八十天环游地球绘本教案教案标题:八十天环游地球绘本教案教案目标:1. 通过阅读《八十天环游地球》绘本,培养学生对地理知识和文化的兴趣。
2. 提高学生的阅读理解能力和批判性思维能力。
3. 培养学生的合作与交流能力。
教案步骤:导入活动:1. 展示《八十天环游地球》绘本封面,引发学生对地球旅行的兴趣。
2. 提问学生是否知道《八十天环游地球》的故事,鼓励他们分享任何相关的知识。
阅读活动:1. 分发《八十天环游地球》绘本给学生,并让他们自由阅读。
2. 引导学生注意故事中的主要角色、地点和事件,并鼓励他们在阅读过程中做简短的笔记。
3. 分组讨论:将学生分成小组,让他们互相分享自己的观点和理解。
地理知识拓展:1. 引导学生了解故事中涉及的各个地点,并在世界地图上标出这些地点。
2. 组织小组活动:将学生分成小组,让他们选择一个地点进行深入研究,并准备一份简短的报告。
批判性思维培养:1. 引导学生思考故事中的冒险和挑战,并与现实生活中的情境进行对比。
2. 提出问题:鼓励学生提出自己的问题,并通过小组讨论或全班讨论的方式寻找答案。
绘本创作:1. 鼓励学生根据自己的想象力和理解,创作一本属于自己的绘本版本《八十天环游地球》。
2. 学生可以选择其中一个地点进行创作,包括该地点的特点、角色和事件等。
3. 学生可以使用绘画、文字和图片等多种形式来呈现他们的创作。
总结活动:1. 学生展示自己的绘本创作,并互相欣赏。
2. 回顾学习过程中的收获和体会,鼓励学生分享他们对地球旅行的新认识和理解。
教案评估:1. 观察学生在阅读、讨论和创作中的参与程度和表现。
2. 收集学生的笔记、小组讨论记录和绘本创作作品,评估他们对故事和地理知识的理解和应用能力。
3. 通过学生的回答问题和参与讨论的方式,评估他们的阅读理解能力和批判性思维能力。
5、福克与牌友们打赌,他能够用不超过80 天的时间环游地球,并拿出了他一半财产英镑作为赌注。
八十天环游地球试题答案一、选择题1. 在《八十天环游地球》中,福克先生的旅行起点是哪里?A. 伦敦B. 巴黎C. 纽约D. 上海答案:A2. 福克先生的仆人叫什么名字?A. 路路通B. 帕斯帕尔图C. 让·皮埃尔D. 菲克斯答案:A3. 福克先生在旅行中遇到了哪种交通工具的故障?A. 火车B. 轮船C. 马车D. 自行车答案:B4. 福克先生在印度救了一位被迫殉葬的寡妇,她的名字是什么?A. 阿乌达夫人B. 玛丽夫人C. 伊丽莎白D. 维多利亚答案:A5. 福克先生最终比原计划提前还是延后到达伦敦?A. 提前B. 延后C. 准时D. 未完成旅行答案:A二、填空题1. 《八十天环游地球》的作者是________,他是法国著名的小说家和剧作家。
答案:儒勒·凡尔纳2. 福克先生的旅行是围绕______周进行的,他计划用______天完成这次旅行。
答案:地球,八十3. 在旅途中,福克先生被误认为是______,并遭到侦探菲克斯的追踪。
答案:银行大盗4. 福克先生在______购买了一头大象作为交通工具。
答案:印度5. 为了追赶时间,福克先生在______进行了一场赌局,赢得了两天的时间。
答案:香港三、简答题1. 请简述福克先生的性格特点。
2. 在《八十天环游地球》中,福克先生的旅行计划是如何被打断的?答案:福克先生的旅行计划主要被两件事打断。
3. 福克先生的仆人路路通在旅行中起到了什么作用?答案:路路通在旅行中起到了重要的作用。
八十天环游地球 题目
( D )A、大象B、雪橇C、轮船D、自行车2.他被误认为是什么在被警察通缉? ( B )A、杀人犯B、抢银行C、越狱D、绑架3.主人公最终的妻子是哪个国家的人? ( D )A、中国B、英国C、美国D、印度4.福格是向哪边走的?( D )A、北B、南C、西D、东5.最终主人公通过什么方式到俱乐部的? ( A )A、马车B、自行车C、汽车D、步行6.为什么80天环游地球最后会多出来一天?( A )A.他们和地球自转同向运动B.他们和地球自转反向运动C.他们绕赤道运动D.他们和地球公转方向一致7.在《八十天环游地球》中,福克先生环游地球途径中国的。
( D )A 台湾 B 福建 C 广东 D 香港8.在《八十天环游地球》中,一开始主人公跟朋友打赌钱。
( B )A 五千万英镑B 两万英镑C 两百万英镑D 五万英镑9.80天后他回到起始点自认为迟到了多少时间?( A )A、5分钟B、一天C、两天D、三天10.谁是侦探?( B )A、福格B、菲克斯C、万事通D、阿妩11.凡尔纳是国小说家。
( B )A、英国 B 、法国 C、德国12.凡尔纳是小说的开创者之一。
( A )A、科幻B、悬疑C、推理13.凡尔纳一生写了多部大大小小的科幻小说,总题为《在已知和未知的世界漫游》。
( B ) A、50 B 、60 C、7014凡尔纳的科幻小说代表作三部曲为《格兰特船长的儿女》、和《神秘岛》。
( A )A、《海底两万里》B、《八十天环游地球》C、《气球上的五星期》15.凡尔纳的第一部科幻小说是。
( C )A 、《海底两万里》 B、《八十天环游地球》 C、《气球上的五星期》16.主人公福克先生是国家的人。
( A )A、英国 B 、法国 C、美国17.福克先生途径了许多国家,以下没有到过的是。
( D )A、意大利B、印度C、法国D、德国18.福克先生第十天途径的城市是。
3、火车上,仆人路路通突然想起一件事: 。
9、福格让船长放钢炮与 ,最终乘上了去横滨的美国油船。
( )2、福克先生就是一位英国绅士,她的仆人路路通也就是一名英国人。
( )3、福克先生就是经巴林氏兄弟的介绍才被接纳入会的。
( )4、福克打牌常常赢钱,但她就是为了娱乐而赢钱。
( )5、一天24小时,福克有10小时呆在俱乐部里。
( )6、路路通为生活所迫,才在英国当亲随佣人。
( )7、福克与仆人路路通在1872年10月2日晚八点四十五分乘火车离开伦敦。
( )8、印度的地形就是顶朝北、底朝南的正放大三角形。
( )9、福克先生乘坐大象穿越了文迪亚山脉时遇到了为土司殉葬的队伍,救下了艾娥达。
( )10、路路通急中生智,装扮成死而复生的土司,救走了艾娥达。
( )三、选择题1、凡尔纳就是(A)小说的开创者之一。
A、科幻 B、悬疑 C、推理2、凡尔纳的科幻小说代表作三部曲为《格兰特船长的儿女》( )与《神秘岛》。
A 、《海底两万里》 B、《八十天环游地球》 C、《气球上的五星期》3、福克先生被误认为就是( )在被警察通缉。
A 、偷窃银行巨款的盗贼 B、亵渎神灵 C、救走艾娥达4、福克先生途径了许多国家,以下没有到过的就是( )。
A、意大利B、印度C、法国D、德国5、福克先生第三十五天途径的城市就是( )。
A、印度孟买B、日本横滨C、香港6、最终主人公通过( )方式回到的英国伦敦。
19. 扮成老王爷复活,劫走了不幸女人阿娥达。
Level 4 Around the World in Eighty Days < Answer Key >Chapter 1 – Phileas Fogg Hires a New ServantPreview Questions1. I have visited Canada and America. I would like to visit Egypt in Africa.2. There are many ways of traveling, such as: by foot, car, train, bus, subway, airplane, motorcycle, and by boat.3. I like routines. I don’t like doing things differently all the time.I don’t like routines. I like doing things differently all the time.Review Questions1. Phileas Fogg liked playing whist because it was a challenge and he did not have to travel or tire himself out to play it.2. Phileas Fogg dismissed his servant because the water for his shave was not quite hot enough.3. Passepartout was happy to get a job with Phileas Fogg because his new master didn’t want to travel, and he was like a clock, so Passepartout would always know what to do.Chapter 2 – Phileas Fogg Makes a BetPreview Questions1. Yes, sometimes I make bets. The biggest bet I ever made was with my brother. He said I couldn’t eat five hotdogs and I did. I won the bet!No, I never make bets.2. Yes, I think it is easier to travel now because there are more ways of getting around than there used to be.3. Yes, I think Phileas Fogg will win his bet.No, I don’t think Phileas Fogg will win his bet.Review Questions1. Phileas Fogg bet 20,000 pounds that he could travel around the world in eighty days.2. Phileas Fogg took 20,000 pounds with him on his trip.3. A police officer wanted to arrest Phileas Fogg because he was suspected of robbing 55,000 pounds from the Bank of England.1Chapter 3 – Passepartout Says Too MuchPreview Questions1. Yes, I think you can decide if someone is bad by the way they look.No, I don’t think you can decide if someone is bad by the way they look.2. The time difference between my home in Canada and London is five hours.3. The Suez Canal was built in Egypt in order to allow you to travel by water between Europe and Asia without having to go around Africa.Review Questions1. Mr. Fix was watching all the passengers come off of the ship because he was waiting to see someone who matched the description of the thief who stole the bank’s money.2. Phileas Fogg wanted to have his passport stamped so that he could prove he was in Suez.3. Passepartout’s watch was two hours slower than Mr. Fix’s because his watch was still on London time and not on Suez time.Chapter 4 – Passepartout Visits a TemplePreview Questions1. In some homes you take off your shoes, and in temples.2. Now, I think the population of India is about one billion.3. No, I have never been to India, but I know some Indian people. My country is different from India in many ways. The food is different, there are less people in my country, and the clothing style is different. Review Questions1. While he was on the ship, Phileas Fogg ate his four meals every day and played whist.2. Passepartout got in trouble at the temple because he was wearing his shoes and socks and that is against the rules.3. Mr. Fix went to the police station instead of catching the train because he wanted to get a warrant to arrest Passepartout for what happened in the temple.Chapter 5 – The Newspapers Are Wrong!Preview Questions1. Yes, I believe everything that I read in the newspapers.No, I do not believe everything that I read in the newspapers.2. Yes, I have had a ride on an elephant.No, I have never had a ride on an elephant.3. Where I live, I can see parades for festivals and for special days.Review Questions21. The train stopped at Kholby because the train track ended there and the train could not go any further.2. Phileas Fogg paid 2,000 pounds for the elephant.3. A suttee is the name of a ceremony in which the dead body of a Rajah is burned along with the body of his wife, even if she is still alive.Chapter 6 – Phileas Fogg Meets Mrs. AoudaPreview Questions1. Yes, I think Phileas Fogg will be able to rescue the woman in the suttee.2. I think Phileas Fogg will sell the elephant when they reach Allahabad.3. Yes, I can find Bombay, Allahabad, and Calcutta on a map.No, I can’t find Bombay, Allahabad, and Calcutta on a map.Review Questions1. Phileas Fogg, Sir Francis, and Passepartout went to the back of the temple because it was not guarded. They wanted to find a way to get into the temple to rescue the woman.2. Passepartout rescued the young lady by pretending to be the Rajah’s ghost. He frightened the priests and guards away so that he could escape with the woman.3. Phileas Fogg and Passepartout were arrested in Calcutta for the crime that Passepartout had committed at the temple in Bombay.Chapter 7 – On Board the RangoonPreview Questions1. Yes, I think Phileas Fogg will win his bet.No, I don’t think Phileas Fogg will win his bet.2. Steamships were faster than sailing ships because steam power is used to move the ship instead of just wind power.3. I don’t know much about Singapore, other than it is located in Malaysia.Review Questions1. Mr. Fix continued to follow Phileas Fogg because he wanted to get him arrested in Hong Kong.2. Passepartout made the mistake of thinking that Mr. Fix was a spy for the members of the Reform Club.3. Mr. Fix made the mistake of thinking that Passepartout had guessed that he was a police officer.Chapter 8 – Mr. Fix and Passepartout Have a Drink TogetherPreview Questions1. Yes, I think Phileas Fogg will arrive in Hong Kong in time to catch the ship to Yokohama.3No, I don’t think Phileas Fogg will arrive in Hong Kong in time to catch the ship to Yokohama.2. Yes, I have been to Hong Kong, but I do not know any people from Hong Kong. Hong Kong is different from my country for many reasons. For instance, the food is different. It also has a different language and different things to see.3. When people are angry, they usually have a red face, and they are not smiling.Review Questions1. When Phileas Fogg arrived in Hong Kong he found out that the ship leaving for Yokohama had been delayed and he would be able to get on it the next day.2. Phileas Fogg invited Mrs. Aouda to come to Europe with him because he discovered that her relative had left Hong Kong two years ago.3. Mr. Fix put a drug in Passepartout’s drink so that he would not be able to tell his master that the ship for Yokohama was leaving that night.Chapter 9 – A Storm at SeaPreview Questions1. Yes, I think that Phileas Fogg and Mrs. Aouda will catch the Carnatic.No, I don’t think that Phileas Fogg and Mrs. Aouda will catch the Carnatic.2. No, I don’t get seasick. I think a good cure is taking medicine before you get on the ship.3. Yes, I can find Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Yokohama on a map.No, I can’t find Hong Kong, Shanghai, Nagasaki, and Yokohama on a map.Review Questions1. Phileas Fogg tried to help Passepartout by leaving money for him at the British Consul and at the French Consul so that he could get back to Europe.2. Phileas Fogg paid for Mr. Fix to go on the Tankadere.3. John Bunsby wanted to take shelter in a port because the storm was so bad. However, Phileas Fogg did not agree, so the ship kept going towards Shanghai.Chapter 10 – Passepartout Needs a JobPreview Questions1. I think Passepartout will use the money that Phileas Fogg left for him to make his way to Shanghai to be with his master.2. Yes, I have been to Japan, but I do not know any people from Japan. Japan is different from my country for many reasons. For instance, the language, the clothing style, and the food are different.3. Yes, I have been to a circus. I saw many acrobatic acts, and acts involving dancers in costumes. Review Questions1. Passepartout got to Yokohama on the Carnatic.42. Passepartout needed a job because he had no money to buy any food, or to get out of Yokohama.3. Mr. Batulcar gave Passepartout a job because he needed another clown. Passepartout’s job was to be at the base of a human pyramid.Chapter 11 – Crossing the Pacific OceanPreview Questions1. I think Passepartout saw Phileas Fogg and Mrs. Aouda in the audience at the circus.2. Yes, the Pacific Ocean is larger than the Atlantic Ocean.3. Yes, I think Phileas Fogg will win his bet.No, I don’t think Phileas Fogg will win his bet.Review Questions1. Phileas Fogg got to Yokohama in time to catch the steamship to America because John Bunsby got the attention of the steamship. Then, Mr. Fogg offered the captain a lot of money to take him and his two friends on board.2. No, Passepartout and Mr. Fix did not agree to be friends, but they agreed to work together.3. Phileas Fogg was angry with Colonel Proctor because he tried to hit Phileas but he hit Mr. Fix instead.Chapter 12 – Across America by TrainPreview Questions1. Yes, I have been to America, and yes I know people from America. America is very similar to my country. We have the same foods, language, and clothing styles. The government is different and things to see in America are different than in my country.2. The distance between San Francisco and New York is 2, 905 miles, or 4, 679 km.3. The longest train trip I ever made was from Toronto to Vancouver in Canada.Review Questions1. The special cars on the train were long and did not have separate sections in them. The seats faced each other and passengers could go from one end of the train to the other by using little platforms.2. The train had to stop and wait for a few hours while ten or twelve thousand buffalo crossed the railway line.3. Mrs. Aouda saw Colonel Proctor on the train. She wanted to keep this a secret from Phileas Fogg because she worried the two men would get into a fight and their trip would be delayed.Chapter 13 – Attacked by Sioux!Preview Questions1. Yes, I can find San Francisco, Ogden, Omaha, and New York on a map.No, I can’t find San Francisco, Ogden, Omaha, and New York on a map.2. I think Phileas Fogg and Colonel Proctor will fight when they see each other.53. Other tribes are the Cherokee, the Cree, the Mohawk, and the Zapotec.Review Questions1. Phileas Fogg and Colonel Proctor were going to fight inside a train car because there was no time to fight outside. They stopped the fight because the Sioux attacked the train.2. Passepartout stopped the cars when they were near the station by unhooking the engine from the cars.3. The train driver refused to wait for Phileas Fogg and Passepartout because the train was already three hours behind schedule.Chapter 14 – A Strange Way to TravelPreview Questions1. You can sail across the land using a boat on wheels, or by using something else that has sails on it.2. Yes, I can find Bordeaux, Liverpool, and New York on a map.No, I can’t find Bordeaux, Liverpool, and New York on a map.3. Yes, I think Phileas Fogg will win his bet.No, I don’t think Phileas Fogg will win his bet.Review Questions1. Phileas Fogg and his companions traveled to Omaha on a sledge with sails.2. No, the train did not arrive in New York on time for them to catch their ship.3. The captain said he never took passengers on his ship because they were too much trouble. Phileas Fogg made the captain change his mind by offering him ten times the normal price.Chapter 15 – Mr. Fix Wins at LastPreview Questions1. Yes, I know some stories about pirates.No, I don’t know any stories about pirates.2. Steamships needed coal to heat the engine to move the ship. They could also use wood to heat the engine.3. Yes, I think Phileas Fogg will win his bet.No, I don’t think Phileas Fogg will win his bet.Review Questions1. Phileas Fogg burned most of the ship because there was no coal left to burn and they had to keep the ship going.2. From Liverpool, Phileas Fogg had eight hours and forty-five minutes to get to London.3. Phileas Fogg hit Mr. Fix because Mr. Fix is the reason why Mr. Fogg did not get to London on time to win his bet.6Chapter 16 – Phileas Fogg Returns HomePreview Questions1. Phileas Fogg will have to find a way to get some money. Yes, I think he will be very angry that he lost the bet.2. Yes, I think the members of the Reform Club will be happy that they won the bet and Mr. Fogg lost.3. It took eighty days for Phileas Fogg to travel around the world.Review Questions1. Passepartout found out what day it was when he went to the minister’s house to see if Phileas Fogg and Mrs. Aouda could get married on Monday.2. Yes, the members of the Reform Club were expecting Phileas Fogg because they were waiting in the drawing room to see if he would arrive at eight forty-five.3. It took seventy-nine days for Phileas Fogg to travel around the world.Level 4 Around the World in Eighty Days < Summaries >Chapter 1 Phileas Fogg hires a new servantPhileas Fogg was a rich and generous man. Nobody knew much about him. He went to his club, the Reform Club, every day. Phileas always did the same things at the same time. He hired a new servant7called Passepartout. Jean Passepartout wanted to have an easier life and was happy to be working for Phileas.Chapter 2 Phileas Fogg makes a betPhileas Fogg bet his partners that he could travel around the world in eighty days. They did not believe he could do it. They bet twenty thousand pounds against him. Phileas went home and told Passepartout that they were leaving that night to go around the world. Passepartout was surprised and unhappy. Phileas’s whist partners from the Reform Club were at the station to see him go. Seven days later, the police received a request for a warrant to arrest Phileas Fogg for robbing the Bank of England.Chapter 3 Passepartout says too muchMr Fix was a police officer who thought that Phileas Fogg was a bank robber. He needed a warrant to arrest him, and he sent a telegraph to the London police. He decided to follow Mr. Fogg on the ship. He asked for the warrant to be sent to Bombay. Passepartout told him that Phileas Fogg had a lot of money in his bag and that he left London very suddenly. Mr. Fix was sure that Phileas Fogg was the robber.Chapter 4 Passepartout visits a templePhileas Fogg, Passepartout, and Mr. Fix arrived in Bombay. Passepartout visited a temple and got into serious trouble, but he escaped. Phileas Fogg met Sir Francis Cromarty. They decided to travel together as the train left Bombay. Mr. Fix knew that Passepartout was in trouble because he wore his shoes in the temple. He went to get a warrant for Passepartout’s arrest. Mr. Fix was delayed and missed the train.Chapter 5 The newspapers are wrong!The train stopped because there was no more railway line. The newspapers had been wrong. Phileas Fogg bought an elephant. Phileas, Passepartout, and Sir Francis set out for Allahabad with a guide. On the way, they saw a suttee. An old man’s young wife was going to be killed because her husband died. Phileas Fogg wanted to rescue the young lady.8Chapter 6 Phileas Fogg meets Mrs. AoudaPhileas Fogg and Sir Francis tried to rescue the young lady but could not. Passepartout rescued her by tricking the priests. The elephant took them to Allahabad, where the railway started again. In Calcutta, Passepartout was arrested for the trouble he caused in the temple in Bombay. Mr. Fix was happy because he thought it would delay Phileas Fogg long enough for the arrest warrant to arrive. Passepartout and Phileas both received fines and jail time. Phileas Fogg paid a large sum of money to get Passepartout and himself free.Chapter 7 On board the RangoonPhileas Fogg, Mrs. Aouda, Passepartout, and Mr. Fix were all on the Rangoon as it sailed to Hong Kong. Mr. Fix was worried about arresting Phileas before reaching America. He tried to be friendly with Passepartout. Passepartout thought that Mr. Fix was working for the Reform Club. Mrs. Aouda was falling in love with Phileas. A big storm made the ship late, which may cause Phileas to miss the ship to Yokohama.Chapter 8 Mr. Fix and Passepartout have a drink togetherThe travelers were late for the ship to Yokohama, but it was delayed, so they were still in time. Mrs. Aouda agreed to go to London with Phileas Fogg because her rich relative in Hong Kong had moved to Europe. Passepartout and Mr. Fix went to the ship to pay for the cabins. They found out that the ship would leave that night instead of the next morning. They then had a drink in a hotel. Mr. Fix told Passepartout that he was a policeman and asked for his help. Passepartout refused, so Mr. Fix drugged him.Chapter 9 A storm at seaPhileas Fogg discovered that the ship to Yokohama already sailed the previous evening. He could not find Passepartout. He paid the captain of a very small ship a lot of money to take him, Mrs. Aouda, and Mr. Fix to Shanghai. He hoped to catch the steamship to America from there. There was a very bad storm,9but the crew sailed through it. The storm made them late. They arrived in time to see the American steamer leaving Shanghai.Chapter 10 Passepartout needs a jobPassepartout woke up after fainting. Some sailors saw him and put him on the ship to Yokohama just as it was leaving. He slept all night and forgot that he had not told his master that the ship was leaving early. When he realized this he was very angry with himself. He had no money. In Yokohama, he got a job in a circus. During his act, he rushed off stage to hug a man he saw in the audience.Chapter 11 Crossing the Pacific OceanPhileas Fogg got onto the American steamer with Mrs. Aouda and arrived in Yokohama. He looked for Passepartout and remembered that he was once an acrobat. They went to the circus, and Passepartout saw them. They were together again, and were soon on the ship to America. When they arrived in San Francisco, they saw an election rally. A man called Colonel Proctor tried to hit Phileas but instead hit Mr. Fix. Then they caught the train to New York.Chapter 12 Across America by trainThe train traveled across America. It stopped several times. Passepartout saw some buffalo, a preacher, and various other kinds of people along the way. Mrs. Aouda was worried because Colonel Proctor was also on the train. About halfway across the country, the train stopped because the bridge ahead was weak. The train went across it very quickly and then slowed to a stop. The bridge collapsed few minutes later.Chapter 13 Attacked by Sioux!Phileas and Colonel Proctor saw each other on the train. They are about to fight when a band of Sioux attacked the train. There was a terrible battle, and the Sioux were chased away. However, they took10Passepartout and two other passengers with them. Phileas went to rescue the hostages. When he returned, the train had left. Mr. Fix and Mrs. Aouda had waited for him at the station.Chapter 14 A strange way to travelThe travelers rode on a sledge that sailed across the ice and snow like a ship. It was very fast, and they caught the train to New York. However, they were still too late to catch the steamship to Liverpool. Phileas found a steamship that was going to Bordeaux. He paid the captain a lot of money to take them as passengers. He got on board with Passepartout, Mrs. Aouda, and Mr. Fix. Mr. Fix was confused about Phileas but still hoped to arrest him when they got to England.Chapter 15 Mr Fix wins at lastPhileas toke over the ship by locking the captain in his cabin. He used up all the coal to try and began to burn everything that was wooden. He sailed the ship into Queenstown in Ireland, and caught a fast train to Dublin, and then got on a steamship to Liverpool. Mr. Fix arrested him and put him in prison. He was locked up for a few hours and then released because the real robber had already been arrested. Phileas hurried to London, but he was five minutes too late to win his bet.Chapter 16 Phileas Fogg returns homePassepartout and Mrs. Aouda were very worried about Phileas. He had lost the bet and now had no money. He spoke to Mrs. Aouda, and they agreed to get married. Passepartout discovered that it was one day earlier than they had thought. This was because of the time difference between different parts of the world. Phileas rushed to the Reform Club and was just in time to win his bet. He and Mrs. Aouda were married two days later.11Before You ReadI. W ork with your classmates. What are some goodthings about traveling, adventure, and time? What are some bad things? Write more details about them.(Answers may vary, and sample answers are given.) Travelg ood — Visit new cultures, Learn new languagesb ad — Language problems, Cultural misunderstandingsAdventureg ood — Excitement and challenge, Learn to takechancesb ad — Put your life in greater danger, Make yourfamily worryTimeg ood — Helps you stay organized, Helps you learnb ad — Waste time, Get olderI I. S can through the book and answer the following.1. a. M r. Fix b. Phileas Foggc. Passepartout in disguised. Jean Passepartoute. M rs. Aoudaf. The Sioux2.a. A policeman—has—a drink with a servantb. P rinted material—makes—a big mistakec. A rich man—employs—a new workerd. T he weather—is bad—in the ocean3.a. M r. Fix and Passepartout Have a DrinkTogetherb. T he Newspapers Are Wrong!c. P hileas Fogg Hires a New Servantd. A Storm at Sea[ Chapter 1 ] P hileas Fogg Hires a New Servant I.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5 (last).1, 2, 3, 4, 5I I.C hoose the best answer.1.a2. b3.c4. dI I I.W rite the correct word in each blank.1.gymnastics2.memorize3.precise4.acrobat5.reform6.focus7.rotation 8. dismissed9.detail 10. challenge I V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.was a rich2. much about him3. He went to his club4.always did the same things5. a new servant6. wanted to have7. was happy to be working[ Chapter 2 ] Phileas Fogg Makes a BetI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5 (last).5, 3, 4, 2, 1I I.Choose the best answer.1.d2.d3.c4. aI I I.M atch the word with the meaning used in thechapter.1.c2. a3. h4. b5. d6. e7. f8. g9.i 10. jI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.h is partners that he could travel around theworld in eighty days2. not believe he could do it3. twenty thousand pounds against him4.h ome and told Passepartout that they were leavingthat night to go around the world5. surprised and unhappy6. at the station to see him go7.a request for a warrant to arrest Phileas Fogg forrobbing the Bank of England[ Chapter 3 ] P assepartout Says Too MuchI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5 (last).2, 3, 1, 5, 4I I.Choose the best answer.1. a2.d3.c4.c1I I I.C ircle the correct word.1.refuel2. territory3. bother4. canal5. due6. consul7. experienced 8. commit9.telegraph 10. ashoreI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.Mr. Fix was a police2. a bank robber3. to the London police4.He decided to5. sent to Bombay6. told him that7.Mr. Fix was sure that[ Chapter 4 ] Passepartout Visits a TempleI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5 (last).1, 5, 3, 4, 2I I.Choose the best answer.1.c2. a3. d4. bI I I.W rite the correct word in each blank.1.partner2. Rajah3. rough4. deck5. detour6. temple7. ornament 8. disembark9.plain 10. directionI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.in Bombay2.a temple and got into serious trouble, but heescaped3.Sir Francis Cromarty4. to travel together as the train left Bombay5.t hat Passepartout was in trouble because hewore his shoes in the temple6. to get a warrant for Passepartout's arrest7.the train[ Chapter 5 ] T he Newspapers Are Wrong!I.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5 (last).5, 4, 3, 1, 2 I I.Choose the best answer.1.c2. a3. a4. bI I I.M atch the word with the meaning used in thechapter.1.j2. h3. i4. a5. f6. c7. b8. e9. d 10. gI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.no more railway2. newspapers had been3. Phileas Fogg bought4. Sir Francis set out for5. On the way6. was going to be killed7. wanted to rescue[ Chapter 6 ] Phileas Fogg Meets Mrs. AoudaI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5 (last).2, 4, 5, 1, 3I I.Choose the best answer.1.d2. c3.b4. aI I I.C ircle the correct word.1.tortured2. howled3. burned4. replied5. Despite6. midday7. dare 8. valuable9. relative 10. creepI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.t o rescue the young lady but could not2. her by tricking the priests3. them to Allahabad, where the railway started again4.a rrested for the trouble he caused in the templein Bombay5. h appy because he thought it would delay PhileasFogg long enough for the arrest warrant to arrive6. fines and jail time7.a large sum of money to get Passepartout andhimself free2[ Chapter 7 ] On Board the RangoonI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5 (last).1, 3, 5, 4, 2I I.Choose the best answer.1.b2. a3. d4. bI I I.W rite the correct word in each blank.1.strait2. jester3. noticed4. shelter5. risk6. comfortable7. emotion 8. impatient9. coal 10. revengeI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.were all on2. Mr. Fix was worried about3. tried to be4. Mr. Fix was working5. falling in love6. A big storm7. ship to Yokohama[ Chapter 8 ] M r. Fix and Passepartout Have aDrink TogetherI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5 (last).4, 5, 1, 2, 3I I.Choose the best answer.1.c2. c3.c4. cI I I.M atch the word with the meaning used in thechapter.1.c2. a3. g4. b5. d6. e7. f8. h9. j 10. iI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.l ate for the ship to Yokohama, but it wasdelayed, so they were still in time2.t o go to London with Phileas Fogg because herrich relative in Hong Kong had moved to Europe3. to the ship to pay for the cabins4.o ut that the ship would leave that night insteadof the next morning5. a drink in a hotel6.P assepartout that he was a policeman andasked for his help7. so Mr. Fix drugged him[ Chapter 9 ] A Storm at SeaI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5 (last).2, 1, 4, 3, 5I I.C hoose the best answer.1.d2.a3.a4. dI I I.Circle the correct word.1.current2.exhausted3.reminded4.offered5.cover6.accepting7.duty 8. share9.violent 10. followingI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.discovered that the2. He could not3. of a very4. catch the steamship to America5. but the crew sailed6. storm made them7. arrived in time[ Chapter 10 ] P assepartout Needs a JobI.P ut the sentences in order from 1 (first) to 5 (last).1, 2, 4, 5, 3I I.C hoose the best answer.1.b2.c3. d4. aI I I.W rite the correct word in each blank.1.hug2. juggle3. poster4. bench5. base6. pyramid7. top 8. fishermen9. clown 10. cherryI V.C omplete the summary by writing the correctphrase in each blank.1.after fainting2.h im and put him on the ship to Yokohama justas it was leaving3。
实用文档“Around the World in Eighty Days”1. Phileas Fogg decided to travel around the world in eighty days because ________.A. he wanted to do some sightseeing in the worldB. the police wanted to arrest him for a robberyC. he made a bet with the other five rich menD. the Reform Club sent him to America on business2. Who did Phileas Fogg take with him to travel around the world?A. Mr FixB. PassepartoutC. Sir FrancisD. Captain Speedy3. Who saved Mrs. Aouda in India?A. Mr. Fix.B. Phileas Fogg.C. Passepartout.D. John Bansby.4. From which part of China did Phileas Fogg and his companions leave for Japan?A. Guangzhou.B. Haikou.C. Hong Kong.D. Shanghai.5. In Japan, in order to earn some money, Passepartout found a job as ________.A. a clown.B. a servant.C. a porter.D. a guard.6. The name of the steamship Phileas Fogg took from Japan to America was ________.A. The General Grant.B. The China.C. The Mongolia.D. The Rangoon.7. During the journey from San Francisco to New York, the train was stopped by thousands of________.A. elephantsB. camelsC. buffaloesD. kangaroos8. What did Phileas Fogg do when the last steamship they took ran out of coal?A. Fogg asked Mr. Fix to help them find another steamship.B. Fogg and his companion flew to Liverpool in a big balloon.C. Fogg burned what they could find to supply the ship with enough steam.D. Fogg and Passepartout jumped out of the steamship and swam to the coast.9. What happened to Phileas Fogg when they arrived in Liverpool?A. Fogg was arrested by Mr Fix as a robber.B. Fogg saw some members of the Reform Club.C. The five wealthy men welcome him in the port.D. Mrs Aouda expressed her love to Phileas Fogg.10. “Phileas Fogg walked along the street. He put his right foot in front of his left foot 575 times.He put his left foot in front of his right foot 576 times.Then, he arrived at the Reform Club.”The underlined part of the sentences showed that ________.A. Something was wrong with Fogg’s feet.B. Phileas Fogg lived a quiet and dull life.C. Phileas Fogg was a very precise person.D. Phileas Fogg’s home was near Reform Club.1-5: CBCDA 6-10 ACCAC。
“Around the World in Eighty Days”1. Phileas Fogg decided to travel around the world in eighty days because ________.A. he wanted to do some sightseeing in the worldB. the police wanted to arrest him for a robberyC. he made a bet with the other five rich menD. the Reform Club sent him to America on business2. Who did Phileas Fogg take with him to travel around the world?A. Mr FixB. PassepartoutC. Sir FrancisD. Captain Speedy3. Who saved Mrs. Aouda in India?A. Mr. Fix.B. Phileas Fogg.C. Passepartout.D. John Bansby.4. From which part of China did Phileas Fogg and his companions leave for Japan?A. Guangzhou.B. Haikou.C. Hong Kong.D. Shanghai.5. In Japan, in order to earn some money, Passepartout found a job as ________.A. a clown.B. a servant.C. a porter.D. a guard.6. The name of the steamship Phileas Fogg took from Japan to America was ________.A. The General Grant.B. The China.C. The Mongolia.D. The Rangoon.7. During the journey from San Francisco to New York, the train was stopped by thousands of________.A. elephantsB. camelsC. buffaloesD. kangaroos8. What did Phileas Fogg do when the last steamship they took ran out of coal?A. Fogg asked Mr. Fix to help them find another steamship.B. Fogg and his companion flew to Liverpool in a big balloon.C. Fogg burned what they could find to supply the ship with enough steam.D. Fogg and Passepartout jumped out of the steamship and swam to the coast.9. What happened to Phileas Fogg when they arrived in Liverpool?A. Fogg was arrested by Mr Fix as a robber.B. Fogg saw some members of the Reform Club.C. The five wealthy men welcome him in the port.D. Mrs Aouda expressed her love to Phileas Fogg.10. “Phileas Fogg walked along the street. He put his right foot in front of his left foot 575 times.He put his left foot in front of his right foot 576 times. Then, he arrived at t he Reform Club.”The underlined part of the sentences showed that ________.A. Something was wrong with Fogg’s feet.B. Phileas Fogg lived a quiet and dull life.C. Phileas Fogg was a very precise person.D. Phileas Fogg’s home was near Reform Club.1-5: CBCDA 6-10 ACCAC。
《八十天环游地球》阅读测试题班级姓名座号成绩一、填空题1. 本文作者是法国的儒勒·凡尔纳,他的代表作有、等。
2. 福格先生与人打赌,说他能在八十天环游地球一周,赌注是英镑。
3. 火车上,仆人路路通突然想起一件事:。
4. 探员菲克斯是为了去抓捕福格。
5. 在“蒙古号”油船上,福格先生干得最多的事是。
6. 路路通认为便衣菲克斯是派来的。
7. 菲克斯不仅灌酒,还用把路路通弄得不省人事。
8. 旧金山的骚乱是因为要选一个。
9. 福格让船长放钢炮和,最终乘上了去横滨的美国油船。
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