


19-0410; Rev 3; 7/96
±15kV ESD-Protected, Slew-Rate-Limited, Low-Power, RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers
±15kV ESD-Protected, Slew-Rate-Limited, Low-Power, RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers
Supply Control
Voltage (VCC) Input Voltage
Drivers are short-circuit current limited, and are protected against excessive power dissipation by thermal shutdown circuitry that places their outputs into a high-impedance state. The receiver input has a fail-safe feature that guarantees a logic-high output if the input is open circuit.
14-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C) ..800mW 8-Pin SO (derate 5.88mW/°C above +70°C).................471mW 14-Pin SO (derate 8.33mW/°C above +70°C)...............667mW Operating Temperature Ranges MAX4_ _C_ _/MAX1487EC_ A .............................0°C to +70°C MAX4_ _E_ _/MAX1487EE_ A...........................-40°C to +85°C Storage Temperature Range .............................-65°C to +160°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec) .............................+300°C



BMS产品规格书目录1. 简介 (5)2. 功能特性 (5)3. 功能示意框图 (6)4. 电气特性 (6)4.1 基本参数设置 (6)4.2 LED指示说明 (8)4.3 蜂鸣器动作说明 (9)4.4 按键说明 (9)4.5 休眠及唤醒 (9)5 通信说明 (10)5.1 RS232通信 (10)5.2 RS485通信 (10)5.3 拨码开关设置 (10)6 接口定义 (11)6.1 接口图示 (11)6.2 电气接口定义 (12)6.3 安装连接说明 (13)7 实物图和尺寸图 (13)8 使用注意事项 (14)1.简介随着锂电池在通信行业的广泛应用,对电池管理系统也提出了高性能、高可靠性及高性价比等要求。
















3. 功能示意框图4. 电气特性4.1基本参数设置 (注:以下参数除特殊注明以外,25℃环温下测试)指示说明表1 LED工作状态指示表2 容量指示说明表3 LED闪动说明备注:可通过上位机使能或禁止LED指示灯告警,出厂默认为使能的。

MAX4203EUA+,MAX4203ESA+,MAX4205EUA+,MAX4204ESA+,MAX4201ESA+T, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

MAX4203EUA+,MAX4203ESA+,MAX4205EUA+,MAX4204ESA+,MAX4201ESA+T, 规格书,Datasheet 资料

Ultra-High-Speed, Low-Noise, Low-Power, SOT23 Open-Loop Buffers
Supply Voltage (VCC to VEE)................................................+12V Voltage on Any Pin to GND..............(VEE - 0.3V) to (VCC + 0.3V) Output Short-Circuit Duration to GND........................Continuous Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C)
(Note 1)
-3.0V ≤ VOUT ≤ 3.0V
MAX4200/MAX4203, REXT = 150Ω MAX4201/MAX4204, REXT = 50Ω MAX4202/MAX4205, REXT = 75Ω
19-1338; Rev 3; 3/07
Ultra-High-Speed, Low-Noise, Low-Power, SOT23 Open-Loop Buffers
________________General Description
The MAX4200–MAX4205 are ultra-high-speed, openloop buffers featuring high slew rate, high output current, low noise, and excellent capacitive-load-driving capability. The MAX4200/MAX4201/MAX4202 are single buffers, while the MAX4203/MAX4204/MAX4205 are dual buffers. The MAX4201/MAX4204 have integrated 50Ω termination resistors, making them ideal for driving 50Ω transmission lines. The MAX4202/MAX4205 include 75Ω back-termination resistors for driving 75Ω transmission lines. The MAX4200/MAX4203 have no internal termination resistors.


19-0127; Rev. 1; 11/98
17µA Max, Dual/Quad, Single-Supply, Precision Op Amps
_______________General Description
The MAX478 and MAX479 are dual and quad micropower, precision op amps available in 8-pin and 14-pin DIP and small-outline packages, respectively. Both devices feature an extremely low, 17µA max supply current per op amp, 70µV max offset voltage, 2.2µV/°C max offset voltage drift (0.5µV/°C typ), and 250pA max input offset current. The MAX478 and MAX479 operate from a single supply. The input voltage range includes ground, and the output swings to within a few millivolts of ground, which eliminates pull-down resistors and saves power. Both devices are optimized for single 3V and 5V supply operation, with guaranteed specifications at each supply voltage. Specifications for ±15V operation are also provided.



±15kV ESD-Protected, Slew-Rate-Limited, Low-Power, RS-485/RS-422 TransceiversThe major difference between tests done using the Human Body Model and IEC1000-4-2 is higher peak current in IEC1000-4-2, because series resistance is lower in the IEC1000-4-2 model. Hence, the ESD with-stand voltage measured to IEC1000-4-2 is generally lower than that measured using the Human Body Model. Figure 7 shows the current waveform for the 8kV IEC1000-4-2 ESD contact-discharge test.The air-gap test involves approaching the device with a charged probe. The contact-discharge method connects the probe to the device before the probe is energized.Machine Model The Machine Model for ESD tests all pins using a 200pF storage capacitor and zero discharge resis-tance. Its objective is to emulate the stress caused by contact that occurs with handling and assembly during manufacturing. Of course, all pins require this protec-tion during manufacturing—not just inputs and outputs. Therefore,after PC board assembly,the Machine Model is less relevant to I/O ports.MAX487E/MAX1487E:128 Transceivers on the Bus The 48kΩ, 1/4-unit-load receiver input impedance of the MAX487E and MAX1487E allows up to 128 transceivers on a bus, compared to the 1-unit load (12kΩinput impedance) of standard RS-485 drivers (32 transceivers maximum). Any combination of MAX487E/MAX1487E and other RS-485 transceivers with a total of 32 unit loads or less can be put on the bus. The MAX481E, MAX483E, MAX485E, and MAX488E–MAX491E have standard 12kΩreceiver input impedance.MAX483E/MAX487E/MAX488E/MAX489E:Reduced EMI and Reflections The MAX483E and MAX487E–MAX489E are slew-rate limited, minimizing EMI and reducing reflections caused by improperly terminated cables. F igure 16 shows the driver output waveform and its Fourier analy-sis of a 150kHz signal transmitted by a MAX481E, MAX485E, MAX490E, MAX491E, or MAX1487E. High-frequency harmonics with large amplitudes are evident.F igure 17 shows the same information displayed for a MAX483E, MAX487E, MAX488E, or MAX489E transmit-ting under the same conditions. F igure 17’s high-fre-quency harmonics have much lower amplitudes, and the potential for EMI is significantly reduced.Low-Power Shutdown Mode(MAX481E/MAX483E/MAX487E) A low-power shutdown mode is initiated by bringing both RE high and DE low. The devices will not shut down unless both the driver and receiver are disabled. In shutdown, the devices typically draw only 0.5µA of supply current.RE and DE may be driven simultaneously; the parts are guaranteed not to enter shutdown if RE is high and DE is low for less than 50ns. If the inputs are in this state for at least 600ns, the parts are guaranteed to enter shutdown.F or the MAX481E, MAX483E, and MAX487E, the t ZH and t ZL enable times assume the part was not in the low-power shutdown state (the MAX485E, MAX488E–MAX491E, and MAX1487E can not be shut down). The t ZH(SHDN)and t ZL(SHDN)enable times assume the parts were shut down (see Electrical Characteristics).Figure 16. Driver Output Waveform and FFT Plot of MAX485E/MAX490E/MAX491E/MAX1487E Transmitting a 150kHz SignalFigure 17. Driver Output Waveform and FFT Plot ofMAX483E/MAX487E–MAX489E Transmitting a 150kHz SignalMAX481E/MAX483E/MAX485E/ MAX487E–MAX491E/MAX1487E 12±15kV ESD-Protected, Slew-Rate-Limited, Low-Power, RS-485/RS-422 TransceiversOrdering Information (continued)Selector GuideChip InformationTRANSISTOR COUNT: 295MAX481E/MAX483E/MAX485E/MAX487E–MAX491E/MAX1487E。


♦ For Space-Constrained Applications: MAX3460–MAX3464: +5V, Fail-Safe, 20Mbps, Profibus, RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers MAX3362: +3.3V, High-Speed, RS-485/RS-422 Transceiver in a SOT23 Package MAX3280E–MAX3284E: ±15kV ESD-Protected, 52Mbps, +3V to +5.5V, SOT23, RS-485/RS-422 True Fail-Safe Receivers MAX3030E–MAX3033E: ±15kV ESD-Protected, +3.3V, Quad RS-422 Transmitters
19-0410; Rev 4; 10/03
±15kV ESD-Protected, Slew-Rate-Limited, Low-Power, RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers
Ordering Information
TEMP RANGE 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C



Driver Input Voltage (DI).............................-0.5V to (VCC + 0.5V)
Driver Output Voltage (Y, Z; A, B) ..........................-8V to +12.5V
Receiver Input Voltage (A, B).................................-8V to +12.5V
For free samples & the latest literature: , or phone 1-800-998-8800
______________Ordering Information
TEMP. RANGE 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C
PIN-PACKΒιβλιοθήκη GE 8 Plastic DIP 8 SO
o ESD Protection: ±15kV—Human Body Model
o Slew-Rate Limited for Error-Free Data Transmission (MAX483E/487E/488E/489E)
o Low Quiescent Current: 120µA (MAX483E/487E/488E/489E) 230µA (MAX1487E) 300µA (MAX481E/485E/490E/491E)



新一代 器件特性 ____________________________
♦ 对于低电压、集成 ESD 保护的应用 MAX3222E/MAX3232E/MAX3237E/MAX3241E/ MAX3246E:+3.0V 至 +5.5V、低功耗、速率高达 1Mbps、利用四个 0.1µF 电容实现真正的 RS-232 收发器 (MAX3246E 提供 UCSPTM 封装 )。 ♦ 对于低成本应用 MAX221E:±15kV ESD 保护、+5V、1µA、 具有 AutoShutdownTM 功能的单芯片 RS-232。
________________________________ 应用
便携式计算机 低功耗调制解调器 接口转换 电池供电 RS-232 系统 多点 RS-232 网络
_____________________________ 定购信息
PART MAX220CPE MAX220CSE MAX220CWE MAX220C/D MAX220EPE MAX220ESE MAX220EWE MAX220EJE MAX220MJE TEMP RANGE 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C 0°C to +70°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -40°C to +85°C -55°C to +125°C PIN-PACKAGE 16 Plastic DIP 16 Narrow SO 16 Wide SO Dice* 16 Plastic DIP 16 Narrow SO 16 Wide SO 16 CERDIP 16 CERDIP



NTMD4820N Power MOSFET30 V, 8 A, Dual N −Channel, SOIC −8Features•Low R DS(on) to Minimize Conduction Losses •Low Capacitance to Minimize Driver Losses•Optimized Gate Charge to Minimize Switching Losses •Dual SOIC −8 Surface Mount Package Saves Board SpaceApplications•Disk Drives•DC −DC Converters •PrintersMAXIMUM RATINGS (T J = 25°C unless otherwise stated)RatingSymbol Value Unit Drain −to −Source Voltage V DSS 30V Gate −to −Source Voltage V GS ±20V Continuous Drain Current R q JA (Note 1)Steady StateT A = 25°C I D6.4AT A = 70°C 5.1Power DissipationR q JA (Note 1)T A = 25°C P D 1.28W Continuous Drain Current R q JA (Note 2)T A = 25°C I D 4.9A T A = 70°C 3.9Power Dissipation R q JA (Note 2)T A = 25°C P D 0.75W Continuous Drain Current R q JA t < 10 s (Note 1)T A = 25°CI D 8.0AT A = 70°C6.4Power Dissipation R q JA t < 10 s (Note 1)T A = 25°C P D 2.0W Pulsed Drain CurrentT A = 25°C,t p = 10 m sIDM 32A Operating Junction and Storage Temperature T J , T STG−55 to +150°C Source Current (Body Diode)I S 2.0A Single Pulse Drain −to −Source Avalanche Energy T J = 25C, V DD = 30 V, V GS = 10 V,I L = 11 A pk , L = 1.0 mH, R G = 25 W EAS 60.5mJ Lead Temperature for Soldering Purposes (1/8″ from case for 10 s)T L260°CTHERMAL RESISTANCE RATINGSRatingSymbol Max UnitJunction −to −Ambient – Steady State (Note 1)R q JA 97.5°C/W Junction −to −Ambient – t ≤10 s (Note 1)R q JA 62Junction −to −FOOT (Drain)R q JF 40Junction −to −Ambient – Steady State (Note 2)R q JA167.51.Surface −mounted on FR4 board using 1 inch sq pad size, 1 oz Cu.2.Surface −mounted on FR4 board using the minimum recommended pad size.N −Channel30 V27 m W @ 4.5 V20 m W @ 10 V R DS(on) Max I D Max V (BR)DSS 8 ADevice Package Shipping †ORDERING INFORMATIONNTMD4820NR2GSOIC −8(Pb −Free)2500/T ape & ReelSOIC −8CASE 751STYLE 114820N = Device CodeA = Assembly Location Y = YearWW = Work WeekG = Pb −Free Package†For information on tape and reel specifications,including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our Tape and Reel Packaging Specification Brochure, BRD8011/D.8MARKING DIAGRAM & PIN ASSIGNMENTS1G1S2G2D1D1D2D2GELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(T J = 25°C unless otherwise noted)jkCharacteristic Symbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit OFF CHARACTERISTICSDrain−to−Source Breakdown Voltage V(BR)DSS V GS= 0 V, I D= 250 m A30V Drain−to−Source Breakdown Voltage Tem-perature CoefficientV(BR)DSS/T J26mV/°CZero Gate Voltage Drain Current I DSS VGS= 0 V,V DS= 24 V T J = 25°C 1.0m A T J = 100°C10Gate−to−Source Leakage Current I GSS V DS= 0 V, V GS= ±20 V±100nA ON CHARACTERISTICS (Note 3)Gate Threshold Voltage V GS(TH)V GS= V DS, I D= 250 m A 1.5 3.0V Negative Threshold Temperature Coeffi-cientV GS(TH)/T J 5.0mV/°CDrain−to−Source On Resistance R DS(on)V GS= 10 V I D= 7.5 A1520m WV GS= 4.5 V I D= 6.5 A2027Forward Transconductance g FS V DS= 1.5 V, I D= 7.5 A21S CHARGES, CAPACITANCES AND GATE RESISTANCEInput Capacitance C ISSV GS= 0 V, f = 1.0 MHz, V DS= 15 V 940pFOutput Capacitance C OSS225 Reverse Transfer Capacitance C RSS125Total Gate Charge Q G(TOT)V GS= 4.5 V, V DS= 15 V, I D= 7.5 A 7.7nCThreshold Gate Charge Q G(TH) 1.1Gate−to−Source Charge Q GS 3.3Gate−to−Drain Charge Q GD 3.2Total Gate Charge Q G(TOT)V GS= 10 V, V DS= 15 V, I D= 7.5 A15.2nC SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS (Note 4)Turn−On Delay Time t d(ON)V GS= 10 V, V DD= 15 V,I D= 1.0 A, R G= 6.0 W 9.4nsRise Time t r 4.0 Turn−Off Delay Time t d(OFF)21 Fall Time t f 6.5 DRAIN−TO−SOURCE CHARACTERISTICSForward Diode Voltage V SD VGS = 0 VI D = 2.0 A T J = 25°C0.75 1.0V T J = 125°C0.59nsReverse Recovery Time t RRV GS = 0 V, d IS/d t = 100 A/m s,I S = 2.0 A 17.8Charge Time T a8.3Discharge Time T b9.5Reverse Recovery Time Q RR8.0nC PACKAGE PARASITIC VALUESSource Inductance L ST A = 25°C 0.66nHDrain Inductance L D0.20nH Gate Inductance L G 1.50nH Gate Resistance R G 1.5 3.0W 3.Pulse Test: pulse width v 300 m s, duty cycle v 2%.4.Switching characteristics are independent of operating junction temperatures.VDS, DRAIN −TO −SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P S )Figure 1. On −Region CharacteristicsFigure 2. Transfer CharacteristicsV GS , GATE −TO −SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)Figure 3. On −Resistance vs. Gate −to −SourceVoltageI D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P S )Figure 4. On −Resistance vs. Drain Current andGate VoltageFigure 5. On −Resistance Variation withTemperature T J , JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)R D S (o n ), D R A I N −T O −S O U R C E R E S I S T A N C E (N O R M A L I Z E D )R D S (o n ), D R A I N −T O −S O U R C E R E S I S T A N C E (W )Figure 6. Drain −to −Source Leakage Currentvs. VoltageV DS , DRAIN −TO −SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)D S S I D, DRAIN CURRENT (AMPS)V GS , GATE −TO −SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)R D S (o n ), D R A I N −T O −S O U R C E R E S I S T A N C E (W )Figure 7. Capacitance VariationFigure 8. Gate −To −Source andDrain −To −Source Voltage vs. Total ChargeFigure 9. Resistive Switching Time Variation vs. Gate ResistanceFigure 10. Diode Forward Voltage vs. CurrentDRAIN −TO −SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)C , C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )V G S , G A T E -T O -S O U R C E V O L T A G E (V O L T S )Q G, TOTAL GATE CHARGE (nC)R G , GATE RESISTANCE (OHMS)t , T I M E (n s )T J , STARTING JUNCTION TEMPERATURE (°C)E A S , S I N G L E P U L S E D R A I N −T O −S O U R C E A V A L A N C H E E N E R G Y (m J )Figure 11. Maximum Rated Forward BiasedSafe Operating AreaV DS , DRAIN −TO −SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (A M P S )Figure 12. Maximum Avalanche Energy vs.Starting Junction TemperatureV DS , DRAIN-TO-SOURCE VOLTAGE (VOLTS)V SD , SOURCE −TO −DRAIN VOLTAGE (VOLTS)I S , S O U R C E C U R R E N T (A M P S )PACKAGE DIMENSIONSSOIC −8 NB CASE 751−07ISSUE AJNOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: MILLIMETER.3.DIMENSION A AND B DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD PROTRUSION.4.MAXIMUM MOLD PROTRUSION 0.15 (0.006)PER SIDE.5.DIMENSION D DOES NOT INCLUDE DAMBAR PROTRUSION. ALLOWABLE DAMBARPROTRUSION SHALL BE 0.127 (0.005) TOTAL IN EXCESS OF THE D DIMENSION AT MAXIMUM MATERIAL CONDITION.6.751−01 THRU 751−06 ARE OBSOLETE. NEW STANDARD IS 751−07.DIM A MIN MAX MIN MAX INCHES4.805.000.1890.197MILLIMETERS B 3.80 4.000.1500.157C 1.35 1.750.0530.069D 0.330.510.0130.020G 1.27 BSC 0.050 BSC H 0.40 1.270.0160.050M 0 8 0 8 N 0.250.500.0100.020S5.806.200.2280.244MYM0.25 (0.010)YM0.25 (0.010)Z SXS____0.60.024ǒmm inchesǓSCALE 6:1*For additional information on our Pb −Free strategy and solderingdetails, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.SOLDERING FOOTPRINT*STYLE 11:PIN 1.SOURCE 12.GATE 13.SOURCE 24.GATE 25.DRAIN 26.DRAIN 27.DRAIN 18.DRAIN 1ON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.“Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates,and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION分销商库存信息: ONSEMINTMD4820NR2G。



MAXIM/DALLAS 中文数据资料DS12CR887, DS12R885, DS12R887 RTC,带有恒压涓流充电器DS1870 LDMOS RF功放偏置控制器DS1921L-F5X Thermochron iButtonDS1923 温度/湿度记录仪iButton,具有8kB数据记录存储器DS1982, DS1982-F3, DS1982-F5 1k位只添加iButton?DS1990A 序列号iButtonDS1990R, DS1990R-F3, DS1990R-F5 序列号iButtonDS1991 多密钥iButtonDS2129 LVD SCSI 27线调节器DS2401 硅序列号DS2406 双通道、可编址开关与1k位存储器DS2408 1-Wire、8通道、可编址开关DS2411 硅序列号,带有VCC输入DS2413 1-Wire双通道、可编址开关DS2430A 256位1-Wire EEPROMDS2431 1024位、1-Wire EEPROMDS2480B 串行、1-Wire线驱动器,带有负荷检测DS2482-100 单通道1-Wire主控制器DS2482-100 勘误表PDF: 2482-100A2DS2482-800, DS2482S-800 八通道1-Wire主控制器DS2482-800 勘误表PDF: 2482-800A2DS2502 1k位只添加存储器DS2505 16k位只添加存储器DS28E04-100 4096位、可寻址、1-Wire EEPROM,带有PIO DS3170DK DS3/E3单芯片收发器开发板DS3231, DS3231S 高精度、I2C集成RTC/TCXO/晶振DS33Z44 四路以太网映射器DS3902 双路、非易失、可变电阻器,带有用户EEPROMDS3906 三路、非易失、小步长调节可变电阻与存储器DS3984 4路冷阴极荧光灯控制器DS4302 2线、5位DAC,提供三路数字输出DS80C400-KIT DS80C400评估套件DS80C410, DS80C411 具有以太网和CAN接口的网络微控制器DS80C410 勘误表PDF: 80C410A1DS89C430, DS89C440, DS89C450 超高速闪存微控制器DS89C430 勘误表PDF: 89C430A2DS89C440 勘误表PDF: 89C440A2DS89C450 勘误表PDF: 89C450A2DS89C430 勘误表PDF: 89C430A3DS89C440 勘误表PDF: 89C440A3DS89C450 勘误表PDF: 89C450A3DS89C430 勘误表PDF: 89C430A5DS89C440 勘误表PDF: 89C440A5DS89C450 勘误表PDF: 89C450A5DS9090K 1-Wire器件评估板, B版DS9097U-009, DS9097U-E25, DS9097U-S09 通用1-Wire COM端口适配器DS9490, DS9490B, DS9490R USB至1-Wire/iButton适配器MAX1034, MAX1035 8/4通道、±VREF多量程输入、串行14位ADCMAX1072, MAX1075 1.8Msps、单电源、低功耗、真差分、10位ADCMAX1076, MAX1078 1.8Msps、单电源供电、低功耗、真差分、10位ADC,内置电压基准MAX1146, MAX1147, MAX1148, MAX1149 多通道、真差分、串行、14位ADC MAX1149EVKIT MAX1149评估板/评估系统MAX1220, MAX1257, MAX1258 12位、多通道ADC/DAC,带有FIFO、温度传感器和GPIO端口MAX1224, MAX1225 1.5Msps、单电源、低功耗、真差分、12位ADCMAX1258EVKIT MAX1057, MAX1058, MAX1257, MAX1258评估板/评估系统MAX1274, MAX1275 1.8Msps、单电源、低功耗、真差分、12位ADCMAX13000E, MAX13001E, MAX13002E, MAX13003E, MAX13004E, MAX13005E 超低电压电平转换器MAX1302, MAX1303 8/4通道、±VREF多量程输入、串行16位ADCMAX1304, MAX1305, MAX1306, MAX1308, MAX1309, MAX1310, MAX1312, MAX1313, MAX1314 8/4/2通道、12位、同时采样ADC,提供±10V、±5V或0至+5V 模拟输入范围MAX13050, MAX13052, MAX13053, MAX13054 工业标准高速CAN收发器,具有±80V故障保护MAX13080E, MAX13081E, MAX13082E, MAX13083E, MAX13084E, MAX13085E, MAX13086E, MAX13087E, MAX13088E, MAX13089E +5.0V、±15kV ESD保护、失效保护、热插拔、RS-485/RS-422收发器MAX13101E, MAX13102E, MAX13103E, MAX13108E 16通道、带有缓冲的CMOS 逻辑电平转换器MAX1334, MAX1335 4.5Msps/4Msps、5V/3V、双通道、真差分10位ADCMAX1336, MAX1337 6.5Msps/5.5Msps、5V/3V、双通道、真差分8位ADCMAX13481E, MAX13482E, MAX13483E ±15kV ESD保护USB收发器, 外部/内部上拉电阻MAX1350, MAX1351, MAX1352, MAX1353, MAX1354, MAX1355, MAX1356, MAX1357 双路、高端、电流检测放大器和驱动放大器MAX1450 低成本、1%精确度信号调理器,用于压阻式传感器MAX1452 低成本、精密的传感器信号调理器MAX1487, MAX481, MAX483, MAX485, MAX487, MAX488, MAX489, MAX490, MAX491 低功耗、限摆率、RS-485/RS-422收发器MAX1492, MAX1494 3位半和4位半、单片ADC,带有LCD驱动器MAX1494EVKIT MAX1493, MAX1494, MAX1495评估板/评估系统MAX1497, MAX1499 3位半和4位半、单片ADC,带有LED驱动器和μC接口MAX1499EVKIT MAX1499评估板/评估系统MAX15000, MAX15001 电流模式PWM控制器, 可调节开关频率MAX1515 低电压、内置开关、降压/DDR调节器MAX1518B TFT-LCD DC-DC转换器, 带有运算放大器MAX1533, MAX1537 高效率、5路输出、主电源控制器,用于笔记本电脑MAX1533EVKIT MAX1533评估板MAX1540A, MAX1541 双路降压型控制器,带有电感饱和保护、动态输出和线性稳压器MAX1540EVKIT MAX1540评估板MAX1551, MAX1555 SOT23、双输入、USB/AC适配器、单节Li+电池充电器MAX1553, MAX1554 高效率、40V、升压变换器,用于2至10个白光LED驱动MAX1556, MAX1557 16μA IQ、1.2A PWM降压型DC-DC转换器MAX1556EVKIT MAX1556EVKIT评估板MAX1558, MAX1558H 双路、3mm x 3mm、1.2A/可编程电流USB开关,带有自动复位功能MAX1586A, MAX1586B, MAX1586C, MAX1587A, MAX1587C 高效率、低IQ、带有动态内核的PMIC,用于PDA和智能电话MAX16801A/B, MAX16802A/B 离线式、DC-DC PWM控制器, 用于高亮度LED驱动器MAX1858A, MAX1875A, MAX1876A 双路180°异相工作的降压控制器,具有排序/预偏置启动和PORMAX1870A 升/降压Li+电池充电器MAX1870AEVKIT MAX1870A评估板MAX1874 双路输入、USB/AC适配器、1节Li+充电器,带OVP与温度调节MAX1954A 低成本、电流模式PWM降压控制器,带有折返式限流MAX1954AEVKIT MAX1954A评估板MAX19700 7.5Msps、超低功耗模拟前端MAX19700EVKIT MAX19700评估板/评估系统MAX19705 10位、7.5Msps、超低功耗模拟前端MAX19706 10位、22Msps、超低功耗模拟前端MAX19707 10位、45Msps、超低功耗模拟前端MAX19708 10位、11Msps、超低功耗模拟前端MAX2041 高线性度、1700MHz至3000MHz上变频/下变频混频器,带有LO缓冲器/开关MAX2043 1700MHz至3000MHz高线性度、低LO泄漏、基站Rx/Tx混频器MAX220, MAX222, MAX223, MAX225, MAX230, MAX231, MAX232, MAX232A, MAX233, MAX233A, MAX234, MAX235, MAX236, MAX237, MAX238, MAX239, MAX240, MAX241, MAX242, MAX243, MAX244, MAX245, MAX246, MAX247, MAX248, MAX249 +5V供电、多通道RS-232驱动器/接收器MAX2335 450MHz CDMA/OFDM LNA/混频器MAX2370 完备的、450MHz正交发送器MAX2370EVKIT MAX2370评估板MAX2980 电力线通信模拟前端收发器MAX2986 集成电力线数字收发器MAX3013 +1.2V至+3.6V、0.1μA、100Mbps、8路电平转换器MAX3205E, MAX3207E, MAX3208E 双路、四路、六路高速差分ESD保护ICMAX3301E, MAX3302E USB On-the-Go收发器与电荷泵MAX3344E, MAX3345E ±15kV ESD保护、USB收发器,UCSP封装,带有USB检测MAX3394E, MAX3395E, MAX3396E ±15kV ESD保护、大电流驱动、双/四/八通道电平转换器, 带有加速电路MAX3535E, MXL1535E +3V至+5V、提供2500VRMS隔离的RS-485/RS-422收发器,带有±15kV ESD保护MAX3570, MAX3571, MAX3573 HI-IF单芯片宽带调谐器MAX3643EVKIT MAX3643评估板MAX3645 +2.97V至+5.5V、125Mbps至200Mbps限幅放大器,带有信号丢失检测器MAX3654 47MHz至870MHz模拟CATV互阻放大器MAX3654EVKIT MAX3654评估板MAX3657 155Mbps低噪声互阻放大器MAX3658 622Mbps、低噪声、高增益互阻前置放大器MAX3735, MAX3735A 2.7Gbps、低功耗、SFP激光驱动器MAX3737 多速率激光驱动器,带有消光比控制MAX3737EVKIT MAX3737评估板MAX3738 155Mbps至2.7Gbps SFF/SFP激光驱动器,带有消光比控制MAX3744, MAX3745 2.7Gbps SFP互阻放大器,带有RSSIMAX3744EVKIT, MAX3745EVKIT MAX3744, MAX3745评估板MAX3748, MAX3748A, MAX3748B 紧凑的、155Mbps至4.25Gbps限幅放大器MAX3785 6.25Gbps、1.8V PC板均衡器MAX3787EVKIT MAX3787评估板MAX3793 1Gbps至4.25Gbps多速率互阻放大器,具有光电流监视器MAX3793EVKIT MAX3793评估板MAX3805 10.7Gbps自适应接收均衡器MAX3805EVKIT MAX3805评估板MAX3840 +3.3V、2.7Gbps双路2 x 2交叉点开关MAX3841 12.5Gbps CML 2 x 2交叉点开关MAX3967 270Mbps SFP LED驱动器MAX3969 200Mbps SFP限幅放大器MAX3969EVKIT MAX3969评估板MAX3982 SFP铜缆预加重驱动器MAX3983 四路铜缆信号调理器MAX3983EVKIT MAX3983评估板MAX3983SMAEVKIT MAX3983 SMA连接器评估板MAX4079 完备的音频/视频后端方案MAX4210, MAX4211 高端功率、电流监视器MAX4210EEVKIT MAX4210E、MAX4210A/B/C/D/F评估板MAX4211EEVKIT MAX4211A/B/C/D/E/F评估板MAX4397 用于双SCART连接器的音频/视频开关MAX4397EVKIT MAX4397评估系统/评估板MAX4411EVKIT MAX4411评估板MAX4729, MAX4730 低电压、3.5、SPDT、CMOS模拟开关MAX4754, MAX4755, MAX4756 0.5、四路SPDT开关,UCSP/QFN封装MAX4758, MAX4759 四路DPDT音频/数据开关,UCSP/QFN封装MAX4760, MAX4761 宽带、四路DPDT开关MAX4766 0.075A至1.5A、可编程限流开关MAX4772, MAX4773 200mA/500mA可选的限流开关MAX4795, MAX4796, MAX4797, MAX4798 450mA/500mA限流开关MAX4826, MAX4827, MAX4828, MAX4829, MAX4830, MAX4831 50mA/100mA 限流开关, 带有空载标记, μDFN封装MAX4832, MAX4833 100mA LDO,带有限流开关MAX4834, MAX4835 250mA LDO,带有限流开关MAX4836, MAX4837 500mA LDO,带有限流开关MAX4838A, MAX4840A, MAX4842A 过压保护控制器,带有状态指示FLAGMAX4850, MAX4850H, MAX4852, MAX4852H 双路SPDT模拟开关,可处理超摆幅信号MAX4851, MAX4851H, MAX4853, MAX4853H 3.5/7四路SPST模拟开关,可处理超摆幅信号MAX4854 7四路SPST模拟开关,可处理超摆幅信号MAX4854H, MAX4854HL 四路SPST、宽带、信号线保护开关MAX4855 0.75、双路SPDT音频开关,具有集成比较器MAX4864L, MAX4865L, MAX4866L, MAX4867, MAX4865, MAX4866 过压保护控制器,具有反向保护功能MAX4880 过压保护控制器, 内置断路开关MAX4881, MAX4882, MAX4883, MAX4884 过压保护控制器, 内部限流, TDFN封装MAX4901, MAX4902, MAX4903, MAX4904, MAX4905 低RON、双路SPST/单路SPDT、无杂音切换开关, 可处理负电压MAX4906, MAX4906F, MAX4907, MAX4907F 高速/全速USB 2.0开关MAX5033 500mA、76V、高效率、MAXPower降压型DC-DC变换器MAX5042, MAX5043 双路开关电源IC,集成了功率MOSFET和热插拔控制器MAX5058, MAX5059 可并联的副边同步整流驱动器和反馈发生器控制ICMAX5058EVKIT MAX5051, MAX5058评估板MAX5062, MAX5062A, MAX5063, MAX5063A, MAX5064, MAX5064A, MAX5064B 125V/2A、高速、半桥MOSFET驱动器MAX5065, MAX5067 双相、+0.6V至+3.3V输出可并联、平均电流模式控制器MAX5070, MAX5071 高性能、单端、电流模式PWM控制器MAX5072 2.2MHz、双输出、降压或升压型转换器,带有POR和电源失效输出MAX5072EVKIT MAX5072评估板MAX5074 内置MOSFET的电源IC,用于隔离型IEEE 802.3af PD和电信电源MAX5078 4A、20ns、MOSFET驱动器MAX5084, MAX5085 65V、200mA、低静态电流线性稳压器, TDFN封装MAX5088, MAX5089 2.2MHz、2A降压型转换器, 内置高边开关MAX5094A, MAX5094B, MAX5094C, MAX5094D, MAX5095A, MAX5095B, MAX5095C 高性能、单端、电流模式PWM控制器MAX5128 128抽头、非易失、线性变化数字电位器, 采用2mm x 2mm μDFN封装MAX5417, MAX5417L, MAX5417M, MAX5417N, MAX5417P, MAX5418, MAX5419 256抽头、非易失、I2C接口、数字电位器MAX5417LEVKIT MAX5417_, MAX5418_, MAX5419_评估板/评估系统MAX5477, MAX5478, MAX5479 双路、256抽头、非易失、I2C接口、数字电位器MAX5478EVKIT MAX5477/MAX5478/MAX5479评估板/评估系统MAX5490 100k精密匹配的电阻分压器,SOT23封装MAX5527, MAX5528, MAX5529 64抽头、一次性编程、线性调节数字电位器MAX5820 双路、8位、低功耗、2线、串行电压输出DACMAX5865 超低功耗、高动态性能、40Msps模拟前端MAX5920 -48V热插拔控制器,外置RsenseMAX5921, MAX5939 -48V热插拔控制器,外置Rsense、提供较高的栅极下拉电流MAX5932 正电源、高压、热插拔控制器MAX5932EVKIT MAX5932评估板MAX5936, MAX5937 -48V热插拔控制器,可避免VIN阶跃故障,无需RSENSE MAX5940A, MAX5940B IEEE 802.3af PD接口控制器,用于以太网供电MAX5940BEVKIT MAX5940B, MAX5940D评估板MAX5941A, MAX5941B 符合IEEE 802.3af标准的以太网供电接口/PWM控制器,适用于用电设备MAX5945 四路网络电源控制器,用于网络供电MAX5945EVKIT, MAX5945EVSYS MAX5945评估板/评估系统MAX5953A, MAX5953B, MAX5953C, MAX5953D IEEE 802.3af PD接口和PWM控制器,集成功率MOSFETMAX6640 2通道温度监视器,提供双路、自动PWM风扇速度控制器MAX6640EVKIT MAX6640评估系统/评估板MAX6641 兼容于SMBus的温度监视器,带有自动PWM风扇速度控制器MAX6643, MAX6644, MAX6645 自动PWM风扇速度控制器,带有过温报警输出MAX6678 2通道温度监视器,提供双路、自动PWM风扇速度控制器和5个GPIOMAX6695, MAX6696 双路远端/本地温度传感器,带有SMBus串行接口MAX6877EVKIT MAX6877评估板MAX6950, MAX6951 串行接口、+2.7V至+5.5V、5位或8位LED显示驱动器MAX6966, MAX6967 10端口、恒流LED驱动器和输入/输出扩展器,带有PWM亮度控制MAX6968 8端口、5.5V恒流LED驱动器MAX6969 16端口、5.5V恒流LED驱动器MAX6970 8端口、36V恒流LED驱动器MAX6977 8端口、5.5V恒流LED驱动器,带有LED故障检测MAX6978 8端口、5.5V恒流LED驱动器,带有LED故障检测和看门狗MAX6980 8端口、36V恒流LED驱动器, 带有LED故障检测和看门狗MAX6981 8端口、36V恒流LED驱动器, 带有LED故障检测MAX7030 低成本、315MHz、345MHz和433.92MHz ASK收发器, 带有N分频PLL MAX7032 低成本、基于晶振的可编程ASK/FSK收发器, 带有N分频PLLMAX7317 10端口、SPI接口输入/输出扩展器,带有过压和热插入保护MAX7319 I2C端口扩展器,具有8路输入,可屏蔽瞬态检测MAX7320 I2C端口扩展器, 带有八个推挽式输出MAX7321 I2C端口扩展器,具有8个漏极开路I/O口MAX7328, MAX7329 I2C端口扩展器, 带有八个I/O口MAX7347, MAX7348, MAX7349 2线接口、低EMI键盘开关和发声控制器MAX7349EVKIT MAX7349评估板/仿真: MAX7347/MAX7348MAX7375 3引脚硅振荡器MAX7381 3引脚硅振荡器MAX7389, MAX7390 微控制器时钟发生器, 带有看门狗MAX7391 快速切换时钟发生器, 带有电源失效检测MAX7445 4通道视频重建滤波器MAX7450, MAX7451, MAX7452 视频信号调理器,带有AGC和后肩钳位MAX7452EVKIT MAX7452评估板MAX7462, MAX7463 单通道视频重建滤波器和缓冲器MAX8505 3A、1MHz、1%精确度、内置开关的降压型调节器,带有电源就绪指示MAX8524, MAX8525 2至8相VRM 10/9.1 PWM控制器,提供精密的电流分配和快速电压定位MAX8525EVKIT MAX8523, MAX8525评估板MAX8533 更小、更可靠的12V、Infiniband兼容热插拔控制器MAX8545, MAX8546, MAX8548 低成本、宽输入范围、降压控制器,带有折返式限流MAX8550, MAX8551 集成DDR电源方案,适用于台式机、笔记本电脑及图形卡MAX8550EVKIT MAX8550, MAX8550A, MAX8551评估板MAX8552 高速、宽输入范围、单相MOSFET驱动器MAX8553, MAX8554 4.5V至28V输入、同步PWM降压控制器,适合DDR端接和负载点应用MAX8563, MAX8564 ±1%、超低输出电压、双路或三路线性n-FET控制器MAX8564EVKIT MAX8563, MAX8564评估板MAX8566 高效、10A、PWM降压调节器, 内置开关MAX8570, MAX8571, MAX8572, MAX8573, MAX8574, MAX8575 高效LCD升压电路,可True ShutdownMAX8571EVKIT MAX8570, MAX8571, MAX8572, MAX8573, MAX8574, MAX8575评估板MAX8576, MAX8577, MAX8578, MAX8579 3V至28V输入、低成本、迟滞同步降压控制器MAX8594, MAX8594A 5路输出PMIC,提供DC-DC核电源,用于低成本PDAMAX8594EVKIT MAX8594评估板MAX8632 集成DDR电源方案,适用于台式机、笔记本电脑和图形卡MAX8632EVKIT MAX8632评估板MAX8702, MAX8703 双相MOSFET驱动器,带有温度传感器MAX8707 多相、固定频率控制器,用于AMD Hammer CPU核电源MAX8716, MAX8717, MAX8757 交叉工作、高效、双电源控制器,用于笔记本电脑MAX8716EVKIT MAX8716评估板MAX8717EVKIT MAX8717评估板MAX8718, MAX8719 高压、低功耗线性稳压器,用于笔记本电脑MAX8725EVKIT MAX8725评估板MAX8727 TFT-LCD升压型、DC-DC变换器MAX8729 固定频率、半桥CCFL逆变控制器MAX8729EVKIT MAX8729评估板MAX8732A, MAX8733A, MAX8734A 高效率、四路输出、主电源控制器,用于笔记本电脑MAX8737 双路、低电压线性稳压器, 外置MOSFETMAX8737EVKIT MAX8737评估板MAX8738 EEPROM可编程TFT VCOM校准器, 带有I2C接口MAX8740 TFT-LCD升压型、DC-DC变换器MAX8743 双路、高效率、降压型控制器,关断状态下提供高阻MAX8751 固定频率、全桥、CCFL逆变控制器MAX8751EVKIT MAX8751评估板MAX8752 TFT-LCD升压型、DC-DC变换器MAX8758 具有开关控制和运算放大器的升压调节器, 用于TFT LCDMAX8758EVKIT MAX8758评估板MAX8759 低成本SMBus CCFL背光控制器MAX8760 双相、Quick-PWM控制器,用于AMD Mobile Turion 64 CPU核电源MAX8764 高速、降压型控制器,带有精确的限流控制,用于笔记本电脑MAX9223, MAX9224 22位、低功耗、5MHz至10MHz串行器与解串器芯片组MAX9225, MAX9226 10位、低功耗、10MHz至20MHz串行器与解串器芯片组MAX9483, MAX9484 双输出、多模CD-RW/DVD激光二极管驱动器MAX9485 可编程音频时钟发生器MAX9485EVKIT MAX9485评估板MAX9486 8kHz参考时钟合成器,提供35.328MHz倍频输出MAX9486EVKIT MAX9486评估板MAX9489 多路输出网络时钟发生器MAX9500, MAX9501 三通道HDTV滤波器MAX9500EVKIT MAX9500评估板MAX9502 2.5V视频放大器, 带有重建滤波器MAX9504A, MAX9504B 3V/5V、6dB视频放大器, 可提供大电流输出MAX9701 1.3W、无需滤波、立体声D类音频功率放大器MAX9701EVKIT MAX9701评估板MAX9702 1.8W、无需滤波、立体声D类音频功率放大器和DirectDrive立体声耳机放大器MAX9702EVSYS/EVKIT MAX9702/MAX9702B评估系统/评估板MAX9703, MAX9704 10W立体声/15W单声道、无需滤波的扩展频谱D类放大器MAX9705 2.3W、超低EMI、无需滤波、D类音频放大器MAX9705BEVKIT MAX9705B评估板MAX9710EVKIT MAX9710评估板MAX9712 500mW、低EMI、无需滤波、D类音频放大器MAX9713, MAX9714 6W、无需滤波、扩频单声道/立体声D类放大器MAX9714EVKIT MAX9704, MAX9714评估板MAX9715 2.8W、低EMI、立体声、无需滤波、D类音频放大器MAX9715EVKIT MAX9715评估板MAX9716, MAX9717 低成本、单声道、1.4W BTL音频功率放大器MAX9716EVKIT MAX9716评估板MAX9718, MAX9719 低成本、单声道/立体声、1.4W差分音频功率放大器MAX9718AEVKIT MAX9718A评估板MAX9719AEVKIT MAX9719A/B/C/D评估板MAX9721 1V、固定增益、DirectDrive、立体声耳机放大器,带有关断MAX9721EVKIT MAX9721评估板MAX9722A, MAX9722B 5V、差分输入、DirectDrive、130mW立体声耳机放大器,带有关断MAX9722AEVKIT MAX9722A, MAX9722B评估板MAX9723 立体声DirectDrive耳机放大器, 具有BassMax、音量控制和I2C接口MAX9725 1V、低功率、DirectDrive、立体声耳机放大器,带有关断MAX9728AEVKIT MAX9728A/MAX9728B评估板MAX9750, MAX9751, MAX9755 2.6W立体声音频功放和DirectDrive耳机放大器MAX9759 3.2W、高效、低EMI、无需滤波、D类音频放大器MAX9759EVKIT MAX9759评估板MAX9770, MAX9772 1.2W、低EMI、无需虑波、单声道D类放大器,带有立体声DirectDrive耳机放大器MAX9787 2.2W立体声音频功率放大器, 提供模拟音量控制MAX9850 立体声音频DAC,带有DirectDrive耳机放大器MAX9890 音频咔嗒声-怦然声抑制器MAX9951, MAX9952 双路引脚参数测量单元MAX9960 双闪存引脚电子测量/高压开关矩阵MAX9961, MAX9962 双通道、低功耗、500Mbps ATE驱动器/比较器,带有2mA负载MAX9967 双通道、低功耗、500Mbps ATE驱动器/比较器,带有35mA负载MAX9986A SiGe高线性度、815MHz至1000MHz下变频混频器, 带有LO缓冲器/开关MAXQ2000 低功耗LCD微控制器MAXQ2000 勘误表PDF: MAXQ2000A2MAXQ2000-KIT MAXQ2000评估板MAXQ3120-KIT MAXQ3120评估板MXL1543B +5V、多协议、3Tx/3Rx、软件可选的时钟/数据收发器。



MAX828 MAX829
________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products
Small LCD Panels Cell Phones Medical Instruments Handy-Terminals, PDAs Battery-Operated Equipment
* Dice are tested at TA = +25°C.
Note 1: Capacitor contribution is approximately 20% of the output impedance [ESR + 1 / (pump frequency x capacitance)].
(VIN = +5V, C1 = C2 = 10µF (MAX828), C1 = C2 = 3.3µF (MAX829), TA = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) (Note 2) PARAMETER Supply Current Supply Voltage Range Oscillator Frequency Output Resistance MAX828 MAX829 RLOAD = 10kΩ MAX828 MAX829 IOUT = 5mA 1.5 6 19 CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX 115 325 5.5 20 54.3 65 UNITS µA V kHz Ω



*For maximum heat dissipation, packages have an exposed pad (EP) on the bottom. Solder exposed pad to GND.
Pin Configurations
20 SET 19 VCC 18 OUT1 17 OUT2 16 PGND
15 OUT3 14 OUT4 13 COM 12 OUT5 11 OUT6
N.C. 6 GND 7 OUT8 8 OUT7 9 PGND 10
SPI and QSPI are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. MICROWIRE is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corp.
-40°C to +85°C 20 Thin QFN-EP
-40°C to +85°C 20 TSSOP
-40°C to +85°C 20 Thin QFN-EP
-40°C to +85°C 20 TSSOP
The MAX4820/MAX4821 8-channel relay drivers offer built-in kickback protection and drive +3.3V/+5V nonlatching or dual-coil-latching relays. These devices are especially useful when driving +3V relays. Each independent open-drain output features a 2Ω on-resistance and is guaranteed to sink 70mA (min) of load current. Both devices consume less than 50µA (max) quiescent current and have 1µA output off-leakage current. The MAX4820 features an SPI™-/QSPI™-/MICROWIRE™compatible serial interface. Input data is shifted into an 8bit shift register and latched to the outputs when CS transitions from low to high. Each data bit in the shift register corresponds to a specific output, allowing independent control of all outputs. The MAX4821 features a 4-bit (A0, A1, A2, LVL) parallel-input interface. The first three bits (A0, A1, A2) determine the output address, and the fourth bit (LVL) determines whether the selected output is switched on or off. Data is latched to the outputs when CS transitions from low to high. Both devices feature separate set and reset functions that allow the user to turn on or turn off all outputs simultaneously with a single control line. Built-in hysteresis (Schmidt trigger) on all digital inputs allows this device to be used with slow rising and falling signals, such as those from optocouplers or RC power-up initialization circuits. The MAX4820/MAX4821 are available in 20-pin TSSOP and space-saving 20-pin thin QFN packages.





该转换器电路的设计新颖,工作可靠, 成本低廉,可以满足恶劣环境下的现场控制和数据采集场合的使用要求。














For pricing, delivery, and ordering information,please contact Maxim/Dallas Direct!at 1-888-629-4642, or visit Maxim’s website at .General DescriptionThe MAX481, MAX483, MAX485, MAX487–MAX491, and MAX1487 are low-power transceivers for RS-485 and RS-422 communication. Each part contains one driver and one receiver. The MAX483, MAX487, MAX488, and MAX489feature reduced slew-rate drivers that minimize EMI and reduce reflections caused by improperly terminated cables,thus allowing error-free data transmission up to 250kbps.The driver slew rates of the MAX481, MAX485, MAX490,MAX491, and MAX1487 are not limited, allowing them to transmit up to 2.5Mbps.These transceivers draw between 120µA and 500µA of supply current when unloaded or fully loaded with disabled drivers. Additionally, the MAX481, MAX483, and MAX487have a low-current shutdown mode in which they consume only 0.1µA. All parts operate from a single 5V supply.Drivers are short-circuit current limited and are protected against excessive power dissipation by thermal shutdown circuitry that places the driver outputs into a high-imped-ance state. The receiver input has a fail-safe feature that guarantees a logic-high output if the input is open circuit.The MAX487 and MAX1487 feature quarter-unit-load receiver input impedance, allowing up to 128 MAX487/MAX1487 transceivers on the bus. Full-duplex communi-cations are obtained using the MAX488–MAX491, while the MAX481, MAX483, MAX485, MAX487, and MAX1487are designed for half-duplex applications.________________________ApplicationsLow-Power RS-485 Transceivers Low-Power RS-422 Transceivers Level TranslatorsTransceivers for EMI-Sensitive Applications Industrial-Control Local Area Networks__Next Generation Device Features♦For Fault-Tolerant ApplicationsMAX3430: ±80V Fault-Protected, Fail-Safe, 1/4Unit Load, +3.3V, RS-485 TransceiverMAX3440E–MAX3444E: ±15kV ESD-Protected,±60V Fault-Protected, 10Mbps, Fail-Safe, RS-485/J1708 Transceivers♦For Space-Constrained ApplicationsMAX3460–MAX3464: +5V, Fail-Safe, 20Mbps,Profibus RS-485/RS-422 TransceiversMAX3362: +3.3V, High-Speed, RS-485/RS-422Transceiver in a SOT23 PackageMAX3280E–MAX3284E: ±15kV ESD-Protected,52Mbps, +3V to +5.5V, SOT23, RS-485/RS-422,True Fail-Safe ReceiversMAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295: 20Mbps, +3.3V,SOT23, RS-855/RS-422 Transmitters ♦For Multiple Transceiver ApplicationsMAX3030E–MAX3033E: ±15kV ESD-Protected,+3.3V, Quad RS-422 Transmitters ♦For Fail-Safe ApplicationsMAX3080–MAX3089: Fail-Safe, High-Speed (10Mbps), Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422Transceivers♦For Low-Voltage ApplicationsMAX3483E/MAX3485E/MAX3486E/MAX3488E/MAX3490E/MAX3491E: +3.3V Powered, ±15kV ESD-Protected, 12Mbps, Slew-Rate-Limited,True RS-485/RS-422 TransceiversMAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487–MAX491/MAX1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers______________________________________________________________Selection Table19-0122; Rev 8; 10/03Ordering Information appears at end of data sheet.M A X 481/M A X 483/M A X 485/M A X 487–M A X 491/M A X 1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers 2_______________________________________________________________________________________ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSSupply Voltage (V CC ).............................................................12V Control Input Voltage (RE , DE)...................-0.5V to (V CC + 0.5V)Driver Input Voltage (DI).............................-0.5V to (V CC + 0.5V)Driver Output Voltage (A, B)...................................-8V to +12.5V Receiver Input Voltage (A, B).................................-8V to +12.5V Receiver Output Voltage (RO).....................-0.5V to (V CC +0.5V)Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)8-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 9.09mW/°C above +70°C)....727mW 14-Pin Plastic DIP (derate 10.00mW/°C above +70°C)..800mW 8-Pin SO (derate 5.88mW/°C above +70°C).................471mW14-Pin SO (derate 8.33mW/°C above +70°C)...............667mW 8-Pin µMAX (derate 4.1mW/°C above +70°C)..............830mW 8-Pin CERDIP (derate 8.00mW/°C above +70°C).........640mW 14-Pin CERDIP (derate 9.09mW/°C above +70°C).......727mW Operating Temperature RangesMAX4_ _C_ _/MAX1487C_ A...............................0°C to +70°C MAX4__E_ _/MAX1487E_ A.............................-40°C to +85°C MAX4__MJ_/MAX1487MJA...........................-55°C to +125°C Storage Temperature Range.............................-65°C to +160°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10sec).............................+300°CDC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(V CC = 5V ±5%, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted.) (Notes 1, 2)Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.V V IN = -7VV IN = 12V V IN = -7V V IN = 12V Input Current (A, B)I IN2V TH k Ω48-7V ≤V CM ≤12V, MAX487/MAX1487R INReceiver Input Resistance -7V ≤V CM ≤12V, all devices except MAX487/MAX1487R = 27Ω(RS-485), Figure 40.4V ≤V O ≤2.4VR = 50Ω(RS-422)I O = 4mA, V ID = -200mV I O = -4mA, V ID = 200mV V CM = 0V-7V ≤V CM ≤12V DE, DI, RE DE, DI, RE MAX487/MAX1487,DE = 0V, V CC = 0V or 5.25VDE, DI, RE R = 27Ωor 50Ω, Figure 4R = 27Ωor 50Ω, Figure 4R = 27Ωor 50Ω, Figure 4DE = 0V;V CC = 0V or 5.25V,all devices except MAX487/MAX1487CONDITIONSk Ω12µA ±1I OZRThree-State (high impedance)Output Current at ReceiverV 0.4V OL Receiver Output Low Voltage 3.5V OH Receiver Output High Voltage mV 70∆V TH Receiver Input Hysteresis V -0.20.2Receiver Differential Threshold Voltage-0.2mA 0.25mA- OD2Differential Driver Output (with load)V 2V 5V OD1Differential Driver Output (no load)µA±2I IN1Input CurrentV 0.8V IL Input Low Voltage V 2.0V IH Input High Voltage V 0.2∆V OD Change in Magnitude of Driver Common-Mode Output Voltage for Complementary Output States V 0.2∆V OD Change in Magnitude of Driver Differential Output Voltage for Complementary Output States V 3V OC Driver Common-Mode Output VoltageUNITS MINTYPMAX SYMBOL PARAMETERMAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487–MAX491/MAX1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers_______________________________________________________________________________________3SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS—MAX481/MAX485, MAX490/MAX491, MAX1487(V CC = 5V ±5%, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted.) (Notes 1, 2)DC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued)(V CC = 5V ±5%, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted.) (Notes 1, 2)ns 103060t PHLDriver Rise or Fall Time Figures 6 and 8, R DIFF = 54Ω, C L1= C L2= 100pF ns MAX490M, MAX491M MAX490C/E, MAX491C/E2090150MAX481, MAX485, MAX1487MAX490M, MAX491MMAX490C/E, MAX491C/E MAX481, MAX485, MAX1487Figures 6 and 8, R DIFF = 54Ω,C L1= C L2= 100pF MAX481 (Note 5)Figures 5 and 11, C RL = 15pF, S2 closedFigures 5 and 11, C RL = 15pF, S1 closed Figures 5 and 11, C RL = 15pF, S2 closed Figures 5 and 11, C RL = 15pF, S1 closed Figures 6 and 10, R DIFF = 54Ω,C L1= C L2= 100pFFigures 6 and 8,R DIFF = 54Ω,C L1= C L2= 100pF Figures 6 and 10,R DIFF = 54Ω,C L1= C L2= 100pF CONDITIONS ns 510t SKEW ns50200600t SHDNTime to ShutdownMbps 2.5f MAX Maximum Data Rate ns 2050t HZ Receiver Disable Time from High ns 103060t PLH 2050t LZ Receiver Disable Time from Low ns 2050t ZH Driver Input to Output Receiver Enable to Output High ns 2050t ZL Receiver Enable to Output Low 2090200ns ns 134070t HZ t SKD Driver Disable Time from High |t PLH - t PHL |DifferentialReceiver Skewns 4070t LZ Driver Disable Time from Low ns 4070t ZL Driver Enable to Output Low 31540ns51525ns 31540t R , t F 2090200Driver Output Skew to Output t PLH , t PHL Receiver Input to Output4070t ZH Driver Enable to Output High UNITS MIN TYP MAX SYMBOL PARAMETERFigures 7 and 9, C L = 100pF, S2 closed Figures 7 and 9, C L = 100pF, S1 closed Figures 7 and 9, C L = 15pF, S1 closed Figures 7 and 9, C L = 15pF, S2 closedM A X 481/M A X 483/M A X 485/M A X 487–M A X 491/M A X 1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers 4_______________________________________________________________________________________SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS—MAX483, MAX487/MAX488/MAX489(V CC = 5V ±5%, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted.) (Notes 1, 2)SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICS—MAX481/MAX485, MAX490/MAX491, MAX1487 (continued)(V CC = 5V ±5%, T A = T MIN to T MAX , unless otherwise noted.) (Notes 1, 2)3001000Figures 7 and 9, C L = 100pF, S2 closed Figures 7 and 9, C L = 100pF, S1 closed Figures 5 and 11, C L = 15pF, S2 closed,A - B = 2VCONDITIONSns 40100t ZH(SHDN)Driver Enable from Shutdown toOutput High (MAX481)nsFigures 5 and 11, C L = 15pF, S1 closed,B - A = 2Vt ZL(SHDN)Receiver Enable from Shutdownto Output Low (MAX481)ns 40100t ZL(SHDN)Driver Enable from Shutdown toOutput Low (MAX481)ns 3001000t ZH(SHDN)Receiver Enable from Shutdownto Output High (MAX481)UNITS MINTYP MAX SYMBOLPARAMETERt PLH t SKEW Figures 6 and 8, R DIFF = 54Ω,C L1= C L2= 100pFt PHL Figures 6 and 8, R DIFF = 54Ω,C L1= C L2= 100pFDriver Input to Output Driver Output Skew to Output ns 100800ns ns 2000MAX483/MAX487, Figures 7 and 9,C L = 100pF, S2 closedt ZH(SHDN)Driver Enable from Shutdown to Output High2502000ns2500MAX483/MAX487, Figures 5 and 11,C L = 15pF, S1 closedt ZL(SHDN)Receiver Enable from Shutdown to Output Lowns 2500MAX483/MAX487, Figures 5 and 11,C L = 15pF, S2 closedt ZH(SHDN)Receiver Enable from Shutdown to Output Highns 2000MAX483/MAX487, Figures 7 and 9,C L = 100pF, S1 closedt ZL(SHDN)Driver Enable from Shutdown to Output Lowns 50200600MAX483/MAX487 (Note 5) t SHDN Time to Shutdownt PHL t PLH , t PHL < 50% of data period Figures 5 and 11, C RL = 15pF, S2 closed Figures 5 and 11, C RL = 15pF, S1 closed Figures 5 and 11, C RL = 15pF, S2 closed Figures 5 and 11, C RL = 15pF, S1 closed Figures 7 and 9, C L = 15pF, S2 closed Figures 6 and 10, R DIFF = 54Ω,C L1= C L2= 100pFFigures 7 and 9, C L = 15pF, S1 closed Figures 7 and 9, C L = 100pF, S1 closed Figures 7 and 9, C L = 100pF, S2 closed CONDITIONSkbps 250f MAX 2508002000Maximum Data Rate ns 2050t HZ Receiver Disable Time from High ns 25080020002050t LZ Receiver Disable Time from Low ns 2050t ZH Receiver Enable to Output High ns 2050t ZL Receiver Enable to Output Low ns ns 1003003000t HZ t SKD Driver Disable Time from High I t PLH - t PHL I DifferentialReceiver SkewFigures 6 and 10, R DIFF = 54Ω,C L1= C L2= 100pFns 3003000t LZ Driver Disable Time from Low ns 2502000t ZL Driver Enable to Output Low ns Figures 6 and 8, R DIFF = 54Ω,C L1= C L2= 100pFns 2502000t R , t F 2502000Driver Rise or Fall Time ns t PLH Receiver Input to Output2502000t ZH Driver Enable to Output High UNITS MIN TYP MAX SYMBOL PARAMETERMAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487–MAX491/MAX1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers_______________________________________________________________________________________530002.5OUTPUT CURRENT vs.RECEIVER OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE525M A X 481-01OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A )1.515100.51.02.0203540450.90.1-50-252575RECEIVER OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE vs.TEMPERATURE0.30.7TEMPERATURE (°C)O U T P U TL O W V O L T A G E (V )500. 2.0 3.0 5.0OUTPUT CURRENT vs.RECEIVER OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE-8-16M A X 481-02OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A )2.5 4.0-12-18-6-14-10-203.54.5 4.83.2-50-252575RECEIVER OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE vs.TEMPERATURE3.64.4TEMPERATURE (°C)O U T P UT H I G H V O L T A G E (V )0504. 1.0 3.0 4.5DRIVER OUTPUT CURRENT vs.DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE1070M A X 481-05DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A )2.0 4.05030806040200.5 1.5 2.53.5 2.31.5-50-2525125DRIVER DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGEvs. TEMPERATURE1.72.1TEMPERATURE (°C)D I F FE R E N T I A L O U T P U T V O L T A G E (V )751. Operating Characteristics(V CC = 5V, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)NOTES FOR ELECTRICAL/SWITCHING CHARACTERISTICSNote 1:All currents into device pins are positive; all currents out of device pins are negative. All voltages are referenced to deviceground unless otherwise specified.Note 2:All typical specifications are given for V CC = 5V and T A = +25°C.Note 3:Supply current specification is valid for loaded transmitters when DE = 0V.Note 4:Applies to peak current. See Typical Operating Characteristics.Note 5:The MAX481/MAX483/MAX487 are put into shutdown by bringing RE high and DE low. If the inputs are in this state for lessthan 50ns, the parts are guaranteed not to enter shutdown. If the inputs are in this state for at least 600ns, the parts are guaranteed to have entered shutdown. See Low-Power Shutdown Mode section.M A X 481/M A X 483/M A X 485/M A X 487–M A X 491/M A X 1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers 6___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)(V CC = 5V, T A = +25°C, unless otherwise noted.)120008OUTPUT CURRENT vs.DRIVER OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE20100M A X 481-07OUTPUT LOW VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A )6604024801012140-1200-7-5-15OUTPUT CURRENT vs.DRIVER OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE-20-80M A X 481-08OUTPUT HIGH VOLTAGE (V)O U T P U T C U R R E N T (m A )-31-603-6-4-2024-100-40100-40-60-2040100120MAX1487SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE300TEMPERATURE (°C)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (µA )20608050020060040000140100-50-2550100MAX481/MAX485/MAX490/MAX491SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE300TEMPERATURE (°C)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (µA )257550020060040000125100-50-2550100MAX483/MAX487–MAX489SUPPLY CURRENT vs. TEMPERATURE300TEMPERATURE (°C)S U P P L Y C U R R E N T (µA )257550020060040000125MAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487–MAX491/MAX1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers_______________________________________________________________________________________7______________________________________________________________Pin DescriptionFigure 1. MAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487/MAX1487 Pin Configuration and Typical Operating CircuitM A X 481/M A X 483/M A X 485/M A X 487–M A X 491/M A X 1487__________Applications InformationThe MAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487–MAX491 and MAX1487 are low-power transceivers for RS-485 and RS-422 communications. The MAX481, MAX485, MAX490,MAX491, and MAX1487 can transmit and receive at data rates up to 2.5Mbps, while the MAX483, MAX487,MAX488, and MAX489 are specified for data rates up to 250kbps. The MAX488–MAX491 are full-duplex trans-ceivers while the MAX481, MAX483, MAX485, MAX487,and MAX1487 are half-duplex. In addition, Driver Enable (DE) and Receiver Enable (RE) pins are included on the MAX481, MAX483, MAX485, MAX487, MAX489,MAX491, and MAX1487. When disabled, the driver and receiver outputs are high impedance.MAX487/MAX1487:128 Transceivers on the BusThe 48k Ω, 1/4-unit-load receiver input impedance of the MAX487 and MAX1487 allows up to 128 transceivers on a bus, compared to the 1-unit load (12k Ωinput impedance) of standard RS-485 drivers (32 trans-ceivers maximum). Any combination of MAX487/MAX1487 and other RS-485 transceivers with a total of 32 unit loads or less can be put on the bus. The MAX481/MAX483/MAX485 and MAX488–MAX491 have standard 12k ΩReceiver Input impedance.Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers 8_______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 2. MAX488/MAX490 Pin Configuration and Typical Operating CircuitFigure 3. MAX489/MAX491 Pin Configuration and Typical Operating CircuitMAX483/MAX487/MAX488/MAX489:Reduced EMI and ReflectionsThe MAX483 and MAX487–MAX489 are slew-rate limit-ed, minimizing EMI and reducing reflections caused by improperly terminated cables. Figure 12 shows the dri-ver output waveform and its Fourier analysis of a 150kHz signal transmitted by a MAX481, MAX485,MAX490, MAX491, or MAX1487. High-frequency har-monics with large amplitudes are evident. Figure 13shows the same information displayed for a MAX483,MAX487, MAX488, or MAX489 transmitting under the same conditions. Figure 13’s high-frequency harmonics have much lower amplitudes, and the potential for EMI is significantly reduced.MAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487–MAX491/MAX1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers_______________________________________________________________________________________9_________________________________________________________________Test CircuitsFigure 4. Driver DC Test Load Figure 5. Receiver Timing Test LoadFigure 6. Driver/Receiver Timing Test Circuit Figure 7. Driver Timing Test LoadM A X 481/M A X 483/M A X 485/M A X 487–M A X 491/M A X 1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers 10_______________________________________________________Switching Waveforms_________________Function Tables (MAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487/MAX1487)Figure 8. Driver Propagation DelaysFigure 9. Driver Enable and Disable Times (except MAX488 and MAX490)Figure 10. Receiver Propagation DelaysFigure 11. Receiver Enable and Disable Times (except MAX488and MAX490)Table 1. TransmittingTable 2. ReceivingLow-Power Shutdown Mode (MAX481/MAX483/MAX487)A low-power shutdown mode is initiated by bringing both RE high and DE low. The devices will not shut down unless both the driver and receiver are disabled.In shutdown, the devices typically draw only 0.1µA of supply current.RE and DE may be driven simultaneously; the parts are guaranteed not to enter shutdown if RE is high and DE is low for less than 50ns. If the inputs are in this state for at least 600ns, the parts are guaranteed to enter shutdown.For the MAX481, MAX483, and MAX487, the t ZH and t ZL enable times assume the part was not in the low-power shutdown state (the MAX485/MAX488–MAX491and MAX1487 can not be shut down). The t ZH(SHDN)and t ZL(SHDN)enable times assume the parts were shut down (see Electrical Characteristics ).It takes the drivers and receivers longer to become enabled from the low-power shutdown state (t ZH(SHDN ), t ZL(SHDN)) than from the operating mode (t ZH , t ZL ). (The parts are in operating mode if the –R —E –,DE inputs equal a logical 0,1 or 1,1 or 0, 0.)Driver Output ProtectionExcessive output current and power dissipation caused by faults or by bus contention are prevented by two mechanisms. A foldback current limit on the output stage provides immediate protection against short cir-cuits over the whole common-mode voltage range (see Typical Operating Characteristics ). In addition, a ther-mal shutdown circuit forces the driver outputs into a high-impedance state if the die temperature rises excessively.Propagation DelayMany digital encoding schemes depend on the differ-ence between the driver and receiver propagation delay times. Typical propagation delays are shown in Figures 15–18 using Figure 14’s test circuit.The difference in receiver delay times, | t PLH - t PHL |, is typically under 13ns for the MAX481, MAX485,MAX490, MAX491, and MAX1487 and is typically less than 100ns for the MAX483 and MAX487–MAX489.The driver skew times are typically 5ns (10ns max) for the MAX481, MAX485, MAX490, MAX491, and MAX1487, and are typically 100ns (800ns max) for the MAX483 and MAX487–MAX489.MAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487–MAX491/MAX1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers______________________________________________________________________________________1110dB/div0Hz5MHz500kHz/div10dB/div0Hz5MHz500kHz/divFigure 12. Driver Output Waveform and FFT Plot of MAX481/MAX485/MAX490/MAX491/MAX1487 Transmitting a 150kHz SignalFigure 13. Driver Output Waveform and FFT Plot of MAX483/MAX487–MAX489 Transmitting a 150kHz SignalM A X 481/M A X 483/M A X 485/M A X 487–M A X 491/M A X 1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers 12______________________________________________________________________________________V CC = 5V T A = +25°CV CC = 5V T A = +25°CV CC = 5V T A = +25°CV CC = 5V T A = +25°CFigure 14. Receiver Propagation Delay Test CircuitFigure 15. MAX481/MAX485/MAX490/MAX491/MAX1487Receiver t PHLFigure 16. MAX481/MAX485/MAX490/MAX491/MAX1487Receiver t PLHPHL Figure 18. MAX483, MAX487–MAX489 Receiver t PLHLine Length vs. Data RateThe RS-485/RS-422 standard covers line lengths up to 4000 feet. For line lengths greater than 4000 feet, see Figure 23.Figures 19 and 20 show the system differential voltage for the parts driving 4000 feet of 26AWG twisted-pair wire at 110kHz into 120Ωloads.Typical ApplicationsThe MAX481, MAX483, MAX485, MAX487–MAX491, and MAX1487 transceivers are designed for bidirectional data communications on multipoint bus transmission lines.Figures 21 and 22 show typical network applications circuits. These parts can also be used as line repeaters, with cable lengths longer than 4000 feet, as shown in Figure 23.To minimize reflections, the line should be terminated at both ends in its characteristic impedance, and stub lengths off the main line should be kept as short as possi-ble. The slew-rate-limited MAX483 and MAX487–MAX489are more tolerant of imperfect termination.MAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487–MAX491/MAX1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers______________________________________________________________________________________13DIV Y -V ZRO5V 0V1V0V -1V5V 0V2µs/divFigure 19. MAX481/MAX485/MAX490/MAX491/MAX1487 System Differential Voltage at 110kHz Driving 4000ft of Cable Figure 20. MAX483, MAX487–MAX489 System Differential Voltage at 110kHz Driving 4000ft of CableFigure 21. MAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487/MAX1487 Typical Half-Duplex RS-485 NetworkM A X 481/M A X 483/M A X 485/M A X 487–M A X 491/M A X 1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers 14______________________________________________________________________________________Figure 22. MAX488–MAX491 Full-Duplex RS-485 NetworkFigure 23. Line Repeater for MAX488–MAX491Isolated RS-485For isolated RS-485 applications, see the MAX253 and MAX1480 data sheets.MAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487–MAX491/MAX1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers______________________________________________________________________________________15_______________Ordering Information_________________Chip TopographiesMAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487/MAX1487N.C. RO 0.054"(1.372mm)0.080"(2.032mm)DE DIGND B N.C.V CCARE * Contact factory for dice specifications.__Ordering Information (continued)M A X 481/M A X 483/M A X 485/M A X 487–M A X 491/M A X 1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers 16______________________________________________________________________________________TRANSISTOR COUNT: 248SUBSTRATE CONNECTED TO GNDMAX488/MAX490B RO 0.054"(1.372mm)0.080"(2.032mm)N.C. DIGND Z A V CCYN.C._____________________________________________Chip Topographies (continued)MAX489/MAX491B RO 0.054"(1.372mm)0.080"(2.032mm)DE DIGND Z A V CCYREMAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487–MAX491/MAX1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers______________________________________________________________________________________17Package Information(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to /packages .)S O I C N .E P SM A X 481/M A X 483/M A X 485/M A X 487–M A X 491/M A X 1487Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers 18______________________________________________________________________________________Package Information (continued)(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to /packages .)MAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487–MAX491Low-Power, Slew-Rate-Limited RS-485/RS-422 TransceiversMaxim cannot assume responsibility for use of any circuitry other than circuitry entirely embodied in a Maxim product. No circuit patent licenses are implied. Maxim reserves the right to change the circuitry and specifications without notice at any time.Maxim Integrated Products, 120 San Gabriel Drive, Sunnyvale, CA 94086 408-737-7600 ____________________19©2003 Maxim Integrated ProductsPrinted USAis a registered trademark of Maxim Integrated Products.M A X 481/M A X 483/M A X 485/M A X 487–M A X 491/M A X 1487P D I P N .E PSPackage Information (continued)(The package drawing(s) in this data sheet may not reflect the most current specifications. For the latest package outline information go to /packages .)。



_________________Pin Configurations
__________Typical Operating Circuit
7 6 5
INPUT 0.88V TO 1.65V 22µF
Note 1: The reverse battery current is measured from the Typical Operating Circuit’s input terminal to GND when the battery is connected backward. A reverse current of 220mA will not exceed package dissipation limits but, if left for an extended time (more than 10 minutes), may degrade performance.
Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.



Supply Control
Voltage (VCC) Input Voltage
♦ For Low-Voltage Applications: MAX3483E/MAX3485E/MAX3486E/MAX3488E/ MAX3490E/MAX3491E: +3.3V Powered, ±15kV ESD-Protected, 12Mbps, Slew-Rate-Limited, True RS-485/RS-422 Transceivers
General Description
The MAX481E, MAX483E, MAX485E, MAX487E– MAX491E, and MAX1487E are low-power transceivers for RS-485 and RS-422 communications in harsh environments. Each driver output and receiver input is protected against ±15kV electro-static discharge (ESD) shocks, without latchup. These parts contain one driver and one receiver. The MAX483E, MAX487E, MAX488E, and MAX489E feature reduced slew-rate drivers that minimize EMI and reduce reflections caused by improperly terminated cables, thus allowing error-free data transmission up to 250kbps. The driver slew rates of the MAX481E, MAX485E, MAX490E, MAX491E, and MAX1487E are not limited, allowing them to transmit up to 2.5Mbps.



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_____________________________ _概述MAX481、MAX483、MAX485、MAX487-MAX491以及MAX1487是用于RS-485与RS-422通信的低功耗收发器,每个器件中都具有一个驱动器和一个接收器。

MAX483、MAX487、MAX488以及MAX489具有限摆率驱动器,可以减小EMI ,并降低由不恰当的终端匹配电缆引起的反射,实现最高250k b p s 的无差错数据传输。

M A X 481、MAX485、MAX490、MAX491、MAX1487的驱动器摆率不受限制,可以实现最高2.5Mbps 的传输速率。

这些收发器在驱动器禁用的空载或满载状态下,吸取的电源电流在120(A 至500(A 之间。

另外,MAX481、MAX483与MAX487具有低电流关断模式,仅消耗0.1µA 。

所有器件都工作在5V 单电源下。



MAX487与MAX1487具有四分之一单位负载的接收器输入阻抗,使得总线上最多可以有128个M A X 487/MAX1487收发器。


_______________________________应用低功耗RS-485收发器低功耗RS-422收发器电平转换器用于EMI 敏感应用的收发器工业控制局域网____________________下一代器件的特性♦容错应用MAX3430: ±80V 故障保护、失效保护、1/4单位负载、+3.3V 、RS-485收发器MAX3440E-MAX3444E: ±15kV ESD 保护、±60V 故障保护、10Mbps 、失效保护、RS-485/J1708收发器♦对于空间受限应用MAX3460-MAX3464: +5V 、失效保护、20Mbps 、Profibus RS-485/RS-422收发器MAX3362: +3.3V 、高速、RS-485/RS-422收发器,采用SOT23封装MAX3280E-MAX3284E: ±15kV ESD 保护、52Mbps 、+3V 至+5.5V 、SOT23、RS-485/RS-422、真失效保护接收器MAX3293/MAX3294/MAX3295: 20Mbps 、+3.3V 、SOT23、RS-485/RS-422发送器♦对于多通道收发器应用MAX3030E-MAX3033E: ±15kV ESD 保护、+3.3V 、四路RS-422发送器♦对于失效保护应用MAX3080-MAX3089: 失效保护、高速(10Mbps)、限摆率RS-485/RS-422收发器♦对于低电压应用MAX3483E/MAX3485E/MAX3486E/MAX3488E/MAX3490E/MAX3491E: +3.3V 供电、±15kV ESD 保护、12Mbps 、限摆率、真正的RS-485/RS-422收发器MAX481/MAX483/MAX485/MAX487–MAX491/MAX1487低功耗、限摆率、RS-485/RS-422收发器_____________________________________________________________________选择表19-0122; Rev 8; 10/03定购信息在本资料的最后给出。



Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
-40°C to +85°C
+Indicates lead-free package.
*EP = Exposed pad. Ordering Information continued at end of data sheet.
Pin Configurations
DESCRIPTION Dual-band, dual VCO inputs, and dual IF outputs MAX2320 with LO doubler
PCS band, single mode with optional frequency doubler
Cellular band, dual IF outputs MAX2320 with LO divider
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*For maximum heat dissipation, packages have an exposed pad (EP) on the bottom. Solder exposed pad to GND.
Pin Configurations
20 SET 19 VCC 18 OUT1 17 OUT2 16 PGND
20-Pin TSSOP (derate 21.7mW/°C above +70°C) .................................1739mW
θJA ............................................................................46°C/W Operating Temperature Range ...........................-40°C to +85°C Junction Temperature ......................................................+150°C Storage Temperature Range .............................-65°C to +150°C Soldering Temperature (10s) ...........................................+300°C
-40°C to +85°C 20 Thin QFN-EP
-40°C to +85°C 20 TSSOP
-40°C to +85°C 20 Thin QFN-EP
-40°C to +85°C 20 TSSOP
+3.3V/+5V, 8-Channel, Cascadable Relay Drivers with Serial/Parallel Interface
(All voltages referenced to GND.) VCC, COM..............................................................-0.3V to +6.0V OUT_........................................................-0.3V to (VCOM + 0.3V) CS, SCLK, DIN, SET, RESET, A0, A1, A2, LVL......-0.3V to +6.0V DOUT..........................................................-0.3V to (VCC + 0.3V) Continuous OUT_ Current (all outputs turned on) ............150mA Continuous OUT_ Current (single output turned on) ........300mA
Continuous Power Dissipation (TA = +70°C) 20-Lead Thin QFN
(derate 16.9mW/°C above +70°C) .................................1350mW θJA .........................................................................59.3°C/W
(VCC = +3V to +5.5V, VCOM = VCC, TA = -40°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) (Note 1)
Operating Voltage
15 OUT3 14 OUT4 13 COM 12 OUT5 11 OUT6
N.C. 6 GND 7 OUT8 8 OUT7 9 PGND 10
SPI and QSPI are trademarks of Motorola, Inc. MICROWIRE is a trademark of National Semiconductor Corp.
________________________________________________________________ Maxim Integrated Products 1
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Stresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.
The MAX4820/MAX4821 8-channel relay drivers offer built-in kickback protection and drive +3.3V/+5V nonlatching or dual-coil-latching relays. These devices are especially useful when driving +3V relays. Each independent open-drain output features a 2Ω on-resistance and is guaranteed to sink 70mA (min) of load current. Both devices consume less than 50µA (max) quiescent current and have 1µA output off-leakage current. The MAX4820 features an SPI™-/QSPI™-/MICROWIRE™compatible serial interface. Input data is shifted into an 8bit shift register and latched to the outputs when CS transitions from low to high. Each data bit in the shift register corresponds to a specific output, allowing independent control of all outputs. The MAX4821 features a 4-bit (A0, A1, A2, LVL) parallel-input interface. The first three bits (A0, A1, A2) determine the output address, and the fourth bit (LVL) determines whether the selected output is switched on or off. Data is latched to the outputs when CS transitions from low to high. Both devices feature separate set and reset functions that allow the user to turn on or turn off all outputs simultaneously with a single control line. Built-in hysteresis (Schmidt trigger) on all digital inputs allows this device to be used with slow rising and falling signals, such as those from optocouplers or RC power-up initialization circuits. The MAX4820/MAX4821 are available in 20-pin TSSOP and space-saving 20-pin thin QFN packages.