英语值日报告 Duty Report_30

英语值日报告 Duty Report_30
英语值日报告 Duty Report_30

英语值日报告Duty Report


演讲比赛 1.这些天我班的李佳坚持在老师的帮助下刻苦训练口语;


好人好事1. 昨天为四川灾区学生捐书200本,捐书包50个,捐款4200元

2. 何立捐了500元,报告必须包括表中全部内容,可适当增加细节,但不要逐条翻译;2.简要评价必须在2个句子以上;



Hello, Everyone! Here are two important activities that happened this week.____________________________

That's all, thank you!


Hello, Everyone! Here are two important activities that happened this week. These days, Li Jia, our classmate, has kept practicing spoken English hard with the teacher's help. On Wednesday afternoon, she won the first prize in the English speech contest. How exciting it is! We should learn from her. Yesterday, we donated 200 books, 50 backpacks and 4200 yuan for the students in Sichuan.

He Li alone donated 500 yuan, the most of all. That's good. I think that as a student, we needn't care how much we should give. Showing our love is the most important.

That's all, thank you!


A:Hello!What’s your name? B:My name is ChenEnnan. And what is your name? A:My name is Alan. I come from England.I can make western food, have hamburger and salad. Salad is sweet. I think Chinese food is very delicious. B:I am Chinese, I live in Deyang. I am the student in Deyang NO.5 Middle School . I like playing sports and reading books. I like England, France, and Switzerland, but I like China very much! China is interesting, you are welcome to China. A:Who is he? B:He is my friend.His name is Jerry. A:Hello! Jerry. Nice to meet you. C:Nice to meet you too. I'm from Australia. I really like the Great Wall of China.I like eating dumplings best, it’s China's representatives. B:Can you speak Chinese? C: Yes, I can.But I speak a little Chinese. B:When is your birthday? C:My birthday is November 11th. B:And you?Alan. A:Oh.My birthday is July 25th. B:What are you doing?


英语值日励志报告 值日报告是一个不错的小项目,那么关于英语值日报告怎么写呢?下面是给大家整理的英语值日励志报告,供大家参阅! 英语值日励志报告篇1Hi! Everybody! I am so honor to do duty report today. Today is wednesday,so sunnuy,right? 嗨!各位!我很荣幸今天做值日报告。今天周三。天气晴好,对吧? we know recently so many pepople are talking about the accidents happend to xiao yueyue,a poor girl . 我们知道,最近,很多人正在讨论一个可怜女孩,小悦悦出车祸事件。 She was crushed by a car, then the terrible thing is noboby want to help her.finally ,she was sent to hospital ,the person who find and help her is a kind old woman. 她是被一辆车子撞伤的,然而可怕的是,没有一个人伸出援手。最后,她被送去医院,而发现她的人,是个善良的老婆婆。 we all know this girl was died in the hospital.How tragic! 18 person!18 people just past away!i want ask you ,do you know life is important than anything? do you have children?have parents?do you noticed that was only a little girl?


初二英语值日报告范文3篇 值日:值是值班;日是当日需要处理的事务工作。本文是小编为大家整理的初二英语值日报告范文,仅供参考。 初二英语值日报告范文篇一:At home A The movie is so boring B I dont think so C The movie is too old . I dont think its good A well I remember today there is Justin Bibers concert B C Really? Dont lie to us A True, lets go B It doesnt matter to me C Well, lets go on the road B what movies did you see at the recent? A I recently saw Roman holiday. its classic .Audrey Hepburn plays the very beautiful princess B I have also seen. she plays the role of very wonderful but last that man cheated her. And how about you? C I saw The Day After Tomorrow last week.It is the same as 2012. The scene is very shocked ! I love the film very much

B But I love this movie is2012 . Because its scene more shocked than The Day After Tomorrow. A ok ok Lets into the concert In the concert A Hurry up, this concert will start three minutes later C Wait, I go to connect a telephone B terrible!! I want to go to the toilet A Well, you hurry up After a few minutes C We come!And go into this concert A ok ok Hurry up It started a few minutes A terrible!Oh my god B Whats wrong with you A I forgot to buy three tickets to concert 1 Who held a concert ? 2 what is the final outcome about Roman holiday? 3 What movie is the same as 2012? 4 Please you say Justin Bibers two songs 5 Who starred in the Roman holiday 初二英语值日报告范文篇二:A:Hello!Whats your name? B:My name is ChenEnnan. And what is your name? A:My name is Alan. I come from England.I can make


英语值日报告的有效利用 在英语教学中,很多英语教师对英语值日报告并不重视,存在随意、放任或流于形式的状况。其实,英语值日报告是课堂教学不可分割的一部分,它有利于培养学生在真实情境下的英语交际能力。在这种真实情境中,学生谈他们的所见所闻及所思所想,能有效地锻炼他们的思维能力和口头表达能力。而且学生准备值日报告的过程,是一个积极主动学习和探究知识的过程。许多学生为了准备好自己的值日报告,往往提前几天到图书馆或者在网上查找资料,收集信息,加工处理,这增加了值日报告的研究性色彩。 英语值日报告就是充分利用了课前3—5分钟的值日生报告让学生做热身运动,并通过值日生报告让所学的知识真正成为自己的知识。多年的实践证明,短短3—5分钟的值日生报告,不仅提高了学生的听说能力,也激发了学生的参与意识,培养了他们的创造性思维。看作是引导学生课外自主学习、不断探究的有效手段和锻炼学生综合能力、发展个性的有利方法,那么“值日生汇报”将发挥巨大的作用,从而进一步提高英语教学的质量和效率。 1.培养学生说英语的习惯 刚接触英语的学生,对英语充满了好奇和激情,因此我便要求他们从最简单的开始,用英语介绍自己。每个人都有机会,包括平时不爱说话的同学在内,都有机会表现自己。有些单词和句子虽然看起来很简单,但是要一张口就说出来却不容易;有的同学害羞,虽然知道说英语不是丑事,却偏偏不肯说;有些同学英语书面成绩好,却说不出几句流利的英语。学生值日报告,先从英语科代表、英语小组长做起。起个带头作用,然后按组轮流值日,使每个同学都能得到一个展示自己的舞台。经过一段时间的练习,学生的口语将会得到提高,一些常用的口语,如:Howare you?Nice to meet you.I’m sorry.I’m late.May lcome in?May l ask a question?大多数学生都能朗朗上口并常用。回答问题前,总要冒出Let me try.Let me see.或Sorry,I don’t know。久而久之.班上的学生就养成了一种开口说英语的习惯。 2.注意英语值日报告的形式多样化 值日报告一般以对话的形式进行,这即可以是学生与学生之间的对话,也可以是师生之间的对话。对话内容要真实,要有信息差距,杜绝千篇一律的谈天气和日期等等一些程式化的语言。 学生在作英语值日报告的时候,可以将要表达的内容以表演的形式演示出来,可以采取竞赛的方式,也可以给他们设置几个话题,比如天南地北、开心一刻、校园内外、师生交谈等等。另外,也可以搞一些简短的兴趣活动,比如:英语歌曲、猜谜语、朗诵英语小诗、讲英语小故事等。 有时可以根据课程要求和实际需要,练习刚学过的对话,或要求学生把刚学


1. Today I will tell you about differences between chinese and western weeding 2. Marriage is one of the common system of human society. Since ancient times, marriage is important for everybody . The wedding is in public the marital relationship between husband and wife publicly identified ceremony. Therefore, in almost every society and culture, there are wedding customs 3.next ,I will do for you one by one simply introduced in detail . first , Weeding Location 4.For we Chinese, wedding to do grand lively, inviting many relatives and friends. so the wedding is supposed to take place in a convenient transportation, spacious courtyard or hotel. 5.Western wedding outstanding grave and holy, the wedding is generally held in t he Church or other relatively quiet palace, but relatively speaking, as Chinese wedding so exciting 6. Weeding Dress 8. Typical chinese traditional wedding costumes are a chaplet and official robes(凤冠霞帔), top service (状元服) 9. 10. nowadays Now due to the influence of western wedding customs, more and more Chinese accept the white wedding dress 11 The mainb color western wedding is white. In Western weddings, the bride usually always wears a white wedding dress, representing the holy and faithful. The bride's bouquet, surrounding environment decoration is a


初中英语值日报告简单的 篇一:中学生英语值日报告范文 英语值日报告---第1轮 Daily Report---the First Round Topic: Personal Statement/ Introduction Requirement: : all classmates/ 2 before each class Limit---Less than 1 minute / per person and intonation. at the teacher’s desk. date---September 5/This Thursday 英语值日报告---第2轮 Daily Report---the Second Round Topic: An Event during the Summer Vacation Requirement: : all classmates/ 1 before each class Limit---Less than 2 minute / per person and intonation. at the teacher’s desk. date---Succeed the last one of the first round A Sample Report for the First Round

Hello everyone! My name is Wang Zhenlong. I was born in a village in the eastern part of Inner Mongolia in 1965. I went to college twice and got my Bachelor’s degree in 1994. The same year, I started to teach in Lu He High School. Luckily, I got the chance to visit Britain in the summer of 20XX. Then the following year saw me working as a visiting teacher in Upstate New York, USA. I attained my Master of Art in English Teaching in 20XX. I used to play table tennis, basketball and volleyball a lot, but I enjoy jogging now. And sometimes I may play pool balls or go swimming. Another interest of mine is collecting liquor bottles and taking pictures. This school year I am very glad to be your teacher of English. A Sample Report for the Second Round Hi there! Today I am going to tell you something I experienced during the summer holidays. I visited the city of Toronto in the summer, where my daughter is studying for a certificate. One afternoon, she and I dropped in at a Pizza-Pizza for dinner. We walked


关于英语值日报告 我的第一个英语任务报告 我还记得那个一天当我做了我的第一个英语任务报告一年前。当时我还是个学生高级。有一天,英语老师告诉我们,从那以后我们会用一种责任报告在英语的世界里。有人做鬼脸和许多喊著说:“哦!什么是主意!” “为什么,你这么怕!”老师非常惊讶。 “我们的英语很差。“我们中的一些人叫道。我们恐怕可以'tdo得很好。 “那是一个很好的机会来练习你的英语口语。别担心。试一试,”老师催促说。我们也就静默的一次。 终于有一天当轮到我使一种责任报告。我旁边的女孩取笑①我,“你害怕吗?哦,你们看起来有点紧张。”我极不②在她的,然后慢慢起床,从我的座位,来到教室的前面。作为一个害羞的女孩子,不习惯在公共

场合讲话,我觉得我的心跳得很快。 现在我是站在讲台上。我看了看我的同学,然后鼓起勇气③说话了。老师站在我旁边,脸上露出笑容。我想要告诉英语笑话,而是我非常紧张,我忘了一开始就用“轮到我给你一种责任报告。“我不敢直视我的同学,但却把看着墙和天花板。我觉得他们在盯着我。 突然,我发现我犯了一些错误,这使我忘记下一句应该的。但是同学们都还在听我④用心。他们似乎没注意到这些错误。他们都在等待着我去继续我的报告。老师看着我平静地承认了。从他的慈祥面容我可以看出他很鼓励我坚持下去。有立于安静了几秒钟,我发现下一句。我又说。我的心跳得更快了,我的脸变红。这个笑话是不长,但我也是花了好长一段时间我才可以完成它。当我讲完,我跑到我的座位,并把我的头在书桌上。我不能听老师说。但我清楚地听见有些男孩和女孩的谗谤,四围都是她说甚麽?” 那是我的首要责任报告。当我回忆,我情不自禁地笑了。我将永远不会忘记。


浅谈如何有效开展英语值日报告 英语值日报告是学生在课前几分钟内用英语进行表达的展示。尽管它只占几分钟时间,但对渲染课堂气氛、调动和激发学生学习英语的积极性、及时复习巩固课堂学习内容起着不可低估的作用。它可以促使不愿开口说英语的学生开口,让愿意开口的学生得到锻炼和表现的机会,给学生搭建一个展示自己英语才能的平台。但是在实际的操作过程中,由于值日报告的形式、内容以及学生的差异性等原因,导致值日报告的收效甚微。为了提高初中英语值日报告的有效性,我们做了一些有益的研究和尝试。 一、依据课标,丰富报告形式 1.依据新课程标准对学生能力的要求,我们在初一、初二、初三中采用了不同的值日报告形式和内容。由于初一学生词汇有限,我们一般要求他们采用表演型报告,教师在开展“值日生汇报”时,可先从学生的自我介绍入手,让每个学生按班号或座位的顺序轮流每天上讲台介绍自己。教师应引导学生不要只是简单地说“日期、天气、出勤、自己的姓名、年龄”等常规内容,还要适当增加东西,把自己生动而立体地介绍给大家,如自己的喜好(食物、运动,影视偶像等)、熟悉的人(包括亲朋好友、以前的老师、同学等)、难忘的事、才艺展示或表演等这样,既能展示学生的才艺,锻炼胆量,提高自信,又能充分体现学生的个性。坚持人人上台,全员参与。培养学生的兴趣,形成积极的情感态度,促进英语学习。 由于学生掌握的语言知识不多,他们的表达可能趋于简单,教师可以鼓励学生运用动作或道具等,使值日报告的内容更加形象、生动。比如,在学生描述自己喜欢的食物时,鼓励他们展示食物;在学生介绍喜欢的影视偶像时,鼓励他们呈现照片。语言输入到语言理解是一个需要时间和介质的过程。此时,照片、食物等充当了介质的作用,有助于加深学生对英语值日报告的理解 2. 演讲性报告 随着学生年级的升高和能力的逐步提升,学生不仅关注自身,而且开始关注身边的事情,能表达的内容也逐步扩大加深。与此同时,教材也提供了更为丰富多彩的话题,教师可以鼓励学生结合教材的相关话题发表具有独特见解的演讲。八年级的学生有了一定的英语基础,他们求知欲较强,兴趣爱好广泛,不再满足于简单的趣味英语。因此,适合开展一些知识性、探究性,有一定思考、探索空间的“值日生汇报”形式,专题讲座就是一种很好的形式。它让学生学会借助英语这个万能的语言工具和互联网这条信息的高速公路,接触了解一个精彩的“外面世界”,开阔学生的视野,培养学生的主体精神和自学能力。也许,这些演讲语言简短、内容稚嫩,但是充满了学生的智慧和创新。 3. 话题型报告 随着语言知识的增加、语言能力的提高,学生能表达的内容多了。此时,我们鼓励他们用所学语言介绍自己真实的情况,表达内心真切的感受。个性化的表达避免了内容的重复,更能发挥语言交流、表意的功能,是值日报告更具真实意义。九年级的学生英语基础相对较好,但面临中考时间紧、压力大,亟待提高语言综合能力。因此,在九年级阶段适合开展较“实战性”的“值日生汇报”,侧重锻炼学生的听力和口头表达能力、提高语言综合能力。九年级的学生分析、理解能力较强,且有一定的口头表达能力,教师可采用话题讨论或辩论的形式,让值日生就某个话题发起讨论或引起辩论,全部同学共同参与,这样不仅有效地训练了学生的听说能力,还充分活跃了课堂气氛,开发了学生的思维能力。 二、教师指导,做好报告准备 1.话题指导


第一篇:《高中英语值日报告》 浅议高中英语值日报告 英语课上课一开始进行5分钟左右的值日报告(duty report)是英语课堂教学的一个重要环节。这种简单的英语报告尽管只占几分钟时间,但对渲染课堂气氛,调动和激发学生英语学习的积极性和创造性,及时复习巩固课堂内容起着不可低估的作用。通过多年的教学实践证明,短短的五分钟值日报告,不仅提高了学生的学习主动性,激发了学生学习兴趣和参与意识;同时培养了他们的创造性思维,加强了他们对于英语这门语言的综合运用能力。 一、值日报告的意义和作用 教师走下讲台,学生走上讲台。让学生感知和习得语言,在课堂内开展活动。把所学的知识转化为活生生的交际事实,启用真实情感进行语言操练,从而把真实生活带进课堂,使语言自然融入交际背景中,使生活自然融入教学之中。课堂上的5分钟,需要课后10-20分钟,甚至更长时间的准备。做好准备是做好值日报告的前提。无论是何种形式的值日报告,学生都要对所要做的报告进行选题、选材;阅读材料、组织材料、加工整理;为最后上台汇报做好充分的准备工作。在整个准备过程中,学生分析问题和解决问题的能力逐步得到提高,与其它学生

的合作能力也得到加强,实际上也是一个综合能力训练的过程和知识巩固的过程。准备充分的学生做值日报告时都会充满自信,语言流畅,能较充分地运用语言知识;一方面提高了自身的英语运用能力;另一方面,为课堂创造了一个真实的英语语境。 第二篇:《英语值日报告》 尘埃 我是空气里的一尘埃 随处眷飞着无奈 也许你会在意 但不必萦怀 蓦然回首 消迹在茫茫人海 你我偶遇在

半城烟沙 好久不见 相拥太傻 如果是缘份 最好不要牵挂 你有你的一缕阳光我有我的轻舞飞扬相逢的地方 远离的尘埃 如烟一般在飘荡……校园的黄昏


关于初三英语值日报告范文求一篇初三的英语值日报告大家早上好 Hi!everyone ! 今天星期四,天气晴朗,很凉爽,适合运动 It is Thursday today and it is sunny and cool ,especially for sports . 今天是我做值日报告 Today is my duty . 在这漫长的英语学习生活中,我现在学习虽然不大好,但我相信,我在这学期会有所提高.During the endless life of English study ,I don’t do well on studies ,but I am sure I will make great progress in this term. 在过去的暑假中,我几乎多只再放松,玩游戏,并不懂得珍惜时间,我觉得当时我是多么愚昧 In the past summer vacation,I just knew how to relax myself and how to have fun and don’t know how to cherish the time .I feel how stupid I were at that time .

在今后,我会努力学英语,相信我成绩会所提高,多看书,多看新闻,多出去走走呼吸新鲜空气.From now on ,I will work hard and make sure My grades will be improved ,I decided to read more books a,watch more news and go out to breathe the fresh air more often . ,我想成为一名警察,所以我现在必须如努力完善自我,将来,为社会做贡献. I would ike to be a policeman,so I have to make great efforts to be better and better ,In the future I can make more contributions to our society. 就这些了, That's all.Thank you! hello, day,Iamonduty,it'ssunnyandeveryoneishere.Iwantto ___yousomethingaboutinventions.Westudyeveryday,.whenwestudy atnight,weneeduselight.everybodyknowsthatthelightwasinvente dbyEdison.butdoyouknowwhenwasitinvented?Itwasinventedin1879 .Edisoninventedlight,


英语值日报告 My name is Deng Wenjia,but I like everyone call me Pat.I’m 18 years old,and now I’m a college student. I want to talk about my character my family,and my life. ,like chat with people,Certainly,I think I’m a outgoing girl greet people in the morning.I love party,everyone have fun,enjoy oneself and feel cool.I’m good at making people laugh.I feel happy when people smile at the things I do,I make friends with everyone easily and now I have a lot of friends. The other hand,I like reading book,watching movie,and doing some DIY. Have you ever heard of the name Mark Twain?I like reading his book.In fact,Mark Twain is just a pen name,and his real name is Samuel Langhorne Clemens.Because he was ever a leasant sound for river pilot,he ever said of it”It was always a p pilot to hear on a dark night,and it means safe for ship.” I like the writer,because he has brought the funny stories to us,he will always hold a position in our memories. Next,I want to talking my family ,three people in my family,my parents and I.I love them more than ever,usually try


1 Aug. New Discovery A hillbilly was visiting the big city for the first time. Entering an office building, he saw a pudgy older woman step into a small room. The doors closed, lights flashed, and after a while the door slid open and a beautiful young model stepped off the elevator. Blinking in amazement, the hillbilly drawled, "I should have brought my wife!" New Words: discovery [??????????] n. 发现, 发明的东西 hillbilly [ ??●???●?] n. 山地内部的贫农, 山地人 pudgy [ ?????] adj. 矮胖的 step [????] v. 走, 举步, 移步, 踏 amazement [??????????] n. 惊愕, 惊异 drawl [????●] v. 懒洋洋地说, 做作而慢慢地说 elevator[ ?●??????] n. 电梯, 升降机, [空]升降舵 blink [?●???] v. 眨眼, 闪亮, 无视 Grammar: Question: Why did the hillbilly say that he should have brought his wife? Answer: 新发现 一个乡下人第一次到大城市游逛。他走进一座大楼,看见一个岁数很大的矮胖女人迈进一个小房间。房间的门随后关上,有几个灯在闪亮。一会儿,门开了,电梯里走出一位年青漂亮的女模特。 乡下人惊奇地眨着眼睛,慢吞吞地说:“我应该把我的老婆带来!” 2 Aug. Prepare Yourself A story around campus that a student once sent a telegram to his parents reading: "Mom - flunked all courses. Kicked out of school. Prepare Pop." Two days later he received a response: "Pop prepared. Prepare yourself."


初二英语值日报告范文3篇 初二英语值日报告范文篇一: At home A The movie is so boring B I don't think so C The movie is too old . I don't think it's good A well I remember today there is Justin Biber’s concert B C Really? Don't lie to us A True, let’s go B It doesn't matter to me C Well, let's go on the road B what movies did you see at the recent? A I recently saw Roman holiday. it's classic .Audrey Hepburn plays the very beautiful princess B I have also seen. she plays the role of very wonderful but last that man cheated her. And how about you? C I saw The Day After Tomorrow last week.It is the same as 20xx. The scene is very shocked ! I love the film very much B But I love this movie is20xx . Because its scene more 1 / 6


At home A The movie is so boring B I don't think so C The movie is too old . I don't think it's good A well I remember today there is Justin Biber’s concert B C Really? Don't lie to us A True, let’s go B It doesn't matter to me C Well, let's go on the road B what movies did you see at the recent? A I recently saw Roman holiday. it's classic .Audrey Hepburn plays the very beautiful princess B I have also seen. she plays the role of very wonderful but last that man cheated her. And how about you? C I saw The Day After Tomorrow last week.It is the same as 2012. The scene is very shocked ! I love the film very much B But I love this movie is2012 . Because its scene more shocked than The Day After Tomorrow.


A: today we are talk about friendship. what do you think about friendship? B: uh… It is not food that we eat when we are starved, but it can help fill up our empty mind when we feel lonesome. It is not clothes to wear when we are frozen, but it is able to keep a stream of warmth welling up our heart. A: Yeah. Friendship is untouchable but it exists and touches people’s heart. It is something wonderful. B: what about you? in your eyes, What is friend ? A: for me, friend is like a shade tree beside a summer way. they will understand my little trials and lend a hand; friend is like the sunshine that makes a perfect day; when I fell down ,they can change a frown into a smile . B: friends are a basic source of happiness and hope in our lives . It not only brings us more joys and happiness, but also reduces the sense of lonely. moreover, friendship will help us get rid of trouble and sadness . It is an important part in our life, don’t you think so? A: yeah, I agree with you. As the saying goes, A life without a friend is a life without a sun . 4.can you list some sayings about friendship? A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。 Friendship can not stand always on one side. 来而不往非礼也。


英语值日报告---第1轮 Daily Report---the First Round Topic: Personal Statement/ Introduction (My Profile, interests, achievements, etc.) Requirement: 1.Participants: all classmates/ 2 before each class 2.Time Limit---Less than 1 minute / per person 3.Pronunciation and intonation. 4.Placement---Standing at the teacher’s desk. 5.Starting date---September 5/This Thursday 英语值日报告---第2轮 Daily Report---the Second Round Topic: An Event during the Summer Vacation Requirement: 1.Participants: all classmates/ 1 before each class 2.Time Limit---Less than 2 minute / per person 3.Pronunciation and intonation. 4.Placement---Standing at the teacher’s desk. 5.Starting date---Succeed the last one of the first round

英语值日报告 Duty Report

英语值日报告 Duty Report 假如你是今天英语课上的值日生,请根据表中信息完成主题为”班级新闻”的值日报告。 演讲比赛 1.这些天我班的李佳坚持在老师的帮助下刻苦训练口语; 2.星期三下午的英语演讲比赛中,李佳获得第一名。 好人好事 1. 昨天为四川灾区学生捐书200本,捐书包50个,捐款4200元 2. 何立捐了500元,全班最多。 简要评价…… 要求:1.报告必须包括表中全部内容,可适当增加细节,但不要逐条翻译; 2.简要评价必须在2个句子以上; 3.报告的开头和结尾已经给出(不计入总词数),你只需接着写 4.词数必须在80左右(参考词汇:捐赠donate) Hello, Everyone! Here are two important activities that happened this week.____________________________ That’s all, thank you! 英语值日报告范文: Hello, Everyone! Here are two important activities that happened this week. These days, Li Jia, our classmate, has kept practicing spoken English hard with the teacher’s help. On Wednesday

afternoon, she won the first prize in the English speech contest. How exciting it is! We should learn from her. Yesterday, we donated 200 books, 50 backpacks and 4200 yuan for the students in Sichuan. He Li alone donated 500 yuan, the most of all. That’s good. I think that as a student, we needn’t care how much we should give. Showing our love is the most important. That’s all, thank you!

b1值日生报告在英语教学中的应用 (2)

本文为自本人珍藏版权所有仅供参考 值日生报告在英语教学中的应用 摘要: 在英语课堂教学不断改进之时,值日生报告已受到越来越多教师的欢迎。值日生报告的形式多种多样,有新闻报道、有听到的或读到的或发生在身边的故事的讲述、有个人的感想或打算、有所学课文的复述等等,其内容充实,与学生的日常生活和实践紧密联系在一起。其效果显著,它不但能激发学生学英语的兴趣,提高学生的英语口语能力、听力能力和写作能力等,而且还能扩大学生的词汇量。 关键词:值日生报告;必要性;可行性;有效性; 教育部制定的《普通高中英语课程标准(征求意见稿)(一)》中指出“按照基础教育阶段英语课程分级总体目标的要求,高中课程标准对语言技能方面提出了相应的具体内容标准。……语言技能是语言运用能力的重要组成部分。语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这四种技能的综合运用能力。听和读是理解的技能,说和写是表达的技能;这四种技能在语言学习和交际中相辅相成、互相促进。学生应通过大量的专项和综合性语言实践,形成综合语言运用能力,为真实语言交际打基础。因此,听、说、读、写既是学习的内容,又是学习的手段。”该课程标准对听、说、读、写在分级目标中指出了不同的要求。如在六级目标对听力的要求中谈到:1….2.能从听力材料\简单演讲或讨论中提取信息和观点;3.能听懂正常语速的故事或记叙文,了解其中主要人物和事件以及他们之间的关系。而值日生报告这一环节包含了听、说、读、写四个方面。因此,我们有必要在课堂教学中开展值日生报告。 什么是值日生报告?值日生报告是在每节课师生互相问候之后开展的1——3分钟左右的演讲活动。它可以是一个学生演讲,也可以是两个学生一组的对话、表演或多个学生的短剧表演。每次轮流进行,所有的人都有机会。它的内容丰富、形式多样。对不同的年级采取不同的要求。如高一的学生可以从手头有的资料中找那些比较简短而有趣的故事、笑话、新闻或与课文同步信息作为演讲材料;到高二和高三时演讲材料可以要求学生自己写(除学习有困难的学生),写读后感,写日常生活、学习情况等等。演讲者在最后可提一、两个关于所讲内容的问题让同学回答或让同学复述所讲内容,以检查同学是否听懂、自己是否讲得清楚。学生讲完后,老师可根据需要或者重复其主要内容,或者重复其关键词、短语、句子,使所有的同学基本上能理解所听的内容。从其内容和形式来看,在课堂教学中开展值日生报告是可行的。值日生报告的形式及内容多种多样,可以是: 1). 现在及未来的学习、工作、生活的情况 学生可以谈谈本人现在的学习计划、打算,尤其是在开学初,或在期中考后,更为宜。如在开学初谈自己对各门功课的学习计划。如: Today I’ll tell you something about my study plan. After getting up every morning, I’ll read English for about ten minutes. In the evening, I’ll spend more time in physics, as I didn’t pass it last term. In order to improve my writing ability I’ve placed an order for 21st Century school edition and Zhong Xue Sheng Zuo Wen and I hope I can read some short novels, newspapers, magazines in my spare time… 最后可以提出这样的问题:A. Wh at’s your opinion?B. How many subjects did I mention in my report? What are they? 在期中考后,根据学生自己的考试结果,可谈谈他失败或成功的原因。 2)对人生、友谊、事业的随想 关于什么是友谊,什么是时间、怎样的朋友才是好朋友,学生可以自由发挥,随思随说。下面是一篇有关友谊的值日生报告。 Talking about friendship What is friendship? How do we make friends with others? Friends play an important part in our lives. We may have many friends, but we often don’t clearly understand how we make friends. We may have many friends, but we only have a few good friends, even one or two best friends. A best friend is a person who is able to share experiences, joys and sorrows with you. As the saying goes: A friend in need is a friend indeed. Friendship is one of life’s greatest treasures. Get ready to help ou r friends. Never complain that you have given too much, but receive nothing. Never try to force others to accept our opinion.
