6,Sinodrills DTH spare parts







以下是一些与中石油职称相关的英语词汇:1. Petroleum Engineer(石油工程师): A professional who specializes in the exploration, extraction, and production of oil and gas.2. Geologist(地质学家): A scientist who studies the origin, history, and structure of the Earth's crust, with a focus on identifying potential oil and gas reservoirs.3. Reservoir Engineer(油藏工程师): A specialist in the evaluation and management of oil and gas reservoirs, including optimizing production methods and estimating reserves.4. Drilling Engineer(钻井工程师): An expert in planning and overseeing the drilling of oil and gas wells, ensuring safe and efficient operations.5. Production Engineer(生产工程师): A professional responsible for optimizing oil and gas production processes, including managing equipment and troubleshooting production issues.6. Pipeline Engineer(管道工程师): An engineer who designs, constructs, and maintains pipelines for transporting oil and gas over long distances.7. Refinery Operator(炼油厂操作员): A technician responsible for operating and maintaining equipment in oil refineries, ensuring the efficient conversion of crude oil into various petroleum products.8. Safety Inspector(安全检查员): A professional who conducts inspections and audits to ensure compliance with safety regulations and procedures in the oil and gas industry.9. Environmental Specialist(环境专家): An expert in environmental regulations and practices, responsible for assessing and mitigating the environmental impact of oil and gas operations.10. Project Manager(项目经理): A professional who oversees the planning, execution, and control of oil and gas projects, ensuring they are completed on time and within budget.11. Finance Analyst(财务分析师): An expert in financial analysis and planning, responsible for evaluating the financial performance of oil and gas projects and providing recommendations for improvement.以上只是中石油职称英语词汇中的一部分,涵盖了石油行业的各个方面。


LPG, liquefied petroleum gas 液化 石油 气 LNG, liquefied natural gas 液化 天然气 octane number 辛烷数,辛烷值 vaseline 凡士林 paraffin 石蜡 kerosene, karaffin oil 煤油 gas oil 柴油 lubricating oil 润滑油 asphalt 沥青 benzene 苯
calcium 钙 calcium aluminate 铝酸钙 calcium antagonist 钙拮抗剂 calcium arsenate 砷酸钙 calcium arsenite 亚砷酸钙 calcium carbide 碳化钙 calcium carbonate 碳酸钙 calcium chlorate 氯酸钙 calcium chloride 氯化钙 calcium chloride tube 氯化钙管 calcium chromate 铬酸钙 calcium cyanamide 氰氨化钙 calcium cyanide 氰化钙 calcium fluoride 氟化钙 calcium hydride 氢化钙 calcium hydrosulfide 氢硫化钙 calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙 calcium iodide 碘化钙 calcium lactate 乳酸钙
dissociation 解离 dissolution 溶解 dissolved oxygen 溶解氧 dissolving power 溶解力 distance control 遥控 distearin 二硬脂精 distemper 水浆涂料 distillate 馏出物 distillation 蒸馏 distillation apparatus 蒸馏装置 distillation column 蒸馏塔 distillation curve 蒸馏曲线 distillation flask 蒸馏瓶 distillation loss 蒸馏损失 distillation still 蒸馏釜 distillation tower 蒸馏塔 distilled water 蒸馏水



第一章石油钻井工程英语基础第1节石油钻井工程基础词汇1.钻探,钻井:drill————拓展记忆钻井:drilling定向斜井directional drilling 欠平衡钻井under-balance 海上钻井off-shore陆地钻井on-land drilling 钻头:drill bit 刮刀钻头:drag bit 牙轮钻头rock bit金刚石钻头diamond bit 喷射钻头jet bit 钻铤drill collar 衣领collar钻杆:drill pipe 钻井队drilling crew 钻机drill rig 钻井泥浆drilling mud钻井液drilling fluid2.油,石油:oil————拓展记忆原有crude oil 石油petroleum 中国石油Petro-China 采油oil production采油设备oil production equipment 采油平台oil production platform 油泵oil pump3.地质:geology————拓展记忆地质专业人员geologist 物理physics地球物理勘探geo-physical probe,geo-physical exploration测井logging 测井作业logging operations 测井记录logging record4.油井:well————拓展记忆井眼hole 油井oil well 试井,油井测试well test 井下down-hole井下作业down-hole operation第2节石油钻井方法基础词汇原油crude oil 天然气natural gas 煤层气coal-bed gas 一体化设计integral design钻井drilling 钻井原理the principles of drilling顿钻钻井percussion drilling,cable-tool drilling 旋转钻井rotary drilling液体冲击fluid percussion 大位移big deviation侧钻井sidetracking drilling technology lateraldrilling水平井horizontal well 探井wildcat,wildcat drilling 深井deep well 浅井shallow well老井maturing well 欠平衡钻井under-balanced drilling 丛式钻井cluster drilling technology 煤层气井coal-bed gas well 生产井production wells 报废井abandon wells停产井non-production wells 绕障井、三维井three-dimensional wells常温井normal temperature well 注采井injection and production well 稠油井heavy oil well热洗井hot washing pipe 井况well condition第3节石油钻井技术基础词汇技术规范,技术指标,技术性能:specification拉伸tension 拉伸强度tension strength 应力stress 压力pressure 应力点stress point压力等级pressure grade 压力降pressure drop 压力梯度pressure gradient回压back pressure 大气压atmosphere 压差differential pressure静液柱压力static fluid column pressure 特征characteristic,feature定性讨论qualitative argiment 定量使用quantitative use液体liquid 固体solid 气体gas,air 正的positive 负的negative虚线dashed line,broken line 实线full line 递减率decline rate 正比于be proportional to 水平的horizontal 垂直的vertical 油层静压the formation static pressure第4节石油钻井参数基础词汇负荷load 扭矩torque 扭转twist 摩擦friction钻压WOB, weight on bit,weight, drilling weight钻速rate of penetration, drilling rate, the rate of drilling, average ROP 钻井周期drilling period 钻速rotary speed 地层压力预测formation pressure prediction technology地层快速预测the formation fast prediction 埋藏深度bury depth产油层,产油带,pay zone,productive formation温度梯度temperature gradient 地层压力formation pressure 坍塌压力collapse pressure破裂压力fracture pressure 平衡压力equilibrium pressure钻具(柱)压力drilling string pressure 钻头振动vibration of bit 钻井成本drilling costs井眼尺寸hole size,well size 参数计算parameters calculation几何参数geometric parameters 参数分析parameter analysis 动态参数dynamic data静态监测static data 注水参数parameter of injection 参数、变量variables 井距well space 垂直深度vertical depth 水平位移horizontal deviation 总深度total depth水平位移horizontal displacement 最大井斜角maximum hole inclination井眼环空annulus space 压力调节器pressure regulator 恢复(增加)压力the build-up pressure 初始开采primary recovery 含水地层water bearing formation 套管漏失casing leak摩擦损失friction losses 气聚阀gas-lift valve 石蜡族paraffin series含气液柱gas-laden column 增产措施stimulation treatment 流动能力flowing capacity生产速率production rate 水驱water drive 气驱gas drive 网状系统grid system水侵water influx 五点法five-spot pattern 油井产量well-productivity 径向流radial system 富气enriched gas 贫气lean gas 气顶gas cap 气驱gas drive(or gas flooding)水驱water drive (or water flooding) 地层伤害formation damage 波及系数sweep efficiency 泄油半径drainage radius 基岩处理matrix treatment 单级脱气single stage separation泄油面积drainage area 表面张力surface tension 束缚力connate water(or interstitial water)第5节石油钻井作业现场工作人员名称1 钻井队drilling crew 队、组crew、team2 技术员technician 钻井技术员drilling technician 泥浆技术员mud technician3 监督supervisor 钻井监督drilling supervisor 副监督assisstant supervisor地质监督geology supervisor4 工程师engineer 泥浆工程师mud engineer 泥浆工mudman机械工程师mechanic engineer 引擎、发动机engine 工程engineering钻井工程drilling engineering 采油工程production engineering石油工程petroleum engineering 试油工程oil test engineering拓展记忆---------------------------工作项目project 希望工程the hope project 三峡工程the Three-Gorge Project项目经理project manager 工程管理project management 钻工:roughneck、floorman司钻driller 副司钻assistant driller 钻井队长drilling foreman 钻井领班tool pusher井架工derrick man 发动机工,机工motorman 钻台工floorman机械师technicians,mechanic 电焊工welder 电工electrician 医生doctor材料员material man,staff man 炊事员cook 翻译interpreter, tansalator洗衣工laundry man第6节石油作业现场常用工具1、石油作业现场普通工具扳手wrench 螺丝起子screwdriver 多角螺丝起子Phlilips screwdriver活动扳手monkey wrench,adjustable 钳子pliers 手斧hatchet 钩子hook 台钳bench vice 榔头hammer 木锤mallet 搬手spanner 锯子saw 电动手锯jigsaw 电锯power saw钢锯hacksaw 硬尺rule 软尺tape measure 砂纸sandpaper 油漆paint 油漆刷paintbrush 绝缘胶布electrical tape 电线wire 插头plug 电插座outlet 开关switch 螺栓bolt螺帽nut 钉子nail 电钻electric drill 钻头bit 工作台workbench 工具箱toolbox胶水glue 交棒glue bar 管钳pipe tongs,pipe spanner,wrench链钳chain tongs,chain spanner,chain wrench护丝thread protector,screw protector手轮hand wheel 阀门搬手valve wrench,valve spanner 链接法兰coupling flange安全带safety belt 安全帽safety cap 工作靴working boots 千斤顶jack 吊车crane拖拉机tractor 推土机dozer 刮刀scraper2、石油作业现场专业工具接头sub 配合接头X-over,cross-over 提升短接lifting sub,lifting nipple elevator卡瓦slip 母锥box bell 公锥taper tap 短节joint 柔性短节flex joint 井口wellhead螺旋钻铤spiral collar 方钻杆kelly 钻杆架pipe rack 材料房warehouse 绳卡guy anchor 润滑器lubricator 维护保养maintenance 内钳lead tong 外钳back-up tong液压大钳hydraulic tong 兜绳mule line 四通阀four-way valve 软管hose球阀ball valve, globe valve 闸板阀ram valve, gate valve 增压泵booster pump换配件fittings change 灌注泵charge pump第二章石油工程常用设备及专业术语第1节钻井设备部分1 井架derrick 塔形井架derrick A形井架cantilever mast,mast-A 桅杆mast底座大梁sill 架,台rack 架工操作台monkey-board2 游动系统travelling systemn 天车crown block 天车梁crown block beam游动滑车travelling block 钻井大绳drilling line, wire line 金属线, 电线wire,line钢丝绳,测井电缆wire line 金属线,电线wire,line 钢丝绳股strand 截断cutoff滑车,滑轮,皮带轮pulley 吊耳eye plate3 大钩与水龙头hook and swivel 顶驱top drive 大钩hook 大钩弹簧hook spring大钩销子hook pin 大钩环hook ring 大钩锁紧装置hook locking device大钩悬挂高度hook height 水龙头swivel 鹅颈管gooseneck 冲管wash pipe水龙头盘根swivel packing 钻井水龙带drilling hose,rotary hose,kelly hose 立管stand pipe 高压管线high pressure line 低压管线low pressure line 放压管线relief line储气筒gas holder,air holder4 转盘rotary table 转盘方瓦master bushing 方补心kelly drive bushing方孔square openning 小鼠洞mouse hole 大鼠洞rat hole (井架大门处)坡板ramp5 绞车drawworks,hoist 液压绞车hydraulically-powered winch 气动绞车air operated hoist 绞车hoist,windlass,drawworks 滚筒线轴卷轴reel pool drum滚筒高速气离合器drum high air clutch 滚筒低速气离合器drum low high clutch猫头cathead 液压猫头hydraulic cathead 上扣猫头make up cathead卸扣猫头make out cathead 牙嵌离合器jaw clutch 应急牙嵌离合器emergency jaw clutch涡磁刹车eddy current brake 猫头轴cathead shaft 猫头绳cathead line猫头绳爪cat line grip 死绳dead line 死绳固定器deadline anchor死绳固定器膜片dead line diaphragm 上扣spin up,screw on 卸扣,卸开break out, screw off 上紧,固定tighten 松开,松扣loosen 加载load 卸载unload 拧紧screw 拧松unscrew 刹者brake 刹车总成brake assembly 刹车轴brake axle,brake shaft 刹车带brake band刹车片brake band lining 刹车杆brake bar 闸瓦brake block 刹把break crank,brake bar刹车鼓brake drum 离合器clutch 液压油箱hydraulic reservoir液动试压泵hydraulic test pump 液压大钳hydraulic tong 倒档齿轮reverse gear第2节钻井泵类及相关设备泥浆泵mud pump,drilling pump,slush pump 活塞piston 活塞杆piston rod活塞皮瓦piston cup 缸套liner,pumpliner 凡尔体valve body 凡尔座valve cup阀弹簧valve spring 阀杆valve lever 阀面valve face 阀帽valve bonnet泥浆泵安全阀mud relief valve 排出阀discharge valve 吸入阀suction valve潜水泵submersible pump 阀门valve 阀盖valve cap 阀座valve seat 回压阀回压阀back pressure valve 单向阀check valve single-pass valve 安全阀safety valve手动阀manual valve 液动阀hydraulic valve 冷缸cold cylinder 拉杆tie rod,tension bear 上水头intake,suction end 排出口discharge spout 高压管high pressure压力表pressure gauge 冲数strokes 排量displacement,discharge capacity,flow rate第3节井下泵类及相关设备泵筒pump barrel 柱塞plunger 关闭shut down 尾管tail pipe 抽油杆sucker rod长冲程long stroke 低泵速small pumping speed 泵充满度the fullness efficient of the pump 抽油杆sucker rod 排气方法gas bleeding method 泵效pump efficiency三维空间three dimensional space 有效生举efficient lift for the deviated抽油杆扶正工具sucker rod centralization tools 严重的管杆偏磨serious string partial wear游动阀the travelling valve 固定阀the standing valve 部分磨损、偏磨partial wear无杆泵rodless pump 小泵深抽small pump deep pumping technology挂泵深度pump setting depth 尾管长度length of liner 管柱结构the structure of pipe string防脱器dropout-prevent device 井斜角hole angle 电热杆borehole electric heating rod稠油开采heavy oil production 空心杆热载体hollow sucker rod heat carrier变扣器方补芯bushing 终端器terminal assembly 空心抽油杆hollow sucker rod整体电缆传感器continuous cable,sensor 空心光杆hollow polish rod 悬挂器hanger防喷盒stuffing box第4节采油设备采油树Christmas tree 抽油机pumping unit 往复运动reciprocating motion泵杆pumping rod 机械传动mechanical transmission 载荷能力peak polish rod load系统效率system efficiency 冲程stroke length 冲次frequency of stroke无级可调smooth regulation 沉降式抽油泵the sinking sand pump 泵下沉砂sinking砂颗粒sand particles 胶质沥青gum asphalt含蜡量paraffin content 凝固点solidification point 热流hot fluid 参水mingle water第5节与泵操作有关的使用短语没有压力no pressure 压力过高the pressure is too high 返回太少mud return is few水太少water is little 抢修rush to repair 请看记录please read the record没作记录no record 加化学小品put in chemicals 加高岭土粉put in koaline powder加云母片put in mica sheet 加增粘剂put in viscosifier 加稀释剂put in diluent(thinner)加稳定剂put in stabilizer(stabilizing agent)加烧碱put in caustic soda测定比重measure gravity,gravity test 测定失水test filtration 测定切力measure force开关switch 停泵stop the pump 请打手势please make a gesture转动一周turn round a circle 垫高一些put something under it to raise 抓紧firmly grasp抬高lift it up 拿稳hold firm 打一下strike once 往下拉pull out站稳stand firm take a firm hand 小端small end 大端large end 光滑smooth粗糙rough,coarse 平面plane,flat 弯曲winding,bending 放松loosen绷直stretch tight,draw tight 撬棍pinch bar,pry bar 充氨气nitrogen aeration 气包snubber 冷却cooling 润滑lubricate 过载overload 功率不足inadequate power,power is not enough第6节钻台与底座钻台drilling floor,derrick floor,rig floor 钻井记录drilling record司钻监视器driller’s monitor 司钻控制台driller’s console 指重表weight indicator转盘rotary table 卡瓦slip 吊卡latch elevator 底座substructure 井队活动房bunkhouse 钻台上值班房doghouse 立根盒setback (place)立根盒容量setback capacity井控设备well-control device第7节防喷器万能防喷器versatile blowout preventerBag type BOP单闸板防喷器single ram preventer 双闸板防喷器double ram preventer 闸板pipe ram全封闭式防喷器blind ram 蓄能器energy accumulator 压井管线kill line 入口inlet出口outlet 演习drill 消防演习fire drill 防喷演习BOP drill防腐涂料油管anti-corrosion coating material tubing 多功能管柱multi-function string第三章钻井工程作业部分第1节钻井事故泄漏leak 漏失fluid loss 出砂sand production 井喷blow out 井涌kick,flow off井漏lost of circulation,circulation lost坍塌,井壁坍塌caving,cave in,collapse出砂sand production,sand flow 桥塞bridge plug 砂桥sand bridge 井堵well clogging卡钻sticking 卡钻杆sticking the pipe 卡钻具sticking the drill stem 打捞fishing打捞工作fishing job 侧钻side-tracking 侧钻井眼sidetracking hole水泥窜槽cement channeling 固井失败cement failure 防砂sand control,sand-proof第2节钻头牙轮钻头rock bit,tooth-wheel bit 刮刀钻头drag bit 金刚石钻头diomand bit镶齿钻头tungsten carbide bit,insert bit 喷射钻头jet bit 铣齿钻头milled bit 牙轮cone钻头装卸器bit breaker 钻头直径bit diameter 钻头寿命bit life 钻头规格bit gauge钻头磨损bit wear 钻头型号bit type 水眼尺寸nozzle size 水眼效率nozzle efficiency钻头接头bit sub第3节钻具方钻杆kelly 方钻杆旋转短节kelly spinner 方钻杆考克(旋塞)kelly cock 接头sub钻头接头bit sub 钻具drill stem,drilling string 钻杆drill pipe 管子tube,pipe钻具组合drilling assembly 扶正器stabilizer,centering guide 翼状扶正器wing stabilizer扩眼器reamer drill collar 无磁钻铤drill collar 加重钻杆heavy weight drill pipe近钻头扶正器near-bit stabilizer 绕性接头flexible joint 震击器jar 减震器shock absorber 螺旋钻铤spiral drill collar 键槽破坏器key seat reamer 安全接头safety joint钻杆刮泥器drill pipe wiper 配合接头crossover sub 减震器shock sub井下钻具组合BHA-bottom hole assembly泥浆动力钻具mud motor 管线tubeline 钻柱drill string 涡轮tubine涡轮钻具turbo-drill stem 斜度taper,slope 塔式钻具tapered drill stem 接头 a joint,sub 管接头a joint of pipe 立根stand,a stand,thribble 加厚upset 内加厚internal upset外加厚external upset 内外加厚internal-external upset 丝扣thread 母扣box 公扣pin左旋螺纹left-hand thread 右旋螺纹right-hand thread 正规接头regular joint贯眼接头full hole joint 内平接头internal flush joint 护丝thread protector丝扣油thread dope,thread oil 打捞篮junk basket 打捞工具fishing tool打捞管柱fishing string 打捞公锥fishing nipple 打捞颈fishing neck 打捞头fishing head 打捞作业fishing operation 打捞母锥fishing socket 牙轮打捞器cone fisher倒扣工具reversing tool 卡瓦打捞筒slip socket 铣鞋milling shoe 铣具milling tool平底铣鞋flat bottom mill 磁力打捞工具magnetic fishing tool 套管打捞矛casing spear打捞矛fishing spear 打捞钩fish hook 套管打捞筒casing bowl 动力扳手power wrench动力大钳power tong 大钳活动牙块hinged jaw 大钳锁销latch 大钳悬臂suspension unit 气动工具pneumatic tool 打捞震击器fishing jars 打捞缓冲器fishing bumper sub打捞环die collar 打捞筒overshot 打捞短节junk sub 卡瓦slips 刮井器scatcher刮眼器扩井器wiper 油位检查丝堵oil lever check plug 油位oil lever油尺oil-lever dipstick 加油孔lubrication hole 盘根盒stuffing box 井筒工具well bore tool 配套工具matching tools 滚轮扶正器idler wheel centralizer 减磨短节friction reduction sub 轴线加压hydraulic thruster 扶正器centralizer 防脱器、装置anti-slip device减磨扭矩接箍torque-reduction sub 减扭接头torque reduction sub轴向水力加压工具hydraulic thruster 下套管漂浮接箍casing floating coupling轴向加压器hydraulic thruster第4节钻井工程地面作业实用词汇与短语方入kelly-in 方余kelly-up 开钻spud in,starting drilling 作业指令working instruction起钻POOH=pull out of the hole 下钻run in the hole 起下钻make a trip 短起下钻short trip 通井wiper trip 起下循环一周round a trip 循环时间round time,circulating time换钻头change bit 甩钻具laydown 填井pack-hole封井packed drilling发生故障break down 接单根connection 放卡瓦set slip,setting slip,起卡瓦pull slip扩眼openning 划眼reaming 二层台double monkey board,runround 顶部驱动器top drive 吊环bail 吊卡elevator 安全卡瓦safety slips 接头sub adapter 短节sub substitute井下震击器downhole(bumper)jar,down well shaker 打捞工具fishing tool三片卡瓦three slips,three pieces 补芯bushing 方补芯kelly drive bushings转盘补芯(大方瓦)rotary drive bushing 转盘刹车rotary brake 丝扣油thread lubricant oil 刹把brake crank,brake bar,brake lever 脚踏开关pedal switch 挂档put into gear拉猫头cathead 内钳back-up tongs 外钳lead tongs 气动大钳pneumatic tongs 液压大钳hydraulic tongs 机械手mechanical arm 铁钻工machine hand 司钻房driller room有故障it has broken down, it has something wrong 已修好the breakdown has been fixed马上去go there at once 请下去please go down 请上来please come up躲开,危险get out,danger 请翻译来ask the interpretor to come here 冲洗flushing井口well-head(well head)井下落物fish 一根钻杆(单根)single(pipe)三根钻杆组合(立根)thribble 甩单根breaking down 接单根make a connection气动绞车pneumatic drawworks 吊篮basket 卡子clamp 绳套rope sling loosening紧固tightening 挪开move it off 换班change,shift 保养设备maintain equipment钻井日志boring journal,boring log 油管悬挂器tubing hanger第5节钻井工程井口作业实用词汇与短语喇叭口bell mouth,flare opening 贮能器accumulater 液压阀hydraulic valve液压管hydraulic hose 阻流管choke line 井控管汇well control manifold泄压阀pressure relief valve 调压针阀pressure regulating needle valve回压阀backpressure valve 井口螺丝the bolt of wellhead 井口绞车well head drawworks水刹车water brake,hydraulic brake 电缆(electric)cable 井口压力wellhead pressure隔水导管conductor riser 小心滑倒Guard against slipping 不要掉下去Take care not to fall down 我来清理let me clean up 带把扳手来bring a spanner,please 带把铁锤来bring a hammer,please. 带点密封剂bring a little sealant,please 带个密封圈bring a sealing washer 用起子撬prize with (using)screwdriver 用手推注push by hand 卸下来了it has been removed off 装配好了it has been assembled 很快就好了it will be finished right away抬一下let’s lift it 上紧螺丝tighten the screw loosen 松开螺丝loosen the screw把绳子给我give me the rope,please 把绳子拿走take the rope away。




产品类型应急咨询电话(带值班时间)::企业标识:化学品的推荐用途和限制用途产品代码:30762中国化学事故应急服务 Tel: +86 532 83889090佐敦涂料(张家港)有限公司中国江苏扬子江国际化学工业园南海路39号 215634电话: +86 512 58937988传真: +86 512 58937986Jotun Coatings (Zhangjiagang) Co. LtdNO.39 Nanhai Road Jiangsu Yangtze River International Chemical Industry Park,Jiangsu Province 215634 China Tel: +86 512 58937988Fax: +86 512 58937986中远佐敦船舶涂料(青岛)有限公司中国山东省青岛市高新区春阳路800号总机电话: +86-532-68689888总机传真: +86-532-66726750Jotun COSCO Marine Coatings (Qingdao) Co. Ltd.No. 800, Chunyang Road, High-tech Zone, Qingdao, P. R. China Tel: +86-532-68689888Fax: +86-532-66726750产品名称Barrier 75 CN Comp A :环氧富锌底漆0X6 组份A产品描述:油漆。

易燃液体 - 类别 3皮肤腐蚀/刺激 - 类别 2严重眼损伤/眼刺激 - 类别 2A 皮肤致敏物 - 类别 1致癌性 - 类别 2危害水生环境一急性危险 - 类别 1危害水生环境一长期危险 - 类别 1危险性类别:信号词:警告.象形图:GHS标签要素H315 - 造成皮肤刺激。

H317 - 可能造成皮肤过敏反应。

H319 - 造成严重眼刺激。

H351 - 怀疑致癌。

H400 - 对水生生物毒性极大。



一、公司领导职务英文翻译集团公司:China National Petroleum Corporation 总领导:President副总领导:Vice President总会计师:Chief Financial Officer纪检组长:Chief of Discipline & Inspection Group、Vice President 总领导助理:Assistant President总法律顾问:General Counsel副总会计师:Deputy Chief Financial Officer副总经济师:Deputy Chief Economist副总工程师:Deputy Chief Engineer股分公司:PetroChina Company Limited董事长:Chairman, Board of Directors副董事长:Vice Chairman, Board of Directors董事:Director, Board of Directors监事会主席:Chairman, Board of Supervisors总裁:President副总裁:Vice President财务总监:Chief Financial Officer总工程师:Chief Engineer总地质师:Chief Geologist董事会秘书:Secretary, Board of Directors二、机关部门及处室职务英文翻译一、机关部门职务:1、办公厅、直属党委、××办公室、××部、××局:主任(总领导): Director-General副主任(副总领导):Deputy Director-General副总工程师:Deputy Chief Engineer副总经济师:Deputy Chief Economist副总会计师:Deputy Chief Accountant副总审计师:Deputy Chief Auditor2、专业公司:总领导:President副总领导:Vice President总工程师:Chief Engineer总经济师:Chief Economist总地质师:Chief Geologist总会计师:Chief Financial Officer3、董事会助理秘书:Assistant Secretary, Board of Directors纪委书记 Secretary, Disciplinary Inspection 工会主席 Chairman, Worker’s Union4、处室主任、处长:Director副主任、副处长:Deputy Director二、下属子公司、分公司职务:总领导:President副总领导:Vice President(副)总工程师:(Deputy) Chief Engineer(副)总经济师:(Deputy) Chief Economist(副)总地质师:(Deputy) Chief Geologist(副)总会计师:(Deputy) Chief Accountant处室、处级办公室:Department处室主任、处长:Director副主任、副处长:Deputy Director科室:Division;科长:Chief;副科长:Deputy Chief三、机关部门及处室名称英文翻译四、专业技术职称英文翻译一、技术职称:工程师: Engineer会计师: Accountant经济师: Economist、、、、、、二、职称级别:“低级、高级”那么别离译成:“A ssociate ××,Senior ××”。



sole automatic skiving machine 鞋底自动削薄机sole coating agent 鞋底涂饰剂sole edge grinding machine 鞋底磨边机sole edge trimming machine 削底边机sole fluff grinding machine 鞋底磨毛机sole for footwear 鞋底sole heel reinforced nailing machine 底跟加固打钉机sole leather 鞋底皮sole making machine 鞋底制造机sole moulding machine 鞋底压型机sole press machine 压底机sole rubbing trimming machine 鞋底磨整机sole sewing machine 鞋底缝纫机sole splitting machine 片底料机sole stitcher 鞋底缝合机sole 鞋底sole-cementing machine 鞋底粘合机sole-fixing machine 绱鞋机sole-leather shears 鞋底革大剪刀sole-stitching machine 鞋底缝合机soled moccasins 配上鞋底的鹿皮鞋soleil polariscope 索勒尔偏振镜soleil velvet 有光平绒soleil 棱条缎solenoid coil 螺管线圈solenoid directional valve 电磁换向阀solenoid driver 螺线管驱动器solenoid relay 螺管式继电器solenoid switch 电磁开关solenoid valve 电磁阀solenoid 螺线管soleonid clutch 螺线管式离合器solex 苏力士牌手表solid alcali sulphide 固体硫化碱solid bowl centrifuge 转鼓式离心机solid broach 整体拉刀solid bronze flame spreader 实心青铜火焰喷射器solid cable 实芯电缆solid carbide drill 整体硬质合金钻头solid carbide end mill 整体硬质合金立铣刀solid carbide reamer 整体硬质合金铰刀solid carbide subland drill 整体硬质合金阶梯钻solid carbide twist drill 整体硬质合金麻花钻solid center auger bit with one spur 单翼木工钻头solid center auger bit with two spurs 双翼木工钻头solid center bit with one spur 单翼木工钻头solid center bit with two spurs 双翼木工钻头solid center bit 木工钻头solid center eyed anger 木工钻solid center eyed auger with one spur 单翼木工钻solid center eyed auger with two spurs 双翼木工钻solid center eyed auger without spur 无翼木工钻头solid coal 硬煤solid colour broadcloth shirt 素色阔棉布衬衫solid colour cotton terry cloth 素色水结布solid colour napkin 素色餐巾solid colour oxford shirt 素色牛津衫solid colour rug 素色地毯solid colour tablecloth 素色台布solid colour ticking 素色褥布solid colour towel 素色毛巾solid colour velvety pile bath mat 素色剪绒长毛浴垫solid conveying machinery 固体输送机械solid counter 固态计数器solid crank shaft 实心曲轴solid deep mortise milling cutter 整体深榫槽铣刀solid deodorizer 固体除臭剂solid drill 实心钻头solid electric hammer drill 实心电锤钻solid electrolyte sensor 固体电解质测氧仪solid end mill 整体立铣刀solid expansion thermometer 固体膨胀温度计solid fill cable 实芯电缆solid flow transmitter 粒料流量变送器solid forming machine 固体成型机solid fuel 固体燃料solid fused calcium chloride 固体熔融氯化钙solid fused caustic soda 固体熔融烧碱solid fused sodium sulphide 固体熔融硫化钠solid gold frame 真金镜架solid gold jewellery 足金首饰solid hacksaw frame with wooden handle 木柄式固定钢锯架solid jaw with lug 带舌普通接杆solid jaw with movable lug 带活舌普通接杆solid laser operator 固体激光手术器solid laser 固体激光器solid nickel double blade spatula 双口镍质角刀solid pack apple 干装苹果solid pastel shorts 素色短裤solid pattern engraving milling machine 立体刻模铣床solid pedestal 整体轴承solid phosphor laser 固态磷光体激光器solid pipe wrench 固定管扳手solid probe 固体探测器solid pulverizing machinery 固体粉碎机械solid pump 固体输送泵solid red wool hunting cap 素色红绒布打猎帽solid refrigerator 固体制冷器solid rivet 实心铆钉solid rotary conveyor 固定旋转式输送机solid rubber tired wheel 实心橡皮轮solid rubber 固体橡胶solid sauce 固体酱油solid shaft 实心轴solid shallow mortise milling cutter 整体浅榫槽铣刀solid silver frame 真银镜架solid snap thread gage 整体螺纹卡规solid solderwire 硬焊丝条solid soy 固体酱油solid stainless steel watch band 实芯不锈钢表带solid state amplifier 固态放大器solid state camera 固体摄像机solid state computer 固态计算机solid state data collector 固态数据收集器solid state fm stereo transmitter 固态立体声调频广播发射机solid state injection laser 固体注入式激光器solid state ionization detector 固态电离探测器solid state laser 固态激光器solid state light detector 固态光探测器solid state maser oscillator 固态微波激射振荡器solid state maser 固态微波激射器solid state metering relay 固态计数继电器solid state microwave amplifier 固态微波放大器solid state microwave device 固体微波器件solid state oscillator 固态振荡器solid state photodiode 固态光电二极管solid state photosensor 固态光敏器件solid state power amplifier 固态功率放大器solid state pressure sensor 固态压力传感器solid state reference electrode 固态参比电极solid state relay 固态继电器solid state ring laser 固体环形激光器solid state sweep laser 固态扫描激光器solid state sweep oscillator 固态扫频信号振荡器solid state sweeper 固态扫频器solid state thyratron 固体闸流管solid state tuner 固体调谐器solid state uhf tv transmitter 固态超高频电视发射机solid state vhf tv transmitter 固态甚高频电视发射机solid state vidicon 固态光导摄像管solid switch 固体开关solid tantalum capacitor 固体钽电容器solid tyre 实心轮胎solid wheel rolling mill 整轧车轮轧机solid wire 实芯线solid-acid catalyst 固体酸催化剂solid-core post insulator 实心棒形绝缘子solid-electrolyte battery 固体电解质电池solid-propellant rocket engine 固体火箭发动机solidified soy 固体酱油solidonia 索利多尼亚纤维soliger 秀丽牌照相机soligunum 沙立根油soliton laser 孤立子激光器soliton transmission fiber 光孤立子传输光纤solo fibre 单纯纤维solo 沙乐牌手表solo+lasso 抑草绿混剂solomonseal 黄精solopendra 蜈蚣solophenyl dye 晒牢维染料solu-medrol injection 甲强龙针solubilised press agent 水溶性平滑剂solubilised sulphur black 水溶性硫化黑solubilised textile wax 水溶性纺织蜡solubilised waxing agent 水溶性上蜡剂soluble acetylene gas cylinder 溶性乙炔气瓶soluble fibre 可溶纤维soluble glass sand 水玻璃树脂砂soluble polyurethane 水溶性聚氨酯soluble powder 可溶性粉剂soluble stanching gauze 可溶性止血纱布soluble starch 可溶性淀粉soluble vat blue 可溶性还原蓝soluble vat brilliant orange 可溶性还原艳橙soluble vat brown 可溶性还原棕soluble vat golden yellow 可溶性还原金黄soluble vat green 可溶性还原绿soluble vat grey 可溶性还原灰soluble vat pink 可溶性还原桃红soluble vat violet 可溶性还原紫solution catcher 溶液收集器solution heat exchanger 溶液交换器solution of cobalt naphthanate in styrene 化122环烷酸钴溶液solution pump 溶液泵solution 溶液solution-dyed yarn 纺染纱solvent cleaner 溶剂清洗剂solvent drum dyeing machine 鼓筒式溶剂染色机solvent dye 溶剂染料solvent extracted excrementum bombycis 脱绿蚕砂solvent oil 溶剂油solvent regenerator 溶剂再生器solvent shoe polish 溶剂型鞋油solvent spun fibre 溶纺纤维solvent 溶剂solvent-free immersion paint 无溶剂浸渍漆solvent-free resin 无溶剂树脂solventbase primer 溶解基底漆solventbased acrylic finish 溶解基丙烯涂料solver cycle refrigerator 索尔文循环制冷机solver 求解仪solvex 索尔维克斯聚碳酸酯单丝solvirex 乙拌磷solvx 苏尔伏司牌手表solypertine 索立哌汀soma 苏马牌手表somascope 超声波检查仪somatometer 活体测量计somatostatin 生长抑制素somatropin 促生长激素sombrero 墨西哥式帽something special 珍品威士忌sommiere 桑米尔哔叽sonagraph 声频电流波形分析器sonar caliper 声纳井径仪sonar indicator 声纳指示器sonar pinger 声纳脉冲发迭器sonar receiver 声纳接收机sonar reflector 声纳反射器sonar simulator 声纳模拟器sonar test set 声纳测试仪sonar transducer 声纳换能器sonar transmitter 声纳发射器sonar 声纳sonartv sonde 声纳-电视探测器sonde 探测器sondol 回声探测器songbei 松贝sonic altimeter 声波测高计sonic analyser 声波分析器sonic button hole machine 声波锁眼机sonic chemical analyzer 声波化学分析器sonic comparator 声波比较仪sonic depth finder 回声测深仪sonic detector 声波探伤器sonic drill for shallow hole 浅孔用声波钻机sonic echo depthfinder 回声测深器sonic echo sounder 回声测深器sonic frequency amplifier 声频放大器sonic frequency controlling amplifier 声频控制放大器sonic frequency cymometer 声频频率计sonic frequency spectrum recording meter 声频频谱记录仪sonic gas analyzer 声学气体分析计sonic pile driver 声波打桩机sonic sand detector 声波探砂器sonic strain gauge 声波应变计sonic velocity gas analyzer 声速气体分析仪sonic washer 声波洗涤机sonicator 近距离声波定位器sonigauge 超声波测厚仪soniscope 脉冲式超声波探伤仪sonnengerg 佐内格白葡萄酒sono-encephalograph 超声波测脑仪sonograph 声谱仪sonolator 声谱显示仪sonometer 振动式频率计sonomicroscope 声学显微镜sonoprobe 声纳测深器sontag 毛线短上衣sontis 松蒂斯牌手表sony 索尼牌电器sooflex 苏夫莱克斯耐纶丝soogan 毯子soojney 手织厚实床罩soot blower 吹灰器soot collector 烟灰收集器sophamide 苏果sophisticated planer 精密刨床sophisticated tank driving simulator 坦克高级驾驶模拟器sophora japonica 槐米soporific perfume 香梦露soporifics 催眠药soprabel 砷酸铅sopracol 781 敌菌酮sopragam 一林合剂sopranebe 代森锰soprano saxhorn 高音号soprathion 一六0五soprd 索宝脱牌照相机sorb-pump 吸附泵sorbic acid 山梨酸sorbinicate 山梨烟酯sorbitan laurate 山梨醇月桂酸酯sorbitan monostearate 山梨醇酐单硬脂酸酯sorbitan oleate 山梨醇油酸酯sorbitan palmitate 山梨醇棕榈酸酯sorbitan stearate 山梨醇硬脂酸酯sorbitan tristearate 山梨醇酐硬脂酸酯sorbitol 山梨醇sorbose 山梨糖sorcrote 索克洛平布sorel's alloy 索雷尔锌基合金sorghum husk 高粱壳sorghum molasses 高粱糖浆sorghum oil 高粱油sorghum pigment 高粱红sorghum stalk curtain 高粱杆帘sorghum stalk products 高粱杆制品sorghum sugar 高粱饴糖sorghum syrup 高粱饴sorghum 高粱soria wool 索里亚羊毛sormel 索梅勒牌手表sorpol 苏乳播sorption pump 吸附泵sorter 分选机sorting grizzly 分级格筛sorting machine 分选机sorting pennistone 佩尼斯顿再生毛粗呢soterenol 索特瑞醇soto 索托牌手表sotora 索托拉牌手表sou'wester 油布长雨衣souchong 小种红茶souffle 蛋奶酥soumer 苏米尔牌手表sound amplifier 扩音机sound analyzer 声谱分析器sound box 音箱sound camera 有声电影摄像机sound collateral tube 伴音管sound console 调音台sound corrector 声音校正器sound damper 声阻尼器sound damping glazing 隔音玻璃sound demodulator 伴音信号解调器sound detector 检声器sound effect system 音响效果系统sound fibre 强韧的纤维sound film projector 有声电影放映机sound filter 滤声器sound grader 精密声级计sound insulated fire door 隔音防火门sound insulating board 隔音板sound insulating glazing 隔音玻璃sound intensifier 声音放大器sound intensity meter 声强计sound intermediate-frequency detector 声中频检波器sound lens 声透镜sound level meter 声级计sound locater 声波测位器sound locating instrument 音响寻踪仪sound locator 声波定位器sound meter 测声计sound mixer 声音合成器sound monitor 监听器sound pickup 拾音器sound player 留声机sound pressure meter 声压计sound range recordrer 声频测距记录仪sound ranger 声波测距仪sound ranging altimeter 声波测高计sound recording amplifier 录音放大器sound recording camera 录音摄影机sound recording carrier 录音载波器sound recording film 电影录音底片sound recording volume indicator 录音音量指示器sound repeater 增音机sound reproducing equipment 还音设备sound reverberator 混响器sound spectrograph 声谱仪sound surface wave band pass filter 声表面波带通滤波器sound surface wave band rejection filter 声表面波带阻滤波器sound surface wave convolution device 声表面波卷积器sound surface wave filter 声表面波滤波器sound surface wave frequency-modulated oscillator 声表面波调频振荡器sound surface wave multichannel filter assembly 声表面波多通道滤波器组件sound surface wave oscillator 声表面波振荡器sound surface wave pressure control oscillator 声表面波压控振荡器sound surface wave resonator 声表面波谐振器sound surface wave thin coating 声表面波薄膜sound surface wave transmitter 声表面波发射机sound surface wave vestigial side-band filter 声表面波残留边带滤波器sound tape movie camera 全胶带录音电影摄影机sound tape movie projector 全胶带有声放映机sound track printer 声带印片机sound truck 广播车sound vibrograph 音响示振仪sound volume indicator 音量指示器sound volume meter 音量表sound wave display 声波显示器sound wool 拉力强的羊毛sound-absorbing perforated asbestos cement panel 吸声带孔石棉水泥板sound-frequency measuring meter 音频测量仪sound-measuring device 测声仪sound-on-film recorder 胶片录音机sound-powered phone 声能电话sound-powered telephone 声力电话sound-proof board 隔音板sound-proof drilling rig 隔音钻探设备sound-proof film camera 隔音摄影机sound-proof tile 隔音砖sound-repeater mutually talking recording telephone 增音对讲录音电话sound-track engraving apparatus 声迹刻纹机sound-velocity-temperature-pressure instrument 声速温压仪sounding balloon 探测气球sounding borer 测探钻sounding machine 测深机soup bowl 汤碗soup dish 汤盆soup ladle 汤勺soup pan with cover 有盖汤锅soup pan without cover 无盖汤锅soup plate 汤盘soup spoon 汤匙soup tureen 汤锅sour crude 含硫原油sour cucumber 酸黄瓜sourbassis silk 苏巴锡丝source jack-socket 电源插头座source transformer 电源变压器soured milk 酸奶sousaphone 苏萨风sousee 苏西绸south & north china raccoon skin 南北貉子皮south african wool 南非羊毛south american wool 南美羊毛south china civet cat skin 华南香狸皮south china fox shin plate 华南狐狸皮褥子south china grey duck down 华南灰鸭绒south china grey duck feather 华南灰鸭毛south china lipi skin plate 华南狸皮褥子south china raw deer skin 华南麂皮south china raw fox skin 华南狐狸皮south china raw goat skin 华南山羊板皮south china raw leopard skin 华南豹皮south china raw snake skin 华南蛇皮south china raw tortoise leopard skin 华南龟纹豹皮south china rice 华南米south cream roll 南方蛋奶糖south fruit drop 南方水果糖southeast asia herbs 南洋药材southern pearl 南珠southwest china black clipped goat hair 西南黑色剪山羊毛southwest china mixed colour clipped goat hair 西南杂色剪山羊毛southwest china mixed colour limed goat hair 西南灰退杂色山羊毛southwest china mixed colour sheep wool 西南杂色绵羊毛southwest china raw fox skin 西南狐狸皮southwest china raw leopard skin 西南豹皮southwest china sheep wool 西南绵羊毛souvenir bag 礼品袋souvenir 纪念品sover 舒服牌眼镜sovereign 元首牌汽车sow thistle tasselflower 一点红sower 播种机sowing machine 播种机soy cheese 豆腐乳soy cruet 酱油瓶soy dish 豉油碟soy preserved asparagus lettuce 酱莴苣笋soy preserved carrot 酱胡萝卜soy preserved cucumber 酱瓜soy preserved egg-plant 酱茄子soy preserved garlic bulb 酱蒜头soy preserved ginger 酱姜soy preserved turnip 酱萝卜soy protein production line 大豆蛋白生产线soy sauce chicken 酱油鸡soy sauce 酱油soy 酱油soy-shell remover 大豆去壳机soy-soaked turnip cube 酱油萝卜块soy-soaked turnip strip 酱油萝卜条soy-soaked turnip 酱油大头菜soy-stewed pork leg 红烧猪蹄soya bean stem meal 豆秸粉soya flour 豆粉soya milk film 豆腐皮soyabean bran 豆麸soyabean cake 黄豆饼soyabean coat 豆衣soyabean expeller 黄豆粕soyabean extraction 黄豆粕soyabean lecithin 大豆磷脂soyabean oil 豆油soyabean paste 豆瓣酱soyabean protein powder 大豆蛋白粉soyabean protein 大豆蛋白soyabean 大豆soyaln 索伊纶大豆蛋白质短纤维soyan cloth 索扬绸soybean cake 豆饼soybean combine 大豆联合收割机soybean curd 豆腐soybean flour 大豆粉soybean juice 大豆果露soybean meal 大豆粉soybean milk 豆奶soybean oil 豆油soybean protein fibre 大豆蛋白质纤维soybean sauce 酱油soybean sheller 大豆去壳机soyex 消草醚sozni 苏兹尼丝绣床罩绸space charge detector 空间电荷检测器space detector 航天探测器space directed filter 空间定向滤波器space heater terminal box 防潮加热器接线盒space heater 空间加热器space physics detection satellite 空间物理探测卫星space probe 宇宙探测器space ring 隔圈space shuttle 航天飞船space simulator 空间模拟器space suit 宇宙服space tracking laser 空间目标跟踪激光器space variant filter 空变滤波器space-time filter 时-空滤波器spaceborne radar 航天雷达spacebus 空间客车spacecraft 航天器spaced-aerial direction finder 分集天线测向仪spaced-loop direction finder 分隔式环形天线测向仪spaceplane 太空飞机spacer 垫片spaceship 宇宙飞船spacing bar 间隔条spacing drill 宽垅播种机spacing instrument 齿轮距检测仪spacing mould 隔模spacing sleeve 间套spacious waled corduroy 粗条灯芯绒spacy 斯帕赛聚酯纤维spade bit 铲形钻头spade drill 扁钻spade reamer 双刃铰刀spade vibrator 铲式振动器spade 铲spaghetti 意大利式面条spalling hammer 碎石锤spam 斯帕姆午餐肉span winch 千斤索铰车span 司盘span-dog 木材抓起机spandelle 斯潘代尔弹性纤维spandex stretch fabric 氨纶弹力织物spandrel glass 拱肩玻璃spanish coat 西班牙式外套spanish embroidery 西班牙刺绣spanish grain 西班牙皱纹皮革spanish guitar 西班牙吉他spanish linen 西班牙亚麻布spanish point 西班牙金银丝刺绣spanish stitch 西班牙十字刺绣spanish stripe 染色呢spanish stripes 条纹边薄呢spanner drill chuck 扳手钻夹头spanner for spark plug 火花塞扳手spanner for square screw 方螺钉扳手spanner pipe wrench 螺丝扳手管子钳spanner wrench 活络扳手spanner 扳手spanon 杀虫脒spantol 强筋松spanzelle 斯潘齐尔弹性纤维spar for ship 船桅spar miller 翼梁铣床sparable 无头鞋钉spare parts for shuttle-loom 梭织机零部件spare parts 备件spare pump 备用泵spare tire 备用轮胎sparger 喷雾器spark arrester 火花避雷器spark catcher 灭火集尘器spark coil leak detector 火花线圈探漏器spark counter 火花计数器spark cutter 火花切割器spark discharge particle generator 火花放电粒子发生器spark flash unit 闪光器spark generator 火花发生器spark inductor 火花感应线圈spark ion source mass spectrometer 火花离子源质谱计spark killer 火花抑制器spark lighter 火花点火器spark micrometer 火花放电显微计spark plug engine 火花塞点火发动机spark plug resistance tester 火花塞电阻测试仪spark plug spanner 火花塞扳手spark plug tire pump 电线插头轮胎打气泵spark plug wire 火花塞线spark plug wrench 火花塞扳手spark plug 火花塞spark processing machine 电火花加工机床spark quenching condenser 火花猝灭电容器spark sintering machine 火花烧结机spark suppressor 火花抑制器spark timer 电火花计时器spark transmitter 火花式发射机spark-erosion machine 火花腐蚀加工机床spark-gap arrester 火花隙式避雷器spark-gap exciter 火花间隙激发器spark-gap modulator 火花隙调制器spark-gap transmitter 火花隙式发射机spark-gap type rectifier 火花隙式整流器spark-gap voltmeter 火花隙伏特计spark-ignition fuel-injection engine 火花发火喷油式发动机spark-pulse modulator 火花脉冲调制器spark-resistant wire wheel brush 火花电阻圆盘钢丝刷sparker 电火花器sparking coil 点火线圈sparking commutator 火花整流子sparking plug for internal combustion engine 内燃机火花塞sparking plug 火花塞sparkled overcoating 闪色大衣呢sparkling nylon 闪光尼龙sparkling pistol 发火手枪sparkling wine bottle 汽酒瓶sparkling wine 葡萄汽酒sparrow 麻雀sparsomycin 司帕索霉素sparteine 司巴丁sparterie 三三席纹硬帆布spatial filter 空间滤波器spatial light modulator 空间光调制器spatula 油漆刀spc automatic message switching equipment 程控自动转报设备spc digital toll exchange 程控数字长途电话交换机spc exchange 程控交换机spc telephone exchange 程控电话交换机spc telex exchange 程控用户电报交换机spead master 斯比脱玛斯特牌照相机speaker box 音箱speaker 扬声器spear point chisel 尖头凿刀spear 鱼叉spearmint chewing gum 留兰香胶姆糖spearmint oil terpene 留兰香油萜spearmint oil 留兰香油special abrasive grain for kinescope tube 显像管玻壳专用磨料special alloy steel 特种合金钢special aluminium mischmetal 特种铝基混合稀土合金special balancing machine 专用平衡机special belt duck 细支纱织橡胶帆布special bolt 特制螺栓special brass 特种黄铜special brick grinder 专用磨砖机special broaching machine 专用拉床special bronze 特种青铜special ceramics 特种陶瓷special chemical sensor 专用化学传感器special clothing 专用工作服special complete semi-automatic equipment 专用成套半自动化设备special corrugated paper 特种瓦楞纸special detergent 专用洗涤剂special diesel oil 特种柴油special dust seperator 专用除尘器special dynamic balance tester 专用动平衡试验机special effect amplifier 特殊效果放大器special effect board 特技板special effect control console 特殊效果调控台special effect generator 特技信号发生器special effect light 特技灯special effect machine 特技机special effect toothpaste 特效牙膏special electro-magnetic therapeutic apparatus 特定电磁波治疗器special electro-magnetic valve 特种电磁阀special engineering truck 专用工程车special equipment for making electric torch 手电筒生产专用设备special equipment for making paper cartridges of fire-crackers 鞭炮纸壳生产专用设备special equipment for making pipe twist 管子钳专用加工设备special fertilizer for flowers 花卉专用长效肥料special fibre 特种纤维special fine brandy 金奖白兰地special glass 特种玻璃special goat hair for pen brush 制笔用山羊毛special grade fish gravy 特级鱼露special grade soy 特级酱油special grape wine 特制山葡萄酒special gunpowder tea 特级珠茶special hair fibre 特种毛发纤维special hoist 专用绞车special hyson 特贡茶special improved patented steel wire 特号铅淬火冷拉钢丝special improved plough steel wire 特号钢丝special ink 特种油墨special jaw 特殊卡爪special machine for cut-off aluminum 专用切铝机special micromotor machine 专用微电机special optical cable 特种光缆special oscillator 特种振荡器special paint used on vehicle only 车辆专用漆special pipe 异型管special polyurethane varnish for wood furniture 聚氨酯木器专用清漆special production line for micro-computer 微机专用生产线special profile gear hob 特殊齿面滚刀special public traffic car 公交专用车special pull rod for milling machine 铣床专用拉杆special purpose broaching machine 专用拉床special purpose computer 专用计算机special purpose engineering automobile 专用工程车special purpose grinding machine 专用磨床special purpose micromotor 特种微电机special purpose transfer machine 专用组合机床special push rod for milling machine 铣床专用冲杆special quality tonic snake wine 特级蛇酒special right angle crank 特种直角拐special rolling mill 专用轧机special rotary converter 特种转动换流机special screen printing press 特种丝网印刷机special screw thread gauge 特种螺纹量规special screw 特制螺钉special section steel tube 异形钢管special shaped color lamp 异型彩色灯泡special silk plain gambiered 特种莨绸special slow-motion camera 特慢动作摄影机special sod land drill 草地专用播种机special soft steel 特种软钢special steel 特种钢special straight crank 特种直线拐special synchronous machine 特种同步机special taper thread tap for gas cylinder 气瓶专用锥形螺纹丝锥special temperature sensor in chemical fiber 化纤专用温度传感器special three-phase transformer 特种三相变压器special tool for service 维修专用工具special tool holder for milling machine 铣床专用刀杆special tool steel 特种工具钢special transformer 特种变压器special tube and pipe of aluminium alloy 铝合金异形管special tube pliers 专用管钳special type explosion-proof small locomotive 防爆特殊型小机车special vehicle 特种车辆special wagon for transporting heavy-duty loads 运输重型货物专用车special waterproof coating agent 特种防水涂层剂special waveform signal generator 特殊波形信号发生器special wire rope 特种钢丝绳special {beichen} grape wine 特制北醇葡萄酒special {wubian jiu} 特制五鞭酒special-purpose turning machine 专用车床special-use fiber 特殊用途光纤speciality cover paper 特种封皮纸specialized electromagnetic wave therapeutic apparatus 特定电磁波治疗器specially shaped electroplated diamond products 异型电镀金刚石制品specialty optical fiber 特制光纤specific analytical reagent 特殊分析试剂specific balance 比重天平specific electromagnetic spectrum treatment radiator 特定电磁波谱治疗器specific gravimeter 比重计specific gravity bottle 比重瓶specific gravity hydrometer 液体比重计specific organic reagent 专用有机试剂specific switch-board exchange 特设线路交换机specific-gravity stoner 比重去石机specifics 特效药specimen holder 样品夹specimen jar 标本瓶specimen of birds 鸟类标本speckle interferometer 斑纹干涉仪speckle porcelain 花斑瓷speckle removing perfume 祛斑增白露speckled glaze 斑点釉specky jute 带皮屑的黄麻specky yarn 异色结子纱spectacle arm drilling machine 眼镜脚穿心机spectacle case 眼镜盒spectacle frame for children 儿童眼镜架spectacle frame 眼镜架spectacle glass 眼镜玻璃spectacle lens 眼镜片spectacle pouch 眼镜袋spectacle screw 眼镜螺丝spectacled teal breast feather 珍珠点子毛spectacled teal lateral tail covert 灰银边毛spectacular bird 观赏鸟spectacular fish 观赏鱼spectinomycin 大观霉素spectracide 二嗪农spectracon 光谱摄像管spectral carbon rod 光谱碳棒spectral comparator 光谱比较器spectral flash lamp 光谱闪光灯spectral fluorometer 荧光谱仪spectral lamp 光谱灯spectral mirror 光谱镜spectral noise analyzer 噪声频谱分析器spectral projector 光谱投影仪spectral pyrometer 光谱高温计spectral radiometer 光谱辐射计spectral-photometer 分光光度计spectrally selective photodetector 光谱选择性光电探测器spectralog service instrument 能谱测井仪spectran 斯佩克特纶纺前染色的聚丙烯腈系短纤维spectrascribe 声谱描写器spectro fluorimeter 光谱荧光计spectrobolometer 分光变阻测热计spectrocomparator 光谱比较仪spectrodensitometer 光谱密度计spectrofilter 分光滤色镜spectrofluorophosphorimeter 磷荧光谱仪spectrograph 摄谱仪spectrographic camera 光谱照相机spectrohelio cinematograph 太阳单色光谱电影仪spectrohelio-kinematograph 太阳单色光谱电影摄影机spectroheliograph 太阳单色光谱照相仪spectrohelioscope 太阳单色光观察镜spectroirradiator 分光辐照仪spectrometer unit 高分辨率分光计spectrometer 光谱仪spectromicroscope 光谱显微镜spectrophone 光谱测声器spectrophotofluorometer 荧光分光光度计spectrophotometer 分光光度计spectropolarimeter 分光偏振计spectroprojector 光谱投射器spectropyrometer 分光高温计spectroradiometer 分光辐射谱仪spectrosadic 扫谱器spectroscope 分光镜spectroscopic camera 光谱摄影机spectroscopic plate 光谱板spectrum analyzer circuit 频谱分析电路spectrum analyzer system 频谱分析系统spectrum analyzer 频谱分析器spectrum measuring projector 光谱测量投影仪spectrum projector 光谱投影仪specular coal 镜煤speculum metal 镜青铜speculum 窥镜spedex 斯皮德克斯德银speech amplifier 扩音机speech audiometer 语言听力计speech ciphering equipment 语音设备speech controller 语音控制器speech convertor 语音转换器speech encryptor 语音加密机speech frequency amplifier 语频放大器speech modulator 语音调制器speech path controller 话路控制器speech processor 语音处理器speech scrambler 语音加扰器speech security equipment 语音保密设备speech synthesizer 语言合成器speech trainer 语言训练器speech-amplifying mutually talking telephone 扩音对讲机speech-input amplifier 语言输入放大器speed adjustable dc motor 直流调速电动机speed adjustable screw feeder 可调速螺旋给料机speed analyzer 速度分析仪speed boat 快艇speed change valve 变速阀speed changer 变速器speed checking apparatus for vehicles 车辆测速器speed control servo-motor 调速伺服电动机speed control valve 调速阀speed controller 调速器speed counter 转数计speed differential clutch 转差离合器speed drilling machine 高速钻床speed frame 粗纱机speed gear box 变速齿轮箱speed gear 变速齿轮speed generator 测速发电机speed governor 调速器speed handle 快速扳手speed indicator 速度表speed lathe 高速车床speed light 闪光灯speed limit switch 限速开关speed limiter 限速器speed limiting circuit breaker 限速断路器speed limiting governor 限速器speed measuring motor 测速电机speed measuring radar gun 测速雷达枪speed measuring radar 测速雷达speed monitor 速度监视器speed muller 摆轮式高速混砂机speed multiplier 倍速器speed rammer impactor 快速冲击夯speed recorder 速率记录器speed reducer 减速器speed reduction gear box 齿轮减速箱speed reduction gear 齿轮减速器speed reduction unit 减速器speed regulating rheostat 调速变阻器speed regulating valve sleeve 调速阀套speed regulating valve spring 调速阀弹簧speed regulating weight 调速砣speed regulation electro-pneumatic valve of diesel engine 柴油机调速电控阀speed regulator for record player 电唱机速度调节器speed regulator 调速器speed relay 速度继电器speed ring 调速环speed scout 高速侦察机speed sensor 速度传感器speed setter 定速器speed shifting fork shaft 变速叉轴speed shifting fork spring 变速叉弹簧speed shifting fork 变速叉speed shifting lever casing 变速杆壳speed shifting lever shaft 变速杆轴speed shifting lever spring 变速杆弹簧speed shifting lever 变速杆speed shirt 汗背心speed switch 速度开关speed transducer 速度传感器speed variable motor 变速电动机speed variator 变速器speed-adjusting rheostat 转速调节变阻器speed-change box 变速箱speed-indicating generator 测速发电机speed-stable dc motor 稳速直流电机speed-variable pump 变速泵speedex 斯皮德克斯铜镍锌合金speedomax 电子自动电势计speedometer with mileometer 带里程计的速度表speedometer 速度计speedster 双座高速敞蓬汽车speedy heating iron 快速电烙铁speke anchor 斯贝克锚spelling board 认字板spelter brazing alloy 铜锌基硬钎焊料spelter bronze 硬钎焊青铜spelter soldering alloy 锌焊料合金spencer croise 双排扣短上衣spencer jacket 短外套式茄克spencer 茄克衫spera 斯佩拉牌手表spergon 四氯对醌sperina 斯佩里纳牌手表sperlox 代森锌sperry's metal 斯佩里铅基轴承合金sphagnum moss 水藓sphenoid irrigating cannula 蝶窦灌洗管sphere photometer 球面光度计sphere turning lathe 球面车床spheric door holder 球形门碰头spheric end grinding machine 球形端面磨床spheric radar lens 球面雷达透镜spherical bearing 球面轴承spherical capacitor 球形电容器spherical cutter 球形铣刀spherical cutting machine 球面车床spherical dysprosium holmium lamp 球形镝钬灯spherical electrostatic analyzer 球形静电分析仪spherical foam 球形泡沫spherical lens 球光片spherical mercury xenon lamp 球形汞氙灯spherical mirror 球面镜spherical plain bearing 关节轴承spherical radiator 球面辐射器spherical reflector antenna 球面反射器天线spherical reflector 球形反射器spherical resonator 球形谐振器spherical roller bearing 球形滚柱轴承spherical tank 球形贮罐spherical ti alloy vessel 钛合金球形容器spherical valve 球阀spherical xenon lamp 球形氙灯spheroid worm gear shaper cutter 球面蜗杆插切刀spheroidal bowl resin sand mixer 碗形树脂砂混砂机spheroidal cast iron 球墨铸铁spheroidal graphite cast iron 球墨铸铁spheroidal graphite steel 球墨铸钢spheroidized steel 球化处理钢spherometer 球径计sphingometer 光测挠度计sphygmo-oscillometer 示波血压计sphygmobolometer 脉压计sphygmocardiograph 脉搏心动描记器sphygmograph 脉搏计sphygmomanometer 血压计sphygmometer 脉波计sphygmometrograph 血压描记器sphygmophone 脉音听诊器sphygmoplethysmograph 脉容描记器sphygmoscope 脉搏检视器sphygmotonograph 血压脉搏描记器sphygmotonometer 脉张力计spica 人字形绷带spice grinder 香料粉碎机spice jar 香料瓶spice powder 香料粉spice 香料spice-added chicken gizzard 五香鸡肫spiced arbutus 五香杨梅spiced beef cube 五香牛肉丁spiced beef haslet 卤牛什spiced beef 卤牛肉spiced belt fish 五香带鱼spiced boiled egg with tea leaves 五香茶叶蛋spiced cabbage 冬菜spiced chicken gizzard 五香鸡肫spiced chicken leg 香酥鸡腿spiced chicken 五香鸡spiced dried beancurd 五香豆腐干spiced duck gizzard 五香鸭肫spiced duck offal 卤鸭什spiced duck 五香鸭spiced egg 卤蛋spiced fried goose 五香鹅spiced goose gizzard 美味卤肫spiced goose 五香鹅spiced mango 香话芒spiced mud-skipper 五香花鱼spiced mutton 卤羊肉。



single-photon decay spectrometer 单光子湮没谱仪single-piece microcomputer 单片微型计算机single-piston explosive press 单活塞爆炸压力机single-plane turbine 单排式汽轮机single-point press 单点压力机single-point recorder 单点记录仪single-point stationary press 单点固定压力机single-pointed scarifier 单齿耙路机single-pole circuit breaker 单极断路器single-pole distribution switch 单极分路开关single-pole double throw switch 单刀双投开关single-pole enclosed fused switch 单极保护式负荷开关single-pole knife switch 单极闸刀开关single-pole receiver 单极受话器single-pole single throw switch 单极单投开关single-pole three throw switch 单极三投开关single-prism spectrograph 单棱镜摄谱仪single-punch press 单冲杆压机single-punch tablet press 单冲压片机single-purpose computer 专用计算机single-purpose machine 专用机床single-quad cable 单四线组电缆single-range indicating instrument 单量程指示仪表single-roll breaker 单辊破碎机single-roll cake breaker 单辊碎饼机single-roll cast coater 单辊涂铸机single-roll crusher 单辊破碎机single-roll hammer crusher 单辊击打式破碎机single-roller mill 单辊轧粉机single-rotor helicopter 单桨直升飞机single-rotor impact crusher 单转子反击式破碎机single-rotor mixer 单转轴拌和机single-rotor turbine 单转子涡轮机single-row ball bearing 单列滚珠轴承single-row centripetal ball bearing 单列向心滚珠轴承single-row centripetal bearing 单列向心轴承single-row disc-harrow 单列圆盘耙single-row radial ball bearing 单列向心滚珠轴承single-row radial engine 单排星形发动机single-row radial thrust ball bearing 单列向心推力球轴承single-row roller bearing 单列滚柱轴承single-scoop loading machine 单斗装载机single-scoop shovel 单斗挖土机single-screw extrusion machine 单螺杆挤压机single-screw oil pump 单螺杆油泵single-screw open-close machine 单螺杆式启闭机single-screw plodder 单螺杆压条机single-screw pump 单螺杆泵single-screw steamer 单螺旋桨轮船single-seat autobike 单座位摩托车single-seat valve 单座阀single-section filter 单级滤波器single-seed drill 单粒排种条播机single-service rack 专用装卸台single-shaft mixer 单轴式拌和机single-shaft vibrating screen 单轴振动筛single-shear bolt 单剪螺栓single-shear rivet 单剪铆钉single-shell rotary dryer 单壳旋转干燥鼓single-shot blocking oscillator 单程间歇振荡器single-shot computer 单步运算计算机single-side machine 单面印刷机single-side raised flannelette 单面绒布single-side single density floppy diskette 单面单密度软磁盘single-side stand 单支架single-side wood planer 单面木工刨机single-sided argon arc spot welding machine 单面氩弧点焊机single-sided corrugator 单面瓦楞纸机single-sided shears 开式剪切机single-skip hoist 单斗卷扬机single-spindle automatic bar lathe 单轴纵切自动车床single-spindle automatic bar machine 单轴自动杆式车床single-spindle automatic chucking machine 单轴自动夹头车床single-spindle automatic lathe 单轴自动车床single-spindle automatic screw machine 单轴自动螺纹车床single-spindle cold rolling former 单轴冷滚压成型机single-spindle turret automatic lathe 单轴六角自动车床single-stage air compressor 单级式空气压缩机single-stage amplifier 单极放大器single-stage blower 单级鼓风机single-stage centrifugal pump 单极离心泵single-stage compressor 单级压缩机single-stage double-acting centrifugal fresh water pump 单级双动式离心清水泵single-stage evaporator 单级蒸发器single-stage impulse turbine with two velocity stages 复速级单级冲动式汽轮机single-stage impulse turbine 单级冲动式汽轮机single-stage pneumatic conveyor dryer 单段气流输送干燥器single-stage pump 单极泵single-stage regulator 单级调节器single-stage self-priming centrifugal fresh water pump 单级自吸式离心清水泵single-stage self-priming overhang type centifugal fresh water pump 单级自吸悬臂式离心清水泵single-stage steam turbine 单级汽轮机single-stage turbocharger 单级涡轮增压器single-station die attachement machine 单位置板牙接合机single-step compressor 单级压缩机single-strand casting machine 单流连铸机single-strand crop and cobble shears 单线式端头-废料剪切机single-strand drag conveyer 单路拖运机single-strand mill 单线式轧机single-strand strength tester 单纱强力试验机single-string galvanometer 单弦线电流计single-string instrument 独弦琴single-suction centrifugal pump 单吸离心泵single-suction pump 单吸泵single-swing blocking oscillator 单程间歇振荡器single-thickness sheet glass 薄窗玻璃single-thread hob 单头螺纹滚刀single-thread milling cutter 单头螺纹铣刀single-thread sewing machine 单线缝纫机single-throw crank shaft 单拐曲轴single-throw switch 单投开关single-tooth ripper 单齿耙路机single-trough flotating machine 单槽浮选机single-tube inverter 单管倒相器single-tube oscillator 单管振荡器single-tube telescope 单筒望远镜single-tuned amplifier 单调谐放大器single-tuned transformer coupled amplifier 单调谐变压器耦合放大器single-turn induction coil 单匝感应线圈single-turn potentionmeter 单旋电位计single-twist drill 单曲钻single-unit machine 单程针织机single-use container 一次使用的容器single-vane attenuator 单片衰减器single-vane rotary pump 单叶片旋转泵single-varactor parametric amplifier 单变容管参量放大器single-wave compensator 单波补偿器single-wave oscillator 单波荡振器single-wavelength infrared analyzer 单波长红外分析仪single-way rectifier 单路整流器single-wheel barrow 独轮手推车single-wheel pulley 单轮钩式滑车single-wire armored cable 单线铠装电缆single-wire helix 单螺旋丝singles blanket 单幅毛毯singlet with overturned collar 翻领衫singlet 衬衣singonne 辛冈长绒粗呢singular angle hammer 独角锤sinituho 五氯酚sinkarah 辛卡腊棉布sinker drill 冲钻sinker drop socks 纵向条纹短袜sinker plating socks 闪色添纱花袜sinker top circular knitting machine 多三角圆型针织机sinker 测深锤sinker 辛加牌照相机sinking mill 减径机sinking pump 潜水泵sinking seafloor core drill 沉入海底岩心钻机sinking-sizing mill 减径-定径机sino-america 中美牌香烟sinoaction mycin 新诺霉素注射液sinomin 磺胺甲基异恶唑sinox general weedkiller 地乐酚sinox general 地乐酚sinox 二硝甲酚sinter chain 链式烧结机sinter cooler 烧结矿冷却机sinter machine 烧结机sintered alloy steel 烧结合金钢sintered brake lining for autos 粉末冶金汽车制动衬片sintered carbide tool bit 硬质合金刃具sintered carbide wire drawing die 硬质合金拉丝模sintered carbide 硬质合金sintered copper 烧结铜sintered electrofused corindon products 烧结电熔刚玉制品sintered electrofused corindon 烧结电熔刚玉sintered exhauster 烧结抽风机sintered filter 烧结过滤器sintered fused alumina abrasive tool 烧结刚玉磨具sintered glass filtering crucible 烧结玻璃过滤坩埚sintered glass funnel 烧结玻璃漏斗sintered gold 烧结金sintered refractory 烧结耐火材料sintered steel 烧结钢sintered tungsten carbide compact bit 镶碳化钨硬合金齿钻头sinterer 烧结机sintering coal 炼焦煤sintering furnace 烧结炉sintering machine 烧结机sintering pallet 烧结机台车sintrex 辛特雷克斯电解铁粉sintropac 辛特罗帕克加铜铁粉sinusoidal oscillator 正弦波振荡器sinusoidal potentiometer 正弦电位计siphon barometer 虹吸气压计siphon gauge 虹吸管压力计siphon lubricator 虹吸润滑器siphon oiler 虹吸加油器siphon pipe 虹吸管siphon rainfall recorder 虹吸雨量记siphon recorder 虹吸记录器siphon refuelling pump 虹吸加油泵siphon-type wick oiler 虹吸油芯加油器siphon-wick-feed oiler 虹吸油芯注油器sipylite 褐钇铌矿sir walter raleigh 雷利牌烟草siracril 西拉克里尔聚丙烯腈短纤维siren 汽笛sirius 粘胶纤维sirmate 抑草灵siron 西龙聚酯纤维sirsake 瑟塞克泡泡纱sisal and parasisol capeline 麻帽坯sisal and parasisol cone 麻筒帽坯sisal cone 麻帽sisal fibre 剑麻sisal hat body 麻草帽坯sisal hemp carpet 剑麻地毯sisal hemp wall paper 剑麻贴墙纸sisal hemp 西沙尔麻sisal mat 麻制地毯sisal rope 西沙尔麻绳sisal 西沙尔麻sisomicin 西索米星sistan 威百亩sistresay 西斯德里舍缎sit-sleep dual sofa 两用沙发sitan 印度被单布sitar 印度席塔琴sitogluside 西托糖苷sitosterol 谷甾醇sitsen paper 西尖纸sitting lady 坐俑sivas 锡伐斯地毯six wale corduroy 宽六条灯芯绒six-bladed grab 六瓣式抓岩机six-channel recorder 六通道记录仪six-color printing press 六色印刷机six-colour press 六色凹版印刷机six-fold wooden rule 六折木尺six-high-cluster mill 六辊轧机six-lobe bowl 六瓣碗six-pocket plastic foam lifejacket 六袋式泡沫塑料救生衣six-port microwave measuring system 六端口微波测试系统six-roller mill 六辊轧机sixtant 六分仪size boiling kettle 煮浆桶size cooking pan 煮浆盆size cooking pot 经济锅size delivery pump 齿轮输浆泵size machine 上胶机size meter 测尺寸器size mixing kettle 调浆桶size press coated paper 表面施胶纸size press coater 施胶压榨涂布机size press 施胶机size stick 量脚尺size 胶水sized paper 上胶纸sizing agent for jet loom 喷水织机专用浆料sizing agent 浆料sizing finishing agent 上浆整理剂sizing flannel 浆纱绒sizing frame 浆纱机sizing machine 浆纱机sizing mill 定经机sizing paste 浆纱膏sizing preparation 上浆剂sizing press 精整压力机sizing screen 分级筛sizing tester 施胶度测定仪sizofiran 西索菲兰skate board 滑板skate socks 滑冰袜skates 冰鞋skating boots with skates attached 长统冰鞋skating costume 溜冰服装skating shoes 冰鞋skating suit 溜冰装skein dyed silks 色织绸缎skein mercerizer 绞纱丝光机skein reeling machine 摇绞纱机skein resizer 绞纱复浆机skein resizing machine 绞纱复浆机skein yarn strength tester 绞纱强力试验机skein yarn 落毛与棉混纺纱skeleton semi-trailer 框架半拖车skeleton type self-tightening oil seal 骨架式自紧油封skeleton watch 透明玲珑表skelgas 戊烷skelp mill 焊管坯轧机skelp threading machine 焊管坯装炉机skelper 焊接管拉制机skenandoa 斯肯南杜粘胶纤维sketching board 绘图板sketching book 图画薄sketching charcoal 绘图炭条sketching easel 画架sketching paper 绘草样纸sketching pencil 绘图笔sketching stool 画凳skew bevel gear 斜伞齿轮skew gear 斜齿轮skew mill 斜轧式轧机skew rolling mill 斜轧机skewed slot squirrel cage rotor 斜槽鼠笼式转子ski boots 滑雪靴ski cap 滑雪帽ski gloves made of goat leather 山羊皮滑雪手套ski gloves 滑雪手套ski jacket with fur trimmed hood 带毛皮镶边帽的滑雪衫ski jacket 滑雪衫ski jupon 滑雪裤ski mitts 滑雪不分指手套ski pants 滑雪裤ski shirt 滑雪衣ski socks 滑雪短袜ski suit 滑雪服ski with steel ski pole 带钢撑棍的滑雪板ski 滑雪板ski-style pajamas 滑雪式睡衣裤ski-wear 滑雪衣skiameter x射线强度计skiascope 爱克斯射线透视镜skiatron 黑迹管skid derrick 滑动式起重机skid resistant carpet 防滑地毯skid 垫木skidmore iron crucible 斯氏铁坩埚skiing gloves 滑雪用手套skiing jacket 滑雪上衣skiing wear 滑雪衣skimmed milk 脱脂奶skimmer 除沫器skimming machine 抛光机skin & complexion improving cream 健肤霜skin analyser 皮肤分析器skin and tissue cream 润肤膏skin bag 皮革袋skin care agent 护肤剂skin cleaner 皮肤清洁剂skin cream 护肤霜skin dress 紧身装skin glue 皮胶skin miller 表皮洗床skin oil 美肤油skin ointment 皮肤膏skin pad 护皮垫skin plate 皮褥skin protectant 护肤剂skin receptor 皮肤感受器skin refreshener 爽肤水skin removing machine 去皮机skin resistance meter 皮肤电阻仪skin rolling mill 表面光轧机skin soap 皮肤皂skin temperature biofeedback instrument 皮温生物反馈仪skin tissue expander 皮肤软组织扩张器skin treatment apparatus 皮肤治疗设备skin wool 皮板毛skin 兽皮skin-press mill 毛皮轧光机skinless ham 去皮腿肉skinless sausage 无衣香肠skinless small sausage 无衣小香肠skinless type sausage 无衣香肠skinned rabbit 剥皮兔肉skinner 去皮机skinners satin 光亮厚缎skinning knife 剥皮刀skinning machine 剥皮机skip bucket 翻斗skip car 倾卸小车skip charger 倾卸加料机skip hoist 倒卸式起重机skip loader 翻斗式装料机skip lorry 翻斗卡车skip mixer 翻斗混合器skip relay 跳跃继电器skip weigher 翻斗秤skip-and-bell hoist 料斗-料钟卷扬机skip-packaging paper 单面光包装纸skip-type feeder 斗式给料机skiplane 滑橇起落架飞机skipper in tomato sauce 茄汁飞鱼skipping rope 跳绳skipping rubber-band 橡皮筋skirt binding 裙脚捆条skirt flounce 裙子上的荷叶边skirt rack 裙架skirt with shoulder-straps 吊带裙skirt with side-draping 旁边挂布的裙skirt 裙子skiving machine 剖革机skivvy shirt 男圆领汗衫skleron 斯克莱龙铝合金skoda 斯柯达牌汽车skull cracker 落锤破碎机skull elevater 颅骨撬开器skull identifying apparatus 颅骨鉴定仪skull-melting furnace 熔渣炉skullcap 无沿便帽skunk bugbane 升麻sky blue cloth 天蓝色布sky blue glaze vase engraved floral design 天蓝刻花双耳瓶sky blue paint 天蓝漆sky scanning photometer 天空扫描光度计skybloom 斯凯布隆高卷曲粘胶短纤维skyhawk 天鹰牌汽车skylark 云雀牌汽车skyline 地平线牌汽车skytruck 运输机slab casting machine 板坯连铸机slab charger 板坯装料机slab coil 盘形线圈slab cooler 板坯冷却机slab core machine 板芯塑造机slab core making machine 铸板芯机器slab extrator 板坯出料机slab laser 片状激光器slab mill 板坯初轧机slab pusher 初轧板坯推进机slab shears 初轧板坯剪切机slab type sliding gate valve 平板式滑动闸阀slab-milling machine 板坯整修机床slabber 扁钢坯轧机slabberedger 轧边扁坯轧机slabbing mill 板坯初轧机slabbing roll 板坯轧辊slabbing-blooming mill 板坯-方坯初轧机slabby coal 层状煤slack length hose 低统袜slack silk 绣花松丝线slack sized paper 轻施胶纸slack socks 无翻口短袜slackline cableway excavator 拖铲挖土机slacks 宽松的长裤slag car 渣车slag cement 钢渣水泥slag crusher 碎渣机slag fibre 矿渣纤维slag glass 矿渣玻璃slag heater 炉渣加热器slag remover 除渣机slag separator 除渣器slag trap 集渣器slag wool 矿渣棉slag 矿渣slag-pot crane 渣罐吊车slaked lime 熟石灰slaker 消化器slam c 偶氮磷slam 偶氮磷slant angle sensor 倾斜角传感器slant engine 倾斜发动机slant mill 斜轧式轧机slant-ended fiber 端面倾斜光纤slanting pocket skirt 斜口袋裙slapping press 管端扩口压力机slasher cloth 浆纱法兰绒slasher cylinder machine 烘筒式浆纱机slasher saw 排锯slasher 砍柴刀slat conveyer 板带式运输机slat crimper 百叶卷折机slat seat 条板凳slat type conveyer 翻板运输机slate coal 板岩煤slate felt 做石棉瓦用毛毯slate pencil 石笔slate powder 板岩粉slate switch 石板闸slate type conveyer 板行式运输机slate 板石slater's hammer 铺石锤slaty coal 板岩煤slave valve 液压自控换向阀slay conveyer 运渣机sled connector 滑车连接器sled drag 撬式刮路器sled velocity and distance meter 拖速和行程计量仪sled 雪橇sledge ball peen hammer 圆形大锤sledge cross peen hammer 横口大锤sledge double face hammer 两面平大锤sledge hammer 大榔头sledge straight peen hammer 直形大锤sledge 小雪撬sleek 轧光斜纹棉布sleeked dowlas 低级亚麻平纹布sleeker 磨光器sleep wear 睡衣sleeper bar 轨枕钢sleeper conveyor truck 轨枕输送机sleeper pincers 枕木钳sleeper screw bolt 枕木螺栓sleeper steel mould 轨枕钢模sleeper tongs 枕木钳sleeper 枕木sleeper-layer 轨枕铺设机sleeping avoiding device for driver 司机防睡装置sleeping bag 睡袋sleeping board stand 床架sleeping board 床板sleeping carriage 卧车sleeping mat 床席sleeping pad 床褥sleeping pill 安眠药sleeping suit 睡衣sleeve bearing 套筒轴承sleeve clamp 套管夹板sleeve connector 套管连接器sleeve for milling machine 铣床专用套管sleeve gear 套筒齿轮sleeve governor 套筒式调整器sleeve ironing board 熨袖板sleeve joint 套管接头sleeve let 袖套sleeve lining silk 袖里绸sleeve nut 筒套螺母sleeve placket 琵琶袖sleeve press 袖砖压制机sleeve splicer 套管接头器sleeve surface milling cutter with coarse teeth 粗齿套式面铣刀sleeve surface milling cutter with fine teeth 细齿套式面铣刀sleeve valve 套阀sleeve wrapper 套封包装机sleeveless blouse for lady 无袖女衬衫sleeveless blouse with high mandarin collar and embroidered flowers 高领无袖绣花上衣sleeveless blouse 无袖衬衫sleeveless peppermint striped shirt 薄荷绿柳条无袖衬衫sleeveless pullover 无袖套衫sleeveless robe 无袖旗袍sleeveless vest in rib-knit-cotton 绫纹针织棉纱无袖内衬衫sleeveless vest 无袖内衬衣sleigh car 雪橇车sleigh 雪橇slendang 棉披巾slender bamboo shoot 小竹笋slender skirt 细腰身裙子slewing crane 回转式起重机slewing drilling machine 回转钻机slewing motor 回转电动机slewing pillar crane 转柱式起重机slewing portal crane 旋臂转柱起重机slice of reed root 芦根片sliced and dried periwinkle meat 海螺片干sliced bamboo shoot 竹笋片sliced beef and mushrooms and bamboo shoots 香菇牛肉笋片sliced caulis perillae 苏梗片sliced chicken and ham with greens 金华玉树鸡sliced chicken with chicken liver and ham 广州文昌鸡sliced cucumber preserved with sugar and chilli 甜辣黄瓜片sliced mushroom 蘑菇片sliced peanut crisp 花生片酥sliced perilla stem 苏梗片sliced pork with preserved vegetable 榨菜扣肉sliced stewed pork 红烧扣肉sliced water chestnut 清水马蹄slicer 切片机slicing cutter 切片机slicing knife 切片刀slicing lathe 切锭机床slicing machine 切片机slicker 刮刀slidac 滑线电阻调压器slide arm 滑臂slide bar 滑杆slide bearing 滑动轴承slide block radial drilling machine 滑座式摇臂钻床slide block universal radial drilling machine 滑座式万向摇臂钻床slide block 滑块slide bushing 滑套slide callipers 游标卡尺slide coil 滑动融点线圈slide controller 滑动式控制器slide conveyor 滑槽运输机slide coupler 滑动耦合器slide damper 滑动档板slide divider 滑动接点分压器slide drill 滑撬式钻机slide fastener boots 拉链扣套靴slide fastener loungers 拉链扣便鞋slide fastener shearling lined suede boots 毛绒衬里拉链扣高面麂皮鞋slide fastener shoes 拉链扣鞋slide fastener 拉链slide file box 幻灯片盒slide gate 滑动闸门slide gauge 游标尺slide hook 滑钩slide lathe 滑架车床slide matrice 阔边活芯字模slide matrix holder 阔边活芯模耳slide micrometer 载玻片测微尺slide probe tuner 滑动探针式调谐器slide projector 幻灯机slide resistor 滑动电阻器slide rheostat 滑动变阻器slide rule 计算尺slide scanner 幻灯片扫描器slide screw tuner 滑动螺钉调谐器slide switch 滑动开关slide transformer 滑动式变压器slide trombone 拉管slide tuner 滑动式调谐器slide valve spring 滑阀弹簧slide valve 滑阀slide vane compressor 滑片式压缩机slide vane-type rotary blower 滑片式旋转鼓风机slide viewer 观景器slide 幻灯片slide-back vacuum tube voltmeter 偏压补偿式电子管伏特计slide-back voltmeter 偏压补偿式电压表slide-wire potentiometer 滑线电位器slide-wire resistor 滑线电阻器slide-wire rheostat 滑线变阻器slider regulator 滑动调节器slider shunt 滑动分流器slider 滑板slideway grinding machine 导轨磨床slidewheel 滑轮sliding axle 滑动轴sliding bearing 滑动轴承sliding bevel 活络曲尺sliding block 滑块sliding body ring 滑动体环sliding calliper gauge 活动钳卡尺sliding cam 滑动凸轮sliding capacitor 滑动电容器sliding clasp fastener 嵌合式拉链sliding disc coupling 滑盘联轴器sliding disk bushing 滑动盘衬套sliding fork oil seal 滑动叉油封sliding gate 滑动门sliding gauge 游标卡尺sliding gear 滑动齿轮sliding head automatic type lathe 滑动刀架自动车床sliding lathe 滑架车床sliding microtome 滑动式切片机sliding mould-type press 滑动成型压砖机sliding nut 滑行螺母sliding plate microviscometer 滑板式微量粘度计sliding plug 滑动塞sliding plunger 滑动活塞sliding resistor 滑动电阻器sliding rheostat 滑动变阻器sliding rod 滑杆sliding rule 计算尺sliding scale 滑尺sliding shaft 活动轴sliding shears for steel band 钢带滑动剪刀sliding valve 滑阀sliding vane pump 滑片泵sliding vane rotary air compressor 滑片回转式空压机sliding wheel shaft 滑轮轴sliding wheel 滑轮sliding york 滑动叉sliding-vane compressor 滑片式空气压缩机sliding-vane meter 滑片式流量计sliding-vane rotary blower 滑片式旋转鼓风机slim skirt 旗袍裙slim taper saw file 窄形三角锉slime centrifuge 矿泥离心脱水机slime control agent 杀粘菌剂slime crusher 沉渣碾碎机slimer 细粉碎机slimicide 杀粘菌剂slimmer 女用套衫slimming bath essence 苗条浴精slimming cream 减肥霜slims 细腿紧身裤sling bag for carrying infant 婴儿吊袋sling hygrometer 摆动湿度计sling psychrometer 悬挂式湿度计sling thermometer 悬挂式温度计sling wire rope 钢丝吊索sling 吊索slingcart 吊装车slink 轻飘合身的连衣裙slip clutch 滑动离合器slip cover 家具套slip drawing machine 滑动式拉丝机slip gauge 浆料稠度计slip glaze 泥浆釉slip jaw clutch 波纹齿滑动式离合器slip joint pliers 鲤鱼钳slip joint 伸缩接头slip meter 滑差计slip over 套衫slip regulator 转差调节器slip relay 转差继电器slip ring brush 滑环电刷slip ring generator 滑环式发电机slip ring motor 滑环式电动机slip scraper 滑行刮土机slip trailer 泥浆挤出器slip wire-drawing machine 滑动拉丝机slip yoke 伸缩轭slip 长衬裙slip-form concrete paver 滑模混凝土摊铺机slip-form paver 铺路机slip-on gloves 宽袖中长手套slip-on shirt 套头衬衫slip-on 套领衫slip-over dress 连衫裙slip-ring induction motor 滑环式感应电动机slip-ring type induction motor 滑环式感应电动机slipons 便鞋slipper brake 滑块制动器slipper collector 滑动集电器slipper piston 滑履活塞slipper satin 鞋面花缎slipper socks 连袜便鞋slippers 拖鞋slipping cam 滑轮凸轮slipping contact detector 滑触检波器slipping switch 滑动式开关slipping toothed electromagnetic clutch 牙嵌式电磁离合器slipping wire drawing machine 滑动式拉丝机slips 低级棉绒布slit burner 缝式燃烧器slit camera 狭缝摄影机slit fibre 切膜纤维slit gauge 狭缝规slit lamp corneal microscope 裂隙灯角膜显微镜slit lamp microscope 裂隙灯显微镜slit lamp 裂隙灯slit lens 开缝透镜slit nut 开合螺母slit spectrograph 狭缝摄谱仪slit spectroscope 狭缝分光镜slit ultramicroscope 缝隙超显微镜slit-skirt piston 开口裙式活塞slitless tube mill 无缝钢管轧机slitter knife 切带机刀片slitter 切纸机slitting and rereeling machine 纵切复卷机slitting and rewinding machine 纵切复卷机slitting cutter with coarse teeth 粗齿切口铣刀slitting cutter with fine teeth 细齿切口铣刀slitting cutter 锯片铣刀slitting machine 纵切机slitting mill 滚切机slitting paper 纵切纸slitting saw 开槽锯slitting shears 纵切剪机sliver and roving length sampler 条粗测长器sliver can 棉条筒sliver evenness tester 粗条子均匀度试验机sliver lap machine 条卷机sliver lay-in circular knitting machine 毛条喂入式圆型针织机sliver printing machine 棉条印花机sliver spinning machine 条子直接纺纱机slivering machine 成条机slo-gro 抑芽丹sloat 舞台布景升降机sloe gin 黑刺李锦酒slogging hammer 平锤sloop 单桅纵帆船slop 宽大罩衣slope control timer 陡度调整计时器slope conveyer 倾斜输送机slope detector 斜率检波器slope filter 斜率滤波器slope grader 平坡机slope indicator 测角器slope meter 斜率计slope potentiometer 互导调整电位计slope regulating amplifier 斜调放大器slope trimmer 斜坡平整机sloper 铲坡机sloppy hat 软毡帽slot damper 槽隙阻尼器slot drill 槽钻slot field-effect transistor 沟道场效应晶体管slot machine 自动售货机slot magnetron 开槽式磁控制管slot mesh screen 长方孔筛slot milling cutter 槽铣刀slot milling machine 铣槽机slot sieve 长缝筛slot washer 开口垫圈slot-guide intersector 槽缝式旋转针梳机slotted commutator 有槽整流子slotted flat head wood screw 一字槽平头木螺丝slotted head screw 槽头螺钉slotted liner 割缝衬管slotted nut 有槽螺母slotted oval countersunk head wood screw 一字槽椭圆沉头木螺丝slotted point screwdriver 一字槽螺丝刀slotted round head wood screw 一字槽圆头木螺丝slotted screen 长方孔筛slotted screw 有槽螺钉slotted screwdriver with plastic handle 塑柄一字螺丝刀slotted screwdriver with wooden handle 木柄一字螺丝刀slotted spring-finger plunger 带有弹簧销的槽式活塞slotter 插床slotting cutter without sharp teeth 无尖齿切槽刀slotting cutter 槽铣刀slotting end mill 键槽立铣刀slotting machine 插床slotting saw with coarse teeth 粗齿锯片铣刀slotting saw with fine teeth 细齿锯片铣刀slotting saw with medium teeth 中齿锯片铣刀slotting saw 开槽锯slotting tool 插刀slow access memory 慢速存取存储器slow counter 慢速计数管slow neutron counter 慢中子计数器slow neutron interferometer 慢中子干涉仪slow relay 慢速继电器slow release relay 缓释继电器slow releasing relay 缓释继电器slow relief relay 缓动交替继电器slow scan vidicon camera 慢扫描光导摄像机slow scan vidicon 慢扫描光导摄像管slow-acting press 慢动压机slow-acting relay 缓动继电器slow-feeding nc wire-cut machine 数控慢走丝线切割机床slow-helix straight shank drill 小螺旋角直柄钻头slow-motion camera 慢速摄影机slow-motion hoist 慢动卷扬机slow-motion recorder 慢动作录像机slow-motion video tape recorder 慢动作录像机slow-neutron detector 慢中子探测器slow-operating relay 缓动继电器slow-release neutral relay 无极缓释继电器slow-setting glass 长性玻璃slow-speed bridge crane 慢速桥式起重机slow-speed diesel 低速柴油机slow-speed mixer 低速混合器slow-speed motor 低速电动机slow-type analog computer 低速模拟计算机slow-type electronic analogue computer 低速电子模拟计算机slub detector 纱节检测器slub repp 棱纹竹节纬平布slub suit 粗纺套装slubbed fabric 竹节布slubbing frame 头道粗纱机slubbing-dyed yarn 粗纱染色纱sludge pump 电动泥浆泵sludge scraper 刮泥器sludge trap 灰泥捕集器slug exterminating preparation 灭蛞蝓制剂slug tuner 铁芯调谐器slug 蛞蝓slug-killer 杀蛞蝓剂slumber wear 睡衣slump cone 坍落度筒slunks 羔羊皮slurry basin 泥浆盆slurry centrifugal pump 油浆离心泵slurry concentration process monoammonium phosphate 料浆法磷酸一铵slurry dryer 泥浆干燥器slurry feeder 淤渣送料器slurry filter 泥浆过滤器slurry mixing tank 拌浆桶slurry press 淤桨压榨机slurry pump with oil isolation 油隔离泥浆泵slurry pump 泥浆泵slurry settler 泥浆沉降器slurry tank 泥浆槽slush pump 淤泥泵small air compressor 小空压机small and medium complete production line for manufacturing cement 中小型水泥厂成套生产线small and medium module involute spline rolling machine 中小模数渐开线花键滚轧机small animal 观赏小动物small belt pulley 小皮带轮small bolus for activating channels and collaterals 小活络丹small branch exchange 小型电话交换机small bunch rice vermicelli 小扎米粉面条small camel 小骆驼small capacity cable 小容量电缆small carbide cutter 硬质合金小刀具small cash box 小金柜small coal 碎煤small coaxial cable 小同轴电缆small coloured bean 花小豆small coloured kidney bean 小花芸豆small combine 小型联合收割机small commodities 小商品small compound film resistor 小型合成膜电阻器small compressor 小型压缩机small computer system interface card 小型计算机系统接口卡small control swithes 组合开关small cross point screw driver with plastic handle 小十字型塑柄螺丝刀small decorative article 小摆件small decorative item 小摆件small diameter vibration-proof pressure gauge 小直径抗震压力计small dogskin plaster 小狗皮膏small dozer 小型推土机small dumper 小翻斗车small electric locomotive 小型电动机车small electro-motive 小型电动机车small female crab 小雌蟹small flattener 小平锤small flow and high lift pump 小流量高扬程泵small fresh bivalve 鲜蚬仔small fruit sweet slice 小水果片糖small green chilli in brine 盐渍小青辣椒small hand pump 小手摇泵small hexagon flat nut 小六角扁螺母small hole electrical discharge internal grinding machine 电火花小孔内圆磨床small home computer 小型家用计算机small horse 小立马small hydro generator 小型水力发电机small internal-combustion locomotive 内燃小机车small lentil 小扁豆small lion 小扑狮small liquid separator 小型液体分离器small mass spectrometer 小质谱计small mill 小型轧机small millet seed 细米谷small mining car 小矿车small modular fixture 小型组合夹具small module taper shafted straight tooth slotting cutter 小模数锥柄插齿直齿刀small money bag 小钱包small mounted wheel grinding stone 小磨头油石small multifunction automatic packager 小型多功能自动包装机small ornament 小摆件small owl 小猫头鹰small package sealing sterilizing facilities 小件封装消毒设备small packet tea 小包装茶small pearl 明花珠small piece 碎料small platter 小长盘small power electric motor 小功率电动机small power generator 小功率发电机small rail car 轨道小车small rate gyro 低速率陀螺small red bean jelly 红小豆羹small red chilli in brine 盐渍小红辣椒small red kidney bean 小红芸豆small red taro 红芋仔small reed screen 小苇帘small round color bulb 小圆彩泡small round electric connector 小圆形电连接器small round-nose pliers 小圆尖嘴钳small sample chopper 小样品选择器small sausage 小红肠small scale robot 小型机器人small scouring rush 问荆草small screwdriver with plastic handle 塑柄小型罗丝刀small section mill 小型型钢轧机small sedan 小轿车small self-propelling harvest for wheat and rice 自走式小型麦稻收割机small sesame cake 小芝麻饼small shaft 小轴small sheet fed offset press 小型单张纸胶印机small single-phase induction motor 小型单相感应电动机small single-phase transformer 小型单相变压器small size antenna 小型天线small size buffering spring 小型缓冲弹簧small sized loader 小型装载机small spanner set with ring 小型环式组合扳手small spring 小弹簧small square table cloth 小方台布small stones 小型石料small stool 小板凳small straw table mat 草编小茶垫small tea cup 小茶杯small tea jar 小茶壶small tea saucer 小茶碟small thin resin bond wheel 树脂小薄片砂轮small three-phase induction motor 小型三相感应电动机small tractor 小型拖拉机small truck 小卡车small type cold drink appliance 小型冷饮器small type ice cube maker 小型制冰机small water turbine-generator set 小型水轮发电机组small water turtle 金钱龟small wheeled tractor 小轮式拖拉机small white kidney bean 小白芸豆small white mushroom 小白蘑small white taro 白芋仔small wire strippers 简易剥线钳small wooden goods 小木制品small yellow croaker 小黄鱼small-angle camera 低角摄影机small-bore rifle 小口径步枪small-bore sporting rifle 小口径运动步枪small-capacity motor-driven thresher 电动小型脱谷机small-check tweed sport coat 小方格运动衫small-check tweed 小方格粗呢small-grain black powder 小粒黑火药small-module gear manufacturing technology and key equipments 小模数齿轮加工技术和关键设备small-size computer 小型计算机small-size diesel locomotive 小型柴油机车small-size hydroelectric equipment 小水电设备small-size internal-combustion locomotive 小型内燃机车small-size maize 小粒玉米small-size tv transmitter 小型电视发射机small-sized air compressor 小型空压机small-sized flour milling machine 小型磨粉机small-sized mounted tool-bar 小型悬挂通用机架small-sized multifunctional soybean milk machine 小型多功能豆奶机small-sized oxyhydrogen machine 小型氢氧机small-sized pastry machine 小型糕点机small-sized self-contained flour mill 小型成套磨粉机small-sized transformer 小型变压器small-sized waste solution treatment device 小型废液处理装置small-type bench magnetic puncher 小型台式电磁冲床small-type internal-combustion generating set 小型内燃发电机组small-type motor 小型电动机small-type pipe cutter 小型割管机small-type printer 小型打印机smaller message terminal 小型报文终端smallpox vaccine 牛痘苗smalt 蓝玻璃smart bear 小灵熊smart bristow faradic coil 斯马特.布里斯托氏感应线圈smart card 灵巧卡smart multiplexer 灵巧多路复用器smart scanner 灵巧扫描器smart skin sensor 智能蒙皮传感器smart structure sensor 智能结构传感器smart 顺美牌服装smartweed 杠板归smashing machine 破碎机smear camera 扫描摄影机smears 涂布剂smell receptor 嗅觉感受器smelling salt 嗅盐smelt in oil 油浸胡瓜鱼smelt in tomato sauce 茄汁胡瓜鱼smelter 熔炼炉smelting quartz 熔炼石英smena 斯明娜牌照相机smirnoff vodka 斯密尔诺夫伏特加酒smite 死螨特smithing coal 锻冶煤smiths 史密斯牌手表。

常压火炬分液罐 英语

常压火炬分液罐 英语

常压火炬分液罐英语English Response:A constant pressure flare knockout drum is a critical piece of equipment used in the oil and gas industry to separate and remove liquid hydrocarbons from a gas stream before it is sent to a flare stack or other downstream processing equipment. The primary function of this drum is to provide a safe and efficient means of managing theliquid and vapor phases of the gas stream, ensuring the flare system operates effectively and minimizing the potential for environmental and safety hazards.The constant pressure flare knockout drum is typically located upstream of the flare stack, where it receives the gas stream from various process units or equipment. As the gas stream enters the drum, the sudden expansion and change in flow direction causes the heavier liquid hydrocarbons to separate from the gas phase and settle at the bottom of the drum. The liquid hydrocarbons are then periodically drained from the drum, while the purified gas stream continues on to the flare stack or other downstream equipment.The design of the constant pressure flare knockout drum is crucial to its effective operation. The drum istypically cylindrical in shape and is equipped with various internals, such as baffles, demister pads, and levelcontrol devices, to enhance the separation process and ensure the gas stream is adequately purified before it reaches the flare stack. The drum is also designed to maintain a constant pressure within its internal environment, which helps to stabilize the separation process and prevent the introduction of air or other contaminants into the gas stream.One of the key features of the constant pressure flare knockout drum is its ability to handle fluctuations in the gas stream flow rate and composition. As the process conditions in the upstream equipment change, the drum must be able to adapt and maintain the desired level of liquid hydrocarbon separation and gas purification. This is achieved through the use of level control devices, such as level transmitters and control valves, which continuously monitor and adjust the liquid level within the drum to ensure optimal performance.In addition to its primary function of liquid-gas separation, the constant pressure flare knockout drum also plays a crucial role in the overall safety and environmental performance of the flare system. By effectively removing the liquid hydrocarbons from the gas stream, the drum helps to prevent the potential for liquid carryover to the flare stack, which could lead to unstable or incomplete combustion and the release of unburned hydrocarbons into the atmosphere. This, in turn, helps to minimize the environmental impact of the flare system and ensures compliance with applicable regulations and standards.Overall, the constant pressure flare knockout drum is a critical component of the oil and gas industry's flare management system, providing a reliable and efficient means of separating and managing the liquid and vapor phases of the gas stream before it is sent to the flare stack. Its proper design, installation, and maintenance are essential for ensuring the safe and environmentally responsible operation of the flare system.中文响应:常压火炬分液罐是石油和天然气行业中使用的关键设备,用于在将天然气流送至火炬栈或其他下游处理设备之前,将液态烃类从气流中分离和去除。



1.Cylinder block 气缸体2.Cylinder liner 气缸套3.Cylinder head 气缸盖4.Cylinder head gasket 气缸盖垫5.Cylinder haad fasteners 气缸盖螺栓6.Cylinder head cover gasket 气缸盖罩衬垫7.Cylinder head cover 气缸盖罩8.Pistons 活塞9.Piston pin 活塞销10.Piston ring set 活塞环组11.Crankshaft 曲轴12.Crankshaft bearing 曲轴轴瓦13.Camshaft 凸轮轴14.Camshaft sprocket 凸轮轴齿形皮带轮15.Camshaft bearings 凸轮轴轴承16.Tappet 挺杆17.Push rod 推杆18.Rocker arm shaft 摇臂轴19.Hydraulic bucket tappet 液压挺杆20.Flywheel 飞轮21.Core plug 堵塞22.Seal 密封环(活塞)23.Engline carrier 发动机架24.Bonded rubber mounting 橡胶支座25.Crandcase breather 曲轴箱通风管26.Heate pipe for crankcase breather housing曲轴箱进气加热管27.Wiring barress for heater pipe 加热管线束28.Intermediate plate 中间板29.Power unit protection 动力总成护板30.Noise damping pan 隔音板A/C Air Conditioning 空调A/T Automatic Transaxle (Transmission) 自动变速器ABS Anti-lock Brake System 防抱死刹车系统1、电子牵引系统(ETS) ,。



目录石油化工英语词汇.................................................................. - 2 - 石油行业标准---中英对照........................................................... - 4 - 石油钻井业常用专业词汇---中英对照................................................. - 5 - 常用化工产品英文缩写............................................................. - 41 - 石化工业......................................................................... - 73 - 石油公司......................................................................... - 76 - 原油价格......................................................................... - 78 - 油藏工程引论(I).................................................................. - 80 - 油藏工程引论(II)................................................................. - 82 - 国际石油区块合同词汇(中英文)..................................................... - 84 - 日语词汇:石油/天然ガス用語...................................................... - 87 -石油化工英语词汇gate valve闸阀globe valve截止阀;球心阀angle valve角接阀plug cock旋塞free ball valve自由式球阀fixed ball valve固定式球阀angle lift check valve角接式升降止逆阀diaphragm valve隔膜阀butterfly valve蝶阀tilting-disk check valve斜盘式止逆阀swing check valve旋启式止逆阀vartical lift check valve直立升降式止逆阀wedge gate楔形闸板globe type disc球心形阀盘ball球体diaphragm隔膜oil field 油田wildcat 盲目开掘的油井percussive drilling 冲击钻探rotary drilling 旋转钻探offshore drilling 海底钻探well 井,油井derrick 井架Christmas tree 采油树crown block 定滑轮travelling block 动滑轮drill pipe, drill stem 钻杆drill bit 钻头roller bit 牙轮钻头diamond bit 钻石钻头swivel 泥浆喷嘴turntable, rotary table 轮盘pumping station 泵站sampling 取样sample 样品,样本core sample 矿样storage tank 储油罐pipeline 油管pipe laying 输油管线oil tanker 油轮tank car, tanker (铁路)罐车,槽车tank truck, tanker (汽车)运油罐车,油罐车refining 炼油refinery 炼油厂cracking 裂化separation 分离fractionating tower 分馏塔fractional distillation 分馏distillation column 分裂蒸馏塔polymerizing, polymerization 聚合reforming 重整purification 净化hydrocarbon 烃,碳氢化合物crude oil, crude 原油petrol 汽油(美作:gasoline)LPG, liquefied petroleum gas 液化石油气LNG, liquefied natural gas 液化天然气octane number 辛烷数,辛烷值vaseline 凡士林paraffin 石蜡kerosene, karaffin oil 煤油gas oil 柴油lubricating oil 润滑油asphalt 沥青benzene 苯fuel 燃料natural gas 天然气olefin 烯烃high-grade petrol, high-octane petrol 高级汽油,高辛烷值汽油plastic 塑料石油行业标准---中英对照埋地钢质管道直流排流保护技术标准:Standard of D.C.drainage protection for buried steel pipelines钢制管道及储罐腐蚀评价标准埋地钢质管道外腐蚀直接评价:Standard of steel pipeline and tank corrosion assessment steel pipeline external corrosion direct assessment钢质储罐罐底外壁阴极保护技术标准:Standard of external surface cathodic protection for bottom for steel storage tank天然气地面设施抗硫化物应力开裂和抗应力腐蚀开裂的金属材料要求:Metallic material requirements-Resistance to sulfide stress cracking and stress corrosion cracking for gas surface equipment石油钻采设备用气动元件:Pneumatic components for petroleum drilling and production equipment 抽油杆:Sucker Rods石油天然气工业用柴油机:The diesel engine for the petroleum and natrual gas industry钻井液循环管汇:Drilling fluid recurrence manifold钻井工程术语:Vocabulary of well drilling engineering岩心分析方法:Practices for core analysis空心抽油杆:Hollow sucker rods单螺杆抽油泵地面驱动装置:PC Pump Drive Heads石油钻采设备可靠性、维修性预计方法:The reliability, maintainability prediction on equipmentof oil field drilling and production司钻安全技术考核规则:Assessment rules of safety technlogy for driller独立井口装置规范:Specification for independent wellhead equipment石油钻机用柴油机偶合器机组:Diesel hydraulic coupling set for oil drilling rig油田用V带规范:Specification for Oil-Field V-Belt石油天然气工业用钢丝绳的选用和维护的推荐作法:Recommended practice on application, Care,and use of wire rope for petroleum & natural gas industry service分流器系统设备及作业推荐作法:Recommended practice for diverter systems equipment and operations游梁式抽油机的安装与润滑:Installation and lubrication of beam pumping units端盖、联结件和旋转接头规范:Specification on end closures,connectors and swivels油气田消防站建设规范:The construction specification for fire station of oil and natural gas field石油设施电气设备安装区域一级、0区、1区和2区区域划分推荐作法:Recommended practice for classification of locations for electrical installations at petroleum facilities classified as class 1,zone 0, zone 1,and zone 2天然气处理厂保护环境的推荐作法:Natural gas processing plant recommended practices for protection of the environment常压与低压储罐通风的推荐作法:Recommended practice venting atmospheric and low-pressure storage tanks密度测井刻度器校准方法:The transformation method of density logging calibrator石油钻井业常用专业词汇---中英对照A氨基三乙酸(NTA) || aminotriacetic acid胺基 || amino铵基 || ammonium安全地层 || safe formation安全试破 || safe destruction安全钻井 || safe drilling坳陷 || down warping region螯合 || chelation凹陷 || sag凹陷地层 || subsidence formation奥陶系 || Ordovician systemAPI模拟法 || API recommened methodB多靶点 || multiple target point白沥青 || white asphalt白油 || mineral oil白云母 || white mica半透膜 || semipermeable membrane包被絮凝剂 || flocculant包被 || envelop包被抑制性 || encapsulating ability饱和度 || saturation饱和度剖面图 || profile map of degree of saturation 饱和盐水 || saturated salt water背斜 || anticlinal钡 || barium苯环 || benzene ring苯酚 || phenyl hydroxide本质区别 || essential difference泵压过高 || overhigh pumping pressure比表面积 || specific surface area比吸水量 || specific absorption比重瓶法 || density bottle method避免 || avoid蓖麻油 || ricinus oil边界摩擦 || boundary friction扁藻(浮游植物) || algae变化趋势 || variation trend标准化 || standardization标准粘度测量 || standard visicosity measure表面粗糙度 || roughness of the surface表面电位 || surface electric potential表面活性剂 || surfactant ,surface active agent表面能 || interface energy表面粘度 || surface viscosity表面抛光 || sample surfaceAibbs表面弹性 || Aibbs surface elasticity表面张力 || surface tension表明 || verify /reveal表皮系数(S) || skin coefficient憋钻 || bit bouncing宾汉方程 || bingham equation丙三醇 || glycerine丙烯情 || acrylonitrile丙烯酸 || acrylic acid丙烯酸盐 || acrylate丙烯酰胺 || acrylamide薄而韧的泥饼 || thin,plastic and compacted mud-cake || 薄片 || flake薄弱地层 || weak formation泊松比 || poisson’s ratio剥离 || peel off补救 || remediation不分散泥浆 || nondispersed mud不干扰地质录井 || play no role in geological logging 不均质储层 || heterogeneous reservoir不均匀 || uneven不可逆 || irreversible不同程度 || inordinately部分水解聚丙烯酰胺(PHPA) || partially hydrolyzed polyacrylamideC参数优选 || parametric optimization残酸 || reacted acid残余饱和度 || residual staturation残渣 || gel residue , solid residue测量 || measure侧链 || side chain侧钻水平井 || sidetrack horizontal well层间 || interlayer层间距 || the distance between the two crystal layer, layer distance 层理 || bedding层流 || layer flow差减法 || minusing尝试 || trial柴油 || diesel oil长连缔合物 || long chain associated matter操作方法 || operation method超伸井 || high deep well超深预探井 || ultradeep prospecting well超声波 || ultrasonography超高密度泥浆 || extremely high density mud超细碳酸钙 || super-fine calcium carbonate产层 || production/pay zone产层亏空 || reservoir voidage产量 || production ,output沉淀 || precipitation沉降 || subside沉降速度 || settling rate沉砂 || sand setting衬套 || sleeve程序 || program成对水平井 || paired parallel horizontal wells成分 || ingredient成胶剂 || gelatinizing agent成膜树脂 || film-forming resin成岩性差 || poor diagenetic grade承压 || bearing pressure承压低 || lower pressure resistance承压能力 || loading capacity尺寸 || dimension斥力 || repulsion除硫效果 || sulfur limitation effect除硫剂 || sulfur elimination除砂器 || desander触变性 || thixotropy触变剂 || thixotropic agent垂沉 || sag垂直井 || vertical well充气钻井液 || aerated drilling fluid磁化 || magnetization次生有机阳离子聚合物 || secondary organic cationic polymer 冲砂 || sand removal冲蚀 || flush冲刷 || washing out冲洗 || clean冲洗效率 || cleaning efficiency冲洗液 || washing fluid从…角度 || from the standpoint of丛式井 || cluster well稠化剂 || gelling agent稠油区 || viscous oil area稠油藏 || high oil reservoir初步分析 || preliminary analysis初始稠度 || initial consistency初始粘度 || initial viscosity初探 || primary investigation处理剂 || additive ,treating-agent粗分散泥浆 || coarse dispersed mud粗泡沫堵漏工艺 || coarse-foam plugging technology促凝剂 || accelerating agent醋酸 || acetate醋酸钠 || sodium acetate窜流 || fluid channeling脆裂 || embrittlement crack脆性 || brittle/crisp ,fragility催化剂 || accelerant , catalyst萃取剂 || extracting agentD达西定律 || Darcy’s equation大段水层 || thick aqueous formation大分子氢键络合作用 || polycomplexation of hydrogen bond 大灰量 || mass slurry大井斜角 || high deviation angle大块岩样 || big rock sample大块钻屑 || massive drilling cuttings大类 || genera大理石 || marble大砾石层 || large gravel bed大量分析 || quantitative analysis大排量洗井 || high flow rate washover大排量循环 || high flow rate circulation大位移定向井 || extended-reach directional well大斜度钻井 || big inclination/angle drilling大直径井眼 || large hole代表性岩心 || representive core sample单宁酸 || tannate单体 || monomer单相关分析法 || analyzing method of single correlation单相关系数加权 || coefficient weighted method of single correlation 单轴抗压强度 || uniaxial compressive strength氮 || nitrogenN-羟甲剂胺 || N-hydroxymethyl amine淡水 || fresh water单向压力暂堵剂 || unidirectional pressure temporary plugging additive 导向螺杆钻具 || stearable assemly导向器 || guider等温曲线 || isothermal curve低毒油基 || low toxicity oil based低返速 || low return-velocity低固相泥浆 || low solid drilling fluid低级醛 || low-grade aldehyde低粘土相泥浆 || low clay content drilling fluid狄塞尔堵漏剂 || diacel plugging agent滴定 || titration底水丰富 || basal water abundance底水油藏井 || bottom water reservoir well第二界面 || second contact surface缔合物 || associated matter地层 || formation地层出液量 || formation fluid production地层破碎 || straturn breaking地层倾角大 || higher formation clination地层水 || formation water地层损害 || formation damage地面岩心压汞 || surface core mercury injection test 地下水 || groundwater , subsurface water地应力 || ground stress地质 || geology地质构造 || geologic structure淀粉 || starch电测 || electronic logging电导率 || electric conductivity电荷 || electricity电化学法 || electrochemistry method电解质 || electrolyte电镜分析 || electronic microscope photos电位 || potential fallξ电位 || zeta potential电性 || electric property电泳法 || electrophoresis method电子探针 || electron spectrum调查 || census顶替过程 || displacing operation定量设计 || quantitative design定向井 || direction well定子 || stator冻胶 || gel动静弹性模量 || dynamic and static elasticity modulus动力稳定性 || settling stability动力学 || kinetics动态滤失 || dynamic filtration动切力 || yield value动塑比 || ratio of dynamic shear force/yield value to plastic viscosity 堵漏 || plugging堵塞 || seal堵塞比(DR) || damage ratio堵塞物 || bulkhead堵水 || water shutoff毒性大 || high toxicity毒性污染环境 || toxicity ruins the environment短过渡 || short transition time短纤维 || brief fiber断层发育 || mature fault断裂带 || faulted zone对策 || countermeasure多产层 || multilayered reservoir多分支侧钻井 || multi-lateral sidetracking well多功能添加剂 || multifunction additive多孔介质 || porons medium多目标定向井 || multi-target directional well多相稳态胶体悬浮体系 || polynomial gel suspension system多元醇 || polyatomic alcohol多元非线性回归 || multielement non-linesr regression多元统计 || multivariate statistics惰性材料 || inert material惰性润滑剂 || inert lubricantE二次沉淀 || secondary precipitation二叠系 || Permian system二甲胺 || dimethylamine二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵 || dimethyl diallyl ammonium chloride 二价阳离子 || bivalent ion二开 || second section二氧化碳(CO2) carbon dioxide二元共聚物 || binary polymerF发气剂 || gas-development发展趋势 || development tendency反排解堵 || plug removal by reverse flow范氏力 || van der waals force范氏粘度计 || fann viscosimeter返回 || go back to方便钻井液复合粉 || convenient mud compound powder方程 || equation芳香烃 || aromatic group防窜水泥 || anti-fluid-channeling cement防腐 || anti-corrosion防卡 || pipe-sticking prevention ,anti-sticking防漏失 || lost circulation prevention防气窜 || anti-fluid-channeling防塌机理 || mechanism of anti-caving防塌剂 || anti-caving/collapse agent , clay stabilizer防止 || prevent…from纺织 || textile放空不返 || loss of bit load with loss return放射性示踪剂 || radioactive tracer tritium非均质 || nonhomogeneity非离子 || nonionic非牛顿流体 || non-newtonian fluid非渗透性 || impervious废泥浆 || mud disposal沸石 || zeolite分布 || distribution分段固井技术 || stage cementing technology分光度法 || spectrophotometer分类 || division分散 || dispersion分散剂 || dispersant分散介质 || dispersion medium分析 || analysis分形理论 || fractal theory分形几何 || fractal geometry分子 || molecules分子间能量交换 || energy exchange between molecules分子量 || molecular weight分子链 || molecular chain分子形态 || shape of molecular chain粉尘 || dust粉煤灰 || fly ash粉末 || powder粉砂质 || aleuritic texture酚羟基的邻位或对位氢 || p-or o-hydrogen atom of phenolic group 封闭剂 || sealing agent封闭稳定 || good isolation封堵 || formation sealing封堵剂 || formation sealant封固段 || interval isolation扶正器 || centralizer氟硼酸 || borofluorhydric浮力效应 || effect of buoyancy孵化速度 || incubation浮游植物 || floating vegetation复合 || combine复合离子 || multifunctional ionic复合离子聚合物 || amphiprotic/amphoteric polymers ,复合金属两性离子聚合物 || composite metal zwitterionic polymer复合聚合物泥浆 || compound-polymer mud复配方案 || compositional formulation复杂地层 || complex formation, troublesome region ,trick formation 复杂度 || complex rate复杂时效 || outage time复杂情况 || down-hole troublesome condition腐蚀 || corrosion腐蚀电位 || corrosion potential腐蚀速率 || corrosion rate腐殖酸 || humate ,humic acid腐殖酸钾(KHm) || potassium humic辅料 || auxiliary material负 || negative ||负压钻井 || underbalanced drilling符合 || accord with符合率 || coincidence || rate副产品 || by-product附加密度 || addition mud densityG改善泥饼质量 || improvement of mud cake改性 || modification改性淀粉 || modified starch改性沥青 || modified asphalt改造 || refomation钙 || calcium钙矾石 || ettringite钙膨润土钠化 || sodium modified calcium betonite || 干混拌技术 || mixing technology干扰 || interfere with甘油 || glycerol锆 || zirconium高分子 || higher molecular weight高分子聚合物 || macromoleclar polymer ||高分子絮凝剂 || polymer flocculant高负荷 || high load高级脂肪醇树脂 || higher fatty alcohol高价金属阳离子 || high valent cationic高角度微裂缝 || high angle micro-fracture高矿化度地层水 || highly mineralized formation brines 高岭土 || kaolinite高炉矿渣(BFS) || blast furnace slag高密度钻井液 || high density drilling fluid高难度 || high challenge高粘度清扫液 || viscous sweeping fluid高砂比 || high sand ratio高温静置 || quiescence in high temperature高温泥浆 || high-temperature mud高吸水量树脂 || absorbent resin高温高压流变仪 || HTHP rheometer高效润滑剂 || super lubricant高压盐水层 || high pressured slatwater layer膏岩层 || gypsolyte膏质泥岩 || creaming mudstone膏状磺化沥青 || paste sulphonated asphalt隔离冲洗液 || spacer/flushing fluid隔离膜 || isolating membrane各向异性 || anisotropy工程 || engineering共聚 || copolymerization共聚物 || copolymer共聚物类降粘剂 || copolymer thinner狗腿 || dogleg构造裂缝 || structural fracture固化 || solidification固化剂 || hardener , curing agent固井技术 || cementing technology固体团块 || solid cake固相 || solid phase固相含量 || solid concentration固相颗粒 || solid particles固相颗粒侵入 || solid invasion固相控制技术 || solid control technology固相损害 || damage of particles固液分离技术 || centrifugal separation method 胍胶 || guargum瓜尔胶 || guar挂片失重法 || weight loss method ||关掉电机 || turn off the power光谱 || spectroscopy硅 || silicone硅粉 || silica powder硅氟 || fluosilicic硅铝比 || ratio of silicate to aluminium硅酸钠 || sodium silicate硅酸盐 || silicate滚轮失重法 || roller weight loss method国内外 || home and abroad过渡金属 || transitional metal过平衡压力 || over-balanced pressure过剩浓度 || residual concentration过氧化物 || peroxideH海绿石 || chlorite海上 || offshore海水泥浆 || sea water mud海湾 || bay海洋生物 || marine animal含量 || content含水量 || moisture content耗氧量(COD) || chemical oxygen demand耗氧量(BOD520) || biological oxygen demand核桃壳粉 || walnut shell flour核磁共振(NMR) || nuclear magnetic resonance 合成 || synthesis合成基钻井液 || synthetic base drilling fluid 合格 || eligible合理级配 || reasonable distribution褐煤 || lignite赫巴模式 || Herschel-Buckley model黑色正电胶(BPG) || black positive gel恒定滤失速率 || constant filtration rate葫芦串 || irregular borehole护胶剂 || colloid protecting resistance护胶作用 || colloid stability互层 || interbeded红外光谱 || infrared spectrography花岗岩 || granite划眼作业 || reaming operation化学螯合剂 || chelating agent化学冲洗液 || chemically washing solution化学结垢(沉淀) || chemical precipitation环保型 || environment friendly /acceptable环境保护 || environment protection环空当量密度 || annular equivalent density环空返速 || velocity in annular环空压耗 || annular pressure lost环氧丙烷 || epoxypropare环氧氯丙烷(ECH) || epoxy chloropropane ,epichlorohydric 缓蚀剂 || corrosion inhibitor磺化 || sulfonation磺化酚醛树脂 || sulfomethal phenolaldehy resin磺化剂 || sulfonating agent磺化类处理剂 || sulfonated additives磺化沥青 || sulfonated gilsonite磺化沥青泥浆 || sulfonated-asphalt mud磺甲基酚醛树脂 || sulfonated methypheuo formald-ehyde 磺酸基团 || sulfonic acid group ,sulfo group灰色关联分析法 || gray relative analysis method灰岩 || limestone回归分析 || regressive analysis回收率 || recovery percent回填还耕 || refilling for plowland火成岩 || igneous rock火山喷发岩 || volcanic混合金属层状氢氧化物(MMLHC) || mixed metal layer hydroxide compound 混合金属氢氧化物(MMH) || mixed metal hydroxides混合纤维 || composite fiber混合盐水 || mixed salt活动套管 || moving casing活度 || water activity活性硅灰 || activated grammite活性粘土矿物 || active clayey mineral活性污泥法 || activated sludge process宏观 || macroscopicJ基液 || base fluid机械力 || mechanical机械杂质 || mechanical impurity机械钻速(ROP) || rate of penetrate及时反出 || timely return极限剪切粘度 || high shear viscosity极限应变 || ultimate strain极性基团 || polar group极压润滑剂 || pressured/extreme || lubricator挤堵 || squeeze激光多普勒测速仪(LDA) || laser Doppler anemometer激光粒度仪 || laser particle analyzer激活剂 || activator技术措施 || technical measure技术讲座 || workshop for technology技术经济效果 || technical-economic effect技术套管 || intermediate casing季铵盐 || quaternary ammonium, anionic group钾 || potassium ,kalium钾基石灰泥浆 || potassium base lime mud甲硅烷基化处理 || methylsilicane甲基 || methyl甲基硅油聚磺高密度钻井液 || methyl silicone oil polysulfonate drilling fluid with high density甲醛 || formaldehyde , methanal甲酸盐 || formate加量 || dosage加重剂 || heavy weight additive加重泥浆 || weighted mud加重钻井液“垂沉” || sag phenomenon of weighted drilling fluid 架桥粒子 || bridge particle价数 || valence监督 || supervision碱 || alkali简化泥浆处理 || simplify mud treatment简介 || brief description检查井 || inspection well检测 || inspection/monitor减轻剂 || lightening admixture减阻剂 || anti-friction agent , drag reducer剪切破坏 || shear failure剪切稀释能力 || shear thinning property , shearing dilution剪切应力 || shear stress键 || bond健康,安全与环境(HSE) || health , safety and environment间隙 || clearance降解产物 || degradation products卡森方程 || Casson equation卡钻 || pipe-sticking卡钻因子 || stuck-pipe factor勘探与开发 || exploration and development开发井 || development well开钻泥浆 || spud mud抗冲击韧性 || toughness抗冲击性 || impact resistance抗电解质 || potential resistance to electrolyte contamination 抗钙 || compatibility of calcium抗裂程度 || rupture strength抗温抗盐 || heat and salinity tolerance抗压强度 || compressive strength抗折强度 || breaking strength栲胶 || tannin , quebrocho克 || gram颗粒 || particle颗粒级配理论 || theory of granulartity苛刻 || rigorous可变形粒子 || deformation particle可靠 || inerrable可逆 || reversible可溶性盐 || soluble salt可压缩性 || compressibility可用性 || feasibility可钻性 || drillability刻度盘 || dial scale坑内密封法 || seal in a pit空气湿度 || air humidity孔洞 || cavern孔喉 || pore throat孔隙 || pore孔隙度测井 || porosity log孔隙压力 || pore pressure孔隙液 || pore fluid快钻剂 || quick drilling矿化度 || mineral salt concentration , mineralization矿石 || ore矿物 || mineral矿物组分 || mineralogical composation矿物晶体 || mineral crystal矿物油 || mineral oil矿渣 || slag扩散 || diffusionL老化时间 || ageing time老区 || maturing field雷诺数 || Renault number类别 || category累计厚度 || gross thickness累托石 || rectorite沥青 || asphalt ,gilsonite,bitumen沥青类产品 || gilsonite and similar materials离心法敏感性评价 || centrifugation sensitivity evaluation 离心机 || centrifugal machine离心机固控技术 || centrifugal solid control离子 || ionic离子形态 || ionic forms粒度 || grain grade粒度分布 || particles/size distribution粒度分析 || particles size analysis粒子 || particle砾石充填 || gravel pack连通性 || formation communication连续提取法 || continuous extraction两凝水泥浆 || two-stage cementing cement两性离子 || zwitter ionic裂缝 || fissure裂缝壁 || side of fracture plugging裂隙地层 || fractured formation裂隙滞后效应 || fracture lag-effect邻井 || offset/adjacent well林产 || forestry淋洗量 || wash out amount磷 || phosphorus磷酸 || phosphate磷酸氢二铵 || diammonium phosphate磷酸盐 || phosphate || salt磷酸酯 || organic phosphate临界点 || critical point临界环空流速 || critical annular fluid velocity 临界流量 || critical flow velocity临界盐度 || critical salinity零点 || zero point零析水 || zero free water硫 || sulfur硫化氢 || hydrogen sulfide硫化物 || sulfide硫酸 || sulfate硫酸钠 || sodium sulphate流变参数 || reheological parameter流变模式 || reheology model流变性 || rheology behavior流变性能改进剂 || rheology conditioner流变学 || rheology流动度 || fluidity流动介质 || flow media流动孔喉 || flowing pore throat流动摩阻压力 || flowage friction drag流动实验 || flow test流动阻力 || flow resistance流沙层 || drift sand formation流态 || flow pattern流体力学 || hydromechanics theory流体输送减阻 || accelerating fluid feeding流型 || fluid type漏斗粘度 || funnel viscosity漏失 || lost circulation漏失层位 || location of the thief zone漏失通道 || porous media陆上 || onshore卤虫 (甲壳类动物) || crustacean卤水 || bitter铬 || chromium络合 || coordination ,chelate络合行为热效应 || thermal effect of the coordination 录井 || log裸眼 || open well裸眼井段 || barefoot interval滤饼 || filter cake滤失量 || filtration滤饼电性质 || electro kinetic property滤液 || filtrate滤液侵入 || filtrate invasion铝 || aluminum铝酸盐 || aluminate氯酚 || chlophenol氯化钙(CaCl2) || calcium chloride氯化物 || chlorideKCl溶液 || potassium chloride solutionM马来酸酐 || maleic anhydride埋深 || burial depth满足…需要 || meet requirement of曼尼希反应 || Mannick reaction芒硝层 || chuco毛细管吸收时间测定仪(CST) || capillary suction timer毛细管压力 || capillary pressure酶 || enzyme煤层 || coal bed煤层气储层 || coalbed methane reservoir镁 || magnesium门限流动压差 || threshold differential pressure of flow 蒙脱石 || smectite咪错基 || imidazoline醚基 || ether密胺树脂 || melamine resin密闭液 || sealing fluid密度 || density密实 || dense幂律模式 || power law method敏感性 || sensitivity敏感性流动实验 || flowrate test膜 || film , membrane磨铣 || mill摩擦 || friction摩擦付 || friction couples摩擦系数 || friction coefficient摩阻损失 || friction loss末端毛细管阻力 || terminal capillary pressure木质素磺酸盐 || lignosulfonate模拟 || analog, simulate模式(型) || model目 || meshN纳米材料 || nano-composite material纳米技术 || nano-tech钠 || sodium钠化 || sodium treatment钠膨润土泥浆 || sodium bentonite mud囊衣 || capsule dressing囊芯 || capsule-core内聚力 || cohesion内摩擦角 || internal frictional angle内泥饼 || internal filter cake内切圆半径inscribed circle radius内烯烃 || isomerised || olefins内源和外源颗粒 || endogenous and exogenous granula 内在因素 || intermediate factor能量交换 || energy exchange泥包 || bit balling泥饼 || mud-cake泥饼强度冲刷仪 || mud filter cake tester泥浆处理 || mud treatment泥浆跟踪剂 || mud tracer泥浆配方 || mud formula泥浆转化为水泥浆(MTC) || mud to cement泥岩 || mudstone , conglomerate泥页岩 || shale , || argillutite泥质膏岩 || argillaceous粘度 || viscosity粘度极大值 || maximum viscosity粘度计 || viscosimeter粘附 || adhere粘附张力 || adhesive tension粘弹性 || viscoelastic粘土 || clay粘土分级评价法 || method of grading mud-making clay 粘土矿物层间距(d001) || crystal || indices粘土矿物含量 || clay mineral content粘土片 || clay latice粘土膨胀 || clay swelling粘土膨胀倍数 || swelling ratio of clays粘土稳定性 || clay stability粘性流体 || viscous fluid柠檬酸 || citric acid凝固点 || freezing point凝析油 || condensate oil牛顿流体 || Newtonian fluid扭距 || torque浓度 || concentration浓硫酸 || strong sulfuric浓缩 || concentrationP排列 || line along排驱压力 || displacement pressure排水 || water draining剖面图 || profile map泡沫流体实验装置 || aerated fluid test simulator 泡沫剂 || foaming agent泡沫衰变机理 || foam decay mechanism泡沫质量 || foam quality泡沫钻井液 || foam drilling fluid配方 || formula ,recipe ,composition配浆时间 || drilling fluid preparing time配位体 || ligand配伍性 || compatibility配制 || madeup盆地 || basin喷 || blowout喷射钻井 || jet drilling喷嘴粘度 || nozzle viscosity膨润土 || bentonite ,montmorillonite膨润土含量 || bentonite content膨胀 || swell膨胀剂 || sweller膨胀率 || expansion ratio膨胀性堵漏材料 || expandable plugging additives硼冻胶 || boracium gel硼砂 || borax硼酸盐 || borate偏心度 || excentricity偏移 || shift片麻岩 || gneiss漂珠 || hollow microsphere品种 || variety平衡线膨胀率 || equalibrium linear expansion value平衡压力钻井 || balanced drilling评价 || evaluation评价标准 || evaluation criterion评价井 || appraisal well平板型层流 || plate laminar flow平均井深 || average well depth平均线膨胀率 || average expansion rate平均直径 || mean diameter屏蔽环 || shielding zone屏蔽暂堵技术 || temporary shielding method ,barrier-building temporary seal incores 破胶剂 || gel breaker破胶性 || breaking property破裂压力 || fracture pressure破裂压力梯度 || fracture pressure gradient破乳 || break the emulsion破乳剂 || demulsifying agent葡萄糖 || glucoseQ起到重要作用 || play an important role起泡剂 || frothing agent起下钻阻卡 || blockage during tripping气液表面能 || gas-liquid interface energy迁移 || migration前置液 || prepad fluid铅(Pb) lead潜在因素 || implicit factor潜山 || buried hill浅高压气层 || shallow high pressure gas formation浅海 || shallow-water , neritic area浅井 || shallow well嵌段聚合物 || block polymer欠饱和盐水钻井液 || unsaturated salt water drilling fluid 欠平衡钻井 || underbanlanced drilling欠压实 || uncompaction羟基 || hydroxy羟基水 || hydroxy water羟丙基淀粉 || hydroxypropul starch羟乙基纤维素 || hydroxyethyl cellulose强造浆软泥岩 || high mud making soft shale桥堵剂 || bridge additive切力 || shearing force侵入深度 || invasion depth侵蚀 || erosion亲核化学吸附 || nucleophyllic chemical adsorption亲水环境 || hydrophilic environment亲水性 || hydrophilcity亲油性 || lipophilic氢 || hydrogen氢氟酸 || hydrofluoric acid氢键 || hydrogen bond氢氧化钠 || alkali氢氧化钙 || calcium hydroxide清扫液 || sweeping fluid清水 || clear water清洗剂 || cleaning agent蜻纶 || acrylon fiber蜻纶费丝 || nitrilon倾角 || dip angle丘陵 || hill type球形胶束 || roundness glues区块 || block屈服强度 || shear strength屈服值 || yielding point曲边三角形 || curved line trangle取代度 || substituted ratio取芯 || core,coring operation取芯进尺 || coring footage取芯收获率 || coring recovery rate曲线 || curve去除 || wipe off醛 || aldehydeR热采井 || thermal production wells热分析 || thermoanalysis热滚 || hot aging热滚分散实验 || roller oven test , hot rolling test热力学 || thermodynamics热凝橡胶 || coagulative rubber热效应 || thermal effect ||热稳定性 || temperature resistance ,heat stability ,stability at high temperature。



Part - defects
打磨喷砂 - grinding and blasting 包装运输 - packing and shipment
检漏试验/泄露试验/气密性试验 - leak test 水质分析 - water analysis
正向材料鉴定 / 光谱分析 - positive material identification 预检会议 - pre-inspection meeting
第三方检验 - third-part inspection
Part - technics
晶间腐蚀 - intergranular corrosion 中频感应 - midium frequency induction 焊后热处理 - post-welding heat treatment 模拟焊后热处理 - simulated post-welding heat treatment 酸洗钝化 - pickling and passivation
Translation of Terms - Pipe Fittings 中文 - English
Part - products
集合管 - manifold / gas collector / distributor 猪尾管 - pigtail / hairpin
盘管 - coil 管板 - tube sheet 集管 - header 对流段 - convection 辐射段 - radiant (section) 转油线 - interconnecting piping 吊耳 - lifting attachment / lifting lug 上升下降管 - riser and down coner 制氢装置 - hydrogen producting 转化炉 - reformer 伸缩接头 - expansion joint 角焊缝 - fillet wled 垫圈 - washer 短节 - nipple 管箍 - coupling 翻边 - stub end 弯头支管台 - weldolet 钢板 - plate 钢棒 - bar 氢氟酸 - hydrofluoric acid 硝酸 - nitric acid 八字盲板 - spectacle blind



一.职位及工种(Titles and type of work) 1.船长 Captain 2.大副 Chief officer 3.二副 Second officer 4.三副 Third officer 5.四副 Fourth officer 6.水手长 Boatswain 7.水手 Sailor & Seaman 8.木匠 Carpenter 9.轮机长 Chief engineer 10.大管轮 Second engineer 11.二管轮 Third engineer 12.三管轮 Fourth engineer 13.机匠长 Chief motorman 15.机匠 Fitter 16.加油工 Oil man 17.大电 Chief electrician 18.电工 Electrician 19.车间主任 Workshop director 20.工长 Section chief 21.班长 22.钳工 23.主管工程师24.机务&船东 Superintendent &Super &Owner 25.助理工程师 Assistant engineer 26.验船师(机)Register 27.验船师(船)Surveyor 28.油漆工 Painter 29.焊工 Welder 30.大橱 Chief cook31.物料员 Store keeper 32.加油工 Oiler33.机工 Mechanic 34.甲板员 Deck man 35.电线工 Wireman 36.外包工 Laborer 37.铸工 Molder 38.管子工 Pipe fitter 39.起重工 Crane operator二、柴油机类(Words about diesel engine) 1.主机 Main engine2.二冲程柴油机 Two-stroke diesel engine 3.四冲程柴油机 Fore-stroke diesel engine 4.高速柴油机 High speed diesel engine 5.中速柴油机 Middle speed diesel engine 6.低速柴油机 Low speed diesel engine 7.气缸盖(缸头) Cylinder head 8.安全阀 Safety valve 9.释放阀 Relief valve 10.示功阀 Indicator valve 11.示功考克 Indicator cock 12.空气起动阀 Air starting valve13.起动空气分配器 Air starting distributor 14.油头(燃油喷射器) Fuel injector 15.排气阀 Exhaust valve 16.气缸套 Cylinder liner17.冷却水套 Cooling water jacket 18.气缸注油器 Cylinder lubricator 19.活塞 Piston20.活塞头 Piston crown21.活塞裙 Piston skirt22.活塞销 Piston gudgeon pin 24.活塞杆 Piston rod 25.活塞环 Piston ring26.活塞环槽 Piston ring groove 27.压缩环 (气环) Compression ring 28.刮油环 (油环) Oil scraper ring29.减磨令 Wear ring (copper ring) 30.伸缩管(水拉管) Telescopic pipe31.活塞冷却空间 Piston cooling space 32.填料箱(函) Stuffing box33.填料箱密封环Sealing ring for Stuffing box 34.填料箱压缩环 Pressure ring for Stuffing box 35.填料箱刮油环 Scraper ring for Stuffing box 36.扫气箱 Scavenging receiver 37.扫气口 Scavenging port 38.排气口 Exhaust port 39.十字头 Cross head 40.十字头销 Crosshead pin 41.十字头轴承 Crosshead bearing 42.十字头滑块 Crosshead slipper 43.滑块 Guide shoe44.十字头导板 Crosshead guide plate 45.连杆 Connecting rod 46.连杆大端轴承 Bid end bearing 47.连杆小端轴承 Small end bearing 48.曲柄轴承 Crank bearing 49.曲柄销 Crank pin 50.曲轴 Crank shaft 51.曲轴颈 Crank journal52.曲柄臂Crank web53.拐档差Crank deflection54.主轴承Main bearing55.主轴颈Main journal56.轴承瓦Bearing bush57.上轴瓦Upper bearing bush58.上轴瓦Upper half59.下轴瓦Lower bearing bush60.下轴瓦Lower half61.推力轴承Thrust bearing62.推力块Thrust pad63.推力盘Thrust disc64.推力轴Thrust shaft65.底座Bed plate66.机架Frame67.曲柄箱Crank case68.曲柄箱导门Crank case door69.曲柄箱防爆门Explosion-proof Crank case. 70.定时齿轮Timing gear71.飞轮Flying wheel72.凸轮Cam73.凸轮轴Cam shaft74.喷油凸轮Fuel injection cam75.链条Chain76.链条轮Chain wheel77.链条箱Chain box78.推杆Push rod79.摇臂Rocker arm80.排气阀Exhaust valve81.吸气阀Suction valve 82.排气总管Exhaust manifold83.进气总管Air inlet manifold84.高压燃油管High pressure fuel pipe85.活塞冷却水管Piston cooling water pipe86.法兰Flange87.贯穿螺栓Tie bolt (tie rod)88.端盖Side cover89.滑油泵Lubricating oil pump90.燃油泵Fuel oil pump91.滑油泵齿轮Gear for lubricating oil pump92.燃油泵齿轮Gear for fuel oil pump93.叶轮Impeller94.柱塞Plunger95.导杆Guide rod96.导套Sleeve97.滚动轴承Ball bearing98.滑动轴承Sliding bearing99.推力滚动轴承Thrust ball bearing100.推力面Thrust surface (thrust side)101.盘车机Turning gear102.增压器Turbocharger103.涡轮机(透平)Turbine104.涡轮Turbine wheel105.涡轮叶片Turbine blade106.喷嘴Nozzle107.废气叶轮Exhaust impeller108.废气叶轮片Exhaust blade109.废气端Exhaust side110.透平端Turbine side111.转子轴Rotor shaft112.油泵L.O. pump113.换向装置Reversing device114.换向伺服期Reversing servomotor115.压气机(鼓风机) Blower116.膨胀接Expansion joint117.调速器governor118.飞重Flying weight119.补偿阀Compensate valve120.针阀Needle valve121.开口销Cotter pin122.轴封Shaft seal123.机械密封Machinery seal124.配电盘Switchboard125.应急配电盘Emergency switchboard126.应急发电机Emergency generator127.滤器Filter128.细滤器Filter129.粗滤器Strainer130.滑油滤器L.O. filter131.燃油滤器 F.O. filter132.空气消音器Air intake silencer132.空气滤器Air intake filter133.空气瓶Air bottle (receiver)134.分油机Separator135.油水分离器Water-oil separator136.净油机Purifier137.燃油净化器 F.O. purifier138.二氧化碳CO2139.二氧化碳瓶CO2 bottle140.正时齿轮Timing gear141.导向棒装置Guide bar142.注油器驱动Lubricator driver143.链条张紧装置Chain tightener144.凸轮轴传动轮Chain wheel on cam shaft 145.中间链链传动轮Intermediate chain wheel 146.注油器驱动装置Lubricator drive147.链条张紧装置Chain tightener148.滚筒导座Roller guide housing 149.应急操纵台Emergency console150.力矩平衡器Moment compensator 151.主启动阀Main starting valve152.启动空气分配器Starting air distributor 153.喷油器Fuel valve154.扫气系统Scavenge air system 155.安全帽Safety cap156.机座Bed plate157.轴向振动减振器Axial vibration damper 158.贯穿螺栓Arrangement of stay bolt 159.示功器驱动装置Indicator driver160.端罩End shields161.气缸架Cylinder frame162.气阀传动装置Valve operating device 163.摇臂润滑油泵Rocker arm lubricating oil pump 164.摇臂润滑油柜Rocker arm lubricating tank 165.摇臂润滑滤器Rocker arm lubricating filter 三、船舶机械类(Words about marine machinery)1.船用锅炉Marine boiler2.废气锅炉Exhaust boiler3.辅锅炉Donkey boiler4.组合式锅炉Combined boiler5.火管Fire tube6.给水管Feed pipe7.炉膛Furnace8.炉墙Furnace wall9.火侧Fire side10.水侧Water side11.燃烧器Oil burner12.安全阀Safety valve13.上排污Upper drain14.下排污Lower drain15.锅炉皮阀Mounting valve16.水位计Water level gauge17.压力表Pressure gauge18.主汽门Main steam valve19.玻璃管Glass tube20.空调装置Air-conditioning plant21.制冷装置Refrigerating plant22.冰机Fridge. Machine23.空气压缩机Air compressor24.造水机Fresh water generator25.板式冷却器Plate type cooler26.机舱天车Engine room crane27.天车导轨Crane rail28.电磁阀Solenoid valve29.舵机Steering gear30.舵承Rudder bearing carrier31.液压缸Hydraulic cylinder32.废气涡轮增压器Exhaust gas turbocharger33.弹簧阀Spring loaded valve34.冷凝器Condenser35.分油器Oil separator36.轴带发电机Shaft generator37.焚烧炉Oil burner38.分油机Separator39.分离筒Separator bowl40.配水盘装置Paring disc device41.转数计Revolution counter42.控制阀Control valve43.辅机Auxiliary machinery44.制冷装置Refrigerating plant45.海水淡化装置Sea water desalting plant46.热交换器Heat exchanger47.船用气瓶Marine air bottle48.冷风机Cooler unit49.防水风门Fire damper50.气密挡板Gas tight damper51.排气风机Exhaust fan52.舱室通风机Cabin fan53.机舱通风机Engine room fan54.应急鼓风机Emergency blower四、阀门(Words about valve)1.吸气阀Suction valve2.排气阀Exhaust valve3.控制阀Control valve4.导阀Pilot valve5.单向阀Non-return valve6.口琴阀Flap valve7.调节阀Regulating valve 8.液压阀Hydraulic valve9.膨胀阀Expansion valve 10.给水阀Feed valve11.排水阀Discharge valve 12.截止阀Stop valve13.吹泄阀Blow-off valve 14.空气阀Air valve15.泄放阀Drain valve16.止回阀Check valve17.海底阀Sea valve18.回流阀Retune valve19.节流阀Throttle valve20.进气阀Inlet valve21.出气阀Outlet valve22.热力阀Thermal valve23.中央阀Center valve24.单向阀One way valve25.二通阀Two way valve 26.三通阀Triple valve27.旁通阀By-pass valve28.换向阀Change-over valve 29.减压阀Pressure-reducing valve 30.溢流阀Overflow valve 31.自闭阀Self-locking valve 32.针阀Needle valve33.平衡阀Balance valve34.循环阀Circulation valve 35.主阀Main valve36.滑阀Slide valve 37.蝶阀Butter-fly valve38.截止阀Shut-off valve39.闸板阀Gate valve40.通海阀Sea suction valve41.吹除阀Sea chest cleaning valve42.防浪阀Storm valve43.舱壁阀Bulkhead valve44.快关阀Emergency shut off valve45.呼吸阀Breather valve五、泵类(Words about pump)1.电动泵Motor-driven pump2.柱塞泵Plunger pump3.叶片泵Vane pump4.回转泵Rotary pump5.齿轮泵Gear pump6.往复泵Reciprocating pump7.离心泵Centrifugal pump1.电动泵Motor-driven pump2.柱塞泵Plunger pump3.叶片泵Vane pump4.回转泵Rotary pump5.齿轮泵Gear pump6.往复泵Reciprocating pump7.离心泵Centrifugal pump8.真空泵Vacuum pump9.螺杆泵Screw pump10.喷射泵Ejector pump11.冷却泵Cooling pump12.淡水泵Fresh water pump13.海水泵Sea water pump14.给水泵Feed water pump15.循环泵Circulating pump16.锅炉给水泵Boiler feed pump17.卫生水泵Sanitary pump18.压载泵Ballast pump19.舱底泵Bilge pump20.污水泵Sewage pump21.燃油泵Fuel pump22.高压油泵High pressure pump23.底压油泵Low pressure pump24.驳运泵Transfer pump25.增压泵Booster pump26.消防泵Fire pump27.通用泵G.S. pump28.旋涡泵Regenerative29.蜗壳泵V olute pump30.导叶泵Diffuser pump31.单联泵Simplex pump32.双联泵Duplex pump33.多联泵Multiplex pump34.活塞泵Piston pump35.减摇泵Anti-roll pump36.总用泵General service pump37.应急消防泵Emergency fire pump38.扫舱泵Stripping pump39.货油泵Cargo oil pump40.滑油泵Lubricating oil pump六、甲板机械类(Deck machinery)1.锚机Windlass2.锚机轴Windlass shaft3.刹车带Brake lining4.离合器Clutch5.锚链轮Anchor Chain wheel6.轴承瓦Bearing bush7.轴承盖Bearing cover8.绞揽机Capstan9.系揽绞车Mooring winch10.卷缆车Reel11.钢丝绳Wire rope12.卡环Shackle13.缆绳Mooring rope 14.滑轮Block15.刹车装置Brake device 16.制链器Anchor chain stopper 17.舱盖滚轮Hatch cover wheel 18.舱盖铰链Hatch cover hinge 19.液压油缸Hydraulic jack 20.起货机Cargo winch 21.可令吊Crane22.生活吊Accommodation crane 23.吊杆Derrick boom 24.桅杆Mast25.救生艇Lifeboat26.艇架Davit27.艇机Lifeboat capstan 28.救生筏Life raft29.救生衣Life jacket七、工具类(Word about tools) 1.车床Lathe2.刨床Planing machine 3.钻床Drill machine 4.砂轮机Grinding machine 5.磨床Grinder6.铣床Milling machine 7.镗床Boring machine 8.手锤Engineer’s hammer 9.冲击板手Impact wrench 10.板手Spanner11.活络板手Screw spanner12.梅花板手Ring spanner13.呆扳手Open spanner15.套筒板手Socket spanner16.管子钳Pipe spanner17.螺丝刀Screw driver18.钢丝钳Wire pliers19.尖嘴钳Long nose pliers20.钢锯Hack saw21.剪刀Scissors22.手电筒Torch23.扁铲(凿子) Chisel24.锉刀File25.丝攻Thread tap26.板牙Thread die27.绞刀Reamer28.刮刀Scraper29.油石Oil stone30.拔子(拉马) Puller31.沙布Emery cloth32.破布Rag33.卷尺Measuring tape34.空心冲Hole punch35.样冲Joint punch36.油壶Oil gun37.牛油枪Grease gun38.手电钻Handle drill39.钻头Drill40.液压千斤Hydraulic jack.41.塞尺Feeler gauge42.游标卡尺Vernier caliper43.外卡尺Outside calipers44.内卡尺Inside calipers45.螺纹量规Screw gauge46.桥规Bridge gauge47.电焊机Electrode welding machine48.气焊机Gas welding machine49.电焊钳Electric welding pliers50.气割枪Cutting touch51.电焊条Electric soldering iron52.电工刀Electrician knife53.电笔Test pen54.剥线钳Wire stripping pliers55.圆规Compass56.量表Gauge57.拐档表Crank deflection gauge58.深度规Depth gauge59.千分表Micrometer gauge60.台虎钳Table vice61.柴油Diesel oil62.滑油Lubricating oil63.液压油Hydraulic oil64.重油Heavy oil65.燃油Fuel oil66.黄油Grease67.螺栓Bolt68.螺帽Nut69.垫片Washer70.研磨沙Grinding sand71.研磨膏Grinding paste72.石棉板Asbestos plate73.青壳纸Fish paper74.盘根Packing75.细钢丝Thin steel wire76.密封圈Rubber seal ring77.塑料管Plastic pipe78.胶皮管Rubber hose79.电灯泡Electric bulb80.工作灯Working lamp81.插头Electric plug82.插座Electric socket.93.喷砂机Sand blaster outfit94.空气马达Air motor95.油柜清洁器Tank cleaning machine96.高压冲水机High pressure hose for hydraulic 97.真空泵Vacuum pump98.套筒扳手组Socket wrench set99.深头套筒Deep socket wrench 100.套筒扳手Box wrench101.单开口扳手Single open end wrench 102.双开口扳手Double open end wrench 103.转矩扳手Torque wrench104.电动机扳手Motor wrench105.侧剪钳Slide cutting plier106.活节钳Combination plier107.可调快速扳手Speed wrench108.螺丝起子Screwdriver109.偏向螺丝起子Offset screw110.六角螺帽起子组Hexagon nut drivers set 111.手摇钻Straight hand drill112.手工锯Hacksaw frame113.锯片Hacksaw blade114.砂纸Silicon paper115.手拉葫芦Chain block116.高压管High pressure hose117.液压千金顶Hydraulic jack118.锤子Hammer119.平錾Cold chisel120.活动扳手Adjustable wrench121.螺丝刀Screwdriver122.侧剪铗Side cutting hipper123.螺栓剪Cable cutter124.敲击管钳Rap wrench125.砂轮Grinding wheel126.老虎钳Utility vise127.直梯Straight ladder128.踏梯Step ladder129.平台推车Platform trunk130.搬平车Gas cylinder carrier131.给油机Grease lubricator132.强力油泵Heavy duty pump oiler133.油壶Oil jag134.麻花钻Twist drill135.绞刀Pin reamer136.旋转中心钻Rolling center137.外径测微计Outside micrometer with counter138.六折式尺Six-folding rule139.弹性带尺Convex rule140.不锈钢直尺Stainless steel straight rule141.平面规Surface gauge142.平行直角定规Precision flat try square143.温度计Thermometer八、常用物料(Material in common use)1.阀研磨剂valve grinding compound2.电焊条steel electrode3.气焊条Steel welding wire4.细钢丝绳Seizing wire5.刚焊条Steel welding rod6.紫铜管Copper tube7.乙炔气瓶Acetylene cylinder8.木屑Saw dust9.水泥Cement10.石灰Lime11.帆布手套Canvas glove12.垫片Gasket.13.氧气瓶Oxygen cylinder14.抹布Rag15.垫隙片Shim16.电线Wire17.电缆Electric cylinder18.电池Rag19.灯泡Bulb20.胶布Insulating tape21.插头Plug22.插座Socket23.保险丝Fuse24.不锈钢Stainless steel25.铸铁Cast iron26.黄铜Brass27.青铜Bronze28.铝合金Aluminium alloy29.橡胶Rubber30.石棉Asbestus31.低碳钢Soft steel32.高碳钢High-carbon steel33.合金钢Alloy steel34.木材Wood35.塑料Plastic36.球墨铸铁Nodular iron九、常用紧固件(Part of fixation in common use) 1.螺栓Bolt2.螺丝Screw3.螺母Nut4.方头螺栓Sq head bolt5.埋头螺栓Counter sunk head screw 6.套筒螺栓Socket head bolt7.定位螺栓Set screw8.十字接头Cross9.锥形销Taper pin10.锁紧螺母Lock nut11.六角头螺栓Hex head bolt十、常用油类(Oil in common use)1.汽油Gas oil2.煤油Kerosene3.润滑油Lubricating oil4.汽缸油Cylinder oil5.压缩机油Compressor oil6.齿轮油Gear oil7.机油Motor oil8.凡士林Vaseline9.燃油Fuel oil10.油脂Grease11.柴油Diesel oil十一、常用量词(Quantifier in common use) 1.件,只,个Piece2.条,张,片Sheet3.双Pair4.套,组,副Set.5.盒Box6.箱Case7.瓶Bottle8.米Meter9.厘米Centimeter10.毫米Millimeter11.公斤Kilogram12.克Gram13.公升Liter14.平方Square15.袋Bag16.码Yard17.吨Ton18.磅Pound19.加仑Gallon20.立方Cubic十二、国家名称(Name of country)1.中国China2.美国American3.日本Japan4.英国Britain5.法国France6.德国German7.韩国South Korea8.希腊Greece9.泰国Thailand10.印度India11.挪威Norway12.俄罗斯Russia13.新加坡Singapore14.澳大利亚Australia15.伊朗Iran16.丹麦Denmark17.加拿大Canada18.丹麦Denmark19.芬兰Finland20.巴基斯坦Pakistan21.意大利Italy十三、常用缩语(abbreviation in common use)1.主机M/E2.付机A/E3.阀V/V4.泵P/P5.备车St/by6.完车 F.W.E.7.前进三FAHD8.微速后退 D.S.Ast9.前进二H.Ahd10.高压H.P.11.低压L.P.12.重油/柴油H.O./D.O.13.前后F/A14.左舷P: port15.无人机舱UMS16.自动Auto17.气缸Cyl18.燃油柜 19.滑油柜20.沉淀柜.21.排出Disc22.吸入Suct23.柴油柜 十四、船用动态常用单词(marine tends word)1.停靠Alongside2.接近Approach3.停泊Berth4.浮筒Buoy5.码头Pier6.港口Port7.移泊Shift8.航次V oyage9.试验Try10.值班Watch11.航行Sail十五、船舶机电设备操作词汇(manipulate of marine equipment)1.调整Adjust2.压载Ballast3.转换Change over4.清洁Clean5.联接Connect6.排放压载Deballast7.放残水Drain8.卸载Off9.油漆Paint10.接通Put on11.吹灰Soot blown12.开始Start13.顶端Top14.洗Wash15.吹Blow16.检查Check 17.铲Chip18.断开Cut out19.排放Discharge20.除垢Descale21.检验Examine22.受载On(load)23.用泵排出Pump out24.调整Set25.停止Stop26.调驳Transfer27.加满Top up十六、故障常用单词(words about malfunction)1.失常的Abnormal2.烧坏Burn3.堵塞Clog4.裂缝Crack5.变形Deform6.毁坏Destroy7.磨损Wear8.出故障In trouble9.敲击Knock10.松开Loose11.不对中Misalign12.不足的Insufficient13.失灵Out of order14.过载Overload15.过度磨损Over-worn16.尺寸过大Oversized17.尺寸过小Under-sized18.振动Vibrate19.不平的Uneven20.不准确Inaccurate21.全船断电Black out22.出故障Fail23.关掉Shut off24.弯曲Bend25.停车Break drown26.腐蚀Corrode27.腐蚀的Corrosive28.损坏Damage29.有毛病的Faulty30.有缺陷的Defective31.破裂Fracture32.卡住Jam33.漏泄Leak34.漏泄的Leaky35.融化Melt36.噪声Noise37.过热Overheat38.咬住Seize39.紧的Tight40.松的Loosen41.发现Find42.停止Stop43.脏的Dirty44.油污的greasy45.失效的ineffective46.椭圆形的oval47.点不着火misfire48.接错misjoin49.放错misplace50.老化perish51.麻点pit52.凸起ridge53.划伤score54.拉痕scuff十七、保养检修常用词汇(Words about maintain and examination)1.卡死Blind2.用卡钳量Caliper3.关闭Close4.解体Disassemble5.安装Fix6.组装Box up7.检验Check8.拆卸Dismantle9.装配Fit10.紧固Fasten11.测量Gauge12.安装Install13.测量Measure14.打开Open15.上油漆Paint16.换新Renew17.上紧Tighten18.洗Wash19.涂油脂Grease20.松开Loosen21.加油Oil22.检修Overhaul 23.重新组装Reassemble24.测取读数Take reading25.拧开螺栓Unbolt26.抽出Withdraw十八、常用数字(Numeral in common use)一One二Two三Three四Four五Five六Six七Seven八Eight九Nine十Ten十一Eleven十二Twelve十三Thirteen十四Fourteen十五Fifteen十六Sixteen十七Seventeen十八Eighteen十九Nineteen二十Twenty三十Thirty四十Forty五十Fifty六十Sixty七十Seventy八十Eighty九十Ninety百Hundred千Thousand万Ten thousand百万Million第一First第二Second第三Third第四Fourth第五Fifth第六Sixth第七Seventh第八Eighth第九Ninth第十Tenth第十一Eleventh第十二Twelfth第二十Twentieth十九、时间、季节与方向(Time、Season andDirection)1.星期一Monday2.星期二Tuesday3.星期三Wednesday4.星期四Thursday5.星期五Friday6.星期六Saturday7.星期日Sunday8.春季Spring9.夏季Summer10.秋季Autumn11.冬季Winter12.一月January13.二月February14.三月March15.四月April16.五月May17.六月June18.七月July19.八月August20.九月September21.十月October22.十一月November23.十二月December24.小时Hour25.分钟Minute26.秒Second27.月Month28.天Day29.夜Night30.周Week31.早晨、上午Morning32.下午Afternoon33.傍晚Evening34.正午Noon35.今天Today36.昨天Yesterday37.明天Tomorrow38.前天The day before yesterday 39.后天The day after tomorrow 40.本周This week41.上周Last week 42.下周Next week43.九月十日Sep.10th44.去年Last year45.明年Next year46.上周二Last Tuesday47.下周一Next Monday48.东East49.西West50.南South51.北North52.西北Northwest53.东北Northeast54.东南Southeast55.西南Southwest56.世纪Century二十、常用词组(Phrases in common use)1.发现已无法修复found beyond repair2.发现尺寸过大found over-sized3.发现反应缓慢found slow function4.发现不正常found out of order5.发现不合标准found not up to standard6.发现不准确found inaccurate7.发现失去作用found out of function8.发现轧住found seized9.发现过热found overheated10.发现过度磨损found excessive wear11.发现过度磨掉found worn out12.发现有一点倾斜found a little bit inclined13.发现不正常found abnormal14.发现因过热而损坏found destroyed byoverheating15.发现龟裂found chapped16.发现塌陷found collapsed17.发现运转失灵found out of operation18.发现呈椭圆形found oval19.发现拉痕found scored20.发现拉毛found scuffed21.发现变形found deformed22.发现松动found loose23.发现油污found greasy24.发现肮脏found dirty25.发现咬住found stuck26.发现挤压found squeezed27.发现弯曲found bent28.发现故障found faulty29.发现损坏found damaged30.发现破碎成片found broken to pieces31.发现部分剥离found partly detached32.发现部分堵塞found partly choked33.发现剧烈震动found violent vibration34.发现烧坏found burnt35.发现断裂found fractured36.发现接地found earthed37.发现敲缸found knocking38.发现溶化found melted away39.发现泄漏found leaking (found leaky)40.发现冻结found stuck fast by icing41.发现锈蚀found rusty42.发现失效found ineffective43.发现故障found out of order44.发现结霜found frosted45.发现丢失 found lost46.发现出故障 found in trouble 47.发现失灵 found out of order 48.发现失灵 found out of action 49.发现不一致 found out of operation 50.发现错位 found out of place 二十一、常用动词和例句(Verb in common use and example)1.借 borrow我要向你借这份图纸I want to borrow the drawing from you. 我可以向你借这个手锤吗?May I borrow the hammer from you? 2.裂 break 阀杆断裂了The valve spindle is broken. 滚动轴承断裂成碎片了The ball bearing are broken to pieces. 3.加强 build up 叶轮应该堆焊The impeller should be built up by welding. 4. 烧 burn电动机烧了 The motor is burnt. 5. 进行 carry out 应进行负载试验The load test should be carried out. 6.吹blow管子必须用压缩空气吹清The pipe should be blown with compressed air. 7.铸 cast按原样铸造一个8.引起 cause损坏是有剧烈振动引起的The damage was caused by violent vibration. 9.倒角 chamfer油槽须倒角 Oil groove is to be chamfered. 法兰切削后须倒角The flange should be chamfered after being machined.10.换掉 change把它们换掉,否则我拒绝验收Have them changed, otherwise I refuse to accept them.11.龟裂 chap轴瓦上的白合金龟裂了The white metal on the bearing bush is chapped. 12.核查 check用桥规核查主轴承Check the main bearing with bridge gauge. 修理前后要核查拐档差Check the crankshaft deflection before and after repair.13.清洁 clean装前须清洁 Clean it before fit back. 14.阻塞 clog燃油滤器阻塞了 The fuel filter is clogged. 15.涂漆 coat用红丹涂管子 Coat the pipe with red lead. 泵壳里涂防护漆The pump casing is to be coated with anti-fouling. 16.完成 complete finish 你什么时候能完成修理工作?When can you complete (finish) the repair job? 17.连接 connect把电动机和淡水泵连接起来Connect the motor with the fresh water pump18.腐蚀 corrode泵壳和叶轮均有腐蚀The pump casing and impeller are corroded. 19.盖 cover请把所有卸下的部件盖起来Please cover all the removed parts. 20.裂二号缸头裂开穿透至冷却水空间No.2 cylinder head is cracked. 21.吊 crane把液压马达吊上岸去修理Crane the hydraulic motor ashore for repair. 22.割 cut 把底座割掉Cut off the bedplate. 23.损坏 damage 滚动轴承严重损坏The ball bearings are seriously damaged. 24.脱落 detach白合金部分脱落了The white metal is partly detached. 25.查看 detect查看氟里昂系统有无泄漏 Detect the Freon system for leakage. 26.解体 disassemble解体,清洁并检查高压油泵Disassemble, clean and check the H.P. fuel pump. 27.脱开 disconnect 把起动空气管脱开Disconnect the starting air pipe. 将发电机与原动机脱开。



SPARE LIST设备的备件清单Project: YXXXa ZLD project Customer: XXXX Chemical Co., Ltd Aquatech Job: P-300391 March 15, 2010 PPP CCK MDM First Issue Issue Date Prepared Checked Approved Details of RevisionSr.No Description UOM Quantity 1 Pumps 泵Centrifugal Pumps (per model) 离心泵(每型号)a) Shaft Sleeve轴套No 2b) Shaft Nut主轴螺母No 2c) Oil Seal油封No 2d) Impeller key with Nuts 叶轮扳手带螺母No2e) Stuffing Box Bush填料箱衬套No 2f) Bearing (Pump) 轴承(泵) Set 1g) Gasket “O” ring O型圈垫圈No 1h) Mechanical Seal (Ifapplicable)机械密封(如果适用)No 1 Screw Pump (per model) 螺杆泵(每型号)a) Stator定子No 1b) O rings O型圈Set 1c) Boot Seal 脚密封No 2d) Coupling Rod Pin联轴器钎杆销No2 Dosing Pump (per model)加药泵(每型号)a) Diaphragms 隔膜片No 1b) O rings & gaskets 垫圈和O型圈Set12 Blowers/Fans 风机、风扇Twin lobe Blowers (per model) 两叶风机(每型号)a) Shaft sleeve 轴套No 1b) Bearings轴承No 2c) Stuffing box packing rings密封填料环No 1d) V-belts(if applicable)三角皮带(如果适用)No 1 Centrifugal Blowers (per model) 离心风机(每型号)a) Shaft sleeve 轴套No 1b) Bearings轴承No 2c) Stuffing box packing rings密封填料环No1d) V-belts(if applicable)三角皮带No 1(如果适用)3 Agitators (for each service) 搅拌器(每服务台)a) Bearings轴承Set 1b) Oil seal油密封Set 14 Clarifier & Flash Mixer 澄清器和快速混合器a) Oil seal for gear boxes 齿轮箱油封Set1b) Bearings轴承Set 1Description UOM Quantity 5 Centrifuge 脱水机a) Rubber vibrancy insulator 橡胶振动绝缘No 2b) Spacer ring环形垫圈No 1c) Felt strip毡带No 3d) Fusible plug with “O” ri ng易熔塞带O型圈No 4e) V – belt 皮带No 5f) Needle bearing with innerrace滚针轴承No 1g) Ball bearing滚珠轴承No 2h) Sealing ring密封环No 1i) Retaining ring弹簧卡环No 1 j) Round seal packing ring轮密封填料环No 2 k) “O” ring mat“O”形环垫No 1 l) Ring lamellar 迭板殚簧No 2 m) Thrust bearing推力轴承No 1 n) Nilos ring No 1 o) Round seal packing轮密封填料No 1 p) Driving band传动带No 4 q) “O” Ring O型圈No 1 r) Sealing ring 密封圈No 1 s) Retaining ring弹簧卡环No 1 t) Seal tape封胶带No 1 u) Circular tube connection圆管连接No 1 v) Oil seal油封No 1 6 Motors ( Per Rating) 电机(每个等级)1 DE and NDE End Bearing轴承Set 1套7 Cartridge Filter ( Per application) 圆筒过滤器(每个应用)a) “O” ring for housing外壳O型圈No 2 set 套b) Cartridge 圆筒No 1 Set 套8 Heat Exchanger 热交换器a) Flange Gasket 法兰垫圈No 1Set 套9 RO Unit (per skid) 反渗透单元(每组件)a) End caps端盖No 4 of each type 每型号4个b) Interconnectors连接器No 10% of Total Quantity总数的10%c) Interconnector O rings连接器O型圈No 10% of Total Quantity总数的10%d) Brine Seal盐水密封环No 10% of Total Quantity总数的10%e) Head Seal顶端密封No 10% of Total Quantity总数的10%Description UOM Quantity 10 Valves阀门Butterfly Valves蝶阀a) Valve seat and “O: ring阀座和O型圈No5% of Total Quantity or minimum.1for each type & size;总数的5%或最少每种型号/尺寸1个Diaphragm Valves隔膜阀a) D iaphragm and “O: ring隔膜片和O型圈No5% of Total Quantity or minimum.1for each type & size总数的5%或最少每种型号/尺寸1个Ball Valves球阀a) Seal ring密封环No 5% of Total Quantity or minimum.1 for each type & size总数的5%或最少每种型号/尺寸1个Check Valves止回阀a) Gasket, O-ring 垫圈,O型圈No 5% of Total Quantity or minimum.1 for each type & size总数的5%或最少每种型号/尺寸1个Control Valves ( Per Size ) 控制阀(每尺寸)a) “O” rings for positioners定位器O型圈Set1b) Seal ring密封环Set 1c) Gland packing压盖填料Set 1d) Cover gasket密封盖Set 111 YTH Spares List for BC Portion浓缩蒸发系统备件清单Typical Spares典型清单Gaskets垫圈 2 of each size每种型号2个Expansion Joints伸缩接头1 of each size (in critical service)每种型号1个(此项包含在原清单中)pH/Conductivity Probe PH/电导率探头1个Metering Pump Diaphram Kit计量泵隔膜片1个Plug Valves旋塞阀1 of each size (in critical service)每种型号1个(此项包含在原清单中)Lined Valves衬里阀 1 of each size (in critical service每种型号1个(此项包含在原清单中)Vapor Compressor Spares蒸汽压缩机部分备件Fan bearing 风扇轴承 1 个2 个Fan Housing Teflon gaskets 风扇罩特佛龙垫圈1个Bearing Housing Seal 轴承壳密封Bearing Housing breather 轴承2 个壳通气阀2个Bearing Housing O rings轴承壳O型圈1个Shaft seal Sleeve O rings轴封套O型圈Shaft seal carbon ring set 轴封1个碳环Shaft seal O rings and seals轴1个封O型圈和密封圈Oil filter elements 油过滤元件 4 个2 个Lube system breather 润滑系统呼吸器Coupling rebuild kit 联轴器维修1个包1 个Motor bearing seals 电机轴承密封Oil Pump 油泵1个。



部分汽车零部件中英文对照1上连杆瓦:Upper Connecting Rod Bush2下连杆瓦:Lower Connecting Rod Bush3喷油泵柱塞偶件:Pump PMP〔Plunger and Bare of Injection Pump〕4斯太尔飞轮齿圈Styer Flywheel Ring Gear5曲轴瓦Crankshaft Bearing6曲轴止推片Crankshaft Thrust Bearing7联轴器钢片总成Shaft Joint Assembly8偏心瓦Eccentric Bush9高压油泵修理包High-pressure Fuel Injection Pump Repair Kit10油底壳垫子Oil Pan Gasket11全车垫子full-car Gasket12活塞连杆Piston-rod13缸盖垫子Cylinder Head Gasket14排气管垫子Exhaust Pipe Gasket15 连杆套Connecting Rod Bushing16活塞连杆固定螺栓Piston-rod Fixed Stud17缸盖螺栓Cylinder Head Bolt18增压器Supercharger19增压器Supercharger20水泵Water Pump21机油泵Oil Pump22熄火开关Shut-off Switch23高压油管280 High-pressure Oil Tube 28024高压燃油管High Pressure Oil Fuel Pipe25高压油管〔直〕High-pressure Oil Tube (straight)26回油管Oil Return Pipe27机油软管〔短〕Engine Oil Rubber Hose (short)28机油软管〔长〕Engine Oil Rubber Hose (long)29燃油管〔从油箱到燃油〕Fuel Pipe (from the tank to the fuel)1. Cylinder Block 气缸体2. Cylinder Liner 气缸套3. Cylinder Head 气缸盖4. Cylinder Head Gasket 气缸盖垫5. Cylinder Head Fasteners 气缸盖螺栓6. Cylinder Head Cover Gasket 气缸盖罩衬垫7. Cylinder Head Cover 气缸盖罩8. Pistons 活塞9. Piston Pin 活塞销10. Piston Ring Set 活塞环组11. Cranks Haft 曲轴12. Crankshaft Bearing 曲轴轴瓦13. Camshaft 凸轮轴14. Camshaft Sprocket 凸轮轴齿形皮带轮15. Camshaft Bearings 凸轮轴轴承16. Tappet 挺杆17. Push Rod 推杆18. Rocker Arm Shaft 摇臂轴19. Hydraulic Bucket Tappet 液压挺杆20. Flywheel 飞轮21. Core Plug 堵塞22. Seal 密封环〔活塞〕23. Engine Carrier 发动机架24. Bonded Rubber Mounting 橡胶支座25. Crankcase Breather 曲轴箱通风管26. Heating Pipe for Crankcase Breather Housing曲轴箱进气加热管27. Wire Harness for Heater Pipe 加热管线束28. Intermediate Plate 中间板29. Power Unit Protection 动力总成护板30. Noise Damping Pan 隔音板A/C Air Conditioning 空调A/T Automatic Transaxle (Transmission) 自动变速器ABS Anti-lock Brake System 防抱死刹车系统1、电子牵引系统(ETS) ,。





柴油机零部件名词英语目录(list)1. 范围 (2)2. 固定件structure (2)3. 曲轴crankshaft (4)4. 活塞piston (4)5. 连杆connecting rod (5)6. 气门机构valve mechanism (5)7. 齿轮传动机构gear transmission mechanism (7)8. 涡轮增压器turbo-charger (7)9. 增压空气冷却器(中冷器) charge air cooler (inter cooler) (8)11. 消声器silencer (9)12. 排气滤清器exhaust gas filter (9)13. 调速器governor (9)17. 控制拉杆装置control mechanism (12)18. 超速停车装置overspeed trip (12)19. 紧急停车装置emergency stop mechanism (13)20. 盘车机构turning mechanism (13)21. 自动喷调装置injection timer (13)24. 扫气泵scavenging pump (14)GB中华人民共和国国家标准GB/T 3367.1-2000铁道机车名词术语柴油机零部件名词本标准中,对于与ISO 7967《往复式内燃机零部件和系统术浯》相同的零部件和系统,采用了与其等同的术语及定义。


该系列标准包括:GB/T 3367.1—2000 铁道机车名词术语柴油机零部件名词GB/T 3367.2—2000 铁道机车名词术语液力传动系统零部件名词GB/T 3367.3—2000 铁道机车名词术语内燃机车辅助装置零部件名词GB/T 3367.4—2000 铁道机车名词术语内燃机车车体和转向架零部件名词GB/T 3367.5—2000 铁道机车名词术语空气制动装置零部件名词GB/T 3367.6—2000 铁道机车名词术语内燃机车术语GB/T 3367.7—2000 铁道机车名词术语柴油机术语GB/T 3367.8—2000 铁道机车名词术语液力传动术语GB/T 3367.9—1984 铁道机车名词术语牵引电气设备术语GB/T 3367.10—1984 铁道机车名词术语牵引电气设备名称本标准为第一次修订。



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air—out 出气,出气口 air outlet ①空气出口,出气口②空气排(流,放]出 air—over hydraulic ①气动-液压系统(俗称气顶油)②气动液压的 air over hydraulic brake system 气动液压制动系 air—powered (压缩)空气驱动的,气动的 air pressure 气压,大气压力 air pressure horn 气喇叭 airproof 密封的,气密的,不漏气的 air rate 空气流量 air reservoir 储气筒,空气储存容器 air shield=air deflector angular velocity 角速度 annular groove 环(形)槽 annular opening 环形孔 annulus ①内齿轮,(齿)圈,(行星齿轮系)内齿圈②环形物,环形套筒 antenna 天线 anti-dazzle 【动,名】防眩(目) antidazzle cap (前照灯)遮光帽,防眩(目)灯罩 anti-dive (制动时)防俯冲(装置) antifreeze ①防冻(的)②防冻剂,不冻液 antifreezing fluid 防冻液 antifriction bearing 滚动轴承 antiglare 防眩光的,遮光的 anti-interference 防干扰(的) antiknock ①抗爆燃(的)②抗爆(燃)剂 antiknock additive (汽油)抗爆添加剂 antiknock quality (汽油)抗爆性 ANTI LOCK (显示器用字符)防抱死制动 anti-lock brake 防抱死制动系统,ABS anti-lock brake system 同上 antiroll(ing) ①横向稳定的,防侧倾(的)②抗滚(动)(的),抗倾翻(的) anti-roll (车辆转弯时)抗侧倾 anti(-)roll bar (悬架)横向稳定杆 anti(-)roll bar link 横向稳定杆铰接(头) antirust 防锈(的),耐锈(的) antiskid ①防滑移的②(制动系)防(车轮)抱死的 antiskid system (制动系)防抱死系统 antislip 防滑(转) anti-slip control 驱动防滑控制系统 anti-slip regulation 同上 antisplash 防溅污的,挡泥的 anti-squat (车辆)防尾部下沉,防后坐 anti squeal 消声(的) anti-theft (汽车)防盗(装置) anti-theft alarm 防盗报警(装置) aperture 孔,洞,隙缝 A pillar (车身)前柱,A柱 appearance 外观,外表 appliance 用具,设备,仪表,附件 applicable ①适用的②适当(合]的 application ①应用,运用②作用,施加 application force 作用力 application of brakes 制动 application pressure (制动蹄)作用压力
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