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英语2043 刘晓俊200407144
1. 悬疑的气氛
侦探小说具有神秘的悬疑性,这是侦探小说最突出的美学特征,是它的魅力之源。爱伦·坡和柯南·道尓在他们的侦探小说中竭力渲染案件的扑朔迷离,制造出一种紧张悬疑的气氛, 吸引读者的眼球,加快读者的呼吸,让读者欲罢不能。解谜、破案,成了读者最大的期待,也成了推动情节发展的动力。小说往往以一桩罪案开始,然后逐渐揭开犯罪的秘密。
(1)All these details I observed afterwards. At present my attention was centred upon the single grim motionless figure which lay stretched upon the boards, with vacant sightless eyes staring up at the discoloured ceiling. ……His hands were clenched and his arms thrown abroad, while his lower limbs were interlocked as though his death struggle had been a grievous one. On his regid face there stood an expression of horror, and as it seemed to me, of hatred, such as I have never seen upon human features. This malignant and terrible contortion, combined with the low forehead, blunt nose, and prognathous jaw gave the dead man a singularly simious and ape-like appearance, which was increased by his writing, unnatural posture. I have seen death in many forms, but never has it appeared to me in a more fearsome aspect than in that dark grimy apartment, which looked out upon one of the main arteries of suburban London.(A Study in Scarlet)
(2)”Extraordinary Murders.——This morning, about three o’clock, the inhabitants of the Quartier St.Roch were aroused from sleep by a succession of terrific shrieks,……a spectacle presented itself which struck every one present not less with horror than with astonishment.”
“The apartment was in the wildest disorder——the furniture were broken and thrown about in all directions. There was only one bedstead; and from this the bed had been removed, and thrown into the middle of the floor, on a chair lay a razor, besmeared with blood.……”
“Of Madame L’Ecpanye no traces were here seen; but an unusual quanity of soot being observed in the fireplace, a search was mad in the chimney, and the corpse of the daughter, head downward, was dragged there from; it having been thus forced up the narrow aperture for a considerable distance. The body was quite warm, up examing it, many excoriations were discovered. Upon the face were many severe scratches, and, upon the throat, dark bruises, and deep indentatio ns of fingernails, as if the deceased had been throttled to death”
“……where lay the corpse of the old lady, with her throat so entirely cut that, upon an attemt to raise her, the head feel off.”
“……the door of the chamber in which was found the body of Mademoiselle L. was locked on the inside when the party reached it.”……upon forcing the door no person was seen. The windows,