







A) 从各题的A、B、C、三个选项中选择出正确的答案。(共10小题;每小题1分;计10分) ( ) 31. --- Karen is European girl.

--- Yeah! To be exact, she is British girl.

A. an; a

B. a; a

C. a: the

( ) 32. --- How does Sally usually study English?

--- making word cards.

A. With

B. By

C. In

( ) 33. --- Tom fell off his bike and hurt his knee.

--- .

A. That's funny

B. That's too bad

C. Pretty good

( ) 34. --- Why do you Nancy Black?

--- Because she is kind and brave. She is a hero in my eyes.

A. look up to

B. look forward to

C. look up

( ) 35. This red coat be Tina's. She doesn't like red at all.

A. shouldn't

B. must

C. can't

( ) 36. I think junk food you eat, you'll become.

A. the more: the thinner

B. the less; the heavier

C. the more: the heavier ( ) 37. Mr. Green spoke very loudly all the people could hear him clearly.

A. so that

B. as long as

C. unless

( ) 38. This is the best game show I have seen so far.

A. what

B. that

C. who

( ) 39. How the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is!

A. amazing

B. intelligent

C. thankful

( ) 40. --- Why didn't Emily go to Candy's birthday party?

A. isn't invited

B. didn't invite

C. wasn't invited

B) 补全对话。根据对话内容,从下面方框中选出适当的选项补全对话,并将选项的字母编号依次填在相应位置。(共5小题,每小题2分;计10分) A: Hey, Emily! What's that over there? B: Oh, it's a wallet. Pick it up, please. A: 41

B: It might be Jerry's. Jerry has a similar one. A: Jerry? 42 Jerry didn’t come to sch ool today. B: Let’s have a look at it. 43

A: Yes! There's something special-a photo of Kobe Bryant. B: 44 In our class only Billy is a fan of Kobe Bryant's. A: Where's Billy? Is he in the library? B: 45 Maybe he has gone home

A: Gone home? He must be worried if he can't find his wallet. Let's give him a call at once. B: OK

七、完形填空。通读下面两篇短文,根据短文内容,从A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。(共15小题,A 篇每小题2

分,B 篇每小题1分;计20分)


In the 13th century, the famous Italian Marco Polo travelled a long way to China. During his stay in China, he saw many wonderful things. One of the things he 46 was that the Chinese used paper money. People in Western countries didn't use paper money until the 15th century. 47 , people in China began to use it in the 7th century.

the year 1100. Four hundred years 48 , a German discovered that he could make the best paper from trees. After that countries rich in 49 , such as Canada, Sweden, America, Finland became the most important ones in paper making.

Even now paper mainly comes from trees. So we should save paper in many ways and 50 fewer trees. If we keep on wasting so much paper, there will not be any trees left on the earth some day in the near future. ( ) 46. A. discovered B. invented C. thought

( ) 47. A. And B. Because C. However

( ) 48. A. ago B. before C. later

( ) 49. A. water B. people C. forests

( ) 50. A. cut off B. cut down C. up


It's the week before school starts. Alicia Gonzalez is shopping for 51 with two friends, Nina and Vicki. Alicia puts on a black jacket, turns to her friends, and says, "Hey, what do you think?"

The girls look at her and both start 52 . "No way, Alicia!" Nina says. "That’s a bo y's jacket."

Alicia is a little 53 . "Yeah, but… I like it."

"Yeah," says Vicki, "but what will people at school say?"

Alicia thinks for a while. Then she 54 the jacket. "Ok, you're right."

Peer(同龄人) pressure, we all know about it. Your friends wear certain clothes or listen to certain music. You don't want to be 55 . So you do those things too.

Fifteen minutes later, Alicia is still thinking about the black jacket. "You know, there's pressure to 56

the crowd, "Nina explains. "If your clothes or hair are different, people 57 you. They laugh and point.

Vicki 58 . "It's true. You even have to have a certain kind of friend! I think these ‘rules’ are childish. But when you're different, you feel like an outsider. And that’s59 ."

Alicia walks away. "Hey Alicia," calls Nina. "Where are you going?"

"To get that jacket. I don't 60 what others think. I like it, and I'm buying it."

( ) 51. A. suits B. clothes C. brands

( ) 52. A. spreading B. admiring C. laughing

( ) 53. A. down B. silent C. direct

( ) 54. A. shuts off B. takes off C. puts off

( ) 56. A. repeat B. follow C. find

( ) 57. A. make fun of B. make friends with C. make a decision of ( ) 58. A. worries B. regrets C. agrees

( ) 59. A. private B. valuable C. hard

( ) 60. A. care B. influence C. request



What is netball?

Netball is an exciting team sport. It is similar to basketball, but with some differences. It is mostly played by women. It is a fast game. So it is exciting to watch. Players have to run, jump, throw and catch. Players have to be good at passing the ball quickly.

The game

Netball is played on a court(球场) with a net at each end. Players try to score goals by shooting the ball into the other team's net.

The rules

★There are seven players on each team.

★Each player has a position and is only allowed to go in certain parts of the court.

★Only two players on each team can score goals.

★Teams score one point for each goal.

★Players must remember not to run with the ball or hold the ball for more than three seconds(秒).

Main sports events

The most important competition is the Netball World Championship which is held every four years. People enjoy playing netball around the world in countries like Australia, New Zealand, England, Jamaica, Malawi and Fiji.

( ) 61. Similar to basketball, netball is played by two teams of five players.

( ) 62. Players can move anywhere on the court in a netball game.

( ) 63. Anyone on the netball team can score the goal.

( ) 64. The ball must be passed in three seconds in a netball game.



★I just fixed the ThingsTodo app on my phone. It's so easy to use, and it is really useful when you've got lots of things to do and not much time! You just create a list and then add things that you need to do to it. Once a week it sends you a list of everything you've done.


★Have you heard about Sky Watch? It's great. You just point your phone at the night sky and it tells you what the stars are. You can also give the name of a planet and the program tells you where to look for it.


★I've just fixed Tunespotter. If you hear a song you like but you don't know what it is, you can use this app. It tells you the name of the song and the singer. And if you like it, you can buy the song really easily. I've had it for a week and I’ve been using it a lot.


★I’ve been using Crazy Faces a lot recently. It's very silly, but it's fun. You just take photos of your friends and then you can change their faces. You can make them look older or younger, fatter or thinner. I’ve seen lots of photos where people have put baby faces on adult bodies and they make me laugh every time.


( ) 66. You may find the ThingsTodo app useful when you .

A. have nothing to do

B. have a lot of things to do

C. don't know how to do certain things

( ) 67. The underlined word “it” refer to .

A. phone

B. Sky Watch

C. the night sky.

( ) 68. If you are a music lover, which app might you like?

A. Sky Watch

B. Crazy Faces

C. Tunespotter

( ) 69. What does Luke think of the Crazy Faces app?

A. Useful

B. Interesting.

C. Crazy.

( ) 70. This passage is about .

A. favorite apps

B. free time activities

C. phone games


Would you like to live in a city where buildings turn the lights off for you, and self-driving cars will find the nearest parking space themselves? Although it might sound a little far from you, living in a "smart" city like this could happen sooner than you think.

Great changes have taken place in towns that we have lived in for centuries, while completely new cities are being built. One such place is the city of Songdo. Every home there will have a "telepresence" system(远程遥控系统)--- allowing users to control the heating and locks, take part in video meetings, and receive education, health care and government services. Around the city, lifts will only move when someone is on them, and offices and schools will all be connected to the system.

The great mind behind Songdo is from the company Cisco. In fact, technology companies around the world such as IBM, Siemens and Microsoft are already in the business.

About 75% of the world's population will live in cities by 2050, so cities will need to be more modern to deal with the coming problems. "Making cities smarter is one way out, and I think this will in turn make cities greener," said Dan Hill, head of a research company.

( ) 71. According to the text, living in a "smart" city .

A. is not a green way

B. will be far from you

C. will soon become true ( ) 72. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. A city of the future.

B.A meeting in Songdo.

C. A plan to build a house. ( ) 73. Which company offers the great mind to build Songdo?

A. Cisco.


C. Microsoft.

( ) 74. Dan Hill thinks that making cities smarter is one way to .

A. drive people out of cities

B. control the world’s population

C. solve the cities' coming problems

( ) 75. Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

A. Future Education

B. Smart Cities

C. Government Services



1. Mr. Green is very p . He is never tired of explaining things to us over and over again.

2. Kevin has r a present from Ben, but he's not going to accept it.

3. The restaurant is well known for its service. Any waiter who is impolite to c will be punished.

4. Please tell me e what the doctor said. I need to know every word.

5. He looks uneasy. He wanted to tell the teacher something but d not to say it


A: Welcome to our show, Sara! We are glad to have a student here to talk about studying.

B: Thank you, Rob. I am very pleased to have such a chance to 1 ideas with you.

A: Well, what advice do you have for us about studying?

B: Don't put off studying! Many students 2 . Then they cram(临时死记硬背) the night before the exam. A: I 3 to do that. I usually stayed up very late to study before exams in my school days.

B: And what was the 4 ? Did you get high marks in the exam?

A: Not very good. I soon forgot most of what I studied. And during the exam, I usually felt very sleepy and tired. B: That's the problem! It's no use to cram before exams.

A: So students need better study 5 . How do you usually study for a test or an exam?

B: I do 6 special to study for that. I just try to spend some time 7 what I learned in class every day. Then I'm better 8 for the tests. But for the daily study, I have my way to share with you. I prefer to plan rewards(奖励) into my study time.

A: What do you mean?

B: I tell 9 things like, "I'll read 20 pages of this book. When I finish, I can play one computer game"

A: But only one!

B: Yes. One game is enough for you to relax. Play more will make you tired. And believe it or not, sleeping is part of 10 . When you sleep, your brain organizes what you've learned. So we should have enough sleep.

A: That's a good habit for everyone!


A father and his daughter were flying a kite in the park. The young daughter was a little bit 1 , so they took a break. When the daughter saw an old man 2 apples, she asked her father to buy her an apple. Her father didn't bring much money with him, but it was enough to buy two apples. So he did, and gave both of them to his daughter, smiling.

His daughter held one apple in her left hand and the other in the right hand. Then the father asked her if she could share one of the apples with him. When the girl heard this, she 3 took a bite(咬) from one apple. And before her father could speak, she also took a bite from the 4 apple.

The father was surprised. He 5 what mistake he made so that his daughter acted in such a bad way. He was 6 in thought. Perhaps he was just thinking too much. His daughter was too young 7 sharing and giving. A smile was taken place by a serious look on his face.

Suddenly, his daughter with an apple in her left hand said, "Daddy, have this one! It is much juicier and 8 ." Her father was speechless. He felt bad about making the judgment(判断) so quickly about a small child. But his smile came back knowing why his daughter took a bite from each apple.

A judgment or a conclusion(结论) can't 9 too quickly. Always spare some 10 time to understand things better.


A) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出适当的选项补全短文,并将选项的字母编号依次填入题号后横线上。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)

A Chinese biological researcher He Jiankui announced a shocking news at a meeting held in Hong Kong. He announced that the world's first genetically edited(基因编辑) babies were born. 1 He told people that he had chosen eight couples through an AIDS support group. One of the couples later dropped out of his study.

2 But since Monday, when he announced the news of the birth of the two babies, he has been widely condemned(谴责)by scientific communities in China and abroad for his disregard of ethics(对道德的漠视). Besides, many scientists said it was still very dangerous to edit human's genes for medical purpose. 3

4 These questions include: what are the medical needs that lead one to choose gene-editing, when there are other possible ways to prevent AIDS? They also asked how he got the parents’ agreement, and whether his team has the right to take such an agreement. He was also asked about what he thinks is his responsibility (责任) to these babies as they grow up.

5 But in his speech he said that the parents are well educated and they completely understood what they were doing and agreed. Whatever explanation he made, the scientific world just used "crazy" to describe him and his study.

B) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。并将答案填写在下面相应题号的位置上。(共5小题,每小题1分;计5分)

International tourism is becoming more and more popular. Large numbers of people from all over the world come to visit famous places, such as the Great Wall of China and the Sistine Chapel (西斯廷教堂) in Vatican City. These visitors contribute (增进) a lot to the local development, but at the same time they have caused many problems. They've thrown rubbish everywhere, brought more traffic and even done serious damage(破坏) to these places.

As for the damage, there are many different causes. For example, the paintings in the Sistine Chapel are being damaged because people breathe onto them when they visit. Damage in other places such as the Great Wall is serious partly because tourists climb on weak areas. Even though some of the walls were built of stone, after so many years, they are already in poor condition and need to be rebuilt.

What can we do to deal with these problems? On the one hand, we have to cut down tourist numbers, because fewer visitors will result in less damage. On the other

hand, we should make strict rules about which areas people can visit and what they can do when they get there. For example, special paths (路径) can be built and people can only walk on and within these special paths. Visitors to indoor places can be asked to wear masks

If is necessary to control tourism at famous places. If we do not do this, these places will disappear from our planet. And people who live hundreds of years later will have no chance to see these great places.


你校要进行一次题为"Should middle school students be allowed to use phones at school?"的比赛。请根据下面的调查结果并结合你自己的观点,写一篇短文参赛。

要求: 1.文中必须包括表格提示内容,也可适当发挥;


九年级上学期期末测试英语试卷 一、单选题(每题1分,共20分) 1.The small boy didn’t know____waiting for. A.whom they were B.who were they C.who they are D.whom were they 2.---How can I save the water ---It’s easy. First, make sure the tap ____________ after using. A.turns off B.is turned off C.turns on D.is turned on 3.---I called you when I got the news yesterday. But you weren’t in. ---Oh, I __________ dinner for the family and didn’t hear it. A.cooked B.was cooking C.cook D.is cooking 4.--- Why are they going to Wenchuan this winter --- They’re going to be a volunteer there and _____________ the people in the disaster area. A.help with B.help out C.take care D.take off 5.That man ______be Mr Wang , because he has gone to Beijing. A.couldn’t B.might not C.can’t D.mustn’t 6.If you go, _______. A.I go, too. B.So do I C.So will I D.I will, either. 7. --- Let’s go swimming after school! ---______. Call me at any time. A.Wait a moment B.Sounds good C.That depends. D.What for 8.I’m reading now. Please tell him ___________the TV a bit. A.turn up B.turn off C.to turn down D.to turn on 9. He found difficult to improve his English the teacher’s help A.it is; without B.it was; with C.it; without D.that is; with 10.She has __________ close friends so that she really doesn’t know __________ A.many; who to talk B.few; who to talk to C.much; what to do D.little; how to do 11.You can’t believe how terrible the fire is __________ you see it with your own eyes A.though B. because C. unless D. since 12. This year’s Beijing Music Awards will be covered on Channel 3 this evening

2015—2016学年度下期强化训练(二) 九年级英语试卷 (一)听力部分 一、听力理解(20小题,每小题1分,共20分) 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话读两遍。 ( ) 1.Where does the man want to go? A. A bookstore. B. A school. C. A museum. ( ) 2. How long will it take to get to Zhengzhou University by car? A. 20 minutes. B. 30 minutes. C. 10 minutes. ( ) 3. What's wrong with the woman? A. She is too thin. B. She is badly ill. C. She is kind of heavy. ( ) 4. When is the speech? A. Tomorrow. B. Next week. C. This weekend. ( ) 5. What does Allen want to be when he grows up? A. An engineer B. A doctor C. A teacher 第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案,并将其标号填入题前括号内。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8两个小题。 ( ) 6. What are they going to do? A. Have a history class B. Join a History Club C. Listen to a report about history ( ) 7. What is the relationship between the two speakers? A. Students in the same school. B. Friends in the same class. C. Classmates in the same club.

2019年中考第一次调研考试 九年级英语试卷 第I卷(90分) 一、听力理解。(共30小题;每题(空)1分,共30分) 一)听对话,回答问题。本部分共有10小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读题目,听完后你将有5秒钟时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。 1. What game is John going to play? A. B. C. 2. Where will Sandy exercise? A. B. C. 3. What is Simon’s hobby? A. B. C. 4. What will Millie do in the afternoon? A. B. C. 5. When is the woman’s birthday? A. November 30th. B. November 28th. C. November 11th. 6. How many customers(顾客) went to the shop before the woman? A. 90. B. 99. C. 100. 7. What was Tom doing? A. Sleeping in bed. B. Playing in class. C. Sleeping in class. 8. How is Mr. Johnson? A. Hard-working. B. Kind. C. Generous.

9. What do you know about Mary? A. She likes wearing white. B. She has some pets. C. She is a cat. 10. What will the weather be like? A. Sunny. B. Rainy. C. Cloudy. 二)听对话和短文,回答问题,听两遍。 听一段对话,回答11-12题。 11. Why didn’t Frank go to cinema? A. He decorated his flat. B. His family moved house. C. He was busy with homework. 12. How many bedrooms were there in his old flat? A. Only one. B. Two. C. Three. 13. A. 16 B. 17 C. 18 14. A. police station B. car factory C. train company 15. A. grandparents B. teachers C. parents 听第二篇短文,回答16-20题。 16. How did the girl get the money for the trip? A. Her parents gave it to her. B. She did a part-time job. C. Her school paid for the trip. 17. How long did she work in the school library? A. Six hours a day. B. Eight hours a week. C. Ten hours a week. 18. What place was included in the travel plan? A. The White House. B. The London Bridge. C. The Eiffel Tower. 19. How did they travel around the city in the evening? A. By car. B. On foot. C. By bus. 20. What did she buy? A. Some postcards. B. A special bag. C. Many photos. 三)短文填空。听一篇短文,在空白处写出你所听到的单词。短文听两遍,每空只写一个单词。 In Sammy’s Italian restaurant, the head cook, Sammy, does not just make the food. He also chooses (21) ___▲___ which food he buys. He wants the (22) ___▲___ quality (23) ___▲___ that people eating in the restaurant get the best meal. (24) ___▲___ he is making a meat dish, he will be very careful about what beef or pork (25) ___▲___ (26) ___▲___. He will often know which farmer it came (27) ___▲___.

秘密★启用前 2020学年初中毕业生学业考试 英语 本试卷共四大题,12页,满分110分。考试时间120分钟。 注意事项 1、答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的考生号、姓名、试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应这两个号码的标号涂黑。 2.选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案不能答在试卷上。 3.非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答题卡各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案无效。 4.考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 一、语法选择(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从1~15各题所给的A、B、C和D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The first astronauts Since the earliest times, people have looked up at the stars, the moon and the planets. Today people use modern machines 1 at the sky. This is very different from the situation 2 years ago when people could only use their eyes. Perhaps they dreamed of 3 the universe. When did humans first go into space? The story began not so very long ago, 4 the first astronauts were not people-they were animals. Scientists wanted to make travelling to space as 5 as possible for humans. So they decided to experiment with animals and test 6 in spaceflights. Insects, mice, frogs, dogs and monkeys were some of the animals 7 first went into space. Many of them 8 , but they helped to make space travel safer for humans. For their great service, we 9 forget these animals. Albert Ⅱwas the first monkey to go into space in 1949. Sadly he died 10 his spaceship landed back on Earth. 11 the result was different for Ham the Monkey. His story ended happily when he return to earth 12 very good health. Scientists wanted to know the answer to the important question: could 13 animal like Ham do the same things in space as he could do on Earth? The answer came when Ham 14 into space in 1961. Yes, he did everything well and lived for 15 16 years

人教版九年级英语期末考试题(含答案) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共15分) ( )1. It’s time since we met last . A. one and half month’s B. one and a half months C. one and half months’ D. one and a half months’ ( )2. of four buses will take you to the station . We can take of them . A. Any ; every B. None ; any C. All ; any D. Neither ; none ( )3. Two weeks is not enough for me to finish the work . I need week . A. the other B. a third C. the third D. other ( )4. A young man glasses came the office . He had an old bag his arm . A. without ; in ; in B. with ; into ; under C. in ; out of ; under D. with ; in ; on ( )5.Not only I but also Tom and Jack _____ interested in English because it _____ useful. A. is, is B. is, are C. are, is D. are, are ( )6. I found the baby as soon as he had heard his mother . A. angrily B. happily C. sadly D. pleased ( )7. The young man was hit by a truck . he was not hurt . A. Lucky ; bad B. Luckily ; terrible C. Luckily ; badly D. Lucky ; badly ( )8. As we all know ,Columbus America and Edison light bulbs. A. discovered ; invented B. invented ; discovered C. discovered ; discovered D. invented ; invented ( )9. Jack,please help me the picture on the wall. A. put off B. put up C. put into D. put on ( )10. —I have bought a new watch . —Where and when you it ? A. did ; buy B. do ; buy C. have ; bought D. will ; buy ( )11. Computers in everyday life in this country before long .

Unit 6 When was it invented? 一、单词默写。 1.样式,款式n.__________________ 2. 项目,工程n.__________________ 3.高兴,愉快n. __________________ 4. 每日的,日常的adj. _____________ 5.提到,说到v. ___________________ 6.列表,清单v./n.__________________ 7. 几乎,差不多adv._______________ 8. 煮沸,烧开v. _________________ 9.保持不变,剩余v._______________ 10. 气味n. 闻起来v.______________ 11. 国家的,民族的adj.____________ 12. 贸易,交易v./n.______________ 13.疑惑,疑问n./v. ________________ 14. 冰箱n.__________________ 15. 低的,矮的adj._________________ 16. 某人,重要人物pron./n. __________ 17.翻译v._______________________ 18. 锁上,锁住v._________________ 19. 地震n._____________________ 20.突然地adj.____________________ 21.钟,铃n.____________________ 22.音乐的,有音乐天赋的adj.___________ 23. 器械,工具n._______________ 24.加拿大人的,加拿大人adj./n._________ 25.分开,分散v.________________ 26. 篮,筐n.__________________ 27.英雄,男主角n._______________ 二、短语默写。 1.这是我的荣幸(thank you的回答)_________________ 很乐意________________ 2.如此伟大的发明________________ 3.在日常生活中___________________ 4.有道理____________________ 5.它提到…_______________________ 6.被广泛使用____________________ 7.在那时_______________________ 8.变得受欢迎____________________ 9. 据说_________________________ 10.偶然的__________________ 11.人们相信_____________________ 12. 第一个做某事的人______________ 13. 掉入_______________________ 14.一种很好的味道____________________ 闻起来很好__________________ 15.最…之一____________________ 16.被用来做…______________________ 17. 直到…才…_________________18.发生(无被动)____________________ 19. 毫无疑问_____________________20.少于/多于______________________ 21. 5000年前_____________________ 22. 成千上万________________________

江苏海门海南中学2011-2012学年度初三上学期英语模拟试题 本试卷分第1卷(选择题)和第2卷(非选择题)两部分,满分为120分. 命卷人:施庆 第一卷(60分) 一、单项选择(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分),从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. This is _______ empty bottle. But it is _______useful one. A. a; a B. an; a C. an; the D. a; an ( ) 2. It will be bad for your health to eat _______ food and take _______exercise. A. fewer; more B. more; fewer C. less; more D. more; less ( ) 3. Here are some flowers ________ you _______ our best wishes. A. to; for B. of; to C. for; with D. from; to ( ) 4. —Look! That man looks like Mr Green. —It can’t be him. He _________ to America A. went B. will go C. has gone D. is going ( ) 5. The red suitcase is expensive _________ it’s made of leat her. A. because B. though C. when D. if ( ) 6. Mr Green asked his students to __________ the new words in the dictionary. A. look at B. look up C. look for D. look after ( ) 7. Sandy used to eat fast food. But now she _______ eats them. So she is becoming much healthier. A. usually B. often C. seldom D. always ( ) 8. —How much did all these stationery _________ you? —About 80 yuan. A. cost B. spend C. pay D. take ( ) 9. The person under 16 years old shouldn’t _____________ to go to the Internet bar. A. allow B. be allowed C. stop D. be stopped ( )10. No one can be sure __________ in a million years. A. what man looks like B. what will man look like C. what does man look like D. what man will look like ( )11. My daughter wants a rabbit for long, but I have no time to buy ________ for her. A. it B. one C. the one D. that ( )12. When you see the traffic light is red, you ________ cross the street. It’s dangerous. A. don’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. wouldn’t ( )13. Wow! There are so many books. I really can’t decide ________. A. which to buy B. to buy which C. what to buy D. to buy what ( )14. It’s ra ining hard. We have to stay at home __________ going fishing. A. in front of B. because of C. in need of D. instead of ( )15. —Did you have a good weekend? —_________. I enjoyed myself with my family on the beach. A. I’m afraid not B. I’m not sure C. Of course D. I hope so 二、完形填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分),请阅读下面的短文,选择最佳答案。

英语 (满分:120分时间:100分钟) 一、听力理解(略) 二、单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 21.Mr Smith is old man and he usually walks his dog after supper.? A.a;the B.an;a C.an;不填 D.the;不填 22.—Is this photo taken in Tibet? —Yes.You can see beautiful snow mountains in the of the photo.? A.form B.background C.shape D.introduction 23.Whenever Mary reads an interesting story,she can??t keep it to and wants to share it with her friends.? A.she B.her C.hers D.herself 24.I heard a new song on the radio.I high and low in the music store,but I can??t find the song.? A.search B.have searched C.am searching D.will search 25.—What a clear blue sky it is! —Yes.I have never seen sky.? A.a more beautiful B.a most beautiful C.the more beautiful D.the most beautiful 26.—What??s the matter with Tom?He has been absent for two days. —Oh!He be ill.Let??s go and ask Ms Brown.? A.can B.need C.may D.would 27.Soccer is a wonderful game for children.It great exercise,such as running and kicking.? A.provides B.remains C.practises D.receives 28.Wild animals are our friends.We shouldn??t kill them food or clothing.? A.in B.with C.about D.for 29.Jane is very busy these days,for she has a lot of problems to.? A.deal with B.keep up with C.agree with https://www.360docs.net/doc/e717946789.html,e up with 30.we keep our hearts open,we can experience the happiness friendship brings us.? A.Since B.If C.Unless D.Though 31.—Did you watch the football match on TV last night? —I wanted to,but my mother her favourite TV programme.? A.watches B.watched C.was watching D.had watched 32.Now it??s much easier to shop online.When your order is ready,the things you want to buy to you soon.? A.send B.were sent C.are sending D.will be sent 33.—Why don??t you like fishing? —Fishing is a hobby needs much patience,but I??m not patient at all.? A.who B.that C.it D.what 34.kind and helpful to the people around us,and we will make the world a nicer place to live in.?

2018年秋期九(1)班英语期末考试总结及反思 一、试卷评析 考卷总体来说,相对容易,有对基础知识考核的环节,也有考查学生运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力,试卷紧扣教材,突出重点,更侧重于对双基能力的考查。 (1)选择填空考查得比较细,大部分很基础。主要考查学生对课本知识的掌握情况,知识覆盖面较广,较细,重点、难点突出。但也有个别题目相对较难。 (2)完形填空与阅读理解题量较大,取材都比较好,贴近现实,对学生很有教育,通过做这个题,读其内容,学生会意识到学习不仅仅在学校而校外的学习也很重要。 (3)书面表达与课本内容有着极大的相似之处,是对教材的深加工,做到了学以致用。虽然比较贴近学生生活,但由于大部分同学基础很薄弱,所以效果不甚理想。 二、学生情况分析 本次考试,从分数上看,学生两极分化相当严重。从这次考试也看出一些问题,学生基础知识太薄弱,掌握不太牢,每个大题丢分都有。基础知识和基本技能不扎实,学生对一些基本词汇、语法、句型的掌握不够熟练。所以非选择题空白的较多,造成及格人数太少。 三、失分情况和原因 1.听力题:失分较多的是第三节。在这个题当中可以反映出学生听完材料之后,无法填出相应的关键词,而且学生的理解能力差。 2.短文填空:本题所给的语篇较长,难度较大,因此失分较多。 3.学生在阅读这块失分较多。第一,学生阅读习惯需要进一步培养,很多学生只是对照题目单纯找答案,而不是认真反复地看文章,缺乏耐心。第二,部分学生只能理解文章的表面意思,不能透过现象理解出作者的言外之意。

4.词语运用:根据句意填单词(每空一词),使句子完整、语法正确这题失分也比较多,可见学生在不同语境中灵活运用单词的能力欠缺。 5.书面表达:在整个卷子当中失分较多的是书面表达,要写好这个作文要一定的单词量和语法知识 四.问题分析 1. 平时我对学生不够严厉,如果学生不能够回答出我在上课反复强调的知识,我一般只是提醒,并无惩罚措施。学生在课堂上有时候开小差,一般也只是点名批评,对屡次犯错误的学生,没有严加管教。 2. 应该每天听写单词和词组,可单词和词组是学生最头痛的事,学生们都说他们记不住,部分学生对英语学习失去兴趣,学生两极分化的明显出现很大程度上是没过好词汇关,这些学生记单词只会死记硬背,但不会读,这样是学不好英语的。因此,一定要注重课堂词汇教学,让学生掌握一定的学习单词的方法,按读音规则认读、记忆单词而不是死记硬背,当学生感悟到记单词不再困难时,他们的英语学习也就迈出了很可喜的坚实的基础一步,他们对英语学习才会真正感兴趣。 3. 这次考试学生听力丢分较多,在今后的教学中要有意识地加强学生听读能力的训练与培养,重点训练学生的阅读和听的习惯的培养。课外还要多选用一些内容健康,时代感强、知识性、趣味性并存的短文来让学生阅读,通过大量阅读来培养学生的语感以及通过上下文捕捉信息的能力,从而提高阅读,理解,分析,判断的能力。 4. 实行分层次教学,降低对差生的要求,比如让成绩好些的学生背课文时,其他学生能读熟就可以了,检查单词和词组时,要求差生写对一半就算优秀,这样他下次会背单词背的更好!这样才能让每个学生有成就感,逐步提高学习英语的兴趣 5.做好补差工作,缩小两极分化,从测试情况看,英语学习已明显出现两极分化现象。由于知识点的深化,学生的个体差异以及多种内外在因素,学生学习上的两极分化是客观存在的,但我们一定要通过我、家长、包括学生本人的不懈努力,力争减少差生,使他们在英语学习上不断进步,这就需要我真正的去爱

灵璧县杨疃中学九年级英语摸底考试试卷 Ⅰ..单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 1. --What is Miss Gao's favorite________? --She is always in pink. Don't you know? A. colour B. book C. song D. movie 2. You __ drive your car so fast. It's very dangerous. A. wouldn't B. shouldn't C. couldn't D. mightn't 3. -- Would you like some milk? --________. A. Yes, please B. The same to you C. Help yourself D. My pleasure 4. -- ________ can you finish this English examination? -- In about one and a half hours. A. How far B. How often C. How soon D. How long 5. Smile to the world, ________ the world will smile back to you. A. nor B. but C. or D. and 6. -- I can't find David. Where is he? -- He ________ for tomorrow's competition at home. A. prepares B. is preparing C. has prepared D. prepared 7. Mrs. King put a coat ________ the sleeping girl to keep her warm. A. over B. with C. behind D. beside 8. --I am a little hungry, Mom. --There are some cakes on the plate. You can take ________. A. it B. one C. that D. this 9. I will meet Jane at the station. Please ________ what time she will arrive. A. count B. choose C. check D. catch 10. -- Tony, ________ are you in such a hurry? -- The meeting will start soon. I don't want to be late. A. where B.how C. when D. why 11. -- What was Jim wearing at the party? -- Nothing ________. He was in his usual shirt and jeans. A. special B. simple C. important D. interesting 12. -- It will be my turn. I feel a little nervous. --________ You can make it! A. Congratulations! B. Take it easy. C. kook out! D. Have a good time. 13. It is helpful to ________ a good habit of reading in language learning. A. take B. show C. develop D. match 14. The rivers will become dirtier and dirtier ______ we take action to protect them. A. since B. if C. until D. unless 15. -- Our school bus will leave at 8 o'clock tomorrow. Don't be late. -- OK. I will be there ten minutes________. A. sooner B. slower C. faster D. earlier 16. Thanks to the Internet, different kinds of information ________ in a short time. A. can be learned B. has been learned C. can learn D. has learned 17. I'm surprised to hear from her. ________, we last met ten years ago. A. On one hand B. That is to say C. Believe it or not D. In other words 18. The people in Ya'an have met lots of difficulties, but they haven't ________ hope. A. picked up B. given up C. looked for D. waited for 19. I still remember the college and the teachers ________ I visited in London years ago. A. what B. who C. that D. which 20. --TV says there will be a storm tomorrow. -- ________I planned to go climbing with my classmates. A. I hope so B. I'm afraid so C. Sounds good D. Bad luck Ⅱ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) A Mr. and Mrs. Green were very worried about their son, Leo. He seemed to be dumb (哑的) 21 he was normal in every other way. Mr. and Mrs. Green tried everything to get him to 22 , but with no success. When Leo was six years old, the best doctors in the town 23 him carefully, but could find nothing wrong. And he seemed to be smart. It was just that he 24 spoke. "There might be something wrong with his 25 , and he doesn't know he's able to speak," one doctor said. "But he can read and write," said Mr. Green. "We've written him notes, telling him that he can speak." "It's certainly very 26 ," another doctor said. "Perhaps he'll be able to speak some day." 27 passed. Leo went to university. But he did not speak a 28 word. Then one day, Leo was having a meal with his parents. Without any warning, he looked up from his 29 and said, "Pass me the salt, please." Mr. and Mrs. Green were excited. "You spoke! You spoke!" they cried, "Why have you 30 so long to speak?" "I didn't have anything to say," he said. "Until now everything was perfect. But you forgot to put salt in these potatoes." 21. A. because B. when C. though D. before 22. A. speak B. walk C. play D. laugh 23. A. taught B. found C. examined D. asked 24. A. never B. often C. usually D. always 25. A. back B. hair C. face D. mind 26. A. unfair B. strange C. noisy D. quiet
