








Part I Listening Comprehension(25%)

Section A

Directions:In this section,you’ll hear five short conversations.After each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said.The conversation and question will be read only once.Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question.



2.A)A policeman B)An actor

C)A taxi-driver D)A door-keeper

3.A)To go on driving B)To have a look at the sight

C)To park their car D)To stop for a rest

4.A)She may need to take another course

B)The math course is too short

C)The graduation date has been changed

D)She should have gotten a better score

5.A)It’s cooler B)It’s warmer

C)It’s hot D)It’s like that of his hometown Section B

Directions:In this section,you’ll hear a long conversation and a passage.The

conversation and passage will be read twice.At the end of them,you’ll hear some questions.Listen carefully and choose the best answer to each question. Questions6to10are based on the following conversation:

6.A)To go to a baseball game B)To go to a soccer game

C)To stay at home D)To go sightseeing

7.A)To invite Kate and Patrick to a game

B)To attend Bill’s wedding

C)To see his mother

D)He’s come on business

8.A)He’s taller than Patrick B)He’s as tall as Patrick

C)He’s shorter than Patrick D)He’s a little taller than Kate

9.A)He’s nice and humorous,but a little talkative

B)He’s nice and humorous,but has a short temper

C)He’s nice and quiet,but has a good sense of humor

D)He’s nice and quiet,but is lacking in humor

10.A)Going to Bill’s wedding B)Going to Ron’s place

C)Seeing Ron’s mother D)Inviting Ron to the game Questions11to15are based on the following passage:

11.A)At a bus stop B)At a crossroads

C)At the side of the road D)At the library

12.A)To help him examine his car

B)To help push his car to the roadside

C)To tell him where the library is

D)To bring him to the nearest garage

13.A)His car was in a bad condition

B)The young man couldn’t help him

C)He found the engine was at the back of the car

D)The young man didn’t see the engine at all

14.A)It was a foreign car

B)There were not proper tools

C)Only a professional could repair the car

D)He did not know anything about cars

15.A)They worked in the library

B)They lived near the library

C)She wanted to borrow a book about cars for her boyfriend

D)She did not know how to get to the library

Section C

Directions:There is a passage with ten blanks in this section.You’ll hear the passage read twice.Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with what you have heard People have different ideas about what exactly is being on time and being late. These ideas also(16)________from time to time,and from country to country. For example,in the United States,it is very important to be on time for almost all (17)________.The only time it is(18)________acceptable to be late is when you go to a friend’s party.A person usually tries to arrive about5(19)________after the(20)________time,so that the host would have a little extra time to prepare for the guests.This is called being“fashionably late.”Any time late than that is considered(21)________,because it keeps the host and other guests waiting.

Being on time goes both ways.One should also not arrive(22)________for a friend’s party,because it would(23)________the host.However,when going to a doctor’s appointment,it is usually good to arrive earlier than the appointment because there are usually some(24)________that need to be filled out by the(25) ________.

Part II Reading Comprehension(Skimming and Scanning)(5points) Directions:In this part,you will go over the passage quickly and answer the questions.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.


Questions26to30are based on the following passage.

The family circumstances of Clinton’s childhood years were very unfortunate. Clinton’s own father died in a traffic accident3months before Clinton was born.

His stepfather,Roger Clinton,was a habitual drunkard,which caused discord in the family.Such an experience helped Clinton become a man who knew his own mind, had self-restraint and self-control,and was good at competition.Self-reliant, diligent and hard working,Clinton gained a good education.In the fall of1964,he enrolled in Georgetown University in Washington D.C.,and majored in international politics.After graduation,he won the famous Rhodes scholarship and pursued advanced studies for2years in England’s Oxford University.In1971he entered Yale University’s law college and obtained a doctorate in law two years later.During his university days,Clinton actively participated in the students’movement against the Vietnam War,avoided army enlistment,and took a trip to Moscow in1970.These experiences helped him mature early,but left him vulnerable to political controversies later,and branded him as a young liberal.

After leaving Yale,Clinton returned to his hometown in Arkansas where he began his political career.In1974,when he was not quite28,he formally campaigned for congress.His vivid and dramatic first attempt greatly threatened his opponents.Though defeated in his campaign,his political talent received confirmation in news and political circles,winning him the title of“child prodigy”. In1976,Clinton won the post of State Attorney General.In1978,he succeeded in his campaign for the Governorship and at32became the youngest governor in the history of the state of Arkansas.In1980,he lost to the Republicans in his campaign for re-election but two years later he staged a comeback,which won him the nickname of“undefeatable kid”.He kept the Governorship right up until January 1993,when he officially became the master of the White House.His first term of office expired in1997,but he defeated republican Dole and was re-elected,and has served as President up until the present.

In October1997,when China’s President Jiang Zemin visited the U.S.,he and President Clinton reached agreement in the setting up of a constructive,strategic partnership for the21st century.President Clinton has announced this year that he will move up his visit to China to the end of June in order to give fresh stimulus to the development and improvement of Sino-U.S.relations.

26.Clinton’s childhood years were very______.

A)happy B)unhappy C)wonderful D)unknown

27.At what age did Clinton formally begin his political career?

A)28B)not quite28C)32D)not quite32

28.It is UNTURE that______.

A)Clinton’s own father was a habitual drunkard

B)Clinton’s stepfather was a habitual drunkard

C)Clinton was once the youngest governor in the history of the state of


D)Clinton won the presidential reelection in1997

29.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of Clinton’s characteristics?

A)knowing his own mind B)having self-restraint and self-control

C)being caring and sympathetic D)being good at competition

30.From the passage,we can draw the conclusion that the success of Clinton

results from______.

A)the help of others B)the authority and influence of his family

C)just fortune D)his self-reliant spirit and diligence

PartⅢReading Comprehension(Reading in Depth)(30points)

Section A(10points)

Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.


Questions31to40are based on the following passage.

The purpose of education is not only to train youngsters for the employment market,but to31them for tomorrow’s society.Because of the32changing world,one can argue that changes will be continuous,which will make lifelong learning necessary for those who33to handle the changes successfully.People used to believe that education34when they left school,but modern reality suggests that education is a lifelong35,and the classroom is merely the beginning of the education process.The very36of its definition implies that education is lifelong.

Lifelong education builds on and37all existing educational providers,and

extends beyond the formal educational providers to38all bodies and individuals involved in learning activities.

Lifelong education means enabling people to39at different times,in different ways,for different purposes at40stages of their lives and careers.








G.learn H.ready I.expect

J.rapidly https://www.360docs.net/doc/ff4395728.html,mit L.nature

M.concluded N.effect O.include

Section B(20points)

Directions:There are two reading passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions.For each of them there are four suggested answers marked A,B,C and D.Choose the best answer to each question.


Passage One

Questions41to45are based on the following passage.

In some ways the employment interview is like a persuasive speech because the applicant(interviewee)seeks to persuade the employer(interviewer)to employ him or her.Several suggestions might prove helpful to the applicant when he or she is preparing for the actual interview.

A job applicant should gather certain types of information before the interview. First,the applicant should know what kind of job he wants and how that job relates to his career objective.It is important that the applicant be able to state why he wishes to work for a particular company.Second,the applicant should seek as much information as possible concerning the company,such as the location,the financial situation of the company,plans for expansion,and company philosophy. Information about most big corporations is available in reference books and periodicals.

After gathering information concerning the company,the applicant is ready for the interview.The interviewer’s first impression comes from the interviewee’s appearance.For most interviews,the appropriate dress for a man is a conservative(保守的)dark colored suit with a long sleeve white or light blue shirt and conservative tie.

Although hairstyle and dress are matters of personal taste,many personnel directors get first impressions from these characteristics.For example,one recent college graduate,who felt himself qualified,interviewed for a public relations job. However,the personnel manager considered this young man’s long hair,sloppy dress,and overly casual manner unsuited for this particular position.

41.For whom is the passage most likely written?

A)An employee B)An employer

C)An interviewee D)An interviewer

42.As the author suggests,what the applicant should know before the interview is


A)the type of work he wants and his career expectation

B)his career objective a particular company will decide

C)the reasons why a particular company wants to employ him

D)all of the above

43.Before the interview,the applicant should obtain some information about


A)most big corporations

B)the company he wants to work for

C)reference books and periodicals

D)business and philosophy

44.What the applicant wears,as the author suggests,can make him become_____.

A)expressive B)impressive

C)informative D)conservative

45.What does the passage tell us through the example in the last paragraph?

A)The importance of personal taste.

B)The importance of public relations.

C)The importance of self-confidence.

D)The importance of a first impression.

Passage Two

Questions46to50are based on the following passage.

Most Americans don’t like to get advice from members of their family.When they need advice,they don’t usually ask people they know.Instead many Americans write letters to newspapers and magazines which give advice on many different subjects,including family problems,sex,the use of language,health, cooking,child care,clothes,and how to buy a house or a car.

Most newspapers regularly print letters from readers with problems.Along with the letters there are answers written by people who are supposed to know how to solve such problems.Some of these writers are doctors;others are lawyers or educators.But two of the most famous writers of advice are women without special training for these kinds of work.One of them answers letters addressed to“Dear Abby”.The other is addressed as“Dear Ann Landers”.Experience is their preparation for giving advice.

There is one writer who hasn’t lived long enough to have much experience.She is a girl named Angel Cavaliere,who started writing advice for newspaper readers at the age of ten.Her advice to young readers now appears regularly in the Philadelphia Bulletin in a column called DEAR ANGEL.

46.What are most Americans usually do if they need advice?

A)They usually ask their family members for it

B)They often ask their friends for it

C)They usually write to a newspaper or magazine

D)They often write to their friends at newspaper

47.According to the passage,what is NOT included in the problems?

A)How to solve the problem with Father

B)How to use English

C)Where to go for a picnic

D)How to take care of a young baby

48.Who will answer the readers’questions?


B)Lawyers or educators

C)Dear Abby or Dear Ann Landers

D)People who are supposed to know how to solve such problems

49.According to the passage,two of the most famous writers of advice are


A)Dear Abby and Dear Angel B)Dear Ann Landers and Dear Angel

C)male writers D)female writers

50.Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A)Dear Angel is ten years old now

B)Dear Angel is a girl

C)Dear Angel gives advice to young readers

D)Dear Angel does not have much experience

Part IV Vocabulary and Structure(15points)

Directions:For each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B,

C and D.Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

51.There seems to be an electrical problem.I’ll get someone to________it.

A)look out B)look into

C)look upon D)look at

52.His knowledge of English is________for the job,although he is not fluent in

the language.

A)adequate B)different

C)pleasant D)complicated

53.Travelers in space have to________many discomforts in their rockets.

A)persist B)care

C)endure D)allow

https://www.360docs.net/doc/ff4395728.html,munity service can________anything from gardening to helping in old

people’s homes.

A)involve B)remain

C)insist D)ask

55.It took him almost three hours to________the distance from his office to his


A)cross B)reach

C)cover D)gain

56.I’d love a new car,but I just can’t________it.

A)offer B)afford

C)spend D)cost

57.They________the plan to see whether it could really be carried out.

A)got over B)talked over

C)broke through D)let out

58.We have to get that car fixed________.

A)no matter it costs how much B)no matter how much costs it

C)no matter how much it costs D)no matter how much does it cost

59.In school days I________all the way to the school,but would sometimes take

the bus when it rained.

A)used to walk B)used to walking

C)was used to walk D)would use to walk

60.I’ll find the person who did this,________he is!

A)anybody B)someone

C)whoever D)whomever

61.It is when you nearly lose someone________you become fully conscious of

how much you value them.

A)as B)so

C)that D)when

62.Harry took a taxi to work this morning.He________a taxi if he had not

missed the only bus that passes by his office.

A)wouldn’t have taken B)wouldn’t take

C)hadn’t taken D)won’t take

63.Would you please________your name and telephone number here in the


A)fill in B)make out

C)fix up D)put on

64.It was proposed that the matter________considered at the next meeting.

A)be B)to be

C)was D)would be

65.The more he drank________.

A)the more he became violent B)he became the more violent

C)the more violent he became D)the more violent became he

Part V Cloze(15points)

Directions:There are15blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one answer that best fits into the passage.

While I was waiting to enter university,I saw in a newspaper a teaching job wanted at a school about ten miles from where I lived.Being very short of66 and wanting to do something67I applied(申请),fearing as I did so,that without a degree and with no68of teaching my chances of getting the job were69.

However,three days later,a letter arrived,calling me to Croydon for a meeting with the headmaster.It proved to be a70journey:a train to Croydon station, a ten-minute bus ride and then a walk of at least a quarter of a mile.As a result I arrived there,feeling too hot to be nervous.It was clearly the71himself that 72the door.He was short and round.

"The school,"he said,"is made up of one class of twenty-four boys between seven and thirteen."I should have to teach all the subjects except art,73he taught himself.I should have to divide the class into74groups and teach them in turn at three different75,and I was76at the thought of teaching maths—a subject at which I wasn’t very77at school.Worse perhaps was the idea of having to teach them on Saturday afternoon because most of my friends would be78themselves at that time.

Before I had time to ask about my salary,he got up to his79."Now"he said,you’d better meet my wife.She is the one who really80this school.

66.A)money B)time C)students D)clothes

67.A)harmful B)useful C)funny D)secret

68.A)material B)experience C)means D)books

69.A)nice B)great C)slight D)helpful

70.A)difficult B)pleasant C)comfortable D)short

71.A)teacher B)door-keeper C)student D)headmaster

72.A)shut B)opened C)repaired D)kicked

73.A)which B)that C)what D)this

74.A)one B)two C)three D)four

75.A)classes B)subjects C)levels D)places

76.A)excited B)angry C)glad D)disappointed

77.A)poor B)interested C)weak D)good

78.A)watching B)studying C)enjoying D)helping

79.A)letter B)feet C)hands D)wife

80.A)runs B)starts C)observes D)likes

Part VI Translation(10points)


81.Can you please___________________________(与我们的读者交流一下您


82.We've been asked to__________________________(想出一些新主意).

83.We should__________________________________(积极参加课堂讨论).

84.She divorced and was left with____________________(名下没留任何财产).

85.We should____________________________________(用知识武装自己).


??????????????????????精品自学考试资料推荐?????????????????? 全国 2018 年 7 月自学考试综合英语(一)试题 课程代码: 00794 Ⅰ、词法和词汇。从 A 、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将所选答案的字母填在答题纸相应的位置上。(本大题共20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分) 1 .Tom has three _____. A. brothers-in-law B. brother-in-laws C. brother-in-law D. brothers in law 2. Measles (麻疹 ) _____ a long time to get over. A. take B. takes C. spend D. spends 3. I caught the last bus from town; but Tom came home __ than I. A. more late B. more later C. even later D. the later 4. It _____ that the young Marine was not the old man ’ s son. A. turned out B. came to C. happened to D. looked out 5. The wind died ____ and it began to rain. A. off B. out C. up D. away 6. You shouldn ’ t take _____ of that child who knows nothing about it. A. chance B. advantage C. away D. benefit 7. In America, many white people are _____ the black people. A. prejudiced to B. prejudicing against C. prejudiced against D. prejudiced at 8. The soldier reported what he had seen to the general _____. A. an time B. upon time 1


I. Vocabulary and Structure Directions : Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) 1. I he ________ of mankind has taken thousands of years. A. realization B. circumstance C. civilization D. circulation 2. We want especially to thank the _ _____ friends who gave us encouragement. A. numerous B. nutritious C. ridiculous D. anxious 3. They are the sort of friends who are so close they ______________ each other with their lives. A. depend C. trust served each of them well over the two brutal weeks they struggled up the mouniain. B. forgive D. believe 4. Their A. disability B. possibility congratulations D. friendship 5. W. A. Mozart will be as one of history's most famous child prodigies. A. memorized remembered I), reminded 6.'】'o many people? lasers are very but a laser is simply a device that produce a very strong light. A. mysterious B. fantastic C, terrific I), amazing 7. Dennis Joyce is a 30-year of an electric company in New York. 492 A. embroidery C. employment & It had to be done, otherwise I B. employee D. enjoyment


三年级英语上摸底试题 一、听力部分(30分) I.帮帮小马虎。(10分)小马虎很粗心,漏写了些数字,请小朋友帮忙把数字补充完整。听两遍。 1. 9_6 2. 5_1 3. 3_7 4. _42 5. 27_ II、听读单词两遍,选出听到的单词,把答案的字母编号写在括号里。(4分) ()1、A、cat B、cap ( ) 2、A、dog B、door ( ) 3、A、four B、five ( ) 4、A、cake B、eight Ⅲ、、Listen and tick .听读句子两遍,请在老师所读的内容的括号里打“√”。(8分) 1、A 、Good morning .( ) B、Good afternoon .( ) 2、A、Hello! My name’s Mike .( ) B、Hello! I am Mike .( ) 3、A、It is a pen .( ) B、It is a pencil.( ) 4、A、Is it a cake? ( ) B、Is it a book?( ) Ⅳ、Listen and choose . 听读句子两遍,选出正确的答语。(8分) ()1、A、Here’s your pen . B、Thank you . ( )2、A、I’m fine . B、I’m five . ( )3、A、My name’s Amy B、This is Sam . ( )4、A、Happy New Year ! B、Happy Birthday ! 笔试部分(分) 一.火眼金睛。(15分)将正确答案的序号填在前面的括号内。 ()1.Hello!I _Sam. A.am B. is C. are ()2._____,Lingling. A.Good B.Hi C.What’s ()3.How _____you,Sam ? A.am B.are C.is ()4.____is a girl. A. He B.She C.it ()5.It’s _____orange dog. A.a B.an C. the ()6.____ are you ? --I’m fine, A. What B. How C. Where D. There ()7.What's ____ name? A. My B. your C. her D. his ()8. I ____ happy. A. is B. \ C. am D. are ()9. How many ____? A. apple B. apples C. a apple D. an apple ()10. Hello! ______ A. I’m fine . B. How are you C. thanks D. Hello. ()11. ____ is your book? A. What B. How C. Where D. There ()12. How old are you ? A. I am fine. B, I am ten C, I have ten ()13. Here’s your cake ._________ A. thank you . B. Good . C Yes . ( )14. 你想知道哥哥在哪,应该问: A. Where is my brother? B. Where is my sister? C. What’s your name? ( )15. 你想向别人介绍你的妈妈,你应该说: A. This is my mother. B. What’s my mother. C. Hi, my mother. 二.拉拉手。(1)中英文小朋友拉起手来。(10分) 1.I A.你好 2.hello B.我


全国2019年10月高等教育自学考试 综合英语(一)试题 课程代码:00794 Ⅰ.用适当语法形式或词汇填空。从A、B、C和D四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题纸上将所选答案的字母涂黑。(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分) 1.This dress cost me()the one I am wearing. A. twice as much as B. as twice much as C. as much twice as D. much as twice as 2.John suggested that we()have the evening party this Sunday. A. didn’t B. not C. wouldn’t D. not to 3.Our team()three matches so far this year, and we still have some more games to play. A. was winning B. has won C. wins D. had won 4.John’s never been to London.(). A. And hasn’t Tom B. Nor Tom hasn’t C. Neither has Tom D. Tom hasn’t neither 5.I’m interested in()you told me that day. A. all that B. which C. all what D. that 6.My sister has always regretted()the opportunity to go to college. A. not to take B. not take C. having not taken D. not having taken 7.I()to attend a social gathering, but something came up. A. have wanted B. had wanted C. want D. have been wanting 8.Cynthia said that she was not feeling well,() A. didn’t she B. did she C. wasn’t she D. was she 9.()is reported in today’s newspaper, a medical team will be sent to the western area of the country. A. It B. Which C. That D. As 10.()cold and windy, most children in the community stayed indoors. A. Being B. It being C. It was D. To be 11.Looking out of the window, ()outside. A. it was a young man B. there was a young man C. a young man was D. I saw a young man 1


综合试题(9) 考试科目大学英语 I姓名考试专业学号考试形式考试时间 考试注意事项一、学生参加考试须带学生证,未带学生证者不允许参加考试。学生必须按照监考教师指定座位就坐。 二、书本、参考资料、书包等与考试无关的东西一律放到监考教师指定的位置。 三、学生不得另行携带、使用稿纸,要遵守《北京邮电大学世纪学院考场规则》,有考场违纪或作弊行为者,按相应规定严肃处理。 四、学生不允许携带手机进入考场。 注意:所有答案一律写在答题纸上,写在试卷上无效。 Part I Listening Comprehension (30 points) 注意:此部分答题请按照题号在机读卡上作答。 Section A (10 points) Section A Short conversations and multiple choice questions (10 points) Directions:Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 1. A. David Brown B. Joe Brown C. Brown MacDonald D. David MacDonald 2. A. 8:30 in the morning. B. 8:30 in the evening. C. Well before 8:30 in the evening. D. Long after 8:30 in the morning. 3. A. Having a dinner party for mom's birthday. B. Having a dinner party for mom on Mother's Day. C. Reserving a seat at a concert for mom. D. Reserving a seat at a theater for mom. 4. A. She believes it's going to rain. B. She says she has a nice feeling.


新思维综合英语1模拟试题三 Vocabulary and Structure: Directions:Beneath each of the following sentences, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points) Example: The old couple at last in finding a flat to rent. A.managed B.did C.finished D.succeeded The sentence should read, "The old couple succeeded at last in finding a flat to rent." Therefore, you should choose D. 1.Hey, you haven't changed these years. A.a bit B.a few C.bit D.little 2.The common cold is the most of all illnesses. A.consequent B.frequent C.sequent D.subsequent 3.This lobster tastes funny. A.all kinds of B.kind of C.a kind of D.kind 4.I don't want to you. I call you just for greeting. A.disturb B.hurt C.interrupt D.break 5.How does this sound? “Sunny one-bedroom near, centrally located …” A.transmission B.transportation C.transition D.transfer 6.Some doctors suggest that you large amount of vitamins at the beginning of getting cold. A.take


《新综合英语1---3单元基础知识测试卷》 班级姓名 Ⅰ:Understand the meaning of the sentences, according to the first letter of the words, fill in the blanks.(30) 1.The woman in black is from the USA, she is A . 2.Paris is the capital of F . Can you speak F . 3.J is to the east of China. 4.The man who won the Nobel Prize is from Berlin. He is a G . 5.Spagetti(通心粉) is a kind of popular I food. 6.Let’s do our b for our motherland. 7.The foreign teachers in our school are all from a . 8.The businessman is from China Town in N ,we call him an o . 9.Is everyone here?No, Jim is a from the class. 10.I took the blind man b the hand and went across the busy street. 11.The yellow leaves are dancing in the b . 12.The d life of each student is busy and boring. 13.Do you write d every day? Yes , it can help me remember the past life.. Ⅱ.Change the following sentences.(20) 1.It’s time for bed. (同义句)


小学三年级英语期末检测题 惠州市惠阳区沙田镇肖屋小学 钟世珍 题 次 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总评 记 分 A. 听力部分 (70分) 一 、听录音,写出你所听到的字母的大小写。(8分) 二、听录音,从A 、B 、C 中选出你所听到的字母、单词或句子,将其序号填入题前的括号内。(10分) ( ) 1.A 、Ii B 、Ll C 、Yy ( ) 2.A 、Hh B 、Ff C 、Gg ( ) 3.A 、pear B 、peach C 、please ( ) 4.A 、man B 、mother C 、mom ( ) 5. A 、tall B 、small C 、all ( ) 6. A 、Pp B 、Vv C 、Tt ( ) 7. A 、father B 、mother C 、brother ( ) 8. A 、two B 、twelve C 、twenty ( ) 9. A 、I ’m fine . B 、I ’m nine . C 、I ’m Mike . ( )10. A 、I have twelve . B 、I can see twelve . C 、I ’m twelve . 三、听录音,用阿拉伯数字给下面的图片排序。 (10分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听录音,请根据录音内容将上下栏的图片连线。(12分) 五、听录音,根据你所听到的问句选择适当的答句,并把编号填在题前的括号里。(10分) ( )1. A. I am 10. B. I am fine. C. I am John. ( )2. A. Fine, thanks. B. OK! C. I am five. ( )3. A. I am Chinese. B. I am from China. C. I am a boy. ( )4. A. Nice to meet you,too ! B. Hello! C. Certainly. ( )5. A. I can see nine. B. I have one. C. I have one cat. 六、听录音,选择与录音内容相符的图。 (10分) 1. 2. A B A B 3. 4. A B A B 5. H L J HGK B 乡镇__________________ 学校_____________________ 班级____________ 姓名____________ 座号__________ …………………密………………………………….封……………………….线…………………………………………………………………………..


综合英语一试题及答案 Ⅰ.用适当的语法形式或词汇填空。从a、b、c、d四个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(30x1=30) 1. Children who are over-protected(过分保护的)by their parents may become___D__. a. hurt b.tamed c.destroyed d.spoiled:有宠坏,溺爱的意思 翻译:解析:句意为:“过分受父母保护的孩子可能会被惯坏”。hurt“指对身体或感情上的伤害”。destr oy“毁坏,消灭”。tame“驯服”。spoil“宠坏,惯确良坏”。spoiled 的过去分词形式也可看做是形容词“宠坏了的”。 解释: 1. hurt[英][h?:t][美][h?:rt] vt.损害; 使受伤; 使伤心; 使受皮肉之苦; vi.疼痛; 感到疼痛; 受痛苦; 有坏处,有害; n.伤害; 痛苦; adj.受伤的; 痛苦的; (受)损坏的; 2. tame[英][te?m][美][tem] adj.驯服的; 平淡的; 无精打采的; v.驯服; 抑制; 第三人称单数:tames过去分词:tamed最高级:tamest现在进行时:taming比较级:tamer过去式:tamed 易混淆单词:TameTAMeTAME 3.destroy[英][d??str??][美][d??str??] vt.杀死; 破坏,摧毁; 消灭,歼灭(敌人); 使失败; 第三人称单数:destroys过去分词:destroyed现在进行时:destroying过去式:destroyed 4.spoiled[英][sp??ld][美][sp??ld] adj.被宠坏的; 宠坏,溺爱 v.破坏; 损坏; 变质( spoil的过去式和过去分词); 毁掉; 2. I've been telling you__C___not to do that,but you neve listened to me.That's why you got into trouble. a.at times (有时) b.time before time (时间以前) c.time and again (无数次,屡次,一再; 迭次; 屡次三番; 几次三番;) d.for the time being(暂且; 权; 权时; )


综合英语3期末试卷 得分_________ Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension Passage A Since Insight exposed the U.S. Postal Service’s program “Under the Eagle’s Eye”, the eyes of many privacy advocates have focused like a laser on the agency. “Warning! The post office c ould report YOU as a drug dealer or terrorist,” reads a press release from the Libertarian Party. Until the Postal Service drops its orders to postal clerks to report certain legal financial transactions as “suspicious activity”, the Libertarian Party and others are urging consumers to purchase money orders, wire transfers and cash cards elsewhere. But now Insight has learned that it’s not just purchases of these financial instruments that the post office reports as suspicious. In a training video obtained by Insight, after a jewelry store owner hands a postal clerk $50,000 cash to put on his postage meter, the clerk is told to report this as suspicious transaction. Even though it may be perfectly legal, using this much cash is “strange”, the video says. “If putting a lot of money on your postage meter is a sign of criminal activity, I’m afraid we’re going to have to have a little talk with our own office manager,” says George Getz, spokesman for the Libertarian Party, which uses a postage meter to send mass mailings. “It seems unbelievable. Do you launder money 32 cents at a time? That’s crazy.” According to the Postal Service, even transactions of a few thousand dollars in cash should arouse suspicion. But privacy advocates say it is normal, for instance, for restaurant or store owners who want to send out promotional mailings to go to the post office and put the cash receipts for that day on their postage meters. “Under the Eagle’s Eye” does not apply to purchases of stamps and “philatelic” it ems. But why, then, does the program apply to postage on meters, which is merely “electronic stamps”, asks Rick Merritt, director of Postal Watch. 1) Insight is most probably ________. A) a journal 密 封线内不要 答题


小学三年级英语期末试卷 人教版2015小学三年级英语期末试卷 一,写出相邻字母(5分) E_______HI____K____M______ 二.写出相隔数词(5分) ______Two_____four_____six_____eight______ten 三.根据每小题上面的问句或指令,选择正确答语。”(每小题2分,共12分) 1、hereyouare. 2、what’syourname? A:()Thankyou.A:()I’mnine. B:()Yes,Jim.B:()I’mWangDawei. 3、turnonthelight 4、howoldareyou? A:()Thankyou.A:()I’mten. B:()Yes,MissHanB:()Ok,missHan. 5、what’sthis? 6、Goodmorning.i’mmrLiu. A:()It’samonkey.A()Goodbye,Mrliu. 四,情景指令(每小题2分,共10分) 1.当你想问别人的感觉时怎么说? A:howdoyoufeel? B:howareyoufeel?

2.当你想知道别人最喜欢的`颜色时怎么说? A:what’syourfavouritecolour? B:what‘sthecolour? 3.当你去看病时,医生通常回问你? A:whatareyou Bwhatsthematter? 4.当你想对别人说今天是你的生日时应该怎么说? A:Thisismybirthday! B:Todayismybirthday! 5.当你想对别人介绍你的家庭时应该怎么说? A:Theyaremyfamily. B:Thisismyfamily! 五.连词成句(每小题2分,共10分) 1.oldHowyouare 2.birthdayyoutoHappy 3.feeldoyouHow 4.colourisitWhat https://www.360docs.net/doc/ff4395728.html,ughingheis 六、给下列单词分类。(把单词前的数字写在横线上)(每小题2分共10分) 1.book 2.cake 3.arm 4.orange 5.panda 6.juice 7.yellow 8.face 9.dog10.eraser 11.rabbit12chicken13.blue14.foot


九年级下学期英语综合试 题含答案 集团文件版本号:(M928-T898-M248-WU2669-I2896-DQ586-

D. how?much?sleep?is?necessary?for?a?Grade?9 student 13.-Mrs.?Wang, _______are?the?students?in?your?class -Most?of?them?are?sixteen. A. how?long B. how?old C.?how?many D.?how often 14.-I?think?you?should?give?the?boy?another chance. - I’m?not?sure.?Let?me _______it. A.?pay?for B.?wait?for C. think?about D.?care?about 15.There are many_______ in our school. A.?woman teachers B.?girls teachers C. women teachers D.?girl’s teachers 16.The park is a bit far from here. It’s about_______. A.forth minutes’s walk B.?forty minute’s walk C. forty-minutes walk D.?forty minutes’ walk 17.There are enough cups for each visitor to have_______. A.?one B.?it C. this D.?that 18.-Who teaches_______ French -No one. He teaches _______. Although sometimes Sally helps him with_______ French. A.?him; himself; his B.?his; himself; him C. him; herself;/ D.?his; himself; he’s 19.-Joe, where’s Tom Jane_______ him. -Pardon I_______ the news on the radio. A.?is looking for; listen to B.?will look for; am listening to C. has looked for; listened to D.?is looking for; was listening to 20.-Put some butter on a slice of bread and add a teaspoon of butter. What else -Next_______ some tomatoes. A.cut up B.?cuts up C. to cut up D.?cutting up 21.-I’ve been waiting for two hours._______ will you get here -In ten minutes. A.How long B.?How soon C. When D.?How often 22.There_______ some milk, vegetables and a few eggs on the table. A.?is B.?are C. has D.?have 23.-_______ is Mr. Yang -_______Mr. Yang You mean the shorter one He’s a manager. A. What; Whose B.?Who; Which C. What; Which D.?How; Whom 24.I have three pen pals. One is_______, the other two are_______. A.?Japanese; America B.?English; Frenchmen C. Canada; Australia


第1-3单元综合检测卷(基础卷) Ⅰ. 单词拼写(每个分,共10分) 1. Her eyesight is so good that she can see the mountain in the ________ (远方). 2. Lisa and I have a ________ (稍微) different attitude towards love. 3. We listened to the news with a ________ (混合) of surprise and happiness. 4. There is a ________ (海港) near our city, where you can find many big ships in and out. 5. People found the little match girl dead in the street at ________ (黎明). 6. It’s ________ (不像) him to be late; he’s usually on time. 7. Not all people are aware of the various effects of ________ (全球的) warming on Earth. 8. Some believe in the ________(存在) of life on Mars, while others consider it as a myth. 9. Everyone was a bit ________(迷惑的)by her sudden departure. 10. I consider that it is ________ (有害的) for students to play computer games, though some of them don’t think so. 11. It was not our ________ (错误)that we were late. 12. She was ________ (漫步)aimlessly up and down the road. 13. She was ________ (凝视)out of the window. 14. I like the red dress with black ________ (斑点). 15. Young people like to ________ (寻找)success in life. 16. They wanted to find the ________ (源头)of the Yellow River. 17. When ________ (收获)time comes, everyone helps in the field. 18. Although they are disabled, they have a strong ________ (信仰) in life. 19. I find that doing physical exercise a couple of times a week makes me feel more ________ (精力充沛的)! 20. Not having not been given the gift, little Tom ________ (哭泣) after the ceremony.


《综合英语》考试试卷(A卷、闭卷) Part I Reading Comprehension (阅读理解) (每小题3分,共15分) Passage One Suppose we built a robot to explore the planet Mars. We provide the robot with seeing detectors to keep it away from danger. It is powered entirely by the sun. Should we program the robot to be equally active at all times? No. The robot would be using up energy at a time when it was not receiving any. So we would probably program it to cease its activity at night and to wake up at dawn the next morning. According to the evolutionary theory of sleep, evolution equipped us with a regular pattern of sleeping and waking for the same reason. The theory does not deny that sleep provides some important restorative functions. It merely says that evolution has programmed us to perform those functions at a time when activity would be inefficient and possibly dangerous. However, sleep protects us only from the sort of trouble we might walk into; it does not protect us from trouble that comes looking for us. So we sleep well when we are in a familiar, safe place, but we sleep lightly, if at all, when we fear that bears will nose into the tent. The evolutionary theory accounts well for differences in sleep among creatures. Why do cats, for instance, sleep so much, while horses sleep so little? Surely cats do not need five times as much repair and restoration as horses do. But cats can afford to have long periods of inactivity because they spend little time eating and are unlikely to be attacked while they sleep. Horses must spend almost all their waking hours eating, because what they eat is very low in energy value. Moreover, they cannot afford to sleep too long or too deeply, because their survival depends on their ability to run away from attackers. 1.The author uses the example of the robot in space exploration to tell us . A) the differences between robots and men B) the reason why men need to sleep C) about the need for robots to save power D) about the danger of men working at night 2.Evolution has programmed man to sleep at night chiefly to help
