
2014南大社会学考研理论部分真题试题参考答案一.迪尔凯姆:机械团结 2009,失范型自杀 2008 2010,有机团结 2005,2001,社会事实 2002简述迪尔凯姆有关社会分工的观点。

基尼系数 人缘 家族企业及其转化 交易 “白领阶层” 社会结构 模式变项 功能替代 后工业社会 简述我国农村贫困的区域性特征? 简述社会文化变迁中的边际人现象。 文化反哺在什么样的社会中才能出现,试分析这个社会的特点。 有关经济社会学的研究对象,学术界存在怎样的分歧? 经济社会学经历了那几个演化阶段?各自阶段的基本特征? 试比较科赛和达伦多夫的冲突理论的异同? 简要评价布劳的交换理论/ 如何理解哈贝马斯所谓“系统对于生活世界的殖民化” 评价越轨的社会功能。 试分析社会心理学的研究取向有哪些异同,并阐述自己的看法 社会学家认为,现代资本主义文化已陷入与其经济相脱节与矛盾的困境,你如何评价这种理论?它对我国建设市场社 会秩序有何借鉴意义? 试从劳动力供求关系的角度,分析我国当前之所以存在的失业问题的具体

教师 学生
同意 32.2 38.1
不同意 67.8 61.9
(n) (40) (40)
X2=2.36 p>0.05
三. 设计题(共10分)
四. 论述题(每题20分,共60分)
1. 根据调查和推算,中国每年有二十八点七万人死于自杀,两百万人自杀未遂。自杀死亡占全部死亡人数的百分之三点六,是第五位最重要的死亡原因。在十五至三十四岁人群中,自杀是第一位死因,占相应人群死亡总数的百分之十九。同时中国也是世界唯一一个女性自杀率比男性高的国家,每年女性自杀率大约比男性高百分之二十五,而这一差异在农村年轻女性中更为突出。据了解,农村的自杀率是城市的三至四倍,也就是说全国有九成的自杀发生在农村。
二、 简答(10*5)
三、 论述(20*3)
一、 名词解释(5*8)
2. 社会流动


3、请简述何为焦点团体访谈(Focus Group Discussion)以及在社会研究中的作用和主要步骤。
2、1964年,洛克伍德(D. Lockwood)发表了一篇题为“社会整合与系统整合”的文章,这篇文章虽篇幅不长,却通过社会整合(social integration)和系统整合(system integration)这两个基本概念,揭示了几乎始终贯穿着西方社会学思想发展的一条重要脉络。

南京大学——英语2003年博士研究生入学考试试题31. When the eye of the hurricane paused over there was a lull in the storm.[ A ] fresh out, burst [ B ] calm interval [ C ]rise in the wind [ D ] freshening,32, The officer indicted the suspect for sabotage.[ A ] allowed [ B ] ordered [ C ] beseeched [ D ] charged33. It was the very position that they scrambled for.[ A ] aspired [ B ] fought [ C ] searched [ D ] longed34. He promised that he would write legibly.[ A ] in accordance with law [ B ] easily to be read[ C ] not in accordance with law [ D ] difficult to be read35. The rock was poised on the edge of the cliff.[ A ] balanced [ B ] dangling [ C ] enhanced [ D ] perpendicular36. He reciprocated by wishing her a pleasant journey.[ A ] cut off [ B ] got back [ C ]] gave in return [ D ] put back37. No remnants of the settlement of Roanoke were found by the next group of colonists.[ A] traces [ B ] survivors [ C ] buildings [ D ] implements38. When the bell rang, the chemistry student jerked her hand.[A] abruptly pulled [ B ] clapped [ C ] gently moved [ D] rubbed39. He is dubious about the success of the plan.[A] ambiguous [ B ] articulate [ C ] indifferent [ D ] doubtful40. In the 197O's, many governments' efforts to curb inflation were unsuccessful.[ A ]resist [ B ] induce [ C ] sustain [ D ] control41. The movie critic said that Airplane, the parody of disaster movies, was hilarious.[ A ] suspensible [ B ] noisily merry [ C ] realistic [ D ] very tragic 42. In spite of medical advances, that disease is usually fatal.[ A ] curable [ B ] painful [ C ] deadly [ D ] disabling43. The sculptor, Lorenzo Ghiberti, blended medieval grace with Renaissance realism.[A] produced [ B ] combined [ C ] invented [ D] discovered44. Pilfering by company employees costs many businesses thousands of dollars each year.[ A ] absent-mindedness [ B ] stealing [ C ] tardiness [ D ] ignorance 45. His special character impeded his ability to speak in front of large groups of people.[ A ] hindered [ B ] halted [ C ] accelerated [ D ] fosteredSection BDirections: Questions 46 -- 60 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence you will see four words or phrases, marked A, B, C and D.Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then blacken your answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet.46. The school could no__ building apartments for the staff members. [ A ] run out [ B ] run out of [C] run to ID] run into47. We had to wait some time before the menu was brought to us and our orders___[ A ] taken [ B ] given [ C ] done [ D ] made48. Anthropology can be an subject.[ A ] abstemious [ B ] abstruse [ C ] ambidextrous [ D ] ambience 49. The Chairman of our dramatic society was in the middle of phoning me when we wereIAI cut in {B] cut off ICI cut down ID] cut out50, Accidents and exhaustion may force more than half the cyclists to drop out ~fore reaching theIAI dead line [ B ] end line [C] finish line ID] finishing line51, The well-meaning lady always her opinions into matters of no concern to her.[ A ] obtruded [ B ] intruded [ C J extruded [ D ] protruded52. If you keep getting wrong numbers, your phone could beIAI deceptive [ B ] defective ICI deficient ID] ineffective53. Researchers claim it's all the high-rises in this area that make the on television sets so poor.[ A] station [ B ] reception [ C ] programmed [ D] quality54. The light of day can be seen at about four o'clock.[ A ] incipient [ B ] incisive [ C ] incestuous [ D] incite55. After spending so many days lost in the desert, he was suffering from severe[A] hyper hydration [ B ] hypo hydration [ C ] sub hydration [ D ] dehydration56. Henry Adams Joseph Williams as the Ambassador to Russia.[ A ] supervised [ B ] superseded [ C ] superconductor [ D ] supercharged 57. The highest mountain in New Zealand, Mount Cook, is now 10 feet shorter because some of the__ at its top slid down in 1991.[ A ] land [ B ] soil [C] earth [ D ] dirt58. When Ken studied at Stanford University, he lived the University. [ A ] out of [ B ] apart from IC] distant from [ D ] a long way from 59. On that bitterly cold winter night ,few people walked along the now narrow street.[ A ] deserted [ B ] lonely [ C ] isolated [ D ] neglected60. The Sears Company recently made because of financial troubles. [ A ] cuts [B] demands ICI omissions ID] ordersPart IH STRUCTURE AND WRITTEN EXPRESSION (10%)Directions: In questions 61 -- 70, each sentence has four underlined words or phrases. The four underlined parts of the sentence are markedA, B, C and D. Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Then blacken your answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet.61. People lived at the mid-level and mountain slopes experienced the greatest catastrophe when the incessant rain caused a sudden land-slide over the area.62. The course leader requests that all theses are handed in before 5 0 p. m. next Friday.63. The group of spectators was dispersed by the police who was at the scene of the accident within minutes.64. Why don't you try your hand at printing, now that you have retired job.65. Only by this means you can do what is expected of you.66. The committee have decided at its annual meeting that new regulation regarding this phenomenon be imposed as soon as possible.67. No bank keeps enough cash paying all its depositors in full at one time.'68. In his responses to the advertisement, Ed replied that he was looking for a full-time position not part-time one.69. While still a young boy Bizet knew how to play the piano well and as he grew elder, he wrote operas, the most famous of which is Carmen. 70. The house has been vacant for a year when the new tenant arrived bringing with him several pets.Part IV CLOZE TEST (10 % )Directions: For each blank for questions 71 -- 80 in the following passage, choose the best answer from the choices given following the passage. Then blacken your answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet.Several regions in the world are subject 71 storms which are so severethat they 72 damage on a tremendous scale. The regions where this 73 are all located on the edges of great oceans. The general term for such severe storms is "cyclone." The term "hurricane" is 74 for storms that occurin the North Atlantic Ocean.Cyclones and hurricanes differ in one curious way- in a cyclone, the wind circulates 75 a clock-wise direction; in a hurricane, the wind direction is counter-clockwise. 76 cyclones mid hurricanes have one ominous similarity. From the point of view of the damage they cause on land and at sea, they areidentical.Australia 77 a number of cyclones every year along its northern coast, which faces Indonesia. The cyclones occur mainly in December and January, the summer months in the southern hemisphere. Usually the Australian cyclones don't cause great damage because Australia's northern territory has vast, empty regions that are virtually unpopulated. There are few coastal cities. When a cyclone does move 78 from the sea, it usually blows itself out without striking any inhabited area or causing extensive damage. However, in 1971 the small city of Townville was 79 devastated by a cyclone. There was public outcry about it. People demanded an adequate warning system. Ever since then, the Meteorological Bureau has regularly issued alarms 80 every serious cyclone.71. IA] to [ B] for [C] of ID] on72. IAI suffer [BI devastate ICI cause ID] make73. [ A] is happened [ B ] happens [ C ] is happening [ D ] will happen74. IAI called [BI named [C] reserved ID] defined75. [A] at [B] under [C] for ID] in76. [ A] But [ B] Therefore [ C] Besides [ D] And77. [ A ] culminates [ B ] undergoes [ C ] undertakes [ D ] experiences78. [ A ] into the land [ B ] inlands [ C ] inland [ D ] through land79. [ A ] slightly [ B ] hardly [ C ] scarcely [ D ] completely80.[A] in spit of [ B] regardless of [C] in front of [DJ in advance of Part V READING COMPREHENSION (20%)Directions: In this section you will read five passages. Each one is followed by several questions about it. For questions 81 -- 100,you are to choose the one best answer A,B,C or D to each question. Then blacken your answer in the corresponding space on your answer sheet. Passage OneIf you are buying a property in France, whether for a permanent or a holiday home, it is important to open a French bank account. Although it is possible to exist on traveler’s cheques, Eurocheques and cred it cards issued by British banks, the fees for these services can be expensive.The simplest way to pay regular bills, such as electricity, gas or telephone, particularly when you are not in residence, is by direct debit (a sum withdrawn from an account) from your French account.To open a current account, you will need to show your passport and birth certificate and to provide your address in the United Kingdom. You will be issued with a cheque book within weeks of opening the account. In France it is illegal to be overdrawn. All accounts must be operated in credit. However, there are no bank charges.Note that cheques take longer to clear in France than in Britain, and can only be stopped if stolen or lost.The easiest way to transfer money from a British bank account to a French one is by bank transfer: simply provide your British bank with the name, address and number of your French bank account. The procedure takes about a week and costs between 7 and 40 for each transaction, depending on your British bank.Alternatively, you can transfer money via a French bank in London. You can also send a sterling cheque (allow at least 12 days for the cheque to be cleared) ,Eurocheques or traveler’s cheques.Finally, it is a good idea to make a friend of your French bank manager. His help can prove invaluable.81. If you buy a property in France, you can save money by[ A] having a French bank account[ B ] transferring money from Britain[ C ] cashing traveler’s cheques or Eurocheques[ D ] using credit cards issued by British banks82. One advantage French banks have over British banks is that[ A ] you may take out more money than is in the account.[ B ] the interest rates on bank accounts are higher[ C ] cheques are dealt with more rapidly[ D ] you do not have to pay for services83. The swiftest way to send money from England to France is[ A ] to forward an English cheque to your French bank[ B ] to go to a French bank in London[C ] to use a cashier's cheque.[ D ] to arrange a bank transfer.84. The best title for this passage is[ A ] How to Open a French Bank Account[ B ] The Difference between Banking in Britain and France[ C ] The Way to Transfer Money from Britain to France[ D] A Guide to Banking in FrancePassage TwoDoes a drink a day keep heart attacks away? Over the past 20 years, numerous studies have found that moderate alcohol consumption say,one or two beers, glasses of wine or cocktails daily helps to prevent coronary heart disease. Last week a report in the New England Journal of Medicine added strong new evidence in support of that theory. More important, the work provided the first solid indication of how alcohol works to protect the heart.In the study, researchers from Boston's Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School compared the drinking habits of 340 men and women who had suffered recent heart attacks with those of healthy people of the same age and sex. The scientists found that people who sip one to three drinks a day are about haft as likely to suffer heart attacks as nondrinkers are. The apparent source of the protection: those who drank 'alcohol had higher blood levels of high-density lipoproteins, the so-called good cholesterol ,which is known to repel heart disease.As evidence has mounted, some doctors have begun recommending a daily drink for patients of heart diseases. But most physicians are not ready to recommend a regular happy hour for everyone. The risks of teetotal ling are nothing compared with the dangers of too much alcohol, including high blood pressure, strokes and liver troubles not to mention violent behavior and traffic accidents. Moreover, some studies suggest that even moderate drinking may increase the incidence of breast and colon cancer, Until there is evidence that the benefits of a daily dose of alcohol outweigh the risks, most people won't be able to take a doctor's prescription to the neighborhood bar or liquor store.85. The medical article quoted in the passage demonstrates[ A ] the way in which alcohol can help the heart[ B ] how a couple of cocktails daily can stop heart problems[ C ] why alcoholic drinks are dangerous to one's health[ D] that reports on the advantages of alcohol were misfounded86. Experiments showed that nondrinkers had[ A ] larger amounts of good cholesterol[ B ] smaller amounts of good cholesterol[ C ] higher blood pressure[ D ] lower blood pressure87. According to the passage, moderate drinking[ A ] is recommended by most doctors for heart patients[ B ] should be allowed on prescription[ C ] is still not medically advisable[ D] is not related to liver problems88. The main theme of this passage is[ A ] the change in recent drinking habits[ B ] the connection between cancer and alcohol[ C ] whether moderate drinkers outlive nondrinkers[ D] whether alcohol may be good for your healthPassage ThreeIn its 16 years, the London Marathon has acquired a pedigree of excellence. That excellence is not just the awesome energy of the best runners and the smoothness of the organization, but also the quality of determination shown by all the competitors, male and female, able-bodied and disabled. When more than 26,000 gather at Greenwich tomorrow morning, only a few will be in the running to win the big prize money. The success of this event is that most of the athletes would be prepared to pay serious money just for the privilege of running the 26 miles 385 yards to The Mall past the most famous urban scenery in the world.The London Marathon has become one of Britain's leading sports events. Since 1981 ,something like 45 million has been raised in individual sponsorship for charities. Tomorrow hundreds and thousands of people will line the route to cheer and to gasp in sympathetic participation. Millions will watch on television. Although they will be excited by the struggle for first place, they will also identify with the ordinary person trying to fulfils his or her physical potential. Many spectators will wonder whether next year they could complete the historic distance. That is how athletic dreams are born.If the London Marathon and the growth in interest in physical fitness have transformed the lives of many adults, it is also important that children should have the opportunity to fulfils their ability in individual competitive sports.Team games should be an essential ingredient of physical education in the national curriculum. However, coexisting with the playing of team games there should be an equal emphasis on the importance of individual competitive sports at all levels in schools.The Government must be careful that in insisting on the value of team games in schools, it does not ignore the value of individual activities, which are practiced throughout the world and form the basis of the Olympic Games. Many of the runners in the London Marathon tomorrow have found courage, fulfillment and fitness through training for the event. These are qualities that schoolchildren can, and should, acquire througha variety of demanding individual activities in physical education.89. In order to enter the Marathon, participants must[ A ] pay an entrance fee[ B ] assemble in one specific area[ C ] be able to run 26 miles,385 yards[ D ] compete for the right to take part90, The main attraction of the Marathon for non-participants is[ A ] the amount of money raised for charity[ B ] the chance to take part the following year[ C ] witnessing the contestants' determination[ D ] a concern with the race's history91. According to the passage, which of the following is true[ A] Individual sports are as important as team games.[ B ] Individual sports are more important than team games.[ C ] Individual sports are less important than team games.[ D ] It is hard to say which is less or more important.92. According to the writer, the Government's policy on physical education[ A ] should not promote team games at all[ B ] upholds the principles of the Olympic Games[ C ] is active in producing successful Marathon participants[ D ] should encourage those qualities pursued by Marathon participants Passage FourOn the track, the form embodies power, each curve and line is molded for speed,For the man at the wheel is the fastest athlete in the world today: Linford Christie, European, Commonwealth and World champion, who has just taken delivery of his new car, the latest version of the Toyota Supra.It is a conspicuously fast car. The result perfectly matches Christie's own character, and shares his inability to compromise when it comes to delivering performance.The Supra, priced a few pence short of 39, 000, is rumored to be capable of 180 mph, but the speed is artificially limited to 155 mph. From a standing start, it can reach 60 mph in under five seconds.The Supra might raise Christie's profile with the police, but if he is pulled over nowadays it is usually by an officer seeking a chat and an autograph rather than anything more official. After an incident in 1988 when he was stopped, he prosecuted the police and won ~ 30, 000 compensation for wrongful arrest.Safety is high on the list of Supra extras, with driver and passenger airbags: antilock braking; electronic traction control to avoid wheel spin; side-impact door beams; and a steering column that collapses to protect the driver in an accident. Then there is the six speed gearbox; cruise control; air-conditioning alarm and immobilizer.Christie ,the British athletics team captain since i990, will enjoy the comfort of the Supra during a hectic few weeks this June and July when he visits Sheffield, Wales, Gateshead, Wrexham, Edinburgh, Crystal Palace, and then Gateshead again, as his season builds towards the Commonwealth Games in August and the World Cup in September. 93. The Supra is a suitable car for Linford Christie because[ A ] it is an expensive model [ B ] it has high standardsICI it helps promote sports ID] it is very safe94. On the subject of speed, the car can travel[ A ] at a maximum of 180 mph [ B ] at the same speed as the previousmodel[ C ] at a maximum of 155 mph [ D ] faster than the previous model 95. Nowadays if Christie is stopped by the police it is[ A ] because he drives very fast [ B ] because he is not a thoughtful driverICI often for informal reasons ID] due to what happened in 198896. According to the writer the Supra's most outstanding feature is its [ A ] six-speed gearbox [ B ] alarm system[ C ] air conditioning [ D] safety featuresPassage FiveCart Van Ands, managing editor of the New York Times, believed in "hard" news, thoroughly and accurately presented. A tireless worker, he often stayed at the office all night. He was there at 1:20 a. m. on April 15,19i2 ,when a distress signal came in from Newfoundland that the pride of Britain's passenger fleet, the Titanic ,was in trouble. The new ship, believed unsinkable, had hit an iceberg and was in somekind, of danger. But was it really serious or just a narrow escape? Had the passengers needed to abandon ship? Van Ands could not tell from the short and confusing message. Although he was generally considered a conservative and cautious man, Van Ands gambled on the unthinkable that the Titanic was sinking.He threw his staff into action; the story was approached from all angles. Some reporters put together lists of famous persons on board; others turned out features about the ship and other important passenger liners; still others did stories on similar sea disasters. In other words, Van Ands and the Times went all the way with the story; they played it big. At other newspapers, editors were more cautious, inserting such words as "rumored" here and there. Van Anda's three-column headline reflected the sureness that has marked the Times throughout its history:NEW LINER HITS ICEBERG;SINKING BY THE BOW AT MIDNIGHT;WOMEN PUT OFF IN LIFEBOATS;LAST WIRELESS 12:27 A. M.Officials of the White Star Line, which owned the Titanic, had been releasing optimistic statements all during the day of April 15 ,and did not confirm Van Anda's story until the evening of April 16. Van Anda's final edition, which went to press about three hours after the Times had received the first brief wireless report, stated flatly that the Titanic had sunk. This was perhaps a great risk on Van Anda's part and his "deductive journalism" may have shocked many, but it remains as one of the great against-a-deadline news coverage feats in all journalism.97. "He was there at 1:20 A. M. on April 15,1912,when a distress signal came in from Newfoundland that the pride of Britain's passenger fleet,the Titanic, was in trouble. "Which of the following statements is true? [ A ] Newfoundland was the pride of Britain's passenger fleet.[ B ] The Titanic was part of Britain's passenger fleet.[ C ] Britain's passenger fleet was in trouble.[D] Newfoundland was in distress.98. "Although he was generally considered a conservative and cautious man, Van Ands gambled on the unthinkable that the Titanic was sinking. "This means that[ A ] Van Anda was thought to be careless[ B ] Van Anda didn't think the Titanic was sinking[ C ] Van Anda took a chance[ D ] Van Anda gambled on the Titanic(更多资料欢迎登录医博园论坛)99. "Van Anda's three-column headline reflected the sureness that has marked the Times throughout its history. "This means that[ A ] the Times has been serf-assured[ B J the Times is thorough[ C ] the history of the Times is reflected in its headlines[ D ] the Times has a distinguished record100. "Officials of the White Star Line, which owned the Titanic ,had been releasing optimistic statements all during the day of April 15 ,and did not confirm Van Anda's story until the evening of April 16." This means that [ A ] the owners of the Titanic did not at first send out accurate reports [ B ] the owners of the Titanic quickly admitted it was sinking[ C ] the owners of the Titanic did not confirm Van Anda's story[ D ] the owners of the Titanic did not think the Titanic would sinkPart VI TRANSLATION (30 %)Section ADirections: Put the following passage into Chinese.Modern science has opened up the path for the progress of production techniques and determined the direction of their development. Many new instruments of production and technological processes first see the light of day in the scientific laboratories. A series of newborn industries have been founded on the basis of newly-emerged disciplines of science and technology. Of course there are, and there will be, manytheoretical research topics with no practical application in plain sight for the time being. However a host of historical facts have proved that once a major breakthrough is scored in theoretical research, it means tremendous progress for production and technology sooner or later. Contemporary natural sciences are being applied to production on an unprecedented scale and at a higher speed than ever before. This has given all fields of material production an entirely new look. In particular, the development of electronic computers and automation technology is raising the degree of automation in production. With the same amount ofmanpower and in the same number of work-hours, people can turn out scores or hundreds of times more products than before. How is it that the social productive forces have made such tremendous advances and how is it that labor productivity has increased by such a big margin7 Mainly through the power of science ,the power of technology.Therefore ,we maintain that the development of modern science and technology has linked science and production even closer together. As part of the productive forces, science and technology are coming to p1ay an even greater role than ever before.。

2023年南京大学博士生英语入学考试试题阅读理解1. 阅读以下短文,并回答问题:Passage 1:Passage 2:The Great Wall is a UNESCO World Heritage site in China. It is a symbol of China's rich history and a popular tourist attraction. It stretches over 13,000 miles and was built to protect China from invasions. The construction of the Great Wall started in the 7th century BC and continued until the 16th century AD.Questions:a) Where is Apple Inc. headquartered?b) Who founded Apple Inc.?c) What are some of Apple's famous products?d) Why was the Great Wall of China built?e) When did the construction of the Great Wall start and end? Sample Answers:a) Cupertino, California.b) Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne.d) To protect China from invasions.e) 7th century BC to 16th century AD.2. 阅读以下短文,并根据短文内容判断正误。

统 计 题 目五、(20分)若根据列联表1: n11 n21 n31 n12 n22 n32计算出用于检验的统计量 ∑∑(n_{ij}-E_{ij})^2x^2 = ------------------------------E_{ij} (注:x^2表示x 的平方;E_{ij}表示ij 为E 的下标) 那么,根据列联表2: Kn11 Kn21 Kn31 kn12 kn22 Kn32计算出用于检验的统计量X2应等于什么?(注意:表2中所有格值都是表1相应格值的K 倍)。
卡方=∑∑(n_{ij}-E_{ij})^2/ E_{ij}期望频数是假设列联表的行与列相互独立的频数, E_{ij}=ni*n*j/n ,其中ni*和n*j 都是边缘和。
当样本量扩大K 倍时,卡方值受其影响很大,实际上,卡方也会增大K 倍。
卡方’=∑∑(Kn_{ij}-KE_{ij})^2/ KE_{ij}=K*原卡方*******************************************************************************************六、(本题20分)设有以下两个二元重复情况下的方差分析: A A1 A2 A3 B B1 1 7 13 2 8 14 B2 3 9 15 4 10 16 B3 5 11 17 6 12 18 *******************************************************************************************A A1 A2 A3BB1 1 13 72 14 8B2 3 9 154 10 16B3 5 11 17 6 12 18问:(1)两表中哪些离差平方和相同? (2)两表中哪些离差平方和不同? ★注意到数值本身实际上是没有变化的,只有数的位置发生了变化,所以TSS 是不变的。

收入(元)人数600 30800 701000 601200 40合计 2002、一项研究中需要测量大学生的“同学关系”状况,请设计三个在问卷中用来测量这一概念的具体问题。
4、如何理解我国“非正规市场”的存在?为消除或控制这一市场扩张,国家和社会在观念和行动上应有怎样的改进?社会学综合(二)(三小时)一、名词解释(每题5分,共30分)1、变迁性社会问题2、“社会病态”学说3、基尼系数4、城市化5、灰区6、社区二、简答题(每题12分,共48分)1、简述法国学者朗德里(Adolf Landry)的人口转变理论。


2001年 一、 名词解释 1、社会资本; 2、社会吸引 3、有机团结 4、区隔分化 5、结构限制 6、失范 二、问答题 1、试论述韦伯的《新教伦理与资本主义精神》与贝尔的《资本主义文 化矛盾》之间的联系。 2、试用交换理论说明社会组织的形成与发展过程。
3、试论述米尔斯有关社会学想象力的观点 4、试论述布鲁默的符号互动论的基本观点 5、试论述聚合行为的有关理论 6、试论述我国社会结构转型的内涵 7、改革开放以来,我国的社会流动有哪些变化 一、简述题(每题 8 分,共 40 分) 1、简述马克斯.韦伯的理想类型 2、简述达伦多夫社会冲突理论 3、简述社会交换理论在人类学、经济学和心理学中的理论来源 4、简述布尔迪厄德“文化资本”理论 二、论述题(每题 15 分,共 45 分) 1、论述唯名论和唯实论两种社会观 2、论述宏观社会学理论和微观社会学理论的区别 3、社会学的中国化应该如何借鉴西方社会学发展的历史教训?
2004年 一.名词解释(每题 5 分,共 30 分) 1.理想类型 2.社会流动 3.情境定义 4.再社会化 二.简答题(每题 10 分,共 50 分) 1.简述默顿功能分析范式中的主要范畴 2.简述社会控制的基本形式 3.简述柯林斯有关互动仪式链的观点
2005年 一、 名词解释(每题5分,共30分) 1、 本土化 2、 性别角色 3、 模仿

合计共答6题,每题25分,本卷共150分1 简述文学社会作用的系统性2 简论汉代乐府与乐府诗3 以刘呐鸥、穆时英、施蛰存的创作为例,简述20世纪30年代现代派小说的突出内容和艺术特色4 试比较堂吉诃德与哈姆雷特性格之异同[以下5——8题请任选两道题作答]5 试比较戏剧文学与影视文学之异同6 清人李调元《赋话》卷五云:“《秋声》《赤壁》,宋赋之最擅名者,其原出于《阿房》《华山》诸卷┉┉陈后山所谓一片之文押几个韵者耳。
”请结合这段话谈谈你对北宋新文赋创作内涵及艺术成就的看法7 以老舍的《骆驼祥子》和《茶馆》为例,说明其前后创作的变化,分析这种变化的原因,并谈谈你对这种变化的看法。
8 概述19世纪欧洲浪漫主义文学运动的发展古代汉语部分60分一填空题(15分)1 《论语•微子》“长沮桀溺耦而耕。
孔子过之,使子路问津焉”中“津”的意思是()2 《礼记•大学》“所谓诚其意者,毋自欺也,如恶恶臭,如好好色”中“诚”的意思是()3 《左传•僖公三十三年》“因人之力而敝之,不仁;失其所与,不知;以乱易整,不武”中“与”的词性是()4 《战国策•楚策》“今王之地方五千里,带甲百万,而专属之昭奚恤”中“方五千里”的意思是()5 《战国策•赵策》“今三年以前,至于赵之为赵,赵主之子孙侯者,其继有在者乎”中“继”的意思是()6 《庄子•逍遥游》“之二虫又何知”中“之”的词性是()7 《庄子•养生主》“良庖岁更刀,割也;族庖月更刀,折也”中“族庖”的意思是()8 《荀子•劝学》“故木受绳则直,金就励则利”中“绳”的意思是(),“金”的意思是(),”励”的意思是()9 《诗经•柏舟》“之死矢靡它”中“之”的意思是()10 《诗经•七月》“七月流火,九月授衣”中的“火”的意思是()11 《楚辞•九歌•山鬼》“若有人兮山之阿,被薜荔兮带女萝”中“阿”的读音是(),“被”的读音是()12 一个字在《广雅》中的切语是“德红切”,这个字在现代汉语普通话中读音作()(写汉语拼音)二问答题(任选3题,每题10分,共30分)1 试分析杜甫《春望》“感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心”两句中的词类活用情况2 请举例说明古人闭会的集中方式3 古代单音词和现代复音词对比,主要有哪三种情况/请举例说明4 请说说古注术语“曰”“为”“谓之”的含义和使用特点5 试分析王维《山居秋溟》诗在用韵、平仄、对仗、句式等方面的格律特点6 请简要地谈谈《诗词曲语辞汇释》三名词解释15分1 《史记》三家注2 通假字3 集解现代汉语部分(45分)一判断题,打对号,或错号共10分1 “风”和”風”是两个语素()2 “花儿”是复合词()3 “敲竹杠,背黑锅,粗布衣,绝缘体”都是惯用语()4 定语是名词的修饰语()5 术语就是技术词语()6 “病从口入,无病呻吟”都是成语()7 从修辞手法上讲,歇后语等于”藏词”()8 成语的意义都不等于各组成成分意义的相加()9 “他不肯呢?”这是个特指问句()10 “讨论开始了”是动词做主语()二讨论分析题1 谈谈”属于”这个词的语法特点10分2 从功能的角度分析“设施的先进”这样一个词组的结构10分3 传统语法可以用”形态——范畴——体系”这样一个公式来说明。

一、必答题(1——4题)1,应当怎样认识艺术夏实的内涵及其与生活真实的关系?2,清人厉鹗《论词绝句)云;“美人香草本《离骚),俎豆青莲尚未遥.颇爱《花间)断肠句,夜船吹笛雨潇潇.”请结合中国诗史、词史谈谈对此诗的理解.3,“寻根”小说作为一种创作思潮在80年代经历了怎样的发展过程?它的思想主题具有哪些特征?又表现出怎样的内在矛盾?试举例论证.4.以维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯纪》为例,说明什么是“拟史诗”.并与荷马史诗作简要的比较.二、选答题(请从5一8题中任选两题作答,多做不给分)5 谈谈典型与意境的异同。


南京大学历年考博真题治经济学:共四题每个25分1/论述马克思在资本论中关于利息的观点2/垄断和反垄断的经济分析3/论述价值决定和价值分配的关系,并评论目前我国目前的分配政策4/用经济周期理论分析说明先阶段我国经济运行的特点,并评论说明稳健的财政政策和稳健的货币政策西方经济学:分为观和宏观两部分,每部分50分宏观部分:1/知道投资曲线:I=I0--h *i 货币需求曲线为L=KY-bi 消费曲线为:C=C0+C*Y用IS-LM模型说明财政政策和货币政策影响总需求的因素和如何影响2/说明生命周期理论中饱含财富的关于消费函数的表达式,并分析(1)当其收入、玉器收入增加带来的影响(2)年龄结构改变时的影响3/说明完全预期和非完全预期到的通货膨胀的成本。
南京大学2005年理论经济学博士研究生入学试题南大理论经济学各专业实行统考,并侧重考察考生思维方式和解决问题的能力!政治经济学研究: 共四题每题25分一、论述马克思在《资本论》中关于利息的观点。
西方经济学研究:分宏观和微观两部分,每部分50分宏观经济学部分:一、已知投资曲线:I=I0--h *i ,货币需求曲线为L=KY-bi 消费曲线为:C=C0+C*Y,运用IS-LM模型通过计算说明:(20分)(1)财政政策和货币政策影响总需求的因素包括那些?(2)上述因素的影响程度如何?二、写出生命周期理论中饱含财富因素的消费函数表达式,并分析(1)当财富、预期收入增加时给消费带来的影响。


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