

绝密★启用前 2014年上海市虹口区中考二模英语试卷(带解析) 考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx 1. 答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2. 请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 分卷I 分卷I 注释 一、单选题(注释) 1、She is so helpful that she is always ready to help people in trouble. Which of the following is correctfor the underlined word in the sentence? A ./'tr37bl/ B ./'tra7bl/ C ./'trKbl/ D ./'tr?bl/ 2、Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A .Please focus your attention on your papers, boys and girls. B .She likes to show off her new clothes in front of her friends. C .I think she should improve her learning methods. D .The boy picked a hole in his new sweater. 3、Some naughty boys like to play ________ trick on their classmates on April Fool’s Day. A .a B .an C .the D ./ 4、As students, we should work hard and do ________ best to realize our dreams. A .us B .our C .ours D .ourselves 5、Frank looks very worried today. There must be ________ wrong with him. A .anything B .nothing C .something D .everything 6、We were all ________ favor of this plan after we discussed for about two hours. A .at B .in C .to D .on 7、When the father heard from his son from abroad, he became ________. A .exciting B .happily C .happiness D .excited

A. large

B. larger

C. largest

D. the largest

9、It’s no t safe for you to go to the forest alone, for you ________ lose your way in it. A.need B.must C.should D.may

10、There is little ________ in the fridge. Let’s go to the market to buy some.

A.eggs B.vegetables C.fruit D.snacks

11、-________ are you always surfing the Internet these days?

-To find some information about cooking.

A.What B.Why C.Where D.Who

12、Jane, eat less junk food like fried chicken wings, ________ you will behealthier. A.or B.and C.however D.so

13、My little brother hopes ________ the film Dad, Where are We Going, though he has seen it twice.

A.to see B.see C.to seeing D.saw

14、While in college, Mak never minded ________ extra work for his class.

A.to do B.doing C.do D.did

15、Get prepared _______ you can set out immediately if something happens.

A.after B.since C.while D.so that

16、Quite a few people were injured or killed in this traffic accident last week, ________? A.were they B.did they C.weren’t they D.didn’t they

17、Jack’s parents can’t go to the parents’ meeting because they ________ to Beijing on business.

A.went B.have gone C.will go D.had gone

18、If my homework ________ on Saturday, I will go to Century Park to watch the flower show on Sunday.

A.is finished B.had been finished

C.was finished D.will be finished

19、—Hello, may I speak to Mrs Zhou?


A.Sure. Here you are. B.Sorry, she isn’t in.

C.OK. Who are you ? D.That’s right.

20、—Thank you for your gift. It’s useful for me.

— ________

C .That’s all right.

D .Really? 二、完型填空(注释) 21、My best friend and I were in the shop that she owns. It was the middle of the afternoon. We were both very happy and making plans for the weekend. Suddenly a man entered the shop. We knew that he didn’t look like one of our usual customers, but we welcomed him _ __ anyway. Without any hesitation he pulled something out of his coat. We didn’t notice that it was a __ __ until he ordered us to go into the back with him. After he warned us that he could fire at any time, he looked for the money everywhere, in the bank, from our wallets, and then he asked for our jewellery (珠宝) and we gave him all he wanted. Finally, he finished his “job” and left. When I was a child, I felt safe with my parents in my home or wherever I was not alone. Then I began to understand the news and I learnt that __ __ things were happening “out there”, but I still kept thinking that those events were just other people’s __ __, not mine. From the moment the man walked out of the shop, I completely ___ ___. I always look around to see which kinds of people are possibly following me. Now I usually double-check everything: if I’ve locked myself in the car or in the house. I am always careful not to wear any jewellery. Whenever a stranger is getting too close or is trying to get information from me, I feel nervous. I know that it is wrong, and that not everyone is going to _ __ me again. After all, I consider myself lucky, since nothing really bad happened to me or my friend, but since that day I haven’t felt safe any more. I hate that man not for having taken my jewellery and money, but for having deprived (剥夺)of my innocence. 【小题1】 A .sadly B .quietly C .angrily D .politely 【小题2】 A .gun B .note C .mistake D .knife 【小题3】 A .funny B .horrible C .pleasant D .serious 【小题4】 A .exchanges B .worries C .feelings D .fables 【小题5】 A .made a decision B .lost my way C .changed my mind D .calmed down 【小题6】 A .disturb B .investigate C .fool D .attack

22、 Students at Empire High School started class with no text books -but it wasn’t because of money problems.

Instead, the school gave iBooks -laptop computersto each of its 340 students, becoming one of the first US public schools to stop printed textbooks. School officials believe that the electronic materials will make students enjoy learning more. Empire High Schoolwas designed to have a textbook-free environment. Students at Empire High School get the materials over the school’s Internet network. The school has a central control system that limits what can be downloaded(下载) at the school. “Students can hand in homework online. We have a web program that helps to check if you copy from others,” the headmaster Baker said. In addition to offering up-to-date information, teachers can make the lessons more enjoyable. For example, lessons in history can include links to a person’s daily life, his ideas, his discovery, and so on. Social studies teacher Jeremy Gypton said the change was easier than expected. Gypton said he assigned reading based on websites, used online groups and message boards to keep the students connected. And he also asked them to comment (评论)on each other’s work. Julian Tarazon, a new student, said that it was kind of hard at first, because you had to put things in folders(文件夹). But after a couple of days, you got used to it. Another student Morgan Northcutt said the computer system had made it easier to do homework. The school isn’t completely paperless, however. It has a library, and studen ts can read books in it. “We’re not trying to get rid of books,” Baker said. “We love books.” 【小题1】The students at Empire High School will study in class without ___________ this year. A .text messages B .printed textbooks C .reading materials D .electric machines 【小题2】The teachers at Empire High School began to use iBooks because they___________. A .had money problems B .had limited network C .wanted to improve their teaching D .wanted a web program 【小题3】A central control system can help to control __________. A .how much to download B .what to download C .how to download D .why to download 【小题4】The underlined word “assigned” probably means “___________”.

A.students can do it anytime

B.information online is available

C.there is a lot of reading based on websites

D.it provides a platform for students to share ideas

【小题6】The best title of the passage might be “___________”.

A.High School uses iBooks instead of textbooks

B.Don’t try to get rid of books

C.Learning without textbooks is harder

D.Doing homework online

23、Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词) (共14分)

Have you ever seen an exhibition of rare Mexican grey wolves? There are five young male wolves in Brookfield Zoo now. The exhibition is d___【小题1】___ into two areas, an indoor room and a peaceful outdoor viewing or playing area. In the indoor area of the exhibition, which is small and can e__【小题2】___ become crowded, you can see the wolves t___【小题3】___ one-way glass and also enjoy a few different activities.

One of these activities is very interesting. You stand in a dark room, listening to recorded wolf howls(长嚎). You can really get an idea of what it feels like to be in a dark and d__【小题4】__ forest. After about a minute and a half, some wolves in the woods a___【小题5】___ on the wall in front of you. It is a great experience for n___【小题6】__ lovers.

In the outdoor area of the exhibition, there is a small river, ponds, fallen trees and a wetland. Visitors can walk among lifelike models of wolf prey(猎物), learning about different hunting s___【小题7】___ the wolves use, how they store their food and how they communicate, while watching the wolves from behind an electric fence.

After a tour of the exhibition, you can read Wolf Brother written by Paver. It was made into a movie by director Ridley Scott.

Welcome to our exhibition of rare Mexican grey wolves!

24、The first time I saw Jim Wooten I really understood him. He was a great TV news reporter. When he was reporting in Rwanda, one heartbreaking moment made a deep impression on me. When the camera showed all of the children who were dying, suffered from terrible diseases, Jim ended his piece by saying that when he got home, the first thing he was going to do was to put his arms around his own children. Then I realized that he was different, that he didn’t fall into any of the modern television-news tricks, that he was not giving us any awful, artificial(假的) television-journalist reports out of(出于) pity. Instead, I was watching

a real reporter with a gift(天赋) for both words and slight differences.

Then I read his book, We Are All the Same, about his friendship with Xolani Nkosi, a South African boy who became the international spokesman for AIDS(艾滋病). It is about the friendship between Wooten and a black child who was ten years old and already dying of AIDS. It is also a book about a great teacher and his student. But the teacher-the one with real wisdom and understanding about life-is the little boy, not the journalist. And, finally, it’s about a love story of Gail Johnson, Nkosi’s white mother who does her best to save the boy, and their love for each other. When reading the book, I felt touched from time to time. 【小题1】How did Jim Wooten feel when he saw the dying children in Rwanda?


【小题2】What would an ordinary journalist do on TV when he saw these dying children? _________________________________________________________________.

【小题3】How did Jim end his piece when he saw the dying children in Rwanda?


【小题4】Who is the teacher in the book, the little boy or the journalist?


【小题5】Why did Nkosi’s mother do everything possible to save the boy?


【小题6】What’s the writer’s attitude to Jim Wooten? How do you know that?


分卷II 分卷II 注释 四、选词填空(注释) 25、Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格, 每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次。):National Park ___【小题1】__ the New South Wales border last night. The police began to __【小题2】__ the girls, aged 14 and 15. They are students at Melbourne School and were in the area as part of a school camp. The girls were last seen at about 4:30 pm yesterday and did not return for dinner at 6 pm. “They were ___【小题3】___ to be wearing lightweight clothing. It has rained in the area for three days and the police are worried about their __【小题4】__. Search and Rescue police will arrive in the area immediately to coordinate(协调)a full-scale search,” said the spokeswoman. 五、书面表达(注释) 26、Write at least 60 words on the topic “I’d like to make...feel happy ” 以《我想使……高兴》为题写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格。 (注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。) Suggested phrases and expressions(词组): not afford to buy...; spend ...doing something with somebody; bake something for somebody; make one’s own present(s) ; become healthier I’d like to make _____________ feel happy _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ______ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ 六、其他(注释) 27、Complete the following sentences as required (根据所给要求,完成下列句子。【小题1】每空格限填一词) (共14分) 【小题2】He has promised to buy his daughter a new iPad Air (改为否定句)


________ ________ is it from your home to People’s Square?

【小题4】We set up Earth Day in 1970 to ask people to protect the earth.(改为被动语态) Earth Day ________ ________ up in 1970 to ask people to protect the earth.

【小题5】It’s great fun to go to see a flower show with some friends in spring. (改为感叹句)

________ ________ fun it is to go to see a flower show with some friends in spring!

【小题6】Many flights at this international airport had to be delayed because of the heavy snow. (保持句意基本不变)

Many flights at this international airport had to be ________ ________ because of the heavy snow.

【小题7】We asked Danny, “Will you go cycling with us or watch TV at home this weekend?”(改为宾语从句)

We asked Danny ________ he ________ go cycling with us or watch TV at home this weekend.

【小题8】I; my boss ; thinks; don’t complain; because; my job; I; am pleased with;(.)(连词成句)











9.D10.C11.B 12.B13.A14.B15.D16.C 17.B18.A19.B20.B
























【小题1】He felt very sad./He was heartbroken.

【小题2】He would give us some awful, artificial television-journalist reports out of pity./He would fall into some of the modern television-news tricks.

【小题3】By saying that when he got home, the first thing he was going to do was to put his arms around his own children.

【小题4】The little boy. (1分题)

【小题5】Because she loved the boy./Because the boy was dying of AIDS.

【小题6】He respected Jim./He admired Jim. The writer wrote/mentioned that Jim was a great TV news reporter.(3分题)






26.I’d like to make _my mother_ feel happy

Mother love is so great and selfless that ①I can never do too much to make my mother feel happy in return. ②With the approach of Mother’s Day, I want to ③extend my gratitude to my

dear mom. Since as a student, I can’t afford to buy so mething expensive, such as perfume,

perfect cake for the first time. After finishing my homework, I have spent most of my time practicing baking with my father the se days. I just can’t wait to share the gift for her and see the big smile on her face.


【小题1】hasn’t promised

【小题2】How far

【小题3】was set

【小题4】What great

【小题5】put off

【小题6】whether, would

【小题7】My boss thinks I’m pleased with my job because I don’t complain. /Because I don’t complain, my boss thinks I’m pleased with my job. /My boss thinks I don’t complain because

I’m pleased with my job.


上海市2014年初中毕业统一学业考试 数学答案解析 第Ⅰ卷 一、选择题 1.【答案】B B . 【考点】二次根式的乘法运算法则. 2.【答案】C 【解析】科学记数法是将一个数写成10n a ?的形式,其中110a <≤,n 为整数.当原数的绝对值大于等于10时,n 为正整数,n 等于原数的整数位数减1;当原数的绝对值小于1时,几为负整数,n 的绝对值等于原数中左起第一个非零数前零的个数(含整数位上的零).即1060800000000 6.0810=?,故选C . 【考点】科学记数法. 3.【答案】C 【解析】抛物线2y x =的顶点坐标为(0,0),把点(0,0)向右平移1个单位得到顶点的坐标为(1,0),所以所 得的抛物线的表达式为2 (1)y x =-,故选C . 【考点】二次函数图像的平移 4.【答案】D 【解析】根据同位角的定义:两条直线被第三条直线所截形成的角中,若两个角都在两直线的同侧,并且在第三条直线(截线)的同旁,则这样一对角叫做同位角,可得1∠的同位角是5∠,故选D . 【考点】同位角的识别. 5.【答案】A 【解析】把数据按从小到大的顺序排列,位于最中间的一个数或两个数的平均数为中位数;众数是一组数据中出现次数最多的数据,众数可能不止一个.从小到大排列此数据为37,40,40,50,50,50,73,数据50出现次数最多,所以50为众数,处在第4位是中位数50,故选A . 【考点】中位数,众数. 6.【答案】B 【解析】选项A ,∵四边形ABCD 是菱形,∴AB BC AD ==,∵AC BD ≠,∴ABD △与ABC △的周长

不相等,A 错误;选项B ,∵12ABD ABCD S S =棱形△,12 ABC ABCD S S =棱形△,∴ABD △与ABC △的面积相等,B 正确;选项C ,菱形的周长与两条对角线之和不存在固定的数量关系,C 错误;选项D ,菱形的面积等于两条对角线之积的12 ,D 错误,故选B. 【考点】菱形的性质应用. 第Ⅱ卷 二、填空题 7.【答案】2a a + 【解析】利用代数式的乘法运算的法则计算得原式2a a =+,故答案为2a a +. 【考点】代数式的乘法运算. 8.【答案】1x ≠ 【解析】根据分母不等式0得10x -≠,解得1x ≠,故答案为1x ≠. 【考点】函数自变量的取值范围. 9.【答案】34x << 【解析】先求出不等式组中每一个不等式的解集,它们的公共部分就是不等式组的解集.即1228x x ->??,由②得4x <,则不等式组的解集是34x <<,故答案为34x <<. 【考点】解一元一次不等式组. 10.【答案】352 【解析】三月份销售各种水笔的支数比二月份增长了10%,即三月份销售的水笔支数是二月份的()110%+,由此得出三月份销售各种水笔()320110%320 1.1352?+=?=(支),故答案为352. 【考点】解应用题,列出算式解决问题. 11.【答案】1k < 【解析】∵关于x 的方程220x x k -+=(k 为常数)有两个不相等的实数根,∴0?>,即()22410k --??>,解得1k <,∴k 的取值范围为1k <,故答案为1k <. 【考点】一元二次根的判定式. 12.【答案】26 【解析】如图,由题意得斜坡AB 的1:2.4i =,10AE =(米)AE BC ⊥,∵12.4AE i BE = =,∴24BE =(米), ∴在Rt ABE △中,26AB = =(米),故答案为26.


2016年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试 英语试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(6分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(8分) 7. A. In March. B. In May C. In June D. In July 8. A. His son. B. His daughter. C. His father. D. His mother. 9. A. 11. B. 12. C. 13. D. 14. 10. A. Lions. B. Elephants. C. Monkeys. D. Tigers. 11. A. Because the car is too old. B. Because he needs money. C. Because there is too much traffic. D. Because he wants to buy a new car. 12. A. At home. B. In the museum. C. At school. D. In the hospital. 13. A. Make some cakes. B. Order a meal. C. Take him to a restaurant. D. Buy some milk. 14. A. Sleep. B. Fans. C. The kids. D. The weather. C. Listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的对话内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(6分) 15. Amy often stays up late at night to learn English. 16. The programmes Amy listens to are Canadian and American. 17. Amy thinks that talk channels are better than music channels. 18. Amy’s progress is slow, but her English is getting better than before. 19. Tom isn’t interested when Amy tells him about listening online. 20. Tom and Amy are talking about a good way to learn English. D.Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences(听短文,完成下列句子。每


长宁区中考英语质量抽查试卷 (满: 150 考试时间: 100分钟) Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) 1. Listening comprehension (听力理解) (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图 片) (6分) 1. _____ 2. _____ 3. _____ 4. _____ 5. _____ 6. _____ B. listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当在答案)( 8分) 7. A) A policeman B) An artist C) An actor D) A teacher. 8. A) Rainy B) Snowy. C) Cloudy. D) Windy. 9. A) Brown B)Black. C) White. D) Blue. 10. A) 8. B) 12. C) 16. D) 24. 11. A) In a restaurant. B) In a post office. C) At school D) At home. 12. A) Teacher and student. B) Assistant and Customer. C) Doctor and patient D) Librarian and Clerk.

13. A) Sign for people. B) Make a new film there C) The boy didn't pass his physics test. D) Do something for special people 14. A) The mother got very angry. B) The teacher felt very surprised. C) The boy didn't pass his physics test. D) The boy wanted to give up . C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符听到的短文内容,符合的用T表示,不 符合的用“F表示) (6分) 15. The writer walked to a new school for the first time on a cold morning. 16. A girl happened to fall of her bicycle a few steps in front of the writer. 17. The word Thank you from the girl made the writer feel very nervous. 18. The writer sat down. beside a girl and they greeted each other at once. 19. Carrie offered to share her English textbook with the writer in the first class. 20. The writer's first and best friend at his new class was his English teacher D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文, 完成下列内容,每空格限填一词) (10分) 21. In 1990, about _____ _____of the people lived in cities 22. In the 1950s, people _____ _____to find new jobs and a better life 23. Families want to live in a city with _____ _____and schools. 24. Suburbs have _____ _____for schools, clinics, shopping malls, and zoos. 25. Some students go to universities in another country to _____ _____ other places Part 2 Phoneties , Grammar and Vocabulary (第二部分语音、语法和词汇) II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案) (共20分) vg /?26. Which of the following words is pronounced as /hA) hang B) huge C) hug D) hungry 27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A) chemistry B) channel C) beach


2016年上海中考数学试卷 一. 选择题 1. 如果a 与3互为倒数,那么a 是( ) A. 3- B. 3 C. 13- D. 13 2. 下列单项式中,与2 a b 是同类项的是( ) A. 22a b B. 22 a b C. 2 ab D. 3ab 3. 如果将抛物线2 2y x =+向下平移1个单位,那么所得新抛物线的表达式是( ) A. 2 (1)2y x =-+ B. 2 (1)2y x =++ C. 2 1y x =+ D. 2 3y x =+ 4. 某校调查了20名男生某一周参加篮球运动的次数,调查结果如表所示,那么这20名男 生该周参加篮球运动次数的平均数是( ) A. 3次 B. 3.5次 C. 4次 D. 4.5次 5. 已知在ABC ?中,AB AC =,AD 是角平分线,点D 在边BC 上,设BC a =,AD b =, 那么向量AC 用向量a 、b 表示为( ) A. 12a b + B. 12a b - C. 12a b -+ D. 1 2 a b -- 6. 如图,在Rt ABC ?中,90C ∠=?,4AC =, 7BC =,点D 在边BC 上,3CD =,⊙A 的半 径长为3,⊙D 与⊙A 相交,且点B 在⊙D 外, 那么⊙D 的半径长r 的取值范围是( ) A. 14r << B. 24r << C. 18r << D. 28r << 二. 填空题 7. 计算:3 a a ÷= 8. 函数3 2 y x = -的定义域是 9. 2=的解是

10. 如果1 2 a = ,3b =-,那么代数式2a b +的值为 11. 不等式组25 10x x


2016 年上海中考英语试卷 Part 1Listening (第一部分 听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30 分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共 6 分) 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共8 分) 7 .A .In March B .In May C .In June D .In July . 8 .A .His son B .His daughter C .His father D .His mother . 9.A.11 B.12 C.13 D.14. 10.A.Lions B.Elephants C.Monkeys D.Tigers. 11.A.Because the car is too old. B.Because he needs money. C.Because there is too much traffic. D.Because he wants to buy a new car. (关注微信公众号,获取更多免费资源)

12.A.At home B.In the museum.C.At school.D.In the hospital.13.A.Make some cakes. B.Order a meal. C.Take him to a restaurant. D.Buy some milk. 14.A.Sleep B.Fans C.The kids D.The weather. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共6 分) 15.Amy often stays up late at night to learn English. 16.The programmes Amy listens to are Canadian and American. 17.Amy thinks that talk channels are better than music channels. 18.Amy's progress is slow,but her English is getting better than before.19.Tom isn't interested when Amy tells him about listening online. 20.Tom and Amy are talking about a good way to learn English. D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences (听对话,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词): (共10 分) 21.The yearly Walk for Charity will_______,_______ Garden Street.22.Money will be raised to build a children's_______,_______ in the town.23.If rain is forecast,walkers should _______,_______ all possible events.24.Walkers are told to keep to _______,_______in the single line while walking.25.The bus leaves every half-hour and the service _______ ,_________-。 Part 2Phonetics, Grammar and Vocabulary II. Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案)(共20 分) 26. Let’s take a rest and listen to some music. Which is correct for the underlined part? A)/e/B)/i:/C)/I/D)/?/ 27. The teenagers had _____ good time in the summer camp in their sister school. A)a B) an C) the D)/


2016学年第二学期黄浦区初三模拟考 英语试卷2017.4 Part II 第二部分语音、语法和词汇 II.Choose the best answer(选择最恰当的答案):(共20分) 26. Which of the following words is pronounced[fe?]? A) fillB) fair C) fear D) fire 27. After a long journey, the old man sat down and had _____ short rest. A) aB) an C) the D) / 28. Everybody rose and clapped their hands _____ the end of the concert. A) by B) in C) at D) for 29. Studies show that less active students in class require a little more _______ A) prize B) task C) friend D) care 30. Jane took _____ look at her house the moment she started her car. A) other B) others C) another D) the other 31. Benjamin was born in Boston ______ the morning of January 17, 1907. A) in B) on C) at D) by 32. The waiter was asked to welcome guestswith _____ smile and bow. A) friendly B) kindly C) politely D) happily 33. It’s important for a teacher to express _______ clearly in class. A) he B) him C) his D) himself 34. According to a recent survey, Google Play is one of ______ apps in the world. A) popular B) more popular C) most popular D) the most popular 35. The newspaper says house prices in Australia are expected ______ by 10% in 2017. A) rise B) rising C) to rise D) to rising 36. Something must be done to stop air pollution, ________ we will have no fresh air. A) or B) for C) but D) so 37. Taobao shop owners are busy _____ clothes for their online customers. A) pack B) to pack C) packing D) to packing 38. More than six million guests ______ Shanghai Disneyland Park since last June. A) visit B) visited C) were visiting D) have visited 39. Listen! Someone ______ at the door. Please go and answer it. A) knocks B) is knocking C) has knocked D) was knocking 40. Passengers must not leave their seats ______ the plane comes to a full stop. A) until B) since C) if D) become 41. Many parts of this car_____ in less developed countries, like Thailand. A) produce B) produced C) are produced D) was produced 42. We _____ respect the local culture and customs when traveling abroad. A) can B) need C) may D) should 43. _______ good time they are having with their family on the beach! A) What B) How C) What a D) How a 44. --What about reading loud to practice our spoken English? --_________


2014年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试 数学试卷 (满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 考生注意: 1.本试卷含三个大题,共25题; 2.答题时,考生务必按答题要求在答题纸规定的位置上作答,在草稿纸、本试卷上答题一律无效; 3.除第一、二大题外,其余各题如无特别说明,都必须在答题纸的相应位置上写出证明或计算的主要步骤. 一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分) 【下列各题的四个选项中,有且只有一个选项是正确的,选择正确项的代号并填涂在答题纸的相应位置上.】 1. (A ) (B ) (C ) ; (D ) 2.据统计,2013年上海市全社会用于环境保护的资金约为60 800 000 000元,这个数用科学记数法表示为 (A ) 608×108; (B ) 60.8×109; (C ) 6.08×1010; (D ) 6.08×1011. 3.如果将抛物线y =x 2向右平移1个单位,那么所得的抛物线的表达式是 (A ) 21y x =-; (B ) 21y x =+; (C ) 2(1)y x =-; (D ) 2(1)y x =+. 4.如图,已知直线a 、b 被直线c 所截,那么∠1的同位角是 (A ) ∠2; (B ) ∠3; (C ) ∠4; (D ) ∠5. 5.某市测得一周PM2.5的日均值(单位:微克每立方米)如下: 50,40,75,50,37,50,40, 这组数据的中位数和众数分别是 (A ) 50和50; (B ) 50和40; (C ) 40和50; (D ) 40和40. 6.如图,已知AC 、BD 是菱形ABCD 的对角线,那么下列结论一定正确的是 (A ) △ABD 与△ABC 的周长相等; (B ) △ABD 与△ABC 的面积相等; (C ) 菱形的周长等于两条对角线之和的两倍; (D ) 菱形的面积等于两条对角线之积的两倍. a 1 2 3 4 5 图1 c B C D 图2 A


中考英语二模试题 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) Ⅰ. Listening Comprehension (听力理解) (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片) (6分) A B C D E F G H 1. _______ 2. _______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. _______ 6. ______ B.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听 到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) (8分) ( )7. A) Green. B) Blue. C) Grey. D) Brown. ( )8. A) 15 yuan. B) 37 yuan. C) 50 yuan. D) 63 yuan. ( )9. A) Mother and son. B) Doctor and patient. C) Husband and wife. D) Teacher and student. ( )10. A) To drink less tea. B) To drink less wine. C) Not to drink strong drinks. D) Not to drink Cola. ( )11. A) Because he is going to see a doctor. B) Because he’s going to answer an e-mail. C)Because he’s going to attend a meeting.D) Because he doesn’t like having a picnic. ( )12. A) Call another hotel. B) Book a single room. C) Change his room. D) Help him check out. ( )13. A) Cold. B) Clear. C) Rainy. D) Cloudy. ( )14. A) The man will ring back later this afternoon. B) The man forgot to take notes when answering the phone. C) The woman can manage without the phone number. D) The woman will help the man look for the paper. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判 断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (6分) ( )15. The new cups with a porcelain(陶瓷) cat or dog at the bottom are very expensive. ( )16. You can’t see the dog or the cat until you have finished the tea.


2016年上海初中毕业生统一学业考试 英语试卷 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分) 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ 【考点】听录音选图 【解答】1 .C 2 .B 3 .H 4 .E 5 .A 6 .G A .根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片,并在答题纸上填涂相应的字母代号,每个句子念两遍. 1 .Ben and Jack are riding horses in the field . 2 .Will Peter take part in a table tennis match next Friday ? 3 .A small group of students lined up to get on the bus . 4 .It ' s Bill's first time to take a train all by himself . 5 .Jimmy lik es to read stories about space ,doesn't he ? 6 .Although he is always busy delivering mails ,Henry never complains . B. Listen to th e dial ogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案): (共8分) 7 .A .In March B .In May C .In June D .In July . 【考点】短对话理解. 【解答】C . 7 .M :Were you here in May ? W :Not really .In fact I arrived in June . Question:When did the woman arrive ? 8 .A .His son B .His daught r C .His father D .His mother . 【考点】短对话理解. 【解答】B 8 .W :Good afternoon ,sir .Can I help you ?


2016学年第二学期徐汇区学习能力诊断卷 初三英语试卷2017.4 考生注意:本卷有7大题,共94小题。试题均采用连续编号,所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成,做在试卷上不给分。 Part 1 Listening (第一部分听力) I. Listening Comprehension (听力理解): (共30分) A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片): (共6分) A B C D E F G H 1. ______ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______ 6. ______ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰 当的答案): (共8分) 7. A) Cola. B) Milk. C) Tea. D) Coffee. 8. A) By bike. B) By car. C) On foot. D) By underground. 9. A) For one day. B) For one week. C) For ten days. D) For two weeks. 10. A) Swimming. B) Tennis. C) Football. D) Basketball. 11. A) At 8 o’clock. B) At 9 o’clock. C) At 10 o’clock. D) At 11 o’clock. 12. A) India. B) Korea. C) Japan. D) China. 13. A) By making a plan. B) By selling some cookies. C) By organizing a race. D) By having a concert. 14. A) Food. B) Fashion. C) Festival. D) Family. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到 的内容, 符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示): (共6分) 15. One day Maria met her neighbor Mrs. Garcia in her school building. 16. Maria’s mother doesn’t have a garden to grow vegetables now. 17. Mrs. Garcia took Maria to the top of the building to show her the garden. 18. The idea of building a rooftop garden for the community was from the owner. 19. People grow flowers or vegetables in their own areas on top of the building. 20. The rooftop garden lets people in the city do the gardening and does good to the environment as well. D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容。每空格限填一词): (共10 分) 21. Football is a simple game. All people need to play in the game is a ball and ________ ________. 22. One of the best and ________ ________ of these professional football players is Pele. 23. ________ ________ 200 teams work hard to be chosen as one of the 32 best teams to compete in the Men’s World Cup. 24. The first Women’s World Cup match was played ________ ________ in China. 25. It ________ ________ for football to be accepted in the United States than it did in other places. Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分语音、词汇和语法) II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案): (共20分) 26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A) Jane’s diet is very h ealthy. B) What a heavy rain is! C) Let’s get r eady for the party. D) Nobody knows the reason. 27. A friend is the person who gives you ________ hand when you are in trouble. A) a B) the C) / D) an 28. My uncle wants to buy a new house ________ a small garden beside the Meilan Lake. A) at B) of C) in D) with


2014年上海市初中毕业统一学业测试 数学试卷 考生注意: 1.本试卷含三个大题,共25题; 2.答题时,考生务必按答题要求在答题纸规定的位置上作答,在草稿纸、本试卷上答题一律无效; 3.除第一、二大题外,其余各题如无特别说明,都必须在答题纸的相应位置上写出证明或计算的主要步骤.一、选择题:(本大题共6题,每题4分,满分24分) 【下列各题的四个选项中,有且只有一个选项是正确的,选择正确项的代号并填涂在答题纸的相应位置上】1.计算23 的结果是(). (A) 5; (B) 6; (C) 23; (D) 32. 2.据统计,2013年上海市全社会用于环境保护的资金约为60 800 000 000元,这个数用科学记数法表示为(). (A)608×108;(B) 60.8×109;(C) 6.08×1010;(D) 6.08×1011. 3.如果将抛物线y=x2向右平移1个单位,那么所得的抛物线的表达式是(). (A) y=x2-1; (B) y=x2+1; (C) y=(x-1)2; (D) y=(x+1)2. 4.如图,已知直线a、b被直线c所截,那么∠1的同位角是().(此题图可能有问题) (A) ∠2;(B) ∠3;(C) ∠4;(D) ∠5. 5.某事测得一周PM2.5的日均值(单位:)如下: 50, 40, 75, 50, 37, 50, 40 ,这组数据的中位数和众数分别是().

(A)50和50; (B)50和40; (C)40和50; (D)40和40. 6.如图,已知AC 、BD 是菱形ABCD 的对角线,那么下列结论一定正确的是( ). (A)△ABD 和△ABC 的周长相等; (B)△ABD 和△ABC 的面积相等; (C)菱形的周长等于两条对角线之和的两倍;(D)菱形的面积等于两条对角线之积的两倍. 二、填空题:(每小题4分,共48分) 【请将结果直接填入答题纸的相应位置】 7.计算:a (a +1)=____________. 8.函数11y x =-的定义域是_______________. 9.不等式组12,28 x x ->??
