

EPIC 安装和使用手册说明书

EPIC 安装和使用手册说明书

+/- 15% [VAC]
Vout [VAC]
I line [A]
out typical ht [A] [KW] [kg]
supply (even visual), before acting on the EPIC and on any
connected load.
1 x 230 3 x 230 11
its durability is longer.
The manufacturer declines any liability for damage to persons
At the same time, EPIC can:
or objects e to improper use of his products.
Avoid impacts to the product or extreme climatic conditions during transport.

Extended durability of the system.

Increased reliability.
Make sure the product comes fully equipped with its accessories. In the event components are missing, immediately contact the supplier.

Protect the motor against overload and dry operation
and provide a relative alarm indication.
3. Installation ●
Activate soft start and soft stop to extend system du-


Vocabulary Development
Building a rich vocabulary through exposure to different texts and contexts, and learning new words and their meanings
Strategic Reading
Imitation exercises
By improving native speakers, students can improve their promotion, introduction, and other elements of oral expression
Oral expression skills
Social Etiquette
Discussions on cultural differences in social etiquette, including greetings, gift giving, table etiquette, and visiting etiquette, to avoid misunderstandings and reward situations in cross cultural communication
Literature and Art
Introduce classic works of English literature and art to enhance understanding of Western culture and aesthetics
Analysis and Practice of Long and Diffluent Sentences in Practical English

敏捷开发中的 Epics、Features 和 Stories:概念和定义说明书

敏捷开发中的 Epics、Features 和 Stories:概念和定义说明书

Epics Features and StoriesEpicsWhat is an Epic?An Agile Epic is a large body of work that will be delivered over multiple sprints. Often supported by a business case, they are significant pieces of work that strategically add value. Epics help organisations break their work down, organise that work, while continuing to work towards a bigger goal.In a sense, epics in agile are similar to epics in film or literature. Epics can be broken down into specific pieces of work, called Features. These are based on the needs and requests of customers or end users and is sized or split as necessary to be delivered by the Agile teams. Epics are a helpful way to organise your work and to create a hierarchy. The idea is to break work down into deliverable pieces, so that large projects can actually get done and you can continue to deliver value on a regular basis.For example, the design, creation, testing and delivery of a transactional website or app, or complex training programme is about the right size for an Epic.Writing an EpicA well-written epic is a key to have a good understanding and material to refer in case of any doubts during the development work. It helps in avoiding a lot of conflicts and misunderstanding in the team and with stakeholders. Since this is what you will refer to when breaking down the work it's extremely important to collaborate when developing your Epic.As a simple guide, the main elements of an Epic include the user, the product and design requirement, expressed as a story that encapsulates the future state. A simple way of structuring an Epic is as follows:What is a Feature?A feature is a chunk of work from the Epic – a deliverable that adds value and moves towards completing the Epic.A feature should:▪provide business value▪it should be estimable – it must have enough definition for the team to provide an estimate of the work involved in implementing it▪be small enough to fit within 1 to 3 sprints – therefore, if it is too big, it should be broken down further▪be testable – you should understand what test a feature should pass in order to be acceptable to the customer.Writing a FeatureAs a minimum, the expression of a feature should contain a short descriptor of the item of value, a description of the benefit of the feature, and the acceptance criteria (the points of quality or completion the feature must achieve, UAC for short).What is a StoryStories, also called “user stories,” are short requirements or requests written from the perspective of an end user. They may also be enabler tasks that support the work of completing a feature. Stories are things that teams can usually complete within a single sprint.Writing a StoryA Story should describe a need that can be satisfied by introducing a new feature or changing an existing feature. In other words, stories identify what someone wants to accomplish with your product and why.Now that we know about Epics, Features and Stories let's look in more depth at Stories to see what else can be done to more effectively manage workload.What is story splitting?Story splitting is the practice of breaking big pieces of work down into smaller, deliverable pieces of work.Why do I need to split my stories?Splitting stories helps teams to understand the tasks and complexities involved in delivering a piece of work.You may want to split your stories based on:▪Steps in a workflow▪Business objectives▪Overcoming user problems▪Data▪Anticipated user behaviour▪The ‘stuff we know’ from the ‘stuff that needs more research’▪Operations and interactions▪Effort▪ComplexityAll of this is explained in much more depth, with examples, on the Agile For All website. How do I split my stories?Think about all of the different tasks you need to do to complete a story and break these out into stories in their own right.There are many patterns to help you do this, and many ways to ensure your stories retain their quality as you break them down. Use the INVEST principles to guide you.For example:Big story▪As a Head of Admin, I want to publish a piece of content to the UofG website about my department.Small, split stories▪As a Head of Admin, I want to draft a piece of content about my department▪As a Head of Admin, I want my content to be engaging and visual▪As a Head of Admin, I want my peers to review my contentWhat is story mapping?Story mapping is a method for arranging user stories to create a more holistic view of how they fit into the overall user experience.What are the benefits of story mapping?Story maps:▪help develop shared understanding within and across teams▪make estimating more realistic because everyone has a better understanding of all of the tasks it takes to complete a piece of work▪help visualise dependencies▪help visualise and capture ideas as well as tasks▪make it easier to prioritise tasks and outcomesVisualising storiesWhen working with your team to build story maps, try creating simple, visual prompts to help support your discussions. You could do this on post-it notes or small cards. The trick with this is to write down everything!One thing that goes wrong a lot when you are having discussions about work to be completed, is ideas get lost, so write these down alongside your work. You can always get rid of them later if they are no longer relevant.Step by step guideUsersStart with your personas or user insights. Place these at the top of your map.ActivitiesActivities are the common goals and the steps that belong to the user journey. You will find these in the ‘needs’ part of your personas.Tasks/User NeedsTasks or User Needs provide a bit more narrative on the tasks on the activities above. These should flow left to right and indicate user journeys or behaviour.OutcomesOutcomes are the stories that start to explain chunks of work that need to be completed. These can be articulated as features, epics, or jobs to be done, whatever works best for the team. Map these down the way, from the task/user need they are associated with.Don’t get too hung up on timescales, but use your map to begin a conversation about‘when’.This should get the team talking about priorities. If it is too soon to make a decision, use the ‘now, soon, later’ format.Add your other personas to get a full view of all your priorities.TasksYou should now be able to get a clearer view of what stories and tasks you might want to take into your te am’s backlog.Add anything else that helps tell the storyAround your map should be product or service goals to keep people focused, sketches, storyboards, wireframes, sticky notes with feedback from users and stakeholders - anything of relevance.There is no right or wrong way to story mapRemember ultimately that stories are just a means of shared understanding, and there is no concrete way to write them correctly or incorrectly. The most valuable part of story mapping as a team is to develop shared understandingHow can we help?If you need some advice on get started with story mapping, the Responsive Solutions team can help.Get in touch with us to explore the ways we can help.。



What is EPICS?
■ By default, Channel Access traffic is constrained to a single TCP/IPv4 subnet, but configuration options can direct traffic elsewhere ■ Physical hierarchies can be implemented using standard network switches and routers, and CA Gateways
My Special Data Collection Program
EPICS is a tool-kit of programs that are EPICS Compliant or associated with other such programs. Users can select existing tools that match their needs, or develop new tools.
AES Basic EPICS Training — January 2011 — Introduction to EPICS 7
What is EPICS?
■ Process Variable
– A Process Variable is a named piece of data with a set of attributes – Examples of Attributes:
• 100+ Attendees • 30+ Institutions • 75+ Presentations



检查输入数据是否符合预期,以及数据处理 过程中是否出现错误或异常。
了解如何创建和管理测试数据,包括从外部数据源导入、数据清 洗和格式化等。
学习如何编写可重用、可维护的数据驱动测试用例,以及如何使用 参数化查询和动态数据生成技术。
编写测试脚本的步骤 和技巧
演示如何编写高质量 的自动化测试脚本
使用Tricentis Tosca 进行自动化测试脚本 的编写和调试
解答学员在实战演练中遇到的问 题
分享自动化测试的最佳实践和经 验教训
提供进一步学习和探索的建议和 资源
通过编写脚本或使用自动化工具来执 行测试用例,以验证软件系统的功能 和性能。
提高测试效率、减少人为错误、实现 持续集成和持续交付等。
提供灵活的模块化框架,支持创 建可重用的测试组件和模块。
TricentisTosca是一款功能强大的连续测试平台,支持端到端测试自动化,旨在提高 软件质量并加速应用程序上市时间。
该平台提供了全面的测试解决方案,包括测试用例设计、测试数据管理、测试执行 和缺陷跟踪等功能。
TricentisTosca具有易于使用的界面和强大的自定义能力,可满足不同团队的特定需 求。


何为EPIC技术 与CISC和RISC相比EPIC技术的优点 现代科技发展对EPIC技术的需求 EPIC的关键特性 各大企业对EPIC技术及其相关技术的应用
对EPIC技术的需求 (1)挑战高性能技术计算
准确定量分析 日益复杂的系统模型
例:为美国西北太平洋国 家实验室(PNNL)能源 部开发的超级计算机。这 种新系统拥有1400个英特 尔安腾2处理器、1.8TB内 存和170TB硬盘空间,每 秒钟将能够执行8.3万亿次 浮点运算。 开发完成后 ,它将成为世界上功能最 强大的基于Linux的超级计 算机之一,使PNNL研究 人员能够以比原有系统快 30倍的速度处理复杂的应 用。
可将CISC与RISC指令结构置于同一处理 器中。就是说用同一个cpu既可以处理基于 windows的应用也可以处理基于unix的应用。 而这些工作仅仅通过bios设置就可以实现。
EPIC不遵循顺序指令处理,而是通过预报 和推测要处理的功能,使处理性能大幅提高。


Assessing the credibility and reliability of the evidence presented in the article
Identify the structure
Understanding how the article is organized and how different ideas are connected
I believe that he is honest (Object clause)
Example: What he said is not true (Subject clause)
Definition: A noun clause plays the role of a noun in a sentence and can serve as a subject, object, predicate, etc.
Intense grammar and vocabulary exercises to improve students' language accuracy and fluency
Listening comprehension
Authentic listening materials, such as podcasts, news, and dialogues, to improve students' listening comprehension skills
Understanding different text structures
Recognizing different text structures such as narratives, arguments, comparisons, etc

美体塑形-Metaboost Connection快速入门指南说明书

美体塑形-Metaboost Connection快速入门指南说明书

QUICKSTARTGUIDEH E R E I S H O W T O G E T S T A R T E D!1). WELCOME! Now that you can access your dashboard, check out your welcome videofrom me! So stoked to have you :)2). Scroll down to click on your MetaboostConnection, then checkout your MetabolicFlush guide! This will help you gather whatyou need and get you on track to prep andprime your body for the next step whencompleted! Start with this on Day 1, BellyBlaster will be the following 10 days!3). Read your MetaBoost Body WorkoutManual in your dashboard. The exercisesdiscussed throughout the program areexplained for you and a calendar is provided to guide you on when to complete theseisometric exercises in.4). If you want to save a trip to the grocerystore, check out your Belly Blaster shopping list! This is the next step after your 24 hourMetabolic Flush! This will be your nutritionplan for the next 10 days and it contains ashopping list inside. I recommend followingthis as close to a “T” as possible!O N C E Y O U L O G I N T O Y O U R M E M B E R S D A S H B O A R D ....5). MetaBody contains your exercises!These have demos and follow along videos for you to complete while you'restarting your nutrition plan! You willlove these :)6). After you complete Belly Blaster, ifyou’re not sure where to gonext….check out your MetaBoostShopping List & Recipes! Additionalrecipes and a shopping list are insidefor you to try. If you’d prefer, you canrestart your 10 day Belly Blaster plan.*An even better option is to utilize the30-day meal plans in your AcceleratedBody Transformation Club! Thesechange each month, (as well as newworkouts, access to the monthly zoomcoaching call, and access to the privatefacebook community all included!)7). Don’t forget about yourMetaBalance guide..this includesnatural remedies for those hormoneimbalances and tips and tricks totackling them! GOOD LUCK! YOU GOT THIS!WHAT IS THE ACCELERATED BODY TRANSFORMATION CLUB?The Accelerated BodyTransformation Club is a premiumfeature available for purchase whileusing your Metaboost Connection!This includes new monthlyworkouts, meal plans, a monthlycoaching call, as well as access toour private Facebook Community!This awesome club is a monthlypayment of $49 (USD) for 8 months!After 8 months, you receive lifetimeaccess to these features!Are you curious about the additional options available for purchase inDashboard and Metaboost Connection? Here are the following: Metaboost Power Shots: Elixirs/Recipes to flush out toxins, boost the metabolism and immune system, as well as aid in digestionand hydrate! ($12) MetaRecipes: 12 additional recipes to provide healthy fats, proteins and low carbs to assist in burning fat,sustainable energy and curbcravings! ($12) Ultimate MetaPackage: Consists of MetaBreakfast, MetaLunch, MetaDinner, MetaClean (elixirs & detoxifying beverages) & MetaLean (Fat Burning Smoothies) to help you expedite results and take the next step after Metaboost Connection!($67)。



Contents Intro.................................Introduction to extended regression models manual Intro1.........................................An introduction to the ERM commands Intro2....................................................The models that ERMsfit Intro3................................................Endogenous covariates features Intro4..........................................Endogenous sample-selection features Intro5.................................................Treatment assignment features Intro6.....................................Panel data and grouped data model features Intro7.........................................................Model interpretation Intro8...............................A Rosetta stone for extended regression commands Intro9.....................................Conceptual introduction via worked exampleeintreg..................................................Extended interval regression eintreg postestimation........................Postestimation tools for eintreg and xteintreg eintreg predict........................................predict after eintreg and xteintreg eoprobit............................................Extended ordered probit regression eoprobit postestimation.....................Postestimation tools for eoprobit and xteoprobit eoprobit predict.....................................predict after eoprobit and xteoprobit eprobit....................................................Extended probit regression eprobit postestimation........................Postestimation tools for eprobit and xteprobit eprobit predict........................................predict after eprobit and xteprobit eregress...................................................Extended linear regression eregress postestimation.....................Postestimation tools for eregress and xteregress eregress predict.....................................predict after eregress and xteregress ERM options........................................Extended regression model optionsestat teffects......................Average treatment effects for extended regression modelsExample1a.......................Linear regression with continuous endogenous covariate Example1b......................Interval regression with continuous endogenous covariate Example1c..............Interval regression with endogenous covariate and sample selection Example2a...........................Linear regression with binary endogenous covariate Example2b..................................Linear regression with exogenous treatment Example2c.................................Linear regression with endogenous treatment Example3a........................Probit regression with continuous endogenous covariate Example3b.....................Probit regression with endogenous covariate and treatment Example4a...........................Probit regression with endogenous sample selection Example4b...............Probit regression with endogenous treatment and sample selectionExample5............................Probit regression with endogenous ordinal treatmentExample6a..........................Ordered probit regression with endogenous treatment Example6b........Ordered probit regression with endogenous treatment and sample selection Example7.................Random-effects regression with continuous endogenous covariate Example8a.....................Random effects in one equation and endogenous covariateiii ContentsExample8b.........Random effects,endogenous covariate,and endogenous sample selection Example9..........Ordered probit regression with endogenous treatment and random effects predict advanced...........................................predict’s advanced features predict treatment.........................................predict for treatment statistics Triangularize.................................How to triangularize a system of equationsGlossary.........................................................................Subject and author index...........................................................Contents iii Stata,Stata Press,and Mata are registered trademarks of StataCorp LLC.Stata andStata Press are registered trademarks with the World Intellectual Property Organization®of the United Nations.Other brand and product names are registered trademarks ortrademarks of their respective companies.Copyright c 1985–2023StataCorp LLC,College Station,TX,USA.All rights reserved.。



Course outline
Unit 1
Basic Grammar and Vocabulary:Introduction to basic grammar
structures and common vocabulary, with exercises and activities
to practice and improve.
Critical thinking
To foster students' critical thinking skills by encouraging them to analyze complex texts, evaluate arguments, and express their own opinions clearly and coherently.
Unit 3
Reading Comprehension:Introduction to different reading
strategies, critical thinking when reading, and practice with
different types of texts.
Course outline
Peer Reviews: Students
review each other's work, identifying grammar errors, vocabulary usage, and sentence structure.
Summative assessment
Purpose: To measure student performance at the end of a course or learning unit.

Epic HAIKU 常见问题解答说明书

Epic HAIKU 常见问题解答说明书

Epic HAIKU Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is HAIKU?HAIKU is a handheld application designed by Epic Systems Corporation for use with the Apple iPhone®, iPod touch®, or iPad and Android smartphones. Android tablets are not supported.HAIKU provides convenient access to the Epic Electronic Medical Record using these devices.What Functionality is Available in HAIKU?HAIKU functionality is centered on physician workflows and functionality. In general HAIKU functionality includes the following:∙Point of care access to patient information, including chart review, notes, and results∙Physician schedules, including surgical schedules∙Documentation of Progress Notes, H and P notes, and Letters∙Capture of clinical images and association with the patient∙Co-signing of orders∙Inbasket Management, including releasing results to MyChartFor more detailed information on functionality, refer to the HAIKU Physician Quick Start Guide.How is HAIKU installed on the Mobile Device?HAIKU is downloaded and installed from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store, and is free of charge. HAIKU then requires configuration on the mobile device.To complete the configuration and link the mobile device to the Epic user, the Epic-generated Device ID is collected and linked to the user in the Froedtert Health Epic environment. The Device ID authorizes the device to access HAIKU.For complete details refer to the HAIKU Installation and Configuration Guide.Is Training Required?HAIKU has been designed to be intuitive to use and is similar to other mobile applications that physicians might have already used. Formal training is not required. If you have questions, ask others who use HAIKU or refer to the HAIKU Physician Quick Start Guide.HAIKU is approved for use by physicians and advanced practice providers only at this time. Nursing and administrative staff will not be granted access.I Can’t Log InEach time you install the HAIKU app on a device, a new device ID is generated. If you have re-installed the app or if you are installing it for the first time, you must complete the set up in the Installation Guide and submit the device ID to the IT Help Desk in order to be granted access.o Tap the back arrow in the upper lefto Tap Edit on the Configurations Screeno Tap the red circle to edit the Froedtert Health Epic Haiku configurationo Tap Doneo Exit the Haiku app. From the device on which Haiku is installed, visit the HaikuIf you still cannot log into HAIKU, submit a ticket to the IS Help Desk at ************************ and include your device ID.I am receiving a “Device Not Registered” Login Failure MessageIf you see the Login Failure message below, your device has not yet been registered for access to the Froedtert Epic environment.The Epic Administrator reviews all Haiku and Canto access requests on Friday of each week. Y ou’re your device is approved for registration, you will be notified via an Epic In Basket Staff message.I Can’t Take a Clinical ImageMake sure you have allowed HAIKU access to the camera on your device. In the settings app on your device, tap HAIKU and make sure the camera toggle is green.I Can’t See All My In Basket Folders in HAIKUHAIKU supports a limited number of In Basket folders. You can access the Patient Call, Rx Request, Results, Staff Message, and CoSign Clinic Orders folders in HAIKU. All other folders must be accessed via Hyperspace.Why Would I Want to Defer a Message from HAIKU?If you need to take an action in response to a message, for example, placing an order for an x-ray, you can only perform that action from Hyperspace. To keep your HAIKU In Basket clean, you can defer messages that you cannot act upon when logged into HAIKU, but keep them in Hyperspace.Can I Retract a Message Deferral?No. Once you defer a message in HAIKU, you must handle it in your Hyperspace In Basket.。

Epic-5 高端监听扬声器说明书

Epic-5 高端监听扬声器说明书

reProducer Epic 5 Active Monitor Speaker
LED indicator
Volume Knob
Hi Freq. Trim
Low Freq. Trim
Standby Switch
Input Selector
reProducer Epic 5 Active Monitor Speaker
Fig-03 Please do NOT raise the back of the cabinet / turn the front of the cabinet into a vertical position. The inclination is needed to achieve perfect temporal alignment between tweeter and woofer.
RCA( Unbalance Input)
XLR( Balance Input)
Passive Radiator
Power Switch
Power Socket
Aluminum Feet
Silicon Pads
reProducer Epic 5 Active Monitor Speaker
- High sound pressure level can DAMAGE your hearing permanently! Especially at short distances the Epic-5 is able to generate a significantly higher SPL than the recommended limit for ear protection!



EPICOR 9库存管理培训课程教师手册DisclaimerCopyright © 2009 by Epicor Software Corporation。

All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Epicor Software Corporation. Epicor, Vantage, and Vista are registered trademarks of Epicor Software Corporation. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Microsoft product screen shots reprinted with permission from Microsoft Corporation。

Epicor Software Corporation makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents of this document and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability,satisfactory quality or fitness for any particular purpose. The contents of this document are believed to be current and accurate as of its date of publication. Changes to this document between reprintings and otherimportant information about the software product are made or publishedin release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time without notice. The usage of any Epicor Software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of any consulting services by Epicor personnel shall be pursuant to Epicor's standard services terms and conditions.ED8249090521—900-9257-583503 9。



Electro-Pyrotechnic Initiator Chip ResistorEPICVishay Sfernice For technical questions, contact: sfer@Document Number: 53041Electro-pyrotechnic initiator resistors, also known as bridge resistors, are resistive elements, which convert electrical energy into heat energy in a precise electro-thermal profile for the purpose of initiating a series of pyrotechnic events in a controlled energetic reaction. In automotive applicationsthis effect is used to deploy automotive airbags and other safety devices. These same devices are also used in military applications for pilot ejection systems, explosive bolt disengagement of airbone missiles, chaff dispensers,artillery projectile activators, anti-tank mines, mercially, they are used in mining and de-constructions applications.FEATURESVishay has developed a special thin film resistor chip specifically designed to provide pyrotechnic engineers with a lot of advantages •Firing energy down to 50 µJ •Firing time down to 50 µs•Ohmic range: 2R to 10R•Compatibility with various pyrotechnic composition even with no primer•Joule effect ignition or flash ignition for very fast firing •Easy set up by design of firing levels •“No fire”/“all fire” ratio up to 70 %•Very predictable, reproducible and reliable behaviour •Size: 0603 preferred - other size available upon requestPRINCIPLE OF OPERATIONThe two main parameters of an EPIC are “no fire” and “all fire” conditions.“No fire” represents the immunity of the resistor to the environmental electro-magnetic pollution and electric continuity test: Therefore customer will have to provide Vishay/Sfernice with “no firing” conditions: Maximum currentand longest duration when part should not ignite the explosive powder.“All fire” represents the command pulse. Customer will have to provide Vishay/Sfernice with “all firing” conditions:Minimum current, duration necessary to ignite the explosive powder.DIMENSIONS in millimeters (inches)MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS•Substrate: Special alumina based substrate•Resistive element: Fine line patterned Tantalum nitride thin film layer•Diffusion and conductive thin film layers•Terminations: Wraparound over nickel barrierTECHNOLOGYThis technology contributes to the stability of the heating element, the precise electro-thermal response profile and the ability to design a precise activation energy.All these features are perfectly controlled on high production volumes.* Pb containing terminations are not RoHS compliant, exemptions may apply ACBCASE SIZE DIMENSIONABCMAX. TOL. + 0.152 (0.006)MIN. TOL. - 0.152 (0.006)MAX. TOL. + 0.127 (0.005)MIN. TOL. - 0.127 (0.005)MAX. TOL. + 0.127 (0.005)MIN. TOL. - 0.127 (0.005)06031.52 (0.060)0.75 (0.030)0.5 (0.020)EPICElectro-Pyrotechnic Initiator Chip ResistorVishay SferniceDocument Number: 53041For technical questions, contact: sfer@EXAMPLE OF APPLICATIONChip: 0603R: 2R ± 0R2Energy: Around 1.5 mJ Response time: 0.2 msMounting RecommendationsEPIC can be mounted either on a PCB or on a squib. Please refer to Application Note (//doc?53044) to see Vishay/Sfernice recommendations.AIRBAGS INITIATORSA prerequisite to valid reliability estimation of an electro-explosive device (EED) is a sensitivity test program carefully chosen and properly perform. The Bruceton Method (or up and down method) of sensitivity testing was developed specifically for ordinance testing. Here under is an example of Bruceton’s test results.2 customers: Customer A and customer B have equipped squibs of their own with3 variants (Variant 1, 2 and 3) . Bruceton’s test results of Vishay heating elements are shown in Table 1CONCLUSIONBruceton test results are self explanatory. They show that the electro-thermal behavior of EPIC is predictable, precise and reproducible.For more information please read the Application Note (/doc?53044).HOW TO GET THE RIGHT EPICEach EPIC will have to be adapted to customer pyrotechnic element. To reach the right product, Vishay/Sfernice works by “iteration”. Upon receipt of the EPIC Design Guide (/doc?53045) duly filled, an initial sampling lot is given to customer (along with an EPIC reference) so he can provide Vishay/Sfernice with “no firing”/“all firing” conditions.Then Vishay/Sfernice will be able to provide a new set of samples (eventually tooling charges will be necessary). Ohmic value of samples will remain the same, but there will be a new compromise between the length, the width and the thickness of the filament so as to increase the sensitivity of the EPIC and adapt the firing conditions to the pyrotechnic element of the customer.When the right parameters are reached Vishay/Sfernice will design a final set of mask (with the participation of the customer).Notes(1)Tin/lead: Please consult•EPIC being a semi-custom product, please fill EPIC Design Guide (/doc?53045) and send to sfer@ to get appropriate part number.•Per Vishay policy all the components designed for automotive applications should be tested in accordance to AEC Q200specification. As the EPIC is just part of an ignitor which is designed and qualified by each customer Vishay is not proceeding to any AEC Q200 test.HEATING ELEMENT CUSTOMER ACUSTOMER BNF (in mA)AF (in mA)NF (in mA)AF (in mA)Variant 1546766538776Variant 2571839577859Variant 3619891612875ORDERING PROCEDURENew Global Part Numbering: EPICxxxxNTMODEL xxxxTERMINATION (1)PACKAGING EPICWill be determined at time of designN: Tin/silver B: Tin/lead G: GoldW = Waffle pack T = Tape and reelP IC x x x x N TEDisclaimer Legal Disclaimer NoticeVishayAll product specifications and data are subject to change without notice.Vishay Intertechnology, Inc., its affiliates, agents, and employees, and all persons acting on its or their behalf (collectively, “Vishay”), disclaim any and all liability for any errors, inaccuracies or incompleteness contained herein or in any other disclosure relating to any product.Vishay disclaims any and all liability arising out of the use or application of any product described herein or of any information provided herein to the maximum extent permitted by law. The product specifications do not expand or otherwise modify Vishay’s terms and conditions of purchase, including but not limited to the warranty expressed therein, which apply to these products.No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document or by any conduct of Vishay.The products shown herein are not designed for use in medical, life-saving, or life-sustaining applications unless otherwise expressly indicated. Customers using or selling Vishay products not expressly indicated for use in such applications do so entirely at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Vishay for any damages arising or resulting from such use or sale. Please contact authorized Vishay personnel to obtain written terms and conditions regarding products designed for such applications.Product names and markings noted herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.元器件交易网Document Number: 。

CLA Epic插件用户指南说明书

CLA Epic插件用户指南说明书

User GuideWaves CLA EpicIntroduction (3)Quick Start (4)Interface (5)Controls (6)Input Section (6)Effect Fader Section (7)Modulator (8)Delay Processors (9)Tape Delay (9)Throw Delay (10)Slap Delay (11)Crowd Delay (12)Reverb Processors (13)Plate, Room, and Hall (13)Space Reverb (15)Routing Panel (16)Routing Panel Main View (16)Controlling Delay Send Levels (19)Output Section (20)WaveSystem Toolbar (20)IntroductionThank you for choosing Waves! In order to get the most out of your new Waves plugin, please take a moment to read this user guide.To install software and manage your licenses, you need to have a free Waves account. Sign up at . With a Waves account you can keep track of your products, renew your Waves Update Plan, participate in bonus programs, and keep up to date with important information.We suggest that you become familiar with the Waves Support pages: /support. There are technical articles about installation, troubleshooting, specifications, and more. Plus, you’ll find company contact information and Waves Support news.CLA Epic takes tracks and mixes and makes them sound, well, epic. It’s a tool long used by veteran rock music mixer Chris Lord-Alge to create his signature sound. CLA Epic matches four of Chris’s go-to delays with carefully matched reverbs to create sounds that are more impressive and more exciting, with greater depth. Any type of sound, from individual instruments to full mixes, will simply sound better.CLA Epic’s modules were designed to deliver the sound of Chris’s favorite reverb and delay studio gear, which he uses in various combinations in all of his mixes. Think of CLA Epic as the coupling of a big mid-1980s analog mixing console with a collection of early digital delays and reverbs. Combine up to four very different delays and reverbs and you’ll quickly hear what Epic sounds like.CLA Epic was designed with legendary mix engineer Chris Lord-Alge (Green Day, Muse, Bruce Springsteen, Keith Urban), who long ago discovered that chaining delays with just the right reverbs and then modulating the signalresults in E pic tracks.Quick StartEpic signal flows from the delays on the left to the reverbs on the right, so it makes sense to start by adjusting atleast one delay and then experimenting with the reverbs.Set Delays1.Click on a delay fader to view its control panel. If you’re familiar with delays, the controls will be quite clear. If not,read the “Controls” section later in this user guide.2.Adjust one or more delays. Before you commit to tweaking the processor that you plan to use, take a quick listento the other delays. You may find a better starting point.e the fader to set the output level of the delay.Even when a fader is set to zero, the CLA effect is still active.Route Delay OutputA delay can be sent directly to the output or to any of the reverb inputs.e the A, B, C, and D buttons above each delay fader to route its output to a specific reverb. The Out buttonroutes the delay directly to the plugin output2.When the A, B, C, or D buttons are On, signal processing is in series from the delay to one or more reverbs. Whendelays A, B, C, or D are not routed to a reverb and Out is selected, the delay and reverb are processed in parallel.When the delay is routed to a reverb and the output, processing is both parallel and serial.e the routing faders to adjust the level of each delay send.Each effect has locking mutes and solos. If a delay that is routed to one or more reverbs is muted, the reverbs glow to indicate that they are not receiving signal from the selected delay.Reverb outputs are always routed directly to the plugin’s output.Adjust Reverbs1.Click on a reverb fader strip to open its control panel. Adjust the reverb as you like.2.Note how the reverb is influenced by the delay or delays that are feeding it. This is where the magic is created. We suggest that you begin by loading a CLA preset from the Load menu. This provides a good starting point for youradjustments and it shows you how best to achieve the CLA sound in different circumstances.InterfaceInput Meters Processors On/Off Input Fader Delay Processor Strips (1–4) Reverb Processor Strips (A–D) Output Fader Wet/Dry Mix Output Meters There are two CLA Epic components: Stereo and Mono-to-Stereo. Their interfaces and functionality are the same, except that the Mono-to-Stereo component has a single mono input meter.ControlsThere are five control sections: input, output, delay processors, reverb processors, and routing. Each delay processor can be assigned to any reverb processor or sent directly to the output mixer. Reverbs are routed directly to the mixer and cannot be sent back to the delay processors.Input SectionThe input meter shows the plugin’s input gain, post-fader.its own mute button or from the panel.Note: if you must adjust the input fader to a very high or very low position in order to attain areasonable gain (as seen on the input meter), you should correct the level sent from the DAW. Thismay be done in the DAW channel or in the plugins that occur earlier than Epic in the signal flow.Effect Fader SectionThe bottom section is common to all delays and reverbs. Touch a fader to select a processor.Effect ID highlights the processor that is currently beingcontrolled.Fader adjusts the output gain of the processor (-inf to +10 dB).Solo and Mute for each processor. A flashing mute button means that another processor is in solo. A steady mute light indicates that the effect has been muted.Hi-pass and Lo-pass filters remove unwanted low and high frequencies at the output of the processor.Fader position value shows the position of the fader. Hoverover the HP or LP filter control to display its value.Tape Slap Throw CrowdModulatorThe modulator adds motion to the output of the plugin. Used in a subtle manner, it gently adds width to a sound. At more aggressive settings, it creates a distinct warbling effect. The modulation knob controls the two essential aspects of modulation: rate and depth.R ATE is the speed at which the modulator oscillates: the amount of time the effect takes to complete a cycle.D EPTH is the amount of modulation. In other words, depth defines how much the signal moves or changesA single rotary control sets modulation rate and depth for a processor. The outer band is divided intofour sections. As you turn the control clockwise, each section yields a greater modulation depth. Modulation rate runs from 0–100 within each section. For example, setting the control marker near the top of the first section will result in low modulation depth with a high rate. When the control marker is in the low part of the highest section, the depth will be high and the rate low.M ODULATOR D ISPLAY S ETTING1–25 Low depth, rate: 1–100 51–75 High-medium depth, rate: 1–10026–50 Low-medium depth, rate: 1–100 76–100 High depth, rate: 1–100Modulating the taps produces variation in the delay times, which changes the pitch of each tap.Delay ProcessorsCLA Epic has four very different delays, each with its own personality. Tape, Throw, and Slap delays are well-known types of processors, whose familiar controls are reflected here. Crowd delay is a bit of a CLA invention—you’ll soon hear how useful it can be.Tape DelayThe Tape delay is a rich, fat delay effect. It was originally created by taking advantage of the gaps between the record and play heads on analog tape machines to create small, predictable echoes when mixed with the original input. Later, engineers would string between tape machines to create very long delays. It’s thumpy at the beginningand falls off relatively quickly. It has a signature EQ that reflects its tape origins.T AP C ONTROLSD ELAY T IME sets Tap delay time manuallyS YNC sets the delay time in musical subdivisionsF EEDBACK sets the amount of signal returned to theinputO FFSET I nversely links Tap 1 and Tap 2 delay timeS YNC sets the delay time value for each Tap. Epic is always synced with the host. Use the drop-down menu to set musical subdivision. Turn Sync off to enter delay values that are independent of the host.O FFSET lets you “pivot” the tap delay settings by up to 20%. If, for example, Tap 1 delay is 100 ms and Tap 2 delayis 200 ms, then increasing Offset to 20% will raise Tap 1 to 120, while lowering Tap 2 to 160. Offset is useful whenthe tap delays are relatively similar, and the resulting effect feels too monophonic. Pivoting slightly between the two tap values opens up some space.F EEDBACK controls the amount of output of the delay that is fed back to the input of the processor and is added tothe signal. The result is “delays of delays.” Each tap has its own feedback control.Throw DelayA Throw delay is similar to a Tape delay, but its tap inputs can be triggered manually or with automation. Use thiscontrol when you want to apply a delay to a specific note, word, or sound.T AP C ONTROLSD ELAY T IME sets Tap delay time manuallyS YNC sets the delay time in musical subdivisionsF EEDBACK sets the amount of signal returned to the inputOFFSET I nversely links Tap 1 and Tap 2 delay timeTRIGGER O N/O FF E nables manual tap triggeringMT AP 1 AND T AP 2 DELAY set the length of the tap grid, ranging from 1 ms to 5000 ms. Tap 1 delay is sent to the left channel. Tap 2 goes to the right channel.S YNC sets the delay time value for each Tap. Epic is always synced with the host. Use the drop-down menu to set musical subdivision. Turn Sync off to enter delay values that are independent of the host.O FFSET lets you “pivot” the tap delay settings by up to 20%. If, for example, Tap 1 delay is 100 ms and Tap 2 delayis 200 ms, then increasing the Offset to 20% will raise Tap 1 to 120, while lowering Tap 2 to 160. Offset is usefulwhen the taps are relatively similar, and the resulting effect feels too monophonic. Pivoting slightly between the twotap values opens up some space.F EEDBACK sets the percent of the tap signal that is returned to the input. The result is “delays of delays.”T RIGGER lets you manually start and stop the effect. When Trigger is On, clicking the adjacent Trigger button willopen the input to the taps— the delay will be fed constantly. Release the Triger button to close the input and stopthe effect. When Trigger is Off, the input signal is always sent to the effect.Slap DelaySlap delay is similar to a short reverb, but it doesn’t have a continuous release. A real-world example is shouting inan alleyway between two buildings and hearing one pronounced echo.DELAY T IME:tape emulation (VSO) or manualmusical subdivisionsF EEDBACK sets the amount of signalreturned to the inputM ODULATION adjusts depth and speed ofD ELAY T IME sets the delay (in ms) before the onset of the slap. Range: 1 ms to 5000 ms.VSO controls the simulated speed of the tape as it moves between the record and play heads. This determines thetiming of the slap. Delay can be entered at the set speeds (7½ IPS, 15 IPS, and 30 IPS), or manually (in ms).When you select a tape speed (VSO), a corresponding EQ curve is loaded in the background. This speed/EQ curve pair is part of what creates the CLA sound. Adjust the delay manually or turn on Sync to assign musical subdivisions of the host tempo. The EQ curve will not change until a new tape speed is selected.F EEDBACK controls the percent of the tap signal that is returned to the input. The result is repeating and diminishing echo.Crowd DelayThe Crowd delay creates a series of increasingly longer delays that diminish over time to make the source richer and lusher.There is only one control: Tight to Wide. As the control approaches Wide, tap delay time increases. The resultingwide sound is more complex and articulate than a reverb.Reverb ProcessorsThere are four reverb types, designed to complement the Epic delays.Plate, Room, and HallThese are classic reverb effects that have the same controls. Each, however, has its own distinctive EQ curve.P RE-D ELAYPre-delay refers to the amount of time offset there is between the original dry sound and the onset of the reverb tail. Lengthening pre-delay time will retard the beginning of the reverb tail, thus providing a bit more space for a voice or an instrument before the reverb begins. Pre-delay times set too long can result in an unnatural sound.Range: 0 ms to 1000 msR EVERB T IMEThe Reverberation Time (RT) is the time it takes for the sound pressure to decrease by 60 dB, which is effectively the end of the reverb tail.Range: 0.1 second to 20.0 secondsRT L OW (LOW-FREQUENCY DAMPING)RT Low controls the decay time of low frequencies in the reverb, relative to the Reverb Time value. Higher settings yield spaces that are warmer and roomier, while lower RT Low settings tend to result in spaces that are more articulate sounding.RT H IGH (H IGH-FREQUENCY DAMPING)RT Low controls the decay time of high frequencies in the reverb, relative to the Reverb Time value. The higher thesetting, the brighter the sound of the Reverb tail.Space ReverbThe Space Reverb adds a Depth control, which allows you to trim the reverb tail before its defined length.P RE-D ELAYPre-delay refers to the amount of time offset there is between the original dry sound (plus the early reflections) and the onset of the reverb tail. Lengthening pre-delay time will retard the beginning of the reverb tail, thus providing a bit more space for a voice or an instrument. Pre-delay times set too long can result in an unnatural sound.Range 0 ms to 1000 msDECAYThe Decay control can make the reverb tail behave in a non-linear manner by ending the tail before the Reverb Time setting. At its highest setting (non-linear) the Space reverb behaves like a gated reverb. The Reverb Time must be long enough to be gated (i.e., more than one second).Range: 0.04 to 3.5 (non-linear)R EVERB T IMEThe Reverberation Time (RT) is the time it takes for the sound pressure to decrease by 60 dB, which is effectively the end of the reverb tail.Range: 0.1 second to 20.0 secondsRT L OW (LOW-FREQUENCY DAMPING)RT Low controls the decay time of low frequencies in the reverb, relative to the Reverb Time value. For example, a “warm” room may have a value slightly above x 1.00; a room with better intelligibility usually has a value below x 1.00. RT H IGH (H IGH-FREQUENCY DAMPING)RT Low controls the decay time of high frequencies in the reverb, relative to the Reverb Time value. For example, a concert hall might have settings between x 0.25 and x 1.5. The higher the setting, the brighter the sound of the Reverb.Routing PanelEach delay output can be routed to any reverb or directly to the plugin output. This makes it easy to create complex delay/reverb combinations.Routing Panel Main ViewDelay-to-Reverb sends selectDirect-to-Output selectD ELAY-TO-R EVERB M ATRIXEach delay output has five send assignment buttons. This lets you send the output of the delay to any of the fourreverbs and the plugin output.In the example above, each delay has its own assignments:•Tape is sent to Room (B) and Hall (C) reverbs.•Throw is sent to Plate (A) and Hall (C) reverbs and to the Output.•Slap is sent only to the Output.•Crowd is sent to Plate (A), Room (B), and Space (D).Routing determines whether delay and reverb processing is carried out inseries or in parallel. When a delay is sent only to a reverb, that processing is inseries. The delay goes straight to the reverb rather than to the plugin output, soreverb processing is directly affected by the delay that precedes it.The delay fader serves as a wet/dry control of the delay signal sent to thereverb input.PA delay can also be sent directly to the plugin output, rather than to reverbWhen a delay is sent only to the plugin output, delay processing and reverbprocessing are independent of each other, which is parallel processing.The delay fader serves as a wet/dry control of the delay signal sent to theplugin output.DA delay can be sent to the reverb and the plugin output simultaneously.The delay fader serves as a wet/dry control of the signal sent to the pluginoutput. The small value box next to the OUT button is used to adjust the levelof the signal being sent directly to the plugin output.If no routing is selected, then the input signal is routed to all delays and all reverbs.Controlling Delay Send LevelsClick on the Routing arrow to open the Delay sends panel.Adjust the send level for each assignment using the small faders.Sends Mute BehaviorWhen a delay that is patched to one or more reverbs is muted, the mute buttons of the “target” reverbs will flashgray. This indicates that the reverbs are not receiving the expected input,Output SectionMeter Range: -36 dB to 0 dBContinuous hold clip lights. Click on the meter to clear clip indicators.W ET/D RY M IXControls the mix between the processed path and the wet path. To help achieve Chris’s signaturesound, the wet signal is internally down-sampled to 44.1 Hz for processing and then up-sampled tothe session sample rate. Range: 0% (dry) to 100% (wet)Click the W ET/D RY M IX L OCK BUTTON to prevent the wet/dry balance from changing when loading anew preset.O UTPUT F ADER P OSITIONTouch the fader to show its value.O UTPUT F ADERTrims the plugin output level.Range: -12 dB to +12 dBWaveSystem ToolbarUse the bar at the top of the plugin to save and load presets, compare settings, undo and redo steps, and resize theplugin. To learn more, click the icon at the upper-right corner of the window and open the WaveSystem Guide.。



Administrative Support Guide (Instructions for the Conduct ofthe Examination)Certificate in Digital Applications (CiDA)Unit DA201 - Developing Web ProductsJune 2014EXAMINATION SECURITYDue to the nature of this examination, it is necessary to release confidential material to centre staff prior to the examination window. It is therefore essential that centre staff read the instructions for the conduct of the examination before releasing ANY material to candidates, to ensure that the integrity of the examination is not inadvertently breached.Edexcel and BTEC QualificationsEdexcel and BTEC qualifications come from Pearson, the world’s leading learning company. We provide a wide range of qualifications including academic, vocational, occupational and specific programmes for employers. For further information, please contact us online on the following link./contactusIf you have any subject specific questions about this specification that require the help of a subject specialist, you may find our Ask The Expert email service helpful.Ask The Expert can be accessed online at the following link:/app/home/sno/1Alternatively, you can speak directly to a subject specialist at Pearson about Edexcel qualifications on our dedicated CiDA telephone line:WithinUK************Outside UK : +44 (0)1204 770696Pearson: helping people progress, everywhereOur aim is to help everyone progress in their lives through education. We believe in every kind of learning, for all kinds of people, wherever they arein the world. We’ve been involved in education for over 150 years, and by working across 70 countries, in 100 languages, we have built an international reputation for raising achievement through innovation in education. Find out more about how we can help you and your students at: /ukMarch 2014All the material in this publication is copyright© Pearson Education Ltd 2014ContentsExam Security page 4 General Instructions page 4 Time Allowed page6 The Form of the Exam page6 General Administration of the Exam page 6 Before the Exam page 6 During the Exam page 7 Instructions for labelling page 8 After the Examinations page 8 Candidates with Special Requirements page 9 Contingency Planning page 9 Misconduct page 9 Secure Data Files page 9 FAQs page 10 Examination Schedule Pro Forma page 11 Key Dates page 12CiDA Unit 1 – Developing Web ProductsExam securityDue to the nature of this exam, it is necessary to release confidential material to centre staff prior to the exam window. It is, therefore, essential that centre staff read this document carefully before releasing ANY material to candidates, to ensure that the integrity of the exam is not inadvertently breached.General instructions•This exam is offered within a 5 day window, Monday 12th May to Friday 16th May 2014. Centres with large entries may stagger these exams during the window.Centres can arrange the exams to suit the needs of their candidates.•It is permissible to timetable a number of different groups of candidates back-to-back on the same day, or spread over the 5 day window.•There will be one attendance register for the entire cohort. Where more than one exam session is held, centres must keep an accurate record of candidates present at each session.•It is the responsibility of the centre to inform candidates of the dates and times for their exam.•No information relating to the content of these exams should be published, unless authorised by Pearson Edexcel.•Edexcel will set one exam paper during the exam week.•Exam sittings must be arranged to minimise the possibility of candidates colluding.•Teaching of the subject must be suspended during the exam window for candidates taking the exam.•Centres must produce a schedule showing the dates and times of each exam session to be held in the window. This schedule must be submitted to Edexcel’s Business Assurance department at ************************. A pro-forma for this purpose is available to Centres.•Prior to the examination, Centres are responsible for setting up a protected network area for each candidate. A folder must be saved in this area in the following format:CENTRE NUMBER_CANDIDATE NUMBER_SURNAME_FORENAME.•Centres must ensure that candidates do not discuss the examination during the window.•Candidates may only sit the exam once during the 5-day window.•Any unused exam papers must be collected in, accounted for, and held securely by the Examinations Officer until the end of the 5-day window. Spare copies may not be issued to anyone, including teaching staff, during the window.•During the exam, candidates must only have access to the files required for the exam.•During the exam, any examination materials not required by the candidates for submission must be collected and held securely by the Examinations Officer until the end of the 5-day window, at which point they may be recycled or destroyed.•After the exam, candidate work must be copied onto provided CD-Rs and sent to the designated Edexcel examiner who will mark all candidate responses in an electronic format.Time allowed•The exam is 2 hours 30 minutes.•No extra time can be allowed for slow machines or networks which run slowly. It is the responsibility of the centre to ensure that appropriate hardware and software is available to candidates.•If unforeseen technical difficulties occur, the centre may use its discretion on extending the time limit for candidates.The form of the exam•The exam is computer-based. Candidates will complete the set tasks on a computer and will save their work.•Candidates should attempt all tasks in the question paper.•Candidates’ work will be saved in a folder in their own area, labelled as CENTRE NUMBER_CANDIDATE NUMBER_SURNAME_FORENAME. Any candidate work not clearly identified as instructed will not be marked.•Candidate responses will be submitted by the centre to Edexcel electronically, using provided CD-R(s).General administration of the exams•The normal procedures relating to practical exams will apply and every effort must be made to ensure the confidentiality of the paper (see JCQ Instructions forConducting Exams.)•During the examination, candidates must not have access to the internet. It is the invigilator’s responsibility to ensure that candidates do not access the internet at any time.Before the exams• A PC must be made available to each candidate on a 1:1 basis. Centres must ensure students have access to software that will enable them to meet the requirements of the examination.•Centres must set up a separate user area (on computers or servers used by candidates) for each candidate sitting the exam. These user areas must not beaccessible to candidates at any time other than during the exam time/session itself.•When setting up the required user area, centres must set up a folder for the candidate, labelled as:CENTRE NUMBER_CANDIDATE NUMBER_SURNAME_FORENAME.Candidates will save work to this folder during the examination.•The secure data files required for the exam will be made available on the Edexcel website.•Centres must ensure that data files are in a format accessible to each candidate.The files should be downloaded, checked for compatibility with the software to beused by candidates and then copied into candidates’ secure exam user areas. If necessary the secure data files must be converted. Where this is the case, theinvigilator must inform the candidates that any references in the question paper to the original file type should be read as the new file type. (e.g. if a .mov file has been converted to .avi , any reference to .mov in the paper should be read as .avi).•It is not acceptable to store secure data files in a shared area or in a central location where anyone can access them.•Candidates must NOT be given access to data files prior to, or at any time outside the official time allocated to the exam.•Each user area must be allocated sufficient storage space to allow candidates to save their work.•Candidates must not be able to save files produced during the exam in a central location where anyone can access them. Files must be saved in the allocated folder in the candidate’s separate user area.•Candidates must have sufficient workspace to allow them unrestricted access to the computer and to carry out non-computer activities such as completing designs.•The workstations should be arranged to prevent candidates viewing each other’s work.•Candidates may bring a dictionary, pen, pencil and ruler with them into the exam.Candidates must not take other materials into the room.During the exam•The invigilator(s) must confirm to the students the location of the folder they are to save their work to.•At least one invigilator should be conversant with the software and system to be used by candidates to deal with technical difficulties that may arise. This may be the CiDA tutor. However they should not be the sole invigilator (see JCQ, Instructions for Conducting Examinations, paragraph 6.3 – bullet points 4 and 5). Alternatively the CiDA tutor may be on call should they be needed in the room.•Candidates may not bring portable storage media (e.g. memory sticks, CDs, etc) into the exam.•Candidates must not have access to pre-prepared templates or other files during the exam. However, they may use software-specific wizards.•Candidates are not allowed to refer to textbooks or centre-prepared manuals during the exam, but may use software-specific help facilities, or manufacturer’s computer manuals (providing these do not require internet access). Software manuals are defined as the books talking through the functionality of the software only, provided by the software manufacturer.•Display material (e.g. maps, diagrams, wall charts and projected images) must be removed or covered in accordance with Para 5.6 of the Instructions for Conducting Examinations issued by the JCQ.• A seating plan for each session must be kept by the Examinations Officer.•Communication between candidates is not allowed at any time during the exam.Instructions for labelling•It is the responsibility of the centre to ensure that candidate folders are labelled using this conversion:CENTRE NUMBER_CANDIDATE NUMBER_SURNAME_FORENAMEFor example, Amy Smith with a candidate number of 9999 at centre 99000, should have a folder titled:99000_9999_SMITH_AMYAfter the exam•Centres must ensure that all the candidates’ work is saved according to the requirements outlined in this document and is secure from unauthorised access.•After the exam the candidates’ work should be copied to a storage medium and kept secure by the Examinations Officer. This should be safeguarded in case additional copies are requested. It is advised that a copy is retained securely by the centre until after the deadline for Enquiry About Results (EAR) applications has expired.•If more than one session is held, any common user areas accessible to candidates must be cleared of all work saved during the exam immediately after each session.•Candidates’ user areas should be removed at the end of the exam.•Evidence should be collated and stored securely until the final examination session has been held and then sent to the designated examiner.•The centre must ensure that each candidate’s folder is labelled using the folder-naming conversion detailed in this document.•Centres are provided with individually cased CD-R(s). The candidates’ work should be copied onto the CD-R(s). A maximum of 20 candidates may be copied on to a CD-R.•Centres must label each CD-R with the centre number and candidate numbers of the candidates whose work is contained on the CD-R.•All CD-Rs should be despatched to the examiner in their individual cases, inside the provided padded envelope. The attendance register must also be placed inside the padded envelope.•Centres should not send any hardcopy notes or design work to the examiner.•The despatch of work to examiners must be timely.Candidates with special requirements•In some circumstances, candidates with particular requirements may be given additional time to complete the exam. In this case, the exam should be split into two parts so that candidates have a supervised rest break.•Centres must write to Special Requirements Department, Edexcel, One90 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7BH requesting special arrangements (alternatively email: ***********************************). Please refer to the JCQ Regulations and Guidance relating to Candidates who are Eligible for Adjustments in Examinations for further information.Contingency planningIt is strongly recommended that:•Technical help is available during the exam to deal with ‘computer crashes’ and other possible complications.• A number of ‘spare’ computers are available during the exam so as to allow candidates to move to another machine if necessary.•Up-to-date virus prevention measures are in place.Misconduct•This type of exam relies heavily on the integrity of the candidates. In those cases where misconduct occurs, or is thought to have occurred, this will be investigated and candidates may have their result withheld.•It is the centre’s responsibility to inform Edexcel’s Business Assurance department of any breach of regulations (email: **************************).Secure data files•The secure exam data files will be released on Friday 2nd May. They will be available from the CiDA pages of the Edexcel website. You will need to ensure that you have your Edexcel Online password to access these files. Further support for Edexcel Online can be found on our main website or by calling 0844 576 0031.•The secure data files will only be accessible on the Edexcel website to registered Edexcel Online users at authorised centres. If you are not registered for Edexcel Online, details can be found on the main Edexcel website.•Candidates must not have access to the data files until the start of their exam session.•Secure data files are released to centres earlier than the exam window to enable centres to check for compatibility, load them onto the secure workspace and for no other purpose. Staff who see these files must not use this knowledge to advantage their candidates in terms of teaching up to the actual exam window.•There is no pre-release scenario for this exam paper.FAQs for the CiDA ExaminationQ1. When will the data files for the CiDA Exams be released?A1. The data files for the CiDA exams will be released on Friday 3rd January/quals/cida/Pages/Documents.aspxQ2. How do we set up a secure user area for data storage during the exam?A2. The Network administrator will need to create separate user accounts for each candidate on the network. They should then assign the same password for all of these user accounts making it easy for the invigilator or technical expert to log-in to each computer before the examination starts (or before the candidates enter the room). Please note, however that centres which run more than one session during the exam window will need to create a different password for each session.The invigilator and technical expert will know the password for these accounts, for security reasons. Under no circumstances should the candidate log-in or log-out of the computer systems during the examination.The network administrator should assign the user accounts to a particular group, e.g. Exams. Configuring certain user accounts or groups will not have an impact on all other users on the school/college network. Therefore any other users, be it staff or candidates, will still have normal access to the internet and all other privileges.The administrator will need to access the candidates’ folders at the end of the examination in order to transfer the work to a secure storage medium, and subsequent copying to CD-R.The network administrator will require notice to be able to set this up before the exam begins. They will want to know the number of candidates taking the assessment, the start and end times of the examination so that they can permit access to these accounts (usually 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after), and ensure that internet cannot be accessed during the examination window.Centres must allow a little flexibility in case there are technical problems during the examination or the examination starts late.Q3. What are the naming conventions for candidate folders?A3. When setting up individual user areas, the administrator will need to create a folder for each candidate in their own area. The naming convention will be:CENTRE NUMBER_CANDIDATE NUMBER_SURNAME_FORENAME.Q4. How do we send the candidates’ work to the examiner?A4. Centres are provided with individually cased CD-R(s). The candidates’ work should be copied onto the CD-R(s). A maximum of 20 candidates may be copied on to a CD-R. Centres must include a list of candidate numbers on the label of each CD-R. All CD-Rs should be despatched to the examiner in their individual cases, inside the provided padded envelope. The attendance register must also be placed inside the padded envelope. Centres should not send any hardcopy notes or design work to the examiner.Certificate in Digital Applications (CiDA)EXAMINATION SCHEDULE PRO FORMAUNIT DA201: Developing Web productsEXAMINATION SCHEDULEExamination window datesMonday 12th May – Friday 16th May 2014 Centre NoCentre NameCentre AddressPost CodeDate YearGroup Start Time Total Numberof candidates RoomNAME (in block capitals)Job TitleSignedPlease return your form one month prior to the examination date to ************************using the subject heading: “Centre number_CiDA_June2014”. Please ensure that you replace ‘centre number’ with your own centre number.Schedule of eventsExamination schedule Pro-forma completed Friday 18th April 2014Secure exam data files are released Friday 2nd May 2014Examination Monday 12th May 2014 – Friday 16th May 2014For more information on Edexcel qualifications, please visit /qualsPearson Education Limited. Registered company number 872828 with its registered office at Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex CM20 2JE。

易迪思(中国)培训手册 2022说明书

易迪思(中国)培训手册 2022说明书

易迪思培训手册2022 Eddic·Training BrochureBusiness Training Choose Eddic 商业培训选择易迪思Since 2003易迪思(中国)培训中心是中国领先的人才培养及管理咨询服务供应商,为企业提供项目咨询、人才测评、工作坊、内训课、公开课、在线知识付费课程等专业化高端学习服务。


公司始创于 2003 年,商务总部设立在天津,教研中心总部设立在北京。


金牌讲师均为英美管理协会会员、顶级全球 500 强企业中高层管理者、清华大学研究学者等。

易迪思结合近 20 年培训服务的经验,针对企业的管理实际不断总结,形成了独具特色的课程体系和咨询辅导系统。

通过与国内外优秀企业、机构交流合作,开展标杆学习、主题论坛、沙龙交流等特色服务,为企业管理者、学员搭建一个多样化的学习平台,累计为4000 余家企业提供定制化学习方案。

秉承“增值课程、创新服务”的理念,易迪思在培训咨询领域的出色表现获得了业界的广泛关注和一致赞誉,被众多知名企业评为“年度最佳培训供应商”,并获得“2011 年度中国企业培训行业标杆品牌”、“最受企业欢迎的专业培训机构”和“2014 中国人才-年度最佳培训机构”等称号。


About us关于易迪思易迪思天津培训中心创立,发展为 ORACLE 中国培训合作伙伴。

易迪思上海、广州、深圳培训中心创立,组织架构完善为2B 企业学习发展事业部、2C 个人学习发展事业部。


同时为及时满足 2B2C 学员的线上学习需要,2B2C 线上训练营产品及时迭代发布。

插件EPIC 帮助文档

插件EPIC 帮助文档

利用 Ecplise 插件 EPIC 调试 Perl 程序引言Perl 语言是众所周知的一种编程语言,被广泛地用于日常生活的方方面面,它从最早的文本处理语言开始,已经发展成为一种非常复杂得,通用得编程语言。

因为Perl 几乎可以在任何地方运行,所以Perl 可以说是当今最具有移植性得编程环境。

Perl 擅长写那些需要在短时间内完成的程序,对于那些需要数十个程序员,花费数年的程序,Perl 也能很好地胜任,当然,更多的情况是你将写那些从开始构思到实际测试代码只需几十分钟的程序,Perl 被设计为:90% 处理文本,10% 针对其它情况。

Perl 语言的这一系列特点,为自动化测试脚本的实现提供了无与伦比编程环境,可以说perl 语言是自动化测试脚本的…温床‟。

作为一名tester,利用perl 语言编写自动化测试脚本是一件酣畅淋漓得快事,但是对于编写好的perl 程序脚本,目前有个问题摆在我们面前,那就是Perl 语言程序的调试实在是一个令人崩溃的过程,许多Perl 程序的语法检查以及运行中间结果都需要依靠若干没有实际用途的打印语句来实现,基于这一特点,Perl 程序调试又被世人戏谑为…死后验尸式调试‟。

面对Perl 语言的这一问题,基于Eclipse 平台的插件EPIC 诞生了,作为开源软件Perl 语言的IDE( 包括编辑器和调试器)。

可以应用于windows, Linux 以及Mac 平台。

无论是CGI 脚本还是复杂地拥有数百个模块的perl 程序项目,它丰富的功能都可以为您提供快捷,便利的实时调试环境。

这篇文章将详细介绍EPIC 组件的安装,EPIC 编辑环境,调试运行环境,着重介绍如何使用EPIC 来快速,简便,准确地调试Perl 语言程序,包括对于Perl 程序的单步执行,断点用法,局部、全局变量实时监控,子函数执行监控,错误以及警告信息实时显示等等内容。

利用EPIC 强大编辑以及调试功能,可以将Perl 语言适合花短时间完成程序的特点发挥的淋漓尽致。

  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Only goes to EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST Starts with a small interval (30 ms), that doubles each time Until it gets larger than 5 s, then it stays at 5 s Stops after 100 packets or when it gets a response Never tries again until it sees a beacon anomaly or creates a new PV - Total time is about 8 minutes to do all 100
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy

Pioneering Science and Technology
Broadcast Subnet 1 Not Included
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy
EPICS Overview
MEDM MEDM Client Client Client MEDM
Channel Access
3. TCP Connection
Let’s talk ! 2. UDP Reply 1. UDP Broadcast Sequence Who has it ?
I have it !
Server Check
IOC Check
IOC Check
Power Supply

Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy
Virtual Circuit Unresponsive
• 3.14.5 and later
- No response from server for 30 sec. - Client then sends “Are you there” query - If no response for 5 sec, TCP connection is not closed - For several hours, at least - MEDM screens go white - Clients do not reissue search requests - Helps with network storms
Power Supply
Pioneering Science and Technology
Office of Science U.S. Departmentect Procedure
MEDM MEDM Client Client Client MEDM
• See the Channel Access Reference Manual for more
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy
Channel Access Concepts Channel Access API Simple CA Client Simple CA Client with Callbacks EPICS Build System
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy
Specific Subnet 2
Power Supply
Pioneering Science and Technology
Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy
Introduction to Channel Access Clients
Kenneth Evans, Jr. September 16, 2004 Part of the EPICS “Getting Started” Lecture Series
Argonne National Laboratory
Other Environment Variables
• CA Client
regular intervals (like a heartbeat) - EPICS_CA_BEACON_PERIOD, 15 s by default
• When it is coming up, each Server broadcasts a startup
sequence of UDP beacons - Starts with a small interval (25 ms, 75 ms for VxWorks) - Interval doubles each time - Until it gets larger than 15 s, then it stays at 15 s - Takes about 10 beacons and 40 s to get to steady state
Virtual Circuit Disconnect
• 3.13 and early 3.14
- Hang-up message or no response from server for 30 sec. - If not a hang-up, then client sends “Are you there” query - If no response for 5 sec, TCP connection is closed - MEDM screens go white - Clients reissue search requests 3.14 5 and later - Hang-up message from server - TCP connection is closed - MEDM screens go white - Clients reissue search requests
• Clients monitor the beacons
- Determine connection status, whether to reissue searches
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy
Pioneering Science and Technology Office of Science U.S. Department of Energy
Important Environment Variables
- Determines where to search - Is a list (separated by spaces) - “” - Default is broadcast addresses of all interfaces on the host - Works when servers are on same subnet as Clients - Broadcast address - Goes to all servers on a subnet - Example: - Use ifconfig –a on UNIX to find it (or ask an administrator) EPICS_CA_AUTO_ADDR_LIST - YES: Include default addresses above in searches - NO: Do not search on default addresses - If you set EPICS_CA_ADDR_LIST, usually set this to NO
A U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science Laboratory Operated by The University of Chicago
Office of Science
U.S. Department of Energy
• • • • •
• CA Server