PPM monthly summary-Dec.

4MTH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message 7QCTools7 Quality Control ToolsA.S.A.P As Soon As PossibleACC AcceptAFR annual failure rateAOD Accept On DeviationAOI automatic optical inspectionAP application programAPP ApproveAPU Accelerated Processing UnitAQL Acceptable Quality LevelASS'Y AssemblyATE automatic test equipmentAVL approved vendor listBGA Ball Grid ArrayBIOS basic input /output systemBOM bill of materialC=0 Critical=0CAD Computer Aided DesignCAD/ID computer aided design /industrial designCAE Computer Aided EngineeringCAM Computer Aided ManufacturingCAR corrective action requestCAR Correction Action ReportCG China GeneralCHK CheckCLCA closed loop corrective actionCND can not duplicateCP capability indexCPK capability process indexCPU Central Processing UnitCR CriticalCTN CartonD/C Date CodeDC Document CenterDCC document center controlDIA DiameterDIM DimensionDOA dead on arrivalDPPM defect parts per millionDQA Design Quality AssuranceDT Desk TopDVD Digital Video DiskDVT design verification testDWG DrawingECN Engineering Change NoticeECO Engineering Change OrderECR engineering change requestEDC electronic data centerEE electronic engineer(ing)E-MAIL Electrical-MailEMC electromagnetic compatibilityEMI electromagnetic interferenceEN engineering noticeEOL end of lifeES Engineering StandardESD electrostatic dischargeFAA first article assuranceFAI first article inspectionFMEA failure mode effect analysisFPC flexible printed circuit boardFPIR First Piece Inspection ReportFQC final quality controlGRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability GS General SpecificationHW hardwareI/O input/outputIC Integrated CircuitID/C Identification CodeIE Industrial EngineeringIFIR instant failure incident rateIFR instant failure rateIPO internal purchase officeIPQC in process quality controlIQC incoming quality controlIS Inspection SpecificationISO International Standard Organization IWS International Workman StandardKBD keyboardL/N Lot NumberLAB LaboratoryLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayLRR line reject rate measured by DPPM LRR Lot Reject RateMAJ MajorMC Material ControlME mechanical engineerMFG manufacturingMIN MinorMO Manufacture OrderMP mass productionMQA Manufacture Quality AssuranceMQR monthly quality reviewMRB material review boardMRP Material Requirement PlanningMT Mini-TowerMTQ manufacturing ,test and quality N NumberN/A No ActionN/A Not ApplicableNCR non conforming reportNG Not GoodNG Not GoodNPI new product introductionNTF no trouble foundOBE out of box evaluationODM Original design manufactureOEM Original Equipment ManufactureOQA output quality assuranceOQC output quality controlORT ongoing reliability testingOS Operation SystemP/N Part NumberPAL Pallet/skidPC Personal ComputerPCB Printed Circuit BoardPCBA print circuit board assemblyPCC Product control centerPCN Process Change NoticePCR process change requestPCs PiecesPD Product DepartmentPE product engineerPFMEA process failure mode effect analysis PJE project engineerPM project managementPMC Production & Material ControlPMP Product Management PlanPO Purchasing OrderPOC passage quality controlPPC Production Plan ControlPPM Percent Per MillionPRP phase review processPRS PairsPS Package SpecificationPVT product verification testQ/R/S Quality/Reliability/ServiceQC quality controlQE quality engineeringQEM Quality engineering measurementQFP Quad Flat PackQI Quality ImprovementQIT Quality Improvement TeamQM quality manualQP Quality PolicyQPA quality process auditQSA quality system auditQTY QuantityR&D Research & DesignR&D research&designRCA root cause analysisRD research development centerRD HQ research development center head quarter REE RejectRMA Return Material AuditS/S Sample sizeSA software applicationSCSI small computer system interfaceSFIS Shop Floor Information SystemSIP Standard Inspection ProcedureSMT Surface Mount TechnologySO sales orderSOP Standard Operation ProcedureSOW standard of workSPC Statistical Process ControlSPEC SpecificationSPS Switching power supplySQA supplier quality assuranceSQA Strategy Quality AssuranceSQC Statistical Quality ControlSSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance SSQA standardized supplier quality auditSW softwareSWR Special Work RequestT/P True PositionTBA To Be AssuredTNB terminal notebook businessTPM Total Production MaintenanceTQC total quality controlTQM Total Quality ManagementTTL technology transfer listUAI Use As ItVCD Video Compact DiskWDR Weekly Delivery RequirementZD Zero Defect人力,物力,财务,技术,时间(资源)品管七大手法尽可能快的允收年故障率特采自动光学检测应用程序核准,认可,承认加速处理器运作类允收品质水准装配,组装自动测试设备经批准的供应商名单集成电路封装法基本输入输出系统物料清单极严重不允许计算机辅助设计计算机辅助设计/工业设计计算机辅助工程计算机辅助制造纠正行动请求改善报告中国通用确认闭环纠正措施不能重复能力指数模具制程能力参数中央处理器极严重的卡通箱生产日期码资料中心文档中心控制直径尺寸退换送修每百万缺陷数设计品质保证卧式(机箱)数字视频光盘设计验证测试图面工程变更通知(供应商)工程改动要求(客户)工程改动请求电子数据中心电子工程(师)电子邮件电磁兼容性电磁干扰工程通知项目终止/停产工程标准静电放电首件确认新品首件检查故障模式影响分析软性印刷电路板首件检查报告终点品质管制人员量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否 一般规格硬件输入/输出集成电路(供应商)识别码工业工程即时故障率瞬间故障率内部采购办公室制程中的品质管制人员进料品质管制人员成品检验规范国际标准化组织工艺标准键盘批号实验室液晶显示屏DPPM线上不良率批退率主要的物料控制机械工程师制造轻微的生产单大批量生产制造品质保证每月质量审查材料审查物料需计划立式(机箱)制造,测量和数量样品数无动作不适用不合格品报告不良不行,不合格新产品介绍未发现问题出盒评价原始设计商原设备制造出货质量保证人员最终出货品质管制人员可行性测试作业系统料号栈板个人电脑印刷电路板印刷电路板组装生产管制中心工序改动通知过程变更要求个(根,块等)生产部产品工程师过程失效模式效应分析项目工程师项目管理生产和物料控制生产管制计划采购订单段检人员生产计划控制百万分之一阶段检讨过程双(对等)包装规范产品验证测试品质/可靠度/服务品质管理人员品质工程人员质量工程测试四方扁平封装品质改善品质改善小组质量手册目标方针质量过程审核质量体制审核数量设计开发部研发根本原因分析研究开发中心研究开发中心负责人拒收退料认可抽样检验样本大小软件应用程序小型计算机系统接口车间信息系统制程检验标准程序表面装贴技术销售订单制造作业规范工作标准统计制程管制规格电源箱供应商的质量保证策略品质保证统计品质管制销售及服务品质保证标准化的供应商质量审核软件特殊工作需求真位度待定,终端笔记本电脑业务全面生产保养全面质量管理全面品质管理技术转让清单特采视频光盘周出货要求零缺点。

IQC incoming quality controlRD research development centerIPQC in process quality controlRD HQ research development center head quarter FQC final quality controlQA quality assuranceBOM bill of materialPVT product verification testOQC outgoing quality controlPRP phase review processQE quality engineeringPM project managementDCC document center controlPJE project engineerECN engineering change noticePE product engineerECR engineering change requestNPI new product introductionMRB material review bomMP mass productionCAR corrective action requestMFG manufacturingFPC flexible printed circuit boardME mechanical engineerNCR non conforming reportKBD keyboardOBE out of box evaluationIFR instant failure rateIQA internal quality auditIFIR instant failure incident ratePCR process change requestHW hardwareIPO internal purchase officeN/A No ActionIE industrial engineeringESD electrostatic dischargeQPA quality process auditEOL end of lifeQSA quality system auditEN engineering noticeATE automatic test equipmentEMI electromagnetic interferenceAOI automatic optical inspectionEMC electromagnetic compatibilityPCBA print circuit board assemblyEE electronic engineer(ing)TTL technology transfer listEDC electronic data centerSQA supplier quality assuranceECO engineering change orderORT ongoing reliability testingDVT design verification testQM quality manualDOA dead on arrivalSW softwareCAD/ID computer aided design /industrial designSOW standard of workBIOS basic input /output systemSCSI small computer system interfaceAP application programSA software applicationAFR annual failure rateSO sales orderNTF no trouble foundMRP material requirement planningCND can not duplicateAVL approved vendor listDPPM defect parts per millionFAI first article inspectionFMEA failure mode effect analysisCLCA closed loop corrective actionLRR line reject rate measured by DPPMMQR monthly quality reviewMTQ manufacturing ,test and qualityRCA root cause analysisPFMEA process failure mode effect analysisSFIS Shop Floor Information SystemQEM Quality engineering measurementBGA Ball Grid ArrayIC Integrated CircuitQFP Quad Flat PackEOS Elwctrical Over StressTNB terminal notebook businessSMT Surface Mount Technology品質人員名稱類QC quality control 品質管理人員FQC final quality control 終點品質管制人員IPQC in process quality control 制程中的品質管制人員OQC output quality control 最終出貨品質管制人員IQC incoming quality control 進料品質管制人員TQC total quality control 全面質量管理POC passage quality control 段檢人員QA quality assurance 質量保證人員OQA output quality assurance 出貨質量保證人員QE quality engineering 品質工程人員品質保證類FAI first article inspection 新品首件檢查FAA first article assurance 首件確認CP capability index 能力指數CPK capability process index 模具製程能力參數SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供應商品質評估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析FQC運作類AQL Acceptable Quality Level 運作類允收品質水準S/S Sample size 抽樣檢驗樣本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 極嚴重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 輕微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品質/可靠度/服務P/N Part Number 料號L/N Lot Number 批號AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件檢查報告PPM Percent Per Million 百萬分之一制程統計品管專類SPC Statistical Process Control 統計製程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 統計品質管制GRR Gauge Reproductiveness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重測性判斷量可靠與否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直徑N Number 樣品數其它品質術語類QIT Quality Improvement Team 品質改善小組ZD Zero Defect 零缺點QI Quality Improvement 品質改善QP Quality Policy 目標方針TQM Total Quality Management 全面品質管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料認可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件類ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程變更通知(供應商) ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改動要求(客戶) PCN Process Change Notice 工序改動通知PMP Product Management Plan 生產管制計劃SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 製程檢驗標準程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 製造作業規範IS Inspection Specification 成品檢驗規範BOM Bill Of Material 物料清單PS Package Specification 包裝規範SPEC Specification 規格DWG Drawing 圖面系統文件類ES Engineering Standard 工程標準CGOO China General PCE龍華廠文件IWS International Workman Standard 工藝標準ISO International Standard Organization 國際標準化組織GS General Specification 一般規格部類PMC Production & Material Control 生產和物料控制PCC Product control center 生產管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生產計劃控制MC Material Control 物料控制DC Document Center 資料中心QE Quality Engineering 品質工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 品質保證(處)QC Quality Control 品質管制(課)PD Product Department 生產部LAB Laboratory 實驗室IE Industrial Engineering 工業工程R&D Research & Design 設計開發部生產類PCs Pieces 個(根,塊等)PRS Pairs 雙(對等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 棧板PO Purchasing Order 采購訂單MO Manufacture Order 生產單D/C Date Code 生產日期碼ID/C Identification Code (供應商)識別碼SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作需求L/N Lot Number 批號P/N Part Number 料號OEM Original Equipment Manufacture 原設備製造PC Personal Computer 個人電腦CPU Central Processing Unit 中央處理器A.S.A.P As Soon As Possible 盡可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 電子郵件N/A Not Applicable 不適用QTY Quantity 數量I/O input/output 輸入/輸出NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 極嚴重不允許APP Approve 核準,認可,承認CHK Check 確認ASS'Y Assembly 裝配,組裝T/P True Position 真位度5WIH When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to6M Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message4MTH Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 人力,物力,財務,技術,時間(資源) SQA Strategy Quality Assurance 策略品質保證DQA Design Quality Assurance 設計品質保證MQA Manufacture Quality Assurance 製造品質保證SSQA Sales and service Quality Assurance 銷售及服務品質保證LRR Lot Reject Rate 批退率SPS Switching power supply 電源箱DT Desk Top 臥式(機箱)MT Mini-Tower 立式(機箱)DVD Digital Video DiskVCD Video Compact DiskLCD Liquid Crystal DisplayCAD Computer Aided DesignCAM Computer Aided ManufacturingCAE Computer Aided EngineeringPCB Printed Circuit Board 印刷電路板CAR Correction Action Report 改善報告NG Not Good 不良WDR Weekly Delivery Requirement 周出貨要求PPM Percent Per Million 百萬分之一TPM Total Production Maintenance 全面生產保養MRP Material Requirement Planning 物料需計劃OS Operation System 作業系統TBA To Be Assured 待定,定缺MSA: Measurement System Analysis 量测系统分析LCL: Lower Control limit 管制下限Control plan 管制计划Correction 纠正Cost down 降低成本CS: customer Sevice 客户中心Data 数据Data Collection 数据收集Description 描述Device 装置Digital 数字Do 执行DOE: Design of Experiments 实验设计Environmental 环境Equipment 设备FMEA: Failure Mode and Effect analysis 失效模式与效果分析FA: Failure Analysis 坏品分析FQA: Final Quality Assurance 最终品质保证FQC: Final Quality control 最终品质控制Gauge system 量测系统Grade 等级Inductance 电感Improvement 改善Inspection 检验IPQC: In Process Quality Control 制程品质控制IQC: Incoming Quality Control 来料品质控制ISO: International Organization for Standardization 国际标准组织LQC: Line Quality Control 生产线品质控制LSL: Lower Size Limit 规格下限Materials 物料Measurement 量测Occurrence 发生率Operation Instruction 作业指导书Organization 组织Parameter 参数Parts 零件Pulse 脉冲Policy 方针Procedure 流程Process 过程Product 产品Production 生产Program 方案Projects 项目QA: Quality Assurance 品质保证QC: Quality Control 品质控制QE: Quality Engineering 品质工程QFD: Quality Function Design 品质机能展开Quality 质量Quality manual 品质手册Quality policy 品质政策Range 全距Record 记录Reflow 回流Reject 拒收Repair 返修Repeatability 再现性Reproducibility 再生性Requirement 要求Residual 误差Response 响应Responsibilities 职责Review 评审Rework 返工Rolled yield 直通率sample 抽样,样本Scrap 报废SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业书SPC: Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制Specification 规格SQA: Source(Supplier) Quality Assurance 供应商品质保证Taguchi-method 田口方法TQC: Total Quality Control 全面品质控制TQM: Total Quality Management 全面品质管理Traceability 追溯UCL: Upper Control Limit 管制上限USL: Upper Size Limit 规格上限Validation 确认Variable 计量值Verification 验证Version 版本QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈/QC小组PDCA Plan Do Check Action 计划执行检查总结Consumer electronics 消费性电子产品Communication 通讯类产品Core value (核心价值)Love 爱心Confidence 信心Decision 决心Corporate culture (公司文化)Integration 融合Responsibility 责任Progress 进步QC quality control 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点品质管制人员IPQC in process quality control 制程中的品质管制人员OQC output quality control 最终出货品质管制人员IQC incoming quality control 进料品质管制人员TQC total quality control 全面质量管理POC passage quality control 段检人员QA quality assurance 质量保证人员OQA output quality assurance 出货质量保证人员QE quality engineering 品质工程人员FAI first article inspection 新品首件检查FAA first article assurance 首件确认CP capability index 能力指数SSQA standardized supplier quality audit 合格供应商品质评估FMEA failure model effectiveness analysis 失效模式分析AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Minor 轻微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品质/可靠度/服务P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 批号AOD Accept On Deviation 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece Inspection Report 首件检查报告PPM Percent Per Million 百万分之一SPC Statistical Process Control 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Control 统计品质管制GRR Gauge Reproducibility & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dimension 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径QIT Quality Improvement Team 品质改善小组ZD Zero Defect 零缺点QI Quality Improvement 品质改善QP Quality Policy 目标方针TQM Total Quality Management 全面品质管理RMA Return Material Audit 退料认可7QCTools 7 Quality Control Tools 品管七大手法通用之件类ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程变更通知(供应商)ECO Engineering Change Order 工程改动要求(客户)PCN Process Change Notice 工序改动通知PMP Product Management Plan 生产管制计划SIP Standard Inspection Procedure 制程检验标准程序SOP Standard Operation Procedure 制造作业规范IS Inspection Specification 成品检验规范BOM Bill Of Material 物料清单PS Package Specification 包装规范SPEC Specification 规格DWG Drawing 图面系统文件类ES Engineering Standard 工程标准IWS International Workman Standard 工艺标准ISO International Standardization Organization 国际标准化组织GS General Specification 一般规格部类PMC Production & Material Control 生产和物料控制PCC Product control center 生产管制中心PPC Production Plan Control 生产计划控制MC Material Control 物料控制DCC Document Control Center 资料控制中心QE Quality Engineering 品质工程(部)QA Quality Assurance 品质保证处QC Quality Control 品质管制(课)PD Product Department 生产部LAB Laboratory 实验室IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程R&D Research & Design 设计开发部。

启动会 – 供方PA节点之前
确定分供方清单 确定分供方的零件项目计划 确保分供方项目计划能满足供方项目计划 建立问题管理清单
供方采购 供方SQE 供方SQE 分供方/供方/吉利SQE
1 2 4 7.13 8.16 8.18 8.19

公司常用英语缩写General Abbreviation Full Name 中译AC Alternating Current 交流电A/C Account 科目A/P Accounts Payable 应付帐款A/R Accounts Receivable 应收帐款ABC Activity Based Costing 作业制成本会计ABM Activity Based Management 作业制成本管理ACH Automated Clearinghouse 自动票据交换所ACH. % Achievement Ratio 达标率ACT Actual 实际ACTG Accounting 会计ADJ. Adjustment 调整ADM Adminstration 管理ADR American Depositary Receipt 美国存托凭证AES Asset & Equipment Management System 资产设备管理体系AF Annual Forecast 年度预测AMH Automation Material Handling 自动物料处理AMT Amount 金额/数量ASP Average Selling Price 平均售价ASSY Assembly Product 组合产品ATM Automatic Teller Machine 自动柜员机AVG Average 平均AUP Average Unit Price 平均售价B/L Back Light 背景光源B/L Bill of Lading 提单B/S Balance Sheet 资产负债表BA Bankers Acceptance 银行承兑汇票BCR Business Card Reader 名片阅读机BEP Break Even Point 损益两平点BIOS Basic Input/output System 基本输出入系统BNS Business Management System 经营管理体系BOD Board of Director 董事会BOM Bill of Material 材料用量清单Bond Corporate Bond 公司债BPCS Business Production Control SystemBPR Business Process Re-engineering 企业流程改造BTO Build To Order 接单后生产BU Business Unit 事业部BUD Budget 预算C.A.P.D. Check, Action, Plan, DoC/D Clock Display 时钟显示器CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAE Computer Aided Engineering 计算机辅助工程CAGR Compound Average Growth Rate 平均复合成长率CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造CAPM Capital Assets Pricing Model 资本资产计价模式CAPP Computer Aided Process Planning 计算机辅助制程规划CB Convertible Bond 可转换公司债CBC Central Bank of China 台湾中央银行CCAR Customer Complained Analysis Report 客户抱怨分析报告表CCC Cash Conversion CycleCCR Customer Complained Report 客户抱怨报告表CEM Contract Electronic ManfactureCEO Chief Executive Officer 执行长CFO Chief Financial Officer 财务长CIF Cost, Insurance & Freight 运费、保险费在内条件CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 计算机整合制造系统CIO Chief Information Officer 信息长CIS Corporate Identity System 企业识别系统CIS Contact Image Sensor 接触式影像传感器CHIPS Cleaning House Interbank Payment System 纽约票据交换所银行间支付制度CM Contribution Margin 边际贡献CMOS Complementary Metal-oxide Semiconductor 互补金属氧化半导体COD Cash On Delivery 交货付现COGS Cost of Goods Sold 销货成本CP Commercial Paper 商业本票CPA Certified Public Accountant 会计师CPI Consumer Price Index 消费者物价指数CR Check Request 请款单CRAR Customer Replacement Analysis Request 客户换货分析报告表CRP Cost Reduction Program (Planning) 降低成本方案(计划) CRT Cathode Ray Tube 映像管CSC Customer Specification Copy 客户规格书CSCN Customer Specification Change Notice 客户规格变更通知单CTO Configure To Order 顾客化生产CUM Cumulative 累积CWQC Company Wide Quality Control 全公司质量管理C&F Cost & Freight 运费在内条件D/A Documents against Acceptance 承兑交单D/G Down Grade 次级品D/O Delivery Order 送货单D/P Documents against Payment 付款交单DC Direct Current 直流电DCN Design Change Notice 设计变更单DCF Discounted Cash Flow 折现后之现金流量Dept. Department 部DF Delivered Forward 远期外汇DIF Difference 差异DIS Interactive Integrated System 交谈整合系统DIV. Division 处DJIA Dow Jones Industry Average 道琼工业指数DL Direct Labor 直接人工DOA Delegation of Authorization 核决权限DOA Death on ArrivalDOH Days On HandDPO Days on Payable Outstanding 应付帐款周转天数DPPM Defect Parts Per MillionDPS Dividend per share 每股股利DRO Days on Receivable Outstanding 应收帐款周转天数DRP Distribution Requirements PlanningDSTN Double-layer Super Twist NematicDVD Digital Versatile Disk 数位激光视盘片DVT Design Verification Test 设计验证试验EA Engineering Automation 工程自动化EB Electronic Bank 电子银行ECB European Central Bank 欧洲中央银行ECB European Convertible Bond 欧洲美元可转换公司债ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程规格变更单EDI Electronic Document Interchange 电子文件交换系统EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理EIS Executive Information System 主管决策系统EPS Earnings per (Common) Share (普通股)每股盈余ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源规划ESOP Employee Stock Option Plan 员工股票分红计划EVA Economic Value Added 经济附加价值EVT Engineering Verification Test 工程验证试验Exp. Expenses 费用F/G Finished Goods 制成品FA Factory Automation 工厂自动化FAS Flexible Assembly System 弹性装配系统FASB Financial Accounting Standard Board 美国财务会计准则委员会FC Fixed Costs 固定成本FCP Foreign Currency Purchasing 外购(系统)FCST Forecast 预测FED Federal Reserve Board 美国联邦准备局FIN Finance 财务管理体系FMEA Failure Mode & Effect Analysis 失效模式效应分析FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 弹性制造系统FNS Financial Management System 财务管理体系FOB Free On Board 船上交货价格条件FOC Free of Charge 免费FOMC Federal Open Market Committee 美国联邦公开市场操作委员会FRN Floating Rate Notes 浮动利率债券FX Foreign Exchange 外汇FYI For your information 请参考G&A General & Administrative Expenses 销管费用GAAP General Accepted Accounting Principle 一般公认会计原则GDP Gross Domestic Product 国内生产毛额GDR Global Depositary Receipt 全球存托凭证GNP Gross National Product 国民生产毛额GPM Gross Profit Margin 销货毛利GR. Growth 成长GSM Global system for Mobile 泛欧式行动电话GUI Graphical User Interface 使用者图形接口GUI Government Uniform Invoice 统一发票HA Home Automation 家庭自动化HDTV High Definition TV 高画质电视HQ Headquarter 企业总部HR Human Resource 人力资源HRD Human Resource Department 人力资源部HTML Hypertext Markup Language 超文件炼结语文IAT Income After Tax (Net Income) 税后净利IBIT Income Before Interest & Tax 减除所得税及利息费用前之纯益IBT Income Before Tax 税前净利IDL Indirect Labor 间接人工IDP Integrated Data Processing System 数据处理系统IFIR Initial Field Incident Rate 起始不良率IMF International Montary Fund 国际货币基金IMP Indirect Material Purchasing 间接材料(系统)IMS Information Management System 信息管理系统Inv. Inventory 存货IOU I Owe You = CP 商业本票IP Internet Protocol 网络通讯协议IPO Initial Public Offering 首次公开发行IRR Internal Rate of Return 内部报酬率IR/PTR Infrared, Photo Transistors 红外线发光二极管IRS Internal Reserve Service 美国国税局I/S Income Statement 损益表IS&S Information System & Service 信息系统服务ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 整合数字服务网络ISP Internet Service Provider 网络服务供货商IT Information Technology 信息科技ITD Inventory Turnover Days 存货周转天数JIT Just in Time 实时管理KPI Key Performance Indicator 主要绩效指标L/C Letter of Credit 信用状LAMP LED Lamp 指示灯LAN Local Area Network 局域网络LBO Leverage BuyoutLCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器LCM Lower of Cost or Market 成本市价熟低法LDM Local Direct Material 内购直材(系统)LED Light Emitting Diodes 发光二极管LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate 伦敦银行间拆款利率LRR Lot Reject Rate 批量退货数M/O Manfacturing Order 工单M&A Merger & Acquisitions 购并MA Mechanical Automation 机械工具自动化MBA Master of Business Administration 企管硕士MBO Management by Objective 目标管理MBWA Management By Walking Around 走动管理MCN Management Change Notice 管理规格变更通知MF Monthly Forecast 月预测数MFG Manufacturing 制造MIS Management Information System 管理情报系统MKS Marketing Management System 营销管理体系MKT Marketing 营销MLS Material Management System 资材管理体系MRP Material Requirements Planning 物料需求计划MRPII Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资源计划MTH Monthly 每月MTL Material 材料MVT Manufacturing Verification Test 制造验证试验N/D Numeric Display 数字显示器N/P Notes Payable 应付票据N/R Notes Receivable 应收票据NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement 北美自由贸易协议NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation 那斯达克指数NBR Number 数字NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement 保密协定NDF Non-Delivered Forward 无本金交割远期外汇NIF Note Issuance Facility 筹资NPPR New Product Production Request 新产品生产需求单NPS New Product R&D Management System 新产品开发管理体系NPV Net Present Value 净现值NSB Net Sales Billing 实际销货金额NUB Net Unit Billing 实际出货量NYSE New York Stock Exchange 纽约证券交易所O/A Open Account 赊帐O/E Other Expenses 营业外支出O/H Overhead 制造费用O/I Other Income 营业外收入O/T Over time 加班OA Office Automation 办公室自动化OAY Overall Yield 全线良率OBU Off-shore Banking Unit 境外金融单位ODM Original Design Manufacturing 代设计(设计技术与原厂相同) OEM Original Equipment Manufacturing 代工OHRP Organization Human Resource PlaningOI Operating Income 营业净利OP Organization Profit 组织利润OPP OPTO ProductOPD OPTO DeviceORG Organization 组织OTB Operation Transfer Billing 产质(UTS*U/P)OTP Operation Transfer Price 内部转拨价P&L Profit & Loss 损益P.D.C.A. Plan, Do, Check, ActionP.O. Purchase Order 采购单P/C Photocoupler 光耦合器P/E Price Earning Ratio 本益比P/R Purchase Request 请购单PA Process Automation 制程自动化PA Performance Assessment 绩效考评PAT Profit After Tax 税后净利PBX Private Branch Exchange 电话交换机PDA Personal Digital Analyzer 个人数字处理器PDP Plasma Display Panel 电浆显示板PEN Penetration 渗透率PLC Product Life Cycle 产品生命周期PLS Personnel Management System 人事管理体系PMS Production & Management System 生产制造管理体系PPH Piece Per Hour 每小时产量PPM Parts per Million 每百万中不良率(质量指针)PP&E Plant, Property, and Equipment 固定资产PTT Prototype Verification Test 原型机验证试验QBR Quarterly Business Review 每季营运评估QCC Quality Control Circle 品管圈QCN Quality Control Change Notice 品管规格变更单QLS Quality Management System 质量管理体系QMU Quality Management Unit 质量管理单位QRA Quality, Reliability & Assurance 品管R. GP Realized Gross Profit 已实现销货毛利R/M Receiver Module 光电接收器RDR Research & Design Program Request 新产品开发需求单RM Raw Materials 原料REPO Repurchase Agreement 附买回协定RFC Request For Change 变更申请RMA Returned Merchandise Authorization 退货授权RML Returned Merchandise List 退货清单ROA Return on Assets 资产报酬率ROE Return on Equity 股东权益报酬率ROI Return on Investment 投资报酬率ROM Read-only Memory 只读存储器RONA Return on Net Assets 净资产报酬率ROS Return on Sales 毛利率R&D Research & Development 研究与发展S.O. Sales Order 销售订单SBU Strategic Business Unit 策略事业单位SCM Suply Chain Management 供应炼管理SCP Supply Chain PlanningSEC Security Exchange Commission 证管会SEMI Semi Finished Goods 半成品SG&A Selling, Federal & Administrative Expense 销管费用SMT Surface Mount Technology 表面黏着技术SMD Surfact Mount Device 表面黏着产品SOP Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业程序SPO Seasonal Public Offering 公开现金增资SPS Switching Mode Power Supply 交换式电源供应器SPV Special Purpose VehicleSR Shipping Request 出货需求单STN-LCD Super Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Display 超扭转液晶显示器SWIFT Society For World wide Interbank Financial Telecommunciations 环球银行财务电信协会SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作委任单T/O Turn Over 周转T/T Telegraphic Transfer 电汇TA Total Automation 全面自动化TAM Total Available MarketTECN Temporary Engineering Change Notice 工程规格暂行变更单TFT-LCD Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display 薄膜晶体管液晶显示器TQC Total Quality Control 全面质量管理TQCN Total Quality Change Notice 品管规格暂行变更单TTL Total 总数U/P Unit Price 单位价格USB Universal Serial Bus 通用串行埠UTS Unit to Stock 入库量VAR. Variance 差异数VAT Value Added Tax 加值型营业税VBM Value Based Management 价值管理VC Variable Costs 变动成本VQCR Vendor Quality Complain Request 厂商物料质量不良联络书WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital 加权平均资金成本WAIR Weighted Average Interest Rate 加权平均借款利率W/H Warehouse 仓库WAN Wide Area Network 广域网络WIP Work in Process 在制品WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织WW Worldwide 全球WWW World Wide Web 全球信息网YTD Year-to-Date 到目前为止之累积数YTM Yield to Maturity 到期值利率CurrenciesANG Neth. Antilles Guilder 荷兰基尔德CHF Swiss Franc 瑞士法郎CNY/RMB Chinese Renminbi 人民币DEM German Mark 德国马克ECU European Currency Unit 欧洲通货单位FRF French Franc 法国法郎GBP British Pound Contrib 英镑HKD Hong Kong Dollar 港币ITL Italian Lira 意大利里拉JPY Japanese Yen 日圆KRW Korean Won 韩圜MYR Malaysian Ringgit 马来西亚币PHP Philippine Peso 菲律宾披索SEK Swedish Krona 瑞典币SGD Singapore Dollar 新币THB/BHT Thai Baht 泰铢TWD/NTD Taiwan Dollar 新台币USD U.S. Dollar 美元CORPORATE COMMON ABBREVIATION常用语缩写1 Organization组织1-1 HQ Head Quarter 总公司1-2Chairmen主席1-3Lite-On Group光宝集团1-4 President 总裁1-5Executive Vice President 常务副总裁1-6Vice President副总裁1-7HR Human Resource人力资源部1-8FIN Finance 财务1-9Sales 销售1-10R&D Research & Developing 研发部1-11QA 质量保证QA DQA CS1-12MIS Management Information System资讯管理系统1-13Pur 采购 Purchasing1-14IMD Image management division 影像管理事业部1-15ITS information technology system 计算机部1-16QRA quality reliability assurance 品保部1-17MFG manufacturing 制造部1-18PMC production &material control 生(产)物(料)管(理)1-19 PRO Procuremnet 采购开发部1-20 PMO Plant Manager Office 厂长室1-21 CEO Chief Executive Officer 执行总裁2 Materials 材料2-1PC Production Control 生产控制2-1-1MPS Mass Production Schedule 量产计划2-1-2FGI Finished goods Inventory 成品存货2-1-3UTS Units To Stock存货单元2-1-4WIP Working In Process Inventory在制品2-1-5C/T Cycle Time 循环时间,瓶颈2-1-6WD Working Days 工作天2-1-7MTD Month To Days 月初到今日(例如总表整理)2-1-8YTD Year To Days 年初到今日2-1-9 SO Sales Order 销售单2-1-10MO Manufacture Order 制造单2-1-11 BTO Build To Order 订单生产2-1-12 P/N part number 料号2-1-13 FCST Forecast 预测计划2-1-14 W/O Working Order 工单2-1-15 P/O Purchasing Order 采购单2-1-16 VDS Vendor Delivery Schedule 厂商送货进度表2-1-17 D/C Delivery Order 交货单2-2 MC Material Control材料控制2-2-1 MRP Material Requisition plan 材料申请计划2-2-2 INV Inventory 存货清单; Invoice 发票2-2-3 Inv Turn Over Days=INV$/NSB X WD 库存周转天数2-2-4 PSI Production Shipping Inventory 预备待出货2-2-5 JIT Just In Time 实时,准时制、零库存2-2-6 Safety Inventory 安全存量2-2-7 CKD Completed Kits Delivery全件组装出货2-2-8 SKD Semi Kits Delivery半件(小件)组装出货2-3 W/H Warehouse 仓库2-3-1 Rec Receiving Center 接收中心2-3-2 Raw MTL 原物料2-3-3 F/G finish goods 成品2-3-4 GRN Goods Received Note 货物接收单2-4 Import/Export进出口2-4-1 SI Shipping Instruction发货指令2-4-2 PL Packing List包装清单2-4-3 Inv Shipping Invoice出货发票2-4-4 ETD Estimated Time of Departure 预估离开时间2-4-5 ETA Estimated Time of Arrive 预估到达时间2-4-6 BL Bill of Landing 提货单(海运)2-4-7 AWB Air Way Bill 提货单(空运)2-4-8 MAWA Master Air Way Bill主提货单2-4-9 HAWB House Air Way Bill副提货单2-4-10 TEU Twenty foot Equipment Unit(Contain)二十英尺货柜2-4-11 FEU Forty foot Equipment Unit(Contain)四十英尺货柜2-4-12 CY Container Yard货柜场2-4-13 THC Terminal Handing Charge 码头费2-4-14 ORC Original Receiving Charge码头费2-5 PUR Purchasing采购2-5-1 FOB Free on Board货运至甲板2-5-2 CIF Cost Insurance Freight2-5-3 OA Open Account 开户2-5-4 TT Telegram Transfer电汇2-5-5 COD Cash On Delivery 现金支付2-5-6 CRP Cost Reduction Program降低成本方案2-5-7 PR Purchasing Requisition采购申请2-5-8 PO Purchasing Order采购单2-5-9 LT Lead Time 交期2-5-10 LLT Long Lead Time 长时间交期2-5-11 Payment term 付款条件2-5-12 Debit note 扣款2-5-13 CRP Cost Reduction Program 降价计划2-5-14 Quotation 报价3 MFG Manufacturing Production制造控制3-1 DL Director Labor直接人工3-2 IDL Indirect Labor间接人工3-3 DLH Direct Labor Hours直接工时3-4 Productivity=UTS/DLH3-5 PPH Pieces Per Hour每小时件数3-6 Efficiency=Actual/Target(%)3-7 DT Machine Down Time停机时间3-8 AI Auto Insertion自动插入3-9 MI Manual Insertion人工插入3-10 SMD Surface Mount Device表面粘着零件SMT Surface mount technology 表面粘着技术3-11 B/I Burn In (for how many hours at how many degree)烧机3-12 Equipment Utilization3-13 WI work instruction 工作说明3-14 SOP standard operation procedure作业指导书3-15 R/I run in 运转机器3-16 ESD electrical static discharge 静电释放3-17 MP mass production 量产3-18 EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility, 电磁兼容性3-19 EMI Electro Magnetic Interference, 电磁干扰3-19 SIR Surface Impedance Resistance 表面阻抗测试4 Engineer工程4-1 PE Products Engineer; 产品工程Process engineer制程工程4-2 TE Test Engineer测试工程4-3 ME Manufacturing Engineer;制造工程Mechanical Engineer机械工程4-4 IE Industrial Engineer工业工程4-5 DCC Document Control Center文管中心4-6 BOM Bill Of Material材料清单4-7 ECN Engineering Change Notice工程变动公告4-8 TECN Temporary Engineering Change Notice工程临时变动公告4-9 ATY Assembly Test Yield Total Yield直通率4-10 TPM Total Productivity Maintenance全面生产维护4-11 PM product manager ;project manager 产品经理;项目经理4-12 ECR engineering change request 工程变更申请4-13 ECO engineering change order 工程变更指令4-14 EN engineering notice 工程通告4-15 WPS work procedure sheet 作业说明书4-16 ICT in circuit test 电路测试4-17 P/R pilot run ;C/R control run; T/R trial run试做4-18 EVT engineer verification test工程验证测试4-19 DVT design verification test 设计验证测试4-20 MVT multi-verification test 多项验证测试4-21 ORT on going reliability test 出货信赖性测试4-22 S/W software 软件4-23 H/W hardware 硬件4-24 EAR Engineering Aanlysis Request 工程分析需求4-25 ECE Engineering Change Estimation 工程变更评估4-26 ECC Engineering Change Cancellation 工程变更取消4-27 IEM Internal Engineering Meno 内部工程备忘录4-28 PAS Part Approval Sheet 零件承认书4-29 DAB Daily Action Boaed 日常工作广告牌4-30 TMR Tooling Modify Report 修模协议书4-31 CRT Control Run Testing 试产测试4-32 DCD Design Change Description 设计变更通知4-33 ESR Engineering Study Report 工程研究报告4-34 EI Engineering Information 工程讯息4-35 PMP Process Management Plan 制程管制计划4-36 MBO Management By Object 目标管理4-37 KPI Key Performance Indicator 重点绩效指标4-38 PIP Part Inspection Plan 零件检验标准4-39 CTF Criticle To Function 功能重点尺寸4-40 CTA Criticle To Assembly 组装重点尺寸4-41 R&D Research and Development 研究与开发4-42 GR&R Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility 治具重复性及重现性验证4-43 Cpk 制程能力指标4-44 FAI First Article Inspection 首件检查表5 QA Quality Assurance质量保证QRA Quality & Reliability Assurance质量与可靠性保证5-1 MQA Manufacturing Quality Assurance制造质量保证5-2 DQA Design Quality Assurance设计质量保证5-3 QC Quality Control质量控制5-4 IQC Incoming Quality Control进货质量控制5-5 VQC Vendor Quality Control售货质量控制5-6 IPQC In Process Quality Control制程质量控制5-7 OQA Out going Quality Control 出货质量控制5-8 QE Quality Engineer质量工程5-9 AQL Acceptable Quality Level可接受的质量水平5-10 DPPM Defective Pieces Per Million units百万件中有损件数5-11 PPM Pieces Per million百万分之一5-12 CS Custom Service顾客服务5-13 MRB Material Review Board 材料审核委员会5-14 DMR Defective Material Report材料缺陷报告5-15 RMA Return Material Administration材料回收处理5-16 Life Test 寿命测试5-17 T/C Temperature Cycle温度循环5-18 H/T High Temperature Test高温测试5-19 L/T Low Temperature Test低温测试5-20 ISO International Standard Organization国际标准化组识5-21 SPC Statistic process control统计过程控制5-22 "5S" 整理.整顿.清理.清扫.素养5-23 VMI visual mechanical inspection 外观机构检验5-24 MIL-STD military standard 美军标准5-25 SPEC specification 规格5-26 AVL approval vendor list 合格厂商名单5-27 QVL qualified vendor list 合格厂商名单5-28 FQC final quality control 最终质量控制5-29 OBA open box audit 成品检验5-30 EAR engineering analysis request 工程分析需求5-31 FAI first aide inspection 首件检验5-32 VQM vendor quality management 厂商质量管理5-33 CAR corrective action request 改进对策要求5-34 4M man; machine; material; method 人、机、材、方法5-35 M man;machine;material;method;measurement 人、机、材、方法测量5-36 MTBF mean time between failure平均寿命实用标准文案5-37 TTL total 总量5-38 MRT Markeing Relability Testing 信赖性测试5-39 8 D 8 Disciplines5-40 Q7 Method (Stratification: Histogram; Pareto; Scatter; (Cause & effect diagram) Fish Bone; (Check sheets); (Graphs & Control Chart)5-41 6 Sigma5-42 3 W What, Who, When5-43 2 Q Quality and Quantity5-44 1 G 1 Goal 一个目标6 FIN Finance &Accounting财务与帐目6-1 P&L Profit &Lose6-2 PV Performance Variance现象差异6-3 3 Element of Cost=M,L,O6-4 M Material材料6-5 L Labor人力6-6 O Overhead管理费用6-7 Fix OH Fixed Overhead固定管理费用6-8 Var OH Variable Overhead不定管理费用6-9 COGS Cost Of Goods Sold工厂制造成本6-10 AR Account Receivable应收6-11 AP Account Payable应支7 MIS Management Information System资讯管理系统7-1 IS Information System资讯系统7-2 IT Information Technology 信息技术、资讯技术7-3 MRP Material Requisition Plan材料需求计划7-4 I2 Information Integration System资讯整合系统7-5 SAP System Application Programming系统申请项目7-6 ERP Enterprise Resource Programming企业资源项目8 HR Human Resource人力资源8-1 PR Public relation公共关系8-2 T/O Turn Over Rate =Monthly T/O Total People*128-3 GR General Affair总务文档大全。

公司常用英语缩写CORPORATE COMMON ABBREVIATION公司常用的一些英语缩写整理一下1 Organization组织1-1 HQ Head Quarter 总公司1-2 Chairmen主席1-4 President 总裁1-5 Executive Vice President 常务副总裁1-6 Vice President副总裁1-7 HR Human Resource人力资源部1-8 FIN Finance 财务1-9 Sales 销售1-10 R&D Research & Developing 研发部1-11 QA 质量保证 QA DQA CS1-12 MIS Management Information System资迅管理系统1-13 Pur 采购 Purchasing1-14 IMD Image management division 影像管理事业部1-15 ITS information technology system 计算机部1-16 QRA quality reliability assurance 品保部1-17 MFG manufacturing 制造部1-18 PMC production &material control 生(产)物(料)管(理) 1-19 PRO Procuremnet 采购开发部1-20 PMO Plant Manager Office 厂长室1-21 CEO Chief Execute Officer 执行总裁2 Materials 材料2-1 PC Production Control 生产控制2-1-1 MPS Mass Production Schedule 量产计划2-1-2 FGI Finished goods Inventory 成品存货2-1-3 UTS Units To Stock存货单元2-1-4 WIP Working In Process Inventory在制品2-1-5 C/T Cycle Time 循环时间,瓶颈2-1-6 WD Working Days 工作天2-1-7 MTD Month To Days 月初到今日(例如总表整理)2-1-8 YTD Year To Days 年初到今日2-1-9 SO Sales Order 销售单2-1-10 MO Manufacture Order 制造单2-1-11 BTO Build To Order 订单生产2-1-12 P/N part number 料号2-1-13 FCST Forecast 预测计划2-1-14 W/O Working Order 工单2-1-15 P/O Purchasing Order 采购单2-1-16 VDS Vendor Delivery Schedule 厂商送货进度表2-1-17 D/C Delivery Order 交货单2-2 MC Material Control材料控制2-2-1 MRP Material Requisition plan 材料申请计划2-2-2 INV Inventory 存货清单; Invoice 发票2-2-3 Inv Turn Over Days=INV$/NSB X WD 库存周转天数2-2-4 PSI Production Shipping Inventory 预备待出货2-2-5 JIT Just In Time 实时2-2-6 Safety Inventory 安全存量2-2-7 CKD Completed Kits Delivery全件组装出货2-2-8 SKD Semi Kits Delivery半件(小件)组装出货2-3 W/H Warehouse 仓库2-3-1 Rec Receiving Center 接收中心2-3-2 Raw MTL 原物料2-3-3 F/G finish goods 成品2-3-4 GRN Goods Receive Note 货物接收单2-4 Import/Export进出口2-4-1 SI Shipping Instruction发货指令2-4-2 PL Packing List包装清单2-4-3 Inv Shipping Invoice出货发票2-4-4 ETD Estimate Departure 预估离开时间2-4-5 ETA Estimate Arrive 预估到达时间2-4-6 BL Bill of Landing 提货单(海运)2-4-7 AWB Air Way Bill 提货单(空运)2-4-8 MAWA Master Air Way Bill主提货单2-4-9 HAWB House Air Way Bill副提货单2-4-10 TEU Twenty foot Equipment Unit(Contain)二十英尺货柜2-4-11 FEU Forty foot Equipm ent Unit(Contain)四十英尺货柜2-4-12 CY Container Yard货柜场2-4-13 THC Terminal Handing Charge 码头费2-4-14 ORC Original Receiving Charge码头费2-5 PUR Purchasing采购2-5-1 FOB Free on Board货运至甲板2-5-2 CIF Cost Insurance Freight2-5-3 OA Open Account 开户2-5-4 TT Telegram Transfer电汇2-5-5 COD Cash On Delivery 现金支付2-5-6 CRP Cost Reduction Program降低成本方案2-5-7 PR Purchasing Requisition采购申请2-5-8 PO Purchasing Order采购单2-5-9 LT Lead Time 交期2-5-10 LLT Long Lead Time 长时间交期2-5-11 Payment term 付款条件2-5-12 Debit note 扣款2-5-13 CRP Cost Reduction Program 降价计划2-5-14 Quotation 报价3 MFG Manufacturing Production制造控制3-1 DL Director Labor直接人工3-2 IDL Indirect Labor间接人工3-3 DLH Direct Labor Hours直接工时3-4 Productivity=UTS/DLH3-5 PPH Pieces Per Hour每小时件数3-6 Efficiency=Actual/Target(%)3-7 DT Machine Down Time停机时间3-8 AI Auto Insertion自动插入3-9 MI Manual Insertion人工插入3-10 SMD Surface Mount Device表面粘着零件SMT Surface mount technology 表面粘着技术3-11 B/I Burn In (for how many hours at how many degree)烧机3-12 Equipment Utilization3-13 WI work instruction 工作说明3-14 SOP standard operation procedure作业指导书3-15 R/I run in 运转机器3-16 ESD electrical static discharge 静电释放3-17 MP mass production 量产3-18 EMC Electro Magnetic Compatibility, 电磁兼容性3-19 EMI Electro Magnetic Interference, 电磁干扰3-19 SIR Surface Impedance Resistance 表面阻抗测试4 Engineer工程4-1 PE Products Engineer; 产品工程Process engineer制程工程4-2 TE Test Engineer测试工程4-3 ME Manufacturing Engineer;制造工程 Mechanical Engineer机械工程4-4 IE Industrial Engineer工业工程4-5 DCC Document Control Center文管中心4-6 BOM Bill Of Material材料清单4-7 ECN Engineering Change Notice工程变动公告4-8 TECN Temporary Engineering Change Notice工程临时变动公告4-9 ATY Assembly Test Yield Total Yield直通率4-10 TPM Total Productivity Maintenance全面生产维护4-11 PM product manager ;project manager 产品经理;项目经理4-12 ECR engineering change request 工程变更申请4-13 ECO engineering change order 工程变更指令4-14 EN engineering notice 工程通告4-15 WPS work procedure sheet 作业说明书4-16 ICT in circuit test 电路测试4-17 P/R pilot run ;C/R control run; T/R trial run试做4-18 EVT engineer verification test工程验证测试4-19 DVT design verification test 设计验证测试4-20 MVT multi-verification test 多项验证测试4-21 ORT on going reliability test 出货信赖性测试4-22 S/W software 软件4-23 H/W hardware 硬件4-24 EAR Engineering Aanlysis Request 工程分析需求4-25 ECE Engineering Change Estimation 工程变更评估4-26 ECC Engineering Change Cancellation 工程变更取消4-27 IEM Internal Engineering Meno 内部工程备忘录4-28 PAS Part Approval Sheet 零件承认书4-29 DAB Daily Action Boaed 日常工作广告牌4-30 TMR Tooling Modify Report 修模协议书4-31 CRT Control Run Testing 试产测试4-32 DCD Design Change Description 设计变更通知4-33 ESR Engineering Study Report 工程研究报告4-34 EI Engineering Information 工程讯息4-35 PMP Process Management Plan 制程管制计划4-36 MBO Management By Object 目标管理4-37 KPI Key Performance Indicator 重点绩效指标4-38 PIP Part Inspection Plan 零件检验标准4-39 CTF Criticle To Function 功能重点尺寸4-40 CTA Criticle To Assembly 组装重点尺寸4-41 R&D Research and Developm ent 研究与开发4-42 GR&R Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility 治具重复性及重现性验证4-43 Cpk 制程能力指标4-44 FAI First Article Inspection 首件检查表5 QA Quality Assurance质量保证QRA Quality & Reliability Assurance质量与可靠性保证5-1 MQA Manufacturing Quality Assurance制造质量保证5-2 DQA Design Quality Assurance设计质量保证5-3 QC Quality Control质量控制5-4 IQC Incoming Quality Control进货质量控制5-5 VQC Vendor Quality Control售货质量控制5-6 IPQC In Process Quality Control制程质量控制5-7 OQA Out going Quality Control 出货质量控制5-8 QE Quality Engineer质量工程5-9 AQL Acceptable Quality Level可接受的质量水平5-10 DPPM Defective Pieces Per Million units百万件中有损件数5-11 PPM Pieces Per million百万分之一5-12 CS Custom Service顾客服务5-13 MRB Material Review Board 材料审核委员会5-14 DMR Defective Material Report材料缺陷报告5-15 RMA Return Material Administration材料回收处理5-16 Life Test 寿命测试5-17 T/C Temperature Cycle温度循环5-18 H/T High Temperature Test高温测试5-19 L/T Low Temperature Test低温测试5-20 ISO International Standard Organization国际标准化组识5-21 SPC Statistic process control统计过程控制5-22 "5S" 整理.整顿.清理.清扫.素养5-23 VMI visual mechanical inspection 外观机构检验5-24 MIL-STD military standard 美军标准5-25 SPEC specification 规格5-26 AVL approval vendor list 合格厂商名单5-27 QVL qualified vendor list 合格厂商名单5-28 FQC final quality control 最终质量控制5-29 OBA open box audit 成品检验5-30 EAR engineering analysis request 工程分析需求5-31 FAI first aide inspection 首件检验5-32 VQM vendor quality management 厂商质量管理5-33 CAR corrective action request 改进对策要求5-34 4M man; machine; material; method 人、机、材、方法5-35 M man;machine;material;method;measurem ent 人、机、材、方法测量5-36 MTBF mean time between failure平均寿命5-37 TTL total 总量5-38 MRT Markeing Relability Testing 信赖性测试5-39 8 D 8 Disciplines5-40 Q7 Method (Stratification: Histogram; Pareto; Scatter; (Cause & effect diagram) Fis h Bone; (Check sheets); (Graphs & Control Chart)5-41 6 Sigma5-42 3 W What, Who, When5-43 2 Q Quality and Quantity5-44 1 G 1 Goal 一个目标6 FIN Finance &Accounting财务与帐目6-1 P&L Profit &Lose6-2 PV Performance Variance现象差异6-3 3 Element of Cost=M,L,O6-4 M Material材料6-5 L Labor人力6-6 O Overhead管理费用6-7 Fix OH Fix Overhead固定管理费用6-8 Var OH Variable Overhead不定管理费用6-9 COGS Cost Of Goods Sold工厂制造成本6-10 AR Account Receivable应收6-11 AP Account Payable应支7 MIS Management Information System资迅管理系统7-1 IS Information System资迅系统7-2 IT Information Technology 系统技术7-3 MRP Material Requisition Plan材料需求计划7-4 I2 Information Integration System资迅整合系统7-5 SAP System Application Programming系统申请项目7-6 ERP Enterprise Resource Programming企业资源项目8 HR Human Resource人力资源8-1 PR Public relation公共关系8-2 T/O Turn Over Rate =Monthly T/O Total People*128-3 GR General Affair总务fyi = for your information = for your reference = 供参考tba = to be advice = tbc = to be consider/confirm = 待定/待告asap = as soon as possible = (特急)越快越好etd = estimated to departure = 预计开船时间eta = estimated to arrival = 预计到达时间s/c = sales confirmation = p/i = performa invoice = 订单确认表/预售发票l/c = letter of credit = 信用证consignee = 收货人notify = 通知人b/l = bill of lading = 提单c/o = country of origin = 产地证total/sub-total/grand total = 合计/小计/总计date of dispatch = 出货日期≠ ex-factory date = 离厂日期awb no. = air way bill no. = 运单号delay = 推迟(贬义)postpone = 延迟l/d = lap dip = 色样p/p sample = pre-production sample = 产前样prototype sample = 初样revised sample = 复样quotation = price = 报价shop pack = 商店包装(一般为按配比单色混码)final inspection = 出货验货=尾期验货(jandyzhu提供补证); in-line inspection = 中期验货paper patterns = 纸样trims/accessories = 配件/附件(含辅料和配布)workmanship = 手工seal tape = 热封/压胶measurement discrepancy = 尺寸差异(一般指实际量度结果)measurement allowance = 允许公差范围hangtag/swing tag = 挂牌/吊牌waterproof = 防水air freight = 空运费freight prepaid/freight collect = 预付/到付dtm = dye to match 配色dtmsa = dye to match surrounding area = 配所在部位颜色星期星期一:MONDAY=MON 星期二:TUESDAY=TUS星期三:WENSEDAY=WEN 星期四:THURSDAY=THUR星期五:FRIDAY=FRI 星期六:SATURDAY=SAT星期天:SUNDAY=SUN月份一月份=JAN 二月份=FEB三月份=MAR 四月份=APR五月份=MAY 六月份=JUN七月份=JUL 八月份=AUG九月份=SEP 十月份=OCT十一月份=NOV 十二月份=DEC常用词4=FOR 到永远=FOREVER2=TO RTN=RETURN(送回)BT=BLOOD TYPE(血型) PLS=PLEASE(请) BD=BIRTHDAY(生日) REWARD=酬谢REWARD 4 RETURN=送回有酬谢ALLRG=过敏希望有用!~。

material material approve material return maylar(c apacitor )
MC:mater ial control MCR:mech anical changed request MDR:mate rial defeat report ME:manuf acture engineer ing measurem ent MEB(capa citor)
obligati on
O 義務 責 任 歐姆(電 阻單位)

4.2对供方的开发导入、调查评价The development of the supplier, import, investigation, assessment
For the first survey and evaluation of new supplier development, it is necessary to ensure that the sample is approved and the survey and evaluation are conducted on the premise that the trial production is qualified. The total score is 100 points, and the survey evaluation items are as follows:
4.1.3 B类:不直接影响产品质量或即使略有影响,但可采取措施予以纠正的采购产品,如电线、电缆、硅钢片、有色金属;模压壳体;按钮配件;弹簧;印刷电路板、电阻、电容、二极管、三极管、发光器件等电子元器件;
Class B: not directly affect the quality of the product or even a slight impact, but can take measures to correct the procurement of products such as wires, cables, silicon steel, non-ferrous metals; moldedshell; button accessories; spring; printed circuit boards, Capacitors, diodes, transistors, light-emitting devices and other electronic components;

[1] Pieler T.Trends in atmospheric carbon dioxide-Global. http://www. esrl. noaa. gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/ . 2009[2] Etheridge D M,Steele L P, el al.Historical CO2record derived from a spline fit (20 year cutoff) of the Law Dome DE08 and DE08-2 ice cores. http://cdiac. ornl. gov/ftp/trends/co2/lawdome. smoothed. yr20 . 1998#-------------------------------------------------------------------- # USE OF NOAA ESRL DATA## These data are made freely available to the public and the# scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination# will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights.# The availability of these data does not constitute publication# of the data. NOAA relies on the ethics and integrity of the user to # insure that ESRL receives fair credit for their work. If the data # are obtained for potential use in a publication or presentation,# ESRL should be informed at the outset of the nature of this work. # If the ESRL data are essential to the work, or if an important# result or conclusion depends on the ESRL data, co-authorship# may be appropriate. This should be discussed at an early stage in # the work. Manuscripts using the ESRL data should be sent to ESRL# for review before they are submitted for publication so we can# insure that the quality and limitations of the data are accurately # represented.##Contact:PieterTans(3034976678;********************)## File Creation: Wed Jun 5 12:05:50 2013## RECIPROCITY## Use of these data implies an agreement to reciprocate.# Laboratories making similar measurements agree to make their# own data available to the general public and to the scientific# community in an equally complete and easily accessible form.# Modelers are encouraged to make available to the community,# upon request, their own tools used in the interpretation# of the ESRL data, namely well documented model code, transport# fields, and additional information necessary for other# scientists to repeat the work and to run modified versions.# Model availability includes collaborative support for new# users of the models.#-------------------------------------------------------------------- ### See /gmd/ccgg/trends/ for additional details.## Data from March 1958 through April 1974 have been obtained by C. David Keeling# of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and were obtained from the# Scripps website ().## The estimated uncertainty in the annual mean is the standard deviation # of the differences of annual mean values determined independently by # NOAA/ESRL and the Scripps Institution of Oceanography.## NOTE: In general, the data presented for the last year are subject to change,# depending on recalibration of the reference gas mixtures used, and other quality# control procedures. Occasionally, earlier years may also be changed for the same# reasons. Usually these changes are minor.## CO2 expressed as a mole fraction in dry air, micromol/mol, abbreviated as ppm## year mean unc1959 315.97 0.121960 316.91 0.121961 317.64 0.121962 318.45 0.121963 318.99 0.121964 319.62 0.121965 320.04 0.121966 321.38 0.121967 322.16 0.121968 323.04 0.121969 324.62 0.121970 325.68 0.121971 326.32 0.121972 327.45 0.121973 329.68 0.121974 330.18 0.121975 331.08 0.12 1976 332.05 0.12 1977 333.78 0.12 1978 335.41 0.12 1979 336.78 0.12 1980 338.68 0.12 1981 340.10 0.12 1982 341.44 0.12 1983 343.03 0.12 1984 344.58 0.12 1985 346.04 0.12 1986 347.39 0.12 1987 349.16 0.12 1988 351.56 0.12 1989 353.07 0.12 1990 354.35 0.12 1991 355.57 0.12 1992 356.38 0.12 1993 357.07 0.12 1994 358.82 0.12 1995 360.80 0.12 1996 362.59 0.12 1997 363.71 0.12 1998 366.65 0.12 1999 368.33 0.12 2000 369.52 0.12 2001 371.13 0.12 2002 373.22 0.12 2003 375.77 0.12 2004 377.49 0.12 2005 379.80 0.12 2006 381.90 0.12 2007 383.76 0.12 2008 385.59 0.12 2009 387.37 0.12 2010 389.85 0.12 2011 391.63 0.12 2012 393.82 0.12#-------------------------------------------------------------------- # USE OF NOAA ESRL DATA## These data are made freely available to the public and the# scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination# will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights.# The availability of these data does not constitute publication# of the data. NOAA relies on the ethics and integrity of the user to # insure that ESRL receives fair credit for their work. If the data # are obtained for potential use in a publication or presentation, # ESRL should be informed at the outset of the nature of this work. # If the ESRL data are essential to the work, or if an important# result or conclusion depends on the ESRL data, co-authorship# may be appropriate. This should be discussed at an early stage in # the work. Manuscripts using the ESRL data should be sent to ESRL # for review before they are submitted for publication so we can# insure that the quality and limitations of the data are accurately # represented.##Contact:PieterTans(3034976678;********************)## File Creation: Wed Jun 5 12:05:50 2013## RECIPROCITY## Use of these data implies an agreement to reciprocate.# Laboratories making similar measurements agree to make their# own data available to the general public and to the scientific# community in an equally complete and easily accessible form.# Modelers are encouraged to make available to the community,# upon request, their own tools used in the interpretation# of the ESRL data, namely well documented model code, transport# fields, and additional information necessary for other# scientists to repeat the work and to run modified versions.# Model availability includes collaborative support for new# users of the models.-------------------------------------------------------------------- ### See /gmd/ccgg/trends/ for additional details.## Data from March 1958 through April 1974 have been obtained by C. David Keeling# of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and were obtained from the# Scripps website ().## Annual CO2 mole fraction increase (ppm) from Jan 1 through Dec 31. ## The uncertainty in the Mauna Loa annual mean growth rate is estimated # from the standard deviation of the differences between monthly mean # values determined independently by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography# and by NOAA/ESRL.## NOTE: In general, the data presented for the last year are subject to change,# depending on recalibration of the reference gas mixtures used, and other quality# control procedures. Occasionally, earlier years may also be changed for the same# reasons. Usually these changes are minor.## CO2 expressed as a mole fraction in dry air, micromol/mol, abbreviated as ppm## year ann inc unc1959 0.94 0.111960 0.54 0.111961 0.95 0.111962 0.64 0.111963 0.71 0.111964 0.28 0.111965 1.02 0.111966 1.24 0.111967 0.74 0.111968 1.03 0.111969 1.31 0.111970 1.06 0.111971 0.85 0.11 1972 1.69 0.11 1973 1.22 0.11 1974 0.78 0.11 1975 1.13 0.11 1976 0.84 0.11 1977 2.10 0.11 1978 1.30 0.11 1979 1.75 0.11 1980 1.73 0.11 1981 1.43 0.11 1982 0.96 0.11 1983 2.13 0.11 1984 1.36 0.11 1985 1.25 0.11 1986 1.48 0.11 1987 2.29 0.11 1988 2.13 0.11 1989 1.32 0.11 1990 1.19 0.11 1991 0.99 0.11 1992 0.48 0.11 1993 1.40 0.11 1994 1.91 0.11 1995 1.99 0.11 1996 1.25 0.11 1997 1.91 0.11 1998 2.93 0.11 1999 0.93 0.11 2000 1.62 0.11 2001 1.58 0.11 2002 2.53 0.11 2003 2.29 0.11 2004 1.56 0.11 2005 2.52 0.11 2006 1.76 0.11 2007 2.22 0.11 2008 1.60 0.11 2009 1.88 0.11 2010 2.44 0.11 2011 1.84 0.11 2012 2.65 0.11#-------------------------------------------------------------------- # USE OF NOAA ESRL DATA## These data are made freely available to the public and the# scientific community in the belief that their wide dissemination# will lead to greater understanding and new scientific insights.# The availability of these data does not constitute publication# of the data. NOAA relies on the ethics and integrity of the user to # insure that ESRL receives fair credit for their work. If the data # are obtained for potential use in a publication or presentation, # ESRL should be informed at the outset of the nature of this work. # If the ESRL data are essential to the work, or if an important# result or conclusion depends on the ESRL data, co-authorship# may be appropriate. This should be discussed at an early stage in # the work. Manuscripts using the ESRL data should be sent to ESRL # for review before they are submitted for publication so we can# insure that the quality and limitations of the data are accurately # represented.##Contact:PieterTans(3034976678;********************)## File Creation: Wed Jun 5 12:05:50 2013## RECIPROCITY## Use of these data implies an agreement to reciprocate.# Laboratories making similar measurements agree to make their# own data available to the general public and to the scientific# community in an equally complete and easily accessible form.# Modelers are encouraged to make available to the community,# upon request, their own tools used in the interpretation# of the ESRL data, namely well documented model code, transport# fields, and additional information necessary for other# scientists to repeat the work and to run modified versions.# Model availability includes collaborative support for new# users of the models.-------------------------------------------------------------------- ### See /gmd/ccgg/trends/ for additional details.## Data from March 1958 through April 1974 have been obtained by C. David Keeling# of the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO) and were obtained from the# Scripps website ().## The "average" column contains the monthly mean CO2 mole fraction determined# from daily averages. The mole fraction of CO2, expressed as parts per million# (ppm) is the number of molecules of CO2 in every one million molecules of dried# air (water vapor removed). If there are missing days concentrated either early# or late in the month, the monthly mean is corrected to the middle of the month# using the average seasonal cycle. Missing months are denoted by -99.99. # The "interpolated" column includes average values from the preceding column# and interpolated values where data are missing. Interpolated values are# computed in two steps. First, we compute for each month the average seasonal# cycle in a 7-year window around each monthly value. In this way the seasonal# cycle is allowed to change slowly over time. We then determine the "trend"# value for each month by removing the seasonal cycle; this result is shown in# the "trend" column. Trend values are linearly interpolated for missing months.# The interpolated monthly mean is then the sum of the average seasonal cycle# value and the trend value for the missing month.## NOTE: In general, the data presented for the last year are subject to change,# depending on recalibration of the reference gas mixtures used, and other quality# control procedures. Occasionally, earlier years may also be changed for the same# reasons. Usually these changes are minor.## CO2 expressed as a mole fraction in dry air, micromol/mol, abbreviated as ppm## (-99.99 missing data; -1 no data for #daily means in month)## decimal average interpolated trend #days# date (season corr)1958 3 1958.208 315.71 315.71 314.62 -11958 4 1958.292 317.45 317.45 315.29 -11958 5 1958.375 317.50 317.50 314.71 -11958 6 1958.458 -99.99 317.10 314.85 -11958 7 1958.542 315.86 315.86 314.98 -11958 8 1958.625 314.93 314.93 315.94 -11958 9 1958.708 313.20 313.20 315.91 -11958 10 1958.792 -99.99 312.66 315.61 -11958 11 1958.875 313.33 313.33 315.31 -11958 12 1958.958 314.67 314.67 315.61 -11959 1 1959.042 315.62 315.62 315.70 -11959 2 1959.125 316.38 316.38 315.88 -11959 3 1959.208 316.71 316.71 315.62 -11959 4 1959.292 317.72 317.72 315.56 -11959 5 1959.375 318.29 318.29 315.50 -11959 6 1959.458 318.15 318.15 315.92 -11959 7 1959.542 316.54 316.54 315.66 -11959 8 1959.625 314.80 314.80 315.81 -11959 9 1959.708 313.84 313.84 316.55 -11959 10 1959.792 313.26 313.26 316.19 -11959 11 1959.875 314.80 314.80 316.78 -11959 12 1959.958 315.58 315.58 316.52 -11960 1 1960.042 316.43 316.43 316.51 -11960 2 1960.125 316.97 316.97 316.47 -11960 3 1960.208 317.58 317.58 316.49 -11960 4 1960.292 319.02 319.02 316.86 -11960 5 1960.375 320.03 320.03 317.24 -11960 6 1960.458 319.59 319.59 317.36 -11960 7 1960.542 318.18 318.18 317.30 -11960 8 1960.625 315.91 315.91 316.92 -11960 9 1960.708 314.16 314.16 316.87 -11960 10 1960.792 313.83 313.83 316.76 -1 1960 11 1960.875 315.00 315.00 316.98 -1 1960 12 1960.958 316.19 316.19 317.13 -1 1961 1 1961.042 316.93 316.93 317.03 -1 1961 2 1961.125 317.70 317.70 317.28 -1 1961 3 1961.208 318.54 318.54 317.47 -1 1961 4 1961.292 319.48 319.48 317.27 -1 1961 5 1961.375 320.58 320.58 317.70 -1 1961 6 1961.458 319.77 319.77 317.48 -1 1961 7 1961.542 318.57 318.57 317.70 -1 1961 8 1961.625 316.79 316.79 317.80 -1 1961 9 1961.708 314.80 314.80 317.49 -1 1961 10 1961.792 315.38 315.38 318.35 -1 1961 11 1961.875 316.10 316.10 318.13 -1 1961 12 1961.958 317.01 317.01 317.94 -1 1962 1 1962.042 317.94 317.94 318.06 -1 1962 2 1962.125 318.56 318.56 318.11 -1 1962 3 1962.208 319.68 319.68 318.57 -1 1962 4 1962.292 320.63 320.63 318.45 -1 1962 5 1962.375 321.01 321.01 318.20 -1 1962 6 1962.458 320.55 320.55 318.27 -1 1962 7 1962.542 319.58 319.58 318.67 -1 1962 8 1962.625 317.40 317.40 318.48 -1 1962 9 1962.708 316.26 316.26 319.03 -1 1962 10 1962.792 315.42 315.42 318.33 -1 1962 11 1962.875 316.69 316.69 318.62 -1 1962 12 1962.958 317.69 317.69 318.61 -1 1963 1 1963.042 318.74 318.74 318.91 -1 1963 2 1963.125 319.08 319.08 318.68 -1 1963 3 1963.208 319.86 319.86 318.69 -1 1963 4 1963.292 321.39 321.39 319.09 -1 1963 5 1963.375 322.25 322.25 319.39 -1 1963 6 1963.458 321.47 321.47 319.16 -1 1963 7 1963.542 319.74 319.74 318.77 -1 1963 8 1963.625 317.77 317.77 318.83 -1 1963 9 1963.708 316.21 316.21 319.06 -1 1963 10 1963.792 315.99 315.99 319.00 -1 1963 11 1963.875 317.12 317.12 319.10 -1 1963 12 1963.958 318.31 318.31 319.25 -1 1964 1 1964.042 319.57 319.57 319.67 -1 1964 2 1964.125 -99.99 320.07 319.61 -1 1964 3 1964.208 -99.99 320.73 319.55 -1 1964 4 1964.292 -99.99 321.77 319.48 -1 1964 5 1964.375 322.25 322.25 319.42 -11964 7 1964.542 320.44 320.44 319.58 -1 1964 8 1964.625 318.70 318.70 319.81 -1 1964 9 1964.708 316.70 316.70 319.56 -1 1964 10 1964.792 316.79 316.79 319.78 -1 1964 11 1964.875 317.79 317.79 319.72 -1 1964 12 1964.958 318.71 318.71 319.59 -1 1965 1 1965.042 319.44 319.44 319.48 -1 1965 2 1965.125 320.44 320.44 319.97 -1 1965 3 1965.208 320.89 320.89 319.65 -1 1965 4 1965.292 322.13 322.13 319.80 -1 1965 5 1965.375 322.16 322.16 319.36 -1 1965 6 1965.458 321.87 321.87 319.65 -1 1965 7 1965.542 321.39 321.39 320.51 -1 1965 8 1965.625 318.81 318.81 319.93 -1 1965 9 1965.708 317.81 317.81 320.68 -1 1965 10 1965.792 317.30 317.30 320.36 -1 1965 11 1965.875 318.87 318.87 320.87 -1 1965 12 1965.958 319.42 319.42 320.26 -1 1966 1 1966.042 320.62 320.62 320.63 -1 1966 2 1966.125 321.59 321.59 321.10 -1 1966 3 1966.208 322.39 322.39 321.16 -1 1966 4 1966.292 323.87 323.87 321.51 -1 1966 5 1966.375 324.01 324.01 321.18 -1 1966 6 1966.458 323.75 323.75 321.52 -1 1966 7 1966.542 322.39 322.39 321.49 -1 1966 8 1966.625 320.37 320.37 321.50 -1 1966 9 1966.708 318.64 318.64 321.54 -1 1966 10 1966.792 318.10 318.10 321.18 -1 1966 11 1966.875 319.79 319.79 321.84 -1 1966 12 1966.958 321.08 321.08 321.95 -1 1967 1 1967.042 322.07 322.07 322.07 -1 1967 2 1967.125 322.50 322.50 321.94 -1 1967 3 1967.208 323.04 323.04 321.72 -1 1967 4 1967.292 324.42 324.42 322.05 -1 1967 5 1967.375 325.00 325.00 322.27 -1 1967 6 1967.458 324.09 324.09 321.94 -1 1967 7 1967.542 322.55 322.55 321.66 -1 1967 8 1967.625 320.92 320.92 322.04 -1 1967 9 1967.708 319.31 319.31 322.19 -1 1967 10 1967.792 319.31 319.31 322.36 -1 1967 11 1967.875 320.72 320.72 322.78 -1 1967 12 1967.958 321.96 321.96 322.86 -1 1968 1 1968.042 322.57 322.57 322.55 -11968 3 1968.208 323.89 323.89 322.59 -1 1968 4 1968.292 325.02 325.02 322.73 -1 1968 5 1968.375 325.57 325.57 322.87 -1 1968 6 1968.458 325.36 325.36 323.20 -1 1968 7 1968.542 324.14 324.14 323.25 -1 1968 8 1968.625 322.03 322.03 323.15 -1 1968 9 1968.708 320.41 320.41 323.31 -1 1968 10 1968.792 320.25 320.25 323.32 -1 1968 11 1968.875 321.31 321.31 323.32 -1 1968 12 1968.958 322.84 322.84 323.69 -1 1969 1 1969.042 324.00 324.00 323.98 -1 1969 2 1969.125 324.42 324.42 323.89 -1 1969 3 1969.208 325.64 325.64 324.41 -1 1969 4 1969.292 326.66 326.66 324.35 -1 1969 5 1969.375 327.34 327.34 324.57 -1 1969 6 1969.458 326.76 326.76 324.63 -1 1969 7 1969.542 325.88 325.88 325.08 -1 1969 8 1969.625 323.67 323.67 324.80 -1 1969 9 1969.708 322.38 322.38 325.28 -1 1969 10 1969.792 321.78 321.78 324.84 -1 1969 11 1969.875 322.85 322.85 324.78 -1 1969 12 1969.958 324.11 324.11 324.88 -1 1970 1 1970.042 325.03 325.03 325.04 -1 1970 2 1970.125 325.99 325.99 325.42 -1 1970 3 1970.208 326.87 326.87 325.69 -1 1970 4 1970.292 328.13 328.13 325.86 -1 1970 5 1970.375 328.07 328.07 325.27 -1 1970 6 1970.458 327.66 327.66 325.52 -1 1970 7 1970.542 326.35 326.35 325.51 -1 1970 8 1970.625 324.69 324.69 325.76 -1 1970 9 1970.708 323.10 323.10 325.93 -1 1970 10 1970.792 323.16 323.16 326.15 -1 1970 11 1970.875 323.98 323.98 325.96 -1 1970 12 1970.958 325.13 325.13 326.06 -1 1971 1 1971.042 326.17 326.17 326.26 -1 1971 2 1971.125 326.68 326.68 326.09 -1 1971 3 1971.208 327.18 327.18 325.94 -1 1971 4 1971.292 327.78 327.78 325.47 -1 1971 5 1971.375 328.92 328.92 326.11 -1 1971 6 1971.458 328.57 328.57 326.41 -1 1971 7 1971.542 327.34 327.34 326.46 -1 1971 8 1971.625 325.46 325.46 326.49 -1 1971 9 1971.708 323.36 323.36 326.18 -11971 11 1971.875 324.80 324.80 326.82 -1 1971 12 1971.958 326.01 326.01 327.02 -1 1972 1 1972.042 326.77 326.77 326.86 -1 1972 2 1972.125 327.63 327.63 327.05 -1 1972 3 1972.208 327.75 327.75 326.52 -1 1972 4 1972.292 329.72 329.72 327.41 -1 1972 5 1972.375 330.07 330.07 327.21 -1 1972 6 1972.458 329.09 329.09 326.94 -1 1972 7 1972.542 328.05 328.05 327.24 -1 1972 8 1972.625 326.32 326.32 327.37 -1 1972 9 1972.708 324.93 324.93 327.73 -1 1972 10 1972.792 325.06 325.06 328.05 -1 1972 11 1972.875 326.50 326.50 328.51 -1 1972 12 1972.958 327.55 327.55 328.56 -1 1973 1 1973.042 328.54 328.54 328.58 -1 1973 2 1973.125 329.56 329.56 328.87 -1 1973 3 1973.208 330.30 330.30 328.99 -1 1973 4 1973.292 331.50 331.50 329.12 -1 1973 5 1973.375 332.48 332.48 329.60 -1 1973 6 1973.458 332.07 332.07 329.96 -1 1973 7 1973.542 330.87 330.87 330.09 -1 1973 8 1973.625 329.31 329.31 330.43 -1 1973 9 1973.708 327.51 327.51 330.43 -1 1973 10 1973.792 327.18 327.18 330.23 -1 1973 11 1973.875 328.16 328.16 330.17 -1 1973 12 1973.958 328.64 328.64 329.66 -1 1974 1 1974.042 329.35 329.35 329.44 -1 1974 2 1974.125 330.71 330.71 330.11 -1 1974 3 1974.208 331.48 331.48 330.19 -1 1974 4 1974.292 332.65 332.65 330.25 -1 1974 5 1974.375 333.19 333.19 330.25 15 1974 6 1974.458 332.12 332.12 329.93 27 1974 7 1974.542 330.99 330.99 330.20 31 1974 8 1974.625 329.17 329.17 330.31 31 1974 9 1974.708 327.41 327.41 330.35 29 1974 10 1974.792 327.21 327.21 330.29 29 1974 11 1974.875 328.34 328.34 330.33 29 1974 12 1974.958 329.50 329.50 330.47 31 1975 1 1975.042 330.68 330.68 330.81 31 1975 2 1975.125 331.41 331.41 330.86 28 1975 3 1975.208 331.85 331.85 330.49 26 1975 4 1975.292 333.29 333.29 330.77 30 1975 5 1975.375 333.91 333.91 330.94 301975 7 1975.542 331.74 331.74 330.92 27 1975 8 1975.625 329.88 329.88 331.06 31 1975 9 1975.708 328.57 328.57 331.54 30 1975 10 1975.792 328.36 328.36 331.46 17 1975 11 1975.875 329.33 329.33 331.39 25 1975 12 1975.958 -99.99 330.59 331.60 1 1976 1 1976.042 331.66 331.66 331.82 25 1976 2 1976.125 332.75 332.75 332.19 29 1976 3 1976.208 333.46 333.46 331.99 29 1976 4 1976.292 334.78 334.78 332.24 25 1976 5 1976.375 334.78 334.78 331.86 31 1976 6 1976.458 334.06 334.06 331.74 25 1976 7 1976.542 332.95 332.95 332.06 21 1976 8 1976.625 330.64 330.64 331.87 31 1976 9 1976.708 328.96 328.96 331.94 28 1976 10 1976.792 328.77 328.77 331.92 30 1976 11 1976.875 330.18 330.18 332.33 26 1976 12 1976.958 331.65 331.65 332.69 24 1977 1 1977.042 332.69 332.69 332.75 29 1977 2 1977.125 333.23 333.23 332.60 26 1977 3 1977.208 334.97 334.97 333.36 29 1977 4 1977.292 336.03 336.03 333.39 29 1977 5 1977.375 336.82 336.82 333.87 30 1977 6 1977.458 336.10 336.10 333.76 25 1977 7 1977.542 334.79 334.79 333.96 28 1977 8 1977.625 332.53 332.53 333.92 30 1977 9 1977.708 331.19 331.19 334.27 27 1977 10 1977.792 331.21 331.21 334.43 30 1977 11 1977.875 332.35 332.35 334.59 28 1977 12 1977.958 333.47 333.47 334.48 31 1978 1 1978.042 335.10 335.10 335.11 26 1978 2 1978.125 335.26 335.26 334.58 28 1978 3 1978.208 336.61 336.61 334.95 30 1978 4 1978.292 337.77 337.77 335.11 28 1978 5 1978.375 338.01 338.01 335.05 30 1978 6 1978.458 337.98 337.98 335.60 27 1978 7 1978.542 336.48 336.48 335.68 31 1978 8 1978.625 334.37 334.37 335.88 31 1978 9 1978.708 332.33 332.33 335.49 24 1978 10 1978.792 332.41 332.41 335.66 31 1978 11 1978.875 333.76 333.76 336.01 28 1978 12 1978.958 334.83 334.83 335.79 31 1979 1 1979.042 336.21 336.21 336.23 311979 3 1979.208 338.13 338.13 336.40 29 1979 4 1979.292 338.94 338.94 336.21 24 1979 5 1979.375 339.00 339.00 336.01 20 1979 6 1979.458 339.20 339.20 336.79 30 1979 7 1979.542 337.60 337.60 336.78 29 1979 8 1979.625 335.56 335.56 337.10 29 1979 9 1979.708 333.93 333.93 337.17 26 1979 10 1979.792 334.12 334.12 337.44 28 1979 11 1979.875 335.26 335.26 337.54 30 1979 12 1979.958 336.78 336.78 337.76 24 1980 1 1980.042 337.80 337.80 337.95 30 1980 2 1980.125 338.28 338.28 337.73 28 1980 3 1980.208 340.04 340.04 338.43 31 1980 4 1980.292 340.86 340.86 338.21 30 1980 5 1980.375 341.47 341.47 338.45 31 1980 6 1980.458 341.26 341.26 338.79 30 1980 7 1980.542 339.34 339.34 338.48 26 1980 8 1980.625 337.45 337.45 338.92 24 1980 9 1980.708 336.10 336.10 339.27 26 1980 10 1980.792 336.05 336.05 339.32 29 1980 11 1980.875 337.21 337.21 339.38 27 1980 12 1980.958 338.29 338.29 339.23 27 1981 1 1981.042 339.36 339.36 339.41 31 1981 2 1981.125 340.51 340.51 339.89 28 1981 3 1981.208 341.57 341.57 339.98 31 1981 4 1981.292 342.56 342.56 339.93 30 1981 5 1981.375 343.01 343.01 339.98 31 1981 6 1981.458 342.49 342.49 340.02 28 1981 7 1981.542 340.68 340.68 339.81 31 1981 8 1981.625 338.49 338.49 339.97 28 1981 9 1981.708 336.92 336.92 340.17 30 1981 10 1981.792 337.12 337.12 340.44 31 1981 11 1981.875 338.59 338.59 340.76 30 1981 12 1981.958 339.90 339.90 340.81 28 1982 1 1982.042 340.92 340.92 341.03 30 1982 2 1982.125 341.69 341.69 341.06 27 1982 3 1982.208 342.85 342.85 341.21 21 1982 4 1982.292 343.92 343.92 341.31 9 1982 5 1982.375 344.67 344.67 341.63 31 1982 6 1982.458 343.78 343.78 341.32 29 1982 7 1982.542 342.23 342.23 341.45 28 1982 8 1982.625 340.11 340.11 341.61 27 1982 9 1982.708 338.32 338.32 341.53 261982 11 1982.875 339.48 339.48 341.62 28 1982 12 1982.958 340.88 340.88 341.77 31 1983 1 1983.042 341.64 341.64 341.79 31 1983 2 1983.125 342.87 342.87 342.30 27 1983 3 1983.208 343.59 343.59 342.04 30 1983 4 1983.292 345.25 345.25 342.63 26 1983 5 1983.375 345.96 345.96 342.80 29 1983 6 1983.458 345.52 345.52 343.03 25 1983 7 1983.542 344.15 344.15 343.41 30 1983 8 1983.625 342.25 342.25 343.72 28 1983 9 1983.708 340.17 340.17 343.34 27 1983 10 1983.792 340.30 340.30 343.63 31 1983 11 1983.875 341.53 341.53 343.66 29 1983 12 1983.958 343.07 343.07 343.97 26 1984 1 1984.042 344.05 344.05 344.15 31 1984 2 1984.125 344.77 344.77 344.21 29 1984 3 1984.208 345.46 345.46 344.00 23 1984 4 1984.292 -99.99 346.77 344.17 2 1984 5 1984.375 347.55 347.55 344.35 27 1984 6 1984.458 346.98 346.98 344.50 25 1984 7 1984.542 345.55 345.55 344.82 29 1984 8 1984.625 343.20 343.20 344.67 24 1984 9 1984.708 341.35 341.35 344.54 27 1984 10 1984.792 341.68 341.68 344.99 28 1984 11 1984.875 343.06 343.06 345.16 28 1984 12 1984.958 344.54 344.54 345.42 28 1985 1 1985.042 345.25 345.25 345.35 29 1985 2 1985.125 346.06 346.06 345.51 26 1985 3 1985.208 347.66 347.66 346.27 28 1985 4 1985.292 348.20 348.20 345.64 27 1985 5 1985.375 348.92 348.92 345.75 31 1985 6 1985.458 348.40 348.40 345.94 30 1985 7 1985.542 346.66 346.66 345.86 28 1985 8 1985.625 344.85 344.85 346.22 27 1985 9 1985.708 343.20 343.20 346.32 27 1985 10 1985.792 343.08 343.08 346.36 27 1985 11 1985.875 344.40 344.40 346.53 29 1985 12 1985.958 345.82 345.82 346.75 29 1986 1 1986.042 346.54 346.54 346.56 26 1986 2 1986.125 347.13 347.13 346.59 26 1986 3 1986.208 348.05 348.05 346.71 31 1986 4 1986.292 349.77 349.77 347.21 30 1986 5 1986.375 350.53 350.53 347.39 301986 7 1986.542 348.11 348.11 347.30 26 1986 8 1986.625 346.09 346.09 347.49 29 1986 9 1986.708 345.01 345.01 348.16 25 1986 10 1986.792 344.47 344.47 347.71 30 1986 11 1986.875 345.86 345.86 347.99 30 1986 12 1986.958 347.15 347.15 348.06 30 1987 1 1987.042 348.38 348.38 348.31 30 1987 2 1987.125 348.70 348.70 348.01 28 1987 3 1987.208 349.72 349.72 348.31 27 1987 4 1987.292 351.32 351.32 348.77 30 1987 5 1987.375 352.14 352.14 349.03 31 1987 6 1987.458 351.61 351.61 349.23 29 1987 7 1987.542 349.91 349.91 349.20 28 1987 8 1987.625 347.84 347.84 349.34 27 1987 9 1987.708 346.52 346.52 349.71 29 1987 10 1987.792 346.65 346.65 349.88 30 1987 11 1987.875 347.96 347.96 350.07 27 1987 12 1987.958 349.18 349.18 350.07 30 1988 1 1988.042 350.38 350.38 350.36 29 1988 2 1988.125 351.68 351.68 351.01 27 1988 3 1988.208 352.24 352.24 350.76 30 1988 4 1988.292 353.66 353.66 351.00 30 1988 5 1988.375 354.18 354.18 350.99 31 1988 6 1988.458 353.68 353.68 351.30 29 1988 7 1988.542 352.58 352.58 351.94 30 1988 8 1988.625 350.66 350.66 352.19 27 1988 9 1988.708 349.03 349.03 352.22 29 1988 10 1988.792 349.08 349.08 352.34 31 1988 11 1988.875 350.15 350.15 352.29 27 1988 12 1988.958 351.44 351.44 352.36 30 1989 1 1989.042 352.89 352.89 352.83 31 1989 2 1989.125 353.24 353.24 352.55 28 1989 3 1989.208 353.80 353.80 352.36 30 1989 4 1989.292 355.59 355.59 352.93 30 1989 5 1989.375 355.89 355.89 352.65 31 1989 6 1989.458 355.30 355.30 352.88 30 1989 7 1989.542 353.98 353.98 353.33 31 1989 8 1989.625 351.53 351.53 353.11 29 1989 9 1989.708 350.02 350.02 353.27 28 1989 10 1989.792 350.29 350.29 353.53 30 1989 11 1989.875 351.44 351.44 353.60 30 1989 12 1989.958 352.84 352.84 353.78 28 1990 1 1990.042 353.79 353.79 353.74 301990 3 1990.208 355.65 355.65 354.21 31 1990 4 1990.292 356.28 356.28 353.66 29 1990 5 1990.375 357.29 357.29 354.10 30 1990 6 1990.458 356.32 356.32 353.92 30 1990 7 1990.542 354.89 354.89 354.27 29 1990 8 1990.625 352.89 352.89 354.51 30 1990 9 1990.708 351.28 351.28 354.53 27 1990 10 1990.792 351.59 351.59 354.81 31 1990 11 1990.875 353.05 353.05 355.10 29 1990 12 1990.958 354.27 354.27 355.12 30 1991 1 1991.042 354.87 354.87 354.85 29 1991 2 1991.125 355.68 355.68 355.01 28 1991 3 1991.208 357.06 357.06 355.58 27 1991 4 1991.292 358.51 358.51 355.88 30 1991 5 1991.375 359.09 359.09 355.94 31 1991 6 1991.458 358.10 358.10 355.75 30 1991 7 1991.542 356.12 356.12 355.51 29 1991 8 1991.625 353.89 353.89 355.50 31 1991 9 1991.708 352.30 352.30 355.58 30 1991 10 1991.792 352.32 352.32 355.55 31 1991 11 1991.875 353.79 353.79 355.78 30 1991 12 1991.958 355.07 355.07 355.89 31 1992 1 1992.042 356.17 356.17 356.12 30 1992 2 1992.125 356.93 356.93 356.23 29 1992 3 1992.208 357.82 357.82 356.28 29 1992 4 1992.292 359.00 359.00 356.30 30 1992 5 1992.375 359.55 359.55 356.33 31 1992 6 1992.458 359.32 359.32 356.92 30 1992 7 1992.542 356.85 356.85 356.27 30 1992 8 1992.625 354.91 354.91 356.61 30 1992 9 1992.708 352.93 352.93 356.27 29 1992 10 1992.792 353.31 353.31 356.57 30 1992 11 1992.875 354.27 354.27 356.32 30 1992 12 1992.958 355.53 355.53 356.37 31 1993 1 1993.042 356.86 356.86 356.83 28 1993 2 1993.125 357.27 357.27 356.43 28 1993 3 1993.208 358.36 358.36 356.70 31 1993 4 1993.292 359.27 359.27 356.60 30 1993 5 1993.375 360.19 360.19 357.00 31 1993 6 1993.458 359.52 359.52 357.09 30 1993 7 1993.542 357.42 357.42 356.83 27 1993 8 1993.625 355.46 355.46 357.14 28 1993 9 1993.708 354.10 354.10 357.45 26。

通信类常用的英语词汇(表记录的)插入修改添加删除 InsertModify, updateAddDelete(拨号后)拨号音不断 Non-stop Dial Tone(程序,进程)调度 Dispatch(程序安装的)序列号 Serial Number SN(单板)不在位 Not-in-position(单板等)插入/拔出 Plug/Unplug(发货)附件,辅助设备 Accessories(话务员)为分机用户代拨外线 Dial Out For An Extension(话务员帮)接通(电话) Put Through(计算机上)主板,母板 Mother-Board(界面)刷新 Refresh(开局)调测现场 Commissioning Site(判定)门限 Threshold(软件)补钉 Patch(试运行前的)开通调测 Commissioning PG(相)邻(信)道干扰 Adjacent-channel interference(移动电话)交接,越区切换 Handover(用户线)主配线架 Main Distribution Frame MDF(中继的)监听、插入及强拆 Monitor, Intrusion and Forced Release1800MHz频段的数字蜂窝系统 Digital Cellular System at 1800MHz DCS1800 2B1Q线路码 Two Binary-To-One Quaternary Line Code 2B1Q2M数字分支板 2Mb/s Digital Branching Board DB2M3 型不对称数字用户线 ADSL-33阶高密度双极性码 High Density Bipolar of Order 3 HDB350W粗缆10Mb/s基带以太网 10Base 550W细缆10Mb/s基带以太网 10Base 2500伏兆欧表(测绝缘电阻用 500V Meg-ohmmeter (used to measure the insulation resistance)5合1拼板 5 In 1 Boarda. (窗口)缩放b. 放大c. 缩小d.最大化e.最小化 ZoomZoom inZoom outMaximizeMinimizea.板,祼板b.板卡,单板 BoardCarda.本地网b.本地通讯网c.局域网 Local NetworkLocal Communication NetworkLocal Area Network LNLCNLANa.本局(交换局)b.本局(交换、传输等通用) Home exchangeHome office a.处理(呼叫,通信)b.处理(问题、意外)c.对待 ProcessingHandlingTreatment a.单选框b.复选框c.组合框 Button boxCheck boxCombo boxa.对话处理b.会话处理 Dialogue HandlingSession processing DHAa.对接b.互通 InterconnectionInterworkinga.高清晰度电视b.高分辩率电视 High Definition TelevisionHigh ResolutionTelevision HDTVa.挂起b.恢复(被挂起的) SuspendResume RESa.火线b.零线 Live LineZero Linea.局(交换)b.局(交换、传输等通用) ExchangeOfficea.可选的b.必选的c.必须的,必须遵循的,强制性的OptionalCompulsoryMandatorya.拉手条(单板)b.空面板(单板) Handle BarBlank Panela.配件b.部件c.组件d.附件e.备件FittingsPartsComponentsAccessoriesSpare Partsa.配置b.分配c.指配(几个词在不同产品可能用法不一样)ConfigurationAllocation, DistributionProvisioning, Assignmenta.起始b.终止 StartEnd POIa.试运行b.割接 Trial RunCut-overa.双绞线b.非屏蔽双绞线c.屏蔽双绞线d.同轴电缆e.同轴细缆f.同轴粗缆Twisted PairUnshielded Twisted PairShielded Twisted PairCoaxial cable Thicknet (cable) UTPSTPa.文件服务器b.应用程序服务器c.列表服务器 File ServerApplication ServerList Server FNSa.优先(用户)b.普通c.立即 Prior OrdinaryImmediatea.增殖业务b.新业务 Value Added Service (VAS)New ServiceA/B线 A Wire/B Wire AB04A/B线中继 A Wire/B Wire Trunk ABTA/D,D/A混合转换器 A/D And D/A Combined ConverterADSL-高速因特网接入 ADSL-High-Speed Internet AccessASIC及专用电路芯片 ASIC And Special ChipsATM 适配层 ATM Adaptation Layer AALA通道 A channelBCCH(频率)分配 BCCH Allocation BABNC T型接头 BNC T ConnectorBNC同轴插拔头 BNC ConnectorBNC同轴插拔头(阳) BNC Male ConnectorBNC同轴插拔头(阴) BNC Female ConnectorBNC终接器 BNC TerminatorBSS操作维护应用部分 BSS Operation and Maintenance Application Part BSSOMAPBTS的站址管理 BTS Address Management BTSMBTS管理 Base Transceiver Station Management BTSMB通道顺序号 B channel sequence number BSNB型机机柜 C&C08 B CabinetCAMEL应用部分 CAMEL Application Part CAPCATV相关配件 CATV Related FittingsD-Link 说明书 D-link SpecificationsD-Link 网络驱动软盘 D-link Network Drive Floppy DiskD通道链路接入协议 Link Access Protocol for D channel LAPDD通路上链路接入规程 Link Access Procedure of D-Channel LAPDE/M 信令方式 Ear and Mouth Signaling E&ME/M中继 E&M Trunk EMTE[线]和M[线]信令系统 E and M Signaling SystemE3子复用设备 E3 sub-Multiplexer E3MEMI磁珠 EMI BeadsEMI滤波器 EMI FilterFC型连接器 Full Contact ConnectorF突发脉冲 F burstG:产生幀码 A:幀校准 Z:零串抑制 P:极性转换A:告警 C:时钟恢复 H:幀同步 O:局信令 G: Generation of Frame Code; A: Alignment of Frame; Z: Zero-String Suppression; P: Polarity Conversion; A: Alarm; C: Clock Recovery; H: Hunt During Reframe; O: Office Signaling GAZPACHOGPRS隧道协议 GPRS Tunneling Protocol GTPGPRS无线资源业务接入点 GPRS Radio Resources service access point GRR GPRS移动管理和会话管理 GPRS Mobility Management and Session Management GMM/SMGPRS移动性管理 GPRS Mobility Management GMMGPRS移动性管理服务接入点逻辑链路控制 LLC to GPRS Mobility Management service access point LLGMMGPRS支持节点 GPRS Support Node GSNGPS Global Positioning SystemGSM AM 主控板 AM Process Board GAMPGSM16路E1中继接口板 16 E1 Interface Board GE16GSM产品家族 Full product family for GSM networksGSM的Q3协议 GSM Q3 protocol Q3GSM公众陆地移动网 GSM Public Land Mobile Network GSM PLMNGSM回波抵消板,提供EC-POOL方式的回波抵消功能 Echo Canceler Pool GECP GSM移动台 GSM Mobile Station GSM MSH4数字宽带通道 H4 digital broadband channel H4HLR数据库 HLR Database HDBIC起拔器 IC ExtractorIMEI的黑表 Black list (of IMEI)IMEI的灰名单 Grey list (of IMEI)Internet消息接入协议 Internet Message Access Protocol IMAPIN交换管理 IN Switching Management IN-SMIP 电话 IP PhoneIP 多路广播技术 IP Multicasting TechnologyIP广播业务 Internet protocol multicast IP-MIP旁路 IP BypassISDN A通道 ISDN A channelISDN 的基群速率接口 ISDN Primary Rate Interface, 2048 Kb/s (30B+D)PRA ISDN用户部分 ISDN User Part ISUPISDN用户部分(七号信令) ISDN User Part (SS7) ISUPISDN用户小交换机 ISDN PBX ISPBXITU电信标准化组 ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector ITU-T MAC业务接入点 MAC Service Access Point MSAPMAC业务数据单元 MAC Service Data Unit MSDUMFC收号错 MFC Number-Receiving ErrorModem 驱动软盘 Modem Drive Floppy DiskMSC处理模块 MSC Processing Module MPMMTP路由确认测试 MTP Route Verification Test MRVTN0.7信令ISDN用户部分 Integrated Services User Part ISUPNo.7共路信令 Common Channel Signaling No.7 CCS7No.7信令ISDN用户部分 Integrated Services User Part ISUPN-PDU使用的协议控制信息压缩算法标识 Identifier of the protocol control information compression algorithm used for the N-PDU PCOMPN级 Level-N L-NOEM产品专用物料 Special Materials for OEM ProductsPCB布线 PCB LayoutPCB耗尽 PCB Used-UpPCU-BSC间信令链路 Pcu-Bsc Signaling Link PbSLPDH物理接口 PDH Physical Interface PPIPPM parts per million PPMPTO选择类别 PTO Option Class Item POCPVC胶带 PVC TapePVC线槽安装组件 PVC Trough Installation ComponentsQ接口适配器 Q Interface Adapter QARJ45 连接头压线钳 RJ45 Connector Clamping ToolRJ45 连接头制作工具 RJ45 connector clamping toolRJ45插头 RJ45 ConnectorSBS网管系统 SBS Management Network SBSMNSBS系列SDH光传输系统出厂检验报告 Delivery inspection report on SDH optical Transmission system of SBS seriesSCCP编路控制 SCCP Routing Control SCRCSCCP管理 SCCP Management SCMGSCCP路由验证测试 SCCP Routing Verification Test SRVTSC型连接器 Square Couple ConnectorSDH管理网络 SDH Management Network SMNSDH设备时钟 SDH equipment clock SECSMA同轴中继自环电缆 SMA Coaxial Trunk Self-loop CableSMT胶 SMT GlueTU指针丢失 TU loss of pointerT型头 T ConnectorVLR数据库 VlR Database VDBVT组 VT groupWindows开放系统结构 Windows Open System Architecture WOSAXmodem协议 Xmodem ProtocolX窗口 X Windowμ-A律转换μ-A Law Conversion阿尔卡特(法) Alcatel (France)阿伦方差 Allan Variance AVAR爱尔兰(话务) Erlang ERL爱立信 Ericsson安保自动化系统 Security Automation System SAS安全超文本传输协议 Secure Hypertext Transport Protocol SHTTP 安全地 Safety Ground安全帽 Safety Helmet安全筛选 Security Screening SEC安全套层 Secure Sockets Layer SSL安装板、安装条、安装架 Installation Board/Bar/Bracket安装成套件 Suite of Installation Parts安装成套件(工具包) Installation Kit安装件 Installation Parts安装支架 Installing support按次付费 Pay-Per-View按键(话机) Push-Button (Phone)按键电话适配器 Key Telephone Adapters KTA按键开关 Button Switch按键脉冲话机 Pulse Phone Set按目标选择路由 Destination Call Routing DCR按钮 Push- Button PB按时间选择路由 Time Dependent Routing TDR按用户的规定选路 User-Defined Routing UDR按月付费 Monthly Payment八-二进制编码 Octal-Binary Coded八位位组字节,八位字节 Octet拔钉锤 Claw Hammer拔号间隔超时,数位间超时 Interdigit Timeout拜访MSC Visit (visited) MSC VMSC拜访PLMN Visited PLMN VPLMN拜访位置寄存器 Visitor Location Register VLR拜访用户位置存储器 Visitor Location Register VLR班长 Chief Operator板名条 Board Name Plate板位 Board Position版本 Version VER版权 Copyright办公活动 Office Activity办公自动化系统 Office Automation System OAS半菱形天线 Half Rhombic Antenna半双工 Half-Duplex半双工传输 Half-Duplex Transmission半速 Half rate HR半速率 Half Rate TCH/H半速率(话务)信道 Half-rate Traffic Channel半永久连接 Semi-Permanent Connection半自动核对 Semi-Automatic Checking帮助程序 Help Application包级过滤 Packet Level Filtering包装材料 Packing Material包装拆器,分组装拆器,数据包装拆器 Packet Assembler/Dis-assembler PAD 保安单元 Security Unit保护 Protection保护单元 protection unit保护倒换计数 Protection Switching Count PSC保护(接)地 Protection Ground/grounding保护模式 Protection Mode保护器件及配件 Protective Parts And Fittings保护时间 Guard time保护协议信令 Protection Protocol Signaling保留/备用路由 Reserved Route保留/备用频道 Reserved Channel保留的,尚未使用的 Reserved RES保险带 Safety Belt保险管,保险丝 Fuse保险管座 Fuse Base保修单 Warranty Bill报表格式 Report Format报文传送及存储单元 Message-Transmission and Storage Unit报文交换 Message Switching报文结尾 End of Message EOM北美的PCM二次群系统 T-2北美的PCM一次群系统 T-1北美与日本电视制式 National Television System Committee NTSC贝尔通信实验室 Bellcore备份 Backup备份不间断电源 Standby UPS备份原则 Redundancy concept备链路 Standby Link备用比特 Spare bit X备用方式 Standby Mode背板,母板 Backplane (减少用Motherboard) BKP背景色 Background Color背面 Rear Face背面布线 Back Wiring倍频器 Frequency Doubler倍增 Pair Gain被测系统 Implementation Under Test ITU被叫 Called (不用Callee)被叫/主叫方地址 Called/Calling Party Address被叫地址不全 Called Address Incomplete被叫付费,反向计费 Reverse Charging REV被叫挂机 Called Onhook被叫号码显示(补充业务) Connected Line identification Presentation COLP 被叫号码限制(补充业务) Connected Line identification Restriction COLR 被叫会晤层用户 Called SS-User被叫集中付费 Freephone FPH被叫线路识别表示 Connected Line Identification Presentation COLP被叫线路识别限制 Connected Line Identification Restriction COLR被叫应答 Called Party Answer被叫用户号码 Called Number被叫原籍网 Called Home Network被切换到的MSC The MSC to which the MS is handed over in a basic Handover MSC-B被切换到的第三方MSC(后续切换) The MSC to which the MS is handed over in a subsequent Handover MSC-B’本地/长途合用交换机, 市话/长话合用交换机 Combined Local/Toll Exchange 本地PLMN Local PLMN LPLMN本地打印机 Local Printer本地多点分配业务 Local Multipoint Distribution Service LMDS本地分配网络 Local Distribution Network LDN本地管理终端 Local Management Terminal LMT本地回路 Local Loop本地交换机 Local exchange(LE)本地交换局,市话局 Local Exchange本地接入和传输区域 Local Access and Transport Area LATA本地接入转换区 Local Access Transform Area LATA本地节点时钟 Local Node Clock LNC本地网络 Local Network LN本地维护终端 Local Maintenance Terminal LMT本地线对增容 Local Pair Gain LPG本地移动台识别码 Local Mobile Station Identity LMSI本地移动用户识别号 Local Mobile Subscriber Identity LMSI本地自动消息记帐 Local Automatic Message Accounting LAMA本端 Home Terminal本建筑物以外的,机房以外的, Off-Premises本局呼叫 Home Exchange Call本群 Home Group本网 Home Network本站 Home Station泵激光器 pump laser比较器 Comparing Unit, Comparer COMP比特(二进制信息单位) Bit比特,(二进制)位 Binary Digit bit比特插入 Bit Insertion比特传输速率,位传输速率 Bit Transmission Rate比特定时,位定时 Bit Timing比特分配信号 Bit Allocation Signal BAS比特间插奇偶校验 Bit Interleaved Parity BIP比特交错传输 Interleaved Bit Transmission比特流,位流 Bit Stream比特率容差 Bit Rate Error Tolerance比特误码率,误码率 Bit Error Rate BER笔记本电脑 Notebook PC闭合用户群 Closed User Group CUG闭塞 Block闭塞解除信号 Unblocking Signal UBL闭塞证实信号 Blocking-Acknowledgement Signal BLA闭锁码(闭合用户群补充业务) Interlock Code (CUG SS) IC 闭锁全部去话 Barring of All Outgoing Calls BAOC避雷器,避雷针 Lightning Arrester边界关口 Border Gateway BG边收边发 Receiving While Sending边缘交换网单元 Skirt Network Unit GSNU编程器 Programming Device编号计划,编号方案 Numbering Plan编辑框 Edit Box编码 Encoding编码开关 Code Switch编码器/译码器 Coder/Decoder C/D扁平电缆 Flat Cable扁三相插座 Flat Three-phrase Socket便携机, 便携式计算机 Portable Computer变频器 General Inverter GI变频设备 Frequency Conversion Equipment变速率码 Variable Rate Code VRCBLP变压器 Transformer标称值 Nominal Value标签 Label标识符 Identifier标题开始 Start of Heading SOH标题校验序列 Header Check Sequence HCS标志 Flag F标志、说明、装饰 Sign, Description, Decoration标准ETSI机柜 Standard ETSI Rack标准PC话务台 Standard PC Console标准插座 Standard Socket标准件 Standard component标准清晰度电视 Standard Definition TV SDTV标准通用标记语言 Standard Generalized Markup Language SGML 标准总线 Standard Bus表面声波 Surface Acoustic Wave SAW表面贴电感器 SMT Inductors表面贴装(生产) Surface mounting technology SMT表示层 Presentation Layer表头 Gauge Outfit别名 Alias并/串变换 Parallel/Serial Conversion P/S并柜 Combined cabinet并联 Connect In Parallel并席 Parallel Position病毒特征 Virus Characteristic拨号程序(上网) Dial-up Program拨号脉冲 Dial Pulse DP拨号脉冲方式 Pulse Dialing Mode拨号音 Dial Tone DT拨号早释 Dialing Release Early拨码开关/扳键开关/拨动开关/乒乓开关 Toggle switch波长转换 wavelength conversion波导 waveguide波分复用 Wavelength-Division Multiplex WDM波分复用光发射模块 WDM fiber optic transmitter module波分复用器 Wavelength Division Multiplexer波分器件 wave-division component波峰焊 Wave-Soldering波峰焊机 Crest Welder波特 Baud波纹管, 皮老虎 Bellows剥线钳 Cable Peeler, Wire Stripper播放 Broadcast,Play薄膜开关 Thin Film Switch补充业务 supplementary service捕获范围 Capture Range捕获时间 Capture Time不等长编码 Variable Length Coding不对称数字用户线 Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line ADSL 不对称线路 Asymmetric Line不干胶标签纸 Sticky Label Paper不活动性测试 Inactivity Test IT不可及前转补充业务 Call Forwarding on mobile subscriber Not Reachable CFNRc不可用秒 unavailable seconds UAS不可用时间 unavailable time UAT不连续发送(机制) Discontinuous Transmission(mechanism) DTX不连续接收 Discontinuous Reception DRX不同PLMN间GPRS支持节点间的接口 Interface between GPRS Support Nodes (GSNs) in different PLMNs Gp interface不占用空中通道的呼叫启动 Off Air Call Set Up OACSO布拉格光纤反射器 Bragg Fiber Reflector BFR布线设计 Layout Design步长 Step裁纸刀 Paper Knife采购导线 Purchased Wire参铒 erbium-doped参铒光纤放大器 Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifiers EDFAs参考点 Reference Point参考源 Reference source残余误码率 Residual Bit Error Ratio RBER操作失败 operation failure操作台 Operation desk操作维护应用部分 Operation and Maintenance Application Part OMAP操作维护中心---交换部分 Operation and Maintenance Center-Switch part OMC-S操作与维护链路 Operations and Maintenance Link OML槽位 Slot Position侧板套件 Side Board Kit侧门 Side Door测量报告 Measurement Report测试板 Test Board, Test Card测试光输出功率 measuring the optical output power测试设备 Test Equipment测试仪 Tester层2管理连接 Layer2 Management Link L2ML层2中继 Layer2 Relay L2R层3移动管理 Layer3 Mobility Management L3MM叉车 Forklift插板固定器 Retainer of plugboard插框,插箱 Plug-in Frame插入式 Plug-in插入式端子 Plug-in terminal插入箱 Plug in Box插针 Pin插座 Socket查看日志 View log查看主机数据 View data in host差错率 Error Rate差线(鸳鸯线) A Wire Contacts Earth, B Wire Contacts Battery 掺铒光纤放大器 Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier EDFA长距 long haul长卷尺 Long Tape常规突发脉冲序列 Normal Burst NB场效应管 Field Effect Transistor超长距 ultra long haul超柔电缆 Super Soft Cable超帧 Hyperframe撤消移动用户注册 Deregister mobile subscriber沉头螺钉 Sunk Screw衬板 Lining Board成分传感器 Component Sensor成品板制成板 Finished BoardManufactured Board成套 Complete set成套,套件 Suite, Set,成套包装材料 Package Material Set成套电缆 Cable set成套光缆 Suite of Fiber Cable成套设备 Suite of Equipment成套资料 Package of Documentation成型泡沫 Contoured foam承插件 Socket Component承认,应答 Acknowledge承载能力标示单元 Bearer Capacity Identity Element BC_IE承载能力信息单元 Bearer Capacity Information Element BCIE承载信道 Bearer Channel, B Channel承重能力 Bearing capacity齿形锁紧垫圈 Toothed Lock Washer冲击钻 Percussion drill冲击钻头 Percussion Drill Hammer抽象语法编码1 Abstract Syntax Notation One ASN.1出厂检验报告 Delivery Inspection Report出厂配置报告 Delivery Configuration Document出厂验收 Leave-factory check and acceptance出局/出中继闭塞 Outgoing Blocking出局禁止(补充业务) Call out barring初始化信道分配 Initial channel assignment触发检测点-请求 Trigger Detection Point-Request TDP-R触发检测点-通知 Trigger Detection Point- Notification TDP-N触发检出点 Trigger Detection Point TDP触缝 Contact Seam穿线框 Wire guide穿心电容 Feedthru Capacitor传感器 Sensor传感式手套 Sensor Glove传输扩展单元 Transmission Extension unit TEU传输扩展供电单元 Transmission Extension power Supply unit TES传输设备 Transmission Equipment传送网 transport network串口线 Serial Port Line串联 Connect in Serial, Cascade Connection创建网元 create the NE瓷介电容 Leaded Ceramic Disc Capacitor磁带 Magnetic Tape磁带机 Tape Drive磁盘阵列设备 Disk Array磁芯 Magnetic Core磁性材料 Magnetic Materials粗缆 Thicknet Cable簇控制器 Cluster controller存储介质 Storage Media存储器,内存 Memory存入 Deposit存在点 point of presence POP锉刀 File搭载 Piggybacking打包带 Straps打印设置 Print Setup大力钳 Powerful Pliers大密封圈 Large Sealing Packing Ring大容量移动电话系统(日本) High-Capacity Mobile Telecommunications System大小喉箍: Hoop Iron大众呼叫 Mass Calling MAS带电操作 Hot-line Work带电导线 Live Wire带宽(业务)管理 bandwidth management带宽间隔 bandwidth granularity带区集(磁盘) Stripe Set单板 Card单板软件 Card Software单板套件 Card Suite单层屏蔽双绞线 One-layer STP单刀双掷开关 Single-pole Double Throw Switch单导体扁平电缆 Uniconductor Flat Cable单个联系客体 Single Agent Point SAO单个联系控制功能 Single Association Control Function SACF单根电缆 Cable单机柜 Single Cabinet单模 Single-mode单模光缆 Single-mode Optical Cable单模光纤 Single-mode Fiber SMF单片机 Single-chip Microcomputer单位间隔 unit interval UI单向广播 unidirectional broadcast单向通道倒换环 Unidirectional Path Switched Ring UPSR单用户单元 Single subscriber Unit SU单元 unit单元功能 Elementary Function EF弹垫, 弹簧垫圈 Spring Washer, Retaining Washer当漫游出归属PLMN国家后,锁闭入呼叫 Barring of Incoming Calls when Roaming outside home PLMN Country BIC-Roam挡板,堵板 Baffle导电体 Conductor导电橡胶 Conducting Rubber导轨 Guide Rail导航树 Navigation tree导热材料 Heat Conduction Material导通性 Continuity导线 Conducting line导线连接器 Wire Connector倒换 Switching倒换练习器 protection exerciser登录注销 LoginLogout等待恢复 wait to restore等效误码率 equibalent bit error ratio EBER低级别业务 low priority traffic低级信令转接点 Low Level Signaling Transfer Point LSTP低阶 lower order LO低阶交叉连接 lower order cross connect低阶接口 Lower Order Interface LOI低阶开销监视 Lower order Path Overhead Monitor LPOM低阶通路/通道 Lower order Path LP低阶通路/通道连接 Lower order Path Connection LPC低阶通路/通道适配 Lower order Path Adaptation LPA低阶通路/通道终结 Lower order Path Termination LPT涤纶电容器 Dacron Capacitor底板 Backplane底盘接地 Enclosure Grounding底座 Basement, Rack Base地面电路 Terrestrial circuit地面系统 Terrestrial system地阻 Grounding Resistance地阻仪 Grounding Resistance Meter递减计数器 Count-Down Counter递增计数器 Count-Up Counter第一方拆线 First-Party Release点到多点时局服务中心 Point To Multipoint Service Center PTM-SC点对多点群呼 Point to multipoint group call PTM-G点对多点信道广播 Point to multipoint multicast PTM-M电笔 Test Pencil电池 Battery电池室(房) Battery Room电磁能传感器 Electromagnetic Sensor电感器 Inductor电工材料 Electric Material电工刀(刀片) Electrical Knife电工胶带 Electrical Adhesive Tape电荷耦合器 Charge Coupled Device电化学反应 Electrochemical reaction电话耳机 Telephone Earpiece电话机 Telephone Set电话投票 Televoting VOT电话用户部分(七号信令) Telephone User Part (SS7) TUP电机类 Electric Machinery电可擦编程只读存储器 Electrically Erasable and Programmable Read-Only Memory E2PROM电缆,线缆 Cable电缆安装成套件 Complete-set of Cable Installation Parts电缆安装成套件 Suite of Cable Installation Parts电缆电视,有线电视 Cable TV电缆调制解调器 Cable Modem电缆固定卡 Cable Fixed-Caliper电缆固定卡,室内电缆卡 Cable Fixed-caliper电缆夹 Cable Clamp电缆交接柜 Cable Connector Cabinet电缆连接密封材料 Weather-Proof Connection PVC Material电缆连接器 Cable Connector电缆弯曲半径 Cable Bending Radius电缆线孔板 Cable Entry Port Card电缆线套 Cable Sheath, Cable Shield电缆箱,电缆分线盒 Cable Distribution box电烙铁 Electric Iron电力电缆 Electrical Cable电力室 Power Room电力线,动力线 Power Line电力载波 Power Line Carrier PLC电流传感器 Current Sensor电流互感器 Current Transformer电路 Circuit Cct电路板 Circuit Card电路复原信号(TUP) Circuit Reset Signal RSC电路监控消息 Circuit Monitor Message CCM电路交换/分组交换混合接口 Combined Interface for Circuit/Packet Switching电路交换的交换局 Circuit Switching Exchange电路交换公共数据网 Circuit-Switched Public Data Network CSPDN 电路利用率 Circuit Usage电路群闭塞的请求 Circuit Group Blocking Request CGB电路群监视消息 Circuit Group Monitor Message GRM电路群解除闭塞消息 Circuit Group Unblocking Message CGU电路群询问 Circuit Group Query CQM电路群拥塞信号 Circuit Group Congestion Signal CGC电路容量 Circuit Capacity电路入口点 Circuit Access Point CAP电路识别码 Circuit Identification Code CIC电脑话务台 Computer console电脑空间 Cyberspace电气与电子工程师学会(美) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE电器柜 Electric Appliance Cabinet电容器 Capacitor电容性 Capacitive Load电声器件 Electric Acoustic Devices电视会议 Videoconference, Videoconferencing电视会议业务 Video Conference Service电视机 Television电位器 Potentiometer电线 Wire电信 Telecom电信法规 Telecom Regulations电信管理网 Telecom Management Network TMN电信机构,电信设施 Telecom Facilities电信局 Telecom Bureau/Office电信年营业额,电信年收入 Telecom Revenue电信维护中心 Telecom Maintenance Center TMC电信营运者 Telecom Carrier电信支撑网 Telecommunication Supporting Network电信主管部门,电信管理局 Telecommunications Administration电信总局 Directorate-General of Telecommunications, DGT电压、电阻和电容等参量 Parameter(Voltage, Resistance and Capacitance) VRC电压表 Voltmeter电压调整器 Voltage Regulator电压告警范围 Voltage Alarm Range电压驻波比 Voltage Standing Wave Ratio VSWR电影点播 Movie On Demand MOD电涌吸收器,过压吸收器 Surge Absorber电源 Power Supply电源插框 Power Plug-in Shelf电源存储器 Electric Power Storage EPS电源断,切断电源,电源中断,掉电 Power-Off电源分配显示板 Power Distribution Display Card电源监控 Power Supply Monitoring电源接地 Power Ground电源馈线 Power Feeder电源连接器 Power Connector电源模块 Power Module电源软线 Power Cord电源系统 Power System电支路 Electric Tributary ETP电支路插槽 Electric Tributary PDH ETP1S电支路接口单元 electrical tributary interface units电支路转换器 Electric Tributary Transformer ETP1T电子白板 Electronic White Board电子表格 Electronic Form电子出版 Electronic Publishing电子交换系统 Electronic Switching System ESS电子期刊 E-Journal电子签名 Electronic Signature电子商务 E-Commerce EC电子数据互换 Electronic Data Interchange EDI电子现金 Electronic Cash电子信息互换系统 Electronic Information Exchange System EIES电子邮件 E-Mail, Electronic-Mail电子杂志 Electronic Magazine电子资金转帐 Electronic Funds Transfer EFT电阻器 Resistor垫片 Gasket吊环螺栓 Eyebolt吊扣 Suspension Clasp调测配件 Fittings for Commissioning调测整机 Debugging Integrated Equipment调度程序 Scheduler调度通信系统 Dispatch Communication System调幅 Amplitude Modulation AM调试 Debug调停功能 Mediation functions调制/解调 Modulator/Demodulator Modulate/Demodulate MODEM调制解调器 Modem掉电 Power Failure叠加网 Overlay Network RON叠加写盘 Overlap Writing顶侧板 Top-Side Door顶盖、底盖、盖板 Top Cover, Bottom Cover, And Cover Board顶门板 Top Door顶面板 Top Panel定(方)向增益 Directive gain定标频率 Beacon frequency定界和定位 Delimiter and LocalizationDelimiting and Locating 定力矩扳手 Torque wrench定时 Timing定时参考信号 timing reference signal定时传输管理单元 Timing/Transmission and Management Unit TMU 定时调整控制环 Time Adjustment Control Loop定时供给单元 synchronization supply unit SSU定时器 Timer定时器 Timer定时时长 Timing Length定时提前量 Timing Advance TA定时信号供给系统 Timing System定位螺钉 Positioning Screw, Set Screw定位片,衬垫 Spacer定向天线 Directional antenna定向无线电 Directional radio定向小区 Directional cell定向重试 Directed retry定制的,定做的 customized, tailored动态带宽分配 Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation DBA动态非等级路由选择 Dynamic Non-Hierarchical Routing动态服务器页面技术 Active Server Pages ASP动态配置 Dynamic Configuration动态随机存取存储器 Dynamic Random Access Memory DRAM动态信道分配 Dynamic Channel Allocation DCA动态信令跟踪 Dynamic Signaling Tracing DST动态主机配置协议 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCP动作指示符 Action Indicator AI抖动 Jitter抖动传递特性 Jitter transfer function抖动容限 Jitter toleration读取值 Read-Out Values读中继属性失败 Fail To Read Trunk Attribute独立的,自含的,已配套的,设备齐全的 Self-Contained独立局,独立交换局 Standalone Exchange独立控制信道 Standalone dedicated Control Channel SDCCH独立式 Standalone独立同步装置 Standalone Synchronous Equipment SASE独立系统 Stand-Alone System独立于业务的构件 Service Independent Building Block SIB独立专用控制信道 Stand-alone Dedicated Control Channel SDCCH独石电容 Leaded Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor镀铬 Chromium Electroplating镀金 Gild Electroplating镀镍 Nickel Electroplating镀铜 Copper Electroplating镀锡 Tin Electroplating镀锌 Zinc Electroplating镀锌板 Galvanized Sheet镀银 Silver Electroplating端到端 End-To-End ETE端局 End Office端口 Port短距 Short range, short haul短路光纤 Short-circuiting Optical Fiber短消息服务(业务) Short Message Service SMS短消息关口MSC Short Message Service Gateway MSC SMS-GSMC短消息关口互连MSC Gateway/Interworking MSC G/IW MSC短消息互联MSC Short Message Service Interworking MSC SMS-IWMSC短消息小区广播 Short Message Cell Broadcast SMSCB短消息业务 Short Message Service SMS短消息中心 Short Message Service Centre SM-SC短消息中心(用于短消息业务) Short Message Center (used for SMS) SMC 段 section段开销 Section Overhead SOH断环 broken ring断开 Disconnect DISC断开方式 Disconnection Mode DM断开模式 Disconnected Mode DM断开请求 Disconnect Request DR断链 Broken Link断纤 fiber cut断续比,通断比 Break-Make Ratio队列管理 Queues Management对称网络,平衡网络 Balanced Network对等计算 Peer-To-Peer Computing对地电压 Voltage To Ground对端 Opposite End对端局 Opposite Office对方局 Opposite exchange对告(对端告警) Remote Alarm对话框 Dialog Box对接 Interconnection对接传输设备 Butting Transmission System对接端,相邻端 Abutting End对接接头,邻接接头 Connector对象 Object OB对象集 Object set对准,校准,调整定位,排列成行 Alignment多波长光放大器 multi-wavelength optical repeater多层介质膜滤波器型光合波器测试 Test of Optical Multiplexer ofMulti-layer Dielectric Film Filter多程序加载 Multiple Program Loading多处理机系统–保证系统的可持续发展性 Flexible multiprocessor system for reliable system evolution多串口卡 Multi-serial-port Card多带宽接入 multi-bandwidth digital access多点控制单元 Multipoint Control Unit MCU多点通信业务 Multipoint Communication Service MCS多对一 Several-For-One多功能测试电路 Multi-Function Test Circuit MTT多功能移动终端 Multi-featured mobile terminal多呼叫处理设备 Multiple Call Processing Unit多汇接局电话网 Multi-Tandem Telephone Network多径衰减 Multipath fading多路多点分配业务 Multi-Channel Multi-Point Distribution Service MMDS 多路复用转换器 Transmultiplexer TMUX多路广播 Multicast多路音频 Multiple Channel Audio多路音频数据接入板 Multi-channel Voice Data Access Card多路由保护 Diverse一Routed Protection DRP多媒体 Multimedia多媒体通信设备 Mutlimedia Telecom Equipment多模光缆 Multimode Optical Cable多模光纤 Multimode Optical Fiber多频 Multi-Frequency MF多频带 Multi-band多频互控 Multi-Frequency Compelled MFC多频互控单元 Multiple Frequency Compelling Unit多频互控信令,多频制信令 Compelled Multi-frequency Signaling多频记发器 Multi-frequency coding register多频脉冲 Multi-Frequency Pulse MFP多频网 Multiple Frequency Network MFN多频终端 Multi-band terminal多任务管理 Multi-Task Management多通道增益斜度 Multi-channel gain tilt多文档界面 Multiple Document Interface MDI多线程应用程序 Multithreaded Application多信道处理单元 Multiple Channel Processing Unit MCPU多信道音频 Multi-Channel Audio MCVF多用户号 Multiple Subscriber Number MSN多用途插座 Multi-purpose Socket多余的位用来指示N-PDU的最后段 More bit used to indicate the last segment of N-PDU M多兆比特交换数据服务 Switched Multimegabit Data Service SMDS多址协议 Multiple Access Protocol多种切换算法 Advanced Handover Algorithms (AHA) AHA多重联系控制功能 Multiple Association Control Function MACF额定电压 Rated Voltage额定负载 Rated Load额定值 Rated Value额定值 Rating恶意呼叫识别 Malicious Call Identification MCI恶意呼叫追踪 Malicious Call Tracing MCT耳机 Earphone二/四线转换电路 Hybrid Circuit(2-Wire /4-Wire Conversion)二层建链状态 Layer 2 Link Set-up Status二叉树 Binary Tree二次拨号音 Secondary Dial Tone二次电源 Secondary power supply二次模块电源 Secondary Power Module二次群光收发板 Optical Transceiver Card For Secondary Group二次群光收发板(光端机) Optical Transceiver Board For Secondary Group 二极管 Diode二阶交调失真 Crosstalk of second order CSO。

ST : Standard Time,一个工艺所需要的标准时间。 T/T: Tack Time,生产线的单件产品生产时间。 ODM/OEM : Original Design(Equipment) Manufactures,原始装置(设备)制造商品。 Histogram : 柱状图,设定几个区间,画出Data的所在范围,并标记其发生频度的图形。 Blank Chart : 空白表格,无数据的,按照进展方向画出大体Output Image的方法。 Pareto Chart : 根据“20%的ISSUE导致80%的问题”的统计理论,对问题的核心进行分析时使用的工具。 5Why : 5次Why,找寻问题的根本原因时使用的工具。 As is Mapping : 画出As is(改善前现在的Image)及To Be(改善后日后所要达成的Image),并找出变化Point的方法。 Key Words : 关键字或词。 Neck : 做某种事项的过程中,成为障碍的,或需要事先解决的最为薄弱的部分。
DA事业本部 : Digital Appliance 事业本部。 TDR : Tear Down Redesign,是一种临时的,为创造某种独特的产品和服务而竭尽全力承担责任的革新活动。 1人1P : 1人1Project,指以DMAIC促进的6σ改善活动。 NWT : Natural Work Team,指以PDCA促进的现场自主改善活动。 Big Y : 为了实现愿景目标(一等LG),需要迫切解决并集中组织力量解决的事业课题。 KPI : Key Performance Indicator,关键成果指标,定量化的、能够测定并体现课题全部活动成果的指标。 CTQ : Critical to Quality,站在顾客角度,影响产品品质的核心特征值,CTQ必须要可以测量。 QCD : Quality、Cost、Delivery,指找寻CTQ时在顾客及公司本身能力上的3大主要方向。 Major Objective : 在给定时间内为解决Big Y,而进一步选定的能够很快解决并与其他业务相关联的核心活动或业务领域。 Action Plan : 为了实现革新vision和KPI目标而确立的一系列步骤或活动。
Monthly Report(Jan (Autosaved)

1. Overall Summary on PPM and CE-DPPM:IQC Monthly Inspection Summary0.002000.004000.00 6000.00 8000.00 10000.00 12000.00 14000.00 16000.00 18000.00 20000.00 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecPPM Trend ChartPPM By Total Received lots in 2011PPM By Total Received lots in 2012PPM By Total Received lots in 20130.00%5.00%10.00%15.00%20.00%25.00%30.00%35.00%40.00%45.00%50.00%55.00%60.00%65.00%70.00%JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecSkip RateSkip Lots Rate (%) in 2011Skip Lot Target(%) In 2013Actual Skip Lots Rate (%) in 2013Actual Skip Lots Rate (%) in 201250 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecDPPM Trend in 2012-CE REJECTEDDPPM In 2011Atual DPPM In 2013DPPM Target In 2013Atual DPPM In 2012200000025000003000000DPPM Trend Chart On Total Rejections Qty'sTotal Rejection Qty's in 2012Total Rejection-DPPM in 2012Total Rejection Qty's in 2013Total Rejection-DPPM in 201320 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 JanFebMar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecDisposition on nonconformance receiving lotsRTV LotsSorting LotsRework LotsAOD Lots With Non Major DefectAOD Lots with Major DefectDisposition breakdown by percentageRTV shareSorting shareRework shareAOD share39540885000 10000 1500020000 25000 3000035000 050000010000001500000200000025000003000000350000040000004500000Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov DecDPPM Trend Chart On AOD with Major and Critical Defect Qty'sAOD Qty's With Major Defect AOD-DPPM With Major Defect304438500 1000 1500 2000 250050000100000150000200000250000300000350000JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecDPPM Trend Chart On RTV/SORTING/RWK Qty'sRTV/SORTING/RWK Qty'sRTV/SORTING/RWK-DPPM400040004000400040004000400040004000400040004000Items DateJan FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecTotal Received lots(including supplier inspected Lots)31141Skip Lots(Supplier Inspected Lots)10725JIT Lots(Sourcing inspector Inspected Lots)3226STS Lots(Sang Tech)4810NO SER lots(By Part)0NO SER lots 0Accepted lots 30736Rejected lots405 LAR (%) in 2011 By Total Received lots 99.64%99.58%99.56%99.56%98.91%98.76%98.96%99.24%98.91%99.62%99.67%99.65%Actual LAR (%) in 2012 By Total Received lots 99.73%98.72%99.59%99.37%99.28%99.12%99.29%99.03%98.69%99.04%98.12%98.61%Actual LAR (%) in 2013 By Total Received lots98.70%LAR(%) Target in 201399.60%99.60%99.60%199.60%99.60%99.60%99.60%99.60%99.60%99.60%99.60%99.60%PPM By Total Received lots in 20113593.304187.314380.154380.1510858.9612430.4910437.387621.9510898.713834.283339.973515.00PPM By Total Received lots in 20122731.7112819.494082.136258.897187.988784.237081.049744.0113114.759641.7518831.6713888.89PPM By Total Received lots in 201313005Skip Lots Rate (%) in 201116.25%11.51%10.79%10.79%11.15%10.06%15.21%12.86%15.02%16.75%22.28%17.45%Actual Skip Lots Rate (%) in 201238.68%37.47%38.51%37.78%38.13%50.44%47.09%52.58%48.93%47.55%31.32%32.85%Actual Skip Lots Rate (%) in 201334.44%Skip Lot Target(%) In 201328.00%30.00%32.00%32.00%36.00%38.00%40.00%42.00%44.00%46.00%50.00%50.00%Total input Qty's 136669351AOD Qty's With Major Defect 3954088AOD-DPPM With Major Defect 28932Total Rejection Qty's in 201243089713657224875306630456903725400436978475247695063817690692468229484644Total Rejection-DPPM in 2012662529178749198481064118892127022325520678209304592823643Total Rejection Qty's in 20134258526Total Rejection-DPPM in 201331159RTV/SORTING/RWK Qty's 304438RTV/SORTING/RWK-DPPM2228CE Qty's73090%20%40%60%80%100%JanFebMarAprMay JunJulAugSepOctNovDec RTV share Sorting share Rework share AOD shareDPPM In 20116812415415416020720717590300141471Atual DPPM In 20128528328121033662199617180213Atual DPPM In 201353DPPM Target In 2013200200200200200200200200200200200200RTV Lots 29RTV share 7.16%Sorting Lots 18Sorting share 4.44%Rework Lots 4Rework share 0.99%AOD Lots with Major Defect 30046162671415269826517876AOD Lots With Non Major Defect545617323727262117184220Total AOD Lots 3541023358108687890998322096AOD share87.41%2. IQC Rejection breakdown by Defect itemsDefect Items DateJan FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecDimension NG(Lots)282Functional NG(lots)5Appearance NG(lots)3Configuration NG(lots)0Others NG(lots)1153.Disposition on Appearance RejectionsDisposition DateJan FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecRTV(Lots)2AOD(Lots)1Sorting(Lots)0Rework(Lots)4. Rejections by Commodity Category:Material Date Jan FebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecPlastic 93Electronic 13Metal 267Package 4other2850100150200250300350400JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecBreakdown by commodity category by lotPlasticElectronicMetalPackage。

TOYOTA Technical Education Program
丰田技术培训项目(T-Tep学校) 丰田服务网点人才招聘会 丰田班 丰田汽车技术研究交流有限公司 (丰田培训中心) 故障诊断器 维修手册 用户手册/驾驶员手册 服务支援品订贩系统 一般维修 服务顾问 丰田服务顾问 钣金和喷漆 损伤评估 培训中心 丰田技术员 专业技术员 诊断技术员 诊断技师 丰田技术教育体系(一般维修) 丰田服务顾问培训体系 丰田服务顾问新的培训体系 DLR内训导师 新车型 现地修复 车辆识别代码 中心零件仓库 地区零件供应中心 紧急订单 库存补充订单 零件缺货 丰田汽车仓储贸易(上海)有限公司 经销商采贩价 建议零售价 电子零件目录 国家强制性产品讣证 常用保养零件 丰田纯牌机油 错件、少发、多发 丰田零件加工清单
Technical Report&Information Gathering System for Global EDER 技术情报收集预警系统 Global Vehicle Operation&Environment Information System 全球车辆使用环境情报系统 Early Detection Early Resolution Pre-Delivery Inspection Intial Quality Survey Customer Satisfaction Campaign Recall Pre-Delivery Correction Incoming Customer Service Campaign Special Policy Adjustment Customer Relationship Management 早期发现早期解决 车辆上市前检查 初期品质调查 客户满意活劢 召回 在库车辆检查 来店客户服务活劢 特殊故障判断 顾客关系管理 一次修复 钣金油漆 钣金油漆基础改善50项 环境风险审核计划 快速保养业务 售后服务满意度指数调研

一. Introduction of the company:Main Product: Computer/desktop motherboard /main logic board or Riser Card(SMT+PTH) or mobile phone motherboardMain Customer: HPQ <Compaq (康柏)&HP (亞太平洋有限公司)>,Apple ( 蘋果),Dell (戴爾),Intel (英特爾), NOKIA (諾基亞),IBM, Fuji's (富士通),NEC (通用電氣公司),….etc.HERCAMBDCG DMD PCA CPBG SABG Computer GameHigh End Riser CardAdvanced Mother Board DivisionDesktop Mother Board Division Printed Circuit Board Assembly Division Consumer Products Business Group System Assembly Business Group二.Common word in our working1.IQC: Incoming Quality Control (進料品管)* Incoming Inspection item: appearance(外觀), dimension(尺寸), marking(標記),function(solder-ability) 功能-焊錫性, quantity(數量)* Material status (物料狀況):accept(合格), reject(拒收),waive(特采),hold(待判)2. IPQC: In Process Quality Control(制程品管)* Inspection item:production survey(產品稽核). equipment parameter check(設備參數點檢) material confirm(物料確認),….etc.3. FQC: Final Quality Control(最終檢驗)* Inspection item:component assembly(元件安裝),solder status(焊錫狀況),cleaning(清潔度), marking(print marking) (標記), package(包裝) etc.4. OQC: Outgoing Quality Control (出貨查核)* Inspection item: quantity (數量), package (包裝)…etc. CA: Customer AuditOQM: Outgoing Quality Monitor5. QE: Quality Engineering (品質工程)* working content: revise specification (修訂規格), deal with quality complain (處理品質抱怨), analyze process abnormality (分析制程異常), renew inspection means (更新檢驗方法), translate the standard of customer (翻譯客戶標準)…etc.三. Acronym in our workingo P/N: Part/Number (料號)o H.H.: HonHai (鴻海)o About Defect(缺陷):CRI: Critical (嚴重的) MAJ:Major(主要的) MIN:Minor (次要的)o QC: Quality Control (品質控制)o QA: Quality Assurance (品質保證)o AQL: Accepted Quality Level (品質允收水準)o AVL: Approved Vender List 合格供應商名冊o PMP: Product process Management Plan(產品品質計劃)o ISO: International Standard Organization (國際標準化組織)o SOP: Standard Operation Process (標準作業流程) o SPC: Statistic process control (統計制程管制)o PTH: Plated Through Hole 鍍層穿孔o SMT: Surface Mount Technology 表面粘貼技術o SMC: Surface Mount Component 表面粘貼元件o SMB: Surface Mount Board 表面粘貼板o SMD: Surface Mount Device 表面粘貼零件o AI: Automatic Insertion 自動插件o CAR: Corrective Action Report 改善行動報告o BOM: Bill Of Material 物料清單o QCC: Quality Control Circle 品管圈o QIT : Quality Improvement Team 品質改善小組o MRP: Material Requirement Plan 物料需求計劃o FMEA: Potential Failure Mode and Effects Analysis 失效性分析o PPM: Part Per Million 百萬分之一MIR: Method Improvement Report 提案改善報告o CCR: Customer Complaint Report 客戶抱怨報告o WIP: Work In Process 在制品o ICT: In-Circuit Test 在線測試o IFT: In-Process Function Test 在線功能測試o ATE: Auto-Test Equipment 全自動測試設備o IC: Integrated Circuit 集成電路o CIP: Continuous Improvement Plan持續改善計劃o MSD: Moisture Sensitive Device溼度敏感元件o DOE: Design Of Experiment 實驗設計o M/I : Manual Insertion 手動插件FPY: First Pass Yield 直通率QMS: Quality Management System 質量管理系統QSA: Quality System Audit 品質系統稽核QPA: Quality Process Audit 製程稽核TQM: Total Quality Management 全面質量管理MP: Mass Production 量產KPI: Key Performance Index 關鍵績效指數DFM: Design For Manufacture 可製造性設計DFT: Design For Test 可測試設計ESD: Electrostatic discharge 靜電釋放ESDS: Electrostatic discharge Sensitive 靜電敏感EOS: Electrical Overstress靜電過載o SFC: Shop Floor Control (制程工站控制)o SFCS: SFC System (制程工站控制系統)o CRB: Customer Returned Board(客戶退回品) o HIC : Humidity Indicator Card (濕度指示卡)o MBB: Moisture Barrier Bag (防潮包裝袋)o NPI: New Product Introduction (新產品導入)o VMI: Vendor Management Inventory(供應商管理庫存) o VDCS: Vender defect correction sheet 廠商異常回饋單Relative to RMARMA: Returned Material Analysis 銷貨退回品分析NTF: No Trouble Found 沒有不良NFF: No Fault Found 沒有不良NDF: No Defect Found沒有不良CND: Can Not Duplicate 不可再現RTV: Retune To Vendor 返回供應商ARR: Annualized Return Rate年度返修率AFR: Annual Failure Rate 年度良率LRR: Lot Rejected Rate 批退率VLRR: Vendor Lot Reject Rate供應商批退率CID: Customer Induced Damage客戶產生的不良OSV: On Site Validation 在線驗證FAR: Failure Analysis Report 失效分析報告DOA: Die On Arrival 到貨即死OTHERSo Capacitor(電容器) Resistor(電阻器) Inductance(電感器) Core(鐵芯) Diode(二極真空管) Switch(開關) Resistor Network(排阻)o PDCA: Plan, Do, Check, Action (計劃,做,查核,行動)5W1H: Who, When, Where, What, Why, & How (誰,時間,地點,事件,為什麼&怎麼樣)10M: Market, Money, Material, Machine, Method, Management, Men, Morale, Motivation, Miscellaneous (市場, 貨幣, 材料,設備, 方式, 管理, 人力, 士氣, 動機, 多方面的)5S : 整理,整頓,清理,清掃,教養,-----日語, 安全(Safety), 節約(Save)四. Using Sheets1: Omega meter check &maintenance record 歐姆測試機點檢&維護記錄表2: Performing process patrol inspection record 前加工制程巡檢記錄表3: First inspection record (F.P.I.R) 初件檢驗報告4: In-process patrol inspection record 制程巡迴檢查表5: Process Deviation Correction Sheet 制程異常連絡單6: Finished product quality history list 最終成品品質經歷表7: Final quality weekly (monthly) report 最終檢驗周(月)報8: Outgoing quality weekly (monthly) report 出貨品質周轉(月)報9: Outgoing audit data sheet 出貨查核數據記錄表10: ESD(Electrostatic discharge )strap daily verification record靜電防護措施日點檢記錄五DCC相關DCC: Document Control Center 文件管制中心SOP: Standard Operation Procedure 標準作業規範POP: Package Operation Procedure 包裝作業規範ECN: Engineering Change Notice 工程變更通知BOM: Bill Of Material 物料清單一.企劃類BTN: Build To Need 依客戶需求主動計畫生產 BTO: Build To Order 依客戶訂單接單生產BTI: Build To Inventory 依分銷市場之通路商的定單接單生產DTN: Delivery To Need 依客戶需求主動交貨DTO: Delivery To Order 依客戶交貨通知單EMI/RFI: 電磁波/高頻測試MRP II: Manufacturing Resource Planning 製造資源計畫JIT: Just In Time 及時生產方式二. DepartmentR&D: Research & Design 設計開發部LAB: Laboratory 實驗室PD: Product Department 生產部PMC: Production & Material Control 生產和物料控制PCC: Product Control center 生產管制中心PPC: Production Plan Control 生產計劃控制MC: Material Control 物料控制Human Resources Department 人力資源部administration/general affairs dept. 總務部三. HumanPresident 董事長general manager 總經理special assistant 特助vice manager 副理supervisor 課長vice supervisor 副課長group leader 組長line leader 線長operator 作業員四. Component TypeBGA : Ball Grid Array 球形矩陣陣列PLCC : Plastic Leaded Chip CarrierQFP : Quad Flat PackageOCI :BIOS : Basic Input/Output SystemSOP : Small PackagingCPU : Center Processor Unit 中央處理器MPU : Microprocessor Unit 微處理器PCI : Peripheral Component Interconnect 外圍設備接口SOIC: Small Outline Integrate CircleTPM I : Total Production Management全面生產經營系統TPM II : Total Production Maintenance全面生產保養MRB: Material Review Board 物料檢討會議RFA: Request for Action 行動需求N/A : Not Applicable 不適用CMM: Component Module Move 機動元件整合OEM: Original Equipment Manufacture 原設備制造 CEM: Contract Manufacture Service 合約委托代工 DCC: Deliver Control Center 交貨管制中心BS: Brain Storming 腦力激蕩IR : Insulation Resistance 絕緣電阻DF : Tangent of Loss angle 耗散因子DQI : Device Quality Issue 元件品質異常P/O : Purchase Order 訂單TPM II : Total Production Maintenance全面生產保養MRB: Material Review Board 物料看板RFA: Request for Action 行動需求N/A : Not Applicable 不適用CMM: Component Module Move 機動元件整合OEM: Original Equipment Manufacture 原設備制造 CEM: Contract Manufacture Service 合約委托代工 DCC: Deliver Control Center 交貨管制中心EOL : End Of Line 產品壽命終結DDP :Delivery Duty Paid 陸運CIF : Cash In Freight 到岸價五. OthersFOB : Free On Board 離岸價BTCO : Build To Confirmed Order 爭取市場策略 FPIA : Final Product Integrate Audit 成品檢驗EPIA : Enhance Product Integrate Audit六. SERSER: Social &Environment Responsibility社會環境責任EICC: Electronic Industry Code of Conduct電子行業行為規範WEEE: Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment報廢電子電器設備指令RoHS: Restriction of use of certain Hazardous Substances限制使用有害物質MSDS: Material Safety DataSheet物質安全資料表GSE: General Specification Environment環境物質規範OHS: Occupational Heath and Safety職業健康安全GP: Green Partner綠色夥伴CoC: Certificate of Compliance 符合性證明MDD: Material Declaration Datasheet 物質成分申明EPW: Environment Protection Warranty 環保保證書。

第1篇As the year comes to an end, it is essential to take a moment to reflect on the achievements and challenges faced as a senior high school English teacher. This annual salary summary aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the financial aspects of my job, highlighting the salary structure, benefits, and areas for improvement.1. Salary StructureThe annual salary of a senior high school English teacher in our schoolis composed of the following components:a. Basic Salary: This forms the core of the salary and is determined by the teacher's academic qualifications, years of experience, and teaching performance. My basic salary for the year stands at RMB 60,000, which is in line with the industry standards.b. Performance Bonus: This is awarded based on the teacher's performance, including classroom management, student progress, and participation in school activities. I received a performance bonus of RMB 10,000 for the year, bringing my total salary to RMB 70,000.c. Overtime Pay: As a senior high school English teacher, I often work beyond the regular working hours to prepare lessons, grade assignments, and participate in school events. I earned a total of RMB 5,000 in overtime pay for the year.2. BenefitsIn addition to the salary, I have received the following benefits:a. Social Security: The school provides comprehensive social security coverage, including retirement, medical, and unemployment insurance.This ensures financial security in my post-retirement years.b. Housing Allowance: As a teacher, I am eligible for a housing allowance to offset the costs of renting or purchasing a house. I received a housing allowance of RMB 5,000 for the year.c. Professional Development: The school encourages teachers to enhance their skills and knowledge through professional development programs. I attended two workshops and seminars, which helped me improve my teaching methods and classroom management.3. Challenges and Areas for ImprovementDespite the financial rewards, I faced several challenges throughout the year:a. Workload: The workload of a senior high school English teacher is significant, with long hours and high expectations. I often struggle to balance my work and personal life, which can lead to stress and burnout.b. Classroom Management: Dealing with a diverse group of students with varying abilities can be challenging. I need to develop effective strategies to cater to different learning styles and ensure that all students achieve their full potential.c. Parental Engagement: Engaging with parents to discuss their child's progress and address any concerns is crucial. However, this can be time-consuming and requires effective communication skills.To address these challenges, I plan to:a. Seek support from colleagues and mentors to improve my classroom management techniques.b. Prioritize my time better to create a work-life balance, reducing stress and burnout.c. Develop strong communication skills to effectively engage with parents and create a supportive learning environment.In conclusion, my annual salary as a senior high school English teacher has provided me with financial stability and opportunities for professional growth. However, I recognize the challenges I face and am committed to addressing them to enhance my teaching and personal well-being. As I move forward, I will strive to be a more effective educator,fostering a love for the English language and inspiring my students to achieve their dreams.第2篇As we come to the end of the senior year of high school, it is an opportune time to reflect on the journey of our English languagelearning and its impact on our academic and personal growth. The yearhas been marked by significant milestones, both in terms of our understanding of the English language and our ability to apply it effectively in various contexts. This summary aims to encapsulate the experiences, achievements, and the resultant "salary" we have earned through our dedication and hard work.Cultural Knowledge and AppreciationOne of the most valuable "assets" we have gained this year is anenriched understanding of English-speaking cultures. Through our studies, we have delved into the literature, history, and social norms of various English-speaking countries. This has not only broadened our horizons but also enhanced our appreciation for the diversity and richness of human experience. The "salary" for this cultural knowledge is immeasurable, as it equips us with the tools to navigate and contribute to a globalized world.Communication SkillsThe ability to communicate effectively in English is a crucial skillthat has a direct impact on our future opportunities. This year, we have honed our speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills, which have become more polished and confident. Whether it's engaging in a lively debate, crafting a persuasive essay, or conducting a research project, our communication skills have improved exponentially. The "salary" for this is a higher chance of academic and professional success, as language proficiency is often a prerequisite for both.Academic PerformanceOur academic performance in English has been a testament to our dedication and commitment. We have achieved excellent grades in our English courses, reflecting our understanding of grammatical structures, vocabulary, and literary analysis. The "salary" for these academic achievements is a strong foundation for higher education and a competitive edge in the job market.Personal DevelopmentThe journey of learning English has been a transformative experience for our personal development. It has instilled in us a sense of discipline, resilience, and the ability to embrace challenges. We have learned to set goals, work diligently towards them, and celebrate our successes. The "salary" for this personal growth is a well-rounded character that is adaptable and ready to face the complexities of life.Social and Collaborative SkillsThis year, we have also developed our social and collaborative skills through group projects, presentations, and class discussions. We have learned to work effectively in teams, share ideas, and respect the opinions of others. The "salary" for these skills is the ability to function as a productive member of any group, be it in the classroom, the workplace, or the community.ConclusionIn conclusion, the senior year of high school English studies has been a rewarding period of growth and development. The "salary" we have earned is a combination of cultural knowledge, communication skills, academic performance, personal development, and social and collaborative abilities. These assets will undoubtedly serve as a solid foundation for our future endeavors and contribute to our overall success in life. As we move forward, we carry with us the fruits of our labor, ready to apply our "salary" to the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.第3篇As we bid farewell to the final year of high school, it is imperative to reflect on the financial aspects of this pivotal time. The senior year, often marked by significant academic responsibilities andextracurricular engagements, can also be a time when students find themselves managing various financial obligations. This summary aims to provide an overview of the financial landscape during the senior year of high school, focusing on the sources of income and expenses.Income Sources:1. Part-Time Employment:Many high school seniors take up part-time jobs to earn additional income. This could include working in retail, fast food chains, or evenin specialized fields such as tutoring or tech support. The average monthly income from such employment can vary widely, depending on the job, hours worked, and the region. For instance, a typical part-time job might yield an average monthly income of $500 to $1,000.2. Scholarships and Grants:The senior year is often the culmination of years of academic efforts. Many students receive scholarships and grants, which can significantly contribute to their income. These financial aids are usually non-repayable and can range from small local scholarships to substantial national awards. The total amount received can vary from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.3. Internships and Work Experience:Some students engage in internships or part-time work related totheir career interests. These experiences not only provide valuableskills and insights but can also offer a modest income. The pay for internships can vary, with some offering a stipend or payment for work completed.Expenses:1. Tuition and Fees:For those students attending private or out-of-state public schools, tuition and fees can be a substantial expense. The average cost of tuition for a year can range from $10,000 to $30,000 or more, depending on the institution.2. Books and Supplies:The senior year often requires specialized textbooks and supplies, which can add up to a few hundred dollars per semester.3. Living Expenses:Housing, food, and transportation are ongoing expenses that can vary greatly. For students living on campus, these costs are typically covered by room and board fees. However, for those living off-campus or commuting, these expenses can range from $1,000 to $3,000 per month.4. Extracurricular Activities:Participation in extracurricular activities, such as sports or clubs, may incur additional costs, including equipment, uniforms, and travel expenses.Financial Summary:Taking into account the average income sources and expenses, the financial situation of a high school senior can be summarized as follows:- Average Monthly Income: $750 (from part-time employment)- Average Annual Income: $9,000- Average Annual Expenses: $15,000 (tuition, books, living expenses, extracurricular activities)This leaves a net annual deficit of approximately $6,000. However, this figure does not account for scholarships, grants, or other financial aids. With these, the financial situation can be significantly improved, potentially leading to a surplus.In conclusion, the senior year of high school is a complex financial period that requires careful planning and management. While challengesmay arise, the combination of income sources and strategic financial management can help students navigate this critical phase with greater ease and confidence. As we move forward, it is essential to continue exploring opportunities for financial aid and to prioritize financial literacy to ensure a smooth transition into higher education and beyond.。

Abbreviation Full Name 中译AC Alternating Current 交流电A/C Account科目A/P Accounts Payable 应付帐款A/R Accounts Receivable 应收帐款ABC Activity Based Costing 作业制成本会计ABM Activity Based Management 作业制成本管理ACH Automated Clearinghouse 自动票据交换所ACH. % Achievement Ratio 达标率ACT Actual 实际ACTG Accounting 会计ADJ. Adjustment 调整ADM Adminstration 管理ADR American Depositary Receipt xx存托凭证AES Asset & Equipment ManagementSystem 资产设备管理体系AF Annual Forecast 年度预测AMH Automation Material Handling 自动物料处理AMT Amount 金额/数量ASP Average Selling Price 平均售价ASSY Assembly Product 组合产品ATM Automatic Teller Machine 自动柜员机AVG Average 平均AUP Average Unit Price 平均售价B/L Back Light 背景光源B/L Bill of Lading 提单B/S Balance Sheet 资产负债表BA Bankers Acceptance 银行承兑汇票BCR Business Card Reader 名片阅读机BEP Break Even Point 损益两平点BIOS Basic Input/output System 基本输出入系统BNS Business Management System 经营管理体系BOD Board of Director 董事会BOM Bill of Material 材料用量清单Bond Corporate Bond 公司债BPCS Business Production Control SystemBPR Business ProcessRe-engineering 企业流程改造BTO Build To Order 接单后生产BU Business Unit 事业部BUD Budget 预算C.A.P.D. Check, Action, Plan, DoC/D Clock Display 时钟显示器CAD Computer Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAE Computer Aided Engineering 计算机辅助工程CAGR Compound Average Growth Rate 平均复合成长率CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 计算机辅助制造CAPM Capital Assets Pricing Model 资本资产计价模式CAPP Computer Aided Process Planning 计算机辅助制程规划CB Convertible Bond 可转换公司债CBC Central Bank of China xx中央银行CCAR Customer Complained AnalysisReport 客户抱怨分析报告表CCC Cash Conversion CycleCCR Customer Complained Report 客户抱怨报告表CEM Contract ElectronicManfactureCEO Chief Executive Officer 执行长CFO Chief Financial Officer 财务长CIF Cost, Insurance & Freight 运费、保险费在内条件CIM Computer Integrated Manufacturing System 计算机整合制造系统CIO Chief Information Officer 信息长CIS Corporate Identity System 企业识别系统CIS Contact Image Sensor 接触式影像传感器CHIPS Cleaning House Interbank Payment System xx票据交换所银行间支付制度CM Contribution Margin 边际贡献CMOS Complementary Metal-oxide Semiconductor 互补金属氧化半导体COD Cash On Delivery 交货付现COGS Cost of Goods Sold 销货成本CP Commercial Paper 商业本票CPA Certified Public Accountant 会计师CPI Consumer Price Index 消费者物价指数CR Check Request 请款单CRAR Customer Replacement Analysis Request 客户换货分析报告表CRP Cost Reduction Program (Planning) 降低成本方案(计划)CRT Cathode Ray Tube 映像管CSC Customer Specification Copy 客户规格书CSCN Customer Specification ChangeNotice 客户规格变更通知单CTO Configure To Order xx化生产CUM Cumulative 累积CWQC Company Wide Quality Control 全公司质量管理C&F Cost & Freight 运费在内条件D/A Documents against Acceptance 承兑交单D/G Down Grade 次级品D/O Delivery Order 送货单D/P Documents against Payment 付款交单DC Direct Current 直流电DCN Design Change Notice 设计变更单DCF Discounted Cash Flow 折现后之现金流量Dept. Department 部DF Delivered Forward 远期外汇DIF Difference 差异DIS Interactive Integrated System 交谈整合系统DIV. Division 处DJIA Dow Jones Industry Average 道琼工业指数DL Direct Labor 直接人工DOA Delegation of Authorization 核决权限DOA Death on ArrivalDOH Days On HandDPO Days on Payable Outstanding 应付帐款xx天数DPPM Defect Parts Per MillionDPS Dividend per share 每股股利DRO Days on Receivable Outstanding 应收帐款xx天数DRP Distribution Requirements PlanningDSTN Double-layer Super Twist NematicDVD Digital Versatile Disk 数位激光视盘片DVT Design Verification Test 设计验证试验EA Engineering Automation 工程自动化EB Electronic Bank 电子银行ECB European Central Bank xx中央银行ECB European Convertible Bond xx美元可转换公司债ECN Engineering Change Notice 工程规格变更单EDI Electronic Document Interchange 电子文件交换系统EDP Electronic Data Processing 电子数据处理EIS Executive Information System 主管决策系统EPS Earnings per (Common) Share (普通股)每股盈余ERP Enterprise Resource Planning 企业资源规划ESOP Employee Stock Option Plan 员工股票分红计划EVA Economic Value Added 经济附加价值EVT Engineering Verification Test 工程验证试验Exp. Expenses 费用F/G Finished Goods 制成品FA Factory Automation 工厂自动化FAS Flexible Assembly System 弹性装配系统FASB Financial Accounting StandardBoard xx财务会计准则委员会FC Fixed Costs 固定成本FCP Foreign Currency Purchasing 外购(系统)FCST Forecast 预测FED Federal Reserve Board xx联邦准备局FIN Finance 财务管理体系FMEA Failure Mode & Effect Analysis 失效模式效应分析FMS Flexible Manufacturing System 弹性制造系统FNS Financial Management System 财务管理体系FOB Free On Board 船上交货价格条件FOC Free of Charge 免费FOMC Federal Open Market Committee xx联邦公开市场操作委员会FRN Floating Rate Notes 浮动利率债券FX Foreign Exchange 外汇FYI For your information 请参考G&A General & Administrative Expenses 销管费用GAAP General Accepted AccountingPrinciple 一般公认会计原则GDP Gross Domestic Product 国内生产毛额GDR Global Depositary Receipt 全球存托凭证GNP Gross National Product 国民生产毛额GPM Gross Profit Margin 销货毛利GR. Growth 成长GSM Global system for Mobile 泛欧式行动电话GUI Graphical User Interface 使用者图形接口GUI Government Uniform Invoice 统一发票HA Home Automation 家庭自动化HDTV High Definition TV 高画质电视HQ Headquarter 企业总部HR Human Resource 人力资源HRD Human Resource Department 人力资源部HTML Hypertext Markup Language 超文件炼结语文IAT Income After Tax (Net Income) 税后净利IBIT Income Before Interest & Tax 减除所得税及利息费用前之纯益IBT Income Before Tax 税前净利IDL Indirect Labor 间接人工IDP Integrated Data Processing System 数据处理系统IFIR Initial Field Incident Rate 起始不良率IMF International Montary Fund 国际货币基金IMP Indirect Material Purchasing 间接材料(系统)IMS Information Management System 信息管理系统Inv. Inventory 存货IOU I Owe You = CP 商业本票IP Internet Protocol 网络通讯协议IPO Initial Public Offering 首次公开发行IRR Internal Rate of Return 内部报酬率IR/PTR Infrared, Photo Transistors 红外线发光二极管IRS Internal Reserve Service xx国税局I/S Income Statement 损益表IS&S Information System & Service 信息系统服务ISDN Integrated Services DigitalNetwork 整合数字服务网络ISP Internet Service Provider 网络服务供货商IT Information Technology 信息科技ITD Inventory Turnover Days 存货xx天数JIT Just in Time 实时管理KPI Key Performance Indicator 主要绩效指标L/C Letter of Credit 信用状LAMP LED Lamp 指示灯LAN Local Area Network 局域网络LBO Leverage BuyoutLCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示器LCM Lower of Cost or Market 成本市价熟低法LDM Local Direct Material 内购直材(系统)LED Light Emitting Diodes 发光二极管LIBOR London Interbank Offered Rate xx银行间拆款利率LRR Lot Reject Rate 批量退货数M/O Manfacturing Order 工单M&A Merger & Acquisitions 购并MA Mechanical Automation 机械工具自动化MBA Master of Business Administration 企管硕士MBO Management by Objective 目标管理MBWA Management By Walking Around 走动管理MCN Management Change Notice 管理规格变更通知MF Monthly Forecast 月预测数MFG Manufacturing 制造MIS Management Information System 管理情报系统MKS Marketing Management System 营销管理体系MKT Marketing 营销MLS Material Management System 资材管理体系MRP Material Requirements Planning 物料需求计划MRPII Manufacturing Resource Planning 制造资源计划MTH Monthly 每月MTL Material 材料MVT Manufacturing Verification Test 制造验证试验N/D Numeric Display 数字显示器N/P Notes Payable 应付票据N/R Notes Receivable 应收票据NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement xx自由贸易协议NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation xx达克指数NBR Number 数字NDA Non-Disclosure Agreement 保密协定NDF Non-Delivered Forward 无本金交割远期外汇NIF Note Issuance Facility 筹资NPPR New Product Production Request 新产品生产需求单NPS New Product R&D Management System 新产品开发管理体系NPV Net Present Value 净现值NSB Net Sales Billing 实际销货金额NUB Net Unit Billing 实际出货量NYSE New York Stock Exchange xx证券交易所O/A Open Account 赊帐O/E Other Expenses 营业外支出O/H Overhead 制造费用O/I Other Income 营业外收入O/T Over time 加班OA Office Automation 办公室自动化OAY Overall Yield 全线良率OBU Off-shore Banking Unit 境外金融单位ODM Original Design Manufacturing 代设计(设计技术与原厂相同)OEM Original Equipment Manufacturing 代工OHRP Organization Human Resource PlaningOI Operating Income 营业净利OP Organization Profit 组织利润OPP OPTO ProductOPD OPTODeviceORG Organization 组织OTB Operation Transfer Billing 产质(UTS*U/P)OTP Operation Transfer Price 内部转拨价P&L Profit & Loss 损益P.D.C.A. Plan, Do, Check,ActionP.O. Purchase Order 采购单P/C Photocoupler 光耦合器P/E Price Earning Ratio 本益比P/R Purchase Request 请购单PA Process Automation 制程自动化PA Performance Assessment 绩效考评PAT Profit After Tax 税后净利PBX Private Branch Exchange 电话交换机PDA Personal Digital Analyzer 个人数字处理器PDP Plasma Display Panel 电浆显示板PEN Penetration 渗透率PLC Product Life Cycle 产品生命周期PLS Personnel Management System 人事管理体系PMS Production & Management System 生产制造管理体系PPH Piece Per Hour 每小时产量PPM Parts per Million 每百万中不良率(质量指针)PP&E Plant, Property, and Equipment 固定资产PTT Prototype Verification Test 原型机验证试验QBR Quarterly Business Review 每季营运评估QCC Quality Control Circle 品管圈QCN Quality Control Change Notice 品管规格变更单QLS Quality Management System 质量管理体系QMU Quality Management Unit 质量管理单位QRA Quality, Reliability & Assurance 品管R. GP Realized Gross Profit 已实现销货毛利R/M Receiver Module 光电接收器RDR Research & Design Program Request 新产品开发需求单RM Raw Materials 原料REPO Repurchase Agreement 附买回协定RFC Request For Change 变更申请RMA Returned MerchandiseAuthorization 退货授权RML Returned Merchandise List 退货清单ROA Return on Assets 资产报酬率ROE Return on Equity 股东权益报酬率ROI Return on Investment 投资报酬率ROM Read-only Memory 只读存储器RONA Return on Net Assets 净资产报酬率ROS Return on Sales 毛利率R&D Research & Development 研究与发展S.O. Sales Order 销售订单SBU Strategic Business Unit 策略事业单位SCM Suply Chain Management 供应炼管理SCP Supply Chain PlanningSEC Security Exchange Commission 证管会SEMI Semi Finished Goods 半成品SG&A Selling, Federal & Administrative Expense 销管费用SMT Surface Mount Technology 表面黏着技术SMD Surfact Mount Device 表面黏着产品SOP Standard Operation Procedure 标准作业程序SPO Seasonal Public Offering 公开现金增资SPS Switching Mode Power Supply 交换式电源供应器SPV Special Purpose VehicleSR Shipping Request 出货需求单STN-LCD Super Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Display 超扭转液晶显示器SWIFT Society For World wide Interbank Financial Telecommunciations 环球银行财务电信协会SWR Special Work Request 特殊工作委任单T/O Turn Over xxT/T Telegraphic Transfer 电汇TA Total Automation 全面自动化TAM Total Available MarketTECN Temporary Engineering Change Notice 工程规格暂行变更单TFT-LCD Thin Film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display 薄膜晶体管液晶显示器TQC Total Quality Control 全面质量管理TQCN Total Quality Change Notice 品管规格暂行变更单TTL Total 总数U/P Unit Price 单位价格USB Universal Serial Bus 通用串行埠UTS Unit to Stock 入库量VAR. Variance 差异数VAT Value Added Tax 加值型营业税VBM Value Based Management 价值管理VC Variable Costs 变动成本VQCR Vendor Quality Complain Request 厂商物料质量不良联络书WACC Weighted Average Cost of Capital 加权平均资金成本WAIR Weighted Average Interest Rate 加权平均借款利率W/H Warehouse 仓库WAN Wide Area Network xx网络WIP Work in Process 在制品WTO World Trade Organization 世界贸易组织WW Worldwide 全球WWW World Wide Web 全球信息网YTD Year-to-Date 到目前为止之累积数YTM Yield to Maturity 到期值利率CurrenciesANG Neth. Antilles Guilder xx基尔xxCHF Swiss Franc 瑞士法郎CNY/RMB Chinese Renminbi 人民币DEM German Mark xx国马克ECU European Currency Unit xx通货单位FRF French Franc 法国法郎GBP British Pound Contrib 英镑HKD Hong Kong Dollar 港币ITL Italian Lira 意大利里拉JPY Japanese Yen 日圆KRW Korean Won 韩圜MYR Malaysian Ringgit 马来西亚币PHP Philippine Peso xx披索SEK Swedish Krona xx币SGD Singapore Dollar 新币THB/BHT Thai Baht xxTWD/NTD Taiwan Dollar 新台币USD U.S. Dollar 美元。
HP LaserJet MFP M232-M237 打印机系列说明书

Data sheetHP LaserJet MFP M232-M237 Printer seriesSuper productive. Super compact – with reliable wireless.A high-productivity MFP with the fastest two-sided printing in its class, an automatic feeder, and the time-saving HP Smart app. Count on peace of mind from more reliable connections, and a worry-freeexperience with simplified setup.This printer uses dynamic security, which maybe updated periodically by firmware updates.The printer is intended to be used solely withcartridges using an original HP chip. Cartridgesusing a non‐HP chip may not function or maycease to function. More at: Learn more at:/learn/dsWork fast. Work smart.Speed through multipage documents with the fastest in-class two-sided printing speed.You can fit this LaserJet almost anywhere – it’s that small and compact. Get projectsdone quickly with a printer that fits almost anywhere.Get better range and faster, more reliable connections using dual-band Wi-Fi™ with self-reset.Easily handle large print jobs, and save time with automatic scanning and copying.Breeze through scan and copy tasks, using the automatic document feeder.Stay productive from anywhereGet high-quality scanning. Share to Dropbox, Google Drive, email, or the cloud – fromvirtually anywhere – with HP Smart app.Quickly access and print documents and images on your smartphone, from Dropbox andGoogle Drive, using HP Smart app.With HP Smart app, you can stay connected to your printer from virtually anywhere. Getnotifications when printing, scanning, or copying from your smartphone.Easy to set up, easy to useGet started fast with easy setup that guides you, step by step. Simply download the HPSmart app, connect to a network, and share your printer across all your devices.Easily manage tasks with smart-guided buttons for an intuitive experience – buttonsappear only when needed.Help make a positive impact on the environmentThis HP LaserJet meets Eco Label requirements, including ENERGY STAR® and BLUEANGEL.Help save energy with a LaserJet that uses up to 20% less energy than previous model.Help save energy with HP Auto-On/Auto-Off Technology – intelligence that can turn yourprinter on when you need it and off when you don’t.123,45,215,22333336Product walkaroundHP LaserJet MFP M232–M237 series (sdn/sdw)1. 40 sheet auto document feeder2. HP Smart app3. ID copy4. USB, Ethernet, dual-band Wi-Fi with self reset5. 100 sheet output tray6. Automatic two-sided printing: 18 ipm A47. 150 sheet enclosed input tray8. Enclosed input tray9. Smart, contextual UISeries at a glanceModelHP LaserJet MFP M236d PrinterHP LaserJet MFP M236dw PrinterHP LaserJet MFP M236sdn Printer HP LaserJet MFP M236sdw PrinterProduct number 9YF94A9YF95A9YG08A9YG09AFunctions Print, copy, scanConnectivity Hi-Speed USBDual band Wi-Fi with self-reset, built-in fast Ethernet, Hi-Speed USBBuilt-in fast Ethernet, Hi-Speed USBDual band Wi-Fi with self-reset , built-in fast Ethernet, Hi-Speed USBPrint speed 29 ppm A4Paper handling150 sheet input tray, automatic two-sided printing150 sheet input tray, automatic two-sided printing, 40 page automaticdocument feederAccessories, Supplies and SupportSuppliesService and SupportUH761E HP 3 year Standard Exchange (available in all EMEA countries except Middle East, Adriatic, Africa, Russia, South Africa, Israel, Slovenia, Turkey)UH757E HP 3 year Next Business Day Exchange (available in Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway,Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, UK)UH764E HP 3 year Return to Depot (available in Adriatic, Africa, CIS, EEM, Israel, Middle East, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Turkey)Technical specificationsModelHP LaserJet MFP M236d Printer HP LaserJet MFP M236dw Printer HP LaserJet MFP M236sdn Printer HP LaserJet MFP M236sdw Printer Product number 9YF94A 9YF95A9YG08A9YG09AFunctions Print, copy, scanControl panel Icon LCD; 5 lights (Attention, Media, Toner , Lid open, Status); 9 buttons (Minus, Menu, Plus,Copy, ID copy, Info, Resume, Cancel, Power)Icon LCD; 3 lights (Media, Toner , Lid open); 10buttons (Wi-Fi, Minus, Menu, Plus, Copy, ID copy, Info, Resume, Cancel, Power)Icon LCD; 5 lights (Status, Media, Attention,Toner , Lid open); 9 buttons (Power , Info,Resume, Cancel, Plus, Menu, Minus, Copy, ID copy)Icon LCD; 5 lights (Status, Media, Attention,Toner , Lid open); 10 buttons (Power , Info, Wi-Fi, Resume, Cancel, Plus, Menu, Minus, Copy,ID copy)PrintPrint technology LaserPrint speed Black (A4, normal) Up to 29 ppm;Black (A4, duplex): Up to 18 ipm;First page out Black (A4, ready): As fast as 7 sec;Black (A4, sleep): As fast as 7.6 sec;Print resolution Black (best): Up to 600 x 600 dpi;Monthly duty cycle Up to 20,000 pages A4; Recommended monthly page volume: 200 to 2,000Printer smart software features Automatic duplex printing, HP Auto-On/Auto-Off, HP Smart App Standard print languages PCLmS; URF; PWGPrint area Print margins Top: 6 mm, Bottom: 6 mm, Left: 5 mm, Right: 5 mm; Maximum print area: 216 x 354 mm Duplex printing Auto-duplexCopyCopy speedBlack (A4): Up to 29 cpmCopier specificationsReduce/Enlarge; Number of Copies;Lighter/Darker; Optimize; Paper size/type;Maximum number of copies: Up to 99 copies;Reduce/Enlarge: 25 to 400%;Reduce/Enlarge; Number of Copies;Lighter/Darker; Optimise; Paper size/type;Maximum number of copies: Up to 99 copies;Reduce/Enlarge: 25 to 400%;Reduce/Enlarge; Number of Copies;Lighter/Darker; Optimise; Paper size/type. It supports collation and single-sided on ADF bundles.; Maximum number of copies: Up to 99 copies; Reduce/Enlarge: 25 to 400%;Reduce/Enlarge; Number of Copies;Lighter/Darker; Optimise; Paper size/type. It supports collation and single-sided on ADF bundles; Maximum number of copies: Up to 99 copies; Reduce/Enlarge: 25 to 400%;ScanScan speed Normal (A4): Up to 19 ppm (black and white), up to 10 ppm (colour);Scan file formatJPEG, TIF , PDF , BMP , PNG123,45Scanner specifications Scanner type: Flatbed; Scan input modes: HP Smart App; and user applications via Twain;Twain version: Version 2.1; Duplex ADF scanning: No; Scan size maximum (flatbed): 216 x297 mm; Optical scan resolution: Up to 600 dpiScanner type: Flatbed, ADF; Scan input modes: HP Smart App; and user applications viaTwain; Twain version: Version 2.1; Duplex ADF scanning: No; Scan size maximum (flatbed):216 x 297 mm; Optical scan resolution: Up to 600 dpiRecommended monthlyscan volume150 to 1500Scannable area Maximum media size (flatbed): 216 x 297 mm;Maximum media size (flatbed): 216 x 297 mm; Minimum media size (ADF): 148 x 210 mmMaximum media size (ADF): 216 x 356 mmBit depth/ Grey scalelevels24-bit / 256Processor speed500 MHzConnectivityStandard 1 Hi-Speed USB 2.01 Hi-Speed USB 2.0; 1 Fast Ethernet10/100Base-TX; 1 Dual-band (2.4/5.0GHz)Wireless 802.11b/g/n with Bluetooth® LowEnergy1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0; 1 Fast Ethernet10/100Base-TX1 Hi-Speed USB 2.0; 1 Fast Ethernet10/100Base-TX; 1 Dual-band (2.4/5.0GHz)Wireless 802.11b/g/n with Bluetooth® LowEnergyWireless 1 built-in Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n 1 built-in Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/nMobile printingcapability Apple AirPrint™; HP Smart App Apple AirPrint™; HP Smart App; Mopria™Certified; Wi-Fi® Direct PrintingApple AirPrint™; HP Smart App; Mopria™CertifiedApple AirPrint™; HP Smart App; Mopria™Certified; Wi-Fi® Direct PrintingSupported networkprotocols TCP/IP: IPv4; IPv6; LPD; SLP; Bonjour; WS-Discovery; BOOTP/DHCP/AutoIP; SNMP v 1/2/3;HTTP/HTTPS; UDP; IPPNetwork capabilities 1 Ethernet 10/100Base-TX; 1 built-in Wi-Fi802.11b/g/n 1 Ethernet 10/100Base-TX 1 Ethernet 10/100Base-TX; 1 built-in Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/nHard disk NoMemory Standard: 64 MB; Maximum: 64 MBMedia handlingNumber of paper trays Standard: 1 ; Maximum: 1Media types Paper (laser, plain, rough, vellum), Envelopes, Labels, Cardstock, PostcardMedia size Custom (metric): 101.6 x 152.4 to 216 x 356 mm ; Supported (metric): A4; A5; A6; B5 (JIS)Custom (metric): 101.6 x 152.4 to 216 x 356 mm ; Supported (metric): A4; A5; A6; B5 (JIS) ;ADF: A4, A5, B4, B5, Letter, LegalMedia handling Standard input: 150 sheet input trayStandard output: 100 sheet output tray Standard input: 150 sheet input tray Standard output: 100 sheet output tray ADF: Standard, 40 sheetsMedia weight60 to 163 g/m²; ADF: 60 to 90 g/m²Input capacity Tray 1: Sheets: 150; Envelopes: 10Maximum: Up to 150 sheets Tray 1: Sheets: 150; Envelopes: 10 Maximum: Up to 150 sheets ADF: Standard, 40 sheetsOutput capacity Standard: Up to 100 sheets Envelopes: Up to 10 envelopes Maximum: Up to 100 sheetsCompatible operating systems Microsoft® Windows® 10, 8.1, 8, 7: 32/64-bit, 2 GB available hard disk space, Internet connection, Microsoft® Internet Explorer. Apple® macOS v10.14 Mojave, macOS v10.15 Catalina, macOS v11 Big Sur; 2 GB available hard disk space; Internet required; Linux: for more information, see https:///hp-linux-imaging-and-printingCompatible network operating systems Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit, Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit (SP1), Windows Server 2012 64-bit, Windows Server 2012 R2 64-bit, Windows Server 2016 64-bit; Linux: for more information see /hp-linux-imaging-and-printingMinimum system requirements Windows: Microsoft® Windows® 10, 8.1, 8, 7:32-bit or 64-bit, 2 GB available hard diskspace, Internet connection, USB port,Microsoft® Internet Explorer;Mac: Apple® macOS v10.14 Mojave, macOSv10.15 Catalina, macOS v11 Big Sur; 2 GBavailable hard disk space; Internet requiredWindows: Microsoft® Windows® 10, 8.1, 8, 7:32-bit or 64-bit, 2 GB available hard diskspace, Internet connection, Microsoft®Internet Explorer.;Mac: Apple® macOS v10.14 Mojave, macOSv10.15 Catalina, macOS v11 Big Sur; 2 GBavailable hard disk space; Internet requiredWindows: Microsoft® Windows® 10, 8.1, 8, 7:32/64-bit, 2 GB available hard disk space,Internet connection, Microsoft® InternetExplorer;Mac: Apple® macOS v10.14 Mojave, macOSv10.15 Catalina, macOS v11 Big Sur; 2 GBavailable hard disk space; Internet requiredWindows: Microsoft® Windows® 10, 8.1, 8, 7:32-bit or 64-bit, 2 GB available hard diskspace, Internet connection, Microsoft®Internet Explorer.;Mac: Apple® macOS v10.14 Mojave, macOSv10.15 Catalina, macOS v11 Big Sur; 2 GBavailable hard disk space; Internet requiredSoftware included No CD; Downloadable Software from or Security management Secure Boot, Secure Firmware Integrity,Runtime Code Integrity; Secure defaults,Encrypted data at restSecure Boot, Secure Firmware Integrity, Runtime Code Integrity, password protected EWS, secure browsing via SSL/TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS1.2; TLS 1.0/1.1 disabled by default; Update to OpenSSL version 1.1.1; Enable/disable Network ports; SNMPv1, SNMPv2, and SNMPv3,community password change; Secure defaults, Encrypted data at rest, Active FW update, Admin password by default, Cipher & TLSselection; Account lockout; Secure Wi-Fi setupPrinter management HP Printer Assistant (UDC); HP Device ToolboxDimensions and weightPrinter dimensions (W xD x H)Minimum 368.0 x 298.6 x 241.9 mm; Maximum: 368.0 x 419.6 x 436.3 mm;Minimum 418.0 x 308.0 x 294.4 mm; Maximum: 418.0 x 467.6 x 452.8 mm; Package dimensions (Wx D x H)497 x 298 x 388 mm497 x 379 x 409 mmPrinter weight7.6 kg9.5 kgPackage weight9.6 kg12.45 kgOperating environment Temperature: 15 to 32.5ºC; Humidity: 30 to 70% RHStorage conditions Temperature: -20 to 60°C; Humidity: 10 to 90% RHAcoustics Acoustic power emissions: 6.6 B(A); Acoustic pressure emissions: 51 dB(A)Power Requirements: 220 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 60Hz/50 Hz, 2.8 A;Consumption: 453 watts (active printing), 3.3watts (ready), 0.6 watts (sleep), 0.6 watts(Auto Off/Wake on USB, enabled atshipment), 0.04 watts (Auto-off/Manual-on),0.04 (Manual Off);Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC): 0.256kWh/Week (Energy Star); 0.684 kWh/Week(Blue Angel);Power supply type: Built-in 110V or 200VPower Supply;Requirements: 220 to 240 VAC (+/- 10%), 60 Hz/50 Hz, 2.8 A;Consumption: 453 watts (active printing), 3.3 watts (ready), 0.6 watts (sleep), 0.6 watts (Auto Off/Wake on LAN, enabled at shipment), 0.04watts (Auto-off/Manual-on), 0.04 (Manual Off);Typical Electricity Consumption (TEC): 0.256 kWh/Week (Energy Star); 0.684 kWh/Week (Blue Angel);Power supply type: Built-in 110V or 200V Power Supply;Energy savings featuretechnology HP Auto-on/Auto-off TechnologyCertifications CISPR32:2012 & CISPR32:2015/EN55032:2012 & EN55032:2015+AC:2016- Class B; EN 61000-3-2:2014; EN 61000-3-3:2013; EN 55035:2017EPEAT® SilverCISPR32:2012 & CISPR32:2015/EN55032:2012 & EN55032:2015+AC:2016- Class B; EN 61000-3-2:2014; EN 61000-3-3:2013; EN 55035:2017EPEAT® SilverTelecom compliance: Wireless: EU RED2014/53/EU; EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3 / EN 301489-17: V3.2.0; EN 300 328: V2.1.1 / EN301893 V2.1.1; FCC Title 47 CFR, Part 15 SubpartC & E / RSS 247 Issue 1, 2015 & RSS 102Issue 5, 2015; IEC 62311:2007 /EN62311:2008CISPR32:2012 & CISPR32:2015/EN55032:2012 & EN55032:2015+AC:2016- Class B; EN 61000-3-2:2014; EN 61000-3-3:2013; EN 55035:2017EPEAT® SilverCISPR32:2012 & CISPR32:2015/EN55032:2012 & EN55032:2015+AC:2016- Class B; EN 61000-3-2:2014; EN 61000-3-3:2013; EN 55035:2017EPEAT® SilverTelecom compliance: Wireless: EU RED2014/53/EU; EN 301 489-1 V2.2.3 / EN 301489-17: V3.2.0; EN 300 328: V2.1.1 / EN301893 V2.1.1; FCC Title 47 CFR, Part 15 SubpartC & E / RSS 247 Issue 1, 2015 & RSS 102Issue 5, 2015; IEC 62311:2007 /EN62311:2008Blue Angel compliant Yes, Blue Angel DE-UZ 205 Country of origin Made in VietnamWhat's in the box HP LaserJet MFP M236d Printer; HP BlackLaserJet Toner Cartridge (700 page yield);Dust Cover; Reference Guide; Setup Poster;Warranty Guide & Flyer in some countries;Power cordHP LaserJet MFP M236dw Printer; HP BlackLaserJet Toner Cartridge (700 page yield);Dust Cover; Reference Guide; Setup Poster;Warranty Guide & Flyer in some countries; CDROM containing documentation and softwarein some countries; Power cord; USB cableHP LaserJet MFP M236sdn Printer; HP BlackLaserJet Toner Cartridge (700 page yield);Reference Guide; Setup Poster; WarrantyGuide & Flyer in some countries; Power cordHP LaserJet MFP M234sdw Printer; HP BlackLaserJet Toner Cartridge (700 page yield);Reference Guide; Setup Poster; WarrantyGuide & Flyer in some countries; CD-ROMcontaining software driver & electronicdocumentation; Power cord; USB cableWarranty One-year limited warranty 667 8FootnotesCompared to in-class monochrome laser printers and MFPs less than 220€ for single function or less than 320€ for multifunction, all with a published maximum monthly duty cycle of 20,000 or lower. Buyers Lab September 2020 study commissioned by HP , based on a research survey OEM published specifications publicly available information as of 09/01/2020. Market share as reported by IDC Quarterly Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker - Final Historical 2020Q2 for North America and EMEA. For details: /HPFastestDuplex. Wireless capabilities and 40 page automatic document feeder available only on selected models. Requires the HP Smart app download. For details on local printing requirements see /go/mobileprinting. Certain features/software are available in English language only, and differ between desktop and mobile applications. Instant Ink subscription may be required. Instant Ink not available in all countries. See details at . Internet access required and must be purchased separately. HP account required for full functionality. List of supported operating systems available in app stores. Fax capabilities are for sending a fax only, and may require additional purchase. For more information, see /mobile-fax. Based on internal HP testing. Average timing estimate based on: 1) downloaded HP Smart app on mobile device, 2) setting up Shortcut, 3) scanning jobs which have more than 2-3 tasks associated with them (scan to email, save and rename, store to cloud, etc.). Average timing savings comparison based on using printer and desktop scan software to complete similar scanning tasks. Requires the HP Smart app download and supported HP printer. For details on local printing requirements see /go/mobileprinting. Certain features/software are available in English language only. Wireless operations are compatible with 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz operations only. Learn more at /go/mobileprinting. Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance®. Supports both 5.0 GHz and 2.4 GHz using up to 12 non-overlapping channels vs only 3 non-overlapping channels for 2.4 GHz only. Supports 5.0 GHz band (up to 150 mbps) vs 2.4 GHz band (up to 72.2 mbps). Internet access required and must be purchased separately. HP Auto-On/Auto-Off Technology capabilities subject to printer and settings; may require a firmware upgrade.Technical specifications disclaimersMeasured using ISO/IEC 24734, excludes first set of test documents. For more information see /go/printerclaims. Exact speed varies depending on the system configuration, software application, driver , and document complexity. Measured using ISO/IEC 17629. For more information see /go/printerclaims. Exact speed varies depending on the system configuration, software application, driver , and document complexity. HP Auto-On/Auto-Off Technology capabilities subject to printer and settings; may require a firmware upgrade. Requires the HP Smart app download. For details on local printing requirements see /go/mobileprinting. Certain features/software are available in English language only, and differ between desktop and mobile applications. Instant Ink subscription may be required. Instant Ink not available in all countries. See details at . Internet access required and must be purchased separately. HP account required for full functionality. List of supported operating systems available in app stores. Fax capabilities are for sending a fax only, and may require additional purchase. For more information, see:/mobile-fax. Scan speeds measured from ADF. Actual processing speeds may vary depending on scan resolution, network conditions, computer performance, and application software. Power requirements are based on the country/region where the printer is sold. Do not convert operating voltages. This will damage the printer and void the product warranty. Energy Star value typically based on measurement of 115V device. For yield information on the cartridge included with your printer , see /go/toneryield. Yield values measured in accordance with ISO/IEC 19752 and continuous printing. Actual yields vary considerably based on images printed and other factors. Warranty and support options vary by product, country, and local legal requirements.© Copyright 2021 HP Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in theexpress warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Published in EMEA March 202112345612345678。
HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28 打印机系列数据表说明书

DatasheetHP LaserJet Pro MFP M28Printer seriesThe world's smallest laser in its class.1Get productive MFP performance that fits your space and your budget.Print,scan and copy produceprofessional-quality results.Easily print and scan from your smartphone.2,3HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28a Printer HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28w PrinterHighlights●The world’s smallest MFP laser in its class 1●Print,scan,and copy with one compact device 2,3●Quality and reliability you expect from industry leader ●Print speed up to 18ppm 4●Intuitive,easy to use●Easy mobile printing and scanning with the HP Smart App (M28w)3●Wi-Fi Direct®,Google Cloud Print™,Mopria-certified,Apple AirPrint mobile printing (M28w)●HP Auto-On/Auto-Off technology6●ID copy and icon LCD display (M28w only)Dynamic security enabled printer.Onlyintended to be used with cartridges using an HP original chip.Cartridges using a non-HP chip may not work,and those that work today may not work in the future.Learn more at:/go/learnaboutsuppliesProductivity that fits anywhere●Easily handle tasks and get a lot from one device –print,scan,and copy.●Maximise your uptime with print speeds up to 18/19ppm.4●Easily scan files directly to PDF and email with preloaded business apps.5●Easily copy both sides of identification cards onto one side of paper.Uncompromising quality●This surprisingly small laser delivers exceptional quality,page after page.●Help save energy with HP Auto-On/Auto-Off Technology.6●Speed through print jobs,using a pre-installed Original HP Toner cartridge.Easy mobile printing and scanning with HP Smart App●Print from the cloud,scan from your smartphone,and easily order toner ,with the HP Smart App.2,3●Easily print from a variety of smartphones and tablets.2,7●Easily share resources –access and print with wireless networking.2,8●Connect your smartphone directly to your printer –and easily print without accessing a network.2,9Product walkaroundHP LaserJet Pro MFP M28w shown1.Intuitive control panel with icon LCD2.Pre-installed Original HP Toner cartridge3.100-sheet output bin4.Flatbed scanner handles paper sizes up to21.6x29.7cm5.Wireless networking(802.11b/g/n)6.Wi-Fi Direct®printing7.Easy mobile printing with the HP Smart App8.Hi-Speed USB2.0port9.150-sheet input tray(shown closed)Series at a glanceModel HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28a Printer HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28w Printer Product number W2G54A W2G55APrint speed up to18ppm,A4up to18ppm,A4Input/Output capacity150-sheet input capacity,100-sheet output150-sheet input capacity,100-sheet output LED display Yes YesCartridge yield,black/colour(in pages)In-box:~500A:~1000In-box:~500A:~1000Networking Not available Wireless networking(802.11b/g/n)Mobile printing capability Not available Apple AirPrint™;Google Cloud Print2.0;Mopria-certified;Wi-Fi Direct;HP Smart AppAccessories,Supplies and SupportSupplies CF244A HP44A Black Original LaserJet Toner Cartridge1,000pagesService and support UG206E HP3year Care Pack with Standard Exchange for LaserJet PrintersUG086E HP3year Care Pack with Next Day Exchange for LaserJet PrintersUG289E HP3year Care Pack with Return to Depot Support for LaserJet Printers(UG206E:all EMEA countries,except ME,Africa,South Africa,Israel,Turkey,UG086E:Austria,Belgium,Denmark,Finland,France,Germany,Ireland,Italy,Netherlands,Norway,Portugal,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,UK,Czech,Greece,Hungary,Poland,Slovakia,UG289E:ME,Africa,South Africa,Israel,Turkey)Technical specificationsModel HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28a Printer HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28w Printer Product number W2G54A W2G55AFunctions Print,copy,scanControl panel LEDPrintPrint technology LaserPrint speed1Black(A4,normal):Up to18ppmFirst page out2Black(A4,ready):As fast as8.2sec;Black(A4,sleep):As fast as8.2sec Black(A4,ready):As fast as8.2sec;Black(A4,sleep):As fast as 8.3secPrint resolution Black(best):Up to600x600x1dpi;Technology:HP FastRes600Monthly duty cycle Up to8,000pages(A4);Recommended monthly page volume:100to1,000Printer smart software features HP Auto-On/Auto-Off Apple AirPrint™,Mopria-certified,HP Auto-On/Auto-Off,Wi-Fi Direct,HP Smart AppStandard print languages PCLmS;URF;PWGPrint area Print margins:Top:2mm,Bottom:2mm,Left:2mm,Right:2mm;Maximum print area:216x297mmCopyCopy speed Black(A4):Up to18cpmCopier specifications Number of Copies;Lighter/Darker;Optimise;Paper;Maximum number of copies:Up to99copies;Copy resolution:600x400dpi;Reduce/Enlarge:25to400%ScanScan file format JPG,RAW(BMP),PNG,TIFF,PDFScanner specifications Scanner type:Flatbed;Scan technology:CIS;Scan input modes:Scanning via HP LaserJet Software Scan or TWAIN-compliant orWIA-compliant software;Twain version:Version2.1(Windows7or higher);Scan size maximum(flatbed,ADF):216to297mm;Opticalscan resolution:Up to1200dpiScanner Advanced Features NoRecommended monthly scan volume250to2,000Scannable area Maximum media size(flatbed):216to297mmBit depth/Grey scale levels24bit/256Processor speed500MHzConnectivityStandard Hi-Speed USB2.0port Hi-Speed USB2.0port;Built-in Wi-Fi802.11b/g/nWireless No YesMobile printing capability No Apple AirPrint™;Google Cloud Print2.0;Mopria-certified;Wi-Fi Direct;HP Smart AppSupported network protocols No TCP/IP:IPv4;IPv6;IP Direct Mode;LPD;SLP;Bonjour;WS-Discovery;BOOTP/DHCP/AutoIP;SNMP v1/2/3;HTTP/HTTPSMemory Standard:32MB;Maximum:32MBMedia handlingNumber of paper trays Standard:1input tray;Maximum:1input trayMedia types Plain paper,envelope,postcard,labelMedia size Custom(metric):105x148to216to297mmSupported(metric):A4;A5;A6;Envelopes(C5,DL);CustomMedia handling Standard input:150-sheet input trayStandard output:100-sheet output binModel HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28a Printer HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28w PrinterProduct number W2G54A W2G55AMedia weight65to120g/m²Input capacity Tray1:Sheets:150;Envelopes:10Maximum:Up to150sheetsOutput capacity Standard:Up to100sheetsEnvelopes:Up to10envelopesMaximum:Up to100sheetsCompatible operating systems Windows®10,8.1,8,7:32/64-bit,2GB available hard disk space,CD-ROM/DVD drive or Internet connection,USB port,Internet Explorer.Apple®macOS High Sierra(v10.13),macOS Sierra(v10.12),OS X EI Capitan(v10.11);1.5GB available hard disk space;Internet required;USBLinux(For more information,see https:///hp-linux-imaging-and-printing)Compatible network operating systems Windows®10,8.1,8,7:32-bit/64-bit,2GB available hard disk space,CD-ROM/DVD drive or Internet connection,USB port,Internet Explorer. Apple®macOS High Sierra(v10.13),macOS Sierra(v10.12),OS X EI Capitan(v10.11);1.5GB available hard disk space;Internet required;USB Linux(For more information,see https:///hp-linux-imaging-and-printing)Minimum system requirements Windows:Windows®10,8.1,8,7:32/64-bit,2GB available hard disk space,CD-ROM/DVD drive or Internet connection,USB port,InternetExplorer.;Mac:Apple®macOS High Sierra(v10.13),macOS Sierra(v10.12),OS X EI Capitan(v10.11);1.5GB available hard disk space;Internet required;USBSoftware included For Windows OS:HP Software Installer;HP Software Uninstaller(exclude Win8+);HP PCLmS Printer Driver;HP Device Experience(DXP);HPWeb Services Assist(HP Connected);Device Setup&Software;Online user manuals;HP Printer Assistant;HP Scan Driver;HP Scan Application;HP Product Improvement Study.For Mac OS:Welcome Screen(directs users to or OS App Source for LaserJet Software) Security management Password-protected network embedded Web server Password-protected network embedded Web server;Enable/disableNetwork ports;SNMPv1community password changePrinter management HP Printer Assistant(UDC);HP Device Toolbox;HP Utility(Mac)Dimensions and WeightPrinter dimensions(W x D x H)Minimum:360x264x197mm;Maximum:360x427x347mmPackage dimensions(W x D x H)398x248x306mmPrinter weight 5.4kgPackage weight 6.9kgOperating environment Temperature:10to32.5°C;Humidity:30to70%RHStorage Temperature:-20to60°C;Humidity:10to90%RHAcoustics Acoustic power emissions:6.5B(A);Acoustic pressure emissions:52dB(A)Power Requirements:220V-240V nominal at+/-10%(min198V,Max264V),50-60Hz nominal at+/-3Hz(min47Hz,max63Hz);Consumption: 365watts(active printing),2.9(ready),0.6watts(sleep),0.1watts(auto-off/manual on),0.1watts(manual off),0.6watts(auto-off/wake onUSB);Typical Electricity Consumption(TEC)3:Blue Angel:0.456kWh/Week;Energy Star:0.417kWh/Week;Power supply type:Powerrequirements are based on the country/region where the printer is sold.Do not convert operating voltages.This will damage the printer andvoid the product warranty.Energy savings feature technology HP Auto-on/Auto-off TechnologyCertifications CISPR22:2008&CISPR32:2012/EN55032:2012-Class B,EN61000-3-2:2014,EN61000-3-3:2013,EN55024:2010ENERGY STAR®qualified;EPEAT®SilverBlue Angel compliant:Yes;Blue Angel RAL-UZ205What's in the box4HP LaserJet Pro M28a Printer;Preinstalled HP Original IntroductoryBlack LaserJet Toner Cartridge(500pages);Getting started guide;Setup poster;Support flyer;Warranty guide;Software drivers anddocumentation on CD-ROM;Power cord HP LaserJet Pro M28w Printer;Preinstalled HP Original Introductory Black LaserJet Toner Cartridge(500pages);Getting started guide; Setup poster;Support flyer;EU declaration flyer(EU only);Warranty guide;Software drivers and documentation on CD-ROM;Power cord; USB cableWarranty One-year limited warrantyFootnotes1World's smallest in-class footprint compared only to dimensions of majority of worldwide personal laser printers(defined as monochrome laser printers<€100and monochrome laser MFPs<€150);HP internal research of printer manufacturers'published specifications as of October9,2017and Keypoint Intelligence-Buyers Lab2017study commissioned by HP.Market share as reported by IDC CYQ22017Hardcopy Peripherals Tracker. Measured footprint for HP LaserJet Pro M15printer series is649,30square centimetres and for HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28series is956,13square centimetres.2Available only on the HP LaserJet Pro MFP M28w only.3Requires the HP Smart app download.Features controlled may vary by mobile device operating system.Full list of supported operating systems and details at /us-en/document/c03561640.For details on local printing requirements see /go/mobileprinting.4Measured using ISO/IEC24734,excludes first set of test documents.For more information,see /go/printerclaims.Exact speed varies depending on the system configuration,software application,driver, and document complexity.5Requires an Internet connection to the printer.Services may require registration.App availability varies by country,language,and agreements.For details,see .6HP Auto-On/Auto-Off Technology capabilities subject to printer and settings;may require a firmware upgrade.7For details on local printing requirements see /go/mobile printing.8Wireless operations are compatible with2.4GHz operations only.Learn more at /go/mobileprinting.Wi-Fi is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance®.9Mobile device needs to be connected to Wi-Fi Direct®signal of a Wi-Fi Direct-supported AiO or printer prior to printing.Details at /go/mobileprinting.Wi-Fi Direct®is a registered trademark of Wi-Fi Alliance®.Technical specifications disclaimers1Measured using ISO/IEC24734,excludes first set of test documents.For more information see /go/printerclaims.Exact speed varies depending on the system configuration,software application,driver, and document complexity.2Measured using ISO/IEC17629.For more information see /go/printerclaims.Exact speed varies depending on the system configuration,software application,driver,and document complexity.3Power requirements are based on the country/region where the printer is sold.Do not convert operating voltages.This will damage the printer and void the product warranty.Energy Star value typically based on measurement of115V device.4HP Original Introductory Black LaserJet Toner Cartridge(500page yield).Actual yields vary considerably based on images printed and other factors.For details see /go/learnaboutsupplies/ukThe product could differ from the images shown.©Copyright2018HP Development Company,L.P.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.The only warranties forHP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty.HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Published in EMEA4AA7-2097EEE,March2018。

3 深圳恒通PFU-12采样模块,调试发现传给 此4pcs返回品在工装上多次测试,
Target FY09 2508 207 754 4016 646 1108 4375 12468 26412 1700 409
Target Monthly
2508 207 754 4016 646 1108 4375 12468 26412 1700 409
Act Dec. 2775 84 1088 7059 993 512 8591 20313 24777 1471
货物质量 服务安装 客户原因 合同问题 非标、文档和产品标准
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Oct 4 2 0 0 0 2 8
741 10796 12468
NOV 5 0 1 2 0 1 9
751 11984 12468
DEC 1 4 3 1 0 1 10
640 15625 12468
Target FY09 7861 600 8608 10330 5000 3480 33700 7.32% 1.99% 0.88% 3440
Target Monthly
7861 600 8608 10330 5000 3480 33700 7.32% 1.99% 0.88% 3440
DEC 不良数

工艺包process package工艺设计process design工艺发表process release工艺预发表initial process release工作范围;项目任务范围scope of work ; project scope工作包work package工作项work item任务单项line item分解结构breakdown structure工作分解结构work breakdown structure[WBS]组织分解机构organizational breakdown structure[OBS]项目大项工作分解结构project summary work breakdown structure[PSWBS]承包商标准工作分解结构;工程公司标准工作分解结构contractor's standard work breakdown structure[CSWBS]责任分工矩阵responsibility assignment matrix[RAM]风险risk风险分析risk analysis风险备忘录risk memorandum公司本部home office公司本部服务home office service公用工程utility计划plan项目计划project plan(项目)设计计划(project)engineering plan(项目)采购计划(project)procurement plan(项目)施工计划(project)construction plan(项目)开车计划(project)start-up plan专利patent专利权patent right产权技术proprietary technology专利技术licensed technology专有技术;技术诀窍know-how许可证license专利商;许可方licensor受许可放;受让方licensee(技术)转让费;提成费royalty许可证费license fee专有技术费know-how fee专业discipline工艺process design ; process engineering系统systems engineering设备equipment engineering布置plant layout engineering管道设计piping design管道机械piping mechanical engineering仪表instruments engineering电气electrical engineering建筑architectural engineering土建civil engineering开车start-up试车commissioning投料试车start-up ; test run ; initial operations性能考核,生产考核performance test run ; performance guarantee tests用户验收client acceptance支付条件;付款条件terms of payment ; conditions of payment ; terms and conditions of payment预付款advance payment ; down payment按实物进度付款progress payment按日工程进度付款schedule payment保留金;扣留款retention money最终付款final payment代码;编码code ; number组码group code标准分类记帐码;记帐码standard classification of account numbers[SCAN];account codes ; code of accounts可编码variable code ; optional variable code通用型活动码generic activity type(numbers)[GAT]不可预见费contingency发表issue ; release汇票bill of exchange ; draft议付汇票bill for negotiation业主owner用户;客户client设计;工程设计design ; engineering设计阶段engineering phase工艺设计阶段process design phase基础工程设计阶段basic engineering phase分析设计阶段analytical engineering phase平面设计阶段planning engineering phase详细工程设计阶段detailed engineering phase ; final engineering phase ; production engineering phase会议meeting开工会议kick-off meeting报价开工会议proposal kick-off meeting用户开工会议client kick-off meeting项目开工会议project kick-off meeting设计开工会议project kick-off meeting施工动员会议construction mobilization meeting审核会review meeting合同;承包contract合同生效日期effective date of the contract合同终止termination of contract合同失效frustration of contract总价合同lump-sum contract[L-S](固定)单价合同(fixed) unit price contract偿付合同;成本加抽筋合同(cost) reimbursable contract ; cost-plus (fee) contract [C-P] 成本加固定酬金合同cost plus fixed fee contract [CPFF]成本加浮动酬金合同cost plus fluctuating fee contract ; cost plus sliding scale fee contract目标成本加奖罚合同(target) cost plus fee contract , with bonus or penalty conditions 限定最高价偿付合同;限定最高成本加抽筋合同reimbursable guaranteed maximum price contract [RGMP] ; guarantee maximum cost plus fee contract承包商contractor分包商subcontractor合营企业joint venture [JV]交货delivery交货日期delivery date ; date of delivery交货周期lead time交货到现场delivery to job-site交货单delivery note提货单delivery order提单bill of lading交货条件delivery terms离岸价free on board [FOB]铁路交货(价);敞车上交货(价) free on rail [FOR] ; free on truck [FOT]成本加运费(价) cost and freight [CFR] or [C&F]到岸价cost insurance and freight ; cost insurance freight [CIF]船边交货(价) free alongside ship [FAS]货交承运人(价) free carrier [FCA]工厂交货(价) ex works [EXW]估算;费用估算estimate ' cost estimate估算方法类别types of estimate详细估算(发) detailed estimate ; defined estimate设备详细估算(发);确切估算(发) defined equipment estimate ; definitive estimate设备估算equipment estimate分析估算analysis estimate报价估算proposal estimate控制估算control estimate初期控制估算interim control estimate ; initial control estimate [ICE]批准的控制估算initial approved cost [IAC]核定估算check estimate首次核定估算first check estimate [FCE]二次核定估算production check estimate [PCE]人工时估算man-hour estimate证书;证明书certificate产地证明书certificate of origin机械竣工证书mechanical completion certificate用户验收证书;合同项目验收证书client acceptance certificate (of plant)材料material设备equipment散装材料bulk materials ; commodities材料分类material class材料统计material take-off [MTO]材料表;材料清单bill of materials [BOM]材料管理material management材料控制material control进度;进度表;进度计划schedule进展;进度;实物进度progress ; physical progress编制进度计划scheduling ; time scheduling(项目)初期工作进度计划starter schedule ; early work schedule项目主进度计划project master schedule ; master project schedule详细进度计划;详细进度表detailed schedule网络(图);网络(进度)计划network (diagram)里程碑网络图milestone network详细网络图detailed network关键线路法critical path method [CPM]关键工序;关键活动critical activity工序;活动activity浮动时间;工序时差"float"里程碑milestone进度控制schedule control ; progress control进度曲线;S曲线progress curve ; "S" curve资源负荷曲线resource loading curve ; Bell curve进度提前ahead of schedule进度拖延schedule delay违约default违约通知default notice(违约)罚款条款penalty clause违约罚金liquidated damages运费freight [Frt.] ; carriage运费付讫freight paid ; carriage free ; carriage paid运费待收;货到收运费freight collect ; freight to be collected ; freight payable at destination运费预付freight prepaid ; advance(d) freight货到付运费;运费未付freight forward ; carriage forward运费担保函freight indemnity运费单freight note运输商;承运商forwarding agent采购procurement采买purchasing催交expediting检验inspection运输traffic ; transport报关单bill of entry报告report费用和进展月报告monthly cost and progress report(项目)进展月报(job) monthly progress report设计进展月报engineering monthly progress report项目费用汇总报告project cost summary report项目实施费用状态报告project operation cost status report进度报告schedule report控制索引control index执行效果报告performance report劳动生产率报告productivity report异常报告exception report材料异常报告material exception report [MER] ; equipment & materials exception report采购状态报告procurement status report材料状态报告material status report请购单和订单状态报告purchase order and requisition status report供货厂商图纸状态报告vendor drawing status report ; vendor data scheduling status report检验报告inspection report(项目)完工报告close-out report报价;投标bid ; quotation ; proposal ; tender ; offer讯价文件评审委员会inquiry review committee [IRC]报价策略会议bid strategy meeting报价经理proposal manager投标书;标书;建议书proposal ; quotation ; bid ;tender ;offer标书评审;报价评审bid evaluation标书评选表;报价评选表bid tabulation form ; tabulation of bids谈判negotiation厂商协调会议;协调会议vendor coordination meeting [VCM] ; coordination meeting 订货合约;定约;成交commitment订货电传;订货通知telex order ; notification of commitment订单(即定单);采买订单;订货合同purchase order [PO]签订合同;合同签约contract award询价;招标inquiry ; invitation to bid资格预审pre-qualification合格投标商表;合格供货商表qualified bidders list ; qualified vendors list询价书;招标文件inquiry(package) ; request for quotation(package) [RFQ]; request for proposal [RFP] ; invitation to bid [ITB]请购文件;请购单requisition (package) ; requisition documents采购规格书;采购说明书purchasing specification [PS]投标者须知;报价须知instructions to bidders [ITB]变更change用户变更;合同变更client change ;contract change待定的用户变更pending client change认可的用户变更approved client change用户变更(通知)单;合同变更(通知)单client change notice [CCB] ; contract change order [CCO]项目变更;内部变更project change ; internal change项目变更(通知)单;内部变更(通知)单project change notice [PCN] ;internal change order [ICO]变更申请单;偏差通知单change request ; deviation notice [DN]质量quality质量方针quality policy质量管理quality management质量策划quality planning质量控制quality control [QC]质量保证quality assurance [QA]质量体系quality system质量改进quality improvement质量手册quality manual质量计划quality plan图纸drawing工艺流程图process flow diagram [PFD]工艺控制图process control diagram [PCD]管道仪表流程图piping and instrument diagram [PID] [P&ID]装置布置图plot plan管道平面设计图piping planning (drawing)管道平面布置图piping layout drawing管段图;管道空视图isometric drawing"批准用于详细工程设计"图纸drawing issued "Approved for Design" [AFD]"批准用于施工"图纸drawings issued "Approved for construction" [AFC]供货厂商先期确认图(纸) advanced certified final drawings [ACF] ; advanced certified vendors' drawings ; preliminary vendor drawings [PD]供货厂商最终确认图(纸) certified final drawings [CF] ; certified vendor drawings[CD] 图表diagram ; chart直方图histogram横道图bar ; bar-chart ; Gantt chart进度趋势展示图schedule trend display chart费用趋势展示图cost trend display chart项目;工程项目project项目实施费用状态报告project execution项目实施阶段project phase项目初始阶段initial phase of project execution施工阶段construction phase开车阶段start-up phase项目建设周期project duration's项目管理project management项目控制project control项目组project team专责项目组task force项目经理project manager [PM]项目设计经理project engineering manager [PEM]项目采购经理project procurement manager [PPM]项目施工经理project construction manager [PCM]项目工艺经理project process manager项目控制经理project controls manager项目进度计划工程师project scheduling engineer ; project scheduler项目估算师project estimator项目费用控制工程师project cost control engineer ; project cost engineer 项目材料控制工程师project material control engineer项目财务经理project financial manager项目质量经理project quality manager项目开车经理project start-up manager项目安全工程师project safety engineer项目秘书project secretary项目控制手段project controlling ; tools for project control控制基准;执行效果测量基准;实物进度基准control baseline ; performance measurement baseline ; progress baseline偏差;差异deviation ; variance执行效果;效绩;性能performance跟踪tracking ; follow up监控monitoring趋势分析;趋势预测trending ; trend projection偏差预测值projected deviations预测projection ; forecasting纠正措施corrective action ; corrective measures项目综合控制integrated project control赢得值原理earned value concept [EVC]计划工作量的预算费用budgeted cost for work scheduled [BCWS]已完工作量的预算费用budgeted cost for work performed [BCWP]已完工作量的实耗费用actual cost for work performed [ACWP]费用差异cost variance [CV]进度差异schedule variance [SV]费用指数cost index [CI]进度指数schedule index [SI]费用执行效果指数cost performance index [CPI]进度执行效果指数schedule performance index [SPI]竣工差异at completion variance [ACV]竣工预算费用budgeted cost at completion [BAC]竣工预测费用estimated cost at completion [EAC]费用;成本cost建设总费用total installed cost [TIC]材料费用;直接材料费用material cost ; direct material cost设备费用;设备购买费用equipment cost ; purchased cost of equipment散装材料费用;散装材料购买费用bulk materials cost ; purchased cost of bulk materials ; commodities cost(直接)材料相关费用(运费和保险费等) cost of material related freight ; insurance , etc. 施工费用construction cost施工人工费用;施工劳力费用labor cost ; erection labor cost ; construction force cost设备安装人工费用labor cost associated with equipment散装材料施工人工费用labor cost associated with bulk materials人工时估算定额;施工人工时估算定额;标准工时定额standard man-hours ; standard labor man-hours ; standard construction man-hours ; standard hours劳动生产率;劳动生产率系数labor productivity ; productivity factor ; productivity ratio修正的人工事估算值adjusted man-hours人工时单价man-hour rate施工监督费用;施工监督和管理费用cost of construction supervision ; cost of construction management and supervision ; field administration and direct supervision cost施工间接费用cost of construction indirect分包合同费用;现场施工分包合同费用subcontract cost ; field subcontract cost公司本部(服务)费用home office cost ; cost of home office servers公司管理费overhead ; home office overheads非工资费用non-payroll ; home-office expenses试车费用commissioning activities cost投料试车费用start-up cost其他费用other costs利润;预期利润profit ; expected profit服务酬金service gains内部费用转换internal transfer认可的预计费用anticipated approved cost费用控制;成本控制cost control预算(值);项目控制预算budget ; project control budget预算结余(值);费用结余(值) under-run ; cost under-run预算超支(值);费用超支(值) over-run ; cost over-run施工construction施工工种construction craft试车准备precommissioning机械竣工mechanical completion [MC]界区battery limit [BL]工艺界区process battery limit ; inside battery limit [ISBL]界外设施区;辅助设施界区offsite battery limit [OSBL]工艺装置process section ; process unit界外设施;辅助设施;通用设施offsite section ; offsite unit ; offsite facilities ; general facilities保证;担保guarantee ; warranty性能保证performance guarantees绝对保证absolute guarantees违约罚款保证penaltiable guarantees工作质量保证workmanship guarantees机械保证;机械担保mechanical guarantees ; mechanical warranties保函;担保(书) bond投标保函bid bond履约保函;履约担保(书);为履约出具的银行保证书performance bond ; performance bank guarantee预付款保函;为预付款出具的银行保证书advance payment bond ; bank guarantee for advance payment保证书;保险公司出具的保函surety bond银行保证书;信用保证书bank guarantee ; letter of guarantee [L/G]安慰信letter of comfort保密协议secrecy agreement保险insurance ; assurance保险单insurance policy保险证书insurance certificate保险费insurance premium保税货物bonded goods保税仓库bonded warehouse信用证letter of credit [L/C]不可撤销信用证irrevocable L/C可撤销信用证revocable L/C即期信用证sight credit ; sight L/C远期信用证term credit ; term L/C保兑信用证confirmed L/C可转让信用证transferable L/C备用信用证stand-by L/C信用证提款drawing on L/Cs信贷CREDIT卖方信贷SUPPLIER'S CREDIT [S/C]买方信贷buyer's credit [B/C]信贷额度line of credit项目融资;工程项目筹资project finance贷款loan即期贷款demand loan索赔claim ; claim indemnity培训training税;税金tax(es)所得税income taxes关税duties合法避税tax avoidance程序procedure项目协调程序project coordination procedure项目实施程序project execution procedure项目设计程序project engineering procedure项目采购程序project procurement procedure项目检验程序project inspection procedure项目控制程序project control procedure变更控制程序change control procedure预算变更程序budget change procedure项目试车程序;项目开车程序project commissioning procedure ; project start-up procedure ; project test run procedure化学清洗程序chemical cleaning procedure性能考核程序;生产考核程序performance test run procedure ; performance guarantee test procedure装置验收程序plant acceptance procedure数据data条件数据;设计条件supporting data返回的条件数据;返回的设计条件resultant feedback of data意向书letter of intent。

这都是些哪些种类的数据呢?之前我们安装了 ggplot2 会使⽤其默认数据集,其实R语⾔⾃带也是有数据集的。
data(package = 'ggplot2')R⾃带基本数据集都在R包datasets⾥⾯,可以执⾏命令:data(package = 'datasets')就会datasets包带的出现所有基本基本数据集:Data sets in package ‘datasets’:AirPassengers Monthly Airline Passenger Numbers 1949-1960BJsales Sales Data with Leading IndicatorBJsales.lead (BJsales)Sales Data with Leading IndicatorBOD Biochemical Oxygen DemandCO2 Carbon Dioxide Uptake in Grass PlantsChickWeight Weight versus age of chicks on differentdietsDNase Elisa assay of DNaseEuStockMarkets Daily Closing Prices of Major European StockIndices, 1991-1998Formaldehyde Determination of FormaldehydeHairEyeColor Hair and Eye Color of Statistics StudentsHarman23.cor Harman Example 2.3Harman74.cor Harman Example 7.4Indometh Pharmacokinetics of IndomethacinInsectSprays Effectiveness of Insect SpraysJohnsonJohnson Quarterly Earnings per Johnson & JohnsonShareLakeHuron Level of Lake Huron 1875-1972LifeCycleSavings Intercountry Life-Cycle Savings DataLoblolly Growth of Loblolly pine treesNile Flow of the River NileOrange Growth of Orange TreesOrchardSprays Potency of Orchard SpraysPlantGrowth Results from an Experiment on Plant GrowthPuromycin Reaction Velocity of an Enzymatic ReactionSeatbelts Road Casualties in Great Britain 1969-84Theoph Pharmacokinetics of TheophyllineTitanic Survival of passengers on the TitanicToothGrowth The Effect of Vitamin C on Tooth Growth inGuinea PigsUCBAdmissions Student Admissions at UC BerkeleyUKDriverDeaths Road Casualties in Great Britain 1969-84UKgas UK Quarterly Gas ConsumptionUSAccDeaths Accidental Deaths in the US 1973-1978USArrests Violent Crime Rates by US StateUSJudgeRatings Lawyers' Ratings of State Judges in the USSuperior CourtUSPersonalExpenditurePersonal Expenditure DataUScitiesD Distances Between European Cities and Between US CitiesVADeaths Death Rates in Virginia (1940)WWWusage Internet Usage per MinuteWorldPhones The World's Telephonesability.cov Ability and Intelligence Testsairmiles Passenger Miles on Commercial US Airlines,1937-1960airquality New York Air Quality Measurementsanscombe Anscombe's Quartet of 'Identical' SimpleLinear Regressionsattenu The Joyner-Boore Attenuation Dataattitude The Chatterjee-Price Attitude Dataaustres Quarterly Time Series of the Number ofAustralian Residentsbeaver1 (beavers) Body Temperature Series of Two Beavers beaver2 (beavers) Body Temperature Series of Two Beavers cars Speed and Stopping Distances of Carschickwts Chicken Weights by Feed Typeco2 Mauna Loa Atmospheric CO2 Concentration crimtab Student's 3000 Criminals Datadiscoveries Yearly Numbers of Important Discoveries esoph Smoking, Alcohol and (O)esophageal Cancer euro Conversion Rates of Euro Currencieseuro.cross (euro) Conversion Rates of Euro Currencies eurodist Distances Between European Cities and Between US Citiesfaithful Old Faithful Geyser Datafdeaths (UKLungDeaths)Monthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK freeny Freeny's Revenue Datafreeny.x (freeny) Freeny's Revenue Datafreeny.y (freeny) Freeny's Revenue Datainfert Infertility after Spontaneous and InducedAbortioniris Edgar Anderson's Iris Datairis3 Edgar Anderson's Iris Dataislands Areas of the World's Major Landmassesldeaths (UKLungDeaths)Monthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UKlh Luteinizing Hormone in Blood Sampleslongley Longley's Economic Regression Datalynx Annual Canadian Lynx trappings 1821-1934 mdeaths (UKLungDeaths)Monthly Deaths from Lung Diseases in the UK morley Michelson Speed of Light Datamtcars Motor Trend Car Road Testsnhtemp Average Yearly Temperatures in New Haven nottem Average Monthly Temperatures at Nottingham,1920-1939npk Classical N, P, K Factorial Experiment occupationalStatus Occupational Status of Fathers and their Sons precip Annual Precipitation in US Citiespresidents Quarterly Approval Ratings of US Presidents pressure Vapor Pressure of Mercury as a Function ofTemperaturequakes Locations of Earthquakes off Fijirandu Random Numbers from Congruential GeneratorRANDUrivers Lengths of Major North American Riversrock Measurements on Petroleum Rock Samplessleep Student's Sleep Datastack.loss (stackloss)Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Datastack.x (stackloss) Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Datastackloss Brownlee's Stack Loss Plant Datastate.abb (state) US State Facts and Figuresstate.area (state) US State Facts and Figuresstate.center (state) US State Facts and Figuresstate.division (state)US State Facts and Figures (state) US State Facts and Figuresstate.region (state) US State Facts and Figuresstate.x77 (state) US State Facts and Figuressunspot.month Monthly Sunspot Data, from 1749 to "Present" sunspot.year Yearly Sunspot Data, 1700-1988sunspots Monthly Sunspot Numbers, 1749-1983swiss Swiss Fertility and Socioeconomic Indicators(1888) Datatreering Yearly Treering Data, -6000-1979trees Diameter, Height and Volume for Black CherryTreesuspop Populations Recorded by the US Census volcano Topographic Information on Auckland's MaungaWhau Volcanowarpbreaks The Number of Breaks in Yarn during Weavingwomen Average Heights and Weights for AmericanWomen具体翻译⼀下各个数据集基本情况向量euro #欧元汇率,长度为11,每个元素都有命名landmasses #48个陆地的⾯积,每个都有命名precip #长度为70的命名向量rivers #北美141条河流长度state.abb #美国50个州的双字母缩写state.area #美国50个州的⾯积 #美国50个州的全称因⼦state.division #美国50个州的分类,9个类别state.region #美国50个州的地理分类矩阵、数组euro.cross #11种货币的汇率矩阵freeny.x #每个季度影响收⼊四个因素的记录state.x77 #美国50个州的⼋个指标USPersonalExpenditure #5个年份在5个消费⽅向的数据VADeaths #1940年弗吉尼亚州死亡率(每千⼈)volcano #某⽕⼭区的地理信息(10⽶×10⽶的⽹格)WorldPhones #8个区域在7个年份的电话总数iris3 #3种鸢尾花形态数据Titanic #泰坦尼克乘员统计UCBAdmissions #伯克利分校1973年院系、录取和性别的频数crimtab #3000个男性罪犯左⼿中指长度和⾝⾼关系HairEyeColor #592⼈头发颜⾊、眼睛颜⾊和性别的频数occupationalStatus #英国男性⽗⼦职业联系类矩阵eurodist #欧洲12个城市的距离矩阵,只有下三⾓部分Harman23.cor #305个⼥孩⼋个形态指标的相关系数矩阵Harman74.cor #145个⼉童24个⼼理指标的相关系数矩阵数据框airquality #纽约1973年5-9⽉每⽇空⽓质量anscombe #四组x-y数据,虽有相似的统计量,但实际数据差别较⼤attenu #多个观测站对加利福尼亚23次地震的观测数据attitude #30个部门在七个⽅⾯的调查结果,调查结果是同⼀部门35个职员赞成的百分⽐beaver1 #⼀只海狸每10分钟的体温数据,共114条数据beaver2 #另⼀只海狸每10分钟的体温数据,共100条数据BOD #随⽔质的提⾼,⽣化反应对氧的需求(mg/l)随时间(天)的变化cars #1920年代汽车速度对刹车距离的影响chickwts #不同饮⾷种类对⼩鸡⽣长速度的影响esoph #法国的⼀个⾷管癌病例对照研究faithful #⼀个间歇泉的爆发时间和持续时间Formaldehyde #两种⽅法测定甲醛浓度时分光光度计的读数Freeny #每季度收⼊和其他四因素的记录dating from #配对的病例对照数据,⽤于条件logistic回归InsectSprays #使⽤不同杀⾍剂时昆⾍数⽬iris #3种鸢尾花形态数据LifeCycleSavings #50个国家的存款率longley #强共线性的宏观经济数据morley #光速测量试验数据mtcars #32辆汽车在11个指标上的数据OrchardSprays #使⽤拉丁⽅设计研究不同喷雾剂对蜜蜂的影响PlantGrowth #三种处理⽅式对植物产量的影响pressure #温度和⽓压Puromycin #两种细胞中辅因⼦浓度对酶促反应的影响quakes #1000次地震观测数据(震级>4)randu #在VMS1.5中使⽤FORTRAN中的RANDU三个⼀组⽣成随机数字,共400组。
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配合度实际得分 配合度得分目标
6 5 4
3 2 2
16 12 12 8 4
0 1月 2月 0 3月 4月 0 5月 0 6月 0 7月 0 8月 0 9月 0 0 0
总的品质得分 总的品质得分最底分数
1. SCAR 没有及时回复(20%), 目标: 0 SCAR,如果有1个没有及时回复 减10分2个,减20分,到0分为止。 2.IQC 实际合格率( 25%), 目标:98%, 如果在90%-98%,减 5 分 如果在80%-90%, 减 10 分 .如果在 70%-80%, 减 20分,低于70%, 0分。 3.返工/退货/制程不良反馈实际次数(40%),目标 ;0 次, 如果有1次,减10分, 2次,减20, 直到0分。 4. 配合度得分(15%): SQE根据平时供应商的配合程度评价。 总的品质得分最底分数: 75 分 如果连续3个月总的得分在75以下,需要采取以下动作: a) 供应商品质经理和业务经理需要到SWC,直接沟通,并提出改善措施 b) SQE 安排对供应商的稽核,如果连续6个月没有任何改善的,SWC将对 供应商采取措施。 此月度品质评分适用于本地SWC 关键供应商: COLD PIN
10月 11月 12月
IQC 实际合格率 IQC 合格率目标
1月 2月 3月 4月 5月 6月 7月 8月 9月 10月 11月 12月
100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 101.0% 98.8% 100.0% 98.4%8.4% 9 99.0% 97.3% 97.6% 97.3% 98.0% 96.1% 97.0% 96.0% 94.1% 95.0% 94.0% 93.0% 92.0% 91.0%
富泰和精密制造(深圳)有限公司(PPM) 端针 Jerry Li
品质经理 1月 0 0 20 98.0% 97.3% 20 0 2 20 15 12 75 72 2月 0 0 20 98.0% 96.1% 20 0 0 40 15 12 75 92 郑丽萍 3月 0 0 20 98.0% 100.0% 25 0 0 40 15 12 75 97 业务经理 4月 0 1 10 98.0% 97.6% 20 0 2 20 15 11 75 61 陈理获 5月 0 0 20 98.0% 97.3% 20 0 0 40 15 12 75 92 6月 0 0 20 98.0% 98.8% 25 0 0 40 15 12 75 97 其他相关人员 7月 0 0 20 98.0% 100.0% 25 0 0 40 15 12 75 97 8月 0 0 20 98.0% 100.0% 25 0 0 40 15 12 75 97 9月 0 0 20 98.0% 98.4% 25 0 0 40 15 12 75 97 10月 0 0 20 98.0% 98.4% 25 0 0 40 15 12 75 97 11月 0 0 20 98.0% 94.1% 20 0 0 40 15 12 75 92 12月 0 0 20 98.0% 100.0% 25 0 0 40 15 13 75 97
100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
92 72
92 61
9月 10月 11月 12月
SCAR 没有及时回复的数量趋势表
SCAR 没有及时回复的数量 Pending SCAR Target
IQC 实际合格率趋势表
SWC 2010年供应商品质月度反馈
关键供应商 : 原材料: 发起人: 知会人员 : 品质表现:
Pending SCAR Target SCAR 没有及时回复的数量 没有及时回复SCAR得分 IQC 合格率目标 IQC 实际合格率 IQC得分 返工/退货/制程不良反馈次数目标 实际返工/退货/制程不良反馈次数 得分 配合度得分目标 配合度实际得分 总的品质得分最底分数 总的品质得分