




































































1 为老年人提供更好的生活. 空巢老人,社会老龄化

now we have a growing population of senior citizens. to ensure happy lives for them has become a focus of attention. our traditional respect of the aged needs updating. they deserve respect, understanding, companion, entertainment and so on.

there are many things to be done to honor the senior citizens. seniors should enjoy some privileges, such as a special seat on buses, reduced fares for entertainment and traveling, and other benefits. we should do everything to solve their practical problems, to warm their hearts, and to make them happy. for example, the children should visit them from time to time and talk to them and understand what they are needed most. in addition, we should find some ways to provide affordable medical health care, which is of vital importance to them. most important of all, the state should ensure a decent pension for them, which enables them to live relatively comfortable. more nursery homes are supposed to be built and improved, which can relieve the burden of young people who are under great economic and psychological pressure.

seniors need our love and deserves the best care in this society, because they have sacrificed for us and the whole community. if we honor our parents and the aged, our children will follow suit. 2 如何解决交通拥堵问题,私有轿车激增带来诸多的问题该怎么解决

nowadays, dense traffic has become the source of greatest complaints in many major cities. it seems common for people to be caught in the traffic congestion, especially at rush hours. therefore, how to solve the problem has become a widespread concern among the public.

as a matter of fact, there are various approaches which contribute to solving this tough problem. from my part, the following ones might be more feasible. to begin with, the public should be educated to raise their consciousness to take the public transportation instead of driving private autos. doing so will alleviate their pressure greatly. another solution is to strengthen the construction of infrastructure, for example, more subways and roads will be built and a variety of bus routes should be opened. in this way, it can make the traffic less crowded and speed up the flow of vehicles. finally, id

necessary, the enforcement of flexible working hours might greatly ease the pressure of the traffic at the rush hours, because people can adjust their schedule according their needs and make their lives more comfortable.

whatever measures to be taken, the resolution of this problem calls for adequate attention and considerable efforts. as far as i am concerned, this problem is bound to be solved in near future. 3雾霾问题

nowadays the problem of fog and haze is haunting chinese people all over the country, whose lives have been terribly disturbed and their health has been threatened by the dirty air. some people even get affected with lung cancer. therefore, how to eliminate the fog and haze has become one of the greatest concerns of the government and the public.

as far as i am concerned, several solutions are available at present. first of all, people should be aware of the serious consequence of the haze and fog, strengthen their consciousness of environmental conservation. in addition, tougher policies and strict regulations should be laid down by the government to punish the violators. the government also need to develop various mans of transportation so that citizens can be diverted from dependence on cars. the last but not

the least, new advanced technologies should be adopted to develop new forms of energy as substitute for fossil fuels to alleviate the emission of pollutants.

the solutions mentioned above are very feasible and effective, but to solve the problem calls for joint efforts by the government and the public. with adequate attention and effective measures, this tough problem is very likely to be solved in near future.

4 网络教育,网络学习

as is illustrated in the charts above, over the past eight years, hours for use of library on campus has declined dramatically

to less than 15 hours, while hours spent by college students on internet jumps to 20 hours in 2012 from less than ten hours in 2010. it is obvious that studying online has become a trend. as far as i am concerned, compared with traditional study in library, on-line study has its own advantages. to begin with, it saves college students save a great deal of time and improve

efficiency of their study. students used to go to library and spent hours finding the right source, but now they just need to type into the key words and click the mouse to search for the information they need. in addition, internet enables the college students to be exposed to the latest source of information, which could broaden their horizon and eich their knowledge without leaving their dorms. finally, on-line study provides them a great opportunity to exchange thoughts and ideas with their classmates, teachers and professionals on line who can assist them in solving their problems at once.

all in all, the rising trend is bound to continue in near future and should be promoted, since it not only facilitates the study but enhances the overall quality of the college students.

5 出境游人数剧增

as is shown in the charts above, it is evident that people’s style of spending holidays has changed greatly over the past four years. the proportion of people staying at home and domestic traveling has declined, while that of people traveling abroad has been on a dramatic rise from 15% in 2009 to 25% in 2012.

what accounts for the rising trend? personally speaking, three factors contribute to the phenomenon. first of all, the change is closely connected with the booming economy. with the income steadily rising, people have extra money to afford the traveling expenses like flight tickets and accommodation. secondly, an increasing number of people have been aware of the importance of getting well-informed about the outside world and foreign culture. thirdly, the change is promoted by the better policies issued by the government like lengthening paid holidays and simplifying the procedures of going abroad.

from the analysis above, the rising trend is bound to continue in near future. as far as i am concerned, it is a positive trend and should be encouraged, since it not only boosts the overseas tourism but enhances quality of life.


柱形图看的是trend,表格table 看的是最大值和最小值,要有针对性和切入点,切勿乱写一气。10年和12年的作文有参考作用,一定要看。

6 2012年作文要求大家记忆,有可能出同类作文

as is shown in the table, the satisfaction degree to the jobs varies greatly among different age groups. it is evident that the staff aged between 41 and 50 are more dissatisfied with their work, compared with the staff below 40 and above 50.

as far as i am concerned, at least three driving factors contribute to the phenomenon above. firstly,

middle-aged staff are confronted with greater pressure from family, job and life, so they cherish uealistic expectation concerning what they can get from their job, which is far beyond their actual performance. secondly, they have accumulated extensive knowledge and abundant working experience, but there is little chance for them to get a promotion or a pay rise. thirdly, those staff have paid more attention to their health and the life quality, while corporate life deprives them of their opportunity to enjoy their life.

from what has been discussed above, dissatisfaction among middle aged staff has influenced their performance, so it is necessary to take effective measures and create more incentives to eliminate the negative effects and retain those excellent middle-aged staff.

7 2010年作文

the chart above shows a striking contrast of mobile-phone subscription between developed countries and developing countries. it is evident that the number of cell phone users remains stable in developed countries, while the subscription in developing countries has been on a dramatic rise over the past nine years from less than one million to four million in 2008.

a couple of factors contribute to the surge in developing world. first of all, thanks to the booming economy, people can earn much more money than before. with the income steadily rising, people have enough extra money to buy a mobile phone. secondly, advanced technology makes it possible to reduce

the cost of making a mobile phone, which transformed the mobile phones from a luxury into a fashion accessory. thirdly, the operators of telecommunication cut down the rate significantly. it is because of this that people could use mobile-phone to do many things like communication, doing business and even surfing on line.

all in all, the rising trend is bound to continue in near future and mobile phones have had and will continue to have a far-reaching impact on both the individuals and society.


the past few years witnessed the increasing popularity of microblog among men and women, young and old. it has played an indispensable role in our daily life, which broadens our horizons and eiches our knowledge. however, its negative aspects can not be ignored.

it is of no difficulty to put forward some arguments to support my point of view. to begin with, an increasing number of people, especially the young, are addicted to browsing updating their microblog, thus ignoring what they should have concentrated on and influencing their work and job. to make things worse, over-dependence on microblog to communicate with each other and exchange thoughts and ideas will give rise to the lack of face-to-face communication, which leads to isolation among people. worst of all, some criminals or some bad guys will make use of the information leaked from the microblog, which will plunge you into some unexpected trouble. the media often reports these kinds of news from time to time.

as is known to all, microblog itself is neither good nor bad. its effects depend, to a large extent, on our attitude and how it is used. effective measures must be taken to eliminate the negative aspects of microblog and make it serve us。

9 网络购物图表作文 as is illustrated in the picture, an increasing number of people are becoming addicted to shopping on line, especially the young people. with popularity of e-commerce, shopping online becomes a new way of shopping which is getting more and more popular. many citizens are likely to shop through internet nowadays rather than go to the physical shops.

as far as i am concerned, at least three reasons contribute to the surging number of on-line shoppers. first of all, on-line shopping saves people a lot of energy and money to go from one shop to another to choose the commodities that they need whenever and wherever. what they need to do is to click the mouse and order the items, which can be delivered to your house promptly. secondly, the price of commodities on line is

much lower than that in shopping mall, because there is little cost in opening an online shop and avoids the unnecessary cost of distribution. thirdly, the concept of low-carbon economy promotes the economy of e-commerce. people purchase what they need without taking any transportation, which produces little carbon dioxide. all in all, the rising trend is bound to continue in near future and should be encouraged, since it not only boost the national economy, but enhance people’s living standards.

10 关于假日,假日的意义

what do holidays mean to you? exciting trips? enjoyable shopping experiences? happy get-togethers? yes. that’s what holidays mean to almost all average people. but for the society, holidays may carry more economic meanings. after each wee-long days, there will be reports about the considerable profits from tourist industry and other service sectors like airlines, railway service, catering service and so on. indeed, the commercial use of holiday benefits the nation’s economy and improves people’s living standards.

exchanging gifts and visits helps people stay in touch with each other and express their feelings.

to conclude, commercialism at holidays is advantageous for both the individuals and the nation. it gives people a chance

for relaxation and improved quality of life and gives nation a chance to boost the economy.

小作文部分是性价比很高的一道题,所以把每种信件的要点写出来就能得分。一定要开门见山,文章开头句,i am writing to ……





申请函要明确申请职位或者学校,并且给出自己的qualification, 并希望能够得到interview的机会


dear hey,

i am sorry to tell you that i am unable to return the book that you were kind enough to lend me last month.

i finished reading the book last week and intended to return it to you today as i had promised to do. unfortunately, i can not

find it yesterday. i am still searching for the book, and i know that my delay in returning it to you will certainly have caused you some inconvenience.

again, i apologize for not returning the book, and i will try to get a new one for you if i can

not find it within a week.

yours sincerely,

zhang wei


dear jenny,

i am very sorry to inform you that i can not go to john’s birthday party with you on friday. my mother called me today

to say she is coming over this friday. i have to pick her up at the airport. you know, she has never been here before. i must apologize for this change. i will try to makeit up some other night. which date will be suitable for you?

i am sorry for the inconvenience caused by my change. enjoy yourself at the birthday party and give my best wishes to john. yours sincerely,

li ming

2 辞职信告知对方辞职,并请求写证明材料

dear mr. smith,

i am writing to inform you that i am going to resign my position at company. i assure you that it is not an easy decision for me.

i have been working in this company for three years and i did enjoy working with all the colleagues here. during three years, i have accumulated a lot of experiences and was given some good opportunities. thank you for your support and trust.

but i have to leave now, because my family moved to shanghai and i want to be with them. now i have got an offer from a company in shanghai. would you please provide me with a reference, which is of great importance to me?

thank you for your kindness.

yours sincerely,

li ming

3 询问信,请求信询问对方是否能提供帮助

dear professor chen,

i am a senior in the computer science department of wuhan university. i am writing my graduation thesis and in urgent

need of some reference materials, so i am writing to you for help.the material on application of computer among university students in peking university is what i need most. in addition, the relevant statistics and reports should cover the past two decades. moreover, i would like to highlight the importance of material to me. i have failed relevant up-to-date materials in wuhan.

your help would be much appreciated and i am looking forward to your reply.

sincerely yours,


蒋军虎英文写作讲义 蒋军虎英文写作讲义 (1) 一、英文考试做题顺序 (3) 二、英文小作文通用要求和注意事项 (3) 三、小作文种类 (3) 1,作文通用要求 3 2,十种书信 3 2.1 书信通用要求 :标准格式, 142 阵形3 2.2 求职信、申请信application letter/cover letter & Applying letter 4 2.3 推荐信 recommendation letter5 2.4 辞职信 resignation letter 5 2.5 建议信 suggestion letter/advice letter6 2.6 感谢信 thanks letter[2010年真题,今年不太可能再考]7 2.7 祝贺信 congratulation letter7 2.8 道歉信 apology letter8 2.9 投诉信 complaint letter8 2.10 邀请信 invitation letter8 2.11 介绍信 introduction letter9 2.12 请求信 introduction letter9 3,通知notice10 3.1 通知notice10 3.2 备忘录Memo10 3.3 报告 report10 4,摘要写作要点11 5,小作文考试重点11 三、大作文模板 (12) 1,文字情景作文12 1.1 记忆要点12 1.2 作文模板 [不要写作文题,没有明确就不要写]12 1 / 15

2,图表情景作文 (13) 2.1 Outline (13) 2.2 template (13) 3,图画情景作文 (14) 3.1 Outline (14) 3.2 template (14) 太奇教育宁波分校 2 / 15


2019考研英语二小作文话题预测及范文指导【六篇】 一、信函写作:称呼、正文、落款 1、审题—-判断是个人书信&事务公函 决定: 语域使用:正式:使用礼貌表达,不用缩略语(对公) 半正式:能够使用缩略和口语表达(对私) 非正式:(一般不考)——It depends 呼语:特定的写信对象:Dear XX 不明确收信人:Dear Sir/Madam, or To Whom It May Concern 2、正文 三段(8句):写作目的段、细化段、感谢或者期待。 3、各种信函内容安排 A.基本结构 Dear…, 发出邀请; 为何邀请细节; 期望参加。 Yours sincerely, Li Ming B.常用句型

We are having a farewell party/a gather together/meeting/senar in (place) on (date) at (time). Would you like to come? (不太正式) It is my honor to inform you that there is an academic meeting in (place) on (date) at (time). We would be too glad to invite you as… (正式) I very much hope that you will accept the invitation. And I am looking forward to hearing back from you. C.下面以一封邀请看电影的短信为例: Dear Jane, We have four tickets for a famous film shown at Guangming Cinema, The Longest Day, Friday, the ninth. Will you join us? We’ll be looking for you at eight sharp Friday night in front of the cinema, so don’t disappoint us! Warmest regards. Alice 【必备表达】 1、邀请目的 On behalf of…, I have the honor to invite you to… It is with the great pleasure that I write to cordially invite you to… It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to… We should be very grateful if you could… 2、活动安排



2015年考研英语二写作模板汇总2015年考研英语二写作模板:正面现象歌颂型(1) As is shown in the picture(graph\cartoon\table),it goes without saying that the drawing aims at revealing a common problem(in China):______.It has attracted extensive attention of the society.Nowadays,increasingly more argumentations about it can be found in TV programs,newspapers,university classes and many aspects of our everyday life.Its status as the focus of public concern mainly results from its profound influence on individuals,collective and even the whole world. First of all,______________is crucial for every individual.With its seemingly magic power,it can not only accelerate better individuals’development,but serve as an efficient instrument for individuals to change

2017考研英语二万能大作文模板 三

2017年考研英语万能作文模板 考研作文三大高分句型:短句拉长,插入语,并列结构。 红色为填入模板的词,黄色为临时加的句子,可以不加,加上效果更好。 第一段 Here demonstrates a chart with regard to the?diverse {细化的产品}quantity of{总的产品}(of后的可加可不加) {细化的产品}proportion of{总的产品}(of后的可加可不加) range from {年份}to{年份}。 {几种}distinct peoples,{详细1},{详细2},{详细3}respectively。 in{某个假日或某次活动某次事情}。 As is shown in the thought-provoking chart above,the change/ proportion of{一种产品或现象} was obvious,which had picked?up significantly from {多少份额/数量}in{年份} to {多少份额/数 量}in{年份}。 occupied roughly {多少份额} of the whole{产品或现象}。 In comparison,the{另一种产品或现象} declined/increase?only from?{多少份额}?to?{多少份额}。 occupied only {多少份额或数量} involved。 During?this?period,what’s?more,the?{另另一种产品或现象} remained stable。

第二段 Why does this phenomenon revealed in the chart above?(疑问句加分点)There are numerous reasons accounting for it and I would like to explore a few of the most extraordinary ones here。Above all,I am strongly convinced that since technology and science progressing quickly in the past three decades(短句拉长加分点),some people give plenty of priority to material possessions and personal interests,therefore,a growing/increasing number of people prefer to do{原因一}。In addition,this is partly due to the fact that{原因二}。 第三段 In line with my personal thinking,there is one major equation are two major equations ought to be taken into account seriously(并列结构加分点)。On one hand,the general people ought to do{建议} reasonably。What is more,the relevant department ought to increase the benefit for people。Only if this measure these measures are/is adopted effectively can we live a better life。


考研英语二作文模板 问题解决型 As is shown in the picture(graphcartoon able),it goes without saying that the drawing aims at revealing a common problem(in China):______.Its status as the focus of public concern mainly results from its profound influence on individuals,collective and even the whole world.Each of us should attach high emphasis on solving it. As a matter of fact,the symbolic meaning the picture conveys is deep and profound.Naturally and necessarily,there are two major ways coping with this problem.The first way to tackle it is to appeal to authorities to take measures.Once achieving the success of solving the problem,the whole society also thrives/makes progress.Solving the problem can accelerate better individuals’development.The other way that is worth adopting is to work out new laws.Where there are better laws,there are more hopes,vitality and development.These advisable laws eventually brings economic prosperity and social harmony.Finally,I can safely come to the conclusion that it is high time we enhanced the awareness of people that is every vital to us.Only by these means can we succeed in solving the problem in the near future.(1 Therefore,measures should be taken to terminate the ridiculous affair.First and foremost,governments should establish some regulations to prohibit enterprises and people from making such misdeeds.What’s more,people should get ready to pass criticism upon such misdeeds anytime and anywhere.After all,it is necessary to develop our society by performing hard work instead of talking nonsense. 2 In my opinion,it is imperative that we should take some drastic actions.On the one hand,we should appeal to our authorities to enact concrete laws to control commercial fishing.On the other hand,we should enhance people's awareness that ocean resources are vital to us and the ecological balance will be guaranteed with the strategy of sustainable development.Only by doing so can we effectively protect our natural resources.Also I am convinced that we humans can overcome this difficulty and we will have a bright future.) To conclude,we should not yield to mediocrity regardless of seemingly insurmountable obstacles.So the prospect we are looking forward to will be bright and encouraging. 正面现象歌颂型(1) As is shown in the picture(graphcartoon able),it goes without saying that the drawing aims at revealing a common problem(in China):______.It has attracted extensive attention of the society.Nowadays,increasingly more argumentations about it can be found in TV programs,newspapers,university classes and many aspects of our everyday life.Its status as the focus of public concern mainly results from its profound influence on individuals,collective and even the whole world. First of all,______________is crucial for every individual.With its seemingly magic power,it can not only accelerate better individuals’development,but serve as an efficient


2018 年考研英语(二)大作文万能高分模板(图表类) 第一部分,模板与说明 图表类作文分为两大类: 1.动态类,即描述事物变化趋势,比如2010、2011、2014、2017年真题。 2.静态类,即描述某一事物各部分比例,比如2012、2013、2015、2016年真题。 无论2018大作文考研出什么情况和话题,都是用这个模板套用,大家背诵熟练,拿每一年的真题练手试验即可。具体方法,参见第二部分真题实战演练。 二者区别: 1.动态类描述一种或多种事物在不同时间点的状态或性质。(图标中通常出现有关时间的信息) 2.静态类描述一种或多种事物在同一时间点的状态或性质。(图表中通常不出现有关时间的信息) 图表作文写作思路: 第一段:描述图表内容。 第二段:分析原因,解释现象。 第三段:预测趋势,建议措施。 说明,我们的模板在170字左右,再加上自己写的主题词和图表描述句,这样字数就更多了。建议大家根据自己的情况删减一些句子,把总的字数控制在160~180。 [模板#1(动态类图表)]: What is clearly presented in the above 图表类型 is that dramatic changes have taken place in 主题词1from年份1to年份2.During the period, there was a marked jump from数字1to数字2in 事物1,while that of 事物2 declined significantly/climbed slightly from 数字3 to 数字4(.若 有第三个事物,则再简单介绍第三个事物的情况) The 图表类型 informs us of the phenomenon that people in mounting numbers 图表所示的内容(and i believe there are several fundamental factors to account for the above-mentioned changes).Primarily ,with the rapid development of modern society which led by economy,快速发展的事物has turned out to be a trend that anyone cannot evade. Moreover ,with the quickening pace of modern life and the fierce competition of society,(1)(suffering from the reduplicated pressure from work and living,)(2)people's values have changed gradually ,more and more people chose to do something in order to do something. Finally,快速发展的事物 is closely related to the reforming policy of our country.


考研英语二作文万能模板(完整) 一、英文考试做题顺序3 二、英文小作文通用要求和注意事项3 三、小作文种类3 1,作文通用要求3 2,十种书信3 2.1 书信通用要求:标准格式,142 阵形3 2.2 求职信、申请信application letter/cover letter & Applying letter 4 2.3 推荐信recommendation letter 5 2.4 辞职信resignation letter 5 2.5 建议信suggestion letter/advice letter 6 2.6 感谢信thanks letter[2010 年真题,今年不太可能再考] 7 2.7 祝贺信congratulation letter 7 2.8 道歉信apology letter 8

2.9 投诉信complaint letter 8 2.10 邀请信invitation letter 8 2.11 介绍信introduction letter 9 2.12 请求信introduction letter 9 3,通知notice 10 3.1 通知notice 10 3.2 备忘录Memo 10 3.3 报告report 10 4,摘要写作要点11 5,小作文考试重点11 三、大作文模板12 1,文字情景作文12 1.1 记忆要点12 1.2 作文模板[不要写作文题,没有明确就不要写]

2,图表情景作文13 2.1 Outline 13 2.2 template 13 3,图画情景作文14 3.1 Outline 14 3.2 template 14 第一步,阅读第二步,写作,作文和大作文第三步,翻译第四步,完形填空。 顺序原因:一切围绕考分重点,即阅读和写作来投精力。完形填空作为时间的替补。 二、英文小作文通用要求和注意事项 1,格式规范:如作文标题,书信的开关及落款 2,书写整洁:阅卷规定,书写不清可以降低1 档(3 分左右) 3,虎头豹尾:作文的开头、结尾都要用事先准备好的范句,不可出错。前三句即决定成绩。 4,避免明错:作文要用保险的方法,不要出明显差错,如时态,单复数,虚拟语气等。备注:


2019考研英语大作文模板【三篇】 【篇一】 As is vividly/symbolically shown/described/depicted/illustrated/revealed/portrayed in the cartoons/drawings/portrayals/photos/photographs/pictures, with the rapid/speedy social and economic development, the number of fishes has sharply decreased. In one picture, there were various kinds of fish and only one fishing-boat in 1900. On the contrary, in 1995 there was only one fish, but many fishing-boats. The purpose of this picture/cartoonist is to show us that due attention has to be paid to the decline of ocean resources. Owing/Due to over-fishing, the number of fishes has obviously shrunk. If we let this situation go/continue as it is, we do not know where fish will be in the near/forthcoming future. By that time, our environment will suffer a great destruction. Therefore/Hence/Accordingly, it is imperative/necessary for us to take drastic/effective/some measures/steps/actions. For one thing, we should appeal to our governments/authorities to make/legislate/enact/issue strict laws and regulations to control/regulate commercial fishing. For another, we should enhance/cultivate/increase the awareness/sense of people that the ocean resources are significant/vital/essential/crucial to us. Only in this way/by doing so can we protect our ocean resources. Also, I assume/maintain/reckon that we humans can overcome/surmount


3、写作方法 从2010年开始,英语(二)大作文只有两点提纲,但最好写成三段,首段描述图表,首句应写总体描述:主题(春节假期花销比例)+对象(我国某市居民)。次句应写细节描述,分别描述占比最高的新年礼物和其次的交通、聚会吃饭与其他。第二段最好写成原因列举,首句可写主题句,承上启下进行过渡。其次具体说明二至三点原因,可写为何新年礼物花销最大或交通、聚会吃饭也占据一些比例。第三段可预测图表发展趋势、进行归纳结论或提出建议措施。 4、注意事项 值得注意的是,2015年考研英语(二)答题卡出现了重大变化,一张A3纸,正面左侧为客观选择题,含完形填空、阅读A节、阅读B节,右侧为翻译。反面左侧为小作文,约20行;右侧为大作文,约20行。大作文写150-230词左右即可,无需太多。 参考范文 大作文 一、不错范文,可供改造 The pie chart above presents the different proportion of residents’ consumption in a Chinese city during Spring Festival. To be specific, the percentage of consumption on New Year’s gifts, party, traffic and others is 40%, 20% , 20% and 20% respectively. Surprisingly, the pertinent number about gifts is 40%. Isolated as the figures seem to be, they are connected to one another closely. Undoubt edly, the purpose of the graph is to showcase the diversity of residents ’ consumption during holidays in China, especially over-consumption on gifts as a frequent way of interpersonal communication. What exactly contribute to this phenomenon? It’s a thought-provoking question. First and foremost, advertisements of mass media, such as radio, television and Internet, might be misleading. Plus,pertinent action taken by the government to put an end to this trend might be little and limit. Therefore, people, men and women, old and young, in mounting numbers are spending too much on holiday gift which floods everywhere. To sum up, there is an upward tendency for people these days to spend money on festival presents rather than other things, which I believe will not change in a short time. To reverse the trend is not a piece of cake, which requires a good awareness of consumption value and interpersonal communication. Only in this way can we have colorful festivals and relaxing times. (223 words)



1. 鉴于有许多后面报班的学员没有上过写作课,作文不知道如何下手,所以我还是给大家提供一些模板,但请大家务必一定灵活使用。自己已经整理出模板的同学尽量不要换模板了,免得考场遗忘。 为了大家方面背诵,建议顺序词(一二三)大家每次都用自己熟悉那个。 大家在背诵模板时一定要将作文的结构了然于心,哪一部分该写什么要清楚。今年大作文还是主要关注图表类作文。英语(一)近十多年一直考图画作文,英语(二)应该考图表作文。 2. 小作文今年主要关注以下四种书信:道歉信,询问信,求职信,申请信(继续深造)后面提供了范文。 3. 一点备考意见: 剩最后20天左右,请同学们不要急躁,急躁对考试毫无益处,只会浪费时间。强迫自己学习,做题,审查反省题目。下面就英语这块我给出几点备考意见以供参考: 1)请大家把这10套模拟题认真做完,每一篇作文都要亲自动手写,作文是写出来的。平时多练手,考试时才能有东西可写。模拟题对完答案后要仔细看一下自己是怎么错的。 2)回头把近三年的真题找出来重新做一遍,熟悉里面的每一个单词和短语,因为单词和短语重现频率很高。同时大家重点关注阅读理解错误选项是如何设置陷阱的,自己又是如何掉入陷阱的,避免重蹈覆辙。 3)即使在临考前最后一天大家也要看英语,甚至是找点题目来做,让自己保持预感,并处于做题状态。 4)大家在考试时翻译和写作一定要保持卷面干净整洁,并且每题要答在对应的位置,不可超出答题区,这样会扫描不上的。 5)下面给大家提供几个话题练练手:作文以不变应万变,好好练习即可。A.Credit Cards. You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below: 1. 越来越多的人使用信用卡。 2. 信用卡的优点及信用卡的弊端。 3.我的看法。 B.Should the University Campus Be Used as Public Lots? You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline (given


2019考研英语作文模板必背大作文二 The past several years have witnessed a phenomenon that a variety of promises have been arising from all walks of life. Regretfully, quite a lot of promises are sheer nonsense, just as the hen in the given cartoon commits herself to lay eggs which are round without any angles and corners and have shells, egg whites and yolks. Odd and funny as they sound, such false promises can be seen and heard everywhere in our country. Administration departments assure to perform their tasks effectively and fairly without taking any bribes; manufacturing units guarantee to turn out products of good quality; commercial enterprises swear to provide genuine commodities and polite and enthusiastic services. Can you find anything new and substantial other than their obligations, duties and jobs in these so called promises? I guess your answer will be negative. As a matter of fact, their intention to make such commitments is nothing but to put on civilized outer clothing to please or deceive the public. I dare say that our society is suffering corruption and cheat which are causing damage to society both materially and morally. But the hen and


第一段写法: S1:The bar/line/pie chart/table obviously reveals a comparison/trend/percentage/statistic about 指代物+地点+时间S2: 上升/下降——The number/percentage of A increased /decreased from +具体数据1 to +具体数据2, while that of B increased/decreased from +具体数据3 to +具体数据4. (如果有第三个对象)What is more, the number/percentage of C increased from +具体数据5 to +具体数据6. 表格——范围1, people who …account for+具体数据, while those who …occupy+具体数据. 范围2, +具体数据 of people…while +具体数据 of people …范围3, +具体数据 of people express that…compared to those who are …, which takes up … 饼状图——A has the largest proportion, accounting for +具体数据1, while B and C occupy +具体数据2 and +具体数据3 respectively. Besides, D takes up +具体数据4 at the same time. 第二段写法: 如果是写原因—— S1(主旨句):A multitude of reasons can account for the phenomenon. S2---S4(原因1,2,3)It can be partially attributed to the fact that +完整句子1 but also because +完整句子2. What is more, that +完整句子3 is also accountable for this issue.


2019考研英语作文必背范文:询问信 每一年的考研就是一场生死交战,因为很多学生为了考研备战已久,对于考研要知彼知己,预祝各位考生百战百胜, 写作三步走: 自我介绍、说明目的具体询问事宜表示感谢、期盼回复 Tips: 询问信的语气通常比较正式、和缓,要充分表达感激之情。同时,相比较语气直接的疑问句,用一些能够起到提问作用的陈述句更佳。 Directions:

You and your family are planning for a trip to Hong Kong during the May holiday. Write a letter to a travel agency to explain your travel plans, ask for relevant information, and express your gratitude for a reply. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Li Ming instead. Do not write the address. 范文: Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to ask for information about your agencys Hong Kong

travel pachages for the May holiday. My family and I plan to travel there from May 1st to 7th, in which period we would like to visit most of the scenic spots and shopping centers. A DIY program would be preferable. It would be greatly appreciated if you could provide us with yoru travel packages and their corresponding price per person, covering both hotel and a return ticket. I would be grateful to receive a prompt reply as the holiday is approaching. Yours cordially, Li Ming 译文: 尊敬的先生或女士:


大作文写作步骤: 1.看标题,找主语(数量,比例) 数量:number, amount(money, time) [可数] [不可数] 比例:percentage, proportion, share 2.看X-Y轴 3.找规律-反常 ①interpret解释(分析数据) ②comments评论 重要表达方式: 1.图表类型 graph图标, table表格, bar chart柱状图, pie chart饼状图 2.图标指向 The graph illustrates… 图表说明... The bar chart shows data for… 条形图显示的数据... It can be clearly seen from the pie chart that… 从饼图可以清楚地看到... 3.时间段 over the past 5 years 在过去5年 over this span of 28 years 在这28年的跨度 during the period from March to May 在3月至5月期间 throughout the period 整个期间 for the rest of the period 在剩余的时间 4.动词 percentage百分比, number数量 (amount) experience huge fall 经历巨大的衰落 巨大的:vast, massive, enormous, immense, tremendous something unexpected 意外 occurred… 发生… There be… 会有… Japan experienced a massive increase in car ownership in the 1930’s 日本在20世纪30年代经历了汽车拥有量的大幅增长 5.变化趋势 1)增加/上升/提高 rise gradually(rose)逐渐上升 climb rapidly(climbed)迅速爬升 go up significantly(went up)显着上升


. 蒋军虎英文写作讲义 蒋军虎英文写作讲义 (1) 一、英文考试做题顺序 (3) 二、英文小作文通用要求和注意事项 (3) 三、小作文种类 (3) 1,作文通用要求3 2,十种书信3 2.1 书信通用要求 :标准格式, 142阵形3 2.2 求职信、申请信application letter/cover letter & Applying letter4 2.3 推荐信 recommendation letter5 2.4 辞职信 resignation letter5 2.5 建议信 suggestion letter/advice letter6 2.6 感谢信 thanks letter[2010年真题,今年不太可能再考]7 2.7 祝贺信 congratulation letter7 2.8 道歉信 apology letter8 2.9 投诉信 complaint letter8 2.10 邀请信 invitation letter8 2.11 介绍信 introduction letter9 2.12 请求信 introduction letter9 3,通知notice10

3.1 通知notice10 3.2 备忘录Memo10 3.3 报告 report10 4,摘要写作要点11 5,小作文考试重点11 三、大作文模板 (12) 1,文字情景作文12 1.1 记忆要点12 ..

. 1.2 作文模板 [不要写作文题,没有明确就不要写]12 1/ 15


. 2,图表情景作文 2.1 Outline 2.2 template 3,图画情景作文 3.1 Outline 3.2 template 太奇教育宁波分校 ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ ......................... ................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ....................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... ...................................... ................................................ ................................................ ................................................ ......................... ................................................. ................................................. ................................................. ....................... .......................................... .......................................... .......................................... ......................................
