when I was not at home . Thank you.(合并为一句)Thanks __________ ______ ________ _______ my dog when I was not at home.
