

Uni t 2 A new s t uden t


1. classroom教室

2. library图书馆

3. playground操场

4. firs t第一

5. second第二

6. t hird 第三

7. floor楼层

8. s t uden t学生


1. an ar t room一间美术教室

2. a compu t er room 一间电脑房

3. t wo music rooms 两间音乐教室

4. a new s t uden t一名新学生

5. show her around 带她参观

6. go and have a look 去看一看

7. how many classrooms 多少个教室


1. on t he second floor 在第二层

2. t he ground floor 底楼

3. go t o t he cinema去看电影

4.how many desks and chairs多少张课桌椅

5. have a nice ice cream 吃一个美味的冰淇淋

6. in her new school 在她的新学校

7. go and play去玩

8. drink some nice juice 喝一些美味的果汁


1. Is t here a music room ?有一个音乐教室吗?

2.Yes, t here is./No, t here isn’t. 是,有。/不,没有。

3. Are t here any compu t er rooms?有一些电脑房吗?

4.Yes, t here are. /No, t here aren’t.是,有。/不,没有。

5. How many classrooms are t here in our school?在我们学校有多少间教室?

6. T here are t wen t y-four classrooms. 有24间教室。


1. high 高的

2. heavy 重的

3.s t op 停止

4. grea t极大的


1. in t he playground 在操场上

2. on t he swing在秋千上

3. push me推我

4. so heavy 这么重

5. s t op swimming 停止游泳

6.t oo high 太高

7. grea t fun 极有趣的事

8. in t he UK在英国9. in t he US在美国


1. T he t able t ennis room is on t he firs t floor t oo.乒乓室也在一楼。

2. T here isn’t a glass of milk on t he t able.桌上没有一杯牛奶。

3. I t’s t ime t o have dinner. 是该吃晚饭的时间了。

4. I t’s t ime for dinner.是该吃晚饭的时间了。


一、语法知识:T here be 结构的一般疑问句

1. Is t here ...(单数或不可数名词)?肯定回答:Yes,t here is. 否定回答:No,t here isn’t.

2. Are t here...(复数名词)?肯定回答:Yes,t here are. 否定回答:No,t here aren’t.



英国人表达的第一层楼:t he ground floor 美国人表达的第一层:t he firs t floor

英国人表达的第二层楼:t he firs t floor 美国人表达的第二层:t he second floor


三、I t’s t ime for ...=I t’s t ime t o do …该做某事的时候了。

I t’s t ime for dinner.=I t’s t ime t o have dinner.

I t’s t ime for lunch. =I t’s t ime t o have lunch.

I t’s t ime for school.=I t’s t ime t o go t o school.

四、How many + 复数名词+….?

How many classrooms are t here in your school?

T here are t wen t y-four classrooms.


字母C 的发音/s/ cinema dance juice ice cream nice


上海牛津英语五年级下册语法点整理 动词的形式: 一、动词后面加上ing : ①、现在进行时:表示某个动作正在发生或进行。它的构成方式是:主语+be+动词ing 〔现在分词〕形式,有时会要求自己加上be动词(is, am , are )。句子中经常会出现look, listen, now……等词。 现在进行时的变化 肯定句式:主语+be( am, is, are)+动词ing+其它. 否定句式:主语+be(am, is, are) +not +动词ing+其它. 一般疑问句:Be(am, is, are) +主语+动词ing +其它? 特殊疑问句:疑问词(what , where…)+be(am, is, are)+主语+动词ing +其它?对现在进行时的特殊疑问句的回答,它不可以用Yes或No直接作答,要根据实际情况回答。 练习:1. What are you _________(do) now? I ___________(eat) bread. 2. It’s nine o’clock.. My father_______________(work) in the office. 3. Look, the boy____________(put) the plate on his finger. 4. __________he__________(clean) the classroom? No, he isn’t. He____________(play). 5. Where is Mak? He___________(run) on the grass. 6. Listen, who___________(sing) in the music room? Oh, Mary___________(sing) there. ②like(s), go , do some , 后面的动词加ing. 如:1. I like (play ) football, but my father likes (play) chess. 2.Let’s go (swim). 二、动词后面加s/es. 这就有关一种时态:一般现在时。 一般现在时:表示经常性的事情。 时间状语:often经常, usually通常, always总是,every每个, sometimes有时,at…在几点钟 它的动词变化与主语人称有关,只有肯定句中第三人称单数用动词三单(动词加s/es),其余动词均用原形。在否定句和问句中,因为有助动词do, don’t , does , doesn’t,所以后面的动词用原形。 三单变化:多数在动词后加s play—plays like—likes 以s,x,sh,ch,o结尾的动词加es go—goes wash—washes watch--watches 以辅音字母加y结尾,把y改i再加es fly—flies study—studies 一般现在时的变化: 1、肯定句:主语(非三单)+动原+其它/ 主语(he , she )+动词三单+其它。 2、否定句:主语(非三单)+don’t+动原+其它/ 主语(he , she )+动原+其它。 3、一般疑问句:Do +主语(非三单)+动原+其它/ Does +主语(he, she )+动原+其它。 4、特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词(What, Where …)+do +主语(非三单)+动原+其它 特殊疑问词(What, Where…)+ does +主语(he , she )+动原+其它。 练习:1. We often___________(play) in the playgound. 2. He _________(get) up at six o’clock.


Unit 1 The king’s new clothes 一、四会单词: magic 有魔力的,神奇的 clothes 衣服 clever 聪明的 foolish 愚蠢的 through 穿过※laugh 笑,大笑 Shout 大叫 another 又一个 each 每个 quick 迅速的,快的 think 想,思考 hard 努力地,费劲地 next 下一个※turn 机会 sentence 句子 ※wear 穿 ※tell 告诉※little小的※child孩子 二、四会词组: long long ago 很久以前 try on 试穿 point at 指着 make new clothes for him 为他做新衣服 show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 向某人展示某物 turn into 变成 make a sentence 造句in his new clothes 穿着他的新衣服 tell sb. a story 给某物讲故事 live in 居住在 Be nice to ... 对...好 look after 照顾 it is one’s turn 轮到某人了 have to 不得不 in front of 在...前面 walk by 路过 think hard 努力地思考 shout at sb. 对某人大喊

三.重点句型: 1.Long long ago, there was a king. 很久很久以前,有一个国王。 2.Two men visited the king. 两个男人来拜访国王。 3.We can make new clothes for you. 我们可以为你做新衣服。 4.The two men showed the king his new clothes. 这两个人向国王展示了他的新衣服。 5.The king walked through the city in his new clothes. 国王穿着他的新衣服步行穿过城市。 6.What beautiful clothes! 多么漂亮的衣服! 四.语法: 一般过去时(一): 一般过去时表示过去某一时候或某一段时间所发生了的事情或存在的状态。 7.常与过去时间yesterday, this morning, just now, a moment ago, in May, last night / year / week, once upon a time, the other day, before …, when –clause, in the past连用。 8.eg:Long long ago,there is a king. He liked new clothes. 9.Long long ago 就是过去时的时间状语 10.Be(am,is,are)的过去式有am,is---was are --- were 不规则动词的过去式: laugh --- laughed live ---- lived Like ---- Liked look ---- looked


2019小升初英语知识点大汇总 小升初英语语法1、名词复数规则、 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds 2.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries 4.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives 5.不规则名词复数:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice child-children foot-feet,.tooth-teeth fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese 2、一般现在时 1.一般现在时表示经常或习惯性的动作,也可表示现在的状态或主语具备的性格和能力。 2.一般现在时中,没有be动词和情态动词,主语为第三人称单数的肯定句,动词要按规则加上s,主语是非第三人称单数的肯定句,动词用原形。 3.在一般现在时中,句中有be动词或情态动词时,否定句在be动词和情态动词后加not,一般疑问句将be动词或情态动词放在句首。 4.在一般现在时中,句中没有be动词或情态动词时,主语为第三人称单数的否定句在动词前加does+not (doesn’t),一般疑问句在句首加does,句子中原有动词用原形;主语为非第三人称单数,否定句用do+not (don’t),一般疑问句在句首加do,句子中动词用原形。 动词+s的变化规则 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks 2 .以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies 3、现在进行时 1.现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 2.现在进行时的肯定句基本结构为be+动词ing. 3.现在进行时的否定句在be后加not。 4.现在进行时的一般疑问句把be动词调到句首。 动词加ing的变化规则 1.一般情况下,直接加ing,如:cook-cooking 2.以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing,如:make-making, taste-tasting 3.如果末尾是一个元音字母和一个辅音字母,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,如:run-running, stop-stopping 4、be going to 1.be going to 表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做的事情。

牛津小学英语5BUnit 8 知识点

Unit 8 知识点 词组 Friday afternoon周五下午talk about (their weekends)谈论(他们的周末) at the weekends在周末spend one’s weekends 过周末(my, your, his, her, our, their) learn a lot from it 从中学到许多learn from him 向他学习 learn…from 从/向…学习every Saturday and Sunday 每星期六和星期日like sport喜欢运动how(what) about…怎么样go climbing 去爬山 go to the cinema 去电影院play on the swings 荡秋千watch cartoons 看动画片of course 当然catch butterflies/fireflies/insects 捉蝴蝶/萤火虫/昆虫watch TV at home在家看电视go to the park去公园go swimming去游泳 go fishing 去钓鱼go skating去溜冰go skiing 去滑雪do housework 做家务read English 读英语study at Yu Cai Primary School在育才小学学习 clean the rooms打扫房间draw pictures画画our good friends 我们的好朋友 a lot of insects许多昆虫fly high飞得高like insects very much非常喜欢昆虫other interesting insects其它有趣的昆虫dance in the flowers在花丛中跳舞 put them in bottles把它们放在瓶子里glow at night在夜晚发光 watch ants观察蚂蚁carry big things搬运大东西sleep in the tree 在树上睡觉after class/school 下课后/放学后 四会句子 1. How do you spend your weekends? 你怎样度过你的周末的? I often do housework/ surf the Internet/ play chess/ catch butterflies. 我经常做家务/浏览因特网/下棋/捉蝴蝶。 2. How does Su Hai spend her weekends? 苏海怎样过周末的? She often catches butterflies. Sometimes she watches cartoons. 她经常捉蝴蝶。有时她看动画片。 3. How does Gao Shan spend his weekends? 高山怎样过周末的? He often draws pictures. Sometimes he washes clothes. 他经常画画。有时他洗衣服。 4. How does your mother spend her weekends? 你母亲怎么过周末? She often goes shopping. Sometimes she listens to music at home. 她经常去购物。有时在家听音乐。 5. How do your friends spend their weekends? 你的朋友们怎么过周末? They often play football. Sometimes they go to the library or make model planes. 他们经常踢足球。有时他们去图书馆或者做模型飞机。 6. Do you do housework at the weekends ? Yes , I do . 你在周末做家务吗?是的。 要理解的句子 1. Class is over./ Classes are over. 下课了。School is over. 放学了。 2. Insects are our good friends 昆虫是我们的好朋友。 3. I like watching them dance in the flowers. 我喜欢观察它们在花丛中跳舞。 4. I can see some bees sleeping in the tree. 我能看到一些蜜蜂在树上睡觉。




6A Unit 1 The king’s new clothes姓名:一,单词/词组 1. long long ago 很久以前 2. new clothes 新衣服 3. make new clothes for you 为你制作新衣服make sth for sb 4. show the king his new clothes给皇帝展示新衣服 show sb. sth.= show sth. to sb. 5. try on 试穿try on the coat=try the coat on try it/them on 6. magic clothes 有魔力的衣服 7. walk through步行穿过8. in his new clothes 穿着他的新衣服 9. shout at sb. 对某人大叫 10. laugh at sb. 对某人大笑 11. look at 看…. 12. point at 指向… 13. fit well 非常适合14. an American cowboy 一个美国牛仔 15. a Scottish man 一位苏格兰人16. tell a story 讲一个故事 17. say a/one sentence 说一句话18. on the mountain 在山上 19. the next sentence 下一句话20. live in the house 住在房子里 21. tell the boy a story 给这个男孩讲一个故事tell sb. sth. 22. it is one’s turn 某人的机会23. think hard 努力思考 24. have to 不得不have to do sth. 25. in front of 在….前面(外部)in the front of 在…前面(内部) 26. walk by 路过27. be nice to sb. 对某人好 28. look after 照顾29. turn into 变成


译林小学英语3B知识复习 Unit1 In class知识点(贴在书本11页) 一、单词 shout喊;叫 eat吃 run 跑 talk说话 sleep 睡觉 drink喝 here这里 your你的 English英语 milk牛奶 二、词组 Mr. Green 格林先生open your books 打开你们的书close the window 关窗come in进来 good afternoon下午好 good night晚安open the door 开门 look at the blackboard看黑板 good morning早上好 good evening晚上好 listen to the teacher听老师的 三、句型 1. Stand up. 起立。 2. Sit down, please. 请坐下。 3. Good morning, Mr. Green. 格林先生,早上好。 4. Come in, Mike. 迈克,进来。 5. Liu Tao, please open the door. 刘涛,请开门。 6. Yes, Mr. Green. 好的,格林先生。 7. I’m sorry, Mr. Green. 对不起,格林先生。 8. Wang Bing, please close the window. 王兵,请关窗。 9. Look at the blackboard, Sam. 山姆,看黑板。 10. Don’t listen to the parrot. 不要听鹦鹉说的话. 四、知识点 1. 字母b通常发/b/,如:book, bike, bag等; 在词尾的-mb, -bt中不发音,如:bomb,climb,comb,debt,doubt等。 2. 用客气的语气表示祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加上please,但如果在句尾加please,那在please之前一定要加一个逗号“,”。

2015新译林牛津小学英语五年级下册 5B Unit1 Cinderella 知识点

译林小学英语五年级下册Unit1 Cinderella 知识点 Cartoon time知识点: 1. Bobby and Sam are in the forest. 鲍比和山姆在森林里。 ((1)因为Bobby和Sam是两个人,所以be动词选用are。 (2)in the forest 在森林里) Bobby: Do you have any snacks, Sam? I’m very hungry. 山姆,你有一些零食吗?我非常饿。 ((1)五年级上册Unit3 have的一般疑问句 (2)any一些,用于疑问句和否定句。 (3)snack 快餐,小吃,零食;复数snacks (4)very hungry 非常饿) Sam: No, I don’t. 不,我没有。 ((1)don’t = do not 不) 2. Bobby finds some mushrooms under a tree. 鲍比在一棵树下找到一些蘑菇。((1)find找到,因为此句中主语Bobby是三单,所以find用三单形式finds,find后要加人称代词宾格,如:find her,find them。 (2)三会单词mushroom 蘑菇,复数mushrooms (3)some mushrooms 一些蘑菇 (4)under a tree 在一棵树下) Sam: Hurry up, Bobby. It’s late. 快点,鲍比。天晚了。/很晚了。 ((1)hurry up 快点,赶快 (2)三会单词late 迟的,晚的) Bobby: Look! There are some mushrooms. We can eat them. 看!有一些蘑菇。我们可以吃它们。 ((1)can 能,可以后加动词原形 (2)eat 吃,后加人称代词宾格 (1)eat them 吃它们) 3. Bobby picks a big red mushroom. 鲍比采摘了一个红色的大蘑菇。 ((1)三会单词pick 摘,拾,三单形式picks (2)a big red mushroom 一个红色的大蘑菇 (3)pick a big red mushroom采摘一个红色的大蘑菇) Bobby: Would you like one? 你想要一个吗? ((1)would like 想要,后面加名词,表示想要某些东西,如:would like a hamburger。would like+to+动词,表示想要做某件事,如:would like to play football。 (2)one 代替上文提到的a big red mushroom,one可以代替上文提到的单数名词。(3)would like one想要一个) Sam: No, Bobby! We can’t eat them. 不,鲍比!我们不能吃它们。 ((1)can’t eat them 不能吃它们) 4. Bobby does not understand. 鲍比不明白。 ((1)三会单词understand 理解,明白,否定形式don’t understand或doesn’t understand )


译林6年级上册英语知识点汇总 6A Unit 1 The king's new clothes 一.Words: magic有魔力的,神奇的clever 聪明的foolish 愚蠢的child 孩子through 穿过laugh 笑,大笑wear 穿tell 讲,叙述hard 努力地,费劲地each 每个say 说sentence 句子quick 迅速的,快的 next 下一个little 小的,年幼的turn 机会think 想,思考二.Phrases: long long ago 很久以前turn into 变成one day 一天try on 试穿walk through 走过look at 看point at 指着laugh at 嘲笑look after 照顾in the street 在街上 on the mountain 在山上in the house 在房子里 in the forest 在森林里make new clothes 做新衣服 三.Sentences: 1.Long long ago,there was a king. 很久以前,有一个皇帝。 2.One day,two men visited the king. 一天,两个男人拜访了皇帝。 3.The king was happy. 皇帝很高兴。 4.What beautiful clothes! 多么漂亮的衣服啊! 5.The two men showed the king his new clothes. 那两个男人给皇帝展示了他的新衣服。 6.Miss Fox and her students are playing a game. 狐狸老师正在和她的学生们玩游戏。


Unit1 词组 1. 喜欢电子狗I love an e-dog/ e-dogs 2. 这只狗的主人the dog’s master = the master of the dog 3. 阅读这本书/看报纸 read this book / read newspapers 4. 照顾 look after=take care of 5. 开学的第一天 the first day at school 6. 让某人做某事 let sb do sth 7. 向你的同学们介绍你自己 introduce yourself to your classmates 8. 和新朋友见面meet new friends 9. 彼此打招呼 greet each other 10. 早上/下午/晚上/好Good morning/ afternoon/ evening 11. 晚安 Good night

肯定句主语+ be + 其他. Mr Li is a good teacher. 李老师是一位好老师。 否定句主语+ be + not + 其他. Mr chen is not a good teacher. 陈老师不是一位好老师。 疑问句一般疑问句Be + 主语+ 其他? Is Mr Li a good teacher? 李老师是一位好老师吗?特殊疑问句特殊疑问词+ be + 主语? Who is a good teacher? 谁是一位好老师? There be…+某物/某人+某地…句型意为“有”,表示“某地有某物/某人”(表示存在)There be 句型中的be 应和其后出现的主语在数上一致,即“就近原则”, 3.用法: 人称主语Be动词中文意思 第一人称单数 复数 I we am are 我是 我们是 第二人称单数 复数you you are are 你是 你们是 第三人称单数(男)复数(女) 其他 复数 he she it they is is is are 他是 她是 它是 他们是 词汇点睛 ●1 enjoy vt. 享受……的乐趣;欣赏;喜爱[点拨] enjoy后接名词、代词或v.-ing形式作宾语。They are enjoying their dinner. 他们正在享用晚餐。 Alice doesn't enjoy it.爱丽斯不喜欢它。 I enjoy listening to light music. 我喜欢听轻音乐。 [搭配] enjoy oneself=have a good time=have fun过得愉快;玩得开心I enjoyed myself very much at the party. 我在聚会上玩得很开心。● 2 be good at 擅长 [点拨] be good at 表示“擅长某一学科或技能”,也可表示“在……方面做得好”。其后接名词、代词或v.-ing 形式作宾语,相当于do well in。Mike is good at swimming. 迈克擅长游泳。I am good at English. 我擅长英语。●3 else adv. 另外;其他 [拓展] (1)else作副词,与不定代词或不定副词(以-one,-body,-thing,-where结尾的词)连用时,放在这些词的后面。


一、改写单词 1.单数变为复数 this(these) that(those) am/is(are) photo(photos) ship(ships) garden(gardens) foot(feet) tooth(teeth) family(families) hobby(hobbies) firefly(fireflies) butterfly(butterflies) dragonfly(dragonflies) country(countries) watch(watches) class(classes) box(boxes) Chinese(Chinese) people(people) child(children) knife(knives) 2.近义词 many(a lot of)(lots of) usually(often)(always) quick(fast) of course(sure) 3.反义词 wrong(right) cold(hot) different(same) come(go) here(there) up(down) stand(sit) fine(bad) good(bad) left(right) yes(no) ill(well) plus(minus) on(under) 4.同音词 Uu(you) Bb(bee) Ii(eye) Cc(see)(sea) Tt(tea) two(to)(too) their(there) four(for) by(buy) know(no) write(right) 5.现在分词 grow(growing) visit(visiting) keep(keeping) turn(turning) play(playing) stay(staying) water(watering) touch(touching) travel(traveling) fight(fighting) collect(collecting) like(liking) take(taking) make(making) dance(dancing) have(having) write(writing) run(running) swim(swimming) jog(jogging) stop(stopping) shop(shopping) sit(sitting) put(putting) begin(beginning) 6.第三人称单数形式 look(looks) like(likes) run(runs) dance(dances) stay(stays) play(plays) begin(begins) have(has) watch(watches) catch(catches) touch(touches) go(goes) do(does) study(studies) 7.完整形式 let’s(let us) he’s(he’s) they’re(they are) don’t(do not) doesn’t(does not) I’ve(I have) can’t(can not)


译林版六年级上册知识点梳理 Unit 1 The king’s new clothes 1、四会单词: magic 有魔力的,神奇的clothes 衣服 clever 聪明的 foolish 愚蠢的 through 穿过※laugh 笑,大笑 Shout 大叫another 又一个each 每个 quick 迅速的,快的think 想,思考 hard 努力地,费劲地 next 下一个※turn 机会 sentence 句子※wear 穿 ※tell 告诉※little小的 ※child孩子 二、四会词组: long long ago 很久以前 try on 试穿 point at 指着 make new clothes for him 为他做新衣服 show sb. sth. = show sth. to sb. 向某人展示某物 turn into 变成make a sentence 造句 in his new clothes 穿着他的新衣服 tell sb. a story 给某物讲故事 live in 居住在 Be nice to ... 对...好 look after 照顾 it is one’s turn 轮到某人了 have to 不得不 in front of 在...前面 walk by 路过

think hard 努力地思考 shout at sb. 对某人大喊 1.重点句型: 1. Long long ago, there was a king. 很久很久以前,有一个国王。 2. Two men visited the king. 两个男人来拜访国王。 3. We can make new clothes for you. 我们可以为你做新衣服。 4. The two men showed the king his new clothes. 这两个人向国王展示了他的新衣服。 5. The king walked through the city in his new clothes. 国王穿着他的新衣服步行穿过城市。 6. What beautiful clothes! 多么漂亮的衣服! 1.语法: 一般过去时(一): 一般过去时表示过去某一时候或某一段时间所发生了的事情或存在的状态。 常与过去时间yesterday, this morning, just now, a moment ago, in May, last night / year / week, onc e upon a time, the other day, before …, when – clause, in the past连用。 eg:Long long ago,there is a king. He liked new clothes. Long long ago 就是过去时的时间状语 Be(am,is,are)的过去式有am,is, are 不规则动词的过去式: l augh laughed live lived Like look looked 一般过去时的基本结构: 1. 主语+be(was,were)+宾语+其他 Eg:He was a little boy.



小升初英语知识点 1、名词复数规则 (1) 一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds (2) 以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches (3) 以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries (4) 以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives wolf-wolves (5) 不规则名词复数:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice, child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, fish-fish, Chinese-Chinese, Janpanese-Japanese 不可数名词没有单复数之分。 2、名词所有格 (1) 有生命的东西的名词所有格: a) 单数后加’s ,如: Lucy’s ruler my father’s shirt b) 以s 结尾的复数名词后加’,如: his friends’ bags c) 不以s 结尾的复数后加’s,如:children’s shoes 并列名词中,如果把’s加在最后一个名词后,表示共有, 如: Tom and Mike’s car 汤姆和迈克共有的小汽车 要表示所有物不是共有的,应分别在并列名词后加’s Tom’s and Mike’s cars 汤姆和麦克各自的小汽车 (2)表示无生命东西的名词通常用“ of +名词”来表示所有关系:如: a picture of the classroom , a map of China 3、冠词:不定冠词、定冠词 基本介绍: a) 不定冠词:a / an (元音因素开头的可数名词前用an) 注意: a unit / an uncle an egg / an apple / an orange / an eraser / an actor / an actress / an e-mail / an interesting book / an exciting sport / an art lesson / b) 定冠词:the the egg the plane 定冠词的用法: a. 特指某(些)人或某(些)物: The ruler is on the desk. b. 复述上文提到的人或物:He has a sweater. The sweater is new. c. 谈话双方都知道的人或物:The boys aren’t at school. d. 在序数词前:John’s birthday is February the second. e. 用于固定词组中: in the morning / afternoon / evening 不用冠词的情况: a. 专有名词前:China is a big country. b. 名词前有定语:this , that , my , your , some, any , no 等: This is my baseball. c. 复数名词表示一类人和事:Monkeys can’t swim. They are teachers. d. 在节日,日期,月份,季节前:Today is Christmas Day. It’s Sunday. e. 一日三餐前:We have breakfast at 6:30. f. 球类棋类运动前:They often play football after class. He plays chess at home.


5B语法知识点复习 M1U1 What a mess 1. What a mess! 多么混乱啊= How mess it is! 感叹句what引导的句型What + a/an +形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语! e.g. What a nice present it is! 它是一件多么好的礼物啊! How 引导的句型How +形容词/ 副词+主语+谓语! e.g. How careful she is! 她多么细心啊! 2. 代词○1形容词性物主代词后面一般要带上名词 e.g. my watch, his cousin, our school ○2名词性物主代词本身就可以看作是名词,故其后不能再加名词,可单独使用。 e.g. -- Is that your bike? -- No. Mine is blue. -- 那是你的自行车么?-- 不。我的(自行车)是蓝的。 名词性物主代词= 形容词性物主代词+ 名词 e.g. This is her scar f. = This scarf is hers. 这是她的围巾。 3. whose 提问谁的 e.g. -- Whose school bag is this? -- I t’s mine. -- 这是谁的书包?-- 它是我的(书包)。 4. 复数this 这- these 这些that 那–those 那些 5. tidy up the room 整理房间 6. on the sofa 在沙发上 7. 名词所有格Ben and Kitty’s bedroom(两者共有的房间) Ben’s and Kitty’s bedroom(两者各自的房间) 8. a lot of 许多(既可用在可数名词也可以用在不可数名词)= many(可数)= much(不可数) 9. should 应该(情态动词)should + do(动词原形) e.g. We should study hard. 我们应该努力学习。


Unit1 The lion and the mouse 四会单词: large大的;strong 强大的,强壮的;quietly 小声地,安静地;weak 弱的,软弱的;loudly 大声地;happily 开心地,高兴地;mouse 老鼠;sharp 锋利的,尖的 四会短语: large and strong 大又强壮 ask quietly 小声地问 say happily 开心地说 walk by 走过,路过 weak…up吵醒 some day 某一天 the next day第二天 just then就在那时 get out 出来,出去 from then on 从那时起 pour …into 把…倒入 三会单词: ask 问 ground 地面,地上 sadly 难过地,伤心地 net网soon 不久 cheer欢呼 hit 打,击 deep 深 reach 够得着 三会短语:(英译汉,用所给单词正确形式填空,) walk by 走过,路过 wake…up 吵醒/叫醒… some day 某一天the next day 第二天 from then on 从那时起 hit the ball击球,打球 say quietly 小声地说 laugh loudly 大声地笑 a large net 一张大网 become friends 成为朋友cheer for 为……欢呼,喝彩 四会句型: 借助副词描述动作程度的句型

For example: The lion asked sadly.狮子难过地问道。 The lion laughed loudly.狮子大声地笑道。 三会句型:(选择,搭配) 1.表达让某人做某事的句型:He le1t the mouse go..他让老鼠走了。 2.引用某人语言的句型表达:“please don’t eat me. I can help you some day.”said the mouse quietly.“请不要吃我。某一天我可以帮助你。”老鼠小声地说。 3.How can you help?你怎么能帮助我? 4. How can I get out?我怎么才能出去呢? 5.The lion laughed loudly.狮子大声地笑了。 6.The mouse said happily 老鼠高兴地说。 Unit2Good habits 四会单词: Child 孩子,小孩;habit 习惯;never 从不;late 迟到,晚到;messy 脏乱的;early 早 四会短语: 1、a good boy 一个好男孩 2、have many good habits 有许多好习惯 3、get up early in the morning在早晨早早得起床 4 never go to bed late 从不晚睡觉 5、go to bed early 早早得睡觉


六年级下册英语Unit1知识点整理(译林版) Unit 1 The lion and the mouse 知识汇总 【词汇】 1. large大的 2. strong 强壮的 3. quietly安静地;小声地 4. weak 虚弱的 5. loudly大声地 6. happily 开心地,高兴地 7.mouce 老鼠8. walk by 走过,路过 9. wake …up 吵醒,叫醒,弄醒,醒醒 10.some day 某一天11.let… go 放开 12.the next day 第二天https://www.360docs.net/doc/f117621320.html, 网 14.bite 咬15.sharp 锋利的,尖的 16.sadly 难过地,伤心地17. just then 就在那时 18.soon 不久,很快 19.from then on 从那时起 20. cheer 欢呼21.hit 打,击 22.deep 深的23.reach够得着 24.quickly 迅速地,快地25.pour …into 把……倒入 【词组短语】 狮子和老虎the lion and the mouse [mouse: 复数mice 辨析mouth嘴巴month月份] 又大又强壮large and strong 又小又弱small and weak 走过…walk by 走过森林walk by the forest 把狮子叫醒wake the lion up wake me(代词宾格放中间) up [wake过去式: woke] 我能在某一天帮助你 I can help you some day 将来不确定的某一天some day 安静地说say quietly [quiet→quietly] 大声地笑道laugh loudly [loud→loudly] 让狮子走let the mouse go [let sb do, let过去式: let] 第二天the next day 用一个大网抓住狮子catch the lion with a large net [catch过去式:caught] 用他的锋利的牙齿咬网bite the net with his sharp teeth [teeth单数: tooth bite过去式: bit] 出来get out 伤心地问道ask sadly [sad→sadly] 就在那个时候just then 在网里弄了个大洞make a big hole in the net 开心地说say happily [happy→happily] 从那时起from then on 成为好朋友become good friends [become +形容词:变得...,变成.... ] 糖果店sweet shop 一个棒棒糖a lollipop 他会说什么? what will he say?
