3I - Controlliing Project Financial Performance项目财务控制
Corporate Capital Gains / Losses
Currently, capital gains are taxed at ordinary income tax rates for corporations, or a maximum 35%.
The Capital Budgeting Process
Generate investment proposals consistent with the firm’s strategic objectives.
Estimate after-tax incremental operating cash flows for the investment projects.
c) - (+) Taxes (tax savings) due to asset sale or disposal of “new” assets
d) + (-) Decreased (increased) level of “net” working capital
e) = Terminal year incremental net cash flow
Depreciation and the MACRS Method
Everything else equal, the greater the depreciation charges, the lower the taxes paid by the firm.
行 业 分 析
• 内蒙古小肥羊餐饮连锁有限公司是一家以自然人做发起人的股份制 企业,公司于1999年8月诞生在草原鹿城——包头市,以小肥羊特 色火锅连锁为主业。于2008年6月12日在香港上市,是中国首家在 香港上市的品牌餐饮企业,被誉为中华火锅第一股。
• “小肥羊火锅”将延续了千百年的蘸着小料涮羊肉食法,改革为” 不蘸小料涮羊肉” 的新食法。就是这样一个小店,如今拥有一个 投资作用 调味品基地,两个肉业基地,一个物流配送中心,一个外销机构, 国内、外多个餐饮管理区域;360家火锅连锁店遍布了全国各省、 市、区以及美国、日本、加拿大、印尼、阿联酋等海外市场,成为 一个国际性的大型餐饮连锁公司。 资金退出
2. 案例背景
在投资过程中,3i请来国际知名战略咨询公司罗兰贝格,为小 肥羊做全方位诊断,包括财务状况、企业历史、公司结构和资产状 可 行 况等。做这样的尽职审查,并不是不信任合作伙伴,而是为了更好 性 地规避风险,有效帮助合作伙伴诊断出隐藏问题从而可以对症下药 分 地加以解决,同时,这样的审查也可坚定3i投资小肥羊的决心。 析 投行作用 在管理层面,3i为小肥羊带来更多实际的“头脑”资源,先是 汉堡王国际公司前总裁Nish Kankiwala尼什-坎基瓦拉,之后又引进 现任肯德基香港运营公司总裁的杨耀强(Yuka Yeung)。签约后, Nish Kankiwala 以及杨耀强成为小肥羊的独立董事,王岱宗和另一 资金退出 位同事则代表3i进入董事会。
供应商议价能力: 1、垂直整合(对国际市场是否 有效,还有待验证) 买家议价能力: 1、细分客户(依据不同需求, 提供不同标准) 2、保证质量,不要为低成本而 低成本
本文汇总国际会计准则委员会(IASB)正在进行的主要项目、研究项目以及IASB 成立以来已完成的项目并作简介,以方便读者检索。
一、IASB 主要项目1.conceptual framework — comprehensive IASB project (概念框架——IASB 综合性项目)。
该项目仅由IASB 主持的以财务报表要素、计量、报告主体、列报与披露为重点的综合性项目。
2013年7月,IASB 发布综合性讨论稿“财务报告概念框架的复核”,征求意见截止日期为2014年1月14日。
2. financial instruments — comprehensive project (金融工具——综合性项目)。
该项目为重写对金融工具会计处理要求的多方参与的IASB 与FASB 联合项目,包含大量子项目。
3. financial instruments — general hedge accounting (金融工具——一般套期会计)。
4. financial instruments — impairment (金融工具——减值)。
该项目以金融工具减值计量和确认为重点的IASB 与FASB 的联合项目。
2013年3月7日,IASB 发布“金融工具:预期信贷损失”征求意见稿,征求意见截止日期为2013年7月5日,然后将审议反馈意见。
5. financial instruments — limited reconsideration of IFRS 9(金融工具——对IFRS 9的有限复议)。
该项目对IFRS 9提出具有针对性的有限改进。
2012年11月28日发布“分类与计量:对IFRS 9的有限改进(对IFRS 9准则修订建议(2010))”,征求意见截止日期为2013年3月28日。
Lee& Zhong(2015)认为,商业银行可以利用新型衍生金融工具开展绿色信贷,通过发行混合债券等规避可再生能源产业存在的融资风险和信用风险。
1、appendix 6 - credit risk management
Process Categorisation: Used for: Categorisation:
Used for:
Monitoring Techniques
Loan application and Loan administration drawdown
Bad debt management
Portfolio risk management
quality Risk based
reporting Capital
Risk management
Selection based on transaction quality
Risk price Return on
Limit setting on quality
Risk based assessment
Automation utilisation
Risk/exception based pricing
Automation utilisation on credit approval
Target portfolio on quality
Active management
Portfolio management
Loan balance: bad debt by geography bad debt by customer type bad debt by product
Revision of lending criteria
This table shows the monitoring techniques in credit risk management. It involves the categorization of 5 main processes and the purpose of the categorization. More than one categorization may be needed for each process to serve different monitoring purposes.
英语作文-金融资产管理公司创新投资策略,提高市场竞争力Innovative Investment Strategies for Financial Asset Management Companies to Enhance Market Competitiveness。
The landscape of financial asset management is evolving rapidly, driven by dynamic market conditions, technological advancements, and shifting investor preferences. In this context, the adoption of innovative investment strategies becomes crucial for financial asset management companies aiming to bolster their market competitiveness.Effective utilization of data analytics stands at the forefront of modern investment strategies. By leveraging big data and machine learning algorithms, asset managers can extract actionable insights from vast datasets. These insights are pivotal in identifying emerging market trends, predicting asset price movements, and optimizing portfolio allocations in real-time. Moreover, the integration of artificial intelligence enhances decision-making processes, enabling quicker adjustments to market volatility and improving overall investment performance.Diversification remains a cornerstone of resilient investment strategies. Beyond traditional asset classes, such as equities and bonds, diversified portfolios now encompass alternative investments like private equity, venture capital, and real estate. These assets offer unique risk-return profiles and can provide essential diversification benefits, reducing portfolio volatility and enhancing long-term returns. Furthermore, strategic partnerships with niche investment firms or specialized asset managers facilitate access to exclusive investment opportunities, further enriching portfolio diversification.Risk management strategies have also evolved significantly, becoming more sophisticated and proactive. Modern asset management firms employ advanced risk assessment models that incorporate scenario analysis, stress testing, and Monte Carlo simulations. These methodologies allow firms to quantify and mitigate various riskseffectively, including market risk, credit risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk. By implementing robust risk management frameworks, companies can safeguard investor capital while maintaining competitive performance metrics.In response to growing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations, sustainable investing has gained prominence across asset management sectors. Integrating ESG factors into investment strategies not only aligns with ethical principles but also mitigates risks associated with regulatory changes and reputational damage. Sustainable investments encompass a broad spectrum, ranging from renewable energy projects to socially responsible corporate bonds, thereby attracting a diverse investor base and enhancing overall portfolio resilience.Technological innovation continues to redefine client engagement and service delivery within asset management. The proliferation of digital platforms and fintech solutions enables firms to offer personalized investment advice, real-time portfolio monitoring, and seamless transaction capabilities. Additionally, leveraging blockchain technology enhances transparency, security, and efficiency in managing investment operations and fund distributions.Amidst the evolving landscape, agility emerges as a critical determinant of competitive advantage. Financial asset management companies must embrace a culture of innovation and adaptability, continually refining investment strategies to capitalize on emerging opportunities and navigate evolving market dynamics. Proactive monitoring of global macroeconomic trends, geopolitical developments, and regulatory changes is essential to anticipate market shifts and optimize investment outcomes.In conclusion, the pursuit of innovative investment strategies is imperative for financial asset management companies seeking to enhance market competitiveness. By harnessing data analytics, diversifying portfolios, strengthening risk management frameworks, embracing sustainable investing practices, leveraging technological advancements, and fostering organizational agility, firms can position themselves at the forefront of the industry. Ultimately, a commitment to innovation not only drives superiorinvestment performance but also cultivates long-term client trust and satisfaction in an increasingly competitive marketplace.。
资产负债管理系统简介一、导读提醒本章简介旳资产负债管理系统是企业2023年12月V2.0设计产品(V1.0为2023年设计产品), 体现了企业反思2023年西方金融风暴起因、防备金融风险旳最新理论研究成果。
重新设计旳资产负债管理系统最突出特点是: 以巴塞尔新资本协议第一、第二、第三支柱规定、银监会《商业银行资本充足率审查评估要素及措施》等监管规定为根据, 从银行发展战略及高管角度, 构建起可操作旳银行全面风险管理框架。
二、系统简述资产负债管理是在世界金融自由化浪潮旳冲击下, 尤其是90年代中后期迅速发展并占据主流地位旳现代商业银行经营管理措施。
敏感性测试、市值分析、情景模拟、组合管理等先进旳管理思想和技术不停发展, 使得资产负债管理体系深入完善, 并逐渐成为现代商业银行经营管理框架旳关键内容。
概括地说, 目前西方银行业较为通行旳资产负债管理措施和技术有如下四种:一是基础旳风险度量措施――缺口及敏感性分析;二是动态旳、前瞻旳度量措施情景分析和压力测试;三是风险旳管理技术表内调整和表外对冲;四是组合管理技术资金转移计价和风险调整资本收益率等。
这些措施和技术由简朴到复杂, 由单一到组合, 充足展现了西方商业银行风险管理旳思想轨迹和技术演变过程。
现代商业银行旳资产负债管理体系是一种复杂旳系统:第一, 它规定建立由银行高级管理人员和重要业务部门负责人构成资产负债管理委员会, 负责制定资产负债管理政策、确定内部资金定价原则、审查市场风险状况、并对风险偏好、风险敞口调整、业务方略选择等有关事项做出决策。
第二, 它规定建立专门旳资产负债管理团体来承担详细旳政策实行、风险计量和管理运作。
第三, 它规定建立一种包括识别风险种类、确定风险限额、评估风险收益、调整风险敞口、选择业务方略、配置经济资本、考核风险绩效等一系列环节在内旳顺畅旳管理流程。
第四, 它必须以科学旳分析措施、先进旳管理工具和有效旳管理手段为支柱。
第五, 它充足体现了银行全面风险管理框架旳总体思绪及实行手段旳最终效果, 从某种意义上说, 金融风险管理失控, 就是金融企业资产负债管理失控。
1980年Grossman和Hart首次提出控制权私人收益( Private Benefit of Control)概念,瞬时控制权私人收益就成为了公司治理研究领域的核心。
他们认为控制权私人收益又称控制权收益,是指控股股东(controlling shareholder)利用其控制权而谋取的不可转移利益。
香港M J国际融资公司商业计划书模板Business Plan 商业计划书Table of contents 目录Executive Summary 执行总汇Introduction 介绍Company background 公司背景Concept and Market Niche 理念及市场环境Mission 任务Milestones 里程碑Financial summary 财务汇总Management 管理Board of Directors 董事会Senior Management 高级管理Staff 员工Business Model and Product 商务模式及产品Industry review 产业回顾Operation and Production 经营与生产Marketing 市场Competitors Analysis 结构分析Sales and Distribution Strategy 销售及分配策略Funds raised 融资Funds requirements 融资方式及额度Use of funds 资金计划使用情况Exit plan for funder 资金返还计划Finance 财务状况Last three year audited 前三年经审计过的财务报表Forecast for the coming two years 未来两年预测的财务报表香港投资公司和新家坡投资公司的要求较为相近,而且习惯于中英文两种文字.请企业注意两种文本应具有同等法律效力.3-4 欧洲风险投资协会商业计划书模板商业计划书中文模版结构第一章:摘要………………………………………………………………一、宗旨任务…………………………………………………………二、公司简介……………………………………………………………三、公司战略……………………………………………………………1、产品及服务A:…………………………………………………………2、产品及服务B,等等:…………………………………………………3、客户合同的开发、培训及咨询等业务:………………………………四、技术……………………………………………………………………1、专利技术:………………………………………………………………2、相关技术的使用情况技术间的关系:……………………………五、价值评估………………………………………………………………六、公司管理………………………………………………………………1、管理队伍状况…………………………………………………………2、外部支持:………………………………………………………………3、董事会:…………………………………………………………………七、组织、协作及对外关系:……………………………………………九、场地与设施……………………………………………………………十、风险……………………………………………………………………第三章:市场分析…………………………………………………………一、市场介绍………………………………………………………………二、目标市场………………………………………………………………三、顾客的购买准则………………………………………………………四、销售策略………………………………………………………………五、市场渗透和销售量……………………………………………………第四章:竞争性分析………………………………………………………一、竞争者…………………………………………………………………二、竞争策略或消除壁垒…………………………………………………1、竞争者A、B等………………………………………………………第五章:产品与服务………………………………………………………一、产品品种规划…………………………………………………………二、研究与开发……………………………………………………………三、未来产品和服务规划…………………………………………………四、生产与储运……………………………………………………………五、包装……………………………………………………………………六、实施阶段………………………………………………………………七、服务与支持……………………………………………………………第六章:市场与销售………………………………………………………一、市场计划………………………………………………………………二、销售策略………………………………………………………………1、实时销售方法…………………………………………………………2、产品定位………………………………………………………………三、销售渠道与伙伴………………………………………………………四、销售周期………………………………………………………………五、定价策略………………………………………………………………1、产品、服务:……………………………………………………………2、产品/服务B……………………………………………………………六、市场联络:……………………………………………………………2、广告宣传………………………………………………………………3、新闻发布会……………………………………………………………4、年度会议/学术讨论会…………………………………………………5、国际互联网促销………………………………………………………6、其它促销因素…………………………………………………………7、贸易刊物、文章报导……………………………………………………8、直接邮寄………………………………………………………………七、社会认证………………………………………………………………第七章:财务计划…………………………………………………………一、财务汇总………………………………………………………………二、财务年度报表…………………………………………………………三、资金需求………………………………………………………………四、预计收入报表…………………………………………………………五、资产负债预计表………………………………………………………六、现金流量表……………………………………………………………一、你公司或项目的背景与机构设置:………………………………二、市场背景:……………………………………………………………三、管理层人员简历………………………………………………………四、行业关系………………………………………………………………五、竞争对手的文件资料…………………………………………………六、公司现状………………………………………………………………七、顾客名单………………………………………………………………八、新闻剪报与发行物……………………………………………………九、市场营销………………………………………………………………十、专门术语………………………………………………………………第九章:图表………………………………………………………………。
baker et al(2003)投融资研究模型
Baker et al(2003)在其研究中提出了一种全新的投融资研究模型,该模型涉及多个方面,包括投资决策的过程、投资风险的评估、融资来源的选择以及资本结构的优化等内容。
本文将对Baker et al(2003)的投融资研究模型进行详细分析和解读,以期为相关研究和实践提供借鉴和参考。
1. 投资决策的过程Baker et al(2003)的投融资研究模型首先着眼于投资决策的过程。
2. 投资风险的评估在投融资研究模型中,Baker et al(2003)还对投资风险的评估进行了深入研究。
3. 融资来源的选择在投融资决策中,融资来源的选择至关重要。
Baker et al(2003)的研究模型中强调了融资来源多样化的重要性,以及不同融资方式对企业成长和风险承担的影响。
4. 资本结构的优化Baker et al(2003)的投融资研究模型还涉及到资本结构的优化问题。
总结起来,Baker et al(2003)的投融资研究模型在理论层面提供了全面而系统的分析框架,为投资决策和融资决策提供了一系列有益的启示。
单一资产管理计划 英语
单一资产管理计划英语English Response:Single-Asset Management Plan.A single-asset management plan is a plan that is created for the management of a single asset. This plan can be used to manage any type of asset, including real estate, equipment, or investments. The plan should outline the goals for the asset, the strategies that will be used to achieve those goals, and the metrics that will be used to measure the plan's success.There are many benefits to creating a single-asset management plan. First, it can help to improve the asset's performance. By outlining the goals for the asset and the strategies that will be used to achieve those goals, the plan can help to ensure that the asset is managed in a way that is consistent with those goals. Second, a single-asset management plan can help to reduce the risk of loss. Byidentifying the risks that are associated with the asset and developing strategies to mitigate those risks, the plan can help to protect the asset from loss. Third, a single-asset management plan can help to improve the efficiency of the asset's management. By outlining the processes and procedures that will be used to manage the asset, the plan can help to ensure that the asset is managed in a way that is efficient and effective.There are a few key elements that should be included in a single-asset management plan. First, the plan should include a statement of the goals for the asset. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Second, the plan should include a description of the strategies that will be used to achieve the goals. These strategies should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). Third, the plan should include a description of the metrics that will be used to measure the success of the plan. These metrics should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).Single-asset management plans can be a valuable toolfor managing assets. By outlining the goals for the asset, the strategies that will be used to achieve those goals,and the metrics that will be used to measure the plan's success, a single-asset management plan can help to improve the performance of the asset, reduce the risk of loss, and improve the efficiency of the asset's management.中文回答:单一资产管理计划。
Executive SummaryExecutive SummaryThe overall objective of the study is to provide reliable information on key factors affecting the economics of electricity generation using a range of technologies. The report can serve as a resource for policy makers and industry professionals seeking to better understand generation costs of these technologies.The study was carried out by an ad hoc group of officially appointed national experts. Cost data provided by the experts were compiled and used by the joint IEA/NEA Secretariat to calculate generation costs.Cost data were provided for more than 130power plants. This comprises 27coal-fired power plants, 23gas-fired power plants, 13nuclear power plants, 19wind power plants, 6solar power plants, 24combined heat and power (CHP) plants using various fuels and 10plants based on other fuels or technologies. The data provided for the study highlight the increasing interest of participating countries in renewable energy sources for electricity generation, in particular wind power, and in combined heat and power plants.The technologies and plant types covered by the present study include units under construction or planned that could be commissioned in the respondent countries between 2010 and 2015, and for which they have developed cost estimates generally through paper studies or bids.The calculations are based on the reference methodology adopted in previous studies, i.e., the levelised lifetime cost approach. The calculations use generic assumptions for the main technical and economic parameters as agreed upon in the ad hoc group of experts, e.g., economic lifetime (40years), average load factor for base-load plants (85%) and discount rates (5% and 10%).Electricity generation costs calculated are busbar costs, at the station, and do not include transmission and distribution costs. The costs associated with residual emissions– including greenhouse gases– are not included in the costs provided and, therefore, are not reflected in the generation costs calculated in the study.The cost estimates do not substitute for detailed economic evaluations required by investors and utilities at the stage of project decision and implementation that should be based on project specific assumptions, using a framework adapted to the local conditions and a methodology adapted to the particular context of the investors and other stakeholders.Moreover, the reform of electricity markets has changed the decision making in the power sector and led investors to take into account the financial risks associated with alternative options as well as their economic performance. In view of the risks they are facing in competitive markets, investors tend to favour less capital intensive and more flexible technologies. The used methodology for calculating generation costs in this study does not take business risks in competitive markets adequately into account.The introduction of liberalisation in energy markets is removing the regulatory risk shield where integrated monopolies can transfer costs and risks from investors to consumers and taxpayers. Investors now have additional risks to consider and manage. For example, generators are no longer guaranteed the ability to recover all costs from power consumers. Nor is the future power price level known. Investors now have to internalise these risks into their investment decision making. This adds to the required rates of return and shortens the time frame that investors require to recover the capital. Private investors’required real rates of return may be higher than the 5% and 10% discount rates used in this study and the time required to recover the invested capital may be shorter than the 30 to 40years generally used in this study.Main resultsCoal-fired generating technologiesMost coal-fired power plants have specific overnight construction costs ranging between 1000 and 1500USD/kWe. Construction times are around four years for most plants. The fuel prices (coal, brown coal or lignite) assumed by respondents during the economic lifetime of the plants vary widely from country to country. Expressed in the same currency using official exchange rates, the coal prices in 2010 vary by a factor of twenty. Roughly half of the responses indicate price escalation during the economic lifetime of the plant while the other half indicates price stability.At 5% discount rate, levelised generation costs range between 25 and 50USD/MWh for most coal-fired power plants. Generally, investment costs represent slightly more than a third of the total, while O&M costs account for some 20% and fuel for some 45%.At 10% discount rate, the levelised generation costs of nearly all coal-fired power plants range between 35 and 60USD/MWh. Investment costs represent around 50% in most cases. O&M cost account for some 15% or the total and fuel costs for some 35%.Gas-fired generating technologiesFor the gas-fired power plants the specific overnight construction costs in most cases range between 400 and 800USD/kWe. In all countries, the construction costs of gas-fired plants are lower than those of coal-fired and nuclear power plants. Gas-fired power plants are built rapidly and in most cases expendi-tures are spread over two to three years. The O&M costs of gas-fired power plants are significantly lower than those of coal-fired or nuclear power plants. Most gas prices assumed in 2010 are ranging between 3.5 and 4.5USD/GJ. A majority of respondents are expecting gas price escalation.At a 5% discount rate, the levelised costs of generating electricity from gas-fired power plants vary between 37 and 60USD/MWh but in most cases it is lower than 55USD/MWh. The investment cost represents less than 15% of total levelised costs; while O&M cost accounts for less than 10% in most cases. Fuel cost represents on average nearly 80% of the total levelised cost and up to nearly 90% in some cases. Consequently, the assumptions made by respondents on gas prices at the date of commissioning and their escalation rates are driving factors in the estimated levelised costs of gas generated electricity. The current gas prices are on a relatively high level. The gas price projections in 2010 of some of the respondents in the study are higher than the current level and a few are lower than the current level. The IEA gas price assumptions given in World Energy Outlook 2004(IEA, 2004) are markedly different.At a 10% discount rate, levelised costs of gas-fired plants range between 40 and 63USD/MWh. They are barely higher than at the 5% discount rate owing to their low overnight investment costs and very short construction periods. Fuel cost remains the major contributor representing 73% of total levelised generation cost, while investment and O&M shares are around 20% and 7% respectively.Nuclear generating technologiesFor the nuclear power plants the specific overnight investment costs, not including refurbishment or decommissioning, vary between 1000 and 2000USD/kWe for most plants. The total levelised investment costs calculated in the study include refurbishment and decommissioning costs and interest during construction. The total expense period ranges from five years in three countries to ten years in one country. In nearly all countries 90% or more of the expenses are incurred within five years or less.At a 5% discount rate, the levelised costs of nuclear electricity generation ranges between 21 and 31USD/MWh except in two cases. Investment costs represent the largest share of total levelised costs, around 50% on average, while O&M costs represent around 30% and fuel cycle costs around 20%.At a 10% discount rate, the levelised costs of nuclear electricity generation are in the range between 30 and 50USD/MWh except in two cases. The share of investment in total levelised generation cost is around 70% while the other cost elements, O&M and fuel cycle, represent in average 20% and 10% respectively.Wind generating technologiesFor wind power plants the specific overnight construction costs range between 1000 and 2000USD/kWe except for one offshore plant. The expense schedules reported indicate a construction period of between one to two years in most cases.The costs calculated and presented in this report for wind power plants are based on the levelised lifetime methodology used throughout the study for consistency sake. This approach does not reflect specific costs associated with wind or other intermittent renewable energy source for power generation and in particular it ignores the need for backup power to compensate for the low average availability factor as compared to base-load plants.For intermittent renewable sources such as wind, the availability/capacity of the plant is a driving factor for levelised cost of generating electricity. The reported availability/capacity factors of wind power plants range between 17 and 38% for onshore plants, and between 40 and 45% for offshore plants except in one case.At a 5% discount rate, levelised costs for wind power plants considered in the study range between 35 and 95USD/MWh, but for a large number of plants the costs are below 60USD/MWh. The share of O&M in total costs ranges between 13% and nearly 40% in one case.At a 10% discount rate, the levelised costs of wind generated electricity range between 45 and more than 140USD/MWh.Micro-hydro generating technologiesThe hydro power plants considered in the study are small or very small units. At a 5% discount rate, hydroelectricity generation costs range between some 40 and 80USD/MWh for all plants except one. At a10% discount rate, hydroelectricity generation costs range between some 65 and 100USD/MWh for most plants. The predominant share of investment in total levelised generation costs explains the large difference between costs at 5 and 10% discount rate.Solar generating technologiesFor solar plants the availability/capacity factors reported vary from 9% to 24%. At the higher capacity/availability factor the levelised costs of solar-generated electricity are reaching around150USD/MWh at a 5% discount rate and more than 200USD/MWh at a 10% discount rate. With the lower availability/capacity factors the levelised costs of solar-generated electricity are approaching or well above 300USD/MWh.Combined heat and power generating technologiesFor combined heat and power the total levelised costs of generating electricity are highly dependent on the use and value of the co-product, the heat, and are thereby very site specific. The expert group agreed on a pragmatic approach of calculating the levelised costs of generating electricity for this study. At a 5%discount rate, the levelised costs range between 25 and 65USD/MWh for most CHP plants. At a10%discount rate, the costs range between 30 and 70USD/MWh for most plants.Other generating technologiesLevelised costs were also computed for the remaining technologies. Considering the low number of responses for these technologies the results cannot be used outside the context of each specific case. ConclusionsThe lowest levelised costs of generating electricity from the traditional main generation technologies are within the range of 25-45USD/MWh in most countries. The levelised costs and the ranking of technologies in each country are sensitive to the discount rate and the projected prices of natural gas and coal.The nature of risks affecting investment decisions has changed significantly with the liberalisation of electricity markets, and this has implications for determining the required rate of return on generating investments. Financial risks are perceived and assessed differently. The markets for natural gas are under-going substantial changes on many levels. Also the coal markets are under influence from new factors. Environmental policy is also playing a more and more important role that is likely to significantly influence fossil fuel prices in the future. Security of energy supply remains a concern for most OECD countries and may be reflected in government policies affecting generating investment in the future. This study provides insights on the relative costs of generating technologies in the participating countries and reflects the limitations of the methodology and generic assumptions employed. The limita-tions inherent in this approach are stressed in the report. In particular, the cost estimates presented are not meant to represent the precise costs that would be calculated by potential investors for any specific project. This is the main reason explaining the difference between the study’s findings and the current global preference in reformed electricity markets for gas-fired technologies.Within this framework and limitations, the study suggests that none of the traditional electricity generating technologies can be expected to be the cheapest in all situations. The preferred generating technology will depend on the specific circumstances of each project. The study indeed supports that on a global scale there is room and opportunity for all efficient generating technologies.。
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• LS:
– Meeting the Contract Requirements
– Avoid Providing Extras Due to the Lure of Future Work
– Client Personnel May Not Understand Contract. Help Them
• T&E: Do What It Takes. Relationship Maintenance Is Critical
• If You Hear These Types of Comments on LS Projects, Watch Out!
Common Design Overruns
• Failure to obtain Owner’s timely decision
• Staff starting too soon, leaving late
• Understand every discipline can’t finish at same time • Failure to ask for enough compensation for charges
PM Workshop
Controlling Project Financial Performance
• LS Versus T&E Mentality
• Controlling IDC Labor to Budget
• Forecast Preparation
• Design to Estimate
– “It Would Be Nice to Show Some Added Details.”
• LS
– Meet Contract Requirements and Profit Goals
– Staff LS Mentality, a Good Plan and PM Negotiating Skills Are Keys to Success
Controlling IDC Labor To Budget
• Each Discipline Will Complete Their Scope of Work and Finish Within +/- 5% of Their Current Budget • PM Will Control the Project to Meet All Requirements and Finish at or Below the Current Budget
LS • Management to Budget Critical • Each Discipline, Expense, Contract and Overall Project Managed on Not to Exceed Basis • Contingency Covers Variations From Plan • Use Internal DCNs • Encourage Labor Avoidance Ideas T&E • Expenditures Will Be Fully Justifiable • Client Will Recognize That Value Received and Cost Are in Balance
LS • Well Defined • Bounded Tasks • Specific Deliverables • Specific Level of Detail • Staff Must Understand Scope • Frequent Scope Negotiations With Client T&E • Only a Very General Understanding at Start • Evolution of Tasks, Deliverables, Level of Detail As Project Progresses • Scope Evolution Must be well Documented
• Not on Schedule = Schedule May = Contract Penalties
• Client Decisions/input Must Be Expedited
• Follow Standard IDC Techniques to Control and Coordinate the Project
• Stay On Schedule!
• Hold In-depth Discussion With Lead(s) Having Budget Problems. Lead Will Develop Written Plan to Regain Control - Short Term • Plan Doesn’t Work - Request DM Assistance Until the Problem or the Lead Is Fixed • Still Got Problems? Analyze How You Are Running the Project
• Maintain an Acceptable Level of Client Satisfaction
• Avoid Causing Changes
– Disrupts Plan
– Hard to Negotiate (Perception) – Client Chose LS Because They Knew What They Wanted – No “Scope Creep”
• Client Adds Over and Above Contract - Get a Signed Change Order Before Proceeding
• Changes Are Expected by Client and Add to A&E Revenue • Document All Changes to Fully Justify Cost
• T&E
– Maintain Client Satisfaction and Relationship
– Staff T&E Mentality and Keeping the Client Informed Are Keys to Success
– Discuss Problems/Constraints
• Internal DCNs - LS Projects:
– Shift Budget Between Disciplines
– Allocate Contingency – Capture Forecasted Discipline Underruns for Contingency
• Proposal: Use workplan with forecasted margin (multiplier). • At Project Start PM and Each Lead Update:
– Scope/deliverables – Schedule – Workplan (Both Sign)
– “This Drawing Would Be a Lot Easier to Understand If We Made It Two Drawings.”
– “No E3s Are Available. I’ll Use an E5.”
– “If We Rework the Design, We Can Save the Client a Lot During Construction.”
• Update Forecasts at Least Every Two Weeks
• Provide a Report to Leads and Discuss Weekly:
– Last Weeks Labor Actuals Versus Forecast – Expected Labor This Week
• External DCNs - T&E Projects:
– Handle Similar to LS, but Expect More Changes