



Promoting ecotourism
Promoting economic dEceotvouerilsom pcamn dreivne ltocal
economic development, improve the living standards of local residents, and also promote employment.
Spread national culture: Through travel, people can spread their own culture, history, customs, etc. to various parts of the world, enhancing the international community's understanding and identification with their own country.
Through travel, people can meet friends from all over the world, understand each other's lifestyles and cultures, and thus enhance international friendship.
Relaxation and leisure time during travel can help alleviate negative emotions such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Contact with nature and beautiful scenery can stimulate inner peace and satisfaction, enhance happiness and quality of life.

语文版中职英语(基础模块 下册)Unit 1《Travel》ppt课件2

语文版中职英语(基础模块 下册)Unit 1《Travel》ppt课件2

II. Reading Skills: Predicting and Scanning
Predicting: Before reading, good readers think about what they are going to read. While reading, good readers think about what comes next. This helps them better understand what comes next.
• 3.Avoid topics of conversation that you think may be sensitive • 4.Displaying affection in public is mostly considered taboo • 5.Be careful in giving gifts and opening gifts • 6.Always be tolerant of the local customs
The United Republic of Tanzania: is a country in East Africa bordered by Kenya and Uganda to the north, Rwanda, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west, and Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique to the south. The country's eastern borders lie on the Indian Ocean.
• 2. Respect - Have respect for the cultures you are in. Be curious about how the people live, and don't be judge mental. Respect everyone for their unique contributions. • 3. Please and Thank You - This is a big one. A simple please and thank you, in any language, opens doors and shows your respect. Use these two words often, and your travels will go well.


Eiffel Tower
The Eiffel Tower is a famous landmark in Paris. It was built between 1887 and 1889. It is 300 metres tall, but this height does not include the 24 m aerial (antenna) on the top; the total height of the structure is 324 m (1058 feet). There are also 1,665 steps inside the Eiffel Tower. It weighs 10,000 tons.
上。在当地 信仰藏传佛 教的人民心
hill about The local
two kilometers away. people who believe
中,这坐小 山犹如观音
菩萨居住的 普陀山,因 而用藏语称
hill like the Putuo Mountain which the Goddess of Mercy
The place I want to go most
provenPcreovence 普罗旺斯
I always want to go to Tibet. Its isolation is always very attractive to me . I like its national character and the fascinating scenery. It used to be called paradise nearest place because of its nobility and purity .



Types of Travel
• Accommodation: Resorts, hotels, or rented accommodation
Types of Travel
• Accommodation: Resorts, hotels, or rented accommodation
Types of Travel
• Accommodation: Hotels or conference centers
Types of Travel
Vacation Trip
Purpose: To relax, unweind, and enjoy oneself
Duration: Typically longer than a business trip, often spanning weeks or months
To provide cultural insights into the ways English is used in different parts of the world
To enrich the audience to use English when traveling and appropriate its value in cross cultural communication
Presentation on Travel in English
目 录
• Introduction • The definition and types of Travel • The benefits of Travel • Preparation for Travel • Common problems and solutions for



A.the couple knew 14 languages
B.the couple spent all the nights in hotels
C.the couple were welcomed during the trip
D.the couple drove along the Silk Road,from China to Brazil
When the plane was 13 danger,I smiled at the girl and she gave me a big smile in return,“I said my father would take us home safely.”
Many kinds of storms may 14 us:diseases,difficulties...They can easily darken our skies and throw our planes into hard times.Let us 15 :Love is the pilot.It will help us out of trouble.So take it easy.
二、阅读理解。 Travelling around the world is a dream for many people,but a young couple from China have made their dream come true.They drove along the ancient Silk Road,from China to the UK. Luo Chang and Ding Jie,a young couple from China's Guizhou Province,spent two months driving from their home in Shanghai all the way to London.The journey covered about 20,000 kilometres,and they crossed 14 countries and regions(地区). Ding Jie said,“People were excited to see two travellers driving a foreign license car,appearing on their streets.We were stopped many times to take photos with them.Sometimes,when we couldn't understand each other's language,they would express their ideas with gestures(手势).”

高三英语Travel Abroad阅读课件.ppt

高三英语Travel Abroad阅读课件.ppt

1. Her preparation course is to help her 1.At a
2.She thinks living with a host family can give students the opportunity to __________________
Unit5 Travel Abroad
Look at the pictures and guess where they are.
)Have you ever been abroad? 2)How would you feel when you were in a new country? 3)Would you like to travel abroad? Why or why not? 4)What place would you like to visit? Why? 5)Would you like to travel alone or with your family / a friend?
3) How does Xie Lei try to get used to the new life in England?
A. She tries to avoid rising a feeling of homesick.
B. She tries to join in a few university clubs to share more social activities and meet some people she had much in common with
1) Who does Xie Lei board with in England?


Package Tour
What is a package tour?
• a tour arranged by a travel agent; transportation and food and lodging are all provided at an inclusive price.
Three largest agencies in China
• China Travel Service Head Office (CTS) 中国旅行社 • China International Travel Service Head
Office (CITS) 中国国际旅行社 • China Youth Travel Service (CYTS) 中国青年旅行社
• Medical tourism is often seen as adding medical services to common tourism.
24Βιβλιοθήκη Business Travel
1. What is business travel?
Travels with business purposes.
• Low cost • Release anxiety • Easier to get to a special event as a group • You won’t miss attractions worth watching
• The disadvantage of group package tour is a lack of personalized content in many cases . Tourists have to give up their individuality to adapt to the collective common.


Beijing is also a modern city. There are many big hotels, restaurants and shopping centres. There are also many well-known universities such as Peking University and Qinghua University. The 2008 Olympics will be held in Beijing. Many modern sports centres and stadiums are being built there.
Collecting information
* Attractions of France: Many beaches; mountain regions for _s_k_ii_n_g_; Loire Valley: old _c_a_s_tl_e_s_ for kings and queens to
Beijing is the capital of China with a whole area of 16808 square km. It’s cold and dry in winter while hot in summer.
Beijing is a city with a long history. It’s the centre of culture. There are a lot of famous attractions and scenic areas such as the Great wall, The Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and Tiananmen Square. Beijing is also famous for its food like Peking Duck, candied fruit and other snacks. You can also enjoy the traditional Peking Opera and visit Beijing Hutong.

语文版中职英语(基础模块 下册)Unit 1《Travel》ppt课件1

语文版中职英语(基础模块 下册)Unit 1《Travel》ppt课件1
山之间的断裂盆地积水而成。湖面海拔760米,面积约9平方千米,平均水深30 米,湖周长约35千米。日月潭四周群山环抱,重峦迭嶂,潭水碧波晶莹,湖面辽 阔,群峰倒映湖中,优美如画。每当夕阳西下,新月东升之际,日光月影相映成 趣,更是优雅宁静,富有诗情画意。日月潭中有一小岛远望好象浮在水面上的一 颗珠子,名珠子屿(光华岛),以此岛为界,北半湖形状如圆日,南半湖形状如 弯月,日月潭因此而得名
• 吴三桂与清军在一片石战役中联合大败李自成,受清封 平西王

Shanghaiguan Pass
• 老龙头坐落于山海关城南4公里的渤海之滨,这里是明长城的东 部起点。老龙头地势高峻,有明代蓟镇总兵戚继光所建“入海石 城”。入海石城犹如龙首探入大海、弄涛舞浪,因而名“老龙 头”。
Reading : the Great Wall
做满3年7000以上,方丈30000以上/月 (免税). 下班之后,不干预私生活。 要求: 男生,本科以上学历(研究生优先)。 电子工程/通信工程优先,英语六级,三证齐全。 获奖学金者优先,信佛教者优先,有其他教派信仰的也欢迎皈依我佛。 会背诵《金刚经》《法华经》等佛书经典者优先。 待遇:各地分寺住持,实习期一年。斋薪每月,视香油多少而加分红,绩效。 实习期满,可由少林寺方丈大师传授少林寺72绝技,任选2种,限选3种, 必修1 种
Q and A(分四组讨论回答)
• Do you like Travel? • Where did you go? • What is your dream destination?(你最想去的地方?)
Watching and Finding



“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain.
5.To expect a miracle in life
Instead of looking out your office window to see a hundred skyscrapers staring back at you, you will get the chance to see the world in all its natural beauty. See the deserts of Africa or the jungles of the Amazon with your own eyes instead of looking at a still image in a book. 你将有机会看到世界是多么自然美丽,而不 只是透过办公室窗口看到与你面面相觑的上 百座摩天大楼。亲眼看一看非洲的沙漠或亚 马逊丛林,那不是书本上的呆板图片比得上 的。
4.To escape from a monotonous lifestyle
Tourism can bring us out of plain and bored life ,and give us wonderful surprises and pleasure. Travel can help us to experience something unfamiliar, and inspired our curiosity to the world. And the curiosity arises our interests to life. So we can escape from a boring lifestyle by travel, and I believe when we come back from a travel we will feel refreshed, energetic and have more passion to life and work.



? 4. You only live once
? limited amount of time ? come to an end. ? Do you want…?
Ten trips you need to take in your life
? 1.Go on a road trip across the country with your best friend ? 2. Use a eurail( 欧洲火车通票 )pass to see Europe,preferably on your own ,just try not to get bedbugs (臭虫) at the hostels ? 3. Go on a cheesy (wonderful) spring break(in your early 20s).Just remember , spring break is l ike a STD (标准试验计量) ,it stays
(必要时) . ? 6. Go to the himalayas and embrace your inner beastie boy. ? 7. Go on a camping trip,in the middle of nowhere. ? 8. Spend a week on the beach,with someone you love. ? 9. Take a last minute trip on a train to see an old friend ? 10. Spend a week in Paris with a friend that you hope ,secretly likes you back
Life is a journey, Travel is well.


her friends . Tibet is in the west of China. It was hot in the daytime and cold at night. She visited the Potala Palace . She rode a horse. She climbed many mountains .She took lots of pictures . Tibet
Module 6 Travel
执教者:黄欣 百色市逸夫小学
本课围绕“旅游”这一话题,通 过说一说天气,看一看地图,认识认识 地理方位到谈一谈、写一写旅游经历, 从身边的生活实际出发,爱旅游、爱生 活,提高语言表达的积极性,培养自主 学习的良好能力。
---What’s the weather like today?
---It is hot/cold…
---What was the weather like yesterday?
---It was cloudy/rainy…
hot warm cold sunny snowy rainy
cloudy windy
foggy 雾
haze 霾
Wቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
乌鲁木齐 新疆
Where is_____?
It’s in the ___of____. S
_____is the capital of _____.


2 Travel
‘He travels fastest who travels alone.’
Starting up
A Answer these questions individually. Then compare your answers with a partner.
1 How often do you travel by air, rail, road and sea? 2 What do you enjoy about traveling? What don’t you enjoy?
Reading Air rage
D Which of the following words from the article have a negative meaning? Use a good dictionary to help you.
rage frustration optimum
misbehavior concern valuable
Best: ‘great hotel with beautiful towels and beautiful bathrooms and nice soft bed, and good sports facilities.’ ‘the Virgin lounge, I think. That’s a good experience with all the high tech things. I like that.’ Worst: ‘things out of your control’ such as bad accommodation and delayed or cancelled flights.
their standards I think hotels will need to improve ……………………….

travel 关于旅行的PPT

travel 关于旅行的PPT

• 1.To expand one’s horizons • 2.To fulfill curiosity for something exotic • 3.To expect a miracle in life • 4.To escape from a monotonous lifestyle • 5.To learn about the special flavor of a certain culture • 6.``````
Have fun in travel
Tourism can bring us out of plain and bored life ,and give us wonderful surprises and pleasure. Travel can help us to experience something unfamiliar, and just because that things unfamiliar inspired our curiosity to the world. And the curiosity arise our interests to life.
At dawn
At dusk
Whatever the time ,whatever the weather, the natural scenery is always full of beauty
When raining
Work in groups and answer the following questions
• The disadvantages about travelling (especially for students): • 1. We students don’t have enough money to travel though sometimes we do part-time jobs . Because of this ,we spend less time on study • 2. We don’t have enough ability to ensure our security, after all we don’t have enough social experience and lack vigilance(警惕性)。 • 3. The complexity of today’s society, we are easy to be scammed .



Things you should learn before your trip: • Conventions and customs • Taboos • Climate • Language • Standards of consumption
Luggage for your journey
Travel alone, maybe we can not enjoy the happy that sharing with others. But when being used to it, we can also be very delighted just standing there as if the beauty is only belong to ourselves.
Tour guide
Have a nap on the tourist bus
Get on the bus
off the bus
Take photos
Backpack travel
• As a new type of travel, backpack travel is developing rapidly in recent years . More and more people are tired of group travel, they want to travel independently . They want to see places which most of us don’t familiar with.
Oh, no views but crowds in their photos
You must buy something.



旅游英语ppt旅游英语PPTTravel English PowerPoint PresentationIntroduction:欢迎各位来到这个关于旅游英语的演示文稿。



让我们一起开始吧!I. 在机场 (At the Airport)1. 问询信息 (Asking for Information)- Could you please tell me where the check-in counter is? - Excuse me, which gate should I go to for my flight?- Where can I find a luggage cart?- How long does it take to go through security?- May I know where the baggage claim area is?2. 办理登机手续 (Checking-in)- I would like to check in for my flight to [destination].- Here is my passport and booking reference number.- How much baggage am I allowed to carry?- Can I have a window seat, please?- Is this the boarding pass and the gate number?3. 安全检查 (Security Check)- Please remove any metal objects from your pockets.- Could you place your bag on the conveyor belt, please? - Do I need to take off my shoes?- Are laptops and tablets allowed in the hand luggage? - Is there any liquid restriction for hand luggage?II. 在飞机上 (On the Plane)1. 问候和寒暄 (Greetings and Small Talk)- Good morning/afternoon/evening, welcome aboard. - Can I help you with your luggage?- Would you like a pillow or blanket?- Is this your first time flying with us?- How are you today? Enjoying your flight?2. 订购餐食 (Ordering Meals)- May I see the menu, please?- Do you have any vegetarian options?- Could you bring me a hot cup of coffee, please?- Is there a special meal for children?- What kind of beverages do you serve on this flight?3. 请求帮助 (Requesting Assistance)- Excuse me, could you please help me put my bag in the overhead compartment?- I'm feeling a bit airsick, can I have a glass of water?- My seatback TV is not working, could you fix it?- Would you mind turning down the air conditioning a bit?- Can I have an extra blanket, please?III. 在旅馆 (At the Hotel)1. 酒店预订 (Hotel Reservation)- I would like to make a reservation for a single/double room, please.- How much is the room rate per night?- Are there any discounts for group bookings?- Can I cancel my reservation without any charges?- Is breakfast included in the room rate?2. 前台办理入住 (Checking-in at the Front Desk)- Good evening, I have a reservation under the name of [your name].- Here is my identification and credit card.- Can you please provide me with a room key?- What time is the check-out? Can I have a late check-out?- Is there a wifi password I can use?3. 在客房的需求 (Requests in the Room)- The air conditioning seems to be not working properly, could you send someone to check?- Could you bring me some extra towels, please?- Is it possible to have a wake-up call at 7:00 am tomorrow?- Could you please provide me with an extra pillow?- I accidentally locked myself out of my room, can you help me?IV. 在旅途中 (During the Journey)1. 寻求帮助 (Seeking Help)- Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest subway station is?- Is there a bus stop around here?- Could you please give me directions to the nearest pharmacy?- I seem to have lost my wallet, what should I do?- Do you know where I can find a good restaurant nearby?2. 向他人提问 (Asking Others)- Excuse me, do you know if there is a free WiFi hotspot?- Would you mind taking a picture of us, please?- Can you recommend any popular tourist attractions in this city?- Is there a local market where I can buy souvenirs?- Do you have any suggestions for affordable local restaurants?3. 议论旅行经验 (Discussing Travel Experiences)- This city is so beautiful, I'm glad I decided to come here. - The food in this country is amazing, I never want to leave.- The locals are so friendly and welcoming.- I had a great time exploring the historical sites in this city. - The weather here is perfect for outdoor activities.Conclusion:这个旅游英语的演示文稿希望能够帮助您在旅行中应对各种情境。

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To their destination before the attractions to understand, to avoid getting lost, can not find the hotel and other issues.
Where are you going on?
tourist guide
Why I introduced this place?
Welcome you to my hometown tourism!
Tibetan culture and scenery will be to stay the deepest impression in your mind.
1 2
3 4
Time Destination Things to take Follow me
1. Time
the Spring Festival National Day
May Day
பைடு நூலகம்
summer( winter) vacation
Timing of the failure of the Problems caused by
By: Pingcuo
Theme :
Now, more and more people like to travel on holiday, they may choose some scenic spots and historical sites or some places with beautiful scenery to have a completely relaxing.
Look at the pictures below, then we can find the disadvantages of group travel.
Huge crowds of people ! How can you enjoy the beautiful view???
2. Destination
People there are hospitable: wherever we went, people stopped to talk with us, and the kids were always following us and saying “How are you?”
Why I introduced this place?
ID cards
Go anywhere travel must bring your ID ! In order to smooth your journey must bring these things.
4. Follow me
Of course,traveling is not only a course of playing, but also a course of learning.so I would like to introduce you to the famous attractions in my hometown. That is, in Nyingchi(林芝地区).
3. Things to take
What to take?
a book of maps rope/ flashlight food/ medicine
a cell phone money (cash) sun cream ID cards
sun glasses
water bottle umbrella