


1. 动词be(is,am,are)的用法

我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is 跟着他(he),她(she),它(it) 。单数名词用is,复数名词全用are。变否定,更容易,be 后not 加上去。变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃。还有一条须注意,句首大写莫忘记。

2. this,that 和it 的用法

(1) this 和that 是指示代词,it 是人称代词。

(2) 距离说话人近的人或物用this,距离说话人远的人或物用that。如:

This is a flower. 这是一朵花。(近处)

That is a tree. 那是一棵树。(远处)

(3) 放在一起的两样东西,先说this,后说that。如:

This is a pen. That is a pencil. 这是一支钢笔。那是一支铅笔。(4) 向别人介绍某人时说this is ...,不说that is ...。如:

This is Helen. Helen, this is Tom. 这是海伦。海伦,这是汤姆。(5) this is 不能缩写,而that is 可以缩写。如:

This is a bike. That's a car. 这是一辆自行车。那是一辆汽车。(6) 打电话时,介绍自己用this,询问对方用that。如:

—Hello! Is that Miss Green? 喂,是格林小姐吗?

—Yes, this is. Who's that? 是的,我是。你是谁?

注意:虽然汉语中使用“我”和“你”,但英语中打电话时绝不可以说:I am... / Are you...? / Who are you?

(7) 在回答this 或that作主语的疑问句时,要用it 代替this或that。如:

①—Is this a notebook? 这是笔记本吗?—Yes, it is. 是的,它是。

②—What's that? 那是什么?—

It's a kite. 是一只风筝。

3. these 和those 用法

this,that,these和those 是指示代词,these是this 的复数形式,指时间、距离较近的或下面要提到的人或事;those是that的复数形式, 指时间、距离较远或前面已经提到过的人或事物。

①This is my bed. That is Lily 's bed. 这是我的床。那是莉莉的床。

②These pictures are good. 那些画很好。

③Are those apple trees? 那些是苹果树吗?

在回答主语是these或those的疑问句时,通常用they 代替these 或those,以避免重复。如:

④—Are these / those your apples? 这些(那些)是你的苹果吗?

—Yes, they are. 是的,他们是。

4. 名词+'s 所有格

(1) 单数名词后直接加“ -'s”

Jim's coat 吉姆的外套Jeff's mother杰夫的妈妈

(2) 以s 结尾的复数名词,只加“ -'”

Teachers' Day 教师节the twins' books 双胞胎的书

(3) 不以s 结尾的不规则的复数名词,加“ -'s”

Children's Day 儿童节men's shoes男式鞋

(4) 表示两者共同拥有时,只在最后一个名词后加“ -'s”

Lucy and Lily 's mother 露茜和莉莉的妈妈(共同的妈妈)

(5)表示两者各自拥有时,要在每个名词后加“ -'s”

Lucy 's and Kate's rooms露茜和凯特的房间(各自的房间)5. There be 句型

(1)There be句型主要用以表达“某处(某时)有某人(某物)”,其基本结构为“ There be+某物(某人)+某地(某时).”其中there是引导词,没有词义;主语是be 后面的名词,谓语动词是be。在一般现在时中be 只用is 和are 两种形式。下面这首歌诀可帮你巧记There be句型结构:There be放句首,主语跟在后。地、时放句末,强调置前头。如:There is a book on the desk. 课桌上有一本书。


On the desk there is a book. 课桌上有一本书。

(2)There be句型中的be 动词如何确定呢?请先看看下面这首歌

诀:be动词,有三个,am,is还有are。“There be”真特别,

不留am只留俩,那就是is 还有are。要用is 还是are,需看其



① There is a tree behind the house.

② There is some water in the bottle.

③There are some pears in the box.

(3)注意:如果“be”后的主语是由and 连接的两个或两个以上的

名词,那么be 的形式要遵循“远亲不如近邻”的原则。也就是

说,“ be”


① There is a book and some pens on the floor.

② There are some pens and a book on the floor.

6. like 作动词的用法

like 用作及物动词,译为“喜欢”。

(1) 后接名词或代词,表示喜欢某人或某物。如:I like the baby

very much. 我非常喜欢这个小孩。

(2) 后接动名词(-ing) ,表示“喜欢做某事”,着重于习惯、爱好。

如:Tom likes playing football. 汤姆喜欢踢足球。

(3) 后接动词不定式(to do),表示“偶尔地喜欢做某事”,着重于某次具体的行为。如:

I like reading, but I like to watch TV this evening. 我喜欢读书,但我今晚想看电视。

7. 句子单数变复数,注意以下五要素

(1) 主格人称代词要变成相应的复数主格人称代词即I →we,you→you,she / he / it→they。如:

She is a girl. → They are girls.

(2) am / is 要变为are。如:

I 'm a student. → We are students.

(3) 不定冠词 a / an要去掉。如:He is a boy. → They are boys.

(4) 普通单数名词要变为复数形式。如:

It is an apple. → They are apples.

(5) 指示代词this / that 要变为these / those。如:

This is a box.→These are boxes.

8. 英语日期的表示法英语中月份和星期名称都是专有名词,它们的首字母必须大写,并且前面无需用冠词。

用英语表示日期,其顺序为“月+日+年”,日和年之间需用逗号隔开。如:August 2nd, 2003(2003年8 月 2 日)。也可以用“日+月+年”来表示。如:10th May, 2003(2003年 5 月10 日) 英语日期前介词的使用:若指在哪一年或哪一月,则用介词in,若具体到某一天,则需用介词on。

9. 时间的表达法

(1) 直读式,即直接读出时间数字7:05 seven five 8:16 eight sixteen

(2) 过、差式,即几点差几分,几点过几分。(以30 分为分界线)

1:25 twenty-five past one

(3) 12 小时制

(4) 24 小时制

(5) 15 分可用quarter 2:30 half past two

3:43 seventeen to four 4:38 twenty-two to five 6:00 a.m.上午 6 点8:20 p.m.下午8 点20 分13:00 13 点钟22:15 22 点15 分

4:15 a quarter past four

5:45 a quarter to six

(6) 时间前介词通常用at

at 5 o'clock at 7:30 p.m.

10. want 的用法

(1) 想干什么用want to do sth

They want to join the sports club. 他们想加入运动俱乐部。

(2) 第三人称单数作主语,want 要作变化

He wants to play basketball. 他想打篮球。

Li Xia wants to play the piano. 李霞想弹钢琴。

(3) 变疑问句、否定句,要借助助动词do 或does

①—Do you want to play football? 你想踢足球吗?

—Yes, Ido. 是的,我想。/ No, I don't. 不,我不想。

②—Does he want to go home by bus?他想乘公共汽车回家吗?

—Yes, he does. 是的,他想。/ No, he doesn't. 不,他不想。


2019小升初英语知识点大汇总 小升初英语语法1、名词复数规则、 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds 2.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries 4.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives 5.不规则名词复数:man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice child-children foot-feet,.tooth-teeth fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese 2、一般现在时 1.一般现在时表示经常或习惯性的动作,也可表示现在的状态或主语具备的性格和能力。 2.一般现在时中,没有be动词和情态动词,主语为第三人称单数的肯定句,动词要按规则加上s,主语是非第三人称单数的肯定句,动词用原形。 3.在一般现在时中,句中有be动词或情态动词时,否定句在be动词和情态动词后加not,一般疑问句将be动词或情态动词放在句首。 4.在一般现在时中,句中没有be动词或情态动词时,主语为第三人称单数的否定句在动词前加does+not (doesn’t),一般疑问句在句首加does,句子中原有动词用原形;主语为非第三人称单数,否定句用do+not (don’t),一般疑问句在句首加do,句子中动词用原形。 动词+s的变化规则 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:cook-cooks, milk-milks 2 .以s. x. sh. ch. o结尾,加-es,如:guess-guesses, wash-washes, watch-watches, go-goes 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:study-studies 3、现在进行时 1.现在进行时表示现在正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。 2.现在进行时的肯定句基本结构为be+动词ing. 3.现在进行时的否定句在be后加not。 4.现在进行时的一般疑问句把be动词调到句首。 动词加ing的变化规则 1.一般情况下,直接加ing,如:cook-cooking 2.以不发音的e结尾,去e加ing,如:make-making, taste-tasting 3.如果末尾是一个元音字母和一个辅音字母,双写末尾的辅音字母,再加ing,如:run-running, stop-stopping 4、be going to 1.be going to 表示将要发生的事或打算、计划、决定要做的事情。

闽教版小升初英语复习专题 小升初英语语法知识复习全面汇总

一、词类: 动词、名词和形容词不太容易区分,如不能一眼看出,可用如下方法: 先用“一(量词)”(如:一个、一张等)和这个词连起来说,如说得通,一般认为是名词;说不通再用“很”去判断,就是把“很”和为个词连起来说,说得通一般就是形容词;都说不通就是动词。(目前我们学过的,以后可能不同)(另外一些很明显的,如人称代词、数词、情态动词等一下就可以知道) 1、动词 这里所说的动词是指各种动词总称,其中包括行为动词(就是我们平时总说的那种动词)、be动词、情态动词。 (1)行为动词 就是我们平时上课时说的动词,表示某一动作或行为。如:sweep、live等。 行为动词我们已学过它们的四种形式: 原形、+s/es、+ed、+ing,具体判断方法如下: ↗有,就加ing 读句子→读该单词→认识该单词→理解意思→看有无be动词(若是be going to 就用原形) ↘没有,再看情态动词 ↗有,就用原形

↘没有,再看有无表示过去的时间状语↗是第三人称单数就加s或es ↘没有,再看主语 ↘不是第三人称单数就用原形 (2)be动词 a、Am--was Is --was Are--were 口诀:我用am, 你用are, is用在他她它,所有复数全用are。 b、肯定和否定句I am (not) from London. He is(not) a teacher. She is(not) in the dining room. My hair is(not) long. Her eyes are(not) small. c、一般疑问句Am I a Chinese? Yes, you are. No, you aren’t. Are they American? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. Is the cat fat? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. 我们现在学过的be动词大致分两类:is、am、are为一类,一般用于一般现在时、现在进行时和一般将来时中,was和were为另一类,一般用于一般过去时。 判断步骤:↗第一、三人称单数,就用was ↗有,再看人称 ↘第二人称单数和所有复数,就用were 看有无表示过去的时间状语 ↗第一人称单数,就用am ↘没有,再看人称→第三人称单数,就有is↘第二人称单数和所


小学英语知识点汇总 一、名词复数规则 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds 2.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries 4.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives 5.不规则名词复数: man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice child-children foot-feet,.tooth-teeth fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese 写出下列各词的复数 I _________him _________this ___________her ______watch _______child _______photo ________diary ______ day________ foot________ book_______ dress ________tooth_______ sheep ______box_______ strawberry _____ peach______ sandwich ______dish_______bus_______man______ woman_______ 二、一般现在时 1.一般现在时表示经常或习惯性的动作,也可表示现在的状态或主语具备的性格和能力。 2.一般现在时中,没有be动词和情态动词,主语为第三人称单数的肯定句,动词要按规则加上s,主语是非第三人称单数的肯定句,动词用原形。 3.在一般现在时中,句中有be动词或情态动词时,否定句在be动词和情态动词后加not,一般疑问句将be动词或情态动词放在句首。 4.在一般现在时中,句中没有be动词或情态动词时,主语为第三人称单数的否定句在动词前加does+not (doesn’t),一般疑问句在句首加does,句子中原有动词用原形;主语为非第三人称单数,否定句用do+not (don’t),一般疑问句在句首加do,句子中动词用原形。


精选教育类文档,如果您需要本文档,请点击下载@_@ 2020最新小升初英语必考语法知识点归纳 第1讲字母 1、英语中共有26个字母。Aa,Ee,Ii,Oo,Uu是元音字母,Yy是半元音字母,其余是辅音字母。英语单词就是由这26个字母组合而成的。Aa和Ii可以独立成词,分别表示“一个(张……)”和“我”的意思,Ii翻译成“我”时要大写。 2、英语字母可以分为印刷体和书写体。在书、报、杂志上见到 的一般都是印刷体。在四线三格上书写时应注意书写位置,可 以记住以下口诀:大写字母不顶格,小写字母占满格。书写时 还要注意字母的笔顺。 3、英语句子的第一个单词的首字母要大写。单词与单词之间在 书写时必须保持适当的距离,一般以空出一个小写字母的宽 度为宜。句子的末尾要有标点符号。 4、英语中的句号是一个实心圆点(.),省略号是三个居下的实 心圆点(…),英语中没有顿号和书名号,顿号用逗号替代, 书名用斜体字表示。 5、英语缩写词

PRC中华人民共和国UN 联合国WHO 世界卫生组织NBA 美国职业篮球联赛KFC 肯德基IT 信息技术EQ 情 商CCTV 中国中央电视台kg 千克 a.m. 上午USA 美国HK 香港WTO 世界贸易组织CBA 中国男子篮球联 赛ATM 自动柜员机ID 身份证CPU 中央处理 器BBC 英国广播公司cm 厘米p.m. 下午 6、26个英语字母按照相同的元音因素进行归类: / e?/ Aa Hh Jj Kk / i: / Ee Bb Cc Dd Gg Pp Tt Vv (Zz) / a ?/ Ii Yy /??/ Oo /ju:/ Uu Qq Ww / e / Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zz /ɑ: / Rr 第2讲语音 1、音素:语音的最小单位。 英语中共有48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。 元音 单元音/i:/,/?/,/?:/,/?/,/ɑ:/,//,/?:/,/? /,/u:/,/?/,/e/,/?/ 双元音/e?/,/a?/,/??/,/??/,/a?/,/??/,/e?/,/??/ 辅音 清辅音/p/,/t/,/k/,/t/,/tr/,/ts/,/f/,/θ/,/s/,/∫/,/h/ 浊辅音/b/,/d/,/g/,/d?/,/dr/,/dz/,/V/,/e/,/z/,/?/,/r/,/m/,/n/,/?/,/l/,/w/,/j/


苏教版小升初英语复习资料 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 六年级的孩子就要进行小升初考试了,那么在这个关键的阶段,同学们应该如何复习英语?下面就让小编给大家分享一些苏教版小升初英语复习资料吧,希望能对你有帮助! 苏教版小升初英语复习资料篇一 1. these picture of our city我们的城市的这些图 2. Smoke from cars 汽车排出的烟 the air dirty 使空气变脏 4. black smoke from factories 来自工厂的黑烟 5. messy and dirty 又乱又脏 6. in the water 在水里 fish are dead 鱼死了 8. keep our city clean 保持我们的城市干净

9. take the bus and the metro 乘公交车和地铁 10. walk to school 步行去上学 some factories away from our city 把一些工厂移出我们的城市 rubbish in the bin 把垃圾放到垃圾箱里 13. plant trees 植树 14. after school 放学后 and beautiful 又干净又漂亮 16. throw a banana skin 扔香蕉皮 the ground 在地面上 18. pick it up 把它捡起 the street messy 使街道变乱 late 太迟 on the banana skin 在香蕉皮上滑倒 to hospital 去医院苏教版小升初英语复习资料篇二 1. A: What does it mean? 它是什么意思?


小升初基础达标六年级英语下册测试题(含答案) 一、单项选择 1.It's dangerous ________ play ________ matches. A. to; in B. to; with C. in; with 2.—Can we walk on the grass in the park? — A. Yes,we can. B. No,we can't. C. It's OK. 3.My is Tom. A. name B. nice C. a 4.The light is green now. Let's ________. A. go B. wait C. stop 5.The cat is only one____________ old. A. years B. ears C. year 6.— How many ? — Two. A. bags B. bag C. egg 7.Are there people on Nanjing Road? A. a B. some C. many 8.—What colour is the ________? —It is orange. A. taros B. Orange 9.Kitty can play _______ football. She can also play _______ drum. A. the, the B. /, the C. /, the 10.Have you their addresses and telephone numbers ? A. written, down B. written, off C. written, away D. written, on 11.—How do you go to school every day? —________. A. By bus B. By the bus C. By a bus 12.Is your teachers' room big _______ small? A. and B. for C. or


小升初英语必备知识点汇总 一、小学英语形容词性物主代词 1、形容词性物主代词8个: My your his her its our your their 我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的 2、形容词性物主代词的特点: 1)译成汉语都有"的" eg:my 我的their 他们的 2)后面加名词:eg:my backpack his name 3)前后不用冠词a an the This is a my eraser(错误) That is your a pen(错误) It's his the pen(错误) 3、I(物主代词)my you(物主代词)your he (物主代词)her we (物主代词) our 注:在变物主代词时,把原题所给的词加上的,再译成单词就可以了。 二、小学英语名词性物主代词 1、名词性物主代词和形容词性物主代词一样有8个: Mine yours his hers its ours yours theirs 我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他(她、它)们的 2、名词性物主代词的特点: 1)译成汉语都有"的" 2)后面不加名词 3)名词性物主代词=形容词性物主代词+名词 Eg:1、the pen is mine 钢笔是我的(mine=my pen) 三、小学英语单数的句子变成复数的句子 把单数的句子成复数的句子很简单:变法是把能变成复数的词变成复数,但a或an要把去掉。特殊疑问词、形容词、国家及地点通常不变。 Eg:把下列句子变成复数 1, I have a car ----we have cars 2, He is an American boy. ----They are American boys 3, It is a car ----They are cars 4,This is an eraser ----These are erasers 5,That is a backpsck -----Those are backpacks 6,I'm an English teather ------We are English teathers 7,It's a new shirt---- They are new shirts 8,He's a boy ----They are boys


小升初英语代词必考知 识点 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

专题二代词 人称代词宾格:动词和介词后② 形容词性物主代词:后接名词,空后面有名词时用形物 名词性物主代词:后不接名词,空后面无名词时用名物 反身代词:某人做某事by+反身代词 eg. He finished the work by himself. ①主语位置:句首He is Tom. Be动词后 am,is,are Are you Tom? 情态动词后 can,may Can he draw 助动词后 do,does,did Does he have a cat? ②常见介词:for,with,to,of 2.指示代词 与与is,可数名词单数,不可数 名词连用 与are,可数名词复数连用 与名词单数连用的词有:it, is, a, an, this, that 与名词复数连用的词有:they, are, some, 大于1的数字(two, three, four ...), these, those, many, a lot of= lots of (许多) 3. 疑问代词 1). What 什么对物、动作提问 It is a cat. What is it?

He is singing a song. What is he doing? 2). Who 谁对人提问 Lily likes dancing. Who likes dancing? 3). How 怎么样对身体状况、交通方式提问 I’m fine. How are you 表身体状况常见的词有:fine(好),well(好),ill(生病的) They go to school by bus. How do they go to school? 4). whose 谁的对…的提问(常见的有物主代词和名词所有格) My pen is red. Whose pen is red? This red pen is mine. Whose is this red pen? Lily’s pen is on the bed. Whose pen is on the bed? 5). where 哪里对地点提问 His pen is on the bed. Where is his pen? They are flying kites on the playground. Where are they flying kites? 6). which 哪一个选择性 Which pen do you like, the red one or the black one 你想要那只笔,红的还是黑的 (要从红笔和黑笔中选择一样) 7). why 为什么对原因提问 I like summer because I can swim. Why do you like summer? 8). when 什么时间对时间提问 He does his homework in the evening. When does he do his homework? 9). what time 什么时间对点钟提问 The English lesson is at 8:00. What time is the English lesson? 10). how often 多久一次对频率提问 I brush my teeth once a day. 我一天刷一次牙。 How often do you brush your teeth? 表频率常见的词有:once a week 一周一次 twice a month 一个月两次 three times a year 一年三次 11). how many 多少,对数量提问后接可数名词复数 He has five books. How many books does he have?


(苏教牛津版)小升初英语模拟试题 一、选出下列画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。(10分) ( ) 1. A her B worker C doctor D sister ( ) 2. A near B pear C year D dear ( ) 3. A food B cook C room D school ( ) 4. A many B get C any D hat ( ) 5. A seat B read C sweater D mean 二、中英文互译。(20分) 1. 7月3日________________ 2. 弹钢琴 ______________________ 3. 玩得开心_________________ 4. 春节 _________________________ 5. 问和答___________________ 6. 大声说 _______________________

7. blow out the candles ________________________________ 8. watch the dragon boat races ___________________________ 9. visit relatives and friends ____________________________ 10.have a chat ___________________________________________ 三、选择填空。(10分) ( ) 1. --- When's your birthday? --- It's ___________ January 1st. --- What would you like ________ a birthday present? --- I would like a yo-yo. A. on; for B. in; as C. on; with ( ) 2. --- Where _________ you just now? --- I _________ at school.

最新闽教版小升初英语--My hobby

My hobby My hobby is collecting stamps. There are many stamps in my room. I like stamps very much. There are many things on the stamps. They are colorful and beautiful. After school I usually go to the post office and there are many people there. I learn a lot from collecting stamps. I like collecting stamps very much. My hobby I am Cindy. I am in No.1 Primary School. I am in Class 9, Grade 6. I am tall and thin. I live in Dali. I have many good friends. I often play with them. I have many hobbies, riding a bike, drawing pictures and reading books. But I like to read books best. Because reading books is good for my study. I also like riding bikes. Because it does a lot of good to my body. What’s your hobby? Can you tell me?


六年级英语期末复习资料 一.名词 可数名词:表示可以具体个别存在的人或物。可数名词有单复数形式,其单数形式与不定冠词a(n)连用。 可数名词复数规则: 1.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books,bag-bags,cat-cats,bed-beds 2.以s,x,sh,ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses,box-boxes,brush-brushes,watch-watches 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i,再加-es,如:family-families,strawberry-strawberries 4.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v,再加-es,如:knife-knives 5.以“辅音字母+o”结尾,加-es,如:tomato-tomatoes,potato-potatoes 6.以“元音字母+o”结尾,加-s,如zoo-zoos,radio-radios 7.不规则名词复数: man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice, child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth fish-fish, people-people, sheep-sheep, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese 不可数名词:表示不能个别存在的事物,如液体类,气体类的物质;少数固体类的物质(grass 草,ice冰),抽象的名词(help帮助,music音乐)。不可数名词没有复数(如some water),不能与不定冠词连用。 二.一般现在时 一般现在时基本用法介绍 一般现在时的功能: 1.表示事物或人物的特征、状态。如:The sky is blue.天空是蓝色的。 2.表示经常性或习惯性的动作。如:I get up at six every day.我每天六点起床。 3.表示客观事实。如:The earth goes around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。 常与sometimes,often,always,usually,every day,on Sundays 等表示频率的时间状语连用。 I often go to school by bus. 一般现在时的构成: 1.be动词:主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。如: I am a boy.我是一个男孩。 注意:(我用am,你用are,三单is,复数are。) 2.行为动词:主语+行为动词(+其它)。如:We study English.我们学习英语。 注意:(当主语为第三人称单数(he,she,it)时,要在动词后加“-s”或“-es”。如:Mary likes Chinese.玛丽喜欢汉语。) 一般现在时的变化: 1. be动词的变化。 2. 肯定句:主语+be+其它。如:He is a worker.他是工人。 否定句:主语+be+not+其它。He is not a worker.他不是工人。 一般疑问句:Be+主语+其它。(be动词移到句首) 如:I am a student. -Are you a student? -Yes,I am./No,I'm not. 特殊疑问句:疑问词+一般疑问句。 如:My bike is under the tree. Is your bike under the tree?


小升初英语必考知识点:第一章:语音 第一章:英语的语音和字母 1,英语字母一共有26个英语字母,其中元音字母有5个(Aa,Ee,Ii,Oo,Uu),辅音字母20个,半元音字母一个(Yy) 2,英语按照发音可以分为开音节词和闭音节词 开音节词:元音字母在单词中发本音,例如:No,cake 开音节词分为绝对开音节词和相对开音节词 绝对开音节词:以元音字母结尾的单词,并且元音字母在单词中发本音,例如:no 相对开音节词:以辅音字母+元音字母+辅音字母 +不发音的e 结尾。(三明治+不发音e的结构)。例如:cake, bike 字母归纳表: 【ei】Aa,Hh,Jj,Kk 【i:】Bb,Cc,Dd,Ee,Gg,Pp,Tt,Vv 【e】Ff,Ll,Mm,Nn,Ss, Xx, Zz 【ai】Ii,Yy 【ou】Oo 【ju】Qq,Uu,Ww 【a:】Rr 同音词: Bb=bee 蜜蜂, Cc=sea海洋=see看见, Ii=eye 眼睛, Oo=oh 噢

Pp=pea 豌豆, Tt=tea 茶, Uu=you 你, Yy=why 为什么 hear听见=here这里, wear 穿着=where 哪里 以下习题请自行抄写或者打印,进行完成!明天公布正确答案!不要偷看上面的内容哦! Are you ready?开始做题了! 小升初英语语音练习题: 1,请填写字母的同音词 1,wear= 2,here= 3,Bb= 4,Cc= 5,Pp= 6,Tt= 7,Uu= 8,Yy=

9,Ii= 10,Oo= 二,请把下面单词进行闭音节和开音节的分类 1,pen,2,apple,3,bike,4,cake,5,he,6,hat,7,dog,8,tip,9,hi,10,egg 闭音节词: 开音节词: 三,请找出含有相同元音发音的组合 1,()A, cd, B, ob, C, tf, D, hf 2,()A, gu, B, wt,C, ac, D, ty


苏教版小升初英语模拟试题 一、选出下列画线部分读音与其他三个不同的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。( 10 分)() 1. A her B worker C doctor D sister () 2.A near B pear C year D dear () 3.A food B cook C room D school () 4.A many B get C any D hat () 5.A seat B read C sweater D mean 二、中英文互译。(20 分) 1. 7 月 3 日 ________________ 2.弹钢琴 ______________________ 3.玩得开心 _________________ 4. 春节 _________________________ 5.问和答 ___________________ 6. 大声说 _______________________ 7.blow out the candles ________________________________ 8.watch the dragon boat races ___________________________ 9.visit relatives and friends ____________________________ 10. have a chat ___________________________________________ 三、选择填空。(10 分) ( ) 1. --- When's your birthday? ---It's ___________ January 1st. ---What would you like ________ a birthday present? ---I would like a yo-yo. A. on; for B. in; as C. on; with () 2. --- Where _________ you just now? --- I _________ at school. A. were' was B. were; were C. was; were () 3. --- What does it mean? --- It means you couldn't _________. A. smoking B. smok C. smoke () 4. ________ you _______ your grandparents last weekend? A. Did; visited B. Did; visit C. Do; visited () 5. Last Friday, they ________ a ________ race. A. had; running B. have; running C. had; running () 6. I ______ a kite and _____ it on the wall yesterday. A. maked; puted B. made; put C. made; puted () 7. It is an ______ day; we are all very _________. A.excited; exciting B. exciting; exciting C. exciting; excited () 8. We usually ______ moon cakes on Mid-Autumn Festival.We _______ a lot of delicious cakes yesterday. A. eat; ate B. eat; eated C. ate; ate () 9. --- Whose book is it? - It's not ________ book. It's _________. A. my; hers B. mine; hers C. My'; hers () 10. My grandpa is old, _______ he looks young. A. and B. but C. or


Cloze 1 I 1 a bad cough and a high fever. So I didn’t go to school _ 2 morning. After breakfast, I 3 a book. There’re many signs 4 it. From this book I know 5 about traffic(交通). We should walk or drive on the 6 of the road(路) and get slower(慢下来) at the crossing of the road. “Red light” means 7 . “Green light” means 8 . We 9 go in the time of “Red light”. We must 10 the “Green light” and go. ( )1. A. got B. am got C. have got D. get ( )2. A. in B. in the C. that D. this ( )3. A. look at B. read C. see D. look ( )4. A. in B. on C. beside D. about ( )5. A. a lot of B. many C. lots of D. a lot ( )6. A. left B. light C. right D. write ( )7. A. stop B. stopping C. go D. going ( )8. A. go B. goes C. going D. to go ( )9. A. should B. Shouldn’t C. must D. can ( )10. A. wait B. wait for C. waiting D. waiting for Cloze 2 Dear Susan, How are you? It’s very nice of you to write l me. 2 your letter I know a lot 3 you and your school now. I will tell you 4 about me and my school. I am eleven 5 _ old. I’m in Grade 6 at a primary school. My mother is a 7 . She teaches maths. My father is an 8 . He’s good at his work.


小升初英语复习重点 第一部分;基础知识 1.字母:26个字母的大小写 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 2.语音:元音的发音 五个元音字母:AEIOU 12个单元音:长元音:/ɑ:/,/?:/,/?:/,/i:/,/u:/ 短元音:/?/ /e/ /i/ / ? / /∧/ /u/ /?/ 3.词汇:词汇量,近反义词 4.句子:大小写,标点符号 第二部分:语法知识 一.名词:名词单复数,名词的格 (一)名词单复数 1.一般情况,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds 2.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries 4.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives 5.不规则名词复数: man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen,

mouse-mice child-children, foot-feet, tooth-teeth, fish-fish, people-people, Chinese-Chinese, Japanese-Japanese 不可数名词的复数就是原型:paper, juice, water, milk, rice, tea (二)名词的格 (1) 有生命的东西的名词所有格: a)单数后加’s 如: Lucy’s ruler my father’s shirt b)以s 结尾的复数名词后加’如: his friends’ bags c)不以s 结尾的复数后加’s children’s shoes ●并列名词中,如果把’s加在最后一个名词后,表示共有, 如: Tom and Mike’s car 汤姆和迈克共有的小汽车 ●要表示所有物不是共有的,应分别在并列名词后加’s Tom’s and Mike’s cars 汤姆和麦克各自的小汽车 (2)表示无生命东西的名词通常用“ of +名词”来表示所有关系:如: a picture of the classroom a map of China 二.冠词:不定冠词,定冠词种类: (1)不定冠词:a / an a unit / an uncle 元音开头的可数名词前用an : an egg / an apple / an orange / an eraser / an answer / an ID card / an alarm clock / an actor / an actress / an e-mail / an address / an event / an example / an opera / an houran old man / an interesting book / an exciting sport / an action movie / an art lesson / (2)定冠词:the the egg the plane 2. 用法: 定冠词的用法: (1)特指某(些)人或某(些)物:The ruler is on the desk. (2)复述上文提到的人或物:He has a sweater. The sweater is new. (3)谈话双方都知道的人或物:The boys aren’t at school.


2019年人教版小升初英语必考知识点大全 小升初常考题型: 一、听力 1.听句子中的单词,或者直接听单词 2.根据听到的内容选择相应的回答的句子 3.选出与听到的句子相同意思的句子 4.听短文,判断正误。 二、语音:选出与画线部分相同的读音 三、用所给词的正确形式填空 四、单项选择 五、把句子连成一段话 六、完形填空 七、根据图片内容,完成对话 八、阅读理解: 1.选出正确的答案。2,判断正误。3,回答问题。 九、改错 十、书面表达:作文 第一篇、基础知识

1.字母:26个字母的大小写 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 2.语音:元音的发音 五个元音字母:AEIOU 12个单元音:长元音:/ɑ:/,/?:/,/?:/, /i:/,/u:/ 短元音:/?/ /e/ /i/ / ? / /∧/ /u/ /?/ 3.词汇:词汇量,近反义词 4.句子:大小写,标点符号 一、第二部分:语法知识 一.名词:名词单复数,名词的格 (一)名词单复数 1.一般情况,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds 2.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches 3.以“辅音字母+y”结尾,变y为i, 再加-es,如:family-families, strawberry-strawberries 4.以“f或fe”结尾,变f或fe为v, 再加-es,如:knife-knives 5.不规则名词复数: man-men, woman-women, policeman-policemen, policewoman-policewomen, mouse-mice
