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(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) 大连理工大学城市学院




学生: 梅龙

指导教师: 张坤




总计毕业设计(论文) 46 页

表格 5 表

插图 18 幅





本系统使用JAVAEE +SQL Server2000进行开发,系统运行结果证明,该网上花店系统可以满足购买者、管理员两方面的需要。本文将对该系统的设计过程和功能做详细介绍。

关键词:网上花店系统;JAVAEE ;JSP;SQL Server2000


At present, with the development of the living standard and the transform of the thought of the people, at the same time, Internet become inseparable element of the city life p u t e r t h e p r e s e n t-d a y w o r l d.N o w t h a t c o m p u t e r broaden ourselves knowledge and improve the quality of our life. On the other

of ways of thinking. For that reason, shopping online can develop with unbelievable speed and spread influence to every corner of the world.

With the rapid development of the internet, the Internet of the best channels to provide information and gradually into the traditional areas of circulation. Because e-commerce on the Internet set up online store, and demonstrates a novel shopping concept to consumers. This online shopping mall is designed and developed in order to better adapt to the transactions on the Internet increasing, users can browse their favorite things according to their preferences, However, in order to buy goods, it must be by registered members can make a purchase, landing after shopping. Store a variety of goods carried out a detailed classification can easily find you want to goods, at the same time find the system can easily find related products, and buy something you like you can go after the settlement, orders you can fill in their information, and c o m p l e t e t h e s h o p p i n g p r o c e s s.

The system achieve function through JA V AEE and SQL Server2000, the system is running results show that the florist to meet the buyers, the administrator needs.

Key words:online florist System; JAVAEE;JSP;SQLServer2000


第一章引言 (1)

第二章开发及运行环境的选择 (2)

2.1运行环境的选择 (2)

2.2数据库的选择 (2)

2.3开发工具的选择 (2)

2.4 BS模式 (3)

2.5 MVC简介模式 (9)

2.6 JSP简介 (10)

2.7 SERVLET简介 (11)

2.8 Tomcat简介 (11)

第三章系统需求分析 (12)

3.1角色需求 (12)

3.2功能需求 (12)

3.3性能需求 (13)

第四章系统设计 (14)

4.1本系统的设计目标 (14)

4.2系统功能整体设计 (14)

4.3数据库表的设计 (15)

第五章系统设计实现 (18)

5.1系统首页实现 (18)

5.3商品信息查询模块的实现 (27)

5.4用户提交订单模块的实现 (33)

5.5网上花店管理员模块的实现 (34)

5.6模块功能的测试 (42)

第六章结论 (47)

致谢 (48)

参考文献 (49)
