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In the era of economic globalization, foreign trade has long been considered the country's economic development engine, and always in the national economy plays a very important role. Through the technology, products, services and other resources of the international exchange and flow, the country and the international economy closely, become the important component of national economy; stimulating regional economic growth, increase the fiscal revenue, expanding social employment, promote open to the outside world the indispensable main force. And the development of export-oriented economy and foreign trade relation greatly, as a trend of the times and economic development mode, the profound influence in many countries and areas of economic development, and even affect the number of national and regional political, economic system reform.

This article through analyzes the Heilongjiang province development extroversion economy and countermeasure research theory, on this foundation, analyzes the Heilongjiang province extroversion economy grows the problem of existence, put forward Heilongjiang to save extroversion economy development countermeasure, the hope for the relevant areas of research to provide some reference.

Keywords:Economic globalization; Foreign economic trade; Extroversion economy


摘要................................................................................................I Abstract..........................................................................................II 前言 (5)

一、黑龙江省外向型经济发展的现状 (6)

(一)黑龙江省的经济发展现状 (6)

(二)黑龙江省外向型农业发展现状 (6)

1.农副产品出口 (7)

2.农业利用外资 (8)

3.农业对外经济技术交流与合作 (8)

二、黑龙江省外向型经济发展的优势 (9)

(一)土地资源优势 (9)

(二)矿产资源优势 (9)

(三)林木资源优势 (10)

(四)水利资源优势 (10)

(五)生态资源优势 (10)

(六)物产资源优势 (11)

(七)外贸资源优势 (11)

(八)科技资源优势 (11)

(九)人才资源优势 (12)

(十)精神资源优势 (12)

三、黑龙江省外向型经济发展存在的问题 (13)

(一)外贸数量型增长面临挑战,出口产品的市场竞争弱 (13)

(二)外资的利用水平和资金的到位率有待提高 (14)

(三)第三产业发展的规模偏小、层次偏低.................................1 4 (四)人才匮乏,严重制约着外向型经济的发展 (15)

(五)出口高速增长但经济效益增长缓慢 (15)

四、黑龙江省外向型经济发展的原因 (17)

(一)对外贸易快速增长 (17)

(二)出口商品、市场和经营主体结构不断改善 (17)

(三)对外贸易对全省国民经济和社会发展的贡献越来越大 (18)

(四)私营外资企业对进出口增长的贡献进一步增大 (18)

五、黑龙江省外向型经济发展的对策 (19)

(一)政治法律方面 (19)

1.进一步落实对农业的国内支持政策 (19)

2.制定鼓励外向型农业发展的特殊优惠政策 (20)

3.深化农业管理体制改革 (20)

4.制定鼓励、扶持农业利用外资的优惠政策 (20)

(二)社会文化方面 (21)

1.加快培养适应外向型农业发展的人才队伍 (21)
