第一节200 5 –200 6 学年第 二 学期 期终 试题参考答案
A1. From box 1 and 2, we can infer____.A. China’s tea harvests only in Spring.B. Xinyang has China’s largest tea farms.C. Handmade purple teapot will never disappear.D. Internet is more important than craft itself.2. Box 3 is to introduce____.A. how tea change people’ life.B. how tea integrate into people’s life.C. how tea improve people’s life.D. how tea simplify people’s life.3. What do the three boxes have in common? ____A. They are all about tea in China.B. They are all about tea economy.C. They are all about tea art.D. They are all about teapots.【答案】1. C 2. B 3. A【解析】【导语】这是一篇说明文。
通读Box1和Box2,根据Box2第二段中“Many younger masters use the internet to promote their craft arousing young people’s interests in the art in modern and customized ways. (许多年轻的大师利用互联网推广他们的手艺,以现代和定制的方式激发年轻人对艺术的兴趣。
(2分)眼眶.( ▲ ) 萦.( ▲ )绕(2)根据拼音写汉字。
(2分)震hàn( ▲ ) xuàn( ▲ )丽(3)划横线句处有语病,请做修改。
(1分)▲2. 我国二十四节气是世上最诗意的历法,四时轮回,像一封封时光信笺,悄然告诉你季节变化,世事变迁,下列诗句对应节气正确的一项是(▲)(2分)①天将小雨交春半,谁见枝头花历乱②谢却海棠飞尽絮,因人天气日出长③睡起秋色无觅处,满阶梧桐月明中④一声大震龙蛇起,蚯蚓虾蟆也出来A ①惊蛰②立秋③立夏④春分 B. ①春分②立夏③立秋④惊蛰C. ①立秋②春分③秋分④惊蛰D. ①春分②惊蛰③立秋④立夏3.下列句子加点词语使用正确的一项是(▲)(2分)A.山外有山,人外有人。
4. 下列文学常识和课文内容的理解,正确的一项是(▲)(3分)A. 《诗经》是我国最早的诗歌总集,也是我国诗歌浪漫主义传统的源头,汉代以后被奉为经典。
B. 陶渊明是东晋伟大的诗人、辞赋家,是中国第一位田园诗人,被称为“古今隐逸诗人之宗”,著有《陶渊明集》,《桃花源记》是其代表作之一。
)1. 一种新型燃料电池,是用两根金属铂做电极插入KOH溶液中,然后向两极上分别通入H2和O2,下解说法不正确的是A.通入H2的电极为负极B.通入O2的一极电极反应为4H2O+O2+8e=8OH-C.随着放电的进行,负极附近pH下降D.标准状况下通入5.6LO2完全反应后有1mol电子转移参考答案:B2. 用示意图或图示的方法能够直观形象地将化学知识传授给学生,下列示意图或图示正确的是参考答案:C3. 为了配制CH3COO-与Na+离子物质的量浓度之比为1:1的溶液,可向CH3COONa溶液中加入A.适量的盐酸 B.适量的NaOH固体 C.适量的KOH固体 D.适量的NaCl固体参考答案:C4. 下列物质中不属于电解质的是A .固体氯化钾 B.液态氯化氢C.气态硝酸D.作电极的碳棒参考答案:D5. 下列除去括号内杂质的试剂及方法有错误的是()A.FeCl2(FeCl3)→足量氯气B.Fe(Al)→NaOH溶液,过滤,洗涤C.MgCl2(AlCl3)→足量NaOH溶液,过滤,盐酸D.Fe2O3(SiO2)→NaOH溶液,过滤参考答案:A解:A.FeCl2被氧化生成FeCl3,应加入铁粉除杂,故A错误;B.铁与氢氧化钠不反应,而铝可与氢氧化钠溶液反应,可除杂,故B正确;C.氢氧化铝为两性氢氧化物,可溶于过量的氢氧化钠溶液,过滤后加入盐酸,可得到氯化镁,故C正确;D.二氧化硅与氢氧化钠溶液反应,而氧化铁不反应,可除杂,故D正确.故选A.6. 下列各组物质中,按熔点由低到高排列,正确的是()A、O-2、I2、HgB、CO2、KCl 、SiO2C、Na 、K 、RbD、SiC 、NaCl 、SO2参考答案:B略7. pH=2的A、B两种酸溶液各lmL,分别加水稀释到1000 mL,其溶液的pH与溶液体积(V)的关系如图所示,则下列说法正确的是A.A、B溶液浓度一定相等B.稀释后A溶液酸性比B溶液强C.a=5时,A是强酸,B是弱酸D.若A、B都是弱酸,则2<a=5参考答案:C略8. 已知苯与一卤代烷在催化剂作用下可生成苯的同系物在催化剂存在下,由苯和下列各组物质合成乙苯最好应选用的是()A.CH3CH3和I2 B.CH2=CH2和HCl C.CH2=CH2和Cl2 D.CH3CH3和HCl参考答案:B略9.一个空瓶重51.00g,如果装满某气态烃时重51.40g,而装满同温同压下的氢气时重51.02g ,则该烃的分子式为A.B.C.D.参考答案:B10. ClO2是一种消毒杀菌效率高、二次污染小的水处理剂。
AFrom December 1st, 2023 to November 30th, 2024, visitors can stay in China for up to 15 days without a visa. Below are several easy steps for planning a first China tour.Decide How Many Days to StayWe suggest you take at least a week for your first trip to see the highlights in the top three cities: Beijing (3–4 days), Xi’an (2 days), and Shanghai (1–2 days).To discover more of China, like charming Guilin and lovely Chengdu pandas, you would need a few more days.Consider When to Travel to ChinaThings to do in Beijing, Xi’an, and Shanghai are seldom affected by the seasons.Spring (April–May) and autumn (September–October) are generally the most comfortable and recommended times for a China tour. They are neither too hot nor too cold, but fall is generally drier and warmer than spring.A more ideal travel time for you could be March and early April or September when there are smaller crowds, favorable prices, and still good weather.China is a good summer holiday destination too.Consider Your BudgetThe biggest cost could be international airfares. The cost of airfares from the US or Europe to China varies a lot depending on when you fly and which airline you use, from around US$1,200 to US$3,000 for an economy round trip.The biggest price difference between the off and peak seasons is in the price of hotels and airfares. Prices in peak seasons can go up by 50 to 100%.For a private tour, the average cost per day is about US$220–350 per person, including flights/trains within China, 4- or 5-star hotels, lunches, attractions, guides, and private transport.We Believe Private and Tailor-Made Tours Are BestWith our private tours, you would have much more personal choice in how your tour goes. You could have more hand-picked and interactive experiences, like visiting a local family with your own local guide.With private guiding and transport, we would make full use of your time. You could focus on the sightseeing you want to do, skipping what’s not of interest and the long queues in the most crowded attractions.21. If you have a tour in China in winter, which places are suitable for you?A. Beijing and Guilin.B. Xi’an and Chengdu.C. Shanghai and Chengdu.D. Beijing and Xi’an.22. What can we know from the text?A. A visa is needed for a 12-day tour.B. The highest expense is the accommodation fee.C. Travelling in March can save tourists money.D. Prices in peak seasons usually go up by 150%.23. Which of the following is NOT the reason why a tailor-made tour is recommended?A. You have more choices about your route.B. Your time will be maximized.C. You are likely to interact with locals in person.D. You will spend less on the tour.BThree years into my postdoc(博士后), I started to wonder whether I needed a new career plan. After applying for more than two dozen teaching jobs, I hadn’t landed a single interview.I had once considered going to art school but had put that idea to the side when I decided to pursue chemistry as an undergraduate. In the years that followed, I kept up my interest in art by taking painting classes at night. My family was bursting with mathematicians, computer programmers, and engineers, so it felt natural to have my daily life center around science.But in the spring after my failed job search, that started to change after a friend excitedly showed me proofs of a review article. She was astonished by what the journal’s scientific illustrator had done with her fundamental sketches(速写). “That would be such a fun job.” I thought.I decided to test out a new career direction by volunteering to create similar illustrations for my institute’s newsletters. I spent my nights and weekends reading scientific papers and thinking about how to illustrate the results. It was a fun task. I felt I was perhaps on the right path. But could I make a full-time career?Searching online, I tracked down people who had that kind of job. I found many had training through scientific illustration master’s degree programs. After living on graduate student and postdoctoral salaries for years, I didn’t have enough money saved up for the programs, so I decided to get a certificate in digital design.I now work as a visual designer at a biomedical research institute where I spend my days working with research to communicate their work visually. I love the fact that I get to combine my scientific and artistic sides.24. Why did the author attend classes at night?A. To please her family.B. To pass her undergraduate tests.C. To pursue her hobby.D. To complete optional courses in art.25. What effect did the proofs have on the author?A. They shook her belief in science.B. They tested out what she learned in class.C. They gave her inspiration for her scientific paper.D. They motivated her to find a new career direction.26. What prevented the author seeking a scientific illustration master’s degree?A. Her busy schedule.B. Her financial difficulties.C. Her new interest in digital design.D. Her lack of confidence.27. How does the author feel about her current job?A. Pressured.B. Desperate.C. Curious.D. Satisfied.CAdministrators of the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang, Gansu province, are striving to harmonize tourists’ exploration of the site with the need to safeguard murals and artifacts, through innovative measures such as digital presentations.Sandstorms, rainfall and tourist visits constitute the most severe threats to the UNESCO World Heritage Site, said Wang Xiaowei, director of the Dunhuang Grottoes Monitoring Center at the Dunhuang Academy.Since the Mogao Caves opened to the public in 1979, the number of visitors has been growing at an average annual rate of around 20 percent, reaching 2.15 million in 2019 before the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Thisyear, the site is expected to receive a record 3 million visitors.“If you enter the caves during the peak tourism months of July, August and September, you’ll find it hard to breathe,” Wang said. The carbon dioxide and moisture exhaled by visitors accumulate inside the caves and cause damage to the murals, Wang said.To preserve the caves, the duration of visits is limited and sometimes stopped during rain or dust storms. To try and ensure visitors aren’t disappointed when restrictions are in place, the center provides a digital exhibition, he said.Currently, the center is being expanded to cater for an additional 3,000 visitors on top of the existing capacity of 6,000.The Dunhuang Academy began digitally recording and storing images of murals and painted sculptures over 30 years ago. The digitization project has successfully covered over 200 caves, with a dedicated team of 110 experts currently undertaking the work.The Mogao Caves are immovable, and transporting them is impossible, according to Su Bomin, head of the Dunhuang Academy. And he added, “However, with digitization, we can perfectly replicate Dunhuang art and showcase it worldwide, introducing Eastern culture to the world.”In 2016, the Digital Dunhuang repository went live, sharing high-definition images and panoramic tours of the most exquisite 30 caves globally. Currently, visitors from 78 countries have accessed the repository, totaling over 16.8 million visits.Su said Dunhuang can provide diverse cultural exchanges through its cultural relics. “By digitizing these relics, we enable people worldwide to understand Dunhuang’s culture, thereby gaining a deeper appreciation for China’s historical commitment to diverse cultural exchanges — that is, an ethos of inclusivity, mutual learning and a shared future,” he said.28. Which of the following is NOT the reason for providing a digital exhibition?A. The factors related to COVID-19 put the caves in grave danger.B. The increasing number of tourists visiting Dunhuang might harm the caves.C. The authority is aimed to balance tourism and relics conservation.D. The duration of visits is limited and sometimes stopped during rain or dust storms.29. What does the underlined word “replicate” probably mean?A. Copy.B. Safeguard.C. Access.D. Transport.30. What does Su Bomin think of digitization?A. It records and stores images of murals and painted sculptures.B. It shares high definition and panoramic tours of the most exquisite caves.C. It allows for an international exchange of cultures through the relics.D. It enables people to appreciate the lasting beauty of the murals.31. What can be the best title for the text?A. The Significance of the Mural PaintingsB. The Restoration in Mogao CavesC. The Innovation on Mogao Caves’ PreservationD. The Dunhuang Spirit in Chinese CultureDThe road to Mars is long and fraught with peril. One challenge is getting humans to the red planet; another is ensuring that once they’ve arrived, they’ll be able to manage life there.To prepare astronauts for an extended stay on Mars, NASA’s latest simulated mission, CHAPEA — Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog — will isolate four people inside a mock-Mars base in Texas for 378 days — roughly the time a manned mission to Mars would spend on the surface.Once inside they will adopt a pre-planned schedule taking part in simulated activities and science work, eating like astronauts, and dealing with maintenance and equipment failures, while undergoing strenuous psychological and physiological testing.The first simulation will begin in June, and will be followed by two more, each with a different crew in identical conditions, with the last simulation starting in 2026.“We’ve built a high-accuracy Mars surface mission scenario,” says Scott M. Smith, co-investigator for CHAPEA. The participants will experience a 22-minute delay in external communications, as astronauts would on Mars. Ambient noise will be played through speakers around the base, ensuring no outside sounds can be heard by participants.Aiming for accuracy has resulted in a habitat that could be feasibly built on Mars, Smith adds. The base, called “Mars Dune Alpha”, is a custom design by Bjarke Ingels Group and 3D-printing company ICON, and resides inside a hangar at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Printed in a month from ICON’s concrete formula dubbed “Lavacrete”, on Mars, the idea is to build using Martian soil.“NASA has evaluated a tremendous number of options for off-world habitat construction — repurposed rockets and landers, inflatables, assembled buildings, etc.,” explains ICON CEO Jason Ballard. “They’ve come to believe what we believe: that when you evaluate it from a financial, safety and flexibility standpoint, robotic construction using local materials is far and away the best option.”32. What’s the purpose of NASA’s latest simulated mission?A. To get astronauts to Mars.B. To isolate four people inside a base in Mars.C. To help astronauts to do experiments in Mars.D. To prepare astronauts for managing life in Mars.33. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. The last simulation will end in 2026.B. Each stimulation has a different crew in the same conditions.C. The participants can hear outside sounds.D. The participants will do things different from those that astronauts do.34. What’s Smith’s attitude to the simulated mission?A. Indifferent.B. Pessimistic.C. Optimistic.D. Skeptical.35. What is the most commonly used technique in the text?A. Making comparison.B. Giving examples.C. Analyzing causes and effects.D. Listing figures.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。
1.已知各项为正数的等比数列{a n}中,a2=1,a4a6=64,则公比q=()A.4 B.3 C.2 D.2.从4种不同的书中买3本送给3名同学,每人各1本,不同的送法共有()A.4种B.12种C.24种D.64种3.直线与曲线相切,则b的值为()A.﹣2 B.﹣1 C.D.14.若函数f(x)=alnx﹣x2+5x在(1,3)内无极值点,则实数a的取值范围是()A.(﹣,3)B.(﹣∞,﹣)C.[3,+∞)D.(﹣∞,﹣]∪[3,+∞)5.已知集合A={1,2,3,4},B={1,2,3,4,5},从集合A中任取3个不同的元素,其中最小的元素用a表示,从集合B中任取3个不同的元素,其中最大的元素用b表示,记X=b﹣a,则随机变量X的期望为()A.B.C.3 D.46.在二项式(x﹣2y)6的展开式中,设二项式系数和为A,各项系数和为B,x的奇次幂项的系数和为C,则=()A.﹣B.C.﹣D.7.已知x与y之间的几组数据如表:x 1 2 3 4y 1 m n 4如表数据中y的平均值为2.5,若某同学对m赋了三个值分别为1.5,2,2.5,得到三条线性回归直线方程分别为y=b1x+a1,y=b2x+a2,y=b3x+a3,对应的相关系数分别为r1,r2,r3,下列结论中错误的是()参考公式:线性回归方程y=中,其中,.相关系数r=.A.三条回归直线有共同交点B.相关系数中,r2最大C.b1>b2D.a1>a28.已知数列{a n}:,,,,,,,,,,,,,…(其中第一项是,接下来的22﹣1项是,,再接下来的23﹣1项是,,,,,,,依此类推.)的前n项和为S n,下列判断:①是{a n}的第2036项;②存在常数M,使得S n<M恒成立;③S2036=1018;④满足不等式S n>1019的正整数n的最小值是2100.其中正确的序号是()A.①②③B.①②④C.①③④D.②③④二、多选题:本题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分。
2019学年第二学期期终考试六年级英语试卷(满分100分,考试时间90分钟)Part 1Listening(第一部分听力)(共25分)Ⅰ.Listen and choose the right picture .(根据你听到的内容,选出正确的图片)5%A B CD E F 1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________II.Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你所听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案,用A 、B 、C 或D 表示,填入空格内)8%()6.A.White. B.Blue.C.Black.D.Red.()7.A.By bike. B.By car.C.On foot.D.By bus.()8.A.Almost 25%of the Earth.B.Almost 50%of theEarth.学校______班级______姓名______学号____座位号____C.Almost75%of the Earth.D.Almost90%of the Earth.()9. A.Because the weather was cold.B.Because it rained.C.Because he was busy.D.Because he had got a bad cold.()10.A.He is a fireman. B.He is a postman.C.He is a doctor.D.He is a teacher.()11.A.He is playing a game.B.He is talking with his friends.C.He is flying a kite in the North City Park.D.He is taking a picture.()12.A.7:30. B.8:10. C.7:50. D.8:00.()13.A.Because she is having a talk on the phone.B.Because she doesn’t like English songs.C.Because she is learning English songs.D.Because she is practicing English on the phone.III.Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are True or False(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)6%()14.There are some rainforests(雨林)in Africa,Asia and South America.()15.The ground of the rainforest was covered with dead leaves.()16.The speaker couldn’t see the blue sky in the rainforest.()17.All the trees had small plants and beautiful flowers growing on them.()18.It was noisy in the rainforest because there were many monkeys.()19.The speaker didn’t like snakes so he/she walked quickly but carefully out of the forest.IV.Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.(听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词)6%20.Everybody can drive the small car_________,just like riding a bike.21.If everyone drives such cars in the future,there will be less_____________in the air.22.People will not spend much money buying and____________the little cars.23.The cars of the future will be fine for going around the city,but they will not be_________for a long trip.24.This kind of cars can________a lot of oil.25.If all the people use this kind of cars,our world will become___________and morebeautiful in the future.Part2Phonetics,Vocabulary and Grammar(第二部分语音,词汇和语法)(共40分)V.Choose the right answer.(选择恰当的答案)16%()26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others?A.sellB.petC.gentleD.before ()27.Perhaps most people will go to work by_______underground.A.aB.anC./D.an ()28.Some of the doctors in Wuhan lost_________lives in the fight against COVID-19.A.theirB.themC.themselvesD.theirs ()29.We______stay at home when there is a typhoon.A.canB.shouldC.mayD.need ()30.________it rains tomorrow,we will stay inside and do some indoor activities.A.AfterB.WhenC.IfD.Because()31.The silk scarf feels______________.A.gentlyB.softlyB.lovely D.smooth()32._________the past,few students studied online.But nowadays these things have changed a lot.A.OnB.FromC.ForD.In()33.People use wool and cotton___________clothes.A.makeB.makingC.to makeD.makes ()34.The Zhangs will buy___________for their new flat.A.a furnitureB.some furnitureB.some furnitures D.a piece furniture()35.I will go to the library myself if you_______busy tomorrow.A.areB.wereC.beD.will be ()36.Perhaps there will be___________robot doctors in ten years.A.muchB.moreC.littleD.less()37.We must keep our hands ________before eating.A.cleanest B.cleaning C.clean D.cleans ()38.Mary and Alice are my cousins._______of them study happily in their school.A.Both B.All C.None D.Neither ()39.–What will Alice be in the future?--________.A.Taller and slimmer B.A nurse C.Healthier D.165cm tall ()40.Dolphins are one of _____________on the Earth.A.the most intelligent animals B.most intelligent animal C.the most intelligent animal D.most intelligent animals ()41.-You have a fever.You should go to see the doctor immediately.-.A.I’m sorry.B.Not at all.C.That’s all rightD.OK,I’ll take your advice.plete the following sentences with the words or phrases in the box.Each can only be used once.(将下列单词或词组填入句子的空格。
第1页,共6页第4题图扬州树人学校2022–2023学年第二学期期中试卷八年级物理2023.4(满分:100 分;考试时间:100 分钟;)一.选择题(每小题2分,共24分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项正确。
)1.下列估测中,最接近生活实际的是()A .单个新冠病毒(2019﹣nCoV )的质量为5g B .一般分子直径的数量级为10-6m C .“苏科版”八年级(下)物理课本的重力约为2N D .空气的密度约为1.29×103kg/m 32.关于重力的说法,正确的是()A .物体的质量越大,受到重力也越大,所以重力是由物体的质量产生的B .利用重力的方向是垂直向下可以检查相框是否挂正C .根据g =9.8N/kg 可知:1kg =9.8N D .若地球上的物体所受的重力突然消失,气球和铁球都可以悬在空中3.下列关于实验器材的使用和说法,正确的是()A .用托盘天平测量物体质量时,发现横梁不平衡时应调节平衡螺母使天平平衡B .使用弹簧测力计测力时,必须竖直放置,不得倾斜C .量筒在读数时,视线应与液面相平,若俯视,其体积测量值比真实值偏小D .若与天平配套的砝码被沾了油污,测量物体质量时,其测量值比真实值偏小4.某同学通过实验得到a 、b 、c 三种物质的m -V 图象如图所示,通过分析可知()A .质量相同的b 和c 两物质中,c 物质的体积小B .体积相同的a 和c 两物质中,c 物质的质量大C .三种物质的密度关系是a b cρρρ>>D .三种物质的质量增大时,各自的密度也随之增大5.用煤油温度计测量水的温度时,温度计内煤油液面慢慢下降,“煤油液面下降”时煤油的()A .质量变小B .体积变大C .密度变大D .密度变小6.2022年11月30日,神舟十五号与天宫空间站顺利对接。
………………………………密………………………………封…………………………线…………………………………………学院2005-2006学年第二学期期末考试化学、应用化学专业03 级《物理化学》试卷(A)一、选择正确答案在括号内(每小题2分,共30分)1.以下叙述正确的是:()(A)对于单分子反应理论和酶催化反应理论,反应物在高浓度时为一级反应,在低浓度时为二级反应;(B)对于单分子反应理论和酶催化反应理论,反应物在高浓度时为二级反应,在低浓度时为一级反应(C)对于单分子反应理论,反应物在高浓度时为一级反应,在低浓度时为二级反应;酶催化反应理论,反应物在高浓度时为一级反应,在低浓度时为二级反应(D) 对于单分子反应理论,反应物在高浓度时为一级反应,在低浓度时为二级反应;酶催化反应理论,反应物在高浓度时为零级反应,在低浓度时为一级反应2.若某电池反应的热效应是负值,那么此电池进行可逆工作时,与环境交换的热:()(A) 放热;(B) 吸热;(C) 无热;(D) 无法确定。
3.某一反应在有限时间内可反应完全,所需时间为c0/k,该反应级数为:( )(A) 零级;(B) 一级;(C) 二级;(D) 三级。
4.用I=0.025A的电流通过Au(NO3)3溶液,当阴极上有1.20g Au(s)析出时,通过的电量为C ;阳极上放出氧气的摩尔数为mol;(已知Au的摩尔质量为197.0 g/mol)( )(A)1763、 4.57×10-3(B)1763、1.83×10-2(C)588、 1.14×10-3(D)588、6.09×10-35.下列叙述不正确的是:( )(A) 比表面自由能的物理意义是,在定温定压下,可逆地增加单位表面积引起系统吉布斯自由能的增量;(B) 表面张力的物理意义是,在相表面的功面上,垂直作用于表面上任意单位长度功线的表面紧缩力;(C)比表面自由能与表面张力数值相同,单位不同;(D)比表面自由能单位为J·m2,表面张力单位为N·m-1时,两者数值不同。
考试试卷Part I Reading Comprehension (10 points)Directions: Reading the following passage and choose the correct answersThe ways in which products are put together, that is product formulation, are the most important responses marketing managers make to what they know of their customers' needs and interests. Product decisions, with all their implications for the management of service operations and profitability, reflect all aspects of an organization's management policies, including long-term growth strategy, investment, and personnel policy. They largely determine the corporate image an organization creates in the minds of its existing and prospective customers.To a great extent, the design of products determines what prices can be charged, what forms of promotion are needed, and what distribution channels are used. For all these reasons, customer-related product decisions are the basis of marketing strategy and tactics. As the most important of the four P's in the marketing mix (product, price, promotion and place), product formulation requires careful consideration in any branch of marketing. Because of the particular nature and characteristics of travel and tourism, the subject is especially complex in the tourism industry.Any visit to a tourism destination comprises a mix of several different components, including travel, accommodation, attractions and other facilities, such as catering and entertainment. Sometimes all the components are purchased from a commercial supplier, e.g. when a customer buys an inclusive holiday from a tour operator, or asks a travel agent to put the components togetherfor a business trip. Sometimes customers supply most of the components themselves, e.g. when a visitor drives his own car to stay with friends at a destination.Conveniently known as a "components' view", the conceptualization of travel and tourism products as a group of components or elements brought together in a 'bundle' selected to satisfy needs, is a vital requirement for marketing managers. It is central to this view that the components of the bundle may be designed, altered and fitted together in ways calculated to match identified customer needs.As far as the tourist is concerned, the product covers the complete experience from the time he leaves home to the time he returns to it. Thus the tourist product is to be considered as an amalgam of three main components of attractions, facilities at the destination, and accessibility of the destination. In other words, the tourist product is not an airline seat or a hotel bed, or relaxing on a sunny beach, but rather an amalgam of many components, or package. Airline seats and hotel beds, etc. are merely elements or components of a total tourist product which is a composite product. Without detracting in any way from the general validity and relevance of this overall view of tourism products, it has to be recognized that airlines, hotels, attractions, car rental and other producer organizations in the industry, generally take a much narrower view of the products they sell. They focus primarily on their own services. Many large hotel groups and transport operators employ product managers in their marketing teams and handle product formulation and development entirely in terms of the operations they control. Hotels refer to 'conference products', for example, or 'leisure products'; airlines to 'business class products'; and so on. For this reason, the overall product concept sets the context in which tourism marketing is conducted but it has only limited value in guiding the practical product design decisions that managers of individual producer organizations have to make. A components' view of products still holds good, however, because it is in the nature of service products that they can be divided into a series of specific service operations or elements, which combine to make up the particular products customers buy.It is usually highly instructive to analyze any service producer's operations in terms of the full sequence of contacts between customer and operator, from the time that they make initial inquiries, until they have used the product and left the premises. Even for a product such as that provided by a museum, there is ample scope to analyze all the stages of a visit and potential points of contact that occur from the moment the customer is in sight of the entrance until he leaves the building, say two hours later. Putting the components' view in slightly different terms, individual service producers designing products must define service concept in terms of the bundles of goods and services sold to the customer and the relative importance of each component to the customer.To bring the two distinctive aspects of tourist products together —the overall view and that of individual producer organizations —it is possible to consider them as two different dimensions. The overall view is a horizontal dimension in the sense that a series of individual product components are included in it, and customers, or tour operators acting as manufacturers, can maketheir selection to produce the total experience. By contrast, the producers' view is a vertical dimension of specific service operations organized around the identified needs and wants of target segments of customers. Producers typically have regard for their interactions with other organizations on the horizontal dimensions, but their principal concern is with the vertical dimension of their own operations.From the standpoint of a potential customer considering any form of tourist visit, the product may be defined as a bundle or package of tangible and intangible components, based on activity at a destination. The package is perceived by the tourist as the experience available at a price, and may include destination attractions and environment, destination facilities and services, accessibility of the destination, images of the destination, and price to the customer.Destination attractions and environment that largely determine customers' choice and influence prospective buyers' motivations include natural attractions, built attractions, cultural attractions and social attractions. Combined, these aspects of a destination comprises what is generically, if loosely, known as its environment. The number of visitors the environment can accommodate in a typical range of activities on a typical busy day without damage to its elements and without undermining its attractiveness to visitors is known as its capacity.Destination facilities and services are elements within the destination, or linked to it, which make it possible for visitors to stay and in other ways enjoy and participate in the attractions. These include accommodation units, restaurants, transport at the destination, sports activities, retail outlets, and other facilities and services.Accessibility of the destination refers to the elements that affect the cost, speed and the convenience with which a traveler may reach a destination, including infrastructure, equipment, operational factors and government regulations.The attitudes and images customers have towards products strongly influence their buying decisions. Destination images are not necessarily grounded in experience or facts, but they are powerful motivators in travel and tourism. Images and the expectations of travel experiences are closely linked in prospective customers' mind.Any visit to a destination carries a price, which is the sum of what it costs for travel, accommodation, and participation in a selected range of services at the available attractions. Because most destinations offer a range of products, and appeal to a range of segments, price in the travel and tourism industry covers a very wide range. V isitors traveling thousands of miles and using luxury hotels, for example, pay a very different price in New Y ork than students sharing campus-style accommodation with friends. Y et the two groups may buy adjacent seats in a Broadway theater. Price varies by season, by choice of activities, and internationally by exchange rates as well as by distance traveled, transport mode, and choice of facilities and services.With a little thought it will be clear that the elements comprising the five product components, although they are combined and integrated in the visitor's experience, are in fact capable ofextensive and more or less independent variation over time. Some of these variations are planned, as in the case of the Disney World developments in previously unused areas around Orlando, Florida, where massive engineering works have transformed the natural environment and created a major tourist destination. By contrast, in New Y ork, London, or Paris, the city environments have not been much altered for travel and tourism purposes, although there have been massive planned changes in the services and facilities available to visitors. Many changes in destination attractions are not planned, and in northern Europe the decline in popularity of traditional seaside resorts since the 1960s has been largely the result of changes in the accessibility of competing destinations in the sunnier south of the Continent. Changes in the product components often occur in spite of, and not because of, the wishes of governments and destination planners. They occur because travel and tourism, especially at the international level, is a relatively free market, with customers able to pursue new attractions as they become available. Changes in exchange rates, which alter the prices of destinations, are certainly not planned by the tourism industry, but have a massive effect on visitor numbers, as the movements between the UK and the USA since 1978 have demonstrated. It is in the promotional field of images and perceptions that some of the most interesting changes occur, and these are marketing decisions. The classic recent example of planned image engineering may be found in the "I Love New Y ork" campaign, which, based on extensive preliminary market research, created a significant improvement to the "Big Apple's" appeal in the early 1980s.The view of the product taken by customers, whether or not they buy an inclusive package from a tour operator or travel wholesaler, is essentially the same view or standpoint as that adopted by tour operators. Tour operators act on behalf of the interests of tens or hundreds of thousands of customers, and their brochures are a practical illustration of blending the five product components.The overall view is also the standpoint of national, regional and local tourist organizations, whose responsibilities usually include the coordination and presentation of the product components in their areas. This responsibility is an important one even if the destination tourist organizations are engaged only in liaison and joint marketing, and not in the sale of specific product offers to travelers.In considering the product, we should note that there is no natural or automatic harmony between components, such as attractions and accommodation, and they are seldom under any one organization's control. Even within component sectors such as accommodation there will usually be many different organizations, each with different, perhaps conflicting, objectives and interests. Indeed it is the diversity or fragmentation of overall control, and the relative freedom of producer organizations to act according to their perceived self-interests, at least in the short term, which makes it difficult for national, regional and even local tourist organizations to exert much coordinating influence, either in marketing or in planning. Part of this fragmentation simply reflects the fact that most developed destinations offer a wide range of tourism products and deal with a wide range of segments. In the long term, however, the future success of a destination must involvecoordination and recognition of mutual interests between all the components of the overall tourism product.The overall view of tourism products is highly relevant to the marketing decisions taken by individual producers, especially in establishing the interrelationships and scope for cooperation between suppliers in different sectors of the industry, e.g. between attractions and accommodation, or between transport and accommodation. But in order to design their product offers around specific service operations, there are internal dimensions of products for marketers to consider; these are common to all forms of consumer marketing and part of widely accepted marketing theory. Marketing managers need to think about the product on three levels:The core product, which is the essential service or benefit designed to satisfy the identified needs of target customer segments.The tangible product, which is the specific offer for sale stating what a customer will receive for his money.The augmented product, which comprises all the forms of added value producers may build into their tangible product offers to make them more attractive to their intended customers.The following example of an inclusive weekend break in a hotel will help to explain what the three levels mean in practice. The product offer is a package comprising two night's accommodation and two breakfasts, which may be taken at any one of a chain of hotels located in several different destinations. Because of the bedroom design and facilities available at the hotels, the package is designed to appeal to professional couples with young children. The product is offered for sale at an inclusive price through a brochure, which is distributed at each of the hotels in the chain and through travel agents. The example reveals the three product levels.Core product is intangible but comprises the essential need or benefit as perceived and sought by the customer, expressed in words and pictures designed to motivate purchase. In the example under discussion, the core product may be defined as relaxation, rest, fun and self-fulfillment in a family context. It should be noted that the core product reflects characteristics of the target customer segments, not the hotel. The hotel may, and does aim to, design its core product better than its competitors, and to achieve better delivery of the sought benefits. But all its competitors are aiming at the same basic customer needs and offering virtually identical benefits. Customers' core needs usually tend not to change very quickly, although a hotel's ability to identify and better satisfy such needs can change considerable. Since customer perceptions are never precisely understood, there is ample scope for improvement in this area.Tangible product comprises the formal offer of the product as set out in a brochure, stating exactly what is to be provided at a specified time at a specified price. In the example under discussion, the tangible product is two nights and two breakfasts at a particular location, using rooms of a defined standard, with bathroom, TV, telephone, etc. The provision(if any) of elevators, coffee shops, air-conditioning and swimming pool are all within the formal product and the name ofthe hotel is also included. In the case of hotel products generally, there is often very little to choose between competitors' tangible product offers, and price may become a principal reason for choice. Blindfolded and led to any one of, say, twenty competitors' premises, most hotel customers would not easily recognize the identity of their surroundings. The brochure description of the tangible product forms the basic contract of sale, which would be legally enforceable in most countries.Both tangible and intangible, augmentation is harder to define with precision. It comprises the difference between the contractual essentials of the tangible product and the totality of all the benefits and services experienced in relation to the product by the customer from the moment of first contact in considering a booking to any follow-up contact after delivery and consumption of the product. The augmented product also expresses the idea of value added over and above the formal offer. It represents a vital opportunity for producers to differentiate their own products from those of competitors. In the example under discussion there may be up to twenty 'add ons', some fairly trivial, such as a complimentary box of chocolates on arrival, and some significant, such as entrance tickets to local attractions or entertainments. Some of the added benefits are tangible as indicated, but some are intangible, such as the quality of service provided and the friendliness of staff at reception, in bars and so on. Also intangible is the image or 'position' the product occupies in customers' minds. In the case of a hotel group this will be closely related to the corporate image and branding of the group. In the example under discussion, the augmented elements would be purpose-designed and developed around the core product benefits in ways calculated to increase the appeal to the target segment's needs. There is, inevitably, an area of overlap between the tangible and augmented elements of the product, which cannot be defined with any precision.1. Which of the following is not included in the four P's in the marketing mix?A. productB. priceC. promotionD. people2. According to the overall view, the tourism product is to be considered as an amalgam of the following elements except _______.A. attractionsB. facilities at the destinationC. touristsD. accessibility of the destination3. Which of the following is not considered part of the destination facilities?A. HotelsB. RestaurantsC. Sports activitiesD. Schools4. The carrying capacity of a destination is defined as _______.A.the number of visitors the environment can accommodate in a typical range of activities ona typical busy day without damage to its elements and without undermining itsattractiveness to its visitors.B.the number of travelers the destination can put up for its daily activities without damage toits facilities.C.the number of tourists a destination can contain in a typical range of daily activities withoutdamage to its surroundings.D.the number of people a park can hold in a typical busy day for its entertainment activitieswithout damage to its installations and without harming its image.5. The Big Apple refers to _________.A. New Y orkB. Washington, D.C. C. Los AngelesD. Boston6. Which of the following is not one of the three levels on which marketing managers need to think about the tourism product?A. The core productB. The tangible productC. The intangible productD. The augmented product7. Accessibility of a destination refers to the elements that affect the cost, speed, and the convenience with which a tourist may _____ a destination.A. stay inB. get toC. leaveD. contact8. The core product is _______.A. tangibleB. intangibleC. physicalD. invisible9. The design of tourism products largely determines the following except ______.A. the priceB. the form of distributionC. the distribution channelD. the customers' buying decision10. The augmented product is the difference between _________.A. the formal offer and the actual total experience of the touristsB. the contractual essentials and the totality of tourists' expectationsC. the add-on values and the real valuesD. the tangible product and the follow-up activitiesPart II Terms Used in Tourism Industry (30 points)Directions: Spell out the following initials and acronyms1.LBO2.MBO3.CRS4.ROI5.EDI6.ERPTA8.CEO9.ADR10.POSDirections: Define the following terms 1.synergy2.Delphi Analysis3.Intellectual Property4.Seven-S Framework5.mission statementPart III Questions and Answers (20 points)Directions: Give a brief answer to each of the following questions1.What is the significance of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 to the American tourismindustry?2.What are the differences between GDP and GNP?3.What are the key management functions?4.How does yield management work in hotel management?Part IV Translation (30 points)Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese.According to advance figures from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, the national economy (as measured by gross domestic product) contracted at an inflation-adjusted 0.4 percent annual rate in the third quarter—the first quarter of negative growth in more than eight years. Most economists predict an even larger contraction in the fourth quarter of 2001. If there is negative growth in the fourth quarter of 2001, then the economy officially will be in a recession. Within the restaurant industry, the employment picture also looks bleak. On a seasonally adjusted basis, eating-and-drinking places cut 42,000 jobs in October, which followed a 43,000 job reduction in September. This marks the worst restaurant-industry employment performance on record for those two months.Directions: Translate the following passage into English.管理从19世纪末才开始形成一门科学,但是管理的概念和实践已经存在了数千年。
小学六年级下册期末试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 小学六年级下册数学中,下列哪个数是素数?A. 21B. 23C. 27D. 302. 在科学课上,下列哪个是可再生能源?A. 石油B. 太阳能C. 煤炭D. 天然气3. 下列哪个是人体最大的器官?A. 心脏B. 肺C. 皮肤D. 肝脏4. 在地理课上,下列哪个是大洋洲的国家?A. 巴西B. 印度C. 澳大利亚D. 南非5. 下列哪个是中国的传统节日?A. 感恩节B. 万圣节C. 春节D. 情人节二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 长江是中国最长的河流。
()2. 地球是太阳系中离太阳最近的行星。
()3. 植物进行光合作用时需要消耗氧气。
()4. 电脑病毒是一种生物病毒。
()5. “山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”是唐代诗人杜甫的名句。
()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 小学六年级下册数学中,两个质数的乘积是它们的______。
2. 地球上最大的生物圈是______。
3. 中国古代四大发明包括造纸术、印刷术、火药和______。
4. 在英语中,一般现在时的动词形式有:______、______、______。
5. 小学六年级下册语文中,唐代诗人白居易的《赋得古原草送别》中有一句“离离原上草,一岁一枯荣”,这句诗描绘了______的景象。
四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简述小学六年级下册数学中质数和合数的区别。
2. 请简述小学六年级下册科学中食物链的概念。
3. 请简述小学六年级下册语文中唐代诗人王之涣的《登鹳雀楼》的主题思想。
4. 请简述小学六年级下册英语中一般现在时的用法。
5. 请简述小学六年级下册历史中秦始皇统一六国的重要意义。
五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 小学六年级下册数学中,一个长方形的长是10厘米,宽是5厘米,求这个长方形的面积。
2. 小学六年级下册科学中,一个物体的质量是200克,体积是100立方厘米,求这个物体的密度。
六年级下册期终试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪个是光合作用的主要产物?A. 氧气B. 二氧化碳C. 水D. 有机物2. 在生态系统中,植物属于哪一类生物?A. 生产者B. 消费者C. 分解者D. 非生物成分3. 下列哪种动物属于哺乳动物?A. 鸟B. 鱼C. 蛙D. 狗4. 地球自转的方向是?A. 自西向东B. 自东向西C. 自南向北D. 自北向南5. 下列哪个是化学变化的现象?A. 粉碎石头B. 切割纸张C. 燃烧木头D. 融化冰块二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 地球围绕太阳转一圈称为一个恒星日。
()2. 水在0℃时会结冰。
()3. 动物细胞和植物细胞都有细胞壁。
()4. 食物链中,生产者位于最高层。
()5. 水是由氢原子和氧原子组成的化合物。
()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 地球自转的方向是________。
2. 光合作用是植物利用光能将________和________转化为有机物的过程。
3. 生态系统由生产者、消费者、分解者和________组成。
4. 声音是由物体的________产生的。
5. 人体需要的六大营养素包括蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、维生素、矿物质和________。
四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 简述地球公转的周期。
2. 简述消化系统的组成。
3. 简述光合作用的过程。
4. 简述水的三态变化。
5. 简述人体需要的六大营养素。
五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 如果一个物体的质量是5kg,受到的力是10N,求该物体的加速度。
2. 如果一个三角形的底是4cm,高是3cm,求该三角形的面积。
3. 如果一辆汽车以60km/h的速度行驶,行驶了2小时,求该汽车行驶的路程。
4. 如果一个人的身高是1.75m,求他的体积。
5. 如果一个水池的长度是10m,宽度是5m,深度是2m,求该水池的体积。
六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 分析植物进行光合作用的重要性。
专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪项不属于科学探究的基本环节?A. 观察与提问B. 猜想与假设C. 实验与验证D. 记忆与背诵2. 科学探究过程中,用于记录实验数据和观察结果的方法是?A. 想象B. 画图C. 记忆D. 模仿A. 提出问题B. 收集证据C. 得出结论D. 设计实验4. 下列哪项是科学探究过程中最重要的环节?A. 观察与提问B. 猜想与假设C. 实验与验证D. 记忆与背诵5. 在科学探究过程中,用于表达实验结果和观察结果的方法是?A. 想象B. 画图C. 记忆D. 模仿二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 科学探究过程中,提出问题是最重要的环节。
()2. 科学探究过程中,收集证据是一步。
()3. 科学探究过程中,实验与验证是核心环节。
()4. 科学探究过程中,观察与提问是基础环节。
()5. 科学探究过程中,猜想与假设是关键环节。
()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 科学探究的基本环节包括:提出问题、猜想与假设、设计实验、收集证据、得出结论、表达与交流。
2. 科学探究过程中,用于记录实验数据和观察结果的方法是:画图。
4. 下列哪项是科学探究过程中最重要的环节:实验与验证。
5. 在科学探究过程中,用于表达实验结果和观察结果的方法是:画图。
四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请简述科学探究的基本环节。
2. 请简述科学探究过程中,收集证据的方法。
3. 请简述科学探究过程中,实验与验证的作用。
4. 请简述科学探究过程中,表达与交流的意义。
5. 请简述科学探究过程中,观察与提问的重要性。
五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 请设计一个简单的科学探究实验,探究“影响植物生长的因素”。
2. 请设计一个简单的科学探究实验,探究“影响物体下落速度的因素”。
3. 请设计一个简单的科学探究实验,探究“影响声音传播的因素”。
4. 请设计一个简单的科学探究实验,探究“影响物体浮力的因素”。
重点讲解错的较多的题4.下列符合西周分封制内容的选项包括①周天子把土地和人民分给亲属、功臣等,封他们为诸侯③诸侯要向天子纳贡②诸侯要服从周天子的命令,带兵随天子作战④诸侯要定期朝见天子A.①②③④ B.①②④ C.②③ D.②③④12.作为一个时期的名称,“战国”因战争众多、争夺激烈而得名。
这一时期著名的战役有①城濮之战②马陵之战③长平之战④牧野之战①②B.①④C.②③D.①③18.穿越时空隧道,假如你生活在秦朝时期遇上当时的一个官吏,你认为这位官吏说的哪些话是可信的①我刚刚拜会了县令②官府用小篆字体发布了一个告示③我是诸侯王的臣子④我县的农民普遍使用青铜农具A.①②B.③④C.①③D.②④这三个选择题用什么方法来做呢?学生分析教师总结1.掌握画关键词的方式,防止自己因为马虎失分其中的选择题教师带领学生标划关键词2.掌握基础知识3.选用排除法来做【变式训练】1、下列制度在西周实行过的有()①禅让制②郡县制③世袭制④分封制A、①②B、①③C、②④D、③④2.下列属于黄帝发明的是①人工取火②建造宫室③发明车船④蒸米饭A.①②B.①④C.③④D.②③总结类:10.根据史书记载,西周初年的国家有800多个,到了春秋初年,还剩下170多个,战国之初,只有十几个了.这反映了历史发展的趋势是A.弱肉强食B.国家的数量越来越C.逐步走向统一D.适者生存16.我国历史上第一个统一的中央集权的国家是A.秦国B.秦朝C.西汉D.东汉4.西周的都城在_________ ;东周的都城在_________ 。
小学六年级下册数学期末考试试题附完整答案(时间: 80分钟)题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 合计 得分一、用心思考,我会填。
【每空1分,共20分】1、0.6: ( )= 9.6÷( )=1.2=( )%2、乘飞机从深圳到北京大约需2小时15分是( )小时,到上海需1.75小时是( )分。
3、深圳地铁一期工程全长21千米866米,也就是( )千米,总投资115.53亿元,也就是( )万元。
4、把812∶321化成最简整数比是( ),比值是( )。
5、一个圆锥体,底面周长是12.56厘米,高2.4厘米,它的体积是( )立方厘米。
6、在 千米的地图上量得甲、乙两地的距离是3厘米,甲、乙两地之间的实际距离是( )千米,这幅地图的数值比例尺是( )。
这个圆锥体的体积 是( )。
8、甲、乙两数的比是2∶5,乙数比甲数多( )%,甲数是15,乙数是( )。
9、大正方形和小正方形的边长比是3∶2,它们的周长比是( ),面积比是( )。
10、有一列由三个数组成的数组(1、1、1)、(2、4、8)、(3、9、27)……第八个数组是( ),第100个数组的三个数的和是( ),读作( )。
(把正确答案的序号填在括号里)【每题1分,共5分】1、一个圆柱的侧面展开图是一个正方形,这个圆柱的底面直径与高的比是( )。
A 、1∶π B 、1∶2π C 、2∶π2、画一个周长18.84厘米的圆,圆规两脚之间的距离应是( )厘米。
A 、2B 、3C 、63、一项工程,已经完成的与这项工程的比是3:5,还剩这项工程的( )。
A 、60% B 、40% C 、20%4、圆面积扩大16倍,则周长随着扩大( ) A 、16倍 B 、32倍 C 、4倍人教版小学数学六年级第二学期数学智慧之旅 共4页 第1页5、一根电线长20米,,剪去52 后又剪去52米,还剩()米。
六年级下册期终试卷【含答案】专业课原理概述部分一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. 下列哪种动物属于哺乳动物?A. 青蛙B. 猫头鹰C. 老虎D. 鲨鱼2. 地球自转的方向是?A. 自西向东B. 自东向西C. 自南向北D. 自北向南3. 下列哪个国家是世界上面积最大的国家?A. 中国B. 美国C. 俄罗斯D. 加拿大4. 下列哪种植物可以进行光合作用?A. 蘑菇B. 草莓C. 玫瑰D. 银杏5. 下列哪个行星距离太阳最近?A. 金星B. 地球C. 火星D. 水星二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. 鸟类可以在水下游泳。
()2. 地球是太阳系中唯一有生命的星球。
()3. 人体的大脑皮层是调节人体生理活动的最高级中枢。
()4. 恐龙曾经是地球上的霸主。
()5. 长江是中国最长的河流。
()三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. 人体最大的消化腺是______。
2. 地球上最大的哺乳动物是______。
3. 下列元素中,属于金属元素的是______。
4. 下列哪种水果富含维生素C?______5. 下列哪种能源是不可再生能源?______四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. 简述光合作用的过程。
2. 简述血液循环的途径。
3. 简述恐龙灭绝的原因。
4. 简述太阳系的组成。
5. 简述水的三态变化。
五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. 小明家的电热水器功率为2000W,如果连续使用2小时,消耗的电能是多少?2. 一辆汽车以60km/h的速度行驶,行驶了2小时,汽车行驶的路程是多少?3. 一个长方体的长、宽、高分别是10cm、6cm、4cm,求长方体的体积。
4. 小华买了3个苹果,每个苹果的质量是200g,小华买的苹果总质量是多少?5. 一个等边三角形的边长是10cm,求这个三角形的面积。
六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请分析地球自转和公转的关系。
2. 请分析食物链和食物网的关系。
七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. 请设计一个实验,验证植物的光合作用。
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200 5 –200 6 学年第二学期期终试题
(1) 消极式送经机构适合于编织送经量多变的花纹复杂的组织,这种送经方式只能适应较低的运转速度,一般用于拉舍尔经编机。
(2) 积极式送经机构可按预先设定的给纱速度主动积极地送出纱线,适应于高速少梳栉经编机编织送经量变化不大的经编织物及多梳拉舍尔经编机的地组织送经。