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• 1. Are you a teacher ?Yes , I am . My name is ---
• 2.Is he a boy ? Yes , he is . His name is ----.
• 3. Is she a girl ? Yes , she is . Her name is----.
注: 形
容词性 物主代 词和冠 词不能 同时用
4.This is my cat. __It_s_ name is Mimi. 5. This is Gina and __h_e_r_ friends.
6.This is my pen. Where is y_o_u_r pen, Linda?
1.This is(my / I)mother.
• 4.Is it a dog ? Yes , it is . Its name is ----- .
• 5.Are they friends ? Yes , they are . Their names are • ----and ----.
形容词性能力差,自己不能来当家。 句子当中作定语,身后定把名词加。
形容词性物主代词一般位于名词前,用作定语,限定 该名词,表示某人的。
• 1.Is this your jacket? Yes , it's my jacket. • 2.Is this your house? Yes , it's our house. • 3.Is this his ruler?Yes , it's his ruler. • 4.Is this her eraser?Yes , it's her eraser. • 5.Is this its quilt ? Yes , it's its quilt. • 6.Is this their watch? Yes , it's their
1. These are _h__is___ ( he ) brothers. 2. That is _h__e_r___( she ) sister. 3. Lily is L__u_c_y__‘_s ( Lucy ) sister. 4. Tom, this is _m__y__ ( me ) cousin, Mary.
to the zoo by bus or mother very much.
7.Do they know ___th__e_ir__ (they) new teacher? 8.___O_u__r__(we) new model plane(飞机模型)
Fill in the blanks with his ,her, your, my, its.
1. Is this Mary’s pen? Yes, it’s __h_e_r___ pen. 2 .Jim ,spell _y_o_u_r_ name , please?
3 .Alan has a dog._H_i_s_ dog is brown.
6. —Mike, is this _y_o_u_r_ picture?
—Yes, it is.
7. Mum, they are __m__y_ classmates, Rose and _h__e_r_brother David.
8. Jack, where are _y_o_u__r socks?
3.She is a girl._Cname is Catherine.
Байду номын сангаас
A: She B:He
4.This is _Dpen. A.red my B:he red C:red his D:her red
That's all! Thanks!
1.This is not __m__y_ desk. My desk is over there. 2.Can you spell _y_o__u_r name,Tom? 3. Tom and Jack are brothers.
5. Now __t_h_e_y________(her parents) are in America.
6. Those c__h_i_ld__re__n__ ( child ) are _m__y__ ( I ) father’s students.
7. Do you know __it_s___ ( it ) name?
8. Mike and Tom __a__r_e_____ ( be )
9. Thanks for helping __m__e____( I ).
my name
2. 我的黑色的钢笔 my black pen
3.他的白色的夹克 his white jacket
4.她的红色的钥匙 her red key
5. 我的绿色的铅笔 my green pencil
-His name is Bob.
A. my B: your C:his
2.-I'm Linda. What's your name?
-_Cname is Lucy.
B:Me C:My
This is _th__e_ir_ room. 4. We are in the same class.
_O_u_r__ classroom is very nice. 5. Mrs Green is my teacher. I’m
_h_e_r__ student.
1. This is not __m_y__ desk. My desk is over there. 2. Can you spell _y_o_u__r name, Harry? 3. Mrs Green is my teacher. I’m _h_e_r__ student. 4. Tom is in the room. This is __h__is_ pencil-box. 5. Sam and Peter, look at _y_o_u__r hands. They are so
第一 人称 单数
第一 人称 复数
第二人 第三 第三
称单复 人称 人称

单数 单数
第三 人称 单数
第三人称 复数
主格 I we you he she it they
词性 物主
my our your his her its
1.Is it you pencil ? 2.Is this he book ? 3.Is this a her bag? 4. Are your a boy ? 5. She's name is Gina. 6. Her is a girl . 7.He's name is Mark . 8. Their are boys.
2. Nice to meet (your / you).
3. (He / His)name is Mark.
4. What’s(she / her)name?
5. Excuse(me / my / I).
6. Are(your / you)Miss Li? 7. (I / My)am Ben. 8. (She / Her)is my sister. 9. Fine , thank (your / you). 10. How old is (he / his)
9.Who is the man over there? ____H_e___ is
___o_u_r __ (we) headmaster(校长).
• 1.Let me help y_o__u_ (you).
• 2.(I) W__e___ are students. • 3.Are these __y_o_u__r__(you)pencils? • Yes, they are _o_u_r_(we) pencils. • 4.She is_m__y_____(I)classmate
can fly very high.
9.I have a lovely cat. __I_t_s__ (it) name is Carl.
10.The boy under the tree is Tom.
This is h_is (he) bike.
11.She doesn’t like _h__e_r___(she) new dress at all. Who bought (买) it forh_e_r____(she)?