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第29卷第4期中国海上油气Vol. 29 No. 4 2017 年 8 月CHINA OFFSHORE OIL AND GAS Aug. 2017

文章编号:1673-1506(2017)04-0060-08 D^OI:10. 11935/j. issn. 1673-1506. 2017. 04. 007石臼坨凸起东倾末端沙1二段汇聚体系特征





W A N G Q im ing, H U A N G X iaobo»W AN Liangwei»et al. Characteristics of accumulation system and d istrib u tio n regularity of sand body in E.si—2 in eastern pitching end of Shijiutuo u p lift, Bohai sea[J]. China Offshore O il and Gas,2017,29(4) :60-67.

摘要利用钻井、测井和地震资料,采用源-汇思想,通过沟道、同沉积坡折带等空间地貌单元的发育样式 及其与沉积体系(相类型、相标志和宏观地震相)的时空配置关系分析,阐明了渤海石臼坨凸起东倾末端沙 一、二段不同汇聚体系对砂体分布的控制。结果表明:凸起东倾末端物源区分为东、西2个次凸,且发育易于 风化的碎屑岩和火成岩母岩,具有良好的供源能力;凸起边缘发育单断陡坡型、走向斜坡型、分叉型和缓坡型 等4种坡折样式,并且与沟谷共同构成良好的汇聚通道,形成了 4种不同的汇聚体系;研究区沉积体系具有 “东西分源、南北分带”裙带状分布特征,受不同汇聚体系控制,形成了单断陡坡型扇三角洲、走向斜坡型扇三 角洲、分叉型扇三角洲和缓坡型辫状河三角洲等4种富砂差异分配模式,其中陡坡型扇三角洲易于形成断层 遮挡和侧向尖灭圈闭,缓坡沟谷型辫状河三角洲易于形成地层超覆圈闭,两者均具有较大的勘探潜力。



Characteristics of accumulation system and distribution regularity of sand body in 犈卜2 in eastern pitching end of Shijiutuo uplift, Bohai sea

WANG Qiming HUANG Xiaobo WAN Liangwei WANG Gaiwei XU Wei

(.Tianjin Branch o f CNOOC 犔d.,T ia n jin30049,China)

Abstract:Using drilling,logging and seismic data,with the idea of source-t〇-sink,the relationship between spati-otemporal confi^^uration of sedimentary systems (fa.cies type,facies marks and macro seismic facies)and develop­ment pattern of channels and the same sedimentary slope break belt geomorphic units is analyzed?and the different accumulation systems controlling sand body distribution in E5!~2in eastern pitching end of Shijiutuo uplift in the Bohai Sea are illustrated.Results show that eastern pitching end of Shijiutuo uplift provenance is divided into the eastern and western uplifts,develops clastic rock easy to weathering and igneous rock,which have good capacity for sources;uplift edge develops such four types of slope break as single fault steep slope,slope,split and gentle slope which constitute four different types of accumulation systems with valleys;sedimentary system in study area lias distritjution characteristics of4itlie east-west point source,the north-south differentia-t ion^,and is controlled by different accumulation systems,such four different rich sand distribution modes as single fault steep slope fan del­ta,towards slope fan delta,bifurcated fan delta and gentle slope of braided river delta are formed,in which the steep slope fan delta is easy to form fault screened and lateral pinch out trap,and the gentle slope of braided river delta is easy to form stratigraphic overlap trap,both with great exploration potential.

Key words:source-to-sink system;accumulation system;sand body distribution;E5!〜2;eastern pitching end of Shijiutuo uplitt


第-作者筒介:王启明,男,硕士,工程师,毕业于中国地质大学⑷京),主要从事油气勘探研究工作。地址:天津市滨海新区海川路2121号渤海石油管理局⑷编:349E-m ail: wangqm@cnooc. com. cn。
