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Ly oce ll b a mbo o f i b e r MVS ya rn a n d the de v e l opmen t o f knitted fabric
LAN Hong-yan1, FANG Lei1, ZHANG Yan-hui2
(1. S h ang h a i Wool & J ut e T ex t i l e Researc h an d Tec h no lo g y In sti tut e, S h a n g h a i 200082, C h i n a)
(2. S han g h a i T e x til e R es e a r c h In s titut e, S h ang h a i 200082, C hin a)
Abstra ct:I n th e pap e r ar e intr o du ce d th e m ak in g b ac k g round of Ly o c e ll b a mb oo fib e r a nd it s fi b e r p rop e rti es as w e ll as M V S prin c i p l e wit h th e pr ope rti e s o f Ly o ce ll b am b oo
M V S y am d i sc u sse d. T hr o u g h USTER y a m ev e n e ss t es tin g an d u s e o f s ca n n ing
e l ec tron m i c r oscope, it s h ows that th e ya m i s o
f go od wra p pi n
g s tr u ctu r e an d goo d
ya m e v en n ess and less h a i r in ess. Co mp a r e d t o tr a diti o n a l knitt e d goo ds, k n i tt ed fabric
mad e o f t h i s yar n i s tou c h e d mo r e s o ft a nd c o mf o r tab l e, show in g b e tt e r a nt i-pillin g
p rop e rt y. Kn it t e d g o od s m a de of Ly o c e ll b a m b oo MVS ya rn h ave a pr o s pec t f utur e
ma r ket and b e n e fit th e e n v iro n m e nt.
Key wor d s: bl ende d yam; k ni tgood s; vorte x s p inni n g; pr op e rt y; ya m s pi nn in g; we a ving
Bamboo pulp fiber is of good hygroscopicity and breathability. Product made of this has good drapability and offers comfortable and cool feelings when people wear, especially that its unique natural antibacterial property meets the healthy and comfortable trend that people pursuit, and this kind of fiber is being mostly applied during recent years in such fields as garment material, nonwoven fabric, bedclothes, hygienic products and so on. But the physical and mechanical properties of viscose fiber are poor and this kind of fiber meets large distortion in water which easily causes brittle fracture and poor size stability during wet processing of the fabric. In addition, the production process of viscose fiber has polluted environment seriously. On such background, Shanghai Lyocell Fiber Development CO., Ltd. develops Lyocell fiber made of bamboo pulp raw material—Lyocell bamboo pulp fiber and has realized industrialized production. Lyocell bamboo pulp fiber produced at present possesses much better physical & mechanical properties and wearability than viscose bamboo pulp fiber. No pollution will be caused to the environment during the production process and this fiber can be thoroughly degraded under natural environmental condition. The production of Lyocell bamboo pulp fiber is characterized by sustainable development feature and it is regenerated cellulose fiber of new generation. Lyocell bamboo pulp fiber’s arising complies with the development direction of strengthening non-cotton natural fiber development and utilization advocated by textile industry of our country [1].
MVS machine of Murata No.861 type is adopted by this article and the yarn property made of Lyocell bamboo pulp fiber has been explored. 100% Loycell bamboo pulp fiber yarn of wrapping structure including core fiber has been developed with its relevant properties tested in this article, which has provided basis and reference for speeding up process improvement and development & utilization of functional fiber—Lyocell bamboo pulp fiber with independent intellectual property rights of our country.
1.Properties of Lyocell Bamboo Pulp Fiber