英语必修一unit1词汇练习 人教版新课标

英语必修一unit1词汇练习 人教版新课标
英语必修一unit1词汇练习 人教版新课标




1. When learning English, it is quite important to develop the ability

of____________ (交际)。

2. Failing in the examination again ___________ (心烦意乱) her a lot.

3. Those who are in difficult s___________ usually work harder to get out of it.

4. As an e__________ of the newspaper, I should be responsible for what is printed in it.

5. He was punished by the school because of his c____________ in the exam.

6. Many t__________ are so crazy about football that they get up to watch football games at midnight.

7. My English is very friendly to us. She often gives us some a_________ on learning English.

8. It‘s quite n_________ for a person to refuse the offer of help from strangers.

9. What is the r_________ for your absence of yesterday’s meeting?

10. Dancing with the rich in the party, he had a f_________ of being laughed at.


face to face list concern about go through share reason suffer point habit add up

1. Every time he __________ the figures, he gets a different answer.

2. They are ___________ with a new problem which they must solve at once.

3. I am not in the ___________ of going to see a film in the day.

4. She ____________ all the things she had to buy.

5. What are the _____________ to look for when you are buying a new computer.

6. She just suddenly left without giving any_____________.

7. We _____________ the cost of the meal.

8. Mr. Zhang ____________ heavy loses in the accident.

9. She has _____________ an unhappy time recently.

10. She thinks only of herself, she never ______________ other people.


1. 努力去做某事________________________

2. 根据 _______ _____________________

3. 对……很狂热_______ _______________

4. 度假_________________

5. 关心__________________

6. 镇定下来______________________

7. 与……相处得好\不好________________________

8. 有……的麻烦______________________

9. 经历,经受___________________________

10. 故意________________________


Unit 1:

一、 1. communication 2. upset 3. situation 4. editor 5. cheating 6. teenagers

7. advice 8. natural 9. reason 10. feeling

二、 1. adds up 2. face to face 3. habit 4. listed 5. points 6. reason 7. shared

8. suffer 9. gone through 10. concerns herself about \ with

三、1. Make an effort to do sth. 2. according to 3. be crazy about 4. on holiday

5. be concerned about

6. calm down

7. get on \ along well \ badly with….


必修一 UNIT1 _____________ n. 调查;测验_____________ 合计 _____________adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的_____________vt.使不安;使心烦。 _____________不理睬,忽视_____________(使)平静下来;(使)镇静下来 _____________vt.vi(使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的 _____________不得不;必须_____________(使)担忧;涉及;关系 _____________关心;挂念_____________松的;松开的 ______________经历;经受_____________记下;放下;登记 _____________一连串的;一系列;一套_____________在户外;在野外 _____________ vt迷住;迷惑_____________故意 _____________为了…_____________在黄昏时刻 _____________整个的;完全的;全部的_____________完全地;全然地;整个地 _____________ n.能力;力量;权力_____________面对面地 _____________积满灰尘的_____________ 不再 ____________ n.伙伴;合作者;合伙人_____________安家;定居;停留;安排;解决 _____________遭受;忍受;经历_____________遭受;患病 _____________孤单;寂寞_____________痊愈;恢复;重新获得 _____________对…厌烦_____________将(东西)装箱打包 _____________ n.手提箱;衣箱_____________ n.十几岁的青少年 _____________与…相处;发展_____________ n.闲话;闲谈 _____________相爱爱上_____________确实如此;正式;确切地 _____________ vi不同意_____________感激的;表示谢意的 _____________不喜欢;厌恶_____________参加;加入 _____________n.揭示;技巧;尖;尖端;消费vt. 倾斜;翻到 _____________交换_____________ n.项目;条款 UNIT2 _____________官方的;正式的;公务的_____________征服;占领 _____________因为;由于_____________adj.本国的;本地的;n本地人;本国人 _____________走近;上来;提出_____________实际上;事实上 _____________以…为根据;n 基部;基地;基础_____________现在;目前 _____________逐渐的;逐步的_____________逐渐地;逐步地 _____________使富裕;充实;改善_____________词汇;词汇量;词表 _____________利用;使用_____________拼写;拼法 _____________较后的;后半的;(两者中)后者的_____________本身;本体;身份 _____________流利的;流畅的_____________流利地;流畅地 _____________例如……;想这种_____________频繁的;常见的 _____________常常;频繁地_____________使用;用法;词语惯用法 _____________命令;指令;掌握_____________请求;要求 _____________词语;表达;表示_____________扮演一个角色;参与 _____________辨认出;承认;公认_____________直接;挺直;笔直的,正直的 _____________街区;块;木块;石块 unit3 _____________日记;杂志.定期刊物_____________运送.运输 _____________更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物) ____________不利条件;不便之处 _____________费用_____________路线.路途 _____________流动.流出n 流动.流量____________从那以后 _____________说服.劝说_____________毕业n 大学毕业生 _____________最后.终于_____________时间表;进度表;制度表;v为某事安排时间_____________心喜爱的.慈爱的;宠爱的_____________喜爱;喜欢 _____________缺点_____________顽固的;固执的 _____________组织,成立_____________关心;忧虑; _____________细节;详情_____________来源;水源

2020 新人教版必修一英语词汇表

2020-9 必修1 Welcome Unit 1. exchange /?ks?t?e?nd?/ n. [C;U] 交换; 交流; 交易 vt. 交换; 交流;交易; 兑换 2. lecture /?lekt??(r)/ n. 讲座;讲课;演讲;教训 vi.(开)讲座;演讲;讲课 vt. 训斥 3. registration /?red???stre??n / n. 登记;注册;挂号 4. register/ ?red??st?(r) / vt.& vi. 登记;注册 n.[C]登记表;注册簿 5. sex /seks/ n. 性别 6. female /?fi:me?l/ adj. 女(性)的; 雌性的 n. 雌性动(植)物;女子 7. male / me?l/ adj. 男(性)的; 雄性的 n. 雄性动(植)物;男子 8. nationality /?n????n?l?ti/ n. 国籍; 民族 9. nation / ?ne??n/ n. 国家; 民族; 国民10. designer /d??za?n?(r)/ n. 设计师; 设计者 11. design / d??za?n / n. 设计; 方案;图案 vt. 设计;筹划 12. campus / ?k?mp?s / n. 校园; 校区 13. formal / ?f?:ml / adj. 正式的;正规的 14. anxious / ???k??s / adj. 焦虑的; 不安的;渴望的 15. annoyed /??n??d/ adj. (人感到)恼怒的;生气的 16. annoy /??n??/ vt. 使恼怒;打扰 17. frightened /?fra?tnd/ adj. (人)受惊吓的;(人感到)害怕的18. senior /?si:ni?(r)/ adj.(级别、地位等)较高的; 年长的 n. 较年长者 senior high school (美国)高中 19. at last终于; 最后 20. outgoing / ?a?tg???? / adj. 爱交际的;外向的;开朗的 21. impression /?m?pre?n/ n.


一.单项填空 ( )1.—Sorry,didn’t quite follow you.—’ll explain it to you later. A.Don’t worry B.Come on C.That’s right D.Don’t mention it ( )2.—We are going there by________sea. —Don’t you think it too slow?Why not take________train A.the;/ B.the;the C./;/ D./;the ( )3.Ten minutes later,a bus________and everybody got on it. A.came up B.added up C.looked up D.put up ( )4.As you can see,the number of cars on our roads________rising these days. A.was keeping B.keep C.keeps D.were keeping ( )5.Every minute must be made full use of________spoken English. A.to practise B.practising C.practise D.practised ( )6.She understood what I was talking about,________it was the first time we had spoken together. A.whether B.even though C.as though D.since ( )7.My uncle knows several foreign languages,________English,French and Japanese. A.for example B.for instance C.such as D.that is ( )8.As the project________at the meeting,it drew our attention. A.comes up B.was coming up C.came up D.had come up ( )9.—What do you think______an important part in their lives—Friends. A.plays B.takesw C.makes D.acts ( )10.This tree,among the tallest in the world,is________to a small area in southeastern Africa. A.present B.native C.official D.latter 第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题分,满分30分) A large cat arrived at a farm where many mice of them dared go outside for fear of being __1__by the cat. The mice decided to hold a __2__ to find a way of stopping themselves from being day,when the cat was out,mice of all ages__4__into the meeting room. “Let’s build a big trap,”one this idea was__6__,another said,“What about poisoning(毒死)her?”But __7__knew where to buy the young mouse,whose mother had become the cat’s food,__8__said,“Let’s cut her teeth,so she can do no more harm.”But the meeting did not accept his__9__. At last,one mouse,__10__than the rest,jumped onto a a bell,he called for__11__,“Be quiet!We’ll tie this bell to the cat’s tail,so we’ll always know__12__ she is!We’ll have__13__ to escape,and the slower and weaker mice will hear her coming and be able to__14__!”Hearing the words,everyone got__15__ and they congratulated him on his good idea. “We’ll tie it so tightly(紧紧地)that it will never__16__!” “She’ll never be able to walk__17__ again!Why,the other day,she suddenly appeared right in front of me!Just imagine...” However,the wise mouse said,“We must__18__who is going to tie it on her tail.”There was not a sound in the was__19__ enough to put the plan into meeting ended without any decision being made. It’s often very__20__to have bright ideas,but putting them into practice is a more difficult matter. ( )1.B.taught C.caught D.invited。 ( )2.B.test C.game D.meeting ( )3.B.danger C.fact D.need ( )4.B.swam C.flew D.stepped ( )5.B.explained C.suggested D.answered


高中英语必修一单词测试卷一、单词汉译英 1. 调查;测验 2.不理睬;忽视 3.(使)担心;涉及;关系到 4.黄昏傍晚 5.打雷雷鸣 6.整个的;完全的 7.窗帘;门帘;幕布 8.伙伴.合作者.合伙人 9.捆扎;包装打行李 10.确实如此;正是;确切地 11.项目;条款 12.电梯;升降机 13.航行;航海 14.公寓住宅;单元住宅 15.逐渐的;逐步的 16.词汇;词汇量;词表 17.较后的;(两者中)后者的 18.频繁的;常见的 19.请求;要求 20.词语;表达 21..西北方的;来自西北方的 22.口音;腔调;重音 23.流动;流出n.流动;流量 24.顽固的;固执的 25.坚决的;有决心的26.海拔高度;高处 27.冰河;冰川 28.保险 29.可信赖的;可靠的 30.在…下面 31.民族;国家国民 32.苦难;痛苦 33.极度的 34.幸存者;生还者;残存物 35.(使)震惊;震动n.休克;打击 36.电,电流;电学 37.掩蔽;掩蔽处避身处 38.真诚地;真挚地 39..骑自行车的人 40.慷慨的大方的 41.忠实的;深爱的 42.法则;原则;原理 43.律师 44.同盟;联盟;联合会 45.暴力;暴行 46.乐意的;自愿的 47.恐怖;可怕的人 48.报酬;奖金vt.酬劳;奖赏 49.辨认出;承认;公认 50.意见;看法;主张 二、单词英译汉 1.upset 2.spellbind 3.power 4.settle 5.loneliness 6.recover 7.gossip 8.grateful 9.petrol 10.official 11.conquer 12.native 13.enrich 14.fluently 15.dialect 16.straight 17.block 18.journal


高中英语(新课标-人教版)必修一词汇表 Unit 1 △survey n. 调查;测验 add up合计 upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt. (upset, upset) 使不安;使心烦ignore vt. 不理睬;忽视 calm vt. & vi. (使)平静;(使)镇定 adj. 平静的;镇静的;沉着的calm(…)down(使)平静下来;(使)镇定下来 have got to不得不;必须 concern vt. (使)担忧;涉及;关系到 n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系 be concerned about关心;挂念 walk the dog 遛狗 loose adj. 松的;松开的 △vet n. 兽医 go through经历;经受 △Amsterdam n. 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) Netherlands n. 荷兰(西欧国家) △Jewish 犹太人的;犹太族的 German adj. 德国的;德国人的;德语的 n.德国人;德语 △Nazi n. 纳粹党人 adj. 纳粹党的 set down记下;放下;登记 series n. 连续;系列 a series of一连串的;一系列;一套 △Kitty n. 基蒂(女名) outdoors adv. 在户外;在野外 △spellbind vt. (spellbound, spellbound)迷住;迷惑 on purpose 故意 in order to为了…… dusk n. 黄昏;傍晚 at dusk在黄昏时刻 thunder vi. 打雷;雷鸣 n.雷;雷声 entire adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的 entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地 power n. 能力;力量;权力 face to face面对面地 curtain n. 窗帘;门帘;幕布 dusty adj. 积满灰尘的 no longer/not…any longer不再…… partner n. 伙伴;合作者;合伙人 settle vi. 安家;定居;停留 vt. 使定居;安排;解决 suffer vt. & vi. 遭受;忍受;经历 suffer from遭受;患病 △loneliness n. 孤单;寂寞


必修一unit1 My First Day at Senior High随堂练习题 一、单词拼写 1. He is also a manager, but (级别高的)to me. 2. When you are in senior high school, you will (探索)everything on campus with eagerness. 3. Your performance gave me a deep .(印象) 4. The school (组织)a collection exhibition and students presented their collections one by one. 5. When a person is panicked or embarrassed, he may have difficulty in (呼吸). 6. She got into a real (恐慌)when she didn't find her son in the supermarket. 7. Babies are (好奇的)about everything around them. 8. Working in such a famous firm is a (挑战)for graduates. 9. He listens to music as an escape from the (压力)of work. 10. Though surprised to meet her manager at the party, she pretended to be (镇静的). 11. There's a (传统)in our family that we have a party on New Year's Eve. 12. I feel much more (自信)about myself and my abilities these days. 二、短语填空


必修一英语词汇测试卷 根据汉语或英语提示写出相应的英语单词(词组)或汉语释义。 1. a. 实际的;现实的 2.a number of 3.vt.添加,增加 4.as a matter of fact 5.as if 6.vt. / n. 攻击,袭击 7.n. 态度,看法 8.as usual 9.accent n. 10. a. 非洲的,非洲人的 11.n. 根据地,基地(棒球)垒 12.because conj. 13.v. 请求,乞求,乞讨 14.burst v. 15.vt. 埋;葬 16.bend (bent, bent) vt. 17. a. 镇静,沉着的v.镇静沉着 18.care n.

19.n. & v. 命令 20.v. / n. 涉及,关心 https://www.360docs.net/doc/ed8039843.html,e up 22.congratulation n. 23.vt. 破坏,毁坏 24.vt. 把…奉献, 把…专用(于) 25.vi. 意见不一致,持不同意见 26.dig (dug, dug) v. 27.n. 黄昏 28.n. 不利条件;弱点 29.disaster n. 30.vt. 教育,培养 31. a.平等的vt.等于,使等于 32.ever since 33.escape n.& vi. 34. a. 整个的,全部的 35.face to face 36.fall (fell, fallen) vi. 37.final a. 38.fond a. 39.vt. 使惊恐,吓唬

40.get (got , got) vt. 41.get along with 42.give in 43.go through 44.v. 毕业 45.have (has, had, had) vt. 46.have got to 47.n. (报刊的)大字标题 48.v. 忽视,对…不理会 49.vt. 损害,伤害 50.in order to 51.join in 52.v.参加,加入;连接;会合 53.n. 旅行,路程 54.lose (lost, lost) vt. 55.midnight n. 56.num. 百万n. 百万个(人或物) 57.make up one's mind


单元要点预览 1.谚语:a friend in need is a friend indeed 患难见真情 A friend is like a second self. 朋友是另一个自我。 一、短语归纳 lought at 嘲笑hide away 躲起来 a series of 一系列 grow\be crazy about 对…十分狂热;十分痴迷 something to do with与…有关的某事、nothing to do with 与…无关happen to do sth 碰巧做某事at dusk: 黄昏时刻傍晚 face to face面对面Take care of 照顾Walking the dog 遛狗( Pay for sth 为…付款Pack(sth)up将东西装箱打包 Finish sth\doing sth完成某事、完成做某事Stay awake 熬夜 end-of-term exam 期末考fall in love with 爱上 according to 根据make a list of 列清单 二、.词语辨析


1. upset adj. 心烦意乱的,不安的;不适的vt. (upset, upset) Don't upset yourself -- no harm has been done. 不要难过--并没有造成伤害。 2. concern v.担忧; 涉及; 关系到n. 担心,关注;(利害)关系[重点用法] as / so far as … be concerned 关于;至于;就……而言 be concerned about 关心 be concerned in sth. 牵涉到,与……有关,参与 3. settle vt. 安家;定居;停留vt. 使定居,安家;解决 1). The family has settled in Canada. 这家人已定居加拿大。 2)Try your best to calm yourself down.. [重点用法] settle down 镇定下来settle in 在…定居 4. suffer vt.& vi.遭受;忍受;经历 Do you suffer from headaches? 你常头痛吗? suffer from 感到疼痛﹑不适﹑悲伤等; 受苦; 吃苦头: 5. disagree vt. 不同意disagree with sb 不同意某人的观点 . Even friends sometimes disagree with each other. 即便是朋友也有时意见不一。 五.重点词组 1. add up 加起来 Add up your scores and see how many points you can get. 把你的得分加起来,看看你能得几分。

人教新课标高中英语必修一 重点词汇练习和完成句子 (有答案)

Book1 Unit1 一、根据括号里所给单词、单词首字母或汉语提示,用单词的正确形式填空。 1.It is a little difficult to c_______ someone down when he or she is excited. 2.I would be g_________ if you could give me some help 3.For him, this will be an __________(entire) new job, so he isn’t sure of it. 4.True friends always s_____________ their sadness and happiness with each other. 5.By now, he has formed the h_____________ of doing some reading before going to bed. 6.Parents are always c______________ much about their children. 7.I had moved several times before I decided to s___________ in China. 8.I tried to tell her but she __________ (不理睬)me. 9.He is ___________(患有)from sadness. 10.He has a lot of _________ (权力)over the people in his team. 11.Children like to play ____________ (在户外) 12.Today, _________(青少年)and their pa rents often don’t agree on many thing. 13.Tom was very ___________(心烦的)because he failed the exam. 14.Mike had a heavy cold, but has completely __________ (痊愈)after several days’ rest. 15.My trousers are a bit ________ (松的)for me. 16.If you _______(agree),you should speak your own idea. 17.The bottle of wine was ___________(hide)behind a pile of books. 18.We are asked to learn about some ____________(communicate)skills in this unit. 19.The ________ (upset) news made her rather upset. 20.Her _________ (ignore) upset me. 21.Look. Your desk is ________(dust). Why not clean it right now? 二、根据所给汉语意思,完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. 这所学校的学生数量增加到1000人 The number of the students in this school _______ ________ _________ 1000 now. 2.布莱克先生年轻的时候在伦敦经历了一段艰难的时期。 Mr. Black _______ ________ a hard time in London when he was young. 3. 让我们马上打包并准备出发. Let’s _________ _________ and get ready to start at once. 4. 我从未面对面见过她,我们只通过电话。 I’ve never met her _______ _______ _______. We’ve only talked on the phone. 5. 为了提高英语,珍妮买了很多磁带 ______ _______ ________ improve her English, Jenny bought a lot of tapes for herself. 6. 那个穿着漂亮连衣裙的女孩因为我们让她参加这个游戏而对我们心怀感激。The little girl with a beautiful dress felt grateful to us for our letting her _______ _______ the game. 7.比尔已经完全从心脏病中恢复过来。他现在非常开心。 Bill has ________ _________ his heart disease. He is very happy now.


高一英语必修一单词表(人教版)Unit 1 1.survey n.调查;测验 2.add up合计 3.upset adj. 心烦意乱的;不安的,不适的 4.ignore v.不理睬;忽视 5.calm vt.&vi.(使)平静;(使)镇定adj.平静的;镇定的;沉着的 6.calm...down(使)平静下来 7.have got to不得不;必须 8.concern vt.(使)担心;涉及;关系到n. 担心;关注;(利害)关系 9.be concerned about关心;挂念 10.walk the dog 遛狗 11.loose adj 松的;松开的 12.vet n.兽医 13.go through经历;经受 14.Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都) https://www.360docs.net/doc/ed8039843.html,herlands 荷兰(西欧国家) 16.Jewish 犹太人的;犹太族的 17.German 德国的;德国人的;德语的。 18.Nazi n.纳粹党人adj. 纳粹党的 19.set down记下;放下;登记 20.series n.连续,系列 21.a series of一连串的;一系列;一套 22.outdoors adv.在户外;在野外

23.spellbind vt.(spellbound,spellbound)迷住;疑惑 24.on purpose故意 25.in order to为了 26.dusk n.黄昏傍晚 27.at dusk在黄昏时刻 28.thunder vi 打雷雷鸣n. 雷,雷声 29.entire adj. 整个的;完全的;全部的 30.entirely adv. 完全地;全然地;整个地 31.power n.能力;力量;权力。 32.face to face面对面地 33.curtain n.窗帘;门帘;幕布 34.dusty adj 积满灰尘的 35.no longer /not …any longer不再 36.partner n.伙伴.合作者.合伙人 37.settle n.安家;定居;停留vt. 使定居;安排;解决 38.suffer vt. &遭受;忍受经历 39.suffer from遭受;患病 40.loneliness n.孤单寂寞 41.highway n.公路 42.recover vi.&vt.痊愈;恢复 43.get/be tired of对…厌烦 44.pack vi.&vt.捆扎;包装;打行李n 小包;包裹 45.pack (sth ) up将(东西)装箱打包 46.suitcase n.手提箱;衣箱 47.overcoat n.大衣外套


高一英语必修一1-5单元练习unit1 一)把句子补充完整 1. 你把所有的数加起来就会知道 You will know the __________ when you _______ ________ all the numbers. 2. 我们努力想让他平静下来,但他还是激动地大叫。 We tried to _________ him _________ but he kept __________ excitedly. 3. 玛丽在医院里住了很长一段时间后,恢复了健康。 After a long stay________ _________ Mary ________ 4. 李鸣在这里定居后,和邻居们相处得很好。 Since Li Ming _________ here, he has ________ ________ _____ < _________ his neighbours. 5. 如果你不想和我在一起,你就收拾东西走人。 If you don’t want to stay with me, you can _______ _______ and go. 6. 战争期间,我受了很多苦。我用日记记下自己的经历, 以便老了以后能够记住。 During the war, I ________ a lot. I wrote my diary to ________ ________ my ___________, so I would __________ them when I was old. 二)填入所缺的词。 1. It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c______ down myself. 2. Parents are always c_______ much about their children. . 3. True friends always s______ their sadness and happiness with each other. 4. I'm terribly sorry. I didn't do it on p__________. 5. Some animals hibernate under snow, because there is much air in l______ snow. 6. A_______ to the law, t_______ are not allowed to smoke or drink. 7. The old man went t_______ many wars and s_____ a lot from them. 8. After the terrible hurricane, the whole house was destroyed e________. 9. If you have some trouble, you can go to the teacher for a_________. 10. By internet, we can c_________ with people all over the world c_________. 11. By now, he has formed the h______ of doing some reading before going to bed. 12. The r_____ he gave for his c_____ in the exam was simple. [ 三)选择填空 --- Mary’s got crazy and has been sent to the mental hospital. Did you tell her boss about that --- Yes, but I _____ her husband first. A. should have told B. shouldn’t have told C. must have told D. needn’t have told There was ______ time _____ Chinese used foreign oil. A. a; when B. a; while


外研社高中英语必修一 词汇检测 公司内部编号:(GOOD-TMMT-MMUT-UUPTY-UUYY-DTTI-

必修一单词和短语检测试卷 一根据汉语写英语单词 1. 态度 2. 尊敬 3. 平均的 4. 交通 5. 关系 6. 运动场 7. 专家 8. 买得起 9. 来源 10. 系统,体系 ,制度 二根据英语写汉语意思 1. committee 2. discipline 3. exhausted 4. percentage 5. document 6. literature 7. contract 8. disadvantage 9. statistics 10. department 三根据要求写出相应单词 1. equip v. _________________ (n.) 2. permit v. __________________ (n.) 3. depend v. _______________ (adj.) ____________ (n.) _____________ (adj.独立的) 4. create v. ______________ (n.) 5. astonished adj. ______________ (n.) 6. starve (n.) 7. attractive adj. _______________ (n.) 8. distance n. _____________ (adj.) 9. information (v.) 10. formal adj. _____________ (n.) ______________ (adj.的反义词) 四根据汉语意思补全句子 1. I had no umbrella so I __________(覆盖,遮盖)my head with a newspaper when it rained. 2. We have all kinds of __________(活动)after class every day. 3. The fish price in the __________(一段时间)of the fishing season is lower. 4. You need enough ___________(复习)for the test. 5. Most of his spare time was devoted to the __________(翻译)of those works. 6. The thief did not know where the __________(钻石)was hidden. 7. You are __________(幸运的)to have such a good teacher. 8. An __________(方法)that can solve those problems will be introduced. 9. The factory has shut down and the workers are __________(失业). 10. A good knowledge of English will improve your chances of __________(就业). 五写出下列短语的汉语意思 1. in other words 2. behave oneself 3. stick to 4. to one’s delight 5. make a difference 6. have words with sb. 7. in short/ in conclusion 8. be true of


新课标高一英语必修一单词表 Module 1 academic [,?k?'demik] adj. 学术的 province ['pr?vins] n. 省 enthusiastic [in,θju:zi'?stik] adj.热心的, amazing [?'meizi?] adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的information [,inf?'mei??n] n. 消息 website [ web’sait] n.网站;网址 brilliant ['brilj?nt] adj.(口语)极好的 comprehension [,k?mpri'hen??n] n. 理解,领悟instruction [in'str?k??n] n.(常作复数)指示;说明method ['meθ?d] n. 方法 bored ['b?: d] adj.厌烦的;厌倦的 embarrassed [im'b?r?st] adj.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的attitude ['?titju:d] n. 态度 behaviour [bi'heivj?] n. 行为;举动 previous ['pri:vi?s] adj.以前的;从前的 description [di'skrip??n] n.记述;描述 amazed [?'meizd] adj. 吃惊的;惊讶的 embarrassing [im'b?r?si?] adj.令人尴尬的;令人难堪的technology [tek'n?l?d?i] n. 技术 impress [im'pres] vt.使印象深刻 correction [k?'rek??n] n. 改正;纠正 encouragement [in'k?rid?m?nt] n. 鼓励;激励enjoyment [in'd??im?nt] n.享受;乐趣 fluency ['flu:?nsi] n.流利;流畅 misunderstanding [,mis?nd?'st?ndi?] n. 误解disappointed [,dis?'p?intid] adj. 失望的 disappointing [,dis?'p?inti?] adj.令人失望的 system ['sist?m] n. 制度;体系;系统 teenager ['ti:nid??] n.少年 disappear [,dis?'pi?] vi. 消失 move [mu:v] adj.搬家 assistant [?'sist?nt] n. 助手, 助理 cover ['k?v?] vt.包含 diploma [di'pl?um?] n. 文凭, 毕业证书 |Module 2 amusing [?'mju:zi?] adj. 有趣的;可笑的 energetic [,en?'d?etik] adj. 精力充沛的 intelligent [in'telid??nt] adj. 聪明的
