


GB 18802.1
GB 18802.1-2002内容
GB 18802.1-2011内容
X)多极SPDS的总放电电流Itotal(如果制造厂 声明)。
a),e ),f ),h ),j),l),o)和q)必须位于SPD的本
对H些一端口的SPD的设计,可不需要提 供额TE负栽电流。


0581500: 5800法国Orange旗下波兰Centertel电信GV _蓝色
0581497: 5800 法国Orange旗下波兰Centertel电信 GV _黑色
0581496: 5800法国Orange旗下波兰Centertel电信GV 红色
0580705: 5800 法国Orange旗下波兰Centertel电信 Light 黑色
0580574: 5800 RM-356 波兰PTC(Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa) Era营运商 蓝色
0580573: 5800 RM-356 波兰PTC(Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa) Era营运商 红色
0575028: 5800 RM-356 俄罗斯CV蓝色
0588680: 5800 RM-356中东_北非AE Ramadan阿联酋 银黑 v1
0588676: 5800 RM-356中东_北非AE Ramadan阿联酋 蓝色 v1
0589083: 5800 RM-356中东_北非AE Ramadan阿联酋 红色 v1
580640: 5800 RM-356荷兰CV蓝色 v1
0586696: 5800 丹麦TDC营运商 蓝色
0577187: 5800 RM-356德国T-Mobile在英国 红色V2
0583680: 5800 RM-356挪威Telenor 营运商 蓝色
0587080: 5800 RM-356意大利TIM营运商 蓝色 Full Variant
0577120: 5800 RM-356意大利TIM营运商 红色 V3 Full Variant
0588671: 5800 RM-356中东_北非AE Ramadan 蓝色 v1



厦门市高新技术产品种类代码〔2OOO〕电子信息代码产品名称0101 计算机及外部设备010101 计算机01010101 巨型计算机01010102 大中型计算机01010103 效劳器01010104 工作站01010105 高档微型计算机01010106 便携式计算机01010107 数字仿真计算机01010108 工业控制机及控制器010102 计算机外部设备01010201 显示设备01010202 存储设备01010203 高档打印装置01010204 高性能电源01010205 其它新型计算机外围设备010103 计算机机板卡01010301 计算机通用板卡01010302 计算机数字信号处理板卡01010303 计算机与通信平安类板卡010104 计算机系统配套件01010401 计算机系统配套零、部件01010402 计算机系统配套用各种消耗品010105 计算机应用设备01010501 图形、图象处理设备01010502 文字、语音、图象识别设备01010503 电子金融相关设备01010504 IC卡、光卡、非接触卡及相关设备01010505 信息家电产品01010506 GPS接收设备及其综合应用系统01010507 金融数据加密机01010508 商用POS加密机01010509 IC卡鉴别机010106 计算机应用系统01010601 计算机典型应用系统01010602 激光照排设备及系统010107 网络联接类产品01010701 网络交换机01010702 集线器01010703 调制解调器MODEM01010704 网卡01010705 网关01010706 网闸01010707 网络终端设备01010708 网络接口适配器01010709 多协议通信适配器01010710 网络路由器01010711 网络检测设备01010712 其它网络系统专用设备010108 访问控制类产品01010801 网络隔离机〔卡〕01010802 防火墙设备01010803 内联网平安系统01010804 网络密码机01010805 局域网平安系统0102 微电子元器件010201 专用集成电路01020211 集成电路〔IC〕卡专用芯片01020212 高清晰度电视〔HDTV〕配套集成电路01020213 移动通讯配套集成电路01020214 各种嵌入式集成电路01020215 用户自行开发的专用集成电路〔ASIC〕01020216 专用系统集成电路01020217 通讯用电路01020218 厚、薄膜混合集成电路及消费类电路010202 通用集成电路01020211 存储器01020212 门阵列01020213 数字信号处理电路01020214 超高速电路01020215 放大器010203 特殊导体器件及电路01020301 电力电子器件01020302 变频技术应用模块01020303 微波器件及电路010301 光通讯元器件01030101 掺铒光纤放大器01030102 光滤波器和隔离器010302 图像传感器01030201 CCD光电荷耦合二极管及其组件01030202 碲镉汞〔MCT〕红外探测器01030203 CMOS图像传感器010303 视盘机和盘片01030301 光盘盘片01030302 DVD视盘机和驱动器光头010304 显示器件01030401 液晶平面显示器〔LCD〕及其配套部件和材料01030402 彩色显像管和彩色显示管01030403 HDTV彩色显像管及其材料和部件01030404 其它新型平面显示器01030405 发光二极管〔LED〕010305 激光器01030501 中、大功率激光器01030502 光通信用激光器010306 片式元器件01030601 片式电阻01030602 片式电容01030603 片式电感01030604 片式半导体器件01030605 其它片式元器件010307 发光二极管01030701 LED超大屏幕显示器0104 播送电视技术产品010401 播送电视节目制作播出设备01040101 非线性编辑设备01040102 电视节目自动播出设备01040103 数字特技发生器01040104 数字视频切换台01040105 虚拟演播室制作设备01040106 调音台01040107 音频切换台01040108 图文电视制作和播出设备010402 播送电视发射设备01040201 数字电视播送发射机01040202 数字电视接收机01040203 数字电视复用器01040204 MMDS设备01040205 数字电视调制器01040206 电视制式转换器010403 播送电视接收设备01040301 平板数字电视接收机01040302 大屏幕液晶投影电视机01040303 数字电视有条件接收设备01040304 卫星数字电视综合接收解码器〔IRD〕01040305 机顶盒〔STB〕010404 有线电视设备〔CATV〕01040401 CATV QAM调制器01040402 VOD系统设备01040403 有线电视光学设备〔光发射接收机等〕010405 音频视频产品01040501 DVD刻录设备01040502 DVD播放设备01040503 CCD摄像机01040504 高保真音响设备010406 播送电视专用仪器01040601 MPEG码流分析仪01040602 数字电视编码器0105 〔五〕通讯设备及产品序号产品名称010501 交换设备01050101 大、中容量数字程控交换机01050102 移动通信用数字程控交换机01050103 异步转移模式宽带交换机010502 传输设备01050201 中、小容量数字微波接力通信系统01050202 SDH数字微波接力通信系统01050203 光端机01050204 SDH光纤传输系统01050205 卫星通信传输系统01050206 本地网传输系统010503 有线通信01050301 窄带综合业务数字网〔N-ISDN〕01050302 PCM脉码调制终端设备01050303 光纤传输的波分复用设备010504 无线通信01050401 GSM蜂窝移动通信系统01050402 CDMA蜂窝移动通信系统01050403 GDMA第三代蜂窝移动通信系统01050404 微蜂窝无线通信系统01050405 窄带无线接入网〔用于〕01050406 宽带无线接入网01050407 集群通信系统〔数字〕010505 终端设备01050501 多媒体终端01050502 GSM移动通信01050503 CDMA移动通信01050504 无线接入网用的01050505 高速机01050506 可视终端01050507 会议电视系统〔含终端〕01050508 双频、双模移动通信01050509 保密终端设备01050510 群路密码机系列01050513 数字无绳01050514 数字保密机01050515 保密机01050516 〔超〕短波数字话音保密机01050517 DDN线路密码机01050518 会议电视图像保密机010506 天线系统01050601 地球站用的中、大型天线01050602 移动通信用智能天线01050603 交叉极化传输用微波天线010507 其他01050701 短消息系统01050702 智能小区〔楼〕系统01050703 商业交换网01050704 邮政用信函和包裹分拣机0106 〔六〕专用工艺生产设备及测试仪表序号产品名称010601 工艺制造设备01060101 全自动精密贴片机01060102 半自动精密印刷机01060103 全热风载流焊机01060104 SMT波峰焊机010602 集成电路和半导体器件制造设备01060201 分步重复光刻机01060202 单晶生产炉01060203 等离子体沉积和刻蚀设备01060204 离子注入设备01060205 化学气相沉积设备01060206 快速热处理设备01060207 超纯水和超纯溶剂的制备设备01060208 超高纯气体的纯化设备01060209 集成电路、集成产品的焊接封装设备01060210 化合物半导体的外延生长设备010603 检测设备和仪器01060301 高速在线检测设备01060302 多芯片组装模块〔MCM〕的测试技术01060303 各类敏感元器件的检测设备01060304 结构化布线系统的检测设备01060305 光通信计量和监测仪器01060306 GSM和CDMA制移动通信检测设备01060307 数字电路的功能测试01060308 数字示波器01060309 频谱分析仪010604 机房设备01060401 计算机机房设备01060402 通信播送机房设备软件0201 〔一〕系统软件序号产品名称02021001 操作系统软件02021002 数据库管理系统02021003 网络及通信协议处理软件02021004 编译程序02021005 编辑加工软件02021006 固件02021007 设备驱动程序02021008 嵌入式软件02021009 其他系统软件0202 〔二〕支撑软件序号产品名称02021001 网络管理软件02021002 中文信息处理平台02021003 软件开发、评测平台02021004 计算机辅助类工具软件02021005 中间件软件02021006 地网管系统0203 〔三〕应用软件序号产品名称02030001 多媒体软件02030002 信息管理系统02030003 教育软件02030004 游戏软件02030005 仿真软件02030006 控制软件02030007 智能软件02030008 网络应用软件02030009 平安保密软件02030010 防杀病毒软件02030011 网络监控系统02030012 审记软件02030013 平安分析软件02030014 平安分析软件02030015 财务软件02030016 科学与工程计算软件02030017 备份软件02030018 其他应用软件航空航天0301 〔一〕航空器及配套产品序号产品名称030101 飞机03010101 客运机03010102 货运机03010103 客/货运输机03010104 教练机03010105 通用航空飞机03010106 超轻型飞机03010107 无机械动力飞机03010108 无人驾驶飞行器03010109 特种用途飞机03010110 飞机零部件030102 直升机03010201 运输直升机03010202 通用直升机03010203 特种直升机03010204 直升机零部件030103 其他航空器03010301 地〔水〕面效应飞机03010302 飞艇03010303 高级降落伞030104 航空发动机03010401 涡轮风扇发动机03010402 涡轮喷气发动机03010403 涡轮螺桨发动机03010404 涡轮轴发动机03010405 桨扇发动机03010406 航空辅助动力系统03010407 航空发动机零部件030105 机载设备03010501 飞行控制系统03010502 液压/气压/刹车系统03010503 飞机燃油系统03010504 空中加油系统03010505 环境控制系统03010506 弹射救生系统03010507 飞行管理系统03010508 雷达/探测系统03010509 导航系统03010510 通信系统03010511 显示、记录系统03010512 电子对抗系统03010513 电气系统03010514 发动机推进控制系统030106 机载武器系统03010601 特种机载装置0302 〔二〕航空地面设备序号产品名称030201 维护与修理产品03020211 飞机翻修或D级检修03020212 航空发动机翻修03020213 直升机及其动力装置翻修03020214 飞机、发动机结构重大加改装03020215 国产飞机上装用的进口发动机和机载设备翻修03020216 装在进口飞机上的国产零备件和材料030202 航空地面设备03020211 飞机维修船坞03020212 机载设备综合测试台03020213 贺驶员、客中乘务、机务等地面训练模拟器03020214 飞机液压检查净化设备03020215 航空化学产品03020216 跑道磨擦系数测试设备03020217 新光源助航灯光设备03020218 自动驱鸟设备03020219 机场电子设备03020210 机场信息网络系统03020211 飞机货物自动装卸系统03020212 行李自动分检系统03020213 燃油自动加油设备03020214 飞机空调车ACM03020215 农业航空作业装置03020216 航空地面试验设备03020217 飞行试验地面设备03020218 测试与计量设备03020219 航空仿真设备03020220 空中交通管制设备03020221 航空制造和材料专用设备030203 其他航空航天产品及其配套设备03020301 CRDIC系列探地雷达03020302 测量雷达03020303 红外光学测量雷达03020304 监视雷达03020305 交通管制雷达03020306 微波暗室设备0303 〔三〕运载火箭序号产品名称030301 运载火箭03030101 运载火箭030302 运载火箭结构系统03030201 运载火箭贮箱03030202 运载火箭承力壳段03030203 卫星整流罩03030204 卫星支架、分配器03030205 解锁、别离系统030303 运载火箭动力系统03030301 运载火箭发动机03030302 姿态控制发动机03030303 增压输送系统03030304 推进剂利用系统030304 运载火箭控制系统03030401 动力调谐陀螺平台03030402 惯性组合03030403 速率陀螺仪03030404 综合放大器03030405 数字计算机03030406 程序指令配电器03030407 伺服机构、舵机03030408 耗尽关机传感器030305 运载火箭外测平安系统03030501 应答机03030502 平安指令接收机03030503 引导信标机03030504 控制器及引爆、爆炸器03030505 激光合作目标030306 运载火箭遥测系统03030601 发射机及天线03030602 遥测单元03030603 信号转接器03030604 各种变换器、传感器03030605 分频器03030606 加速度计030307 运载火箭电源系统03030701 运载火箭电源系统030308 运载火箭测试设备03030801 运载火箭控制系统单元检测设备03030802 运载火箭CAMAC测试系统03030803 运载火箭发动机地面检测设备03030804 运载火箭控制系统单仿真实时处理系统03030805 运载火箭外安系统地面检测设备03030806 运载火箭遥测系统检测设备030309 运载火箭试验设备03030901 发动机试车台03030902 运载火箭振动试验塔03030903 运载火箭力学及环境测试设备030310 运载火箭运输、吊装设备03031001 运载火箭运输设备03031002 推进剂运输车03031003 运载火箭吊装设备030311 运载火箭发射与控制设备03031101 发射塔架、发射台以及移动发射装置03031102 推进剂贮存加注系统设备03031103 地面发控系统设备03031104 地面瞄准设备、定位定向设备03031105 地面垂直度调整设备03031106 运载火箭跟踪、遥测及测控设备030312 其他运载火箭设备及其辅助设备03031201 其他运载火箭设备及其辅助设备0304 〔四〕航天器序号产品名称030401 航天器03040101 航天器030402 航天器结构与结构件03040201 航天器结构系统03040202 金属材料结构件03040203 非金属材料结构件030403 航天器热控系统03040301 航天器热控系统03040302 航天器热控系统组件及零部件030404 航天器压力控制系统03040401 航天器压力控制系统03040402 航天器压力控制系统组件及零部件030405 航天器总体电路03040501 航天器总体电路030406 航天器记录设备03040601 航天器记录设备030407 航天器综合测试设备03040701 航天器综合测试设备030408 航天器姿态及轨道控制系统03040801 姿态敏感器03040802 磁强计03040803 控制计算机03040804 气液动阀门、电磁阀、自锁阀030409 航天器推进系统03040901 姿态控制推力器、推进剂贮箱03040902 单组元肼、双组元液体推进器03040903 执行机构03040904 冷气〔N2〕推进系统0304010 航天器有效载荷03041001 通信播送有效载荷03041002 胶片型相机、CCD相机、红外相机、恒星相机03041003 微波辐射计、微波散射计、测高计03041004 微波遥感成像仪03041005 空间制冷设备03041006 其他有效载荷030411 航天器返回系统03041101 返回系统03041102 返回系统的组件和部件030412 空间环境监测系统03041201 空间环境监测系统030413 航天器电源系统03041301 航天器电源系统03041302 航天器电源030414 航天器数管系统03041401 航天器数管系统030415 航天器测控系统03041501 应答机03041502 信标机03041503 GPS设备03041504 地面测控管理设备030416 飞船特有的系统03041601 仪表照明系统03041602 应急救生系统03041603 其他系统和设备030417 其它航天器及设备03041701 其他航天器及设备030418 航天器的应用系统03041801 卫星云图接收设备03041802 卫星导航定位系统03041803 卫星数据采集系统03041804 监测环境污染的卫星系统03041805 空间搭载产品及设备03041806 VSAT网络管理系统0305 〔五〕其他特种火箭、探测火箭及其配套设备序号产品名称030501 对空火箭03050101 对空火箭030502 对空火箭动力系统03050201 对空火箭动力系统03050202 对空火箭动力系统零部件030503 对空火箭制导导引系统03050301 对空火箭制导导引系统03050302 对空火箭制导导引系统零部件030504 对空火箭控制系统03050401 对空火箭控制系统03050402 对空火箭控制系统零部件030505 对空火箭发控设备03050501 对空火箭发控设备03050502 对空火箭发控设备的配套设备030506 箭上电源03050601 箭上电源030507 箭上引发器及其装置03050701 箭上引发器及其装置030508 其他对空火箭辅助装置03050801 其他对空火箭辅助装置030509 飞航式火箭03050901 飞航式火箭030510 飞航式火箭动力系统03051001 飞航式火箭动力系统03051002 飞航式火箭动力系统零部件030511 飞航式火箭控制系统03051101 飞航式火箭控制系统03051102 飞航式火箭控制系统零部件030512 飞航式火箭精确制导系统03051201 飞航式火箭精确制导系统03051202 飞航式火箭精确制导系统零部件030513 飞航式火箭发射控制设备03051301 飞航式火箭发射控制设备03051302 飞航式火箭发射控制设备零部件030514 飞航式火箭专用电源03051401 飞航式火箭专用电源030515 其他飞航式火箭辅助装置03051501 其他飞航式火箭辅助装置030516 探测火箭03051601 探测火箭03051602 探测火箭分系统03051603 探测火箭部件、组件及元器件030517 探测火箭发射支持和测量控制设备03051701 探测火箭发射支持和测量控制设备030518 其他探测火箭辅助设备03051801 其他探测火箭辅助设备光机电一体化0401 〔一〕自动化机械及设备序号产品名称040101 先进制造设备及装置04010101 立式加工中心04010102 卧式加工中心04010103 五面加工中心04010104 龙门式加工中心或龙门式卧式铣床04010105 箱体多工位镗铣加工中心04010106 虚拟轴加工中心或虚拟轴铣床04010107 虚拟轴坐标测量机04010108 数控超精密车床04010109 数控车铣中心04010110 数控精密车削中心04010111 超高速切削中心04010112 高速型数控铣床或数控仿形铣床04010113 数控超精密磨床04010114 高效深磨数控平面磨床04010115 数控高精度内/外圆磨床04010116 数控刃磨床04010117 数控精密电火花成形机床04010118 数控低速走丝电火花线切割机04010119 数控弧齿锥齿轮铣齿机04010120 数控精密滚齿机或蜗杆砂轮磨齿机04010121 数控组合机床04010122 数控机械压力机04010123 数控板料折弯机04010124 数控剪板机04010125 板材无模多点成型压力机04010126 全自动金属带锯床超精密加工机床04010127 工业机器人或智能机器人04010128 快速原型成形设备04010129 激光切割和薄钢板拼焊成套设备04010130 激光精密加工和蚀刻成套设备04010131 柔性制造单元〔FMC〕04010132 柔性制造系统〔FMS〕04010133 真空离子镀膜设备04010134 高速、超硬精密刀具04010135 数控系统04010136 数控伺服系统04010137 高精度二维伺服系统04010138 三坐标测量机04010139 精密测量与在线检测仪器040102 物流机械04010201 机场行李输送系统04010202 直流传动矿井提升机04010203 自动化立体仓库040103 电气传动设备04010301 稀土永磁交流伺服电机及驱动装置04010302 步进电动机及控制系统04010303 高精度晶闸管直流调速器04010304 永磁无刷直流电动机04010305 调速永磁交流电动机04010306 直流斩波调压牵引装置04010307 交流调频调压牵引装置040104 印刷机械04010401 四开四色胶印机及自控系统040105 轻工、化工、纺织、包装机械04010501 离子膜电解槽04010502 实罐杀菌设备及自动控制04010503 电脑提花人造毛皮机04010504 洗衣机电脑程控器04010505 全自动流体包装设备04010506 溴化锂制冷设备04010507 透平压缩机04010508 磁悬浮轴承涡轮膨胀机04010509 超细粉碎设备〔气流磨〕04010510 新型电子时间继电器04010511 新型静电消除器04010512 大型无菌包装机04010513 横包卷烟机组04010514 模糊控制变频双转子压缩机04010515 模糊控制变频空调器04010516 全封闭干洗机04010517 带钢传输自动纠偏装置04010518 纺粘法非织造布生产线04010519 热轨〔热风棉〕非织造布生产线04010520 纺织片梭织机04010521 自动络筒机04010522 清梳联生产线04010523 喷气织机04010524 并条机04010525 BYD/BYE并条自调匀整系统04010526 超精过滤设备04010527 中频转杯纺纱机04010528 陶瓷过滤机04010529 卧式自动翻洗过滤机040106 治金设备04010601 钢包精炼成套设备04010602 可调控辊型四辊液压轧机04010603 方坯连铸机04010604 板坯连铸机04010605 薄板坯连铸连轧设备04010606 高精度带材轧机04010607 1420MM五机架冷连轧机04010608 超大型特厚板轧机04010609 无缝管热连轧机040107 橡塑机械04010701 全钢丝子午胎成形机04010702 新型热塑弹性体防水卷材成型设备04010703 塑料挤吹中空成型机040108 汽车关键零配件04010801 防抱死制运装置〔ABS〕04010802 汽车平安气囊及装置04010803 电子控制自动就速箱04010804 电子控制四轮驱动装置04010805 电动助力转向装置04010806 汽车车载诊断系统04010807 汽油发动机电控装置04010808 柴油发动机电控装置04010809 AG13电喷汽车发动机04010810 汽车座椅调角器04010811 厢式改装车、特种车辆04010812 汽车液力变矩器04010813 汽车空调器产品04010814 霍尔汽车点火系统04010815 汽车ABS传感器04010816 汽车车速传感器04010817 直流无刷电机04010818 汽车自动天线04010819 HE-II汽车行驶状态记录仪04010820 天然气汽车泄漏报警器04010821 代用燃料汽车转换装置04010822 汽车电子产品040109 工程机械04010901 大中型液压挖掘机040110 高性能机电根底件04011001 高压液压柱塞泵/马达04011002 高压液压阀04011003 高压整体式多路阀04011004 中高压变量叶片泵04011005 中高压齿轮轮泵04011006 低功率气动阀岛用控制阀04011007 高频电控气阀04011001 高压液压柱塞泵/马达04011008 智能气缸04011009 高性能橡塑密封件04011010 高温高压机械密封04011011 非接触式气膜密封04011012 高速铁路客车轴承04011013 轿车轴承04011014 低噪音轴承04011015 高速精密轴承04011016 中大型重载轴承04011017 汽车覆盖件模具04011018 多工位精密级进冲模04011019 复杂精密压铸模具04011020 大型精密塑料模具04011021 复杂精密锻模和冲模04011022 智能化塑壳断路器04011023 智能化柜式或抽屉式断路器04011024 自配合组合电器04011025 智能化配电与电控装置04011026 变频与逆变电源装置04011027 不停电电源〔UPS〕04011028 大型电解电源04011029 特种泵阀04011030 谐波减速设备040111 工业生产过程控制系统04011101 分散型控制系统〔DCS〕04011102 现场总线控制系统040112 监控设备及控制系统04011201 楼宇监控系统04011202 电力调度与管理自动化系统04011203 交通运输自动化监测与管理系统04011204 GPS汽车定位、监控报警、调度系统04011205 3YD-9无线电力负荷监控系统04011206 KJ-4煤矿平安检测综合管理系统040113 自动化电力设备04011301 变电站综合自动化装置04011302 配电网综合自动化装置04011303 水电站计算机监控装置04011304 水电站自动控制系统04011305 锅炉-汽机协调控制系统04011306 锅炉炉膛平安监控装置04011307 锅炉自控优化装置04011308 汽轮机数字式电液调节系统04011309 新能源发电设备自动化装置04011310 无功功率自动补偿装置04011311 智能型高压设备04011312 智能型低压电器、智能型低压开关柜04011313 高压自动重合器04011314 高压自动分段器040114 其它04011401 钨相对焊机04011402 罐身电阻焊自动线0402 〔二〕高性能、智能化仪器仪表序号产品名称040201 工业自动化仪表04020211 高精度红外测温仪表04020212 高精度数字测温仪表04020213 高精度压力、差压变送器04020214 电磁流量计04020215 涡旋流量计04020216 两相流量计04020217 质量流量计04020218 固体流量计04020219 数字运传燃气表、水表、电表04020210 大量程固体物位仪表04020211 非接触式物位仪表04020212 电子称量仪表04020213 电子车辆秤04020214 数字模拟信号混合输出的智能化仪表04020215 现场总线智能仪表04020216 数字模拟混合输出仪表通讯模板04020217 现场总线仪表通讯模板04020218 现场总线计算机通讯模板04020219 电脑综合测井诊断仪04020210 金属伞环空测井仪04020211 电脑测深仪04020212 油井加热自控仪04020213 温度控制器04020214 数显读卡仪04020215 泄漏检测仪04020216 粗糙度测试仪04020217 液位雷达04020218 油罐计量系统04020219 激光转速测量仪04020210 机器听诊器〔JTQ-1〕040202 分析仪器04020211 气相色谱仪04020212 液相色谱仪04020213 质谱仪04020214 色谱柱04020215 X射线衍射仪04020216 X射线萤光光谱仪04020217 工业色谱仪04020218 工业质谱仪04020219 工业酸度计04020210 工业用氧分析仪04020211 红外线气体分析仪04020212 红外线汽车尾气分析仪04020213 近红外光谱仪04020214 原子吸收分光光度计04020215 付里叶红外分光光度计04020216 光电直读光谱仪04020217 毛细管电泳仪04020218 紫外分光光度计04020219 频率分析仪04020220 便携式振动分析仪040203 光学仪器04020301 高档生物显微镜04020302 激光扫描显微镜04020303 扫瞄隧道显微镜04020304 透射式电子显微镜04020305 扫瞄式电子显微镜04020306 光栅式万能工具显微镜04020307 激光比长仪04020308 激光器04020309 电子经纬仪04020310 激光测距仪、测向仪04020311 全站仪04020312 特殊光学零件040204 电工仪器仪表04020401 高可靠性感应式电度表04020402 大功率多功能电子式电度表04020403 自动抄表系统04020404 L、C、R自动测试仪04020405 高精度数字电压表04020406 高精度数字电流表040205 试验机04020501 电子式金属、非金属试验机04020502 电子液压万能试验机04020503 高频疲劳试验机04020504 工业X射线探伤机04020505 r射线无损探测仪04020506 磁粉探伤机04020507 汽车专用零部件力学性能测试设备04020508 高温蠕变试验机04020509 轮胎动平衡试验机04020510 轮胎均匀性试验机04020511 直线马达试验台04020512 通用数字仪表试验台040206 试验室仪器04020601 电子天平04020602 热分析天平04020603 电子枪镀膜机04020604 超、高速离心机04020605 综合校准系统040207 气象仪器04020701 能见度测试仪04020702 中、小型机场气象观测系统04020703 新型便携式温、湿、风向风速仪04020704 新型船用气象仪器040208 自动测试系统根底仪器04020801 VXI机箱和O槽控制器04020802 VXI总线各类卡式仪器04020803 带GP-IB总线接口的各类台式仪器040209 传感器04020901 硅力敏传感器04020902 铂力阻04020903 高性能湿敏传感器04020904 高性能气敏传感器04020905 离子敏传感器04020906 光纤传感器04020907 路面传感器04020908 光电传感器04020909 溅射压力传感器040210 文化办公设备04021001 高性能单镜头反光照相机04021002 全自动变焦照相机04021003 数字式照相机04021004 数字式复印机04021005 高性能电影摄影机生物、医药和医疗器械0501 〔一〕生物技术药品序号产品名称050101 预防制品05010101 基因工程乙型肝炎疫苗〔酵母〕05010102 CHO细胞基因工程乙型肝炎疫苗05010103 乙型脑炎活疫苗05010104 麻疹、风疹、腮腺炎联合疫苗05010105 白喉、百日咳、破伤风、乙肝四联制剂05010106 甲型肝炎减毒活疫苗05010107 液体剂型口服脊髓灰质炎病毒活疫苗05010108 伤寒VI多糖疫苗05010109 基因工程霍乱疫苗05010110 23价肺炎菌苗05010111 FSM-2117痢疾双价工程菌苗050102 基因工程药物05010201 重组人粒细胞生长因子〔G-CSF〕05010202 重组人巨噬细胞粒细胞生长因子〔GM-CSF〕05010203 重组人红细胞生长因子〔EPO〕05010204 重组人白细胞介素-2〔IL-2〕〔包括原型和新型〕05010205 重组人白细胞介素-11〔IL-11〕05010206 重组人表皮生长因子〔EGF〕05010207 重组人成纤维细胞生长因子〔bFGF〕05010208 重组人干扰素〔包括a-1a、2a、2b、1b、r等各种亚型,注射用和外用各种剂型〕05010209 重组人肿瘤坏死因子〔TNF〕05010210 重组人生长激素05010211 重组人胰岛素05010212 重组链泊酶05010213 重组葡激酶05010214 重组水蛭素单克隆抗体05010215 促肝细胞生长素05010216 神经细胞生长因子05010217 鼠抗人T淋巴细胞单克隆抗体05010218 鼠抗肿瘤相关抗原单克隆抗体05010219 鼠抗病毒抗原单克隆抗体05010220 单抗导向药物050103 血液制品05010301 静脉注射丙种球蛋白05010302 凝血因子VIII、IX05010303 凝血酶原复合物050104 基因治疗05010401 重组腺病毒P53抗癌因子050105 合成多肽药物05010501 人降钙素基因相关肽脂质体050106 核酸药物05010601 8-氯腺苷050107 诊断试剂05010701 丙型肝炎抗体检测试剂盒05010702 丙型肝炎抗原检测试剂盒05010703 常见病原体PCR诊断试盒05010704 胃癌免疫PCR血清诊断试剂盒05010705 艾滋病毒〔HIV〕1+2抗体检测试剂盒05010706 HIV1P24抗原检测试剂盒0502 〔二〕中药05020211 广西血竭05020212 培植牛黄05020213 人工麝香050202 中成药05020211 康莱特注射液05020212 肤疡散05020213 槐耳制剂05020214 蜂蜡素胶囊05020215 止喘灵注射液05020216 金水宝胶囊05020217 百令胶囊05020218 地奥心血良胶囊05020219 安胃疡胶囊05020210 香菇多糖注射液05020211 绞股蓝总甙片05020212 云芝糖肽胶囊05020213 威麦宁胶囊05020214 参芪扶正注射液05020215 得力生注射液05020216 苫黄注射液05020217 复方丹参滴丸05020218 藿香正气软胶囊05020219 新清宁片05020220 肝复乐片05020221 杏灵颗粒05020222 双黄连冻干粉针及片剂05020223 葛根苓连微丸05020224 补心气口服液05020225 滋心阴口服液05020226 心通口服液05020227 脑血康口服液05020228 茵栀黄口服液05020229 复方双花口服液05020230 癃清片05020231 脑安胶囊05020232 稳心颗粒0503 〔二〕化学药序号产品名称050301 心脑血管类化学药05030101 马来酸依那普利05030102 尼莫地平05030103 吲达帕胺05030104 盐酸莫雷西嗪05030105 奥扎格雷05030106 盐酸氟桂嗪05030107 米力农05030108 盐酸艾司洛尔05030109 盐酸塞利洛尔05030110 氨氯地平05030111 普伐他丁05030112 辛伐他丁05030113 赖诺普利05030114 硫氮卓酮05030115 噻氯匹定05030116 多沙唑嗪05030117 洛沙坦05030118 褐藻多糖硫酸酯05030119 低分子肝素制剂05030120 尿激酶05030121 蚓激酶05030122 蝮蛇溶栓酶050302 抗肿瘤类化学药05030201 安吖啶05030202 卡铂05030203 硫酸长春地辛05030204 甲异靛05030205 卡莫氟05030206 紫杉醇05030207 帕米磷酸二钠05030208 洛珀050303 抗感染化学药05030301 克拉维酸/羟氨苄青霉素05030302 氟罗沙星05030303 利福喷丁05030304 氟康唑05030305 联苯苄唑05030306 盐酸特比萘芬05030307 替硝唑05030308 盐酸芦氟沙星05030309 硫酸依替米星05030310 头孢妥仑匹酯05030311 泛昔洛韦05030312 替卡西林钠/克拉维酸钾05030313 头孢克罗05030314 头孢曲松05030315 氨曲南05030316 阿奇红霉素05030317 左氧氟沙星05030318 美罗培南05030319 乌司他丁050304 老年病化学药05030401 氟他胺05030402 奥拉西坦。



环球工业Z-120 560 1 560
世纪宝贝玩具 F-021 320 5 1600
环球工业有限 S-136 75 10 750
黄河工业公司 G-980 50 15 750
永嘉贸易有限 A-157 60 9 540
黄河工业公司 G-910 120 2 240
客户名称 产品编号 单价 数量 销售额
永嘉贸易有限 A-156 120 2 240
利达有限责任 C-001 80 4 320
环球工业有限 S-453 150 2 300
永嘉贸易有限 A-201 650 1 650
B-150 200 3 600
永嘉贸易有限 A-301 90 5 450
北京市6985信箱 济南燕子山路D-1号 青岛市香港中路X632号 烟台市莱山区A15号
0001 0002 0003 0004 0005 0006 0007 0008
永嘉贸易有限 利达有限责任 环球工业有限
晋北科贸 久佳有限 世纪宝贝玩具 黄河工业公司 乐乐服装
编号 销售日期 0001 05/11/1 0002 05/11/2 0003 05/11/3 0001 05/11/4 0004 05/11/5 0001 05/11/6 0003 05/11/7 0005 05/11/8 0006 05/11/9 0003 05/11/10 0007 05/11/11 0001 05/11/12 0007 05/11/13 0008 05/11/14 0006 05/11/15
E-365 90 13 1170
世纪宝贝玩具 F-027 35 15 525
发货地址 北京市6985信箱 上海市122信箱 青岛市162信箱 北京市6985信箱 上海市F021信箱 北京市6985信箱 青岛市162信箱

DIN 18800-2(中文)钢架结构-第二部分

DIN 18800-2(中文)钢架结构-第二部分

生的旋转 θ 是微不足道的。
发生位移 v 或 w 的同时,围绕它的主轴发生了旋转 θ,而
1.3 通用符号
6 5.3.1 由轴向力引起的微不足道的变形………………. 23
6 5.3.2 平面摇摆框架………………..…………………... 23
7 5.3.3 非刚性连接的连续梁……………………………. 27
8 6 . 拱形结构…………………………………………… 27
8 6.1 轴向压力……………………………………………. 27
M pl M el
在第 3 至第 7 项中阐述的分析方法可以作为表格 1 的
表 1. 分析方法
分析的点位处,应求出(E·I),Nki, Sk。在难以确定 点位时,要对多个点位进行极限分析。(参见 316 项)
注意 2.厚度在 40mm 或 40mm 以下的钢材,其基准长细比 λa





地址:157100 黑龙江省牡丹江市海林市开发区管理委员会307





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地址:529300 广东省江门市开平市龙胜镇龙胜圩龙盘区53号之6




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Enterprise Development专业品质权威Analysis Report企业发展分析报告广西鼎鑫盛商贸有限公司免责声明:本报告通过对该企业公开数据进行分析生成,并不完全代表我方对该企业的意见,如有错误请及时联系;本报告出于对企业发展研究目的产生,仅供参考,在任何情况下,使用本报告所引起的一切后果,我方不承担任何责任:本报告不得用于一切商业用途,如需引用或合作,请与我方联系:广西鼎鑫盛商贸有限公司1企业发展分析结果1.1 企业发展指数得分企业发展指数得分广西鼎鑫盛商贸有限公司综合得分说明:企业发展指数根据企业规模、企业创新、企业风险、企业活力四个维度对企业发展情况进行评价。


1.2 企业画像类别内容行业空资质空产品服务:供应链管理服务;技术服务、技术开发、技术1.3 发展历程2工商2.1工商信息2.2工商变更2.3股东结构2.4主要人员2.5分支机构2.6对外投资2.7企业年报2.8股权出质2.9动产抵押2.10司法协助2.11清算2.12注销3投融资3.1融资历史3.2投资事件3.3核心团队3.4企业业务4企业信用4.1企业信用4.2行政许可-工商局4.3行政处罚-信用中国4.4行政处罚-工商局4.5税务评级4.6税务处罚4.7经营异常4.8经营异常-工商局4.9采购不良行为4.10产品抽查4.11产品抽查-工商局4.12欠税公告4.13环保处罚4.14被执行人5司法文书5.1法律诉讼(当事人)5.2法律诉讼(相关人)5.3开庭公告5.4被执行人5.5法院公告5.6破产暂无破产数据6企业资质6.1资质许可6.2人员资质6.3产品许可6.4特殊许可7知识产权7.1商标信息最多显示100条记录,如需更多信息请到企业大数据平台查询7.2专利7.3软件著作权7.4作品著作权7.5网站备案7.6应用APP7.7微信公众号8招标中标8.1政府招标8.2政府中标8.3央企招标8.4央企中标9标准9.1国家标准9.2行业标准9.3团体标准9.4地方标准10成果奖励10.1国家奖励10.2省部奖励10.3社会奖励10.4科技成果11 土地11.1大块土地出让11.2出让公告11.3土地抵押11.4地块公示11.5大企业购地11.6土地出租11.7土地结果11.8土地转让12基金12.1国家自然基金12.2国家自然基金成果12.3国家社科基金13招聘13.1招聘信息感谢阅读:感谢您耐心地阅读这份企业调查分析报告。



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INCITS M1/06-0991iRevision of ANSI®INCITS 379-2004American National Standardfor Information Technology – Iris Image Interchange FormatSecretariatInformation Technology Industry Council (ITI)American National Standards Institute, Inc.AbstractThis standard describes a format for exchange of iris image information. It contains a definition of attributes, a data record format, sample records and conformance criteria. Two alternative formats for iris image data are described, one based on a cartesian coordinate system and the other on a polar coordinate system.iiApproval of an American National Standard requires review by ANSI that the requirements for due process, consensus, and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer. Consensus is established when, in the judgement of the ANSI Board ofStandards Review, substantial agreement has been reached by directly andmaterially affected interests. Substantial agreement means much more than asimple majority, but not necessarily unanimity. Consensus requires that allviews and objections be considered, and that a concerted effort be madetowards their resolution.The use of American National Standards is completely voluntary; theirexistence does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether he has approvedthe standards or not, from manufacturing, marketing, purchasing, or usingproducts, processes, or procedures not conforming to the standards.The American National Standards Institute does not develop standards and willin no circumstances give an interpretation of any American National Standard.Moreover, no person shall have the right or authority to issue an interpretationof an American National Standard in the name of the American NationalStandards Institute. Requests for interpretations should be addressed to thesecretariat or sponsor whose name appears on the title page of this standard.CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised orwithdrawn at any time. The procedures of the American National StandardsInstitute require that action be taken periodically to reaffirm, revise, or withdrawthis standard. Purchasers of American National Standards may receive currentinformation on all standards by calling or writing the American NationalStandards Institute.Published byAmerican National Standards Institute, Inc.11 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036Copyright © 2007 by Information Technology Industry Council (ITI)All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced in anyform, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise,without prior written permission of ITI, 1250 Eye Street NW,Washington, DC 20005. Printed in the United States of AmericaAmericanNationalStandardINCITS M1/06-0991iiiContents Page Foreword............................................................................................................................................................iv Introduction.. (ix)1 Scope (1)2 Conformance (1)3 Normative references (1)4 Terms, definitions, symbols, units and abbreviated terms (2)5 Iris image format specification (3)5.1 General (3)5.2 Image compression (3)5.3 Image pre-processing (4)5.4 Iris image data record (6)5.5 Iris header structures (7)5.6 Data values in CBEFF header (12)Annex A (informative) Iris image capture best practice (13)A.1 Image quality (13)A.1.1 Optical and Digital Resolution (13)A.1.2 Focus Quality (13)A.1.3 Image Quality (13)A.2 Grayscale density (14)A.3 Illumination (14)A.4 Contrast (14)A.5 Visible iris (15)A.6 Pixel aspect ratio (15)A.7 Image scale (15)A.8 Optical distortion (16)A.9 Noise (16)A.10 Image orientation (16)A.11 Presentation (16)Annex B (informative) Sample iris image data records (17)B.1 Rectilinear data record sample, single eye, single image (17)B.2 Rectilinear data record sample, multiple eyes, multiple images (19)B.3 Polar image biometric data block, single eye, single image (21)Bibliography (24)ForewordINCITS (The International Committee for Information Technology Standards) is the ANSI recognized Standards Development Organization for information technology within the United States of America. Members of INCITS are drawn from Government, Corporations, Academia and other organizations with a material interest in the work of INCITS and its Technical Committees. INCITS does not restrict membership and attracts participants in its technical work from 13 different countries, and operates under the rules of the American National Standards Institute.In the field of Biometrics, INICTS has established the Technical Committee M1. Standards developed by this Technical Committee have reached consensus throughout the development process and have been thoroughly reviewed through several Public Review processes.At the time that it approved this standard, INCITS had the following members:ivINCITS M1/06-0991vTechnical Committe M1 on Biometrics, which reviewed this standard, had the following members:Fernando Podio, ChairColin Soutar, Vice-ChairOrganization RepresentedName of Representative P – Principal A – Alternate 3M COCampbell, John (P)Larson, Roger (A) Assa Abloy ITGPefley, Marian (P)Quan, Ralph (A) AuthenTec, Inc.Setlak, Dale (P) Authenti-CorpValencia, Valorie (P) AWARE INCBenini, David (P)Mungovan, Rob (A) Bioscrypt, Inc.Soutar, Colin (P) Business SolutionsEul, John (P) Cross Match Technologies, Inc.Ruggles, Thomas (P) Cannon, Greg (A) DCTAThewlis, Dave (P) DataCard GroupBaggeroer, Chuck (P) IBIARichard Norton (P) ID Technology Partners, Inc.Jerde, Mark (P)Herr, Fred (A) Identix CorporationRudolph Nobel, Kirsten (P)Griffin, Paul (A)Bowman, Erik (A) INFINEON TECHNOLOGIESStafford, Mark (P)Majid, Ashi (A) International Biometric GroupMak, Mken (P)Thieme, Mike (A) Iridian TechnologiesCambier, James (P) Iritech, Inc.Kim, Daehoon (P) LASERCARD SYSTEMS CORPPrice-Francis, Stephen (P) LOCKHEED MARTIN CORPSutton, Ronald (P)Florsek, Donald (A) MastercardRussell, James (P)Nardone, Christopher (A) Mississippi Valley State UniversityGilligan, Allan (P) MITRETEK SYSTEMSD'Amato, Donald (P)Kiebuzinski, George (A) NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCYDunn, Jeffrey (P)Reinert, Lawrence (A)King, Matthew (A) NEC SolutionsGiordano, Theresa (P)Gousie, Stephen (A) NIST Podio, Fernando (P)Hogan, Michael (A)McCabe, Michael (A) OSS NOKALVA Triglia, Alessandro (P)Scott, Bancroft (A) Purdue University Elliott, Stephen (P) Q.E.D. Systems Harmon, Craig (P) SAFLINK Corp. Tilton, Cathy (P) SAGEM MORPHO INC Jones, Creed (P) Security Industry Association Visbal, Mark (P) SONY ELECTRONICS INC Harris, John (P)Barrett, Ed (A)ST MICROELECTRONICS Fabbrizio, Vito (P) Transaction Security, Inc. Beatson, Rod (P) Unisys Corp Schaffner, Ed (P)Vinsik, Steve (A) United States Dept. of Defense - BMO/BFC Hapeman, Dale (P) United States Dept. of Homeland Security Lazarick, Rick (P)Neumann, John (A)Ruwaldt, Paul (A) United States Dept. of Justice Miles, Christopher (P)Gilchrist, Mike (A) United States Dept. of State Kefauver, Barry (P)Williams, Curtis (A) West Virginia High Technology Consortium Foundation Gaydos, Kenneth (P)Malnick, Kathy (A)viINCITS M1/06-0991viiTask Group M1.1 on Biometric Data Interchange Formats, which developed this standard, had the following participants :Creed Jones, ChairJames Cambier, Vice-Chair and Iris Interchange Technical EditorOrganization RepresentedName of Representative P – Principal A – Alternate 3M CoCampbell, John (P)Larson, Roger (A) AtmelMainguet, Jean-Francois (P)Ruffin, Philippe (A) AuthenTec, Inc.Setlak, Dale (P) Aware IncBenini, David (P)Maurer, Jim (A) Bioscrypt, Inc.Soutar, Colin (P) CrossMatch Cannon, Greg (P) Identix CorporationNobel, Kirsten (P)Griffin, Paul (A)Bowman, Erik (A) Iridian TechnologiesCambier, James (P) Iritech, Inc.Kim, Daehoon (P) Lockheed Martin CorpSutton, Ronald (P) Mitretek SystemsD'Amato, Donald (P) Motorola Wabgaonkar, Harshawardhan (P)Hall, David (A) National Biometric Security ProjectWilliams, Gerald (P) National Security AgencyDunn, Jeffrey (P)King, Matthew (A) NEC SolutionsGiordano, Theresa (P)Gousie, Stephen (A) NISTMcCabe, Michael (P)Hogan, Michael (P) OSS NokalvaTriglia, Alessandro (P)Scott, Bancroft (A) Passports AustraliaHartmann, Terry (P)Osborne, John (A) Recognition Systems, Inc.Tamer, Samir (P)Gaughan, Chris (A) SAFLINK Corp.Tilton, Cathy (P) Sagem Morpho IncJones, Creed (P) Fineman, Dan (A) Sony Electronics IncHarris, John (P)Barrett, Ed (A) The Aerospace CorporationBuettner, Doug (P) Transaction Security, Inc.Beatson, Rod (P) Unisys CorpVinsik, Steve (P)Organization Represented Name of RepresentativeP – PrincipalA – AlternateSchaffner, Ed (A)United States Dept. of Defense – BMO/BFC Guirguis, Ramy (P)Randall, Rick (A)United States Dept. of Defense – DISA Walker, Ric (P)United States Dept. of Homeland Security Lazarick, Rick (P)Neumann, John (A)Wing, Brad (A)United States Dept. of State Kefauver, Barry (P)Williams, Curtis (A)viiiINCITS M1/06-0991IntroductionThe purpose of this document is to define a proposed standard for exchange of iris image information. The standard contains a specific definition of attributes, a data record format for storing and transmitting the iris image and certain attributes, several sample records, and conformance criteria.Currently, exchange of iris information between equipment from different vendors can only be done using a large-scale image of the entire eye. This is expensive in storage and bandwidth. To provide interoperability among vendors, it is necessary to define a standard, compact representation of a human iris.As a standard biometric data format the data record specified in this standard will be embedded in a CBEFF-compliant structure in the CBEFF Biometric Data Block (BDB). The CBEFF Format Owner assigned by the International Biometric Industry Association (IBIA) to INCITS Technical Committee M1 will be used. This is the sixteen-bit value 0x001B (hexadecimal 1B or 27 decimal).There are two different CBEFF Format Type codes assigned to the data record specified in this standard. They will be included in the CBEFF Header. The sixteen-bit value 0x0601 shall be used for records that represent the iris image in rectilinear coordinates and the sixteen-bit value 0x0602 shall be used for records that represent the iris image in Polar coordinates.ixM1/03-0167Iris Image Interchange Format1 ScopeThis Standard specifies two alternative image interchange formats for biometric authentication systems that utilize iris recognition. The first is based on a rectilinear image storage format that may be a raw, uncompressed array of intensity values or a compressed format such as that specified by the JPEG standard. Images may be monochrome or color with 256 or more intensity levels (grey or per-color), and vary in size depending on field of view and compression. Typical size is 25 –30 Kbytes for JPEG format.The second format is based on a polar image specification that requires certain pre-processing and image segmentation steps, but produces a much more compact data structure that contains only iris information. The record size can be as small as 2 Kbytes. The polar image may be either raw or compressed format.Data that comply with either one of the iris image formats specified in this standard are intended to be embedded in a CBEFF-compliant structure in the CBEFF Biometric Data Block (BDB).2 ConformanceConformity with the standard requires compliance with one of the data formats described in Section 5. Recommended image quality criteria described in Annex A are expressed in terms of resolution, contrast, noise level, etc. Quality is specified as a value from 0 to 100, where value 0 means “unspecified”. In general, the highest image quality levels are recommended for high-volume, high-security applications where the lowest possible recognition error rates are required. Lower levels of image quality are appropriate for less demanding applications in which higher error rates can be tolerated but camera cost is a critical factor.This standard is intended for technical review of the proposed image standard.3 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.[CBEFF] NISTIR 6529-A – Common biometric exchange file format - augmented[BioAPI] ANSI/NIST 358-2002 – Information technology – BioAPI specification[X9.84] X9.84-2001 – Biometric information management and security[JPEG] ISO/IEC 10918-1:1994, ISO/IEC 10918-2:1995, ISO/IEC 10918-3:1997, ISO/IEC 10918-4:1999 – Information technology – Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images (JPEG)[JPEG2000] ISO/IEC 15444-1:2000, ISO/IEC 15444-3:2002, ISO/IEC 15444-4:2002 – Information technology – JPEG 2000 image coding system4 Terms, definitions, symbols, units and abbreviated termsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms, definitions, units and abbreviated terms apply.4.1BLOBbinary large object, a large block of binary data, typically an image, that may have to be handled in a special way4.2continuous tone imageimage whose components have more than one bit per sample4.3cropto reduce the size of an image by removing unimportant parts of it, typically the outer regions4.4grey scalecontinuous-tone image that has one component, which is luminance4.5iriscolored annular ring in the front portion of the eye comprised of muscular and connective tissue and pigment cells that defines and controls the central opening of the pupil4.6JPEGcompression standard for continuous-tone images, published in 1994 as ISO 10918-1 and ITU-TT.814.7JPEG2000enhanced compression standard published as ISO/IEC 154444.8limbusouter boundary of the iris where it is joined to the sclera4.9lpline pair, a measure of spatial feature content, which when associated with a fixed distance measurement provides an estimate of spatial frequency4.10mmmillimetre4.11pixelsingle picture element, one of an m by n matrix of picture elements where m is the number of columns and n is the number of rows4.12pupilopening in the center of the eye that serves as a variable light aperture and defines the inner boundary of the irisINCITS M1/06-0991 4.13rawimage file format in which the image is stored in the same format in which it is stored in video memory, typically one byte (for monochrome images) per picture element or three bytes (for color images) per picture element4.14resolutionnumber of picture elements (pixels) per unit distance in the object plane or image plan, specified as the number of pixels per millimetre at the object plane, that is on the eye4.15roundmathematical function applied to a number x such that round(x) is the integer that is closest in value to x4.16sclerawhite outer covering of the eye peripheral to the iris5 Iris image format specification5.1 GeneralThe iris image format specification defines header and data structures that support storage of the iris image in rectilinear or polar coordinates.The biometric data record specified in this standard shall be embedded in a CBEFF-compliant structure in the CBEFF Biometric Data Block (BDB). The CBEFF Format Owner assigned by the International Biometric Industry Association (IBIA) to INCITS Technical Committee M1 shall be used. This is the sixteen-bit value 0x001B (hexadecimal 1B or 27 decimal). It is recommended that iris image data transmitted or stored in accordance with the standard defined here be encrypted and signed to protect privacy and integrity of the data. The CBEFF structure supports such encryption and signing.One of the two following CBEFF Format Type values shall be used in the CBEFF Header. The sixteen-bit value 0x0601 shall be used for records that represent the iris image in rectilinear coordinates and the sixteen-bit value 0x0602 shall be used for records that represent the iris image in polar coordinates.5.2 Image compression5.2.1 General - The iris image shall be transmitted and stored in one of several possible formats described in the following sub-clauses.5.2.2 Raw format – The image shall be represented as an array of m columns by n rows by at least 8 bits. There is no image header, and each pixel in a monochrome image shall be represented by eight or more bits. Color images shall be represented as three samples per pixel, each comprised of eight or more bits, representing red, blue, and green intensities, in that order. The image shall be organized in row-major order, with the lowest address corresponding to the upper left corner of the image.5.2.3 Lossless compression format -If lossless compression is used, the image data shall be compressed in accordance with JPEG2000 lossless compression specified in ISO/IEC 15444.5.2.4 Compressed format – If lossy compression is used the image shall be compressed in accordance with the JPEG compression algorithm specified in ISO/IEC 10918 or in accordance with JPEG2000 lossy compression specified in ISO/IEC 15444.5.3 Image pre-processing5.3.1 Rectilinear image pre-processing - If the image is collected by a camera that captures only one eye at a time and stored using a rectilinear coordinate system no specific pre-processing is required. Cameras that capture images of both eyes simultaneously may use the following processing steps to calculate the rotation angle of the iris images. Rectilinear image rotation angle – Iris image capture systems that record images of both eyes simultaneously may have the capability to measure the angle of the subject’s head by defining a line between the pupil centers of the left and right eyes and determining the angular difference between this line and the horizontal axis of the imaging system. If this rotation is measured and recorded, it shall be recorded as the angle in degrees between the horizontal axis of the camera system and the line between the pupil centers of the two eyes, with a positive value signifying counter-clockwise rotation of the inter-pupil line relative to the camera’s horizontal axis. Rectilinear image rotation uncertainty - The rotation uncertainty is an estimate, dependent on the imaging device, of the maximum rotation error associated with the rotation angle. It shall be recorded as a positive nonzero value measured in degrees. If rotation information is not available the rotation uncertainty value shall be set to the maximum possible value.5.3.2 Polar image pre-processing - If the polar coordinate system is used the following pre-processing operations shall be performed on the rectilinear image in order to convert it to polar form. Boundary extraction – The boundaries of the pupil and iris may be extracted using a variety of techniques and either parametric or nonparametric representations. The polar image consists of a number of samples along radial lines positioned at regular angular intervals. The position of each pupil and outer iris boundary point along its radial line shall be determined with a precision of plus or minus one pixel. The polar image contains iris data between the inner boundary with the pupil and the outer boundary with the sclera. No boundary extraction - An alternative storage format is provided, in which the estimated pupil center is used as the inner boundary and the polar image samples extend radially from the pupil center to a supplier-defined outer circle that encloses the entire iris. In this case the number of radial samples in the polar image shall be not less than the iris radius in the rectilinear image expressed in pixels, and the number of annular samples shall be not less than one-half the iris/sclera boundary length in the rectilinear image expressed in pixels. Users of this format are expected to apply post-processing algorithms to extract the precise inner and outer iris boundaries using suitable techniques. Iris occlusions – Areas obscured by specular reflections, eyelids, eyelashes, etc. may be located and special intensity values assigned. If such assignment is performed such pixels shall be assigned a reserved iris occlusion value, usually maximum intensity or zero. The occlusion value shall be defined in the header. If such iris occlusion processing is performed and occluded areas are filled by a reserved value, subsequent compression applied to the image shall use only lossless compression algorithms. Scan type – Corrections to accommodate specific scan types such as progressive or interlaced should be applied prior to conversion to polar coordinates. If such corrections are applied the scan type entry in the image properties bitfield shall be set to SCAN_TYPE_CORRECTED. Orientation correction – Transformations to correct for horizontal or vertical flipping of the image shall be applied prior to conversion to polar coordinates, and the entries for horizontal and vertical orientation in the image properties bitfield shall be set to ORIENTATION_UNDEF or ORIENTATION_BASE.INCITS M1/06-0991 Polar conversion - Image data between the inner and outer iris boundaries shall be converted to polar coordinates, with each pixel represented by one or more (for color) intensity values. The inner and outer boundaries, which need not be circular or concentric, shall be each divided into m angular intervals. The image segment extending from the i th inner boundary segment to the i th outer boundary segment shall be divided into n radial samples. The intensity of each polar image sample p(r,θ) shall be computed using nearest-neighbor re-sampling or other industry-standard method. The zero degree angular value shall be at the 6 o’clock position, directly downward from the estimated pupil center, and angular values shall increase in the counter-clockwise direction. The pixel with the lowest address shall be adjacent to the inner boundary at 0 degrees. Subsequent addresses shall be occupied by pixels at the same radius but increasing angles until the first ring is completed. This shall be followed by m samples at radius = 1, etc. as shown in Figure 1 (for m=256). The entire uncompressed image shall consist of n x m pixels for a monochrome image having 8 or more bits per pixel intensity information or 3 x n x m for a color image having 8 or more bits of intensity information per pixel for each color. Figure 2 is a representative iris image showing the results of pre-processing steps that extract the inner and outer iris boundaries using the circular models. The extracted pupil, iris, and eyelid boundaries are shown along with the iris center. The polar representation of this same iris is shown in Figure 3. Note that the pupil boundary is at the top and the outer boundary is defined by a circle that fits the outer iris boundary butθ=0θ=1Figure 1 — Polar image sample sequenceFigure 2 — Iris image with featuresFigure 3 —Polar iris image5.3.2.7 Polar image rotation correction – If the rotation angle is available when the polar image is produced, it may be used to correct for rotation, so that the 0 degree radial is perpendicular to the line between the pupil centers. If such correction is performed the rotation uncertainty shall be set to a nonzero value indicating the expected accuracy of the correction. If rotation correction is not performed the rotation uncertainty shall be set to its maximum possible value. The rotation angle field is not used for polar images, and the value indicating undefined rotation angle shall be entered.5.4 Iris image data recordTable 1 illustrates the structure of the iris data record. Every record shall have an iris record header that contains information about the image capture device and conditions. The record shall contain images from one or two eyes, which are designated iris features, and the iris record header shall indicate how many features were recorded (one or two). Each iris feature shall have an iris feature header that designates it as a right or left eye, and contains information on the number of images recorded from that eye. If the capture device is unable to determine which eye was presented, then the eye designation shall be entered as "unknown", and all capture images shall be saved with a single feature header. Each iris image shall be accompanied by an iris image header, that contains an image sequence number plus information about quality and rotation for that image. Each image shall be padded with extra bits, if necessary, to end on an integral byte boundary. All header data shall be stored in network byte (big-endian) order. Where bit-level data definitions are specified, bit 1 shall be interpreted as the least significant bit (LSB). Signed fields shall use 2's complement encoding. A single record header structure shall be used for both rectilinear and polar formats. An iris image data record shall contain either rectilinear format images or polar format images; the two formats shall not be intermixed within a data record. The CBEFF Format Type value in the CBEFF header shall indicate the format used, with the value0x0601 used to indicate rectilinear coordinates and 0x0602 to indicate polar coordinates as specified in 5.1.INCITS M1/06-0991Table 1 — Iris image data recordBytes Type Content Description1 - 65 Iris Record Header Information pertaining to capture device,number of features (eyes) included in therecord, and total record size in bytes66 - 67 Iris Feature Header Header for feature indicating right or left eye,if known, and number of images68 - 77 Iris Image Header Header for first image containing imagenumber for first eye, quality, rotation angleand uncertainty, and image length78 – (imagelength-1)Unsigned char Image First image, this eyeIris Image Header Image header, second image, first eyeUnsigned char Image Second image, first eye• •• • • •Iris Image Header Image header, last image, first eye Unsigned char Image Last image, first eyeIris Feature Header Feature header indicating right or left eyeand number of images (used only if eye typeis known)Iris Image Header Image header, first image, second eye Unsigned char Image First image, second eyeIris Image Header Image header, second image, second eye Unsigned char Image Second image, second eye• •• • • •Iris Image Header Image header, last image, second eyeUnsigned char Image Last image, second eye5.5 Iris header structures5.5.1 Iris Record Header structure - The iris record header shall contain data values that identify the record as containing iris image data, specify properties of the image capture device and the image format, and designatea unique identifier for the data capture event. The record header format is shown in Table Iris Feature Header structure – The iris feature header shall contain data values that indicate which eye was presented, if known, and the number of images captured for that eye. The iris feature header format is shown in Table 3.。



行政区域代码(巴中的代码在24页)附表4-1 北京市行政区域代码(11)崇文区和宣武区新的区划,为东城和西城区。

附表4-2 天津市行政区域代码(12)附表4-3 河北省行政区域代码(13)附表4-4 山西行政区域代码(14)附表4-5 内蒙行政区域代码(15)附表4-6 辽宁行政区域代码(21)附表4-7 吉林行政区域代码(22)附表4-8 黑龙江省行政区域代码(23)附表4-9 上海市行政区域代码(31)附表4-10 江苏省行政区域代码(32)附表4-11 浙江省行政区域代码(33)附表4-12 安徽省行政区域代码(34)附表4-13 福建省行政区域代码(35)附表4-14 江西省行政区域代码(36)附表4-15 山东省行政区域代码(37)附表4-16 河南省行政区域代码(41)附表4-17 湖北省行政区域代码(42)附表4-18 湖南省行政区域代码(43)附表4-19 广东省行政区域代码(44)附表4-20 广西壮族自治区行政区域代码(45)附表4-21 海南省行政区域代码(46)附表4-22 重庆市行政区域代码(50)附表4-23 四川省行政区域代码(51)附表4-24 贵州省行政区域代码(52)附表4-25 云南省行政区域代码(53)附表4-26 西藏自治区省行政区域代码(54)附表4-27 西藏自治区行政区域代码(61)附表4-28 甘肃省行政区域代码(62)附表4-29 青海省行政区域代码(63)附表4-30 宁夏回族自治区行政区域代码(64)附表4-31 新疆维吾尔自治区行政区域代码(65)附表4-32 新疆生产建设兵团行政区域代码(66)(新增补充)。

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Extract from the onlinecatalogEMSTBA 2,5/17-G-5,08Order No.: 1880452The figure shows a 10-position version of the producthttp://eshop.phoenixcontact.de/phoenix/treeViewClick.do?UID=1880452Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 17, mounting: press inhttp://Please note that the data givenhere has been taken from theonline catalog. For comprehensiveinformation and data, please referto the user documentation. TheGeneral Terms and Conditions ofUse apply to Internet downloads. Technical dataDimensions / positionsPitch 5.08 mmDimension a81.28 mmNumber of positions17Pin dimensions1,7 mmHole diameter 1.75 mmTechnical dataInsulating material group IIIaRated surge voltage (III/3) 4 kVRated surge voltage (III/2) 4 kVRated surge voltage (II/2) 4 kVRated voltage (III/2)320 VRated voltage (II/2)400 VConnection in acc. with standard EN-VDENominal current I N12 ANominal voltage U N250 VMaximum load current12 AInsulating material PBTInflammability class acc. to UL 94V0Certificates / ApprovalsApproval logoCULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 ACertification CB, CUL, GOST, UL, VDE-PZIAccessoriesItem Designation DescriptionAssembly1877203EMSTB 2,5-SH Stamp holder, for upper and lower stamp1877229EMSTBVA 2,5-SS-2-5,08Stamp set, consisting of an upper and lower stamp, upper stamp:17 to 24-pos., lower stamp: 2 to 24-pos., pitch: 5.08 mm 1755477MSTB-BL Keying cap, for forming sections, plugs onto header pin, greeninsulating materialMarking0804293SK 5,08/3,8:FORTL.ZAHLEN Marker card, printed horizontally, self-adhesive, 12 identicaldecades marked 1-10, 11-20 etc. up to 91-(99)100, sufficient for120 terminal blocksPlug/Adapter1734401CR-MSTB Coding section, inserted into the recess in the header or theinverted plug, red insulating materialAdditional productsItem Designation DescriptionGeneral1902262FKCT 2,5/17-ST-5,08Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V,pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 17, type of connection: Spring-cage connection1777439FRONT-MSTB 2,5/17-ST-5,08Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V,pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 17, type of connection: Screwconnection1786556IC 2,5/17-G-5,08Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 320 V, pitch: 5.08mm, number of positions: 17, mounting type: soldering1786093ICV 2,5/17-G-5,08Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 320 V, pitch: 5.08mm, number of positions: 17, mounting type: soldering1757161MSTB 2,5/17-ST-5,08Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V,pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 17, type of connection: Screwconnection1808968MSTBC 2,5/17-ST-5,08Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 320 V,pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 17, type of connection: Crimpconnection1809653MSTBC 2,5/17-STZ-5,08Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 320 V,pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 17, type of connection: Crimpconnection1769162MSTBP 2,5/17-ST-5,08Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V,pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 17, type of connection: Screwconnection1792391MVSTBR 2,5/17-ST-5,08Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V,pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 17, type of connection: Screwconnection1792906MVSTBW 2,5/17-ST-5,08Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V,pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 17, type of connection: Screwconnection1918065QC 0,75/17-ST-5,08Plug components, 5.08 mm pitch, color: green, no. of positions 17,dimension a 81.28 mm1850563SMSTB 2,5/17-ST-5,08Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V,pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 17, type of connection: ScrewconnectionDrawingsDrilling diagramDimensioned drawingAddressPHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KGFlachsmarktstr. 832825 Blomberg,GermanyPhone +49 5235 3 00Fax +49 5235 3 41200http://www.phoenixcontact.de© 2008 Phoenix ContactTechnical modifications reserved;。
