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Choosing a table tennis blade is not as simple as finding the first one that feels nice in your hand and playing with that for the rest of your life. Well, actually it could be, but if you want to get the right blade for your style, there are several things to consider.

The weight of the blade itself can be a factor. Lighter blades can usually be swung more quickly, but heavier blades have more mass to use when hitting the ball. In physics terms, momentum is equal to mass multiplied by velocity, so you should look for the heaviest blade that you can still swing comfortably and quickly - this should give you the best speed when hitting the ball.

The stiffness of the blade refers to the amount of flex or bend the blade has. A stiffer blade will generally be faster but less spinny than a flexible blade.

The balance of a blade refers to whether the centre of gravity of the blade is closer to the handle or the tip of the head. Loopers and hitters tend to prefer head-heavy blades which help them generate that little bit of extra spin and speed, while blockers and defensive players quite often prefer blades with the centre of gravity towards the handle, which can increase the feeling of control. Bear in mind that the centre of gravity of a blade can change quite a bit depending on the weight of the rubbers you choose - heavy rubbers will tend to move the centre of gravity out towards the tip of the rackethead.

The general wisdom regarding blade speed is that faster blades tend to be used by the more aggressive players, and slower blades by the more defensive. Players who use more spin also tend to prefer slower blades, because they believe that a slower blade increases the amount of time the ball is in contact with the rubber, giving them more time to put spin on the ball. Note that this does not mean slow blades necessarily - for example, Timo Boll may use a slower blade than many other professionals - but you can bet it is still pretty fast!

Head Size
The difference in air resistance between large headed table tennis paddles and smaller headed paddles is pretty much insignificant, so the main issue of concern here is that larger rackets require more rubber to cover the surface, which makes the racket heavier and also tends to move the centre of gravity of the blade away from the handle.

Handle Type
The choice of handle is usually a matter of your own preference. There are a couple of things to consider though. The rule of thumb is that players with stronger forehands tend to prefer flared handles, possibly because they allow you to get a better grip when executing the forehand stroke. Players with backhands closer in strength to their forehand seem to prefer straight handles, since this usually gives them better flexibility on the backhand stroke. Defenders and combination bat play

ers who twiddle the bat also tend to prefer stra
ight handles, since they are easier to flip.
Besides the standard penhold (both Chinese and Japanese) and shakehand type handles, there are others exotic creations such as the pistol grip blades, and even the V-grip blades. Whether these different handles are fads that will come and go or the start of new styles remains to be seen. They are pretty much unproven at the world level, so I'd probably suggest against using them unless you wish to be an innovator and risk using an inferior handle and grip.
In the last few years, manufacturers have also introduced technologies such as the WRB, VSG, and Senso, which basically hollow out the handle to move the centre of gravity closer to the tip of the blade. Exotic claims are also made about reducing vibration, increasing touch and feel, etc, but these are best treated with a grain of salt. Try them out and see for yourself whether the reality lives up to the marketing pitch - who knows, maybe it just might!

There are two things to consider when talking about the layers of your table tennis blade. The first is the number of layers in the blade, and the second is what the layers are made from.
The number of layers in the blade can vary from 1 to usually a maximum of seven. Three and five ply blades are also popular. It is theoretically possible to have 2, 4, and 6 layered blades, but in practice this is rare. The number of layers in the blade isn't necessarily related to the speed of the blade though, so you probably don't need to worry too much about how many layers your blade has.
According to the Laws of Table Tennis, at least 85% of the blade by thickness must be natural wood. Without boring you with the details, this gives manufacturers some leeway to include layers made of such material as carbon fibre, aralyte, or glass fibre. The effect of these materials can vary - carbon is said to strengthen and stiffen the blade, while also increasing the speed and the size of the sweet spot of the blade. Aralyte is meant to also increase the size of the sweet spot, but is supposed to dampen vibration and give a softer feel than carbon.

They say you can't judge a book by its cover, and you also shouldn't judge a table tennis blade without trying it out with your normal rubbers. A blade that feels wonderful uncovered can turn out to be horrible to use, and not suitable for you at all. Wherever possible try to get permission to actually put your normal rubbers on the blade and play a game or two with it - under real match conditions. Holding the blade in your hand and bouncing a ball on it a couple of times just isn't the same. And considering the prices of blades these days, you don't want to make the wrong choice if you can avoid it.

Your Level
Don't overdo it when upgrading your blade. A common mistake among intermediate play

ers is to go from their beginning blade straight to a super fast blade. If you have only been playing for a couple of years, the c
hances are that you are not yet ready for the fastest blades on the market. These blades are designed for the professionals, and generally require a near professional level of skill to get the most out of them CONSISTENTLY. Anyone can hit the occasional amazing shot using a bat that is way too fast for them, but what about all the shots that you missed?
If you want your moment of glory when you win the tournament rather than when you hit the shot of the day, don't automatically buy the fastest blade you can get your hands on. Resist temptation and ask an experienced player or coach to watch you play for a while and then tell you what they would recommend for your style and level. You might be surprised by what they have to say!

The last thing to think about when purchasing a new table tennis blade is the cost. Blades can vary in price from only a few dollars to over $200 US!
Be aware that expensive is not necessarily better. What you are looking for is a blade that suits the way you play table tennis, not that costs you the most or the least. A cheaper blade may have just the right mix of characteristics that suit you best - so why pay any more than you have to? A good suggestion is to try to select a blade before looking at prices, so that you are not influenced by the price tag one way or the other.

I hope this guide will help when it comes to choosing the right table tennis blade for you. Use the advice I've given above to help narrow down your selection, then try to find a blade that feels comfortable in your hand, and that you like the feel of when you put your normal rubbers on it and play. Once you have found a blade that you like, only then worry about the price. After all, chances are you will be using it to play table tennis with for quite a few years!


底板本身重量是一个因素。使用较轻的底板能够使挥拍速度加快,而较重的底板则能够在击球时利用自身较大的质量来增加攻击力。在物理学中,动量等于质量乘以速度(p=mv 打不出箭头,动量应该是矢量,不能误导正在学习的同学们。。。)。所以建立在这个理论上,你应该在保证挥拍速度以及重量舒适程度的情况下,选择最重的底板(典型欧洲观念)。













DEF 适用于以远台削球为主的传统防守型打法。
ALL- 适用于近台全面型打法,以控制球(搓球、推挡)和削球防守为主。
ALL 适用于攻守兼备的全面型打法。
ALL 适用于以攻球为主的全面型打法,可制造有较大节奏的上旋弧圈球。
OFF- 适用于中台攻击型打法,制造旋转较强,击球准确度较高,控制球能力较好。
OFF 适用于发球抢攻的攻击型打法,击球速度快,制造旋转强,击球力量大。
OFF 适用于最积极主动的攻击型打法,击球速度快,以攻球为主。

怎样选择乒乓球底板2008年10月01日 星期三 21:40选择乒乓球底板,先要明确自己的打法,以选择适合自己打法和水平的底板。底板一般分直板和横板,还有一种日本、韩国选手常使用的日式直板,但在中国用的不多。横板的拍柄比直板长,一般情况下,不要把直板、横板混用(即把直板当横板用,横板当直板用)。

级业余选手和初级专业选手(包括体校的小选手),开始可选用100元以下的底板,待技术提高到一定水准后再换更好的底板。其中有一条重要原因,初学者技术未成熟,经常会把底板撞到球台上,底板使用寿命要短许多,也不宜使用昂蟮母叩档装濉?br/> 当技术水平


简单来说,球拍是由以下三个部份组成: 1. 木拍:会因木质的不同而产生软硬度不一的质量。木质稍硬的适合快攻型球手使用,稍软的适合弧圈球及削球手使用。 2. 胶皮:分正贴及反贴两种(长胶属正贴的一种)。 3 . 海绵:有厚薄及软硬之分。厚海棉的速度会较薄海绵快。由于各人的手感不同,在选择海棉的软硬度时,得视乎个人的感觉而定。一般来说,太硬的海绵使用者较少,而青少年球手则较适合使用稍软的海棉,因这样可以提高击球时手

上的感觉。在选择乒乓球拍的时候,各人需根据自己的打法特点来决定哪一种球拍适合自己,尤其重要的是胶皮的选择,以下为大家简略介绍五种不同性能胶皮的特点: 正胶——短颗粒胶皮,特点是弹性好、速度快、击球稳、不易吃转,适合近台快攻,尤其是左推右攻打法,是直板快攻选手最常用的
胶皮。如果你觉得自己手腕足够灵活,而大臂和腰腹力量不够,不妨试试以速度制胜的正胶球拍。 反胶——反胶胶皮本身带有较大的粘性,摩擦力强,容易制造旋转,比较好地兼顾了速度与旋转的要求。故弧圈型或弧圈结合快攻型打法使用者较多。同时由于击球稳定,易控制,因此也是初学者的首选,也是时下最流行、最实用的胶皮。 生胶——生胶是颗粒向上、直径大于高度的胶皮。其特点是击球下沉,搓球旋转弱。由于生胶有减转的作用,因此特别容易控制球。对横拍两面攻选手而言,若采用正手反胶 ( 拉弧圈 ) 和反手生胶 ( 快拨及摆短 ) 配置,可获得击球的不同效果,造成对手的不适。 长胶——这是一种颗粒细而长的胶皮,覆盖在薄海绵上面,这种胶皮能使球产生反常的旋转,如:用长胶搓对方的下旋球,球以上旋飞回;推挡对方攻来的上旋球,球以下旋飞回;削对方拉来的弧圈球时回球会更转,而削一般拉球时回球则不转。用这种胶皮打球,对方失误多,自己也不易掌握,大大降低了观赏性和娱乐性。因而,建议年轻人或初学者还是别用了,等老了跑不动时再用吧。 防弧胶皮——“ 防弧胶皮 ” 是专门对付弧圈球的胶皮,这种胶皮胶面无粘性,表面较光滑且轻微发涩,击出的球运行速度较慢、弧线较短,着台后下沉飘忽,令对手难以判断,对付弧圈球尤为奏效。
