GOD ENGINE SkyGW-404 说明书
透過既有分機撥打 Skype,無須外接麥克風及喇叭,更不需要個人電腦。 可同時支援 4 通 Skype 電話。 4 組 FXS 供 Skype 應用,當 FXS 非佔線使用時,可將 FXO 供 PSTN 電話使用。 一台電腦最多可支援到 16 條 Skype/PSTN 線路。 支援多國忙線音參數設定。 只需要提供一組公司的 Skype 代表帳號給聯絡人即可。 整合既有的企業 PBX,使用分機撥打 Skype 或 PSTN 電話。 支援 Skype 速撥碼設定可達 20 個數字,亦可直接透過辦公室分機撥打 SkypeOut™
電話。 使用企業既有的分機接聽 Skype 或 PSTN 的來電。 智慧型撥號—即時鍵功能:不管是目前 Skype 通話品質不是很好還是 Skype 好友
無法接聽,只需要按”#”鍵即可轉成經由 SkypeOut或 PSTN 電話撥打好友,無須 在翻箱倒櫃找電話號碼。 記住聯絡人分機號碼:需要找到您的同事?現在您所需要的是記住他/她的分機號 碼。撥打”*”+分機”168”,無論他或她是否在辦公室。如果連接不佳或沒有答復,
3. 安裝 Skype 軟體.......................................................................................................8 4. 裝設 SkyGW-404 硬體裝置...................................................................................14
【應用二】直接與標準的類比話機或無線電話機連接,可做為小型簡易的網路電話交換 機,將 SkyGW-404 的 4 線 FXS (Phone1~Phone4)埠口連接到 4 台標準的類比話機或 無線電話機,另外 4 線 FXO (Line1~Line4)埠口連接到電信局所提供的 PSTN 電話線上 即可。
的翼形 隔 间, 以增 加其滑 空性 能 。 方 形伞 的出现不 仅是 降落 伞 的一大革 命 , 更 是翼 伞诞 生 的契机 , 因为方 形伞 除 了可操控 方 向外 ,它最 大滑 降 比约 为 31 这 和原来 圆伞 :,
了差 距 。
关键词 :翼伞 绸;技 术要求 ;水平
20 0 8年 5月 1 日汶川大 地震 ,给汶 川人 2 绸 指标对 比。
表 1 欧美国家高空翼伞绸与我国传统 ( 军工部标) 绸指
标 对 比
民 、四川人 民 、全 国人 民带 来 了极大 的灾难 , 通讯 中断、道 路 中断 、灾 区人 民在 艰难 地等待 支援 ,因而急切 需要进 行通信 联络 ,灾情 勘察 , 及 时情况 上报 ,为上 级 决策提 供依据 。一支 中
国人 民解放 军空 军伞 兵先锋 队,在没 有气 象引
导 、没 有地 面指挥 条件 等气 候十 分复 杂 、地 理
条件十 分艰难 的情 况下 ,在 阿坝地 区 茂县 冒险
成 功空 降 。飞行员 在大地 震过 后仍 下着 暴雨 的 山区高空 高速 状态 下跳伞 ,十分惊 险 ,他们 l 5 人使 用 的滑行伞 ,是一种 长方 形 的,象机 翼 一 样 的伞 具 ,这种 伞 的滑 翔距 离 比较远 ,但 是对 操 作者 的素质 要求 很 高 。翼伞可 以做 一定距 离 的滑行 ,横 向速度 大 ,方便 跳伞人 选择 有 力 的 着 陆地 点 ,它 改变 了传统 的伞 兵伞 在复 杂 的地 形 、恶劣 的气候 条件 下不 能完 成 的任务 。先锋
2 8
DATA SHEETSKY65137-11: Power Amplifier for 802.11a WLAN ApplicationsApplications•IEEE802.11a WLAN enabled:−access points−media gateways−set top boxes−LCD TVs•O ther broadband triple-play multimedia applicationsFeatures•Linear output power of +24 dBm for IEEE802.11a64-QAM EVM <2.5%•High gain of 26dB•Output power detector: 20 dB dynamic range•Power shutdown mode•Superior gain flatness•Internal RF match and bias circuits•Small footprint, MCM (20-pin, 6x 6 mm) SMT package (MSL3, 260 °C per JEDEC J-STD-020)DescriptionSkyworks SKY65137-11is a Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuit (MMIC) Power Amplifier (PA) with superior output power, linearity, and efficiency. These features make the SKY65137-11 ideal for Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) applicat ions.The device is fabricated using Skyworks high reliability Indium Gallium Phosphide (InGaP) Heterojunction Bipolar Transistor (HBT) technology. The device is internally matched and mounted in a 20-pin, 6x 6 mm Multi-Chip Module (MCM) Surface-Mounted Technology (SMT) package, which allows for a highly manufacturable low cost solution.The device package and pinout for the 20-pin MCM are shown in Figure 1. A block diagram of the SKY65137-11is shown in Figure2.Figure 1. SKY65137-11 Pinout – 20-Pin MCM(Top View)Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@ • 200851J•Skyworks Proprietary I nformation • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • March 25, 20111DATA SHEET • SKY65137-11 WLAN PASkyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@ • www.skyw 2March 25, 2011 • Skyworks Proprietary I nformation • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200851JFigure 2. SKY65137-11 Block DiagramTechnical DescriptionThe SKY65137-11 PA contains all of the needed RF matching and DC biasing circuits. The device also provides an output power detector voltage.The SKY65137-11 is a three -stage, HBT InGaP device optimized for high linearity and power efficiency. These features make the device suitable for wideband digital applications, where PA linearity and power consumption are of critical importance (e.g., WLANs).The device has been characterized with the highest specified data rates for IEEE 802.11a (54 Mbps). Under these stringent testconditions, the device exhibits excellent spectral purity and power efficiency.Electrical and Mechanical SpecificationsSignal pin assignments and functional pin descriptions are described in Table 1. The absolute maximum ratings of theSKY65137-11 are provided in Table 2. Electrical specifications are provided in Table 3.Typical performance characteristics of the SKY65137-11 are illustrated in Figures 3 through 19.DATA SHEET • SKY65137-11 WLAN PAparameters set at or below their nominal value. Exceeding any of the limits listed here may result in permanent damage to the device.Note 2:Evaluation Board supply voltage levels can be different. Refer to the Evaluation Board schematic diagram in Figure 21.CAUTION: Although this device is designed to be as robust as possible, Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) can damage this device. This device must be protected at all times from ESD. Static charges may easily produce potentials of several kilovolts on the human body or equipment, which can discharge without detection. Industry-standard ESD precautions should be used at all times.Note 1:Evaluation Board supply voltage levels can be different. Refer to the Evaluation Board schematic diagram in Figure 21.Table 4. SKY65137-11 Electrical Specifications (1 of 2) (Note 1)CSkyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@ • 200851J• Skyworks Proprietary I nformation • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • March 25, 20113DATA SHEET • SKY65137-11 WLAN PASkyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@ • www.skyw 4March 25, 2011 • Skyworks Proprietary I nformation • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200851JTable 4. SKY65137-11 Electrical Specifications (1 of 2) (Note 1)CNote 1: Performance is guaranteed only under the conditions listed in this Table.Typical Performance Characteristics(VCC1 = VCC2 = VCC3 = VC_BIAS = 5 V, PA_EN = 3.3 V Static, T C = +25 °C, Test Frequency = 5.75 GHz, Unless Otherwise Noted)Figure 3. Low Band EVM vs Output PowerFigure 5. Low Band Detector Voltage vs Output PowerFigure 7. Supply Current vs Output Power, Modulated InputFigure 4. High Band EVM vs Output PowerFigure 6. High Band Detector Voltage vs Output PowerFigure 8. Supply Current vs Output Power, CW InputDATA SHEET • SKY65137-11 WLAN PASkyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@ • 200851J • Skyworks Proprietary I nformation • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • March 25, 20115Figure 9. EVM vs Output Power Over VoltageFigure 11. Small Signal Gain vs Frequency Over VoltageFigure 13. Typical Spectral Response With 802.11a 65-QAMOFDM Signal Over Output Power LevelFigure 10. EVM vs Output Power Over TemperatureFigure 12. Small Signal Gain vs Frequency Over TemperatureFigure 14. Second Harmonic vs Output PowerDATA SHEET • SKY65137-11 WLAN PASkyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@ • www.skyw 6March 25, 2011 • Skyworks Proprietary I nformation • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200851JFigure 15. Detector Voltage vs Output Power Over TemperatureFigure 17. Noise Figure vs FrequencyFigure 19. Power-Down TimeFigure 16. Detector Voltage vs Output Power Over VoltageFigure 18. Start-Up TimeDATA SHEET • SKY65137-11 WLAN PASkyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@ • 200851J • Skyworks Proprietary I nformation • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • March 25, 20117Evaluation Board DescriptionThe SKY65137-11 Evaluation Board is used to test theperformance of the SKY65137-11 WLAN PA. An assembly drawing for the Evaluation Board is shown in Figure 20 and the layer detail is provided in Figure 21. Layer detail physical characteristics are noted in Figure 22. A schematic diagram of the SKY65137-11 Evaluation Board is shown in Figure 23.Circuit Design ConsiderationsThe following design considerations are general in nature and must be followed regardless of final use or configuration 1. Paths to ground should be made as short as possible. 2. The ground pad of the SKY65137-11 has special electrical and thermal grounding requirements. This pad is the main thermal conduit for heat dissipation. Since the circuit board acts as the heat sink, it must shunt as much heat as possible from the device. Therefore, design the connection to the ground pad to dissipate the maximum wattage produced by the circuit board. Multiple vias to the grounding layer are required . 3. Bypass capacitors should be used on the DC supply lines. The V CC lines may be connected after the RF bypass anddecoupling capacitors to provide better isolation between each V CC line. Refer to Figure 23 for further details. 4. The RF lines should be well separated from each other with solid ground in between traces to maximize input -to-output isolation. NOTE: A poor connection between the slug and ground increasesjunction temperature (T J ), which reduces the lifetime of the device. Refer to the Skyworks Application Note, “PCB Design Guidelines for High Power Dissipation Packages” (document number 201211) for further information.Evaluation Board Test ProcedureStep 1: Connect a +5 V supply to the VCC1, VCC2, VCC3, andVC_BIAS pins. Connect the PA_ENB pin to a separate supply. If available, enable the current limiting function of the power supply to 1000 mA. Step 2: If desired, connect a voltage meter to the V_DET pin. Step 3: Connect a signal generator to the RF signal input port. Setit to the desired RF frequency at a power level of–15 dBm or less to the Evaluation Board. DO NOT enable the RF signal. Step 4: Connect a spectrum analyzer or vector signal analyzer tothe RF signal output port. Add attenuation as needed to protect the analyzer. Step 5: On startup, turn on the VCC1, VCC2, VCC3, and VC_BIASlines first. Then turn on the PA_ENB line. Finally, turn on the RF input. Make sure to keep the initial input power to the PA at –20 dBm and gradually increase to the desired output power level. Step 6: Take measurements.Step 7: On power down, turn off the RF input first. Then turn offthe PA_ENB line. Finally, turn off the VCC1, VCC2, VCC3, and VC_BIAS lines.Package DimensionsThe PCB layout footprint for the SKY65137-11 is provided in Figure 22. Package dimensions for the 20-pin MCM are shown in Figure 23, and tape and reel dimensions are provided in Figure 24.Package and Handling InformationSince the device package is sensitive to moisture absorption, it is baked and vacuum packed before shipping. Instructions on the shipping container label regarding exposure to moisture after the container seal is broken must be followed. Otherwise, problems related to moisture absorption may occur when the part is subjected to high temperature during solder assembly. The SKY65137-11 is rated to Moisture Sensitivity Level 3 (MSL3) at 260 °C. It can be used for lead or lead -free soldering. For additional information, refer to Skyworks Application Note, PCB Design and SMT Assembly/Rework Guidelines for MCM-L Packages , document number 101752.Care must be taken when attaching this product, whether it is done manually or in a production solder reflow environment. Production quantities of this product are shipped in a standard tape and reel format.DATA SHEET • SKY65137-11 WLAN PAFigure 20. Evaluation Board Assembly DrawingSkyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781]376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@ • www.skyw 8March 25, 2011• Skyworks Proprietary I nformation • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200851JDATA SHEET • SKY65137-11 WLAN PASkyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@ • 200851J • Skyworks Proprietary I nformation • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • March 25, 20119Figure 21. SKY65137-11 Evaluation Board Layer DetailDATA SHEET • SKY65137-11 WLAN PASkyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@ • www.skyw 10March 25, 2011 • Skyworks Proprietary I nformation • Products and Product Information are Subject to Change Without Notice • 200851JFigure 22. Evaluation Board Layer Detail Physical CharacteristicsFigure 23. SKY65137-11 Evaluation Board Schematic分销商库存信息: SKYWORKS-SOLUTIONS SKY65137-11。
飞泛(Futaba)Futaba14SG R7 firmware更新说明书
February 2020—Firmware and FAA RID NPRMAs February greets us many have chosen to set theirhobby interests aside, or at least limit their participa-tion to inside for the past couple months. The winterbuild is a time-honored tradition in the northern cli-mates. In addition to getting new aircraft ready forwhen the weather warms and the winds calm it’s theperfect time to give our existing airframes a thoroughexamination for signs of wear, or potential failure. It’salso a good time to check to see if our transmitters, re-ceivers, or ESC’s may have pending firmware updates.The advantage of firmware updates is they often givenew capabilities for your existing hardware, or fix pre-viously unknown defects. However, sometimes as newfeatures are introduced or patched another featuremay be inadvertently broken by the update. The avail-ability of an update does not mean it’s necessary foryour use. As an example, when Futaba released up-date 7 for the Futaba14SG they inadvertently intro-duced a range check failure on startup. Futaba recent-ly introduced update 9 to fix the range check failure onstartup issue. Firmware updates tend to be an iterativeprocess with customers being the final test of function-Futaba Software DownloadFrSky Important Update for ACCST D16 FrSky Firmware Downloads Spektrum Firmware Updates Jeti Firmware Updates Graupner Updates Castlelink UpdatePersonal safety is not the only topic to discuss this month. The survival of our hobby is very much threatened by the recent FAA RID Notice of Pro-posed Rulemaking (NPRM). The FAA published their plan requiring broadcast from all aircraft weighing over 250 grams (0.55 pounds) on Dec 31. ality. FrSky recently released a new firmware for ALL of their D16 ACCST transmitters and receivers back to 2013 (OpenTX as well as FrOS). The firm-ware addresses a serious issue –if you’re in the Eu-ropean Union. The FCC (American) version of transmitters/receivers are not significantly affect-ed, especially if operated where the airwaves are not crowded with many 2.4ghz signals. One take-away from this is noting that when applying radio firmware updates be sure to note that you have downloaded FCC version and not EU. I recom-mend waiting on the FrSky ACCST updates for a couple months as this is a major update and there will inevitably be bugs. I’d rather do the updates one time since this transmitter update also requires that all receivers are updated.In summary; when checking over all the clevises, horns, pushrods, screws, motor mounts etc, don’t forget to check where you stand regarding what you can’t see –the firmware. Additionally, be judi-cious about applying a recently introduced firm-ware especially if it’s a major update. Finally, be sure you’re using the FCC radio firmware and not the EU version.Don’t be misled by the term “drone” in the NPRM. The FAA uses the term “drone” to apply to all Un-manned Aircraft Systems(UAS), this includes every-thing we fly at TCRCM field and may even include free flight and control line. This NPRM is open for public comment until March 2. The AMA, and EAA (Experimental Aircraft Association) as well as others petitioned in vain for an extension to the comment period. In response to the request for an extention FAA replied on January 28:“…the need for remote identification of UAS increas-ingly has become important as new public safety and national security concerns arise regarding the use of UAS. Accordingly, the FAA has determined that any extension of the comment period, and the subse-quent delays in promulgation of a final rule imple-menting remote identification of UAS, would not be consistent with the safety and security objectives of the proposed rule.Therefore, your request to extend the comment pe-riod for the Remote Identification of Unmaimed Air-craft Systems NPRM is denied. The comment period for the NPRM closes on Monday, March 2, 2020.”Once one dives into the 319 page NPRM in depth it details how the FAA is proposing to progressively annihilate the hobby. This NPRM proposes to make it illegal for a land owner to fly over their own land in the short term, and eventually eliminate model flying fields for home-built aircraft like we now fly. There are many many levels of concern. Grouping Line of Sight (LOS) modeling in with the regulations of Beyond Visual Line of sight BVLOS operations is a one size fits all solution that is inappropriate. Making it impossible to establish new flying fields, or even move an existing club flying field to a new location is well beyond what Congress mandated in the FAA reauthorization act of 2018. To assist with digesting the information about the NRPM, Jim Andersan has posted a page of infor-mation on the Club Website. There are also links to two summaries of the NPRM in the sources below.It’s seriously imperative that all interested reach out to the FAA and to all elected representatives. Even if your position is that you have no intention of follow-ing these rules then politely tell the FAA that they can expect noncompliance from otherwise law abid-ing citizens.Some would say that contacting FAA or representa-tive will make no difference. If that’s the case we’re no worse off and you did what you could. Your com-ments MAY make a difference in which case it’s time and energy well spent.Links to Contacts:• Dan Newhouse• Patty Murray• Maria Cantwell• White House• FAA RID NPRM Comment pageLinks to Information and resources.• Layman’s Guide to the NPRM for Remote ID• AMA summary of the RID NPRM• AMA Templates to use to assist in drafting your own response.• Our club website。
ソードブレイカー(Swordbreaker)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------RANK 210M级宇宙战舰(195M级战斗封印舰)所有者ケイン=ブルーリバー(Kain Blueriver)主控制系统识别名キャナル=ヴォルフィード(Canal V orfeed)基本武器(文库) ビーム炮(Beam Connon)ハウンドドッグ(Hound Dog)ファランクス·ミサイル(Phalanx Missile)対空ビームバルカン(Antiaircraft Beam Vulcan)対空ファランクス·レーザー(Antiaircraft Phalanx Missile)対空ニードルビーム(Antiaircraft Needle Beam)电磁バリア(Electromagnetic Barrier)基本武器(TV) 荷电粒子屈曲ビーム炮(Charged Particle Bending Beam Connon) 対空レーザー(Antiaircraft Laser)ミサイルランチャー(Missle Launcher)ポンポン炮(Bonbon Cannon)电磁バリア(Electromagnetic Barrier)特殊武器サイ·ブラスター(Psi Blaster)リープ·レールガン(Leap Railgun)プラズマ·ブラスト(Plasma Blast)増幅チップ(Boost Chip)サイ·バリア(Psi Barrier)消去システム(Erase System)动力サイ·エンジン(Psi Engine)プラズマ·ニュートリノ·エンジン(Plasma Neutrino Engine)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Swordbreaker概要:失落的古代宇宙文明为了打败暴走的『デュグラディグドウ』而制造的宇宙船,也是遗失宇宙船中间唯一一艘以正的精神波长为动力的宇宙船。
Searching for the answers to life, the universe, and everything? Well look no further…The Hitchhikers Guide to the GalaxyBy Douglas AdamsPublished by Serious Productions© 1976A Sci-fi thrillerPage Count: 216Your Guide to SurvivalBy ATPlanning on taking a quick stop by Ursa Minor? Just don’t forget the number one rule of thumb when traveling across the galaxy: Always bring a blanket. Tips like these are shared periodically throughout The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, by Douglas Adams. In it, the deepest questions of the universe will at last be answered. The protagonist, Arthur Dent, is the sole survivor of planet Earth since it was destroyed for the means of making an intergalactic highway. Dent finds himself aboard a spaceship with Ford Prefect, his quirky best friend. Together they make their way across the galaxy through a series of highly improbable coincidences: stumbling upon the president of the galaxy, surviving in the vacuum of space, and finding the legendary planet of Magrathea. The novel’s plot revolves around what happens to this unlikely crew as they are the first beings in five million years to reach Magrathea. This concept of life outside of Earth and traveling through great distances of space is what will likely keep the reader reading.In the beginning this world renowned book pulls readers in through Adams unique tone including multiple hilarious scenes that will leave one laughing out loud. The book is comprised of twenty-two chapters, each short in length making the book a quick and easy read. It also has many elements that many teenagers enjoy including humor while maintaining a thought-provoking plot line.The strong suit of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is definitely its extensive creativity. Within the book there is another book entitled The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, where one will find descriptions of creatures and places throughout the galaxy. Some of its excerpts being literally out of this world! Who could have thought of its description of the Babble Fish: “it feeds on brainwave energy received not from its carrier but from those around it. It absorbs all unconscious mental frequencies from this brainwave energy to nourish itself.” These overly complex ideas put a comic spin on the plot which is another strength. However straying from the plot to explain something can often make readers confused. This drift from the plot resulted in a very disorganized composite of certain scenes in the book. Adams may have chose to include this skipping around to lighten up the more serious parts of the book and remind the reader that it is a comic novel. In other words those looking for an uplifting and humorous book about life’s greatest mysteries will surely find The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy very entertaining. After reading this, one can not help but ponder the very insignificance that our whole planet really has.Douglas Adams’ other books exhibit his passion for science fiction, specifically the larger world that exists outside of Earth. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was adapted into a mini TV series, and a full length feature film, in 2005. Adams has a series of follow up books entitled The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, Life the Universe and Everything, So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish, and many others. These novels include many jokes originating from The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Adams’ career of wild success spun off of this one ground breaking novel, a truly remarkable feat.Unfortunately his career came to an abrupt end when he died at the age of forty-nine in2001. His legacy lives on through this, and many other captivating books that will leave one wondering whether or not we are indeed alone in the universe.Below is given annual work summary, do not need friends can download after editor deleted Welcome to visit againXXXX annual work summaryDear every leader, colleagues:Look back end of XXXX, XXXX years of work, have the joy of success in your work, have a collaboration with colleagues, working hard, also have disappointed when encountered difficulties and setbacks. Imperceptible in tense and orderly to be over a year, a year, under the loving care and guidance of the leadership of the company, under the support and help of colleagues, through their own efforts, various aspects have made certain progress, better to complete the job. For better work, sum up experience and lessons, will now work a brief summary.To continuously strengthen learning, improve their comprehensive quality. With good comprehensive quality is the precondition of completes the labor of duty and conditions. A year always put learning in the important position, trying to improve their comprehensive quality. Continuous learning professional skills, learn from surrounding colleagues with rich work experience, equip themselves with knowledge, the expanded aspect of knowledge, efforts to improve their comprehensive quality.The second Do best, strictly perform their responsibilities. Set up the company, to maximize the customer to the satisfaction of the company's products, do a good job in technical services and product promotion to the company. And collected on the properties of the products of the company, in order to make improvement in time, make the products better meet the using demand of the scene.Three to learn to be good at communication, coordinating assistance. On‐site technical service personnel should not only have strong professional technology, should also have good communication ability, a lot of a product due to improper operation to appear problem, but often not customers reflect the quality of no, so this time we need to find out the crux, and customer communication, standardized operation, to avoid customer's mistrust of the products and even the damage of the company's image. Some experiences in the past work, mentality is very important in the work, work to have passion, keep the smile of sunshine, can close the distance between people, easy to communicate with the customer. Do better in the daily work to communicate with customers and achieve customer satisfaction, excellent technical service every time, on behalf of the customer on our products much a understanding and trust.Fourth, we need to continue to learn professional knowledge, do practical grasp skilled operation. Over the past year, through continuous learning and fumble, studied the gas generation, collection and methods, gradually familiar with and master the company introduced the working principle, operation method of gas machine. With the help of the department leaders and colleagues, familiar with and master the launch of the division principle, debugging method of the control system, and to wuhan Chen Guchong garbage power plant of gas machine control system transformation, learn to debug, accumulated some experience. All in all, over the past year, did some work, have also made some achievements, but the results can only represent the past, there are some problems to work, can't meet the higher requirements. In the future work, I must develop the oneself advantage, lack of correct, foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, for greater achievements. Looking forward to XXXX years of work, I'll be more efforts, constant progress in their jobs, make greater achievements. Every year I have progress, the growth of believe will get greater returns, I will my biggest contribution to the development of the company, believe inyourself do better next year!I wish you all work study progress in the year to come.。
Min Typ Max
−40 -
Unit V V °C ns/V ns/V ns/V
Product data sheet
Rev. 05 — 11 November 2008
© NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
6. Pinning information
6.1 Pinning
Fig 4. Pin configuration
VDD 1 1Y 2 1A 3 2Y 4 2A 5 3Y 6 3A 7
16 n.c. 15 6Y 14 6A 13 n.c. 12 5Y 11 5A 10 4Y 9 4A 001aae602
plastic small outline package; 16 leads; body width 3.9 mm
PRELIMINARY DATA SHEETSKY77643-11 Multimode Multiband Power Amplifier ModuleApplications•Multiband 3G / LTE handsets •WCDMA Bands I, II, III, IV, V, VIII, IX •TD-SCDMA Bands 34,39•FDD LTE Bands1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 17, 20, 28, 30•TDD LTE Band38, 39, 40, 41 Features•Hybrid PA architecture•Two T/R (RX) ports and 14outputs •Industr y-leading PAE for 3G/4G •Optimized for APT DCDC operation •Fully programmable Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI) control •MIPI programmable bias modes optimize best efficiency / linearity trade-off for 3G and 4G; minimizes DG09 for 3G. •Small, low profile package:-4.0 mm x 6.8 mm x 0.8 mm, Max.-42-pad configuration DescriptionSkyworks SKY77643-11is a hybrid multimode multiband (MMMB) Power Amplifier Module (PAM) that support s 3G /4G handsets and operates efficiently in WCDMA, TD-SCDMA, and LTE modes. The module is fully programmable through a Mobile Industry Processor Interface (MIPI®).The PAM consists of a WCDMA / LTE block for low, high, and mid-bands, and a Multi-Function Control (MFC) block, RF input/output ports internally matched to 50 Ω to reduce the number of external components. A CMOS integrated circuit uses standard MIPI control s to provide the internal MFC interface and operation. Extremely low leakage current maximizes handset standby time.The InGaP die and the silicon die and passive components are mounted on a multi-layer laminate substrate. The assembly is encapsulated in a 4.0 mm x 6.8 mm x 0.8 mm, 42-pad MCM, SMT package which allows for a highly manufacturable, low cost solution.3G:The SKY77643-11supports WCDMA, High-Speed Downlink Packet A cc ess (HSDPA), High Speed Uplink Packet A cc ess (HSUPA), High Speed Packet A cc ess (HSPA+), and TD-SCDMA modulation s. Varying the input power level provides output power control. V CC is adjusted using a DCDC converter to maximize efficiency for each power level and modulation type.4G:The SKY77643-11supports 1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 MHz channel bandwidths. Similar to 3G operation, output power is controlled by varying the input power and V CC is adjusted using a DCDC converter to maximize efficiency for each power level.3G / 4G Modulation scheme includes:-WCDMA Voice Release 99-HSDPA categories-HSUPA-HSPA+-TD-SCDMA-LTE 1.4, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 MHz Channel BW-TDD-LTEPRELIMINARY DATA SHEET SKY77643-11 MULTIMODE / MULTIBAND POWER AMPLIFIER MODULEF IGURE 1.SKY77643-11F UNCTIONAL B LOCK D IAGRAMSKY77643-11 MULTIMODE / MULTIBAND POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE PRELIMINARY DATA SHEETElectrical SpecificationsThe following tables list the electrical characteristics of the SKY77643-11Power Amplifier Module. The absolute maximum c onditions are provided in Table1; recommended operating conditions are specified in Table 2.Table s 3through17contain the performance characteristics of the SKY77643-11. The SKY77643-11is a static-sensitive electronic device and should not be stored or operated near strong electrostatic fields. Detailed information on device dimensions, pad descriptions, packaging and handling can be found in later sections of this data sheet.T ABLE 1.SKY77643-11A BSOLUTE M AXIMUM C ONDITIONS1Parameter Symbol Minimum Maximum Units RF Input Power P IN10dBm Supply Voltage No RF V BATT 6.0VRF 5.2Digital Control Lines VIO, SCLK,SDATA2V Operating Temperature2Case T CASE–30+100°CStorage T STG–40+150ESD – Human Body Mode (HBM)ESD–11kV 1Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods may reduce device reliability. There is no damage to device with only one parameter set at the limit and all other parameters set at or below their nominal value.2Operating temperatures refer to the temperature at the ground pad on the underside of the package.T ABLE 2.SKY77643-11R ECOMMENDED O PERATING C ONDITIONSParameter Symbol Minimum Nominal Maximum Units V BATT V BATT 3.11 3.4 4.6V V CC1,V CC2, V CC2_2V CC NOTE2 3.8V Leakage Current V BATT= 3.4 V I_BATT_LK10µA V CC1,V CC2, V CC2_2= 3.4 V I_CC_LK10MIPI Supply VIO 1.7 1.8 1.9V MIPI Signal Levels Low V MIPI_LOW00.2 x VIO VHigh V MIPI_HIGH0.8 x VIO 10 x VIO V Case Operating Temperature T RANGE–20+25+85°C 1Operation down to 3.0 V with additional 0.5 dB MPR.2Approximately 0.55 V. Operation of V BATT< 0.50 V is not recommended. Bias Table can be provided upon request.PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET SKY77643-11 MULTIMODE / MULTIBAND POWER AMPLIFIER MODULET ABLE 3.MIPI RFFE S TANDARD R EGISTER M AP(1OF 3)Register 0, Address: 0x00 (PA_CTRL0)Register 0 Description Default Notes[7]Trigger Select00 = Trigger 0, 1, 2 or’ d together1 = Trigger 0, 1,2 fire independently[6:3]PA Band Select Control Mode0000Control Mode0000 = PA's Disabled0001 = B41_TX (HB)0010 = B40_TX (HB)0011 = B38_TX (HB)1000 = B7_TX (HB)0100 = LB1_TX (LB/MB)0101 = LB2_TX (LB/MB)0110 = LB3_TX (LB/MB)0111 = LB4_TX (LB/MB)1110 = LB5_TX (LB/MB)1001 = MB1_TX (LB/MB)1010 = MB2_TX (LB/MB)1011 = MB3_TX (LB/MB)1100 = MB4_TX (LB/MB)1101 = MB5_TX (LB/MB)1111 = PA's Disabled[2]PA Enable0PA Enable0 = Off1 = On[1:0]PA Mode00PA Mode00 = HPM01 = MPM – Not used10 = LPM11= ULPM – Not usedRegister 1, Address: 0x01 (BIAS_CTRL)Register 1 Description Default Notes[7:4]Stage 1 (Final)Bias Current Reference 00000000 = Disable0001 = 0.60 mA0110 = 1.60 mA1011 = 2.60 mA0010 = 0.80 mA0111 = 1.80 mA1100 = 2.80 mA0011 = 1.00 mA1000 = 2.00 mA1101 = 3.00 mA0100 = 1.20 mA1001 = 2.20 mA1110 = 3.20 mA0101 = 1.40 mA1010 = 2.40 mA1111 = 3.40 mA[3:0]Stage 2 (Driver)Bias Current Reference 00000000 = Disable0001 = 0.15 mA0110 = 0.90 mA1011 = 1.65 mA0010 = 0.30 mA0111 = 1.05 mA1100 = 1.80 mA0011 = 0.45 mA1000 = 1.20 mA1101 = 1.95 mA0100 = 0.60 mA1001 = 1.35 mA1110 = 2.10 mA0101 = 0.75 mA1010 = 1.50 mA1111 = 2.25 mASKY77643-11 MULTIMODE / MULTIBAND POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE PRELIMINARY DATA SHEETT ABLE 3.MIPI RFFE S TANDARD R EGISTER M AP(2OF 3)Register 2, Address: 0x02 (SWITCH_CTRL)Register 2 Description Default Notes[7:4]Band Switch Control Mode0000Control Mode0000 = Switch Off (Standby)0001 = High Isolation0010 = LB1_TX0011 = LB2_TX0100 = LB3_TX0101 = LB4_TX0110 = LB5_TX0111 = High Isolation1000 = High Isolation1001 = High Isolation1010 = MB1_TX1011 = MB2_TX1100 = MB3_TX1101 = MB4_TX1110 = MB5_TX1111 = High Isolation[3:0]0000Control Mode0000 = Switch Off (Standby)0111 = B7_Rx1000 = B7_Tx1001 = B40_Tx1010 = B38_Tx1011 = B41_Tx1100 = B40_Rx1101 = B38_Rx1110 = B41_Rx1111 = High IsolationRest = High IsolationRegister 3, Address: 0x03 (BIAS_CTRL)Register 3 Description Default Notes[7:4]Enable Boost Bias Current0Boost Bias Enable1 = Boost bias enabled[6:4]Spare000[3:0]Boost Bias Current Reference00000000 = Disable0001 = 0.200 mA0110 = 0.575 mA1011 = 0.950 mA0010 = 0.275 mA0111 = 0.650 mA1100 = 1.025 mA0011 = 0.350 mA1000 = 0.725 mA1101 = 1.100 mA0100 = 0.425 mA1001 = 0.800 mA1110 = 1.175 mA0101 = 0.500 mA1010 = 0.875 mA1111 = 1.250 mAPRELIMINARY DATA SHEET SKY77643-11 MULTIMODE / MULTIBAND POWER AMPLIFIER MODULET ABLE 3.MIPI RFFE S TANDARD R EGISTER M AP(3OF 3)Register 28, Address: 0x1C (PM_TRIG)Register 28 Description Default Notes[7:6]PWR_MODE0000 = Normal Operation (ACTIVE)01 = Default Settings (STARTUP)10 = Low Power (LOW POWER)11 = Reserved[5]Trigger Mask 20Trigger Enable: 0 Trigger Disable: 1[4]Trigger Mask 10Trigger Enable: 0 Trigger Disable: 1[3]Trigger Mask 00Trigger Enable: 0 Trigger Disable: 1[2]Trigger Register 20Not supported[1]Trigger Register 10 1 = Latch Register 2 contents[0]Trigger Register 00 1 = Latch Register 0, 1, 3 contentsRegister 29, Address: 0x01D (PROD_ID)Register 29 Description Default Notes[7:0]Product ID0x1B Product ID = 0x1BRegister 30, Address: 0x01E (MAN_ID)Register 30 Description Default Notes[7:0]Manufacturer ID0xA5Manufacturer ID[7:0] = 0xA5Register 31 Address: 0x01F (USID)Register 31 Description Default Notes[7:6]Spare00[5:4]Manufacturer ID01Manufacturer ID[9:8] = 0x01[3:0]User ID1111User ID = 1111SKY77643-11 MULTIMODE / MULTIBAND POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET T ABLE 4.SKY77643-11E LECTRICAL S PECIFICATIONS FOR N OMINAL O PERATING C ONDITIONS –FDD LTE B AND 7U NLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED:V BATT =3.4V;T CASE=+25°C;LTE S IGNAL =QPSK/10MH Z/12RB FOR MPR=0 AND QPSK/20MH Z/100RB FOR MPR=1.Characteristics Symbol Condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Operating Frequencyƒo 250025352570MHz Maximum Output Power P OUT_MAX MPR = 0128.0dBm27.5P OUT_MAX_ETC V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,V CC1 = V CC2= 3.1 V,T CASE= T RANGE283032dB Gain G HIGH P OUT = P OUT_MAXT CASE= +25 °C26G HIGH_ETC V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,V CC1 = V CC2= 3.1 V,P OUT= P OUT_MAXT CASE= T RANGEG LOW V CC= 0.55 V, P OUT= 3 dBm1520Power Added Efficiency2PAE APT P OUT= P OUT_MAX31.5% Total Supply Current3I_TOT_MAX P OUT= P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.8 V560mA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio4EUTRA EUTRA_ACLR1P OUT≤(P OUT_MAX – MPR1)–38–35dBcUTRA1UTRA_ACLR1–40–38UTRA2UTRA_ACLR2–42–41Harmon ics Second2ƒ0P OUT≤P OUT_MAX–15dBmThird and higher3ƒ0–5ƒ0–15Tx Noise in Rx Bands Rx Band PNRX_LTE2620 MHz–2690 MHz5–126dBm/HzGPS Rx PNRX_GPS1574 MHz–1577 MHz5–140BT, WLAN PNRX_BT2400 MHz–2452 MHz5–108EVM EVM P OUT≤P OUT_MAX,35%T RANGE, V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,Load = 50 ohms5µs Turn On Time T ON Gain settled to withinP OUT_MAX – 0.5 dBTurn Off Time T OFF Gain settled to below5µsP OUT_MAX – 30 dBInput Voltage Standing Wave Ratio VSWR P OUT≤P OUT_MAX 1.8:16:1VSWR Stability S No oscillations,all spurious < –36 dBm,P OUT≤P OUT_MAX,V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGERuggedness Ru No permanent damage to module10:1VSWRP OUT≤P OUT_MAX,V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE1MPR is the maximum power reduction as defined in 3GPP TS36.1012V CC optimized for ACLR1_UTRA = –40 dBc.3I_TOT = I BATT+ (I CC1+ I CC2)(V CC/V BATT)(1/DC_DC_EFF). See Table 184ACLR1_EUTRA Max = –33, ACLR1_UTRA Max = –35, ACLR2_UTRA Max = –39 for ETC.5Measured with 20 MHz/100RB LTE Waveform.PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET SKY77643-11 MULTIMODE / MULTIBAND POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE T ABLE 5.SKY77643-11E LECTRICAL S PECIFICATIONS FOR N OMINAL O PERATING C ONDITIONS –FDD LTE B AND 30(WCS)(RF OUTPUT ON PAD 37)U NLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED:V BATT =3.4V;T CASE=+25°C;LTE S IGNAL =QPSK/10MH Z/12RB FOR MPR=0 AND QPSK/10MH Z/50RB FOR MPR=1.Parameter Symbol Condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Operating Frequencyƒo 230523102315MHz Maximum Output Power P OUT_MAX MPR = 0128.0dBm27.5P OUT_MAX_ETC V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,V CC1 = V CC2= 3.1 V,T CASE= T RANGE27.529.030.5dB Gain G HIGH P OUT= P OUT_MAXT CASE= +25 °C26.0G HIGH_ETC V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,V CC1 = V CC2= 3.1 V,P OUT= P OUT_MAXT CASE= T RANGEG LOW V CC= 0.55 V, P OUT= 3 dBm15.020.0Power Added Efficiency2 PAE APT P OUT= P OUT_MAX30.5% Total Supply Current3I_TOT_MAX P OUT= P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.8 V570mA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio4EUTRA EUTRA_ACLR1P OUT≤(P OUT_MAX – MPR1)–38–35dBcUTRA1UTRA_ACLR1–40–38UTRA2UTRA_ACLR2–42–41 Harmonics Second2ƒ0P OUT≤P OUT_MAX–15dBmThird and higher3ƒ0–5ƒ0–15Tx Noise in Rx Bands GPS Rx PNRX_GPS1574 MHz–1577 MHz5–140dBm/HzBT, WLAN PNRX_BT2400 MHz–2483.5 MHz5–113EVM EVM P OUT≤P OUT_MAX,35%T RANGE, V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,Load = 50 ohms5µs Turn On Time T ON Gain settled to withinP OUT_MAX – 0.5 dB5µs Turn Off Time T OFF Gain settled to belowP OUT_MAX – 30 dBInput Voltage Standing Wave Ratio VSWR P OUT≤P OUT_MAX 2.3:1Stability S No oscillations,6:1VSWRall spurious < –36 dBm,P OUT≤P OUT_MAX,V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGERuggedness Ru No permanent damage to module10:1VSWRP OUT≤P OUT_MAX,V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE1MPR is the maximum power reduction as defined in 3GPP TS36.1012V CC optimized for ACLR1_UTRA = –40 dBc.3I_TOT = I BATT+ (I CC1+ I CC2)(V CC/V BATT)(1/DC_DC_EFF). See Table 184ACLR1_EUTRA Max = –33, ACLR1_UTRA Max = –35, ACLR2_UTRA Max = –39 for ETC.5Measured with 10 MHz/50RB LTE Waveform.SKY77643-11 MULTIMODE / MULTIBAND POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET T ABLE 6.SKY77643-11E LECTRICAL S PECIFICATIONS FOR N OMINAL O PERATING C ONDITIONS –TDD B AND 38U NLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED:V BATT =3.4V;T CASE =+25°C;LTE S IGNAL =QPSK/10MH Z/12RB FOR MPR=0 AND QPSK/20MH Z/100RB FOR MPR=1.Parameter Symbol Condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Operating Frequencyƒ0257025952620MHz Maximum Output Power P OUT_MAX MPR = 0128.0dBm27.5P OUT_MAX_ETC V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,V CC1 = V CC2= 3.1 V,T CASE= T RANGE27.529.531.5dB Gain G HIGH P OUT= P OUT_MAXT CASE= +25 °C26.0G HIGH_ETC P OUT= P OUT_MAXT CASE= T RANGEG LOW V CC= 0.55 V, P OUT= 3 dBm16.020.0Power Added Efficiency2PAE APT P OUT= P OUT_MAX31% Total Supply Current3I_TOT_MAX P OUT= P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.8 V560mA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio4EUTRA EUTRA_ACLR1P OUT≤(P OUT_MAX – MPR1)–38–35dBcUTRA1UTRA_ACLR1–40–38UTRA2UTRA_ACLR2–42–41Harmonic s Second2ƒ0P OUT≤P OUT_MAX–15dBmThird and higher3ƒ0–5ƒ0–15Tx Noise in Rx Bands GPS Rx PNRX_GPS1574 MHz–1577 MHz5–140dBm/HzBT, WLAN PNRX_BT2400 MHz–2483.5 MHz5–11335% EVM EVM P OUT≤P OUT_MAX,T RANGE, V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,Load = 50 ohmsTurn On Time T ON Gain settled to within5µsP OUT_MAX – 0.5 dB5µs Turn Off Time T OFF Gain settled to belowP OUT_MAX – 30 dBInput Voltage Standing Wave Ratio VSWR P OUT≤P OUT_MAX 2.0:1Stability S No oscillations,6:1VSWRall spurious < –36 dBm,P OUT≤P OUT_MAX,V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE10:1VSWR Ruggedness Ru No permanent damage to moduleP OUT≤P OUT_MAX,V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE1MPR is the maximum power reduction as defined in 3GPP TS36.1012V CC optimized for ACLR1_UTRA = –40 dBc.3I_TOT = I BATT+ (I CC1+ I CC2)(V CC/V BATT)(1/DC_DC_EFF). See Table 184ACLR1_EUTRA Max = –33, ACLR1_UTRA Max = –35, ACLR2_UTRA Max = –39 for ETC.5Measured with 20 MHz/100RB LTE Waveform.PRELIMINARY DATA SHEET SKY77643-11 MULTIMODE / MULTIBAND POWER AMPLIFIER MODULE T ABLE 7.SKY77643-11E LECTRICAL S PECIFICATIONS FOR N OMINAL O PERATING C ONDITIONS –TDD B AND 40U NLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED:V BATT =3.4V;T CASE =+25°C;LTE S IGNAL =QPSK/10MH Z/12RB FOR MPR=0 AND QPSK/20MH Z/100RB FOR MPR=1.Parameter Symbol Condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Operating Frequencyƒ0230023502400MHz Maximum Output Power P OUT_MAX MPR = 0128.0dBm27.5P OUT_MAX_ETC V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,V CC1 = V CC2= 3.1 V,T CASE= T RANGE27.529.531.5dB Gain G HIGH P OUT= P OUT_MAXT CASE= +25 °CG HIGH_ETC V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,26.0V CC1 = V CC2= 3.1 V,P OUT= P OUT_MAXT CASE= T RANGEG LOW V CC= 0.55 V, P OUT= 3 dBm16.020.0Power Added Efficiency2PAE APT P OUT= P OUT_MAX31% Total Supply Current3I_TOT_MAX P OUT= P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.8 V560mA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio4EUTRA EUTRA_ACLR1P OUT≤(P OUT_MAX – MPR1)–38–35dBcUTRA1UTRA_ACLR1–40–38UTRA2UTRA_ACLR2–42–41Harmonic s Second2ƒ0P OUT≤P OUT_MAX–15dBmThird to Fifth3ƒ0–5ƒ0–15Tx Noise in Rx Bands GPS Rx PNRX_GPS1574 MHz–1577 MHz5–140dBm/HzBT, WLAN PNRX_BT2447 MHz–2483.5 MHz5–106EVM EVM P OUT≤P OUT_MAX,35%T RANGE, V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,Load = 50 ohms5µs Turn On Time T ON Gain settled to withinP OUT_MAX – 0.5 dB5µs Turn Off Time T OFF Gain settled to belowP OUT_MAX – 30 dBInput Voltage Standing Wave Ratio VSWR P OUT≤P OUT_MAX 2.3:1Stability S No oscillations,6:1VSWRall spurious < –36 dBm,P OUT≤P OUT_MAX,V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGERuggedness Ru No permanent damage to module10:1VSWRP OUT≤P OUT_MAX,V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE1MPR is the maximum power reduction as defined in 3GPP TS36.1012V CC optimized for ACLR1_UTRA = –40 dBc.3I_TOT = I BATT+ (I CC1+ I CC2)(V CC/V BATT)(1/DC_DC_EFF). See Table 184ACLR1_EUTRA Max = –33, ACLR1_UTRA Max = –35, ACLR2_UTRA Max = –39 for ETC.5Measured with 20 MHz/100RB LTE Waveform.T ABLE 8.SKY77643-11E LECTRICAL S PECIFICATIONS FOR N OMINAL O PERATING C ONDITIONS –TDD B AND 41,TDD AXGP B ANDU NLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED:V BATT =3.4V;T CASE =+25°C;LTE S IGNAL =QPSK/10MH Z/12RB FOR MPR=0 AND QPSK/20MH Z/100RB FOR MPR=1.Parameter Symbol Condition Minimum Typical Maximum Unit Operating Frequencyƒ0249625952690MHz Maximum Output Power P OUT_MAX MPR = 0128.0dBm27.5P OUT_MAX_ETC V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,V CC1 = V CC2= 3.1 V,T CASE= T RANGE27.529.531.5dB Gain G HIGH P OUT= P OUT_MAXT CASE= +25 °CG HIGH_ETC V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,26.0V CC1 = V CC2= 3.1 V,P OUT= P OUT_MAXT CASE= T RANGEG LOW V CC= 0.55 V, P OUT= 3 dBm15.020.0Power Added Efficiency2PAE APT P OUT= P OUT_MAX31% Total Supply Current3I_TOT_MAX P OUT= P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.8 V560mA Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio4EUTRA EUTRA_ACLR1P OUT≤(P OUT_MAX – MPR1)–38–35dBcUTRA1UTRA_ACLR1–40–38UTRA2UTRA_ACLR2–42–41 Harmonics Second2ƒ0P OUT≤P OUT_MAX–15dBmThird to Fifth3ƒ0–5ƒ0–15Tx Noise in Rx Bands GPS Rx PNRX_GPS1574 MHz–1577 MHz5–140dBm/HzBT, WLAN PNRX_BT2400 MHz–2452 MHz5–104EVM EVM P OUT≤P OUT_MAX,35%T RANGE, V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,Load = 50 ohms5µs Turn On Time T ON Gain settled to withinP OUT_MAX – 0.5 dB5µs Turn Off Time T OFF Gain settled to belowP OUT_MAX – 30 dBInput Voltage Standing Wave Ratio VSWR P OUT≤P OUT_MAX 1.8:1Stability S No oscillations,6:1VSWRall spurious < –36 dBm,P OUT≤P OUT_MAX,V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGERuggedness Ru No permanent damage to module10:1VSWRP OUT≤P OUT_MAX,V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE1MPR is the maximum power reduction as defined in 3GPP TS36.1012V CC optimized for ACLR1_UTRA = –40 dBc.3I_TOT = I BATT+ (I CC1+ I CC2)(V CC/V BATT)(1/DC_DC_EFF). See Table 184ACLR1_EUTRA Max = –33, ACLR1_UTRA Max = –35, ACLR2_UTRA Max = –39 for ETC.5Measured with 20 MHz/100RB LTE Waveform.Unless otherwise specified: V BATT = 3.4 V; T CASE = +25 °C; Voice RMC 12.2 kbpsParameter Symbol Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Units Frequency Band 1ƒ19201980MHz Band 218501910Band 317101785Band 417101755 Maximum Output Power Band 1, 4P OUT_MAX28.0dBmP OUT_MAX_ETC V CC= 3.1 V, V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE27.5Bands 2, 3P OUT_MAX28.5P OUT_MAX_ETC V CC = 3.1 V, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE28.0Power Gain Gp_NTC_BANDS1,2P OUT= P OUT_MAX28.031.0dBGp_NTC_BANDS3,4P OUT= P OUT_MAX28.031.0Gp_ETC_BANDS1,2V CC = 3.1 V, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,P OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, T CASE = T RANGE 26.032.5Gp_ETC_BANDS3,426.032.5G P_L0W V CC= 0.55 V15.020.0dB Power Added Efficiency1PAE_APT P OUT= P OUT_MAX43% Total Supply Current2I_TOT_MAX P OUT= P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.8 V TBD mAAdjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio 5 MHz offset ACLR1P OUT= P OUT_MAX–40–38dBcP OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, V CC = 3.1 VV BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V, T CASE = T RANGE–3610 MHz offset ACLR2P OUT= P OUT_MAX–52–48P OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, V CC = 3.1 V,V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V, T CASE = T RANGE–46Modulation Accuracy EVM RMS V CC = 3.1 V, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,Load = 50 ohms, T CASE = T RANGE2.5 5.0% Harmonics Secondƒ2 P OUT≤P OUT_MAX–16–12dBm Thirdƒ3–23–20 Fourth and higher4ƒ–20Noise Power in Rx Band at Duplex Frequency with WCDMA Modulated Tx dBm/Hz B1 ƒTX= 1920–1980 MHz P NOISE_DPXƒRX = ƒTX+190 MHz–133.5B2 ƒTX= 1850–1910 MHzƒRX = ƒTX+80 MHz–133.0B3 ƒTX= 1710–1785 MHzƒRX = ƒTX+95 MHz–132.5B4 ƒTX= 1710–1755 MHzƒRX = ƒTX+400 MHz–137.0Input VSWR VSWR_IN P OUT≤P OUT_MAX 1.3:12:1VSWR Stability S No oscillations, all spurious < –36 dBm,P OUT≤P OUT_MAX, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE6:1VSWRRuggedness Ru No permanent damage to moduleP OUT≤P OUT_MAX, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE10:1VSWR1V CC optimized for ACLR1 = –40 dBc.2I_TOT = I BATT+ (I CC1+ I CC2)(V CC/V BATT)(1/DC_DC_EFF).VCC = TBD. DC_DC_EFF ~ 96%.Unless otherwise specified: V BATT = 3.4 V; T CASE = +25 °C; Voice RMC 12.2 kbpsParameter Symbol Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Units Frequency Band 5ƒ824849MHz Band 8880915 Maximum Output Power Bands 5, 8P OUT_MAX28.0dBmP OUT_MAX_ETC V CC = 3.1 V, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE27.5Power Gain Gp_NTC P OUT= P OUT_MAX28.031.5dBGp_ETC P OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC26.033.0G P_L0W V CC= 0.55 V15.020.0dB Power Added Efficiency1PAE_APT P OUT = P OUT_MAX46% Total Supply Current2I_TOT_MAX P OUT= P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.8 V TBD mAAdjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio 5 MHz offset ACLR1P OUT= P OUT_MAX–40–38dBcP OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, V CC = 3.1 VV BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V, T CASE = T RANGE–3610 MHz offset ACLR2P OUT= P OUT_MAX–52–48P OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, V CC = 3.1 V,V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V, T CASE = T RANGE–46Modulation A cc uracy EVM V CC = 3.1 V, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,Load = 50 ohms, T CASE = T RANGE2.5 5.0% Harmonics Secondƒ2 P OUT≤P OUT_MAX–16–13dBm Thirdƒ3–23–17 Fourth and higher4ƒ–20Noise Power in Rx Band at Duplex Frequency with WCDMA Modulated Tx dBm/Hz B5 ƒTX= 824–849 MHz P NOISE_DPXƒRX = ƒTX+45 MHz–133B8 ƒTX= 880–915 MHzƒRX = ƒTX+45 MHz–133Input VSWR VSWR_IN P OUT≤P OUT_MAX 1.6:12:1VSWR Stability S No oscillations, all spurious < –36 dBm,P OUT≤P OUT_MAX, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE6:1VSWRRuggedness Ru No permanent damage to moduleP OUT≤P OUT_MAX, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE10:1VSWR1V CC optimized for ACLR1 = –40 dBc.2I_TOT = I BATT+ (I CC1+ I CC2)(V CC/V BATT)(1/DC_DC_EFF).VCC = TBD. DC_DC_EFF ~ 96%.T ABLE 11.SKY77643-11E LECTRICAL S PECIFICATIONS –T RANSMIT LTE M ID-B ANDU NLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED:V BATT =3.4V;T CASE=+25°C;LTE S IGNAL =QPSK/10MH Z/12RB FOR MPR=0 AND QPSK/20MH Z/100RB FOR MPR=1.Parameter Symbol Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Units Frequency Band 1ƒ19201980MHz Band 218501910Band 317101785Band 417101755Maximum Output Power Band 1, 4P OUT_MAX27.0dBmP OUT_MAX_ETC V CC = 3.1 V, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE26.5Bands 2, 3P OUT_MA X27.5P OUT_MAX_ETC V CC = 3.1 V, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE27.0Power Gain Gp_NTC_BANDS1,2P OUT= P OUT_MAX28.531.5dBGp_NTC_BANDS3,4P OUT= P OUT_MAX28.531.5Gp_ETC_BANDS1,2V CC = 3.1 V, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,P OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, T CASE = T RANGE 26.533.0Gp_ETC_BANDS3,426.533.0G P_L0W V CC= 0.55 V15.020.0dB Power Added Efficiency1Band 1, 3, 4PAE_APT P OUT_MAX36.0% Band 2 37.5Total Supply Current2I_TOT_MAX P OUT= P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.8 V TBD mAAdjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio EUTRA EUTRA_ACLR1P OUT= P OUT_MAX–39–36dBcP OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, V CC = 3.1 VV BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V, T CASE = T RANGE–33UTRA1UTRA_ACLR1P OUT= P OUT_MAX–40–37P OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, V CC = 3.1 VV BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V, T CASE = T RANGE–36UTRA2UTRA_ACLR2P OUT= P OUT_MAX–43–41dBcP OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, V CC = 3.1 VV BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V, T CASE = T RANGE–39Modulation A cc uracy EVM_QPSK_16QA M V CC = 3.1 V, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,Load = 50 ohms, T CASE = T RANGE2.5 5.0% Harmonics Secondƒ2 P OUT≤P OUT_MAX–15–12dBm Thirdƒ3–23–20 Fourth and higher4ƒ–20Noise Power in Rx Band at Duplex Frequency with LTE3dBm/Hz B1 ƒT X= 1920–1980 MHz P NOISE_DPXƒRX = ƒTX+190 MHz–133.0B2 ƒTX= 1850–1910 MHzƒRX = ƒTX+80 MHz–131.5B3 ƒTX= 1710–1785 MHzƒRX = ƒTX+95 MHz–132.6B4 ƒTX= 1710–1755 MHzƒRX = ƒTX+400 MHz–136.0Input VSWR VSWR_IN P OUT≤P OUT_MAX 1.3:12:1VSWR Stability S No oscillations, all spurious < –36 dBm,P OUT≤P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE= T RANGE6:1VSWRRuggedness Ru No permanent damage to moduleP OUT≤P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE= T RANGE10:1VSWR1V CC optimized for ACLR1_UTRA = –40 dBc.2I_TOT = I BATT+ (I CC1+ I CC2)(V CC/V BATT)(1/DC_DC_EFF).VCC = TBD. DC_DC_EFF ~ 96%.3Measured with 20 MHz/100RB LTE Waveform.U NLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED:V BATT =3.4V;T CASE=+25°C;LTE S IGNAL =QPSK/10MH Z/12RB FOR MPR=0 AND QPSK/20MH Z/100RB FOR MPR=1.Parameter Symbol Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Units Frequency Band 5ƒ824849MHz Band8880915Band 12699716Band 13777787Band 17704716Band 20832862Band 28703748Maximum Output Power Band s 20, 28P OUT_MAX27.5dBmP OUT_MAX_ETC V CC = 3.1 V, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE27.0Bands 5, 8, 12, 13, 17P OUT_MAX27.0P OUT_MAX_ETC V CC = 3.1 V, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE26.5Power Gain Gp_NTC P OUT= P OUT_MAX28.032.0dBGp_ETC V CC= 3.1 V, V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,P OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, T CASE= T RANGE25.733.3G P_L0W V CC= 0.55 V 15.020.0dB Power Added Efficiency1Band 17PAE_APT P OUT_MAX38% Bands 13, 5, 2040Bands 839Total Supply Current2I_TOT_MAX P OUT= P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.8 V TBD mAAdjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio EUTRA EUTRA_ACLR1P OUT= P OUT_MAX–39–36dBcP OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, V CC= 3.1 V,V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V, T CASE= T RANGE–33UTRA1UTRA_ACLR1P OUT= P OUT_MAX–40–37P OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, V CC= 3.1 V,V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V, T CASE= T RANGE–36UTRA2UTRA_ACLR2P OUT= P OUT_MAX–43–41P OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, V CC= 3.1 V,V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V, T CASE= T RANGE–39U NLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED:V BATT =3.4V;T CASE=+25°C;LTE S IGNAL =QPSK/10MH Z/12RB FOR MPR=0 AND QPSK/20MH Z/100RB FOR MPR=1.Parameter Symbol Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Units Modulation Accuracy EVM_QPSK_16QAM V CC= 3.1 V, V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,Load = 50 ohms, T CASE = T RANGE2.5 5.0%HarmonicsSecond Bands 12, 17, 28ƒ2 P OUT≤P OUT_MAX–13–8dBm Bands 5, 8, 20–20–13Thirdƒ3–23–17Fourth and higher 4ƒ–20Noise Power in Rx Band at Duplex Frequency with LTE3dBm/Hz B5 ƒTX= 824–849 MHz P NOISE_DPXƒRX = ƒTX+ 45 MHz–133.5B8 ƒTX= 880–915 MHzƒRX = ƒTX+ 45 MHz–133.3B13 ƒTX= 777–787 MHzƒRX = ƒTX – 31 MHz–132.7B17 ƒTX= 704–716 MHzƒRX = ƒTX+ 30 MHz–131.0B20 ƒTX= 832–862 MHzƒRX = ƒTX – 41 MHz–133.0B28 ƒTX= 703–748 MHzƒRX= 758–803 MHz–134.0Input VSWR VSWR_IN P OUT≤P OUT_MAX 1.6:12:1VSWR Stability S No oscillations, all spurious < –36 dBm,P OUT≤P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE= T RANGE6:1VSWRRuggedness Ru No permanent damage to moduleP OUT≤P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE= T RANGE10:1VSWR1V CC optimized for ACLR1_UTRA = –40 dBc.2I_TOT = I BATT+ (I CC1+ I CC2)(V CC/V BATT)(1/DC_DC_EFF).VCC = TBD. DC_DC_EFF ~ 96%.3Measured with 20 MHz/100RB LTE Waveform.Unless otherwise specified: V BATT = 3.4 V; T CASE = +25 °C; Voice ModulationParameter Symbol Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Units Frequency Band 34ƒ 20102025MHz Band 3918801920 Maximum Output Power P OUT_MAX28.0dBmP OUT_MAX_ETC V CC = 3.1 V, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE = T RANGE27.5Power Gain Gp_NTC P OUT= P OUT_MAX28.030.031.0dBGp_ETC V CC = 3.1 V, V BATT = 3.1 V to 4.6 V,P OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, T CASE = T RANGE26.032.5G P_L0W V CC= 0.55 V 15.020.0dB Power Added Efficiency1Band 34PAE_APT P OUT= P OUT_MAX38.5% Band 3941.0Total Supply Current2I_TOT_MAX P OUT= P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.8 V TBD mAAdjacent Channel Leakage Power Ratio 1.6 MHz offset ACLR1P OUT= P OUT_MAX–40–38dBcP OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, V CC= 3.1 V,V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V, T CASE= T RANGE–363.2 MHz offset ACLR2P OUT= P OUT_MAX–52–48P OUT= P OUT_MAX_ETC, V CC= 3.1 V,V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V, T CASE= T RANGE–46Modulation A cc uracy EVM RMS V CC= 3.1 V, V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,Load = 50 ohms, T CASE= T RANGE2.5 5.0% Harmonics Secondƒ2 P OUT≤P OUT_MAX–16–13dBm Thirdƒ3–23–20 Fourth and higher4ƒ–20Input VSWR VSWR_IN P OUT≤P OUT_MAX 1.3:12:1VSWR Stability S No oscillations, all spurious < –36 dBm,P OUT≤P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE= T RANGE6:1VSWRRuggedness Ru No permanent damage to moduleP OUT≤P OUT_MAX, V BATT= 3.1 V to 4.6 V,T CASE= T RANGE10:1VSWR1VCC optimized for ACLR1 = –40 dBc.2I_TOT = I BATT+ (I CC1+ I CC2)(V CC/V BATT)(1/DC_DC_EFF). V CC= TBD. DC_DC_EFF ~ 96%.。
lt五星物语gtMH资料汇总幻象机资料MH列表:一、A.K.D. Meight Amaterasu (Ladyous Sopp)MIRAGE Machine 1、Schpeltor / Water Dragon MH K.O.G.系列系列编号Aa-X-4037(Akd 1000)αNo.:hx 形式:Mirage hX 巴金拉康帝国、哈斯哈联合共和国旗骑正式名称“黄金骑士水龙(K.O.G. Water Dragon)”别名铬骑士“Knight Of Chrome”。
星团历2810年代,骑士/Fatima 为剑圣道格拉斯??怀园/皇后,2800年代海亚拉奇失踪,水龙由其弟子怀园继承,与皇后一道参加了哈斯哈统一战争。
魔导大战时期,骑士/Fatima 为乔??吉德??马特利亚/妮娜丽丝,谢比亚公之孙玛其为其更换了面具及美特罗金属剑,原哈斯哈旗骑的修佩鲁塔被巴哈托马魔法帝国接收。
2、Patraqushie Arus-qul “AUGE” 帕特拉科歇阿鲁斯奎尔欧杰MH K.O.G.系列系列编号:Aa.4033 黄金骑士原型机,与“水龙”有着相同设计的天照制MH。
嘌 ⒂玫腇atima。
0 / 23
1 深圳市大疆创新科技有限公司
1.1 Phantom 3 Advanced & Professional Phantom 3(分 Advanced & Professional 两个版本)由飞行器,遥控器,云台相机以
TOSHIBA Field Effect Transistor Silicon N Channel MOS Type (π−MOSV)2SK3497High Power Amplifier Applicationz High breakdown voltage: VDSS = 180V z Complementary to 2SJ618Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)Characteristics Symbol Rating UnitDrain −source voltage V DSS 180 VGate −source voltage V GSS ±12 V DC (Note1) I D 10 ADrain currentPulse (Note 1) I DP 30A Drain power dissipation (Tc = 25°C) P D 130 W Channel temperature T ch 150 °C Storage temperature rangeT stg−55~150 °CNote 1: Ensure that the channel temperature does not exceed 150°C.Note 2: Using continuously under heavy loads (e.g. the application of high temperature/current/voltage and the significant changein temperature, etc.) may cause this product to decrease in the reliability significantly even if the operating conditions (i.e. operating temperature/current/voltage, etc.) are within the absolute maximum ratings. Please design the appropriate reliability upon reviewing the Toshiba Semiconductor Reliability Handbook (“Handling Precautions”/Derating Concept and Methods) and individual reliability data (i.e. reliability test report and estimated failure rate, etc).Thermal CharacteristicsCharacteristics Symbol Max UnitThermal resistance, channel to case R th (ch −c) 0.96 °C / W Thermal resistance, channel toambientR th (ch −a)50°C / WUnit: mm1.GATE 2. DRAIN (HEAT SINK)3. SOURCEJEDEC ― JEITA―TOSHIBA 2-16C1B Weight: 4.6 g (typ.)3Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C)Characteristics SymbolTest ConditionMin Typ. Max Unit Gate leakage current I GSS V GS = ±12 V, V DS = 0 V — —10 μA Drain cut −off currentI DSS V DS = 180V, V GS = 0 V — — 100μA Drain −source breakdown voltage V (BR) DSS I D = 10 mA, V GS = 0 V 180 — — V Gate threshold voltage V th V DS = 10 V, I D = 1 mA 1.1 — 2.1 V Drain −source saturation voltage V DS (ON)V GS = 7 V, I D = 5 A— — 0.75V Forward transfer admittance |Y fs | V DS = 10 V, I D = 5 A6.012.0—SInput capacitanceC iss — 2400 —Reverse transfer capacitance C rss — 220 — Output capacitanceC ossV DS = 30 V, V GS = 0 V, f = 1 MHz — 30 —pF This transistor is an electrostatic-sensitive device. Please handle with caution.Markinglead (Pb)-free package or lead (Pb)-free finish.RESTRICTIONS ON PRODUCT USE20070701-EN •The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.•TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and conditions set forth in the “Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” or “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability Handbook” etc.• The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications (computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances, etc.).These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments, medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in his document shall be made at the customer’s own risk.•The products described in this document shall not be used or embedded to any downstream products of which manufacture, use and/or sale are prohibited under any applicable laws and regulations.• The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA for any infringements of patents or other rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patents or other rights of TOSHIBA or the third parties.• Please contact your sales representative for product-by-product details in this document regarding RoHS compatibility. Please use these products in this document in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations that regulate the inclusion or use of controlled substances. Toshiba assumes no liability for damage or losses occurring as a result of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations.。
Fibrous Sound Absorption Materials© Copyright 2006 General Motors Corporation All Rights ReservedFebruary 2006 Originating Department: North American Engineering StandardsPage 1 of 21 Introduction1.1 Scope. This specification identifies all types of sound absorbing and/or sound dissipative materials used in vehicles.1.2 Mission/Theme. Products qualified to this specification shall be identified by their general composition and areas in a vehicle where they will yield their best acoustical performance.1.3 Classification. All materials qualified to this specification shall be listed by type and recommended areas of the vehicles to be used.1.3.1 Type 1 - Textile Fibers (Non-wovens). These type materials will contain a blend of fibrous materials that may be bound together by needling or bonding.Type 1 materials are recommended for usage in the vehicle interiors or other areas where exposure to moisture and exterior exposure is very limited. For example these materials can be used for under carpet applications These materials can also withstand higher heat applications and can be used in the engine compartment.1.3.2 Type 2 – Fiberglass. Fiberglass and other phenolic cured materials for use underhood use only and not for interior applications.Type 2 materials are recommended for exterior or underhood locations where performance and exposure to chemicals will have an insignificant effect on performance. All fiberglass constructions shall have cut edges compressed around the entire circumference and the components shall not have any extractable constituents being offensive, detrimental to health, or causing malfunctions during assembly or vehicle operation. Not to be used for front of dash or interior applications.1.3.3 Type 3 - 100% Polypropylene Fibers. This material will be composed of 100% fibrous polypropylene.Type 3 materials are recommended for areas where exposure to moisture will have an insignificant effect on performance. Not recommended for front of dash applications.1.3.4 Type 4 – 100% Polyester Fibers. These materials will be composed of 100% PET fibers.Type 4 materials are recommended for areas where exposure to moisture will have an insignificant effect on performance.1.3.5 Type 5 – Fiber Blends. Type 5 materials are recommended for areas where exposure to moisture will have an insignificant effect on performance. Not recommended for front of dash applications.2 ReferencesNote: Only the latest approved standards are applicable unless otherwise specified. 2.1 External Standards/Specifications. FMVSS 302 ISO 2589 ISO 3542.2 GM Standards/Specifications.GM9193P GMW3205 GM9635P GMW3232 GME 60349 GMW3235GMW3001 GMW3259 GMW3059 GMW14124 GMW31823 Requirements3.1 Product Characteristics. Mass per unit area, per GMW3182, and thickness, per ISO 2589, of all materials for this specification shall be called out on the engineering drawing or the math files. 3.1.1 Internal Bond Strengths. Internal bond strengths of needled or non-woven fibrous materials shall be no less than 20 N/cm² when tested to GME 60349. Internal bond strength of resinated needled fibers to be at 30 N/m² when tested to GME 60349. Internal bond strength of molded fiberglass shall be 3N when tested per GM9193P.3.1.2 Performance Requirements. Suppliers must provide to GM materials engineering data of their fibrous materials per ISO 354, alpha cabin testing or any other reverberation room testing.Further acoustical analysis of products already qualified to this specification shall be determined via SEA analysis.GMW14194 GM WORLDWIDE ENGINEERING STANDARDS© Copyright 2006 General Motors Corporation All Rights ReservedPage 2 of 2 February 20063.3 Odor (GMW3205). Report both wet and dry results. Rating of 6 minimum.3.4 Flammability (GMW3232). Must comply to FMVSS 302. Test to GMW3232.Note : If the material is a composite or is to be used in a composite, the composite must meet this requirement.3.5 Mildew (GMW3259). Required only if natural fibers are present in the construction. There shall be no visible growth or odor of mildew.3.6 Fogging (GMW3235). Method A, code T1. Report the average of the 5 reflectance values. A Reflectance value of 90 minimum with either a dry uniform or non-uniform film is required. Specimens that form crystals, an oily film, or discernable droplets ≥ 0.05 mm in diameter at 40X magnification do not meet this requirement.3.7 There shall be no deterioration of performance of Types 1, 2, and 4 fibrous materials used in or adjacent to engine compartment applications. Types 1, 2, and 4 materials must withstand 20 cycles of GMW14124 cycle R.3.7.1 Resistance to Chemicals. Fibrous materials used in engine compartment shall not breakdown or show degradation of acoustic performance when exposed to the following chemicals:• Transmission fluid • Gasoline/alcohol blend • Diesel Fuel • Coolant • Motor oil • Windshield Washer Fluid • Brake Fluid• Power steering fluid•Sulfuric Acid 10% or battery acid • Grease (Shell Vaseline 8401)Note: Regional specifications will apply due to variations in requirements between regions. 3.8 Dust (GM9635P). All fibrous materials must have less than 1% dust when tested to GM9635P.4 ValidationNot applicable.5 Provisions for ShippingNot applicable.6 Notes6.1 Glossary. Not applicable.6.2 Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols. Not applicable.7 Additional Paragraphs7.1 All materials supplied to this specification must comply with the requirements of GMW3001, Rules and Regulations for Materials Specifications. 7.2 All materials supplied to this specification must comply with the requirements of GMW3059, Restricted and Reportable Substances for Parts.8 Coding SystemThis specification shall be referenced in other documents, drawings, VTS, CTS, etc. as follows: GMW14194 Type X Where:X indicates type of fiber used as referenced in section Release and Revisions9.1 Release. This general specification originatedin June 2005, replacing TM227400, TM373700, TM153600, TM223800, GM2226M, GM2227M, GM2213M, GM2722M, GMN10034. It was first approved by the Global Acoustics Team in February 2006. It was first published in February 2006.。
ALERT SERVICE BULLETIN 412-09-3923 November 2009Revision A, 16 July 2018 MODEL AFFECTED: 412CFSUBJECT: MAIN ROTOR BLADE EXPANDABLE BOLT P/N412-010-137-103HELICOPTERS AFFECTED: Model 412CF helicopters serial number 46400through 46499.COMPLIANCE:Part A: If not previously accomplished at the originalrelease of this bulletin, within 100 flight hours or 90days whichever occurs first after the release of thisbulletin revision A.Part B: If a detailed inspection has not beenaccomplished within the last 300 flight hours / 6months, within 100 flight hours or 90 days whicheveroccurs first after the release of this bulletin revision Aand, every 300 flight hours or 6 months thereafter,whichever occurs first.Part C: Within 25 flight hours after accomplishment ofPart A and/or B and every time the expandable bolt isremoved and installed. Refer to accomplishmentInstructions in the Bulletin for additional information. DESCRIPTION:Bell Helicopter has recently investigated an in-flight fracture of the Expandable Blade Bolt P/N 412-010-137-103. Investigation has revealed that the fracture originated from fretting damage of the Expandable Bolt core pin. Low handle tension, improper handling, unapproved disassembly and reassembly of the expandable bolt were contributing factors resulting in fretting damage of the core pin and broken ring segments.The loss of dry film lube from the fretting damage consequently results in corrosion of the expandable ring segments and the core pin.This three-part bulletin revision addresses a discrepancy with the inspection interval in the Maintenance Manual and introduces changes to Special Inspections 5-15A and 5-22A. When the intent of the original release of this bulletin was incorporated into Chapter 5 of the Maintenance Manual, the expandable bolt detailed inspection schedule was changed from 300 flight hours / 6 months to 600 hours / 12 months.Based on recent data, the inspection interval of the maintenance manual will be changed to align with the requirements of revision A of this bulletin (Every 300 flight hours or 6 months).Part A of this bulletin mandates a one-time inspection of the spacer. Only the one-piece spacer is approved for use on the subject expandable bolt.Part B of this bulletin mandates a detailed inspection of the expandable bolt.Part C of this bulletin changes the requirement for bolt handle force check from 25 hours after bolt installation to within 25 flight hours after bolt installation.Applicability of this bulletin to any spare part shall be determined prior to its installation on an affected helicopter.APPROVAL:The engineering design aspects of this bulletin are FAA approved for FAA certified helicopters as listed in the applicable Type Certificate Data Sheet. For non FAA certified helicopters, the engineering design aspects of this bulletin are Bell Helicopter Engineering approved.CONTACT INFO:For any questions regarding this bulletin, please contact:Bell Helicopter Product Support Engineering - Medium HelicoptersTel:450-437-6201/1-800-363-8028/************************ MANPOWER:PART A: Approximately 1.0 hourPART B: Approximately 4.0 man-hours are required to complete this bulletin. This estimate is based on hands-on time and may vary with personnel and facilities available. PART C: Approximately 1.0 hourWARRANTY:There is no warranty credit applicable for parts or labor associated with this bulletin. MATERIAL:Required Material:The following material is required for the accomplishment of this bulletin and may be obtained through your Bell Helicopter Textron Supply Center.Part Number Nomenclature Qty (Note)412-010-137-103 Bolt Assembly, Expandable (If Required) Consumable Material:The following material is required to accomplish this bulletin, but may not require ordering, depending on the operator’s consumable material stock levels. This material may be obtained through your Bell Helicopter Textron Supply Center.Part Number Nomenclature Qty (Note) Reference *THIXOGREASE TT-N-95, TY IITT-1735 Isopropyl TIO-LUBE 70 Grease, High PressureAliphatic NaphthaAlcoholDry Film LubricantAs RequiredAs RequiredAs RequiredAs RequiredC-561C-305C-385C-021* C-XXX numbers refer to the consumables list in the BHT-ALL-SPM, Standard Practices Manual SPECIAL TOOLS:Expandable Blade Bolt Segment Removal/Installation Work AidOperators may, at their discretion manufacture an Expandable Blade Bolt Segment Removal/Installation work aid as shown in Figure 4 of this bulletin.Tool Length: 12.0 inches (304.8 mm)Tool Diameter: 0.625 inch (6.35 mm)Thread Size: .4375-20 UNJF-3B. Thread per MIL-S-88791 inch (25.4 mm) min. full thread depthWEIGHT AND BALANCE:Not Affected.ELECTRICAL LOAD DATA:Not affected.REFERENCES:C-12-146-000/MY-001 Illustrated Parts BreakdownC-12-146-000/MM-001 Maintenance ManualC-12-146-000/MP-001 Component Repair and Overhaul ManualC-12-146-000/MS-002 Standard Practices ManualPUBLICATIONS AFFECTED:C-12-146-000/MF-001 Maintenance ManualACCOMPLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS:PART A. Spacer inspection.1. Gain access to the Expandable Blade Bolt (1) and remove from the M/R Hub.(Figure 1).2. A one-time inspection of the spacer (Figure 2) in the center of the expandable ring segments. The two-piece spacer configuration is unapproved; therefore, the discrepant bolt must be removed from service and returned through the (CPR) Process (Information Letter GEN-04-98).PART B. Expandable bolt detailed inspection.1. Gain access to the Expandable Bolt (1) and remove from M/R Hub.2. Clean the expandable bolt with a cloth dampened with aliphatic naphtha (C-305) orisopropyl alcohol (C-385) and wipe dry with a clean rag.3. Prior to disassembly of the bolt, ensure the nut (4) is facing up (Figure 1).4. With the expandable blade bolt handle (2) in the open (as removed) position, removenut (4) from the core pin (6).5. Attach the expandable blade bolt segment removal/installation tool work aid (5) tothe threaded end of the core pin (6) until firmly seated (finger-tight only).6. Hold or secure the handle (2) and, while holding the segments (3), invert expandablebolt assembly to allow the segments (3) to slide freely from the core pin (6) to the bolt segment removal/installation work aid (5).7. Using naphtha (C-305) or alcohol (C-385), clean the segments (3) and the core pin(6) without removing them from the bolt segment removal/installation work aid (5).Separate the segments (3) to remove all dirt and debris.8. Thoroughly dry the segments (3) and the core pin (6) with clean compressed air.Visually inspect the segments (3) and the expandable blade bolt (1) for cracks, fretting, corrosion, or mechanical damage (Figure 3).Repairable damage of the expandable blade bolt is limited toblending / polishing with an abrasive cloth or paper 240 gritfollowed by 320 and 400 grit abrasive cloth or paper (C-423).Apply dry film lube (C-021) to repaired areas and areas ofburnished or missing dry film lube.Any core pin (6) missing dry film lube from more than 50% ofits surface area is not repairable.Any bolts with damage beyond the limits of Figure 3 must beremoved from service.9. Apply a thin continuous layer of Thixogrease (C-561) to the core pin (6) and thesegments (3) both internally and externally on all surfaces.10. To begin reassembly, hold the end of the bolt segment removal/installation work aid(5) and handle (2). Invert the expandable bolt assembly to allow segments (3) toslide freely from the bolt segment installation/removal work aid (5) back onto the core pin (6). Ensure the segments seat correctly against each other.11. Remove the expandable bolt segment removal/installation work aid (5) and installnut (4) on the core pin (6).12. Install and adjust expandable blade bolt as per C-12-146-000/MM-001, Chapter 62.13. Annotate records to indicate that the intent of Part B of this bulletin has been carriedout.PART C. Expandable bolt handle force check.1. Verify expandable blade bolt handle (2) force at initial installation and again within 25flight hours after installation as follows:A. Remove safety lock pin from lower end of expandable bolt (1).B. Raise bolt handle (2) to reduce the diameter of the bolt ring segments.C. Push down on bolt handle (2). Verify that force required to push handle down isbetween 50 and 75 pounds (222 to 334 N). If the handle tension is between the allowable 50 – 75 pounds, no further action required until the next expandable bolt removal.If adjustment is required, carry out an additional handle forcecheck within 25 flight hours. Notify Bell Helicopter ProductSupport immediately if the handle force of an individual bolt isout of allowable limits between 50 and 75 pounds (222 to 334N) in two consecutive inspections.D. Annotate records to indicate the intent of Part C of this bulletin has been carried out.Figure 1 – Main Rotor Blade Bolt AssemblyFigure 2 - Expandable Bolt Spacer ConfigurationFigure 3 - Main Expandable Blade Bolt – Damage LimitsFigure 4 - Expandable Blade Segment - Removal / Installation Work Aid。
1.1 可见光云图在可见光波段测地面和云对太阳光的反射形成的图像产品,特点:成像迅速、时空分辨率高,直观形成水平分布连续。
1.2 水汽云图吸收谱段接收大气中水汽发射的辐射,水汽一面接收来自下面的辐射,又以自身较低的温度发射红外辐射,并以图像表示得到水汽图,在水汽图上,色调越白,辐射越小,水汽越多。
1.3 红外云图10.5~12.5um波段测量地表和云面发射的红外辐射,以图像来表示红外云图,是一幅亮度温度分布图,可用于推算地表面的温度。
1.4 彩色云图彩色云图是白天时刻将三个太阳反射率波段值进行RGB叠加的一种合成图,在晚上时刻用两个红外通道进行叠加得到彩色云图。
2. 天气产品降水估计产品和对流初生(强度)产品。
2.2 对流初生(强度)利用多通道扫描成像仪多个通道,采用多光谱判识技术。
FrSky R9 MM-OTA 接收机说明书
Status Register Register successfully
Bind Work Normally
Non-LBT Version Telemetry 4/16CH
Smart Port (S. Port) is a signal wire full duplex digital transmission interface developed by FrSky Electronic Co., Ltd. All products enabled with Smart Port (including XJT module, XSR,X6R and X8R receiver, new hub-less sensors, new Smart Dashboard, etc), serial port user data and other user input/output devices can be connected without limitations for numbers or sequences at a high transmission speed.
How to Set Failsafe mode (on the transmitter)
There are 3 failsafe modes: No Pulse, Hold, Custom • No Pulse: on loss of signal the receiver produces no pulses on any channel. To use this type, select it in the menu and wait 9 seconds for the failsafe to take effect. • Hold: the model will maintain the last position after the signal is lost. To use this type, select it in the menu and wait 9 seconds for the failsafe to take effect. • Custom: the customized position of each individual channel. The model will move to the pre-set position after the signal is lost. Move the cursor to [Failsafe ][Custom][Set] and press ENTER, you will see FAILSAFE SETTING screen below. Move the cursor to the channel you want to set failsafe on, and press ENTER. When moving the crresponding sticks or switches, you will see the channel bar moving. Move the channel bar to the place you want for failsafe and long press ENTER to finish the setting. Wait 9 seconds before the failsafe takes effect.
1Features•Loop Start Trunk Interface •600Ω•2-4 Wire Conversion•Line state Detection Outputs:•Forward Loop •Reverse Loop •Ringing Voltage •Switch Hook•One Relay Driver •On-Hook Reception •Small footprint area•Meets FCC Part 68 Leakage Current RequirementsApplicationsInterface to Central Office for:•PABX•Key Telephone Systems •Channel Bank •VoiceMail•Terminal Equipment•Digital Loop Carrier •Optical MultiplexerDescriptionThe Zarlink MH88634CV-K Central Office Interface Circuit trunk provides a complete analog and signalling link between audio switching equipment and a telephone line.The device is fabricated as a thick film hybrid incorporating various technologies for optimum circuit design and very high reliability.The component design has been changed to improve the general performance of the part. It is also now capable of operating at a 24V battery and on hook reception.The main difference between the MH88634BV-2 and MH88634CV-K is that SHK is active high on the CV-K.September 2003Ordering InformationMH88634CV-K 21 Pin SIL Package0°C to 70°CMH88634CV-KCentral Office Interface CircuitData SheetFigure 1 - Functional Block DiagramStatus DetectionReceive GainTransmit Gain2 - 4 Wire HybridDummy RingerLine TerminationLoop Relay DriverImpedance MatchingNetwork BalanceXLA XLB XLC XLDLRC LRDVRLYRING TIPRV VCCRXTXVEEAGNDFL RL SHKFigure 2 - Pin ConnectionsPin DescriptionPin #Name Description1TIP Tip Lead. Connects to the "Tip" lead of a Telephone Line.2RING Ring Lead. Connects to the "Ring" lead of a Telephone Line.3XLA Loop Relay Contact A. Connects to XLB through the Loop relay (K1) contacts when the relay is activated.4XLD Loop Relay Contact D. Connects to XLC through the loop relay (K1) contacts, when the relay is activated.5XLB Loop Relay Contact B. Connects to XLA through the loop relay (K1) contacts, when the relay is activated.6XLC Loop Relay Contact C. Connects to XLD through the loop relay (K1) contacts, when the relay is activated.7-9IC Internal Connection. No connection should be made to this pin.10SHK Switch Hook (Output). A logic 0 indicates the presence of forward or reverse battery voltage when LRC is logic 0 and the presence of forward or reverse loop current when LRC is logic 1.11RX Receive (Input). 4-Wire ground (AGND) referenced analog input.12VEE Negative Supply Voltage. -5V DC13TX Transmit (Output). 4-Wire ground (AGND) referenced analog output.14RV Ringing Voltage Detect (Output). A logic low indicates that ringing voltage is across the Tip and Ring leads.15FLForward Loop Detect (Output). In the on-hook state, a logic 0 output indicates that forward loop battery is present. In the off-hook state, a logic 0 indicates that forward loop current is present.1234567891011121314151617181920TIP RING XLA XLB XLC IC IC IC RX VEE TX RV FL RL VCC AGND LRC VRLY LRD21XLD SHKPin Description (continued)Pin #Name Description16RL Reverse Loop Detect (Output). In the on-hook state, a logic 0 output indicates that reverse loop battery is present. In the off-hook state, a logic 0 output indicates that reverse loopcurrent is present.17VCC Positive Supply Voltage. +5V DC18AGND Analog Ground. 4-wire ground (AGND). Normally connected to system ground.19LRC Loop Relay Control (Input). A logic 1 activates the Loop Relay Driver output (LRD).20VRLY Relay Positive Supply Voltage. Typically +5V. Connects to the relay supply voltage.21LRD Loop Relay Drive (Output). Connects to the Loop Relay Coil. When LRC is at a logic 1 an open collector output at LRD sinks current and energizes the relay.Functional DescriptionThe MH88634CV-K is a Central Office Interface Circuit (COIC). It is used to correctly terminate a Central Office 2-wire telephone line. The device provides a signalling link and a 2-4 Wire line interface between the Telephone Line and subscriber equipment. The subscriber equipment can include Private Branch Exchanges (PBXs), Key Telephone Systems, Terminal Equipment, Digital Loop Carriers and Wireless Local Loops.All descriptions assume that the device is connected as in the application circuit shown in Figure 3.Isolation BarrierThe MH88634CV-K provides an isolation barrier which is designed to meet FCC Part 68 (November 1987) Leakage Current Requirements.External Protection CircuitAn external Protection Circuit Device assists in preventing damage to the device and the subscriber’s equipment, due to over-voltage conditions. The type of protection required is dependant upon the application and regulatory standards. Further details should be obtained from the specific country’s regulatory body. Typically you will need lightening protection supplied by resettable fuses or PTC TM and mains crossover protection via a foldover diode. Suitable MarketsThe MH88634CV-K has fixed 600Ω line and network balance impedance for use in North America and Asia.Line TerminationWhen LRC is at a logic 1, LRD will sink current which energizes the Loop Relay (K1), connecting XLA to XLB and XLC to XLD. This places a line termination across Tip and Ring. The device can be considered to be in an off-hook state and DC loop current will flow. The line termination consists of a DC resistance and an AC impedance. When LRC is at a logic 0, the line termination is removed from across Tip and Ring.An internal Dummy Ringer is permanently connected across Tip and Ring which is a series AC load of (17kΩ+330nF). This represents a mechanical telephone ringer and allows ringing voltages to be sensed. This load can be considered negligible when the line has been terminated.Depending on the Network Protocol being used the Line Termination can terminate an incoming call, seize the line for an outgoing call, or if applied and disconnected at the correct rate can be used to generate dial pulse signals.The DC line termination circuitry provides the line with an active DC load termination which is equivalent to a DC resistance of 280Ω at 20mA.Ringing Equivalent NumberThe Ringing Equivalent Number (REN) is application specific. See the governing regulatory body specification for details.Input ImpedanceThe input impedance (Zin) is the AC impedance that the MH88634CV-K places across Tip and Ring to terminate the Telephone line. This is fixed at 600Ω.Network Balance ImpedanceThe MH88634CV-K Network Balance Impedance is fixed at 600Ω.2-4 Wire ConversionThe device converts the balanced 2-Wire input, presented by the line at Tip and Ring, to a ground referenced signal at TX. This circuit operates with or without loop current; signal reception with no loop current is required for on-hook reception enabling the detection of Caller Line Identification (CLI) signals.Conversely, the device converts the ground referenced signal input at RX, to a balanced 2-Wire signal across Tip and Ring.The 4-Wire side (TX and RX) can be interfaced to a filter/codec, such as the Zarlink MT896X, for use in digital voice switched systems.During full duplex transmission, the signal at Tip and Ring consists of both the signal from the device to the line and the signal from the line to the device. The signal input at RX, being sent to the line, must not appear at the output TX. In order to prevent this, the device has an internal cancellation circuit. The measure of attenuation is Transhybrid Loss (THL).Transmit and Receive GainThe Transmit Gain of the device is the gain from the balanced signal across Tip and Ring to the ground referenced signal at TX. It is set at 0dB.The Receive Gain of the device is the gain from the ground referenced signal at RX to the balanced signal across Tip and Ring. It is set at -2dB.Supervision FeaturesLine Status Detection OutputsThe MH88634CV-K supervisory circuitry provides the signalling status outputs which are monitored by the system controller. The supervisory circuitry is capable of detecting: Ringing Voltage; Forward and Reverse loop battery; Forward and Reverse loop current; and Switch Hook.Ringing Voltage Detect Output (RV)The RV output provides a logic 0 when ringing voltage is detected across Tip and Ring. This detector includes a filter which ensures that the output toggles at the ringing cadence and not at the ringing frequency. Typically thisoutput switches to a logic 0 after 50ms of applied ringing voltage and remains at a logic 0 for 50ms after ringing voltage is removed.RV shall not toggle during ringing.Forward Loop and Reverse Loop Detect Outputs (FL & RL)The FL output provides a logic 0 when either forward loop battery or forward loop current is detected, that is the Ring pin voltage is more negative than the Tip pin voltage.The RL output provides a logic 0 when either reverse loop battery or reverse loop current is detected, that is the Tip pin voltage is more negative than the Ring pin voltage.Switch Hook (SHK)The SHK output is active if either forward loop or reverse loop current is detected, or if forward or reverse battery voltage is detected.Control InputThe MH88634CV-K accepts a control signal from the system controller at the Loop Relay Control input (LRC). This energizes the relay drive output Loop Relay Drive (LRD). The output is active low and has an internal clamp diode to VRLY.The intended use of this relay driver is to add and remove the Line Termination from across Tip and Ring, as shown in Figure 3.If this Control input and the Supervisory Features are used as indicated in Figure 3, Loop-Start Signalling can be implemented.Mechanical DataSee Figure 9 for details of the mechanical specification.Figure 3 - Typical LS Application Circuit*Exceeding these values may cause permanent damage. Functional operation under these conditions is not implied.‡Typical figures are at 25°C with nominal 5V supplies and are for design aid only.Absolute Maximum Ratings*ParametersSym Min Max Units Comments1DC Supply Voltages V CC V EE -0.30.37-7V V 2DC Ring Relay Voltage V RLY-0.318V 3Storage Temperature T S-55+125°C 4Ring Trip CurrentI TRIP180mArms250ms 10% duty cycle or 500ms single shotRecommended Operating ConditionsParametersSym Min Typ ‡Max Units 1DC Supply Voltages V CC V EE 4.75-4.75 5.0-5.0 5.25-5.25V V 2DC Ring Relay Voltage V RLY 5.015V 3Operating TemperatureT OP2570°CMH88634Analog OutAnalog InRinging Detect Forward Loop Reverse Loop Switch Hook-5V+5VK1Protection CircuitTipRingLoop Relay ControlTIPRINGLRDVRLY LRC XLAXLB XLC XLDVCCAGND VEE SHKRL FL RV RXTXK1NOTES:1) K1 Electro Mechanical 2 Form AK1C1C22) C1 and C2 are decoupling capacitors531516610418121419212201113171+5V†Electrical Characteristics are over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise stated.‡Typical figures are at 25°C with nominal ±5V supplies and are for design aid only.†Electrical Characteristics are over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise stated.‡Typical figures are at 25°C with nominal ±5V supplies and are for design aid only.Note 1: Maximum figure of 282Ω at 0°CCharacteristicsSym Min Typ ‡Max Units Test Conditions1Supply CurrentI CC I EE52.51313mA mA 2Power ConsumptionPC 37.5137mW V BAT not connected 3FL RL SHK RV Low Level Output Voltage High Level Output VoltageV OL V OH2.40.5V VI OL = 4mA I OH = 0.4mA4LRDSink Current, Relay to V CC Clamp Diode CurrentI OLI CD 100150mA mA V OL = 0.5V notcontinuous, LRC=5V5LRC Low Level Input VoltageHigh Level Input VoltageV IL V IH 3.200.8V V 6LRC High Level Input Current Low Level Input CurrentI IH I IL4040µA µAV IH = 5.0VLoop Electrical Characteristics †CharacteristicsSym Min Typ ‡Max Units Test Conditions 1Ringing VoltageVR4090150V rms 17 to 68Hz 2Operating Loop Current 1685mA 3Off-Hook DC Resistance270280Ω@ 20mA Note 14Leakage Current (Tip-Ring to AGND)7mArms @ 1000VAC 5SHK & FL ThresholdTip-Ring (On-hook) Tip-Ring Current (Off-Hook)1210.52115Vdc mA LRC = 0V LRC = 5V 6SHK & RL ThresholdTip-Ring (On-Hook) Tip-Ring Current (Off-Hook)1210.521-15Vdc mALRC = 0V LRC = 5V†Electrical Characteristics are over recommended operating conditions unless otherwise stated.‡Typical figures are at 25°C with nominal ±5V supplies and are for design aid only.CharacteristicsSymbol MinTyp ‡MaxUnits Test Conditions 12-wire Input Impedance Zin 600Ω-2 Variant 2Return Loss at 2-wire RL2029dB Test Circuit as Fig 6200-3400 Hz3Longitudinal to Metallic Balance585553606058dB dB dB Test Circuit as Fig 7200Hz 1000Hz 3400Hz 4Transhybrid LossTHL2027dB 200-3400Hz5Gain, 2 wire to TXRelative Gain -0.25-0.3000.250.3dB dB Test Circuit as Fig 41000Hz 200-3400Hz6Gain, Rx to 2 wireRelative Gain -2.25-0.3-20-1.750.3dB dB Test Circuit as Fig 51000Hz 200-3400Hz7Input impedance at RX 10k Ω8Output impedance at TX 5Ω9Signal Overload Levelat 2-wire at TX 4.01.7dBm dBm% THD < 5% @ 20mA10Total Harmonic Distortionat 2-wire at TXTHD1.01.0%%Input 0.5V, 1kHz @ RXInput 0.5V, 1kHz @ Tip-Ring11Idle Channel Noiseat 2-Wire at TX NC15 1516.516.5dBrnC dBrnC 12Power Supply Rejection Ratio at 2-wire and TXV CC V EE PSRR25254847dB dB Ripple 0.1V, 1kHz13On-Hook Gain, 2-Wire to TX Relative to Off-Hook Gain -11dBInput 1000Hz @ 0.5V 14Met. to Long. Balance -2 Variant -4 Variant6040554062486248Test Circuit as Fig. 8200-1000Hz 1000-3400Hz 200-1000Hz 1000-3400Hz15Common Mode Rejection RatioCMRR4855dBTest Circuit as Fig. 71000Hz, FL = 0V,I Loop = 25mAFigure 4 - 2-4 Wire Gain Test CircuitFigure 5 - 4-2 Wire Gain Test Circuit~100uFRINGTIPXLA XLB XLC XLDVs = 0.5V 600ΩAGNDVCCVEERXTX 100uF+5V-5VI = 25mA10H 300Ω10H 300Ω++Gain = 20 * Log (Vtx/Vs)-VV txV~Vs = 0.5VZ = 600ΩGain = 20 * Log (Vz/Vs)100uF-VRINGTIPXLA XLB XLC XLDAGNDVCCVEERXTX 100uF+5V -5VI = 25mA10H 300Ω10H 300Ω++VZFigure 6 - Return Loss Test CircuitFigure 7 - Longitudinal to Metallic Balance and CMRR Test Circuit600Ω368ΩV1Return Loss = 20 * Log (V1\Vs)~100uF-VRINGTIPXLA XLB XLC XLDVs = 0.5VAGNDVCCVEERXTX 100uF+5V -5VI = 25mA10H 300Ω10H 300Ω++368Ω368ΩV1Long to Met Bal. = 20 * Log (V1\Vs)~100uF-VRINGTIPXLA XLB XLC XLDVs = 0.5VAGNDVCCVEERXTX 100uF+5V -5VI = 25mA10H 300Ω10H 300Ω++368ΩCMRR = 20 * Log (Vtx\Vs) - ( 2-4W Gain)VEX VV txFigure 8 - Metallic to Longitudinal Balance Test CircuitFigure 9 - Mechanical Data368ΩV1Met to Long Bal. = 20 * Log (V1\Vs)~100uF-VRINGTIPXLA XLB XLC XLDVs = 0.5VAGNDVCCVEERXTX 100uF+5V -5VI = 25mA10H 300Ω10H 300Ω++368Ω510ΩFigure 10 - MH88634CV-KT-2 Mechanical InformationInformation relating to products and services furnished herein by Zarlink Semiconductor Inc. or its subsidiaries (collectively “Zarlink”) is believed to be reliable.However, Zarlink assumes no liability for errors that may appear in this publication, or for liability otherwise arising from the application or use of any such information, product or service or for any infringement of patents or other intellectual property rights owned by third parties which may result from such application or use. Neither the supply of such information or purchase of product or service conveys any license, either express or implied, under patents or other intellectual property rights owned by Zarlink or licensed from third parties by Zarlink, whatsoever. Purchasers of products are also hereby notified that the use of product in certain ways or in combination with Zarlink, or non-Zarlink furnished goods or services may infringe patents or other intellectual property rights owned by Zarlink.This publication is issued to provide information only and (unless agreed by Zarlink in writing) may not be used, applied or reproduced for any purpose nor form part of any order or contract nor to be regarded as a representation relating to the products or services concerned. The products, their specifications, services and other information appearing in this publication are subject to change by Zarlink without notice. No warranty or guarantee express or implied is made regarding the capability, performance or suitability of any product or service. Information concerning possible methods of use is provided as a guide only and does not constitute any guarantee that such methods of use will be satisfactory in a specific piece of equipment. It is the user’s responsibility to fully determine the performance and suitability of any equipment using such information and to ensure that any publication or data used is up to date and has not been superseded. Manufacturing does not necessarily include testing of all functions or parameters. These products are not suitable for use in any medical products whose failure to perform may result in significant injury or death to the user. All products and materials are sold and services provided subject to Zarlink’s conditions of sale which are available on request.Purchase of Zarlink’s I 2C components conveys a licence under the Philips I 2C Patent rights to use these components in and I 2C System, provided that the system conforms to the I 2C Standard Specification as defined by Philips.Zarlink, ZL and the Zarlink Semiconductor logo are trademarks of Zarlink Semiconductor Inc.Copyright Zarlink Semiconductor Inc. All Rights Reserved.TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION - NOT FOR RESALEFor more information about all Zarlink productsvisit our Web Site at元器件交易网。
SM7700H SERIESn CMOS COMPATIBLE WITH TRI−STATE OUTPUTn SURFACE MOUNT OSCILLATORS IN CERAMIC PACKAGE (7x5x1.9 mm) STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS:Frequency Range 1.500 MHz – 69.999 MHz(Consult factory for specific available frequencies)Frequency Stability over Operating Temperature Range ± 50 PPM is standard, but ± 25 PPM is also available for certain frequencies.Operating Temperature Range 0 - 70°C is standard, but can be extended to −40 to +85°C forcertain frequencies1.500 MHz – 30.000 MHz 30.001 MHz – 69.999 MHzSM7700HY SM7700HY SM7700HVOperable Supply Voltage (Vcc)5 Volt ± 10% or 3.3 Volt ± 10% 5 Volt ± 10% only 3.3 Volt ± 10% onlySymmetry (Duty Cycle) (See next page for definition.) 40/60 - 60/40% is standard, but 45/55% symmetry at 50% of Vcc is also available.Input Current (Icc) & Rise & Fall Time(Tr & Tf) & JitterDepends on frequency and output load. See next page. Logic “1” & Logic “0” (See next page) 90% of Vcc MIN.; 10% of Vcc MAX.Output Load 15 pF is standard. Contact factory for heavier loads.Tri-state Output Normal output when pin #1 is open (no connection); Normal output when pin #1 is at logic “1”;High-Impedance Output when pin #1 is at logic “0”.Packaging (see page R1, Figure 4) 16 mm tape, 178 mm, 254 mm or 330 mm reel: 1000 parts per reel. For quantities <250: 100 parts per trayPART NUMBERING GUIDE:n The Pletronics part number for an SM7700H series oscillator consists of the following 3 elements:1. Overall Frequency Stability over Operating Temperature Range:SM7745H: ± 50 PPM;SM7744H: ± 25 PPM2. Optional Alphabet Designator for Special Requirement:SM7745HY: standard specifications;SM7745HE: operating temperature range of -40 to +85°C;SM7745HS: 45/55% symmetry at 50% of Vcc (CMOS);SM7745HV: operates at Vcc = 3.3V (only needed for over 30.000MHz)(There are other alphabet designators not listed here.)3. Frequency of Operation in MHzEXAMPLES: SM7745HV-50.000 MHz; SM7745HE-10.000 MHz; SM7744HY-50.000 MHzn When customer’s requirements are non-standard, a special engineering part number will be assigned.(continued)Telephone: (425) 776-1880, Fax: (425) 776-2760, e-mail: ple-sales@ O9ASM7700H SERIESInput Current (Icc), Rise and Fall time with 15pF Load & JitterIcc (mA) Tr & Tf (nS) Period Jitter RMS Values (pS: 1 x 10-12 Sec)Frequency Range(MHz)Typical Maximum Typical Maximum Typical Maximum1.500 – 10.999 5.0 10.0 4.0 5.0 75.0 100.011.000 – 23.999 10.0 15.0 4.0 5.0 50.0 75.024.000 – 29.999 15.0 20.0 3.0 4.0 50.0 75.030.000 – 45.999 20.0 25.0 3.0 4.0 25.0 40.046.000 – 69.999 37.0 45.0 3.5 4.5 15.0 25.0Waveform Recommended Test Circuit with CMOS Load* CL (Capacitive Load): Includes the input capacitance** 0.01µF external by-pass filter is recommended.Package Outline (NOT TO SCALE):INCHES (MILLIMETERS)January 2000O9B Pletronics Inc., 19013 36th Ave. W., Suite H, Lynnwood, WA 98036-5761 USA。
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Skyworks Solutions, Inc. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@ • 201001B • Skyworks Proprietary and Confidential information. • Products and product information are subject to change without notice. • February 13, 20091PRODUCT SUMMARYSKY77449 Power Amplifier Module for LTE / EUTRANBands XIII / XIV (777–798 MHz)APPLICATIONS• Long-Term Evolution (LTE)• Evolved UniversalTerrestrial Radio AccessNetworks (EUTRAN)• Handsets and Data Cards Features • QPSK, 16QAM modulations • Up to 20 MHz bandwidths • Up to 100 resource blocks • Linear power @ 3.4 V - LTE: 27.5 dBm • WCDMA: 28.5 dBm • Low voltage positive biassupply- 3.0 V to 4.6 V• Supports low collectorvoltage operation down to1.5 V• Excellent linearity,efficiency• Large dynamic range• Low profile 16-pad package- 4 mm x 4 mm x 0.85 mm• Analog bias current controlin low power mode usingVBA pad• InGaP BiFET Technology• Skyworks Green™Packaging TechnologyThe SKY77449 Power Amplifier Module (PAM) is a fully matched, surface mount module developed for LTE / EUTRAN applications. This small and efficient module packs full coverage of Bands XIII / XIV LTE / EUTRAN / WCDMA into a single compact package. The SKY77449 meets the stringent spectral linearity requirements of LTE modulation with QPSK / 16QAM modulations from 1.4 to 20 MHz bandwidth and full or partial resource block allocations with high power added efficiency. Integration of the PAM simplifies the design of the 4G-compatible handset radios and data cards as all active RF circuitry including the PA, input, interstage and output matching circuits, and power detectorare optimized within the single module component. Output match is realized off-chip within themodule package to optimize efficiency and power performance into a 50 Ω load. The device ismanufactured with Skyworks’ BiFET process that provides for all positive voltage DC supply operationwhile maintaining high efficiency and good linearity. Primary bias to the SKY77449 is supplied via theVCC1 and VCC2 pads directly from a three-cell Ni-Cad, a single-cell Li-Ion, or other suitable batterywith output in the 3.0 to 4.6 volt range, while the bias network is powered via the VCCB pad. DC-DCconverter operation can be supported with low power operation down to 1.5 V. Power-down isaccomplished by setting a logic low level on the VEN pad. No external supply side switch is needed astypical “off” leakage is 100 microamperes with full primary voltage supplied from the battery. TheVMODE pad is used to switch between high and low power modes to reduce current consumption andgain in the back-off conditions. VBA is used to further control the current consumption in the lowpower mode.Figure 1. Functional Block DiagramOrdering InformationModel Number Manufacturing Part Number Product Revision Package Operating Temperature SKY77449 SKY77449 MCM 4 x 4 x 0.85 mm –20 °C to +85 °C©2008, 2009, Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (“Skyworks”) products or services. These materials, including the information contained herein, are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Skyworks may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. Skyworks makes no commitment to update the materials or information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from any future changes.No license, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any intellectual property rights by this document. Skyworks assumes no liability for any materials, products or information provided hereunder, including the sale, distribution, reproduction or use of Skyworks products, information or materials, except as may be provided in Skyworks Terms and Conditions of Sale.THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT; ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. SKYWORKS DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. SKYWORKS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, STATUTORY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Skyworks products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life-sustaining applications, or other equipment in which the failure of the Skyworks products could lead to personal injury, death, physical or environmental damage. Skyworks customers using or selling Skyworks products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Skyworks for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using Skyworks products, which may deviate from published specifications as a result of design defects, errors, or operation of products outside of published parameters or design specifications. Customers should include design and operating safeguards to minimize these and other risks. Skyworks assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, or damage to any equipment resulting from the use of Skyworks products outside of stated published specifications or parameters. Skyworks, the Skyworks symbol, “Breakthrough Simplicity,” DCR, Helios, HIP3, Innovation to Go, Intera, iPAC, LIPA, Polar Loop, and System Smart are trademarks or registered trademarks of Skyworks Solutions, Inc., in the United States and other countries. Third-party brands and names are for identification purposes only, and are the property of their respective owners. Additional information, including relevant terms and conditions, posted at , are incorporated by reference.。