


SHH-SD-2T 系列药品稳定性试验箱
重庆市永生实验仪器厂是专业生产制造SHH系列药品稳定性试验箱、生化培养箱、光照培养箱、 恒温恒湿培养箱、霉菌培养箱以及人工气候箱等实验室仪器的厂家。 该厂最新研制的稳定性试验箱 SHH-SD-2T型进入量产阶段。
SHH-SD-2T系列药品稳定性试验箱符合ICH、FDA和现行药典相关要求, 吸收了该厂建厂以来 所设计生产的前两代药品稳定性试验箱所得的成功经验,运用更直观、易操作的液晶屏(触屏)显示 界面,采用电子记录设备运行数据,使得数据保存、管理更加方便与科学。 其最大特点是采用进口液 晶显示触摸屏和设备本机的实时电子数据记录。
产品推介◆Chanpin Tuijie
上海拓达机电设备有限公司自主研发的滴眼剂(塑瓶三件 套)生 产 联 动 线 , 适 用 于 以 塑 瓶“三 件 套 ” 为 药 包 材 的 滴 眼 剂 生 产。 其能自动完成理瓶、清洗、灭菌、干燥、灌装、盖内塞和旋外 盖等工序,尤其适用有无菌检查项目的滴眼剂的自动生产。 联 动线由全自动理瓶机、立式洗瓶机、隧道式过氧化氢灭菌箱、滴 眼剂灌装加塞旋盖机等组成。 通过隧道式过氧化氢灭菌箱前后 RABS作缓冲,确保清洗后塑瓶体在A级保护下进行后续工序的生产,塑瓶体无需人工转序的保障,降低人工干预的 风险。 特点:(1)无菌保证性:1)汽化过氧化氢的无菌保证。 汽化过氧化氢能有效灭活病毒、细菌营养体和芽胞以及真 菌,可以实现无菌保证水平SAL≤10-6。 2)无需多次转序,交叉污染极低。 洗瓶机后净塑瓶体,在A级层流保护下进入 隧道式过氧化氢灭菌箱与滴眼剂灌装加塞旋盖机自动生产,期间人工干预均需通过隔离手套装置进行,塑瓶体无需 人工转序。 同时,B级区域操作人员少,把交叉污染降至最低。 3)灌装加塞旋盖采用RABS结构,保证在A级层流下用 隔离手套进行操作。(2)生产成本低:与目前非连续式过氧化氢灭菌(塑瓶体推入过氧化氢灭菌柜,进行灭菌、降解后 用层流车对接,再转序与灌装机对接)生产方式相比:1)一次性投资基本相当;2)由于不需把塑瓶体推入与推出过氧 化氢柜灭菌的操作工,至少省去了4~5名操作工;3)采用“层流保护、双重快速降解”与真空结合的专利技术,整个灭 菌降解灭菌周期相对短。 (3)劳动强度低:把袋包塑瓶体手工倒入理瓶机后,无需人工干预,只需在灌装加塞旋盖机 配置操作工。(4)可验证性:灭菌效果可通过化学指示剂在灭菌循环作用前后的色带颜色变化,评定该灭菌循环的过 氧化氢浓度分布和灭菌作用情况。 生物指示剂用来评估过氧化氢灭菌循环的灭菌效力,并确认该灭菌工艺的灭菌效 果达到无菌保证水平。 (5)配套性:可另配套设计塑瓶三件套中内塞、外盖的处理方案,并通过无菌PE袋转序至灌装 加塞旋盖机。 (6)环保性:由于汽化过氧化氢最终分解产物只有水与氧气,不像甲醛、环氧乙烷等低温灭菌方法有化

宝泰尔电话机 T021说明书

宝泰尔电话机 T021说明书

翻”、“下翻”键选择所需拨号方式后按“设置/闪断”键确认,若要选择为脉冲拨号,液晶屏幕应显示为:PT PULSE ; 在闪断时间、P/T 转换和防盗功能设置子菜单输入数字“3”,进入防盗选择状态,LCD 提示:dEFEnd OFF ,同时字体 OFF 在闪烁,表示防盗的初始状态为关,此时按“上翻”、“下翻”键开启防盗按“设置/闪断”键确认,防盗功能打开,液晶屏幕 显示为:dEFEnd ON ,同样要关闭防盗,则在防盗选择子菜单下按“上翻”、“下翻”键选择后按“设置/闪断”键确认即可。 该项功能设置成功后,按“删除/免 IP”键退到主菜单或按“免提”键退到待机状态。
第 1 组为单次闹铃,即每次启动后只有当次有效,第 2、3 组为每日闹铃,即该两组一经启动后,每日到有效时间都会闹铃。
每组闹铃的铃声都不相同,闹铃过程中,按任意键可退出)。闹铃设置成功后,按“删除/免 IP”键退到主菜单或按“免提”
挂机状态下按“设置/闪断”键,直接输入数字“4”,液晶屏幕显示:OFF_r 00-00,进入免打扰设置子菜单,同时 00-00 字体闪动(“-”之前的两个零表示小时,后面的两个零表示分钟),输入所需的免打扰时间按“设置/闪断”键确认。免打扰功 能启动后,屏幕会显示免打扰时间并倒计时到 00-00 后自动取消免打扰;或免打扰功能启动后, 提机或按 “免提” 键也 可退出。 免打扰期间来电不振铃。 免打扰功能设置成功后, 按“删除/免 IP”键退到主菜单或按“免提”键退到待机状态。
● DTMF/FSK 来电双制式兼容、全国通用 ● 50 组来电号码显示(8 位)、来电翻查、回拨、加 0 回拨 ● 16 组去电号码(8 位)查询、实时显示通话时间 ● 日期、时钟及星期显示,LCD 亮度 5 级可调 ● 16 首铃声选择 ● R 键功能 ● IP 直接拨号 ● 闪断时间 90/95/100/120/180/300/600/1000MS 可选 ● 3 组闹铃设置功能 ● 8 位本地码设置,来电自动过滤 ● 超强防雷、抗电磁干扰



















BURKERT 宝帝 8020A 流量传感器

BURKERT 宝帝 8020A 流量传感器
5 维护......................................................................20 5.1 备品备件清单..............................................................20 5.2 故障查找..................................................................20
4 调试......................................................................13 4.1 调试标准型8020.................................................... .......13 4.1.1 检查接头内孔.......................................................13 4.1.2 流量测量...........................................................13 4.2 调试可调脉冲输出的8020....................................................14 4.2.1 设置K系数..........................................................14 4.2.2 设置放大倍数.......................................................15 4.3 调试4-20mA输出的8020....................................................16 4.3.1 显示和操作元件....................................................16 4.3.2 标准模式...........................................................17 4.3.3 设置模式...........................................................17



应用领域 ►暖通空调 ►汽车 ► 消费品 ►气象站 ►湿度调节器 ►除湿器
►测试及检测设备 ►数据记录器 ►自动控制 ►家电 ►医疗
数字温湿度传感器 DHT21
气体的相对湿度,在很大程度上依赖于温度。因此在测量湿度时,应尽可能 保证湿度传感器在同一温度下工作。如果与释放热量的电子元件共用一个印刷线 路板,在安装时应尽可能将DHT21远离发热电子元件,并安装在热源下方,同时 保持外壳的良好通风。 7.5光线
长时间暴露在太阳光下或强烈的紫外线辐射中,会使性能降低。 7.6配线注意事项
用户主机(MCU)发送一次开始信号后,DHT21从低功耗模式转换到高速模式, 等待主机开始信号结束后,DHT21发送响应信号,送出40bit的数据,并触发一次信 号采集。(注:主机从DHT21读取的温湿度数据总是前一次的测量值,如两次测 量间隔时间很长,请连续读两次以获得实时的温湿度值)
图1 空闲时总线为高电平,通讯开始时主机(MCU)拉低总线500us后释放总线,延时2040us后主机开始检测从机(DHT21)的响应信号。 从机的响应信号是一个80us左右的低电平,随后从机在拉高总线80us左右代表即 将进入数据传送。
3、 接口说明
数字温湿度传感器 DHT21



目录1 TM2101试验机测控系统简介 (2)1.1主要功能特性 (2)1. 硬件 (2)2. 软件 (2)1.2主要规格及技术参数 (3)1.3正常工作条件 (4)2 TM2101软件安装和升级指南 (5)2.1本软件对计算机硬件系统的最低配置要求: (5)2.2 本软件对计算机软件系统的要求: (5)2.3 软件安装光盘内容介绍 (5)2.4 软件安装指南: (5)2.5 软件升级指南: (8)3 TM2101软件操作指南 (12)3.1 快速入门 (12)3.2 主界面介绍 (13)3.3 菜单介绍 (19)3.4 各功能详解 (20)1. 登陆 (20)2. 权限管理 (20)3. 修改登陆密码 (21)4. 单位系统 (21)5. 校准 (22)6. 联机 (29)7. 系统设置 (29)8. 语言切换 (29)9. 选项 (30)10. 注册 (30)11. 激活 (31)12. 测试标准编辑 (31)13. 报表编辑 (43)14. 手动取点 (44)15. 图形操作 (45)3.5 快捷键一览 (45)3.6 配置文件: (46)4 常见问题与解决方法 (47)5 软件版本功能差异 (49)6 技术支持 (50)7 附录一:部分测试结果计算公式说明 (51)8 附录二:RX2101N总接线图 (51)8.1 附录二:RX2101N总接线端口示意图 (51)9 附录三:RX2101与常用伺服驱动器连接参考图 (53)10 附录四:RX2101与常用变频器连接参考图 (59)1 TM2101试验机测控系统简介本测控系统专为拉力机、压力机、电子万能材料试验机而研制。



1.1主要功能特性1. 硬件主控制器采用21世纪最先进的32位ARM处理器, 处理速度达到奔腾级通用计算机的水平,相比传统的8位单片机测控系统整体性能大大提高,运算速度更快,控制精度更高.数据采集核心器件采用美国最新型超高精度24位AD,采样速率可达2000次/秒,可捕捉到力量的瞬间变化过程,全程不分档分辨力最高达500000分度。



T180 控 制 箱使 用 说 明 书小原(南京)机电有限公司为了安全地使用本产品,使用前,务必熟读安全注意事项,并在充分理解的基础上使用本产品。


目录Ⅱ.控制箱部分1.使用注意事项------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 32.主要特点------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 43.主要技术规格------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 54.安装------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 65.操作------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 116.维护------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 237.参考资料------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 288.附录----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 441.安全注意事项为避免人身伤害、防止本产品及与本产品相连接的其它产品受到损坏,使用前请阅读以下安全注意事项。

阿尔法拉瓦尔 ThinkTop V50 和 V70 控制商品说明说明书

阿尔法拉瓦尔 ThinkTop V50 和 V70 控制商品说明说明书

ThinkTop V50and V70are designed for use in the dairy,food,beverage,and biopharma industries.Benefits•Auto setup•Automatic valve recognition•Automatic selection of tolerance band•Fast,Live and Flex Setup•360-degree LED indication•Burst seat clean•Exchangeable(threaded)air-fittings•Interchangeable with ThinkTop classicsWorking principlesThe control unit offers a single sensor solution for diaphragm,butterfly, single-seat and mixproof valves and it can befitted with up to three solenoid valves.ThinkTop converts the electrical PLC output signals into mechanical energy to energise,or de-energise,the air-operated valve,using the physical sensor target mounted on the valve stem.Installation with Auto Setup or Live Setup is intuitive and fast.To initiate Auto Setup,simply press the“SELECT”button and then the“ENTER”button to begin the setup sequence.The ThinkTop automatically recognizes the type of valve and completes the programming sequence fast and efficiently.Alternatively,the ThinkTop can be set up,without dismantling the control head,using the built-in Live Setup feature for remote-configuration.CertificatesDimensions(mm)Figure1.ThinkTop V50Figure2.ThinkTop V70mm Inch mm Inch A123 4.84A164 6.45 B105 4.13B105 4.13 C2007.87C2509.84 D150 5.91D170 6.69 TECHNICAL DATAMaterialPlastic parts Nylon PA12Steel parts 1.4301/304Airfittings Nickel plated/Nylon PA6Gaskets Nitril/NBREnvironmentWorking temperature-10°C to+60°CProtection class(IP)IP66,IP67and IP69KProtection class(NEMA)4,4X and6PHazardous area ATEX and IECex in preperationControl boardCommunication See interfaces sectionSensor accuracy±0,1mmV50–Valve stem length Below<65mmV70–Valve stem length Above>65mmMean Time To Failure(MTTF)224yearsApprovals UL/CSA Certificate:E174191Solenoid valveSupply voltage24VDC±10%Nominal power0,3WAir supply300-800kPa(3-8bar)Type of solenoids3/2-ways or5/2-wayNumber of solenoids0-3Manual hold override YesAir quality Class3,3,3acc.DIN ISO8573-1B10data5Million cyclesRecommendation Operate once a month to prevent dry-outNote:Throughout this leaflet,SV is used as an abbreviation for a soleniod valveAirfittingThrottle function air inlet/outlet0-100%Threaded airfitting G1/86mm(Rim blue)or1/4"(Rim Grey)Elbow push-infittings6mm(Rim blue)or1/4"(Rim Grey)Cable connectionMain cable gland entry Digital M16(ø4-ø10mm)(0,16"-0,39")Main cable gland entry AS-I M16(ø2-ø7mm)(0,08"-0,28")Seat lift sensor cable gland entry M12(ø3,5-ø7mm)(0,14"-0,28")Max wire diameter0.75mm2(AWG20)VibrationVibration18Hz-1kHz@7,54g RMSShock100gHumidityConstant humidity+40°C,21days,93%R.H.Cyclic humidity-25°C/+55°C,12cycles(working)93%R.H.Accessories by functionalityUpper seat lift surveillance KitValve speed reduction0-100%Valve closing speed increase Quick air exhaust,ø6mmSolenoid valve protection Supply airfilter1/8”,avoid clogging of solenoid valvesOPERATIONAL DATALED indicationThinkTop features a360-degree light guide.Whenthe sensor target is within the respective setupposition band,the corresponding colour lights up.De-energised Energised Energised EnergisedThinkTop ModeFactory setting Greenflashing Whiteflashing Blueflashing Yellowflashing OffOperation Green White Blue Yellow OffNot OK Green/redflashing White/redflashing Blue/redflashing Yellow/redflashing RedflashingAuto setupAuto Setup is a rule-based function.If one of these rules are not present,Flex Setup must be used.By default,ThinkTop V50and V70uses the de-Energised/Energised paradigm for valve positions feedback.Parameter Auto Setup/Live Setup Flex Setup(retrofit mode) Status feedback(OK or error)Valve state(Fail safe signal)Status errorSeat cleaning function Enabled DisabledValve operation monitor Enabled DisabledExt.sensor operation monitor Enabled DisabledInterlock Enabled DisabledOutput(AS-i master input)Special SpecialExternal sensor masking Enabled DisabledValve compatibility chartUse Anytime configurator for correct selection of V50and V70on different valve size and typesCommon applications (Auto/Live Setup)Special applications(Flex Setup)IncompatiblevalvesThinkTop V50Single Seat valves Small Single Seat valve Butterfly valves Diaphragm valvesBall valvesShutter valvesDouble seat valves Double seal valveThinkTop V70In addition to the ThinkTop V50valvesDouble seat valvesDouble seal valveLong stroke single seat valvesDiaphragm valvesAir/Air valves•ThinkTop classic retrofit modeor alternative setup with norestrictions•Feedback structure such as theopen/closed valve feedback•All SSV(1/2"-4")NO,shut off,maintainable,need to be setupas a rotary valve•Application with no solenoidvalve,feedback indication only•One control unit to controlmultiple valves•SMP-BC where using2solenoidvalve to operate main valveand pilot leak-detect valvesindependently•Valves without raising stem andmushrooms•Regulating valves•Safety valves•Sample valves•SMP-EC•700series•Other valve brands3.9.3Overview of connectors and portsa:Solenoid valve connectorb:Indication lampc:Main terminalsba:Diagnostic Portb:Seat lift sensor terminalBurst clean modeBurst seat clean mode is available for ThinkTop V70and can be enabled when a ThinkTop V70with 2or 3solenoid valves is setup successfully using Auto Setup.The burst seat clean mode is enabled or disabled via the ThinkTop V70control board.Press "SELECT"(4times)until LED no 4flashes,and then press ’ENTER"to enable or disable.This option is also available as an adjustable IO-Link parameter.The burst seat clean option is from factory disabled by default.However,if it is enabled and there is a manual reset to factory default,the burst seat clean option is disabled.a dc b ee e2066-0032a:Input (from PLC)b:Positionc:Solenoidvalve outputd:Output minimum 2sec.(both visual and electrical)e:Position reachedWhen the PLC input signal for either upper or lower seat push (Usl,Lsp)goes high,the respective solenoid valve is Energised.As soon as the sensor target reaches the prede fined energised valve position,the solenoid valve is automatically de-energised by the ThinkTop V70.A two-second electrical and visual feedback (t)is provided as a handshake for successful completion of a burst seat pulse.The PLC input duration must be at least 500ms (d).If ThinkTop V70is set up using Auto Setup without the upper seat lift sensor,the function uses the stored setup stroke time for “Lower seat push ”plus some extra time for when the solenoid valve is deactivated.Water consumption graphThinkTop V70CIP liquid consumption during Burst seat clean on different Mixproof valves,provided with 6bar air pressure:Figure 3.Unique Mixproof valve /Unique CP-3Mixproof valve 1.5”DN 40and 2”DN50Nominal liter/Burst clean [1] liquid pressure [bar]Figure 4.Unique Mixproof valve /Unique CP-3Mixproof valve 2.5”DN65and 3”DN80Nominal liter/Burst clean [1]000000.51 1.52 2.530. liquid pressure [bar]Figure 5.Unique Mixproof valve /Unique CP-3Mixproof valve 4”DN100Nominal liter/Burst clean [1]000000.511.522.530. liquid pressure [bar]Lower Seat Push Upper Seat LiftValve state–Fail safe signalThe following table gives an overview of behaviour per Error condition where the valve state signal goes low.Further description of the various Error conditions can be found in the ThinkTop Instruction Manual,section5,2.Valve state is a decentralized functionality,available for all ThinkTop variants and a feature that can be used for monitoring process issues or to ease and simplify the PLC programming of a valve surveillance.ThinkTop Digital Valve state ThinkTop AS-InterfaceNot AvailableThinkTop IO-LinkValve stateError Code#Error description FAIL SAFE SIGNALbehaviourDE-ENERGIZED SIGNALbehaviourFAIL SAFE SIGNALbehaviour15Key lock active na na na16Sensor target missing Drops low Drops low Drops low 17Setup missing peripherals na na na18Pneumatic part issue na na na19Seat lift sensor issue Drops low Drops low Drops low 20Position not reached Drops low Drops low Drops low 21Unexpected valve movement Drops low Drops low Drops low 22Seat-lift sensor missing Drops low Drops low Drops low 23Solenoid valve1missing Drops low No effect Drops low 24Solenoid valve2missing Drops low No effect Drops low 25Solenoid valve3missing Drops low No effect Drops low 26Interlock warning Drops low No effect Drops low 27Hardware fault Drops low No effect Drops low 28Setup aborted na na na29Blocked button Drops low No effect Drops low 30Voltage Low Drops low No effect Drops low 31Safety stop Drops low Drops low Drops lowDefault bitmappingThe default settings apply to both Digital,AS-Interface and IO-LinkThinkTop V50truth signal table:default factory settingDE-EN(I0) close MAIN(I1)openValve state(Fail safe signal)DE-EN(No active SV)101 MAIN SV1active(O1)011ThinkTop V70truth signal table:default factory settingDE-EN(I0) all closed MAIN(I1)openUSL(I2)openLSP(I3)openValve state(Fail safe signal)DE-EN(No active SV)Both seats closedLower seat in closed positionUpper seat in closed position10001MAIN SV1active(O1)Lower seat in open valve positionUpper seat not closed01001 USL SV2active(O2)Upper seat not closeLower seat in closed position00101 LSP SV3active(O3)Lower seat in seat push positionUpper seat in closed position00011pliance optionApplies to both Digital Interface and AS-Interface,and ThinkTop V70variants only.The pliance option refers to a bitmapping interface used in the USA on Mixproof valves,fitted with3solenoid valves.This U.S.A.bitmapping can be enabled after or before auto setup.U.S.regulations require independent closed position feedback signals for upper seat lift and lower seat push in a Mixproof valve application.The U.S.A.bitmapping are enabled or disabled on the ThinkTop V70control board.Press"SELECT"(5times)until LED no8flashes,and then press’ENTER"to enable or disable.This option is also available as an adjustable IO-Link parameter.The pliance option is from factory disabled by default.However,if it is enabled and there is a manual reset to factory default,the U.S.A. compliance option remains enabled.U.S.A.bitmappingThe information in the table is based on the following setup:•ThinkTop V70with3solenoid valves•IFT series seat lift sensor of the type NO or NC•Mixproof valve with both seats installed(balanced or unbalanced upper plug)•Any combination of above valve type and sensor typeDE-EN(I0) Both closed MAIN(I1)openUSL(I2)closedLSP(I3)closedValve state(Fail safe signal)DE-EN(No active SV)Both seats closedLower seat in closed positionUpper seat in closed position10111MAIN SV1active(O1)Lower seat in open valve positionUpper seat not closed01001 USL SV2active(O2)Upper seat not closedLower seat in closed position00011 LSP SV3active(O3)Lower seat in seat push positionUpper seat in closed position00101Digital interface ThinkTop Digital24V DCDevice name ThinkTop V5024V Digital ThinkTop V7024V DigitalVoltage supply•24VDC±10%;according to EN61131-2Protection •Reverse polarity(24VDC±10%);EN61131-2•Voltage interruption and brown-out;EN61131•Short circuit;EN61131Current consumption•Nominal30mA(Idle)Outputs to PLC•Max100mA(solenoid valve and seat lift sensor active)PLC input card•Max rated24V/100AUL supply•Class2according to cULusVoltage drop•Typical3V at50mATerminal type •Spring force push-in technology•Supports nominal wire cross-section between1.0mm2[17AWG]and0.30mm2[22AWG]•Supports wire and ferrules for wire cross-section of0.75mm2[18AWG]with pin length12mmElectrical connectionsThinkTop V50Terminals Control board Colour code wires124V BN(brown)2GND BU(blue)3out:Valve state WH(white)4out:DE-EN BK(black)5out:EN.Main valve GY(grey)6in:SV1.Main valve PK(pink)ThinkTop V70Terminals Control board Colour code wires124V BN(brown)2GND BU(blue)3out:Valve state WH(white)4out:DE-EN BK(black)5out:EN.Main valve GY(grey)6out:USL.Upper seat lift PK(pink)7out:LSP.Lower seat push VT(violet)8in SV1.Main valve YE(yellow)9in SV2.Upper seat lift GN(green)10in SV3.Lower seat push RD(red)Seat lift sensorE1L+BN(brown)E2GND BU(blue)E3Signal BK and WH(black and white)M12option(8-pin A-coded plug)Pin numbers and terminal numbers are alignedM12Chassis plug connector Control boardTerminal numbersM12pin numberswire colors1:24V Pin1:BN(brown) 2:GND Pin3:BU(blue)3:out:Valve state Pin2:WH(white)4:out:DE-EN Pin4:BK(black)5:out:EN.Main valve Pin5:GY(grey)6:in SV1.Main valve Pin6:PK(pink)7:nc-8:nc-ThinkTop V70M12option(12-pin A-coded plug)Pin numbers and terminal numbers are alignedM12Chassis plug connector Control boardTerminal numbersM12pin numberswire colors1:24V Pin1:BN(brown) 2:GND Pin3:BU(blue) 3:out:Valve state Pin2:WH(white) 4:out:DE-EN Pin4:BK(black)5:out:EN.Main valve Pin5:GY(grey) 6:out:USL Upper seat lift Pin6:PK(pink) 7:out:LSP Lower seat push Pin7:VT(violet) 8:in SV1.Main valve Pin8:YE(yellow) 9:in SV2.Upper seat lift Pin9:GN(green) 10:in SV3.Lower seat push Pin10:RD(red) 11:nc-12:nc-ThinkTop AS-InterfaceDevice name ThinkTop V50ASI2&ThinkTop V50ASI3 ThinkTop V70ASI2&ThinkTop V70ASI3Supply voltage•AS-Interface29.5–31.6VDCProtection •Reverse polarity(24VDC±10%);EN61131-2•Voltage interruption and brown-out;EN61131•Short circuit;EN61131Current consumption•Nominal:30mA(idle)•Max100mA(solenoid valve and seat lift sensor active)Terminal type •Spring force push-in technology•Supports nominal wire cross-section between1.0mm2[17AWG]and0.30mm2[22AWG]•Supports wire and ferrules for wire cross-section of0.75mm2[18AWG]with pin length12mmAS-I specification v2.11•Supports standard addressing and are compatible with M0-M4AS-I master profiles,allows up to31nodes on an AS-I network•Slave profile=7FFFAS-I specification v3.0•Supports extended A/B addressing and is compatible with M4AS-I master profile,allows up to62nodes on an AS-I network•Slave profile=7A77AS-I addressing •Default slave address(Node)is=0•Address(Node)changes with a standard handheld AS-I addressing device or via AS-I Master GatewayAS-Interface bit tableFor the AS-Interface versions,the following bit assignment will be usedPLC system/Gateway Output table ThinkTop V50ThinkTop V70Toggle Burst clean nc O0SV1.Main valve O1O1SV2.Upper seat lift nc O2SV3.Lower seat push nc O3PLC system/Gateway Input table ThinkTop V50ThinkTop V70DE-EN I0I0EN.Main valve I1I1Upper seat lift nc I2Lower seat push nc I3Electrical connectionsThinkTop V50Terminal Control board Colour code wires1AS-i+BN(brown)2AS-i-BU(blue)ThinkTop V70Terminal Control board Colour code wires1AS-i+BN(brown)2AS-i-BU(blue)Seat lift sensorE1L+BN(brown)E2GND BU(blue)E3Signal BK(black)and WH(white)ThinkTop V50and ThinkTop V70M12option(4-pin A-coded plug)Pin numbers and terminal numbers are alignedM12Chassis plug connector Control boardTerminal numbers FunctionsM12pin assignmentswire colours1:AS-i+Pin1:BN(brown)2:nc-3:AS-i-Pin3:BU(blue)4:nc-IO-Link interfaceThinkTop IO-LinkIn addition to process indication and control,the IO-Link variant enables diagnostic information and features additional functionality that is unique to ThinkTopDevice name ThinkTop V50IOL ThinkTop V70IOLIO-Link supply voltage•24VDC±10%;according to EN61131-2Protection •Reverse polarity(24VDC±10%);EN61131-2•Voltage interruption and brown-out;EN61131•Short circuit;EN61131Current consumption•Nominal:30mA(idle)•Max100mA(solenoid valve and seat lift sensor active)Terminal type •Spring force push-in technology•Supports nominal wire cross-section between1.0mm2[17AWG]and0.30mm2[22AWG]•Supports wire and ferrules for wire cross-section of0.75mm2[18AWG]with pin length12mmDownload of IO-Linkfiles •Alfa Laval Anytime and ThinkTop configurator•Go to ThinkTop and documentation •Go to Click IODDfinder and key ThinkTopIO-Link interface tool•IFM E30390IO-Link Interface/USB IO-Link master•IFM LR Device–Line recorderThinkTop V50IO-Link Interface Description•alfalaval-000001....pdfThinkTop V70IO-Link Interface Description•alfalaval-000002....pdfCable length to IO-Link master•Max20metersTransmission rate•COM2(38.4kBaud)Minimum cycle time•5msData storage•yesProfiles•naSIO mode•noPort class•AIO-Link data tableFor the IO-Link version,the bit assignment and diagnostic data can be found in the manual“IO-Link Interface Description”for ThinkTop V50and ThinkTop V70respectively go to ThinkTop V and documentation.On ThinkTop V50and ThinkTop V70control board,using the IO-Link interface tool from IFM,all parameter settings and visualisation data are available through the M12plug or terminals on the sensor board.From the“IO-Link Interface Description”the table below shows an overview of the data storage(not all parameters included).When replacing a ThinkTop V on a process plant,some data are re-stored,included in the new ThinkTop V,and other data must be reassigned again,excluded in the new ThinkTop V. Included ExcludedCustomization •Application Specific Tag •Function Tag •Location Tag•Power Save•Burst Clean•USA bitmapping •RGB colour Control board ID •Vendor Name •Vendor Text •Product Name •Product ID •Product Text •Serial Number •Hardware Version •Firmware Version •Prod DateSetup data•Setup positions •Setup state Diagnostics•SV-activations•SV-ON_time•PV-SetupStrokeEn •PV-SetupStrokeDeEn •PressureShockCnt •Temp•LogElectrical connectionsThinkTop V50Terminal Control board Colour code wires 1L+24V BN(brown)2L-GND BU(blue)3IO-Link signal BK(black) ThinkTop V70Terminal Control board Colour code wires 1L+24V BN(brown)2L-GND BU(blue)3IO-Link signal BK(black)Seat lift sensorE1L+BN(brown)E2GND BU(blue)E3SignalBK(black)and WH(white)ThinkTop V50and V70M12option(4-pin A-coded plug)Pin numbers and terminal numbers are alignedM12Chassis plug connector Control boardTerminal numbersM12pin assignmentswire colours1:L+Pin1:BN(brown)2:nc-3:L-Pin3:BU(blue)4:Out1Pin4:BK(black)Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.How to contact Alfa Laval Contact details for all countriesare continually updated on our website.Please visit to access the information direct.A l f a L a v a l i s a t r a d e m a r k r e g i s t e r e d a n d o w n e d b y A l f a L a v a l C o r p o r a t e AB . 100001472e n 2109。


挂机状态下按“设置/闪断”键,直接输入数字“5”,液晶屏幕显示:1-F 2-PT 3-d,进入闪断时间、P/T转换和防盗功能设置子菜单,此时输入数字“1”,进入下一层的闪断时间设定状态,液晶屏幕会提示:
FLASH 600,同时闪断时间在闪烁,按“上翻”、“下翻”键选择闪断时间按“设置/闪断”键确认(闪断时间有:
AL 1-2-3,进入闹铃设置子菜单,同时字体1-2-3在闪烁,直接输入数字“1”进入第一组闹铃设置,此时屏幕显示:
ALAr OFF,字体OFF在闪烁(表示其初始状态为关,如已设置了闹铃时间则显示已设置的时间),直接输入闹铃所需时间(或在字体OFF在闪烁时,按“上翻”、“下翻”键,液晶屏幕显示00 - 00后再输入时间),按“设置/闪断”键确认;如要关闭闹铃则按“上翻”、“下翻”键选择,屏幕显示ALAr OFF,后按“设置/闪断”键确认。其他2组闹铃的设定与第1组的设定方法相同。第2组闹铃,初始状态为关,相应的液晶屏幕显示为:
rIng VOL 04,表示进入铃声音量选择状态,同时字体04在闪烁,按“上翻”、“下翻”键选择所需铃声音量后按“设置/闪断”键确认(铃声音量为01~04四级调节,黩认值为最大档)。铃声音量选择成功后,按“删除/免IP”键退到主菜单或按“免提”键退到待机状态。


1.2. 标准
ATS021符合以下标准: 欧洲指令 73/23“LVD-低压指示” EN-IEC 50178:电力安装的电子设备使用 EN-IEC 62103:电力安装的电子设备使用 EN-IEC 60947-5-1:低压开关和控制设备:控制电路电器和开关元件-机电式控制电路电器 电磁兼容:EN50081-2,EN50082-2 环境条件:IEC 68-2-1,IEC68-2-2和IEC 68-2-3 EN-IEC 61000-4-2:电磁兼容-第4-2部分:试验和测量技术 静电放电抗扰度试验(8KV 空气放电,4KV 接触放电) EN-IEC 61000-4-3:电磁兼容-第4-3部分:试验和测量技术:射频电磁场辐射抗扰度试验(等级3) EN-IEC 61000-4-4:电磁兼容-第4-4部分:试验和测量技术:电快速瞬变脉冲群抗扰度试验(等级2/3) EN-IEC 61000-4-5:电磁兼容-第4-5部分:试验和测量技术:浪涌(冲击)抗扰度试验(等级1/2) EN-IEC 61000-4-6:电磁兼容-第4-6部分:试验和测量技术:射频场感应的传导骚扰抗扰度(等级3)
使用自动控制单元ATS021 ............................................. 29
外观 ............................................................................. 29 配置 ............................................................................. 29 旋钮开关 ......................................................................... 29 按钮键盘 ......................................................................... 30 LEDs ............................................................................. 31 外部变压器 ....................................................................... 32 测试次序 ......................................................................... 33



机架 与物料接触的部分: 检测管材质: 压缩空气连接 3): 防护等级: 压缩空气消耗: 剔除延续时间: 检测精度: 自监控: 按钮/指示器:
低碳钢,喷漆 (RAL 2004) 不锈钢 1.4301 (AISI 304) PP 5-8 bar;6/8mm 管道连接 IP 54 0.4 L/开关操作 可在 0.2 至 2.5 秒内调节 可调节 金属检测器功能 按钮:用于进行功能测试 指示器:操作/警报
0.5 bar 不锈钢(1.4301),铝,特氟隆密封 在塑料行业中,用于检测自由下落进料的散 料,也可用于其它行业中的相似应用
干燥, 流动性好, 无长纤维, 电绝缘, 颗粒尺寸 < 8 mm
散料下落高度 4): 物料流向: 散料温度范围: 周围环境温度:
3) 4)
最大不能超过设备顶部边缘的 500mm 禁止物料回流 最高+80° C -10°C 至 +60°C
上海莘砖公路 518 号 13 号楼 1 楼 B 区 Tel : +86 21 37005075-216Fax: +86 21 37005080
E-mail: info@ 网址:
RC 30-120 CH(MSG3.3)
目录 1 概述
S+S 保留由于产品更新或技术改进对说明书内容进行修改的权力。
RC 30-120 CH(MSG3.3)
3. 菜单说明
3.1 功能原理
构造: 金属分离装置由一个探测线圈,一个旋转式剔除设备组成。这两个元件由 一个控制器板连接。 探测头能产生高频磁场。一旦出现金属颗粒,平衡磁场被打破。控制器 能评估处理干扰信号,并将信号传给剔除装置。

HART TMT182多功能温度头传感器说明书

HART TMT182多功能温度头传感器说明书

Products SolutionsServicesTechnical Information iTEMP HART ® TMT182Universal temperature Head transmitter for RTD, TC, resistance and voltage transmitters, HART ® -protocol, for installation in a sensor head Form BApplication•Temperature head transmitter with HART ® -protocol for con-verting various input signals into an scalable 4 to 20 mA analog output signal •Input:•Resistance thermometer (RTD)•Thermocouple (TC)•Resistance transmitter ( )•Voltage transmitter (mV)•HART ® -protocol for front end unit or panel unit operation using the hand operating module (DXR275, DXR375) or PC (e. g. ReadWin ® 2000 or FieldCare)Your benefits•Universal settings with HART ® -protocol for various input sig-nals•Operation, visualisation and maintenance via PC, e. g. FieldCare operating software •2 wire technology, 4 to 20 mA analog output•High accuracy in total ambient temperature range•Fault signal on sensor break or short circuit, presettable to NAMUR NE 43•EMC to NAMUR NE 21, CE•UL recognized component to UL 3111-1 •Marine approval •CSA General Purpose •Ex-Certification- ATEX Ex ia and dust zone 22 in compliance with EN 50281-1- FM IS - CSA IS•SIL2 compliant •Galvanic isolation •Output simulation•Min./max. process value indicator function •Customer specific linearization •Linearization curve matchTI00078R/09/EN/14.1871404916TMT1822Endress+HauserFunction and system designMeasuring principle Electronic monitoring and conversion of input signals in industrial temperature measurement.Measuring systemThe iTEMP HART ® TMT182 temperature head transmitter is a 2-wire transmitter with analog output. It has measurement input for resistance thermometers (RTD) in 2-, 3- or 4-wire connection,thermocouples and voltage transmitters. Setting up of the TMT182 is done using the HART ® -Protocol with hand operating module (DXR275, DXR375) or PC (e.g. configuration software ReadWin ® 2000 or FieldCare).InputMeasured variable Temperature (temperature linear transmission behaviour), resistance and voltageMeasuring rangeDepending upon the sensor connection and input signal. The transmitter evaluates a number of different measurement ranges.Type of inputResistance thermometer (RTD)TypeMeasurement rangesMin. measurement rangePt100Pt500Pt1000acc. to IEC 60751 (α = 0.00385)Pt100to JIS C1604-81 (α = 0.003916)-200 to 850 °C (-328 to1562 °F)-200 to 250 °C (-328 to 482 °F)-200 to 250 °C (-238 to 482 °F)-200 to 649 °C (-328 to 1200 °F)10 K (18 °F)10 K (18 °F)10 K (18 °F)10 K (18 °F)Ni100Ni500Ni1000acc. to DIN 43760 (α = 0.006180)-60 to 250 °C (-76 to 482 °F)-60 to 150 °C (-76 to 302 °F)-60 to 150 °C (-76 to 302 °F)10 K (18 °F)10 K (18 °F)10 K (18 °F)•Connection type: 2-, 3- or 4-wire connection•Software compensation of cable resistance possible in the 2 wire system (0 to 30 Ω)•Sensor cable resistance max. 20 Ω per cable in the 3 and 4 wire system •Sensor current: ≤ 0.2 mA•Corrosion detection as per NAMUR NE 89 for Pt100 4-wire connection (optional for 'A dvanced Diagnostic' version, see 'P roduct structure'). If corrosion detection is active, the response time is 2 s.Resistance transmitter Resistance Ω10 to 400 Ω10 to 2000 Ω10 Ω100 ΩThermocouple (TC)B (PtRh30-PtRh6)C (W5Re-W26Re)1)D (W3Re-W25Re)1E (NiCr-CuNi)J (Fe-CuNi)K (NiCr-Ni)L (Fe-CuNi)2)N (NiCrSi-NiSi)R (PtRh13-Pt)S (PtRh10-Pt)T (Cu-CuNi)U (Cu-CuNi)2acc. to IEC 584 Part 10 to +1820 °C (32 to 3308 °F)0 to +2320 °C (32 to 4208 °F)0 to +2495 °C (32 to 4523 °F)-270 to +1000 °C (-454 to 1832 °F)-210 to +1200 °C (-346 to 2192 °F)-270 to +1372 °C (-454 to 2501 °F)-200 to +900 °C (-328 to 1652 °F)-270 to +1300 °C (-454 to 2372 °F)-50 to +1768 °C (-58 to 3214 °F)-50 to +1768 °C (-58 to 3214 °F)-270 to +400 °C (-454 to 752 °F)-200 to +600 °C (-328 to 1112 °F)500 K (900 °F)500 K (900 °F)500 K (900 °F) 50 K (90 °F) 50 K (90 °F) 50 K (90 °F) 50 K (90 °F) 50 K (90 °F)500 K (900 °F)500 K (900 °F)50 K (90 °F)50 K (90 °F)•Cold junction: internal (Pt100)•Cold junction accuracy: ± 1 KVoltage transmitters Millivolt transmitter -10 to 75 mV 5 mV1) acc. to ASTM E9882) acc. to DIN 43710TMT182Endress+Hauser 3OutputOutput signal Analog 4 to 20 mA, 20 to 4 mASignal on alarm•Underranging: linear drop to 3.8 mA •Overranging: linear rise to 20.5 mA•Sensor break; sensor short-circuit (not for thermocouples TC): ≤ 3.6 mA or ≥ 21.0 mALoadmax. (V Power supply - 11.5 V) / 0.022 A (Current output)Linearization/transmission behaviour Temperature linear, resistance linear, voltage linearFilter1st order digital filter: 0 to 100 s Galvanic isolation U = 2 kV AC (input/output)Min. current consumption ≤ 3.5 mA Current limit ≤ 23 mASwitch on delay4 s (during power up I a = 3.8 mA)Power supplyElectrical connectionHead transmitter terminal connectionsFor the unit operation via HART ® protocol (terminals 1 and 2) a minimum load resistance of 250 Ω is necessary in the signal circuit!Supply voltage U b = 11.5 to 35 V, polarity protectionUndervoltage detectionOptional for 'A dvanced Diagnostic' version.If the supply voltage is not sufficient to output the output signal corresponding to the measuredtemperature, a signal on alarm ≤ 3.6 mA is generated. After approx. 2 to 3 s, the system makes another attempt to output the signal corresponding to the temperature.Guaranteed values for setting "high alarm" (≥ 21 mA):•Standard model: > 21.5 mA•Advanced diagnostic model: ≥ 22.5 mATMT1824Endress+HauserResidual rippleAllowable ripple U ss ≤ 3 V at U b ≥ 13 V, f max. = 1 kHzPerformance characteristicsResponse time 1 s (TC), 1.5 s (RTD)Reference operating conditionsCalibration temperature: +25 °C (77 °F) ± 5 K (9 °F)Maximum measured errorInfluence of supply voltage≤ ± 0.01%/V deviation from 24 VPercentages refer to the full scale value.Influence of ambienttemperature (temperature drift)Total temperature drift = input temperature drift + output temperature driftThe accuracy data are typical values and correspond to a standard deviation of ± 3σ (normal distribution), i.e. 99.8% of all the measured values achieve the given values or better values.TypeMeasurement accuracy 1Resistancethermometer RTDPt100, Ni100Pt500, Ni500Pt1000, Ni10000.2 K or 0.08%0.5 K or 0.20%0.3 K or 0.12%Thermocouple TCK, J, T, E, L, U N, C, D R, S Btyp. 0.5 K or 0.08%typ. 1.0 K or 0.08%typ. 1.4 K or 0.08%typ. 2.0 K or 0.08%Measurement rangeMeasurement accuracy 1)1) % is related to the adjusted measurement range. The value to be applied is the greater.Resistance transmitter (Ω)10 to 400 Ω10 to 2000 Ω± 0.1 Ω or 0.08%± 1.5 Ω or 0.12%Voltage transmitters (mV)-10 to 75 mV± 20 μV or 0.08%Physical input range of the sensors 10 to 400 ΩPolynom RTD, Pt100, Ni10010 to 2000 ΩPt500, Pt1000, Ni1000-10 to 75 mV Thermocouple type: C, D, E, J, K, L, N, U -10 to 35 mVThermocouple type: B, R, S, TEffect on the accuracy when ambient temperature changes by 1 K (1.8 °F):Input 10 to 400 Ωtyp. 0.0015% of measured value, min. 4 m ΩInput 10 to 2000 Ωtyp. 0.0015% of measured value, min. 20 m ΩInput -10 to 75 mV typ. 0.005% of measured value, min. 1.2 μV Input -10 to 35 mV typ. 0.005% of measured value, min. 0.6 μV Output 4 to 20 mAtyp. 0.005% of spanTMT182Endress+Hauser 5Example for calculating measured error for ambient temperature drift:Input temperature drift ∆T = 10 K (18 °F), Pt100, measuring range 0 to 100 °C (32 to 212 °F)Maximum process temperature: 100 °C (212 °F)Measured resistance value: 138.5 Ω (IEC 60751) at maximum process temperature Typical temperature drift in Ω: (0.0015% of 138.5 Ω) * 10 = 0.02078 ΩConversion to Kelvin: 0.02078 Ω / 0.385 Ω/K = 0.05 K (0.09 °F)Influence of load± 0.02%/100 ΩValues refer to the full scale valueLong-term stability≤ 0.1 K/year or ≤ 0.05%/yearValues under reference operating conditions. % refer to the set span. The highest value is valid.Influence of cold junctionPt100 DIN IEC 60751 Cl. B (internal cold junction with thermocouples TC)Installation conditionsInstallation instructions•Installation angle:no limit•Installation area:Terminal head accord. to DIN 43 729 Form B; TAF10 field housingEnvironment conditionsAmbient temperature limits-40 to +85 °C (-40 to 185 °F) for Ex-area, see Ex-certificateStorage temperature -40 to +100 °C (-40 to 212 °F)Climate class According to IEC 60 654-1, class C Condensation PermittedDegree of protection IP 00, IP 66 installedShock and vibration resistance4g / 2 to 150 Hz as per IEC 60 068-2-6Typical sensitivity of resistance thermometers:Pt: 0.00385 * R nominal /KNi: 0.00617 * R nominal /KExample Pt100: 0.00385 x 100 Ω/K = 0.385 Ω/KTypical sensitivity of thermocouples:B: 10 μV/K C: 20 μV/K D: 20 μV/K E: 75 μV/K J: 55 μV/K K: 40 μV/K L: 55 μV/KN: 35 μV/KR: 12 μV/KS: 12 μV/KT: 50 μV/KU: 60 μV/KTMT1826Endress+HauserElectromagnetic compatibility (EMC)CE conformityEMC to all relevant requirements of the IEC/EN 61326 - series and NAMUR Recommendation EMC (NE21). For details, refer to the Declaration of Conformity.Maximum fluctuations during EMC- tests: < 1% of measuring span.Interference immunity to IEC/EN 61326 - series, requirements for industrial areas Interference emission to IEC/EN 61326 - series, electrical equipment Class BMechanical constructionDesign, dimensionsDimensions of the head transmitter in mm (in)Weight approx. 40 g (1.4 oz)Material•Housing: PC •Potting: PURTerminals•Cable up to max. 1.75 mm 2 (secure screws)•or 1.5 mm 2 with wire end ferrules•eyelets for easy connection of a HART ®-handheld terminal with alligator clipsHuman interfaceDisplay elementsNo display elements are present directly on the temperature transmitter.The measured value display can be called up using the ReadWin ® 2000 or FieldCare PC software.Operating elementsAt the temperature transmitter no operating elements are available directly. The temperaturetransmitter will be configured by remote operation with the PC software ReadWin ® 2000 or FieldCare.Remote operationConfigurationHand operating module DXR275, DXR375 or PC with Commubox FXA191/FXA195 and operating software (ReadWin ® 2000 or FieldCare).InterfacePC interface Commubox FXA191 (RS232) or FXA195 (USB)Configurable parametersSensor type and connection type, engineering units (°C/°F), measurement range, internal/external cold junction, compensation of wire resistance with 2-wire connection, failure mode, output signal (4 to 20/20 to 4 mA), digital filter (damping), offset, TAG + descriptor (8 + 16 characters), output simulation, customer specific linearization, min./max. process value indicator functionTMT182Endress+Hauser 7Certificates and approvalsCE-MarkThe device meets the legal requirements of the EC directives. Endress+Hauser confirms that the device has been successfully tested by applying the CE mark.Hazardous area approvalsFor further details on the available Ex versions (ATEX, CSA, FM, etc.), please contact your nearest Endress+Hauser sales organisation. All relevant data for hazardous areas can be found in separate Ex documentation. If required, please request copies from us or your Endress+Hauser sales organisation.Marine approvalFor further details on the available "Type Approval Certificiates" (DNVGL, BV, etc.), please contact your nearest Endress+Hauser sales organisation. All relevant data for marine approval can be found in separate "Type Approval Certificiates". If required, please request copies from us or your Endress+Hauser sales organisation.Other standards and guidelines•IEC 60529:Degree of protection provided by housing (IP-Code)•IEC 61010:Safety requirements for electrical measurement, control and laboratory use.•IEC 61326:Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC requirements)•NAMURStandards working group for measurement and control technology in the chemical industry. (www.namur.de)UL approval UL recognized component (see /database, search for Keyword "E225237")CSA GPCSA General PurposeExamination certificateIn compliance with WELMEC 8.8, valid only for the SIL-Mode: "Guide on the General andAdministrative Aspects of the Voluntary System of Modular Evaluation of Measuring Instruments.Ordering informationDetailed ordering information is available from the following sources:•In the Product Configurator on the Endress+Hauser website: -> Click "Corporate" -> Select your country -> Click "Products" -> Select the product using the filters and search field -> Open product page -> The "Configure" button to the right of the product image opens the Product Configurator.•From your Endress+Hauser Sales Center: Product Configurator - the tool for individual product configuration •Up-to-the configuration•Depending on the device: Direct input of measuring point-specific information such as measuring range or operating language •Automatic verification of exclusion criteria•Automatic creation of the order code and its breakdown in PDF or Excel output format •Ability to order directly in the Endress+Hauser Online ShopTMT182Accessories•Commubox FXA191 (RS232) or FXA195 (USB)Order code: FXA191-... or FXA195-...•PC-operating software: ReadWin ® 2000 or FieldCareReadWin ® 2000 can be downloaded free of charge from the internet from the following address: /readwin•Hand operating module ’HART ® Communicator DXR375’Order code: DXR375-...•DIN rail clip according to IEC 60715 (TH35) for head transmitter mounting Order code: 51000856•Field housing TAF10 for Endress+Hauser head transmitter, aluminum, IP 66,dimensions W x H x D: 100 x 100 x 60 mm (3.94" x 3.94" x 2.36")Order code: TAF10-...Documentation•Operating short manual iTEMP HART ® TMT182 (KA142R/09/a3)•Additional documentation for use in explosion-hazardous areas:ATEX II1G: XA006R/09/a3ATEX II3G: XA011R/09/a3ATEX II3D: XA027R/09/a3•Operating short manual TAF10 Field housing (KA093R/09/a2)•SIL: Functional safety manual TMT182 (SD006R/09/en)。

AHT21 温湿度传感器 产品手册说明书

AHT21 温湿度传感器 产品手册说明书

AHT21 产品手册温湿度传感器• 完全标定应用范围暖通空调 、除湿器、测试及检测设备、消费品、汽车 、自动控制、数据记录器、气象站、家电、湿度调节、医疗及其他相关温湿度检测控制。

图 1: AHT21 传感器封装图(单位:mm 公差:±0.1mm )2• 数字输出,I C 接口• 优异的长期稳定性• 采用SMD封装适于回流焊• 响应迅速、抗干扰能力强Top viewFront viewButtom view0.40.553. viewButtom view1.传感器性能相对湿度温度图 3温度典型误差和最大误差。

±0±2±4±6±8±10图 2 25°C 时相对湿度的最大误差。

△R H (%RH )相对湿度(%RH )电气特性表2 电气特性。

包装信息此精度为出厂检验时,传感器在 25℃供电电压为3.3V 条件下的测试精度。


25℃和1m/s 气流条件下,达到一阶响应 63%所需时间。

正常工作范围:0-80%RH, 超出此范围,传感器读数会有偏差(在90%RH 湿度下 200 小时后,漂移<3%RH)。



供电电流和功耗的最小值和最大值都是基于 VDD = 3.3V 和 T<60℃的条件。



表 1 湿度特性表表 3 温度特性表表4 包装信息。





伊士特克 IT-180ABS IT-180ATC 高Tg、低CTE、多功能填充环氧树脂和酚醛固化层压

伊士特克 IT-180ABS IT-180ATC 高Tg、低CTE、多功能填充环氧树脂和酚醛固化层压

IT-180ABS/IT-180ATCHigh Tg, Low CTE, Multifunctional Filled Epoxy Resin and Phenolic-Cured Laminate & PrepregIT-180A is an advanced high Tg (175℃ by DSC) multifunctional filled epoxy with low CTE, high thermal reliability and CAF resistance. It’s design for high layer PCB and can pass 260℃ Lead free assembly and sequential lamination process.Key Features =============================== Advanced High Tg Resin TechnologyIndustrial standard material with high Tg (175℃ by DSC) multifunctional filled epoxy resin and excellent thermal reliability. Lead-Free Assembly CompatibleRoHS compliant and suitable for high thermal reliability needs, and Lead free assemblies with a maximum reflow temperature of 260℃. Friendly Processing and CAF ResistanceFriendly PCB process like high Tg FR4. Users can short the learning curve when using this material.CAF ResistanceLow thermal expansion coefficient (CTE) helps to excellent thermal reliability and CAF resistance providing long-term reliability for industrial boards and automobile application.Available in Variety of ConstructionsAvailable in a various of constructions, copper weights and glass styles, including standard(HTE), RTF and VLP copper foil. ApplicationsMultilayer and High Layer PCB AutomobileBackplanesServers and Networking TelecommunicationsData StorageHeavy Copper ApplicationIndustrial ApprovalUL 94 V-0IPC-4101C Spec / 99/ 101/ 126 RoHS CompliantGlobal AvailabilityITEQ Laminate/ Prepreg : IT-180ATC / IT-180ABS IPC-4101C Spec / 99 / 101 / 126LAMINATE( IT-180ATC)Thickness<0.50 mm[0.0197 in] Thickness≧0.50 mm[0.0197 in] Units Test MethodPropertyTypical Value Spec Typical Value Spec Metric(English) IPC-TM-650 (or as noted)Peel Strength, minimumA. Low profile copper foil and very low profilecopper foil - all copper weights > 17µm[0.669 mil]B. Standard profile copper foil1.After Thermal Stress2.At 125°C [257 F]3.After Process Solutions 0.88 (5.0)1.23 (7.0)1.05 (6.0)1.05 (6.0)0.70 (4.00)0.80 (4.57)0.70 (4.00)0.55 (3.14)0.88 (5.0)1.40 (8.0)1.23 (7.0)1.23 (7.0)0.70 (4.00)1.05 (6.00)0.70 (4.00)0.80 (4.57)N/mm(lb/inch) Resistivity, minimumA. C-96/35/90B. After moisture resistanceC. At elevated temperature E-24/125 3.0x1010--5.0x1010106--103--3.0x10101.0x1010--104103MΩ-cm Resistivity, minimumA. C-96/35/90B. After moisture resistanceC. At elevated temperature E-24/125 3.0x1010--4.0x1010104--103--3.0x10104.0x1010--104103MΩ Absorption, maximum - 0.12 0.8 % Dielectric Breakdown, minimum - - 60 40 kV 2.5.6 Permittivity (Dk, 50% resin content)(Laminate & Laminated Prepreg)A. 1MHzB. 1GHzC. 2GHzD. 5GHzE. 10GHz -- Tangent (Df, 50% resin content)(Laminate & Laminated Prepreg)A. 1MHzB. 1GHzC. 2GHzD. 5GHzE. 10GHz 0.0150.0150.0150.0160.0170.0350.0140.0150.0150.0160.0160.035 -- Strength, minimumA. Length directionB. Cross direction --------580(84,300)450(65,400)415 (60,190)345 (50,140)N/mm2(lb/in2) 2.4.4Arc Resistance, minimum 125 60 125 60 s 2.5.1Thermal Stress 10 s at 288°C [550.4F],minimumA. UnetchedB. Etched PassPassPass VisualPass VisualPassPassPass VisualPass VisualRating Strength, minimum(Laminate & Laminated Prepreg) 45 30 -- -- kV/mm Flammability,(Laminate & Laminated Prepreg) V-0 V-0 V-0 V-0 Rating UL94 Glass Transition Temperature(DSC) 175 170 minimum 175 170 minimum ˚C 2.4.25 Decomposition Temperature -- -- 345 340 minimum ˚C wt loss) X/Y Axis CTE (40℃ to 125℃) -- -- 10-13 -- PPM/˚C 2.4.24Z-Axis CTEA. Alpha 1B. Alpha 2C. 50 to 260 Degrees C ------------452102.760 maximum300 maximum3.0 maximumPPM/˚CPPM/˚C%2.4.24Thermal ResistanceA. T260B. T288 -------->60>3030 minimum15 minimumMinutesMinutes2.4.24.1CAF Resistance -- -- Pass AABUS Pass/Fail 2.6.25 Comparative Tracking Index(CTI) -- -- 175~250V -- V UL-746 The above data and fabrication guide provide designers and PCB shop for their reference. We believe that these information are accurate, however, the data may vary depend on the test methods and specification used. The actual sales of the product should be according to specification in the agreement between ITEQ and its customer. ITEQ reserves the right to revise its data at any time without notice and maintain the bestinformation available to users.IT-180ABS/IT-180ATCHigh Tg, Low CTE, Multifunctional Filled Epoxy Resin and Phenolic-Cured Laminate & Prepreg---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Process Guideline1. Prepreg Handling & Storage(1) Shelf life is at least 3 months when prepreg stored in a cool dry environment (Temperature: <20 ℃ and Humidity: <50%).(2) Prepreg exposed to humidity should be resealed to minimize moisture absorption.(3)Prepreg should be stored in controlled environment for 12 hours prior to use.(4)Prepreg supplied in rolls or panels should be stored horizontally. To avoid damage, no stacking is recommended.2. Laminate Handling & Storage(1) Laminates should be stored in a dry environment(2) Laminate should always be stored flat3. Inner Layer Process(1)First around must be taken to determine suitable parameters (such as dimensional compensation, etc) before mass production.(2) Inner layers should be baked for at least 40 min at 120 ℃ after black or brown oxides treatment.Note: The material temperature is not allowed to >195 ℃ in lamination process if brown oxide treatment is used.4. Lamination Overview(1)Stacks must be prepared in lay-up room to avoid moisture absorption.(2) Recommended pressure ranges should be as follows:Hydraulic/350~400psiVacuum Hydraulic/300~400psi(3) For Lien Chieh press, heating rate is 1.3~1.8℃/min from 80℃ to 140℃, and for Burkle press, the heating rate is 1.5~3.0℃/min from 80℃to 140℃. Cooling rate below 3℃/min is recommended.(4) When the board temperature reaches 180℃ during the pressing process, the lamination process should be kept for at least 60 minutes.5. DrillingDrilling parameters are mainly dependent on the hole size, layer thickness, layer number, copper thickness, and stack height. The following drilling parameters are for reference only. Typical drilling parameters for 0.4~1.0 mm drills are as follows:Spindle speed: 45~105 KRPM Feed rate: 50~150 IPMRetract rate: 500~1000 IPM Max. hit count: <1000 HITSStack height: ≤2pnls(2~6layers), 1pnl(≥8layers) Entry Material: 0.2mm AluminumBack-up Material: 1.5mm Phenolic laminate Drilling Machine: Hitachi ND-6L210EBaking condition: After Drilling: 170 °C /2 hours6. DesmearThe following desmear parameters are for reference only:Horizontal (JETCHEM)Swell : 75℃ for 100 s Mn+7 : 55-65 g/ l at 85℃ for 180sVertical (ROHMHAAS)Swell : 65℃ for 365 s Mn+7 : 65-75 g/ l at 75℃ for 750sNormally, the typical parameters used to desmear FR-4 product may not produce optimum hole topography for IT-180A. One should consult with your chemical supplier to optimize your desmear condition, e.g. desmear two times or adjust other parameters, etc.。

Agilent U1401A U1401B 双功能手持测量器 计ibrator说明书

Agilent U1401A U1401B 双功能手持测量器 计ibrator说明书

The 2-in-1 that helps you travel light Rugged and tested tostringent standards More often than not, the calibration ofprocess control parts requires simultaneous measurements with a DMM. With theU1401A/U1401B, you can carry two tools in one—and calibrate while you measure. Slip the U1401A/U1401B in its sturdy carrying case and you’re ready to go.The U1401A/U1401B comes with a robust protective holster and tested to stringent in-dustrial standards. Each U1401A/U1401B is also sealed with a three-year warranty and the assurance that you can perform yourTake a closer lookRobust protective holsterDual display with backlight 4-20 mA and 0-20 mA percentage scale readoutEasy function access through intuitive buttons and rotary switchVoltage, current, resistance, temperature, frequency, pulse width, duty cycle, diode and continuitySimultaneous source and measureHold and Min/Max/AvgrecordingsBuilt-in battery-charging capabilityBipolar voltage and current, square-wave, auto scan and rampVoltage specificationsThe accuracy is given as ± (% of reading + counts of least significant digit (LSD)) at 23 °C ±5 °C, with relative humidity less than 80% R.H., and after a warm-up period of at least five minutes. Without warm-up, an additional five counts of LSD need to be considered.[1] Input impedance: 10 M W (nominal) for the range of 5 V and above, and 1 G W (nominal) for the 50/500 mV range.[2] Accuracy can be improved to 0.05% + 5. Always use the Relative function to offset thermal effects before measuring the signal.[3] Input impedance: 1.1 M W in parallel with <100 pF (nominal) for the range of 5 V and above, and 1 G W (nominal) for the 50/500 mV range. Crest factor ~ 3.50 mV 500 mV 5 V 50 V 250 V1 µV 10 µV 0.1 mV 1 mV 10 mV0.03% + 5250 Vrms45 Hz to 5 kHz: 0.7% + 405 kHz to 20 kHz: 1.5% + 4045 Hz to 5 kHz: 0.7% + 205 kHz to 20 kHz: 1.5% + 2045 Hz to 5 kHz: 0.8% + 255 kHz to 20 kHz: 1.6% + 2545 Hz to 5 kHz: 0.8% + 705 kHz to 20 kHz: 1.6% + 700.05% + 50[2]10 µV 0.1 mV 1 mV 10 mV10 µV 0.1 mV 1 mV 10 mV1 µV1 µV500 mV 5 V 50 V 250 V500 mV 5 V 50 V 250 V50 mV 50 mV Resolution Accuracy Overload protectionRange Function DC voltage[1]AC voltage[3](True-rms: From 5% to 100% of range)AC+DC voltage[3](True-rms: From 5% to 100% of range)Resolution Accuracy Burden voltage/shunt Overload protectionRange Function DC current AC current[2](True-rms: From 5% to 100% of range)AC+DC current[2](True-rms: From 5% to 100% of range)50 mA 500 mA 50 mA 500 mA 50 mA 500 mA1 µA 10 µA 250 V, 630 mA Quick acting fuse45 Hz to 5 kHz: 0.6% + 2045 Hz to 5 kHz: 0.7% + 250.03% + 5[1]0.06 V (1 W )0.6 V (1 W )0.06 V (1 W )0.6 V (1 W )0.06 V (1 W )0.6 V (1 W )1 µA 10 µA 1 µA 10 µA[1] Always use the Relative function to offset thermal effects before measuring the signal. If this function is not used, accuracy could go down to 0.03% + 25. Thermal effects may be present due to: • Constant current, constant voltage, or square wave output.• Wrong operation. For example, resistance, diode, or mV measurement function is used to measure high voltage signals exceeding 250 V. • After battery charging has completed.• After measuring current greater than 50 mA.[2] Crest factor ~ 3�������������Resistance specificationsDiode and continuity specifications1 ms peak hold specificationsRangeRange Thermocouple type–40 °C to 1372 °C –40 °F to 2502 °F0.15% + 8 [2]1% + 8[3]0.15% + 5 [2]0.3% + 3 °C 0.3% + 6 °F0.45 mA 0.45 mA 45 µA 4.5 µA 450 nA 45 nA0.1 mV0.05% + 5Approximately 0.45 mASingle event >1 ms2% + 400 for all ranges< +4.8 VDC250 Vrms250 Vrms0.1 °C 0.1 °F500 W 5 k W 50 k W 500 k W 5 M W 50 M W0.01 W 0.1 W 1 W 10 W 0.1 k W 1 k W[1] Accuracy is specified for meter operation only, excludes thermocouple probe tolerance and with the instrument placed in the operating area for at least one hour.[2] Accuracy is specified after applying the Relative function to offset any test lead resistance and thermal effect.[3] Accuracy is specified for <60% R.H.The following resistance specifications are valid if the maximum open voltage is less than +4.8 V.For diode test, the overload protection is 250 Vrms and the instrument will beep when thereading is below 50 mV (approx). For continuity test, the instrument will beep when the resistance is less than 10.00 W .Resolution Resolution Resolution Signal width Accuracy for DC mV/voltage/current Accuracy[1]Accuracy Accuracy Test currentOpen voltage Minimum input currentOverload protectionOverload protectionKFrequency sensitivity and trigger level for voltage measurementFrequency sensitivity for current measurementDuty cycle and pulse width100 Hz 1 kHz 10 kHz 100 kHz 200 kHz50 mV 500 mV 5 V 50 V 250 V15 mV 35 mV 0.3 V 3V 30 V25 mV 50 mV 0.5 V 5 V –2.5 mA 25 mA0.1% to 99.9%5% to 95%0.01 ms to 1999.9 ms0.3% per kHz + 0.3%0.2% + 350 mA 500 mADC coupling AC coupling–20 mV 60 mV 0.6 V 6 V 60 V30 mV 80 mV 0.8 V 8 V –0.001 Hz 0.01 Hz 0.1 Hz 1 Hz 10 kHz250 Vrms0.02% + 31 Hz[1] Accuracy is based on a 5-V square-wave input to the 5 VDC range.[2] Pulse width must be greater than 10 µs and its range is determined by the frequency of the signal.Resolution Range Input rangeInput range Function Duty cycle Pulse width[2]Mode Range Accuracy at full scale [1]1 Hz to 100 kHz30 Hz to 20 kHz >100 kHz <20 kHz 20 kHz to 200 kHz Trigger level for DC couplingMinimum sensitivity (rms sine wave)Minimum sensitivity (rms sine wave)AccuracyMinimum input frequencyOverload protectionConstant voltage and current outputsSquare wave output± 1.500 V ± 15.000 V ± 25.000 mA0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75,80, 100, 120, 150, 200, 240, 300, 400, 480,600, 800, 1200, 1600, 2400, 48000.39% to 99.60% 1/Frequency 5 V, 12 V ±5 V, ±12 V0.01% + 0.2% [5]0.01% + 0.3 ms2% + 0.2 V 2% + 0.4 V0.005% + 10.010.390625%Range/2560.1 V0.1 mV 1 mV 1 µA0.03% + 30.03% + 525 mA or above [1]12 V or above[2][3][1] Loading coefficient: 0.012 mV/mA for 1.5 V output.[2] Loading coefficient: 1 µA/ V. The minimum output voltage is based on 20 mA into a 600 W load.[3] If the current loop has a 24-V power, a minimum output voltage of 24 V is achievable with a 20 mA current into a 1200-W load (using the yellow test lead).[4] The positive or negative pulse width must be greater than 50 µs to enable adjustment of duty cycle or pulse width under different frequencies. Otherwise, the accuracy and range will be different from the specifications defined.[5] For signal frequencies greater than 1 kHz, add an addition of 0.1% per kHz.Resolution Resolution Range RangeFunctionConstant voltage (CV)Constant current (CC)Frequency (Hz)Duty Cycle (%) [4]Pulse Width (ms) [4]Amplitude (V)Accuracy Accuracy Minimum output Output Accuracy is given as ± (% of output + counts of least significant digit (LSD)) at 23 °C ± 5 °C, with relative humidity less than 80% R.H., and after a warm-up period of at least five minutes.The maximum input voltage protection is 30 VDC.Both primary and secondary displays are 5-digit on the liquid crystal display (LCD) with a maximum resolution of 51,000 counts and automatic polarity indication. Backlight available. 9.6 V Ni-MH rechargeable batteries: 1.2 V x 8 pieces. No cadmium, lead or mercury. External switching adapter: AC 100 V to 240 V, 50/60 Hz input and DC 24 V/2.5 A output Battery charging: 9.3 VA typicalSourcing of constant current at 25 mA, maximum load: 5.5 VA typical on 24 V DC adapter, 2.4 VA typical on 9.6 V batteriesMeter only: 1.8 VA typical on 24 V DC adapter, 0.6 VA typical on 9.6 V batteriesAssuming fully-charged Ni-MH batteries:Meter only: 20 hours (approx.)Source/Meter: 4 hours (approx.)will appear when voltage drops below 9 V (approx.)3 hours (approx.) in 10 °C to 30 °C environmentNOTE: Prolonged charging is required if battery is fully discharged.3 readings/second, except for: AC+DC: 1 reading/secondFrequency and duty cycle (> 1 Hz): 1 reading/second Pulse width (> 1 Hz): 0.25 to 1 reading/second> 90 dB at DC, 50/60 Hz ± 0.1% (1 k W unbalanced)> 60 dB at DC, 50/60 Hz ± 0.1%0 °C to 40 °C; up to 80% relative humidity (R.H.) for temperatures up to 31 °C, decreasing linearly to 50% R.H. at 40 °C–20 °C to 60 °C with batteries removed; 5% to 80% R.H. non-condensing 0 to 2000 mIEC 61010-1:2001/EN61010-1:2001 (2nd Edition), CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 61010-1-04, ANSI/UL 61010-1:2004, CAT II 150 V Overvoltage Protection, Pollution Degree 2IEC61326-2-1:2005/EN61326-2-1:2006, ICES-001:2004, AS/NZS CISPR11:2004 Input: 0.15 x (specified accuracy)/°C (from 0 °C to 18 °C or 28 °C to 40 °C) Output: ±(50 ppm output + 0.5 digit)/°C 192 mm x 90 mm x 54 mm 0.98 kg with holster and batteries One-year calibration cycle recommended3 years for main unit3 months for standard accessories unless otherwise specifiedDisplay Power supply Power consumptionBattery lifeCharging time Measurement rateCommon Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR)Normal Mode Rejection Ratio (NMRR)Operating environment Storage environment AltitudeSafety compliance EMC compliance Temperature coefficient Dimensions (H x W x D)Weight Calibration WarrantyOptional accessoriesU1401A U1401BQuick Start GuideCertificate of Calibration (CoC)Calibrator/Meter standard test lead kitYellow test lead for mA Protective holsterRechargeable battery pack AC power adapter and cord(according to country)U5481A IR-to-USB cable U5491A Soft carrying case U5402A Yellow test lead for mA simulationK-type thermocouple and adapterImmersion temperature probeIndustrial surface temperature probe Air temperature probeAgilent Email Updates/find/emailupdates Get the latest information on the products and applications you select.Agilent Direct/find/agilentdirect Quickly choose and use your test equipment solutions with confidence.Remove all doubtOur repair and calibration serviceswill get your equipment back to you,performing like new, when prom-ised. You will get full value out ofyour Agilent equipment through-out its lifetime. Your equipmentwill be serviced by Agilent-trainedtechnicians using the latest factorycalibration procedures, automatedrepair diagnostics and genuine parts.You will always have the utmostconfidence in your measurements.Agilent offers a wide range of ad-ditional expert test and measure-ment services for your equipment,including initial start-up assistanceonsite education and training, aswell as design, system integration,and project management.For more information on repair andcalibration services, go to/find/removealldoubtFor more information on Agilent Technologies’products, applications or services, pleasecontact your local Agilent office. The com-plete list is available at:/find/contactusPhone or FaxAmericasCanadaLatin AmericaUnited States(877) 894-4414305 269 7500(800) 829-4444Asia PacificAustraliaChinaHong KongIndiaJapanKoreaMalaysiaSingaporeTaiwanThailand1 800 629 485800 810 0189800 938 6931 800 112 9290120 (421) 345080 769 08001 800 888 8481 800 375 81000800 047 8661 800 226 008Europe & Middle EastAustriaBelgiumDenmarkFinlandFranceGermanyIrelandIsraelItalyNetherlandsSpainSwedenSwitzerlandUnited KingdomOther European Countries:/find/contactusRevised: October 6, 200801 36027 7157132 (0) 2 404 93 4045 70 13 15 15358 (0) 10 855 21000825 010 700**0.125/minute07031 464 63331890 924 204972-3-9288-504/54439 02 92 60 848431 (0) 20 547 211134 (91) 631 33000200-88 22 550800 80 53 5344 (0) 118 9276201© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2009Printed in USA, November 26, 20095990-3459ENProduct specifications and descriptionsin this document subject to changewithout notice./find/handheld-calibrator-meter。




















B800—B1200 V形托辊组


RHEOTECH™ 2800, 3800 和 4800 基于专利技术生产,得以改善相容性和涂 料性能: 独特的粘弹性 «特征 »,对弹性贡献更小,因此流动和流平性更好
2 800
2 000
3 800
4 800
展色性 弹性
Coapur XS 71 Coapur XS 22
1000 10000
shear rates (s-1)
COAPUR™ 2025 25 COAPUR™ 3025 25
牛顿型 i.e. 对高剪粘度贡献大 对低剪粘度无贡献 优异的流平性
性能控制 增稠效率 : 羧基数目, 分子量, 交联度 相容性: 共聚结构, 疏水酯的使用 耐水性: 通过使用更高效的增稠剂来降低用量, 减少羧化单体的使用量
特殊 ASE 增稠剂: 用于瓷砖胶粘剂,通过特殊单体的嵌入结构,提高粘合力并且限 制瓷砖移位 (Viscoatex™ 300)
相对增稠效率 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Rheotech 4800 Rheotech 3800 Rheotech 2800 Rheotech 2000
viscosity (arbitrary units)
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