广东省天河区2020届高考英语二轮复习 语法精讲精炼 阅读理解20

广东省天河区2020届高考英语二轮复习 语法精讲精炼 阅读理解20
广东省天河区2020届高考英语二轮复习 语法精讲精炼 阅读理解20




Coconut trees can be seen all over the tropical countries everywhere in the world. Coconut trees need warm weather and produce green coconuts which are filled with a colorless coconut juice. If the coconut is fresh, inside are almost all juice and little flesh. Coconut milk is white in color and is extracted from coconut. Green coconuts have the size of a small ball. They have to be opened on top with a knife. You will get the whole coconut in front of you and you drink the coconut juice with a straw(吸管). Once you finish you can ask to cut the coconut in pieces and eat the flesh inside.


Dragonfruit's official name is Pitaya. It's a kind of fruit which is very tasteful despite its outside looks. The pink colored skin is not to be eaten. Cut the fruit in half and use a spoon to eat the grayish flesh. The black seeds can be eaten but they are not digestible.


Cempedak is a native kind of Malaysian fruit. The taste of the fruit is similar to the related Jackfruit(波罗蜜)with a hint of Durian(榴莲). A sweet, mild, and juicy flesh surrounds the peanut-like seeds in a thick layer. The outer cover of the fruit is slightly sticky. Cempedak can be eaten fresh.


Durian is one of those tropical fruits you love or hate. I was once told that the smell of durian is the “smell of hell” though I can not comment on this as I have never been to hell! I was also told that in many parts in Indonesia, Malaysia and Thai hotels, durian is not even allowed because of the smell. However, durian is a very popular tropical fruit in Malaysia. Durian is easy to recognize. They are huge green brownish fruits, usually sold at markets and on the roadside. It is known as “the King of Fruit” on the basis of the fact that it has many vitamins, calcium, iron and other minerals.

20.Which of the following has the seeds that can be eaten?

A.Coconut. B.Dragonfruit.

C.Cempedak. D.Durian.

21.According to the passage, we can learn that________.

A.cempedak is the other name of Jackfruit

B.the home of cempedak is Malaysia

C.cempedak has the flavor of durian

D.cempedak has a smooth cover

22.In many Malaysia and Thai hotels, why is durian not even allowed?

A.Because it can make eaters addicted.

B.Because the local governments forbid the selling.

C.Because it has a smelly flavor.

D.Because it can be used as a weapon.

23.Why is durian called “the King of Fruit”?

A.Because it contains many vitamins and minerals.

B.Because it looks strong.

C.Because it has a strange flavor.

D.Because all the people like it.


20.B 细节理解题。分析全文可知,只有火龙果的种子可以吃,只是不易消化。

21.B 细节理解题。分析Cempedak部分可知,这种水果原产地是马来西亚。

22.C 细节理解题。分析Durian部分可知,榴莲由于具有奇特的臭味,在印度尼西亚,马来西亚和泰国的许多宾馆,这种水果是不允许出售的。

23.A 细节理解题。分析Durian部分最后一句可知,榴莲之所以叫“水果之王”,因为它富含维生素,钙,铁等矿物质。


Below is a selection about some Guinness(吉尼斯) World Records.

Top 6 Unusual Guinness World Records

◆Fastest 100 m running on all fours

The 2020 Guinness World Records Day was, according to GWR,their biggest

day of record-breaking ever, with more than 290,000 people taking part in record attempts in 15 different countries. Kenichi Ito's record attempt was part of this special day. He is just another example of Japanese with “super powers”. His “super power” is to run with great speed on all fours. Kenichi Ito ran 100 m on all fours in 18.58 seconds. The Japanese set this record at Setagaya Kuritsu Sogo Undojyo, Tokyo, in 2020.

◆Most people inside a soap bubble◆Longest ears on a dog◆Most living generations

Did you ever wonder what is the Guinness World Record for most living generations in one family? Seven is the answer.

The ultimate authority on record-breaking mentions on the website that the youngest great-great-great-great grandparent of this family was Augusta Bung “aged 109 years 97 days, followed by her daughter aged 89, her granddaughter aged 70, her great grand-daughter aged 52, her great-great grand-daughter aged 33 and her great-great-great granddaughter aged 15 on the birth of her great-great-great-great grandson on January 21, 1989”.

◆Most T-shirts worn at once◆Heaviest pumpkin

46.Why is Kenichi Ito described as a man with a “super power”?

A.He set a good example to all Japanese.

B.He made record attempts in 15 different countries.

C.He set a new record for “Fastest 100 m running on all fours”.D.He participated in the 2020 Guinness World Records Day activities.

47.Jeffries is the name of ________.

A.the owner of the dog with the longest ears

B.the grandfather of the dog with the longest ears

C.the present holder of the record for “Longest ears on a dog”

D.the former holder of the record for “Longest ears on a dog”

48.How many T-shirts had Krunoslav Budiseli put on before he felt it difficult to go on?

A.68. B.120. C.238. D.245.

49.According to the given information, which Guinness World Record was most recently set?

A.The record for “Most people inside a soap bubble”.

B.The record for “Most living generations”.

C.The record for “Most T-shirts worn at once”.

D.The record for “Heaviest pumpkin”.


46. C 细节理解题。从第一则纪录中提到的He is just another…super powers…Kenichi Ito ran 100 m on all fours…知,Kenichi Ito创造了最新的最快的100米“四肢爬”纪录,所以选C项。

47. D 细节理解题。从文章第三则纪录中Mr. Jeffries is the previous record holder of this title…可以知道,Mr. Jeffries是前纪录保持者,所以选D项。

48. B 细节理解题。从第五则纪录中…The T-shirts weighed 68 kg and Budiseli said he began struggling around T-shirt No. 120…可以知道Budiseli 在穿了120件T恤后感觉有点困难再穿上T恤了,所以选B项。

49. A 推理判断题。从文章的纪录中可以知道,A项是2020年4月4日创造的;B项是1989年1月21日创造的;C项是2020年5月22日创造的;D项是2020年10月9日创造的,由此知A项是最近时间创造的,所以选A项。


Plants are flowering faster than scientists predicted(预测)in reaction

to climate change, which could have long damaging effects on food chains and ecosystems.

Global warming is having a great effect on hundreds of plant and animal species around the world, changing some living patterns, scientists say.

)in the air from burning coal and oil can have Increased carbon dioxide(CO


an effect on how plants produce oxygen, while higher temperatures and changeable rainfall patterns can change their patterns of growth.

“Predicting species’ reaction to climate change is a major challenge in ecology,” said the researchers of several U.S. universities. They said plants had been the key object of study because their reaction to climate change could have an effect on food chains and ecosystem services.

The study, published on the Nature website, uses the findings from plant life cycle studies and experiments across four continents and 1,634 species. It found that some experiments had underestimated(低估) the speed of flowering by 8.5 times and leafing by 4 times.

“Across all species, the experiments under-predicted the speed of the advance-for both leafing and flowering-that results from temperature increases,” the study said.

The design of future experiments may need to be improved to better predict how plants will react to climate change, it said.

Plants are necessary for life on the Earth. They are the base of the food chain, using photosynthesis(光合作用)to produce sugar from carbon dioxide and water. They let out oxygen which is needed by nearly every organism on the planet.

Scientists believe the world’s average temperature has risen by about 0.8℃ since 1900, and nearly 0.2℃ every ten years since 1979.

So far, efforts to cut emissions(排放)of planet-warming greenhouse gases are not seen as enough to prevent the Earth heating up beyond 2℃ this

century—a point scientists say will bring the danger of a changeable climate in which weather extremes are common, leading to drought, floods, crop failures and rising sea levels.

57. What is the key information the author wants to give in Paragraph 1?

A.Plants’ reaction to weather could have damaging effects on ecosystems.

B.The increasing speed of flowering is beyond scientists’ expectation.

C.Climate change leads to the change of food production patterns.

D.Food chains have been seriously damaged because of weather.

58. We can learn from the study published on the Nature website that ________.

A.plants’ flowering is 8.5 times faster than leafing

B.there are 1,634 plant species on the four continents

C.scientists should improve the design of the experiments

D.the experiments failed to predict how plants react to climate change

59. Scientists pay special attention to the study of plants because________.

A.they can prove the climate change clearly

B.they are very important in the food chains

C.they play a leading role in reducing global warming

D.they are growing and flowering much faster than before

60. What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs about the world’s temperature?

A.It has risen nearly 0.2℃ since 1979.

B.Its change will lead to weather extremes.

C.It is 0.8℃ higher in 1979 than that of 1900.

D.It needs to be controlled within 2℃ in this century.



57. B 细节理解题。第一段话给读者传达的主要信息存在于主句,而不是which 所引导的定语从句上。根据“Plants are flowering faster than scientists predicted”可知,作者是要告知读者植物开花的增速超出了科学家的预期。故选B。A为次要信息。

58. C推理判断题。第五段话“It found that some experiments had underestimated(低估)the speed of flowering by 8.5 times and leafing by 4 times.”暗示读者:对于植物所设计的实验应该有所改进,故答案选C。

59. B 细节理解题。根据第四段“They said plants had been the key object of study because their reaction to climate change could have an effect on food chains and ecosystem services.”可知植物对气候变化的反应对整个食物链和生态系统都至关重要。故答案选B。

60. D 推理判断题。从倒数第二段“…has risen by about 0.8℃ since 1900, and nearly 0.2℃every ten years since 1979.”可知A、C项错误;从最后一段叙述可知,如果本世纪地球变暖超过2℃,便会出现weather extremes。暗示我们这个世纪地球温度的上升需要控制在2℃的范围之内。故答案选D。


For those who are tired of doing the laundry, Samsung has found an answer: a washing machine that can tell you when your laundry is done via a smartphone app(application).

Strange though it may seem—“my wife already does that” was a common response among attendees viewing the device when it was introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show(CES)this week—Samsung is just one of many appliance makers racing to install(安装)a large number of Internet-connected features in machines in an effort to make them “smart”.

Last year, it was a refrigerator that tweeted. This year, it's Wi-Fi-enabled laundry machines and fridges that can tell you when your

groceries are going bad.

The washers and dryers, available starting in the spring, connect to any smartphone through a downloadable application. The phone can then be used as a remote control, so the machines can be turned on and off while their owner is at work or on the bus.

Samsung says it's not just something new—the app connection actually has some practical uses.

“If you started to dry clothes in the morning and forgot to take them out, you can go to your phone and restart your dryer for the time when you come home, so your clothes are refreshed and ready to go,” said spokesperson Amy Schmidt.

The company also says that with electricity rates(电价)varying depending on the time of day, more control over when the machines are used can help save money.

Perhaps, but what they will probably really accomplish is what all good technologies do—enable laziness. Rather than getting up to check on whether the laundry is done, users will instead monitor it on their phones while watching TV.

72. What can be inferred from the common response of the attendees at the CES?

A. The machine will be a big success.

B. Their wives like doing the laundry.

C. The machine is unrelated to their lift.

D. This kind of technology is familiar to them.

73. What can we learn about the new laundry machines?

A. They can tell you when your clothes need washing.

B. They can be controlled with a smartphone.

C. They are difficult to operate.

D. They are sold at a low price.

74. We can conclude from Samsung's statements that ________.

A. the app connection makes life easier

B. it is better to dry clothes in the morning

C. smartphones can shorten the drying time

D. we should refresh clothes back at home

75. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. The laundry should be frequently checked.

B. Lazy people like using such machines.

C. Good technologies also cause problems.

D. Television may help do the laundry.


72. D 推理判断题。由第二段的Strange though it may seem—“my wife already does that” was a common response among attendees viewing the device when it was introduced at the Consumer Electronics Show(CES) this week看出“尽管看上去有点奇怪,但是这项技术对于人们来说已经很熟悉了”。故选D。

73. B推理判断题。由第四段的“T he washers and dryers, available starting in the spring, connect to any smartphone through a downloadable application. The phone can then be used as a remote control…”看出它是由智能手机控制的,由此可知选择B项。

74. A 推理判断题。根据文中对这一洗衣机装置以及其功能和操作的描述可以看出,它使得人们的生活更加轻松便捷。故选A。

75. C 主旨大意题。最后一段的Perhaps, but what they will probably really accomplish is what all good technologies do—enable laziness.告诉我们,该项技术能使人们变懒,也就是C项所说的“优良技术也会带来问题”。故选C。


You may think that sailing is a difficult sport, but it is really not hard to learn it. You do not need to be strong. But you need to be quick. And you need to understand a few basic rules about the wind.

First, you must ask yourself,“Where is the wind coming from? Is it coming from ahead or behind or from the side?” You must think about this all the time on the boat. The wind direction tells you what to do with the sail.

Let's start with the wind blowing from behind. This means the wind and the boat are going in the same direction. Then you must always keep the sail outside the boat. It should be at a 90°angle(角度)to the boat. Then it will catch the wind best.

If the wind is blowing from the side, it is blowing across the boat. In this case, you must keep the sail half way outside the boat. It should be at a 45°angle to the boat. It needs to be out far enough to catch the wind, but it shouldn't flap(摆动).It shouldn't look like a flag on a flagpole. If it is flapping, it is probably out too far, and the boat will slow down.

Sailing into the wind is not possible. If you try, the sail will flap and the boat will stop. You may want to go in that direction. It is possible, but you can't go in a straight line. You must go first in one direction and then in another. This is called tacking. When you are tacking, you must always keep the sail inside the boat.

45. What should you consider first while sailing?

A.Sailors' strength. B.Wave levels.

C.Wind directions. D.Size of sails.

46.What does the word “It” underlined in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.The boat. B.The wind.

C.The sail. D.The angle.

47.What do you have to do when sailing against the wind?

A.Move in a straight line.

B.Allow the sail to flap.

C.Lower the sail.

D.Tack the boat.

48.Where can you probably find the text?

A.In a popular magazine.

B.In a tourist guidebook.

C.In a physics textbook.

D.In an official report.


45. C 细节理解题。根据第一段的最后一句话“And you need to understand

a few basic rules about the wind.”和第二段的内容,可知首先要考虑风向的问题。A项是不需要考虑的,B项和D项没有提及。

46. C 代词指代题。结合第四段中“In this case, you must keep the sai l half way outside the boat.”中的the sail可知后面的it指的是“风帆”。而不是“船”,“风”或“角度”。

47. D细节理解题。从最后一段的“You may want to go in that direction.…This is called tacking.”可知是逆风航行的时候要不断地改变方向,因此选D。

48. A 推理判断题。本文主要涉及的是大众的航行运动的知识,而不是有关旅游和物理方面的知识,也不是一个官方的报告,因此选A。


Astronauts on shorter shuttle missions(使命)often work very long days. Tasks are scheduled so tightly that break times are often used to finish the

day's work. This type of schedule is far too demanding for long missions on the International Space Station(ISS).ISS crewmembers usually live in space for at least a quarter of a year. They work five days on and two days off to mimic the normal way they do things on Earth as much as possible. Weekends give the crew valuable time to rest and do a few hours of housework. They can communicate with family and friends by email, Internet phone and through private video conferences.

While astronauts cannot go to a baseball game or a movie in orbit, there are many familiar activities that they can still enjoy. Before a mission, the family and friends of each ISS crewmember put together a collection of family photos, messages, videos and reading material for the astronauts to look at when they will be floating 370 kilometers above the Earth. During their mission, the crew also receives care packages with CDs, books, magazines, photos and letters. And as from early 2020, the Internet became available on the ISS, giving astronauts the chance to do some “web surfing(冲浪)” in their personal time. Besides relaxing with these more common entertainments, astronauts can simply enjoy the experience of living in space.

Many astronauts say that one of the most relaxing things to do in space is to look out the window and stare at the universe and the Earth. Both the shuttle and the ISS circle the planet several times each day, and every moment offers a new view of the Earth's vast land mass and oceans.

60.What does the word “mimic” in Paragraph 1 probably mean?

A.Find. B.Copy. C.Change. D.Lose.

61.Which of the following best describes the families of the astronauts on the ISS?

A.They are caring and thoughtful.

B.They are worried and upset.

C.They are impatient and annoyed.

D.They are excited and curious.

62.In the final paragraph, the author shows that astronauts ________.

A.get more pleasure in space than on the Earth

B.find living in space a bit boring and tiring

C.regard space life as common to see the Earth from space

63.The passage mainly discusses how astronauts ________. for longer missions in space

B.connect with people on the Earth

C.observe the Earth from space

D.spend their free time in space


60. B 词义猜测题。联系They work five days on and two days off我们知道,他们的生活与地球上是一样的,因此答案为B。

61. A 推理判断题。从第二段我们知道,在飞行前,这些航天员的家人以及朋友为他们准备了照片、书籍等供他们消遣的东西,因此他们是很体贴和想法周全的。D有一定干扰性,文章没有讲述家人或者朋友对于这些宇航员工作的兴奋与好奇,因此可以排除。

62. D 推理判断题。从最后一段我们知道,这些宇航员喜欢从窗口看外面的世界,并且地球在不同时间提供了不同的画面。

63. D 主旨大意题。全文讲述了国际空间站的宇航员是如何度过工作之余的闲暇时间的。B、C有一定的干扰性。文章提到过宇航员与地面上的家人和朋友的联系,也提到了他们透过窗子看地球上的景观,但是这些都是细节,而不是主题。


Medical drugs sometimes cause more damage than they cure. One solution to this problem is to put the drugs inside a capsule, protecting them from the body—and the body from them—until they can be released at just the right spot. There are lots of ways to trigger (引发) this release,including changing temperature, acidity, and so on. But triggers can come with their own risks—burns, for example. Now, researchers in California have designed what could be a harmless trigger to date: shining near-infrared light (NIR, 近红外线) on the drug in the capsule.

The idea of using light to liberate the drug in the capsule isn't new. Researchers around the globe have developed polymers (聚合物) and other materials that begin to break down when they absorb either ultraviolet (UV, 紫外线) or visible light. But tissues also readily absorb UV and visible light, which means the drug release can be triggered only near the skin, where the light can reach the capsule. NIR light largely passes through tissues, so researchers have tried to use it as a trigger. But few compounds (化合物) absorb NIR well and go through chemical changes.

That changed last year when Adah Almutairi, a chemist at the University of California, San Diego, reported that she and her colleagues had designed a polymer that breaks down when it absorbs NIR light. Their polymer used a commercially available NIR-absorbing group called o-nitrobenzyl (ONB). When they catch the light, ONB groups fall off the polymer, leading to its breakdown. But ONB is only a so-so N IR absorber, and it could be poisonous to cells when it separates from the polymer.

So Almutairi and her colleagues reported creating a new material for capsules that's even better. This one consists of a long chain of compounds called cresol groups linked in a polymer. Cresol contains reactive (易反应的) components that make it highly unstable in its polymeric form, a feature Almutairi and her colleagues use to their advantage. After polymerizing the

cresols, they cap each reactive component with a light-absor bing compound called Bhc. When the Bhcs absorb NIR light, the reactive groups are exposed and break the long polymer into two short chains. Shining additional light continues this breakdown, potentially releasing any drugs in the capsule. What's more, Almutairi says, Bhc is 10 times better at absorbing NIR than is ONB and is not poisonous to cells.

63. According to the passage, which of the following could be the best trigger?

A. Temperature change.

B. NIR light.

C. Acidity change.

D. UV light.

64. Why is ONB unsatisfactory?

A. It breaks down when it absorbs NIR light.

B. It falls off the polymer and triggers drug release.

C. It has not come onto the market up till now.

D. It is not effective enough and could be poisonous.

65. Which word can be used to complete the following process of changes?

Bhcs absorb NIR.??Polymer breaks down.?Drug is released.

A. protected

B. formed

C. exposed

D. combined


63. B 信息理解题。根据第一段最后一句“Now, researchers in California have designed what could be a harmless trigger to date: shining near-infrared light (NIR,近红外线) on the drug in the capsule.”可知答案。

64. D 推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句“…ONB groups fall off the polymer, leading to its breakdown.”和“…and it could be poisonous to cells…”可


65. C 信息理解题。根据最后一段第五句“When the Bhcs absorb NIR light, the reactive groups are exposed and break the long polymer into two short chains.”可知此处用exposed,即C项正确。


(一)阅读是获得更综合、更复杂、更精确信息的必要手段,考生在做阅读理解时,不仅要看懂文章的字面意思,还需要针对不同题材和体裁的篇目运用不同的方法作出正确的选择。一般来说,词汇、阅读速度和理解能力是阅读理解中三个最重要且有相互联系的因素。 阅读的方法可以使用以下几种: 1.跳读:就是快速的一步阅读法。实际上是有选择阅读,找关键词。用这种阅读方法回答who、what、when、where之类的问题最为有效。 2.略读:指比跳读慢些的二步阅读法。即泛泛地、粗略地快速阅读,目的是了解大意,对文章有个总的概念。此种阅读方法能回答why、how之类的问题。 3.精读:即最细致、最慢的深层阅读方法,目的是求得对所读文章的全部意义的理解与掌握。 在使用阅读技巧时尽量做到以下几点: 1.带着问题阅读短文。 2.找出主题句、确定中心思想。 3.推断单词、句子和文章的含义。 4.尽快选择答案。 (二)不同体裁文章的特点及解题技巧 1.记叙文 记叙文又可分传记类和故事类。传记类文章在阅读中时间是全文的关键,根据时间我们可以找到相关的事件,抓住文章的主要内容。故事类文章情节性较强,阅读时要注意故事中的时间、地点、人物和发生的事件,这些都是文章中的主要内容和信息,对于准确理解文章十分重要。 2.说明文 说明文是对事物的形状、性质、特征、成果或功用等进行介绍,解释或阐述的文章。把握所说明事物的特征和本质是理解说明文的关键。说明事物特征的方法很多,主要有定义法、解释法、比较法、比喻法、数字法、图表法、引用法和举例法等。 ●数字说明文 在阅读数字说明文时要特别注意文中数字的含义,从这些数字中可以找到文章的主要内容。 ●解释说明文


一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 The mayor of Flint offered Miss Michigan Emily Sioma high praise on Tuesday for speaking out at this weekend's Miss America conference about the city's water crisis. "I was really excited for her to do that," Mayor Karen Weaver told TMZ. "I think she was very brave because so many times you say who you are and where you're from and just general information. For her to take that opportunity and use her platform and use her voice to speak up about what's going on in Michigan and in Flint, in particular, was just amazing." Emily Sioma, 24, introduced herself on stage on Sunday by saying, "From the state with 84 percent of the U. S. fresh water but none for its residents to drink. I am Miss Michigan Emily Sioma." The brief 'speech was a reference to Flint, a town with lead-filled drinking water. Weaver said Sioma's decision to speak about the Flint water crisis demonstrated her impressive character. "I applaud her for being a brave young woman. And it also shows you that she's not a selfish person," Weaver said. "She could have talked only about herself, but she chose to use this opportunity to bring attention to, and keep attention on, what's going on in Flint, what's going on with water quality standards what's going on with this broken infrastructure(基础设施) that we have across the country. " Ratings showed that 4. 3 million viewers watched the ABC program. Although Miss New York Nia Imani Franklin ultimately won the competition, many Twitter users quickly got behind Sioma, who did not make the final 15, after her introduction. "Emily Sioma wanted to make an impact," one Twitter user wrote on Sunday. Regardless of whether you agree with what she said or not- she is shining light on a pressing issue that we have in our state and that is still not solved. That is a Miss America." (1)What does the underlined word "water crisis" refer to in Paragraph 1? A.Water transportation. B.Water shortage. C.Water reservation. D.Water quality. (2)How does the mayor find Emily Sioma? A.Curious and cautious. B.Brave and unselfish. C.Proud and admirable. D.Talkative and outgoing. (3)What does the author intend to do in Paragraph 5? A.Summarize the previous paragraphs. B.Introduce the ABC program. C.Emphasize Sioma's influence. D.Add some background information. (4)Which of the following is the best title for the passage? A.The Mayor of Flint


(英语)高三英语阅读理解解析版汇编 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 In America, parents tend to encourage their children to develop their potential (潜能) to the fullest extent. Fathers and mothers frequently teach their children both ambition and the confidence necessary to work toward their goals. American parents are always active in concentrating on what their kids can do, not what they can't. As a result, millions of American boys and girls grow up hoping to become actors and athletes, diplomats and doctors. Many of them even want to become president. American parents often encourage their children to become involved in extra activities of all types at school, such as student government, sports and music. They believe that only through taking part in these activities can their children become mature young adults. As we all know, school work is important. But parents should realize that the social skills their children learn from natural conversations with each other are as important as schoolwork and the skills they will need in the future work. What's more important in their work is that their children should have a sound knowledge of physics or the ability to communicate effectively. As a rule, Chinese parents don't educate their children about the same kind of ambition and confidence as Americans do, nor do they encourage the same level of participation in extra activities. Children are typically advised to study hard and pass exams. They have to spend a lot of time in doing much schoolwork every day. It is a great waste of time to do so. Now more and more Chinese parents have recognized that they should pay attention to developing the potential of their children. I hope that leaders in Chinese educational circles should take some measures to develop the potential of their children. I am very confident about it. (1)From the passage, we know the American parents pay much more attention to . A. the social skills than Chinese parents B. their children's studying hard and well C. what their children want but they can't D. extra activities than schoolwork (2)According to the passage, Chinese parents . A. know more than American parents to educate their children B. owning ambition and confidence is necessary and important C. pay much more attention to their children's fine future D. don't encourage their children to participate in extra activities (3)From the passage, we can infer . A. American children are brave and adventurous B. American children are more active in their studies C. Chinese children have the ability to communicate effectively D. something should be done to develop the potential of the children in China (4)What's the writer's attitude towards Chinese education reform? A. Neutral. B. Indifferent. C. Positive. D. Negative. 【答案】(1)A


I watched from a distance as the homeless man quarreled with those who did not leave money for him – the majority. I walked up to him and right on queue he asked me for a quarter. ―I’ll give you a quarter if you tell me your story.‖ He laughed, ―You’ll give me a quarter for my story?‖ I lay the quarter in front of him and corrected myself –―Nah, here’s the quarter but it would be nice to hear your story.‖ I followed his eyes to the quarter and for a brief moment I saw a glimmer of reflection. I sat down next to him and waited. ―I was in the army,‖ he said. ―I was a sniper(狙击手)and was supposed to shoot down the enemy from the distance.‖ I listened carefully to his grizzly voice as he went deeper into the story. He wore dirty old torn clothes and smelled like a dead rat left in a mouse trap. He told me how he used to hunt with his family and was really good at it. He had his own way of respecting animals by not wasting what he killed for food and not killing more than he needed. When the army came knocking on his door, he felt pride and joined up. All those years of polishing his hunting skills could now serve a larger purpose—to defend us from the bad guys. He set out to fight in Iraq. It wasn’t long before he realized his ideals and expectations were just a shadow of the truth. He became disillusioned with the killings, which he felt were of innocent people. ―I was a sniper but I never really killed anyone,‖ he said. ―One day I had to do it. They asked me to shoot this lady from the distance. I saw kids near that lady and my hands were on the trigger (扳机). Man, I was tearing up ... I couldn’t do it. She wasn’t doing anything to anyone and she was with the kids—I couldn’t see through my tears. It just didn’t make any sense to me.‖ The story goes on as he describes eventually being put into prison for 180 days for refusing to follow orders. He told me how he was black listed so that he couldn’t get a job. All the rights we take for granted were taken away from him. Why? Here was a man who was being punished—and for what? For refusing to kill the lady? For being a hero? ―I have no regrets,‖ the homeless man said. ―I may be homeless now, but I never killed that lady. I never killed anyone in the army. It didn’t feel right. I didn’t go there to do that. I went there to save people.‖ He continued, ―I can live with being homeless—that’s okay. But I wouldn’t be able to live with killing innocent people.‖ On that lonely Friday night, I met a hero. It just never occurred to me that a hero could be a smelly old man left on streets. 1. It can be learned from the passage that the homeless man_______. () A. never killed animals B. had a strong respect for life C. deserved the punishment he received D. felt guilty about disobeying the order


英语阅读理解技巧 阅读理解始终是外语学习和考试重点。 一.阅读理解的测试要点如下: 1.理解主旨大意; 2.寻读具体信息; 3.理解细节; 4.根据上下文提供的语境,推测生词词义,进而加深对文段的理解; 5.简单的判断和理解; 6.理解文段的基本逻辑结构; 7.理解作者的意图和态度; 8.理解文段的文化信息; 9.理解图表信息; 10.理解指代关系。 从高考命题的实际情况看,命题者常用下述方法提问: 1.What is the purpose of the text? 2.What does the author mainly tell US about in the passage? 3.What can we infer from the passage? 4.What can be inferred from the passage? 5.It can be concluded from the text that ? 6.What can we learn from the text? 7.What is the general idea/main idea of the text? 8. The passage mainly focuses on ? 9. What is the main subject discussed in the text? 10. It can be inferred from the passage that? 11. It can be inferred from the that the author seems to? 12. What is the best title of the text/for the article? 13. The best title for this passage is? 14. What can we infer from the last/the first two paragraphs? 15. The meaning of the word/sentence in Paragraph X is related to? 16. In Paragraph X, "X X X" can be replaced by?


高考英语阅读理解专项训练及答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is gaining global popularity. According to a government white paper, TCM has been introduced in 183 countries and regions around the world. Westerners' understanding of TCM, however, may be limited to acupuncture, cupping and massage(针灸,拔罐和按摩). For instance, the purple, injury-like marks left on U. S. swimmer Michael Phelps,back from cupping for the purpose of relaxing his muscles and reducing pain became the center of attention during the Rio Olympics in 2016. As a matter of fact, Chinese herbs play a more important role in getting rid of diseases and keeping the body in good condition in the TCM treatment system than physical treatment. It is therefore disheartening to know that while 103 World Health Organization member countries have given approval to the practice of acupuncture, not many recognize Chinese herbal medicine. TCM falls far behind Western medicine owing partly to the slow development of Chinese herbs. Herbs are made into pills, powder and soup, and the kind of herbs used, their quality and quantity, and the processing of the ingredients (原材料) jointly determine the effectiveness of the prescription. Compared with Western medicine, which has standardized drug production processes and treatment methods, TCM lacks standardization, with the chemical composition and functions of its medicines being unclear and their effects being unstable. Fortunately, standardization has improved in recent decades, with an increasing number of factories producing patented TCM drugs. Another factor that has prevented the development of TCM prescription drugs is the lack of creativity. While Western medicine-making companies come up with new products every year, TCM drug producers tend to make medicines according to prescriptions handed down from the past. Chinese chemist Tu Youyou's winning the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her research into malaria (疟疾) treatment may drive creativity to some extent in China's TCM industry. However, the current state of affairs cannot be changed within a short time. (1)Why does the author mention the example of Michael Phelps? A. Because he was injured in his swimming. B. Because cupping is a kind of important TCM treatment. C. Because westerners know a little about TCM. D. Because westerners attach great importance to TCM. (2)Why don't some member countries of WHO recognize Chinese herbal medicine? A. Because Chinese herbs can get rid of diseases. B. Because they only approve the practice of acupuncture. C. Because Western medicine is more effective. D. Because medicine made out of Chinese herbs develops slowly. (3)Compared with Western medicine, what is the weak point of TCM in Paragraph 4? A. The methods of planting herbs. B. The effectiveness of prescription. C. Lacking in standardization. D. Its stable functions.


阅读理解能力测试的主要要求是: 1.阅读材料,理解材料的主旨大意,以及用以说明主旨大意的事实和细节。2.既理解具体的事实,也理解抽象的概念。 3.既理解文章的字面意思,也理解深层含义,包括作者的态度、意图等。 4.既理解某句、某段的含义,也理解全篇的逻辑关系,并据此进行推理和判断。5.既能根据所提供的信息去理解,也能结合中学生应具有的常识去理解判断。 根据这五项要求,我们可将阅读理解多项选择题归纳为以下几种题型:主题主旨大意,细节理解题,综合推理题,概括归纳题,观点归纳题,人物评价题,词义句义理解题,指代关系题,内容排序题等。 下面结合自己平时教学中的经验体会,谈一谈做英语阅读理解题的技巧与策略。 一.主旨大意题 阅读理解首先要做到的就是掌握所读材料的主旨和大意,它是全文的概括与总结。能否抓住这个中心,取决于读者的总结能力。每篇短文都有其主题思想,而作者表现主题思想的手法各不相同。这就需要我们挖掘相同点,寻找解题的方法。 常见题型: 1.主题型: What’s the main idea of this passage ? What does this passage mainly discuss? What’s the topic of this passage ? 2.标题型: What’s the best title? The best title for this text is (to tell ) ————. 3.目的型: The main purpose of this text is ————. The author’s purpose o f writing this text is to ————. What’s the main purpose of the passage?


高考英语阅读理解练习题及答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 I was born on the 17th of November 1828, in the village of Nam Ping, which is about four miles southwest of the Portuguese Colony (殖民地) of Macao, and is located on Pedro Island lying west of Macao, from which it is separated by a channel of half a mile wide. As early as 1834, an English lady, Mrs. Gutzlaff, wife of a missionary to China, came to Macao. Supported by the Ladies' Association in London for the promotion of female education in India and the East, she immediately took up the work of starting a girls' school for Chinese girls, which was soon followed by the opening of a boys' school. Mrs. Gutzlaff's comprador(买办) happened to come from my village and was actually my father's friend and neighbor. It was through him that my parents heard about Mrs. Gutzlaff's school and it was doubtlessly through his influence and means that my father got me admitted into the school. It has always been a mystery to me why my parents should put me into a foreign school, instead of a traditional Confucian school, where my big brother was placed. Most certainly such a step would have been more suitable for Chinese public opinion, taste, and the wants of the country, than to allow me to attend an English school. Moreover, a Chinese belief is the only avenue in China that leads to political promotion, influence, power and wealth. I can only guess that as foreign communication with China was just beginning to grow, my parents hoped that it might be worthwhile to put one of their sons to learning English. In this way he might become an interpreter and have a more advantageous position to enter the business and diplomatic world. I am wondering if that influenced my parents to put me into Mrs. Gutzlaff's School. As to what other sequences it has eventually brought about in my later life, they were entirely left in the hands of God. (1)How was the author admitted to Mrs. Gutzlaff's school? A. Through his father's friend's help. B. Through his own efforts to exams. C. Through his father's request. D. Through Mrs. Gutzlaff's influence. (2)Why did the author's parents put him into an English school? A. An English school was more influential. B. Foreign trade with China was developing fast. C. It met with Chinese public opinion. D. He could become a successful interpreter. (3)What did the author think of his parents' decision to put him into an English school? A. It was skeptical. B. It was mysterious. C. It was thoughtful. D. It was wonderful.【答案】(1)A (2)D (3)B 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,小时候父亲送作者去英语学校而不是中文学校,并分析了具体原因。 (1)考查细节理解。根据第三段中的“Mrs. Gutzlaff's comprador(买办) happened to come from my village and was actually my father's friend and neighbor. It was through him that my parents heard about Mrs. Gutzlaff's school”可知,作者是通过父亲朋友的帮助进入到Mrs.


高考英语阅读理解这5个核心技巧,拿高分 我已经记住了很多单词和短语,通常会攻克很多问题,并努力克服冗长而困难的句子。为什么仍然费时并犯很多错误? 今天,我将与您分享阅读理解的秘诀,以便快速找到答案,供您参考! 阅读理解5种解题技巧 1以意群为单位,成组视读 区分意群和巧妙地暂停不仅是背诵的关键,而且还是阅读的基本素质。英语阅读基于意群,而不是单词或短语。意群阅读是用眼睛进行扫描,而不是默默地看着每个单词,而是像探照灯一样根据意群进行分组扫描。该句子被视为一个整体结构,并且包含信息,不是单个词汇。 2首尾在心,紧扣中心 任何作者都有自己的写作意图,任何文章也都有自己的中心主题。为了检查考生对文章的理解和阅读水平,作者将不可避免地使用各种方法来比较作者的写作意图和 文章,考察的主题

一般来说,文章的主题通常在文章的开头和结尾表示,包括文章的开头和结尾段落以及每个段落的开头和结尾句子。为了快速掌握文章的中心,文本的第一和最后一个段落以及每个段落的第一和最后一个句子是最好的切入点,因此学生应该特别注意。 3学会跳读,心中有一幅画 阅读理解必须同时考虑森林和树木。有必要扫描全文并区分主要和次要内容。跳过可用于阅读全文并了解主要思想,也可用于搜索详细信息并锁定正在考查的信息-这样您就可以掌握整体而不会忽略细节。 跳读时,您不得借用母语翻译。例如,您可以通过情景想象,大纲列表,关键连接和图表来整理文章的上下文,以使文章的框架更加直观,可视化和具体化。 4请善于猜测单词的含义 允许所有类型的考试出现3%的超纲词汇,这些词汇通常会在文字中给出提示,考生可以根据上下文推断其含义。 例如,某些词会跟随它们的同位语并直接对其进行解释;某些单词(通常是名词)仅需要确定它是某种类型的事物,例如人的名字,地名,某种动物,植物等,而无需弄清具体含义; 某些新单词确实毫无头绪,也不太在乎,因为不知道一个或两个单词不会对理解本文造成障碍。如果您因为不知道新单词而感到恐慌,那么您将影响自己的发挥。


高考英语阅读理解试题经典及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 When times get tough, we all look for ways to cut back. When we're hungry, we eat at home instead of going out. We take buses instead of taxis. And we wear our old designer jeans just a few months longer. With college expenses at all-time highs, high school students are eager to do anything to cut the cost of a university education. One cost-cutting proposal is to allow college students to get a bachelor's degree in three years instead of four. Educational institutions have been actively exploring ways to make the learning process more efficient. But there's a question: Would the quality of undergraduate education suffer? Few US universities have formally approved a "three-year degree" model. I doubt that mainstream North American colleges will carry out a three-year curriculum any time soon. For one thing, most universities already allow highly qualified students to graduate early by testing out of certain classes and obtaining a number of college credits. In addition, at famous universities, the committee who determine which courses are required and which courses are electives are unlikely to suddenly "throw out" one quarter of the required credits. Professors will resist "diluting (稀释)" the quality of the education they offer. In my opinion, a quality four-year education is always superior to a quality three-year education. A college education requires sufficient time for a student to become skilled in their major and do coursework in fields outside their major. It is not a good idea to water down education, any more than it's not a good idea to water down medicine. If we want to help students find their way through university, we should help them understand early on what knowledge and skills they need to have upon graduation. We should allow students to test out of as many courses as possible. We should give them a chance to earn money as interns (实习生) in meaningful part-time jobs that relate to their university studies, such as the five-year co-op program at Northeastern University. (1)Which of the following can best sum up the main idea? A.It's time to shorten the learning process. B.Best learning takes place over time. C.University education should be watered down. D.College education calls for reform. (2)We can learn from the passage that ________. A.most American universities are against the "three-year degree" model B.many famous US universities are considering adopting the "three-year degree" model C.professors are willing to accept the "three-year degree" model D.The "three-year degree" model can make college learning more efficient (3)In most US universities, ________. students are offered the co-op program B.electives' credits make up one quarter of the required credits C.all students are required to finish four-year education before graduation D.some excellent students can graduate ahead of time
