HEALTH AND SAFETY GENERAL SAFETY MANUAL1.0 Introduction1.1 PurposeThe purpose of this manual is to provide a guide for establishing and maintaining healthy and safe working conditions at working site of BALAMA GRAPHITE PROJECT in Mozambique and to promote safe practices by all staff, faculty.Without derogating from the Contractor’s obligations under Sub Clause 1.13 (Compliance with Laws) all work to be executed under this Contract shall comply with all relevant Mozambique statutes and laws In addition, the Contractor shall comply with the Employer’s requirements for Health and Safety and Environmental Management for the project Additional safety procedures appropriate to specific units may also be in-place and must be followed.1.2 Statement of ResponsibilityWeare committed to protecting the health and safety of its employees, local labors, and the environment.Our employees have the responsibility to be well-informed regarding potentially hazardous materials, equipment, and activities associated with their employment.1.3 Safety ResponsibilitiesEveryone working at the BALAMA GRAPHITE PROJECT has the right to expect safe working conditions and is responsible to help ensure safety for themselves and others. Everyone has an important role in safety.1.4 Environmental Health and SafetyOur mission is to work with the Employer to develop and implement efficient, comprehensive, and pro-active health and safety programs.Priorities are as follows:1. Provide a safe working environment through the development of safety programs that protect the health and safety of faculty, staff, visitors, and the environment.2. Assist the Employer in complying with Mozambique laws, and local regulations.3. Provide oversight to ensure conformance with these programs.1.5 Safety PrinciplesThis safety manual incorporates four essential principles of safety. These principles are: • Practice Safety• Be Concerned About the Safety of Others• Prevent Ac cidents• Respond to Emergencies2.0 Safety Induction ProceduresSome procedures may be described as basic or fundamental to safety in any place at working site where potential hazards exist. These simple, somewhat “common sense” rules are important. If basic rules are followed, it is more likely that other, more complex, and perhaps less intuitive safety procedures will also be followed.An important part of any safety program is for all persons to respect and understand the safety and health hazards associated with the materials and equipment used and to practice the following general safety principles at all times.2.1 Accident PreventionAccident don’t “just happen”. They are caused. Accidents are caused by:1. Unsafe acts and/or,2. Unsafe conditions.The unsafe acts include:(a) Neglecting the use of personal protective gear,(b) Failure to dress safely,(c) Improper lifting methods and unsafe working posture,(d) Horseplay, (e) Toleration of irregularities,(f) Neglecting to work safely in order to make life easier and etc.The unsafe conditions are:(a) Unguarded open fire ,(b) Hazardous stacking of materials,(c) Unguarded machinery,(d) Poor maintenance of tools and equipment,(e) Insufficient lighting,(f) Inadequate ventilation, etc.Accidents can be easily prevented by:(a) Practicing safe conduct,(b) Adopting safe methods,(c) Eliminating hazards,(d) Good supervision and guidance,(e) Keeping alert and paying attention,(f) Complying with safety rulesRemember : Prevention is more important than cure.2.2 General Safety Rules2.2.1Electrical Safety1. Electricity can kill! Anyone using electrical apparatus has reason to concern. Electricity is hazardous unless it is properly used.2. General guidelines for the use of electricity are as follows:(a) Never overload the circuit by using a multi-socket adaptor to allow several plugs on the same socket outlet. One plug should go to one socket only.(b) Never attempt to repair faulty equipment. This should be done by qualified electricians.(c) Never use portable equipment without earth protection unless it is identified to be double insulated.(d) Before using portable equipment, its wire and plug should be checked. Frayed wires and loose plugs should not be tolerated.(e) Never use extension cords.(f) Always handle equipment, power points, switches and plugs with dry hands.(g) Remember: -- Improper use of electrical equipment can be dangerous.(h) Equipment should not be switched on unattended.(i) The power supply should be switched off before withdrawing or inserting a plug.(j) Flammable liquids should not be placed near electrical equipment.(k) Vent holes of electrical equipment should not be blocked as the heat built up can cause fire. Dust depositing on the vent holes should be regularly removed.(l) Routine maintenance of equipment should be done frequently.2.2.2 Manual Handling1. Remember the correct lifting method as incorrect posture may lead to permanent back injury.2. Use the aid of lifting equipment available for heavy objects.3. Get help if lifting equipment is not available.4. Protective gloves should be worn.5. Be sure that the route of removal is not obstructed.6. When rolling a drum, push against the side with the hands. Do not kick.7. When moving gas cylinders, do not kick or drop. Use a trolley or roll along the bottom rim with care. Also, the valve should be tightly closed with no naked flame existing in the vicinity.8. Cylinders should be kept upright, securely chained, and stored in a designated Dangerous Goods Store.9. When moving long objects, consider the presence of other persons as well.10. When carrying long ladders, move it as near to the floor as possible.11. When the gang comprises of two persons or more, coordination among them is absolutely essential.12. When using a forklift, care should be taken not to damage the pallets.13. Materials, after removal, should not block the walkway or exit.14. Chemicals should not be placed near a naked flame or any heat source.2.2.3 Fire PreventionPrevention is always better than cure. The following lists out the important points of fire precautions:1. The ‘No Smoking’safety precaution in storage or workshop should be observed and complied with at all times.2. The use of flammable liquids in laboratory or workshop should be done in a well-ventilated environment. 3 The quantity of flammable liquids stored in laboratory or workshop should be small. They should be placed in a metal cabinet.4 All flammable liquids should be labelled and marked with the words ‘FLAMMABLE LIQUID’and 「易燃液體」.5 Oily rags and combustible trade waste should be removed and kept in a metal bin with its cover closed.6 Accidental spillage of flammable liquids should be removed immediately.7 Any work process that will generate sparks or make use of naked flame should not be done in the same room in which flammable liquids are being used.8 Paint spraying should only be done in a segregated workshop, which is designed for such process.9 The portable fire fighting appliances provided in the laboratory or workshop should not be obstructed.10. Fire fighting equipment should be periodically maintained.11 Extreme care should be exercised when carrying out the mixing process of chemicals. The property of the chemicals and the chemical result should be well known prior to the mixing process.12 No student should be left alone unsupervised in the laboratory or workshop.13. The electricity and gas mains should be turned off when the laboratory or workshop is not in use. The main entrance door should be securely locked.14. Sprinkler heads should not be obstructed. Stacking of material should be observed so that a minimum clearance of 600mm should be maintained.2.2.4 Traffic Safety1 Traffic and parking regulations are obeyed.2 Fire lanes are not blocked.3 Backing up is conducted only when individuals have a clear area behind the vehicle. Assistance is provided to the driver where rear vision is not clear in the backing operation.2.2.5 Vehicle Loading and Safety1 Tailgate riding is prohibited.2 Seating specifications for the vehicle are followed. Seats equipped with safety belts are used whenever possible.3 Operators are protected from shifting cargo in vehicles used to transport materials.4 Engines are turned off when the vehicle is not in use, is being refueled, or is located near a building air intake.5 Riders are not permitted in the back of open pickup trucks.6 Hydraulic lift gates on University vehicles are operated in a safe manner, with the operator at the control lever during the complete operation of the lift gate, both in lifting and lowering. The lift gate is in the latched, vertical position at all times when the vehicle is in motion.2.2.6 Welding and Cutting1. The welding and cutting process with the use of gas or electric power has inherent dangers. Safety precautions are therefore necessary. Students and staff should understand and comply with the safety precautions.2. The dangers associated with welding and cuttings are: Explosion, Fire, Eye injuries, Burns, Fume and Electric Shock.3. Students and staff must wear necessary personal protective gear before the welding and cutting operation commence.4. Any damaged or defective personal protective gear should not be worn and such damage or defect should be reported.5. Welding or cutting should not be done in a workshop in which flammable liquids are being used or stored.6. The place where welding or cutting is done should be cleared of combustible materials.7. The locations of fire fighting equipment in the workshop should be noted.8. Articles immediately after welding should be marked HOT in chalk or other suitable materials to warn others to handle them with care.9. Labors should be aware of the dangers of dropping cut workpiece onto his/her foot.3.0 Safety and Health Inspection Programme3.1 IntroductionSafety inspection is an important part of any accident prevention or hazard management program. Through organized and systematic safety and health inspection programmes, workplace hazards are identified and corrective measures are taken before accidents, injuries, or illness can occur. The objectives of the safety inspection programme are:1. to check specific conditions within the EMT’s premises and to ensure that acceptable standards/in-house safety rules are being achieved,2. to monitor the work environment for the purpose of identifying accident causation factors and hazards, and3. to identify the training needs on safety3.2 Safety and Health InspectionsSafety and health inspections should1. look at the relationships between the people, the equipment and the procedures in determining if standards/in-house safety rules are being met and maintained;2. be conducted in such a way that it is possible to identify variations from established work procedures; and3. determine the appropriateness of existing safety policies and whether these need to be enforced, modified or changed in light of changes in layout, equipment/instruments, skill, technology and legislation3.3 Inspection Programme3.3.1 Safety InspectionThe respective supervisory staff are responsible for conducting safety inspection on his/her responsible area,storage every three months.3.3.2 Safety Inspection Check List1. The use of Safety Checklist (Appendix A) will make the safety and health inspection to be conducted in such systematic way that there is no missing of any items during inspection.2. Safety Checklist should clearly specify the following:1. the name and/or the work area, or storage number,2. the date and time of inspection,3. the summary of specific hazards found,4. the recommended actions and corrections,5. the date by which the problem should be resolved; and6. the signature of respective supervisory staffAppendix A Safety Inspection ChecklistAppendix A Safety Inspection ChecklistAppendix A Safety Inspection ChecklistAppendix A Safety Inspection ChecklistAppendix A Safety Inspection Checklist。
剑桥商务英语 7a health and safety

Unit 7a Health and safety
Look at the accident report form, listen to the conversation between a company nurse and an employee and complete the form.
Unit 7a Health and safety
Slip v. ~ (over) (on sth) (of a person, an animal, a car, etc) slide accidentally; lose one's balance and fall or nearly fall in this way (指人﹑ 动物﹑ 汽车等)意外滑动, 失去平衡跌 倒或险些跌倒
Unit 7a Health and safety
Employers will absorb and retain more people with favorable work conditions and environments
Employees would enjoy their work and have better performance in better work conditions.
cup of hot tea are spilled because of wiring cluttering up desks----get burned 办公桌上各种配线太乱而泼 翻茶杯造成烫伤 bump your head on the edge of the desk / a filing cabinet 头撞到了文件柜的边上

Applicable scope and manual management
EHS management system requirements
Wang Dong
Shi xinli
Hermann Kleinod
序号/Serial No.
目录/ Content
Preface1.1公概况Introduction ofDXC
Internal audit
Management review
EHS representative appointment letter
Employeerepresentative appointment letter
DXCManagement organization chart
DXC环境健康安全管理网络图DXCEnvironmental Health & Safety Management Organization Chart
中英文对照安全手册Safety Handbook China

CONTENTS1.Site Safety Requirements/现场安全要求12. Safety Helmet Colour Codes/安全帽颜色分类23. Personal Protective Equipment/个人防护用品34. Barricades/围护围栏65. Working on the Edge/ Height/高处临边作业86. Working Platform/工作平台117. Mobile Scaffold/移动脚手架128.MEWP 剪式升降车169.Welding Safety/焊接安全2010. Machinery/ Equipment Safety/机械设备安全2211. Housekeeping Safety/落手清2712. Floor Opening/洞口3013. Electrical Safety/电气安全3214. Excavation Safety/开挖工程安全3515. Confined Space Safety/封闭空间安全3716. Ladder Safety/用梯安全3817. Working on Pipes Safety/管道安全3918.Chemical Safety/化学品安全4119.Work Permit / 工作许可证4620.Safety Enforcement / 安全处罚4720. Emergency/紧急情况4821. Emergency Contact No/紧急情况联系录50SITE REQUIREMENTS现场安全要求SAFETY HELMET 安全帽SITE PASS 现场出入证SAFETY HARNESS 安全带安全带((高处作业>1.8米)Ensure that you have above items before you work on site.在你工作之前,请确保你已有上述物品。
SAFETY SHOES/BOOTS安全鞋安全鞋((钢包头钢包头))✔1SAFETY GLASSES 安全眼镜REFLECTIVE VEST 荧光背心SAFETY HELMET COLOUR CODE安全帽颜色分类Wear your safety helmet according to the stated colour code for easy identification.为便于鉴别,请按所述颜色分类佩戴安全帽。
Safety Manual 安全手册英文版

Safety ManualContents1.0 General Introduction (2)1.1 Introduction (2)1.2 Who to contact for further assistance (2)2.0 General Safety Procedures (3)2.0.1 Risk Assessments (3)2.0.2 Conference travel and Visits to other Institutions (3)2.0.3 Evening and Weekend Work Rules (4)2.0.4 First Aid (4)2.0.5 Near Miss/Dangerous Occurrence Reporting Procedures (4)2.1 Fire Safety Procedures (5)2.1.1 Fire alarm testing and maintenance (5)2.1.2 In the event of a fire alarm (5)2.2 Electrical Safety (5)2.3 Hazardous Materials Safety (6)2.4 Display Screen Equipment Safety (6)2.5 Work-related Stress (6)2.6 Noise at Work (7)2.7 Manual Handling Safety (7)2.8 Suspicious Packages (7)2.9 Top Floor Safety (8)3.0 Specialized Equipment/Machinery (8)3.1 Waste Disposal (8)4.0South Street Library (8)5.0 Training of Research Students and Staff (9)6.0 Self Inspection Procedures (10)6.1 Check-lists (11)7.0 School Safety Co-Ordinator (11)8.0 Annual Safety Report (11)9.0 Further Information (12)1.0 General IntroductionThe School of Psychology and its Chair take the responsibility for safety and a healthy working environment for all students and staff very seriously.The intent of this manual/policy is to provide a clear set of procedures and guide-lines to insure not only that all Home Office and University regulations are complied with to the letter of the law, but to even exceed those guide-lines when necessary to ensure a safe and productive working environment.To that end, this document was prepared with the special needs and activities of the School of Psychology in mind, as outlined in the appropriate sections of this manual. The hazards particular to the School are detailed, as well as the implemented control measures and monitoring procedures to ensure their effectiveness.1.1 IntroductionThis policy contains procedures specific to the research and teaching activities of the School, and should be consulted as an adjunct to the University Safety Policy (copies available from the Safety Office and the School Safety Coordinator).Under the University policy, each Head of Department (or School) is ultimately responsible for the existence and maintenance of, and compliance with the Department/School's own policy. This policy/manual was prepared based on Guidance Notes on Drafting a Departmental or Unit Safety Policy 1996 (available from the School Safety Coordinator or the Environmental, Health and Safety Services).1.2 Who to contact for further assistanceThe following individuals and pages may be of use with particular safety concerns and comments:School Safety CoordinatorMr. Andy Burnley, Electrical Safety Officer.Email Mary Latimer, the Chemical/Biological Safety Officer.Head Of SchoolEnvironmental Health and Safety ServicesEnvironmental Health and Safety Services - Staff2.0 General Safety ProceduresAll postgraduate students, teaching and research staff and undergraduates working in Psychological laboratories should be aware of the nearest fire alarms and equipment, escape routes, and know what to do in event of fire (see Fire Action Notices that are posted throughout the School).In addition, each supervisor shall endeavour to identify any potential health or safety hazard, no matter how minor, using University risk assessment procedures, and provide appropriate information and training for those who work in their laboratory. Supervisors are full-time members of Academic staff who supervise Undergraduates, Graduate students or Research staff, and/or the Principal investigator named on any research grants.Research staff may be designated as supervisors where appropriate with their expressed and informed consent re: their specific responsibilities.2.0.1 Risk AssessmentsAccording to University regulations, schools are required to assess all risks associated with work activities. This document serves as a risk assessment for many low –risk activities encountered in the School of Psychology. All high risk activities must be assessed in written format using the School of Psychology Risk Assessment Form. These written risk assessments must be completed by a competent person and reviewed by the Safety Co-ordinator plus other relevant persons. Outlined in this document are particular areas where written risk assessment is required.FieldworkAll fieldwork that is conducted outside the School of Psychology must be risk assessed using the Conduct of Field studies document and the Fieldwork Risk Assessment Form . This risk assessment forms require the identification of risks as well as appropriate control measures for those risks. These forms are then reviewed by the Safety co-ordinator together with other relevant personnel such as PhD supervisors for post-graduate research. They may be refered to the University |Fieldwork Committee for further approval in some cases Research ActivitiesIn addition all projects requiring ethical approval from either the School of Psychology Ethics Committee or the University Animal Safety Committee must also be risk assessed using the School of Psychology Risk Assessment Form This form is then reviewed by the School Safety Co-ordinator.2.0.2 Conference travel and Visits to other InstitutionsFor safety reasons, the following guidelines must be followed when travelling to conferences or visiting other institutions.Consider your mode of travel carefully and avoid travelling alone at night whenever possible.Provide contact numbers to the School Secretary and also indicate how you will contact the School in your absence.Third, when travelling overseasTake a photocopy of your passport in case it is lost or stolen.Consult your GP for appropriate medical advice or contact Occupational Health Advisor Extn 2752.Make sure that you have adequate insurance cover through the University. appropriate consult the FCO web pages /en/travelling-and-living-overseas/travel-advice-by-country for travel advice.2.0.3 Evening and Weekend Work RulesFor safety and security reasons, people who work in the School when the front door is locked .After 5pm and on weekends and holidays are responsible for logging themselves in and out in the logbook provided in the foyer. These individuals should also be aware of the appropriate procedures in the event of accident or emergency after-hours. A list of emergency phone numbers are listed by the phone in the main lobby. All occupants of the building should be aware that to contact the emergency services that they dial 9-999 from a university phone line.2.0.4 First AidStudents and staff should be aware of the particular rules and procedures in the event of accident or injury (see below). Students and staff should inform the School Safety Co-Ordinator and/or the University Safety Adviser of any injury at once after obtaining appropriate first aid.First aid boxes are located, in the main office ,at the front door ,in the common room and in the Electronics workshop and on the top floor. Trained First Aiders arePeter Wilcox …..Workshop Extn 2078 or 3040Helen Sunderland …Main Office Extn 2157The J anitorial Staff….Front Desk Extn 2094 or 2853 or 3590If a medical emergency seems to be beyond the capacity of a First-aider take one of the following actions: Telephone Occupational Health extn 2752Transport the injured party to St. Andrews Memorial Hospital.Call an ambulance (dial 0 or 231 on an internal line during working hours; 9-999 on an outside line). An outside line is available at the Porter's desk in the foyer.2.0.5 Near Miss/Dangerous Occurrence Reporting ProceduresAny situation that arises in which an accident or dangerous situation nearly occurred must also be reported to the Environmental, Health and Safety Office. Any incident at work that directly causes a person to loose 3 days of work must be reported to the HSE by the University.This information is important because it helps to identify potential causes of future accidents in the hope that such accidents might be avoided.Near Miss/Dangerous Occurrence Report forms are available on line and must be filled out for any but the most trivial events. It is then passed to the SSC who will inform the University safety office.2.1 Fire Safety Procedures2.1.1 Fire alarm testing and maintenanceUniversity policy requires a weekly test of the fire alarms of the Psychology building and Library by the Senior Janitor or a named deputy. This is done on Monday mornings at 8am you are not required to evacuate the building at this time. Any malfunctioning alarms should be reported immediately to Estates and Buildings.In the event of a fire alarm failure, the School Safety Co-Ordinator and Estates (ext 3999) should be contacted immediately. If the fault cannot be remedied quickly, School staff are required to inform building occupants by word-of-mouth and by conspicuous notices posted in public places.The Notices should stat e “The Fire Alarm at [location] is out-of-order “Please be extra-vigilant. Should you discover a fire raise the alarm by shouting "FIRE" and when at a safe location, telephone 9-999. State the precise location of the fire and your name and the telephone number you are calling from.Departmental/school staff will insure that "high-risk" areas are patrolled until the Fire alarm system has been restored.2.1.2 In the event of a fire alarmIn the event of a fire alarm, staff and students should follow the instructions given in the Fire Action Notices posted throughout the School. All staff and students should go to the Assembly Point given in the Fire Action Notice.All teaching and research staff should be reminded to treat fire alarms with the utmost seriousness. Even in the event of a false alarm, the Fire department is compelled to come to the building once an alarm has been triggered. No one should re-enter the Buildings until the most Senior Fire Officer present has indicated it is safe to do so.Occupants of offices and laboratories are responsible for knowing the nearest fire alarm and emergency exit and an alternative route in case of actual fire. For individuals who exit onto Westburn Lane, please move to the front part of the building near St. Mary's as quickly as possible. If anyone believes they know of someone inside the building after evacuation appears complete, please advise the SSC or Head of School immediately. That individual is then to report to the most Senior Fire Officer present.It is essential that full-time staff recognize their responsibility to make sure that individuals under their supervision be aware of these rules, and the locations of the nearest fire alarms, extinguishing equipment and exits. In the event of a fire alarm staff are required to direct other occupants in that area to the nearest available exit and to ensure that the area has been cleared.2.2 Electrical SafetyThe School of Psychology has a long tradition of excellence in the testing of mains borne electrical appliances for their safety. All such equipment coming into the School must be tested in the Electronics Workshop and must satisfy all standards of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. Please note that this regulation applies to personal electrical devices such as radios, laptops, kettles. as well as research and teaching-related devices. In addition all the electrical appliances located in the School are tested on a periodic basis in situ by Estates and Buildings.For further information, interested individuals can consult the University document University Local Rules for Electrical Safety, and/or Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, available in the workshop or from the SchoolSafety Co-Ordinator.Concerns about the safety of a particular electrical device should be brought to the attention of the Electronics workshop immediately and should not be used until appropriate repairs are made.2.3 Hazardous Materials SafetyAny animal house laboratories and non-animal house laboratories using chemicals in the School of Psychology must have at hand a copy of the University of St. Andrews ‘Guidance on Chemical and Biological Safety - Part 1 Chemical Safety’.This Handbook outlines relevant material from The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 and the responsibilities of individuals within departments relating to the identification, handling, and disposal of hazardous materials.New hazardous substances purchased for use in the School must be accompanied by a Material Safety Data Sheet (from the supplier). Hazard assessment shall then be made using CHARM the University’s Computerised COSHH Risk Management Programme /COSH/ and the classification clearly marked on the container.A risk assessment should be produced for work activities that involve the use of hazardous substances by the Supervisor. All staff who intend to handle hazardous materials must read and sign the risk assessment form for that work activity on the CHARM website. In the School of Psychology, the majority of these substances will be associated with histological, and surgical techniques on the top floor and in the workshop area.The introduction of any new substance or material into the School must be accompanied by a completed Risk Assessment form for the work activity prior to the substance being obtained.2.4 Display Screen Equipment SafetyIn order to protect users of display screen equipment (primarily PC screens), UK legislation entitled Health and Safety (Display Screen) Regulations 1992 as modified in 2002 has been enacted.Individuals who are required to work at PC workstations should obtain a copy of the University's Guidance Notes for Safe Use of Display Screen Equipment from the School Safety Coordinator or from University Environmental Health and Safety Services.It is required that users complete the on line University form for Display Screen Equipment. /staff/policy/Healthandsafety/Publications/All staff who are DSE ‘Users’ must undertake appropriate training. The Head of School has access to the results of this on-line training and responsibility to make sure that all staff carry it out.2.5 Work-related StressThe University is committed to providing a healthy and safe working environment for all staff and recognises that excessive levels of work-related stress as well as stress caused by external factors are a potential cause of ill-health. Stress therefore constitutes a hazard that has to be managed by both the School and the University. Information about the University's Occupational Stress Policy and associated guidance can be found below. Stress - A Guide to Stress Recognition and ReductionStress - Manager's Guide to Monitoring StressStress - Occupational Stress Policy2.6 Noise at WorkIndividuals in the School concerned about high levels of noise should consult the School Safety Coordinator as soon as possible. A copy of the Health and Safety Executive Guide on The Noise at Work Regulations is available from the School Safety Coordinator. Copies are also available for consultation on the Top floor and in the Electronics Workshop.2.7 Manual Handling SafetyMembers of staff whose duties require lifting or transporting materials are required to consult the Guidance Notes for Manual Handling Operations and General Guidance on Handling Loads available from the School Safety Co-ordinator. /staff/policy/Healthandsafety/Publications/Manualhandlingoperations//staff/policy/Healthandsafety/Publications/Manualhandling-general/Copies are also on file on the Top Floor and in the Electronics workshop.In the School, individuals most concerned are Top floor technicians and Electronics workshop staff. Their supervisors should be sure that all aspects of the regulations are complied with in the day to day manual activities of their staff, and that adequate training and supervision of staff is provided.Training in Practical Manual Handling Awareness is available from Environmental, Health and Safety Services on request.2.8 Suspicious PackagesPostal bombs take many forms and may come in any shape or size; parcels, envelopes or padded ‘jiffy bags’. They may explode or ignite when opened and sometimes before they are opened. They are usually designed to kill or maim the person opening them. Instead of being posted, such devices may be delivered by hand or arrive by courier.All staff who might be required to open mail in the course of their work should know the tell-tale signs which are as follows:Grease marks on the envelope or wrapping.An unusual odour such as marzipan or machine oil.Visible wiring or tinfoil, especially if the envelope or package is damagedThe envelope or packaging may feel very heavy for its size the weight distribution may be uneven: the contents may be rigid in a flexible envelopeThe item may have been delivered by hand or posted from an unusual place.If a package, it may have excessive wrapping there may be poor handwriting, spelling or typing the item may be wrongly addressed or come from an unexpected source there may be too many stamps for the weight of the packageIf you suspect that a package or parcel is not what it should be, you should:If handling it, put it down gently walk away from it on no account let anyone move it, touch it, place it in anything (including water) or place anything on top of it.On no account close doors giving access to the suspected item, switch off lights or transmit a personal radio ormobile phone within 20 metres of the suspect device.Telephone 9-999 (not on a mobile phone) and inform the police.Evacuate the immediate area by sounding the fire alarm so that occupants of the building gather at the normal fire assembly point(s) of the building take no further action until the police arrive.Ensure that the Head of School, Porter and Principal’s Office are informed of the incident.2.9 Top Floor SafetyBecause of the nature of the research techniques used in the Top Floor, the School recognizes that appropriate training and supervision of new and continuing students and staff is of paramount importance. It is the supervisor's responsibility to ensure that all new personnel who will have any duties whatsoever on the top floor are introduced to the St Mary’s Secure Research Facility Manager or theTechnician-in-charge.In turn, the Technician-in-charge is responsible for ensuring that new staff/students have read and are familiar with the in-house documents, Code of Practice for Workers using the facility. More detailed guidance is found in these documents.3.0 Specialized Equipment/MachineryIn the School of Psychology, some specialized equipment is housed on the Top floor and requires appropriate and careful use. Consequently, the mechanical lifting equipment, autoclave, and any gas cylinders can only be used and transported by experienced technicians or individuals appropriately trained by the technicians and supervised for an appropriate period of time (also see section 2.7).The autoclave is safety tested annually by as part of a contractual agreement, and Local exhaust ventilated equipment, lifts are to be tested regularly by Estates. Staff should inform the School Safety Co-Ordinator if these inspections are not performed according to schedule3.1 Waste DisposalAll hazardous substances must be disposed of in accordance with the Risk Assessment form for that substance. For further information please consult the ‘Guidance on Chemical and Biological Safety - Part 1 Chemical Safety’ or contact the safety office extn 2750Broken glass, used scalpels and any other sharp material should be disposed of in labelled sharps containers. Unbroken glass can be disposed via the janitorial staff. Used batteries should be disposed through the Environmental Health and Safety Office.Confidential waste paper sacks can be obtained from the Janitorial staff ,other waste paper can be put into the bins provided.Current information about Waste disposal from /staff/tech/WasteandRecycling/ 4.0South Street LibraryBecause of its proximity to the School of Psychology, the Fire Safety of all subdivisions of the South Street library complex are considered to be the joint responsibility of the School, the Main Library and the Dept. of Divinity. The complex consists of the King James Library, Parliament Hall, the West Room, and the Senate Room.The Senior library assistant is responsible for the safety training of new library staff in consultation with the School Safety Co-Ordinator and/or Safety Co-Ordinators of the Library and Divinity. Of particular concern for the School are the appropriate procedures necessary in case of a fire alarm, including de-activation of the Security system in the West Room. Library staff must leave the building on hearing the fire alarm and are not responsible for checking the occupancy of other areas in the complex.The Senior library assistant is also responsible for informing students of the locations of appropriate fire exits during tours of the South Street library. Students should be informed that they may be questioned at any time by library staff or Safety committee members about the location of exits and fire alarms.An additional responsibility of the Senior library assistant is coordinating communication between the Divinity Safety Co-Ordinator, Main Library Safety Co-Ordinator and the School Safety Co-Ordinator in the South Street library.Arrangements should be made for the Senior library assistant to inform the School Safety Co-Ordinator of changes in staff and inform any incoming Senior library assistant of this document and the responsibilities outlined above.5.0 Training of Research Students and StaffThe School of Psychology recognizes the importance of comprehensive orientation for new members of the School appropriate to the working conditions and techniques to which they will be exposed. In addition to this initial training, it is important that all staff be periodically reminded of their responsibilities and the resources available to them concerning safety in the workplace.In particular, trainee technicians, undergraduates and first year postgraduates will need to be supervised closely for extended periods depending upon the potential risks of their work in the department and the experience of the trainee.Accordingly, the following individuals will be responsible for initial and continuing education of new postgraduate students and research and teaching staff. Undergraduate research students are considered the responsibility of their research supervisor and will be discussed below.The School Safety Co-Ordinator will inform new members of the School of this Policy and its locations within the School for their consultation, Fire alarm procedures, what to do in case of injury, and the existence of the Safety Committee.Supervisors in the Animal HouseWill be responsible for additional training in the following areas where appropriate: Security measures, animal handling and care, first aid, and the handling of hazardous materials specific to their activities, and any other particular in-lab concerns and precautions necessary to promote the highest reasonable level of safety and security in their laboratories.Supervisors in non-Animal House laboratoriesWill ensure that safety and health concerns relevant to their laboratories and research activities within and outside of the School be fully explained to their students and staff and that adequate precautions are maintained through the academic year.All postgraduate students should be directed by agreement to another appropriate member of staff for advice and supervision regarding health and safety if the adviser is absent for a period of a week or more.Supervisors of students doing field workIf the work is to be performed outside of the United Kingdom, it is the responsibility of the supervisor to ensure that the student is fully aware of the need for, and agrees to obtain immunizations and any appropriate preventive medical treatments are obtained. All students performing field work must complete a risk assessment form which is then evaluated by the School Safety Co-Ordinator and supervisor.Supervisors of students doing primate workAre required to read the School document Starting Primate Fieldwork which outlines suggestions for health and safety while working in tropical or subtropical environments.New staffAll existing members of the School are strongly encouraged to supply new staff with all information necessary for optimal safety in the set-up of new laboratory/research facilities. New staff are strongly encouraged to consult with the School Safety Co-Ordinator and other members of the Safety Committee (where appropriate) upon arrival in the School.6.0 Self Inspection ProceduresIt is University policy that Schools must conduct a self-inspection of their workplace on at least an annual basis. Aim of Self Inspections: To assess school health and safety performance against predetermined standards, torecognize achievement, or, when necessary, to take and document remedial measures. Self-inspections are not intended to replace routine checks of safety within the department.Composition of inspection teams, how to and when to conduct the inspections and preparation of a departmental check-list and report are outlined in the section on Self-Inspection in the Universi ty’s publication ‘Health and Safety - Codes and Guidance’ (available from the Environmental Health and Safety Services or the School Safety Co-Ordinator).Head of Department/School: Ensures that:the safety committee and appropriate Union representatives are consulted on specific arrangements for inspections, and that the inspection teams are appointed and properly trained;time is allocated for the SSC and other members of the Safety Committee and inspection teams to carry out these duties;inspections are completed on schedule;any necessary remedial action is taken;records are kept of the inspection and the completion of remedial action;remedial actions suggested by the report are appropriate and are carried out by the specified individuals/groups on time.The Inspection team and report: Should consist of two or three people, including the School Safety Co-Ordinator. The School Safety Co-Ordinator will be responsible for the preparation of a report. The report will contain the date, names of team members and a list of the exact areas/activities inspected. Positive and negative findings will be recorded, and recommendations for remedial action (including time scale and priorities) will be made,including detailed responsibilities for said actions.Constant revision and updating of the inspection procedures should be carried out. The reporting process should in no way delay immediate remedial action when necessary. Copies of the report should go to the Head of School, School Safety Co-Ordinator, relevant union safety representative and the University Safety Adviser.Inspections of offices, non-animal house laboratories, storage facilities, fire stations, will be carried out at least once per year. Inspections of animal house laboratories and offices will be conducted at least twice a year. Electronics, Woodworking and Metalwork Workshops will be formally inspected once a year, although informal inspection procedures by the Departmental Superintendent and/or the Chief Technician will continue on a regular basis.6.1 Check-listsInspection teams will use check-lists to guide their inspections of all locations with the School. Guidance on check lists is given in the University publication entitled ‘Health and Safety - Codes and Guidance’.7.0 School Safety Co-OrdinatorThe responsibility for organizing and maintaining self-inspection, this policy, and the annual report are the duties of the School Safety Co-Ordinator. When a new School Safety Co-Ordinator is appointed, it is the responsibility of the outgoing School Safety Co-Ordinator to provide adequate instruction to allow for continued effective performance of School Safety Co-Ordinator duties.It is the responsibility of the School Safety Co-Ordinator to ensure that new SSCs receive appropriate training and instruction for efficient and comprehensive completion of their duties during their tenure. In addition, Teaching and Research staff shall be informed by Memo of such a change which is to be incorporated into all existing copies of this manual.The School Safety Officer is responsible for implementation of self-inspections, annual fire drills, in consultation with the Head of School and the School Safety Committee. Written reports shall be produced and held on file by the School Safety Officer, for summary in the Annual Report.Additions to this manual can be made at any time by the School Safety Co-Ordinator in consultation with the members of the School Safety Committee. It is the responsibility of the School Safety Co-Ordinator to see that such updates are included in all circulating copies of this manual/policy, therefore the School Safety Co-Ordinator is strongly encouraged to keep accurate and up-to-date records of where all copies are held.Annually, any changes to relevant School and safety related personnel should be included in the manual's revision. Additions or other changes to the check-lists, inspection procedures, etc. should be added to the manual at this time. Normally revisions should be completed by January 1st of the New Year.It is important that the new School Safety Co-Ordinator is identified to the University Safety Adviser so that appropriate induction training can be provided. The Safety Co-Ordinator should also attend all the Core Health and Safety Training Sessions for Safety Co-Ordinators provided by Environmental, Health and Safety Services.8.0 Annual Safety ReportIt is University policy that the Head should complete the Annual Safety Report issued by the Principal’s Office.。
(Ⅱ)Health & Safety 健康与安全(培训教材)

1.9 配备合理的消防逃生出口,消防门应使用磁力锁或推把式等就地开启装臵,并向疏散方向开启,确保能正常 使用。
1.18 具备必要的正确的逃生标识、安全门标识、出口标示,位臵正确且不被阻挡,并亮灯指示;紧急逃生按扭标 识醒目易见,状态良好;仓库、配电间、商管有禁烟标志。
1.19 消防红白线依据标准设臵,并维护良好。
1.13 每日对消防设施设备进行巡检两次,并真实、正确进行记录,对不符合要求的器材设施采取后续行动。
1.5 门店保存有空白的动火施工许可证;动火施工作业按照动火施工许可证的要求进行检查、批准和签字确认, 并存档;未经批准不得使用加热或电气设备,及其它明火设备。
2. Contractor Work Permit Identification 施工单位许可证号:Y 年___- M 月___ D 日___ SN(流水号 2 码):___________ 3. Department where work is carried out: 现场部门: ___________________________ 4. Items to check before approval: (Please tick √ to confirm) 签发前检查事项:( 打√ 确认) : Hot Work: 动火作业 Surroundings clear of hazardous equipment or safety of operation approved. 动火地点附近无危险设备或已防护 Fire control facilities ready: extinguisher, and water. 已备消防设备:灭火器、水等 Surroundings clear of combustibles 施工设备附近无可燃物品 Electrical facilities insulated, in good condition and no damage is found 电器设备绝缘良好未有破损 Electric welding in good condition 电焊接地确实良好 Personal Protecting Equipment ready: gloves, glasses, etc. 已备个人防护具:防护手套、眼镜等 Others 其 他 ___________________________
安 全 手 册(中英文版)

安全手册Safety Handbook编辑Editor:日期Date:1.目的Intention为确保SIBCO全体员工人身财产安全,提高团队成员的自我安全意识,贯彻以人为本,安全第一的安全方针,特制订本手册。
In order to make sure personal safety and property safety of all the staff in SIBCO, and improve our team members’ safety awareness, implement” people oriented, safety first” safety policy, we specially make this safety handbook.2.安全方针Safety policy以人为本,安全第一People Oriented, Safety First3.涵盖范围Safety range3.1办公室安全Office safety1)接触保密文件的员工应避免在公众场合讨论有关内容(例如在飞机上,在餐厅里)Don’t discuss our company’s confidential content in public place (such ason airplane, in restaurant)2)员工在离开办公室时应将保密文件上锁The confidential file should be put into a safe place and locked when staffis out of office3)最后离开办公室者负责关闭所有灯具和电器,并确定办公室门已上锁The last one who leave the office is responsible for turning off all thelights and electrical appliances4)使用办公电器时,应严格遵照使用说明Please comply with the instruction when using electrical appliances inoffice5)保证安全通道畅通,办公区域禁止吸烟Keep the escape way unblocked, smoking in office is forbidden 6)如有任何个人物品遗失或公司财物被盗情况发生,请立即通报保安人员If your personal property or our company’s property is stolen,please call the police at once3.2交通安全Traffic safety为确保出行安全,我们每个员工要自觉遵守交通规则。
Hand safety and health campaign

Personal Protective Equipment劳保用品
If in doubt talk with your supervisor or HSE Advisor about the type of glove you should be using on your job.如有疑问,跟您的主管或安全顾问讨论您应该在 如有疑问, 如有疑问 工作时所使用的手套类型。 工作时所使用的手套类型。
Preventative Measures预防措施 预防措施
Housekeeping and Hygiene 家务管理和卫生情况 Poorly maintained machinery, tools, sloppy work areas, and cluttered aisles all contribute to hand injuries. 保养不善的机械/工具 工具、 保养不善的机械 工具、潮湿的工作区域和凌乱的过道将 导致手外伤。 导致手外伤。 Good hygiene includes hand washing. Hand washing helps to remove germs and dirt from your hands. Clean hands are less susceptible to infection and other skin problems such as contact dermatitis.良好的卫生习惯, 良好的卫生习惯, 良好的卫生习惯 包括洗手。 包括洗手。洗手有助于消除您手部的细菌和污垢
让我们试着用一只手鼓掌 !!
It has been estimated that almost 20% of all disabling accidents on the job involve the hands. Without your fingers or hands, your ability to work and play would be greatly reduced.丧失劳动能力的事故中有 丧失劳动能力的事故中有20%都涉及到 丧失劳动能力的事故中有 都涉及到 没有手指或手,您的工作能力将会大大降低。 手,没有手指或手,您的工作能力将会大大降低。 Human hands are unique. No other creature in the world has hands that can grasp, hold, move, and manipulate objects like human hands. They are one of your greatest assets. And, as such, must be protected and cared for.在 在 这世界上, 这世界上,还没有那种生物的手能够像人手这样具有自 如地抓、 移动以及操纵物体的能力, 如地抓、握、移动以及操纵物体的能力,它们是您最大 的资产之一, 的资产之一,必须受到保护和照顾
1.安全手册Safety Handbook

安全施工手册CONSTRUCTION SAFETY HANDBOOK Table of Contents目录1. 公司方针及安全目标--Company policy and safety target2. 安全培训-- Safety orientation3. 工地保安规定--Site security4. 个人防护用品--Personal protective equipment and clothing5. 清洁管理--Site housekeeping6. 防火--Fire protection7. 打桩/截桩--Piling8. 开挖--Excavation9. 电气安全-- Electrical10. 工具和施工机械--Tools & machinery11. 电焊、切割--Welding & cutting12. 起重吊装--Cranes & hoists - rigging & lifting13. 高空作业--Fall protection14. 脚手架-- Scaffolding15. 梯子-- Ladders16. 化学品-- Handling chemicals17. 车辆管理--Vehicles18. 限制性区域--Confined Spaces19.搬运须知-- Manual Lifting20.施工作业许可证-- Work Permits21. 紧急救护-- First aid and emergencies22. 应急电话-- Emergency phone numbers23. 安全培训声明-- Safety induction declaration1.公司方针及安全目标Company policy and safety target1.1 方针policy优质、安全、环保地提供一站式全方位的工程服务。
Quality, safety, and environmental protection to provide a full range of Engineering services.安全:工程服务中确保最大限度地保护施工、使用人员的健康安全;Safety: ensure maximum protection in construction, use of the health and safety engineering services;环保:工程服务中确保最大限度地污染预防、保护环境;Environmental protection: to ensure the maximum to prevent pollution, protect environment engineering services;1.2 安全目标safety target重大伤害事故为零;Major accidents to zero;相关方环境投诉为零。
Safety & Health Manual(revised)

目录1.目的Purpose (2)2.适用范围Scope (2)3.安全健康组织机构与职责Safety & Health Organization and Responsibilities (2)4.培训教育程序Training and Orientation Procedure (6)5.检查监督程序Inspection and Supervision Procedure (9)6.应急响应程序Emergency Response Procedure (11)7.事故管理与预防程序Accident Prevention and Management Procedure (26)8.上锁挂签程序Lockout/Tagout Procedure (29)9.工作安全分析程序Job Safety Analysis Procedure (34)10.附图-应急疏散线路图Emergency Evacuation Route (35)1. 目的Purpose编制实施公司《安全与健康手册》以期达到以下目的:Preparing and implementing the safety and health management system is expected to achieve the following purposes:•阐明公司的安全健康政策,建立公司实施安全健康管理的组织机构、程序和资源;Illuminate the safety and health policy, establish safety and health organization, procedures and resources.•对安全健康管理体系实施有效控制,确保其有效性;Take efficient control for the implement of safety and health management system, and assure its Validity•当条件变化时,保持安全健康管理体系的连续性。

安全手册SAFETY BOOKLET人手一册,请随身携带Carry this booklet with everybody个人资料PERSONAL RECORDS此安全手册是发给以下完成安全指导课程的工作工作人员This safety booklet is issued to the person below after attending the safety induction course. 姓名Name ______________________________年龄Age ______________________________身份证I.D.No. _____________________________职称Job title _____________________________工种Trade _____________________________项目Project _____________________________主管Supervisor IC _____________________________开工日期Date on site _____________________________目录CONTENTS前言FOREWORDS个人安全全貌A VISION FOR YOUR SAFETY基本安全BASICS安全教育与培训Safety education and Training个人基本保护配备(PPE)Basic PPE工地保安Site Security避免身亡AVOIDING DEATH坠落Falls From Height坠物Falling Objects车辆安全Vehicle Safety建筑物倒塌Collapse Of Structures电工安全Electrical Safety溺毙Drawing密闭空间Confined Spaces火患Fire升吊操作Lifting Operation预防受伤AVOIDING INJURY正确使用工具和设备Correct Use Tools and Equipment安全与紧急停止措施Safety and Emergency Stop features保养好工具和设备Tools and Equipment in Good Condition仅限授权操作Authorized Operation Only保护腰背Looking After Your Back不要超重Avoid Overloading保持整洁Keeping Clean and Tidy不恶作剧No Horseplay出入口Access and Egress告示牌与栅栏Signs and Barriers避免患病AVOIDING ILLNESS个人卫生Personal Hygiene噪音与脱水Noise and Dehydration损伤和安全危险REPORTING INJURIES AND SAFETY HAZARDS损伤Injuries危险Hazards做个生存者,而非受害者!BE A SURVIVOR-NOT A VICTIM声明DECLARATION前言FOREWARD为保证公司所有员工的安全和健康,特制订本安全手册。

I, [Name], hereby commit to the following health and safety responsibilities in my workplace and daily life. I understand that these responsibilities are crucial for the well-being of myself, my colleagues, and the general public, and I am committed to upholding them at all times.1. Adhere to all applicable health and safety laws, regulations, and guidelines: I will familiarize myself with the relevant health andsafety laws, regulations, and guidelines in my workplace and community, and ensure that I comply with them fully. This includes wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) when necessary and following all safety protocols.2. Practice good hygiene: I will maintain personal hygiene by regularly washing my hands with soap and water, especially before handling food or entering a shared workspace. I will also cover my mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing and dispose of used tissues properly.3. Report any health or safety concerns: I will promptly report any health or safety concerns to my supervisor or the appropriate authority. This includes reporting any injuries, illnesses, or hazardous conditions that I may encounter in the workplace.4. Participate in health and safety training: I will activelyparticipate in all health and safety training sessions provided by my employer or relevant authorities. I understand that regular training is essential for staying informed about the latest health and safety practices and protocols.5. Promote a culture of health and safety: I will foster a positive health and safety culture by encouraging my colleagues to follow safe practices, addressing any unsafe behaviors or conditions promptly, and contributing to ongoing safety discussions and initiatives.6. Maintain a safe work environment: I will contribute to maintaining a safe work environment by keeping my work area clean, organized, and free from hazards. I will also report any equipment malfunctions or defectsto my supervisor immediately.7. Refrain from engaging in unsafe behaviors: I will refrain from engaging in any behaviors that could potentially harm myself or others, such as using drugs or alcohol during working hours, engaging in unsafe driving practices, or failing to follow established safety protocols.8. Stay informed about health and safety updates: I will stay informed about the latest health and safety updates, guidelines, and best practices by regularly reviewing relevant literature, attending training sessions, and participating in professional networks.By signing this承诺书, I acknowledge my understanding of these health and safety responsibilities and commit to upholding them to the best of my ability. I understand that failure to comply with these responsibilities may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.Signature: _______________________Date: _____________________________。
Health and Safety Manual

Health and Safety ManualVersion – 1.3Date of publication – 30.06.2023Date of review – 30.06.2024Published by Jimmy McFarlane Seagate Church Officer SignedDate 30.06.2023 Approved by Mark Inglis on behalf of Seagate Elders SignedDate 30.06.2023Approved by Dave Tudoron behalf of Seagate TrusteesSignedDate 30.06.20231. Organisation and responsibilitiesOverall responsibility for health and safety is that of the Seagate trustees who will ensure that arrangements are in place to satisfy health and safety regulations. Specific responsibilities may be delegated to church personnel. As new projects emerge, the names of responsible persons will be notified and the list amended accordingly.2. Responsibility of the Health and Safety OfficerThe Seagate Church Officer will act as the health and safety officer and will carry the responsibility for the day to day implementation of the arrangements outlined in this manual. This includes the following responsibilities:a) Be familiar with health and safety regulations as far as they concern thechurch premisesb) Be familiar with the health and safety policy and arrangements and ensurethey are observedc) Ensure so far is as practicable that safe systems of work are in placed) Ensure the church and associated areas are clean and tidye) Ensure that adequate access and egress is maintainedf) Ensure adequate firefighting equipment is available and maintainedg) Ensure that food hygiene regulations and procedures are observed3. Responsibility of employees and voluntary workersAll employees and voluntary workers have a responsibility to co-operate in the implementation of the health and safety policy and the requirements detailed in this manual. They should endeavour to take reasonable care of themselves and others whilst on church business or premises.Employees and voluntary workers must therefore:a) Comply with safety rules, operating instructions and working proceduresb) Use protective clothing and equipment when it is requiredc) Report any fault or defect in equipment immediately to the appropriate persond) Report all accidents (however minor), injuries, near misses or other potentialsafety hazards as soon as possiblee) Not misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety4. Accidents and first aidFirst aid boxes are located in:•The foyer next to the hallway entrance•In the church officeThe Church Officer or nominated deputy will act as the designated person for first aid, and will be responsible for contacting emergency services as and when required during main church activities. Activity leaders for activities out with main service times with vulnerable adults and children will nominate a team member to be responsible for first aid duties. This would apply to the following activities:Activity Person responsible for first aidYouth Matt Pearce, Helen HoggMainly Music Ruth BishopJob Club Neil BeckwithTuesday’s at 10 David ShawThe accident book is located on the Administration Notice Board in the back hall.All accidents and incidents are entered in the accident book. Where the church or church hall is let to outside organisations, they are told in writing that they must comply with the provisions of the Seagate Health& Safety policy and this will include the recording/reporting of accidents and incidents.Accident books are regularly reviewed by the church officer.RIDDOR REPORTING OF INJURIES, DISEASES AND DANGEROUS OCCURENCES REGULTIONS 2013Under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR) there is statutory requirement to report certain types of accident, dangerous occurrences and disease to the enforcing authorities (Health & Safety Executive). Fatal accidents, major injuries and injuries which involve the injured person being absent from work for more than seven days must be reported to the HSE. So must diseases and certain dangerous occurrences as defined by the regulations. (See HSE guidance on the website for further details) All accidents and incidents that are reportable should be recorded online by visiting /riddor.5. Fire SafetyOur policy is to fulfil the obligations under the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 and the associated Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006. In order to achieve this we undertake the following:•An assessment of the fire risks in the church and associated buildings. This is carried out either as a specific exercise or as part of our general health andsafety risk assessments• A check that a fire can be detected in a reasonable time and that people can be warned• A check that people who may be in the building can get out safely including theprovision of emergency lighting and fire exit signage•To provide reasonable firefighting equipment• A check that those in the building know what to do if there is a fire• A regular check that our fire- fighting equipment is in place and is serviceable and that an annual maintenance contract is in place with a reputable company Evacuation Procedure in the event of fireThe fire evacuation procedure is described in Appendix 1 of this document.6. Electrical Safety•All electrical appliances to be used within church premises should be checked and certified before use as appropriate•All our portable electrical equipment will be tested by a competent person with an appropriate level of electrical knowledge at a minimum every three years •Only authorised personnel should operate church sound system/projection system• A visual inspection will be carried out of all electrical equipment as part of our routine health and safety checks within the church building. This will take place at least monthly•Equipment must be switched off at the mains when not in use7. Gas Safety•Our gas boilers are maintained and checked annually by a competent contractor who is registered with the Gas Safe Registered. Management of thesecontractors is the responsibility of the Church Officer•Visual inspection of equipment is carried out on an ongoing basis and recorded as part of the routine health and safety checks8. Child Protection ProceduresPlease refer to the Safeguarding Policy on the Seagate Website for full information regarding Seagate’s Child Protection procedures.Children or young people should be registered for Seagate activities and events, (which may require a separate registration form) by the completion of an activity Consent Form which includes parental declaration.Registers of attendance of any activity or event should be kept which includes the names of all attendees and the names of the leaders who are responsible for each group of attendees at the activity or event.All activity Consent Forms and registers must be returned to the Church Administrator for record purposes. A risk assessment of activities associated with the activity or event must be completed and a copy filed with Seagate Admin before the activity or event takes place. (One assessment of activity per annum is acceptable as long as there are no material changes to the activity),Volunteer leaders must not transport children or young people in the course of activities or events unless they are on Seagate’s approved drivers list which requires completion of a drivers’ declaration.If a leader becomes aware of the possibility of abuse of a child or young person or if they become aware of inappropriate behaviour of a leader or other person during the course of an event or activity, they must bring this matter to the attention of the activity leader or report it to the named Safeguarding officer or depute.9. Food SafetyFood must be safe to eat and our policy is to take all reasonable steps to promote safe practice in the preparation and serving of food to be consumed on church premises. In order to achieve this, we undertake the following:•arrange food hygiene training for all involved in food preparation and regularly update training•keep a register of all who have completed training•display the following information on church kitchen notice board- opening checks when using kitchen- closing checks when using kitchen- basic hygiene rules on preparation and serving of food•ensure that everyone involved in food preparation is aware of church policy and is issued with a food safety booklet containing above information.APPENDIX 1In the event of fire•If you discover a fire on the premises immediately raise the alarm by pressing one of the fire alarm buttons (manual call point as shown below) located at thefollowing locations:o Front vestibuleo Rear entranceo Upstairs landing•Tackle the fire if possible and within your capability, using the fire extinguishers provided but without taking personal risk•All persons should proceed in an orderly fashion to the designated fire assembly point which is the grass area on the shore end of West Portland Street as shownbelow•Summon the Fire Brigade and ensure everyone has left the building ( the Fire Evacuation Co-ordinator* is responsible for ensuring all persons have left thebuilding and for summoning the Fire Brigade)•Instructions for cancelling the fire alarm are found adjacent to the main control box in the rear vestibule•No one should return to the building unless it is deemed safe by a member of the Fire Service*This role will normally be performed by the Seagate Church Officer, or nominated deputy as per the rota on ChurchSuite.。
综合商务英语二册Unit 5Health and Safety

4. Language Focollowing sentences from the reading part. Can you figure out what words they need?
• 1. Workplace injuries can cost millions of dollars
Here are some examples of coordinating conjunctions in English and what they do: as/because/for present an explanation ("He is gambling with his health, as he has been smoking far too long.") and presents non-contrasting item(s) or idea(s) ("They gamble and they smoke.") nor presents a non-contrasting negative idea ("They do not gamble, nor do they smoke.") but presents a contrast or exception ("They gamble, but they don't smoke.") or presents an alternative item or idea ("Every day they gamble or they smoke.")
• know the importance of workplace safety • how to prevent workplace injuries • how to write a notice

健康与安全英语作文普通范文Health and SafetyHealth and safety are two of the most important aspects of our daily lives. They not only play a significant role in our physical well-being, but also in our mental and emotional well-being. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of health and safety, the challenges we face in maintaining them, and some strategies for improving them.First and foremost, health and safety are essential for a healthy and productive lifestyle. Without proper health and safety measures, we are at risk of injuries, illnesses, and even death. For example, neglecting to wear a helmet while riding a bike can result in a serious head injury, while not properly storing food can lead to food poisoning. By prioritizing health and safety, we can prevent these potential dangers and ensure a better quality of life for ourselves and those around us.However, despite the importance of health and safety, there are numerous challenges that we face in maintaining them. One of the main challenges is lack of awareness. Many people are unaware of the risks and dangers that surround them, and as a result, they do not take the necessary precautions to protectthemselves. For example, some individuals may not realize the importance of wearing a seatbelt while driving, or the significance of washing their hands before eating. This lack of awareness can lead to accidents and injuries, which could have been easily avoided with proper education and information.Another challenge we face is complacency. Oftentimes, individuals become complacent and comfortable in their daily routines, which can lead to negligence in health and safety practices. For example, someone may become lazy and skip their regular exercise routine, or forget to replace the batteries in their smoke detector. This complacency can put them at risk for serious health issues or accidents, and it is important to remain vigilant and proactive in maintaining health and safety measures.To improve health and safety, there are several strategies that we can implement in our daily lives. One strategy is education. By educating ourselves and others about the importance of health and safety, we can raise awareness and prevent potential dangers. For example, schools can teach students about the importance of wearing a helmet while biking, or workplaces can implement safety training programs for their employees. Education is a powerful tool in promoting healthyand safe habits, and should be a priority for individuals and communities alike.Another strategy for improving health and safety is prevention. By taking preventative measures, we can reduce the likelihood of accidents and injuries. For example, individuals can install smoke detectors in their homes, or organizations can implement safety protocols in the workplace. By being proactive and taking preventive action, we can create a safer environment for ourselves and those around us.In conclusion, health and safety are vital components of a healthy and fulfilling life. By prioritizing these aspects and taking proactive measures, we can protect ourselves and others from potential dangers and risks. Through education, awareness, and prevention, we can create a safer and healthier world for everyone. Let us all make a commitment to prioritize health and safety in our daily lives, and work together to ensure a brighter and safer future for generations to come.。

B: Oh. I understand.
Lesson 2 Safety Rules Say It
Practice the conversation with a partner.
A: Look at _______.
B: What ______ it ______?
17 a heel 18 a toe 19 a head 20 a neck 21 a shoulder 22 a back 23 a nail 24 a brain 25 a throat 26 a heart 27 a lung 28 a liver 29 a stomach 30 a kidney 31 a face 32 hair
4. What was the cause of the accident?
A woman didn’t see a “One way” street sign and Alex wasn’t wearing his seat belt.
5. What is the difference between a safety rule and a safety sign? Give examples of each.
A) must
√B) don’t have to
C) must not
3. Healthy drivers ______ park in a handicapped parking spot.
A) must
B) don’t have to
√C) must not
4. If you have a car, you _____ walk to work.

安全与健康英语作文Safety and health are essential aspects of our daily lives. (安全和健康是我们日常生活中必不可少的方面。
) Without ensuring our safety, we put ourselves at risk of harm and danger. (如果不确保我们的安全,就会让自己置于危险和伤害之中。
) Whether it is at home, at work, or while engaging in recreational activities, being conscious of safety measures can prevent accidents and injuries. (无论是在家里、工作中还是参加娱乐活动时,注意安全措施可以防止事故和受伤。
)In today's fast-paced world, it is easy to overlook the importance of safety and health. (在今天快节奏的世界里,很容易忽视安全和健康的重要性。
) We are often preoccupied with our daily tasks and responsibilities, neglecting our well-being in the process. (我们经常忙于日常任务和责任,忽视了自身的健康。
) However, it is crucial to prioritize safety and health to ensure a higher quality of life. (然而,重视安全和健康对保证生活质量至关重要。
) By taking preventive measures and practicing good habits, we can maintain a safe and healthy lifestyle. (通过采取预防措施和养成良好习惯,我们可以保持安全和健康的生活方式。

英语作文健康手册模板Health Manual Template。
A health manual is a comprehensive guide for individuals to maintain and improve their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It provides essential information on nutrition, exercise, mental health, and preventive care. This manual aims to educate and empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle.Section 1: Nutrition。
1.1 Understanding Macronutrients。
Explanation of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats。
Recommended daily intake of macronutrients。
Sources of healthy carbohydrates, proteins, and fats。
1.2 Micronutrients and Their Importance。
Overview of vitamins and minerals。
Role of micronutrients in maintaining overall health。
Foods rich in essential vitamins and minerals。
1.3 Balanced Diet。
Importance of a balanced diet for overall health。
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FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURES 8HEALTH AND SAFETY IN OFFICES1.INTRODUCTIONOxford Brookes University Health and Safety Manual is produced by the University’s Health and Safety Division in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974(Section 2), Workplace health, Safety & Welfare Regulations 19921.This .......... Division Health and Safety Handbook has been produced to be a `user friendly’ guide for all Division staff. However, health and safety is a serious matter and this handbook is designed to complement the University’s Health and Safety Manual. All staff must take the time to read and understand the University’s health and safety documents.The Health and Safety Manual is available in the School/Directorate main office and on-line. This handbook will be revised in line with any changes to the Health and Safety Manual and government regulations/guidelines. More specific details can be found within the Health and Safety Manual, with the relevant corresponding pages identified in the boxed sections.All members of the .......... Division will be given a copy of this handbook, which they should read and understand. A copy will also be sent by email that can be read on screen and the web addresses identified easily accessed.2.HEALTH AND SAFETY AT WORK ACTLegal RequirementsThe Legal requirements as outlined in the University’s Health and Safety Manual identifies that under the Workplace Health, Safety and Welfare Regulations 1992, that it is the employers responsibility to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees.In addition, it is the responsibility of the Head of the School/Directorate to make necessary arrangements to ensure the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees.3.GENERAL REQUIREMENTSEnvironmentThe place in which you work should▪Be a safe, clean and comfortable place.▪Have good ventilation with a source of Fresh or Purified’ air.▪The office should attain a minimum legal temperature of 16°C after the first hour.1 The Stationery Office Limited, The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992, ISBN 0110258045Reference OBUHSN –3 Issue 3, p3.3An ideal temperature is between 18°C -20°C but should not be higher than 27°C. ▪ Lighting should be good and appropriate and sufficient for the job.▪ Space – everyone should have at least 11 cubic metres of working space and floor area of 3.66 Square metres.On the first day of sickness/illness, you should contact your line manager. If you are absent through sickness for up to 5 working days (7 days including Saturday and Sunday) you should complete a Self-Certificate SC1 which is available via your line manager or from Personnel. This should be completed and sent to Personnel no later than the 8th calendar day of sickne ss. A doctor’s certificate is required for more than 7 days sickness. If you are likely to be absent for a long time due to illness or injury, the Occupational Health Nurse will be informed. She will then contact you to see if there is anything that can be done to help you on your return to work.5. ACCIDENT /HAZARD REPORTINGAny accident/incident or hazard must be reported immediately.You should• Contact the nearest First Aider.• Make safe any equipment involved where safe to do so.• For emergencies ring 222 during normal working hours or 999 at any other time.• Contact the Health and Safety Division if either the accident has caused the injured party to attendhospital and/or in the event of a dangerous occurrence• As soon as immediate action has been carried out, the accident/incident must be reported by themember of staff present using the University’s Accident Report Form OBUAR -11/2001. Accident report forms are available from your line manager.6. FIREFire prevention is the key. All members of staff are required to take a FireExtinguisher Training Course where you will be taught what to do in case of a fire, the types of extinguishers available and their use. For further details contact your line manager or the Health and safety Division.• Smoking - This University has a `No Smoking’ policy and this applies to staff, students andvisitors.• Paper - The .......... Division holds a lot of paper in the form of applications and otherdocumentation. Care should be taken that this is stored properly and not next to electrical equipment and/or sources of heat.• Cleaning fluids, toner for the photocopier or printer are to be store correctly and disposed ofcorrectly, mainly aware from a heat sources. For guidelines on this you should refer to the Oxford Brookes University Health and Safety Manual. • Electrical circuits are not overloaded.• Materials are not stored as to restrict the airflow through electrical equipment.FIRE ACTIONOn discovering a fire you should: -• Sound the alarm. The nearest alarm point to this office is outside of the main .......... Divisiondoor, to the left in the corner [location].• Tackle the fire ONLY if it is safe to do so. The nearest extinguisher for use on paper or non-electrical fires is near to the fire alarm, outside in the corridor. The nearest extinguisher for electrical fires is within the .......... Division by the [location].FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURESUpon hearing the fire alarm you must: -• Vacate the building using the nearest fire exit. From this office you should go directly downthe main staircase and out the main front door. Across Gipsy Lane and stand on the footpath opposite [location].• Never stop to collect personal belongings. • Never use a lift. • Do not run.• The alternative route is past the Library, down the staircase and out through the side door at thefront. Across Gipsy Lane and stand on the footpath opposite [location if appropriate].• You should NEVER re-enter the building until it is safe to do so and you have been given the `allclear’.Remember you must always vacate the building when you hear the fire alarm, unless you know it’s a fire alarm test. Test times are currently Wednesday about 8.30 am [insert appropriate time/day]. These procedures are repeated on the last page of the handbook for easy reference.7. VDU /DISPLAY SCREEN EQUIPMENTYour workstation should be set for you. The location of the monitor andkeyboard should be so that you body/spine is straight and not stretched unnecessarily. The desk and keyboard should be so that your arms are parallel to the keyboard. This helps to avoid strain on the wrists. Wrist rests are available if required. The Division’s DSE assessor or the University’sOccupational Health Nurse will be able to advise you and you can make an appointment with her to discuss your workstation.Monitors should be free from glare, flickering and noise. Hoods and screen filters can be used to help reduce glare.It is helpful to take a break at regular intervals when working on a lengthy document or a VDU task that takes more than 30 minutes to complete. This does not mean you have to stop working but to change the type of task you do. Perhaps to does some filing, photocopying or other manual task.As a constant user of VDU/screen equipment, you are required to attend the course provided by the University. You will be given information on when the next course is available. If you requirespectacles for VDU work, the University will cover the cost up to a certain amount, currently about £60.00. Personnel will advise you on how to claim.Reference OBUHSN-09 Issue 2, p 9.2 p.9.3Reference OBUHSN-32 Issue 38. OTHER OFFICE EQUIPMENTAll office equipment should be in good order and qualified people shouldcarry out any repairs to any piece of office equipment.• Chairs should be at the correct height for you and should be adjusted in line with the workstation,monitor and keyboard. If you have special needs regarding your chair i.e. back problems, you should speak to the Occupational Health Nurse and the Admissions Officer regarding purchasing the correct chair for your needs.• Fax Machines, Printers, and Photocopiers. NO ONE SHOULD EVER START A MACHINE UNLESS THEY KNOW HOW TO STOP IT IN AN EMERGENCY. Any guards and covers should be kept in position unless removed by authorised personnel for maintenance or other appropriate tasks.9. LIFTING AND HANDLINGLifting/MovingCare should be taken when lifting or handling heavy or bulky objects in theoffice. DO NOT try to lift or move something that is too heavy. Assistance should be sort if the item is too large or bulky. Site and Services staff should be contacted to assist in the moving of furniture, large amounts of post, confidential shredding etc. Manual handling training is provided by the Health and Safety Division. Details of all health and safety courses can be obtained from the Oxford Centre for Staff Learning and Development, OCSLD.Paper CutsOne of the most common accidents is that of Paper Cuts . Take care whenhandling paper, files or other documents, try not to run your fingers along the edges of the paper. If you need to cover the cut, you can find a plaster in the first aid box.10. F IRST AIDThe First Aid box is located above the Senior Tutors trays . A list of FirstAiders in or near the .......... Division is on page 8 of this handbook. The on-line Internal Telephone Directory 2 contains the complete University list of First Aiders. First aiders details are also posted around the University on green notices.2Oxford Brookes University, on-line Internal Telephone DirectoryReference OBUHSN-34 Issue 3 p.30.4 Reference OBUHSN-30 Issue 2, p.30.5Reference OBUHSN-10 Issue 1, p.10.3/411. ELECTRICAL SAFETYAs outlined in the Oxford Brookes University, Health and Safety Manual, allfixed and portable electrical equipment has to conform to the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989, the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1992, British Standard BS 7671:2008 and must be wired to the IEE Regulations (17th Edition).The .......... Division has a nominated and trained person to carry out the testing of portable electrical equipment and electrical equipment such as plugs, cables etc are inspected regularly. If you have any problems with any of your electrical equipment, PC, plugs, fans etc. you should inform the named person in the .......... Division .12. SECURITYThe Site Services Office deal with the main University security. They alsohave other responsibilities within the university, such as cleaning, care taking.All staff should note the following: -• You should be able to produce your staff identification card on request.• If you are the only person left in the .......... Division after 4.30 the counter should be closed andthe staff entry only door locked.• You should not leave personal belongings unattended.• If you are working after normal working hours let the site services office know.Good practice is really good housekeeping. If you re-arrange your work area,you should always have safety in mind.You should be aware of the following: -• Safe storage – shelves should not be overloaded and at a reasonable height. Access to highshelves should be by use of a step stool. You should not over-stretch yourself. • Do not leave any materials or equipment where people may trip or fall over them. • Do not use a chair to reach high places, the step stool should be used.• Take care when using a stapler especially if it has jammed. Care should be taken on opening andor re-filling it.• Hair, jewellery and clothing should be kept away from Photocopiers and Printers.• Filing cabinets should be stable and care should be taken when opening and closing the drawers.14.T RAININGThe University provides every member of staff with the opportunity to obtain training in range of Health and Safety aspects. Some you are *required to take and others are optional but can be useful for example: -•*Visual Display Equipment•*Fire Extinguisher Training•First Aid courses•Manual HandlingYour training for the required courses will be arranged with you. Other courses should be discussed with your line manager and the information on these courses may be obtained from the Oxford Centre for Staff Learning and Development, (OCSLD).You may notice that sometimes in the main foyer at Gipsy Lane, Health Care promote Healthy Eating, Stopping Smoking and other health topics. In addition to this you can speak to the Occupational Health Nurse who will be happy to discuss these matters with you.All staff can use the Sports Centre facilities, of which we have three of these now based at Gipsy Lane, Wheatley and Harcourt Hill. Information on the Sports Centre is available at/sport/Finally, the area around the University has a park and areas to walk, why not at break time if the day is fine, take a walk instead of sitting inside. Each campus has a designated health walk, designed to promote physical and mental wellbeing. Leaflets about the health walks and route maps are available from campus receptions or Occupational Health.FIRST AIDERSThe First Aiders for the Division are: -If your office First Aider is not available the nearest are: -In addition to this list, you will note that First Aiders are also identified on a wall-mounted list in the corridors. This list may change.FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURESUpon hearing the fire alarm you must: -•Vacate the building using the nearest fire exit. From this office you should walk down the main staircase and out the main front door. Across Gipsy Lane and stand on the footpath opposite.•Never stop to collect personal belongings.•Never use a lift.•Do not run.•The alternative route is past the Library, down the staircase and out through the side door at the front. Across Gipsy Lane and stand on the footpath opposite.•You should NEVER re-enter the building until it is safe to do so and you have been given the `all clear’.REMEMBERYOU MUST ALWAYS VACATE THE BUILDINGWHEN YOU HEAR THE FIRE ALARM。