Time Of Our Lifes 歌词




大大世界英文版歌词 篇一:Big_big_world-Emilia_大大世界_歌词 Big big world-Emilia 大大世界 I'm a big big girl 我是个重要的女孩,In a big big world !在这个大千世界 里。

It's not a big big thing if you leave me.即 使你离开我, 也没有什么大不了的 But I do do feel.但我真的真的感觉到.That I too too will miss you much. 我将会非常非常想念你! Miss you much ! 非常想念你! I can see the first leaf falling.我看见第一片落叶。

It's all yellow and nice.是那样金黄而美好。

It's so very cold outside.外面是那么的冷。

Like the way I'm feeling inside. 如同我内心的感受。

I'm a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩,In a big big world ! 在这个大千世界里 It's not a big big thing if you leave me.即使你离开我,也没有什么大不了的。

But I do do feel.但我真的真的感到。

That I too too will miss you much.我将会非常非常想念你 Miss you much ! 非常想念你 Outside it's now raining.现在外 面正在下雨。

And tears are falling from my eyes.而眼泪正从我眼中滑落。

Why did it have to happen ? 这 一切为何要发生?Why did it all have to end ? 这一切又为何要结束?I'm a big big girl ! 我是个重要的女孩! In a big big world ! 在这个大千世界里!It's not a big big thing if you leave me.即使你 离开我,也没有什么大不了的。

every moment of my life歌词翻译

every moment of my life歌词翻译

Sarah Connor - Every Moment Of My Life 莎拉·蔻娜——生命中的每一刻Everytime I leave to head out on the road 每次当我上路I wanna take you with me to save me from the cold 都想与你同去,让我风寒无惧No matter where I go wrong 无论做错何事You'll be there to turn it into right 你都及时出现,帮我搞定一切I will love you every moment of my life 我将爱你终生When I'm on an airplane, flyin' cross the sky 当我乘坐飞机,飞越九霄云外I know you're on a trainride, stations passin' by 你却挤上火车,经过每个小站No matter what the signs say 无论命运如何However in my mind you are by my side 你都在我心里,时刻形影不离I will love you every moment of my life 我将爱你终生Everyone misses something 思念无处不在And I know time changes everything 我知道时间能改变一切All the love that you have to give 包括你对我的一片深情You should give just as lost as you're holding that someone 但你在我身边,就要好好对我I'd travel cross the great lakes to get to where you are 我愿穿越万水千山,只为追随你的脚步And even if forever wouldn't be too far 即使永远没有多远,为你我也在所不惜So baby when you asked me 所以每当你恳求我To be the leading lady by your side 做你身边的女主角I promised to love you every moment of my life 我都许下承诺,我将爱你终生Everyone misses something 思念无处不在And I know time changes everything 我知道时间能改变一切All the love that you have to give 包括你对我的一片深情You should give just as lost as you're holding that someone 但你在我身边,就要好好对我Everytime I leave to head out on the road 每次当我上路I wanna take you with me to save me from the cold 都想与你同去,让我风寒无惧No matter where I go wrong 无论做错何事You'll be there to turn it into right 你都及时出现,帮我搞定一切I will love you every moment of my life 我将爱你终生When I'm on an airplane, flyin' cross the sky 当我乘坐飞机,飞越九霄云外I know you're on a trainride, stations passin' by 你却挤上火车,经过每个小站No matter what the signs say 无论命运如何However in my mind you are by my side 你都在我心里,时刻形影不离I will love you every moment of my life 我将爱你终生I will love you every moment of my life 我将爱你终生Love you every moment of my life……爱你终生……。



歌曲:蝴蝶花校园版歌手:水木年华专辑:一生有你作词:卢庚戌作曲:卢庚戌是否还记得童年阳光里那一朵蝴蝶花它在你头上美丽的盛开洋溢着天真无瑕慢慢地长大曾有的心情不知不觉变化痴守的初恋永恒的誓言经不起风吹雨打岁月的流逝蝴蝶已飞走是否还记着它如今的善变美丽的谎言谁都得学会长大早已经习惯一个人难过情爱纷乱复杂想忘记过去却总又想起曾经的无怨无悔谁能够保证心不变看得清沧海桑田别哭着别哭着对我说没有不老的红颜谁学会不轻意流泪笑谈着沧海桑田别叹息别叹息对我说没有不老的红颜完歌曲:月舞歌手:水木年华专辑:抱紧我吧,看焰火的灿烂直到繁花消失在水面最美的瞬间.爱走到终点再多语言,也来不及实现爱情原来是场幻觉梦幻里我一直流离失所幸福原来是场错觉他永远不属于我月亮月亮跳着舞,眼泪眼泪止不住月亮月亮跳着舞,眼泪眼泪止不住在焰火还,未熄灭之前就让火光,埋葬所有思念在花瓣还未坠落之前.就让雨水冲走所有欺骗爱情原来是场幻觉梦幻里我一直流离失所幸福原来是场错觉他永远不属于我月亮月亮跳着舞眼泪眼泪止不住月亮月亮跳着舞眼泪眼泪止不住月亮月亮跳着舞眼泪眼泪止不住月亮月亮跳着舞眼泪眼泪止不住歌曲:新年快乐歌手:水木年华我走过为安的地铁站有人拿着给他靠在墙边他用力唱着歌却低着头一直空前和默默在脚边新年快乐我的朋友新年快乐我的朋友你知道新的一年已到来这个世界已经变改从寒冷的天桥上走下有个女孩轻轻喊着买花我不知道为何买了一朵玫瑰却不知道该把它送给谁新年快乐我的爱人新年快乐我的爱人不知你什么时候会出现我现在感觉有点孤单走进人来人往的商场有个老人躲坐在一旁看着眼前五光十色的橱窗却没有一件属于他的衣裳新年快乐我的家人新年快乐我的家人我总是不在你们的身旁你们是否身体都无恙新年快乐我的家人新年快乐我的家人我总是不在你们的身旁你们是否身体都无恙歌曲:爱·春·秋歌手:水木年华专辑:我摘一朵带着露水的玫瑰花要送给我最爱的她在秋风吹起的晨雾里我就要去浪迹天涯我摘一朵带着露水的玫瑰花要送给我最爱的她在春雨飘落的暮蔼里她轻轻等待生活的回答再次见面我们都老了吧你会说人生是场梦吗在风雨变化的四季里你是我永远不愿醒的梦啊我摘一朵带着露水的玫瑰花要送给我最爱的她在秋风吹起的晨幕里我就要去浪迹天涯我摘一朵带着露水的玫瑰花要送给我最爱的她在春雨飘落的暮蔼里她轻轻等待生活的回答再次见面我们都老了吧你会说人生是场梦吗在风雨变化的四季里你是我永远不愿醒的梦啊歌曲:完美世界歌手:水木年华不知日落夜深多少个夏秋不知我一直飚奔跑了多久我冲出森林追一生的寻求远方那完美世界的爱和自由fly with mein the perfect worldgo with me just like a bird没什么能阻挡自由的天地这样沉默爱你不知有多久我愿付出我的生命和所有我要你不顾一切跟我走去向那完美世界的爱和自由fly with mein the perfect worldgo with me just like a bird没什么能阻挡我们在一起fly with mein the perfect worldgo with me just like a bird没什么能阻挡自由的天地fly with mein the perfect worldgo with me just like a bird没什么能阻挡我们在一起歌曲:轻舞飞扬古典版歌手:水木年华专辑:一生有你轻舞飞扬古典版我曾经深爱过一个姑娘她温柔的依为在我肩上那晚屋里撤满了月光我的心儿轻轻为她绽放轻轻飞舞吧轻轻飞舞吧青春随着歌声在飞扬我忍不住把快念对她讲我以为她会一直在我身旁我以为爱像永远那么长在一个月光淡淡的晚上她去了一个我不知道的地方轻轻飞舞吧轻轻飞舞吧忧伤随着歌声在飞扬我忍不住想把思念对她讲我是爱你的孩子渐渐成长直到脸上挤满了沧桑每当夜空撤满了月光我的心儿在灰色中飘荡轻轻飞舞吧轻轻飞舞吧生命随着歌声在飞扬你永远在我柔软的心房轻轻飞舞吧轻轻飞舞吧轻轻飞舞吧轻轻飞舞吧生命随着歌声在飞扬你永远在我柔软的心房轻轻飞舞吧轻轻飞舞吧歌曲:在他乡歌手:水木年华我多想回到家乡再回到她的身旁让她的温柔善良来抚慰我的心伤那年你踏上暮色他乡你以为那里有你的理想你看看周围陌生目光清晨醒来却没人在身旁那年你一人迷失他乡你想的未来还不见模样你看看那些冷漠目光不知道这条路还有多长人静的雨夜想起了她她的挽留还萦绕耳旁想起离别她带泪的脸庞你忍不住地哭出声响我多想回到家乡再回到她的身旁看她的温柔善良来抚慰我的心伤就让我回到家乡再回到她的身旁让她的温柔善良来抚慰我的心伤歌曲:秋日恋歌歌手:水木年华专辑:生命狂想曲那一年,为什么要来那一天,为什么要走爱在最美时,我们松开手睁开眼之间,伤口...这场梦,注定要发生也注定,要这样结束为了寻求永久,我们放开手之后发现已不能回头永远爱你啊,在我的生命里让我学会哭,却学不会忘记永远爱你啊,在我的生命里我想学会逃避,却逃不出孤寂那一年,为什么要来那一天,为什么要走爱在最美时,我们松开手睁开眼之间,伤口这场梦,注定要发生也注定,要这样结束为了寻求永久,我们放开手之后发现已不能回头永远爱你啊,在我的生命里你让我学会哭,却学不会忘记永远爱你啊,在我的生命里我想学会逃避,却逃不出孤寂那一年,为什么要来那一天,为什么要走....歌曲:burning till i die歌手:水木年华专辑:生命狂想曲那是一个持久的年岁他有着伟大飘渺的理想他爱上她用尽全部力气不顾一切的相爱那一刻他感到世界很美比灿烂的星空还要美他们一起看爱象焰火他发誓用生命来爱她shining in the nightburning in the skyshining all my lifeburning till i dieshining in the nightburning in the skyshining all my lifeburning till i dieuntil i die她教会他爱然后离开他一直在一个地方等待他相信一天她总会回来内心的燃烧一直没变改shining in the nightburning in the skyshining all my lifeburning till i dieshining in the nightburning in the skyshining all my lifeburning till i dieuntil i die歌曲:再见了最爱的人歌手:水木年华弥漫的烟雾中我看到你那张忧郁的脸你说出什么样的理由啊你与我告别是朋友啊是恋人啊还是心底最爱的人你松开手后转过身去让我忘了你带着青春的迷茫与冲动让我拥抱你寂静的夜里我们跳舞吧忘掉你所有伤悲吹起那忧伤的布鲁斯啊你是我最爱的人只是你不愿意相信爱情怕她有一天会老去再见了最爱的人啊最爱的人啊你是我所有快乐和悲伤的源泉啊再见了最爱的人啊最爱的人啊你是我静静离去的一扇门啊歌曲:嘿,不要叫醒我歌手:水木年华专辑:生命狂想曲嘿我看见夏日的夜空星星坠落在风中嘿我看见时间的花朵静静停在那一刻嘿你带着熟悉的气息我还是那样抱着你嘿你象往常一样的哭泣爱如此温暖而忧郁嘿不要叫醒我嘿不要叫醒我我怕看见爱老去嘿不要叫醒我嘿不要叫醒我就让我在回忆中死去嘿你带着熟悉的气息我还是那样抱着你嘿你象往常一样的哭泣爱如此温暖而忧郁嘿不要叫醒我嘿不要叫醒我我怕看见爱老去嘿不要叫醒我嘿不要叫醒我就让我在回忆中死去嘿……歌曲:琥珀歌手:水木年华专辑:生命狂想曲为你守侯一扇窗不管黄昏或黎明生命每一次跋涉付出每一份情为你守住一份缘放开风雨不在乎生命每一分等待换回每一寸心给你琥珀的心琥珀的情你是我一生的风景给你琥珀的泪琥珀的痛你是我千年不愿醒的梦我只想感谢上天让我与你相识一生不悔的执着只因这世间有你给你琥珀的心琥珀的情你是我一生的风景给你琥珀的泪琥珀的痛你使我千年不愿醒给你琥珀的心琥珀的情你是我一生的风景给你琥珀的泪琥珀的痛你是我千年不愿醒的梦歌曲:恋人岛歌手:水木年华专辑:生命狂想曲轻轻闭上眼睛吧我们寻找自由的家岛屿躺在蓝天下大海深处把我融化你不想和我永远吗抛弃现在的生活吧你不是渴望自由吗离开这绝望世界吧island for usfreelands for us飞鸟夕阳蔷薇开放island for usfreelands for us爱在呼吸随风荡漾轻轻闭上眼睛吧我们寻找自由的家岛屿躺在蓝天下大海深处把我融化island for usfreelands for us飞鸟夕阳蔷薇开放island for usfreelands for us爱在呼吸随风荡漾甜蜜那里依旧会到达哪里才是你永远的家island for usfreelands for us飞鸟夕阳蔷薇开放island for usfreelands for us爱在呼吸随风荡漾歌曲:生命之诗歌手:水木年华专辑:生命狂想曲碍…碍…有一种自由叫做孤独它在我一生静静飞舞有一种爱情叫做残酷它让我心痛无法停步有一种梦想叫做迷惘它在我不眠的夜里飞翔有一种永恒叫做悲伤它让我奔跑不悔路上有一种自由叫做孤独它在我一生中静静飞舞有一种爱情叫做残酷它让我心痛却无法停步有一种梦想叫做迷惘它在我不眠的夜里飞翔有一种永恒叫做悲伤它让我奔跑不悔路上歌曲:完美世界歌手:水木年华专辑:生命狂想曲不知日落月升多少个夏秋不知我已这样奔跑了多久我从出生就注定一生的寻求远方那完美世界的爱和自由fly with mein the perfect worldgo with me just like a bird没什么能阻拦自由的天地这样沉默爱你不知有多久我愿付出我的生命和所有我要你不顾一切跟我走去向那完美世界的爱和自由fly with mein the perfect worldgo with me just like a bird没什么能阻拦我们在一起fly with mein the perfect worldgo with me just like a bird没什么能阻拦自由的天地fly with mein the perfect worldgo with me just like a bird没什么能阻拦我们在一起fly with me歌曲:我们的一生歌手:水木年华专辑:生命狂想曲我们的一生只不过在寻找寻找一个地方从一个陌生到另一个陌生yeah yeah我们的一生只不过在寻找寻找一个梦为了一场别离不顾一切相遇yeah yeah我们的一生只不过在寻找寻找一个人用一转瞬爱上一辈子遗忘yeah yeah我们的一生只不过在寻找寻找一个人用一转瞬爱上一辈子遗忘yeah yeah歌曲:耶路撒冷的星空歌手:水木年华专辑:生命狂想曲慢慢落下的夜空有多美星光点点落在沉睡的街闪烁灯火是梦的眼睛看着星空的我就失散哲理一天爸爸妈妈不知去了哪里炮声过后我失去了所有再没有人来关心我看着星空的我流泪默默someday 我幻想它能改变i wish 一个没有仇恨的世界someday 我想醒来它会改变i wish 一个温暖的世界一天爸爸妈妈不知去了哪里炮声过后我失去了所有再没有人来关心我看着星空的我流泪默默someday 我幻想它能改变i wish 一个没有仇恨的世界someday 我想醒来它会改变i wish 一个温暖的世界someday 我幻想它能改变i wish 一个没有仇恨的世界someday 我想醒来它会改变i wish 一个温暖的世界歌曲:失恋日记歌手:水木年华词:卢庚戊缪杰曲:卢庚戊姚勇那天她说最好是分手我哀求她说不要走她挣开我拉着她的手说以后我们还是朋友那夜我漫无目的的走穿过大街小巷没有尽头眼泪开始不听话的流我用力用力低着我的头nananaa……谁能告诉我nananaa……爱算是什么nananaa……哪里才会有nananaa……完美的解答天都快亮了nananaa……街灯都灭了nananaa……现在的我啊nananaa……不想回家music那天你的话还没出口我只是对你点点头我说分开不需要理由今后我们还是朋友那夜找个角落喝点酒想着往事它不能回头最后一根烟烫着了手迷迷糊糊这样坐了一宿nananaa……请别告诉我nananaa……爱算是什么nananaa……就算你会有nananaa……完美的解答天都快亮了nananaa……街灯都灭了nananaa……现在的我啊nananaa……只想回家end歌曲:老屋歌手:水木年华专辑:一生有你搜索"老屋"mp3下载"老屋"铃声打印预览老屋亲爱的老屋不大的窗户阳光撒进来告诉我日落日出门外的小树是爱的礼物你挑了一天的花布来装饰我们的窗户我亲爱的老屋有你陪伴我的孤独那时生活有点艰苦爱是我们唯一的财富会停电的小屋常点起蜡烛听一听老歌时间就会停住会透风的小屋有快乐脚步偶尔我们会正常原谅我让你哭我亲爱的老屋有你陪伴我的孤独那时生活有点艰苦爱是我们唯一的财富亲爱的老屋还停在原处而你在哪里只留给我回忆的幸福无论你现在何处我都爱你一如当初无论你现在何处我都爱你一如当初无论你现在何处我都爱你一如当初无论你现在何处我都爱你一如当初啦~啦~啦...啦~啦~啦...啦~啦~啦...啦~啦~啦...完歌曲:平安大街歌手:水木年华专辑:一生有你打印预览在雨天的夜里你带着我去向哪里没有欲望的地方告别不安的自己为何我要飞离却又迷恋记忆为何我总寻找生命不可预知的美丽duladula......口白那一年夏天我没有找到合适的工作整日在这条街上游荡隔壁的房东是个不太爱说的老人每当落日时分他总是拿个藤椅静静坐在街边默默看着车来人往他们说老人从小在这条街上长大一生吃过很多苦却从未搬离这条街很多年前他的老伴死了唯一的儿子去了很远的地方从此他变得沉默起来夏天还没过去女友去了地球另一端她来信说那边天气不错我却听说大街要改造了这片房子要拆除了拆房之前在家人的劝说和帮助下我终于找到了一份有前途的工作搬走了再次来到平安大街时路已经修的差不多了那曾经住过的老房子不见了周围到处是断瓦残垣他们说拆房那天老人久久不肯离去如今他又在哪里呢我的眼睛有些模糊了在暮色里一时间不知道该往哪里去歌曲:快乐园歌手:水木年华专辑:一生有你搜索"快乐园"mp3LRC歌词打印预览快跟我离开这城市别让他们看见这里这里有温柔的风星星是快乐的眼泪日落我会为你歌唱点起篝火跳舞吧我们一起做着游戏累了你就躺在我怀里来呀快来呀快乐原来那么简单有人若是提起了金钱就把他把他赶出去来呀快来呀快乐原来那么简单请你不要不要问我怎样才能找到它完歌曲:四月物语歌手:水木年华专辑:一生有你搜索"四月物语"mp3LRC歌词打印预览四月物语细雨般正悄悄来临不知不觉你已占据我天空像那风中花儿摇呀摇昏眩的我沉醉在你的笑容里呜....呜....让我睡在春天的怀中呜....呜....这样做完我一生的梦愿你永远注视着我这样天真的孩子愿我永远守候着你呀四月里的微笑唱只歌谣给蓝蓝的天亲晚霞映照你红通通的脸身披着夕阳头顶星空寻找那朵最美的花儿献给你呜....呜....让我睡在春天的怀中呜....呜....这样做完我一生的梦愿你永远注视着我这样天真的孩子愿我永远守候着你呀四月里的微笑愿你永远注视着我这样天真的孩子愿我永远守护后你这四月里的微笑完歌曲:墓志铭歌手:水木年华专辑:一生有你搜索"墓志铭"mp3LRC歌词打印预览墓志铭我有两次生命一次是出生我有两次生命一次是遇见你我爱这世界因为我爱你我爱这世界因为你爱我我有两次生命一次是出生我有两次生命一次是遇见你我爱这世界因为我爱你我爱这世界因为你爱我歌曲:今天我们要走了歌手:水木年华专辑:一生有你搜索"今天我们要走了"mp3打印预览今天我们要走了走向不同的天涯就象飘落的叶子我们会到达我们的理想在那里吗它们会实现吗我们的爱情在那里吗它们在等待吗你不要忘了我啊一起欢笑流泪的日子那些做梦的夜晚我会想着她我们的理想在那里吗它们会实现吗我们的爱情在那里吗它们在等待吗今天我们要走了让我为你们祈祷吧今天我们要走了让我们为未来祈祷吧啦啦啦啦啦啦完曲:美丽人生歌手:水木年华专辑:一生有你搜索"美丽人生"mp3打印预览美丽人生蝴蝶是什么月光是什么和爱情有什么关系我是飞象我是海鱼我是我想变成的东西我不知美丽人生是什么我只知道我爱你我们的爱情永远不会老我是热爱音乐的孩子唉哪呀依哪呀依耶我爱你呀爱你呀唉哪呀依哪呀依耶爱它不会老不会老完搜索"中学时代"mp3打印预览穿过云洞成了雨淋湿我羞涩的你和身边孤寂躲在墙角里偷偷的哭泣我忧郁的你有谁会懂你爱是什么我不知道我不懂永远我不懂自己爱是什么我会不知道谁能懂永远谁能懂自己music穿过云洞成了雨淋湿我羞涩的你和身边孤寂躲在墙角里偷偷的哭泣我忧郁的你不许谁懂你爱是什么我不知道我不懂永远我不懂自己爱是什么我还不知道谁能懂永远谁能懂自己把百合和日记藏在水旁我纯真的你我生命中的唯一歌曲:二十二条校规歌手:水木年华专辑:我的头发哪里不对了我的衣服哪里穿错了我的动作哪里做大了你们一样一样年轻过你们也一样冲动过现在你们却都来说变了付面孔来说我凭什么说我是个坏学生我只想按自己的方式活着并不想去破坏什么规则我只想去选择我理解的生活究竟我犯了什么错什么错music......我真的无可救药吗你们一样一样年轻过你们也一样冲动过现在你们却都来说变了付面孔来说我我只想按自己的方式活着并不想去破坏什么规则我只想去选择我理解的生活究竟我犯了什么错什么错是我过早的承受了吗难道我就这样一直到老吗那些话我已经厌倦了不想再听了凭什么说我是个坏学生我只想按自己的方式活着并不想去破坏什么规则我只想去选择我理解的生活究竟我犯了什么错什么错---end---歌曲:dancing in the rain歌手:水木年华专辑:词曲:卢庚戌在这一无所有天空里一个人在太阳下哭泣爱若真在现实中死去不如让它活在幻梦里多想纵身一场大雨里再也感觉不到了哭泣在这没有爱的世界里活着比死更需要勇气dancing in the rainflying in the rainnever never feeling the paindancing in the raindying in the rainforever ever being being free歌曲:逃亡列车歌手:水木年华专辑:亲爱的爸妈你们的世界我真的不懂每次你们战争我就躲在角落里心在流着血我多想有一次列车带我逃离这个地方看到别的孩子和父母嬉笑我羡慕得受不了为什么愿意总是一个人他们不会懂你们带我到这个世界可是不能带给我快乐爸爸妈妈别吵了大家安静一些不好吗妈妈爸爸别打了我不要一个破碎的家music......lrc:sunpzh亲爱的爸妈你们的世界我真的不懂我多想有一次列车爸爸妈妈别吵了大家安静一些不好吗妈妈爸爸别打了我只想一个温暖的家妈妈爸爸别再吵了我的感受不重要吗爸爸妈妈别再打了我不要一个破碎的家music...带我逃离这个地方你们带我到这个世界可是不能带给我快乐每次你们战争我就躲在角落里心在流着血我多想有一次列车带我逃离这个地方爸爸妈妈别吵了大家安静一些不好吗妈妈爸爸别打了我只想一个温暖的家妈妈爸爸别再吵了我的感受不重要吗爸爸妈妈别再打了让我逃离整个家爸爸妈妈---end---歌曲:水歌手:水木年华曲词主唱水木年华.就在这个寂静有水的夜里你又悄然忽影忽现我梦里如水飘来散去让我无法呼吸我知我的心底在无声哭泣我以为把你忘了忘了那些伤痛记忆我以为把你忘了为何总在欺骗自己那些为你伤为你死的日子愿同谎言一起都被水带走我是真的真的如此爱过你甘心这样这样的傻这样的痴我以为把你忘了忘了那些伤痛记忆你从来没有爱过我我却总在欺骗自己只有时间不会说谎只有时间能带走一切只有时间不会说谎只有时间能带走一切beyond再见理想歌曲:爱上你我很快乐歌手:水木年华专辑:我只想告诉你爱上你我很快乐就这样看着你我永远不会转过头怎么说没猜透爱一个人的滋味你是否看得清我那无怨的眼睛最怕听见你说寂寞我会放下自己来陪你最怕看见你哭泣ai我会忍不住把心给你伤心的眼泪不让不让你看见可是可是你不懂被爱的幸福心碎的疲惫全世界世界都听见我寂寞寂寞的誓言我抛弃了自己我爱你music......我只想告诉你爱上你我很快乐就这样看着你我永远不会转过头怎么说没猜透爱一个人的滋味你是否看得清我那无怨的眼睛最怕听见你说寂寞我会放下自己来陪你最怕看见你哭泣ai我会忍不住把心给你伤心的眼泪不让不让你看见可是可是你不懂被爱的幸福心碎的疲惫全世界世界都听见我寂寞寂寞的誓言我抛弃了自己我爱你我会忍不住把心给你伤心的眼泪不让不让你看见可是可是你不懂悲哀的幸福心碎的疲惫全世界世界都听见我寂寞寂寞的誓言我抛弃了自己我爱你music...---end---歌曲:风·花·树脆弱篇歌手:水木年华专辑:青春正传自由的风飞舞去秋天任凭昨天随着它飘散它不知道有一种脆弱叫孤单孤独的花睁开流泪的眼祈求时间不要去改变它不知道有一种脆弱叫思念沉默的树盛开在天蓝逝去生命年华的灿烂它不知道有一种脆弱叫永远歌曲:当我老了歌手:水木年华专辑:青春正传当我老了有什么愿望我希望孩子们能在身旁大家会该有多快乐贝贝乐乐叫我爷爷我会给他们讲一讲故事孙悟空米老鼠或唐老鸭或许那时他们只喜欢哈里波特和魔法石bangbang......我只是有一点一点担心孩子们不能在我身旁他们已去了遥远的国度留下我一个人孤独。

a time for us 歌词

a time for us 歌词
As we unveil The love we now must hide
A time for us at last to see
A life worthwhile for you and me
And with our love through tears and thorns
We will endure as we pass surely Through every storm
And with our love through tears and thorns
We will endure as we pass surely Through every storm
A time for us someday therell be a new worlda wBiblioteka rld of shining hope
A time for us some day there’ll be
When chains are torn by courage bornof a love that’s free
A time when dreams so long deniedcan flourish
As we unveilthe love we now must hide
For you and me
A time for us some day therell be
When chains are torn by courage born Of a love thats free
A time when dreams so long denied Can flourish
For you and me
A time for us at last to see



100首奥斯卡获奖电影及经典英文金曲歌词(1)- -001Everything I Do, I Do It For You(<<罗宾汉>>主题曲) Look into my eyes - you will seeWhat you mean to meSearch your heart - search your soulAnd when you find me there you'll search no more Don't tell me it's not worth tryin' forYou can't tell me it's not worth dyin' forYou know it's trueEverything I do - I do it for youLook into my heart - you will findThere's nothin' there to hideTake me as I am - take my lifeI would give it allI would sacrificeDon't tell me it's not worth fightin' forI can't help it there's nothin'I want moreYa know it's trueEverything I do - I do it for youChorus:There's no love - like your loveAnd no other - could give more loveThere's nowhere - unless you're thereAll the time - all the wayDon't tell me it's not worth tryin' forI can't help it there's nothin' I want moreI would fight for you - I'd lie for youWalk the wire for you - Ya I'd die for youYa know it's trueEverything I do - I do it for you002Casablanca(<<北非谍影>>插曲)I fell in love with youWatching CasablancaBack row at the driven showIn the flickering lightPop-corn and cokesBenesgh the starsBecame chammpagne & caviarMaking loveOn the long hot summer's nightI thought you fell in love with me Watching CasablancaHolding hands beneath the paddle fanIn Rick's candle-lit cafeHiding in the shadows from the spotsA rocky moonlight in your armsMaking mafic in the movieIn my old ChevroletOh a kiss is still a kissIn CasablancaA kiss is not a kiss without your sigh Please come back to meIn CasablancaI love you more & more each dayAs time goes byI guess there are many broken heartsIn CasablancaYou know I've never really been there So I don't knowI guess our love story will never be seen On the big wide silver screenBut it hurt just as badlyWhen I had to watch you goOh a kiss is still a kissIn CasablancaA kiss is not a kiss without your sigh Please come back to meIn CasablancaI love you more & more each dayAs time goes by003When a man love a woman(<<当男人爱上女人>>) Michael BoltonWhen a man loves a womanHe can't keep his mindOn nothing elseHe treats the worldFor a good thing he has found.If she is bad he can`t see it,She can do no wrong.Turn his back on his best friend.If he puts her down.When a man loves a womenSpends his very last time,Trying to hold onTo what he needsHe`d give up all his comforts,And sleep out in the rainIf she said that`s the wayIt`s ought to beWhen a man loves a womenrll give you eveything rvo doneTry to hold up to you,baby,Please don't treat me babyWhen a man loves a womanDeep down in his soulShe can bring him such miseryIf she is playing him for a foolHe's the last one to know ,Loving eyes can never see.Yes When a man loves a woman.I know exactly how he feel004Can You Feel The Love Tonight (电影"狮子王"主题曲)There's a calm surrenderTo the rush of dayWhen the heat of the rolling worldCan be turned awayAn enchanted momentAnd it sees me throughIt's enough for this restless warriorJust to be with youAnd can you feel the love tonight?It is where we areIt's enough for wide eyed wandererThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonightHow it's laid to restIt's enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestThere's a time for everyoneIf they only learnThat the twisting kaleidoscopeMoves us all in turnThere's a rhyme and reasonTo the wild outdoorsWhen the heart of this star-crossed voyagerBeats in time with yoursAnd can you feel the love tonight?It is where we areIt's enough for this wide-eyed wandererThat we got this farAnd can you feel the love tonightHow it's laid to rest?It's enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very bestIt's enough to make kings and vagabondsBelieve the very best005A Time For Us(<<罗密欧与朱丽叶>>主题曲)A time for us some day there'll bewhen chains are torn by courage bornof a love that's freeA time when dreams so long denied can flourishA we unveil the love we now must hideA time for us at last to seeA life worthwhile for you and meAnd with our love through tears and thornsWe will endure as we pass surely through every stormA time for us some day there'll beA new worldA world of shining hope for you and me006Auld Lang Syne(<<魂断兰桥>>主题曲)Should auld acquaintance be forgot,and never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgotand days of auld lang syne?For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We'll take a cup o' kindness yetFor auld lang syne.We twa hae run aboot the braesAnd pou'd the gowans fine;we've wander'd mony a weary footSin' auld lang syne.We two hae paidled I' the burn,Frae mornin' sun till dine;But seas between us braid hae roar'dSin' auld lang syne.And here's a hand, my trusty friend,And gie's a hand o' thine;We'll take a cup o' kindness yetFor auld lang syne.Should auld acquaintance be forgot,and never brought to mind?Should auld acquaintance be forgotand days of auld lang syne?For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We'll take a cup o' kindness yetFor auld lang syne.For auld lang syne, my dear,For auld lang syne,We'll take a cup o' kindness yetFor auld lang syne.007Right Here Waiting(<<终有一天嫁给你>>主题曲)Oceans apart day after dayAnd I slowly go insaneI hear your voice on the lineBut it doesn't stop the painIf I see you next to neverHow can we say foreverWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI took for granted, all the times That I though would last somehow I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can't get near you nowOh, can't you see it babyYou've got me goin' CrAzYWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for youI wonder how we can surviveThis romanceBut in the end if I'm with youI'll take the chanceOh, can't you see it babyYou've got me goin' cRaZyWherever you goWhatever you doI will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takesOr how my heart breaksI will be right here waiting for you008Said I Loved You... But I Lied(<<迈克·波顿>>主题曲)You are the candle, love's the flameA fire that burns through wind and rainShine your light on this heart of mineTill the end of timeYou came to me like the dawn through the nightJust shinin' like the sunOut of my dreams and into my lifeYou are the one, you are the oneCHORUS:Said I loved you but I liedCause this is more than love I feel insideSaid I loved you but I liedCause love could never ever feel so strongSaid I loved you but I liedWith all my soul I've tried in vainHow can mere words my heart explainThis taste of heaven so deep so trueI've found in youSo many reasons in so many waysMy life has just begunNeed you forever, I need you to stayYou are the one, you are the oneCHORUS:You came to me like the dawn through the nightJust shinin' like the sunOut of my dreams and into my lifeYou are the one, you are the oneCHORUS:Said I loved youBut this is more than love I feel insideSaid I loved you...But I lied009Love is All Around(<<四个婚礼一个葬礼>>主题曲)I feel it in my fingers I feel it in my toesThe love that's all around meAnd so the feeling growsIt's everywhere I goSo if you really love meCome on and let it showYou know I love you, I always willMy mind's made up by the way that I feelThere's no beginning, there'll be no endCause on my love you can dependI see your face before me as I lay on my bedI cannot get to thinking of all the thing you said (oh, yes I did)You gave your promise to me, and I gave mine to you I need someone beside me in everything I do(oh, yes I do)I've got to keep it movingIt's written on the windOh everywhere I goSo if you really love meCome on and let it show010Take My breath away(<<壮志凌云>>主题曲)On this endless ocean finally lovers know no shame Tuming and retuming to some secret place inside Watching in slow motion as you turn around and say Take my breath awayTake my breath awayWathing I keep waiting still anticpating loveNever hesitating to become the fated onesTuming and retuming to some secret place to hide Watching in slow motion as you tum to me and say Take my breath awayTake my breath awayTrough the hourglass I saw youIn time you slipped awayWhen the mirror crashed I called youAnd tumed to hear you sayIf only for today I am unafraidTake my breath awayTake emy breath awayWatching every motion in this foolish lover's gameHaunted by the notion somewhere there's a love in flames Turning and retuming to some secret place insideWatching in slow motion as you tum my way and sayTake my breath awayTake my breath away011Unchained melody(<<人鬼情未了>>主题曲)Oh, my love, my darlingI've hungered for your touchAlong,lonely timeAnd time goes by so slowlyAnd time can do so muchAre you still mine?I need your loveI need your loveGod speed your love to meLonely rivers flowTo the sea, to the seaTo the open arms of the seaLonely rivers sighWait for me, wait for meI'll be coming home, wait for me012Now And Forever(<<赌命鸳鸯>>主题曲)Whenever i`m weary form the battles that rage in my headYou make sense of madness when my sanity hangs by a thread I lose my way but still you seem to understandNow and forever i will be your girlSometimes i just hold you Too caugh up in me to seeI`m holding a fortune that heaven has given to meI`ll try to show you each and every way i canNow and forever i will be your girlNow i can rest my worries and always be sureThat i won`t be alone anymoreIf i`d only known you were there all the timeAll this time Until the day the ocean doesn`t touch the sand Now and forever i will be youy girlNow and forever i will be youy girl013I Have Nothing(<<保镖>>插曲)Share my life, take me for what I amCause I'll never change all my colors for youTake my loveI'll never bless for too muchJust for that you would fightAnd everything that you doI don't really need to look very much furtherI don't want to have to go where you don't followI won't hold it back again this passion insideI came around from myselfThere was no way I hideOh don't make me cry for what I went toI don't want to hold on anymoreStay in my arms if you knowI must stop imagining you thereDon't walk away from meI have nothing nothing nothing if I don't have youYou see through right to the heart of meYou break down my walls with that strength of your loveI never knew love that I knowThat's with youReal love never resurviveOh when I get hold on toI don't really need to look very much furtherI don't want to have to go where you don't followI won't hold it back again this passion insideI came around from myselfThere was no way I hideYour love that I'll remember foreverOh, don't make cry for what I went onI don't want to hold on anymoreStay in my arms if you knowI must stop imagining you thereDon't walk away from meI have nothing nothing nothing if I don't have you014Don't Cry For Me Argentina(<<贝隆夫人>>主题曲)It won't be easy, you'll think it strangeWhen I try to explain how I feelThat I still need your love after all that I've doneYou won't believe meAll you will see is a girl you once knewAlthough she's dressed up to the ninesAt sixes and sevens with youI had to let it happen, I had to changeCouldn't stay all my life down that hillLooking out of the window, staying out of the sunSo I chose freedomRunning around trying everything newBut nothing impressed me at allI never expected it toDon't cry for me ArgentinaThe truth is I never left youAll through my wild daysMy mad existenceI kept my promiseDon't keep your distanceAnd as for fortune, and as for fameI never invited them inThough it seemed to the world they were all I desired They are illusionsThey're not the solutions they promised to beThe answer was here all the timeI love you and hope you love meDon't cry for me Argentina......Don't cry for me ArgentinaThe truth is I never left youAll through my wild daysMy mad existenceI kept my promiseDon't keep your distanceHave I said too much? There's nothing more I can think of to say to you But all you have to do is look at me to know that every word is true015Un-Break My Heart(<<致命恋人>>主题曲)Don't leave me in all this painDon't leave me out in the rainCome back and bring back my smileCome and take these tears awayI need your arms to hold me nowThe nights are so unkindBring back those nights when I held you beside meCHORUS:Un-break my heartSay you'll love me againUndo this hurt you causedWhen you walked out the doorAnd walked out of my lifeUn-cry these tearsI cried so many nightsUn-break my heartMy heartTake back that sad word good-byeBring back the joy to my lifeDon't leave me here with these tearsCome and kiss this pain awayI can't forget the day ~)ou leftTime is so unkindAnd life is so cruel without you here beside meCHORUSDon't leave me in all this painDon't leave me out in the rainBring back the nights when I held you beside meCHORUSUn-break my heartCome back and say you love meUn-break my heartSweet darlin'Without you I just can't go onCan't go on016A Whole New World(<<阿拉丁>>主题曲)(Peabo Bryson)I can show you the worldShining, shimmering, splendidTell me princess,now when did You last let your heart decide?I can open your eyesTake you wonder by wonderOver sideways and underOn a magic carpet rideA whole new worldA new fantastic point of viewNo one to tell us noOr where to goOr say we're only dreamingA whole new worldA dazzling place I never knewBut now from way up hereIt's crystal clear thatnow I'm in a whole new worldwith you Unbelievable sightsIndescribable feeling Soaring, tumbling, freewheelingThrough an endless diamond skyA whole new world(Don't you dare close your eyes)A hundred thousand things to see(Hold your breath it gets better)I'm like a shooting starI've come so farI can't go back to where I used to beA whole new worldWith new horizons to pursueI'll chase them anywhereThere's time to spareLet me share this whole new world with youA whole new world(Every turn a surprise)With new horizons to pursue(Every moment red-letter)I'll chase them anywhere there's time to spare Anywhere, there's time tospareLet me share this whole new world with youA whole new worldThat's where we'll beA thrilling chaseA wondrous placeFor you and me017Speak Softly Love(<<教父>> 主题曲)Speak softly, love and hold me warm against your heart I feel your words, the tender trembling moments start We're in a world, our very ownSharing a love that only few have ever knownWine-colored days warmed by the sunDeep velvet nights when we are oneSpeak softly, love so no one hears us but the skyThe vows of love we make will live until we dieMy life is yours and all becau-au-seYou came into my world with love so softly love (instrumental interlude)Wine-colored days warmed by the sunDeep velvet nights when we are oneSpeak softly, love so no one hears us but the skyThe vows of love we make will live until we dieMy life is yours and all becau-au-seYou came into my world with love so softly love018My Heart Will Go On(<<铁达尼号>> 主题曲)Every night in my dreamsI see you, I feel youThat is how I know you go onFar across the distanceAnd spaces between usYou have come to show you go onNear, far, wherever you areI believe that the heart dose go onOnce more you open the doorAnd you are here in my heartAnd my heart will go on and onLove can touch us one timeAnd last for a lifetimeAnd never let go till we're oneLove was when I loved youOne true time I hold toIn my life we'll always go onNear,far,wherever you areI belive that the heart does go onOnce more you open the doorAnd you're here in my heartAnd my heart will go on and onThere is some love that will not go awayYou're here, there's nothing I fearAnd I know that my heart will go onWe'll stay forever this wayYou are safe in my heartAnd my heart will go on and on019Love Story(<<爱情故事>> 主题曲)Where do I begin toTell the story of how great love a can beThe sweet love story that is older than the sea The simple truth about the love she brings to me Where do I startWith her first helloShe gave a meaning to this empty world of mine There'd never be another love another timeShe came into my life and made the living fine She fills my heartShe fills my heart with very special thingsWith angel songs with wild imaginingsShe fills my soul with so much loveThat anywhere I go I'm never lonelyWith her along who could be lonelyI reach for her hand it's always thereHow long does it lastCan love be measured by the hours in the day have no answers now but this much I can say I know I'll need here till the stars all burn away And she'll be there020Colors of the Wind(<<风中奇缘>> 主题曲)You think you own whatever land you land on The earth is just a dead thing you can claim But I know every rock and tree and creature Has a life has a spirit has a nameYou think the only people who are peopleAre the people who look and think like youBut if you walk the footsteps of a strangerYou'll learn things you never knewYou never knewHave you ever heard the wolf cryTo the blue corn moonOr asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain Can you paint with all the colors of the wind Can you paint with all the colors of the windCome run the hidden pine trails of the forest Come taste the sun-sweet berries of the earth Come roll in all the riches all around youAnd for once never wonder what they're worth The rainstorm and the river are my brothersThe heron and the otter are my friendsAnd we are all connected to each otherIn a circle in a hoop that never endsHave you ever heard the wolf cryTo the blue corn moonOr let the eagle tell you where he's beenCan you sing with all the voices of the mountain Can you paint with all the colors of the windCan you paint with all the colors of the windHow high does the sycamore growIf you cut it down then you'll never knowAnd you'll never hear the wolf cryTo the blue corn moonFor whether we are white of copper-skinnedWe need to sing with all the voices of the mountainWe need to paint with all the colors of the windYou can own the earth and stillAll you'll own is earth untilYou can paint with all the colors of the wind21[Rhythm of the Rain]歌词Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain,Telling me just what a fool I've been.I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain,And let me be alone again.The only girl I care about has gone away.Looking for a brand new start!But little does she know that when she left that day. Along with her she took my heart.Rain, please tell me, now does that seem fairFor her to steal my heart away when she don't careI can't love another, when my heart's somewhere far away.The only girl I care about has gone away.Looking for a brand new start!But little does she know that when she left that day. Along with her she took my heart.Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain,Telling me just what a fool I've been.I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain,And let me be alone again.Rain, won't you tell her that I love her soPlease ask the sun to set her heart aglowRain in her heart and let the love we knew start to grow. Oh, listen to the falling rain--pitter-patter...022It Might Be You(<<杜丝先生>> 主题曲)Stephen BishopTimeI've been passing time watching trains go byAll of my lifeLying on the sand, watching seabirds flyWishing there would beSomeone waiting home for meSomething's telling me it might be youIt's telling me it might be youAll of my lifeLooking back as lovers go walking pastAll of my lifeWondering how they met and what makes it lastIf I found the placeWould I recognise the faceSomething's telling me it might be youYeah it's telling me it might be youSo many quiet walks to takeSo many dreams to wakeAnd we've so much love to makeOh, I think we've gonna need some time Many be all we need is timeAnd it's telling me it might be youAll of my lifeI've been saving love songs and lullabies And there're so much moreNo one's ever heard beforeSomething's telling me it might be you Yeah, it's telling me it must be youAnd I'm feeling it'll just be youAll of my lifeMay be it's you (it's you)May be it's you (it's you)I've been waiting for all of my life023[Pretty Boy]歌词I lie awake at nightSee things in black and whiteI've only got you inside my mindYou know you have made me blindI lie awake and praythat you will look my wayI have all this longing in my heartI knew it right from the startOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before you Pretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me inside make me stay right beside you I used to write your nameAnd put it in a frameAnd sometime I think I hear you callRight from my bedroom wallYou stay a little whileAnd touch me with your smileAnd what can I say to make you mineTo reach out for you in timeOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me inside make me stay right beside youOh pretty boy pretty boy pretty boySay you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I love youLike I never ever loved no one before youPretty pretty boy of mineJust tell me you love me tooOh my pretty pretty boy I need youOh my pretty pretty boy I doLet me inside make me stay right beside you024When I fall in love(<<西雅图夜未眠>> 主题曲)When I fall in loveIt'll be foreverOr I'll never fall in loveIn a restless world like this isLove is ended before it's begunand too many moonlight kissesseem to cool in the warmth of the sunwhen I give my heartIt will be completely or I never give my heartAnd the moment I can feel that you feel that way too is when I fall in love with you025Moon River(<<西城故事>> 主题曲)Moon river, wider than a mileI'm crossing you in style some dayOh, dream maker, you heart breakerWherever you're goin', I'm goin' your wayTwo drifters, off to see the worldThere's such a lot of world to seeWe're after the same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me(Moon river, wider than a mile)(I'm crossin' you in style some day)Oh, dream maker, you heart breakerWherever you're goin', I'm goin' your wayTwo drifters, off to see the worldThere's such a lot of world to seeWe're after that same rainbow's end, waitin' 'round the bend My huckleberry friend, Moon River, and me(Moon River, Moon River)026Beauty and Beast(<<美女与野兽>> 主题曲)Peabo Bryson & CelineDionTale as old as timeTrue as it can beSafely even friendsThen somebody bendsUnexpectedlyJust a little change,Small to say the leastBoth a little scaredNeither one preparedBeauty and the beastEver just the sameEver a surpriseEver as before.Ever just as sureAs the sun will seeTale as old as timeTune as old as songBittersweet and strangeFinding you can changeLearning you were wrongCertain as the sun.Rising in the eastTale as old as timeSong as old as rhyme.Beauty and the Beast027Scarborough Fair(<<毕业生>> 主题曲)Are you going to Scarborough FairParsley,sage,rosemary and thymeRemember me to one who lives thereShe once was a true love of mineTell her to make me a cambric shirt(Oh the side of a hill in the deep forest green) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme(Tracing of sparrow on the snow crested brown Without no seams nor needle work(Blankets and bedclothes the child of the mountain) Then she'll be a true love of mine(Sleeps unaware of the clarion call)Tell her to find me an acre of land(On the side of a hill a sprinkling of leaves) Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme(Washes the grave with silvery tears)Between the salt water and the sea stand(A soldier cleans and polishes a gun)Then she'll be a true love of mineTell her to reap it with a sickle of leather(War bells blazing in scarlet bat talion)Parsley,sage,rosemary and thyme(Generals order their soldiers to kill)And gather it all in a bunch of heather(And to fight for a cause they've long ago forgotten) Then she'll be a true love of mine.028Do-Re-Mi(<<音乐之声>> 插曲)Lets start at the very beginningA very good place to startWhen you read you begin with ABCWhen you sing you begin with do-re-miDo re mi , do re miThe first three notes just happen to beDo re miDo-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-TiDoe, a deer, a female deerRay, a drop of golden sunMe, a name I call myselfFar, a long long way to runSew, a needle pulling threadLa, a note to follow sewTea, a drink with jam and breadThat will bring us back to doe oh-oh-ohDo-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do-So-Do029Falling Into You(<<本能>> 主题曲)I see us inside of each otherI feel my unconscious merge with yoursAnd I hear a voice say What's his is hersI'm falling into youThis dream could come trueAnd it feels so good falling into youI was afraid to let you in hereNow I have learned love can't be made in fear The walls begin to tumble down andI can't even see the ground(Repeat)Falling like a leaf falling like a starFinding a belief falling where you areCatch me don't let me dropLove me don't ever stopSo close your eyes and let me kiss youAnd while you sleep I'll miss you(Repeat)。

《(生命之巅)Time of Our Lives》歌词 2006年世界杯专辑

《(生命之巅)Time of Our Lives》歌词 2006年世界杯专辑

《(生命之巅)Time of Our Lives》歌词2006年世界杯专辑
(生命之巅)Time of Our Lives Deutsch, deutsch, deutsch, deutsch, deutsch, deutsch 德语,德
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迈克 杰克逊歌词大全

迈克  杰克逊歌词大全

我最爱的Michael Jackson歌词单1、She’s out of my life……………………………………………first2、Human Nature …………………………………………………first3、I just cant stop loving you …………………………………second4、Working Day And Night ……………………………………third5、Why You Wanna Trip On Me ……………………………fourth6、Man In The Mirror …………………………………………fourth7、You are my life …………………………………………………sixth8、Another part of me …………………………………………seventh9、Rock with you ………………………………………………seventh10、will you be there ……………………………………………eighth11、I Can’t Help It……………………………………………ninth12、Heal The World ……………………………………………tenth13、Who Is It……………………………………………………eleventh14、Give In To Me………………………………………………twelfth15、It’s The Falling In Love…………………………………twelfth16、Shake Your Body …………………………………………thirteenth17、Earth Song ………………………………………………fourteenth18、I want you back ………………………………………fifteenth19、Stranger in Moscow ………………………………………sixteenth20、In the closet ……………………………………………sixteenth21、She Drives Me Wild ……………………………………eighteenth22、The way give me feel …………………………………nineteenth23、The Way You Make Me Fee …………………………twenty-first24、keep the faith ………………………………………twenty-second25、can’t let her get away……………………………twenty-fourth26、Speed Demon ……………………………………twenty-seventh27、For All Time ………………………………………twenty-eighth1、She’s out of my lifeShe's out of my life She's out of my lifeAnd I don't know whether to laugh or cryI don't know whether to live or die And it cuts like a knifeShe's out of my life It's out of my hands It's out of my handsTo think for two years she was hereAnd I took her for granted I was so cavalier Now the way that it stands She's out of my hands So I've learned that loves not possessionAnd I've learned that love won't waitNow I've learned that love needs expressionBut I've learned too late She's out of my life She's out of my life Damned in decision and cursed prideKept my love for her locked deep insideAnd it cuts like a knife She's out of my life2、Human Nature85Looking out Across the nighttime The city winks a sleepless eye Hear her voice Shake my window Sweet seducing sighsGet me out Into the nighttime Four walls won't hold me tonightIf this town Is just an apple Then let me take a biteIf they say -- Why, why, tell 'em that it's human natureWhy, why, does he do me that wayIf they say -- Why, why, tell 'em that it's human natureWhy, why does he do me that wayReaching out To touch a stranger Electric eyes are everywhere See that girl She knows I'm watching She likes the way I stareIf they say -- Why, why, tell 'em that it's human natureWhy, why, does he do me that wayIf they say -- Why, why, tell 'em that it's human natureWhy, why does he do me that way I like love in' this wayI like love in' this way Looking out Across the morningWhere the city's heart begins to beatReaching out I touch her shoulder I'm dreaming of the streetfirstIf they say -- Why, why, tell 'em that it's human natureWhy, why, does he do me that wayIf they say -- Why, why, tell 'em that it's human natureWhy, why does he do me that way3、I just cant stop loving you71I just want to lay next to you for awhileYou look so beautiful tonight Your eyes are so lovelyYour mouth is so sweet A lot of people misunderstand meThat’s because they don’t know me at all I just want to touch youAnd hold you I need you God I need you I love you so muchEach Time the wind blows I hear your voice so I call your name... Whispers at morning Our love is dawning Heavens glad you came You know how I feel This thing cant go wrongI’m so proud to say I love you Your loves got me highI long to get by This time is forever Love is the answerI hear your voice now You are my choice now The love you bring Heavens in my heart At your call I hear harps And angels singYou know how I feel This thing cant go wrongI cant live my life without you I just cant hold on I feel we belongMy life ain’t worth living If I cant be with youI just cant stop loving you I just cant stop loving you And if I stop Then tell me just what will I do Cause I just cant stop loving youAt night when the stars shine I pray in you Ill find A love so trueWhen morning awakes me Will you come and take me Ill wait for you You know how I feel I wont stop until I hear your voice saying "I do" "I do" This thing cant go wrong This feelings so strongWell, my life ant worth living If I cant be with youI just cant stop loving you I just cant stop loving you And if I stop... Then tell me, just what will I do I just cant stop loving youWe can change all the world tomorrow We can sing songs of yesterdayI can say, hey... farewell to sorrowThis is my life and I, want to see you for always I just cant stop loving you If I cant stop And if I stop With will I do? Uh...Ooh...s e c o n dThen tell me , just with will I do I just cant stop loving youYou know I do And if I stop Then tell me, just what will I do4、Working Day And Night 115Ooh my honey You got me work in´day and nightOoh my sugar You got me work in´day and night2nd verse Scratch my shoulder It´s aching, make it feel alright When this is over Love in´you will be so right3rd verse I often wonder if love in´you Will be tonightBut what is love girl If i´m always out of sight (ooh)Refrain (That´s why) You got me work in´day and nightAnd I´ll be work in´From sun up to midnightChorus You got me work in´work in´day and night(重复四遍)4th verse You say that work in´Is what a man´s supposed to do But I Say It Ain´t Right If I Can´t Give Sweet Love To You(Ah)5th Verse I´m Tired Of Think in´Of What My Life´s Supposed To Be (Well) Soon enough darlin´This Love Will Be Reality (Ah Ah)6th Verse How Can You Live Girl´Cause Love For Us Was Meant To Be (Well)Then You Must Be See in´Some Other Guy Instead Of Me (Ooh) Refrain (That´s Why) You Got Me Work in´Day And NightAnd I´ll Be Work in´From Sun Up To MidnightChorus You Got Me Work in´Work in´Day And Night (Hold On) You Got Me Work in´Work in´Day And Night (I´m So Tired Tired Now) You Got Me Work in´Work in´Day And Night (Hold On)You Got Me Work in´Work in´Day And Night (Hoo, Hoo, Hoo)7th Verse You Say That Work in´Is What A Man´s Supposed To Do But I Say It Ain´t Right If I Can´t Give Sweet Love To You (Well, Ah)8th Verse How Can You Live Girl´Cause Love For Us Was Meant To Be (Well)Then You Must Be See in´(Woo) Some Other Guy Instead Of Me (Ooh) Refrain (That´s Why)You Got Me Work in´Day And Night (I Don´t Understand It)thirdAnd I´ll Be Work in´From Sun Up To MidnightChorus You Got Me Work in´Work in´Day And Night (Hold On) You Got Me Work in´Work in´Day And Night(I´m So Tired Tired Now) You Got Me Work in´Work in´Day And Night(重复三遍)(Girl)You Got Me Work in´Work in´Day And Night(I´m So Tired Tired Now)You Got Me Work in´Work in´Day And Night(重复两遍)(How Can I Get To You ...) (Ad-Lib To Fade)5、Why You Wanna Trip On Me66They say I'm different They don't understand But there's a bigger problem That's much more in demand You got world hunger Not enough to eat So there's really no time To be trip in' on me You got school teachers Who don't wanna teach You got grown people Who can't write or read You got strange diseases Ah but there's no cure You got many doctors That aren't so sure So tell me Why you wanna trip on meWhy you wanna trip on me Stop trip in' We've got more problemsThan we'll ever need You got gang violence And bloodshed on the street You got homeless people With no food to eatWith no clothes on their back And no shoes for their feetWe've got drug addiction In the minds of the weakWe've got so much corruption Police brutality We've got streetwalkers Walk in' into darkness Tell me what are you doing To try to stop this Why you wanna trip on me(重复四遍)Ooh stop trip in' Yeah stop trip in' Everybody just stop trip in' Why you wanna trip on me(重复四遍)Stop trip in' Why you wanna trip on me(重复四遍)Ooh stop trip in Yeah stop trip in' Everybody just stop trip in'Stop trip in'(重复四遍)6、Man In The Mirror 97Written by Sied ah Garrett and Glen Ballard.I'm gonna make a change, for once in my life It's gonna feel real good, gonna make a difference Gonna make it right... As I, turn up the collar onf o u r t hmy favorite winter coat This wind is blowing my mindI see the kids in the streets, with not enought to eat Who am I to be blind? Pretending not to see their needsA summer disregard,a broken bottle top And a one man soulThey follow each other on the wind ya' know 'Cause they got nowhere to go That's why I want you to know I'm starting with the man in the mirrorI'm asking him to change his waysAnd no message could have been any clearerIf you wanna make the world a better place(If you wanna make the world a better place)Take a look at yourself, and then make a change(Take a look at yourself, and then make a change)(Na na na, na na na, na na, na nah)I've been a victim of a selfish kind of love It's time that I realizeThat there are some with no home, not a nickel to loanCould it be really me, pretending that they're not alone?A willow deeply scarred, somebody's broken heartAnd a washed-out dream (Washed-out dream)They follow the pattern of the wind ya' see 'Cause they got no place to be That's why I'm starting with me (Starting with me!)I'm starting with the man in the mirror (Ooh!)I'm asking him to change his ways (Ooh!)And no message could have been any clearerIf you wanna make the world a better place(If you wanna make the world a better place)Take a look at yourself, and then make a change(Take a look at yourself, and then make a change)I'm starting with the man in the mirror (Ooh!)I'm asking him to change his ways (Change his ways - ooh!)And no message could have been any clearerIf you wanna make the world a better placeTake a look at yourself and then make that..(Take a look at yourself and then make that..)CHANGE!fifthI'm starting with the man in the mirror (Man in the mirror - Oh yeah!)I'm asking him to change his ways (Better change!)No message could have been any clearer(If you wanna make the world a better place)(Take a look at yourself and then make the change)(You gotta get it right, while you got the time)('Cause when you close your heart)You can't close your... your mind! (Then you close your... mind!)That man, that man, that man, that manWith the man in the mirror (Man in the mirror, oh yeah!)That man, that man, that man,I'm asking him to change his ways(Better change!)You know... that man No message could have been any clearerIf you wanna make the world a better place(If you wanna make the world a better place)Take a look at yourself and then make the change(Take a look at yourself and then make the change)Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Na na na, na na na, na na, na nah (Ooooh...) Oh no, no no... I'm gonna make a change It's gonna feel real good! Come on! (Change...) Just lift yourself You knowYou've got to stop it, Yourself! (Yeah! - Make that change!)I've got to make that change, today! Hoo! (Man in the mirror)You got to You got to not let yourself... Brother Hoo!(Yeah! - Make that change!)You know - I've got to get that man, that man... (Man in the mirror)You've got to You've got to move! Come on! Come on! You got to... Stand up! Stand up! Stand up! (Yeah! - Make that change)Stand up and lift yourself, now! (Man in the mirror) Hoo! Hoo! Hoo! Aaow! (Yeah! - Make that change!) Gonna make that change...come on! You know it!(重复四遍)(Change...)Make that change.7、You are my life 70Once all alone I was lost in a world of strangers No one to trustsixthOn my own, I was lonely You suddenly appearedIt was cloudy before but now it´s so clear You took away the fearAnd you brought me back to the life You are the sunYou make me shine Or more like the stars That twinkle at nightYou are the moon That glows in my heartYou´re my daytime my nighttime My world You´re my lifeNow I wake up everyday With this smile upon my faceNo more tears, no more pain ’Cause you love me You help me understand That love is the answer to all that I am And I´m a better manYou taught me by sharing your life You are the sunYou make me shine Or more like the stars That twinkle at nightYou are the moon That glows in my heartYou´re my daytime my nighttime My world You´re my lifeYou gave me strength when I wan´t strongYou gave me hope when all hope was lostYou opened my eyes when I can´t seeLove was always here waiting for me8、ANOTHER PART OF ME90We're takin' over We have the truth This is the missionTo see it through Don't point your finger Not dangerousThis is our planet You're one of us We're send in' outA major love And this is our Message to you (Message to you)The planets are linin' up We're bring in' brighter daysThey're all in line Wait in' for you Can't you see...?You're just another part of me... A rather nation Fulfill the truthThe final message We're bring to you There is no dangerSo come together We're mean is you So look the truthCan't you see... ? You're just another part of meAnother part of me... This is the truth, baby Another part of me9、Rock with you 93Girl, close your eyes Let that rhythm get into you Don't try to fight it There ain't nothing that you can Relax your minds e v e n t hLay back and groove with mineYou gotta feel that heat And we can ride the boogieShare that beat of love I wanna rock with you (all night)Dance you into day (sunlight) I wanna rock with you (all night)Rock the night away Out on the floor There ain't nobody there but us Girl when you dance There's a magic that must be loveJust take it slow Cause we got so far to go You gotta feel that heatAnd we can ride the boogie Share that beat of loveI wanna rock with you (all night) Dance you into day (sunlight)I wanna rock with you (all night) Rock the night awayAnd when the groove is dead and gone (yeah)You know that love survives So we can rock forever, onI wanna rock with you I wanna groove with youI wanna rock with you I wanna groove with youI wanna rock (all night) with you girl (sunlight)Rock with you, rock with you girl (yeah) (all night) Dance the night away I wanna rock with you (yeah) (all night) Rock you into day (sunlight)I wanna rock with you (all night) Rock the night awayFeel the heat feel the heat Rock you into day (sunlight)I wanna rock-rock the night away.10、will you be there92(choir) (piano) Hold me Like the River JordanAnd I will then say to thee You are my friend Carry meLike you are my brother Love me like a mother Will you be there? Hey Oh Hey When weary Tell me will you hold meWhen wrong will you scold me When lost would you find meBut they told me A man should be faithful And walk when not able And fight till the end But I'm only humanEveryone's taking control of me Seems that the world's got a role for meI'm so confused will you show to me You'll be there for meAnd care enough to bear me (Hold me) Show me (Lay your head lowly) Lowly (Softly then boldly) Yeah (Carry me there)I'm only human (Need me) (Love me and feed me) (Kiss me and free me)e i g h t h(I will feel blessed) (Carry) Carry (Carry me boldly) (Lift me up slowly) (Save me) Save me (Heal me and bathe me)Fill me up fill me up (Softly you say to me) (I will be there)I will be there (Lift me) (Show me you care) Show me you care Who!I get lonely sometimes I get lonely...yeah yeah Carry me thereFill me up hold me up fill me up sometimes Up sometimes BlessedIn our darkest hour In my deepest despair Will you still care?Will you be there? In my trials And my tribulationsThrough our doubts And frustrations In my violenceIn my turbulence Through my fear And my confessionsIn my anguish And my pain Through my joyAnd my sorrow In the promise of another tomorrowI'll never let you part For you're always In my heart11、I Can’t Help It79Looking in my mirror Took me by surprise I can't help but see you Running often through my mind Helpless like a baby Sensual disguise I can't help but love you It is getting better all the timeI can't help it if I wanted to I wouldn't help it even if I couldI can't help it if I wanted to I wouldn't help it, noI can't help it if I wanted to I wouldn't help it even if I couldI can't help it if I wanted to I wouldn't help it, noLove to run my fingers Softly while you sighLove came and possessed you Bringing sparkles to your eyesLike a trip to heaven Heaven is the prize And I'm so glad I found you You're an angel in disguise I can't help it if I wanted toI wouldn't help it even if I could I can't help it if I wanted toI wouldn't help it, no I can't help it if I wanted toI wouldn't help it even if I could I can't help it if I wanted toI wouldn't help it, no And I'm so glad I found youYou're an angel in disguise I can't help it if I wanted toI wouldn't help it even if I could I can't help it if I wanted toI wouldn't help it, no I can't help it if I wanted toI wouldn't help it even if I could I can't help it if I wanted toninthI wouldn't help it, no I can't help it if I wanted toI wouldn't help it even if I could I can't help it if I wanted toI wouldn't help it, no I can't help it if I wanted toI wouldn't help it even if I could I can't help it if I wanted toI wouldn't help it, no12、Heal The World 159There's a place in your heart And I know that it is loveAnd this place could be much Brighter than tomorrowAnd if you really try You'll find there's no need to cryIn this place you'll feel There's no hurt or sorrowThere are ways to get there If you care enough for the livingMake a little space Make a better place ... Heal the worldMake it a better place For you and for me And the entire human race There are people dying If you care enough for the livingMake it a better place For you and for me If you want to know why There's love that cannot lie Love is strongIt only cares of joyful giving If we try we shall seeIn this bliss we cannot feel Fear od dreadWe stop existing and start living The it feels that alwaysLove's enough for us growing So make a better worldMake a better place ... Heal the world Make it a better placeFor you and for me And the entire human race There are people dying If you care enough for the living Make a better place for you and for me And the dream we were conceived in Will reveal a joyful faceAnd the world we once believed in Will shine again in graceThen why do we keep strangling life Wound this earth, crucify its soul Though it's plain to see This world is heavenly Be god's glowWe could fly so high Let our spirits never dieIn my heart I feel you are all my brothers Create a world with no fear Together we cry happy tearsSee the nations turn their swords into plowsharesWe could really get there If you cared enough for the livingMake a little space To make a better place ...Heal the world Make it a better place For you and for meAnd the entire human race There are people dyingIf you care neough for the livingMake a better place for you and for me... There are people dyingIf you care enough for the livingMake a better place for you and for me... You and for me ...13、Who Is It 87I gave her money I gave her time I gave her everythingInside one heart could find I gave her passion My very soulI gave her promises And secrets so untoldAnd she promised me forever And a day we'd live as oneWe made our vows We'd live a life anewAnd she promised me in secret That she'd love me for all the timeIt's a promise so untrue Tell me what will I do ?And it doesn't seem to matter And it doesn't seem right'Cause the will has brought No fortune Still I cry alone at nightDon't you judge of my composure 'Cause I'm lying to myselfAnd the reason why she left me Did she find someone else ?(Who is it ?)It is a friend of mine(Who is it ?) Is it my brother ?(Who is it ?) Somebody hurt my soul(Who is it ?) I can't take this stuff no moreI am the damned I am the dead I am the agony insideThe dying head This is injustice Woe unto thee I pray this punishment Would have mercy on me And she promised me foreverThat we'd live our life as one We made our vows We'd live a love so true It seems that she has left me For such reasons unexplainedI need to find the truth But see what will I do ?And it doesn't seem to matter And it doesn't seem right'Cause the will has brought No fortune Still I cry alone at nightDon't you judge of my composure 'Cause I'm bothered everydayAnd she didn't leave a letter She just up and ran away(Who is it ?)It is a friend of mine(Who is it ?) Is it my brother ?(Who is it ?) Somebody hurt my soul(Who is it ?)I can't take it 'cause I'm lonely(Who is it ?) It is a friend of mine(Who is it ?)To me I'm bothered(Who is it ?) Somebody hurt my soul(Who is it ?)I can't take it 'cause I'm lonely And it doesn't seem to matterAnd it doesn't seem right 'Cause the will has brought No fortuneStill I cry alone at night Don't you judge of my composure'Cause I'm lying to myself And the reason why she left meDid she find someone else ? And it doesn't seem to matterAnd it doesn't seem right 'Cause the will has brought No fortuneStill I cry alone at night Don't you judge of my composure'Cause I'm bothered everyday And she didn't leave a letterShe just up and ran away14、Give In To Me 113She always takes it with a heart of stoneCuz all she does is throws it back to meI've spent a lifetime looking for someoneDon't try to understand me Just simply do the things I sayLove is a feeling Give it when I want it Cuz I'm on fireQuench my desire Talk to me woman Give in to me(重复两遍)You always knew just how to make me cryAnd never did I ask you questions whyIt seems you get your kicks from hurting meBecause your words just aren't enoughTakin me higher Love is a woman I don't want to hear itYou and your friends are laughing at me nowBut it's Okay Yes it's OkayYou won't be laughing girl when I'm not around I'll be And II'd never find Gotta Some peace of mind OhDon't try to tell me Love is a feel in Oh I don't wanna hear it Takin me higher Tell it to the preacher Satisfy the feelingI don't wanna Give in to the fire Act like a lady Talk to me baby Love is a fool Give in to the feeling15、It’s The Falling In Love 83You're Not Like Anybody I Ever KnewBut That Don't Mean That I Don't Know Where We AreAnd Though I Find Myself Attracted To YouThis Time I'm Trying Not To Go Too Far, CauseNo Matter How It Starts It Ends The SameSomeone's Always Doing Someone MoreTrading In The Passion For That Taste Of Pain It's Only Gonna Happen Again It's The Fall in' In Love That's Mak in' Me HighIt's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry CryIt's The Fall in' In Love That's Make in' Me HighIt's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry All Night... All Night And Though I'm Trying Not To Look In Your EyesEach Time I Do They Kind Of Burn Right Through MeDon't Want To Lay Down In A Bed Full Of LiesAnd Yet My Heart Is Saying Come And Do MeNow We're Just A Web Of Mystery A Possibility Of More To ComeI'd Rather Leave The Fantasy Of What Might Be But Here I Go Falling Again It's The Fall in' In Love That's Make in' Me High①It's The Being In Love That Makes Me Cry Cry Cry②①②同时(重复六遍)All Night... All Night16、Shake Your BodyI don’t know whats going happen to you babyBut I do know that I want youYou walk around this town with your head all up in the skyAnd I do know that I want you Let’s dance, let’s shout (shout)Shake you body down to the ground①Let’s dance, let’s shout (shout)②①②同时(重复四遍)You tease me with your love in’To play hard to getCause you do know that I want ya You walk around this townWith your head all up in the sky And you do know that I want yaLet’s dance, let’s shout (shout) Shake you body down to the ground(重复四遍)You are the spark that lit The fire inside of meAnd you know that I love it I need to do just somethingTo get closer to your soul And you do know that I want yaLet’s dance, let’s shout (shout)Shake you body down to the ground(重复四遍)17、Earth SongWhat about sunrise What about rain What about all the thingsThat you said we were to gain.. . What about killing fields Is there a time What about all the things That you said was yours and mine...Did you ever stop to notice All the blood we've shed beforeDid you ever stop to notice The crying Earth the weeping shores? Aaaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaaah What have we done to the worldLook what we've done What about all the peaceThat you pledge your only son... What about flowering fieldsIs there a time What about all the dreamsThat you said was yours and mine... Did you ever stop to noticeAll the children dead from war Did you ever stop to noticeThe crying Earth the weeping shores I used to dreamI used to glance beyond the stars Now I don''t know where we areAlthough I know we've drifted far Hey, what about yesterday, what about us What about the seas, what about usThe heavens are falling down, what about usI can''t even breathe, what about usWhat about the bleeding Earth, what about usCan''t we feel its wounds, what about usWhat about nature''s worth, ooo,ooo It''s our planet''s womb, what about us What about animals, what about itWe've turned kingdoms to dust, what about usWhat about elephants, what about usHave we lost their trust, what about usWhat about crying whales, what about usWe''re ravaging the seas, what about us What about forest trails, ooo, ooo Burnt despite our pleas, what about usWhat about the holy land, what about itTorn apart by creed, what about usWhat about the common man, what about usCan''t we set him free, what about us。

we are the world歌词

we are the world歌词
[02:00.13]As god has shown us by turning stones to bread
[02:08.31]So we all must lend a helping hand
[02:12.88]We are the world, we are the children
[00:43.23]And it's time to lend a hand to life
[00:48.54]The greatest gift of all
[00:52.40]We can't go on pretending day by day
[01:00.01]That someone,
It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me
We are the world, we are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving
[02:38.48]When you're down and out,there seems no hope at all
[02:44.61]But if you just believe there's no way we can fall
[02:50.85]Let us realize that a change can only come
[01:02.00]Somewhere will soon make a change
[01:05.46]We are all a part of god's great big family

Westlife - 西域男孩

Westlife - 西域男孩

Shane是主唱 英文全名:Shane Steven Filan 是主唱 英文全名: 中文名:尚恩·斯蒂芬 菲南 昵称:老头 中文名:尚恩 斯蒂芬·菲南 昵称: 斯蒂芬 出生日期: 出生日期:1979年7月5日 年 月 日 出生地:爱尔兰, 出生地:爱尔兰,斯莱戈 (Sligo) 星座:巨蟹座 身高:175cm 星座: 身高: 家庭成员:父母,三个哥哥Finbarr, 家庭成员:父母,三个哥哥 , Peter,Liam,三个姐姐 Yvonne, , , , Denise,Mairead,妻子是 , ,妻子是Kian的 的 堂姐Gillian,女儿 堂姐 ,女儿Nicole Rose Filan 儿子Patrick Michael Filan, Shane Peter Flian 儿子 ,
Mark是主唱和高声部 英文全名:Markus Michael 是主唱和高声部 英文全名: Patrick Feehily 中文全名:马克 迈克尔 中文全名:马克·迈克尔 迈克尔· 帕特里克·菲海利 昵称: 帕特里克 菲海利 昵称:豚鼠 出生日期: 星座: 出生日期:1980.5.28 星座:双子座 身高: 出生地:爱尔兰, 身高:182cm 出生地:爱尔兰,斯莱戈 家庭成员:父母,两个弟弟Barry,Colin 家庭成员:父母,两个弟弟 男友是来自男子乐团V的 男友是来自男子乐团 的Kevin ,Mark 现和Kevin已订婚 现和 已订婚
注:本名Brian,为了便于签名将名字改成Bryபைடு நூலகம்n 本名 ,为了便于签名将名字改成
中文全名:布莱恩 尼古拉斯 尼古拉斯·麦克法丹 中文全名:布莱恩·尼古拉斯 麦克法丹 昵称: 出生日期: 昵称:BB 出生日期:1980年4月12日 年 月 日 出生地:爱尔兰,都柏林( 出生地:爱尔兰,都柏林(Dublin) ) 家庭成员:父母,一个妹妹Susan,原妻是原女子 家庭成员:父母,一个妹妹 , 乐团Atomic Kitten的成员 的成员Kerry,女儿 乐团 的成员 ,女儿Molly和Lily, 和 , 未婚妻是澳洲小天后Delta Goodrem,在恋爱七年后, 未婚妻是澳洲小天后 ,在恋爱七年后, 现已和Delta Goodrem分手 离队主要原因是很喜欢自己 分手.离队主要原因是很喜欢自己 现已和 分手 的创作,不喜欢翻唱,并且自己认为最好的单曲《 的创作,不喜欢翻唱,并且自己认为最好的单曲《Mandy》 》 获得了超低销量,所以以照顾家人的借口离队了。 获得了超低销量,所以以照顾家人的借口离队了。
















You Are Not Alone 永远相伴歌词

You Are Not Alone 永远相伴歌词

Another day has gone 又一日过往I'm still all alone 我依然孤单How could this be 怎会如此?You're not here with me 你不在我的身边You never said goodbye 你从不说再见Someone tell me why 谁能告诉我为什么Did you have to go 你真得走吗?And leave my world so cold 我的世界一片凄凉Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语:That you are not alone 你并不会孤单For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁Though you're far away 不管你多远I am here to stay 我守候在天边But you are not alone 你不会孤单For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角You're always in my heart 你在我心间But you are not alone 你不会孤单'Lone, 'lone 孤单啊孤单Why, 'lone 为什么孤单Just the other night 几天前的晚上I thought I heard your cry 我想我听到了你哭泣Asking me to come 呼唤我的到来And hold you in my arms 紧拥你在怀间I can hear your prayers 我听到了你的祈愿Your burdens I will bear 我愿肩承你的负担But first I need your hand 但首先我需要你的手Then forever can begin那么永恒可以开始了Everyday I sit and ask myself 每天坐下来问自己How did love slip away 爱情怎会远离Something whispers in my ear and says 冥冥之中有人贴耳低语:That you are not alone 你并不会孤单For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁Though you're far away 不管你多远I am here to stay 我守候在天边But you are not alone 你不会孤单For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角You're always in my heart 你在我心间But you are not alone 你不会孤单Whisper three words 悄悄说出那三个字(我爱你)and I'll come runnin' 我将飞奔而来AND I和我And girl you know that I'll be there 和女孩啊,你知道我会在这里I'll be there 常在你身边That you are not alone 你不会孤单For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁Though you're far away 不管你多远I am here to stay 我守候在天边But you are not alone 你不会孤单For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角You're always in my heart 你在我心间But you are not alone 你不会孤单That you are not alone 你不会孤单For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁Though you're far away 不管你多远I am here to stay 我守候在天边But you are not alone 你不会孤单For I am here with you 我永伴你身旁Though we're far apart 不管天涯海角You're always in my heart 你在我心间But you are not alone 你不会孤单not alone并不孤独(这是TV版才有的)you are not alone你并不孤单you are not alone你并不孤单say it again再说一遍you are not alone你并不孤单you are not alone你并不孤单not alone并不孤独not alone并不孤独you just reach out for me girl你只是对我伸出手,女孩in the morning在上午in the evening在晚上not alone 并不孤独not alone并不孤独you and me你和我not alone并不孤独together一起together一起can't stop being alone不能停止独处There is a time when we should hear a certain call 我们听到了召唤We are the worldCause the world, it seems it's written in these lines世界似乎已被写进了这些路线Cause there's a chance for takin'需要作出一个选择In leading our own lives引导我们的生命It seems we need nothing at all表明我们需要的微乎其微I used to feel 我曾经觉得I should give away my heart我应该付出我的心And it shows that we are needed in there它表明在那里需要我们Then I read the headlines 然后我读了启示And it said that got in there它说在那里了需要我们And it showed that we are in there它表明,我们在那里We are the world,we are the children天下一家,我们都是上帝的孩子We are the one to make a brighter day我们要创造光辉灿烂的明天So let's start givin'所以现在我们就要付出There's a chance we're takin'这是我们的选择We're takin all our lives我们在付出我们的生命It's true we're make it a brighter day just you and me要创造一个更美好的世界,要靠你和我。



[A22] A dear John letter 给约翰的一封信*—Skeeter Davis 史琪特戴维丝[A14] A horse with no name 没有名字的马—America 亚美利加合唱团[A54] A new day has come 新的一天开始—Celion Dion 席琳狄翁[A48] A shoulder to cry on 可以靠著哭泣的肩膀—Tommy Page 汤米佩吉[A57] A song for mama 给妈妈的歌#—Boyz II Men 大人小孩双拍档合唱团[A12] A spaceman came traveling 外星人来访—Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫[A05] A time for us 我俩的时光*from电影“殉情记“—Andy Williams 安迪威廉斯[A46] A whiter shade of pale 更浅的苍白阴影—Procol Harum 普洛可哈伦合唱团[A31] A whole new world 崭新的世界from动画“阿拉丁“—Peabo Bryson & Regina 比柏布莱森 & 芮姬娜[A06] A winter’s tale 冬天的故事—David Essex 大卫艾塞克斯[A50] About a girl 关於女孩—Nirvana 超脱合唱团[A42] Abracadabra 咒语—The Steve Miller Band 史提夫米勒乐团[A47] Across the universe 飞越宇宙—Beatles 披头四合唱团[A30] Africa 非洲—Toto 托托合唱团[A16] Against all odds(Take a look at me now) 完全不可能(再看我一眼)*from电影“再看我一眼“—Phil Collins 菲尔柯林斯[A32] Ain’t no mountain high enough 爱比山高from电影“亲亲小妈“—Marvin Gaye & Tammi Terrell 马文盖 & 黛米泰瑞尔[A11] Alasca 阿拉斯加*—Topas 黄玉合唱团[A52] All about loving you 全心爱你—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[A07] All by myself 独自一人*—Eric Carmen 艾瑞克卡门[A53] All for the love of a girl 全是为了一个女孩的爱—Johnny Horton 强尼荷顿[A19] All I have to do is dream 只有寻梦去—Glen Campbell & Robbie Gentry 葛伦坎伯 & 罗比珍崔[A21] All kinds of everything 万事万物—Dana 唐娜[A51] All my life 一生一世—Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville 琳达朗丝黛 & 艾伦纳维尔[A29] All my loving 我所有的爱—Beatles 披头四合唱团[A55] All night long 彻夜狂欢—Lionel Richie 莱诺李奇[A02] All out of love 与爱绝缘—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[A41] All those years ago 多年以前*—George Harrison 乔治哈里森[A34] Almost over you 几乎忘了你—Sheena Easton 席娜伊斯顿[A43] Almost paradise 如在天堂from电影“浑身是劲“—Mike Reno & Ann Wilson 麦可利诺 & 安威尔森[A10] Alone 孤单—Heart 红心合唱团[A35] Always 永远—Atlantic Stars 大西洋之星合唱团[A36] Always 永远—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[A17] Always on my mind 永在我心中*—Elvis Presley 猫王-艾维斯普里斯莱[A26] Always somewhere 总在某处—Scorpions 蝎子合唱团[A49] Am I that easy to forget? 忘记我有那麼容易吗?—Jim Reeves 吉姆瑞夫斯[A09] Amanda 阿嫚达—Boston 波士顿合唱团[A45] Amazing 太神奇了—Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团[A01] Amazing grace 奇异恩典*—Judy Collins 茱蒂柯琳丝[A27-1] American pie 美国派歌词完全解说版请看这里!—Don McLean 唐麦克林[A27] American pie 美国派*—Don McLean 唐麦克林[A28] And I love her 我爱她—Beatles 披头四合唱团[A13] And I love you so 我是如此爱你—Don McLean 唐麦克林[A44] And so it goes 就这麼走了—Billy Joel 比利乔[A18] Angel 天使*from电影“X情人“—Sarah McLachlan 莎拉麦克劳兰[A40] Angel 天使—Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团[A38] Angel queen 天使女王*from日本动画“千年女王“—Dara Sedaka 达拉西达卡[A23] Angie 安琪—Rolling Stones 滚石合唱团[A04] Annie’s song 安妮之歌*—John Denver 约翰丹佛[A25] Another brick in the wall 墙上的另一块砖*—Pink Floyd 平克佛洛依德合唱团[A03] Another day in paradise 天堂的另一日—Phil Collins 菲尔柯林斯[A15] Another town another train 另一城镇另一班车—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[A33] Anywhere is 四处皆然—Enya 恩雅[A56] Are you happy now ? 你快乐吗 ?—Michelle Branch 蜜雪儿[A24] Are you lonesome tonight? 今晚你寂寞吗?—Elvis Presley 猫王-艾维斯普里斯莱[A37] Arthur’s theme (the best you can do) 亚瑟之歌from电影“二八佳人花公子“—Christopher Cross 克利斯多佛克罗斯[A39] As long as you love me 只要你爱著我—Backstreet Boys 新好男孩合唱团[A20] As tears go by 泪水流逝—Rolling Stones 滚石合唱团[A08] Aubrey 奥布芮—Bread 面包合唱团2楼[B08] Babe 宝贝*—Styx 冥河合唱团[B33] Back at one 回到原点—Brian McKnight 布莱恩麦肯奈特[B05] Back for good 永远停留—Take That 接招合唱团[B25] Bad medicine 劣药—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[B30] Band on the run 逃亡乐队—Paul McCartney & Wings 保罗麦卡尼& 翅膀合唱团[B20] Beat it 走开—Michael Jackson 麦可杰克森[B17] Beautiful boy 美丽的孩子*from电影"春风化雨1996"—John Lennon 约翰蓝侬[B12] Beautiful Sunday 美丽的星期天—Daniel Boone 丹尼尔潘[B15] Beauty and the beast 美女与野兽from动画"美女与野兽"—Peabo Bryson & Celion Dion 比柏布莱森& 席琳狄翁[B06] Because I love you 因为我爱你—Shaking Steven 薛金史蒂芬[B13] Because you loved me 因为你爱过我*from电影"因为你爱过我"—Celion Dion 席琳狄翁[B31] Bed of roses 玫瑰花床—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[B29] Before the next teardrop falls 下一滴眼泪落下以前—Freddie Fender 佛瑞迪芬德[B19] Ben 班from电影"金鼠王"—Michael Jackson 麦可杰克森[B18] Better man 更好的人—Robbie Williams 罗比威廉斯[B14] Betty Davis‘s eyes 贝蒂黛维丝的眼睛—Kim Carnes 金卡伦斯[B16] Big, big world 广大的世界—Emilia 艾蜜莉亚[B28] Biggest part of me 我最珍贵的部分—Ambrosia 安伯路西亚[B11] Bird on a wire 电线上的鸟*—Leonard Cohen 李欧纳柯罕[B32] Bloody Sunday 染血的星期天*—U2 U2合唱团[B04] Blowing in the wind 飘在风中*—Peter, Paul & Mary 彼得、保罗& 玛丽三重唱[B26] Blue balloon 蓝色汽球from电影"初恋的故事"—Jeremy 杰若米[B27] Blue bayou 蓝色港湾—Linda Rondstadt 琳达朗丝黛[B21] Blue eyes 蓝眼睛—Elton John 艾尔顿强[B23] Blue moon 蓝色月亮—The Marcels 波浪发型合唱团[B24] Blue velvet 蓝丝绒—Bobby Vinton 巴比温顿[B10] Bohemian rhapsody 波西米亚人狂想曲—Queen 皇后合唱团[B07] Borderline 边界—Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫[B01] Both sides now 正反两面—Judy Collins 茱蒂柯琳丝[B22] Breathe 呼吸—Faith Hill 费丝希尔[B02] Bridge over troubled water 恶水上的大桥—Simon & Garfunkel 赛门& 葛芬柯二重唱[B03] Bright eyes 明亮双眼*—Art Garfunkel 亚特葛芬柯[B09] Broken wings 残破的羽翼—Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫3楼[C20] C‘set la vie 这就是人生—Emerson, Lake & Palmer 爱默生、雷克& 帕玛合唱团[C02] California dreaming 加州之梦—Mamas & Papas 双亲合唱团[C07] Call me 打电话给我—Dennis De Young 丹尼斯狄杨[C26] Can you feel the love tonight 今晚你感受到爱了吗?from动画"狮子王"—Elton John 艾尔顿强[C31] Can‘t fight the moonlight 无法抗拒这月光*from电影"女狼俱乐部"—LeAnn Rimes 黎安莱姆丝[C13] Can‘t fight this feeling 无法克制这份感情—REO Speedwagon REO快马车合唱团[C19] Can‘t help falling in love 无法自拔陷入爱河—Elvis Presley 猫王-艾维斯普里斯莱[C18] Can‘t take my eyes off you 无法将视线从你身上移开*from电影"绝命大反击"—Frankie Valli 法兰琪瓦利[C27] Can‘t we try ? 我们不能再试试看吗?—Dan Hill & V onda Sheppard 丹希尔& 芳达雪柏[C04] Candle in the wind 风中之烛*—Elton John 艾尔顿强[C04-1] Candle in the wind 1997 风中之烛*纪念黛安娜王妃—Elton John 艾尔顿强[C28] Captain of her heart 她心中的船长—Double 双重合唱团[C08] Careless whisper 无心的耳语—Wham Wham合唱团[C17] Carrie 凯莉—Europe 欧洲合唱团[C06] Casablanca 卡萨布兰加*—Bertie Higgins 柏帝希金斯[C33] Castles in the air 空中城堡—Don McLean 唐麦克林[C01] Cats in the cradle 摇篮里的猫*—Harry Chapin 哈利却宾[C30] Changes 改变—Black Sabbath 黑色安息日合唱团[C38] Changes 改变—Olivia Newton John 奥莉薇亚纽顿强[C24] Changing partners 交换舞伴—Patti Page 佩蒂佩姬[C05] Cherish 珍惜—Kool & the Gang 库尔夥伴合唱团[C35] Child 孩子—Freddie Aguilar 佛瑞迪艾格勒[C16] Child in time 时代的小孩—Deep Purple 深紫色合唱团[C12] Children of the universe 宇宙的孩子*—Barclay James Harvest B.J.H.合唱团[C10] Chiquitita 奇琪堤塔—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[C32] Circles in the sand 沙滩上的圈圈—Belinda Carlisle 贝琳达卡莱儿[C21] Close to you 靠近你—Carpenters 木匠兄妹合唱团[C11] Colors of the wind 风的颜色from动画"风中奇缘"—Vanessa Williams 凡妮莎威廉丝[C44] Come as you are 还你本色—Nirvana 超脱合唱团[C15] Come what may 不论未来如何*—Lani Hall & Herb Alpert 蕾妮霍尔& 赫柏艾伯特[C34] Come what may 哪怕受尽风霜from电影"红磨坊"—Nicole Kidman & Ewan McGregor 妮可基嫚& 伊旺麦奎格[C39] Constant craving 永恒的渴望—K. D. Lang 凯蒂莲[C14] Cotton field 棉花田—C.C.R. 清水复兴合唱团[C40] Could‘ve been 曾经可以—Tiffany 提芬妮[C22] Count on me 依靠我from电影"等待梦醒时分"—Whitney Houston 惠妮休斯顿[C25] Coward of the county 郡里的懦夫—Kenny Rogers 肯尼罗杰斯[C29] Crazy for you 为你疯狂from电影"夺标27秒"—Madonna 玛丹娜[C43] Crazy love 疯狂的爱—Dick Glasser 狄克葛拉瑟[C41] Creep 怪物—Radiohead 电台司令合唱团[C36] Crocodile rock 鳄鱼摇滚—Elton John 艾尔顿强[C23] Cruel war 残酷的战争—Peter, Paul & Mary 彼得、保罗& 玛丽三重唱[C37] Cruising 漫游—Gwyneth Paltrow & Huey Lewis 葛妮丝派特洛& 修路易士[C42] Cry 哭泣—Godley & Creme 葛利& 克里姆二重唱[C09] Crying 哭泣—Don McLean 唐麦克林[C03] Crying in the rain 在雨中哭泣—A-Ha 啊哈合唱团4楼[D15] Dancing queen 舞后—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[D16] Danny boy 丹尼少年—英国民谣英国民谣[D07] Danny‘s song 丹尼之歌*—Anne Murray 安玛莉[D43] Daydream believer 白日梦信徒—Monkees 猴子合唱团[D04] Days of summer 夏日时光—Topas 黄玉合唱团[D23] Dear heart 亲爱的—Andy Williams 安迪威廉斯[D32] Delilah 狄莱拉—Tom Jones 汤姆琼斯[D11] Desert moon 沙漠之月*—Dennis De Young 丹尼斯狄杨[D33] Desert rose 沙漠玫瑰—Sting 史汀[D26] Desperado 亡命之徒—Eagles 老鹰合唱团[D29] Devoted to you 深爱著你—The Everly Brothers 艾维利兄弟[D06] Diamond and rust 钻石与铁锈*—Joan Baez 琼拜雅[D28] Diana 黛安娜*—Paul Anka 保罗安卡[D35] Diary 日记—Bread 面包合唱团[D22] Didn‘t we almost have it all 我们几乎拥有了一切—Whitney Houston 惠妮休斯顿[D40] Do I have to cry for you 要我为你而哭吗?—Nich Carter 尼克卡特[D05] Do that to me one more time 再为我做一次—Captain & Tennille 船长& 坦妮尔[D21] Do they know it‘s Christmas ? 他们知道现在是圣诞节吗?*—Band Aid 援非联合乐团[D19] Do you know where you‘re going to? 你可知何去何从?—Diana Ross 黛安娜罗丝[D34] Do you love me ? 你爱我吗?—The Kiss 吻合唱团[D09] Do you remember ? 你是否记得—Phil Collins 菲尔柯林斯[D41] Doctor Jones 琼斯博士—Aqua 水叮当合唱团[D18] Don‘t answer me 别回答我—Alan Parson‘s Project 亚伦派森计划合唱团[D31] Don‘t be cruel 别太冷酷—Elvis Presley 猫王-艾维斯普里斯莱[D36] Don‘t cry 别哭*—Guns N‘Roses 枪与玫瑰合唱团[D17] Don‘t cry for me, Argentina 阿根廷,别为我哭泣*from电影"阿根廷,别为我哭泣"—Madonna 玛丹娜[D20] Don‘t cry out loud 别大声哭泣—Melissa Manchester 玛丽莎曼彻斯特[D14] Don‘t cry, Joni 琼妮,别哭—Conway Twitty & Joni Lee 康威崔提& 琼妮李[D30] Don‘t dream it‘s over 别再作梦,结束了—Crowded House 挤屋合唱团[D10] Don‘t know much 知道的不多—Linda Ronstadt & Aaron Neville 琳达朗丝黛& 艾伦纳维尔[D39] Don‘t know why 不知为何*—Norah Jones 诺拉琼丝[D13] Don‘t let it end 别让它结束—Styx 冥河合唱团[D24] Don‘t let it end 别让它结束—Yngwie Malmsteen 殷维玛姆斯汀[D42] Don‘t let the sun go down on me 别让太阳落在我身上—Elton John 艾尔顿强[D37] Don‘t speak 别说*—No Doubt 不要怀疑合唱团[D27] Don‘t you want me ? 你不要我了吗?—Human League 人类联盟合唱团[D01] Donna, Donna 多娜,多娜—Joan Baez 琼拜雅[D25] Dream a little dream 做个小小的梦from电影"情定巴黎"—Mamas & Papas 双亲合唱团[D12] Dream on 梦想*—Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团[D08] Dreams 梦—Cranberries 小红莓合唱团[D03] Drive 开车—Cars 汽车合唱团[D02] Dust in the wind 风中之尘—Kansas 堪萨斯合唱团5楼[E03] (Everything I do) I do it for you 一切都是为了你from电影"罗宾汉侠盗王子"—Bryan Adams 布莱恩亚当斯[E23] 18 and life 十八岁和人生—Skidrow 史奇洛合唱团[E18] Eagle 鹰—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[E07] Earthbound 回归大地from日剧"失乐园"—Conner Reeves 康纳瑞夫斯[E24] Eat the rich 大吃大喝—Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团[E14] Ebony and ivory 黑檀木与白象牙*—Paul MaCartney & Stevie Wonder 保罗麦卡尼& 史提夫汪达[E19] Edelweiss 小白花from电影"真善美"—[E11] El condor pasa 老鹰之歌*—Andy Williams 安迪威廉斯[E22] Empty garden 空寂花园*—Elton John 艾尔顿强[E25] Endless Christmas 永恒的耶诞节—3T 3T合唱团[E12] Endless love 无尽的爱from电影"无尽的爱"—Lionel Richie & Diana Ross 莱纳李奇& 黛安娜罗丝[E04] Especially for you 特别献给你—Kylie Minogue & Jason Donovan 凯莉米洛& 杰生唐纳文[E05] Eternal flame 永恒的火焰—Bangles 手镯合唱团[E15] Even the nights are better 连夜晚也变得更美—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[E13] Evergreen tree 常青树—Cliff Richard 克里夫李察[E17] Every beat of my heart 我的每一次心跳—Rod Steward 洛史都华[E02] Every breath you take 你的每一次呼吸—The Police 警察合唱团[E09] Every rose has its thorn 每朵玫瑰都有刺—Poison 毒药合唱团[E10] Every woman in the world 世上的每一个女子—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[E21] Everybody hurts 每个人都受了伤—R.E.M. R.E.M.合唱团[E16] Everybody wants to rule the world 每个人都想统治世界—Tears for Fears 惊惧之泪合唱团[E26] Everybody‘s somebody‘s fool 每个人都认为其他人是傻瓜—[E06] Everything I own 我拥有的一切—Bread 面包合唱团[E08] Everytime you go away 每一次你离去—Paul Young 保罗杨[E01] Eye in the sky 天空之眼*—Alan Parson‘s Project 亚伦派森计划合唱团[E20] Eyes on me 注视著我from电玩"太空战士8"—Faye Wang 王菲?6楼[F09] 04:55 四点五十五分*爱你一万年原曲—Wynners 温拿五虎合唱团[F19] 50 ways to leave your lovers 离开爱人的五十种方法—Paul Simon 保罗赛门[F08] 500 miles 离家五百哩—Peter, Paul & Mary 彼得、保罗& 玛丽三重唱[F25] Fading like a flower 如花朵般凋谢—Roxette 罗克塞二重唱[F11] Faithfully 坚定不移—Journey 旅程合唱团[F17] Fallen flowers 落花辞枝—Steve McDonald 史提夫麦当劳[F20] Falling 迷恋*—Alicia Keys 艾莉西亚凯斯[F22] Famous blue raincoat 著名的蓝雨衣*—Jennifer Warnes 珍妮佛华恩斯[F10] Fast car 快车—Tracy Chapman 崔西查普曼[F05] Feelings 感觉—Morris Albert 莫立斯艾伯特[F04] Fernando 费南多—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[F12] First of May 五月初from电影"俩小无猜"—Bee Gees 比吉斯合唱团[F24] Flag Day 义卖日—Housemartins 笼中鸟合唱团[F15] Flashdance-what a feeling 闪舞-多棒的感觉from电影"闪舞"—Irene Cara 艾琳卡拉[F02] Fly away 远走高飞—John Denver & Olivia Newton John 约翰丹佛& 奥莉薇亚纽顿强[F21] Fly me to the moon 带我飞向月球—Frank Sinatra 法兰克辛纳屈[F26] Fly without wings 展翅高飞—Westlife 西城男孩合唱团[F01] Follow me 跟随我—John Denver 约翰丹佛[F16] For the first time 从第一次开始from电影"一日锺情"—Kenny Loggins 肯尼罗根斯[F27] Forever 永远—Stratovarious 腾云合唱团[F06] Forever young 永远年轻—Alphaville 阿尔法村合唱团[F07] Four seasons in one day 一日四季—Crowded house 挤屋合唱团[F23] Fragile 脆弱—Sting 史汀[F18] Free bird 自由鸟—Lynyrd Skynyrd 林纳史基纳合唱团[F03] From a distance 从远方…—Bette Midler 贝蒂蜜德勒[F13] From me to you 从我到你—Beatles 披头四合唱团[F14] Future world 未来世界—Helloween 万圣节合唱团?7楼[G08] Girl 女孩—Beatles 披头四合唱团[G16] Girl of my dream 梦中情人—Moffatts 新好同学合唱团[G17] Girls just wanna have fun 女孩们只想玩乐—Cyndi Lauper 辛蒂露波[G14] Glory of love 爱的荣耀from电影"小子难缠"—Peter Cetera 彼得塞特拉[G06] Go away, little girl 走开,小女孩—[G03] Go your own way 你走你的路*—Fleetwood Mac 佛利伍麦克合唱团[G10] God helps the outcasts 上帝帮助被遗弃者from动画"钟楼怪人"—Bette Midler 贝蒂蜜德勒[G02] Goodbye 再见—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[G01] Goodbye girl 再见女孩*from电影"再见女郎"—David Gates 大卫盖兹[G09] Goodbye yellow brick road 再见黄砖路*—Elton John 艾尔顿强[G15] Goodbye, Jimmy goodbye 再见!吉米,再见—Kathy Linden 凯西琳登[G04] Greatest love of all 最伟大的爱*—Whitney Houston 惠妮休斯顿[G12] Green, green grass of home 碧草如茵的家园—Tom Jones 汤姆琼斯[G12-1] Green, green grass of home 碧草如茵的家园另一种翻译的版本—Tom Jones 汤姆琼斯[G13] Greenfields 绿野—Brothers Four 四兄弟合唱团[G07] Greensleeves 绿袖子*—英国民谣英国民谣[G11] Grow old with you 陪你到老from电影"婚礼歌手"—Adam Sandler 亚当山德勒[G05] Gypsies, tramps & thieves 吉普赛,流浪汉与小偷*—Cher 雪儿8楼[H36] Half-breed 混血儿—Mary Deand and Al Capps 玛丽迪恩& 艾尔凯普斯[H47] Halfway around the world 环游半个世界—A-Teens A-Teens合唱团[H45] Happy Christmas (War is over) 圣诞节快乐(战争结束了)—John Lennon 约翰蓝侬[H08] Happy new year 新年快乐*—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[H11] Hard to say I‘m sorry 难以启口说抱歉—Chicago 芝加哥合唱团[H32] Harden my heart 狠下心肠—Quarterflash 四分之一闪光合唱团[H21] Have I told you lately? 我最近是否告诉过你?—Van Morrison 范莫里森[H39] Have you ever really loved a woman? 你真的爱过一个女人吗?from电影"这个男人有点色"—Bryan Adams 布莱恩亚当斯[H07] Have you never been mellow? 你不曾快乐过?—Olivia Newton John 奥莉薇亚纽顿强[H01] He ain‘t heavy, he‘s my brother 他不重,他是我兄弟—Hollies 哈里斯合唱团[H18] Heal the world 治愈这世界—Michael Jackson 麦可杰克森[H43] Heart is like a wheel 驿动的心—Linda Ronstadt 琳达朗丝黛[H02] Heart of gold 金心—Neil Young 尼尔杨[H29] Heartbreaker 伤心人—Dionne Warwick 狄翁沃薇克[H42] Heartlight 心灯*—Neil Diamond 尼尔戴门[H03] Hearts 心—Marty Balin 马提贝林[H10] Heaven 天堂—Bryan Adams 布莱恩亚当斯[H40] Heaven is a place on earth 天堂就在人间—Belinda Carlisle 贝琳达卡莱儿[H35] Heaven knows 上天知道—Rick Price 瑞克普莱斯[H14] Hello 哈罗—Lionel Richie 莱纳李奇[H23] Hello and goodbye 哈罗与再见—Topas 黄玉合唱团[H22] Hello, I love you 哈罗,我爱你—The Doors 门户合唱团[H20] Help me make it through the night 助我度过漫漫长夜—Sammi Smith 山米史蜜斯[H44] Her town too 也是她的城镇—James Taylor with J.D. Souther 詹姆士泰勒& 杰迪邵勒[H25] Here comes the sun 太阳出来了—Beatles 披头四合唱团[H31] Here I am 我在这里—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[H12] Here is your paradise 这儿是你的天堂—Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫[H13] Hero 英雄—Mariah Carey 玛丽亚凯莉[H37] Hero 英雄—Iglesias Enrique 安立奎[H27] Hey, Jude 嘿!朱德*—Beatles 披头四合唱团[H26] High enough 天高地远—Damn Yankees 死北方佬合唱团[H28] Hold me 拥抱我—Savage Garden 野人花园合唱团[H46] Hold on 坚持*—Good Charlotte 狂野夏洛特合唱团[H19] Holiday 假日—Scorpions 蝎子合唱团[H09] Honesty 真诚—Billy Joel 比利乔[H17] Honey comes back 甜心,回来吧!—Glenn Campbell 葛伦坎伯[H30] Honey, honey 甜心,甜心—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[H05] Hotel California 加州旅馆*—Eagles 老鹰合唱团[H05-1] Hotel California 加州旅馆*另一种翻译的版本—Eagles 老鹰合唱团[H24] House of rising sun 日升之屋—The Animals 动物合唱团[H38] How am I supposed to live without you? 失去你,我怎麼活下去?—Michael Bolton 麦可伯特恩[H06] How can I tell her 我该如何告诉她—Lobo 灰狼罗伯[H33] How can you mend a broken heart 你如何修补一颗破碎的心?—Bee Gees 比吉斯合唱团[H04] How deep is your love 你的爱有多深—Bee Gees 比吉斯合唱团[H16] How do I live 我怎麼活下去*from电影"空中监狱"—Trisha Yearwood 崔夏宜尔伍[H41] Hungry eyes 饥渴的眼神from电影"热舞十七"—Eric Carmen 艾瑞克卡门[H15] Hungry heart 饥渴的心—Bruce Springsteen 布鲁斯史宾斯汀[H34] Hunting high and low 四处寻猎—Stratovarius 腾云合唱团?9楼[I48] (I just) Died in your arms 死在你怀里—Cutting Crew 切割大队合唱团[I80] (I‘ve had) The time of my life (我拥有)生命中的时光from电影"热舞十七"—Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes 比尔梅德利& 珍妮佛华恩斯[I43] I am a rock 我是一块岩石—Simon & Garfunkel 赛门& 葛芬柯二重唱[I27] I am in love with the world 我和世界谈恋爱*献给黛安娜王妃—Chicken Shed 鸡舍合唱团[I84] I am woman 我是女人—Helen Reddy 海伦蕾蒂[I58] I believe I can fly 我相信我能飞—R. Kelly R.凯利[I75] I can‘t give you anything but love 除了爱,我无以回报—Louis Armstrong 路易士阿姆斯壮[I49] I can‘t make you love me 我无法强迫你爱我—Bonnie Raitt 邦妮芮特[I71] I can‘t stop loving you 我不能停止爱你—Ray Charles 雷查尔斯[I06] I can‘t tell you why 我无法告诉你为什麼—Eagles 老鹰合唱团[I02] I don‘t know how to love him 我不知道如何爱他*from电影"万世巨星"—Helen Reddy 海伦蕾蒂[I29] I don‘t like to sleep alone 孤枕难眠—Paul Anka 保罗安卡[I40] I don‘t want to miss a thing 我不愿错过这一切*from电影"世界末日"—Aerosmith 史密斯飞船合唱团[I21] I don‘t want to talk about it 我不想谈这件事—Rod Steward 洛史都华[I88] I drove all night 我开整夜的车—Roy Orbison 洛依欧比森[I46] I got a name 我有个名字—Jim Croce 吉姆克罗琪[I53] I guess the Lord must be in New York city 我想上帝一定在纽约市*from电影"电子情书"—Nilsson 尼尔森[I62] I hate myself for loving you 我恨自己爱上了你—Joan Jett & the Blackhearts 琼洁特& 黑心人合唱团[I11] I have a dream 我有一个梦—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[I76] I honestly love you 我真心的爱著你—Olivia Newton John 奥莉薇亚纽顿强[I16] I just called to say I love you 我在电话中说我爱你*from电影"红衣女郎"—Stevie Wonder 史提夫汪德[I54] I knew I loved you 我知道我已爱上你—Savage Garden 野人花园合唱团[I22] I know a heartache when I see one 看见了总使我心痛—Jennifer Warnes 珍妮佛华恩斯[I15] I know him so well 我如此了解他*—Elaine Page & Babara Dickson 伊莲佩姬& 芭芭拉迪克森[I44] I like Chopin 我爱萧邦—Gazebo 贾芝柏[I77] I love you 我爱你—Celine Dion 席琳狄翁[I78] I love you 我爱你—Climax Blues Band 克莱马克斯蓝调乐团[I79] I need to be in love 我应该恋爱—Carpenters 木匠兄妹合唱团[I65] I need you 我需要你—America 亚美利加合唱团[I86] I need you to turn to 我要你回心转意—Elton John 艾尔顿强[I74] I ran (so far away) 我奔跑—A Flock of Seagulls 一群海鸥合唱团[I93] I really don‘t want to know 我真的不想知道—[I56] I remember 我记得—Emil Chou & Mandy Gaines 周华健& 嫚蒂甘尼丝[I23] I say a little prayer 我做了小小的祈祷*from电影"新娘不是我"—Mary Black 玛丽布蕾克[I70] I should have known better 我早该明白—Jim Diamond 吉姆戴门[I64] I started a joke 我开了个玩笑—Bee Gees 比吉斯合唱团[I36] I still believe 我依然相信—Brenda k. Starr 布兰达史达[I51] I still haven‘t found what I‘m looking for 我仍未找到我所追寻的—U2 U2合唱团?10楼[I45] I swear 我发誓—All 4 one 合而为一合唱团[I90] I try 试试看—Macy Gray 梅西葛蕾[I26] I understand 我明白—[I41] I want it that way 我就是要那样—Backstreet Boys 新好男孩合唱团[I55] I want to hold your hand 我想牵你的手—Beatles 披头四合唱团[I28] I want to know what love is 我想知道爱是什麼—Foreigner 外国人合唱团[I20] I will always love you 我会永远爱你*from电影"终极保镳"—Whitney Houston 惠妮休斯顿[I01] I will follow him 我愿跟随他*from电影"修女也疯狂"—[I67] I will survive 我会活下去from电影"女狼俱乐部&十全大补男—Gloria Gaynor 葛洛莉亚盖诺[I39] I won‘t hold you back 我不会将你挽回—Toto 托托合唱团[I72] I write the songs 我写了一些歌—Barry Manilow 巴瑞曼尼洛[I25] I‘d love you to want me 但愿你需要我—Lobo 灰狼[I08] I‘d really love to see you tonight 今晚我真的很想见你—England Dan & John Ford Coley 英格兰丹& 约翰福特柯里二重唱[I59] I‘ll be loving you (forever) 我会永远爱你—New Kids on the Block 街头顽童合唱团[I10] I‘ll be over you 我会忘了你—Toto 托托合唱团[I17] I‘ll be there 我会在你身旁*—Mariah Carey 玛丽亚凯莉[I38] I‘ll be there for you 为了你,我一定到—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[I18] I‘ll have to say I love you in a song 我必须藉歌声说我爱你—Jim Croce 吉姆克罗琪[I73] I‘ll make love to you 我要和你做爱—Boyz to Men 大人小孩双拍档合唱团[I66] I‘ll never fall in love again 我绝不再谈恋爱了—Dionne Warwick 狄翁沃薇克[I94] I‘m alive 我还活著—Celion Dion 席琳狄翁[I81] I‘m easy 我很随和*from电影"纳许维尔"—Keith Carradine 凯斯卡拉定[I82] I‘m not in love 我没有坠入爱河—10 C.C. 10 C.C.合唱团[I85] I‘m on fire 我已欲火焚身—Bruce Springsteen 布鲁斯史宾斯汀[I04] I‘ve never been to me 从不曾属於自己*2002.06.28修订版本—Cherlene 夏琳[I03] If 如果*—Bread 面包合唱团[I96] If everyday could be Christmas 假如每天都是圣诞节—98 Degrees 98度合唱团[I92] If I let you go 如果我让你走—Westlife 西城男孩合唱团[I35] If not for you 若不是因为你—Olivia Newton John 奥莉薇亚纽顿强[I61] If you don‘t know me by now 如果你现在还不了解我—Simply Red 就是红合唱团[I34] If you leave 如果你离去—O.M.D. 黑夜行列乐团[I33] If you leave me now 如果你现在离开我—Chicago 芝加哥合唱团[I32] If you love me 如果你爱我—Brenda Lee 布兰达李[I31] Imagine 幻想*—John Lennon 约翰蓝侬[I57] Immortality 不朽—Celion Dion & Bee Gees 席琳狄翁& 比吉斯合唱团[I24] In a country churchyard 在一所乡间的教堂—Chris De Burgh 克里斯迪伯夫[I87] In a lifetime 在一生中—Clannad & Bono 克兰纳德合唱团& 波诺[I13] In my dream 在我梦中—REO Speedwagon REO快马车合唱团[I91] In my place 我这里—Coldplay 酷玩乐团[I42] In the air tonight 今晚在空中—Phil Collins 菲尔柯林斯[I19] In the morning 清晨中from电影"俩小无猜"—Bee Gees 比吉斯合唱团[I95] In the pines 在松林里—Nirvana 超脱合唱团[I52] In too deep 陷得太深from电影"蒙娜丽莎"—Genesis 创世纪合唱团[I12] Indian reservation 印地安人保留区*—The Raiders 突击者合唱团[I60] Inside of my guitar 在我的吉他里—Tracy 黄莺莺[I30] Into the night 进入夜晚—Benny Mardones 班尼麦唐纳[I37] Islands in the stream 溪流中的岛屿—Kenny Rogers & Dolly Parton 肯尼罗杰斯& 桃莉芭顿[I05] It might be you 应该是你*from电影"窈窕淑男"—Stephen Bishop 史蒂芬毕夏[I07] It must have been love 那一定是爱*from电影"麻雀变凤凰"—Roxette 罗克塞二重唱[I09] It never rains in southern California 南加州从来不下雨—Albert Hammond 亚伯特哈蒙[I68] It‘s a heartache 那是心痛—Bonnie Tyler 邦妮泰勒[I63] It‘s a long road 那是条漫长的路from电影"第一滴血"—Dan Hill 丹希尔[I50] It‘s my life 这是我的人生—Bon Jovi 邦乔飞合唱团[I83] It‘s only a paper moon 那只是个纸月亮—Nat King Cole 纳京高[I47] It‘s so easy 如此容易—Linda Ronstadt 琳达朗丝黛[I14] It‘s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday 难以向昨日说再见—Boyz to Men 大人小孩双拍档合唱团[I89] It‘s the heart that matters most 真心最可贵—Charlotte Church 夏绿蒂[I69] It‘s too late 太迟了—Carole King 卡洛金?11楼[J02] Jackaroe 杰克罗—Joan Baez 琼拜雅[J01] Jealous guy 嫉妒的家伙*—Roxy Music 罗西音乐合唱团[J07] Joanna 琼安娜—Kool & the Gang 库尔夥伴合唱团[J05] Just once 仅此一次—James Ingram 詹姆斯英格兰[J06] Just the two of us 就只有我俩—Bill Withers 比尔惠勒斯[J04] Just the way you are 就是你现在的样子—Billy Joel 比利乔[J03] Just when I needed you most 在我最需要你的时候—Randy Vanwarmer 蓝迪范沃玛?12楼[K01] Keep on loving you 继续爱你—REO Speedwagon REO快马车合唱团[K03] Keeping the love alive 让爱继续—Air Supply 空中补给合唱团[K02] Killing me softly with his song 情歌迷死人*—Roberta Flack 萝贝塔佛蕾克[K04] Kiss and say goodbye 吻别—The Manhattans 曼哈顿合唱团[K06] Kiss from a rose 玫瑰之吻from电影"蝙蝠侠3"—Seal 席尔[K05] Kiss me goodbye 吻别—[K07] Knife 刀—Rockwell 洛克威尔[K09] Knocking on heaven‘s door 敲打天国之门—Bob Dylan 巴布迪伦[K08] Kokomo 可可摩from电影"鸡尾酒"—The Beach Boys 海滩少年合唱团?13楼[L28] Lady 女士—Kenny Rogers 肯尼罗杰斯[L44] Lady 女士—Styx 冥河合唱团[L43] Lady, lady, lady 女士啊!女士from电影"闪舞"—Joe Esposito 乔艾斯波席托[L12] Last Christmas 去年的圣诞节—Wham Wham合唱团[L50] Last train to London 到伦敦的末班车—Electric Light Orchestra 电光乐团[L45] Laughter in the rain 雨中欢笑—Neil Sedaka 尼尔西达卡[L22] Lay all your love on me 把全部的爱给我—ABBA 阿巴合唱团[L34] Layla 蕾拉*—Derek & Dominoes 德瑞克& 骨牌合唱团[L53] Le Papillon 蝴蝶from电影"蝴蝶"—[L37] Lead me on 指引我—Maxine Nightingale 麦西夜莺[L13] Leader of the band 乐队指挥*—Dan Fogelberg 丹佛格柏。



like the way I’m feeling inside
I’m a big big girl in a big big world it's not a big big thing if you leave me but I do do feel that
我是个重要的女孩! 在一个大世界里! 如果你离开我,
a big girl
I’m a big big girl in a big big world it's not a big big thing if you leave me but I do do feel that 我是个重要的女孩! 在一个大世界里! 如果你离开我,
那不是件大事. 但我确实感到. 我将会非常想念你!
但我确实感到. 我将会非常想念你!
I too too will miss you much Miss you much
我将会非常想念你! 太过想念你了!
I have your arms around me ooooh like fire
如火炉般温暖的怀抱里的. 但当我醒来张开眼睛.
but when I open my eyes You’re gone...
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
我总是在这里,与我谈心; 我总是在这里,与你一起思考; 我总是在这里,与你一起计划; 我总是在这里,与你一起学习; 我总是在这里,与你一起喊英语; 我总是在这里,与你一起学习,一起成长; 即使我们不是始终形影不离, 请记住我总是在这里,爱着你。
Blowing in the wind
How many roads must a man walk down 一个男人要走过多少 路, Before they call him a man 才可以称之为好汉? How many seas must a white dove sail 一只白鸽要飞过多少 片海, Before she sleeps in the sand 才能在沙滩上入眠? How many times must the cannonballs fly 炮弹要横行多久, Before they are forever banned 才会永不存在? The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind 我的朋友 The answer is blowing in the wind 在风中就能找到答案。

世界杯主题曲:Time of Our Lives

世界杯主题曲:Time of Our Lives

世界杯主题曲:Time of Our Lives世界杯主题曲:Time of Our Lives举行的2021德国世界杯的主题曲2月9日最终确定,由SonyBMG唱片公司出名作曲家约尔根埃洛弗松(Jorgen Elofsson)作曲,超级制作人史蒂夫麦克(Steve Mac)制作的"我们生命中的'时光'(Time of Our Lives)最终成为2021德国世界杯的官方主题曲。

据加拿大新闻专线网近日的报道,由国际足联授权的,负责制作2021德国世界杯主题曲的唱片公司SongBMG将邀请曾刷新英美排行记录、震撼全球唱销的超人气组合"美声男伶'(Il Divo)到现场为球迷倾情演出。



TIME OF OUR LIVESToni Braxton Il DivoThere was a dreamLong time agoThere was a dreamDestined to growHacerse pasion (To become passion)Con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)El deseo de dar sin fin (the will to give in an endless way) El deseo de ganar (the will to win)For a lifetime of progressThat runs here todayWell go all the wayHey they feel like having the time of our livesLets light the fire find the plainLets go together as one insideCause it feels like were having the time of our livesWell find the glory and the painAll that we are, for all that we areFor time of our livesHoy es el dia (Today is the day)Es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)Una vida de lucha nos trajo hasta aqui (A life of fight brought us here)Y llegare hasta el final (and Ill keep on till the end) Heaven knowsCause it feels like were having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)Cause it feels like were having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you ) Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar...(And now I will never ever forget it...)Cause it feels like were having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)Cause it feels like were having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you ) El momento llego (The moment arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)Well find the glory well be thereFor all that we areFor one thing that we wanna be and all that we areFor the time of our livesFor the time of our lives。





有许多关于时间的英文歌曲,让我们一起来欣赏其中的三十首吧!二、国际流行歌曲中描述时间的经典之作1. “Time After Time” - Cyndi Lauper这首由Cyndi Lauper演唱的经典歌曲《Time After Time》发表于1983年,它描绘了时间如何改变一段感情,诉说着一个人对过去美好时光的回忆。

2. “Clocks” - Coldplay英国摇滚乐队Coldplay的《Clocks》是他们2002年专辑《A Rush of Blood to the Head》中的一首歌曲。


3. “Time is Running Out” - MuseMuse是一支来自英国的摇滚乐队,他们的歌曲《Time is Running Out》以激烈的节奏和浓烈的情感,传达出时间紧迫的感觉。

4. “The Long and Winding Road” - The Beatles这首歌是英国摇滚传奇乐队The Beatles的作品,《The Long and Winding Road》描述了一个人漫长而曲折的人生旅程,时间的流逝如同一条绵延不绝的道路。

5. “Yesterday” - The Beatles同样出自The Beatles的创作,这首歌取得了巨大的成功,描述了一段美好时光的回忆,时间已经成为一个永恒的存在。

6. “One More Time” - Daft Punk法国电子音乐组合Daft Punk的歌曲《One More Time》以轻快的节奏和震撼的旋律,催促我们在有限的时间里尽情享受。

7. “Seasons in the Sun” - Terry Jacks这首歌曲由加拿大歌手Terry Jacks演唱,描述了一个人在生命的最后时刻回忆起过去的时光,时间如同四季更替,逝去无踪。

time of our lives翻译

time of our lives翻译

time of our lives翻译"Time of Our Lives"的中文翻译可以是"我们生命中的时光"或者"我们的美好时光"。



以下是一些用法和中英文对照例句:1. We had the time of our lives at the beach last summer.去年夏天我们在海滩度过了美好的时光。

2. The concert was amazing! We danced and sang along, it was truly the time of our lives.那场音乐会太棒了!我们跳舞、跟着唱,真的度过了美好的时光。

3. Our road trip across Europe was the time of our lives. We saw so many beautiful places and experienced different cultures.我们在欧洲的自驾旅行是我们生命中的时光。


4. Graduation day was the time of our lives. We celebrated our achievements and said goodbye to our friends.毕业典礼是我们生命中的美好时光。


5. We had the time of our lives at the New Year's Eve party. We danced until dawn and made unforgettable memories.我们在新年派对上度过了美好的时光。

《我们和我们》歌词 亚帅公爵

《我们和我们》歌词 亚帅公爵

我们和我们作词:弱肉崔林(亚帅公爵)作曲:林光国(亚帅公爵)编曲:林光国(亚帅公爵)Rap:亚帅A.K.A GIP REMEMBER IT WE STILL VIP 紧握着手里的MIC WE READY TO SHOW/ MUSIC ALL RIGHT THIS IS GIP‘SSHOW TIME已经长大的六个大小孩迈出的第一步DO OR DIE WE CAN DO IT (A)你从不会放弃说出泄气的话你每次总会给我想要的回答每当你看见我无精打采的时候不需要言语微笑代替给我动力no body don.t wo rry放开颤抖的手仅有的实力需要爱的默契陪着我不害怕i need you 因为你给我的勇气no body don.t wo rry请抓紧我的手只要在一起会有爱的默契陪着我不害怕i need you 告诉我永远不分开Rap:从02年的BLACK STYLE到GIP再到亚帅STREET TO向往的舞台有多少心酸与无奈只会说风凉话的请听清楚亚帅所经历的辛苦你永远不会明白再问一次DO OR DIE WE CAN DO IT BETTER(A)Oh~~ 永远不会寂寞(拥有你的日子)有你没有困惑i need you baby永远不分开Rap:WE ARE GIP / IT’S THE VIP /KISS TO THE 手里的MIC /WE ARE GIP / IT’S THE VIP /亚帅BE THE CHINA TOP/no body don.t wo rry放开颤抖的手仅有的实力需要爱的默契陪着我不害怕i need you 因为你给我了勇气no body don.t wo rry~~以上就是关于我们和我们的歌词,感谢您的阅读!。

Time of Our Lives钢琴谱五线谱 完整版原版

Time of Our Lives钢琴谱五线谱 完整版原版

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Time Of Our Lifes 歌词
Deutsch, deutsch, deutsch, deutsch, deutsch, deutsch
Natürlich hat ein Deutscher "Wetten, dass ... ?" erfunden
肯定只有德国人才能说出这样的话:“我说的是不会错的,打个赌好吗?”Vielen Dank für die schoenen Stunden
Wir sind die freundlichsten Kunden auf dieser Welt
Wir sind bescheiden, wir haben Geld
Die Allerbesten in jedem Sport
Die Steuern hier sind Weltrekord
Bereisen Sie Deutschland und bleiben Sie hier
Auf diese Art von Besuchern warten wir
Es kann jeder hier wohnen, dem es gefaellt
Wir sind das freundlichste V olk auf dieser Welt
Deutsch, deutsch, deutsch, deutsch
Nur eine Kleinigkeit ist hier verkehrt
Und zwar, dass Schumacher keinen Mercedes faehrt
Das alles ist Deutschland
Das alles sind wir
Das gibt es nirgendwo anders
Nur hier, nur hier
Das alles ist Deutschland
Das sind alles wir
Wir leben und wir sterben hier
Deutsch, deutsch, deutsch, deutsch
Deutsch, deutsch, deutsch, deutsch
Es bilden sich viele was auf Deutschland ein
Und mancher findet es geil, ein Arschloch zu sein
Es gibt Manchen, der sich gern über Kanacken beschwert 有些人喜欢为了鸡毛蒜皮的小事而抱怨
Und zum Ficken jedes Jahr nach Thailand faehrt
Wir lieben unsere Autos mehr als unsere Frauen
Den deutschen Autos koennen wir vertrauen
Gott hat die Erde nur einmal geküsst
上帝偏爱德国,即使在他唯一一次亲吻地球时,Genau an dieser Stelle, wo jetzt Deutschland ist
Wir sind überall die Besten natürlich auch im Bett
Und zu Hunden und Katzen besonders nett
Das alles ist Deutschland
Das alles sind wir
Das gibt es nirgendwo anders
Nur hier, nur hier (zwo, drei, vier)
Das alles ist Deutschland
Das sind alles wir
Wir leben und wir sterben hier
Wir sind besonders gut in und auf die Fressehauen
Auch im Feuerregen kann man uns vertrauen
Wir stehen auf Ordnung und Sauberkeit
Wir sind jederzeit für'n Krieg bereit
Schon Gross an die Welt zieht es endlich ein 总有一天大德意志会重现世界
Wir koennen stolz auf Deutschland sein
Schwein, Schwein, Schwein, Schwein
可怜虫,可怜虫,可怜虫,可怜虫Schwein, Schwein, Schwein, Schwein
Das alles ist Deutschland
Das alles sind wir
Das gibt es nirgendwo anders
Nur hier, nur hier
Das alles ist Deutschland
Das sind alles wir
Wir leben und wir sterben hier
Das alles ist Deutschland
Das alles sind wir
Das gibt es nirgendwo anders
Nur hier, nur hier
Das alles ist Deutschland
Das sind alles wir
Wir leben und wir sterben hier
